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Useful Rules and Tables from Imperium Maledictum. SL RESULT HAVE THEY SUCCEEDED? GAINING GAINING LOSING On their turns, Reactions can be made on d 100 Low Gothic High Gothic Archaic I nformal Esoteric S kill S pecialisations
Level Attitude Example Goods And Services Difficulty Test Mod Example T asks EFFECTS Characters can Move If a Character Attacks an
other character’s turns, but enemy
0 Armour Table (page 141) Yes, perfectly!: The result is as good as it can (Before Combat) (During Combat) (During Combat)
and take an Action characters may only take one within immediate range, 01–04 Arz Azararch Aenisse Able Alpha Climbing, Might,
Astounding +5 Honoured Reliable combat support. Access to most resources. Very Easy +60 Walking up to an emergency klaxon, jumping a small gap. they become Engaged, and Athletics (STR) Riding, Running,
0 Augmetics (pages 152–154) +5 or more be, perhaps with extra luck and fortunate Know Thy Foe: Research The first time a party (and any number of Reaction until the beginning
Success Characters in the Party can use cannot simply move away. 05–08 Barik Baranoth Barbosa Axer Bot Swimming.
Between Mission Events (pages 230–231) coincidences thrown in! Easy +40 Fixing a minor jam in a familiar weapon. important information about member receives a Free Actions). of their next turn.
0 +4 Prized Access to secrets and influential individuals. Opinion solicited. Superiority to gain a SL Bonus 09–12 Canto Castella Caradoc Beryl Conscript
Character Advancement (page 90) Impressive Yes, and…: You achieve your goal with style, to one Test of their choice each their enemy. Defeating an Enemy Leader. Critical Wound. Sight, Smell, Sound,
0 +3 to +4 Improvise: Tell your GM what you Awareness
Success exceeding your expectations. +3 Trusted Procurement of most equipment. Overlook some transgressions. Routine +20 Using a cogitator to perform basic research. turn equal to Superiority level. Aim: Range of your weapon increases by want to do, and they will tell you if it’s 13–16 Cil Davrus Draco Bones Designate
Taste, Touch,
0 Critical Wounds (pages 214–215) Know Thy Battlefield: Defeating an Enemy Elite. If a party member is one step and you cannot Move this Turn. Psyniscience (R).
+1 to +2 Success Yes: You achieve a solid success. They cannot use it again until Researching knowledge of defeated. possible. 17–20 Darrialv Fausta Drusilla Bolt Diamond
0 Head Critical Wounds Table (page 358) +2 Liked Lending of certain equipment and personnel Opinion considered. Challenging +0 Shooting a target in a well lit room, climbing a stone wall. the start of their next turn. the battlefield, or setting up a Defeating a number of Attack: You make an Attack. Lock Picking,
0 Arm Critical Wounds Table (page 359) Yes, but…: You more or less achieve what you Enemy Troops equal to the If the party is taken by Manifest: You attempt to Manifest a 21–24 Enoch Flavia Eizen Burner Exactius
Marginal +1 Welcomed Expedite some standard procedures. Sharing of pertinent knowledge. Difficult –10 Recalling an obscure fact about the Planetary Governor. If the party’s Superiority is fortuitous position before the Psychic Power. Dexterity (AG) Pickpocket, Sleight of
0 Body Critical Wounds Table (page 360) +0 intend, but imperfectly, and perhaps with an battle begins. enemy’s total Resolve in a surprise, by unexpected Charge: Use your Move and Action to 25–28 Horst Galliach Genevieve Crusher Fatal Hand, Defuse (R).
Success greater than the Resolve of move into an adjacent Zone and make a
0 Leg Critical Wounds Table (page 361) unpredictable side effect. Hard –20 Swimming upstream in a rapidly flowing sewer. single turn. reinforcements or a Move: You Move to an adjacent Zone, or 29–32 Gaius Harthos Hanette Cutter Gamma
0 Neutral No special treatment one tway or the other. their enemies, the enemy party melee attack against an enemy in that Zone Composure, Fear,
Divinations Table (page 89) Marginal No, but…: You marginally fail, perhaps Know Thy Players: Rewarded sudden change in the to a space within your current zone (Can Discipline (WIL)
0 –0 Very Hard –30 Convincing an Arbites to let this one slide. becomes Desperate. for player ingenuity. battlefield. with Advantage. You have Disadvantage on be done before or after taking an Action). 33–36 Galatia Icharus Ingrita Dach Grace Psychic.
0 Environmental Traits (pages 204–206) Failure accomplishing a portion of what you intended. −1 Unwelcome Watched carefully, must follow procedures, may encounter obstacles. Melee and Reflexes Tests to defend yourself If you are Engaged with an opponent, 37–40 Kelle Irissa Jaq Echo Harrow Endurance, Pain,
0 Force Fields (page 142) −1 to −2 Failure No: You just plain do it wrong. Note: For full Difficulty rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 188. Note: For full Superiority rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 196. until the start of your next turn. they get to make a free attack against you Fortitude (TGH)
−2 Distrusted Restriction of information. Refusal of aid or resources. as a Reaction. 41–44 Kulem Karpath Jocasta Flair Iridian Poison.
0 Fumble Table (page 355) Impressive No, and…: Not only do you mess up, but you Defend: Choose an ally in Immediate
−3 to −4 −3 Despised Active attempts to undermine your efforts. Range OR your current Zone. If the chosen Overwatch: You prepare yourself to act 45–48 Magdala Lothos Karollon Grunt Jewel Intuition (PER)
Group (V), Human,
0 Grenades and Explosives Table (page 136) Failure also cause additional things to go wrong.
0 Malignancies Table (page 223) No, not in any way!: Everything goes wrong in −4 Vilified The faction’s agents may greatly hinder or harm you.
WOUNDS CRITICAL WOUNDS DEATH ROLLS ally becomes the target of an Attack, you
roll to oppose and suffer any damage
when a specific event happens. Declare
the trigger for your Overwatch, and the
49–52 Merra Lucindia Killian Lax Killswitch

