Conditional Sentences, If Clauses

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Conditional Sentences

If clauses:
Types of conditional sentences (Zero/ First/ Second/ Third)
Conditional sentences / If-clauses: Conditional sentences are
sentences which have two clauses.
1- An " If clause"
2- A "main clause"
There are four types of conditional sentences:
1- Zero conditional:
A-Form: If + subject + verb (present simple tense) + object, subject +
verb (present simple tense) + object
! Note: Object is optional (we can add or neglect it)
B- Use: We use the Zero conditional to talk about general facts.
-If we heat water, it boils.

2- First conditional:
A - Form: If + subject + verb (present simple tense) + object, subject +
(will / May / can) + verb (infinitive form) + object.
B - Use: We use the first conditional to talk about possible results in
possible conditions.
-If you come late, you will miss the train.

! Note: we use (in case of) instead of (if).

Form: In case of + (verb + ing / noun) + subject + will / can / May + verb
-In case of her apology, I'll forgive her.

3- Second conditional
A - Form: If + subject + verb (past simple tense) + object, subject + would
+ verb (infinitive form) + object.
B - Use: We use the second conditional to talk about unreal, impossible or
improbable situations.
-If I had enough money, I would buy a car.

4- Third conditional:
A - Form: If + subject + verb (past perfect simple tense) + object, subject
+ would + have + past participle + object.
B - Use: We use the third conditional to talk about unreal situations as they
had already happened in the past.
-If Jane had studied hard, she would have succeeded. (This means that Jane didn't
study hard and she didn't succeed)

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