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Term Definition Term in Graphic Use of the References

spanish word

1. Pandemic Of a disease existing Pandemia. In some parts https://

/pænˈdem.ɪk/ in almost all of an of the world dictionary.cambridge.
area or in almost all malaria is still org/dictionary/
of a group of people, pandemic. english/pandemic
animals, or plants.

2. Nurses The title given to a Enfermera He worked as https://

/nɜːs/ person whose job is (o). a nurse in a dictionary.cambridge.
to care for people psychiatric org/dictionary/
who are ill or injured, hospital. english/nurse?
especially in a q=nurses

3. Struggle To experience Lucha. Donations https://

/ˈstrʌɡ.əl/ difficulty and make a support the dictionary.cambridge.
very great effort in struggle org/dictionary/
order to do against the english/struggle?
something. disease. q=Struggle+

4. Hotline A special direct Línea A national https://

/ˈhɒt.laɪn/ phone connection for directa. hotline has dictionary.cambridge.
emergencies. been set up org/dictionary/
for students english/hotline?
suffering q=Hotline+
from stress.

5. Uncertain Not knowing what to Incierto. Ariana was https://

/ʌnˈsɜː.tən/ do or believe, or not uncertain dictionary.cambridge.
able to decide about about org/dictionary/
something. meeting him. english/uncertain?

6. Patients A person who is Paciente. I'm a patient https://

/ˈpeɪ.ʃənt/ receiving medical of Dr dictionary.cambridge.
care, or who is cared Stephens; org/dictionary/
for by a particular please could I english/patient?
doctor or dentist make an q=patients
when necessary. appointment
to see her?

7. Symptoms Any feeling of illness Síntomas He's been https://

/ˈsɪmp.təm/ or physical or mental HIV-positive dictionary.cambridge.
change that is caused for six years, org/dictionary/
by a particular but just english/symptom?
disease recently he's q=Symptoms
started to
develop the
symptoms of

8. Ward One of the parts or Pabellón The ward was https://

/wɔːd/ large rooms into full of dictionary.cambridge.
which a hospital is children org/dictionary/
divided, usually with infected with english/ward
beds for patients. TB.

9. Arranged To plan, prepare for, Organizar, I'm trying to https://

/əˈreɪndʒ/ or organize planear. arrange my dictionary.cambridge.
something work so that I org/dictionary/
can have a english/arrange?
couple of q=arranged
days off next

10. Lutheran Of or relating to the Luterano The Lutheran https://

/ˈluː.θər.ən/ part of Protestant (a). church. dictionary.cambridge.
Christianity that is org/dictionary/
based on the ideas of english/lutheran?
the German religious q=Lutheran
leader Martin Luther.

11. Guidelines Information intended Pautas. The EU has https://

/ˈɡaɪd.laɪn/ to advise people on issued dictionary.cambridge.
how something guidelines on org/dictionary/
should be done or appropriate english/guideline?
what something levels of pay q=Guidelines
should be. for part-time

12. Isolated Not near to other Aislado. There were https://

/ˈaɪ.sə.leɪ.tɪd/ places. only a few dictionary.cambridge.
isolated org/dictionary/
cases of english/isolated?
violent q=Isolated

13. Invaluable Extremely useful. Invaluable. The new job https://

/ɪn will provide dictionary.cambridge.
ˈvæl.jə.bəl/ you with org/dictionary/
invaluable english/invaluable?
experience. q=Invaluable

14. Interned To put someone in Internado Many https://

/ɪnˈtɜːn/ prison for political or (a). foreigners dictionary.cambridge.
military reasons, were org/dictionary/
especially during a interned for english/intern?
war. the duration q=Interned
of the war.
15. Staff The group of people Personal. There is a https://
/stɑːf/ who work for an good dictionary.cambridge.
organization. relationship org/dictionary/
between english/staff?q=Staff
staff and
pupils at the

16. Relieved Happy that Aliviado He was https://

/rɪˈliːvd/ something (a). relieved to dictionary.cambridge.
unpleasant has not see Jeannie org/dictionary/
happened or has reach the english/relieved?
ended. other side of q=Relieved+
the river

17. Communities The people living in Comunidad Her speech https://

/kə one particular area or es. caused dictionary.cambridge.
ˈmjuː.nə.ti/ people who are outrage org/dictionary/
considered as a unit among the english/community?
because of their gay q=Communities
common interests, community.
social group, or

18. Provider Someone who Proveeved The bank is https://

/prəˈvaɪ.dər/ provides something. or now a major dictionary.cambridge.
provider of org/dictionary/
financial english/provider?
services to q=Provider+

19. Testing Complicated and Difícil, These are https://

/ˈtes.tɪŋ/ difficult to do. pruebas. very testing dictionary.cambridge.
Pruebas. times for our org/dictionary/
family. english/testing?
This testing q=Testing
circuit is a
challenge for
any racing

20. Services A government system Servicios I've https://

/ˈsɜː.vɪs/ or private worked in dictionary.cambridge.
organization that is org/dictionary/
responsible for a public english/service?
particular type of health q=Services
activity, or for
providing a particular
thing that people througho
need. ut my

21. Bottled Contained, stored, or Embotellad Bottled gas. https://

/ˈbɒt.əld/ sold in bottles. o. dictionary.cambridge.

22. Screened A flat surface in a Proyectada Our television https://

cinema, on a . has a 19-inch dictionary.cambridge.
television, or as part screen. org/dictionary/
of a computer, on english/screen?
which pictures or q=Screened
words are shown.

23. COVID-19 An infectious disease Covid-19 You can https://

ˌkəʊ.vɪd.naɪn caused by a reduce your dictionary.cambridge.
ˈtiːn/ coronavirus (= a type chances of org/dictionary/
of virus), that usually being english/covid-19?
causes fever, infected with q=COVID-19
tiredness, a cough, or spreading
and changes to the Covid-19 by
senses of smell and wearing a
taste, and can lead to face covering
breathing problem over your
and severe illness in nose and
some people. mouth.

24. Information Facts about a Informació We have https://

/ˌɪn.fə situation, person, n. reliable dictionary.cambridge.
ˈmeɪ.ʃən/ event, etc… information org/dictionary/
that a strike english/information?
is planned q=INFORMATION
next month.

25. Alongside Next to, or together Junto a, A car pulled https://

/əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd/ with. cerca a. up alongside. dictionary.cambridge.

26. Interpreters Someone whose job Intérpretes She works as https://

/ɪn is to change what . an dictionary.cambridge.
ˈtɜː.prə.tər/ someone else is interpreter in org/dictionary/
saying into another Brussels. english/interpreter?
language. q=++Interpreters
27. Facilitated To make something Facilitada All of the https://
/ fəˈsɪl ɪˌteɪ possible or easier. (o). club’s
tɪd / members are browse/facilitated
invited to
attend a
workshop to
review all
aspects of
club activity.

28. Confused Unable to think Confundid Grandpa gets https://

/kənˈfjuːzd/ clearly or to o (a). pretty dictionary.cambridge.
understand confused org/dictionary/
something sometimes, english/confused?
and doesn't q=confused+
even know
what day it is.

29. Comfort A pleasant feeling of Comodidad She evidently https://

/ˈkʌm.fət/ being relaxed and . dresses for dictionary.cambridge.
free from pain. comfort. org/dictionary/

30. Available Able to be bought or Disponible Is this dress https://

/əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/ used. available in a dictionary.cambridge.
larger size? org/dictionary/

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