Melee Weapons Table (page 128) Astounding instead. If you choose a Zone, anyone 53–56 Mordicai Mycandra Lemant Lho Lumen
Linguistics Cypher, High Gothic,
0 −5 or less the worst possible way. The GM will likely add Action you will take when it happens. If (INT) Forbidden (V, R).
Failure −5 Hunted The faction will eliminate you, given the opportunity. There are two ways to suffer Critical Advantage: You can choose to reverse the tens and the that attempts to enter that Zone must use
0 Mutations Table (page 222) to your woes with unanticipated consequences. Wounds: If a character’s untreated Critical Wounds units dice if it would be more beneficial for you. the trigger for your Overwatch doesn’t 57–60 Narcia Noctine Lethe Mag Mortis
Wounds are gained by sustaining Damage. Each exceeds their Toughness Bonus, they succumb an Action to defeat you in an opposed happen this Round, you can choose Evaluation,
0 Other Kinds of Movement (page 202–204) Note: For full Test rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 185. Note: For full Influence rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 192. time you suffers a point of Damage, you gain 1 Athletics (Might) Test. This lasts until the 61–64 Noros Novianna Naveen Marrow Natron Logic (INT)
to their injuries and die at the end of the round. to proceed to the next Round without Investigation.
0 Perils of the Warp Table (page 165) Wound. 0 When you accrue enough Wounds to Disadvantage: You must reverse the tens and the units start of your next turn. taking an Action, or you can take a
exceed your Maximum Wound. dice if it would be worse for you. 65–68 Pennette Octavia Pollonia Newt Optima Academics, Adeptus
0 Psychic Phenomena Table (page 164) If they are Unconscious, anyone within Disengage: When Engaged (see above) you different Action but act last in the
TEMPORARY If your Wounds equal or exceed your Maximum
0 Psychic Powers (pages 166–184) GAINING & LOSING INFLUENCE SPEEDS Wounds, your injuries get the better of you and 0 When an enemy scores a Critical Hit
Immediate Range with a weapon that does not
have the Ineffective Trait can kill them without Automatic Success: Rolling 01–05 is always a success. can use your Action to Move away from the Initiative order for the rest of the combat. 69–72 Quinten Partheos Sabanth Pincer Promethium Lore (INT)
Terra, Planet, Sector,
Theology (R),
0 Minor Powers (page 166) INFLUENCE you suffer the following effects: against you. needing to make a Test.
enemy without provoking an Attack. Reload: You Reload a ranged weapon. 73–76 Quineel Regia Tessera Red Reject Forbidden (V, R).
0 Biomancy Powers (Page 171) Move Action to move up to two Zones away (Long Range). Automatic Failure: Rolling 96–00 is always a failure. Dodge: Until the start of your next turn 77–80 Rhia Scythia Tzarelle Scab Stalker
0 Gained through bribery Fast 0 On your Turn you may Move or take an When you suffer a Critical Wound, Certain results on the Critical Wounds tables Retreat: Call for a Retreat. If all your Animal, Human,
0 Divination Powers (Page 174) 0 +1: The party was integral in protecting influential Free Action to move anywhere within the current Zone (Short Range). you have Advantage on Melee and Reflexes allies agree, you all safely flee the 81–84 Silvanto Severan Verity Shiv The Unnamed Medicae (INT)
or learning sensitive Action, but not both. This effect lasts until determine the Hit Location and make cause immediate death. (Dodge) Tests to defend in combat. You Forbidden (V, R).
0 Pyromancy Powers (page 177) members or furthering the faction’s interests. you heal at least 1 Wound. Critical Roll: Rolling doubles on an attack with positive conflict.
information about an NPC. a Severity Roll. To do so, roll 1d10 + can also oppose Ranged Attack Tests with 85–88 Sesselie Tyruss Wynnif Starr Vulture Brawling, One-handed,
0 Telekinesis Powers (Page 179) 0 −1: The party circumvented proper procedures Move Action to move up to one Zone away (Medium Range). the excess Damage and consult the SL scores a Critical, causing a Critical Wound. Roll Melee (WS)
