Test 8 - The Wise Pilot

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Test 8

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1 . Question


Refer to the Appendix: CAP CYRM AERODROME CHART

Which of the following conditions allow an aircraft to depart from RWY 13 when the MF is not active?

A. RVR not available and ground visibility of 3/8 SM.

B. RVR of 4,000 feet, ground visibility of 1/2 SM and pilot visibility of 5/8 SM.
C. RVR 3,000 feet an ground visibility of 3/8 SM.
D. RVR fluctuating between 2,800 and 2,000 feet and ground visibility 3/8 SM.
E. RVR not available and ground visibility of 1/2 SM.

A, B, C.

C, E.

A, B, E.

B, E.

CAP GEN Aerodrome Operating Restrictions – Visibility
When departing from a site without an active ATC Tower (outside ATC operating
hours, MF, Unicom, CARS, or advisory sites) the aerodrome operating visibility is the
lowest of the following visibilities:
Ground visibility (METAR)
Any reported RVR
Pilot visibility

According to the aerodrome chart, the takeoff minimum is 1/2 SM visibility.

Option A
A: RVR not available and ground visibility of 3/8 SM – With a ground
visibility of 3/8 SM a departure is not possible since it is less than the
required minimum of 1/2 SM.
Option B: RVR of 4,000 ft, ground visibility of 1/2 SM and pilot visibility of
5/8 SM – Departure is possible since the ground visibility of 1/2 SM is the
lowest visibility and not less than the takeoff minimum of 1/2 SM.
Option C: RVR 3,000 feet and ground visibility of 3/8 SM – Ground visibility
is less than the minimum required visibility for takeoff, therefore departure is
not possible
Option D: RVR fluctuating between 2,800 and 2,000 feet and ground
visibility 3/8 SM – Ground visibility is less than the minimum required
visibility for takeoff, therefore departure is not possible
Option E: RVR not available and ground visibility of 1/2 SM – Departure is
possible since the ground visibility of 1/2 SM is the lowest visibility and not
less than the takeoff minimum of 1/2 SM.

2 . Question

When a layer of warm, moist air moves over a cold surface . . . . . is likely to occur.

ice fog

steam fog

radiation fog

advection fog

Advection Fog
Advection fog forms as warm air moves over a colder surface. Advection fog
deepens with increasing wind speed up to 15 knots, should the wind become any
stronger it tends to lift into stratus clouds.

3 . Question

VHF range is largely dependent on . . . . . while LF range depends on . . . . .

receiver sensitivity; line of sight.

line of sight, reflection from the ionosphere.

line of sight; transmitter power and signal attenuation.

transmitter power; height of the transmitter.

VHF and LF Transmissions
VHF (Very High Frequency) and LF (Low Frequency) radio waves propagate
differently due to their wavelength and frequency. VHF radio waves propagate
through line of sight and do not follow the curvature of the Earth. VHF signals
can travel over a longer distance if there is a clear line of sight between the
transmitter and receiver. LF radio waves can propagate over long distances and
follow the curvature of the Earth. LF radio waves can experience attenuation, or
signal loss, due to various environmental factors. The primary factor affecting
LF attenuation is ground conductivity, as LF signals propagate through
the Earth and are affected by its electrical properties. The electrical
conductivity of the ground is affected by factors such as moisture content,
temperature, and the presence of minerals in the soil. Wet soil is more conductive
than dry soil, so LF radio waves can travel further over wet ground. Conversely, dry
soil can cause more attenuation due to its lower conductivity. Additionally, LF
signals can be absorbed by natural or man-made structures, such as buildings or
hills, which can limit the transmission range. The power output of the
transmitting station can affect the range and clarity of the signal. Higher
power output can improve the strength and reach of the signal, while lower power
output may limit the transmission range and clarity. However, the power output is
not the main factor in LF wave propagation, and the primary factor is the frequency
and wavelength of the radio wave itself.

4 . Question

Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE) requires a minimum of . . . . . satellites with good
geometry to function.

AIM COM 5.3.1 Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS)
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) uses extra satellites in view to
compare solutions and detect problems. It usually takes four satellites to compute a
navigation solution, and a minimum of five for RAIM to function. The availability of
RAIM is a function of the number of visible satellites and their geometry. Some
avionics go beyond basic RAIM by having a Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE)
feature that allows the avionics to detect which satellite is faulty, and then to
exclude it from the navigation solution. FDE requires a minimum of six
satellites with good geometry to function. It has the advantage of allowing
continued navigation in the presence of a satellite malfunction.

5 . Question

Question Appendix – LO Chart

390 Khz.

295 Khz.

390 or 295 Khz.

112.5 Mhz.

Changeover Point (COP)
The COP is a point along the route or airway segment between two adjacent
navigation facilities or waypoints where a changeover in navigation guidance should
occur. At this point, the pilot should change the navigation receiver frequency from
the station behind the aircraft to the station ahead. Note that it is not typically
depicted if the COP is the hallway point. Refer to the changeover point highlighted
in the chart below. If the aircraft is southwest-bound along AR39 the pilot must tune
and identify the YLU NDB (295 kHz) until it is 15 miles out and then tune and
identify the VP NDP (390 kHz).

6 . Question

On an IFR LO Chart, a compass rose in Northern Domestic Airspace is oriented to

grid north only.

true north only.

true north or grid north.

magnetic north only.

Compass Rose
The compass rose is oriented to magnetic north except in Northern Domestic
Airspace where VHF/UHF aids may be oriented to true or grid north.

7 . Question


Jet aircraft are required to initially climb to 3,000 feet.

An aircraft with a groundspeed of 120 knots during the initial climb

segment will require a climb rate of 500 feet/min in order to comply with
obstacle clearance requirements.

