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提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思Qun yan Press
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1Sl3N 978-7-80256-056-7

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Test 1
• LISTEN ING ............................................................................................................ 6
SECTION I ............................................................................................................ 6
SECTION2 ............................................................................................................ 8
SECTION3 ............................................................................................................ 10
SECTION 4 ········ ··············· ········ ······· ········ ·······················•······· ··· ··..················ ······ ·· 13
• READING ···········..······· ····· ···· ··· ····· ················.. ··············· ······················ ······..·..·..·· 16
READING PASSAGE I ········································· ··························.......................... 16
READING PASSAGE 2 ···················· ··················································· ·..··· ..·············· 23
READfNG PASSAGE3 ···· ···· ········ ········································································ ···· · 32
• WRI TING ··································· ·······················....······...... ··................... ······..······.. 43
TASK I ··························..·······································································............... 43
TAS K2 ····································.............................................................................. 45
• SPEAKING ···········..················ ····················............····...······•·················..····.. ········ 47

Test 2
• LISTEN ING ··················· ············· ·········..···· ········..··... · ···.. ··• ·····...···..···········..···· ······· 51
SECTION J • ••••••·••••··•• ••••..·•• • ·• ·••• ••·•··•• • • • •••• • • •• •• •• • •••••• • •• • • • ···••• ••·•··••··•••••••• ••• •• • • • • ·•••••• 5 1
SECT1ON2 ···················································•··•·"••······································--····--·· 5 2
• REA DING ············································································································ 58
READING PASSAGE2 ·································································"··........................ 70
READlNG PASSAGE 3 ·································································............................ 81
• WRITING ········································· ········· ···································..·············..··..····· 92
TASK I .................................................................................................................. 92
TASK 2 ·······································································........................................... 93
• SPEAKING .... ·..························ ······ ······ ··· ············..··.. ·..·························..· ············· 96

Test 3
• LISTENING ····························· ..................······························............................ 100
SECTION I ······························ ..·························································................ 100
SECTION2 ·························· ......········································································· 102

SECTION3 ·······················..·..· ..·.....·..··········..··········..···· ..· ..· ..· ..·..· ..··········..······· ..·· I04
SECTION 4 ·· ..············· ··..·····..·· • ····..···· ······ ...··········· · ····· ····..···· ············..·······..· ···..·· I06
• READ ING ·····..·..·························..·..·..····..·······················..············..···· ..······· ..····· I09
R EADINGPASSAGE I ....······················ ..·······..· ....·· ...······ ··············· ··· .....· .....··········· I09
READING PA SSAGE2 ............................................................................................. 117
R EADLNG PASSAG E3 ·········································.................................................... 12 3
• WRITING ········ ···································· ··························· ············ ··· ······ ····· ···· ······· 132
TASK I ································ ............................................................................... 132
TASK2 ··················•·························································· .. ·............................... 13 4
• SP EAKING ·········································................................................................ 136

Test 4
• LISTENING ··········· ..· ················· ·········· ················· ············· ··· ··· ················· ·········· · 140
SECTION I ··········································--···--··········"·····--···························--··········· 140
SECTION 2 ·······················...·············································...··············· ·· ····..··········· 142
SECTION3···································......................................................................... 144
SECTION4 ············ ..············"···········..................................................................... 146
• READ ING ............................................................................................................ 148
READ INGPASSAGE I ····· ......·····...··········..······ ··· ······· ··· ·..·..··· ..·········· ...······ ..·······..·· 148
READINGPASSAG E2 ............................................................................................. 155
READINGPASSAG E 3 ............................................................................................. 163
• WRITING ............................................................................................................ 171
TAS K I ............................................................................................................... 171
TASK2 ·················· ............................................................................................. 172
• SPEA KING ·········· ··············· · ··· ..· ..···· ····· ······· ..········· · • ·· ············ ···..···· ..· ..······· ..····· 175

General Training: Reading and Writing Test A

• READ ING ..·· ......· ..· ···· ....······..····· ..· ..··....···· ·· ..····· ..·..···· ..· ··············..······..············· 179
SECTION I ............................................................................................................ 179
SECTION2 ............................................................................................................ 183
SECTION 3 ····················"··········--···········""'"·'"''"·"·"·"···"'·"··""·························· 188
• WRITING ............................................................................................................ 195
TASK I ········ ..·.................................................................................................... 195
TASK2 ............................................................................................................... 196

General Training: Reading and Writing Test B

• READ ING .........................................··· ··········· ········........................................····· 1 99
SECTION I ···· ..···· ·········· ··············· ..· ..· ..····..· ..······· ..······················ ························· l99
SECTION 2 ··..··················· ··················..····..··············· ···· ..·······························..···.. 203
TASK I ............................................................................................................... 216
TASK2 ································ ..·····································--··········"··........................ 218

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-.i.'.;,, m=.r�ui�i,�Jk --tttti�H1<JJ:Jl'.-JG1J. tt�11t�ffi,rn�:.1,-11,tr,,J. 'k.t:xil.-i'�1-t,'t:�.y. t� P1 c.lll'lJE-·-i't.ll!.
xiJ. j!f.(,�1¥J.:1!€i�n-trc1J !fflU,f!. · IX ;t· ,f .U. 11f t;J.;:ly�IX. 11-k�[-J�11,t1i1J'.kl'llc tf. HJ� L<:nt1HJiU.1ii!Ili11:. � L(:11'[

ITTJ l,\tw::m. li\x�P.i1!!l. �}! 1-fe.!1'.Jc)I ;1�Ji r�f T Zfr-T. r.tm .(-1:,/f;�1l i(1(J ,; I �rF #Jt 11 W.$ Jm-t· i.JtT

:i:�.A.: -;t�it,•]iT�tl¼Ni/JtU•I, ¾J..fJil!,-'.tc-�lflltiaJ

mJ.Jix!xllJ: �-i.itnxt.iJr�flH1,;-z 1'i {U(•�;i��ta<J A��11qi. 1,r t;J.-15 iAZlff:if�l::I�' 1:::::k:L1_tfii.Jij, ,i;t'.--1'.;·. fi\x:m
!!.xi·JB;t;- 1 *:fl�Jil.Mt:i IJ;l}.1JJn/(·:fQtll{fJ(1<JHJ i-/t, 'tf.�t"fi;>-JJJ-Ll,�i o 6?1,_f:(J<J:lt,1ififiH
1:t·J'O.lli¥l·Rn�. A*
111·1'1 f1110 I 'i $1'.J'�jl,Xj-t�t't.. llil�JJIIT .Wr 'A�1i(l<Jll"i Ull l,\!!;,f}\. -1- 11::tl:ii;ffr fJ�)j(J<JGREi�Ulil. 5,-1-:(£ffkfi�1I
1 1

J:.U ..:_f J ���flilo Jt'.¼��liTJ�,�JE�tFt'i Xi Ulttl!�llfr-9-Lllil �I L'. (1<J� 1ilrnfi�J;

:.tl� A : farffl ;t �iJi • ft i-bftL�-::lt � B:.

ft- z. # u� .;t-ix..,
fiiJ ffl: -f-T M ..:.c ;;r;-,.,'XJB- L·rL*'.:Ul!!-thl ,:Ti f-fl� (1<1�i/fJ,�ti:l1. m=1. L jffijJfl{t'glJ7",Rk!fil. '.:;t-!)jl/J:JW(I�
r 1

,\lll�, J,A i1fi1E;.l;·ii\'. 1! 1 )Ji( :/lHJt :f,; (l<JJ�fi!i

ml.fix !xl�: ll/;?fi{l!!ff](1%l! iSlM t.t 1!).!llnJI!!.* J1Jllfr, ,IE�dl o 11\ I iq;i, Jii:1111(-:ill;t-'f., ffL&':·t..fik:iill l�J:J:1/; ff 1 IBl�l!.
:&:Mel� ·1- ifi�(J<Jz�i H: 11f,G�q;-F-��H - M. ��n��!t,?;, ,1,1iq·•1£JJJ. fJJ;''i!:t::fil:.illi1t.1*t'7i, mt1 ..f1l}J)GJ}Jfl<J­ 7

� tJi:'.l:::(l�i8J£. �JfiJ.ll'!l-l5UJ<J. 61:kll::�fJBi:::i -t·,H!,IJ}Jll,-lHi<J 11 T. :/hl�·r:1:iEt1:it:JG1J:ff1:Fl1 lf<l.l.::k":'::, Ii�

�1- 1.:::k•�;: t;J.2ibic* r1<; 1r.n��:&m1 . J.1tl'i>J1!ffl tut .iir r1� xr:1-:1�)c:i:11J1J1fl-;l,/\;t. xf4-;l,/\.Jc,� 1 o,, 1-,�� A<Jx1Ji.tH1,no11
�;!:.. J�ll-;l,/\Ji:;/!,A.;k:lij,frl 1 r1<J ·1° '.'.!-' 11n ITII 1:. is: 11J.i fiL IW;!:./til•�• zi. 11:;/'fr t1� li"t->-J .i:t, 1:lc.:<t fl!!.fil!&:/.!t-1'!� *I nittit.:;bfs
1t.\X!UJ<J tfl t� !

:.t�A:��-***�Y�fflM�� *��-Aii.�4��fflM*�
ml.Jixliill]: i�MtJ:*! �lll.�:f.li;ff ](1��¥.

微信:13522209444 5
Test 1


-fft:9:-:IJ�fiJ;::fU:ib�f{!;�tJL;l,w, :11.l:� I§ (J< Jlll!.11:1m1lt::k-J.1l.�11�ff.Mi1tonft<J1],JJix o 31:±;tEHt�mJtJf� ii!Itft

�ft�tJUM W ii1J rj, ,(., i1tl JnJ tU Mi Iton (l<J l1i\:fililfflt�.:filJJ * o 1M itiJ A .in %M,'f ifHI: JLf'�:iF If/I (t<J�ff , ::lt::1ct * FI i'.l<Jf;Jt
�ltitHr 7 fMllli.WJFl � .iiTI ·iJn:1)flf)'.:��!1iJ *u<.tx.iiTI ,t:&:;1-J :&:.i.8. 11f n\;ff B9�!ffi-3cit!i��Jc;.&1Jit�F-'li\"=I:. ra O 31:±Q
�nl.;�f 7 ,f-fl x- tt�{il.! rr'i:, Rn-HuHdlU.: tt43c1J {U!t'IY ,lfLJJ1.1c 13 ( Airport Shutt le Bus) • l!.iff Fo JOl1TrAJ illi 7 TT� Err
TkrB<.t-l;JJ�,�fr' L@,a �t-i:* 1:x,Ff r-.1c��ffii§". J.ltX•tifi;(i:.-fc*i/3::k��•h'fi}lr ���1£r-16t1Lrni1Jtravel
centcr/agcncyH�n-t(1<.t ffiix,tffiii',;J.iffi . ffiiclf-11.!. if; lfh.\::

transport infom1ation xillH)lf ,l;J,( lf'i iiWl1 ,i:.,) whereabouts adv. :(.EfiiJ:l1J: II. 1"T�, rMi
airport 11. -!=JL:1$1 departure ll. ,•�3f
rent II. ffl� v. fEl depend on lttW=f
option II. Q\;.J'f- night II. tDtJ;E

at least �0,' hang on fl'4�'i'

public transport i�;ttx:iill private address ;fil,,A. Jl!UJ I:
comfortable adj. tT-.ii1H1<.J reserve v.J:Ui�
cab II. /J:'f.J-L'f:: liJJ Olli .l,!"1*
available adj. 11f m l�<J lime of arrival t1J :16 lit l'iiJ
greyhound II. ),k�(U�± baggage II. fi�
shuttle 11. tl:i!R rt .,.1:; fvt* �tJL rare II. :UlHJ
budget 11. T.m3+ in advance -miru

airport fee t!UM,� a1Tival II. i1Htr1i ( .il!:ttl:, fti:its)

international airpon IJll l!if-;f:JLJ-m customs ifif�
domestic airport Flll 1;J.1;f:JLJ-m gate/departure gate �VLCl
airport 1enninal +JL�{�;f:JL� departure lounge f�VL'.ii§'.

intemational tcm1inal !Ttll-!ir-l!NJL� Oight number t,[J3f.�
international departure !Ttl iw-r1taJ F. d� r.u: a1Tiving Crom I� · · ..·
domestic departure !Ttl rAJf;JJl.fJF.IH y,lli scheduled time (SCHED) f:ilfrrft-"jfii]
satellite II. Jllli� acMd time ¾�fltl'EiJ

6 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test J

delay transfer correspondence 1 \ •f� ii£

"· j[kk
boarding "· -t<HJL nothing LO declare -1'',fn�ltX:
currency exchange t'fffi5l�&l:
baggage claim fi1:®il&�

l. In that case the quickest and most comfortable is a cab and of course there are always plenty available. ii" .:lllk
i!.:f ·l"ht ;JL • .1iHk:J\1,ff·iH0Jl !±1 ;f.!14- � t,./; tl.! ;f.ll.4-4F ·,t :&. J/.i-tri 1J o �'PJ 1 1 1 l'l�cab:tEJ§·j.ii:r\,:IU!1Hl-Hf:IM tt�
'.',!;'. 1Q·;1,;:r,u:;u-1:3:J f<l ;fll/Ju� )::-¼::i:t� if\-1 I I F10taxi.iJ.ll 'i\1'�1f:J1xcab. Jl fll£Jll!-J�,g<�f.lll: petrol-gas. film­
movie. lxlJJt.-l'f�E {1:U: .5-J 1 1 @. ib:rl::CT:mi: !Xf:i:.t9rni·-!ai J�Jt!fi: U+ 1 I 1 (1��'i/&::f lfil ri7.JY[ o
2. l think for that kind of distance a cab would be way beyond my budget . � '.t4.tf i!A.fli/J ;le. �1 ���-ix.� :±l fffi.
Jl,;k.!, i Jit&l: ·'way beyond"�11''tt ......(.::j, lt ......fj/j/r,ll!tl\", ':"p-=ffar beyond, fylJf.ln: His exam resull
is way beyond my expectation. flt/r-J ;¾J-1,\J,t, )JUI:.� <iHviJlJ. l i% :±lit!,
3. But whereabouts docs it stop in Milton? W-.R-1.f. ,(£.Milton•JJIIJIL +;:��? whereabouts -ii,J:iill'ri\'f:fX1iJ'l,ifi]fo]!J!
ill- tP' (r� Jt I* 1T (ii. o
4. IL's a door-to-door service and it would suit you much better, because there's one every two hours. i!.,l#.ili1]
flJl!l¾. ,lriJl½JlU!i."-1/i�. f!;'Jj/J.fi}-!li-,J,!t-t:vk�-:ilti.$- door-to-door.::jc:Tfii1i· S(:Ji::·'fV-tnW', nT:flllfi�f.;;1-J
".!j::flx't 11 (1<.JJl!!.zn". �J.-'.!l; 1.:m�if-;il'"!f'*�flj 11 (1<JJl!!.n I I 0

5. Ycs, that'll be line, provided I can book the return trip once rm there. "f v). , Jllq!Ht, ✓<; !k�- f1J 1J�;fh:. iibr
J1J ro,f!#., providedJlt!l.1:-11:t/llij}j i/t¾:$:�fll:J)-. 'r,J . .fil �1-1" f!. �" o

4: '1'i Iii .!mA0,'mlliU�f'�-fil:Jf���SECTION I tl: J:!l\!J�iHJH:i fi<JW..!ilh1' A (Jef,@!,tHIH form )R&i �±J'i� EI<.J#f.�-/,�
11 1.:£12'· 7') 1!,fJ,. Fl WJ, Jt!J./� �J;. 11i!��J111 Wfif,i�•. mr �tl:fi:l!fr s,Ht liUL'.�ic o
l . IJt-X !MflJBut it will cost you. m (1<.J,tl:fil �tt1fi\ jJ.t. lh.)j,�Jlexpensive, 181 JitrfJ :J;rl��Ui!Z itfii,t�tM fll:ti-:. cab
.!i_xtax i ,11:Ji (J'�.xW1� tl:'fcab, �Ji! ::1bct�iii-: I', tll 'iZ fl� l>'Ht· . nfri� ! h -=f�.1=. :'J.1 �t � !HU:1• ;;l!J-ii\'.mi x-t:l! 'i" i � -1'
=11:•,IJ\·W,t� o
2. ��1'.ltl:$£ II goes directly from the airport here to the City Center. Ji.#:..\A.�Mh-ltitl 'I' 'P ,..; ��q�nJJJilI,
.H � 11JrrrT:S¥ T Jff..Jc. #JtiQ: ,fffil'f.iillxHW'i
3. ...so you would have quite a wait. ,IEE�lil'f-1'Tfir/,quitc a wait( "'.1'1lH, )� r::liH·JJ Ul· 1nit-/i:i:1:�� 0

4. */ifil;IJ;�Jf:-'1'xji;. 11Jr7j1-f� 7 Jff...x .mr1J (1� It's a door-to-door serviceJM'....f-�fH#:1\��:;lg door-to-door o :fr �31;·
.1=.:i.itMX1g, 1iJfi�;fillEIJ-J-1'1/.��i!E;door-10-door(l0Hlt.&.fll ?7i' Sf... fQ (�t,'t,Jjiz ii<t�JJii:X rj,fr1flHlH1J(1<.,;&t ff�-1'@.H\
5. ,W F'1 1 (1<.Jneed to/n(j(filJ:},11., But you do need to reserve a seat. g-!1,';'.IJrJiirITT��lt(!<Jreserve a seati,,tnT� 7,
'.:Yi r&·ll! nJ t:). flJt'EJreserve !
6. /Jrt:X: th l'.l\\7lHfifl:fl'i.\J 16th oroctober. {.]_}'[ l!ll ..Rf'.� /l\-l�•�i• IJT:l iIIHl<.J ft,.l,;:!,,f�.i:Efr-:=tt'.ti?tff oh, no, sorry 0 �;£:
�·iJ\'IJf/kJr:-l\· .!Jl(1<J�.i:fN1'1i1f�. Fnillif�lllH1<.Jilli'i1l·:,HMiiJlillFJ<J�::� o ;,js:,Wil!.;!H11J1t. Fnillifl.1:HH,l\\T -1'
ff: Cif(J (1<.,11,tr11J: l aJTive on the 17th. t�if.- I::. -F )t. �llillJ,iz ii<,'! 17th of October 0
7. Jfr"i:Sc;'c:fi'rft/1112/.( . .>l.� ,' I', 12 }!.� 'l" o t.ld!(!JW.tiJ!' Rf ,'I\ fl,,\l(l�f,'r.\2,.1-J.i:E(if(I��0 ffiij3.. w:x q·, (J<J::((±�:ll/1\ 12
lX ll-tiff iJ.IJ_Lfr, �11�fPr.�--'K�m:ko TJIZ ittl:Q111l.J1U:Tri(1<J1J�� o
8. ti:.ti:::f� i&:JJi.Jc o<JtlH/Hi'LQ. "p" /9r .i£1--� , .(1:1JP .&47, �f�(i0111'11�, .!l11*lrrtX1t:t;lf EJ. -JE'.N-iJ..tilJJi';lt:Vt-!iJ o
tUJ 1:f* /::J;-Jc7i o

微信:13522209444 7
9. /J;t}CJ�:W/l',JJ.l\T�;$' tl::tt lfr'GJ1&:cr-u11 nf -hll:fliU�E lj·/jI} 13:,tJLJ�u..lt"il?/·.j:JL�'I I r1<.Jj,jl:1},\\.lt;JJ'J*'.q 0
1 o. � 1 o:m r�J fFfHH� \:C.} � II: i.¾\ T 16ffJJ&* . ;! :t-E -l!J·ut 'I , Jf••,f� � 11!. y �- �tl''f nJ l�:cy %81.vJ&'.=-.r-: Ja-Jvcf'i�!H� EL*

1Jli�4'ii1l/.=f iiiHixr!.UIIJJ\l T !/&�r:,mstti� k: f-t� l;klJlt . {Et/J;.l] .i:1: f:!j\ 1 I ,g l.:i;�ri.'�::!Jlf.R:.l,'!/& ifiJ1[(J<J�IITJ1il!JfJ. f=l
i':t:�,ljil\' 11 (1<H'/imflc'.:jc:


/1((fi· ll:::<.J- !'I :5-1-fl<J))] 5t . ft.!l: .fll ,Fi I JlliUbll:h rt,'ii �mJ'111'-�I o JlijJ l'fi! � (J<J �h:t-1:illi �{l· ��� FI c. (1<J 11-tWi3F(£ rl! i,Jr
lfci lf1JJJli*' � 1• /!nW:J®!�'rf.r�T/fJ1(,x-=fh��J'f'l:(J<J-@?i1i'&'(,l!J.&.Jll�* nf !V.J[�h\.JR'ftrr�J�.llX, z.frrrff 1;),.uHi�
;ff PJ!i� 3i.A r fo', .il.!:fi·W ifU PS Camping1'1<J.:!::1t-/n�ll,t- 1:1 (1<.JJt!t�Ht'i (E®':#11� !I!!,. !j#J)1J.fil:JJfl@J1 JLfi't t1rntE�J:1:3c�
B<Jifi 4/J. nf IV. ii�# L(:..(iJ�.::r--/1J,1JUJll•t-11:•i1\'ii.U.•� /!11;\.R:fu]i�fuz�tJilU)JJl!f�·.li!R1 i:t·IJf!f:?='t�� !� c. r1<J�i.lf£JUJ.oc, J:J.1i /lll
fial!j;iJHIJ-�llt)]t(1<J�WJ O Wi?'l·(1<J/Jiirn't-i&1:r.t l!!.fi�<ttr'rfi'!l(l'J<jll•J' f� 1I I MHr:t-1:.mf:J� o

audience 11. �A enthusiastic adj. ;l!.H'..,(1<J

background infonnation �•y:,;tf,'.f,!J mime II. f�iJJ�iW' IMF.�;IJ;tfiii!
retai I chain 1ft�l�1Y competition II. tt�; fJ;:/,\\
camping II. �'/J model making ,1$lJ�� tM ft
campsite II. �-AJI!!. child-friendly adj. Ji f9! JLii'ffln JU �J
continental ad). :kl�lj(J<.J occasionally adv. f/.1!1 �),
exclusive tldJ. i' "t'1H�;!,1Ja<J; J!l!,{f(i� insurance II. f�ll.�
majority II. )c:.�fll reservation 11.T:wi.T
expand v. .Jt*; :Jf 1K recommend "· tmtt:
pa11icularly ad,•. tstml.m- regular ad). t<:·m·(1<J; ):EJUJ(1<J
mountainous adj. at Llt l'l<J . Ll1 JI!!. /1� special offer t#,ff)'
region II. Jl!!,p( luxury 11. if- it. n�
considerably adv. ,II" 'Ill.JI!!. ; ,I l�JI!! tent II. ljlf 1lfi
original adj. /Jif.J/{i (1<.J ; Jf,t* (1<.J standard adj. f;r-l(Ul <J 11. -t,f,1/t
superb ad). ·f&�J(1(j. -mn<J high-quality adj. l,':iEB:hlEl<J
facility II. ij¾:JnlI barbecue fl. :m:t%#t!.!; �:t-1;-
occupy 1 1. r 1 ,".fi'. r 1 i JI l : ·h� =f blanket II. fjg-=f•
take advan1age of ;fi!JJ I l mop II. J!if;(ji, -tfil�
wcll-qualilicd ad). 1:':i:llt /.iJi:(l<J bucket II. flfl

keepsake n. rc/:1·�Ai', marine life i1'JfM.=.!/i11

knick-knack II.
1 1
1j,'({ti 1 11 1 meadow II. NOil!. tit�
local guide parachuting II. WJE<i:t

8 微信:13522209444
Test 1

ramble II. �VJJ package tour fTfil.ti'lH'T

rai11forest "· :lt.HlHfil;t�, spotlight tour � rj� fiJ1� i)j'j
reson II. )fE!l!J., '/j\"-�� outing 11. �:0'i�Hlj,

I. The company started twenty-five years ago. It actually opened as a retail chain selling camping equipment, and
then twenty years ago. it bought a small number of campsites in the VK, and began offering camping holidays.

/�Jj ,(f .254-»t oltit..' il&-?ll J; k i! '9s J't. 'h" Jf] J!-flii :iHl[* � ill) 0 2 04-1Jtf 1ll WJ 7 � 00 -,J,-¾jl �;;t 1.f ;1\1!, }i.' J,.1...Jlt.
,t .Ji[; � ,g-�t;. J.lt:ifi .:lk ¾
2. We've upgraded all these Spanish sites, and improved them considerably from their original three-star rating.
� 111 t'.,�fr� 7 f,J(:t,f i!J!t.tlfiJ!l l1-��*·q·, �./!t#.1rJAl.fi.t.<,iJ -=-!.'L�./�f1) 7 e ;k.A,Ht-
3 . Each day kicks off with a spo11s match , perhaps football, or volleyball, followed by an hour of drama for
cvc1yone. *.k,til y;.(- /i'-#-1.f tt. � ,t.Jif;, of fib'bV,jt� ::tf--tiF.1,Jt, .:t...lf; .fJ1½1'f- +- ,J, at MJ JIXJs•J�i:ifi o

kick off�-lli";JfeR'', Jl,,\l;(:Ei! 1'-1� ift JL-ifi- TTf Jf.J:(:Eff:fiiJ frffii3IH1f 4JJ>ti'r(14.J :JHft, � �)dli'.2-m·J+l:iX-1'-ifi.ltlr�
m rifr ;;/J El�fFMl o

4. Children·s evening activities usually finish at 9.30, or occasionally 10, and from 10.30 holiday-makers are
expected to be quiet in the areas where there are tents. � -i-117 fiii-ftQt i-l.i;/J :ifil. •)�"9 }1_ .f ft t-, 1:i; ?i".ff- I OA" AA.
I0,>?. . f�,J,I< .t! 1K .if 1'f 1!. *#�,It O holiday-makerm"J.li'./11,1.;?;·". tE:,j\: 1nJll1 -W-/ (J����jJIIJt ll!xfl��Tifl; ffi
ml(I�, make holiday-!'lia<Jit,tllk"JJrflll" o
5. As a regular customer,you'll be kept infom1ed or special oITers,and your friends can benefit from ten per cent
off their holiday, or book a luxury tent for U1e price of a standard one. ln return, we'll send yqu a thank-you
present, which you can choose from a list of high-quality items. 1f j!J 1(� .i:-of v.J. I� ut 7 �t4Uf14.f 11!-i{, i;/J a1)'f't
&,$fliJMLfil,(f.��-##.fil�4ff&.�o �$�9¾,4¼of��#$*1!M�•�m�•*
1! ,ff :;lJ S-til, �-/11½-iJ:ft�-it-+ �$�61J ,J,;/,L4f;, vJ.flill'!li4t, keep infom1ed of "*ifi, � .... · ·-.1[7
ffpf.", �1'-lil.1�1,!Hfc o {§i]�II: Please do keep me informed of the latest news. +..'i--%��il:�-1-1> .�i\½ .i,-i� .�1,o
6. Inside, a box of games and toys can be found, and children·s tents can be hired if required. Ill> . SL 1111 ;f.f -�i#-:i.ll
:>f"Jit.J!-. $1./R 1;�a�-it, if. of vJ.;fJl}f) Ji.,-tf-i'!Uf
7. All tents have a fridge,and if you want to spend the day on the beach, for example, ask for a specially designed
PS Camping cool box. which will keep your food and drinks chilled. Hr;ffM•rlt./!i!Jl;f.f;,J<.fli, i!t�o./R1tltR.,(f.iq:
ilft.1_i).'j 1,1}- k of y;.(4:,-·i'- PS Camping4.\' })•lilt it Mi 4-ffl, �of ll..J. 1!t1$aiJ1zJ'.,.:>f" 1,k. ,:PH:l<c#;,)<.;;y: o
8. There arc excellent washing facilities at all our sites, with washing machines and clothes lines in the central
areas, along with mops and buckets in case your tent needs cleaning during your stay. ;!� 1/1 Jik 1'f a/i iti./4 .?..:K Jl;f.f

•�-fi!i����- t�IK����"f"��-.if.1'f•�����-ffM�$S4:-*•��M*.1!o
facili1y-t!11:Jtl1"F�]&, frf'i9:�; i.�Ji11I", if 1iJ" +fi"fllHV o

:,j\:1Hft/t ttSection 21'!�.,fl-:liJxft&fl'ij;:

I1-1 6flfil:;kJ .Q'! -z
* fu:J'.!.;fH�Mtl:1( �ii\; �,W-!1!1lH�1} JLiftl!::k::kJ:f:!Jlll o

m -�- tttll:lU1� , fl<i :'J;f r:i: mim .::r '1


11. 1 J( Yorganising holidaysffi "i.JHH/i� th'r . .!':J JJ;\ X � 3!1JEI� offering camping
holidays;l½fffl-1'-JJ:!J!., �Jtt��@ �;1!201¥ 0 TfiiZlJIT H '1�i'.llJ2s&:1�{:l'l.RJfH� fflf!J Elnu::hlt fWJt(1lJ:1fll&o
12. #!7(,@i.xfilff-=f/lfil.:P 1�3 (t(Jmost . E'itXt'Ji?iilJ: France is where we have the majority of sites. of-1-,,,(f.i4:-001'f�ill

微信:13522209444 9
J lit1 ���JI!!.. MajorityE.i mostlnHl'l'',M;t fi<J" o Jt-ftl!.JL1-ili;J_w lJ1;(£JJ;'(:SC fJ 'Ill J,fil7. fll □ tJliJC��.(HldFJ o
13. *J'&if):xfe. �ll*��ffj;r-1J\,G,iiJt19:1fJ!llli!Hift:SCiM:qfi$.t'.tHM{ffl o /ill El fr1H1<1�1.½J�.Xll�Jll�tW:li·s{Jrfa;IJ $
����mt1:l:Jir::SC'IJ /1<.Jeach day,T·nsports match. j'{jjji\;J]Iij 1 .>l.�lltll!!.lr\J:J).! 7 football, �l�J-JA:;/'.l��o j\;
f;Jc , :fii' nt JH11,�Jt , 125PJ.IW17G � 1i1Jt u� filt-'1iJ: x fill,f'f JE fJ tt � . ifli JFH1'� drama ( 5t\tl.i:1J :'& M ) :;t :lik 4cij: �fi114liill
fj· (�] ffi igJ ..
14. JJR:SC:iif�l�ll\=:�:®:r»lJ:tJll\m\(iYll•tl'i1J, Tfii�� IOlF�z1ngfHI\ 7-"!'quiet, xt1.U�-=f (1<.Jno noiseo A, B
:®t§i ,'+IJ.ma<.J MfaJ�ii'!i;'/Jtt.W: (l'�llt!'i:YJ o ,iX,T1 l1 /m� �1, ttntltii�tE7f:fifO���, #,/t)�Ul:®-r-r-f&Fn-1- o ficP.t! �If
*t#,#.. irn.'ilu'-w1�.mB1:�1�.@.txttMEiSt.'V:i o
15. !.filxft:JJ[�� , q�� �� � 7 Ifft l'fil 7'J, fi9·U l�.illt. *J=i
JM Vff-.:c.lBJ(19 x�
o IJll 7'1-f1%&ilft- -f:lltiHI�•:: )(��ff�t flf.! ,

M#J!llITiiN,m�u•-�WABillfi�*-*ffm��-m•�-��M-�o �:SC��--�7
"tin:W:JiI�! � & ,(,r ili/Ji . &:,�.llif't fyi YE (1iJ R•H� J: 1�H!& " . .i.\\; lJilA'' B :lt-5f"dJ.il.& o
16. ,4l:JW�11-Y.EBiJ:tfMt. \Ii�J.filffl'Oht:SC::filli/W!<� o /Mi IJ f1i] (:1<.JHJitt¥JlJl:&3!Ht1Jn�fii'l9Jijj�4li1UflJ1-�z..; ',Tri
�i3::X�'.;!iH4Hf.$i'-;41.'.AJ.i.iz1{J(Jijfi�iL.lf. fffi7f:;fil,fi!r::t{U,}:� o Jil;J'.9i(Jij =:.tffi1tf .@,;(:EJJ;'()(-tfll11 l!frWi' ,&. , (!J.!JR)t J1H,1J:
0ll ffFiJ��ft'!.Ht<.JJlJl:ti n:IL-!friix�:nH'J. 1N-Jill 1�lc�(1<.J f,t,m/4i:3l:�i�1p[c�, illift'!.:2jl.:A 19�, WJ
riJ�1!HW-1Hfk.mt1<1�L4M o {F!l%'fll.(1<.J. ��Jiil�:fil:Ao

■ t
fil'Fn4ili�.r.m:®t�iW 1,H'l,{:lHl 1 ur,8i?taiJJffi El . !IZ-mll::@: fOlJJit:l'C; �ii\ixt o
l7. !m:SC: You can borrow a barbecue..., borrow�IVl:J.lld/�Jll o !tll:!lHlt1li'!l);J79:1Hl.Hfi�lriJt.l]JJtl %�. 2=jC:m;1.w
t't{Jon requcst!TTlSl o
18. ,$:J'�jf�l3t11=�f.·:Jc, JJilX(JiJinside:tl.r(-rJlc:tifi1J .1", �i;;:�11)tf!:,;$:gH1<.im-1iJwhen it comes 10 our tents..Jll:Jlll.«ff
7.1-1dlill�t£$lcrfi1J-1 o
19. EitJt: ...ask for a specially PS Camp in cool box, ask for *f!JJcool boxlJJ'.1i:;jj:7f::U!1J�, �-�.iif�;)<;,J-4l1::fr Ej
20. *,W�tJi7G* · ffi>CJ;(1l�ftlH in the central areas,


-{fz"�'Jlli�f11-(J9�9ifix-tT)}.J���t:.r�J v�J{i)fillfi�lli�. Y:H:J:ij1 1 l1 �Vifi�[lrM��1:rJ%lf'.itillfi�fnj. 11 (liJ.(:E

.:f�Zt��t(1<.J�!llli..'�.;tyfl�jJ .&%.-tiffiiill 1¥1 f1iJi'� o =it.&1/�' J!..l!:ff ::r-;1.iu.&. ltx-t-t-1* m I:ilHr'lt-Jlll.. fG1fttfffl�
)J B9ff1 DJlJjt�llA, af'ii�fr,{:f .A(i0.-d'fl�,f11Q1Jxt.. J!,-:J-)i11H1'.k'Jct'.10 'm'J!ll o x..tt;i;-rJ 1 �R 7-@'lil'J.!ll.�#11 (10tfll
f)-1);1.W, (yiJ!tllifl.tJ(,G•Jm�.&fi::Jg�. tJlf'Jt�•W, 1bll�:SC1-t �qir, D

workplace II. [ 1'f-JJiJJYr attitude II. �Jlr

individualism 11. � A.±>l diversity II. §t.J='H.£. it:n'
family business ,$: !'iii 1i?:.ill!. behave "· fi�. �:fl]
multinational company l!!f Pi<li�FJ personality 11.-i�
fundamentally adv. �;.41.'.J[!i. gender n. fl:�Ji)
contribute v.做贡献 variaLion JI. ;)¾_$f.

10 微信:13522209444
Test 1
encourage \I. Wi_/JJ)J co-opcralfou 11. 1H'f.
creativity fW.ii!t-11
ll. con fom1ity 11. /ljyi}_A, /llV.A; -I:\!:i'.£
unfortunately adv. �:#;JI!.! personnel department )l_!JJ£"Ml
conllict II. �,1� applicant 11. �ct ii'f)I_(�)
utilize I'. ,fl]fl l. fif:!ffi psychological adj. ,C.,J.filq�i'.J'�, ,1YIDL.t(t(J
identify V. i;!J}I]; J;l�i}... IX:,t convince II. m,n!l
in fashion JtLff , ME fr overrate v. iHrttil. thfti
neglect V. �111rr' .�.t.li'. demonstrate I I. JlhJ�. ;&�
responsibility II. �-ff. l{Rg� recognition II. 1',A'iiJ' �i}..
individuality 11.1' ·���. �!l!t:'Hl!:, 1' .Ntlia@t priority ,,. 1JtJ'c. Vt;ttJl

flexibility II. �ffd'.£ upgrade oneself .fJH� �I :fli;

adaptability 11. Jlt@•l1£ inspiring 11. i'isi�*A,C.,(t<J
competitive adj. ���?,'!!(J(J motivation n. t)J./'JL
team-work spirit r,r1 II.A1HHi'itil1 workaholic n. T.ft�E
a fat salary ti�Al'iM.cf:=.. working environment T f1::J.'F:i.:fl
sense of responsibility :i}lff� work overtime 1m:f!F.
material gains ¥Ahl!1�F j!:9 social recognition -t-1:-2:i}.. riJ
promising future ffu�*:!(f promotion opportunity t!UH�L�
brigbt prospect JY:;IJfj Ft<J 1i1j)��

I. There are lots of reasons but research has shown a lot of it comes down to personality. ;f.j" ,ff<. i ;f: Ja! o� If[:� -1!'.
.6Jf1.:..!. 0Jl � 'F <iii ;k_-e����. -t·t�;f$. 0 itffi1�!.ITTJ'(l:-lnJt'l':f1J(J%ehave differently; come down to fJ.:J-1
"C'tr'HJl, �*�lth1······tk:A£, ,f;t{1fff!C f· ··· ··" o
2. Well, currently teamwork is in fashion in the workplace and in my opinion the importance of the individual is
generally neglected. m ,w,(£. .X.1f 'F -i%. 1� 0l IY--.¾1f, 1�-tf.���-1'-1f. o!i 1lt *•!i;iil¼:i&�•;j.Jil.. 7 o

3. What managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a situation and are not afraid to
accept the idea of responsibility. -i'J.'E¼:·t*�fr m E,{r{;.J:.1f�.iULiE.JJi\�fili.qJ1T�. i!!.4�.+fr�;f,,;f:•ta441:·tl­
fraii A.;(j- J:. take the lead ;&;7:7"®!J'c, 11;:.::J,. t:J.!J-ft,Wtl'' o
4. ...J think one of the most important tasks of managers is to consider the needs of the individual on one hand and
group co-operation and conformity on Lhc other.�iJ-.;9 -t" .1£¼ 1\l �*6/ifr�-'7i do :l(_,J'r �-1-#-91 .X. 6!J 't
,t, _,ii -'7ido*;l'r ,it 0l fHH;-1f J,Uic.- on one hand ...on the other)'J:;l']''-J'f ffii ······ !/j-;fffii", .itfttw-1
i Ji°:fHl<J�l'i�o
5. It requires creative thinking on the pa1t or management to avoid tension. •t 't *ii!i.ii 'ir .1£;t-6/i i1Ji:Hi,W, � ,R
iiil\t '.If,- i!Llk. � on the part of... t;:J, "1F.··· ..·(I�-JJ",
6. When the personnel department is choosing between applicants they need to look for someone who's broken
the mould and can think for themselves. � A.:f-e� fl 4?3lf'/f-H-t. ;ii. ii.,tf./il.111;<::r,- 'F ..Y..t'\littl}-tr z.it t,· �.jf-fiUlui.
,W,,J'rary A. llt�f/-11'" 1,t'.1,1 T.(1<JT1ti�{11t-t-l;( lt!.;fil:0if:•nn1teH1½. Tfij*�i�fil.i1=f 5fl\i/.l'Jlifl flA-frit.4;flf'e:e\1. T FI

微信:13522209444 11
f� 0 break the mould ;t;'.i:Jrtr�'iltr,Ji1.", think for onselrfi:JJ"J1t.rL,'rr!,�, I� c. ff.tll �� , o
7. In fact, for some organizations creativity and individuality may be the last thing they want to sec durtng
working hours! ��..I:., ,i'f. � */�
J) i1J it•ti.:t,,Ji'-,ti,l,i'f. .:r:..fj, at fa) P'l ijt ;r- fl.;f1t;ft i 1WJ a the last thing .-t�ffi
"filtFnf�i'!(J ijHi1f . J1:t*'m.f-r-�1} n'Hfii::-flirillln fi\1{1'.lY =JJ o r.

*-w�·lJ\'�.!l\EJY¾'!{�-5.i���:.ZFi]:ill;lri;!hl� �-He. imJJriD rj

IO J!Jr;(cf (1Y.IJ1�JmB.J JilJi;lJt]"(Jl...ll, * HJ, .Jm 11tt-nn

2 I ~23 :ill ;/,J J:j't�� Jm a

21. JJfiJ'l.JfHI-JE.i:m-1.: -1-fllnlfl�Jl(!. ii>] ideas.ZJA"��Nf!but it's also their attitudes, butZJr'i II-\ F.,\\(J�J��;)t;i .E(ef(I�� o
22. W.)tJc:jJi!:fl]T 1'-f*�Ulft:fri'l<J-1-lffilJ;!]! personality. )l=frl 1 /I \J:31\ T; t:t;&tHIJand the olher factor is
gender *nJ� 53-1-ltljl{�,l:,J¾gender, tll.Jii/e;{ll.;��o
23. ff ,tg: :.t,: /Mf (J(j /�lj +ff-� rj, ,' H :fl...\\ T diversity. JJf( )t l!! Hi J:l\!. T � if.] , mi I.lit X exposure to such diversity helps
encourage creativityill.�:Ji&,W 11 ij·• fiJrl'nlfl(jdivcrsity(f(j Ut,1.� . dcvelopXt@:J§)'( '11 /�Jencouragc. R,1 Jl:t:;f'.jjHl-f/1-\
��Y.JcreativityWZereativeness o

24-21,WY.Ju\l:Jf.llE. +1rn tt.!Bc··t··'f'

24. W.XWhat managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a siluation ... take the lead
.tlUt�.m Jn Ti'iJ t;JJ£ 7'1 mtE (1<., ®I��- . 1�ff l �- ;!H} a]@·i%,:Jd_U':J B fffi O u\;�Bffi M ,rrr��(!<.,ff tt � fJ!: '
good al teamwork, -,7.;:�r±X!�i.it'i 1 (1<.J�{ �-nUilcJ�JfH!t:-\r-. :iGi'iGl/;jEWx . WiJi&:,%!�./A!JitX o JJ)l'T®I�t;·

:;ti'i�1'A7'1�it§:l T.riffi�4fJtl L�'J-1-il llA i'H�, fQVit:x: (1<11ake the lcad,R J'iGiiJl_,Hfii� /1\ nltY.1tM'tEi'l<J1fll� A. o
25. :®::kl(W.� tE .:r-, Jlfixm
"-1Ii1fi ...... J\- JJ mi .
�'r..rrrth.1)Hw;:;1;· 1£a1J WiWJJUfi . mi B:rffi -5.i mx, r-• fig
ij�Ji.>(�,jf! [TT], tEf�,Wnt� /ILi:Jil.JJ7HJf:BJJ! ,, (1<J�;))Lli1fil�/i2/Ji(x 11\!:!l\T11-� iiiJYUt\ J11n£ o *lillxt;t·�

iWJr[MJ�·)l< tt.!Bci%, �r,;7 ffi't)j}()'(rj, (:1<JtensionY.E�,-w ifr-tttrnT I,'.,( 1/flfrl:'fconllicl o

26. Jlrf)'(Ej �J1iL®:::kt'.l<J�JJ1tfcf f )t[TT] (J0who can lhinkZJ§---'j'- ;{;l;for themselves. 51-1-;lil::independently o 117i �
�i-l:;/:J" I� c.!J,l;;l;".f1l"�!l!3t}.t1,ot;-". 1i111� . ��l.rL!�,;i'J'", lfil>l. o
27. �J'.WAl'fmtt 1i7:i1HliffJ. f.e<Jo&Jll!;/H}\'ilJPWH1<.J. mi:iG��g. .fJll* FI £}(1<.Jf:rY.-1:iVJ\\ o !JitJt{10this happens right
at lhe beginningX;fJ.i\IT ,ili;J)jleneourage cooperation early ona C�JJ!(J%naneial ineenlives:t/Nil::i]i'l<J�llj�. !Jj
J'crl· 1 R1t��: and this isn't always just money( jj;:Jf:;;j,,t),f&/ l (.lltli't:lD o

28-30-/1fil 7'1 J}'{� ,'m o

28. ,W-=f rl 1 (1<.Jrecognise-1fi.lt1:�xrl I ,��}31\. J.E {.!Lt-t.4&�$., 0 /ffi-f (1½*:i£:li!llfttt'J�%-�JEJJ:i:t' fil>*�T�:
J.fil�-ffr�� (J�TW ::JcM, Ell : Jlllfffl{, ffi. T. :f11 � liiJ ¾..illt.Jt ft o
29. :lt,:l'JHl<.J��JJj,:Jt II', :fl...ll T rll;ji!A: o �;-ix �,ltf]fj there's a need to increase prolil, Z!i=i' JUefO � T managers may
have to give priority to profit. *'lJ:liiri'�f)f:;% �1/[;prolit, l!!WUib'MFHfr!±l::>&:JE(!<.lprolill:�1-�.ln Tl'l�TIW 5!.
_i:l!:;g .fil!J}:- o
30. )Hi 1:1 fiilffJ.Yl�IF.i�flf{,tk;f !-¼ fi:iJJ,ill �:it rYH� -1:&'Ji lj'Jr-Jlli� ffli/,'{'[£�·1/tt!n T(�J miJIEtrT�i'i. :5:t J)IJJ'H Tstress-t11
strain:i! X•J-lfil5( iii] . X.fis:Wi-'i'- iriJ(l'fJ.filffjl(,:JiJ:fifT{,fffiJ,::fill o

12 微信:13522209444
Test 1


-f_!L:tc-1:tE-1'- tJ,:@riJ F i -J',��1 r ltiJ 1ifr�1l'ifl:(:E�* lt}!Ji.� ,LT(l4f'JJ �(�Ffitff:J;IJ: 0 :(:E�j* ttJJi.(14.q�IJ;l# r 1�
]i"�:iv,= i; EY .li/c,6�1Jiu� ;f-rl-fi�11E O JJ.il{ x;J-��f�11i'OYJ111Wf.-J8 i- LiMJl(: tUJi..A�;fl] J H5!,� � iillix;J-� =fillfi·i�.!¥! B4it!£
� , ff! i�t�1'f i-'F � t1<; i� rn ;i;11 � Ji: (i<J JJ\lf#.:&� fl� �It :fJJi wr,it- ti<J o j!,@A3· r1, ill ME� :i=r-:&F□ jf 1m f1J T �F-1i'�1ca41iiJ
,W-.AJJWJO�� o itiHJi +'f lii]l!Jr�:Jh\11\ T-��>l<", ijll!Jcj�x!\1.ntj·r1Yff��:l.JJJ»i. �,lt;;1·fi�!Ii:./lf Jt!d)tHf':i��Jtft

seminar 11. ( iMU )1.:;f:li JH·t� accurate adj. TEfif(J (1(;

archaeological ad). ;;ltr1,(J<]. �-j' c;t(1<J identiliable adj. nJ�hA.l'l<.J
fieldwork 11. !J!f:$11,;i.;Jl!!.illil� unrealistic adj. �F-:J:11!� l'l<.J
fantastically adv. g(!°!j& Jl!!., tJ.HfJI!!. researcher II. lvf1[)\_{n
introduction II. ,fl;H,1i. fl'ffi complex adj. :i:B'it /1<.J
contemporary ad). �VH9. �-f�EIY unintentional ad). �F-MltJ:a<.J' :;f;:1'£i:EJ(j
interpretation II. ifffl F�. J:llli01f. observe V. xJI\�
engraving 11. fib1J d isrcspcct ruI adj. �-i!I'. �lo/.3£
footprint n. ,@;� priceless adj. :5'cfftM1
scholar II. ,}!f:.fi- fragile ad). !ftiJffi J'J�
track 11. $JU� . JiiE precious adj.'f$i)-tB�
mystery II. f•i·','f;; �Ill intact adJ. *lF:&(➔Y. JJ;Ht�z;/1(10. �
illustration II. iJVYl �(J9

field observation �Jl!!.m?lf environmental improvement f,f�Jjl,!:i'

field of view tHr; f.!Vm environmental lapse rate :f,f�jfil lrt�
field size ;:&±1!!. lfil m environmental risk :fif-.!Jl Jxt II@:
field sketching �ll!!.·/Wit� humid climate rmw=crt
field study �±l!!.�� humidity n. imllt
field survey '.JX;J:I!! ifliltt humilication /9'ifll/.llHt( ficJtl)
environmental conservation J;f:1Jl'f!t1-lr' marine climate tfiHl'7°.f�
envLronmental constraint J;F:lJt 11&! ;fitl mountain climate LlJ:111!'7°.�
environmental degradation :fftjjJHt mountain range LlJ )Ii!(