0 You must make a Challenging (+0) Fortitude 1d10 + any excess damage beyond the target’s maximum your Reflexes (Dodge) without spending Run: Use your Action to move to an 89–92 Uri Venria Yasta Steel Whitenoise Two-handed.
without just cause, or were caught lying or their 0 Lasts until a character fails Normal appropriate Critical Wound Table for Note: For full Wound, Critical Wound, and a Reaction. adjacent Zone.
0 Telepathy Powers (page 182) Free Action to move anywhere within the current Zone (Short Range). (Pain) Test or fall Unconscious (page 357). wounds, then consult the appropriate Critical Wound
cover blown. a social Test involving that the Hit Location to determine the Dying rules, see Imperium Maledictum, 93–96 Xandra Ventium Zadora Tranq X Navigation Surface, Tracking,
0 Ranged Weapons Tables (pages 132–133) NPC, or is caught in a lie or Repeat this Test each time you receive further Critical Wound. page 214-215. Table (Imperium Maledictum, pages 358–361). Flee: You spend your Action and Move Search: Make an Awareness (Sight) Test. (INT) Void, Warp (R).
0 Services Tables (pages 156–157) 0 −2: The party attacked members of the faction or Wounds. You don’t regain consciousness to leave combat and can take no further 97–00 Zariel Yemmise Zarkov Wurm Zilch
discovered to be working Must use their Move to move within their current Zone (Short Range). until you heal at least 1 Wound. actions. You are removed from the Seize the Initiative: Move to the top of Aeronautica, Civilian,
0 Size Table (page 201) caused substantial damage to their facilities. against the NPC’s interests. Slow Fumble Roll: Rolling doubles on an attack with negative the Initiative order for the rest of the
Must use a Run Action to move to an Adjacent Zone (Medium Range). Initiative order and Superiority Military (R),
0 Tools Table (page 151) 0 −3: The party betrayed or killed an ally from the 0 Cannot be used to increase You never accumulate Wounds greater than IMPERIUM FACTIONS SL causes you to Fumble and roll on the Fumble Table
(Imperium Maledictum, page 355). decreases by 1. combat. MAKING AN ATTACK Piloting (AG)
Minor Voidship (R),
0 Vehicle Rules and Tables (pages 225–227) faction, or severely hindered the faction’s interests. overall Faction Influence your Maximum Wounds. Beware, as once you Shove: Make an Athletics (Might) Test Major Voidship (R).
Note: For full Movement rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 201. reach this threshold, every attack that would 0 Adeptus Administratum 0 Adeptus Ministorum 0 Infractionists Grapple: You make an Athletics (Might)
or Melee (Brawling) Test, opposed with opposed by the target’s Athletics (Might) 1. Check Range: For Melee Attacks, characters must be within Interrogation,
Wound you causes a Critical Wound! 0 Adeptus Astra Telepathica 0 Astra Militarum 0 Inquisition Reroll: A reroll is when you disregard the result of a dice
roll, and roll it again. You must use the second result. either the target’s Athletic (Might), Melee or Dodge (Reflexes). If you win, the immediate range. For Ranged Attacks check the weapon’s range. Presence (WIL) Intimidation,
0 Adeptus Mechanicus 0 Imperial Fleet 0 Rogue Trader Dynasty (Brawling), or Reflexes (Dodge). If you target is shoved a number of metres Leadership.
CONDITIONS succeed, the target is Restrained (Minor).
You can release the grapple at any time as
equal to the difference in SL and you are
no longer Engaged. If you succeed by
2. Roll to Hit: For Melee Attacks, the attacking character makes a Melee
Test opposed by the target’s Melee or Reflexes. For Ranged Attacks, the Biomancy, Divination,
Minor: 1d5 Damage at start of turn, ignoring armour. Minor: They have disadvantages on all Tests. May only Crawl (page 202), Disadvantage on Melee Tests. FATE HIT LOCATIONS RANGES a Free Action. On their turn, the creature +3 or more SL, you may shove the target attacker makes a Challenging (+0) Ranged Test. Check for Modifiers like Psychic Mastery Pyromancy,
F atigued

