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According to TUIK, every one to three people fell stressed.

If a society have stress, that society

can not derive peace in the community. It might cause significant problems. These problems
might caused by financial problems, struggle on daily hassles and political problems. Such as,
discrimination in public because of your political ideas and points.

Firstly, if there is a person who can not afford their fundamental necessaries due to low income.
That person can not enable a comfortable life, during the hustle and bustle. They always try to
manage their budget, when they can not afford and can not ensure their necessary products. As a
result of that, they feel stressed.

Furthermore, an average citizen has some daily routines. Such as commute by public
transportation or individual vehicle. While they are commuting, there might be traffic congestion
so they feel depressed and stressed. In addition, besides that boring circumstance, they try to
arrive their workplace on time. If they do not arrive on time, they might be fired; due to this
anxious situation they feel stressed.

Finally, underdeveloped countries struggle on some kind of political problems. This situation
prevents patience and peace, which results in discrimination and chaos between citizens.
Therefore, they can not express their opinions with independently. People afraid to judge by their
opinions. That awful circumstance causes stress and frightened individuals.

To sum up, individuals feel stressed due to other people’s manners. As a result, they are being
unhappy people. If authorities had ensured comfortable lives for citizens, citizens would not have
struggled to stress.

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