微信:13522209444 13
I. rm going 10 give you some do's and don'ts for our fieldwork trip in April-so please listen carefully. �4ff--:i-%
-ilj: :k. t.-�� 1i1.tf_ 1W tl Wllf· �r '.9<Jl!!:if.\lii- 'f ii.ii::\: 6/J ::f<,;f:: ii£1M:.M1 :ij;:-'9l, nrfftm•fr o do·s and don'ts:{3:jj''�f;\'!(
1':!<.J;fll.:;f lt:ii\'!ll'l<J " o
2. We arc very fo1tuna1e to be going to an area where you can find some of the most imporlalll sites in the entire
world. ��·tit :tiEA 1114ff--:i--:!---t-:k. t. fil!.t�ftitl-J.M?1:-·ll!:-$-Jll 1:-fE-lf.J � �:ltA ary IH�. o
3. . .. this rock art was like a scbool book with pictures 10 teach children about tracks... J!�;& $J f; ;K:itit�il' � �
4. And another mystery-some of these unrealistic animals-that"s in the engravings-seem to be half human. n
5. Many researchers now tl1ink that these were pictures the wise men engraved of themselves. -it- j $Jf 1;:. Aw J.li!,
.tf_-iJ,.:JIJ i!� III it� -�Jl''i a;]{r-1A-l:ii- � e.. ory #-� t1l ..t.¾ a!J. Engrave on/upon !3::;lq"�r?iH11�1];(£·· ·", be
engraved u1 stone �_:;/;J"E,)i:(10 . .:;f nf 5lii..�(l<J "o
6. Rock art is fragile and precious. ;& til f; ;i(�llJlt.iiij �A!lJ:rj,'f
7. So no heroics in Namibia, please! Im ilt,tf.#1.:ilUt.lE.;f--:i-.i!.:/lt.tli! heroicsfl'i(:i.:tf}l!Ji:tllA]'.f.;!SfMJ ):;/i;:fl[!fr_:;/;Jjjx
1efiii], J.mperform heroicsff,\'.i'1ftl'rufHt!!*F,1!, 11 1,��J&;tll!!ctU!I! � B

8. And lastly please don't even move rocks or branches to take photographs-you should leave the site mtact­
rm sure I can rely on you to do that. iilE-i}f ;r-1)} �] .:fa.�« ,7o41!)1�1:rfu]"�Plf!�.t.1-t-f, 4Hil-:i-1�#$.- '.t ;uv1
'f�-ft :k_ t.tHi�1M:.f1] rely 011 sb. to do .w:;;/-J",f� f,llttAf�fl]�!.]�" o

111ml o SECTION 4Jt;Jtif ifi:�·tt-%�(1<:, ialr[ o
3 l--40 ■j;J.lj:t£ o ■
31. l�irlli[,WJ:J?'l-:ff nf �� /1\ f/Jl'l<:1�3 I /ffi. ffiUfilrr (i<Jto Namibia in .ll11£P:;;r-fj�EJi�!ll ,' I\ in :t.Fnll4llf l'l<J¾

f·l·.z- ,�.la, JltJillx 1tnJ1·�j,'j!iiJ. ."/illTTJfiM:t"11•111:i.Jt o IJ:;l .1Jt, � :g 11·1 j/J�JJll�.mx-ni t1<J Vllt� o ;;t,:,Wrl•x•tt'it,WuJ:
fj-7}.j{r, 1JJ�t!Ei}ll] II\� �l;i'{'.i::Jfl<J{� nffi'HBtill1 T.Jl.. ll!!h:wtntral o ;;t,:fi'�,Jl?F-ffrff(-tJ< :Mi B {ljlriTJ:.mif:fljffi
m1JffrwifiJ1t. 1.�XI 1 1· (1<J�,C..-iITJ;(LW·l:'1, RilHi' 7 0-'�:M'¥� o
32. tESECTION 4cj� (J<J.l.li�lmJff-Jt.!::j,WT·(i<J*fl·(llU3t�l/i,;ilij, l� 1..:rji[o help_ learn, tE'f:�rnrnn,triT J:).!)::1Jljfr'J.r
���J��iiil. TITTJi@*:fil:A o ,J,",tX•HilZflJJ};,:J'(/l ·\JJl\(J<Jto teach children about tracks . children¾flfr:-HH!�lB<JA
�, l!!Jltwt�JW §I (1<.,��.
33. m:x�:11'1<.Jyou see the tracks are repeatedM'1 J:J\\fl•ti.ti'�..ly�f.l¾:+f:TI:it=J,fillj��;(-EJlta,J�tH 7, 1§.!ln*f�ttQil]
i11Jtf-l!filB<JBut, IV.&'�1'£/jj(J'( I 111':!<J :J1JJ.-l\X't:/iltlm��1i1H&*t\HJ/J o JJ}l:JtJ:Abut?,I te 7/lf JL1'-i��. ttM1flllit
l!HilJ 7'A'i-1'il0J' i!-tl.!.�,lt;li!::,W f lfrj;f:�.lMl<.J O "(£Section 4 tl I (1(Jl[l%f.lM.i:iill'ii\•x;J-ffiUfillHltkaf.Jfil; WJ' h'f �­
�-)i:W-JH�t� .>)1]1;) Iii o
34. rfiJl!a<Jn•H�iiT IV.�HUI�, J�·:f J,r:J"�(lt.,�tl'E:1"iitH·I o Jlt/lUl:l:1i Hlff /iiJJt·/t!!l'l<J ii¥1i[ f¥1�@'f '1 1 l':!<J half , �
�H!lWi;�, -t!1lll/t�m'!:JtW�1J fl%alf humano �15'1--fil 1 J-f!JIE&.ibbalfl'l<.JJJ:i:t;li!::semi o
35. to conLrol wild animals with ... Ej !KtJtl'l<JU1ey could use...(magic) to control the animalsx;J-JE.. 7i;�,tf;l li'i] l':!(J'.@.IB
)=H;;r-lf/](l(_j,t:,J�**:ii:;7. ��Jli,tJ.J!:Jjj('riJ(i<Jmagic o
36. ,W'f��l.�JtWi'riJiifri}°Jj'.Jvt-/4,j**.ik- JfiIXThis can really help to reduce visitor pressure ij· 1 (1<J1his:J"�1�(1<J
fJt�lru-'riJobserving at a distance, obscrvcEjJMl f/i<Jlooklf/l5l. x-tttz.""F. 7f-x!1WHJ���o

14 微信:13522209444
Test 1
37. JMIT· 1r(10people from that culture-½F.t:it(1�peoplc of that culturc{J�--i'1�in). ,w:}iB*l'llfil o
38. Undiscovered material may be damaged by___ . 11;tl'.crl·• ff$\�J,2y!J T,,F�if!lff:91-�* ( make fires), 1�.fr=r
X l·I\J.'1.,,\l T--i'by doing so(:J!,ftf,1/ix )1}5,�j,;f1FJ� rWl*:&J:J\\(J<J�t"i!J9AJJJ'r. 1JU!:(J%y doing sofi1t(�JJM'.�ri'1Hlii
lfri..)1.l'l'1iEl'T-:9l-:!:.* , TTii l=l.,llHl,i;J};[)'c (10 you can easily bum rj 1 (1%urnil:! TIT I,!) fMlfr ,'· I\ by doing so'i'�H-Ultl �,It�

make fires. �Tif ��Jt{Abuming, *�:t:1:}[t*§im, Jlfff. .g.,'MFfifH! o
39. ®ItE511J11l{M ,@, 11-n1.r1t J.filf(l'f.@ 1�o&� 1'10 ;liblc·fJ� .1.tikli f,f*:ij .� 11k: +�1 �lHl<:J ff:li1ii "fr '>I.. • ltil JIUE � x!,\l,(t'� ll•tf���
.illt!kJ,t�fr;;Jg o /J,i:J'.l.:(10NEVERo&:i2:; lt!..!J!: J� iJ.ii(J(J, Jtlfi!ft0 1r ifiJby�r□ �Y-J�� o
40. Jlt/MPFxlt:. �-= f ..'=jJJJtx:(:i<Jleave the siteic�*IHiil, 2j,:Jill(1�/01fc�JJ.il!;-(£=f ��$�·��!?��1'µif/Jintacti7iiiftt:J

微信:13522209444 15


f2jl:� iiVlfl.:t.
.:i:� ,t .ilt� ,I,&
�*tl A -If. : ;;.!J 1+ :z. � :t$ ,tE. ,ll D{tAilHit
B $.t: Mi;!,/;; i.V-Jl.$.-{1!!.,ll.ft#J 4h u
C -AA: : "l!<dof ,tE. .W, 1)1} 'f fr #J 0
D $9:. : ,i,11 -tj-/r-J Ill/ ,'i, 'fY/.. :it <>

Ell: 1fr .it.k; J "19

prey n.猎物 go way back in 1£!0lJl¥tl

obstacle 11. lli\'i:ul}!fPJ; !ff.Hi!} ancestry 11. :NBt, 1.1:1:*
making dominate vl. & vi. t.2:l1tl, X:fic. t,/lrri'
11. f!;J.ii!r. tMJg: xf.4:
daytime economy (J ;/( (JiJ 1n �E, � '11 ffi' J' I ;/( tf-1 mammalian II. Plti�UYJlr)) adj. 1111f:l1L�1�AiJ
scrape 111 . i&!Jk�l'1'�J; fitl, 1fi-
exploit VI. :Jf ft 11. ��f�/, JjJ¥])[ scrape a livii1g lfd.l�li't Gj!fH!-i� r;!;'
alternative adj. Wi;#�;lt-(1iJ; 5H'HliJ mass extinction :k:t.Jll f�J< g(,j

favour vr. 'r'r 1� i ,(:f ;J:1J r : f!I! r emerge ii1to /I', �..Al/,'w.lmtE · .....
make a go of Jilt:;/J substantial adj. :k:fil J'.!<1, nf �A9
nocturnal adj. (�Jqty )�li'iJfi!Ti;/JJ'.liJ

in the absence of �Z ; 1�fi scatter VI. & vi. <fll.!)�; F' ( -fit Ht-m:
muddy adj. imi'r(JY I¼IK1&
obstruct VI. &vi. ( IIH. )!l;IL l!l!;f:I:, lill.f!!i

manoeuvre VI. �f{/4ci1fi J'j.f&j�i%!r:_: prohibitive adj. :l:1 :5H�i � J'JiJ ; ffdfl -1'� O<.J ;
occur to &� :(£ , i!H.!U!Wftl :i!.ill r.J I rJ1 JJ e:k:(1<.J
manufacture Ill. ilitlm II. fliilm11l1, r"'1� expose to ¥1Af'f
lantern n. -mn: :tr% detect VI. f�Iit: �/ml]
searchlight "· ,11trnfln fraction -tMt; -1],{{Mt

mate 11. Jt!ii\l,\ vt. & vi. ({il!)JjJtj.J�f1qL a fraction of -1]\'tf[l:,t

( -fit )5<:!R bounce vi. &/1:jk/�fli: i'iHH(!�. &!t

16 微信:13522209444
Test 1

immensely adv. �jo·)n·, t&1':.ll!!. weird adj. �·,wll<J. ��(Jg
illuminate vr. f1 ty:j�; !!R:ffi apart from l�······Z5'1-

uncanny adj. ifilA(l�; ;f�•·/1\'u<J referred pain �i; a<J%11n. �l2ffffi

phantom limb
*�· 1:tx�
facial vision [ ,c,, liffi�*t;t [ ,t',, ]{0/1}:
tricycle II• .=:¥tl;)jt.j]l/llj$ rely on
sensation n.感觉,感受,知觉 codename II. K%, ftli!!i

natural selection �I r.ti!l;.W. �J�J;:.!1'f- navigation /1. f:jj(#fi:-

perfect .
111. f!J! . · · · ·5'i:�; �Jl"lf admiration n. M, lJJi>jjt; �IM?�<Jk�
feat 11. JJJ t:i/t . JJJU.fl: underlying adj. �:,jl:i'.l(J. �/ill\□'�
detection II. f,i�jy!lj , f�!� coin VI. -fi:U:il!t; :m.li!t

I. Given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative dayt ime trades are thoroughly
occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade.

fr1rnll�:tfi �,�::k Jm.�.f- o
''Ii.""" ,­
�II i=i ,fi.l:

( I ) given that... � 7=-; ,IH-1f-3I1] ; �n;}[.!-

Givcn that they are inexperienced, they've done a good job.
Eigivcn thatJ,/JfiMIH!UB<Jifstlt!�tl:!iifJ�{'i:
seeing tlial , now that, considering that, inasmuch as, insomuch as, in that
( 2) favourB<JHH1:
favour/'1:1-J&; if/J(J<j}t]j_t:
do sb. a favour f�• �/,Ai: gain favour with sb. il�A�1-�.A..€fpj;_,-.;
fall fi-om favour �tl favours over prices 11t�-f7i'...t
under favour of night ,t!.,ft,¥.a�;/4!;.:jfT a man who acts only in his own favour ,R ;J, m c.. ::i} :t/l. � A
fa VOUrf't /9 i;/JifiJ O<J Jrm.;:
Kindly favour us with an early reply. ilj--'j?- El ci1 jt o
He was favoured with intelligence. 1t!!.kJ,il;.JJ,\t.llJI o
She favoured his cause with ample funds. #A!lt·llllffi!t:i 1f-JI/J�{l'J :ijl: .:lk. o
A teacher should not favour any of his pupils. :t"9ifi ;(-;Ji. it-ilt:i!'.f:E-f-T--t-4: 1..
Good weather favours Ilic harvesting. -lif ;i:.. q_;tj" JJ}J -t ift;k,,j o

2. The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn't know it then, but all the world now knows that bats, or rather natural
selection working on bats, had perfected the system tens of millions of years earlier, and their "radar" achieves
feats of detection and navigation that would strike an engineer dumb with admiration.


微信:13522209444 17
��:% J:(J<.J .!�3$�1!1 T, .!rJ.:(:fJLITJY 11q)1J»-JtB�f!J!:i!.fil1 �*iMilJ7'c:X.I-J'e !/:-. !i'.!Ul;,;(1<.J "·�:18":if�w!rJ.& -Wi--f:tit}J"ffii
--�%-d*���A�Iffl� ■-��nX�o
( I ) perfectfl= ::J.1 is}J if,J l'.l<.J }H r,};; :
• '1!1!%�; l]ll:�; tlfril'li: go to England lo perlecl one's English J,-tlliili 1t-it·1)<.-'f- ,m -¼* 00
• f!J!;,"t:§t; f.i1!3'cr,Jt: perfect a plan �.JJtiH•I
• 'fi!Ifi'j)fil: f]aU�: perfect oneself in every aspect of one's job 14: . ro e,tj-.:c.fj;�;;.fufi:l/jq1y-,uE.-f
( 2) strike sb. dumb ( Exstrikc sb. speechless) 1.1'.�Al�E i::1 :;R;�; 151!u;A El IIIf l::J ;lit
Your audacity would strike your family dumb. 1!,,6�/1!!..k* ;,!J½-iJ:1.t, �A. g) Q!r o � �

Questions 1-5

• @!El WHfr:

!ffi-'% :1Ef1Zim :it 9lx1 a.�

wildlife other than Bats are not the only creatures to face this difficulty today.
l bats... do not rely a§M•-�•mT�T-�Z*�m�-��-�-��Mr.Bm�
on vision... �f.: H \ T :nHlt �/� l'l<.J fil .ili. . � #iJ 111� , ffiJ;t f.[L 1% J� ':'f 4PJ �I• ;(£ffl'H'Utt.Jt li}Uti '.Ti: :it
�,i lli'J (1� PF.!Q T :fil �I I /iiJ 1: t1; (J� f.9U r, lt�•�W.,�{1L o
early mammals In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy, our mammalian
avoid dying out ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because...
ancestors �[fi]"fearly manunals, survive�ITTJ"f avoid dying outo
Given U1at U1ere is a living to be made al night, and given lhal alternative daytime
why ... hum in the trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a
dark go of the night-hunting trade.

i! 1-X•t@-'riJ:f£fii!f.il:!l�IH��IIRJiilL ffi�Jf.OiJ::. "F X o �· iJ'ttj:i �nW:-llt:ii\;� :+1
a particular ... and much of our scientific understanding of the details of what bats are doing
discovery has come from applying radar theory to them.
After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before
weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines.
early military
5 B0U1 sides in the Second World War relied heavily on these devices, under such
codenamcs as Asdic (British) and Sonar (American), as well as Radar
(American) or RDF(British), which uses radio echoes rather than sound echoes.
m=�t!tW :;k&JFiJ i:;x1·@early- iil.l o

18 微信:13522209444
TIPS: ��Jll!.lflFJ<J®:1tP.Hfc�tl.xfr.,�,mMATCHING)ffi ,-, 0
1l � R<J HJ'/, }ffi JI?t;J! o
1. txiJ�ffr1-f'(Ff,�.. f�IILXJ��o
2. :jFi'f-j#�j& 17* /pJ, i'z j�:Jt{t[i_f/{ 1nj
3. M@�'llt:{Jef ,@,o
iJH.l'l�1.\L;ly�$lcf;\tYc:i!fil 1 Jm El . 11i-;ic1i!tlt1m1m 1-1"

Questions 6-9

• ,W §I ?R�: !ft�Jm
• &El%fHJr:

/ffi� �miill *
:x: xt@ -� lffi § l!JlHfi
iilll:tJ:l'\�@(1y1j,tf-@r"Facial Vision", §°$tnJ J)JreJlt
facial vision D�Jt
h �-.J'M1J � {u.JHil! iii.] referred pai.11 o Jf!. iWJ fffi-=f��� (i<J
6 /pain/ ...like the referred pain in
:;I;·� nf J));(:Epainff'�!fi lfiif�jjljJCJ; ifiJa. J!;j;yi �n'fil'.��11ll!
ann or leg a phantom limb
arm;filleg:fillimbfl<J!h-;fil1 �:ils, tl1Fi��i .1J1�.iETefO��
phantom o
The sensation of facia I 11ta��-��ffi•�-��•=lfiima�:J!iill�
vision, it turns out. really tc1:�f�tfitra<J" ;i�l§f ,A.JH9:1=-LttiJ·lJilJJ!-,g. {�!J�

goes in through the ears. ��ffi��I T�•:(£iliffl�B����AX�Pfi
perceiving/ Blind people, without even Ml l'-'I /11 �j:� ..tllf,J: T4� BYffiEo
ears being aware of the fact, are pcrccive-iilJ1'E�1t.}�.:!Jbf?klJ?l�51;·-iJ:t� �,, $lkll-l JJ11.,
actually using echoes of :J! . !&? J:11 ; lu.� j: ; � '.% " fl<J f1: -�, �tl 3'i =J=-JJR)t 1·1 1 (IY
lheir own footsteps and of senseo
other sounds, to sense the tRJ: '.5Hfr1l'J H \ ��echoeswZobstacles o
presence of obstacles.
before/ DJN" lit'£ l:t�j'm.q'J .o 1:iifl�!ff�J'i:il)®iff, tt¥1]1)'ifilbefore, :f¾
instruments ...for example to measure ;ff� ¥U instruments, ;If"- 1� Ve tt flj /J;g §I rp !t:. it ia.l
/calculated/ the deplh of the sea under a calculatedB9 f'/\1.><. ii'i.lmeasure, �}r=iQ")triJ �_:J,J@f;fij:j'.JG�J.iE
seabed ship lif(f�;tdeplh o
After this technique had
4-i·fUweapons designers Pf �JlHJ!J?U wartime, detection
been invented, it was only a
wartime/ ¾�i�!IJB��!i\:t, E.i�El rra� f:indingr;,JSl., FRJltriJ�il�
9 matter of time before
finding �:filsubmarincs o :i!fil�,j11]�M.��, !111:W:��U�
weapons designers adapted
� :;;i;; {�j.j-} (l'� 0
it for the detection of

微信:13522209444 19
Questions 10-13

• :m El �llQ: 3\::J�fi"J-=f
• :al 13 ftrHlr :

,ffi� A'E{U:im :x: i:p xt J.\iZ ,oa lffi § l!JlHfi

Jill El : 1ll Yr� lb� ryJ .<: Ti1i. :fil: fl- 1- -(r: �� �J;tfJ l:311:1t

radar I
E�J/: r
:H iU1�(1�!JtJ;·.ib]UJt 1Y�'?

... or rather natural selection sophisticaled-iTTH/-r"l,'/',if;(J�; Uli�A�" ,m-W,)ffi!i: .
resulted in/
JO working on bats, had -i;· tf.riff� �--l't --t-�iti'i-1/11 � �H!lltJE {u. ®Ui�Ii fM .
radar-like /
perfected the system tens of /Jiillili1Ht:: i,1J:(:E� f1!..::l-H1tf , 'IH!\!. {.!lh&perfect- in.I ill
bats I
millions of years earlier... �����rn��-����o m��-*-�
natural selectionc
/ill !::I : �}l.pj;j!fi.\l,tlL{ll!J.Wtii'.lb�lw I.:.�� ,Ho'u 1'1�. 11-IY:1
� (1: � /lit (1�M f�'t 1ll-l-1t,js:r\!14 {f J+J__
II is technically incorrect to not used �.:X: till in.I , Jill El I I 1 �J 1:&: iyJ iff :$ (J� J� :i:t /I\
11 not used
talk about bat "radar", since :fl,I!, X :i'�i: 111 V!IJ 1A: nltE i;/J i{i:?.15 • fg !;J;J Y:1 � ,i:_, iYJ iliJ use
they do not use radio waves. f.lt: 1-1 i& � . Jifr �:1 Jlt f.W �R flu 1'(! o iEfeffJ ���radio
wavcs o
lffirl: -;i:;_ib.ffl1l 1niJ.]J½J.li�f-flHWr<1 __ 0
:ic1'£El1J1:J�-Afl:j't3i1Jradar,f11sonarJMi1- .X:till ioi], -l"�,l'fj�
But the underlying
radar / sonar/ jjlJsimilar. �filW:JtUt�� iNJJjizlb:m:�:m;T oll-UtifWf
12 mathematical theories of
similar tT ffr1!:i;l1, (Q£,{J3tt{r���HUU��mathematical
radar and sonar are very
theoiies, t!il::k1Jffi+rr2l:->R.lf!$JHjl,(j,tirij-4'{�. ltHt

The American zoologist

Donald Griffin, who was fffi l=J : 1!l}-lj;({sf!H1J4s11I�1- liiJ(J'1,A..(r<.ll!Jl 1lk;@__o
largely responsible for the ■
�ill &m•xm•.m��*M���*�o9
echolocation/ discovery of sonar in bats, �i-nill coin-· i•O:fT"�ry:J; fWJft; H-!Jll"A<.1:t'.iJlL lfk
[irst / someone coined U1e lenn fl��£�!fK�.t!�Ufirsl used o TTIT;j{,!��xm' �-1-ifiJJ.ihh
"echolocation" to cover both -1- nLj Donald Griffin (J<j zoologist-tlt LIJJ (1<.I , Ff1 .1lt 1� th
sonar and radar, whether
used by animals or by
human instmments.

A :tE�1�1f rp �nf,J:J'Jtitl:;IJ fciJ:.lJlJ,l/Q!l!i\'iTTIT lift El�-;lcJ'i'iJJill o 'tifJ +r::Gl1ultilr'lft . irn Elx?!ltJHlJ'tli -�H/t.TI.Jt�jl�f.i
li\/-!fPJ o -t.!L ilf',f�;�i}l.'t'. fil:;R�,,J,"Jt;IJH!;!i.i'0(1<:J , .P-1H.l(�:tffi >3·111'£ R :'Jc /:l\*11lttti;i,t11J � 7 (!11]:f.��..t l�r-:(J<.IJ/'i
f!i!�Wi{fl-tE:Gl 1m :trti��fi-� m-;Jc:.hl :!;1-.f-o :r3:lfiJ ��= �M'11l f* 00 tl 1 :oo nr ti��*
jjlJJ i1Jrrm�u.;11� t1<-J jlt¾R o rr�:;JHJc i&t±l!!.
20 微信:13522209444
Test 1
J;J< Fl ©:i't<.Jfltit. j( fiJ(1(Jn11J�Li;/J!lm filJt..R filHg)f i&i:ri.d!1:1�1i1J;;JH\:t -t.lc;Ji:'JJL0 ilJilJ:;\-=f JiEfJJ &f Jitr, �::Jk::ttl1 ;fil!•
Jtll. :k �JMt'i; J< {tlz. /Fi . ;JlW J B<.Jtll $t7htlcl&R'f.� l!/dili{± Jc Fl =fi:. :Ii 15!.
B tlli!lfiiroi11fii11-1-"T.l§l "1 1mr1<.ii,,iJru: JJIIJ1.tJir1:tx11 Yttl□<rrn1�rf �11fiiJ!lh,r:i.:J1inJJt�-m�}.I'�. j,,fiii!P.Vi;f�
�-0-1JJ:w-1:11m-ffii1t(fiJltf1,],'l,fil(1(_J!fPJ:Pl 10 Milii � w.,. ��Kif;ffltrft □<.J l!ZJ'il.J �.!:l.t�}Eft� WJ1tfslr:tnt1:E��I MU'l])J
in). f%i1ii:fil�, irei�!WJfil• .xit}M i'k:iHH�l�rii\JL 3f ��f.ilflfiiJ Ytt L �l:.rt-trf4fi!1!7l<�Ni<J:!{r_,ffli'R}/M(t!Uft
;f !ll. 1;1;11'}u11 fif1-01::tx. w.-oJi71<'1, tiwtv�1sr1t:i,1-)-/�JFT. s�1tr1<.i �1i:��Afil 1!11�rr•;1£f�jfthlJ1HUl !lit:M%�

;��ll/'.Wffif,tj2ij 1,

C .:X:"f�II {nf;{f: �� Iii\' rj1 J1j :I&ft is/J .i! 1-1,,J NE, r.;fl��i-ffl �� :1,, :/f-¥f (10� � 1�? *-1-filH!fJiU l'l91N'lfiif �i,t.l!
� :l111ilJ\'.;�� T' lt.ftnHJ;t %1!..x.#�mur 1rr:k.1l.;f11�@.ffi�TiJ l,:J FI c ll,IJ:iftJ't�( illl'iit?e::(:Erlll-00 (iY-li'J WJr)'

m�-u� '!I,W;'Y.HR�111t·11:: 'i!'.t.:k. .rn

w J(:Jt ,�F; 1 t£ ttl.l • iTii�-.u��: :f:J;t'tt11��fi�w:. ,�r:e-z q, , �H13if .:k !k
.iii;.i21il!!.JYXnT i:.1+i· .!1i!J:fHl:fil:k.1!. ll1H1(J ·Jt:i'!..:. !ls! J�dH�tl:t1<.Jll�ll1 li¥im.tlHt�t:(.£J\::Wl\ P� o f'tifri;fiJffl § �a�J\::��-

4:\t'1I 1!iJ-lil�ltUJ��fl�-J,::. lfl;J-1.iltll,td::¥JJ(l(_Jli�lli'JTl,ai��!IJI !IJjfil.t-:!:¥Al*&Mlill�(J�j,'&�½J\:: 0�o MO*�tt-:::l'Jn

Yt*!!f!d'c:ill'UIHi'� if;. f,h: '&f:>R-3UW. l:t.{-t, J:Jfr41g-n11,J-r1JJ� ifflt. JG i'i::.Jl;f Jifi�iih�;-J;t a<J�/&. IJV!t¾. I� T-
@riM::k-t!kffi.Z?'�. it':!&::fT;ttf!dH11J--rl11 t!ltlJ1�A�i�-r-f: FI c. lliilli!r;,'(;1L',I*-l'.ll�·1flffJ.

D T��iliffl if filMJ.lfilf I-¼ 19�? tt.�lrTTA, flt!. ff IM-fl(X·l'R-iU.:(J1JW,tlif/-ff -ff :f: liT }[l i.;ili'l<JA'.%. A filte�1 1 qfi\!("ffii
1�¥A.'.iii:,, . IJ;l :hit 1ifAi..ll!u.�·J.it yiJ;f-f 11t,t 11\f !Im(1�11.J- � ,jix r�1�i11111i fllili4tl;-t.:r,. -w1J .mitm�-1u: 7t �9i: l]ij (¥] � �f'l�
;t1�,roi�fJi'.-�t'fti" 1!f.t m: f.H 1� ·1:1-:.illI �t.r =: � :1,,: s1� �i� r!fl im1jm'.fil: 3);; 1ir-1:Ej •· 1u.�,, ;1:n •• mi,, rx1'fff fJJi: If- • � �l!

f,P!:&i,S;rffn�'fJ.!i i:AJ.1iW. F1 ffii-rii.iEriHJJ. IE�IIKJJUi I (t<J2t:rttl:friffa.�-¥f: o lj:l:�J.:' iiii�f'.R.�:l�Jfil.ull:5k,W�(J(_J

I I 0

JE. �f=LAJH5t11fJi,JUl1JJ!-i'i.. {.Q.'.:ll�F11':r.1i r,1 111!.if l FJ<.J1iffl tt:iEHl FI c. (1<.Jtv-t\:;W.&;ls.tf1Br-ai"f i¥J @l F*�:tii:!IB­
J::[il';rliWWJ(1(_J# !'E e t-E� 1-ir:�r;1:1r-nt��Z.1iu, ,Jt�; [fl�1liff J E.t2.;fllJ+l:i!�E'li:JJlHlll]il/t T���i.\:!: �. �t.�llY:H
�,!1 *i!J!ilfilMli�i'llJjc)'.;a-'J�JJ[ tf.i!J"Jil.Jt#J.ltl!J.] Z.Ji=i'. it.Jffll!Jl].u!i:?t�IH�tlc�;tcti& LiU-IHtriYJ1j rf71</!l!o =tJtl!IJ

!HJ. 3cliUll.1TtillR:1t:i.6JHT J!@i&i:16-, ft-t}1HllJ..ll!::¾:µ,Jff(_JAsdic,f11�13,l a<;sonari:J&�F:i,JB'-.JRadar9Ji;£�1:rl1 f](J

RD F. rn i'J,1 ;jl!;·1tH1T�:;;-.u:; fiil r-a" •nt,t( Tfii•11° � it 1m jJ.i -tt �.

E �ntrJ%tU�Jii,11�4:t#.1t!lRff 1&7Gt-ntn. {Jl.flM•El!fr1r J... ti111y,1 ,,, 7.IE��ii�Di. !j)i;;jl!;·iJ?.� ,� r.�.®�t.E��,1�

J::(J(_J,!�/Jf.fllr r. . .q!:(:EJL TIJ:f f!0 rniJliik t2.f�-&'.:i!fl1 :tR,ii:}l;]ilj7t�J-}l W-. jTjjijj�yj l'l'-.l "�· .i1:; "tf��ij!1J &�tDi:1fimllYA#
1�'�7tRliltW: )-EJ:J. i.l:J,.:j�Tf1rJili{l�Jlbif1]1� Q :;lcf-f JA tt#irJJ:!1'.
* *�
uit�i!PRi11�·i8JJJti��:f:l{t/if(J BY. 11;1;/g'tiil
:JHx 11 :iE m _x;t� rt.r. �1 . ,m ..R ,'f:.@1rr ,.,,-11Jii � g;i:. m�� µ,�1: Ii·11:;;i:11 0 11,�at; ;M; JJj(JIJL:li':: �� ·1Hf:I fw. Ei<J iTii.§.
1!&:X:-=f Ji,!ii\lJ!i'i'i1 rJ1�111'i(J(_J;]'lj-�J111/rp(, filH/!:fiJJ-H'ili}l;JJI! it%nJ1;(1(_J ..RlliJi;/J!lm�;* Donald Griffin��ffi-1- �Jl.,il�
!l!/;jfiJJH p.illJ½Hi:,¥:. rt, Jlt, fiB-Q1J:irr 11\ T -1-11fr(1(_J ifiHr: l!.!I ,-1-i� ·fv. o :i!-i'-iiijil'l§fi'ir T l)IJ�;FnA�.rJr;fii]JH l'l-'Jtt":it&

Hwnan Echolocation
Buman echolocation is the ability of humans to sense objects in their environment by hearing echoes from
those objects. This ability is used by some blind people 10 navigate within their environment They actively create
sounds, such as by tapping their canes or by making clicking noises with their mouths. Human echolocation is
similar in principle lo active sonar and to the animal echolocation employed by some animals, including bats and
By interpreting the sound waves renected by nearby objects, a person 1rained to navigate by echolocation can
identify the location and some1imcs size of nearby objects and use this infom,ation to steer around obstacles and
微信:13522209444 21
travel from place to place. However, since humans make sounds with much lower frequencies and slower rates,
human echolocation can only picture comparatively much larger objects than other echolocaling ru1imals.

Human echolocation bas been known and fom1ally studied since at least the I 950s. Before it was known to be
based on localization of echoes, human echolocation was sometimes described as "facial vision". The field of
human and animal echolocation was surveyed in book fonn as early as 1959. See also White, et al. , ( 1970)
Some blind people have described the phenomenon not as a learned method or navigation, but as an inherent
and intuitive extra sense. For example, a blind person could walk past a line of trees and feel a "pressure" al their
side as they passed eacb tree. The cause of this would be the echo of the sound of their footsteps; however, they
may not consciously be aware of this mechanism, only that the phenomenon exists and can ofien be relied upon to
detect obstacles.

Vision and hearing are close cousins in that they both can process reflected waves of energy. Vision processes
light waves as they travel from their source, bounce off surfaces throughout the environment and enter the eyes.
Similarly, the auditory system processes soLmd waves as they travel from their source, bounce olTsurfaces and enter
the ears. Both systems can extract a great deal of infonnation about the environment by interpreting U1c complex
patterns of reflected energy that they receive. In U1e case of sound, these waves of reflected energy arc called
Echoes and other sounds can convey spatial infom1ation that is comparable in many respects to that conveyed
by light. With echoes, a blind travelcr can perceive very complex, detailed, and specific infonnation from distances
far beyond the reach of the longest cane or arm. Echoes make infonnation available about the nature and
arrangement of objects and environmental features such as overhangs, walls, doo1ways and recesses, poles,
ascending curbs and steps, planter boxes, pedestrians, lire hydrants, parked or moving vehicles, trees and other
foliage, and much more. Echoes can give detailed infonnation about location ( where objects arc), dimension ( how
big they are and U1eir general shape), and density (how solid they are). Location is generally broken down into
distance from the observer and direction ( left/right, front/back, high/low). Dimension refers to the object's height
(tall or short) and breadth ( wide or narrow).
By understanding the interrelationships of these qualities, much can be perceived about the nature of ru1 object
or multiple objects. For example, an object that is tall and nanow may be recognized quickly as a pole. An object
tbat is tall and narrow near the bottom while broad near the top would be a tree. Something that is tall and very
broad registers as a wall or building. Something that is broad and tall in the middle, while being shorter at either
end may be identified as a parked car. An object that is low and broad may be a planter, retaining wall, or curb.
And finally, something that starts out close and very low but recedes into the distance as il gets higher is a set of
steps. Density refers to the solidity of the object (solid/sparse, hard/son). Awareness of density adds richness and
complexity to one's available infonnation. For instance, an object that is low and solid may be recognized as a
table, while something low and sparse sounds like a bush; but an object that is tall and broad and very sparse is
probably a fence.

22 微信:13522209444
Test 1


�m ix.ii-j:
�mi �?it itil m 1l<- '§t UY­
�fz.J A $.lt: .!;-1· 1;,ilt-7]<..ilt�
B .flt: J,Jl,1�:t.±.½6<1 *,l<-41t.i�,
C f.t: ¼.k:,J<.;m 1t §J •(.1 A.�11Ulto

D $.lt : JfJ ,]<..JtX,:.)'i• it§.; •r-i Jt!!,1,ju;pJt o
E t.t: t-F'j: # 1fl "'r •f?t :JI:. JH 1]<.il,l 0

F JJt, m,J<.·,t,t.·1:t.A.a<ir�
G$.lt: tj-Jij,J<.:W;,ti..rl(,tiJIJ¾J£if* o

H &: ����if.;fi:,]<.;fi]-i2:.:5@. o

be entwined with -Ei······Xl!J(;(:E-ieJ innovative ad). 1i�ffr B<J , i..�� 89

manipulate \ I, .l'.5/&Jl!ditlfl' ,flJJII layout II. )Jil:1i1] 1¥1 i ;{fiMl
sophisticated adj. '.isLM1<J ; ;'m!i!:,' (1<J
1 sewer 17. rl)(ili. 151K��'m
aqueduct ll. lK�, �71<11- occupant 17. J�H±�, Ji!l-B'.'.

unprecedented adj. 2i!1J1H�J, TilTffr*·ff (19 artilicial ad). Ali!ta<J. AT.a'�

monumental adj. /ifld4H1<J • P. :;le l'l<J generate VI. 1:_fflt, f"':i=.

hydropower n. 71< 1J 2t I I! turbine n. i,�!fr;tJL
keep pace with f1�NfH!Ll. f.!H�i!TTJW spin (spun,spun)vt. &vi.1t·"···iiti!.!f!t, tffl�J


dark side ;;r-Ji1 sanitation n. i�_l.!i .TI!E . Jif-ti:.Tid:.
inferior to t�;;r-J.: . g; 'f- preventable ad). nf'ID'i[VJa<J
reiterate \11, :TIJ:u. &u; .m,,,

jeopardize \II. f{i,lk . 11il ;lf thrive vi. Jf�.ffi�.�-, ��; �!tit
compensation 11. lH'�(�); WH�C�) aquifer II. °13'7K�, 'fil'7)(�
make way for ;:g ...... Aft�',Jl[i.)/; U:11� replenish VI. ;'Wft
reservoir 11. 7.J<f'F-; r1Pr /j( ?ll.l dispute II. 4j,t �l, 4{tii;
water withdrawal 7](�i)J,(JF* tension I!.���

ecosystem n.生态系统

微信:13522209444 23
11. :FF 1m • ;1:i: tim
II. =fl-S{F' --f-if=­
- last reso1t
m:rn s<J=¥-t:1l
n. Ad: m ; x!il.;;t

shift back to �lill itl established ad). E illtl� F.l<.J • .f!ff1J;E 69 ; flll;JE BiJ
ensure II/. T!lfd¥ ' :tf!f�� address v. 6ll:Jlli , x•H·t
infrastructure n. i!:!;li:lli&!:Jifil

diminish vt. & vi. ( 151! )£1,i!tp; �/j;J,

-- soar vi. 猛增

remarkable ad). Jiji�i'J<.J; .,'m:,'f i'J<J tenfold adj. +1-Mi<J adv. rix-1·1Ml!z
efficiently adv. :-f,H:J(IfJ:l!!. quadruple vi. /!11!11'/t, MIW-i:ffi:
rethink VI. & vi. :IB:ffr;lj-� gallon n.11f11'.::

specification n. i,.ftllliJV.!f:l, l]Jlfeff!m.H1 warrant vt. {:jl:iiE' refri�

accountability n. :ff �ff:, ff)<.%- criteria II. 1)r-/1� , 1/f. Ji! lj

I . At the height of the Roman Empire, nine major systems, with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built
sewers, supplied the occupants of Rome with as much water per person as is provided in many pats oftbe industrial
world today.

�� � Jt : ?£ � llJ %-l'ill lrh�li�·JVJ , A 1111� � T 9 *- 3:: 2f.7.l< ;l:IJ � tfc , ;J,l.;i61[7.)< 'JB':i11:5fil 1'57.K�:ill .l:sJ i:J �il'fr� 1J�
nm.�-�B�amffl7.l< o �M��-�m�A�ffl7.l<��-�T�tt�W����,A_�ffi7.l<filffl�o

( I ) at the height of ::{f · · · · · · BiJti/1�fl•t J9J; 12sitli',:/jil(f. height JJiij1l . I.ITT.�

The movement reached the height that year. i£ #J ,(f. '1[1-4-�!1 ] 11.fi w/l 0
They take their holidays in the height ofsum111er.1tl!.111,(f.�ll:_a<]-�1t1fl o
It would be the height of folly for us to accede to their unreasonable demands.
(2) as-ft=� irut'MFJ1-!
a. as... as
as... as�:J;J''Jf11· ....·-tifa"' �ff-lfrJtlHI� tt.fil o fst!Jtlllt�n:;Wtm-1-as:::1-JIIJif,'J' �=-1-as:;h� iliJ 0
;lt��;a:��l;J:;Jg: as+ adj. / adv. + as o
This book is as interesting as Lhat one. :i!.�4� ,fr, »11.t--ff-* Af! o
Your pen writes as smoothly as mine. 1t a(;4J:ll�:fj if&.i!'-.,fr,A 6'-J-;/"fifL#i o
;)tJ}�;r.\'.;��l;JjJ: not as/so+ adj. / adv.+ aso
This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think . :i!�!f-#!-�-!lo1.t-i!J!.�� IJ�#-41- ft) o
�1'ftwice, three times, half, a quarter�it'Cfli/!?t, p11Ji.vfz-:r:m;-1'as�nu o

Your bag is twice as expensive as mine. 1,M 1J *--r tt.A <tHr--lil- o

24 微信:13522209444
Test 1

b. JL,t-;'1i::,'-as... asi':101f; ..!l,!/iiJlM:

• as... as possible: Please answer my question as soon as possible. ·#r � •lk S �4\\. ll'J l;iJ M,
• as... as usual/before: She looks as pretty as before. -,1!!.�il.s�;fcr�� il1f-#i#;,t o
• as long as ... ( � [ .l;'j'<9fdl[:V.:i-H )A 1ii)): It took us as long as three years to carry out the plan.
• as far as: He walked as far as the railway station yesterday evening.
llj,J;.,f!tJ:, id!,- .u.-Jli'!ft.ftJ;)(.tf. .jJ; 0
• as well as: She cooks as well as her mother does. -M!,,.lt,1/t ii:1:1.1f'f"-,t-It*-#* o

2. ln the USA, water withdrawals increased tenfold while the population quadrupled.

