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Flight test check list

Recheck nav log(make sure everything is filled up)
Pick a checkpoint(have the number ready) FOR ALL LEGS
-tags all required info in journey log
Stay organized
Bring laptop an open CAR & AIMs for quick reference
Draw route on GFA
Print airport chart
taxi charts
Print terminal area from CFS if flying into one.
Print CFS page of airport & highlight what’s needed
Designated airspace handbook of the airport
Highlight NOTAM
Make sure you use correct time for departure
Use colour GFA(make sure you know all the symbols on them)
Do the calculation for winds at altitude an use that to justify cruise altitude
Highlight airport along route to justify Wx
Write down alternate airport(have frequencies down)
Include top of decent on route
Indicate we’re you’ll change frequencies
Write down list of FSS along your route
Use coloured markers for drift line
Indicate point of changing from common area frequency to enroute
Scope out airspace’s along route
Show center of gravity for W&B an be ready to explain pros & cons HAVE A COPY WITH
MAKE SURE you FILLUP flight plan(know the equipment symbols)
Tag on CFS airport services /map symbols
10nm line along route
Indicate altitude on map from crossing blasting area & parks
Include the 3 different power setting(65,75,55)
Calculate what the pressure altitude is at cruise altitude an use that to determine
BHP , fuel burn , hence the performance chart number are in pressure altitude
Show range & endurance calculations for each
Add 10 minutes of fuel & time for arrivals
Fill the back of nav log with the checkpoint(choice them wisely)
Indicate rotation point on runway & go an no go point base on takeoff calculation
Add variation to winds ***
Double check take off and landing cals
Clearly states weight in writing for each leg (which airport to which airport)
Print out CG chart an attach to weight an balance(show it with a mark)

Do VREF calculation on separate paper

Stay organized
For each airport your flying into have this ready :
Taxi charts
Airport chart
Designated airspace section for that airport
Cfs page
FSS an alternate on a separate paper
Terminal area if your flying into one

Provide 3 weight balances.

Compensate for the winds

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