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First name: Khaled

Last name: MERIT

Gr: G83

Activity One

Comprehension and oral expression 2

Question 1: Read the following scenarios and complete the sentences
with “should” and “should not”. Use the words in brackets to help you.
(Seek)-(politely remind)–(approach)- (express)- (engage)- (complain)-
(ignore)- (be)- (politely ask).
1. Scenario: A child is shouting and running around the restaurant,
disturbing other diners.
✓ Parents: You should not ignore your child’s behavior and continue
chatting with your friend.
✓ Customers: You should complain to the restaurant staff about the
noisy child.
✓ Restaurant staff: You should approach the parents and politely
ask them to control their child.

2. Scenario: Parents are busy in their phones, paying no attention to

their misbehaving children.
✓ Parents: You should engage with your children and teach them
how to behave in a restaurant.
✓ Customers: You should politely ask the parents to pay attention
to their children’s behavior.
✓ Restaurant staff: You should politely remind the parents to
supervise their children.

3. Scenario: Restaurant staff are feeling overwhelmed by the

misbehavior of children and the complaints from customers.
✓ Parents: You should be attentive to your children's behavior and
take responsibility for their actions.
✓ Customers: You should express your concerns to the staff in a
respectful manner.
✓ Restaurant staff: You should seek assistance from the
management to handle the situation professionally.
Question 2: Vocabulary and Idiom
A. Listen carefully to the audio and write down some idiomatic
expressions. Fill in the table below by matching the extracted
expressions to their synonyms and formulate their antonyms.
Idiomatic Expression Synonym Antonym
All of a sudden Unexpectedly, abruptly Gradually
Out of control Uncontrollable, chaotic Restrained / Controlled
Under control Restrain, manage Out of control
Have a clue Grasp, comprehend Misunderstand / No idea
Put up with Tolerate, endure, bear Unbearable / Intolerable
The bottom line In essence, fundamentally The starting line / Insignificantly

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