( I ) twice /double fMi111
ms income is twice as large as mine. 111!,a!J 1!tA,l.i1\\. 1VJ ill'J,fg- 0
She has twice as many books as I do. 1M'J � Ji J:t.-1� J-1¾ o
The number of members has doubled in five years. li.4 JJ.J½ ffi. A.4/U!l 1' -ft. o
Their room is twice as big as ours. {'1!.1fl ll'J & i•i) k tl: .:f� -lil (i/1-1¾"
( 2) three times I tripie .=.f#
This box is three times as heavy as that one. i!-1'-:fjj -t � Jl�,t-,fjj-f ll'J �-/¾j[ o
Last month's snowfall was triple the average. J:JJ It') F$-·�-�/l-t1te-lJ�,fg- 0
( 3) five times 1iff1i
Those shoes only cost 20 bucks two years ago. Now I have to pay five times as much for a same pair.
it# -ti iJ.IJ 41{,f ?- !&2o :lk: , J,i ,/f_ a J:p 1-lt H li.-1¾ {!{1 111' � o

( 4) :iJSli' f;{;i/& : tt�ll500ff{-

magnify objects 500 times �'f!thJ'aii.:k.5001¾
The factory increased its output by a factor offive. ��.I.; l'il:"Ji&/J111 li.-l¾ o
( 5) half as much/many again...as -ft'f11£
Maybe the children are working at construction sites, holding on their heads baskets of bricks weighing
half as much as again as themselves. •IE.:it�'ctf.:rt-t .iE,/f.1i.J1 .J:JtJ: !!, "s' fJ , !k T� ii-t .'£ a!J -�H!l %, T
id!,1fH4' 3t a11-1¼-'t'" ( llr 1l" Jft:;t-t :rr20/� JT aiJ -if; , �itkAf30/� Jt 1l')
( 6) -fold -fff (Jt!J.)
a fourfold increase .l-�/Ju1!9f} increase tenfold fj/J11-t1¾

Questions 14-20

• !Hi§��: List of Headings m:riHff-lm

• Mfil ElffrHJr: 1t:$1c, �·1:Ejj)z'i:t�:Ji:Hftl·=nr, 1 1, B�ili;.ur1%eading iii o
��, �J�Jfr;f,j'(fJbeadings. :Jtli\Jcfil!'iffl o headingslim��IIT:
i. #� # 111 •f•flt 'lt�Jit ( 1-. ill:iaJ revision, policy)
ii. �t .m 1)<. iitT l\t6'J k;'f-# ( 1-.-hl:iaJexplanation, reduced)
iii. 'll"19'iffAt�1,t:1ttsli.( e..ti;i/.tAir-1\i-)
iv. iftit,t,,J?d.iiAt.J'tJl1 ( *4JtiaJdisuse)
v. tP�:.�•PJ ( 1-.<iJtiaJelfects)

微信:13522209444 25
*tH.lJ recent, linancial )
vi. .i!i:.J!/l-tl ;!;..at ffe l'r-J i.iii}*-J "�l (

vii. Ei fii!lt <,HUt ( flti,i)health)
viii. 4-�;ct A. o Jiff* <r-; )i. ( kth.lJ increasing populations)
ix. 1fqt, ¥ 7JL"·l:r.A.. {i(J T 1!$-1'! :/4'- ( *tti.lJsurprising. downward)
x. %�4lA*-f;;it- ( *1Jii.lJraise standards)
xi. -t"1\'.:!-t1j(.. !?die, ( *ilti•lJancient J

�-!% :lEUZilll :x: i:p xt J.\iZ ,oa lffi § l!JlHfi

Mllf¥ 1l1&'t( 'i lllJfi 1HJtm-tJ�r n:itti{l'J(j_l t'.'. 1J..J :r¥ J,j , 1 1·f t;<,J1J(¾'iil1;((1y'f:r-Jfil. -ti f
,m, "' M:'.l�ll•J'JPJ(101](,flj*tj't,
14 ancient /1\fl..l! ( the � iJl· T .IJ,HJ't!J9�1&11J')!E(1y .A::: J�!;fWJ 17)( m (1(JJ):Jni. Jj,l:fri iJI:� I�
Roman Empire IJ,l!Jt-1��Jt(1<J.i:PJi#,/t� ii" f t(1{J fJt!](�Uk
Prev en t1\�le water-related diseases kill an estimated I 0,000 to 20 ,000
C�:l:tf3W/.&ti1 IJ.1.I children every d.iy, and !he latest evidence suggests that we are falling
� l:I\JJ\l behind in efforts 10 solve these problems.
sanitation 1 /t,Uc,lll!if J-J: TIJ:Jc,(i" 1~2Jd"i JL ,,t9t F- '.j;J< l=i1J::.(1½�fil1 nrnilVJYHj�
15 health
preven1ablc /�J. 1f1i./i,Ufr i1EW; RIVJ;Jldl' Jfi1HJU.. ;f 1'11JJMi(10 )J l::ir.if.il!;Jli;,f�!1t LI\.� ,G
water-related iiMHE r"f 1-fJ :i;!tt�·J.\!:flj� -.jlJI: M (£ i� ffl!Ll-0=.i ;j( IJWi z.111J (J(j J::.ff,. • fi!
diseases kill... r C
[t!:11· Fmi(1(JJ j•:, �Jtttf�,1�·!,ij;fJJfi:!r-{1:i!¼.{tJ!W, f,�})l]J.il:sanilatinn
iti]/1\}:!llJri, J,�,,j,:nH:J.{iff!�¥i:�JJvii,
D¥12'- ·N�'iill·l'l:J,;i!:/if. -'i,J ii1i�X�}l"":f.ld f J11<inu1.iti1Jfd1<J 1,i lHill II:
fifllfu:&A�riliWJJll¼tff ,y, .. 11�1.:1�1
. r. w.11.i�-tJt--1�JM1:i!HiJ!1.u
Dfll J'. (l!J,ijll .fttff J ll!.!Jl)J11refo iACl&JM1:iJl:{l.llJ,lUill'tti'.l½liiJJ� Jl111Vi'" )diJ!
16 effect .M.:;f�=ti,J IHfr J,lnJl:'.icT. 'lf�1l!'.iJI:- F Jll!Jo�(J%l!J,l,i1%? f��- 11:_{1:� ·¥1.J-lcflj r
a0 � -t-®: rW frcshwalcr lish... lhreatencd...cnda ngcrcd...degradc...soiI qua! ity...reduce...
agricultrn·al productivity... �f':ij-;.!..jJ,W.MIIJ,:i'J<J i11Hff, f1i'l,'.J.-1'&'.•iifJJnl
li"i. �-,1�1.ilii�C.t':fi��Jt-o·/ll�ill/lli LI (1<J��Mv
Eml: r'i' 1,J i;l : Al Lhc outset or the new millennium. however, the way
resource planners think about water is beginning 10 change. � 'ii] it1; ''1
I 1i0changcJEMttf �,:.J. 1 -ircvision�=n.x-r!ill (1:m 11r1fi -l;- 1£ .tt ttf VJ Htflj
1 1

revision, Efl
17 Some water expens arc now demanding... j£: f)t x1· J:: [ ¥F � 111 (J(j
policy tJ; -1.,J T
scientists call for {E I• J lf.15 1 1�.if 11f VJJ�fl]this shifl in philosophy . �
·,1. ,(Y.. 11 Tt:.J.x,J·r.il.policy W,xll!.�¥.li:. shin, shifling:•}�,1�'�{t(1(Ji,;J�
U9r II J�. Jlfrt:.J.M-A-Ui (I(Jo/f 11�\lfili

F 111: i"i 1,J (}1: Fortunately-and unexpectedly-the demand for water is

not rising as rapidly as some predicted.
surprisingly. Ff.ii: F 151: �' t,J 4M flj : And in a few purls of lhe world, demand has actually
downward '-;l; -1',J fallen.
�-f:lt(1(J ,·U�'r1J (t,�;K n.
tl·Jj-11fl,'.. .( ':ihcading"11l1(1½"-1" .A.t:i(#(J(j
Flliti-!Jf' HIM!!(!, JiIS HIHf-.iiH�r1<J -Jill
What explains this remarkable turn of'events'/
Jlt1i,Jtl1(�Jturn ofeventsH'il'l(J�(}t.£}F.1&1 1 1.VUHJJ'l<JAnd in a few pans or
U1e world, demand has actually fallen. ;j(',Ij.:}< I J :""fj l/f<-�Jr Jjfrl,'Jrf*
19 GJ]J!:�� -/4,J
/,ij_ ib:.l&l�ii JIii �! -l;·11J�F¥J1:,f11G¥Jtjf ,.hl>IE-?U1<J i,j-
1 , � i;:J:J1:.i&f/IU1<1� I
ix: a surprising downward trend in demand for water
_ _.______,______._ii :an explanation for reduced water use
_ _
26 微信:13522209444
Test 7

�-!% :lEUZilll 3t q:i x1 E!z '� �§/l!IHfi

But such projects must be built to higher specifications and with more
raise, 1-1 ®:J;i"i -=::fr But accountability to local people and their environment than in the past.
standard J§' Tiii A0lnJ .::r-- 12\: 1i"Jip; rp (�J higher spccifications':ip-=f jL\;J]i •i 1 (I� raise standards, ill �t
4:1t W�1 J.!Jlff�/ ¥,:�;lh

Questions 21-26

• :m El�&'!: YES/NO/ NOT GIVEN J:ll!Jfo'm

• ,W 13 f1iHfr :

21. Water use per person is higher in the industrial world than it was in Ancient Rome.

��i-f-X :flJ\It r.�u,J-til'i'.I0A.1t,JJIJ1l< iJ: 1:t ,,, !l!l '-11 11,J·JVJ 'Il!-i",'.:i
fdftiiiJ Ancient Rome
frJ¥iW�OO� higher
Ai.l!:: At the height of the Roman Empire, nine major system�, with an innovative layout of
pipes and well-built sewers, supplied the occupants of Rome with as much water per person as
is provided in many parts of the industrial world today. {1:!t,' JJ.,;,'j'i'j]q f,/:!'ifl;J- )VJ, .A. ff H�illT9
* i
.:i:: � **'l��, Jtif1i£11< tl' m;i:M11J( tr ill½J t:Jlf'i ffml',J J :iU,11 i&I:. J.1M 1.l{JJ. te;�JilfJU 11 *
� 111 �• I1JJ£1J-1 J;s fl:\.A.HJJ IJ;J< hl.f11J!l\4'- r.-'1ttl:�1l��Jl!L I;{ f.10A.Jt,J IIJ;J< l1lJR �" _.X.Ji!!irlJR::as
X lf1 x�· J.ill ,r!i(
much... as. 1£:1-rfiJtll-EJ :m f '1 (1%igher tlian-l'IHlHfl!i!, WJ;{i·n}JW.;;fsf.r
o (fr�J��}JNO o
�-1:@ �il:�;p;g fH.JJ:
• w!.W+. ! Hfllifl��-l'L�*. ;;fs�J:*#J>IHIJ1- 1+-i-.J-Ji:Vj;
J f

• (�T/F/NG.!l,l/;,ti-y/N/NG,Wrl 00ll·H�. !J!Jjj;�,�� L1?/l'iJ-'(1.• � l.tl:Wi.ili:JJ:tx. ;;fs�!;l,!1;} ,k�)c

fUl:tc:iiii� �11*�-1c.�,��� lr-i.:.w:J1�J•l 11:1:Jc• I1 /1<imany parts_t, JJJ1-i'M�-'tN-J::.#1�r10�fi�T �

�� NO

22. Feeding increasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigation systems.

1$:� lX
i& � ffed10irli ill{* tfE 1H:ll ff J1H-W. ff rfi �* �� (1<; .A. LI
�{.\Lif.J iITigation system/ .!!.Ji;#tJi:!!TIJl[i)iJ�?-)JJ(IJ!l]f-t'.1.!lffB�
iOlfffi:k.l'il.t�: possible
Bfx: Food production has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because or the expansion
of arti ticial irrigation systems lhat make possible the growth of 40% of the world's food. f,t ,'i?,
{:,'tJ.ilZ��IH-J:.A I I Jim j�� !1:111 TA l�iffiil�*gjE110w1 l�fl!1+} l.!:!:W-lli.!ftF l1a'i!1\-':.iT 40%'
.i!.Jl:-ilH1JUCT:J:IHl<J loll 5( lfiJX·tJiiU\�TR UE TRUE(l�)t,19!11{1:� 1HM1-!HI.Hl:1 1. possiblellUuHij

x 11� xt!ilZAl ,IfMLJGH1 ff\ZJl!L,

/ill �1 1 (J<j feeding increasing poptilationtl: 5c •I I x,t lil Food production has kept pace with soaring
populations. /lJi rj 1 (1<J due primarily to '!.l:: /Jx. 5c rJ 1 (1<; mainly because of. Tm )ffi I J 1 (I<; improved
irrigation syste111911JJ&T X rJ 1 (10expansio11 or artificial irrigation systems
�� YES

微信:13522209444 27
23. Modem water systems imitate those of the ancient Greeks and Romans

>1$�if-X .&1tA 1J{i1t,i:i;m-!J/\·;f11,"i � _gJ (1<J fJ�1lOl��c o

�{!L iii] ancient Greeks and Romans
ffl (,/H!J'.'::lit!¥
�1i!!!Uli9iJf. Jffiy!t] . !LtJMifiii. i£'.i / ll Jll!tE22JMiZ.Jff(1%J!:i&. E!JICJJl:
J o tl:CJ.i.ll:W,=fr �:.i:. nJ i;J .t,UJ:i!

f(,-/41) ii'i: ... with water services inferior to ll1ose available to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
llt:W l.:11->J� l'l<J A I 1-•;r)t(1<J l!t1l<JIIH5-� Lt::r-J ·. ,.i,� Jl/H11, 1, � I!irtt JVJ o J�-i:�1 1 (1<J1i:m-Jl/{,
, � nJ�'f-lil FAT. fl! J.i!P,J l ;l*;,jl:f!z1T ftfiiJ ifi·1iJ*rJ/D.!\l1tA�Hl'.iTfl!!. ff I (1<J7.lcjf1J *fj't. J:A

1: 1fri � 'nJ ifi l:11.ic�::xr.HJiuil :i!--i'�i'nc. nJ w.1m FI�� iJ, �::fr. 1m 'f-1c�1J/:lf .m& iJu1<i

24. Industrial growth is increa sing the overall demand for water.

r-�4-�Jt r..111!.m Kftl!1J<S:F.i>Rl1H�/,1l: J .:JI·.

�fll. ifi] industrial growth
Ri1(,@�1,tlt::j:'. increasing
F-P.ll:: Although population. industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar
in developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers, rivers and lakes
has slowed. And in a few parts of the world, demand has actually fallen. J�'l;l':(-E:&i;.1:;illl#, A
i:1 fMtti.J.1:iJ/�JJK:, r. 11k:filf{:r1dMM.'.:i 1ili�r�. ·@A fil;) F*.lt!!.-F7]( ;f1Ut!!.ck7.l< (t(_jlili_JJl'.t:il lmllrZ
T F* o :(1;�:r;Ut@ll!!.IK, A-fflJ<-tll<Wfillil(1<.J',1,r:sl<frk��-flS� 7"
mi 0 i/ 1 ;ffJ,-C�k-"� �f1!7lc1t',r ;J<fiUlHl-J:.Jl, ifli>C rj•tn·m,iiliJli.'J�tl. Mi�i'7ir>l i FI�,
., ffrW.��;lil;NO o
NOTGIVEN, :J'ic ��24/lliJj\I it:f.u: rDJ.iJl:, .!!..liA'f .?t;t{ii:-=JC: Ef.lt, fhl�Jtt,W .t.ilfi;/t[g,1(£FfJ/:, B<.Jfifo
1NX!l(1£{1 .. �.l1�1: 11f i;J JOH'.l.lilJ.1Jt1l'ufi\ti:t(t<JList of Hcadingst"r, 18);\fil, ��it,Q a surprising
downward trend in demand for water o i!�(.\:� 19]FfJ/::J:JHtJT;i)(;7�:;:J<iiL..tf+TI.Jt�rl�(1WriJ,W.

!lt/llilliH'.-o �¥(,, List orHeadingsh\!.i (l<J��lll tJ:1�1liJl)JTY/N/NGi'l<JfO'fJlfil o
�� 0

25. Modem tec hnologies have led to a reduction in domestic water consumption.

"1'!'1'1' x JJ!ii!!t#ileW ri1 Jls:li71k 1,ti; r:rrn,.

:@1fz.iffJ modem technologies, domestic .!.!J/:ff�l��.ifi24Jm/11Jlifj-={�flJGi.3/:
ffl'f.lmJ:till� l reduction
GP.Ji: : But since 1980. the amount of water consumed per person has actually decreased. thanks to
a range of new technologies that help to conserve water in homes and industry. {Q. l�i JA I 980� !;1
:SC rrMJ.\!Z,i#( *, A.l!gJH;,Jc·l'1:fdfJ�:JI/: TI� (. ix :+J.lq�tifi--=f- �Ui1Jj'lfr:J:i:#;(-F.*/i!;N. T.�k,'i))(1flfri1l0f1:Wl o
Jtr1~1 (r<JdccreasedX•t /j\Z@I I I rj I (t0rcduction, X11:11:rrfi7)(hl(19rll:f. o �Ji-ii'i:I��� lMJt](r0YESo
�� YES

28 微信:13522209444
Test 1

26. In the future, governments should maintain ownership of water infrastructure.

��-�Jt **. i&JH1!:ir�J.!.iz i

�1$.Lif,J government, water i nfrast.rueture

�" I .
f(f/.-lm�W!::ji'. should, ownership
tEH� ::t"'E f,!t3'1J T (v. 'TW;-fi fl� infrastructure . .lK 11f i.:J. �>1� >( �� Jlt/l] (J(,J llfE -lfK
�o (lflnlrf..i<. ,f,,t11 H!l.t.lt 7f-f1J fE ·fiiJ!ltHf I!,.ii!fT , 1i (1�c-!; I:: nTfilH� i)..J.1 Jlt;'��,.i fi111J1.ffi:. --t·

@I nu rru □%1n� , 1 , t:: o 11 l Jll; � 1i,iu:. . .JK.f11• ·h'tlJl ·t E t.i.: � -1;· it, 1 1 ht ¥ J,\!, • � �@ � r2 H:
X •i� x1·J.ii.l,1� TRUE/PA LS E/NO'r GIVEN.
� El fll1Mffi El�Wi}(::tff t.JE�)I] :
• -Fil:tH-Jffi, ➔'ii:Jiro!J-l0 : I I /Mi
• 4ij:/l];;tj-�-¥1JiMli,i ili . .fil�-IBWr

A A�(i<ntl)JI �,�-���>! ;f;IJJ 111]( :e:tiJf,l(l(JDJ .'.t'.3H.!ft1:-�(11� lfifii1 �1H.iU;Ji1,.J'!i'.lE1(J;;flifr:lt::k. Jk-tl.lO)dfilz(1(]

tm:9-. '31 ifitf1JM.ffi, i!fitJil/:.7 1](.ljj!:f111l<��u?1�T.W(1(Jf�.ili. 1-E � 1:J/rif l1il}'il1J,l\l:ll•tJP1, A fllf��T9* .:I:.� l)(;f1J
*�L ltifJIL7k�iti%11t51/c13'jil:�J i.:J. •'1'.:;1TrM11Tj.\:tfili&, JgJJ&i2S:J;,:; N�iJ�H Ilk. � n-t � TI;JJ;x rJ;JJE- �A_gJJ IJ;Jc 1,k
;f11J'J\l-6/ T1Ut:����fl!!,!x:n(J,A.:15JJll7/C1±�1'1 � 0

n 1£ 19ttt�c;i:112otttrt! T1��1o'll"».A 1 , :Jn1E11,J·w1. 7Jc /1Yflri >R 1J�gw11.w1 L�. i1tnt. :+1.fl..il T .":txtitr w,JEi(J::k�1k
;f1JT.;ffil: i!���JH-!'FJ<J1/e;f1J T.� n-:tE!lliiJt. U·iH�irUK fuiJhl(1<JfMtz . .Jhlf.JtJEl�(J<JJ/c W. .RFfi\: LlJ irlii!lU117K
)3�1 !. i!:li!FM\7 J.:"f TJA. ft,•-,,'d�UiilfiEl/-lU:.A IJ /,illJtff1.:l:.��1t1 "f A T.ifl(i1JUU-iUi<J±\'(/-L�f;.!!1}}1:!:tW-:tll.!tti� r.l:

➔�t:i T 40%. ·fil .W-J.: li:'JtZ-i'J(J rb, fi11�illl .i::J:;]( .1J f!fi l9J l#H"t-tJL Trii f-'�::. (�J.

C �r&:Jt ffltl:!.J!H\'-flj!Jl>Fi'l;r-Ji(i<J-Tm: Lllr�:f� ff )lfll.1# T illt.)7. 11J i lt.W- J:.fJHT-#-tl<J,A. IJ Jl'.fl:(;1J( fJ�7l<JJ�%
:if tt7f-J.:.1i*J1Wf111i � r1ir1tw1 iF.!.l111rt� l'fiJ2OO11.1::9J11£:¾::P'iJ:J 111k�:1uf:1J(:1(Jf!Iflr,1 1 -t/:i tl , 11(JJJf1f1£: �-ru:.w-1,�
r&::ff Mi:tt I O-fZ.ag,A. i:l :;Ji:;i't�:IHWf lfftf1<J1�Jll;Jc, 25{Z.At�z.JC:� (:1<JJ.!.1:. &fifil. 'lfj:Jc::({ l-2TJ � JLmfE-'f Ji,j ,](
,t[l;X':r'J(J�;Jil•T:if ffil!Ji�1/i-J, ilii:l1tlfr irE·IK� 191:fldrJf0¥-r.k:J:.i£ fiiJJm(i(J :/1 fJt:ifJEJE:;r-6Jt o

D l�fil 7)< Wt/Mi&m (1(Jffi *jzf; *

'IHX:IJl f1L&A5R �EIUJII 1sm .!'J'.'.0 t-J T f� 11!::k JJJ!;f:117]( f'F- , J:_ T JJA 1:E tJH'r'.l:il
li;X*H�n½'h'Hn'. Ttlli.iE! 'i='i\11'7&I �. ,m.d20%(1<J1�7l<:fu�.l:.ll!1:1::TETm11:1i1i&.JH1-!.!x.li!IM!11t1i7T<J�, J.Jii: f2il,id�il!1/cf'iI&*

1-11�. :tr: e:n& , i:r Iii, �l'fil (1(J��Jtl!.1x:i..'J..& 11.tw.lt ft!i.:tt!!.:JT, JI!!.!'&* ft7kJzHE1-E·tJc.iilT-��, 1-1i1j?(:1<JjiliJJt c.ti,til
ti', T rt:ffl � :ft}l!il'frjf1Jil• J't:(1(JfllijJ. f(ij x.:f-;]( tfiW.�n (nf Jlli�tjlj�(1<J�f, tx. tll. (-E;;fUfr.;r-�*1.1 $'. (�'89111.f.l\!, Wffii

ltU.ilZ;fnflli ,@JiHi'ifn'�:i!M * �*
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1.ITT B w. iK* 11= 1'J :likfri-;J:Rir,i[{,[i�t� rfiTrii;;f :filtN-�* • �;f,J1 1J\l.:'&:J: (J(J 4't�Jf: f§Uff �&:ff:i!i!i tt'l'.: . .ff-lJ� :l�l:ififtj T
�F!.�7Jc;f1J�i5Hftlfle<.i�!i'1P.!l.&)(;J-. t-!\TITT. -ll!.�1r-�11::lil:ti�<iltJJJUJ1fwt,1:JcJr!.ot1z�.t1<i1 1m-11H#L :iJfttf�1H�1-Ari11:rrritt

微信:13522209444 29
F /l j,A,OJ4-(t<J Ji½. Affj)(,t 11<fl{J',7,i ;]<: l,U�r 'f.)H.l:l:ff 1�U:%!2AT]liJ!IJ l�iJJJl\;m�:�.tl"/ 0 IJ,I JltJ:t-i.�20"1� 1 1� ' ik �Jrfr 11<

Jf-�Jl!!,l� JjCf1l11!!.,&1]<(1iJ}iliJjtl�l�,£tnTr *
;r-1JJJl11J a<J1 ,�JJ ll!Jifizi4Jii41iii'lill JM�" (£�.ilil 1fi½:'.. Arr fM:��.w,J�Hlc. 1:�u11�.£tll= li<t.� ,t':i1£Zi:J�. 1�1.Jdfl
,,::�.hntJJ�Jll!lx:. )df lx1·7]<tti/f,\/JiJ�1.r;J< fj'fM_:� -Frl!fT

G .l!-1' tu!.:rHliJ��'.lz?Ui i� /illfiiJffl'(,.» 19{! :!UtlJd:X1T1}.l;j -t-1:14 #: Jt-. Aff I iJt<:fifiHHII (11f .!i!: 1i�Jtl!,l1JJ+J7]<
�i/W., ll:11:*.W. ti!. 1'E iflilfr }J.t A;·* A) IJ;l<.(1 �f)t%+3l (t:2011.tf.J'JiJ 1HJ751fflll, A.1:1.JJ-I J 7]< 1,tJr'/1111 T -·ft, (.E#k fr.I.
1 r
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A I Im l( T 4ffi' 1T TJIJ;l<.I,Utf.tilll!T I Ofi fl l.l'I J)l.19801l�lV-*- A�J+j7]( r,n�1t1f-T. �i::•}f1!H}-F -.i'HIJ,rfr

-t}u!�<'E*l.ll.&. T.1lv. 11i ;JcJT1rni'1iJ /1:J 11 f�il �n. (1:1965"1'. I I ,j.:?;_(JII 1300JT JJ11{?:(1iJ7Jc,j·ft�f" 111 l OOTJ ;R,JG(JiJiftj 1lk

(ftf1 L. 1fii1f�11:fiJ19891f�. wnnr1:: (jJJii;'tJj�JJ!c. HIIJ350JTJJ11-Q.-(1iJJ1<.#Jt.!E�J./"'"/1 1,ml11J(lijjl'.ff 1Jl'.1frf1'IT. �JL 'f·


�'fl ,iFfJ1�;1E,� tH l'liJ41K- A:.k11�. 11< �i!fAl'l(J{Jl!JII 1,c L'.i'i.lA80-?fo:f t(1iJJ]ilill)'lfl•tWrFII/(! {20%?

H fl--11Tw. 1.1<.M=-. i'J111<m i:J..&J-t 11!!.11<;i:11 &M!!iI .lil::�r.1.�·ftllif1�. 1�r 1;11 fM1:.£JRi 'I I rr�� 1t1;�, 11<. �'i tw.,,);;i;;flE
f)f. iiE IJ�J.i.il.fliJit!J. ix:, fi [ l..,j J':::l: l��'fl 1-t. �@;]<.jf:1Ji,\/:)i'(j[(J(n:Jh5l -,'.t:'Ji.f)l! }JII ,Jll.111ft.' ��, �Jtl!i'liJA ff !!MUI\ !Ji Jmgmr-_x
(1� �SVif�' lriJll;J-.if�I; 'l!.(A;"1$.f,ff�(1� �-;J< l!llfif!lel:i£Jll!.IX:11<.;f1J r:. f�lili W:{r..( f-� �\} fljf� iii·.' ;flt ffI tl!.1f:l',1l1Hl� J IJ�
�-niJ�i�t�JE!ix�',1,;=:R. 1�Hr ''Hl!!.'th. J1°fl({f1J�'./tt�. �11' ·1�,

Roman Aqueducts

The word aqueduct comes from the Latin words aqua-water, and d11c111r11-led. Indeed it is a chatmel by
which water is led from its source to the user. Mosl aqueducts ran underground. I-lowevcr, if it became necessary to
cross a valley or river, the aqueduct was elevated on a bridge of stone arches that enabled the water now at a
constant rate. Depending on the topography. an aqueduct may have had to be constructed with multiple tiers of
There are basically 1hree types of aqueducts: masonry conduits, lead pipes, and earthenware pipes. The most
common in Rome were masonry conduits. The nucleus of the masonry aqueduct was the spccus, or the water
channel. The spccus was about thr ,izi.. of our present clay cloorwny. The specus always had stone walls, stone
lloors, and a stone roor regardless ir ii ran underground or was buil! upon tiers. The spccus was always covered.
The purpose of the covering was originally to shield the channel from the sun. However. with the possibility of
enemy intrusion through poisoning the water, ihe covering later became an important means of defense. These
coverings were constructed of one of three types:

Flat slabs Twin slabs, a pointed arch Half-round arch

A specus with na1 slab A specus with lwin slab A specus was often designed in the form of
construction was very conslntCtion. an arch. Romans perfected the arch
common and ea�ily This could be used when designed which they saw used by Etruscans.
constructed. It was terrain proved difficult lo An arch in the specus allowed the channel to
frequently u�ed for above tunnel through and height be high enough for a man to enter in order to
ground aqueduc1s. was important. maintain lhc channel.

30 微信:13522209444
Test 1

Before cons1mction could begin. the Romans had to find water. Thc land which SlllTOunclcd Rome was
abundam with springs, which were led by water from rain and melted snow that would seep into the earth. These
springs were oncn hidden, so the Romans had to search for them undergrow1d. There were many methods for water
detection. Vitmvius, a retired militmy engineer. gave several detection clues: ''Just before sunrise. lie face
downwards on the ground. resting your chin 011 your hands. Take a look over lhe countryside: where you sec vapor
curling up from the ground you will lind water where you dig... " I le also suggested placing a bronze bowl in a pit
overnight. If the bowl had condensation in il in the morning, there was underground water. After water was found
and the aqueduct was commissiom:d to be built, the Senate assessed the cost of construction. They decided which
spring 10 lap and obtained a librntor (surveyor) 10 design a practical route. The librator's first task was lo find a
route with a relatively even gemlc slope. between the source and the city. The route was then marked with wooden
stakes. When it was necessary to sight a straight run of aqueduct with an existing road or path. the surveyors might
use a groma to determine the right angles. From this configuration other angles could also be set. The groma was
used most often lo sel crossroad dimensions. Aller the source of Lhe water and the city was determined, the
liberator calculated the elevation of each end of the aqueduct. How did the librator actually make these
measurements and calculations? A levelling instrument. dioptra, was needed to take the measurements. This tool
had a very limited sighting distance of about 40 yards and required the librator to move the tool up 10 hundreds of
limes over the distance of the proposed aqueduct. With the approximate length of the aqueduct and the dilTerence
in height between Lhe source and the city, the libralor could calculntc the overall fall and begin marking the linal
route. Building could then start. While building an aqueduct, the men would be housed and fed in camps that were
scattered along the route. Workers consisted of slaves, day laborers from small towns and unemployed workers
from Rome. As may well be expected, slaves were found in the most grneling jobs such as tunncling and stone
Work on the aqueduct would begin concurrently at various points along the route. Every 20 yards shafts were
dug from the surface to the route of the aqueduct. At this time the roads for heavy equipment and animals would be
constructed to expedite the slow transportation of stone. Soll ground would be trenched and the sides would be
supported by timber props. Often times the trenching would run through stone, hence the hewn stone had 10 be
hauled out in baskets up shafts. Al every stage the librators checked lhc progress. Once a cbmmel had been roughed
out. a chorobates would be lowered into the trench 10 check the slope. If the choborate was too large to lower into
the shall, the alternate method was lo observe water levels.
Arches were created by the use of wooden supports that created the shape of the arch and were removed aner
construction. The water channel was often lined with concrete. Yes, the Romans did use concrete, a combination of
stones of varying sizes held togct11er with mortar made or sand, lime and water. The linished aqueduct would run
across the terrain ar a slight incline tliat allowed the water 10 flow slowly to its destination.
Waler could be diverted from an aqueduct into other channels by creating cisterns. The main now could
continue while some or the water was sent through small openings to supply baths or fountains. At the terminus of
the aqueduct, a huge cistern would hold lhe water until it was needed. When visiting Misenum at the end of the
1101th eastern edge of the bay of Naples, one can sec the Piscina Mirobilis which held 1J1e fresh water supply for the
Roman ncct.
Once complete and working, aqueducts hud long working histories. They were maintained. inspected.
repaired and improved. For example, chalk deposits built up and would decrca�c water supply and eventually block
the aqueduct. Consequently, the channels, as well as the !raps, had to be cleaned regularly for sediment deposits. ft
was necessary to build accesses at regular intervals 10 facilitate the cleaning. As the wars in Italy ended it was no
longer necessary for the channels lo be secret. Many were marked with milestones called cippi. Cippi were used to
locate specific points along the aqueduct making these repairs practical. The business of aqueduct regulation

微信:13522209444 31
became a venture. Private and commercial consumers paid for their water, but it was common to steal water by
connecting a pipe to Lhe aqueduct. Curator Aquarum - Frontinus became a "water commissioner" to guard against
people piping water directly into their homes without permission or Lhe emperor, or drawing olT public water. Pipe
sizes were regulated and the pipes were stamped and recorded lo ensure no larger pipes were installed later.
Ordinary people were permitted to draw water from street fountains. It was of great importance that the water
for these street fountains and the public baths be protected


1$� i:i(.-i{;-j;__
='=.lffi ut�.\i��i.-
�ttJ w;-J_t; ,,J--�.t¼.J �,1/r-1,1'!;\t S:.#i-!-{° ;}t-{19 tij iµ-1i'-ig 0
�t .::.a : llt � 4t q.: i-!-Jt .ft. a{J 1i<Alk
�..=.Ji: lffl'�.ji�:;-!-69-iJ,ti,. o
� 11!1Jl: ')(ll1ufi�1��•q.:*
� ..Ut: llt�;Jt-:.i" i-!- •� -ffi.f.'t.iJ!bf.169 :!fr.fc-,fio

�AR: llfr�;\t 1/: *69 ��Jl;k, 0

look at vJl.ltJ. 'i'Fi 1:ll!. ; ;{f-lllt'f propose v. -!tH5l; ll!'ll'l
unconscious II. (,(., )r#;;;Ji.H suggestion II. flftffs

instmctional adj. �:l,-:(J(J. ,tx�(J� typeface �j;jc
�*· x*

connection /l. mannerism II. § [!RtJt JC

process 11. i1W, :ill:ffl elusive adj. ;tll[J:,J.t'..t!t!Ml0; l,1is0
non-speci fie adj. -ll0�HH.:l:(1� readily adv. �$', .tl!!.; ili.i lHI!!.
mental reactivity ,l'..<@J�fiil hypnosis ll. 111111[(; {!lill[VIA::$

durable adj. .J';!j;A.(I� relive VI. Jl}J;!li. ll}rs,_/Jj

perceive Vl.�'W:. �ji.1: imaginatively adv. r.hl�J:JI!!.
peripherally adv. /.'ilE!llll!!., �'HlllJI!!. psychodrama 11. ,C..,Jlllf*l]
binding 11. � ir; �1i}1

be attributed to �::11& T tense w. c f!l!;itA�;ivim )��ij � �IE

counterproductiveaclj. ml& fla HJ fJY induce w. 51�. �I:il
memorise fatigue II. �;.HJ

32 微信:13522209444
Test 1

reflect v/. :'&-.lzi; J,i I� shifi (sth. ) away lMJE, ftJE

indirect instructionl'i'i]tt��rl� curriculum
suggestopedia ll�jf-;$5(�:flt reserve capacity {iM&¾'id:
consciousness 11 • •1tl,,,i::t, AA!�

suggestopedic adj. U/¥ � ,l& �;t }idl{] ; Ej 1114 � ,l& solemnly adv. fl:F .lfu. FPIHi!!
��1-1::k l'.J(J dynamics II. /ifEtj!

illustration 11. Wtl iii:, � /Ytl baroque music m
� 5t .:g• 5f-
variant I!. i&tlm, i&�: jt:/� make (no) at1empt to do sth. (::f )�i:il'.1hx�t:JJ
classical adj. -i1, J.l l!-A<.J; t2Jl!-(1<.J

beforehand adv. t,WJ'r;, •** cover VI. tW"flt.. '§.�
preliminary adj. 1)1�(1<1, :JHf-lft<J, 1jj,%-(.1<.J

follow-up class B�:i1J:i,j recall II. @.Hl

stimulate vr. �IWJ; 'ATI]v)k automatic adj. r-1 i9JB<.J
improvised ad). 011)\(-t<J effortless adj. ::f :?ith EJ{J, �tM1<.J
dramatization n.*wr accomplish VI. jf;fJlt, �f.l\l
distinctive adj. i1t%'1�<.J paraconsciously il:'11:�·i.H�{:;T
devote VI. 1,i:j1 °i=: accessible adj. -t:i1l&�iB<.J, ��.iKfUl'.l<.J

trance 11. 1tlillli\:t,}(;$ authority /1. -l-:'ilJ!&., :�*
faith healing f/lHf'.11:fr� call on �-¥. i;1>!<
essential (to) adj. !16'� B<.J, &:;,::fnf :J;-(1<.J autocratic suggestion ��ltiffi
placebo 11. 1i:M.tJflJ preciscly adj. t,1Teffl i'.l<.J , ,jHeffJ l'l<.J
acknowledge \ II. f.ffe.iA. fJt WI. categoric adj. J!THR:El<.J, i@Ml'.IY

tap 11. 1'F1-si:; fiJFFf designate v1. tr-r!J:I, ,mn;1
be d.ispensed with lci.!'f-; #HI! accredited adj. �J.!Ci:E:i:l: iA riJ(.t<J; i�iJ..(1<.J


notoriety II.�� associate 11. -l:k1l, ��

emulate VI. �fJMJ.: mediocre adj. 3fL JLa<.J, :ifllilJ'i'.l<.J
spectacular adj. �;!11'.1<.J. ·tfiCAJ 1<.J mind set ,1[Mf!JiUJ.\ ..[UiHt�

I. What is distinctive in the suggcstopedic methods is that they are devoted entirely to assisting recall.

�,t,;·if.)t: faJ�1�ff.;�t':1<.J!IW3/iz.5i.tilM:Ff�.7'i:;:1J&.:tJ r#J f!/J fill tlo

1}-!�r: What is distinctive in the suggestopedic methods ¾-1-.:l:.i.1UV6J , rn iuififl0-¾3'&if. o

微信:13522209444 33
( I ) :iifi·M1'iJ:
I ) rJ I � £ i:/f JA 1J (J(j :ii� ifiJ ,(T : what / who / whom / whose / which �:J. & whatever / whoever /
whomever / whichever / whoscvcr , 't:1fl,!1.hlr,J 'f 4.- fr., :!i - itA 1'-. ¥,; ;.f-fiLi'i�
What you have said is convincing. 1t.1� 1l ,t"- iiU11J i;s-�!l ilA.1-t ml
Who will chair the meeting has not yet been decided. i1l.�.i.#4.--ix..ir:5Jl:;ff JJnit_
2) J./T IVill:lnJ·= f ::kili:J�4 14'i , iill 'ii\•iTf 1.!J{�J�-5:\:.:t iHitiiJC(E.:Ei/H.ll ".Yt. 1�:i£(1'� l: ifHfaJ \l',�'f'nJ�
JJ;,m· _!1U1(J'P]:i\:�ifl�J:/: It is+J�f ifi]/fi ili)�ii.f/:Jt®lj/) ifi]cd+that)}.. ln],

� -t.'/j=l:J rl - 1 'llHIJ (1<;J�WiirJ;:Jg: easy, certain, di mcult, unlikely. possible

� inJm HY.;:J-1: a pity, a shame, an honour, a good idea, no wonder
i;;JJ iitleclJ�:i:tJ,1: reported, believed, said, expected, estimated
c 2) 1H/i-JA 1nJ, � i-ft-f:titrn* iJ'liYl.i: m-t1y;�1.6. ·rtm. t-'t-1iE.!!Jt-cM· 1);1 �, Rcx•t.± i/\·1'1(Jill-W m.1Y1 rn +1-1c:.
-flit tlrt&:¥1,:J-1 £ �ff iHil i1f t:;;r-nJ* UV!fl ii�/ i·ff 7;/J i,iJ. ;;r-JB·W/ i-lY. 2ibf¥ r1tifr.�M �, :#. ill-M 1TJ-Jlltfi'l -r­
* Zs!J ifi] (i<J 1n mi . Y.f i1f I I I� 7 be i;/J ii'i.l l.!J �I· . if ,ff �II T i;/J lf.J Ji,{-,� rJJ iii) (l(j J:JJ � :fll 1t JIJ :

feel/look/sound/taste/ sme11/secm/appear '-'ff, •

11f i.:J 5 I fr-:Um·M"'iJ (1<1u ifiJ ;fr,
• that/whether
My opinion is that we should stick to our original plan. -tlla0'.lt,tg,Jl..-ill1flffi. ii(�#ff{.-it�•I
The issue here is whether he is reliable or not. i"l,Va,lfl!!.uf;.f-ufit.
• what/who/which
• where/when/how/why

2. Just as a doctor calls on the full power of autocratic suggestion by insisting that the patient lake precisely U1is
white capsule precisely three times a day before meals, Lozanov is categoric in insisting that the suggestopedic
session be conducted exactly in the manner designated, by trained and accredited suggcstopedic teachers.

� ,lyif-cie: TOil � ti':J'E,tflJHHx'. ,�1111 iR fJY t, lit, :'!M-;J<i�lA &,�Ji!1tj ,k ::::::,xt.rn,i/ll·Oll �ftl• I' I (jjjJl:•JAf-·l"r:,
Lozanovl!!. 111Hk·�-3J< ltff,r-f,((��-Ji:'.�ttc!!�!::II,\:J/1;1;'.H[l(J Jr:i:tji.Hi. Jt- U�rh !;� lllll:l:iiY1'l-f'n<til)ili:>IHJl.1r'
-5-HJr: :i! :lik--1'-slH tfli tlJ, just as 51 � tt�:/,U/i·J.>1-.�,J . ..:E i,'( :lika doctor , H'H/tJjl;call on, the full power of
autocratic suggestion ).ilo � i/--l· , ffi Tm l'l(_J insist� 1'10 )f; � ill- M ' ,J that the patient take precisely this white capsule
precisely three times a day before meals o � i:/1-JA /4,]' I 1 [19 -t: i/t�patient, W/i-A:Pctake, '.f.i ifHilathis white capsule.
three times a day before meals.(;E1nJ 'I •11::;l}dh a .:E: 111 ](1(] J::il\"Jil; Lozanov, is categoric;lil;,&i/L insist!§ IBf fl}lJ, flt 7
� i-ff JA 'tiJ , (-£�.ill. suggcstopedic session be conducted :Jll; '€1 � 7 should (J(_j J;fil :W. if}'-=( )fit 1n]@. 17< fil that Lhe
suggcstopedic session should be conducted.
( I ) just asRYJM�
just as* ✓r-�lt, ;0:Jg"10rt".
Just human cultures have changed inevitably with the passing of Lime, so has the environment.
;r,·J I !fi!HiJ: just as... , so...•cr:;J.1"r� f� ······-'I'+ ... ····ill."
Just as you sow, so will you reap. trJli-.-i��- ;fr ..ftA¥ .ii
Just as you hate malh, so I dislike chemistry. tt1�1.t,;.r-..j1 .it�i �j�-ff ., �;.r-*�k 1l'..¥
( 2 ) � if\-)}.. 'tiJ •I 1 (Jy1,-flH!:UWi.
.(.CF�%/J iTT]frf ffr�Hl�'.!ti:f\-JA/4'iJ •I 1, i\�i/\--JlltJ.:,'c'!ll/l-should(l<JIJHtHtci-�: ask / advise / beg / command

Test 1

/demand /decide/desetve/desire/determine/insist/move ( ;IJ �5l. : .JM iSl)/order/ prefer/ propose/

I suggest we [inish this [irst. AJ!-ix .-i\.1iHl:Ae.i!:f� i1t1!.t ,t

Questions 27-30

• fill El �JJ�: Multiple Choices

• Jffi II li'iHJr :

,'l&ifliffllif.: EducatingPsychc-1�.:E�.:litX: f:
A II-A°1J�tE !..o/.:5J'1 1 (1<.J�ll�•J)J
B IV:h'U:tU1J.�fi:l:(1<.Jt .'i',Jkr=>J1itR
C ·h1!�X·t:tl:U�.jJ & rfil':tdJ1.(1<J l;�11�1
D �1"1!zf.1U'f:>.J )Hl�
:Su1•X·llil7.lL m-�3t
Educating psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to
learning, describing the effects of emotion , imagination and the unconscious on
27 Educating 11" ;fr· Jl t:i #,,\>t}.l ,K T * I H1<J j� 2lI- IAJ � , Jib: X-=f i9.tUJ: n<J %fr ttUx :+ Ud1<J ,W fi1 1 (i<.J
Psyche mainly concern':'flfij==f)'(• I' (J<Jlook at; radical ncwiJ;(i-'i'-J�f:i'. ioiJ':�ln] 1�0:i1\;rjfj rl' �<Jno1
traditional, j,o;I.JltiTf �:J.;l'l)M:'. iHffJ��leD o 1'" )J1J If.I�� �CIHl'Jt, IJ..1:1-J&Hl;.(emotion,
imagination, unconscious�f-1;(1<.Ji\',J (1:xrl 1 'A'�-¥J!:ll!.ll\�J. fH llJ)Jr-)jlJthc effects of
emotion, imagination and Lhe unconscious on 1.earning�'i'i] fili, J?.I'.� �J3ll t: Wii'J<.J)lt17
fa�. , :lllfR::IJ ,f111t XHRM'"f.:>.J r1<.JJ�111i,J. i7ii;f J1C��•I •·h'f�:Mfil.¾'-!.)J .& Wi .tt iJtr1��
n(,�, �J;)Jl!./�(1�th\tr.J].il
TI�:�*�H����-0�-D�t� = ����A•mn.•���-�

Jill El i1i'H �: Lozanov(J<JJ:llH-f::iA J1 �H!G frJ�) J� icim1t-i. 1.j.1>t,'f(1<.Jn;J- f!X::

A :l.ik$f.f1 lillM.t1mxx�'ltlJU1<.JflU- 1'i
B lfff-/1�11l1fj(/t4l: it.!�WI�
c 1,��� 1°1:tt.11m1,tm:21.1(J<.i�v:t
D J,'i)UJ f�'r.�.;ffil1l(
xii 1 )(•J-/Jll.,_'L u�=m
Besides the laboratory evidence for this, we know from our experience that we ofien
Lozanov's remember what we have perceive peripherally, long aller we have forgoucn what we
theory/·l.!!TTf IV. set 0111 to !cam.
2s tNJJ,il..t-1mt.a �'nJZm. w�·DiJ.:.*1�:1:wi"i'-Wi Fr-: it 1�;r:n11JT-tiHJ1: . .rtrr11J1:11i21t-1rn01.ki�- -tll.
!!Ul®!W 5E uL )ilj �i� fHiiiJl=(1(_j�Jmi, l:nfmu1H'i':� lnJ·tli� IH1<.JtrJl �, � n. 1e.:f*t:J. .&tittiJ!=:cX·(1<JWm
>j{: 11:. :/,HI)HL_:;;);�tf-1�\(J<.J"� iJ,IJ. �@1J,tIT1 1'i Ej .:l=:IMi,i'fi l:t t�� @it! o f1°� fifrJj� (1(_)
WiJ-=f /��Jll!. iJV91 [ 11:fil 1:, I 1/Yr �,.11.(t(_J·· ''Ht1n�:h � icli:fri, E191l;J-f�. :J-Jt fr] ic1t(1<.Jf:.t
�l:�@:;f;,:XJ��(J%111 JJ., ,. f;j-t:J. il�(effJ��JilcA

微信:13522209444 35

NE/llof� ftl]ffi�J,�;l}-,:it�1l;ii\:l!m 7 · ffiit!=

�--�*�����•.ID•��-M��Mm�m�.fflM:!lf�M-@o B
:ryjBMz:SO;fi:j •than the content on which we were concentrating?i';;Ef'ii:T, ii\;:ryjC!l!Jl #Bi
iitriJH�JTrl,(IYthe details of the content of'the lecture, on the other hand, seem to have
gone forcverfi� ·WT o � -'fjzj;JJJ!D9l 1J ;li'::x•tJt 'I I even if these peripheral details are a
bit elusivef�J 1111 fl)I� , nJ 1;HU:lHll:!�1' o
lffi El ilffl�: *JtrJ,, 11::�fii'J lrR T -*-IH11-1>-:uiWl'r14fffff31H5trJH:
B ffil.x:'f fl�JJi! EJ-Yl..ll! it�1f Ji:JtiHJ.il (JY
C iii;¾ l:trlfr ]! :!If flY�c: --31J 'rt.
n tt:1m11r��?.\5r�Jtffl�!i¥,% ti:!fl:1-1rtrf;
:Sc9,x1'!.ilZli: m=t1t
29 book/lecture
@ % . � :E rif !;,{ �t-ctll:iri< • 12;1 �Jtf;'t jf.;,t� r!Ji & :i! 1-mJJil (JY 1:!;J �0 DiLPJIErr tUIJ (i<J{lli
lllr.1t�=Mffl;;js:*�t!Vk. llfiif i;J1Ut.J'U:!� o A;JiflBWirwrr. A.!:.iJt•I 1 ffr�1;i;J??¥:;r­
z�:, Jt rr:Jil:JHTW 1-fffrJ·=f-:W:i3U!IHl-HllfrJ ic·�Z.(1<J 11-t{ffet, il1:I: r1<J1t tt�:£�%{� l'JqgllJ
'1'i , mi ::r-J:Jl-1 * i,l?, l!JJ IHII �KUJ:xt 'f-fJE ilJ: tt ft jJ � rr Et<J fil � tl: o lzsl JltB :.lil: .iHeff! �
�, :Sc rr Elr�i;(�J 11,(j1-f.01-=r-:lW'Ffleml, HH1� ii£nJHfil.-Y::-'f ,t!{:f.:1frM1<JJ.lll·t-e:fl½fi fe:f}­
�N;(1<J o
� El tffll i�: LozanoviAJ-Jtt!/iliJ.i)Z�iJlli/f,$�E.'i.�:
A i21:l:i!...lHsHIY!lll"r'i
B Jf .& Fl c (J<Jl'riJ-/'i���A
C .!£ � iJ.1-!:ff i;..{ ?'r fl� P-J -¥'¥
D :illt:fui:!:OCHJJliM
x ,i, i,t J.ilZ.,� : m .=::.i::li
Jn suggestopedia, as he called his method, consciousness is shifted away from the
curriculum to focus on something peripheral.
jzi;JjiI C rl' something otber than the curriculum conlent�lj :!If 1'iJ l)J.;ffl J:: 1nJ ,.,�, (J<J shifted
30 mum,¥ �911J;;E away from the curriculum to focus on something peripheral�ff5(1 J.i!Z c Ufl{Jt!;\;·�;W2j'i::;r­

fiL :(f ffi .=::i&

V-. i,,Rperipheral-i:F,J, t!L iiJ l)J}}._shift. away �1"iiilmffli�1J /1\*fil.'�fBiM.curriculum_l
t'fi�3!J]Jjlj(J<J1j;'[_ljJ::1� J, ?tJ�iiJl),HffiHHEfi
_ fiJ���Co
J)i'(Jtffi."=:JiJl:rf7 11\.f.l!lTthe reserve capacity of the brain, .tltllt�d:.1[���'iiRR\;D, II:;!
1,ii\;I.J'AD•1, llUl\.fl..llTcapacity;f:nbrain:1!M1-i:F,J, ,(g).jffJt�:1Mt<J�.'[',�'· m j;:JJoo(1%ff
t'r-JJ1fm,lH.HJJHl!!;f§l". 1¥flDJJilrJ..1�:,'c�;;r-:lfi], ,1iltrlM�i o
iiliJJilB tt�::r--lJJ�lw-, -1-$�:;;r-:TTffj��3f �FIB l'l<J���:&to :i!- .�tEm �¥1
1 i.l:!.1e�15HJrntl o
1 7

Ji\;J'.gjArf� UYdetails-iftliE1l(l:::ll1: 1 1,·tl1:,i;�i9:;(f �H:f.l!l. l!;JJl:ti.l:!. l:t!e'LH•rlr:I� o

Questions 31-36


• Im § fW(, ,ffr :

Test 1
31. in the example of suggestopedia teaching in the fourth paragraph, the only variable 111at changes ls the

��·i,t:;i( :{£�; 119$9:11:1 eJj'f)i\,&_(J(JUf1ff-;·$�{y1j jj[ rr, TT *;&ilfg-�{tfl1�7G� o

JEwtliJ in the fourth paragraph

1111(,�;fdil! iiil only
.illi ·,:;v tl'n'.ll r, �n.:W:mr.w 'I•,' I\ :fl/4.i:1 .: Hi'.!X1'RYifiJ, .!(Uonly , neverEX:allBYntf�, ;IJ� .z.:i!-4':iz!;Jyjtt
f£:JiH-'EI'� (.t<J 0 :,jl.'./MJtlt 111J'..!l! T only-ifil, ifnf � 1'1:' :;l:1-1'-IWi\@H�tlJl o
:(£flj!(, �ll,t. :;;i:;�i,1Ji\fil7:: tj,variablc( 7:!t:ii± )-jil]llfljl]. .R]fllTl'filonly;f1lmusicfJtriJ �T o ffi]:;i(

:x r:r x-t@,t/J, *
1~l 1tn ITTJJI.li, iill.i:1 1�-wJIHJi: tl 1-l'MfU ay;¥j:�; HY 1MI-'1'-llfl' .Jl.Jt: i?r 1f-JJSl�-llfl' JIJta<J-ti" ��� !IJ T ti�
= ll,rErt ElY B i'f'nt:a:�: 5k ' ;lt91fi Ll!.)Am-11Jr $.JtBY" H UJrnHLEl:F A<JiM,� L�j �i* )( "1r Ja 7 ti;
=l!fl'Ertl'i<J " HJ il:'iln;lj i/,�lt'Vl ���)(" 0 i!ili,tiiEIJJ;li$(1r li<J�{ll {>l.:&i'r *' :tt1'1 �Yilia<J Wl i1(n1'"fr 0
The teacher reads the text slowly and solemnly , with attention to the dynamics of the music . ...
in the second part... while the teacher reads the text in a nonnal speaking voice.

