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Daily News

Special Report World News 17th March 2023

What is Nowruz?
What is an equinox?

• Twice a year, day and night are roughly

the same length in both the northern and
southern hemispheres.

• This happens around 21st March and 22nd

September every year. These are known as
the spring equinox and the autumn equinox.
Photo: An example of a haft-seen.

For many people, the equinox on 20th March fireworks and build bonfires. In the UK, that
marks the beginning of spring in the northern might sound similar to Bonfire Night. However,
hemisphere. But, for more than 300 million one key difference is that during Nowruz some
people, it also marks the start of a new year. people choose to leap over the bonfires! It’s a
Nowruz is an annual holiday that’s been tradition believed to bring good luck and health
celebrated for more than 3000 years. for the new year.
The word Nowruz means ‘new day’. The Nowruz lasts for 13 days. During this time,
holiday is often called Persian New Year or special meals are eaten, people spend time with
Iranian New Year. their families and gifts are exchanged.
Nowruz is celebrated across many countries There are different Nowruz traditions in
including Iran, Afghanistan and Kazakhstan. all the different places where it is celebrated.
Like all annual holidays around the world, However, some other common traditions include
there are many traditions connected to Nowruz. giving money to children, decorating eggs and
For several weeks leading up to Nowruz, enjoying street parties.
families get to work cleaning their homes Of course, as with many celebrations around
from top to bottom. Decluttering homes and the world, it’s not just about food, gifts and
getting rid of dirt symbolises getting ready for a parties. According to the UN, Nowruz is a chance
new start. for ‘strengthening the ties among peoples based
Before Nowruz, families prepare a special on mutual respect and the ideals of peace and
table in their homes. Seven important foods good neighbourliness.’
and spices are placed on the table. Each begins Happy Nowruz!
with the letter ‘s’ so the table is called haft-
seen - which means seven s’s. Many families Glossary
also add other items to the haft-seen that are decluttering Tidy and make space by
important to them. removing unused things.
Like on Halloween, it’s traditional during the
celebrations for children to visit their neighbours symbolises Represents or stands for
and be given sweet treats. Unlike Halloween, the something else.
children do this while making a lot of noise by exchanged Given and received.
clashing pans and spoons together.
Fire plays an important role in many Nowruz mutual Something felt equally by two
celebrations. It’s common for people to set off or more people.

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

1. How long does Nowruz last for?

2. Which of the following definitions is closest in meaning to the word ‘neighbourliness’ as it

is used in the final paragraph? (tick one)

Being competitive with your neighbours.

Helpful and friendly behaviour towards the people who live near you.
The people who live next door.
Dislike of the people who live near you.

3. In your own words, describe what a haft-seen is.

4. Tick to show whether the statement is true or false according to the article.
True False
A Nowruz tradition is to spring clean the home.
In some places, it’s traditional to jump over bonfires.
A Nowruz tradition is to put a tree up in your home and decorate it.
Nowruz is celebrated every year.

5. Using information from the article, fill in the missing words to complete the sentence.
The festival of is also known as Persian New Year or Iranian
New Year. It has been celebrated for more than .

6. Which Nowruz traditions are your favourite or which Nowruz traditions would you enjoy
doing? Explain your answer.

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

1. How long does Nowruz last for?
13 days

2. Which of the following definitions is closest in meaning to the word ‘neighbourliness’ as it

is used in the final paragraph? (tick one)

Being competitive with your neighbours.

 Helpful and friendly behaviour towards the people who live near you.
The people who live next door.
Dislike of the people who live near you.

3. In your own words, describe what a haft-seen is.

Accept any reasonable answer referring to a table with seven symbolic items on it each
beginning with the letter s, e.g. A haft-seen is a table with seven important foods and
spices on it.

4. Tick to show whether the statement is true or false according to the article.
True False
A Nowruz tradition is to spring clean the home. 
In some places, it’s traditional for some people to jump over bonfires. 
A Nowruz tradition is to put a tree up in your home and decorate it. 
Nowruz is celebrated every year. 

5. Using information from the article, fill in the missing words to complete the sentence.
The festival of Nowruz is also known as Persian New Year or Iranian New
Year. It has been celebrated for more than 3000 years .

6. Which Nowruz traditions are your favourite or which Nowruz traditions would you enjoy
doing? Explain your answer.
Accept any reasonable answer that is explained, e.g. I’d like to visit neighbours and be
given sweets while banging a pan with a spoon.

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

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