Writing 1

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From one moment to the next, the pandemic totally changed our life.

From being free to be locked up in our homes for almost 1 year. They
told us that it would only be for 1 week, but 2 years have passed and
we are just resuming face-to-face classes, but we have not lost all this
time. We were able to continue with education virtually, and although it
is not exactly the same, it also has its pros and cons.

First, the classroom in presential classes is extremely different

compared to virtual classes. We used to go to school, and this was a
problem for some people, because they didn’t have enough time, or
also the school was so far. Now with the virtual classes, this wasn’t a
problem. You could take your class literally from anywhere, you just
need a laptop or cellphone, and an Internet connection.

Also, the exterior will affect our efficiency in classes. With this, I’m
trying to say what surrounds us when we have classes. While we used
to be in a quiet place almost all the time, now that we are in our
houses, we can’t control this at all. There could be some noises that
can distract us, like a dog barking, cars passing, or your loud neighbor.

Tests is a controversial thing because it decides if you pass or not. In

schools was the same for much time, but now, virtual tests are not so
trustworthy because students can always find a way to cheat on them.
They can search for answers on the internet, talk to a classmate and
the teacher won’t notice about this. I know there are some programs
that avoid this, but let’s be honest, people nowadays know too much
about technology and they will always find a way to cheat the system

The purpose remains the same in both cases, despite having crucial
differences. People receive an education. It is up to you to adapt to
these new times, which will not be forever, or at least not yet in Peru.
And we must feel calm because we have not stopped despite a

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