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Taylor's motivation theory is based on the assumption that workers are

motivated by money and will work more efficiently if they are paid according to
their output. Taylor proposed that managers should use scientific methods to
analyze the tasks, select and train the workers, and supervise their performance.
Taylor's theory aimed to increase productivity and profitability by creating a
rational and standardized system of work. However, Taylor's theory has been
criticized for ignoring the human and social aspects of work, such as individual
differences, creativity, autonomy, and satisfaction. Taylor's theory also faced
resistance from workers who felt exploited and dehumanized by his methods. ¹²³⁴

Abraham Maslow's theory of need is a motivational theory that proposes that humans
have a hierarchy of needs that drive their behavior. Maslow's theory suggests that
people seek to satisfy their basic physiological and safety needs before pursuing
higher-level needs such as love, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow's theory
also implies that people have an innate desire to reach their full potential and
express their unique talents and abilities. Maslow's theory has been widely applied
in various fields such as education, management, counseling, and health care. Some
of the strengths of Maslow's theory are that it is humanistic, holistic,
optimistic, and positive. Some of the limitations of Maslow's theory are that it is
culturally biased, empirically unsupported, oversimplified, and individualistic.

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