Departures from 06R prohibit left turns below 1,300 feet.

Departures from 06L require a minimum climb rate of 250 ft/min.

Departure Route Description
The required climb rate can be determined by cross-referencing the groundspeed
and the required climb gradient as shown in the image below.

8 . Question

An aircraft is maintaining a heading of 177° along a bearing of 170° from an NDB. ATC
requests that the aircraft intercept an inbound track of 360°. In order to intercept the
desired course using a 30° intercept angle, the aircraft should turn to a heading of





Course Interception
When solving intercept questions, it is best to draw the scenario as presented. Most
exam questions can be solved following the steps outlined below:
1. If given a heading, ignore it, the current heading is irrelevant.
2. Determine the aircraft’s bearing relative to the NDB and draw a line
representing that bearing as shown below (170°)
3. Draw a line indicating the bearing which the aircraft must intercept. It may
help to think of this like a VOR. In essence, the aircraft must track 360°
inbound along the 180° radial. Although technically it is not a radial, students
have more success when they can find commonalities between NDBs and
4. In theory, there are two headings that may be flown to interpret the 360°
bearing to the NDB at the given intercept angle. These can be determined by
adding the intercept angle to the desired bearing or subtracting the intercept
angle from the desired bearing. That is, either a heading of 330° or 030° may
be appropriate. However, since the aircraft is east of the desired bearing,
only a heading of 330° will result in the aircraft intercepting the correct
bearing. If the aircraft was west of the desired bearing, then a heading of
030° would be appropriate.

9 . Question

Question Appendix – Altitude Correction Chart

Refer to the Appendix: Altitude Correction Chart

Given a temperature of -30°C and a charted altitude of 6,000 feet which is 2,338 feet HAA, calculate the
indicated altitude corrected for cold weather.

6,200 feet.

6,500 feet.

6,300 feet.

6,400 feet.

AIM RAC 9.17.1 Corrections for Temperature
Pressure altimeters are calibrated to indicate true altitude under ISA conditions.
Any deviation from ISA will result in an erroneous reading on the altimeter. In a case
when the temperature is higher than the ISA, the true altitude will be higher than
the figure indicated by the altimeter, and the true altitude will be lower when the
temperature is lower than the ISA. The altimeter error may be significant and
becomes extremely important when considering obstacle clearances in cold
temperatures. The published minimum IFR altitudes must be adjusted when the
ambient temperature on the surface is much lower than that predicted by the
standard atmosphere. As a general rule, this is considered to be 0°C or, when
MDAs/DAs are 1,000 ft HAA or higher, it begins at 10°C.

Sample Calculation
Given a temperature of -30°C and a charted altitude of 6,000 feet which is 2,338
feet HAA the corrected indicated altitude can be calculated as follows:
1. Interpolate between 1,500 feet and 2,000 feet to find the correction factor
for the given HAA: (570 – 380)/(3,000 – 2,000) = 0.19
2. The correction is then derived as follows: (2,338 – 2,000) x 0.19 + 150 =
444.2 feet.
3. Add the correction to the indicated altitude and round to the next highest
hundred. 6,000 + 444.2 = 6,444.2 feet. Therefore the indicated altitude to fly
which correctly compensates for cold weather is 6,500 feet.

10.. Question

Which of the following scenarios may lead to a graveyard spiral?

Sudden acceleration in straight and level flight.

A sloping cloud formation.

Entering a prolonged and constant rate-one turn.

Sudden deceleration in straight and level flight.

Graveyard Spiral
A pilot in a prolonged coordinated, constant-rate turn may experience the illusion of
not turning. During the recovery to level flight, the pilot will then experience the
sensation of turning in the opposite direction causing the disoriented pilot to return
the aircraft to its original turn. Because an aircraft tends to lose altitude in turns
unless the pilot compensates for the loss in lift, the pilot may notice a loss of
altitude. The absence of any sensation of turning creates the illusion of being in a
level descent. The pilot may pull back on the controls in an attempt to climb or stop
the descent. This action tightens the spiral and increases the loss of altitude and
may ultimately lead to a loss of aircraft control.

11.. Question

As a general rule cold weather corrections for minimum IFR altitudes should be applied
when the OAT is at or below

0°C or 10° when MDAs/DAs are 200 feet HAA or higher.

0°C or 10°C when MDAs/DAs are 1,000 feet HAA or higher.

-5°C or 0° when MDAs/DAs are 1,000 feet HAA or higher.

0°C or 10° when MDAs/DAs are 1,500 feet HAA or higher.

AIM RAC 9.17.1 Corrections for Temperature
Pressure altimeters are calibrated to indicate true altitude under ISA conditions.
Any deviation from ISA will result in an erroneous reading on the altimeter. In a case
when the temperature is higher than the ISA, the true altitude will be higher than
the figure indicated by the altimeter, and the true altitude will be lower when the
temperature is lower than the ISA. T he altimeter error may be significant, and
becomes extremely important when considering obstacle clearances in cold
temperatures. The published minimum IFR altitudes (i.e. the MSA/TAA and the
initial/intermediate/final and missed approach segments, including the MDA/DA)
must be adjusted when the ambient temperature on the surface is much lower than
that predicted by the standard atmosphere. As a general rule, this is
considered to be 0°C or, when MDAs/DAs are 1,000 ft HAA or higher, it
begins at 10°C. Corrections may be obtained from the “Altitude Correction Chart”
in the CAP. This chart is calculated for an aerodrome at sea level. It is, therefore,
conservative when applied to aerodromes at higher altitudes.

12.. Question

Question Appendix – LO Chart

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