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Present Perfect – Past Simple – Past Perfect Gerund – Infinitive – Too/Not Enough - Participles

 She is the best chess player I've ever seen.  Watching cartoons is amusing

l've never seen such a good chess player. It is amusing to watch cartoons

 They have never been to Rome before.  He's too young to get a driving licence.

It's the first time they have been to Rome He isn't old enough to get a driving licence.

 When did you book the tickets?  They made him confess.

How long ago did youabook the tickets? He was made to confess.

How long is it since you booked the tickets?  Could you turn the lights on, please?

 She came to this country five years ago Would you mind turning the lights on?

She has been in this country for five years  James found the book boring.

 Mark started piano lessons two years ago James was bored by the book.

Mark has been taking piano lessons for two years  She prefers running to swimming

 We haven't had a Chinese meal for three months. She prefers to run rather than swim.

The last time we had a Chinese meal was three months ago.  They let us see the valuable drawings

 It's a long time since she visited her sister in Australia We were allowed to see the valuable drawings

She hasn't visited her sister in Australia for a long time.  Tom had difficulty (in) reading my handwriting.

 He hasn't redecorated the house for years It was difficult for Tom to read my handwriting

It's years since he (last) redecorated the house, Tom found it difficult to read my handwriting

 He hasn't typed the letters yet Tom could hardly read my handwriting

He still hasn't typed the letters.  Finishing that report took me two days.

 They started tidying up as soon as Mary left. It took me two days to finish that report.

They didn't start tidying up until Mary had left.

They started tidying up when Mary left.

They waited until Mary had left before they started tidying up.

Modals  They are likely to buy a new house

 It would be a good idea to quit smoking It's likely that they will buy a new house

You should quit smoking. They'll probably buy a new house.

 Shall I help you with the washing-up?  I'm sure she didn't go to the party.

Would you like me to help you with the washing-up? She can't have gone to the party

 It's forbidden to feed the animals in the zoo.  l'm sure he has got your message

You mustn't feed the animals in the zoo. He must have got your message.

You aren't allowed to feed the animals in the zoo.  Ilt's not necessary to water the plants again.

 May/Might I borrow your dictionary? You don't have/need to/needn't water the plants again.

Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary?  Was it necessary for you to get up so early?

 Let's go to the beach. Did you need to/have to get up so early?

Shall we go to the beach?  It wasn't necessary for him to buy so many flowers

 Perhaps she has got lost. He needn't have bought so many flowers.

She may have got lost

Conditionals – Wishies – Unreal Past  Mary should have told us about the meeting earlier.

 If you don't close the window, the rain will come in. / The rain will come in I'd rather/sooner Mary had told us about the meeting earlier.
unless you close the window. / The rain won't come in provided you close
the window.  You'd think she was a millionairess.

The rain won't come in as long as you close the window She behaves as if/though she was/were a millionairess.

Close the window or else the rain will come in.

 Should you see John, tell him to call me.

If you should see John,atell him to call me.

 If I were Janet, I would see an eye specialist Passive Voice – Causative Form
I think Janet should see an eye specialist  A famous poet wrote this poem.
I think Janet had better see an eye specialist. This poem was written by a famous poet.
 If it hadn't been for the pilot's bravery, the plane would have crashed.  People believe (that) he is innocent.
But for the pilot's bravery the plane would have crashed. It is believed (that) he is innocent.
 I rejected his offer of help and now I regret it. He is believed to be innocent.
I wish I hadn't rejected his offer of help.  People thought (that) she had left the country.
If only I hadn't rejected his offer of help. It was thought (that) she had left the country.
I regret that I rejected his offer of help. She was thought to have left the country.
I regret rejecting/having rejected his offer of help  She hates it when people tell her what to do.
I'm sorry that I rejected his offer of help. She hates people telling her what to do.
It's a pity that I rejected his offer of help. She hates being told what to do.
 I would love to see her again.  Why did he insist that I take this test?
If only I could see her again. Why did he make me take this test?
I wish I could see her again. Why was I made to take this test?
 Why don't you stop shouting?  They must print two more copies of this document.
I wish you would stop shouting Two more copies of this document must be printed.
You had better stop shouting  Somebody broke into our house last night.
I'd rather you stopped shouting Our house was broken into last night.
 It's a pity the concert was cancelled We had our house broken into last night.
I wish the concert hadn't been cancelled  They have confiscated his passport.
If only the concert hadn't been cancelled He has had his passport confiscated
 I didn't go to the party because I didn't know Tom would bethere. His passport has been confiscated
If I had known Tom would be there, I would have gone to the party.  He will hire someone to repair the garage next week
Had I known Tom would be there, I would have gone to the party. He will have the garage repaired next week.
 You ought to have tidied up your room.  I heard the door closing behind me.
You should have tidied up your room. heard the door being closed behind me.
It's (about/high) time you tidied up your room.  My hair needs trimming.
 She bought the car without checking it; it broke down almost immediately I have to/need to have my hair trimmed.
I only she hadn't bought the car without checking it; it broke down almost immediately.

 We should have set off earlier

It would have been better if we had set off earlier.

 You ought not to/shouldn't spend so much money on clothes.

I'd rather/sooner you didn't spend so much money on clothes.

Reported Speech – Introductory Verbs Reported Speech – Modals

 "Please, please don't hurt mel" she said to him.  "I may go abroad this summer," Julie said.