32. Prior to the suggestopedia class, students are made aware that the language experience will be

��i.tx ��-•�W•*��M.•�••mM��$�*�¾�h�o
J:Ew iill prior to / 111 riJ J.!)••ftHnU:-Jffit.i</119!)f �5E{ft:(-£'AGi$JI:
f(11(, ,W ::X:i'JJ! iilJ demanding
i¥f it, ;;1§-�c.f!NHprior to-iffJ.bjbcforchandi!1'J!H. �f:u:3IUX$:�lif& o t�;{friJ ��311Jx�:1 /Ji[
'rt] : through meeting with the staff and satisfied students, they develop the expectation tliat
learning will be easy and pleasant and ... :i!'irJ ir5*f!f:J iffi:i::J: Ej%; �Tii J.!.,( .&X't�fil• if.·1ef!!l,!: >J )JY.\
1�31Urilii�:(J{J�=.1:.B93tritE, (l!!:(rJ:f� 1£T-WWIG'f: JJ�»"-l'.:.lH&r*a{J�J:J��-;f½fml)i�f'Ml9 o
J.li[:;i(•i7 B<Jeasy and pleasant .E_il.fil 17 1= !1 B(JdemandingJf.*f:!;;f, �, FR litriJ 9:f1��@1iJFALSE o
::t 9:1 xt@-�� Jlt!ffiffl'(,�;1ciil!:tt¾:G:.:F ifiJY[: demanding -iilJ�)t Ft<Jffl'(,��effort-intensive: requiring a lot
of time, auention, energy, or rcsourceso
If,] SI... iilJ�f: difficult/hard/challenging/tough/severe/serious/arduous/stressful/taxing/exacting
TIPS: :i!.ii'ill:fil § (J<JJ�IA�1J;;\'.;&love it or hate it o ;f;T ilili[fil(1{Jlf,J:l)€:�lovc it, rfiiiilJi[ii;l:;J,s{J If,].
9ll]�hate it 0 t'l': 7.)j)ff�}[lf&,gj/l (JlJffl.4�, §J/;;Af--ill,ffJHlc T/F/NG.!'&i El EtY;f:R2j\:�:jtJEiliJ1[iJ: o

33. In the follow-up class, the teaching activities are similar to those used in conventional classes.

��·i,t:;i( tt!.tilH�!f:!iH!i!HI T Eif�ilt.i;lt1Hf

- l{Wt9tx!f'.:1I?i� o
JEutili.l follow-up / -l!L riJ �. ,If! 4/,U:.-1WtA: /IIWfHk� 1.l'.i: ;{:E M 1' ¥JI:
f(i1t lm*W!iiil similar to

微信:13522209444 37
)(;j--f il f!Em J f:::f 1rE It�** rMfJf/,ftU<.J JS-.'.:l:}!E i)j: • � ill )i\fil 1:1 Jc x,t � rlH'X J.!i 0 g '1:i'J/Ji-r r1 I
{JJ:;/lfsimilar. {IJ.:Ji:li-ft���l�J,!e TRUE 0
m Tr:IB!: 1i 11lf �ff;-4i] i,;, ·: Such methods are DOL unusual in language teaching. �@ n.i;�;{nff
����" 1 -l ·f)-�-'i1\· 0 }';-��:t.ti":. lltr,K��;t�1Hll.i1.til!Hfl1r! 1 ffrHJ 11<., 4&�::Hrt 1:t�llgamcs u_x;:jl,';"

improvised dramatisation, h:·i't@¥Jt'i:11 1 ll!.nk:Jlf3itl. tmi�1,1--r. u11.1:1��ill:itr-lfil�J+1T 1=11/l

Jt 1!1 X1"J.w. lX i
�ii'.fif,ttl(Wt'��-+J tko fri ir'i"ib'L J·L��:;lf;t0.x-t. ffr1f./MHJi:J5.!Ji�ft11Jl:t �t�. �IIJ!H1i:mw·�Jl!.
h�fi ■ .�M::itnmfitt-r���-��tt��ag� a M�.��M��MhOOffl�
f" , BS 1iBJH5l *, �': -l'.!i JllVit1· t.lll':tHMfl'f. Jill .R1ftf:ll'fi'ITI -I -�)-1'.i!d, ITiTMJF-tJ(19T/F/NG)J!i [I )CJ;
{E.i.:J:§tA<.J·l•i1W CF. ;;f 11ft:J.*JIJ�lrn!ilr-i
TIPS: Similar/ other/ another/ second/ next :r,iii]-J:Jl!:¾ib:Jillill;NG(J{J,¼;j;�J.;

34. As an indirect benefit. students notice improvements in their memory.

��-�Jt f1=:J11ilHlHHll:, �1:H:.tJiU (�If JH� it..'.•tlhVU:;T.

J'E1�it/J -t.tc11wim r-t IJ!i:WJ , .llt,WAx ii , (1<.J x•t 1..il. 1'-1 w ii ib: '.l�mff33/illffr5<•t§. 1ht¥ o
fWf.��W!�� improvements in their memory
f.!iJ!!!JIIDI/'f J,?:)!IJ, M.33),lli/!Jr{.E11J J'-1JRt-t�, ,(f (J<j JJ 1E 11f j��-t.!nilJ�l,,J ifi: Another difference
from conventional teaching is the evidence that students can regularly learn I 000 new words or
a foreign language during a suggestopedic session, as well as grammar and idiom. ( .!q1��i:,tt
!._'lf:-fi...:b:��ITT!rl� JI::, (t:1'i1JHl\llff11� JTi.t F. "f='J.:..iill'm· nf ��,&Hc.{l:10001'1:. in!�.& tli·ts,1.�,f11
Jt 'I� �•t J.i1L1.'X JJ!Wf O)
11(1<.J IRl'.._�;rl·f1J�'r1J ifi. �.A.J-.,��(Jt;UryJ���1-=.(1<.J it..'.·tUJ4t':,\1iT. ;ll?k.i!}½ Vi!-,jllB� (0/�,IP,1;�:
110:zt f.JZ fYUHit;J?;J lllli'T7JUrik(1(_j";t� il.'. 1t J I ooo-t-1'(1 in] . .i! ,�11 =f (fi�t.��;J;�(1<.J r,\iJI�. m.
Jf:..Jf:r.l¾AJ i.Jtli:'. ft I 000-t-1(1 if/J, Jii,,tf�;& ffilfiJ(1<.J lc·tLfi�J; if 7 ffril'.l (j<.J-tJ.i/: i:":i . M:xrl M- fl\ l'J<; ii£

:IJ. 1}. l tfflMJGrtd/111-11.�-t-�i'iif?:(1<J lblJlt��;,'iNOT GIVEN-


35. Teachers say they prefer suggestopedia to traditional approaches to language teaching.

$�-j_f-Jt �9ITT lfl �suit� 1�t.k¥.fl!'.r=:Jnk, lfilif 1.11I.J'.'£.�11a-,1�qX"r�r1� ..

J.E(v.iiil teachers

■ J:fill=ji:
ffi'f. prefcr. .. 10...
.i£:.fil1'JJl!-llii'1<.J l� ({-,('1: It�;(';* (1<.JNOT G!VEN,'Mi Jlt � !11 J'Ji i_l - Jl\t nil Ji -fl: � -�x:::o�
� . ::f {h1\' .fE!. .!.!_ll I j >C 'I I fyj-,ill 1J..1 ff .if Ji'r u.Ji:...t.:X:(r-J/J� !!_IfII& tt.� o
Jc 111 .x•t Ell,\� Bush flies arc easier to control than bu!Talo flies.
Girls arc more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about lbe rainforests· destruction.

- Al ternative therapists earn higher salaries than doctors.

38 微信:13522209444
Test 1

Toughened glass has the same appearance as ordinary glass.

JK@J.lfil 11 (1Y;!:l,;liiWi'J�Ji. JIJ .i'crl , /I\J.ll\.i:J:(1YTMiW'Jr!J111f,IHt!&. fl.lfr*�AY:t!�!JJt11Jt-:;;f-f.f.g-
Jtr11x,J-fu7..?.\ )J�X o 1E�1l,ls:/,lfil, J'.('11 :Wft] (suggcstopcdia&convcntional leaching. ( l.:UHJl:TWj:f.·(1<;1)(
>JtJ-'=illx*, )f ;K*nJJ<tHli �•tlW;f.·(1y �ioH. l!sl.llt��7gNOT GIVEN o
�11£1H:A:l!fH!ft1t.Jn1� 1rn .lt, 1 1 �--t�.lltfffi�fdffHIY ifi. �-ttJJ?fi:ft, ii3�J:m:1a--¥Jt. ii ¥f,[�lfA: �
11- lilj ti!.Jcj,[i rffM&I. 1JH5l�.iti:J� 17 j\:/(lj'll,t)Jl(;#, �,i, !TT1�;;-l1 f*Jcrvt o

36. Students in a suggestopedia class retain more new vocabulary than those in ordinary class.
�Jy�;t lf1'Yi�;\!j(�:J;JF.(1��'t lc1:l: T tt ,lJ;, .ifil.f:/E�'1:.��(1iJ.1jfr .!'(1 .ii'!J o
):E tu: ii'!.! new vocabulary

WO�L:tWr:¥= retain / more

tt::Sci;i:�\ i';;43Z /1(1 �!�ill: i��:f:!il I I 111 ii tf- 1nJ ili:
Another dilTerence from conventional teaching is the evidence that students can regularly learn
I000 new words of a foreign language during a suggestopcdic session, as well as grammar and
idiom. ( -'=Ht�Jc<f'.ll'.+f'°ht1·1� :l, J :$'1•-l.( ,flnJ k,Ui!:tE lilJ �lll'.'i,1�1nt T. ��t=..iill ·,:�-n f i;J !t2M k.'.
f l: I 000 -t-1-t: if.'J V),J;k i/itt.'!.(,f11/J)Wi· )
conventional teaching':'}lt.J-f JW 1�11I 1 [!Yordinary class, difference -iitJ#)tlijj,J� T llit 1J�i}&A)t1-t tt
i W
ttrtJt.;\!j[q:J,�(IY. i.lltv, 1f iFnfffi1�ii J r= 1t tfll/f7J� )HJ.i; T-TIT I).,( i.c{:J:�jl:; 10001'-ffriiIJ, fiitr.� l:t
,(-E{��!}'j(�:JfF.i:-1; ii::1jl(l<J9i� a IJ-1.llt��.filTRUE a
x 1 11 ;<,t ,r,z l:r. �ll*�-1:_ f.\xfljj!-)Mj, 1 1f-[ii]/ilJ!�-i'7":iuTRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN//] I], f)tft,$::f:!.\'.33, 35
,f1136JHJ tiMt:(1:: 1t�.1d'U.::f ,l!lx-1;t . .!111:W:--i':fcNM, tt®:.:X:* t:J:i!Jl1a:,'W(1(Jf'lJJr 111 '&!, J:.:.
-f lt.43(,:X;:* a<J#i: .t'j L111li)tfl:1l: 'Jc� (. w1-t#Jt�/,'i'.filJ.{.{;f\t;li'l�lJ..1.-f*7Hfr' ilii�ri�f•}"# JtHe!.lfr
,(�· tt!&tM l�J'JNOT GIVEN,

ff"i�fuJ. �II*
.J.A Jiil/i!Jl 'I 1 .Jtff lfl�(iJt,'j¼t3il](!<j1:'f� =1' J#cl 71� Ji!::, {t3 3 :f1136/lli (J(j :�IHil rl 1 ,
TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVENfic!!�JIIDlJ'f 11-Wfil(Jyjjj(y!IJ. X·tW..�:;;f-+f{:f(l9,W U .R nG
� ,ls: i9: .ff 34,l'il35!/Ii (J(j �t:_

.ia;.J'$NOT O1vEN�� . .i�J'F34,f113sJffi�11Jiil.1-!Jti!.1�Jll1¼.�xm. w.�W�l,Jll!JrT D nr

TIPS: -1':kJM"i)Jl::-ettLL !Mi 11 :cfi1Jtt'f l:0:!i,l'E1l;�111:,1. ::!Itf:lfl�J�t.J. W-xli'.�)41. 9t1J�1HfrEI�
115(J� a

Questions 37-40

• JHlli���: SUMMARY
• ,W □ WH/r:
1t folc JJJ.i1'-1i!\t,;J-iW �:
� - , 71:.Jfl hypnosis --i,lJ;re.iiUlt,t iif•l X. "¥i'ii.Jfi il!J�9: ;\i y).(, -!(.,*��f� J:.- :k.M, ,i!,tJJi.?£:,'lHI
-1!!,;;;;tf',liJf;1JJJ$l.tuf Jfl T ti:1,v.ff j
i�.���4��.��ff��P�. �•Jfim ������=
� � i;J fil: A/D/E/G/1/J/K
.% i.l] �Jl : B/C/F/H

微信:13522209444 39
,tf. �i.Ri:t:if! 'f , ,:i;-1_ of vJ. � P., lr ::ll A;f,,G.,'t - if*;f- ;$t.&.5l i,';J ( spectacular;lr,unspectacular ), �[t.t/k iUi +
���•t�½*-+k�•$«�4�. uf�*��.&.5l�$���-�o
!J.�!r 11t1.li:kr1, :M:•ri-:1-1T--1it;T o

Ii!� �iu:iru :x: i:p � /.!'Z ,<a lffi 13 ffllHJi

t t
Wi�J®If:lJ�l� o Wl��'\1f11�:.Jtl:l'i�if/J. mff<l1J; �if.Jm
.ffi.-;J�1:fl!Y�in]: teaching, lesson, rituaLt11placcbo o

teaching�l�1'f11f iMJJi�)j1J�?/;iJ..:1-J¾i9J if/Jmi H� /,;°J. Jlll
Lozanov acknowledges
1, �-I :TE ;ff' • � lf/J�Ii fil. ill .R ,11 r if/J T : lesson .
that the ritual ritual;f11placebo o lesson��if/JtiJCB:3 7;fil38fffiif --�:£
hypnosis/ sur ounding suggestion :(:E -� J&U: 7111 ,'fit �!t- )}I] :J'n, 1!l. !'f41 � � itfr3tli 1], j;lj ritual ;ffl
however/a certain in his own system is also placebo:!\} J:., J:ll\.(E�cJ.!:5j:'(1{_J)j\t¾J�fi'-T o
amount/convince/a a placebo, but maintain a ::i= iJl, � Jt11!!..!m1urnli\�Ji��tt<11frtH·f:l t:t. nfiff-j}'.j:�
without such a � ft J FI T - ;f;il• :;i- JJfl ¼ -� m �1<.J ug; /F 1f � r1.tITIT.

placebo, ... Lonazovi� V-.�7 iJ'l!llil� 1:. . -�:L:l: i'.l<.J __TI_:if :I.E: £,
� (:1<.J • � 'Jj' -1Lrtli1,-f 1 1 ....1.L o
),ALozanov acknowledgeslT1Jffe�-t�, �IHlt:t�fiJal!�Jtt
jf,J, /r-'iillif,,\'.¾38�W.JJ'HJ<.Jii1')H placebo, jg llil*�·ft
,�H2/J\J%:(£iTTlJ?/f .m.a<.J� inl. �!E��H¥1J T F ritual o -�

�iMI�lf/J!ll:;i-;,lc-v-5.R. ft,iHJ) nf i;(fi'iiJilil lll*o

/q:iftfiN1lJ!li,Wi.rIG .1 #4�JBl�iJt:i'l.r.lj{���nffi�o
/m _
lfil , ,- , t'J(_JlnJTffifl ��:
While suggestopedia has
gained some notoriety
�1Jn-'R:.�im.� o JJ!-�'LozanovB<.J1ft.&Bi��l!H&
through success in
follow a set. -12_, 1'&i7ii1':��Jt{l!!..9i�(1%!IFl��-:/'iil;Jil:_ 1Q_ o �
teaching of modem
39;fil procedure/ ®k���.�ffi�.liiZ�mk-����.-*Jt
languages, few teachers
40 although/most i';1, LA9JJti:filspectacular(J<.J, JJlli..V1li(1<.J�Ji*.!iiZ�
are able to emulate the
other teacher �ZAllli. l�Jlt40�@.lt:J:J'!G unspectacularo JJfli.39
spectacular results of
� J21ii :lti f I-¼ ry�? 1'f(J(_J � � nJ flli�:{1 :}. �it¼� iif IV.
Lozanov and his
JJispectacular o �� l'J;I -Y.1Jtr:1: 1 1 -1 i�Jltf; ff-*-11 � ffr gained
some notoriety o notoriety;JJ!Jltllli:kru!, **ft iliJ;llk�
� llli*i'.l�f1:J£. ft!.1--£:i!Efil.Jllz..\U�J 11. .lfiCtf.q, Zf?. o ]J�
¼K well known .!iil.Y&ll,tl:tspcctacular}!..g.jfil7, $39

40 微信:13522209444
Test 1

Bernie Nevillc(1(J{ll11/J�;)l;{·'tt1.�)--j,j . �•�,(flllFfre!(.ilJ:(1t.J%ir )·t·'t>-J )i'tt. Ul:�11·11/1@, :tElA'lJJ l:J.&i!J:J

i,R(E�;3=_] .i:1�'1 1 19i\e;e<J1'!EJ+l o _;J,;q I i�htrlJ"f rhGcorgc LozanovtMtl\ A'-J-1-Jfilit: ' }Jfl�;lj/;n/i',T-H<J 1Jft'f o
LozanovEJ(J�$:.JJi.flj .:E��=J:: :iS: t'W� i1E11,il : {EJcfiiJt;IJ-:{fl�· ( ft!rf11;JltJ'l�l::t.1fTT-1'1,(,,:lfil!Jl.J.W: )::knwffrf'F Hi
rt'� r
/1<J �fol 1 lf'k�� tt ;{-HT:� l,,"t�� �-F ft, H \ -tMi ji L� 1i,tfal l�t '..W !� 5r>: iiE 1i� nf k'J. mum�: -
iX ;t 7'r . :rt fi1 11 �
(l(J�lJi llL�n}J:f,ldiliilViii•� icft I� L'.J9r*�ji!Jl'.J<JJ;'t]lli ff[.(L ffiT.'Jic.©JF�('l/1(j�>-J I=! fl<J o lill;ttl-T JL1-Jl u
�JL1i-'l1ff�i:tJ:R'-Ji��*' �;&J3U�Wlfi�f1JHN,]JIJ!.l11!�;!.1�-@:;lc;:'Jlf�-(1(Jgll l ,';' lt�n = t,; (J(j�@,' � �1*1Jx: n'
�:fJdi I� fl•t't-£[¥1 °ts1rfl� �Jlt -bfl- Jfr�.i:t(l(J ttFf-. 1(11,f �fril:l.l../El ·� f:ft filt/J II •tM JJ ffr;f.-(,1(_) �*a(j P-l�o 111-m
t 1 11,
.f1' lill:ttl.-Tf.lHf J 1�• f2·i.Jd.'iin-rifr.ct(1<J iJl:J.,:I L 4':1(:;tJJI l�l�j'f!J ri<J,'iiHJ-r-±:MfilifiTf'f. :fxffl� Et!?G� ltil :tt'.Jaln���#(1<J�
•m•�N�.arn#m�ff�&ft�M����*��� ���@�������w•�•�.ru�
l ;:tk�T. l!_x;.ll1: •11�ffHifiit,(,,J!Jll/llllJl1¥fl'E:'tl�,.,. iTI:ilnI�n-t(1<J1i'H;l:nt. i!@J,�l.lt!fM".�.#XnlHI HJVt!!�lfil�liID
*A ITTi9i-·1frni. fiir1Ji:1J,1�1,<J�11 Jnfi:ft!,lf!.,1.l'.-Wi.Jhli.r-11 JL'82.(�" T
��--���#-$��������&Wffitt*�����cm��h���. ♦ M�•*·•
���:!JJZ.1! 1
1 ) o fQ[i,]11t-t tl1.·t(Hft /�1�11\ :;k:Jbtiili!t"H1<J1Li:t tl ;�tLozanovilt1l T Ill!.�� ��ll' <J�,i:_,: i'ffHiil'&�
1-�. t!LflljJ!ffJF/1� -i'.f ft!!,�(Z,J:7lf/i/J\�'(;7t.�( suggcs(opcdia )(J<j Jiii'i 1 • . f;�t(1<1ri..w:JJ n/l}_Aijc JJ� � (t(j if<��,,m
i�HllL.t$H$flj T 9j,-;{-ll{ff,\iLI:: o � ff, rn�;fi\,1>'.�JfXJiltT 5'1-tiilf�.Q.• rt 1.1!Utl nJ VJ11t:;lclmiB<J1rn?rJ;J1fiG*!<l:}.!llo
7'1-i1-i-�3=J LI I a<Jni'rir-��;r!�:i!-Jlllif::/j(jte l:l:f91JiiE. i!:Pl•11rt:lt'd;Jr(1<Ji!..ll �Hj*< 19so-ti ):fil"jt.1=.:l211!fii'i->F­
.ltlflllii1cY1 lRJf1lilfi::::ie o �--\H.!+!�.li?t J J�7 ,W,?M}: tfi-;�11-$-)-tj I. ,rJ(�11i1Hl'-ffili�UT gl!,�·*( ?;lf:J'Lt�f. !il �::!t. ¥!J
,tt,Ji,J:JlJr )B<J1iff1.l!1,'J��-11ftF(l'-J iR·iJIJWM:fJl..!X �t 1J=.WJ/IIV?'i Tii.!IUt o �:1U!f�¾'ll:5ttl (1<JWJ11W:o T-'il'il:5}9". %'­

:£ ffHfl!Jr(t<J� � l� Jl1r * ( l:1.9fffi' -t=iiffi/.lill' 1nM·,)' .1ttllt$Jl l)iji,4] t.E'i11·(1<j i1hfif-i-ii l'Ulii. i7ii$:��-::j�*-€U.:.o

�i'ii!.!U:$:�fl�ii.&:Jn1i�;!:iH:tH;!JA'-J. {IJ!.lfI .R.M fi:llfr�{f }k lmJ1 :f•'r=.;J i�!* 11,J�o

•�.•�rneft���*�$:3=J�-��r�� @�����&��•e•��•m�����
V[L. /lllfl'lJ�Blt T -;fol•WJ'r.'f. lJ[l;"M)iHi F*B<J-'j!: ..>-H�-fili'm 1r14�.J1H1{_J' {l!lff J.{1:-"11Hl!U1<Jr1tfti] I[!�v\':riHJnx.rJJ lc·tl
JL� 1-9HfriiiJiC o -l'£J.:. i!ltt1i1H1<JiJJ:;.ifrrl7, ��11i-1;.:1t17-'i' fi"liii'i 1'MtUl�iJt=i'10r.k1 �. {IJ_:f;l½*" Wl=�"rt�%f o !El
;j<y, • -�;1: .'.E Ll1�� .fi!i·?:n :if� 1-fl'" �Hl(J.ctw q 1 , 7fllf- utriitl.'.1:1: Wr1l-m 1J-J !fi: �
rW&:r.ti!H!ilifi)/lfL1J,nt!n', i'c.fi-1-1/J�illimfl➔!:«xm!J'.!¥:� fi I lnl'tll�tl,fiQU:J,r!'J:(1�1:kJ� ff!!.� Jntlfil¥(,;.ll1:
fuJ�i'l½ o �.'.E��:f&-:,� iJ 1 ffl.:JJ* il.'.·tZ..li{� if.I?[. mi J�*tt.:f.f-;.s:� iFoHL#I =f xiiitC tt1.m5fil.ctr!tf-�M.!iH!fl�
lit 11', )D ;.s:@ 1fil:1.E F/-f 1ftt'7: rj 7 Ht'/�· JAI.. l:l J.l!TH�ll#,J�fti'l��#9*Z!<l:�;lt;{:E T't:JE�IX.1J =fn'f J:1/J 1 11l ·tl o )(tp;i�
i'l<J�J:J ;Ji I� i9J£19. :f�}II.X�RZJJ fJ(j. 1!fr1'f 1l,1ll1 JL,lih:MiiE T ��11i(i�:l:..1!:'.{H5-ll'J:fil:!ft11I!/J$fl:.;µJ-11!!. fil(-EfH�l�
i!��7\:$r 11i'$fl(J1K'ilfiillfi/.liZJH. IJ.j 1fiif'.J!qu7-:;;1w�:tf:;"[Jt1 (Cf-i.tt·iJ-tV�:$TW. riJ �:J.f(:.W,gJ-:::11+ 0 1=jftt!t;J&7�:r.ta'-J
)191--,r.!X.:flli]#Jt�rr!'nH}}ll# ;'r-:.1 t T' �;Ui::_ilJj ·n\· nJ ��� Jil!. icLI: I 000-i'-fE jfij l:J.&it'ii�,1�;f11/ixi11· 0

Lozanovi.:i\��jJ;{£11!Tullfi;�k;6 f. Rli.llm�k;6 f !.!.X:ti'1�l1tJ\':t�::tll,T;� II� (1(J1:U"tl!Jr.7ftfl'-J;3(�r-i. �*½'t:€lll�@

.i.:1:f3\fiil�f9:;f-T i,�(10 !Hiilf�*- .I1Jlf!JII, it!iIT,,(,,�;;f:. 3f-:fj(f)(itl.!.J..&fi'it1/ 1 �h!"ltil1=jJJJlJ,/Ji'J<Jllfi;;f-;t§J;, {.!:!uJ.:�

ff1ff{�§l:;{,f©]�-:f'l 1ttJ5.JH-ff.sl!Hlllff/Ft�11,J-&,.:fTTf Y'fl'-l o ��f.x.5'.tTiJfi�t&t1A.i'F-1dci:tfitl LozanoviJ--'J'lft!!.l'.t<J!*�rl:1

Ff,lt'ent � rfrillfi'· (1(J{)'l ;ic\:: � l�JU::llL..6/; '.idtl:t if1J • fhl lliJM llL �'/fl Hi !.tll:l.l,.'J9:-fi � l'l1 :kM:t iftl . A ffl Ji'".t 7f, fiG-M: ¥.tl-·ta i!l!Hi
fl!!.fi J:k!ltr1%Mk$f JJ o 1E!.t11{T::f 11f-,fil1 :&!tt1f1J-.fcr-. 't W.��1!},r.RJ�;'{ilf J(:1%.l-. riJ;;i·ftGff e�� o il:!.tll ��JE:5t
;{<l]Hlf>l./.i&ll�jf-fiJ JJ11J:' �-l"iJ'�}}<Jjiq A. 16,{iil4rix ::1x' tlntr /lli!HI Jitl'l B}�'.!M-¥1'0, Lozanov th�r)('.8:->l< 1Pi¥ffi
1 1

-tt%'-�-�1t:t.ii!!!!.$ 9c+�};EH r191J:i:l::itHr, JI' 11� ,=1=, 1-J v1u1r1'-Jfi-#r-¥H1iJ!HJtfi

�'tf 5£:1-\'FJJ· f t i#� tt�:t 'I 1 (1%x;JJ1 � W1J. 11P1,r-¥:il%'-1tn r -·,£ f'l1:tH1<J i4 C( . (£UL M9::fr -1-tt Olli nG 6J.tmi
1fii�Lozanov;filfl!!,(,'-J [nHf1.Jll3tlln!.*,=(J<JnltJlit i ·llL ilf:Jt Ii I nf VJ.�fi-�@3V-J,lH1'�JJlU¥V=ltg, J1'td:Hf1J�.t,\F.!:��o :f-:��
f9:1'f J� illtm � (1<J fJ!JfH*�, ttiliJl l�l'l•1nt ,,.;t >-J (J<Jll•ti� 11!!.ir J '1)1:1-T Jc:1:H!k:i!li{:&:. f!J!. li17�1°T �l!Jj; (l<J "fr'f �" o

微信:13522209444 41
f l>lJ(.I\Tl�G

Educating Psyche
Emotion, Imagination, and the Unconscious in Learning
Bernie Neville
In Educating Psyche. Bernie Neville, who teaches at La Trobc University in Melbourne. Australia, has integrated
the most penetrating and original psychological thinking or the twentieth ccntmy into a theory of education. This
book is an illuminating journey into the deeper regions of the human mind guided by the work of Jung, Freud,
Assagioli, Milton Erickson, J. L. Moreno. Georgi Lozanov, and other pioneering theorists.

The book explores the educational applications of archetypal psychology, psychodrama, ncuro-liJ1guistic
programming, meditation, autogenic training ( ranging from affim1atio11s to biofeedback) and a great deal more.
The scope of this book is breathtaking.

For Neville, tJ,e ultimate goal or human development is wholeness integration and balance of lhe diverse
possibilities and energies of which we are constituted. Drawing upon Greek mythology to explore the universal
archetypes of human experience, Neville demonstrated that different understandings of education cultivate different
avenues of human possibility. He provides a poetic and passionate defense of leamer-centered pedagogics. for
example, as a counterweight to a largely PromctJ1ean system of schooling dominated by technological and
economic interests. A major purpose of the book is Lo call attention to the neglected functions of play, spontaneity,
intuition, imagination, 11urt11ring, love, ecstasy, and transcendence-----all of which arc essential to a full and
meaningful life. Yet he warns that an education completely under the spell of Eros or Dionysus is similarly single
visioncd and would lead to its own distortions of human development.

The early chapters of the book describe various techniques that have grown out of the deplh psychologies Neville
considers. Short of a complete lransfomrntion of educational institutions, tJ1c selective use of these techniques may
be a powerful way to open new horizons for educators and young people. But Neville goes further and considers
the philosophical and culluraJ rami.ficalions of these deep understandings or the mind: It may not seem to have
much pracrieal application for the ... teacher to envision her pupils as the critical point in tJ1e universe where
evolution is in process, where matter is evolving into consciousness, where universal mind is emerging, but it
certainly gives her activity some sit,'llilicance ( p. 154 ). Indeed, tJ1ese psychological inquiries suggest a far deeper
and more complex significance to human development than co111cmpora1y approaches to schooling even begin to
suspect. In this light, education nmst be conceived as a quest for meaning, integration, and wholeness.

42 微信:13522209444


rrr fill
JltiMJ;-J;&#\,filJ. i::J'.::=f20021p Ji1-pll �{'.:J'E;;f lfiJjj'j '.tJUi'.J.:. El<J fF X o :lHM.b\�IJt:IJi 1-;;f fi1J 00 �(, ?HJIJ:ffl:-�
�K�, ;w::;lc5f:tl, 1!§":f;IE3f, Jlr,)��5f1l±:If-;}!;; fP1:91JY:1=��1fill'l<Jil1l16llirn. Jtfi1J1,rtt!lw.!ltt;fs;l.l:j!fW L flll�l�-=f-, ft(
1*-ll�W o 1&:t\'il�:itJ;-JET 5Hto

'bJ ff }�:-lWr
:&#Hffi(t<J�-ft,Q'.J,�FJ<J*W!n .ittE.::P-?ttfr�' w_�1J. r.tJ§1Utl\ �tr-a�Jl�Ff fHfrB<.J1'1.i/ii::(£-=fqj�a{J�1-t

5f1lfft?.tt¥Ht�o ;;fs:�JJF,lil1.i::ll.ffriJf.'J1:1);Ja<; tt�. IG'?t .&zY1;$�ft o 1'£i7f1 :$ tt�Jflfil, ff]J;lj1-,�,�: -¾'HJ:1-1]!

*1'£-flfil Y�i:Yl,fi'J.t.i'!<.JJfxs<., et�; =Jik-f [R] l:til�:(£1nJ-jj1j��,rr'rJ::a<.J J F 1[(1<J l:t�o J.A 11,'(j,t-J[l.�cp (1<J1:f n-1-
·�A. #llnJ W.-tlli�,':1-',;&�li<;�,C.,ffL@,

::f lfil l:ill*il�r,'l�;Tfx*-f�fllfilo :&¥� l'11K T2002lifli1-l'EI*( Llll��r, �, f.J;:;k;frJ, p_lfJjf..;f, J,ri)tll!-Jf,n±!I=
;it)fE-JH1J�,\'/,J:l'l�iilJ'/)lJFJ'Z: o
:tE�Ji1-f:ill*ill. �!li'L 'i$:�4-l1l.:f!H� /111:ffi:-rili�l'TT-xfilft:illWi'.J(_J. lt-Wtl�-f;j;l'l lfil o :(:E�H,�!f1I±:lf-;lt, ffr
,1-i13 ,-}- tt:i5:30%, ffii:(-1:J'tJII!.:::: 1-IJll�O!l);fjl]20%.
fl�jffl,a�:lil::�:@pll* r17tt-;=.m:'!lH1<JtiH�xH\ fE:'1::;lc;frlJ, Jfr i1il§" ,-Ht:½19%. -GftT#�.1:15.4%. TfiT:(:EJt-111!.

=1-l:ill*. ���r-i·ffl:i5:, -tr11J;-J�-.r6.5%.

1WiJ§-:twrilJ Vlff Ji:¾;f:E-f;t(l�:J;ffl;f.!(rf J:.. i:E±lf=;J't:7-14.35%. 1:EJt{l!!.119-1-1��, i11::fflJ4%o
,g,z, :rtfnnH.Ji�. 1£2002�,�- ft�:!?!, 'k"k�•lf11-w.nt&�n-t-�lK!I!.JitmJfs�m�.3t11:1, rnr;1�[R]�*i'.l<.Jt�i
i�.3t ,'h-tl!� -f fi'/l •

;:lj·'§ .� Fil ( .lQ.." 13"7'' PI 62 )
%;15·Vf,_S(: ;;,js:)'(J/M1 :Ji',1�T �-C.,fff ,@.' re!Jil�:itHr�3�' ui!.m T x�"#ii(J(_j�fID' J1'.:il!:fi·�ffi.g,t� /El. 0

1i=, XoP&ffin�Jl!!.:/'Jff1J�@IT5Htft:&ff�, l.11.1lrr�.i1t-$-�:fFfCZ:i£ff<,Nt�o

;1y1:iffi :cttr-� �115f11--®� ·%t(1� t�f un12 rt r,�
io: rnmx :i';:t • .fil. :tt-=1� lfr;fsf ;oo.�t11¾r-ilr ntrr Jl!!.:Jt� 1E-® (1<.i ,
mi .EL� fftff m:� 0

微信:13522209444 43
jff_]y[filfflE!i;(-f lll'L Ml)f�r��JE �>KO )(,j·JMi I I Xf fl(J�l�:!&t!f-JJ-1-J jiiJ::f liJtR m O 11-@tJj:� .#1 iw.JJ� )TlfriFIY#\'
�' im!L��lliSlo l\'i]fy.' 1ri] {� Wtz1l:1t' ) L�"f-y.l)::f-f f 1-i.�11��,rl� n ::f .i.:t' I� 7 JJ;;2jl: �tfrt JJITfift{J-j),lj,t-4'/�'
f/ij1)'1gi!i,j:J�JIH!Ht�rHHifO, t11.M=fJ1llfff!/.o

.itr.iJ'ct'trl!Jl;l..l��*:ii::�' tl1.1Ht�. /b!fiil/Mlt.E T R ;le��1Jfle:U1L 1ttil9:1T m. n)] 0 tt �II, fl.7Jl!.m :lrTT 1Ht
1Jpercentage or national consumer expenditure. tll.:o/,,\'.;.fi& (E:i!@ri'i-i� ,\"t1Jfffi(l1J ./1::W.i' r li !'ill� iiri !/11 .�,;UI� (10 tt WIJ
f'� 1 L' (f'f ,I�. (10 tt $ll: tl!, 'J�W- !1! Jm ff_ 5} I,') ffi _=. f.1 J.J (y1) : Food, drinks and tobacco were in the most important
position on consumer spending in all of the five countries, and in a difTcrcnt percentage. ln lrela11d and turkey, they
were near 30%, while in the other three countries they are under 20%. .itt-f� H£:6-5-}(l<J7J<./1h o nJl;J,1-�lcilHnr:
Food, drinks, and tobacco constituted the largest proportion or national consw11cr expenditure. The largest
percentage of consmner spending was in Turkey (32.14% ). II was followed by Lreland, Spain, and Italy, with
28.91 %, 18.80%, and 16.36% respectively. Sweden had the smallest percentage al 15.77%.

The most important. the second important ( ElZ:;I-Jthe second most imporlanl), the lasl. in conclusion�ijl!\)ilj IJ;
,J:; i,1](10f1:HI o Jt:ri'i�r ll!ifil.i:1:they, it��·/11 tiiiJ:f11whiletf xllx if,J�f1J T J!f-lt..l-F X:(1'1 l'f.J+l o f@.J'ci"t(10!i'i�:fil:.ii)j
.u.ili:�, fffi::f �i!J'.!;j*ilifiV=t��1'19o

J ll ifiJ
ifiJ1ClJ:1'fl� o Wu.lm , ·(:eki!:; 1'.orn· Lti'.l<Jllt/�. fl.:.li1::-llilcf!JIJHwas. were�t ��J inJ, N:;fc-fti��f!EJ+Jmake up.
constitute, account for� tt�:1iU1't(�J ifu?[o
Jcl;f:ff*M=flW l::J �'VV1n:x¥(101-1(�::f�f o Jill El JR:)tJ.J: The table below gives info1111ation on consumer
spending on different items in live dilTcrent countries in 2002. ;;fi:)'c 3F 3- 7'1 : The table shows the vary consumer
spending on a seires of intems in the five countries, namely, the Ireland, Italy, Span, Sweden and Turkey in 2002.
� M (10 '.EJ � � : The chart describes the percentage or different countries· spending on three kinds or consumer
items in U1c year 2002. th.Jli)t.lf::i�, JF;Jd1%'L1.J�{t1.ill itr/J; ,& 1191'-t�,t:., rAJ�: n;tJi-1] • Jtl!,f,� . �il!lJfht,f'ilt1'11i£M
�- mi §.gHi:��ifui'lta0t1�o
1¥/i 7 fil::llti::t� l,'J,;,H �llconsumer spcnding:f:lllhc figure). Jcl,1:,ff --!tHJt-:i;;J ,f-rlifrJJ�1TfffiBYffl� o /�Hm:
f)t-'.fI'tl:riJ: seires(J.ill;Jgseries); interns( r'!'l..7-Jitems)
Hl.]JfH/-\'�: vary consumer spending( li'!.i1.lvarious consumer spending; various1,Jj�� lil.l, inivary1Jzs/J iif.l)

i'ml(! .'P]�;;j\:lm •lifi!. 1!1Ut1� 1J
o :::-f.!:&:.l,'( H11-1'-'.f�i;fi-J:A 'Pj fll- 1'� if,JA1iJ). 111.<! tlrtl'Tilt-% 0

,11:Jt-f't-f�ffi�::f�. f.!lili.,{?£: o 191rnn:

..'f!.U1&: spendings( 1E.:1�spending. :: fTTJ 1&� ifiJ)
:Ei\!/-3&: the figure were( fiil.::J.Jthe figures were); The last consumer spending were(J.iiZ::1-Jthe last consumer
spending was)

44 微信:13522209444
Test 1


, f:I iffili.f: i�illii)\:1g-�A'.'.t*�;lt�Jt1fiiffEIY;}('l)-' 1:t�ll1£fll�TI..lt¾'faf 51'11iifi; TfijJ,1-�A�l1lti'ft 0

fg;Z!:. ��AV\Y:Jifilu�ffTTf t:J 1!1!fffnHi-=t-fi11JiH�.7-7tlt�ili FifJff.t ��� /-1\-fr *�o �Jii::XSCJTW,,1.'1-:tf:.�

: 1- \- i{J,(Jy;fi•t! D
*Jill1:E@MJ:.Jm=f<Y!O�f � l:i1Tfi\N, iMi�J:.Jii,l .:cf-i,J-itJJ�( Discuss l o 1'fx5c'.$t;ffl��(:J{_);kffi, ¾lffld!Vit:5\s"it
Bz-- *•��mAU=f�ff�ff* J:.���ffl�-£��=f ;}(M�£fi;)(�ffl�.ffi�·��K�
•, i-:J·-ri?:�rm1urn11f-;f-rios&F ,�,JUIW$�i.ti-£:J'c(1<.i =:,.i-z-tc1'i", Tfff1£091:p. J::!cl�1f efr::t��11ui1Jili-�. it
i-£:�i't=J'cfix::ll:�ay.,i�ri�.R t'fitH i=I c. W:¼!..�. Tfff �J'c'.St�frX•t3ZXll1 (J9x!ll.t!;Z.

'.EJ 1� '�-lffl-
::iC'ih-1 �i·Hi:: �JJJ!:.}.1,�� �(fJ Jg ;t1fft DJiJ£ '/ff Jf-;,�C ;l5c :5-H.fx1i\1 , ��Sit!§" 5c FIY � ff ;fi I iJ ii f/4; ;t � 1;\HU • ,Vq
mM.������1 iifiillfi'.Stmm��.•�����_1_:_�w�c.�m�. �m���t!•x�*��
J::lt: m-&F:} I,�\t'f;!lli. tfi=, :::::-1&1)-JJIH•Hi::WJ-i'-}ii1ii(19ml:l-t11%- I� (:1<.J:flllrh . m lill�-l�UI\ 19 BY%il.h�. 9!1m� c.
��-,� (1y'.f;J t!-¾ild-rrn AY%il.}/;t!"8-,'.:l-illm=, ::::=tJt, -L!l.-fJt:lH5i. f:01' i-f::JJl]AXl\l..?.i, (Jy11tj·f1.fD1lill�T�ftw r01 ttBY

;J(Jllt;fn lJl!t/i.19111·'1'·51.!fil�-, ;Ii.A 1f FtEbtl¥lii1UJf;jef.f, �;js:, 1ti-*1f;ii1ii(1.(_J�lfilft�JJ7]c3JZ-(1(Jfl-t��'i1�·1-tli::
a<Jg;iill o
�'lH'� ' •• '* *� * * *
M!:l'l. tE�ff (19frr ;ft (1<] &Ti:IU: (i<J : 0rf'f (:1.(_J 1*-=f-1111 iiJ 0. jfil u t'Ci�F(-j � :l-il!.�1t}.� jff] UYN
n� ' 'ELf,!';Jli� � ffl .!:j 1iw ' !; ;,;-f� llx i"r flt:¾:BYttfi� J9r 0. . JJ-J'.ltfl7 FI C, l':J.(_J � � � JE 1l 1 iiJ 0. � f� ft): B'fliE
0 w.
fl.{Tm, -@A !A7-J iE:.llBt;k (iy ;;1··=H eillLi:1: iJl!M,'.i/t�-JJilmill1wi:.fil-H *illi�Aifilfl!l@Fr6 =f:-1KJ.l1JfF*
T o 4* 16Jit1iiy1, • .Jxfiff,(l15l•fi;k33-nH1<J.Jx0. Tfffi,);::faj1 !j:;lifM1<.J7!--f19:�,tt1J.,. 5Gi.1::�Jili11�1:lt�. ll.x�B-=f
;-¥,U�1-AT/ff�, lti-A:;i;J-�AE1%ifJ;ff ffnJtm.lill.d¥1K!li/t1t14HIU1y;;1--f. ��l•; .:ffi�-i.l1il!.ffJ11llf-f-@N
�, 1tf//,'��ttfilHtl!.i J�IJH1Iil3lHl!!.A, TfffjJjl@J!Jm.4!J1111□<.J$:�bk:iiiJ�t!�ilJ*1l� l'l<Jffllt o ,Gu, 1!a ifflJJfr�
���5c.!:jm;k��•.�-�•ffl�•�oo. �moo��•d£�ai�����•�•�m0.��.nf
flU1dl51 :1g L�Jf(JyiJllg],;¥11x�(:1<J;ltliiH't=m ?:ll:1'i ;}(J§t' :f lffr(J{_J )JlltfJ;riJf!lgro\;z �' .>l$:�t,t!f; ifri?:ll:�iJl!f.fF-' •

-=f Ji!IJ 7"9:���1!11fiiJj_gJfl5f11:&Jit;k1} a

�-@;}(�11¥J o

► :5tlfr
�:mi�� 111 X u<Jm-&t:iiffif. .:Elffi. i1i'i fl):I.Jm� ±l!J.5 I / IH�B mH#�· �E 7± :f:(j(J � ' it-i.i::�>(� (l<Jm-Nm

,G-�w�m:HiEffe.M1iB½%\\,�' -t!1,G-��{119Ht4t ,� C, B<JJ'r.:%. PI0..R¾m:Hti!i,W' filllih'.Ai.-.Ji,£:a<Jfii]

Mi( issue))},ltiiJ 0. T o

微信:13522209444 45
x�=8l:r� lit A<.J;@,fl:;fi· .+fjj(,t 1fii1f�:;k � t.H1<J�.� ( & 1f). wm--=.!;U:b!HIMl1 W ¥i-tlM- tt� lfiJ .�; (llJA!I!,
;�Ci.E1f )o i!f.f�A<J�Hl:�iEJix!tlH11fl:-;J!;· R calJx!e.lHIJtE(J: nf t:l�llx-f-t-, �1!HtiiEJ!1m1t:,t
x:am=' =:":8l:it}Jll,iEJ 117 ']'� i£:iiE( from our own school experience >.f11kfl#.iJV!Jli£:iiE( in other words) 0
Jt$:�lmE1.tfF:tf-tfW1 r, c. (1<];<!.ll!.'�: -{Hf-, �*;f!J�ff�DY:1:ilfl r�.itil:11:.fll*!&t:f-fx. {£1.la�!l-�� tl::ti
l'.l(J:lf::, i.!f$ .A.tf tll'dtl fl c. (�JAA\.�W-t, tttt.t:t1H@xt1-t . .7t�f1Jifril �f tE}ix!l!.l( 1fiii!t:i i'11Jt!illJ�¾i!ff o lilt.�
fF*� IIJHiil<Jf�fril, ffl_:if,Q,0 -+Jr {jJ;(j.frl1 i!l\,1�Z.laJil<J1s!��llx, iAJ.;$t:Jc I� A{fll/R�fi;li:��l[fi:f'J(J o fF;jl';·
tE%Y..�;f!JitiiE_t7i11WJ!.ll 7 tM:H1<J.Jrr 1 I I o
Xl';'i:l'l<J��iili.t:t ittv�ll!i.!l� it iiE, .�.t.'17 f-1:#a<.JAA\.�, [nlJ.iil.7 AW f I (J<J�;R.

