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Regional Director Weekly Tracker 2.

Welcome to the RD 2.0 Tracker! Be sure to read the instructions below, and please
reach out if you have any questions. You are joined in this position by previous Regional
Directors, Political Affairs Interns, and Nonprofit Leadership Interns.

In the RD 2.0 role, you are free to structure the next 12 weeks as you wish. Provided for
your engagement is the Point Chart. It serves as your starting point. At a minimum, in
this position, you are required to complete 50 points from the Point Chart weekly. If you
choose, you can complete only the tracker’s basics and its required points each week.
This is sufficient work and will be regarded as such.
However, feel free to expand! This role is for you to grow and learn on your own-- it is
whatever you want it to be. We encourage you to move beyond the Point Chart and
expound on the things that you enjoyed in your previous position. Or maybe you could
work on perfecting some tasks that were difficult for you or propose a self-guided project
to work on instead.
Aside from the aforementioned, you can also do the following:
Administrative Tasks
Writing, Editing, and/or Publishing
Work on a City Council or School Board Project
Grant Writing
Be sure to work in conjunction with the Volunteer Team Staff, and let us know what you
decide to do. We will help you navigate this role, and we will work to keep you on track,
approving or not, your ideas. Your week 2 check-in meeting is a great time to talk about
your plans. You can always reach out to Feel free to
schedule a check-in meeting with us at any time.
Your weekly update should be completed by Friday, 5PM PST, every week.


Step 1. Plan your month. The Point Chart is your new best friend: Complete 50 points (at least)
per week.

Step. 2. Complete your weekly tracker. A weekly update should be completed by Friday, 5PM
PST, every week.

If you choose to continue with your lobbying efforts, please ensure you submit your lobbying
report form for each meeting you attend.

Example -

Date: 3/12

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• +45 My friend Bob Jones donated $45.
• +2 Taught 2 people how to call Congress.
• +7 Diverted my morning coffee into the cause twice this week and donated $7 online.
Notes: My aunt has a bunch of junk that she’s letting me sell to raise money for the cause. The
garage sale for it is next Saturday.

Continue the tracker in the format above through 12 weeks from your 2.0 start


Week 1 –

Date: 10/3

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Speak with a group or class
o On Friday I spoke with my public policy class. I taught the class about the organization
and how to call and email congress. I also spoke about internship opportunities available.
• Write a letter to my congressional leader

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 50



Week 2 –

Date: 10/10

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Schedule a check-in meeting with either of the links provided below. Feel free to
schedule additional check-in meetings at any time after this initial meeting!
• Email foreign policy la’s

• Donate bad habit funds

• Email 20 groups

o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uwgsc@uw.ed,,

• Create a swarm of 6+ people

o Olive Rice
o Ava Nolledo
o Emma Stechschulte
o Caitlin Naqvi
o Jennifer Foskett
o Jack Wallen

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 100



Week 3 –

Date: 10/17

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• This week, we’d like you to follow up with any donors to your fundraiser during your initial
internship. The goal here is not to ask them for another donation, but simply to thank
them again and update them on your progress within the organization, and our legislative
progress. Please feel free to take the given template and personalize it for your

Dear _______,

My name is _______ and I am back working for The Borgen

Project! You are receiving this email because you were kind
enough to help me reach my goal of procuring adequate funding
for furthering the goal of fighting global poverty.

Over the course of my internship, we raised over ____ dollars,

and mobilized at least ___ members of the community in calling
and emailing their Congressional leaders in support of poverty
reduction advocacy. Now, I am back as a Regional Director for
The Borgen Project in the ___ area. I will be conducting a more
self-driven anti-poverty advocacy and will hopefully produce
similarly meaningful results as I did during my internship! If you
would like to continue to receive updates about my work, please
let me know. For now, I encourage you to look at The Borgen
Project’s Act Now page to see what we are currently supporting
and mobilizing people to get involved in.

