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12/5/24, 23:16 Writing Task for ING04.

: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1


Se puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

Reply to the following complaint letter with the information provided below (100-150 words).
Add all the information you consider appropriate and remember to follow the guidelines studied in this unit 4 and to use appropriate
grammar structures, short and well-punctuated sentences to facilitate comprehension, adjectives and specific vocabulary to
improve the explanations of your writing skills. Write it in the text box below to be evaluated by the teacher. Good luck!
ASFOI Associated (supplier)
Picadilly Circus Square
S82 27P London

RR Ltd.
3145 Brighton
S65 67 London
26th June 20XX

Dear Mr. Spooner

I am writing to complain about a shipment of office desks we received two days ago against our order WS9123.
When we opened the boxes yesterday, we found that some of them were damaged and they seemed rusty. In addition, the fabric of
some of them was torn. We informed the shipping company that we cannot accept this consignment form you, and they have
contacted your insurers.
I am sorry to tell you that we cannot keep those damaged items in our warehouse and so we are returning them to you. We therefore
expect a full refund from you.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. C. Wayne
Manager Director
RR Ltd.

ASFOI Associated

Picadilly Circus Square

S82 27P London

Dear Mr. Wayne,

I am writing in response to your complaint regarding the shipment of office desks you received from our company against order WS9123.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the damaged and rusty desks. This is not the standard of quality we aim to provide. We
have investigated the matter and identified that the damage occurred during the shipping process, and we are working with the shipping
company and our insurers to rectify the situation.

We understand that you cannot keep the damaged items in your warehouse, and we appreciate your decision to return them to us. Rest
assured, we will fully refund you for the cost of the order. We value your business and are committed to resolving this issue promptly.

Once again, please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused. We will do everything in our power to ensure that such
incidents do not occur in the future.

Yours sincerely, 2/3

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