She begged him not to hurt her Julie said that she might go abroad that summer

 "I'll help you fill in the application form," he said.  "May I see the manager, please?" Susan asked the shop assistant.
He offered to help her fill in the application form. Susan asked the shop assistant if she could see the manager.

He promised to help her fill in the application form  "I must pay my electricity bill," he said

 "You broke my sunglasses," she said to John. He said that he had to pay his electricity bill.

She accused John of breaking/having broken her sunglasses  "She must be at least twenty-five," he said to me.

 She said, "How nice to see you again!" He told me that she must be at least twenty-five.

She exclaimed that it was nice to see us again.  "You needn't leave now," she said to him.

 "I'd rather stay in tonight," he said to her She told him that he didn't need/have to leave at thatmoment.

He preferred to stay in that night.  "We needn't wake up early tomorrow; it's Sunday," Greg said.

 "I didn't talk to Mr Brown about you," she said to me. Greg said that they wouldn't have to wake up early the next day as it was Sunday

She denied talking/having talked/that she had talked to Mr Brown  "M. Rollands can dance and sing very well," the film director said.
about me.
The film director said that M. Rollands could dance and sing very well.
 "I was the one who sent the flowers to Jane," Tim said.
 "I think we can visit Uncle Louis tomorrow," Father said to us.
Tim admitted sending/having sent/that he had sent the flowers to Jane.
Father told us that we would be able to visit Uncle Louis the next day.
 "I'II report you to the police if you don't give the woman
 "You mustn't tell lies,' Mother said to us
her money back," he said to the thief.
Mother said that we mustn't tell lies.
He threatened to report the thief to the police unless he gave the
woman her money back.  "All of you should be more careful!" the teacher said.

 "Don't forget to post the letter on your way to work," she said The teacher said that we should all be more careful.
to her husband

She reminded her husband to post the letter on his way to work.

 "Will I ever visit Paris again?" she said

She wondered whether/if she would ever visit Paris again. Relatives

 "Will you come to my house for dinner?" he said to me.  That's the village I went to last summer

He invited me to his house for dinner. That's the village where I went last summer.

 "No, I'm not coming to the party with you," she said to us. That's the village which I went to last summer

She refused to come to the party with us. That's the village to which I went last summer.

 "All right, I'll share the office with you," he said to his  She let us use her car, which was very kind of her.
It was very kind of her to let us use her car
He agreed to share the office with his colleague.
 That's Ann. Her father is the head teacher.
 "Why don't we go to the beach?" he said. / "Shall we go to the
That's Ann whose father is the head teacher.
beach?" he said.
 1969 is the year when man first walked on the moon.
He suggested (our) going/(that) we (should) go/ that we went to the
beach. 1969 is the year in which man first walked on the moon.

 "You should consume less fat," the doctor said to Carol.  Sean has four sons; three of them are firefighters.

The doctor advised Carol to consume less fat. Sean has four sons, three of whom are firefighters

 "Sorry for causing such trouble to you!" he said to us.  That woman taught us ballet last year.

He apologised for causing/having caused such trouble. That's the woman who taught us ballet last year.

 "Don't tease the cat because it will scratch you," mother said  Father brought home some video tapes. All of them were adventures
to me.
Father brought home some video tapes, all of which were adventures.
Mother warned me not to tease the cat because it would scratch me.

 "Don't tease the cat because it will scratch you," mother said
to me.

Mother warned me not to tease the cat because it would scratch me.
Clauses – Linking Words Comparisons
 Whatever you say I don't believe you.  Greg is stronger than John.
No matter what you say,l don't believe you. John isn't as strong as Greg.
 Although / Even though he is a very busy man, he always John is less strong than Greg.

finds time for a game of chess  I've never seen such a thick forest.
He always finds time for a game of chess despite / in spite It's the thickest forest I've ever seen.
of the fact (that) he is a busy man  She's the fastest typist of all.
He always finds time for a game of chess despite / in spite No one else types/can type as fast as she does
of being a very busy man. She's faster than any other typist.
 The flight was delayed. It was snowing heavily. She's a faster typist than anyone else
The flight was delayed because it was snowing heavily. She types faster than anyone else
The flight was delayed due to/because of the heavy snow.  Lucy has got the same number of dresses as Niki.
The flight was delayed on the grounds that it was snowing heavily. Lucy has got as many dresses as Niki.
The flight was delayed as / since it was snowing heavily  Can't you walk any faster than that?
 She doesn't know the reason for his sudden departure. Is that the fastest you can walk?
She doesn't know (the reason) why he departed suddenly.  As he works harder he makes more money
 He fell ill so he couldn't go to school. The harder he works, the more money he makes.
He fell ill and as a result / consequently / therefore he couldn't go to school.  That car and this one are very much alike.
 She took on a second job. She wanted to earn more money That car is similar to this one.
She took on a second job so as to earn more money.  Sue talked to me very calmly.
She took on a second job so that/ in order that she could earn more money. Sue talked to me in a very calm way.
 They installed an alarm system. They didn't want burglars to break in.

They installed an alarm system to prevent burglars from breaking in.

They installed an alarm system lest / for fear burglars

might / should break in.

 He put on a raincoat. He didn't want to get wet.

He put on a raincoat to avoid getting wet

He put on a raincoat to prevent himself from getting wet.

 Take a sandwich with you; you might get hungry.

Take a sandwich with you in case you get hungry

 She registered at the gym. She wanted to get back into shape

She registered at the gym with a view to / with the aim of getting back into

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