Project 599110 EPP 1 2018 1 BE EPPKA1 JMD MOB

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599110-EPP-1-2018-1-BE-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB Generated on: Apr 8, 2023

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

Project Title

4CITIES+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in

Urban Studies

Project Coordinator


Address PLEINLAAN 2 , 1050 BRUSSEL , Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels

Hoofdstedelijk Gewest , BE


Project Information

Identifier 599110-EPP-1-2018-1-BE-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB

Project Web Site

Start Date Oct 1, 2018

End Date Sep 30, 2025

EC Contribution 4,081,000 EUR



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599110-EPP-1-2018-1-BE-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB Generated on: Apr 8, 2023

Project Summary

4CITIES+ is a two-year, 120 ECTS Master in Urban Studies, jointly organised by six universities in four cities:
Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université libre de Bruxelles), Vienna (Universität Wien), Copenhagen
(Københavns Universitet) and Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
The main objective of 4CITIES+ is to acquire a comprehensive and comparative knowledge of European cities
within different welfare state systems in a globalising world, underpinned by the interdisciplinarity and mix of
analysis and action that is characteristic of the field of urban studies. The multifaceted complexity of cities is
difficult to grasp, and so 4CITIES+ takes a holistic and immersive approach. Theory and practice are seen as
mirrors, each critically reflecting the other. The city is engaged as an evolving narrative, more dialogic than linear,
and students learn to see “The City”, to hear it, to participate in it, and to understand it, all while experimenting
with their role in shaping it.4CITIES+ offers three study tracks. The Classical Track: this is the track for students
that want to get a broad, interdisciplinary urban studies education in four fascinating, historical and complex
capital cities of Europe. Additional excursions to a diverse set of cities such as Rotterdam, Antwerp, Zagreb,
Belgrade, Malmö, and Zaragoza are also organised in each semester. For students following this track, the
programme begins in Brussels in mid-September and remains there until the end of January. After a break in
February, the Vienna semester runs from March through June. The third semester, in Copenhagen, starts in
September and ends mid-December. The final semester, in Madrid, begins in early February and wraps up at the
end of May. Throughout the two years, students work on their master thesis, which is due on the first of
September. Thesis defences and the graduation ceremony take place in Brussels in late September. The
Research Track: a track for students that want to pursue a PhD and/or research career after their Master degree,
this track allows for more specialisation within one of the subdomains of urban studies. Students also start in
Brussels and continue in Vienna, but in the second year can follow elective courses as well as a research
internship with one of our more than twenty associated academic partners across Europe. The Practice Track:
this is the track for students that want to gain relevant work experience during their Masters education. Students
study in Brussels and Vienna in the first year, but in the second year can follow elective courses and do a work
placement with one of our associated professional partners anywhere in Europe. 4CITIES+ graduates will receive
either a joint degree (Classical Track) or a multiple degree (Research and Practice Tracks).

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