Effects of Tourism For Turkey

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Turkey has significant and remarkable tourist destinations. Therefore, according to TUİK 50.

million people are coming to Turkey as a tourist in a year. That is a huge potential, thus
enormous amount of money is are coming from tourism for Turkey, that is considerable income
for our country. Unfortunately, besides this income, there are positive and negative effects for our
country. Some kind of effects have many certain improvements for Turkey also we can consider
negative ones.

To begin with, as mentioned above tourism is a massive sector. Thus there are huge income for
countries. If Turkey did not have many touristic destinations, Turkey couldn’t have been attract
tourists, so the Turkish government wouldn’t have created economic income from tourism, that
would have been terrible. In this way, that sector provides more job opportunities for citizens.
Therefore, we can recognize rise in the standard of living for citizens because they can employ
that touristic works and they can ensure service for tourists. Both of citizens and tourists are
affected positively thus increasing economic activity.

Secondly, besides those positive circumstances, we may see some kind of negative economic
effects. While prices are affordable for tourists, in contrary to indigenous people these prices
might be unaffordable. For instance, there are incompatible rate of exchange so prices are
appropriate for tourists but neither local people. Moreover, small local shops are losing business
to new megastores because sometimes local stores can’t attract tourists, for the reason that
tourists prefer brand businesses which is reliable and widespread. Local markets can swindle to
tourists, if they work reliably, tourists can rely on their businesses.

Furthermore, both of the locals and tourists can learn about other cultures, they can enhance their
understanding and tolerance for differences. That situation ensure socialize between them.
Indigenous citizens and tourist can learn different approaches and solutions to problems. They
can recognize different ideas. Therefore, cities are kept peace and we can regard other cultures
thus we can live peaceful.

To sum up, we can recognize more positive and negative effects of tourism for our society. In
addition, there are considerable positive effects than negative ones. Therefore, Turkey should
support tourism for moreover improvements. Besides these positives effects on economy, we can
consider social convinced effects on our society.

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