can use an Action to try to escape the into an adjacent Zone. (WIL) Telekinesis, Telepathy,

Major: 1d10 Damage at start turn, ignoring armour. Major: All Tests they make are Very Hard (−30). Attacks from Immediate Range have Advantage. Cover and any Advantages or Disadvantages.
If Fatigued 3 times, act for TB minutes and fall Unconscious. Attacks from outside Immediate Range have Disadvantage. SPEND (Temporarily R educe ) BURNING (Permanently Reduce) grapple by repeating the Opposed Test (full Various (R).
Removal: Drop Prone and use an Action to make a successful Units Location Immediate Within arms reach Grapple Rules, Imperium Maledictum, Take Cover: If your Zone has the Cover
Challenging (+0) Athletics Test. Removal: Typically removed by resting for at least six hours. 1 Range (up to 1 metre). Trait you can use this Action. Against 3. Determine Hit Location: Use the units number of your Hit Roll and Long Guns, Ordnance,
They are unable to move normally. page 208). Ranged (BS)
Reroll a Failed Test. 0 Die Another Day: Instead of dying, the character survives and is ranged attacks, Light Cover provides consult the Hit Locations Table. Rolling a double (11, 22, 33 eg.) causes

0 Pistols, Thrown.
Minor: Advantage on Awareness and Intuition Tests. Minor: They cannot take Move actions. They have Disadvantage removed from the encounter. 1 Head Help: Assist an ally, giving them Advantage +2 Armour, Medium Cover provides +4
Minor: 1 Damage at end of turn, ignoring armour.
F right’d

on Tests involving movement of any kind. 0 Add +1 SL to a Test (after roll). Within the same Zone a Critical Hit to occur.
Disadvantage on Tests to confront the source of their Fear. Short Range Armour and Heavy Cover provides +6 Animals, Charm,