(I) ...be based on the belief that... ------Jil:,m}'[:(£--•--·B<.Jrn�l'l<.JJ,H:lll:(1<j. fyl)�ll:
Democracy is based on the conviction that man has the moral and intellectual capacity, as well as the
inalienable right, to govern himself with reason and justice.( lb Ill � 004.1:.-1} f1 ,\f..tt6'i:tk..l!Ri1iiiL) �.i..��..ft...(£.i!
#�����-�6'i :AA•*�•�£�6'i•�.�a�vf�♦6'i-ti,�m£tt����•ro�.
( 2) differentiate ... from... .fe...... .frl--··--fK}jiEff;ilE o ��ll:
A child may not differentiate his imagination from the real world. .'./t-t vf �E ft.. ;!-,re.�� �l1. � g � ,t ;,t.
These distinctive policies diITerentiate them from the other parties. .i! � tf 'l}! o� .1l�Jt.te-ft!!.1rl � $.--Ill!.. :t $. IK �
1f� c
(3) There is more to...than... ......�{>l.fJZllk------, lf��n:
There is more to the game than winning. Jki#-AA.�1.stAx.Jl,;IJ 7 �
There is more to sustainable development than combating elimale change. of4,J,f:J;:ti:./ll;f-1x.1x.�./=i 1l.--AA.'ll:.1t
( 4) Without..., ...would... i,l;!:;(j ..·..· ...... . ffi�--....o �� �11:
Without water, man cannot survive. A3i7l<- ;1; � 1 o
Without more training, they would lose their jobs. ;:o)!t;f�itl:-ffeo�J¼iPI, -fl/!..1flvf�t½� ¾.r.ft

Jtfl!!.'t.- 'riJ 1� :
it��JtF,f 3T-�1;tJH (J(J'ff m: ...is a frequent topic of discussion. ....··,lA1fl �-i· ;��6'i-it-M o

1'or,;�iiE(t,J'i,JW: We can lind plenty of evidence to support the view that...� 1fl vf �;(�-',ilJ :k. y�iiE..f.lk At J_
4t.i! -,.t,i?. .. · ...

46 微信:13522209444
Test 1



1£�-tfli%. �--i�r�:fl-ffi ,�, a:n·fefrrv.:,lj�dit fi}. r�FnfffF>Jtf'i--tJL/�, .J=ll : ➔1 ;1y iit�f�,, ntfaJ, Jl!!1� tf,is·
jjtfp,.1§!,o �1g:JJfT*�FPlt1a�·�tt1��t -3:J, T.11", 1±1¥\'TIJiJt ·fl!!.,m�ii'i"JillJIUft'l!fiiJo

Keeping in contact with people

I, How do you usually con1ac1 your friends? (Why?)
�-l; tp�11){11 m+t :Z.-tJV'ii.¼ .t..J1-ifoM�i,jc44'.lllU?., tt.-Jt J:.f,<lJ 16J-ffe.!Wr� (synchronous chat), -ti-it:li'

(discussions forums)..l:. x.iJ.t, � 1t(lctters), .tr it?,-i�(phone calls), ;tJ.ii.1't(short messages)-¥¥-

Well, J usually chat with my friends by MSN Messenger or by Email because I'm a mouse potato, I spend a
!,'Teat deal of time on the computer every day. If there's a serious topic to talk about, I will choose face-to-face
communication because eye contact and hody language can avoid misunderstanding.
mouse potato ff!. Jli!; i'E (W couch potatof� iij) eye contact ll[ #13): }At.
body language /!HI• iif � misunderstanding� KJ-f

2. Do you prefer to contact difTercnl rcoph.: in different ways? (Why?)

•�&fj:�����A.�mm+t,z.������-�� ��A••�������-��½�*
�n�¼.tr�� o *�A�fA.��-�-���� o
Yes, J do. For those acquaintances, I don't sec U,cm face-lo-face ve1y often, just greet them on some festivals
by telephone. l like to meet my close friends every weekend because I know they are my real friends and will
last forever.
acquaintance iJ- i.R a� A greet fo) f�
last forever i)d� ff�

3. Do you find it easy to keep in contact with friends and family? ( Why/Why not?)
�lffi&I5: Ei �AM�at,;t��1" D -t£1t.t-�.l½, itfl1tA1,jAziaJ {ii1&.�,½.;1J;1t�Jli, &.ii*:tE­
-r, �1t:Z. ro,/tufil.Utblf't-i!L-i.it?
Yes. It's easy for people to keep in touch with each other by many ways: letters, digital cameras, cell phones,
biogs, and so on and so forth. Email is U1e most convenient way to contact people if you have their email
addresses. But the only pain for me is that sometimes I have to email too many people back, whatever
hypocritically or sincerely.
cell phone �m blog t}l.$.
so on and so forth � � pain �1;
hypocritically ./i 1/J :Ii!!, sincerely 1(: vN. :!:i
微信:13522209444 47
4. ln your country, did people in the past keep in contact in the same ways us they do today? ( Why/Why not?)
�;'ffi�l5: A..1iJ .(f.i:t-t, 1i. ifl.ll� i'f- a1J ii A.;fuJJL/f ;tj +I·¼ ;;r- J5l '? .i!>'t 1-�"!l2 <r!J tj- tt f-1 M, 1,i; .!{;-#, 1.. Im $ful
-��-�-�i:l:¾;fua.(f.A..ffia�iiA.��;;r-�, �$�M�-!l: -������m o
People in the past contacted each oU,er mainly by handwriting letters. Today, emails are used more because
they don't have to go wait a day and have a stamp. Bui getting a hand written teller seems to spark a more
personal feeling. 1 think it is a lost art in this modem world of text messaging and emails.
handwriting letters .f 'fef /J� � (t stamp dlj!;?,
spark IAJ :1.-'f- , fq � personal feeling ,t A.��
lost art � it /J� Z: ;ft text messaging 1-111,� tt


:t·'i1Hf't•lt�-iJ�ir�>'�-l::(CucCard) �- 1 t1'T 11»11 1(1;1\rn-ti'nJ, ;Jfiifl-'.J.!Afl�i�(��-���:l::�.fil�O o Z/ri

515-��fij1-25»�(1<Jl�i£, A;·� iJt-'.iclR, ,l;·1J ' �)¥,t,t �(1<J 11\'il.i£ 1A1tflli-iW1'-�fl_:X:f,,JJffi, rl 1�-�·fi\xi'm� ITII�

Describe a party Umt you enjoyed.

You should say:
whose party it was and what it was celebrating
where U1e party was held and who went to it
what people did during the party
and explain what you enjoyed about this party.

it1i!i:fil f;:-iJV!fl
ii51iH�'"Describe a party" ,;l})JJfll:fIB•r�irill:�El<J-1-. �'ff ::t1l:--t·11:-t·j::1£1"ffi6:t/,'ii&*f'l1 •Ji: /tj:�17J(1<J
filUJ � �1Wi<Jij!j-JMi--f:::i3i;fJ'•oescribc a happy even!". •·ocscdbe a local cvent"-:q; �-�t-f'lrlii£:i¾1-ifillJH�n-t�
i:Ef.i: B<.J:l'i::� It\ �!i'riJ�Jenjoyable(i<.J/�'.ik:,

.ia� OK, l'd like to talk about a party I attended last year, it was enjoyable.
m� One thing our family docs every year is to all come togeU1cr in my grandmother's house celebrate her
§t(.J birthday. Her birthday comes in Dccember,jusl 2 days a Iler theChristmas.
The whole clan was there. That is, my entire extended family including my uncles, aunts, cousins,
tt!!,c/a and grandparents. We go to my grandmother's house because she's old and finds it difficull to travel
.A.� very far, so it's easier if we come lo her. 1 also saw my Uncle Bernard who's living in Germany. He
can tell some side-splitting jokes.
We bad a huge meal with my grandmother which everyone helped Lo cook. We sat around our dinner
$i;1J table eating delicious food and catching up on all our news. Every family member gave my
grandmother a gift and a best wish.
l love these big get-togelhers because il"s the only time I gel to see some of my relatives. We live all
over the coumry so without family events like this one we might not sec each other at all. I like the
�for way everyone is relaxed and enjoying themselves and not thinking about the pressures of their nom1al
�}X Lives back home. lt was rather a family patty than a birthday party for us. It's great for everyone to Ji!!
catch up and come together as a family. We also played games together and generally had fun. By the
end l was so tired I was falling asleep on my feet but it was good fun.

48 微信:13522209444
Test 1

ill ,g i,'lj/i:i]
clan�� extended family -k�lfk.
side-splitting joke 4f 111,· �-�a�� 12; sit around IN :t
catch up on Jllip get-together J\l 4?
fall asleep on feet Jil;�llt�

ffi=:./i-111}: Xlllfi] L,fi-£:( 4-S:5tlrl1 )-;lS-� ��-�Flllt�rl9tf�=m1f}5 I Iii 11\*(j{j-� tl:�:trh�(J0i.1ilffiil!:fri-H-£:o
m.=::g-r1Jt(J(1ti1H�:likxtm-='ll'ilfr��-F rJ.;1 fff. (14�1u·n1'fimt"

Family parties
l . What arc the main reasons why people organise family pai1ics in your country?
-�tt�:Affl•M�4-½�����ktt� ���+MM��-.&•�-���- �#�M­
r, �4lt½�tt¼-1�:lf1 �fr i,lUt �, f1t:i!l:r-,'Hk(enhance the emotion) , tt,)Wlli..h (relieve the stress), �� o
It's great being able to see evc1yonc again and enjoy one another's company. Ifs also a great way to share the
love eve1yone has for the family and bring us closer together. People say 'You can choose your friends, but you
can't choose your family", which means that even if your family members are annoying you can't change the
situation. Sometimes there can be arguments and the atmosphere can turn sour. ft"s also difficult lo get away
and do your own thing if there's so much pressure to be together as a family dw"ing these occasions.
company JI/]� ; /;I,:#- turn sour i�
2. In some places people spend a 101 of money on panics that cclcbraic special family events. ls this ever true in
your country? Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?
59 �k -/i'-!ifa--'J �:!#-. il!i.l'l �tri.tJ. -�iJ<.6� f.;"JM, s �a� �1oc�i-c.1i.: iJQ,,i!i.Jc.Hri-11 �-«+. ;J; ± -fv) 1t-�
ll does happen somewhere in Chi11a. I think the main reason people tend to push the boat out for special family
events like weddings is that it's a unique evem that will only happen once in their lives. They want to make it
special and something to remember. Another factor is the desire to impress all your friends and relatives who
will come to the family events. Not only do you want them to have fun and enjoy the occasion but you also
want to show olI a bit. 1 don't think it's a good trend to splash out ridiculous amounts of money on special
family events.
push the boat out � ff .{I )(j.: FJ� :lit� ridiculous Jtil&" FJ�
show off tt ff{i splash out !:ltiH!it 'in

3. Arc there many di!Tercnces between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you think this is?
-�ttfj:�+AMLA-�£;6'*iJ<.AM,il;l;±*�£;6'A*ifil���. s$�AAM��-.�
ii.1J.: £;6'� ifil::KJl*-il' .t fjE.{�.ill�ifil .;J; ± -fi,;1,hlA#.½u� JI;]�' � �' q__ffi_ *�
Gathering with friends is more relaxed, there's usually a disco or bowling, more interesting. Family parties are a
bit boring because there are usually food and talking. Also, friend's party can reinforce the bonds of a social
group. In some contexts, ii can strengthen business related bonds, strengthen a sense of team and make
contacts to further one's career.

微信:13522209444 49
reinforce ;/JP �! social group i±� Bl fili.
business bond 1:. ;f, I!! sense of team §l PA�

National celebrations
I. �'hat kinds or na1ional celebration do you have in your country?
�1l:Rttl5: National celebratioa,(f.�:IU.1£Wi-;;IJ "¼ .k� R"�•'�OO•tiJXi;!,�-i¥J" i!.1-f"l�;f-�tm.$, *m
There are many kinds of national days in China. New Year's Day. lt is a grand occasion for the Chinese
people. They celebrate the New Year like people all over the world. Spring Festival, which is held on the first
day of the first lunar month and lasting for two weeks, is regarded by the Chinese people as lhe grandest and
most important annual festival. Oct, I st is China's National Day. It is a festival of great importance lo the
people nationwide and they celebrate it with great felicitation.
grand 111: J. a� ,
:ill: 'JC � lunar month Ptl m .Fl
nationwide 1:@ t! a� felicitation rJi.iiJl

2. Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more: young people or old people? Why?
-a:-:i!-� m e..#!-¥:.4iG.i£.6'-J1f ,;IJ
,,i.�,, *
�JHittl5: .!f-.$.i.At,,¼.!f-A•JJ��A�t.,t"•1�rn R". im $.i!.-t-roJ Mat.

)f] K.t�ary .l-f. di Al.l.# o �J:.�.,: ¼Jf-A.�-\t,J:.*;t_ffil El , � 59�11l;lr,"1!.1-H1bt1t.�H1f.l'dB a A.fr.
.$.i.A.�$,.l*;t.,ffl El , di -t �fl;.-ft� �;t ary .no•tic , ifl.. El i'¼.!f-41:A..;Jli.J..E.ibt,}aHIL-½
I will say: Seniors. Kids today are not taught what our national celebrations mean. I mean it truly means. It's
one thing to say we got our National day on Oct I st, or what Labor day means, but the youth of today are not
taught or experienced enough to enjoy them other than as a day off or a day to BBQ. Seniors, on the other
hand, have in many cases served in the army. or have good friends who have, or lived through a war. Seniors
understand and appreciate our national celebrations more, so they maybe not "enjoy" like partying, but revere
them more.
Labor day I@� � a day o0-�1£l-Ji;.
Seniors ��A served in the army 1f. � 9' nl -ff . )Ji�
revere ;¥.-,l$k, �.fik

3. Why do you think some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government money? Would you
agree or disagree with this view? Why?
Httl5: 1!l .t AiJ.-.591:-00 •liRi!t�#, Jli� t\" i"&.Jlt /1!1 � o .i� -Ill 6{1 JlJU,Jl1t ¼? �., * � �, .l-f. tb � t.1-Jl:
Jfl �;lfl.m,lj �.:i:.;fJ. (vanity project) Jl�il-tilllltiit '!ff�� (extravagant), � vJ. �-i!ili;fi/.A.a{J � � 11<-+ (living
standard) o � .Jll � � � , J:l?. i:b � vJ. Jl , � ,i;,J -f il½ ary � #i (national unity), ;;fij ,l:1) -f -ii't � m � 6ry �J\UJ
(social cohesioa)�f o
I totally agree with that. l'm fed up with those never-ending national celebrations. Spending too much money
on vanity projects is extravagant, and it's "a sheer waste of the tax payers· money". The government should
use this money to quickly resettle the disaster stricken victims. I believe: what is taken from the people is
used in the interests of the people.
fed up ffe_�. ffe_f.Ji. never-ending 5t 1*.tl: 89
vanity projects *at' ilii-r .I.tt extravagant fill* iR 'Pt a�
sheer �{J�, t- �a� disaster stricken victims 'J;. �
resettle ID: 1/r ;t ,@- , !Ji,@-
what is taken from the people is used in the interests of the people l!x .z. f- � , )f) .z. f- �

50 微信:13522209444
Test 2


* * *,
-&JJ ±ifi t�:-!:::i 0F-fJ :J'T ii1i·in] fi'i'J =f ��J� ft:!j-:: f*I� i'l<:!$ ;J.t:i'Jr!lcf�:J;rf:i��Will:fi:tffi:f-7-o xtit 1NW.& 7
::kfil-1-.A..&fi;$a<Ji-¥-�ll/ff.@_, -e!ti!ik'1�. Jik:W:, !j-::�, ;J-t-ft!!fil!Jtl.A., Jtljj'f�;o �±���-�·-i�F-1.l, ffll
itt m�.& T .!=jfu-�i� ifJ ,g-1iiJWJ Ii'� *�Hlfli'11� ff:fili1 l3ll � . A1n �W:1� 1'J<J�m�1: -1�·;;1n . ffr w. ;;l[fiit 1�• 11rJ.'!i\

�*i�' 1¥1t Ej�]:!:j.7 ;j;� *' l¥l �= � ttl I]! �I-Fa.� B<J1t-1f}i� l�{lH'=i riJ tm.:I¾ ::1-J El B l'l<J ¥;f:JL ¥f/L •ii.&a<JWI

�-•■ w..&��ffiW�MM�••••*��ft0i1Ja<J��ffi�m��o **�iit��-�-�m�

f� • �-�)C1/,f�� o

insurance II. �µi relationship n.-*}f-

daytime adj. 13 IEiJ (1'1 brother-in-law n. 1),yFf<�-=--fa<J5r.�)
dentist IJ. ;f� quote 11. :tlHil'
model 11. ��

, irrHC#im}

insurance company 1i1�i�i1J survey 11. if.I� ( tj:\(,A. �)

=l1i! illi 9:il .:pj
sum insured �;:[l@:�W[ notice of loss
policy-holder II. 1i1!&�.P. 19:fittA. to renew
branch of insurance §[l��J)lj null and void
W:•i'ffi 1:ilif.J�. :6'l
insurer/underwriter II.•• jl!_�' deposit premiLUu
termination of risk �I� Jtff C�I .LI:. reinsurance 11.-N�-.
coverage 11. ��i1�Elll natural loss EJY?.;:jy\�
insured/assured II. 11/l·�iA natural calamities Flrt��

I. What size is the engine? :B... #1 *Jt...il i :k. al]?

2. I presume you've had a precious insurer? -i�Af1fi:-tiit �i±.iltJ!fr 7?
3. And will there be any other named drivers? �;Jt ��1t!!.ii..t 11; 4-¼?
4. I'm getting a couple of quotes coming up on the computer now... and the best bet looks like being with a
company called Red Flag. it!,�J-_J,t,(f. ltl � 1 /l. ,t-�ll1Jr, � J:-¼ifltHIJJln.;m.1.,}gJ 11'-) 0
微信:13522209444 51
*°'ritf<J1fi1;jl:�fffJJt� I I 1' * ' (J��/11 J:m T sill� 71 #J,,(j )ci'J<Jfilli!( m
tl\J:Jl\�¥.M$(11,J IAJ�rix i:rf Ff O j.Qtl('.:1,J ;;r-�·rit
I. 3, 4, 6, 9!ill). Jtrl•�3/Mjf1Itf�6Rfilg�/J\TtJJ:Ej, rnifH'�-=/ill:(-Ef1=:�nt��f,'il�IE a �ll*X'i 1 r5F(TMt,'IHJf�.
Jli1-i.ii.l;l'U:!Jtlii1i1 1 i'f�(1y:/llfi'f'i1'P--a�irrjj[, ��lit�:\!H#u=f�ti� o l-IO!i��-,�;l:7.tj'.(�:
I. fl!!.1Jl:11ir1t�-a-J,:;lc5J, Jf:tl:te:tJt-Ei o 27 Bank Roado ;lyiJ.\ 1 t 1 ;/',1'/IIJ�1DflfJ1tFJ<J.J'Jf-1g -���/l\ o
2. /ntX]I�llil�Twhat's your occupation�-1'-l"J/ill o rnT;;r-JJtlfi!1/,occupationJ:1fiiJ;CT.a<J�·�g,ti/,;:�'Jjli�!IJ:&·n·, :(:E
jg:$(: rp�jJ;<rJ'J3lZdentiSla
3 1i:� � Hi TM-EJ , �:;lcEJ +-l+J: J!JJ :b:�" .R 11 1$-l+J:::k��:J'n f}- o
4. lfflUWill(�JJlt-JJ!tl, M'f*�IIHJi-'ey(l{J if.J, ITf i;J.4�1l©l'ffftl1 i-'f-JJU1<J:!1H/i'i1�irrJiUJd1�JJl11'- iffJ o
5. Jjj(:$(:Mttl\71999, UUYl��l.!ll�tlll.l\1. o it was stolcnx•J'li/a\2fftMI�. :xxllUJt a
6. jff]�3,Wu<J)Jf(,Ull]o
7. relationship:(£,m-f f11/Jt:X 1 i1*�ft. brother-in-lawiTfn�/ -M JJllHf '.Ejffi �o
8. social usefMt\J§;i'J:!li!c;l'f�'.!tM1<J*ilffi o �(.Eto travel lo wor�1'miftrpjilif.¥-}lhravel to workiJ1£"�i!i:fmtilliJE,W
13 Fl<J'.:J'.:/&lijfl� 0
9. lfil�L 4j),(j,W(l<JJiiUl1J0
Io. �-JiU,W·'F r!- 1 B<Jcost;f111i'f'ffif.fJiy'.J:flitJJlt�J17.11lr�tlt=f. ITTi D:t.SCm-1rtlt.t-1Jf;'-L�L .RM\ .f:hlT -1'!/i!Ci. ,J,,C,,;,;r­
�:(:E {J'.!§J��I1t1l�-Ji!r ln f.l= '?-1'1H&-ml o


ftRJ.t!!.�ffi&*Mo���fittWm�m�Q���M��-�-��*f•-��illfi·• ��
�1� l'l<JMH=rit �HJ{ T l!Y 1-� 1\31.it!!.lJ . z..Fn Y- ::J.1:Jtffl*�f1 T 1IJ-Jt!Lfr}J1l:fi 1-1-.z, ¾ ;; 11 Z..:llt, ifi t;J � i* Jt:� T ,fJi
51: � , ;!=.J;.r�• w:i :llr JiN • .� -tl!. 1JHtt-T � .19 �ft 1-t. Ml lllii * ;t:11i5lli'fli a l'.E� !J(I • Ei W st. x 1-t-illk� *']�BY lnt VJ'fll!!. =II: 1il·
�, iiT l!J. �x!\!.i.lf�.lJitt�, .!Jix��im!, WJ.�1.1'(, :;Jc�-ll/,:�;. HJ'.-il.ttilTTf l;J.!fil1;$7:filIJi\·�x (t.JlHt.l!:ff!Jlft/l�*·i&
M/i(i<JJ\;�t�11t 0

stopping points �1�±1!!. ( ,i!iT.) shallow adj. �JM,<.,

palace 11. 'g� arcade 11. -tJ�/r.ii, ff tl�Ji'!Ts(1{JWill
residence 11. �/fr, f:I:� commcnlary 11. fW{, i,5t
refreshment 11. *·,!;i.,,
.#..{, , departure II. 1111.i:, 1zr Jf
co111111crcial adj. mf.tllt.a{J hop-on hop-off �jffJ::�.iffr

art museum monument

art gallery lillllil!i public telephone it!ti-1:! ris
botanical garden fl'i!tmWI public lavatory 0�Jpjif lfr

52 微信:13522209444
Test 2
national highway l:Tilifi district 11. I�
tranic light xillitr residential area ffi�IK, ft�lt
banacks Ji:;'/'f
11. urban ad). ·m 1x: i'J(J
metropolis 11. ;t..:"/l1iill suburb 11 • .ilr�f\ 18:
shoppi11g centre ii"iHldK outskirts II. �1\lR
municipality 11. rlii&�JnJ slum 11. tt tx;i.t. tH� 1K
mw1icipal ad). rlH1<;. TrTi&� shanlytown 11-���

I. There are many different ways of getting round the city and we'd like to suggest some you may not have
thought of. ;jj" J, ,ty ;r- JaJ /r-J i#-lV,� ,fi a!i -Ji° A., �� 1f14c-4f!.ff-61J ,l1J:.N-;!(�.f1).i:tir-J"
2. At Stop A, if you have time, you can visit the fine 16th century palace here built for the king with its beautiful
formal gardens. ,ti:.Stop A. -fi.i,,R;jj"at ia), 12I 1if Y:.l4":l�,B:. l 6i!tfl'/:; � .J..,;i�61J /!ii;jj" .t. � � ,M;.(lJ � iiii -g P!t o
3. Now you can enjoy every comer of this superb residence. J]!.,tf.. ;It of v}.Af;. •tt i!_)i. 't iiii 1t .lt <111.% Hr i ,
4. This is a place where you can sit and enjoy the wonclc1ful views over the old commercial and banking centre of
the city . .i!_,l -,t-1.t -r Y:.l :\lt ,RiiX. •£{' JA ,fi ·� -;l;-;t-o1J illf 31:.},l�.� ·� ,,:;-% � 61] :41!..-Ji° 0

5. The Top Bus Company runs all its tours with a live commentary in English. Top Bus Companyfi 1.f 61) r}j' ;;/') �
t\ :If{! ;f.f J�. Jh )t. lOf-ix.
r 6IJ na,*, 4 �,tf..24+ at rl-1 ;//jl
6. This is a hop-on hop-olTservicc and tickets arc valid for 24 hours. .i!_JVi!i.J:.11.ii.
;;/')�,t ( "M1J:I1ifff "x!\\Jt!fo:J.lH:ii El W�L :Jt--1'.Hl��xf#H'r�!l:. -,j"::iti1if8")l?e;;i;;,zr, • .RtFM :\?t,r/;i:(J(_JJfilJfi&b'iil; 0
�rH:J. Fl dQ\;44! F'tf::!'l<Jffi1i. tl:*1-W:,r�tli'fW:�,¾.!¥JRlfil5iU!J:::�-�i. Wtf:Jm..t:j-�iJ::: 0

;;jq-'i .(::E .J1t1-l';· ii\:'I I ..illS! /1\ J),\!Jy)Jjif!,:ll:'ii\• 1t.'i' � 'ft/x:kl jil-lli (14,W�.& i1i,W�� 0
1 J-l2:'/-J.ttl!.1¥J� o
tr� 11-12 1JJJitttt.1.!1¥1:m��gM1t-=IF- 'i;nui. HJ:x 1 1•(14e1-M�.@.illff1:ui�1n:k.tfllHtiU 0
ti'113-18iliffi-J1.:&m.W c
13. /f,[j(rfi/·l\77.[,:)ill:ill .:fq1(14WJ1'-M,i�tJc;:i: 8 a.m.i f111ast�
14. &.� ,' ID'..!l\ 7 palace-iii!, §.)Jj"£J'(rr1t'l%eautifu1X•t$.7 mJ-=f 1[·1(1<.Jlovely o
15. lJ :tMfil(1<J:i1 i¾�l='h1"ill. Lower restaurantw:i iilJlilJ ,'I\Jl..,\\7:It[,/] (-J4ri'l . itf tE-mlf�1fWF$,;ly1::llfr;;i;; ;+\ EiiilliFJ<.Jl'p.. iii]
'Aldi-i... ;;i;;.ttt!Pf.ll!���•.TTEJ7 restaurant. Jlt,Wtl!fig1tHt o
l6. /h"t)trJ·1a4wonderfolx�·Ji\z,W+if 1B<.Jgood. Jj'JlJ'((l<;centre of the city1£1nJ�Hi:fllL �nff.i�1!1!51§-�n}r]ilJ{iF□:f£
��1£ e i{ rfi IH ' rh Jlt nJ ffl 3¥-n�-�1�@l!fr�ifl..H' fP!E iJIIr,1; it':tli'i�f.1 ,'jk-j-f)-·j]:� (J{J 0
17. :ffriJfl�:(£1!Jrf1Ja good range ortocal historyz.)R;;i;;refr1�local-iiiJ:1%1'-Hi!Iii�t1:�� rl I O �lltJ.iiZtt�,w.:r� ;;i;;
1lc H \ :J.:ll\.[('� (1<JiliHC 1r. ,i.';!,, lJl,iJ,',t �-i�. )!Ii-f E. t��� 7JM'.-;f \7,r � rrj.�-'IX o
18. tE�Hii '1 1 .IB.* Hi �8fj fr�x!H,r�, fLl. rmx-t.!lt,W, ;;l'J� nffjg-1lc:ff /fr:J'Jt!Z{, �1 fe-'fl-HtttffitltW!;ti&/:Ji([/1%'fJ¥[;;i;; �.
liii�fX � :I;:�� i::E )1. [I�¾��� 5:1:: • 1£-;f feffl � 1 Mr'HA'. T ' 11'.tdt s<rJT�,'jk��-.�� �b;j:1'! .fiil E. �n{l1f ,It, '

:,,·c �JJdjJ :m, 1, irr;t-

tr� 19, 20)?2:t1f11i�, illi 1iL;icr/Jt#;;1J,),,C,,jcl],EJf11 1/Mi. f!d:t&Fn-lffifHwherdJ!l'i:iJ. � l!Il�;\l!;-t-:1:tl!.,r/ii., 11f !=j"'.·L;J:*
'.l;j7j( :ilj;&,� 0

微信:13522209444 53

J! Ji-� �Hff , lJ"frW � �1!11-t& R<H& lilf� 111 ,i:,, (1<.J M± 1'£*w .-1, #.t;ff �w-J f& r1, ,i:,, ,i:11 {�H& ��H} f);J ?it Ei
*�:it!:fr T 5t--:�r o tiJJ±tr ,tJrt� ill., FF1 .::Pll!!.J.fil{.v.:l!i'.fi!Jf1J. �1"1- .mtrlli:i1H=.r1*-Jt&fJl-;l;-n<J*!]jf,1·��.¥:lftfHi1F¥
.ll!! . µ.iftrnt\lJ ± ;<f!iJf,! rj=r ,i:,, a� ftf·lliz!'fr T fill �11-%l • ;JH:ft flJ 'i�•JJtr# f& ·IYf�'E 11� ,C., BY l:ill frlVfii 19JII@ , t;J• .& � �;ti
*,f./ffiltJH�TIYJ�@/JIHrJ.'.DI El o 115Jn,t, NJ±j&1:E*i)'jrrfiViillT 1�H& 11<.Jf;!::@, Jll!.%, �{�. t;.J..&�nx.J!fil �1�a<.J 1

J,�12sf O li�rn' IW.±Ji!li:11-t?J T {1%":tJHk�kJ). -liW:l£7;1tM.ff �fi�liJ!lUitl:li�rn��B<.Jfl,tj'fiJ.&i1:ffi\. V.J..&��l'l<.JID:

:kJJi 5t. XJ: Sl : f¾:1 -t& ;flm-'f-!liiJ 13'J � , 't ;li'bf1 I� -'=ffffi a<., £R1,E o

,$: 1
1 �- -�, T'f iIT.11[ ' ifi.lf'.11

Antarctic adj. wH&a<.J atmosphere 11. J;i;.IJl

Antarctica 11.mm showcase 11. il,'.f;;9!J+'f!

complementary adj. ::§.'.;'f� (J'� co-operation 11. ftf1c

historical adj. JJj 9:: (1<., awesome adj. 4t-Al�-P.!:(J<.J
expedition 11. ��. :i:llifiE magnificent adj. �J:1m l'l<.J, �t&il<.J
scientific base f11-�i!iliJ:l!l continent 11. *�·tr
supply v. I II . .mf�t' HU� treaty 11.�rf.J
warehouse n. ftW- propose v. tlo:l
specialist ll. -1:r� territory II. ±Jll!.. �±' �Ufil
airforce 11.5�� prohibit V. � .J.l.:.
recreate II. N-!..!I\ explosion n. lH.t

hemisphere n. '1£1:J< industrial production Tlli.:'.:E.f'

humid adj. jy)]i�(l{J. /�jf£Ht<J industrial revolution T..ili.1� ifr1
huJTicane II. U!!J.xl ' �T: Jxl industrialization 11. T.�li.1-t.

hydrological cycle 1!<.:5:Hffi:fiF industrialized adj. T�lldt�<.J

icecap 11. ( tli 1.L1 � J::. (1<.J ) ·r�·lR
. ;f ?�� atmosphere 11. :;k:�. �"'{
[i� 17� , (/� ill atmospheric adj. :;k:"''U�J
inadvertent adj. i&iitU'l<.J , :JG:'tt!'. r�ifi¼: a<., atmosphc1ic temperatures *�Ulm!!t

I. Well actually New Zealand is the second closest country to Antarctica and Christchurch is often used on
Antarctic expeditions. � i J:. if,r � � fE..lle. $, rfJ ,l,ll f, .::.,ift ll-J 00 �, ,7ij � •t!-J�i'., Vi't :it Jfl ff If) ,l,lliiUi<.( #� lr-J
}t;.�) o

54 微信:13522209444
-Test 2
2. Right, so it's because of where we are ...coupled with our historical role. lljli¾_11.5] ;/.J.4\L 111,Jr!ll:.a{JJ\l!..�., v,1.J.l�
-ifl -1!" oii JJi Jt ·l±1t Jfl
3. We're able to provide information about what scientists should lake with them to the South Pole-for example,
lhe centre contains a clothing warehouse where expeditions are supplied with suitable clothing for the extreme
conditions.� 1fl1M}:fll.4,..1t ,a,,
-iJt.llJl#:,j': ;i:!1) i¾i�&Jl-:{;f•/l�� �4&-, -ifJ• -;l(v� 1fl 1'i'-·'i'-,tltll..JttP.t""F :i&:ft
#� rJi'�aiiJlf.U.taii -<t-4 0
4. Y cs, exactly and then there's also the specialist library and mapping services. ll a'] , 6'] �Ii Jl:i!#, ,rr, Jl.:i!.JIU,E.
:tf-t � lll -iHUn Jt Ill Jill�( 4��ml. Jr.)
5. AJ1d lbe centTe also acts as a showcase for the unique international co-operation which exists in Antarctica
today. ,0 JI..i! 1- t ,-:; -11!..#-J.t 1' -;l(v,4-- ,MHJi' 4-1£ t'r-J i!!!: Jl-44' @, Mi 00 F�¼tf.;,; A o

6. Antarctica is a land mass shaped like a dome, with the result ihat the winds blow down the slopes at speeds of
up to I 50 km an hour and that's what makes it so cold. m�,l - X '7, Tj\ 6ry ;k, !'ff. Jk, #; #JJ.t..t �1) T �
a,t,i�Uitti_t itft) 150/� �' .i!-1!!..Jt:i!.][-kv itt:.:z.!.ta1J /.7- � Hr ,(f.
7. .. .because fossils and rocks have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places
such as Africa and Australia. � 7-J- t£ rf1�ii..J.t<1!-i 1t;G ,ln ;t; ;G li ,tf.::JPIIJ.l� ifll Ji}f ii.,J,tory >'l -#fr-J o
8. But it wasn't until the 1950s that the idea ofan international treaty was proposed.1.!:!.,l1i_!1)20i!t-ti'.5041\,r
;;f,f' A.� tl.1 itiL-� Ii] l\t-1k-t0 a'J Afl-*

;ijl: \'i1 1 I'I�J2!;�,WCm21-26//Ji)l-t.��JJ'tiiWCtn21, 28flfil).xjt:JJrjc o

21. lfll.5( i1"iJ(:t<J'tli'�:(:E*1l\'W'i 1 �>I< tt.��j, geogrnphically..lil:-t�Jl!(lm{v.'.i"U:.(:1<J, Xt@}Jjt)taiJ'·the second
closest cou111ry to AJ1taretica" o
22. rh'f' _sc,1�, II'. :fl,i\ 7 we have two complementary roles. One is... and the other is...��·1:,#J'*T R jcffjJ. {1;15¥­
,n M1" lE1iffl¥.: �' X {l;lif· w:i 1" fi1\;f)(,t O :i-t�rn ITii X �r-:i£7 lt tl 1 -1·-1tm' about what scientists should
take witb them. 'r,Jf1:;fx1L fll'll.(;JL-1;· 1 1::.-� �.>jZ-i'{ftlfr,'ilfil. ti'l'l5lEzrnffi���tj-f;ij'ij'![1\JJm El�'rl� 0
23. *,1WI��-(£fr,[Jtrt1 (J��ur:J.1"the visitors' Center aims lo recreate the atmosphere of Antarctica", M@i2PJJ!a<J
"show people what Antarctica is like", liii:\lt:ti:!.l!-1.J"fll•l�rtH&rl<JJif:J-J, '. JR:f.¾":l{IJ.ll!Wtll,�f r�¥-M1<;", 1p

IIJr zr J-1':A::X.:l�. ifi] r[ tll,Jjs ,Ftfliii , :Jt'.Jt 1;.- St.rt; �NtlIii] 0 :i.! J?,fyJ. ;JV!J-� tE!lm '11 xt {fi.@-illfi•t.k.iili.5ltl.il ' ??
g!lj�j,\fi-i,:(�� o
24. �/ll'f.�,f;:,W. !16•�7/(l11\struek by;ti:}.1"l�------/JJr�:IF.li". awesome.l:5awful�lfi.l. nLW.i15iEffiiffi,� o :lit;J]nr:p
(I<Jextremely beautiful�'f:I �T JJ;[)trt, (I<Jawesome bcautyo
25. JJt-X'1 1 (1<JdomcX•J-f.i\I:lit;J,W'l 1 (1<Jshape. �7/(J'f.iiilr[11�x1�.iitfr�'IJll'Jr. fl!�0--- �1:.!.i\ZitdJRJIIJAntarctiea is a land
mass shaped like a dome�--1,'i'.@.l,� o
26. J1t®r1<J��TTJ i:,.,_».,m:.sc I I I (!�the same as those found in places such as Africa and AuslTalia{�Jill*-IE 0 Jlt®.iE
M1 :iit;.tw l'.I� FTI 1C-Wixm, lht4>: :-1; -�t '!fr f1J T r,JJ 1-pll#. *-ttrnti.!i!ll H1 ,trt& fl;,(-'12-.l:5 ;1t11!!±!1JJ.11 *!IX:, fgzJ.ITT a<-1
geological evidencdfr )Mi R .lf'/JJII 7 xllJ!!'.

27~28,'m ::IMJ't?dill
27. *"'r '11 I't<J.lj'{�Mi;l'fi X·t �� . � � rF.Jf,()'(:" I ,�:-tt ff ..E.W. o � ft.:.C.i: iMJ 1-1'P:1f} ,f f:jg � & 0

28. ��signcd:(-f/J;txrl I (1<J:&fr,f l!)t� II\' {q(,'f.QJPilH (I<JJ®iJ-j':11/j!f� T xfliJ.Jt 0

29-30,W.!1�:ii!;M.fil o
29. D1-X rr 1 I'l<Jpeaceful use)(,Jfi\ZAJyi(1<Jno military use . 1AAj1'f f!lr�:i8B<Jl!:.F&.'-�-f¥,a<J. {fl. riJfj�:-{cf�:,ly�t�W\if:::lit;
.cgj 1 1 1 (1<Jmilitary-ii. 'l.)
30. nuclear�X-!Ti:l;!ll. :il\;)1ii:j= if�1°i/liJ.!1:tlU,M'l:f;:L�.• B, C, E=:,t-iil;)y[Jfit:Xi9:firlJ;.& o

微信:13522209444 55
�1 � fttlffi�lU!;,�lit�J'.iilt�� 7 · �ilt
,� NEwot�


i3Ufi#:(£Jlt5t� T - m- ri B w;u o<r:t� , YI: tl<J 1HH .:f->J WtM A 1:Hf 5f-.t11.iE zY1'®il!i.!U1<J :M�'fi fiiI t'HHlH�
n(nJ o iiii5�� , :>o'�dt# r1'-1�fJE�1lZfi�1W W1�i;11 ln5.lt.f.!I! r=i B m-=¥--0 ·wu (i<J Ii� ,1�. JfnJ �.:;. ttiJJlt.ut 111 !1!1-1� B<J
tt�mm�. lf..f/.{��lilf JE/i�*211°·1�· ID:1Jf-. {f!.Jt-�,(ef1!J3;1UrtX:®1:lf!X.(J(J Y2t:E o i5li1;�·:JMJIJ ')t:?;'i:tt0;fi t:J, i'}*�:'h
w�' iiEIJJl 7 W!f.A:l'.lf�#:kf!;lc:fi .:f-tltfH.ll!Ffl' ,m1K�F.�i1if%if 9l1l$11to.fil: =ff�Jll;!il;- H-¥ 0 tiUf' Jt.ttf1:,#-'f5ill
.i::t;(t��i'.l<JliJf��# tl:\ , ;i!i::;k��lc:fi =f:-t��11!JT-I, mi85%EJ<J,A.�3:J-tfft=f�Hl:fi=f:- • .fil:Fn. iJt1;f;#.J1rnJ, :Jt�1{1=;Jf
iv.1111 {fi\f:Jc:iEzYJ.1-Ji91]. iJtf]Rli;;f,.:f-jf!-@-�Fl-1-fil-:GyJ{-i'.J<j.

handedness n. JI�-¥ >HJ;! keyboard II. f,illt},:

relevance 11. JtllX' . -t1l:A:-�1 proportion 11. ltt1J

psychologist /1, ,t,JJll�_;� consistently adv.- lfUI!! . 1'£t#JI!!

sheer adj. fi�:tti�A<J, �t't(1<J refer to ;i&::J'l'i
II. xl\!,� adj. ,l:j{iJM1<J, x�-�(J�
observation dominant
insight fl. ilTI]�;;/J laterality 11.1,\mfWIJ1t
capacity /l, j'j�jJ opposite adj. .t-�M(IJ . �tl& (1�
musician /l, i�"** hockey Slick 1ll1 :f'ltJJ1W$
instrument 11. *:?.n invisible adj. ;j1-::F.%Ai:J, :x;J�fl<J
regularity /l, �Jl\:Wt-1.: gymnastics /l. i,fi:t:k

undertake \I, :,ffe.fil; *3t predominant adj. i1i:l:�tl!!W:B<J

growth 11.1:.L� equilibrium fl. :iJLffi

maturation n.riM� babyhood n. �JLWJ
adaptation II. jffifili. childhood n. ITi:�Wl
adjustment H. i)l,I� preschool period $niiJ!fl
congenital attribute $t;)c/m·�I: juvenile period '.'.J..'"fWl
transition /1. $�� adolescence ll. 1 �'{!! JPJ

imitation n.,t�,(jj genius II. ;)c;;j'

instinctive behavior 11. * tiMr � gifted child ;Jc:t JL!i'l

habituation 11. >) '11Jt1t

I. He spent the first part of the article talking about handedness in music instead of sport, which I have to say
it!!..Jt "¥{r'J- �i-t11 ��;/;r1,tf. "iti£'-;} If� 4,iJ;\llr-J A. E+iil:.m >J ·lllt, .i!J.
almost put me off from reading further.
-t 1.l:.;J� Jc, iH1 � it T -1'-

56 微信:13522209444
Test 2

2. Although most trainers know how impo11ant handedness is, at present they arc rather reluctant lo make use of
the insights scientists like Matthews can give, which I think is rather short-sighted because focusing on
individual flexibility is only part of Lhe story. �·i'f Iii 1iti4- j, ;\'U.H.,.iit.k �+1i1:.m
>] -t»t,tiE #J 91 �F 'It 'jg�,
ff.!.t!!..1f1-ip ;f- ·ifi ni ;ilJll 1tMatthcws:i!.f(-a J fts'f $: 6ryi,J-f[. o � ,t-.A...ij_?IJ :i!.,l Iii }U.iit {1<Jiiti!-, ffi) ?iJ Y- ii. �:ii,.
#J .9i ,t A{1ry X ;'t•ri,liiE..iit:. -T- tt ory ,
3. And those who started younger were most mixed-handed. Jl�'.lE--flitif'-M;( &f >] fi, W.{(.J )a9A.J;..;f..J:.:;J;J1 >J ·11't1t
4. Studies showed that apes consistently using Ille same hand fished out 30% more ants than those varying
between the two. <>Jt Jt � H}J #M'i 1tm � - J; ·H'J �tut X. :tHlm ,J.fJ 6') ¾'t.trlt-t,t!I:&� fi/J 4tir j 30%0
5. Ira player is cross lateral the racket is invisible from the dominant eye for much of Lhe swing. -ftn ]lt-,t �+ff...
+DJ.i!/i;f- )gJ 111>) {r-J (cross lateral .fl'i{it Jfl +,fl,nfd,tl,/i >J ·t�r::-5" 1{;J �e.&.{(.J A, if,] -Ji">] -tvf Jfl {9.llf<-ll>H.61'-t � �+,
ii..l.i.1W1) ), ,(ft1:n,-1.JL/but, J,R.fa:+-Jc.½�·�·t,(f>J·m�Jl'.�Z>'r o

3 l-35�¾m-t:f-:Mi o
31 . put sb . off.tHfi"'ilt�H .. · .. · �JW/1", �tf·B:m;J�Hlt:l�t- o �J'.crl 1 (1<.Jstruck by the sheer volume of both observation
and investigation. 4·11 if1.ifiif t1JiX�'i:rj 1 x;f"��l•�;JJ(l%JffUJ{J hl:l!bFJ 17o ;lt 1 I 1 vo1ume)(•t@:CJ.il! rl7 BiJsize . .J'ljiJ'(

32. *it (1<.Jt,,i' $ii\ , �.lt\�Il.li::Lk o

Ti cj I (1<.Ji/4-R:fT ;fl'j :£, xilUJI'. . .El. 1Jg .:6 � � � u �-�I� .ffi 1f m ,C,' k;lt � x,J- v.\; :Tm fie / �. t,'J� u<.i Jf.lJ Wr
"they can help them identify 1he most suitable strategics to use iua given game". l/fit��l:.1JRIU7suitable,
O {91J �II32/Mi)(,j" /j)ZJ)j[:>(

