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22 MAY 2024

What is Biodiversity & Why do we celebrate this day?

Biodiversity is the wide range of life forms on Earth, from genes to entire
ecosystems. It includes also all living things such as plants, which supports life on
earth. Plants provide humans with essential Needs; such as, Food, fuel, shelter, and
medicine, which are derived from the biodiversity. Therefore, this international
biodiversity day is established to remind us, to keep protecting our biodiversity,
which is essential for our survival on this planet, earth.

Why Visit Onandjokwe Medical Medical Museum, 22-24 May 2024, during
the week of celebrating international biodiversity Day?

In our museum we have a public display of some old research documents that will
help you and other visitors, to learn more about, the essential plants that we need to
protects in our communities, because our ancestors have been used them for ages
ago as medicines to prevents and cure diseases. Some documents available are as

 Ovambo Plants/Medicines Names through Data and Information published, in

England, by Powell-Cotton Museum in 1936.
 Gwyneth Davies Doctor of Philosophy (Thesis):The Medical Culture of the
Ovambo of Southern Angola and Northern Namibia, 1994, University of Kent.
 Wild medicinal and food plants used by communities living in Mopane
woodlands of southern Angola: Results of an ethnobotanical field investigation -
…Author: Valeria Urso, Maria Adele Signorini, Matteo Tonini, Piero Bruschi,Publish
Year: 2016.

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