Major: 3 Damage at end of turn, ignoring armour. 0 The Emperor Protects: The character voices all incoming damage (up to 10 metres). on their next Test at the GM’s discretion.
Bleeding can cause a Critical Wound only once. After this, no Major: Must run from the source of their fear. Major: They become Incapacitated. 0 Choose when to act in a round. from a single source.
6+ Armour. 4. Deal Damage: The Damage dealt is equal to the weapon damage plus Rapport (FEL) Deception, Haggle,
Removal: Challenging (+0) Discipline (Fear) Test 2 Left Arm Hide: Make a Stealth Test and use the Inquiry.
One Zone away the SL of your attack Test. This Damage is then reduced by any Armour
Wounds can be recovered until Bleeding is removed. 0 Ignore all effects from all Critical 0 Deny the Witch: The character can choose to avoid gaining a 3 2 Medium Range environment to hide. The Zone you are Target Location: You make an Attack at

Minor: They can take a Move or an Action, but not both. (up to 20 metres).
Removal: Treatment (Imperium Maledictum, page 219) They cannot Move or take Actions. Major: Additionally, they have Disadvantage on all Tests. Wounds until the beginning of Mutation (they do not lose any corruption). hiding in must have some feature or Disadvantage. If you hit, you may choose on the target location. The target suffers the remaining Damage as Acrobatics, Balance,

their next turn. 3 Right Arm the Hit Location. At the GM’s discretion, Reflexes (AG)
They cannot defend themselves. Removal: Typically, Condition is lost after 1d5 rounds. 0 For the Emperor: The character chooses the result of their roll Two Zones away Environmental Trait that you can use to Wounds. Dodge.
Long Range hide, such as the Cover or Obscured Traits. you can use this to ignore the armour

Only succeed on Tests that rely on sight by rolling a 01–05. Melee attacks against them automatically score a Critical Hit 0 Remove one Condition (if Prone (opposed always wins by 1SL, can choose hit location). (up to 30 metres). benefit awarded to targets behind cover. Conceal, Hide,
4 Left Leg 4 When you Hide, your Speed is reduced to Note: For full Attack rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 211. Stealth (AG)
They have disadvantage on Melee and Dodge (Reflexes) Tests. (Imperium Maledictum, page 215) They drop anything held, become Prone and Incapacitated. Can is removed, regain 1 Wound). 0 Turn the Tide: The character and their allies gain 1 Superiority (or 2 5 Move Silently.

ncon -
Slow. Attacks while hidden are made with

O.B. Uscious
Removal: Typically, Condition is lost after 1d10 rounds. be killed without a Test by anyone in Immediate Range with a if Superiority is at 0). Three or more Zones away Advantage. Every successful attack made Use Object or Feature: Use an object
Minor: Disadvantage on Strength and Toughness Tests. Spent Fate is recovered at the Extreme Range that requires an Action or activate a Augmetics (R),
weapon that does not have the Innefective Trait. 5 Right Leg (up to 40 metres and beyond). while hidden counts as a Critical hit. Tech(INT)
P oison

Maximum SL on any Test is equal to their Toughness Bonus. beginning of each session. Recovering Burned Fate requires an act of great service to the Emperor. Zone Feature. Engineering, Security.
Only succeed on Tests that rely on hearing by rolling a 01–05.

Major: They become Prone and Incapacitated. (Overburdened) They have Disadvantage on Agility Tests and Note: For full Range rules, see
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
Removal: Typically, Condition is lost after 1d10 rounds. 6-0 Body © Games Workshop 2023 Note: For full Skill rules, see
Duration: If unspecified, Condition lasts 1d5 hours. their Speed is reduced one step. Note: For full Fate rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 220. Imperium Maledictum, page 212. Note: For full Combat Action rules, see Imperium Maledictum, page 207. Imperium Maledictum, page 91.

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