8k.lli:t&���jUEffL=fC.Q\;X§i"developing suitable training programmes for sportspcoplc", Tffi.l)j[J'CJ't{J 11:l:lK:JHI:

suitable r!fj ,li:strategies, i\l;X]ii8(1<; "aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game" Mi .fJ.i\ 7 Ej /)RJ'(;j-'§.)(;f'
'li'l'-J"i'itlll�. li!tf ''-iITJo �IJlt. /il7f.�iz\;1-�N�H,1«J-e:-(1<Jfig;fJ�)(•flD'J SliiiJ�J<J�� o
33. Jlt�i'!<JA, CW-i1'-:ill;Jm�£ 71%r4/ o Au\;:TY!(JiJknow nothing abouL./'/ff �:;/G7Fl7/. o l'RXl'.l'�lhey arc rather reluctant
to make use of the insights�!11iJlil1'1<J:Jt{lki1T1'P.i.\:i:1:ifljJHtf� TfriJ),,•lirJ.!lH!Hi:, --t- A::r-¥.J:ti:1-ieJllJit-®filL�,!!.x.
34. Cz:Tm �-ff �lJ,' &,l1l�P-J � o fill .:F lfr\"F.i�x Tmixed handed(liJ . i7iiBili;J)it¾* =fonc handBiJ 0
35. ffff.lm;'k:fill:(:E=f JiFi 1'ffi�/gj;��r1Jconsistenlly using the same hand,filtban those varying between the two, �IHIHi�
l9j; 12S: '.Jt ffstXJW �'iW'-i[-(1! HJ [ft]-fFl=-" f11 .. X 11 f!i!Jrl �-¥ .. ' -©! filDlllfr�Ut 30%:iJ.IJ;/c;/J:Q!:;lg O �11� :;IJ · � ra:;IJ
fUll\Jlj}n(Jt rj q'J<Jo 7}-�i7ii1;/:ffl!fr'fillfiJ1:i:, JllS -i. fJih:�Rf:t:b;', �m.ill;.l'.ffi rl lT proportion(1�BJ]Jl 0

'A136--40fMig:f ;Jt,!s· 1 l:9.'MMttM i,JJ /[, J!llf(j'fJ/&l-f-11>1 f¥, Jf:',,�''/F,'l;}Jtt�ili;J'.91 p��EjffstJ'C P'J�¾i1F(:-f'.�)(rj·Jj)Z�*.
��'f Z.f-1£imJ'Cil:l::I31\J.l\l� o

微信:13522209444 57


�� i!Lll}]�

�*� �
.:E.Ji2i El '.t .l:tfuf v.J. J.t ii. ;r--/fl] o
-.tt: Ph.;i�,��Jit;IJ :k, R � '.t:!$-;f-ff•]t,l'� 0
,�a,*�x&���.+4*4��� 0
iaa,too.J:t�••#. EJ�4�•�•
i r-4: El �4 f/;J ;!l: tu., .il:t.u. Jp �f ,Jc_ 1r �i o
J�ft,tu .4*•*·• �4R&;f-��
� ,'-&, •.£-�fuJ ;r-,+si!., -.kff;1-1t;-t ;;ffJ f/t:ft:

1l; :lrA9:.., �.Jfi-!iff,;,.-f-. f#�t, �iJt.5l�U�-"tt-"1ar a

sweep VI. !$1&. fH=I flallen I'/. & vi. �-V-; f1 ( }i!;�WJ )�.lf-;
shake vi. :jWzgJ; *i;/J; frei;/J �::J::,3Jl.jl!J.
seemingly adv. �1!;).; :f.lf1f4! office block 1J"L�:k,lt
tlimsy adj. ;;:i;:r,!i?k(iY; �tt!J,f-(J(_j devastate VI. �TA- , m,/itf,

collapse vi. -ji"1J.tJ,l, J;\rf magnificcnl adj. Jtl:AiHt9. *f-lla(_j

disastrous adj. �xfH�l:(J(_j . .l1tfll1;'.iit 0JH1<J unscathed adj. *stfTJ(J(_j. :x�IJ(J
topple ,JEfj;ij
V. level VI. fi)! Jjl. ( :l:.fil ) ; f!.l!J�Jfl ffli

elevated highway i':i¾H��

mystify VI. {il!(;!lt..A.)ITT�;;r-ffjlf; 1ll!:.�� absorber n.减震器

slender adj. 7,:i:N�lY!ii� EfJ ; � L� (t(_j dampen vI. [!Im, 1ti, ]15'!lli.Mr.l, 1.1.t!�lfo.x
erect vt. ill"m\, ill:iL sideway movemenl (:J:l!!.� 1111'!{_) HW)l<i Jllii;J
reinforced concrete tlll1!1H��± skyscraper 11. 1ti:';J(�


peg n.lT.7fctl':� sway VI. & Vi. ( ft )f1'];�, ( 19! )�igJ
wedge 11.:f111-! settle VI. & Vi. ( {f;l! );fit5;£; ( 19! )3jl./ff�
hesitation II. J}t�, J€/t,�f fight v1. x-tm:; -11c�.1-
trick ll. 1:R:�, ='3tJ'j, ;Jx-z'.:
58 微信:13522209444
Cldj. �)2'¾13(_)
II. fgjl,tt
- practical use
;ff� l�T; Jtl �
Test 2

& vi. :ii�f"rr,­

be at1ached to llt-tJi1Ff eave /1. ffi�

inner staircase r)q f.'il�t:li gush down 1�m
watchtower 11. �'11,Vf\: overhang VI. & Vi. �;},t, �;�; _ill;{$
be dispensed with 1iicJf.f51!)fj; "'N-!11Fff

width 11. j'.(./Jr, lt!]Jf earthenware

porcelain adj. ft fll� [IY 11. � ?.N


resilience II. 5[(1,tt , �!Y! ;h flex vi. � 1111; ffri;)J
trunk 11.;J;lJf startling adj. �A�tJlri'l<.J, m)dl'1
central pillar ij1.3z,t,1 suspend VI. ;fi!:"Jt. ifJ

stationary adj. ::.Fi;!1a<.J; i'¥f11!:B<.J slither 111. & vi. frltfi, nl';/J
pendulum /l. �. fi j•/-u snake dance 9rt�li
craftsman n. Tile; 2¥·�.A consecutive adj. ��l'l<J, �:fJUl<J
advanced adj. Mliltr /19 , ;1c;l1JJ9 run up through 1/t�

grasp VI . JJl.lffJ't, ®!� constrain v1. #llir,IJ. :/'»HR
trial and en-or )�Jilii\:3� bang vl. l&i:ffi. �tfil
stack VI. & vi. .lfljJ={ transmit VI. f'�:titi. 11�

taper I I. �i4Tr�;j-, �i4fr�gJ1i SlTUClural adj. �,j:l;J(J<J, f'tiJ#RB<J

successive adj. .iff�EIY , 1Xtl; (l� individual adj. 1' JJIJl'l(_J , 1)'�!lt (t<J,

floor plan ��ITIT counterpart 11. t.l,IJ�fW1<.JA (��); X·f W:B<J
contain VI. 1!J."f?; 7�11\ .A(rolt!IJJJ)
travel VI. & 11i. f{:;i::J:; :iffi .fi permit vl. & vi. ftiJF; v'(riJ

tightrope walker jEW,jit(l(_J)I_ jolt II. ful19J, :M}Jit:,

balancing pole JJZ-f.Jli'fr abrupt adj. �i't(1<.J. ���(i<J
mass ll. 11fiiil: ' Llt-hl: anticipate VI. 'ffl!Wl ' J:w)/4 i ,!i
respond lo )(tj-...... ,tt:,/-11!,iz./iiZ

I. It was only thirty years ago that the building industry felt confident enough to erect office blocks of steel and
reinforced concrete that had more than a dozen floors.

微信:13522209444 59
��i-t-X: {SL {JtE30�1JU' tl!�JlJlj!.(1<J)A!.lk�fn:;1·11,(Elf1l'f,i:.,iJ!mitli"f-r=@rrj'il�j)'iJtll�±�J-�-:k.� 0
ifi-1f ,i.';(1}m':
( I ) [t was...that... :lik-1-5!11i/,�J 'nJ Mi!!, -f.!Ji: ;fil:11 is/was +tJ.H.' iIiJ/;I /�M}+that/who..., x,J-"F�-i'-t;!i,ftj. �f/i.(ti:!'.,:
Q) �ffi iJWl'iJlli' I 1 (l�.if-t9J iiil.R fl15HJ isD.ltwas;
@ iJ:IG1l'riJ,ijNMH11:J;JUi,A., Tf IV.Jl-lwhol!lZUiat. :ltft!iJm.ll.RJ-llthat:
@ :(£not...until 1iiJ JHIL �11 .�1!11 i/,� l�l untilJ,FJl ..\cr- (1½ nt1nJ :lk if\ M. noll.iliJ� Nl�until, Ufl l'/;JJJX:ll is not
until. .. that!ijf;f'l� jyiJ,lin:
ll is not until Jack told me the truth that l realized she was protecting me all the time.
A�*£ ♦ �A��.A*�•�*�-A�-��

It was not until the second year that he has adapted himselfto U1e college life.
Ji. j1J i .::. ../f-{11!. i!.E. 7 .k. '+ 1. � 0
It was not until U,e deadline that he handed in his paper.
Aitl iilft.i-NI Fil, {11!.;;t �J:¾j:, 0
tt:t:'!:: ,/in5J!f1ldUM(1½¾E'1':�l�i/ci-M.'nJ, .Rfi�1l1 because"J 1-\r-, "'fAf rhsince, as.!ixwhy� 1-'cr-� f�iJ,lin:
It is because she is too inexperienced that she does not know how to deal with the customer.
( 2) �.y: iH.l + enough + to do sth. (91)� 11:
She is finally confident enough to make a public speech.
Are you man enough to accomplish this challenging task?
�-t•�������-*£A�•*E��· ?
enougl1(Jy::taJ;fl!!,HH'! o fff��n:
I can't thank you enough. A-1���-,t¼�iil!Ht
You know well enough what I mean. 1.t�fl •�] El 4\l.{i(J fs ,\R,
Enough is as good as a feast. ��'ii ·� ff..
Once is more than enough. -;.te..t�{.ltii�T !
(3) dozen(l���tillil. *,K-tf. J¥,!:Jj/::-i-=1- fYil� II:
a dozen eggs -tr �i.H'l; hair dozen bottles ofwine i-tfli.ilJi
three dozen pencils .:o.tr4G-�
1t111!.-@1f �i'.191&��:¥&.ib:
gross�, �II JJ 12H, •1Y1J�n: a small gross I otr a great gross 121

2. Another strange feature about Japanese pagoda is that, because tJ,e building tapers, with each successive floor
plan being smaller than the one below, none of the vertical pillars tbat carry the weight oftbe building is connected
to its corresponding pillar above.

��·1$:t: n *:i:m9Hl,-1-1.1·t?!41HiEiiilt.JM)t1f-;f-1�ff,(.[CJZfl:fiEf11J:�.HlJ.i\JJ'.l�ftti�;(E-�, .i!JrdislJ� 11

;;,fi.:�t*ftJ-fil(l���f(ij MHtT--m(i�]!l,J,. '.i:J-J$-T-�)A T-1l:J:�i4/i�Jlll
i:TI� f.'l,5Hfr:
(l) *kiJA�:ET Jllt?t¾-1-,iHtt)A 1iJ, :Eiff¾anothcr strange feature about Japanese pagoda, is;li�z;/J
iHJ, lhatcJl .\r-:'tWf/NtiJ, because� I .\r-:f&i/q-}}._lti] 1 I 1 (J½Jfiil,1;l�in-. c& ITT.bVnJ(I�.± ifl-;Jiknone of the vertical
pillars. :J,t$1'lYthat°5l�JEil;-JA1iJ. �i./1- J}..'tiJ(�Ji\�i-l{-:lll:-is connected to, �i:tffil;its corresponding pillar
above. with each successive floor plan being sma I lcr than the une below:JI - 1-Fhwith rl I .\'l< (iYMtiLE f11
t;!i,f¾9. -f't')Jthc building tapcrs.l!1'1riJ T-(1�1Jitll51:Jk}fi':(.tf£.
60 微信:13522209444
Test 2
( 2) -Ffm tl'..!&� 1uiJl!!.J.1 AJ-�_:_ffl� Ui;- T �1!JL.J::: .f:"M.'ifl� : �l�i'1 lil·i-W1 ifiJfl:;:JJ(i/HH . rt l'J(J��H .:E �1{ J.w. �:Ji//11J-=f
IJ<.J ::I:. i:fi- fil1-Tll,j -lnf'W-f -91 j,i],ljy,{f ,�, i2 fl<.J .:E ift' J.A lfii;(E�if fl�J:Ej .:E i,!t:;f;&;:�-.=..::X::�.
Q vun
.U:.:i::f/HM-l.J( Absolute Construction ) o ;It�, JY'rl\l'�1!il..::l:.#"rtt¥r' LllJt- 1�-J.'fiHl!.!T.. 'f::if.fil.-fil•.1.AJm
a{Jtii¥;J 11' iillwith/without +Jt iii·+� ili-fl' le. m-nf W-ftJ filU!J!il..:i::-tMM� o
• witl1+4?; iil]/f�iii]+Jt�ii'i]. WrJ./ill:
He Jocsn't like to sleep with the windows open. 1!1!..,F-tl-11,tjj-,i'i-1)"-f-ll!'.lt o
(=He doesn"t like lo sleep when the windows are open. )
He stood in the rain, with his clothes wet. 11!!.;i.;,(£. if?) 'f , �-JFd.\1� 1 o
(=He stood in the rain, and his cloU,es were wet. )

t.:l:.tl: :(f "wiU,+-7. iiiJ/1 t iilJ+J�!ft: iii.I" tt.l/ix.El<.J11!if..:E,IM-Ml.irl•, tJl nJ JtJ BJ�� il\'J1U<.J-ing1�:i:tl1Jt
-edJ�:i:C f0rn11:
WiU1 his son so disappointing, the old man fell unhappy.
1b-T- JL-rilo,1-t,4-A..�:J:, ;;t- A.. �.f,Hll$.i:t
With his father well-known, the boy didn't want to study. ::t"-ri111,l-r. tt'. ,g , JL-r ,r,:�� ;p;
• with+i. iiiJ/f tifi.l+Mtl ifiJ. (9iHIII:
Our school looks even more beautiful with all the lights on. Hr ;tf 611 ;tr:1/��T -}f-pt, � 11J 611 '.lf {t� L
(=Our school looks even more beautiful if when all the lights are on. )
The boy was walking, with his father ahead. £ ff-; ,t£. lifi"", ,J, -U{,/£.,€; _,l_,lr
(=The boy was walking and his father was ahead. )
• with+4!. ifiJ/f�ii'iJ+1l' ifiJ9©:i-l-t. f,1Jftn,
H_e stood al the door, with a computer in his hand. Jlt,d:with nJ IV.<'(j'W�:
He stood at the door, computer in hand. itl!...;1.5,(£. f1 o , + .JlL � ;fi- --t11 <I:!, n.t.
( = He stood al the door, and a computer was in his hand. )

Vincent sat at U1e desk, with a pen in his mouth. JJX Vinccm sat al the desk, pen in mouth.
j: .i�A4' 1t ,t£. � ;r,r . •)II' 1IL 4tt fr - )(. :t
(= Vincent sat at the desk, and he had a pen in l1is mouth. )
• with+i. iliJlftifi'J+i;/J iii] (i�-edJ�:i:\:, �tlftll:
With his homework done, Peter went out to play. 1t .:lldM:* T , .f1.Hf t!: ¾J;t T 0
(=When his homework was done, Peter went out 10 play. )
With the signal given, the train staiied. 1t-lr :If... tu 1 , :k. 4- -Jr#J 7 o
(=After lbe signal was given, the train started. )
I wouldn't dare go home without the job linishcd. .L,ff.:i£.iJt'.it.A, �,y;::ift t;;1 �o
(= I wouldn't dare go home because the job was not finished. )
• witli/without +4!. l.fiJ/ftiiiJ+z;/J lfiJl't<.J-ingJt.rt;. '91Jftn:
The man felt very happy with so many children sitting around him.
(=The man felt very happy when he found so many children sitting around him. )

, J, *.
The girl hid her box without anyone knowing where it was.
;fe, :;t:-J- � 7 � :ii<. • it � A. 9:11 i!. ·t ,(E. •Jlll .JlL 0
(=The girl hid her box and no one knew where it was. )
Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window.
1tl!..JtiJtA..ii. -t aiJ Rt{�, .M..1)° o ff6 At T o
(=When no one was noticing, he slipped through the window. )

微信:13522209444 61
• with+!,>2; ifoJ1 t iifl+i;/J iiil� �:r.t, 1Y�l.m :
The Little boy looks sad, with so much homework to do.
;tf i!. ¼ f 69 ;f:.tlt ti,-'1k.�1ik, ,J, J/Ht;/t J:.¾-11l-fli ·'-' o
(=The little boy looks sad because he has so much homework to do. )
The kid feels excited with so many places of interest to visit.
;tf i!. Ct.. f 69 ..t Jli uf �.i.A1,, ,J,.:Jt-1!liit#J
(=The kid feels excited as there are so many places of interest to visit.
t-l:XJ: :(:Ewithif1lwithout l't%lf:l-i;!f,tl� 'i1, ��iJtlW()l-"f with fj��III/}. 1.@without �fiM� mi'} o 1Y1J:!ill:
Without a word more spoken, she left U1e meeting room.
:W?.i,t.jlj.-jj{.fr z- -i{;ft/(,ifi, fr 14hx.'.t o ( without;f- tit.:ti�)

��t3T..:E .m tMi;J 1:E'dJ 'I· 1� 7 tllnr: � JJR1z;1�i+i- . n-t fiiJ :tk m , %-{t!,ikFff %111'1��iii��ifi-�1- , � fi�1t JE �ff o 1'£ m::r.t
J:, a'!l!3T.:E�tM1;JriJ W:r'nJtl, 'nJ r1- 1 1j)t'n]�, )Hill ·m· Hlili: �bj .:E1'iJIWifF o

a. i't:ikif,
,!l!SI..:E#l�1�fl:�irfnt, ;Jt�fi�;tn �f=f--1'iki?f J,A lr,J niJH-� 1:i-1iiJ o
( I ) �11,jj . {§ij�Q:
Night coming on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel.
-1tiiJ!$-1l(l; , -� 1il .{J.- '.y'.., J, ;((< 1i's' it 1 r A<. o

(=When night came on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel. )

With everything she needed bough!, Grace took a taxi home.
(=After everything she needed was bought, Grace look a taxi home. )
(2) �J)j[lz51, IYU�U:
With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected President is having a hard time.
(=As he has a lot of difficult problems to seule, the newly-elected President is having a hard time. )
There being no means of transportation, he had to walk bomc at midnight.
(=As tbere was no means of h·ansportation, he had to walk home at midnight. )
( 3) *�d�= , 1YlJ�n :
Weather pem1itting. we will ho.Id our yearly spo1ts meeting next week.
1l"*k q,Je,-ilfa�it-, � 111 r lt'..J!JP��ff�Jf--,J:.�i£#l� o

(=If weather permits. we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week. )
All the work done, you can have a rest. J,r� .r.At--lM:ff.16, 1/i� "fv),{;j-.,t.
(=As long as all the work is done, you can have a rest. )
Everything taken into consideration, the plan seems to be more practical.
(= If everything is taken into consideration, the plan seems to be more practical. )
TIPS: *ff-ll'tI'aJ' ).)j(�, *-{Lj:i'.J�Ml.u..:E#r�r!ift.J-All:1&:(f{,Jr-i', :Jt-El.��� 1¥/i{f ii'lJ 0

r -i*T , 'if: .1.,/;JI iii fr7.al't:E"

[ � ] When class being over, the students lefi their classroom.
[ .iE] Class ( being) over, the s1t1dents left their classroom.
[ iffe-] The moon appearing and Lhey continued their way.

62 微信:13522209444
Test 2

[ .iE] The moon appearing, they continued their way. fl ;ff; tl1 At. 7 , #.117 � i'£M.il41- o
(4) fi!HlllJff·�1Wr3JtH J'EiJtrJJ:J {f1JJ1n:
The strange man was walking down the street, with a stick in his hand.
JJ� 1-�-tl-lr-J J! A..,(f.,W J:. ,,t, ;?k, + JJL 1t ,tHtt +R o
(=The strange man was walking down the street, and he carried a stick in his hand. )
The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.
-;f. A�e.�t ;;;.� 7 ¼Al' -h1.U1a,(f.1'r ./6 0
(=The murderer was brought in, and his hands were tied behind his back. )
Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children.
�il>J a A,1£ :f � <r ill:.1., .:Jt. 'f-it §, JUt..]t o
(=Two hundred people died in Lhe accident and many of them were children. )

b. f'Fj;e ffi-
�!lt:iL� ��it'4Jft-JEi1cf, Jtr,.JJfi�f�l�'f-1-JEitf J.A1nJ. Wtl:lm:
He is the person with a lot of questions to be settled. (with /Jlj .i.i.¼Hi¥J11' ;t.i¼, 1it-i'$thc student)
1lt:M'.Jl�it§, ja] J/Ji�M;)t{,ry ll�/i'-A.
(=He is the person who has a lot of questions to be settled. )
You can use a large plastic bottle with its top cul off. ( with alj J.l¼H,;j-ijfp ,t i¼, 1t-i'$bottle)
1.t- ")"v)1lffl-1--i-� hli k 'ti.!##fLo
(=You can use a large plastic bottle whose top was cul off. )
He was walking along the road without any street lights on its both sides.
,ftt,,t,,(f.-.fkil1) il!.i�4f !1$-;l'r /r-J 1'1 �J:.. ( wi1hou16IJ jl1;-tt ;/f.},ft ,t i¼, 1it-l:ff;the road)
(=He was walking along the road that didn't have any street lights on its both sides. )

TIPS: t..\tffH-l'i-t: 71� � Jfl ii lnJ:aHiH1� jl}.j 1-lfiJ-=f iJ!L:fe�!lt.3L. i:*tMt;J (J<J'li!r (£ o fffi� a�� El�� , ;tj: .:I/: lfr;j:f Fllit if/J
B�:ll!rJJt�iiJ � 'i&.:;1-J�!ltJL±:•!Ml;tiiJ. ffftl�n,
If you stand on tbe top of the mountain, the park looks more beautiful.
�*��-�-J:..���J:.¾L� ■ C�ft-�B��-M�)
ff you check your test paper carefully, some mistakes can be avoided.

Questions 1-4

• mi §�;JJ'l: YES/NO/NOT GIVEN if:1Ji!Jrii

• Mi §I ffr¥lfi· :

1. Only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400 years.

���x -TlrnEf�*. fJl;(,Tji;(iJllf 13 ;;jl:3f:t/'l,=1i!Jt� o

�{fii1\'J 1400 years
ffi'f.mi*OO� only

x cp x,t$.,� �-.!&�-= 1iJ: Records show that only two have collapsed during the last 1400 years. 1'Tic�
ln!.m. ;(:£-tJ:� I400�i'aJ. fl,;f,fj)}.jlfilfflJt� 7"
微信:13522209444 63
:i!:itIAl�Hi�Jt(1 1�-:itI@i. �1:.!i\l!)Wll;J":ffilllli'filmi, ,i:.,·ti'iittii•�}t, JilI���1.!!lilJ�;JcWJ fil·
¾tt.i:� ( U�./,!n.!Jl:ffi F 1 ! 1 11" only, tJt iAJ-:,�FALSE), 1..ltJftllmJ'cX,t@:6£1:�riJ iv:T � fi!!J-H 1400
years�{.JLilJt!�-131:m=,t;J, �t,J l!)H'ifr1*IJJ:] 14001F fuJ P.,1iWIJ.ili n ..<j.::t)f.ff1]J;�, J� [TT] I' I�
m m
!WJ fl,t :i! lffi l1!. � J.r(7 �ff 1' YES/N 0/NOT GIVEN (1� Jxl.m : 4 ili� fil\$/;p:j=t :(:E Jt :it'i: i ill , -tliJ®i
ff�1tf o

�� YES

2. The Hanshin earthquake of 1995 destroyed the pagoda at the Toji temple.

��i-J(,Jt 19951¥. ll&:tillJ l!!/£llll�7 fK'N.fil.(J�jf.J*·

�{rri.f,J 1995, Toji temple
f(f,\!'�*iilr=Y: destroyed
m-131:fN:H'i- 1nJ: YeL it lefi !he magnificent five-storey pagoda al the Toji temple in nearby
Kyoto unscathed, though it levelled a number of buildings in the neighbourhood. J�,m':;lc!l!!f£
�-•�ili���m��fil�••���- m�m�ro��m�m•�ff�ffl-*B�
��K'f'��t-bTIJt 1 11 (!Yleave ... unscatbedlfi]/ffi f 1 11 (i�destroyx,J.:u:ilil* � unscatl1edffi"jJ!:,ff f;l

x �,, xtm:.� 1% BY • *�:t.�H9:i a<J" . .iK t-FJ?'Jt.!::i /MIr 111'1<1 destroy( �llt:lir- Hr1.mm�t.
1 ::fcf l'.!0�1:. if,J1[iJ:f!lil1],. �
iAl,Runscatlied, {fl.nJ!,:J.iffi.urluitiHl�lefi-if'iJ!�'.1.i'!:ll\3!Hive-storey pagoda at the Toji temple:fil
11lil¥/'"f*7, M'"f*l?Xil¾:.ff'tJH1ll�. �tr.iE;ffili;¥f1:NO.
leavenJ J:J.*;f-{iHl:rJit;fil•;lk�, ,fy��n:
Fear left her Lips stiff :'l\'tfl:1JJ!.�lk5K □ tt-i'Ti o
Leave the future to take care of itself. *3IH?JtJ®r:Jt I� ?�lltl o
�� NO

3. The other buildings near the Toji pagoda had been built in the last 30 years.

��- �)( :n��'.3il�f,J]fl;la�;l't{tMn1Ji:�.(f:i1't=+�IAJ�J&AY o

5i'.·&ill'J 30 years
fWUill::>Hil!'.¥ other buildings, 30 years
t11=.l&�=li'iJ: II was only thirty years ago U1al U1c building industry fell conlident enough to
erect office blocks of steel and reinforced concrete that had more than a dozen floors. {lH3ttE30
.ft.�1Ji:B�M�-ITT���-�0YB�'f'+=•�ffl&m•±�0:;Jcm. ���
.!::j Jlt�(�JllfE-�J.Ji/t�:i! 1'tb irty years, tlm,;Jf;i!-.#- , Wj �mi 1f :Jiktj:: � � J(;j' J;/,,llj/j o Hfl (51! ii)'.:
x�1=ixtl.itr.� %�131:. ilL*.!ii!./ffi'-Frl1 /!lr�t:iba<J�.�,. fITTllthe other buildings near the Toji pagodae<J!@Jfil
xt�nMt ti11H:E.rut£m-Wrl:a number of buildings in the neighbourhood o -lli:,W§ (l�±t!-J£
*�1txtEx�r1&.1&, �tiih'.;ti!JIHflB<JJfl&:ti1•&,J&�r,<.1Nor a1vEN D
TTPS: IMI-=f (1<.J ±i\'1 trt,r, ± � ri!H} tE J'crj, 1'1Mi1Ht 31JJ , {Q�.!;p ii�� 9, tE fr.il-� , Jlt/Hi- M
J2!;f.¥-NOT GlVEN a

64 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test 2

4. The builders of pagodas knew how to absorb some of the power produced by severe weather

���>( 1-1*::rsJ�BY�:rti�{i Wri�lf�n1rrrm111MJ,H'JJ;;RL1�{4:ffr�Jit(➔0!0Z:Cf�o

JEuLiilJ builders, weather
ffiT{,�JcW!* knew how to absorb
�4 =:Wi!.-�.=. 1n]: Clearly, Japanese carpenters of Lhe day knew a few tricks abouL allowing a
building lo sway and selllc iLSelrrathcr than fight nature's force . .M.1mMJ.\!., �n,ta(_J 13 ,1,:-'Kllc
Jt ij:t .x<t J.l!Z.ilii:
JLo :i! � ill in.I �1f!Hk�r.lJJ£ � :::k a0Jill I I . "1.J:zjs: �·w.�;.f *
111("' f,ri,lljl!Jkllxt.&�-iilxic((�Jfl�i,t' J;l;�;M;!.ij.J T �.ifl,{;JxJlm'j;lclc(�ll.llli1,lk�B(_JWJitf- o Jt rMM311J
xt 1il7. 0 /ill =1 11 1 BY absorb;fs:ffi "I!&

allow a building to sway and scule itself rather 1han light nature's force, nature's forceJ-t�llX
:fil:,'12 I..: 1 l:t BY the power produced by severe weather conditions. absorbl(,t l.ilZ rather than fight,
:::G�{i'C FI rtz.)J. 00:hl:Ji@I;.!t ,�,rt,' .iffi.1'.:jJllHOOITif�tfi'.tvl&13: T 0
�� YES

Questions 5-10

• fm El��: MATCHING tf�cfMi

• Jlfil FI Wf. :trr :
Jlt/!ii¾-ill:AIBIBOTH.@!MATCHJNG)i\fil: /m§I /f:ht�;l:1 )'cij 1 H·\Jl,l\X;f11YWH+tlJ#J, Ji: .tl.:(£;litJL�#f
W.i;# /Ju �.'.Ht� ( �rt,�f'l 1 tl:®:fii ttiil'.lr�!rt'uJa<.J),
n 1 1 11,iJ: fr'Ji'i 1lrf1J�@4¥f:.'L u���J�A�fi
El<.J; vi#-;;(;f/1<J; X%1lY��;:(Tl'!iJ; X%11Y{(1\i.\l::{T(liJ o
TIPS, �ftj',{-$'t.bA.X.f11Y�'tTHiJr-=F-, ]'i J--1.illr.lHTrliJ, J+Hl�IWi$-ilel a ;5JI•. ,fiHQU.:.-::k/filnJ 1,'.J.l!ir'.kJlt
1W��l'.J(_J1.v]t¥*�rf,1-EJtf.rttHm, TLJIJ1:.

Ii!� �iu:iru
� 12!1 JIJ tl¼ =: , lill 'tiJ : The Chinese built their pagodas in brick or stone, with inner
staircases.... When the pagoda reached Japan ...the staircase was dispensed with

because the Japanese pagoda did not have any practical use. q, FEIAHH� :ci �t*, rk.l
i9:�;\'it,-····· ��J'!HJ:iE rl l=f 2f\:.A.1m �tlll:i11:, �tl'l11t#HJT ··· ···
inte1ior access W Jfj,@.,, 9-.ff'i 1'iilt'.liJJ:P,::f,'f�;f'if,, · l.!1.tltf-itnf9!ft!!3llJi51JiI.&; El*:i:tf.:�;(j�f.l'l. i;fi.
l 1
to top fnT��ilJ;iET.ITT.&'!J�? staircase �;ell, 5111,J-r' ffJt::fil: 1Nill::rs:tta<.J�.?.iJ.t::fil:Affiq�
��ff)C fi�1! J:rt\=1.ru a ffr I))�� jJ B o
3cl}]ii'iH_fi: be dispensed wiLh1f )-M, ;fifl'.;jl1J1'f
(9iJ:l,m: I think we will soon see juries dispensed with ill criminal. Jitl!ftfn:::r-0. 1iit�

/=¥! tile- ijj'j � 1'il. :t!J tf1 Ji: Wi!.-ti1 =

�-�Jtffll] � 'ifi' J.91 11-, ;f .jlJ{iJ!ffi lfi· 1'11-fl a
11) : For the same reason, the builders of Japanese
pagodas seem to have further increased their weight by choosing to cover these extended
eaves not with the porcelain tiles of many Chinese pagodas but with mucb heavier
6 tiles on eaves earthenware tiles. IH=flf:fJ¥M1iJ/Jitl2sl, B *�t*(i{;IB�*1f1.iffiu�Uf.l�11!B(jlh�ll01/2lIT

ll:i!@g 1fl1 r1<.JJJHf.1 .bA. ITTi :::k£ml 1m I� � (liJ ID:1,c , Tffi;f 1�
:i! kiJi15 � ryJ ;ftr-::fil: 1:1
rj, 13sl '.:rs:!ftJJIHf3fUFJ � · i;c o
.l:'/f :if ;li1:: rJ '3Q :l'),,L /fil;jf."f J: � ti.� '/111 .f.'if ;ff Fe , .R ;li1:: ffr HH1'fbU:t J.ll!:

微信:13522209444 65
Ii!� �iu:iru
;;p;m;1¥J!:��=, fl.9{;]: The Chinese ...used them in later ccnttu·ics mainly as watchtowers.
When the pagoda reached Japan, .. .the staircase was dispensed with because the
Japanese pagoda did not have any practical use but became more of an art object. 1 ! 1 l]I
A-·····Fn*�-@.3[fftJ?,t.:E�HH'F'<rfil* r.� ,m
��@. .3[J-f.1l A lcl ;41:n-t. · ·... · 13 ,,ji:
�t¾'di�· fl·¼��Jlrn,. !J!�� �it Z# ?,�., JJJf � ift1f�-r:l:o
7 observation post
� 1 lf<lA�* Jl-lft=':f-mJfi . watchtoweri)>',l".lf.lfil=fobservalion post, i7fi r-1 ;ijl:,A. 1.il -Ol��*
�:lil�;j(,r,',*5Y=r1�. ji'X�llif,Jl]�. �r&����'�*J'Flo ��Eb'if'1.t�Bo
i-'lf �.�: more of]!:-Jc.-ffil)jLJ:
fffiJ�n: he is more of a poet than a musician. -'=.iJ:l;i3Hl!t.lii-t-1'=} �f-�, .if��ll iJi.{l!i.;!i!/i'
i� .A. o
;J:iJJll /ffi FI rj 1 1'1{:/half - jTI]nf VJ, t.ll3iLl X I rt/UiJ}l: :IP.JI! (1<.J fifty per cent. f'�Jrj· tm* � 1o] 0
The roof of a Japanese temple building can be made to overhang the sides of the
structure by fifty per cent or more of the building's overall width. ��J.:.-¥Jl::lif J;;-
eave, half the
1,J : Pagodas in China and Korea have nothing like the overhang that is found on
8 width of the
pagodas in Japan. j),lj',,j�,g-.:(:E-J.Sl, *n)l ,R,(f 11 ;41:'.i:tlfifj;g;�(J<.Jf,,Hf;'f, ifriil [I*
#f: Jili1lH11: (1<.J ffi-t1:HJ.:=r il!�!li'J (J<.J@rnifilz&HIM} ft<.J :V..:JJ{nJ IV-� JIU�� !Im ,g.� (J<.J- >j-!.
E.lt!l!� o l&Jltl'iHf:i�JJlifill:lJl!��)J1:Ui-'l!:!'J<J_;_!:iM.R1'i" E ljl:Iifl=T o ffr�.J.:�t=:�.fil:

* Pll�m = 'l1]: As in China, they were fu-st introduced with Buddhism· .. ftcCE ij I pi]
- fY, . 12 WJ f!i ;W � lli1I xJ 1,11 � mi 11k'. r_l I ill rl'� · · · · · · Buddhism tfll lit: , M@. 1/E .::y_: (�J
9 religious
religious o as in China'I 1(1<.Jas*ff-".iHII", iiEIYJ rl ;t,:t{\:;f.11' I '1:1ilJ:tfm1;f:'f*#!OJJfi� affr�:J.
:i£:.illJffi���llJE lu' IEl.1-J�t:-Jc!Ml:;k:�:/&/ffi [I !'.l<.J��{f[IH\ .f.W.T:Em1m, :Li� ��.t {£m

f!!I, li:�-W-.J-Moors;f111ooselyi!f.'fl'l(J� fftiTIJ, illift:fH.tiitl; 1[flj��.f'5tt'l<J1i'IJ:I&�=

fr. 71"1U.l\lloosely-if,J, filJiYH}tlzFn �lfil-'=.i*f�XAo���f3�, - J�jj;IJW;\.�
another strange feature of Japanese pagoda. �ll/il�d:.Jl:Ult��-i.Jl:311] IJ ;,jl:W,: 51-1--'=.i
�;f-fTTJZ6ll:. t.ll:o/Jt;&k El ;zjl:1:lfJifr4,ffH<.J o itJr �til. 1ii!f-fl'l<.J'AJr:
More surprising is fact U1at the individual storeys of a Japanese pagoda, unlike their
floors , loosely
10 counte1vans elsewhere, arc not actually connected LO each other. They are simply
over each other
stacked one on top of another like a pile of hats.£� Aw:·i�f.f{J� 1:1 7.l>:'.i:tft(l<.J1ij:-,t-
iMtlt��ITTJ�lW-J:'till�*i:!:it€, �-/°l�lfi.l=f ;lt1l!i.11{iiJJl!rtJ1'J<J IWJ�ill1Ao 12ff J,-¥,l1�
-m qi\:l .'.f-¥(, ,R�fl/l-�-�J1!!�1lll ;@* o
unlike their countc1varts lfJ"-lX�ffiil/rJ�� n 7-j,:t{\= Jjfr�;fcT i'l<.J , stack;H$fitting, 1firj=f(J<.J et
11/lliY& f!Jl ��ZiliJ .ID::.J:'L�tt5c:IM!b:ift{E-;@(J<.J a Jlfr � �� J-1 Co
11PS: :J'�;f-¥1Jt,lWA·l1ilG¥, fi\l(5c"f-Jciill-JJf r,,J:5/,;G· , iffiVJffiifwf.o

Questions 11 -13

• � 13 ��: MULTIPLE CHOICES���

• !Mi 13 fiJ1/.{fj- :

66 微信:13522209444
Test ,2

Ii!� �iu:iru
,WI§: 117.jl:$:.Lf, 1 1 1 tilJshinbashira
A 7:f.c :J=.0.irnr 1- lJ!1;i: a<.J ill ±i:l: o C itJ-�Fzi:-'=i ±i!!i!itffl.irf o
B �ff..:;fff n VJ1i-1'1-,l·tfi'�Ill1 o D l�.11:�Fzl:;ft�,:;k;::® o
5( rj1 5(,t J.i)I }/;( : �} ;,\ , tr;-l:JJ.t
tBt\1?i!:mPllloJ: ... the shinbashira actually ca1Ties no load at all. i¾1'Jii!i.i:�i'ff�T�
11 shinbashira �'Ui 1iJ: In fact, ...il docs nol even rest on the ground... ( t!:���/f]!]U{!i,ifli), �f'"��f!M:
/O�!!l!fffii, ll.#Ji:Ji:;�.itf-J1Hf�;f1Ul!!i!,!;7o ��C�riJi'i� o like a tall pine tree/1\JJl!�ffi
t\1=:l-1:m=laJ. 1fl.:JiHIHJrtlli1'f;g-HJbut the answer is not so sin1ple���N\J, .flli)I.B
��Jl;likxti¾-1,Jifi(:�J�llllJJU�tl, FJr� ll1�nJf1�::lik�� o
�;j:tf,;, �ll1ll!.FUl·l:J=ll,f�t-U�. t.11 iiJ �:/JefOJ-E���Da
�?i.\, )t 1l1 ll11=TX1'J.i!Z.'� o ti'H::Ell::l&Fn-1i:J: The shinbashira, ... constrained individual
storeys from movillg loo far ...
,'I! 1§1 : Shuzo lshida.ilH'r�!J�:lBJ.7T
A �:ill;J�;;R::/cWl'i<.J"i:lt:fl· o C 7/fJlf.$:m(JtJjJ�Jffi:�o
D �f(J1f.�1t1&�o
Mm.��1, m-1:;IBt
:(£�-J::IH.ll3iil$:%��Shuzo Ishida, ;j'jglJ:J=.lliLlhis passion to llllderstand the pagoda,
12 Shuzo Lshida
1;; � (:1<.J � *.
has built a series oL IJJHifO;J'lar 11\lJ:&ii\x�!Lt�:7:I T 7 f(jlf. 1:1 :j:jff �IHJl:�T 11!!
,A. fr)� ;:f ');fl ill shinbashira (:j{J ¥ii� ;fn I ft- }.;if(� T o ffl -11.il X :l';':i: x;J­
shinbashira:tli'i:IB, 9;rJ.ili,A. ffl-1T.iA7tl;ltiJx:J1:J.7�m(i<J'.fil:fil, il1�¾CJ9rt�a<.JjJ�,
�fl:iiltlt�tll:fik7k7�'iil:�-Wl�, i;!:f,ltx,t@Tn\;1JIC o
7�ri:rITTA�j:*fE{fJ£}R, B1JJ�·J:*lii-t-l-*�S'iH'/Jr, rniDfi��� 71 jl�!:t-tz��Jn\;Jyi,
�.Hi: B0liJl)'E�x:;X;:* o
)'I!�: R 7.jl:$:t�(1<.J4:S-'J'�m�
A fJZ.Jfl;;,fs:1di�fl� a C t�f'MI.IMl!iJlt:l:ll'.�:(£-.ml o
a 1.ii oz.1�1 );£ :a:: 11 &J: o
D FE t#l/J4Ht<.J Ji:4111 ;ff.I:i.! o
x�1 1 xtm.ili\,
:lj";ill]n\;Jff!A, B 1 17 □�ONLY, l(�OJJ f:�J�·!:£,�;Jt9;o:ill t:1fl-fjjt��;lik:iEliffJn\;)}li, Jd€\x;J­
MJn\;JN-f!Jtlll��;lik�· 0 ��' fJ. rf.r:'il'.-M�rF B�CifilDii\;J]i! 1=17�t.tX1J.i!I.� 7 0
13 storey
�/\.fit��, 11!l1i:J: More surprising is fact that the individual storeys of a Japanese
pagoda, unlike their counterpm1s elsewhere, are not actually connected to each otJ1er.
They are simply stacked one on top of another like a pile of hats.]!� ),:Wi3f �J� 13
�JHJ!$-"t o t:fnJ¥Jt1�-tm�l\'l-=f-;jic'{, fJ.;filtl.lr:-J¥/:-J¥/:Jll!.1ijmJm* o
�1-�a��J:��1oa��a•ill�� o ffl�--��

微信:13522209444 67
tE FI *it;* t,-JA-tUl :13 ll!!.1�Jt� � B<J tJI!!. 1_:. • 1TSOO�� 11HJ.1 J.]li\",� (ll � J'il >k:Ju flf6: ��Hl4J � mm-.+: !ifr.'.li
m-mr1Uili3LT�-i' llHc .ik.l¾.hf 1-.z- 1Y�? 1HL'.>1Um1J�' (E.t:J:-i�El<J 1400&fpij. fl.{=fj);J:jjfil(ffJJ,\fT J;Utli.ii'j�
f O

f'.l<J#\:tril�'TFl1 IJ A r:l:!,EJt1J�rill;mi%til(10:;k}< o 199S!.F'.!k_--Xf!i·r-l:r11�!!J,Qfl! 1 Jl!!.,m::l( (!1!6400.A 1IE 1E. ,§!J!:Jf-Ti:':i�i�lm. ;A:

lJLT �J-i�*�-3i' EIA:!ft-1l 1 J' t{l) Ii fKJJ£4M!lt9tl/t., /J!.t'l'*Jl!!.;R�r,-;,,: ti11VM:l/i(1<J/J;#j:(Toji templc)MJFmt1<.J)c l!UJWI

� :;)g1fl-ltJi.' nf,;!ffilZd I, (J<J Ji}� §1:t?\'.t1l .;,'\;�f:Jc:J»l 0

[I ,f�#- m:.i£ f/& 11 f I· .z-i! �HIii L� tMl!1J[ !f1'J��11Jlt-tf;:•. I� a fJlfUEJO& I� 1Yu . W;1J:i:YH1<Jb.Uv. -if fil?1-
1'i.@ �Jt-(;'f,C.,i/!:u!i: iBi 'f---J-=IIH1<.JW!Wiifil/j€±,J1,i�:;k � a (il. l.:. fi;Jt,: di rf1,C,, . j\;/j �J6�(1<.!1L:.k( Kasumigaseki l:;k
Ill-Ji: 17,41:ti'l-�1$:Ji: Jc�. rl� T.iEJ-H 7 4;'j,,�(1(J�.£m� '1"t*Y.£jji)Jl!!.,� 1 I 1 �!.mJJ.;;)jE □0{\!IJliiJjiUilJ, :(El968�il! fill:
Z.ll'f Wi iJ_ J-J )1::131! 1 �T:fil'r� l: (1<] f[!;ffiHil\l o
r& 1fii-"/!:{£i��82M1�' ili'1A:k�1liKobodaishi (.ll{!Z. ut'.J fl.,f(,11,Fll-tP.! 1-.i¥Jtti� (sf.! 1l!!.(1<],1-: Jif[il!'1;[iliZil--f ff1J y -j-:_ �Iii
:'il;;i:;�nul!!.�t{l!!.(J(J}\�,;'-f-}cSf.J-,/U,;1;rL..li\*..'.iOrHoclll!.mik;,55*. i ��.A. E. � ,::ill'. 11f -lfl �TI I 'I' t!UL'.z.J§-:,i­
mnltBYiuJ::!$:Ji::;k-�(IY-!IJ.Ppij o liHfiT$'1 IJl, i'jn, (1<J R,f;:*IIT:f/fi1H--4H1f Jltl!f%t!IPJ1ff�.'./.Jllii!J-<l:l;iH1, ,f', '=-i R
ft,jJ likl<•ffJL. li'ii�Jl[iil/iiI FI?.�, )}.. Tm�tffi:Ji/t}°[.o (IJ51:�.Ji!;{ l·.z-,f,'(,(101-iJ f' J 19�?
61it�i:.Ht, �Jii-3fJf.hA rj 1lr'4f!f A El 4.: o f� (: £1 ! 1 I'm-++, .l!@'i£N\::laHJJ�l!Jii-lr-19llf.X'ITfi'Wi"Jl.iiH1(J. 1lil:ilt(f
.filW-l'l<J;!f-Jili It.J o 'I 'i.F.IAJ+lii-/111 :;!(:Jli�:J-*. 1J.1 ot-�� . .1n*��1-0*il��Hlf1��·fruN'\= oft, rfiT '11if�"i;:J�(Q' .A.
R ;;ti:R•t. ;ltil!.1-J[/xl,l'iHl.lc:.kJJ ltliHfJl!!.)111 i:.1 i}(
j igJ i:.1mt1W:�.ltl!,(1%1rnl 0 j0-J$i0i /Jt!V.i ,�' .ifil 'itL�Ii.Qmj;;i:; Ji tl I l1ll i'!<J
JLJ71, ::k�Y.J *JJJ!�l'1;J a fJ -4�3I.tm9:1:.f 1-1-.z-'.y;flltl:, !IT�Jik 1 ft,�# n"l',, fiJf lVJ5-l:1fl-1H•X: rh r1ii:1-¥Q3i: El -1'­
i'f�� 11'.'lfUft J�lt:tJ��. El ,41:(1%1!.1-Jl:7-tfiJ•1:1< 7 :ltill1JV!WJa<JJ,;l,!/;'f.iii;zfilf 1 I 1 fUJi�?'H'iIT l{ a ii:Jc'f f:H 71<:1,t;r-�ftHJ:J
fl]J/Af J.: o 1 111tliWi�M):i,:J'{,\:�iftfj;('f r-1 ;;js:.j_tJf\:,ii,ll(JY;��Jill,,I,;"/
IJ Jili mmA<J /£;11:t�Jffi :r-m$t!M (Jyi}!1JffiiZ:Y!-f.lljt(I<.! '.!itJ;[ Us flJ:�111:� .�-� (1<J -�,� gx}l! �, I H T-1,','J r-t □<J
Et: itl . □ '.:fi:Jf. s<Jill�tMn.iiil i::!:* m� fil:(191,�HU!E ��.i!� filW (J<Jfil tf:'i Jf Tm1c :, t!ffl Jm Fl tJ-IJ'J i!Ui1. Tm iF ffi
W� rj, l'll!�:l'tfJJ111$��Jfl � 7 L
maJ�;;i:;-��MffR*�*MA���,k�ttg�--ill·.i!��� 7 M��*�*-��.U$
3fJJH/111'f I=[ *a<Jtt=f. 1:t�n-0Jif1 ,J;Jshinbashira(1y 1 11 ,f"l, .(£ ft Jxl�JiH l!!.1� rj 1 .i!-i' rj1 1fiUi!:ttnf W'rr 1111 if11:Jffitt? J L
1-1!1:fc i;,t*' 1�� ktill.i!:i-l i)._JJ 0 {§.�� j_!;l:;fj � .z-rm 1Yt. Pil.i'� iJ:AtJl-i3f (J(j:fil I I 1 HJf:fJ1:11f�m1 f:(nJ iJ£ 111 0 �JJ�:
1.:.. tE;!tl;@1:i:;1�sr.tl:\= 111 , q 1HJi:l:£JH1�mtn!l!3HJJttini. Tm;JJ/;JJ.Jf.:(19u,Bl'il:M: ffi-F *. ,b1,_ili1Jl:4mn911 1 g1H1� �JJI!!.�
T, !�-i'm111:l'lY:ffi:ii:t)'i:� !Mftr: 12;J-RM-U-f:i14,l!�1J.1tU:..
n� r1, un:ff:1f fi-1, ft m ,y�? Jfilffll� 1�<.i11-:m sY:liHJ-11' ��;l.B 'li: AA\:f;r rh ;i rr11:-r. t:tr-M¥.:k�B1�.m1i T V�i w
Shuzo lsh.idaffrllltlf1°09tJ.IIJ'pl o Fl1.::P;l1.�J,!Hvf:n'. [I*j::.l'*. lshidaJt�flt�.:1:Ali;f1J,;):7'"j::Jf.�-r.ll" o fl!!.llliJftT-*y1j
B9�.1"#,=ffi�j1°Jl1£�a.i1Irl1 (i<J1mi;/J ft J:.ilH9li.)Ji o f.Yimi1fz.' rj1 ,lti},t{g{--i'!;;:;kB4 i\!t JJ: 41HJ!!, .(£ 1!}-Jffil. jj,(f
LW(lll!, :lili:i:iiFWrffi�. Bl.�i.J\:!jf L 1i"1-tT.lrr.ffl�.::P�:�rr;tt'i 1 t10�l&, tr:rF-:J1-F, 3r'.ni'+'t1t101t!B:fi<1��nHJ.
tlJi�'f#f��t�tll:i'L��}!iltrfiTIJi:J§':� 0 )}.. �!IJrlli;r/· �J;/:\:J¥,tf�:(f�t%�tlft. !El 7'J �1£-.J!M,%.f-i'�J:& ff!IJ;J. f:j J.: r
f m
*tlBl. Mr1f 1r;-1 ft zY1 a r:r UM ill$1:�J r1 -, :!k: r1<J 1L JJt� iTrff , i.11! �Hl)'!-i" �J:a ;;i:; �-ft�l=J, :klit . l:m 11 'llf;ftzY1-fltWe� z.
FA . �mff.ttd1tu: 1 1-, t-.1. fi�fJ:-w.ffXilli:ctu r!f!tJt 7 El*'.:ififr gj ,il--,t�--t�t-H,Eff.t:.l�d-9:11 --m * ill:i'L ttfi�
* m
%11 J:m;HJJ.ilZ t'l<J :i'Ltt� :(£-iEl ' .i!¾ � f.J IJ :ir"Jtrm-/if; (1<.! �/if; ffif /fll H: T- (1 1 �,1, ' 1.),1-'f .fr:::)}I T fl:J.:�
tlfr�flll o �li,Jifi iJt -/filSn¾ i�1a<J El *3£* ffilr?iU.lt;fr-tfHt=r-M rtl:J.:.!JtSi'l :ii.t.ff. *i�-11lklf$"-t:� 0<.Jfilfit o