If you have any questions about the organization or my work,

please email me at _______.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

All the best,

• Please paste a copy of your email here:

Dear _______,
I am back working for The Borgen Project! I’m reaching out because you
were kind enough to help me reach my goal of procuring funding for furthering
the goal of fighting global poverty and I would love to update you on my progress.
Over the course of my internship, we raised over 800 dollars, and
mobilized at least 50 members of the community in calling and emailing their
Congressional leaders in support of poverty reduction advocacy. Now, I am back
as a Regional Director for The Borgen Project in the Seattle area. I will be
conducting a more self-driven anti-poverty advocacy and will hopefully produce
similarly meaningful results as I did during my internship! If you’re interested in
our current work I encourage you to look at The Borgen Project’s Act Now page
to see what we are currently supporting and mobilizing people to get involved in.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
All the best,

• Present to a class
o I presented about internship opportunities to my human rights course and taught
the class how to email congress from the website and how to call their leaders.
• Write a letter to congressional leader

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 150



Week 4 –

Date: 10/24

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Write an article for Borgen blog
• Create a swarm
• Email the foreign policy la for each congressional member

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 200



Week 5–

Date: 10/31
-House of Rep Bios
-I completed 9 between this week and last week and they are now in the master

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 50

Week 6–

Date: 11/7
- Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
- Create a mega swarm
- 1. Caitlin Naqvi
- 2. Kyrie Rogers
- 3. Kasia Page
- 4. Zadie Foskett
- 5. Cassi Kelly
- 6. Jennifer Foskett
- 7. Dara Schulman
- 8. Nekesha Nagpal
- 9. Kiira White
- 10. Olivia Rice
- 11. Jasmine Grady
- 12. Jeremy Cowan
- 13. Maya Jackson
- 14. Skye Guyot
- 15. Graciela Hale
- 16. Colette Hale
- 17. Zoe Stephens
- 18. Ari Goldberg
- 19. Amanda Muller
- 20.
- Write a letter to a congressional leader

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 100


Week 7 –

Date: 11/14

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.

• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• speak with a class
o I spoke in a class called “Philanthropy in Practice” and I presented on how to get involved, how to reach out to congress
members, and internship opportunities. This work seemed to fit with the course very well and the students were very interested in the

• create a swarm
o 1. Nekesha Nagpal

o 2. Maya Jackson
o 3. Sofia Christophel-Lichti
o 4. Jennifer Foskett
o 5. Zadie Foskett
o 6. Jasmine Grady

• email foregin policy la’s

Total this Week: 50
Total this Month: 150


Week 8–

Date: 11/21

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.

• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Email foreign policy la’s

• 1-mile campaign

• Write a letter
Total this Week: 50
Total this Month: 200

Sorry I wasn’t able to get everything in by Friday because it was Thanksgiving. Got it all in by
Sunday morning, hope that’s ok!

Week 9–

Date: 11/28

Points Break Down

- Create a swarm
- Jasmine Grady
- Maya Jackson
- Caitlin Naqvi
- Jennifer Foskett
- Nekesha Nagpal
- Zadie Foskett
- 1-mile campaign
- Write a letter

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 50


Week 10—

Date: 12/5

- Write a letter
- Speak to a class
- I spoke to my friend’s International Affairs class about volunteer and internship
opportunities, as well as how to call and email congress.

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 100

- How long does the regional Director program run for? I feel like I may have seen different
lengths at different points
Week 11–

Date: 12/19

- mega swarm
- janelle foskett
- christopher foskett
- cheryle foskett
- dryw keltz
- kasia page
- kyrie rogers
- jeremey cowan
- ari goldberg
- cassi kelly
- jasmine grady
- nekesha nagpal
- maya jackson
- anais gorek
- richard ayres
- judy ayres
- christian ayres
- brielle ayres
- brian ayres
- ashley ayres
- ande kelly
- Write a letter

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 150



Final Week12 –
Date: 12/26

Points Break Down:

• Call your 3 Congressional leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Email your leaders in support of one of these issues.
• Complete this survey about your experience at The Borgen Project.
• Write a letter

• 1-mile campaign
• Swarm
o Kyrie Rogers
o Jennifer Foskett
o Christopher Foskett
o Jeremey Cowan
o Ari Goldberg
o Zadie Foskett

Total this Week: 50

Total this Month: 200


You have officially completed The Borgen Project Regional Director Program.

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