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Final Examination in HELE 4


I. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Improper care of the teeth causes _____________.

a. Bad breath
b. Body odor
c. Headache

2. Clean your toothbrush after use by_____________.

a. Rinsing it
b. Keeping it
c. Hanging it

3. Gargle with salt and water if there is no __________ available.

a. Floss
b. Toothpaste
c. Soap

4. Brush your teeth ____________

a. Once a day
b. Twice a day
c. After every meal

5. To correct any tooth defect, visit a ___________.

a. Teacher
b. Dentist
c. Nurse

6. You should always have a toothbrush for _______.

a. Family use
b. Everyone’s use
c. Your personal use

7. Toothpaste and mouthwash should be ________ after use.

a. Opened
b. Left alone
c. Covered

8. A healthy gums look ____

a. Bluish
b. Yellowish
c. Pinkish

9. It is necessary to help stimulate blood circulation. It also helps the body to digest food,
eliminate body waste and improve respiration.
a. Posture
b. Exercise
c. Eating
10. It is a process of sorting garbage in an effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials.
a. Garbage segregation
b. Biodegradable garbage
c. Ecological Solid Waste Management

II. Directions: Draw a happy face inside the box if the item describes a good sewing practice.
Draw a sad face if it does not.

__________11. Washing hands before sewing.

__________12. Using the correct size of thimble.

__________13. Putting pins or needles in your mouth.

__________14. Cutting the thread with your teeth.

__________15. Sewing with enough amount of light over your left shoulder.

__________16. Sitting with good posture while sewing.

__________17. Using the scissors to cut the thread.

__________18. Using a sewing box to keep the sewing tolls.

__________19. Using a thread longer than an arm’s length in sewing.

__________20. Keeping the sewing area clean and tidy after use.

III. Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement shows an importance of ornamental
plants and FALSE if it is not.

__________21. They make the house and surroundings clean, beautiful, comfortable and

__________22. They can be used for people’s training in agricultural tasks.

__________23. They create environmental awareness and appreciation of the importance

of plants.

__________24. They can make the environment looks dirty.

__________25. They provide interest to the landscape of parks, big buildings and offices in
making these places beautiful.

__________26. They can make the life of the owner looks miserable and stressful.

__________27. They provide a source of income to growers in their nurseries.

__________28. They can give a good ambiance in the surroundings of the house.

__________29. They can use to decorate houses and different establishments.

__________30. They can make the house looks good and beautiful.

IV. Directions: Put a check ( / ) in the line before each number if it is a correct statement and
cross mark ( X ) if it is not.

_____31. An extended family includes parents, grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts
living together in one house.

_____32. The parents and their children are called a family.

_____33. A house is not considered a home if there is no one living in it.

_____34. The family provides the basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter to its

_____35. Love and respect should be given only to parents but not to other members of the

_____36. Talking and listening to elders are boring and should be avoided.

_____37. Assisting the elderly in walking and standing shows care and consideration.

_____38. Thoughtfulness is doing something that adds peace and happiness in the family.

_____39. Avoiding family celebrations will bring you enjoyment.

_____40. Unity and strong family ties are created by attending religious activities together.

V. Directions: Rearrange and number the steps in order, starting with 1 being the first step.
Write number 1 – 4.

A. Steps in setting up an aquarium

_____41. Choose an aquarium tank and stand.

_____42. Put the fish in the aquarium.

_____43. Add water and check for leaks before filling before filling it fully.

_____44. Fill the aquarium with gravel and sand, plants, and driftwood.

B. Steps in putting the fish in the aquarium

_____45. Feed the fish with fish food.

_____46. Choose and buy the fish from a pet shop.

_____47. Set the bag of fish in the aquarium for 20 to 30 minutes before releasing it.

_____48. Bring home the fish from the pet shop.

Answer key HELE 4

1. A 21. T 41. 1
2. A 22. T 42. 4
3. B 23. T 43. 3
4. C 24. F 44. 2
5. B 25. T 45. 4
6. C 26. F 46. 1
7. C 27. T 47. 3
8. C 28. T 48. 2
9. B 29. T
10. A 30. T
11. Happy face 31. /
12. Happy face 32. /
13. Sad face 33. /
14. Sad face 34. /
15. Happy face 35. X
16. Happy face 36. X
17. Happy face 37. /
18. Happy face 38. /
19. Sad face 39. X
20. Happy face 40. /

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