E fiWJtft-m ,ri=r--�fU:iH1k:-�- 1m�J111

JF3:i:tBY 1H£ o
itil* *
9!� A:b1(i,aY:li r-I t>::,iU/HJ'11l.J-1'-i11��!�rnli'iJ'.:!l;l{;T-J:. Xill;;i:;Afrii . i!-r.x;;i:; fTTJ'TJ-tfll!.ifMJtl!}T(J1JITTJ�ili.$t o
m o fi:'ll JJ.l£1<J .fil . J:!1\./:E ,1<.i r-i .ili111J..!l1.� nr ;;i:; ft. VH!if>rll! m

68 微信:13522209444
Test 2
JJIS.z...X:-fMJJi.Ui�JJHt:f X i.\x1ITJfir1(,:ff 19iJ.'? 1;,;JtH�!t: f1TfrJJ\tkffliif1�v:i.-'f-.'L!.B'f'J!. lilf HllE 3¥-ir,ff r/,l.fff,Af[l� ill 1,tm&
:k., jEJ\11��i1�v:i. tt:fi-7E.u� r!,f)t��?d,-:;\:lli\ 'l'-1fr:1r n *':iO¾= I1 JltFnlJill! c lshida;it� i�: "IJ ;,j,: '.i:Nfffrfi �!ififill'l�
1r: r
J� -tf.'1 r.-11 M Yi-� Jru , ,'i"Xttfi¼< �ir mr n-tt , J! ft: tl!1Jt !ft/1 ,ii!t 3'T-tEJll!.i� :M f.!! (i<i 1£ rJi I ·ll:!. fi�-1:Jt :ffHl!!. m i9J • mi M..7F �
?.�5V)J o 17 ,jl:-=f{f]iiJ(l<J};llJ-A:k�TTiff J r-1fTJ.:ffi1cf!l!HJ7 JJl!1tf'.lif!;J rri1�:(1�llJ!.:fr': 0

To-ji ( /1� ..'r- ) is a fu1ddhis1 temple of the Shingon sect in JSyoto, Jap_an. Its
name means East Temple, and it once had a partner, Sai-ji ( West Temple). They
stood alongside Lile �ashomon, Lhe gate to the Heian capital. It is fonnally known as
Kyo-6-gokoku-ji ( ll::E {r lil �f 71,e Temple for 1he Defeme of rhe Na/ion by Means
of the KinR of Doctrines) which indicates that it previously fw1ctioned as a temple
providing protection for the nalion. T6-ji is located in Minami-ku near the
intersection of miya Street and Kujo Street, southwcst of Kyoto Station.
Five-storey pagoda of'To-ji To-ji was founded in the early Hci.!!n pcrjod. The temple dates from 79�, two
years after the capital moved to Hcian-kyo.
To-ji is otlen associated with Kobo Daishi ( JS.uk_!li ). The well-known Buddhist priest was put in charge of
To-ji in 823 by order ofEmpcror Sagi!. The temple's principal image is orYakushi Nyorai, the Medicine Buddha.
The pagoda of To-ji stands 54. 8 m high, and is the tallest wooden tower in
Japan. ll dates from the Edo period, when it was rebuilt by order of the third
Tokugawa Shogun. lcmitsu. The pagoda has been, and continues lo be, a symbol or
Kyoto. Entrance into the pagoda itselfis permitted or1ly a few days a year.
The buildings at To-ji house a variety of ancient Buddhist sculptures. The
grounds feature a garden and pond, in which turtles and koi swim. The grounds

Ancient Building at To-ji also house an academically rigorous private school, Raktman, from which many
students are sent to elite universities.
Recognizing the historical and spiritual significance ofTo-ji, UNESCO designated it, along with several other
treasures in �oto Pre1£_cture, as pa,1 oflhe"Hi_iloric f-1.onum_lents_Qf Ancient Kyoto" WorldJie1i�Site.
On the 21 st of each month, a famous nca market is held on the grounds of To-ji. This market is popularly
called Kobo-san, in honor ofK5b5 Daishi, who died on March 21 st. The flea market features a variety of antiques,
art, clothes, poue,y, some food, and typical second-hand tlca market goods. By far the largesl market is held on
December 21 st, as it is the last ol"tbc year.
A similar market is held on the 25th of every month at KitanoTenmangu, also called Tenjin. A Kyoto proverb
proclaims, "Fair weather al To-ji market means rniny weather at Tenjin market, "calling to mind Kyoto's fickle
A smaller, less-crowded. ,rntiquc-orientcd market is held al the To-ji grounds on the first Sunday of each
On July 7, 2007 one or the Live_Earth concerts ( raising awareness fort.he earth's climate) was staged at To-ji;
artists who played included Bonnie Pink, Michac11iY!mlli. Rip Slymc. UA and the Yellow Magic Orchestra.

微信:13522209444 69
Great Hanshin Earthquake

The Great Hanshin Earthquake ( lj fljl · 1��:;/c;.£'.l,t l·lanshi11-Awaji Daishi11sai ), or Kobe Earthquake as it is
more commonly known outside Japan, was an earthquake that occurred on Tuesday, January 17, 1995, at 05:46
JST in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture. Japan. LI measured 6. 8 on the Moment Magnitude Scale ( USGS ),
and Mj7. 3 on the revised (7. 2 on the old) JMA magnitude scale. The tremors lasted for approximately 20
seconds. The focus of the earthquake was located 16 km beneath its epiccntcr, on the northern end of Awaji Island,
20 km away from the city of Kobe.
Approximately 6,434 people lost their lives ( final estimate as of December 22, 2005 ); about 4,600 of them
were from Kobe. Among major cities. Kobe, with its population of I. 5 million, was the closest to the cpiccntcr and
hit by the strongest tremors. This was Japan's worst earthquake since lhe Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, which
claimed 140. 000 lives. It caused approximately ten trillion yen in damage. 2. 5% of Japan's GDP at lhe time.
Based on the average currency conversion rate over the following 500 days of 97. 545 yen per USD, the quake
caused $102. 5 billion in damages.


{lt;:� i!Lll>l:t
±� -it J'a 69 .$t.iEfdk-
t!if1:J Al'k: 1tJ'aaryJ..iE1\·f1t!ll m -tJJi!.1\;/.:z.;Jl'..69 foJ�!it 'li
B.il: JJi!.1\-R;Jl'.. ary £.J/lffl-.JelLJ-t:. .tj-J.;r-JJta11 i,tJ;r- 0
Cft: A.1/Hr<. :Y 11:i,",f1)1t J:, a-!;f&i{f-1\111 0
D1.lt: Pretty.i,'UU'U:t �t1t£fl:.11ti¥-J-it .J ,
F&: ,li;tt-1;.fH��-nf#b.ti.£.�;/.:z.:ll o

G1.lt: Prelly..!i,t,,t 6!1 iif.@..11:-,r... #;ft it;l!.•l o

bring... down Jlt(1f)-) relative adj. fflxt□Y,t-Rrt�ay

challenge ll. -NE,1&; J;J;lxl� in...terms ,!R.j},j; ; ft( J!U
immediate cash 31:J!flHJm collateral damage f1J]�{J]'.;lf

70 微信:13522209444
Test 2

food production ft,f/,;j,1Jjj!t, ft,'11', ,- l':r" welfare 11. ill!Jl; ffei;fl]
enervation 11. tt�f, �jl ] q�J. J;fil�ij industrial agriculture T.illdt;&.!lk

mechanisation 11. �L;f,£ft, +JL,YJf.t unstoppable adj. x�W J.l:.a<.J; x�lill.J.l:i'l<.J

mass use ::kJu:fsf:!Jl l colossal adj. f=i:jci'l<.J
chemical fertiliser 1tJIE stretch 11. �frl�; �tliHJ{J- Jt
monoculture 11. i(J.-;pl•,W hedgerow /l. iY/i,icf(f�
ballery rearing :ie# raecal lilth tll;1l!t¥J.1�JU.1.!t

livestock continuous adj. )£�B<.J, &fi11 ll;frE1'�
genetic engineering ¥11:DJfJ. algae 11.ll<iil¥:i
march 11. ill:fr; ,LJ;-ft

battlefield /l. i'ilt J:J1 • t.'.J.',!m aesthetic adj. �$a<.J, 'ili�B<.J
extemality 11. �r-m1�£i1f�1.iiz shame /1. iiii'�
transaction 11. (-',�;)3(�; (-J§l)tJJ:#

quantify v.1Ht hectare I!. �}t]!(�f'f-2. 471�1i0

amount to -�--H-. ��tl·, :J"�.ib arable adj. mT#1':foN1<.J
staggering adj. xfUJJJ•Lfffr1<.J; 4- A,J.HJ)(E1<.J pcmianent pasture �15E1{i::J:,w, Ji<.�.:t':ttlcJ-J.,
exercise II. r.!i!9J; �M; conservative estimate -0?:�fii·i·I·

nitrate 11. fiMtt/i/�
food bill
[ Z£ ] *,ft,
adv. .=:fg.

phosphate �Afl:/it ( :JU� JH 11:lll'll4)

11. supposedly adv. ffliA.1-J; -�;ff*
bug cryptosporidium t{fi!!-=f .!IHM IJ.{ over the counter �e fi 3C�

soil erosion ±-W.1!·1£-1'.!11 subsidy 11. *r9!i1i, $9!�, *rWJ�
organic carbon loss 4f1)Ll�)U/rE� prop up
callle 11. [,tt!,.ftJ;)LI=. 49: 1:1

break away from ll.i?.%i, 1*/Iii food sector ft i'i'b fflWJ

feasible adj. nJfi·i'J<.J, nf tiHl:@-Jlll(J<./ thriving adj. �5Rt'.I�. �llit'.l<.J
sustainable adj. nf11t-�Fl<J animal welfare i;/J!fjJ.1$::£, i;/J!lti/1/?i;l<l]
competitive adj. (,fft�'-:'p );{flli;�f• .t., MJ

viable adj. ·IJJJ�nJfi(1<.J, nf'.JkM!iEIY full commitmcnl ;)t�:atA

organic farming tHJL:t-c: 1ilt. comprise VI.'@.�, "§.:r.1;
premium II. Wi5'1-tHFI agrochcm ica I ;&�J!.ftll�
recommend VI. tit:�' ?rt'fl. lfil'i'F".litNJi'��J:r.tt, food safety ttrfr',:tc�
norm 11. tr-,m . J.Jll. 111提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
微信:13522209444 71
l. 1n Britain, for example, many of our best-loved fa1111land birds, such as the skylark, the grey partridge, the
lapwing and the com bunting, have vanished from huge stretches of countryside, as have even more wild flowers
and insects.

���>(: 1YtlJ.m' :{f:Y:f pri, �F�w'Jl:,A. f1Ts-�/J<JiH I] £/J�' IUll�f\:!' /Y< Lli¥�' &�(!6f1l���. if�Y!fta<J!llr
-1u11g.!:lJ., t11eri.JAt,fJ'jcJtr1<.i±JiliJ:iR� 7.
2j;:1r] lj 1 /1<.las have even more wild flowers and insccts�-1"-ff��ti'ifi�, as'-l l-�-=ll=�Nlhtltl:5Ei-f..M/i'iJ, t�ftl11T
Uii(J(j�,t-li:i].'.f have vanished from huge strntches of countryside.
im�t--��i· §UJ<J Ii��Uf ,t$J v=, tl� ftrrf
(I) 'i'iJF:tfi�i�J, 'nJ.'.f ��J�
never/bardly/scarcely/little/seldom/not/not until/rarely/no sooner...than/nowhere fy1J�11:
Nowhere in the world can you fmd a man who loves you so much! 1.t-11i-�A�;f-,itj it¼ �1-t- ui) JIJ J..... 7 !
Not until he came back did I leave. 1i.f1J 11!!. lliJ �A ;,I- Ml 1f-o
in no way/in no case/at no time/by no means/in no sense/on no account/under no circumstances
�@195Eilli:lf'H1·Joe;{-E'aJF1. *��.!11i/,�J. �f.J;t•g�;;r- . ..... " f91J�n:
lo no way do l blame you [or what happened. A�;r-1;-- � ;IJ :(.!l 691)},tfi,7i;1'i'•i.!H!i�
( 2) only+ ;LA: i'Ft1tr{iJ r'l-
Only then did she realized she was wrong. li..itl JJ�HHl!!.:t ;1:-iR.ilJ §I eA!rT 0
Only when he had failed three times did he turn to me for advice.
1i..i1) 9Ult 7 .;. i,K '111!., :if At�£� A fi() �: Jt 0
( J ) so/neither/nor/no morcJtl T1i'J F=I
He had no money, nor did he know anyone he could bon-ow from. 111!.i.l -t\, -t1!,.;r-}."ilt. 1hfif.t o
(4) as31�(J(J5;Ei{i-.lA'i'iJ
He travelled a great deal, as did most of his friends. 11!!.,ta-k!!.JIJlh'.. ,f,fl f& ',' ,r,#df.
as:{£)E}ft·./Ali,J rj=if1=:¾:*ltiJ'iJ. �'�� c:fwhich/that/who , re\irif l�Hfikl.!fnJ iv.m!Jtil. rif VJ ':/I �[lllil.ltt.fll
=I� llf� it,JJ tUt i'ltJA 'nJ o
asE'-ll��ilJ1JU�i-'/f./A'nJllt, fU=F!T-@ll lil5E�li�•i 1, Ullfl�fH:(:Esuch, the same, as, soF□ilii o 1ffUftn:
He'll repeat such points as are discussed in the book. 111!,,½j[ jl-� 9' -it-iS.i:!:. a1J�·*•o
Sucb a student as works hard wiII be sure to succeed. :II,, ,H:. fr1 .:i:JJ a!]� 1. 1i' it.-½ A:i:}J
as:i':E.:l�l!Rtlil.ltt�i:/'f JA Ja:J lj •n,t, JAlr,J •1 1 l'l<JasriHJJ-IHtBli'uff:ii(J�i�i.-"7\-J.
J �{iJ.'.fEt<J--8115}. ·LI:!. ii JV.flf{t
�-1'-'iiJ -=f• ffflJ '!In :
He is usually tall. As are his brolhers.1eft•:f,· 9k_4' ,-!t>L#,-11!..,l
as:{£�1r,J it•r�iolrand so, 1�#tJ rtifl�usually tall, as'JI n'(iY::fi!:-1-iftJ�lffJ.

2. Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to hunger may be very hard for some countries, but in
Britain, w)lere the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the costs and the damage of i11tensive farming
have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible.

$:;ly �x: )(;j",-'-@fil�GIE'ibt

xH� tt (�J� ;:Jt:Jf.���n JJ:t jf .ill , ;IH1:l'.fil1 Nt {1� *�
-1�JmJ.J11.ittd��Er..., :nit(1� 1rrJ11tro11tk-'i:JLt1trn-i1Mr�flH�PFJ.x1���Ji:-ri'f. i!!:t:E� f3ll.
�1;{,: �IIU�r ./lf :VHJ<J J�7-jq,n ;ft Jilt fi<Jtitl 9': ir'fll�i"ifJ � , fi!-1.:ff. "ffl. 1 W-;
��t[!j;JriJqi- 0

72 微信:13522209444
Test 2

m-16Jti1\' fi9 .:i::W.-:1!;/J.:g iliJ breaking away from, i\lli:/t Jik may be, bu1Fn 11ii kiJ.:Y: (l<J A TE±#,·£ it, ffi 1t
breaking away from indusltial agriculture as the solution to hunger, in Britain¾ll!!.1¾(:U,: i-Ji-, where5 I ��F l!R lMtl:
JEfg·M. 1:i], M. 11lJ �1:t;(,TPi\i1-1iJ-=f: -1-�thc immediate need to supply food is less urgent, �-1-:.lihhe costs and
the damage of intensive fanning have been clearly scen o
( l) igJ�Iill-fr-.:1:.if,. i�Jif.ml'(lif& o {YtlJln:
Seeing is believing. DllJQ..5'., i o
Reading is I ikc permitting a man to talk a long Lime, and refusing you the right to answer.
�-¾ �ll-Jir. ft;it-+AfF -1.c a t in] 611-il it ,-tr ;f-.!'e--1t$.U. 6� �,i:11 o
(2) Jl�it.fr-%:a'.:±ilf, 7J/J� ii'iJJfltf-JEfifl.J �IJ: ft is/was+ !NJ)iadj.li,1/;n. + 7J/J� ilil o

'il'I' #I B9J��iiu1-T: nice/better/foolish/enjoyable/fun /good/useless

� if,];(;f: nice/no good/any( some, no )use/a waste of time ifftl:llll :
Is it any good trying Lo explain? f(J'f�� Jfl •Ei?
It's no use crying over spilt milk. ;f-�Jfl fr@a� 4-Jrll £).!t o
It's simply a waste of time and money seeing that movic. 1111 Jh '1?.. % f,ij All ill '1li at fa] ;fr,1:-1ll o
(3) there be 1iiJW�l 1J.f-JigJ� if/J o #1JJln:
There is no use arguing with him. J!H!!.4'-it� mo
There is no point in my going out with someone. 4\;fr,.li 11Ai 11½� Jc.¾: .:X.. o
(4) There is no doing sth. = lt is impossible to do something. ·WtlJlll:
There is no denying the fact that... ;f-%--:[.-iJ-.· ·····
There is no telli11g what will happen tomo1Tow. Jc.i:l:--ffi.j;,,*�½it 1..1t ¼ o
There is no knowing the future. = ll is impossible to know lhe future. i'fi� ;f-fit fw 1-r> ,t. :t- o

Questions 14-17

• fill El �ill!: MA TCHTNG ¥Jl:fiffftif�1P.,@ ■

• l1iii §I fWHJr: filtt-ifnt� {l'i,\�tli'lmatching1'Tp;tJ. 1-t-tiE:
1. -mt:li��xmF□ s<i�-*•
2. Jln*!m §�>J(fiNB( tt:i'lO. yJ1J-1-¥Jt7i1 I 1 1"-:ff �1-1l'l-.iii!,;
:J'.-rJCNB, y!iJ-1-filtfjr:j=t ,R *,{f-1-{�.@,
• ttx�tj,�.& mJ!ll:. Tifr1JExm A:•
•mm*■��.-�M-•ffo ���-�1- ■ §��M.���M■ §�--�
• �J � mi 131l'f.@" ·It tH :X:fil ifiJ
• ••x•�•.*a�•�����
• t�$.li'1J!i.�., iz\;;J$��
• �n*!ec*Ml'B]*fi�mll\' -;E�JtiJX:�f.
TIPS: Jlt;'iW(rlf.�-�'' 13ttifi�. mi.5l,}�t&�a9n-ti'EiJ,fnl;1.fJ O 12il:tlfai ��JJt�p::(fNB. Jifr!V,:fi" -1-�Jlf
-��:iz\;;:r-1.1:-1.X, :&t�1Jllr£:hi: o

微信:13522209444 73
Ii!� �iu:iru
£23m for U1e fW/c:i!:iI!:/M!(1<J�n:r:i!:1'BttE!Mi 1-:_t5.½t:f.l\'.cos1-ifiJ, TiJ W.-t/llijrn 11\:i!-¥.ll
removal of Lhc -}i'.�Jci!R:i:�o �,j;'('.,R�fUJ'c I I 1,W-��i'JiJf,f�tR 1! 1 H1JI.A\�J9�H/f
bug Jii,)t nJ J:J 7. q1v#�ff,tt.U1J TE.I&, -!1:!�tEEli1m=, =:rftJUiUMfiil.
14 cryptosporidium i%VIJJ. ;ii\;11:��
from drinking TIPS: ITTJ�i.tfi �l'liJ ifiJ-fil.ffi: commercial/linancial/busincss/dealing/
water by water cosl/cxpcnditurc/expcnse/salary/wage/sell/sale/Lransaction/purchase/
companies funding/granl/subsidizc/pcnsionf!f,

Jlt,'lliffl�NI�n��7frfl»fil-r 1 11 (1iJstages:(:E.)( 1 r 1 □iJi1'JJl1. o 1!1-ffl.�-*

IJ/] itl&�i}1T�lldt�il!.(JiJ�J&l!Jl'l=:lt o ���1�1::f J.l:.-1-l!Jl'¥.!t, P�f'&
;!Jk:&JYt JJl1.Z.,'l.X�1J"fl'f i\:i]fJ;�l� )fij / 1'1 JIJ'. o ��-fE. �::]*::ir:;M.1/JilJ.i6BEll:AlJ
First JI.!"f�, ���F,.llfirst-iff.l. *if��,OOthen, m= 1-then , tf1.:::.-"i'"then,
mechanisation, .G:frH.llfUnowo g11'stage- iiiHHlt1'i /J-\Jl,ll, f[[:Jil:mechanisation, mass
stages/ then mass use use of chemical fertilisers, monocultures, battery rearing of livestock.f1I
15 fam1ing of chemical genetic cngineering·n!l;li/d��I!.� }� (1iJAf;t,: f,jl:J31l, ;;\yj;:::fi!EV 11-l :i! -4'-
industry ferti Iisers and JmJ,tr,\j:(iiJ ;lJ/; 8¥.lt o
pesticides, U,cn TIPS, J:) F :li!::�V.f-ll•J·1iJJlli,lh�(1'�'/f\' JU in.I, �-�J::.:f£f/il(;;\y:fifl-tfi1J/®!FY:!lJi;
monoculturcs... Zrt�Hl�(JiJ,� I=! nt. �.x.J"Jt �,, II \l}\l(J<JJlt�ifiJr[JJII W. r::E�:
Jlt!l&iffJ!f.Jillf1<.JJdJl1$ �tcm1(;if(i1t). J®!� -�-Sf.., *i!lfwi:JiF¥-:l41f*1il

externalities ...
m *1l1 ii£� { 1: t:Jf. !ff/J (:JiJ� !' I f-lH-1 f
1 1
O -lRWl#!Ff nf ?:11 ' Jlt6l.l:1Yi 1/i'i�a<.J �f.�J
;/,;costs( ft 1ft, t:Wk), -tlli�1fJiil.Yt.:Jil:.l!-;fiiif�<.J •if*, L1fleconomists
outside Lhe
( ttm� t·* J. t;!/* }!j)):i,1� rif W.4'Pi}i'.CE!l:rr fJ(_JJ'('=fe:: •..lhc costs of
all this damage arc what economists refer 10 as externalities , rt1 Jlt 'fff -1,)­
term/ transaction ... i
16 .f)r II\ JS: 1- � 1HlHl11JiJ:likextemalities ( ?'Hl'lli?.rfBl&JE). fl:c;jlf ��f�Hi'
hidden costs To many, the
tEFn ITfi ffil(:� 7 :i! � f tffttntr,J-1 ,,,,iii� 71'=%(1,iJ. (�J Jffi !El , Ull 't ffl�:(-E
costs may not
.±.�3e�H:tfMz.rj,. !ln�F:wt:.llUl\i!f-:tJ.Ul!!.nt(i.11],&:. ln]ntt:ff I
even appear to

th.::f :fil: rh �f'*if11rl'l '/kM:Jf �*14l.W(1<.J. hiddcL1-ifiJ-O:X 1! 1 1.x:1'i Ill
be financial...
:ell ' fll_ .fil M. J: ITfi (I'� X 7- 1 !1 ::f tm ;fi· M1 J]IS � f � 1ft ll.li: f:lil 9c ::f � A fn
lfrtih/i-J"i�·l)l](1iJ, :.@:p�tffi'iFliJ o /9n���¾Cf.1 o

. J!il '/�· �((J'f.?!, Jib:-!¼: mum+
rj:1 (liJchcmicalst..!Zflj xiri:-�ilX
... lhe growth of iJHIJ 1tJJE.xt7.k:\>'f i!i,! 75 � FJ<.J ji!!, JT o R ;,ttEBfJt rjs i11� ½t J;!llbul Lhe
effect/ algae is damage ii has caused, T AfHU )'(:l'-;'i: JOf/ iJt- r.iUt:tdl!. a�� n(,i) T .
chemicals increasing in damagc1=_i effectf);" Sf.. tlf, If/I. t�:M:lfr ¼, tr:Bf-li{il J!/&m-fHt3i!J :
water lakes because the growth of algae is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser
sources of the fertiliser run-off, fertiliser run-offma�JiHtllrll'Mtll\ ( ft/II'.\� 1 1 /Yr1¼"/1iJ*;f!Ht
run-olT ��5GJ,{, -(.Et-!tAfiif Jil�Fn, �.i'i!tJ&;J< 1 t 1 ��11iJ*fi l::tiMJ, lakesX;f )11/.
7.1<.lliiL /ii'���B�ll:

74 微信:13522209444
Test 2

Questions 18-21


• /MI§fWfln:

18. Several species of wildlife in the British countryside are declining.

��jc :¥f�f;tta<.J!/&fal1 !llJ ��Jffi�J!/&fi" t:tE""fll1fso

�WiffJ British countryside
ffl7f.)ii.*tlr=r: several species, wildlife, declining
Bf:lHfDUi': In Britain, for example, many of our best-loved farmland birds, such as the
skylark, the grey partridge, the lapwing and the corn bunting, have vanished from huge
stretches of countryside, as have even more wild flowers and insects.
1fU�ll, 1£��13l!. i1F���Af1 lf!r�(l9;& EH4;/R, tt�a��, tJ<llJ!liJ, �%?,;ff!*�, iff'fl!
x��Mw..� ��-���.11..•B-�ttt*��±�J:M*To
;\:;J<l]fHBritain�<!f Jlt)l_filJ.E uft�Xf1-B-1'1li. ��:J'JGIUJ:. f!ii:l!-1,]"ijS' �1: iiT �;{;j- Hl 1'J -.®��'
EF1 nJ � tl
!lff �;f11 �.11.-1:111 e �ii�� T , ;;r-lc,I i'.t<JJL-i'" !Jo/.Jfal1 -'t:11:(£f!iilh'1i ;flf tf-i 9c E19/!llt:l!it��o J.Lt
i'r! , � f.EI 3' -F !b'T-1: !f7J.Pfi1 (J'�!/&-Ll: (t<JTefiJ �.(£""f �$ o vanish!il ft ;;r-tng 4!H11 declining]H"i� li'il , {fil
:1.i!:JW�J!Jr*:iMl':J*:tJ:fr11 :libtl�li'ilB<.J, i!f11�:tls14�.f'l 1 E�J�Jp, �J.Lt{t]1��J.ili:itill;YESo
�� YES

19. The taste of food has deteriorated in recent years.

�;;tytfx il:f:1f*tt�a<.il1ic.ili�ffl7 o
J.E1niffJ taste/food
ffil'Hm*ill!'.¥ deteriorated
Jlt@Ht<.Jfr11Mm;X-J,lJ!if:l.i!:�1MliJ®iff NtJ!U' JltN1i��J.ilitl:EJ:-@lZ.ff-i. 20�Z RU O -tJ1;yJt�
ill.JltJ!JIJ.ilZ t1.i'LrBJ&Ja".:l�fii:, 1£�1J;;:1·a0MATCHJNG!lfil § � rl1, �-�B�Ht43ct¥.;�ffiiill�u

x�1�x-tw..,!:"( JltB � i'i]" V);J:1)1tk:i!:fil�5'c:@:'&,(€i·1lli�Jk(J9NOTGIVENJm ifil;!J!fl!J/Jn;;fif (:f(J;lG-�:j'_§_,t'.., (/Jij§· ,

ic�flliJ j;£� �lll] 1§1 �NOTGTVEN o

20. The financial costs of environmental damage are widely recognised.

��i-lx ��m/iJ;r-'r='f Fo s<.J � ?3H � 1fl- Bt}.J� Jg .AJ :n o

J.Eu[� financial costs
Jfi\Jfil*till* widely recognised
Cl='!t: Put it all together and it looks like a battlefield, but consumers rarely make the connection
jci:p;{.j-J.ili:� at the dinner table. ... To many, the costs may not even appear to be financial at all, but merely
aesthetic - a terrible shame, but nothing to do with money.

微信:13522209444 75
il itl�ll!. �! ffi .:h �!I: f1<; �-� B i£if1 ill��:!!NOT o EB IV,J: ci:11: 'I I H{JrAJ ¥friJ�il. ft\.?Mltiil
A<.J±Jt!!EJ?:-11/iT.ill!.1t;&.\lv..0.liJ-if;�.!:f.ifs<-Ni�1$.,{:Jl1:fiUj �I f{Ht, mm W/t;·:(£IIZ:.�ci!:)fl,t �1;JJqR!J,-�
x 9 _xr)' m JA\
�1iUilJ�@. !;l!�lji,Jt�:i! @m/U;f-ffl�i-�*ii hl T 0 FA .t1t nJ tt� �11 , A ff JBS r.ir:r=n � rz 1& v.. t.R
i1Jyf,.1mi4;J]Jr1f-l'*a<J�m:1tifr X 11 (J�rarely;f11To many...nol... Ej//fFf rp (:f9widely*fL!i¾-
'8". FflJJtriJ���Ji!NOo
�� NO

21. One of the costs calculated by Professor Pretty was illness caused by food.

���:it Pretty;l:t,&ffritn::-H 0<;1 Wl'z-:li ri1ft!fPJi'J I 'R:.i'l<J�ffei o

JE(ft:ii(J Professor Pretly, illness
ffl¥)'i5dill!¥ illness caused by food

E.®:: ...£169m from food poisoning; ...

x �1 • J<:t $..,12- food poisoningf��4mrJ1 'fii;, tEJTIProfcssor Prctty(i<J4!.*�ft.i!JEf':l!:ZFA, ;;\;1:�Um\.i!-
�:t£�tlfi�;&}lv..(1yJri(JfHHi!i, .R'.!.H\tfillJillness caused by food(J<.Jxtj°Ii)Z�5Hood poisoning:l'xriJ
t:J. T o Pretty!'(� s<.Jlifflii-TI-TI;!;! ft!lmiJ I m\(1<;�J1f:i;iWi'. l.2iJ'1<.J�tfi'J o

�� YES

Questions 22-26

• !@El��: SUMMARYjJ't�lW
• Jill El ff�flr:
1. 11i"St.FI-JProfessor Prctty;filconclude- ifiJ:1#-.tltf��-&j;lJ)t:lti:(J(JE.eli, -ti!.��&�:t£�f!i2 l�M$..'1'iJJr5iIIT
MIJll11'ilfiii Professor Pretty draws a simple but memorable conclusi�n ... 22?if1]26��:l;i'!B9ii()Jli,tli&M.:i!
IPJ-it.H Mi' 1i<.J ;
2. t£�it>W1'Jil�.G}�1J}�J;H.=:1''.'f- o

®i� '.lE{ftim Jtqi�Jr,z,#, ll!il§lff!IHJr

Professor Pretty draws
,� @I J;;i 1.iJ ;fil : Professor Pretty concludes that our 22... are
a simple but
higher than most people realise, because we make three
memorable conclusion
different types of payment.
Professor/ from all this: our food
/ffi§iffil�:1-J: Preuy,l'J(�T-Tr-#h?:, :f.ltfl1(1<;22... tt:fc�'J&A
Pretty/ bills are actually
22 tr:iftfilLl l'l<.JJ!!lJil!I J,:f.t{il;(:Ej;;=.�l•.::f ITIJ a9�JJi:,;1¥!-o
threefold. We arc
paying for our
.ffl!:lm�Tlu(J9ourliffl��rl 1 �.ljl1.'.; i1TI, □i1ITA<.JJ��ifi.l;fi!:highcr o
higherilfldJ.X•tJ.iiIJtf.'.t1l1 1'19th:reefold(.:::1t'i); because we make
supposedly cheaper
U1ree different types of payment ll!iiT J;..J.;fnthreefolMf!X;J-@.
food in three separate
:iXili,WElqR��JtiJ:��food bills, ill.tl::U:::r-W:Jt.iJ�l'(! .� o
Breaking away from
industrial agriculture as lilfil El W- 1ii] ¾ : He feels it is realistic to suggest Urnt Biitain
the solution to hunger should reduce its reliance on 23 ...
may be very hard for � B ili;ifr'j?j;J: ¼'!£�iJ.-11�iSL�fJillfoi;.t:J;-;J,tx<J·23 ___ l't<.J{ld!ffl:&.00

76 微信:13522209444
Test 2

®i� '.lE{ftim
some countries, but in �(fJ o
Britain/reduce Britain, where the 2ft�*�oo.��������0 BX���*�T­
23 its reliance immediate need to �ll�*i>l, flJill.I�k1t:&..tlk�.f'1f:r.t El�� R-t-tllfff'?clit'fll�
on supply food is less �••#*m•�•m.@;(£��-�••��**$�
urgent, and the costs Jl:t�ifil.. 3i:11J.!4\1tftft<Hl'flH�:&�M'��fl9Jvt;;jl:;filiili:Jvta9
and the damage of �J!�rr--tnlliiiJ .!Ji!., :/vl:#l.lilf-tft;&�-iiJfi(l{J o �.?"i'Z�/M'.·
intensive fam1ing have iJt!l1�1:ffi:l].\\:(fjc1,oc�intensive fanning7, mf�:/vl::f-t'iintensivc
been clearly seen, it farmin� TTTfrEl0 0 Jifr �� cj I J.ill��l'lf: intensive farming o
may be more feasible.
Mi (3 )J;Vl'i.J¾: Although most farmers would be unable to adapt
lo 24.... Professor Pretty wants the government to initiate
Pro Fessor Pretty feels change by establishing what he refers to as a 25 ... .

·* *
that organic farming Jlli § ilffl�:'..l!I: �'m':,';:�/J&;ti: �iflml.i\I�724... , Prelty�!Jt
would be too big a .if¾�·�J!& rf.J=illi. uJtJL. 1l!i.J.Yri.l'l a<J25.. ttrt 0 rl:!r�
jump in thinking and in :ifilu24;f11252 n1T:1rfl9to(;(fJJ:tfi:kiRJ );fna!l!!lllrrtlH!Ol'-i-t-2
practices for many !J!!- .l;X'i; i. ilTI , Wi .EL 25 ,ffi �L� rfJ f1� J;n J:: �- � � ii'U o W-X 1-Jl a<J
24& Pretty/
fanners ... !-le is organic fanning would be too big a jump in thinking and in
25 government/
recommending practices for many farmers:tf:.:;J.J"5(.J-T·l?f�.:&�*i:lL 1HJl.:&
the immediate �:i'E !;£1. !;Et J:. ;fil �li!JJ:. 7ill Jik--4' 1i :,I;: fl9 lYf ill& " , �9r- Z � ilX
introduction of a MmW$��-�--m��,��,��-J:.�M�J9r;(f
"Greener Food (i9�l"111Jift5(q·mz. JjliT).24�).i!Z�l:uorganic farming o
Standard" ... 25�..R'ifu'll2- rtrf �·t.lt, -l'.1tf1J•-l:¥l:a<Ji.�, �t.it¥il::f-�mtiif.l

a, 1lH��;ftfiMJliiJj£1ifo��Greener Food Standard, NPftl!.�!H
i&Rli'ru� J:. flil] �"t� � 11'1'1 tf- riff" o
II!§ JJit fi] ¾: I-le feels this would help to change the attitudes
of both 26... and...
It could go a long way,
he says, to shifting
-����=•Et�-��tt �•-�rl:!r��---�---��
26 both... and...
consumers as well as
fJ£. 5-}-�iffi § t10�;f'l�i'iJ �il , :i!H:l.�:l;i:!#7U*��M-1"-�� o
-Jt:.i:j:i.t,J-=f.ffi.a<JshiftriT[}J�� I§ i:t��change;l:E!MJ.i\I, X9�as
fanners ...
well as:ittfH1<J1ll!¾M-1"-#7UJj)i;5t, if�,W § �t;H¾;J, Fl=l.llt
riT 9:1l��-fam1ers;f1lconsumers. ·!h. i'iJ �'..li'w!�uJ119iij': ±Jll'lf.

A 4O$&¥*� 1\'i'd:fl"�-lLfil�111E�u�. :l'.!l\tEB�rJ�flJ7J!:!!;*�$FJ0)dflli:A1,J;ic�a<J;ffil)Jt t q&$,Ai,Ajg21

Jtp;(£1!§:1rl!il *, J.lil:(£:,l;:$�1krrHHfiX•t-lfl"f.itli-J·i+&rmff1i'.� 7
1!!JcffillfiiEJ<Je;ic��i!iltz.-J¥,t¾ll*fij;t 1fiH:fl".ftt. f�mi, :i!1 -t1fl"�;):f:��JT.Rll,f-1l.li\El9o

;i.\:;;jl:.J9riili:·��MffiW o �m•�--�I*�.:&�M'iili:��*•
*§M=f"l 96O&fiffi�,
o �{t1fl"t$-t$-¾f!J! � ifib��1i'.a{J�.f'1f
tF' xti5/J�t:icta:sMMtt [}JBt,;x,tA�ffiltr,JH1{J�JYJ0

微信:13522209444 77
B JJ\Ht&.ill!.l'.l<J�JiH'f 5t:.!IHJL�1t1:F, �1Jllih:./faftJJl'l.filfi\!lllfll a<J*iu:f!l!H:J. �$�l¥!--tl1 �1!, -flfFn*i,Jt
�1'M'�*1t*r.i, 1f3iUJ31\tE(i<.1¥.il51I�o t£:i:1�11<.l�-t-tt!Jc.J:I�, �ifiifFfJ:(1y��, 1,�':!R�.:&lll!.rlun!B<.l�f:lt
{W.1¥-B�-m�nf .¥i o {f!;Jl;·ttL�Jfte:kEIY�t;r-o fy1rn11. ti:�f1il. VF���.Al1 iJ�MJ.:&EB��. tt�n��- 1J<
1.1.J�, �x(//,if11*�· �,rJ]!�(:t<J!11j\/U11/!e.1±1., ffllBt�M.�t-t:kJti'.l9±tl!!.J.:rm*T :i.!1Jt¾:i:!-�401f::l!Htli1

(t(J;&)ll!.&':F;Ji:tffr.ii!fJilUtyJ[�J\'Ull o �!/&i'.l<Jiru*fh, :kJt(1<.Jrtl!:!J.!fB�lA�'li lff{J±.lt!!.J.:ilii* To fFfEi*�''f'i

ig(J<Jtl�11!ttti:ifr!l!t&:*�'lf'iiY.�,'11 Ti):l:,m� (19#/Jr-�ifilfii!vita r-1=1-=f-�WJ�Jf.lf-t/lB.fil�Blifll, �&$:lt!1JRa<J t=I ?�±
�!Jll'l}J .iE:tErll/fa, ffrft&HIH1<Jl/'.¥i�4;{11!11JftJm/2t;/<!�ITTi7Gtlfrffee �o

C J.:imlfr�flpflp�:Jtffli'.l<.1±1t!!.;;fr J::t��1%tt� El HH9H1<.J,&:l:,w, ffilr11i!#)�;(E�:!J½U.:(J<JR;j"f�tM&�lrH!lilli!

�o i!.:E�IEl1:J:i.!�1tfft;!i!t.Nff�;*f1lffrm.e9"?'1'fl'MI:m�JJY.". 'tl177G:tE.Ull�F�H111t-ti!:fl!!.file91J,&JJB
�e<J ±�3eld:1:�;;t rj , , ITTi .El 't lfl l!l�;li! r-1"1 &:r:�· .:f11 il/4 m:tr 1f�i*iMR a<J o M11t�A*iJL .i! ft'lft � � ffi
2j,:�Jr1Ff�mr1111!#, {5tf5l.E5El1�*fl*. q1.H/l1Fiiffls'it'fl�1'f1ff11J*�o i?ii.ll�1�';��. ft:.J'Jft1\'/d!H/1�, -ft!!.1D
�r�;;r-&,J'J:i!f � fft § 1113n1-e1. 7G:lill!"f,?

o fJd.iMtfftx1·1±4i(:t<1J;�111'!J:!11:Ji&TIJ W.iJ:ftr,<.i. MUH�f1��Mi1J11f A(1<.1Jt!!.� o -JJli5 I Art El a<J��-1t1ftiil:1ta<i

ffiz_;/J L'. ��Jix. �m1i:Jwk1=1':4i EjJ,f ffffiJf�1: 11 I,(., l'l<.J �ff:Jules Pretty,l(x fk:.ff:t Yi T �ft'Ii;/J • ft!!.:.!i&f:l'LJJ.'1::-&ll�

(J<.J®f�,'[lit* Pretty� 19: .fMM<J In]tJ.i:l-i·:IT J ;Jt-1.p rl @l;{:dt?'l-ti!£ m31J(JJY. e<.J fftffi {t!!. ffl�-fr T f�
O I� O

�ffitf-ffrrf.i!t'J<.1-'.mffl. �U,'k a<J.�-�;!Jk= +:=- 1Zli!Ff-.=': fJJ��-. A�:¥1JiJ:fi�tj,j,tlHt!!..f11ik�fJ:!&.l:�Ji!1JJ'J= IT�


J\.�M, JL!Jl-;f11.¥i&f��W£Jff lHXMtf�l�.:&i!i.J:f:�JN"Affi:."i, �Pretty,tt-fffi.Jl.:i!�ji1*"t'1tr it o

E �@gffi-e!M:-£�TTJ�MfflTfflB��M;-��NTJ�-fflTfflBfflW�;liTENJJ ••
m Trjlj l�±-!!ll! r:i� a<J�&H=�; i)].jT-= aTJ�t}ffiT F1 **i� -f,J i,'flWi 5 I H-lll< tl1 ffr1'i" fi (1<.J ltffil T.!:l,!Jji.jJ;i!i;-1lWi
T n-f'Df!l/f-W J-H*f�Sl!b't&:ii!J!IPJM,\s!lt!i., itl!*tV..&-7:i:lt¼Jfr�]IJ alJ�!i!W; l·-fZ-T-: 1'TTJ�W ffi*Yfl' .EfilTIJ
fl�4ifi'i::l(� f��f,tay�'={.; -{Z$'.7"WTJ�-ffltE?Fiml±J!A!f/Ar1'!ll.f1tfT t!Llil'imt�...t; -£1'-T JLE:fTJ�.mHI
Tft r\1 tp�; A1Z'.!f-l:::ITTJ�tmffiTTT'i'H'tf1lH}HW o 1l1.1ltPreuyil:i(��!-f.l-l j, T --t-1'fo.!'(1fQt;JJ•ITJ\A/�J�1tf::: �fl;f,
J::ft1rJa<Jft,li1U11.i11ffiT.=.fi o :fldf iEHl:::.�l 7Glnlf1<.JJnUJ1'1 i,U:11!l!ti:T(1() fHkl�J¥!.: -:fik:f:Effifif-t/J't.:.

