LIRA ANGGRAENI Tugas Materi Text Giving Example Lintas Minat

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Perhatikan Penjelasan berikut sebelum menjawab latihan

1. There are many places to visit in Bogor. For example di gunakan untuk menghubungkan
For example,the botanical garden has dua kalimat.kalimat pertama adalah There are
numeroius display of plants from all over many places to visit in Bogor dan kalimat kedua
the world. adalah the botanical garden has numeroius display
of plants from all over the world.Perhatikan tanda
baca ( punctuation ) setelah dan sesudah for
example disimpan koma
2. There are many interesting places to visit For instance dikalimat di sini disimpan setelah
in Bogor. The art museum ,for subject The art museum,perhatikan tanda baca
instance,has an excelent collection of sebelum dan sesudah for instance disimpan koma
classic painting. Sebenarnya for instance dan for examle tidak ada
perbedaan baik dalam makna maupun
3. There are many interisting places to visit in Kalimat no 3 hanya terdiri satu kalimat .e.g berasal
Bogor,e.g,the botanical garden and the art dari bahasa latin gratia sama artinya dengan for
museum. example.e.g ( for example digunakan untuk
menghubungkan prase memberikan berbagai
contoh. Contoh yang diberikan sebanyak dua yaitu
botanical garden dan the art museum maka
menggunakan kata hubung and. Seandainya
memberikan tiga contoh maka sebelum and
didahului koma.
There are many famous artist in Indonesia,for
example, Judika,Ahmad Dani,and Yuni Shara.
Perhatikan tanda baca nya
4. I prefer to wear casual clothes, such as Perhatikan tanda baca sebelum such as ada koma
Jeans and sweatshirt. dan contoh yang diberikan ada dua maka
menggunkan kata hubung and.
5. Some cities, such as Makasar and Medan , Such as disimpan setelah subject some cities
are big. perhatikan tanda baca koma yang digunakan
disimpan sebelum such as dan sesudah kata
6. Cities such as Makasar and Medan are big Dalam kalimat no 5 such as disimpan setelah
subject cities ,disini tidak menggunakan tanda
7. Such cities as Makasar and Medan are big. Dalam kalimat no 7 such disimpan di awal kalimat
sebelum subject cities dan setelahnya as ,tidak ada
koma .

Practice 1

Make a sentence from the words given and give the example.Use For example ,For instance ,or such as

Example :

1. Hobby
I have many hobbies, for example , fishing , reading, and writing.
2. Spicy Food
I like to eat spicy food.
3. Difficulties subject
There are so many difficulties subject, likes math and physic.
4. Favourite subject
My favorite subject is English.
5. Big cities in Indonesia
Jakarta, the one of big city in Indonesia.
Practice 2
Langkah langkah dalam menulis paragrap
1. Tentukan dulu topik nya
2. Buat tiga pendukung topik
1. I can not forget my ex boyfriend ( topik )
a. He always pays attention to me.
b. He always be there when I need him.
c. He always try to make me happy.
a,b,dan c adalah pendukung topik yang akan dijabarkan dengan berbagai

perhatikan contoh pengembangan paragrap berikut

There are many reason that I can not foget my exboyfriend. First ,he always pays
attention to me. for example , he always text me three times a day, he always asks meif I
have eaten or not ,and he always picks me up to everywhere. Second, He always be there
when I need him . Such as when I am sad,he always comes and company me or when I have
a problem. He always comes to help me to solve my problem. The last ,he always tries to
make me happy.For instance, he tells funy stories and shows me funy fictures.

Now please make a short paragraph like example above . You may choose your own topic.

Three years ago, I and my classmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur temple by bus.
Went left our school at nine o’clock. It took us 24 hours to arrive there. I arrived there nine o’clock the
next day. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique houses, prominent buildings, and some other
After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one of my teachers went to buy tickets. After we waited him
for a moment we entered into Borobudur temple area. Then we went up to the top the temple.
Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Jawa Tengah by Syailendra Dinasty. Borobudur
Temple is the biggest temple in the world. It has 504 statues and1.400 reliefs. From the top of the
temple we can see such beautiful scenery. I and my friends went around the templ together. Finallly,
after having some visits, we should go to the hotel to stay and continue our study tour the next day.
We felt tired that day but we felt so happy to visit Borobudur temple which is well-known as one of the
greatest legacies Indonesia gas ever had. I hope the temple can be loved by the all the of visitors and the

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