Clase Lunes 10 de Julio

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Lesson Plan week 20 July 10th to July 14th Grade: 6° Level: A1

Teacher: Carolina Torres Ramírez

Monday, July 10th of 2023
Topic: Wh – Questions

Warm up: Let’s learn about wh questions

Wh words are used to make questions that require information
in answer.

For example:

Wh + was/were + Personal Pronoun + V -ing + Complement + ?

What? = ¿Qué ó Cuál?

What were you doing yesterday?

I was playing soccer.

Who? = ¿Quiénes?

Who were playing soccer with you?

My friends were playing soccer with me.

When? = ¿Cuándo?

When was Oscar playing soccer?

Oscar was playing soccer yesterday.

Where? = ¿Dónde?

Where was Oscar playing soccer?

Oscar was playing in the park.

Why? = ¿Por qué?

Why was Oscar playing soccer?

Because he likes it.

Which? = ¿Cuál?

Between soccer and swimming, which was the Oscar’s favourite


His favourite game was soccer.

How? = ¿Cómo?

How was Oscar playing soccer?

Oscar was playing well.

How many/much? = ¿Cuánto?

How much time was Oscar playing soccer?

He was playing for 3 hours.

How often? = ¿Cada cuánto?

How often was Oscar playing soccer?

He was playing three days a week.

Class Activity

1. Complete activities on pages 54 and 55.

Page 54.
Page 55.
1. En tu carpeta de refuerzo, estudia el tema de las wh
questions escribiendo tres veces cada wh. Luego escribe una
oración en pasado continuo utilizando las wh -questions.

2. Estudia para la estrategia evaluativa que se realizará el día

jueves 13 de julio en torno al tema.

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