:li/dilil:J:��m. &1&tlJ! {l�T5Nt:kLJ9�iffx,tl:' :=:;li!1lx ifi!.m1t;&�v-�F Wlre<J;).�.J,jt=J- 0

F jJ[I-¼ft n"li (1{_Jj/j;i£;{t�Mi�I�r*ll!!,? x•t=f-�l'iil**·U2. illl.u mJJ$/.i::�Ut.:&�1!.fr1lf.ek:'•'1t�r<iJ/lfil tl1i!Fffl� ij;I
jff., 1E!.ii:�13lf. x1ffitt l'!<.Jfl,j;:JUflX;J-!J;f.11. Jf-: l=l.:k�fillrJT�tffiltl7 ijitlH�;& 1llt.J�r�:'!N B�Jvt;;f;:;fil·M�*(J<.Jlil/iJ;f-7g
�ft*;tRffi11i::.ill!., nk:1HJiHtft;&)]f51!.1-JTIJq,-o W£J(.f;{cf !.16-�-�:lL. nJ:t.r-�f.:l:, 11�4.1-JJ +11�:f?F.ft/1<.J.:&.ill!..&ffitt
�Fllli'1 . :i!-� 4i Jg :t'< tt� (�)��'Hi liiJt#giJ ��{� I Ii .!1� iii/.: , jj: jJII •���J!,il;.f.f � , f-1: m, fillf,}HJ• .& �J!im¾i
;f!J1Jffii a<., §I ,f)f, o

G {E!.�a�,rJJdt:&llkf.HJJi�f-t. iiJfJJ'J<J�ft1Hi.UZ.idl·'¼ 1%? Pretty���:w.:xt-=fi!F�.:& �*-�'L ;(cf tJL.:&

.ill!.�&m...tffl�BJ:•¾--t-m:koo•M o Jr.El..�MF�i'.l<.l��-�W���--ffiOOffig��JJ�
�o fili.ffiJ#.@.tk':llA "tj·@:� 111'1.fir-lflt', ����rli:l:;MJJ{:f t-tJ.mfr;f:if-lllJ!!J.fi,\i!:(J91JltiJ�Jl.l!. ffiUl�&,tts:&

A::ti"tJL.:&.ill!.1:.F o "��ttrl'Mif-rf1f' :µJ.iffi5,'{1�1TTl.:&�l��fi...ti'.JlJ,;J:�i,Jd�r!. i1.1i1i;&HHt#,\'l,a<.J�J-fl. ±�!.in

fil, ±Jt!i.���JJJH�i:t, 7l<1l'tWl.&1'i�tJ�OflJHl, t'tr','li:t<�t:J,&ij/J!jm-fillJ,li1f Pretty��il-1.1, �-,f)f,,fE%'-x;J-rjlj
-��11.:&:l:m.:l:.M. ffl'�i'l<.J.:&lik.� inJ nJ#r��JE:.:&llk:k1f:+!� tJio

78 微信:13522209444
Test 2

A Different Voice to Organic Farming

Organic Farming 'No Better for the Environment'
By Cahal Milmo

Organic food may be no better for the environment than conventional produce and in some cases is
contributing more lo global warming than intensive agriculture, according to a government report.
The first comprehensive study of the environmental impact of food production found there was "insufficient
evidence" to say organic produce has fewer ecological side-effects than other fam1ing methods.
The 200-page document will reignite the debate surrounding Britain's £1.6bn organic food industry which
experienced a 30 per cent growth in sales last year.
David Miliband. the Environment SecretJiy, drew a furious response from growers last month when he
suggested organic food was a ·'lifestyle choice" with no conclusive evidence it was nutritionally superior.
Sir David King, the Government's chief scientist, also told The Independent he agreed that organic food was
no safer lhan chemically-treated food.
The repor1 for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs found "many" organic products bad
lower ecological impacts than conventional methods using fertilisers and pesticides. Bul academics al the
Manchester Business School ( MBS ), who conducted the study, said that was counterbalanced by other organic
foods-such as milk, tomatoes and chicken-which are sig11ificantly less energy efficient and can be more
polluting than intensively-fanned equivalents.
Ken Green, professor of environmental management at MBS, who co-wrote the report, said: "You cannot say
that all organic food is better for the environment U1a11 all food grown conventionally. If you look carefully at the
amount of energy required to produce Lhese foods you get a complicated piclllre. In some cases, the carbon
footprint ror organics is larger. "
The study did not take into account factors such as the increased biodiversity created by organic farming or
the improved landscape.
The repor1 said: ''There is certainly insufficient evidence available to state that organic agriculture overall
would have less of an environmental impact than conventional agriculture."
"ln particular, organic agriculture poses its own environmental problems in the production of some foods.
either in terms of nutrient release to water or in tem1s or climate change burdens."
Using data from previous studies, the researchers singled out milk as a particular example of the
environmental challenges presented by organic fanning. Organic milk requires 80 per cent more land and creates
almost double the amount of substances that could lead to acidic soil and "cutrophication''-the pollution of water
courses with excess nutrients.

微信:13522209444 79
The study found that producing organic milk, which has higher levels or nutrients and lower levels of
pesticides, also generates more carbon dioxide than conventional methods-I. 23kg per litre compared to I. 06kg
per litre. It concluded: "Organic milk production appears lo require less energy input but much more land than
conventional production. While eliminating pesticide use, it also gives rise lo higher emissions of greenhouse gases
and eutrophying substances. "
Similar findings were recorded with organic chickens, where the longer growing time means it has a higher
impact on all levels, including producing nearly double the amount of potentially polluting by-products and
consuming 25 per cent more energy.
Vegetable production was also highlighted as a source of increased use of resources. Organic vine tomatoes
require almost 10 times the amount of land needed for conventional tomatoes and nearly double the amount of
Advocates of organic farming said its environmental benefits had long been established, not least by Mr
Miliband who has written it is "better for biodiversity U1an intensive farming". The Soil Association said it
recognfaed that in some areas, such as poultTy and growing vegetables out of season, organic was less energy
But it said that was vastly outweighed by factors which the DEFRA study Jiad not taken into consideration
such as animal welfare, soil condition and water use.

The pitfalls
• l 22sq m of land is needed to produce a tonne of organic vine tomatoes. The figure for conventionally-grown
loose tomatoes is 19sq m.
• Energy needed to grow organic tomatoes is I. 9 times that of conventional methods.
* Organic tomatoes grown in heated greenhouses in Britain generate one hundred times the amount of C02 per
kilogram produced by tomatoes in unheated greenhouses in southern Spain.

* Requires 80 per cent more land to produce per unit than conventional milk.
* Produces nearly 20 per cent more carbon dioxide ,md almost double the amount of other by-products that can
lead to acidification of soil and pollution of water courses.

• Organic birds require 25 per cent more energy to rear and grow than conventional methods.
* The amount of C02 generated per bird is 6. 7kg for organic compared to 4. 6kg for conventional battery or barn
• Eutrophication, the potential for nutrient-rich by-products lo pollute water courses, is measured at 86 for
organic compared to 49 for conventional.
* Tbe depletion of natural resources is measured at 99 for organic birds compared to 29 for battery or barn hens.

80 微信:13522209444
Test 2


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�� -��x.:iifi.•m�••���##�g�4���0
�� Section A: ���;f.Ht � #--ff.-ftx.:iifi.• m � 'rr-;lr. O

Section B: • m ��-ffr.Jli: .tj-4,J1!!.:±!4t1; #.{iJ-i}�¼ o

SectionC: • m �.::..ffr.Jli: .Jr-.�§;if'l•;;ifA.:/l:1b£JJ o

Section D: • m �--=-J½rJJt: lll:-ffe<Mt.ilr.Eii/i11£1to
Section E: Jof*• El .:JitAt;;if A, -jlj-,t eM �'t 3i A� o
Section F: �#4,t � #-#-1t.3t:iifi.� m aHcJ{IJIJ•roi o

disappointing adj. -0-A�!t!DY intei,,•ra te vt . �-i,11:ft; �-15"

conventional adj. 1-�trf.1. f&J!f!'lj}l{�l]tly; 1,\-'l,J\1.(JY objective n. §,lff,; §FJ�
rethink VI. & vi. :ffitrfr�-I[;; &_}[\ access ll. jfil:@; f�_F§ j

stratei,,y 11. �roa-; t&111l't, w�:t.r'fl· community n. :t-tl8:; ll:�

tackle V. fw{. ?Jc j /_jiJ. f•t co-ordinate v. WiJl.'l; ilWv
availability 11. TtJ JfJtL ��J�f�I:

virtually adv. �l�J:.; l'JJ�J:. �,IM£

isolate VI. IWi� • 1!11:i'.r. ; 1.\l!Jlil� slippery ad}. J't:ffl flY ; nttlW (J<J : 33): ffl-A<J
rainy season ITT* solution n. ffrflk:11'�
in...shape �'f-·····:Jk� propose VI. & Vi. :m·iS(, �I;)( i tJm:
rare adj. f&:l,'(i<J, � �ay socio-economic ttfi�r)f�
resrrict to � ...... �l\!fM<-1£fl11J , 1!iH"#) obtain VI.��!}.' ,HJftl
tE······ locality n.11!!.IR, 18:�
rely on t&$, *Ml! grinding mill i};ljj
path II. (A�*-1:"filjE/-l:l*El�)B&: ;j\

identify safety risk $:�JxW�
implement vr. �AfiL, JlWJ. tM=r arduous ad}. i!�-'/!rfJY, i!�tEJ{J
mobility 11. ffl;lrli, � t]U step n. al!fi'
dependent adj. �tk:'f······1¥J, 1�Mftfl{_J handrail n. ¥-fF , tlc-=f
labour 11. IA; j','jJ footbridge n. Afi:f:Jf
mechanical workshop VL�:$:fii] oxen n. tf::, i�4(oxa<J�J&)
consideration II. ;lj J'g j �;ljm f.lY!Jl•m promote VI. t!Ei j l:IHJt
outside prep. I� 7 · · · ···Z?'l- manufacturable adj. i'iJir,iJ��, �1'=89
wheelbarrow I!. �!ll�-=ftft$

微信:13522209444 81
refinement n. il!,!:�, t.'ll:ill efficiency 17. ��f, �fj�
institutionalisation n. iMJl/'.1t existing adj. J.ll\;fj (�J
accompanying adj. WMHI�, J!HMW<;; flc�MJ modification II. 1� iE, i!)(Ji!t

maintenance ,1.• tfHJ� ; �� crop 17. tf.!lt!l' J.:l:�

fluctuate vi. Wr,h; < ffl-.m� )�$J breeding ll. ��[; tnlfF; �lF
secondary road =�i�1'tlt affordable adj . mff� 1�®i�fF!fJ<J, :t.ei���®(1<;
at the request of ia=-....·ZrllJ/<' J.ilZ •..• .·Ziilf>.R initiative II. _':Ei9J•l1-f., Jt!!J&,c.,, $:®�·
construction 11.11!� note VI. 7.:E�
impress VI. t�······t.:)i?itMl:ll�, 1il.!tfii2 supplementary adj. !i'tfHJ{J; 1Hca<J

top-down FbJ:Tmrn<i, �.m.mrt1j}jf(Jtfr hand down to 往下传给

inexpensive adj. fflHftaS, illI1rl'l<J awareness n.意识
dedicated adj. ilt';::!ffe}ag; 'tfr.t�J

l . The locally manufactured wheelbarrows were still too expensive for all but a few of the households.

�;ly�j(: 1�7 :P��Utff! tm¼Mi\Z��, *:lil!f"�!ll�$Xt=f$1&�H!*iJ!::if:n/;1@li\:rJ,:(�J�

all but...
(I) JLJJZ-; .&�$
The shelf was all but empty. 1Jr*JL-t� 7 o
The mm is all but three hours long.� tl!. §.jJL-f 4f -=--1'+ B<J--i'c o
He was all but drowned.111!..ai.,i?.JL�§t o
lt was all but impossible to climb back into the boat. .j!j. mJ Ji] •hi� J: JL-t � of fit 7
(2) 1�7 ......ffi\, t$!r11-'fall except
the 32 delegates (all but four of them women) 32uZ{�:'tH l�4,A.�J,:fsJ:1-JY:t4=.)
All but the morning star have disappeared. l';t.-71.:-!I �:0�$1i!!.1¥J !I.£½:l/ilijlj !k. 1 o
*:x °
�,l�1-1iJ-=fffiB'1�;l'Brt!�$;5(1 1�7 �?J&�JEZ.3/l•a<.J;ltfl!!�JiE:if i:W Pri:iJi-(1<; 0 i'iJ t:J$��jJThe
locally manufactured wheelbarrows were still too expensive for almost all the l1ouseholds. Only a few can
afford them.
all l'J<J ;ltfl!!rH 7t :
• above all l§°;ti:;; :Jtitll'lo: Above all, he is reliable. � �61)-,!?. , -/1!!..>l of 1t ,ij\{J!J o
• after all !:/aff:; �JE: After all, tomorrow is another day. .!f--Jt, nJl k5t}t,Wj-(l(J-k j o
• all alongftrt� ;-H: Know all along that he is going lo make ii. A-it;;#-i.A.1.J1t!!.½A:r/J 61J o
• all out 1£:h W.111: be all out to do sth . .,�./!--½ jJ-fkt� 1$
• all over Jtl6tt ;:ill&: He is smiling all over his face. it!!.� Ul1 ��o

82 微信:13522209444
Test 2
� -if.· 11 1 (l0all:
• All is not gold that glitters. IAl _;\: ,ri� ;f;._,,;t.,;y,t)t1s-t a
• All his geese are swans. iatr.'t ro Jj-.
• All good things must come to an end. J;.. "fi.t;tf ;f:-j'Jl{f.; ;ff/,{i a
• All roads lead lo Rome. �� kllt.ilft. f l!., o
• All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. ?,.4:,:,1.ff-;f:i;--J.it,, .M: 9A ,J</t�:ll:� 0
• All's well that ends well. it*tr-lf.J:t.t-m�tf- o
• A friend to all is a friend to none. t--'i'-1>',lJlJ]h:., $,. '.ik it,JIlJ �.
• Grasp all, lose all. j- i .;I..· :k..
• He that gains time gains all things. �+'i- ut f,iJ ¼, }1;J,i--m.
• It's hard to please all. .Ao *-iJ.ll o

2. It would have been easy to criticize the MIRTP for using in the early phases a "top-down" approach, in which
decisions were made by experts and officials before being handed down to communities, but it was necessary to
start the process from the level of the governmental authorities of the district.

��i.-f Jt: r: i''f :i»i Q 1,7JWJ�U8 T J:��4-

r � .J:Mi·(10 :!Ht, [!jl ?51::{f �£i'l� :l:M± 1K If,] :tt, ��%i1i&Jff 'g ffHfl
nfF,'l171;1c5i'., l/,f4-� ±, t -f;fc1t.xilli1iil El il'!l�l7�&�-ttt�f-, f§.;lHl..i&Jff�7X3f 1frrffHm�Mi0$:J'ff! � Jl.;l�d�

fi°�•�(l9 o

It �Jti..t�J�A.:tilf, J!-1,J itfrJ'.iIE!'.10±-i-tt��}E:r.\:to criticize the MIRTP for using in the early phases a
"top-down'' approach, :t:Ei!-1-±Fg·§iru. in which51-TT'�i:"i{J)/nj. lfl1r-�1t.z.:lika lop-down approach . .5i'.if:i-.bViiJ
(10 ±tfi· ¾ decisions, i� i'/-I ¾� 7:l/J i-fi·� were made, before being handed down to co1nmunities � ij'jj -'f before
decisions were handed down to communities.

fff�im + mtoa<.!:f-�it
(I) 3��iff.1Jfi�!Hlho(i<J;f-JE:r-l.:
f'm pleased to sec you. 4P<-r,li Jil..i� 1fi� o
I'm sorry to have missed you. .f1.-it·tY!!.i.t.!il..i�1t- a
I am pleased to have been given this opportunity. �r< -i'.Ji *�tiU%f f1] .i!.-'i'-*JLia-- 0
(2 ) riJ W.J=fJ rl/Jtl% JiJUlh'HJrJ A (l<.J�}:£:r-1: '11J�
He was kind to help us. 1\l!..# t: ,t� JI/J �-ffJ a
nT L!J.J] r-i! 1-1i:JlJ'l(l<.JJ��-li'iJ;fif: brave .W Jll/careless 1!, J.it./cleverlUt nA /foolish �-�/generous·tllt.11lt/good
tr-/unkind;f:� �/polite;iL�/right.X'f/wrong4lr/rnde4ll�L/selfish ro :ift.
(3) ±ifr+be+J��if/J + f!ftot'l<J�5i'.:i'-t
The government would be brave to call an election now. ,"!t;(,J-J.l-tf.:ilt--t�.iit 7 0
Jack was foolish not to accept the offer. ,1';JL;f:4.Jli.�}ti.iC:k.. �-� i 0
(4) 11+be+)lf�ili] + of+� iffJlftiiiJ +'}l','10(:1<.J;f-5:E;i'.\
It was kind of her to help us. ,¼t .. J'i..
tr- , f� Jl/J 7 -i\l 1f1 0
It was silly of you to say that. {t J�S ¼ i>i.J1-i. o
It was a1moying ofJohn to lose my keys. ttitll'-kt. 1 -i\laiJ4})il!,_, .lt-4-A·� :k.. 0

微信:13522209444 83
Questions 27-30

• /Mi§��: LIST OF 1-lEADINGS :ii\;,f:if-{@

• Jill § /1i¥-:lfr :
Et5t, .s!t�EiI*�-J't/i:f9U.:r-�1=i,E.�:iz!;;i:J:F1%eading vi;f11ixWJJJJi;
tt?& I "/xll�Jfr;j,f BYheadings, ;j'JUMa.ilii.n.l o
headingsffi1!� �llr:

i. MJRTP( l?Jll�!l'i't � f' -1ll-1-tx:iill.!Jl ):fil:**13<.Jfj,\;:i:\: JJil!iff.lfuture model
ii. :J'Jltli .i:�1j(_J_xjffi foj,ijj ;1cW!if/Jmain transpo11 problems
iii. ,A_fj:5t,J·�L;/J!1Z(i(Ji!iil:/1-J- �,WiffJmolorised vehicles
iv. i!&JM'g � (:1<.,JkiSl .:;.(:itl!·if.J government authorities
v. X;J-.iR.rf.tl:l=i3c:lfilJJ:i:\fl<.J::/<JJit"�� ;ltW!i'nJ initial improvements
vi. !/,i1-�JI!! iR illtil?-xilli r1<.J w:rJt < t�rlll'l'i )
vii. �t$fll!.IRE�J3tifili;j(if :X::Wlin.lnorthem part
viii. $JL:ill��B<JP.li'llf #di!nii.lrail network
ix. Jjj EJ :M:fJJt-iJ/Jmt.1<.J�in1� ( B �t-lFl�t-)
x. ¥::111!!13.wB<Jft-,ft �t.!l!lf/Jdistrict officials
xi. �1!�$.fil� a<J,ftffi ;Jclil! if/Jwheelbarrows, donkeys

�� �iJZiilJ Jti:p�b!Z ./.i: ��ffl!H'ff

JJt:mi::t J;'t -1:fJ-t Section FR � -tf� r& t.fi Jj)t • lz;I Jlt� �.tt 'Ri-i'
1N3!:;;J•ti!H&�fefOi:A�-i'Sectiontf<.J::k� o Section Ba<.,,m-
IJ,f.il: JiJfl: �l:(£ t1'11� .Q, WI�; J l!i. I?( :tll1I :'f.'.\';(1<.J 3c illi � r,l
• �•Ulm t'li
�, ;{y�/jil it•t.Jc.L!H�U, Jli�ffi=;J\f.il: o ;i!-1j,f.il:t!"i'iJ)j,'_,t
Section B�=;J,fit
-l'JiH;U: Before solutions could be proposed, the problems had
Before solutions could be
to be understood. �.ID.problemsffi-7?,Lil'tiiiJ iltF.Al. IHI-l=i
main transport proposed, the problems
27 :iz!;J'.ITTi itp (10problcms)(t/.iiI o rf;fJ��friJr�;rr, :®\:f,M.lli!JJJJI
problems had to be understood... so
Phase ] ... focused on
$*� J-l!!.-fi.P l'l<JiJ�l:m:. B miWt� itiF.IJ'.i'!i:iM: a<J1tlfi o �
research. b
.g-j_s:WJ;j\j:::Jl:, .fill.rt' *$:5ti;Jt-r1<.J�:liHifn7 t:tl!!.IR(i<.Jl'nJJill.
t:1!)1,t�:Q\;JJJI ii0
TIPS: J).)t:i';1:fr)t�!ffl:*i11:, H:ffJzHrx1JJJJI GI ZJlJ. �
t&•5MJWl fi'iJJm o
Section C ffi-1 ),+::ll:: ... a Mli:.ltl (J<J)t rr x,tmzli;;lfr� nJ l;J.;ff t±: . ��l:iz!; tH� -ffll1t
number of approaches fJY:k-m, &-®i�Ji!iitfil-i'Scction, f!.�m-1J,13l-;!I!�/,Jt
were implemented in an �o ffl-�f.il:£.�JJJIBffi=�f.il:�§�;M=�f.il: ■
effort to improve mobility Jitlall:�Jm�J. mv�t'iti)II; �.=1],f.il:�HU��:li!!.A'ill':iEl'l<.J
and access to transport m
11,rui-1� f:i' rri-, -tr--¥;f11,A. fifli: ; ITT11J,f.il: 1:JHJJ1trn�!l! !ffi :-!jc:
ffi=1H:lt: An ;f1l!J/��iWf'l1 x:iilltJ.=J..o,�•tf.il!!lf;trkJ�. ,fJ!ft!,t�, Fn.=1],
improvement of the road fjt£3(illiP.li�(l<J!l-l*l*:&l, t:l!.l¥,lt;r-xm1!f tl:\��jq:iz\;.J'.fflvo
network ... 1il'1<.J;;ly�riJfl��1Jll viii.li..!Zxi:iill�, {fl.:;liJ:£jv4'FJ tt, j:g:jW,ti!i;
� 1 ,f.il:: Lt made sense :rJiflfll::t:J:J.-iiT, P-;!I!;1t11 1 a<.J--t1rllii, ,f fil� fili oft= �ft
.= ]

84 微信:13522209444

�� �iJZiilJ
to improve the paths by 1-Section(i<J;lc�, @: �fiiffi&1�Mrlii£l.±lliiBY o
building ... TIPS: ;lt�%-�riJ!:),bA. initial0HM1<.,, ilit!l#aY )-inJfiJ!tfr
tP;P.!J1N��: After careful 11\�1-il'i;:0!@:iidB'i:=fJt:f,'.t�'�Tl'ut'l(Ji';fl?tfi<J o �U�,l�w;Jt
consideration, the project �-#-�--�A���--��Jt .• Mm�aW
chose the promotion of @;&7RAtfliJ9c@10IJf.fi<J*filiffJ o Jill:
donkeys... carly-furi.hcr for111cr-latter initial-next
�illJID;f:IU<•J-tl����1 , !m;hSection E;;j;:� fFf=iiJ,q/;;J-ijs,
iTiiJ1 :.'ill� '1 1 1Eil&Jft UY 11= J=l'Lt o ¥.9:*fl ,'l:\ �¾ iiff � :ltl1.. [3(
/Ffl'l<Jxt#;\'.11:n.Jlfijl(,' J¥,.:WxMji,ljJE�:tt!!.t-t�ff1B<J'itri3JZ' Jc.7}

Section E: ... without the

district [)!:;�district officials( Jll!. li'i§ ffi.). JYf lV-'f:JiJi>�.iDiff1�� 0
29 support and understanding
officials 1sf 1'1<J�·1: TTf fi���iv/Yr��, � J!l'f:iJR.fJi 7[3(/Ff 'i§JJ B<J
of district authorities.
ll!iSl, &'lfl!.{ifJi;).:filEJ::IH1<J�-l;;Jfflx-t@:, .filj',!pj1:¥.9: ,'l:J � T
government authorities, ffl:ID:.�:.l'/Hfif.�:'.lsrtl·¼.1:EJP!§ WWl
In A<JinstructionsCUHSl). ,lj�::l'll:l�l'i o
X·Jfti1(,:/,fil!Jf-,9l1JJ<.M?!!,1¥J�·�. 1£�·¥JJ:Q\;%B<.Jfutu.re!l;J-, B�i'iJ
W�'S;/cJl!.!lll!.Y3�Jt:qt11t�r□-tJl.:T, �:;ig-$'1-ffuture-

Section Fffi=t:11:: ...and

�4'}-�;t.'f:mi§!rJP:l!!ijc;lc, Jl�¼.l'/,fiiJt:J.ili;JJSection FBY:fil'
Makete District will act as
30 future model lEi - 1i°J , :t.l!; fU future model fl<J Xt@: ifiJ reference, {I} tE
a reference for future l
refcrenccff:r;(r ·fJfuture work, tlfi:iJ IV-nt/11.IEliJO:Q\;l:Jiio
TIPS: 1!r�TJ1Jf<i.il! if,'J tJheadings-flt!:�Xt@:Jtf;'.tl¥J*
IDt : effects, influence, afiermath, result, next, future,
consequence tt, o

Questi.011s 31-35

• /�El��: YES/NO/NOTGIVEN;/!1/lj9r;W
• JID 13 �i'(, lfr :

31. MIRTP was divided into five phases.

�:;lyi-fJt .I!A:1�� _§;H-1-�1.t�ifil:0! FI fl1i�1J :5}�JTL 1-f!fr¥x o
J.iHiLifi'J five
fi#,iji;�JJJ!'.:}: five

�{i�it. �:.l%-i11{1ix/ill�,, qi�{!J-:1f®H1<.Ji'ifil§ o f(iff.lWJJ#.Ul: -f-7J:;p���.. -%'I�
:&·•��fili}]IfWf."Jtf.1:r!=l/1-',JJMt<J�-, �=-=:.-1-l!frID/: o 1'1 l't':J;;.ly�E 1:E J'C , 1- 7 .R :mfJJ = 1' �Ji-
¥x • !1Hr;u.1:t iJI.Jt , 1h. tli: 11 iJU.!. ;(j �=1- 1� &r PlfiiJ 0 ,Jt'.,!j;, .b\Section EJHf-lit'1'��!-tl!.V ffi.,
Section FJHrt�fX-1��1-.i:ITT El B9:ill:�•11:,f1];i(;j-�-*a<.J�II(,,] , :-mm-�n��Jt1it1Y!IJ ,'H*�-1-J.W § .R
J'(tj l_l(;JJ.i!l,�
1f=1'�Jl'¥.9:T o ���f'.&�NOo
TIPS: �!¥1'1:�·1,!R, -fllt�FALSEo � ;JJk i-!l!: .'.ilt J:. � 9fli itl' � B<J- & TRUE/FALSE/NOT
GNENti'.t��m1J ., ;ijl:,W·llfii'JIV-�ft:;1%�1-m9!UE1<.J���ml o .�,Z1��1-lm§ fJ{JAtf��.18
hl"��%'1t" f=l c. 1'1<J�lr!, -'fJI�2JI-�1t{�
�� NO
微信:13522209444 85
� i �
i� NflJ/on';;!1 ft1.lffi-:fft�.�i:it±J4i:it�� 7 • ffii#

32. Prior to the start of MIRTP the Makete district was almost inaccessible during the rainy season.

�fix tE-�1t3'i::ifill;W l§l Jf :!frlz.1lu, ITT*-(1<.J.I!Jf.i�1�U L1F-E.i5'l-,?i!.1Wi�"

�& iii.] prior to the start, rainy season
%r-f.>1m:kfil'.:j': inaccessible
Section B m- 1j, fst m-'AJ : When the project began, Makete District was virtually totally
isolated during the rainy season.
x�rx-tm:B f
})ii 1iJ rp il<J beganJt; $. Ml T 'I I I'.l<.J start, virtually totally isolated X.f $. almost inaccessiblec
inaccessibleffi":,c�:it�J I'.l{J , �nf ill.A /J<.J". 1HY.X·J-$. isolated( .!'jt!J:IWit@(t<J ) o .1Jt,'ffi�,tf,:1$f1J
T in.li1'H1<J-- x,J- J.i.Y. o .R �inJ 1[fill,Jt :k , �1-11! � �l1R � �MfiT�� HD!t"
�� YES

33. Phase I of MIRTP consisted of a survey of household expenditure on transport.

��J'( :f!i :f41t--1*1-t 3'1::ifil l;W 13 m- l!lrf.½t'§�\!i x-t �JI!!�/g3'1:JhHl:/Ot (1<.J i/�lt o
�uz;n.1 Phase I
Kl'f./m;Yct;i.t:¥ expenditure
)f!J,1-FJ Phase WJ-Jltliffi'.iE{vJIIJScction Bo<.im=1Hlt, :j:Jljjl]socio-economic survey- inJ, fiffl}i'.J'(
�.ttEJlt!il:tUitlT Y,�ilt o
Jl,i: lij] : The socio-economic survey of more lhan 400 households in the district indicated that a
household in Makcte spent, on average, seven hours a day on transporting themselves and their
)(rp)(.J'$..� t
J.A:1!1iJiisnf�� :J l , Utl����;'R-'f �Jtl!.%rul:'/U£: I\ fr J: fJ<J a, Ji}] • Jf:�¾IMI 1§ q, /Yr L� I'J<.J
3'i:illi3H� 0 _¥!jf't. �a<J�1::�i$?.' JJ�J'(:i'J:11-miJ!:;(sjfJJHff1 iJ?,i)tl��:fil:�T Jfffi EJ�Of O 1:E�it'�-
l�*Jt:ntrj-1, 4%i:�J:!aiJiri:�(10.ll,i:� .1,\UiUJH1<J 13 (1<J, :i!.Ufi/,��lilf9t(I0 El (1<.JA;j. -f:J!l::i!1-E'i't
lzsPf11EI (l9fill:Jio(F.-(J9 o ·Ll!�;& iJ?., �llclJX rl 1iJi.i£:ifi'fii\i((1'rn (10:Ji:A, !1-! 111 iJ?,�,i,. li\i(J� § BY�
B, -f:J9:Jli,\;l.1\;1fNO o
�� NO

34. The survey concluded that one -fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local

��i.tx iWliJ�J�lt!ul.zfs20%i'.10�H!tHfi-Jl!JJH±:,js:Jl!!IR�5'�"
)l',:uLlfi.l one-fifth or 20%
ffi1f.lm5ctm� one-fifth or 20%
-�·JtEBim El 1:P 1¥/one-fifthlix:�20%�11¥0Section B�=1J,fsi:(l(JS0% 0
mi>C: 80% was within the locality
)(l'f1)(.J'J2Z,� localityffi"fll!IK, JKb.,;i" o i%<1r.li�80%1¥/ie:J.dll\fi{51.ll&-=f:,js:!tl!,, tlli�-T-, JJll1-Jl:ijJT-1¥/20%
tlHf�::(£:,js:Jtl!.Z.5'1- 7 o 11\x-1-fm 1)'!.(.t<J����t):, �n��#:m��JJYES o
:l!il!m-17.J ,8 IBCXII@!¥ , �� ��-ill/Hi El �nf fM:J! 1- flij .qf!. o

�� YES

86 微信:13522209444
Test 2
35. MIRTP hoped to improve the movement of goods from Makete district to the country's capital.

��wx -�IA4� � ;f'.l•-J,Mtn.i:m i==1 'fij"�ri�1,it�w,121t411f�:tt ffil*itirsz.raJ r1Y1'-t!J11Jjg4il'i C

JE1.!LiilJ capital
fwtlm;fcW!* capital

t&Ji�iJ¥JJilJJ!tlJE.udtlScction C c Section cm -,1,�MFn-li°iJ: ...a number of approaches were

implemented in an effort to improve mobility and access to transport. tE:i!/iiJ-ij!j-r[:i, Jt-&;f,f!Jt
IU"itr'llll o 1/iJT-�·�, 1J:jlJSection CB<.Jfil.la', capital-iiiJ·ll!�1'f,'113}1\, ;i!fl;J-E'.�::i't�'fif��
.;E, :i!;fil:-jg:;trj· �;-fT, Jc�i!Z,tj �,&�(J(JNOT GIVEN 0

Jt rf1 :;<1·$. l;i; fll'I�n-MXr!-!/! tlWr. JJ!l]Trf V1%1il!ff-!tfilo �36!illJE11L:f£section cr1<.J$i'I::C::1N¥s!:' -nt!ff!J®irr-w.
JJ!IJ. :i!J¥)tre1Jt.WB<.J��il:YE;(-E J Section C(1<Jm-, =,J,fl, ..f(}JJ[J'l!J W:�t�zr□, .R��=
1],.j:;ll:,E-litl-1,J� fW. :fcLr/1-;fc}f- (�J 'iiJ T: An improvement of the road network was considered
necessary to ensure the import and export of goods to the district. u;: 1A]i{i ID. tl1:if: ..!ilcapital�
�, ��,f)�ftl7:l,t!ftiJ:@��, tll1c�&ff f.1Hillrr--#ll o l.!fr��� M�¾NOT GTVEN o


Questions 36-39

• ijjl=J�!-19.: MATCH!NG-l'*l'c/W
• M2il=lf�t!r:

1iiJ1t:l1f � 1.iJ � ill! El9 mate hing/01� JIB1J i¼
'12'.-5'f·fai.�:xM T=F- ; *fffi1iif� (i<.J:liHiRJE ;fn �� (f.) *rJ1'11 0
�JE: :if:JHJ./i:rlc'f-�ill;r»!flffiilo
*��i11!1: ���'.J.ial!!l!?J ��Ill El<J,iFf. ;t;t;1k3i;!tl!..Wt�.;E1.ilifiJ, :if:�li:!t.®:, t:ti/l@i/f-J/.fi.,��-:itc

�� :@:{ftiii) 3'1:i:p�J,;tz,,t;;;

Section C � =. 1], � : Most goods were transported along the paths that provide
short-cuts up and down the hillsides, but U1e paths were a real safety risk and made the
journey on foot even more arduous. lt made sense to improve the paths by building
footbridges, steps, handrails and footbridges. :k�!/&!ltlJ.W:l!:ifil.l:lJJ,J�jg�tJl'j<J, J!@1M1t:1J J: T
36 steps , Ll1-l'JHltTM12..1E!i.flil'rr�r.irni.:kt1<J�-f.lrfitll.@:, �¾tM'rJl,;/[iE!xlllx11=TO lfr�. JM'.
handrails fi' &,�Jilt! ft,!!! fr �fl' , 1'J;:-¥ ;f11 )d'rffi:titi!E i&'!lf lMWr. o
:J'.llJilJ:iS: iW lnJii1i" zrn , :TFJm:t-r: �1.Vi� rj, �·:Jt5C•f$.ta]� , �\'H}tl�r:i:.t:�9Jhii.lz1W.JA<J�
�, 1FH:RlXtiUtrtl:lit .L'.ITTD: improved paths used for transport up and down hillsides.
(mt:�JfFf J::.T-tJ1Fl'�1J,�) lE�HnJ'c11 1 mtlnJMl.l'Zo 1151Jl: tDwt'.¾iIJ!fO��o

Section D :m Im 1], f..li �- 1n) : The efforts to improve U1e efficiency of the existing
breakdown, transport services were not very successful because most of the motorised vehicles in
37 buses the district broke down and there were no resources to repair them. Rl T � :lll!.:;k��
and trucks t/Li9J:1ili�ll�H.-Ji.li:*i"%rl�:.f�111!. fJfW-tlHl·�:(;i:>x::ifillllHr%lftM1<.J�jJ;Ji0�;IH�ri!ZJ;Jo
i!ifil/2;f11J:-i/tWl;vi1(;l,U��:iif:;, �M;fllj;tJg;J�Ji, 1f.l-tl!:J-t-�l::Jt;f¥1] 0 J/2 F-1 rj·1 (j<J buses

微信:13522209444 87
�� �iJZiilJ
and trucks x, t J.i!I )( ,�1, (J<J motorised vehicles, breakdown�lHJ Mi iHI i,;./J ifll iftl fil_broke
breakdown, down�:;(,f J.i!I 0 i'f.;fi-:(fj!fil fl'i.?j;::in;:/'j 7-?ji:�:\lt!��!f�5f: o lili;t;i rl 1 (J%inder( �U\J.)
buses and trucks - ifrJ�ffrHlfils<JJ:¥.fil, efficient:;t•t@X rr A<Jefficiency, itmJ.iJT¾Jjfi)'clltr�'tiJ 11] F.19 :£
-�H.8 0 ��¾lo

Section D11F::1J,&1:m-ti,J: Paths and secondary roads were improve� only al the
request of communities who were willing to participate m construction and
maintenancc . .R ,ff Pl��Ej :ill /MH.1! � Ej fif-!t' (l<J ti: fR -It!,�\� J.K fl.j , Jui! T.:1f ;;:1-�� fr'J
secondary roads 0J;ftl!.1f1r�lu1)f1),lU}Jf:n=�i�jE1} 0
and paths ;j:IJJ'l'JJE·OLifiJ�IH:k-•fJl5JE{\LfUSection n,EjMJtffi-'iiJ, l'lll!J}l]at the request of;f1l
willing)E {i'Lflj jit:r_Di G: was done only at the request of local people who were willing
to lend a hand. willing to lend a hand t1; lfil T >( �1 (l<J willing to participate in
construction and maintenance, tillt�!fil:'©::(f0JUtl'!<JJJ!i.5bfil�-rr' 1 P H\;/J o %'=�:li;;Go

:i!m �T����.®R���Xrr•ffl�B�M�l.i!I�o
Section Di'.t<J*=;J,&_'1(:i;-fi): The road improvements and accompanying maintenance
system had helped make the district centre accessible throughout the year.
. . •E.i��M:i!���*•mo•��1iJ�BM��tt•7m*RA•�•M*
1solat1on, part of
the year

JRiJll:(fBi?:��1'111iJJ3fU:ii;, 1frZ1'.C!Wi�FfllJ.�-troJ T, MJii!l;:!y(, .R1'iE*
�7��:iJ:J[l o
!ll ;,1,, Jl,t:SCJ!fiJfis(195&:,[lJt-;f:tiUih'm § _o/cjE)(�·Ji, !Yr !;A, �-�nJ !;A 1.9.!HI ��1�1!.
%*"��-=m•�e�•M�m:rm.•mm•��•xm•-M@� �mlfil ■
¾, ;¥i-;(j-19J�-1n:F(:Ei./' HHfiirt5lJ:::/lilfi�l!)j;�JWt-.iill o �-�HIH���:&l. .Rff-1-tS�


• flJj 1§1 ��: Multiple Choices m�f�

• flJj§ff(f.tfr:
�¾-ilt,1t,tirnv� El, :(£:$( 1:jlt�,(f J�UlXtJJ\Z,•�, Ufi·��iHtilBtZc�jjM)(f.t,l!IB�ftfJX;i'l(j)m §
1.m �-�-ti!i!J=l� o

l'ffi:� '.iE iu: iffl 3ti:p�£ll.�

1'2113: r3'til9J�-9ii:M:�Hl!!.11i'i:i£T:2fs::SC(J(J.i:� I§ (M
A *IY":JJJ1J B<J ��mr1irn:::!iifl*-'i' � tt-1*1txilli:rm I§ :i!-t-t (i<1:rw f=l o
B tl/i:i£7 .I!if4%'f;tt-{4:-1-tx:iill:i:D! §I :lH11fnJ�Mff (�J, !;A.&llil.1� T ;�,r-i::a½Jix.8'� o
C TtJIJE.I/i;fil�� � tt-{*1t3i:iil1:rm §I �.!m-fii11/ll1IJJ�-rl!J½Hl�(J<J o
D '1ff-;k�!/Jflj.!j',} � ;t,t-{,f.{,t.3(:iiJlJJ! EJ _i!,W(J(jt§( El{[;!r.iJ�:(f.t[j11Z:filfoJB o
40 main aim
�;t;�,11�n = -=�IEfili, --tfii. lfil. ff.!. filimJJiBu:P.J;';'J. :;1c1*�1m-rx1.1:mt1UHH
:SC rJ=1;t1:*tlJ;.&.i!-i"P-J�; CJ.ii!J1-'FJil.{*, !.if-'a{J{.if!H1 .R¾ir�ti (J<J-ilMt. ;f:�� iffi;
•FP1:Et..Jr (1½A, a, Nt.$.lc: A�-'Ft.ltif1i�, x1;t.R1£fil:J§t'HilJfhWl�t1(Jri!tJJ1nJ � ft-
.R,ffi!!;JJ!Bffl;:Jf,T�X, ��.1-JBo

88 微信:13522209444
Test 2

Section A
;I..+ fpfttJJ , �I: 1Jll itf� 1¥,·)f:iRHttm Wii:r.ITT §14;-.A.�� 89 � ,tl'H!,1!1ij,-�� iiiUHfiffi:� -�-��ck:_§; t-t56fil
fi:iJf8iil9� �o ·lftiiti!��ilf Wi¥i$1!lil:ift t1<.J Qi ;¥,;��11!! !R�:,;Jt 1W Wli& � �fl!!.B{J:1<:illl�6l. ;:!gut��� �tfH!t7
tfL� o
���1t!!*t-ta8�fi�*�--�.-���-t- :1<:illlm• ■ $-*M7�*oi!1- ■$�13�M

¾illl :i1il!l:4!f *H�illl !* � . it�il!l.Atl��:J;- WUn IJ!i# ffrWt (J{J A;f' l'iIJfnfi!J .1J o irJ111� E19�;;t,: ml �iM'.
¾ f:i�re,;-!fr'r 89A;f'feJ Ft.l 31HF )&fi��lt{)eill �±Ml:�;fM:?: ;,it}& (J<.J ffi i;J fi1:W� _§; tt-{iMt:1<:illl �13 fHfir
19ssfp, m:Iml±fF�0� IH Wf Wf WJ. ffi.�J¥:,.ifl1.i!&Jf.fffi� ltilliJT.f'l= o

Section B
.!Ji El �1J7f �fi a<:JA-t {� , ITT* t1<J];!,���JL-1¥-:rdt-'=i ttt 1¥Mf'.l o � Jil!Htt<Jr. -t-5t-41W:fit. , iifi tt.:E�JJiHM<.J jg�-&¥
,1,� .=1-Y.l 1'l'� B;f' l'iil if�¾:.t�jffifi (i{J o :llk lK P-1 ill�56ffi ��t'JI±', � . �t·$.lti!. IK riJ-JMf l'l<J 3<:illLIJsl.,,R �� o .@ �
.i:�ti?<W-fr, -TmTii!�1J,�mtve.i'r�ttl:, -t·,-)-fu.:l� o
tEtJHl1Jw?tk:�N!ZlW, %�7/f�l'iiJ�ffr�o tim:T1fx;J-�tili.A.il911Hi�'>l<7fli'f�r,;J, �JlttEI;@��­
Wi-1¥§!:( }}_ 1985&¥ 12J=J JU1987"¥12JJ ) , ffil·ffl�•=pffijJ it!:fiillil1ilf otlilX1·fi1��%JlklK4OO$1-al:!!itH'ril9t±�z£t3r
iftillt�ffi . .IJZ-�4IJa4jj:.7e%:ftJ: 11-11,n-tr!Ff ,Ll.lfi·f1@Wiit1� �m!l&ffif:fili\*qi:t&Yfi;l, -O�.JJ�l:#H�f1!t31 tt
��JU il{J!/&t\il-tl1.¾-t-Y,i'1<:, o illil�.A.ln :if;,it:&\ 7-@53x:iill,l,fi::Xdt<JqJ::ffiliBB<.Jljl'.·ri'J: �tl!!.95%B9F.s � Ii\ fl�;W;

Section C
feffi5E7.i:��3<:illlJJ*, fifilIJJi�Hr7ITJfrl1ffrHlt1,�, �:jt. ±11!m'lfti'OJ, ��ff� :/'.!=L, tEffl=l!j)-f:}1:( 1991
iY::L 2J=l Ja)). :;1:Jmi'i/i�1i!i(1<.J]R.?ti•l1;f111!J:!f1Jt.L �JitiI7i'F�1r$.
i&:izr:!lk IRt.1<.Jlflt jijj:J!f:!f-it111.f*t1Jn!= /lal r.:i .ill!.-%- s<.J&,��14, TfiT:i!� i!J(n!=t1'cnfil,W:m:*M.ii'.W;/JfJ o I� 7 i&*/t/.1-

;,1, . if� 11:rnu 7 tl!!.:1<:W w *
1.Yl. fHI#HJL,i,�$iaJ1fifiiil<.J!�iJII L!J2H�;t�1tif:if1H�$/JIHr o ?�fffi, 53'r'r0111.1f?!�i,,Js<J�, J!ij;:_1�70/tl.l-lij]

::k��!lwJ'.tf¾:iffi.1::l/J,��ti1ii(i{J, i!�1J,H1f 1'1J: ~_f llr�(:!¾7tlf12, m_t.'f]\'"Fo�'q �1�::kil<J�fil"iM:�i. �¾

tl7fi�)t!E:x�x!�7 o ffrL!J, illl.ttf���lifl", �-=¥-Jf:11.A.1iffi:�*&��lliWl�;(;fX1:5l.il0 o
�t�JU tt-tvfi ]!;(f�$, tt�L;/J$:J5t;f(*filf�(1<J:1<:JillJJ:i:tnf�¾1�=�� □9�JJ o Fl� r1ft#:i l:r'd';'! X irJRyiiJ
ml'l<.i*nc·f'f. EH'r:tj::B{Ji!t!fl-!�1117 ��:�1. �!l!!..A.ftt;t;.:;ii,1":;;i-'4'�'-t-;!.iJitzxiill TJsl.. 1B.tE:lt��±lk�, ��@ �m
ID".¥:in'Zm�IJsl. o ���t;!J", f; tt-·Pf(f-t:1<:illlJfli El 3&.1J 'f-tUIJ:Iri::illii:-.¥:!:lt!liis��<.J5c:illi T.Jl, :i!�f1 .IJsl.&'.,f§b%�
��-@�ID�ffl®XRffM��*� o �.tt����.�§--��mrID"(tE�•.•���fi$�
.N: ) ;fi1-f"11 Ea :Ilk�f'il<.J �!It tt1iZ o

Section D
ffl.= l!j)-¥JU)d 99 I &f3 JJ ilJ 1993.1¥3 J=l ' 3&.jJ f t&ill:i! ®f[J'(:fJc1I?!ft-1fZ Hi1N ft 0

:ill��� 1£ 1'19 i.� 1l l;) N. /lc� (J<.J illlm 1f tl� i!itJ N E. �i!l.! W.A.irl 3!: if fi11 nTitl it:!:11! IB: rj , ,i:,, , tl1s!! ��tEm:J:� J:
�tU* r-1 &�!1!!.i'l<:l�*'1w.l�, 1itfl'r·tl1�i�L!1TYuJJ�+'t�1k�5.Eo
.R1f lfil:ti:�53 ili/t/.1-��J;j!f:JJ� (J9ll:IK�Hl �*Ht, fiW. T.)f;,J-�tiftf WJftl!.ini&W1J,�;f:n=� 0Ml-o ?&
i7ii ' �Jll!Jffi- R;x;J-i& #,iF□B9 Ml-1Slqll ni.li X1: 12:1 Jlt. IA)ij 5f; mtJL.!1iii-�ill • �,lt1151!:�A� H l TWJ-U/JiiMZ
0 0


微信:13522209444 89
�T�it!!A••�tt�--�¥�m-fifil��TA*�T*B BT�nae*·*Jt!!.�m�n�$M
�B*IJ!*iJtxE�M=fli1:l¼" o �Jt!!.*in:M�J��&-l:l(J<J�!h�'&$1JII VJ5'!i!JC µ�{!!; T 1:f"fl•J·fifHnr&.*o �Jtl!,a��1

P'r-@*111 l!:!.��ff r& i:l·(itJ±f HJII. VJtiJl .@A ff1(19\7J:;:)(. ttmi. J���' !.!'lit!!1:r" (1�*!JE�1t�/4C:.R�5000:11.1��
ill!.5t4-( ::ff1J20��). {5l.;f;I� � =f�M�1!�$fM&a� li!l:S-}2:.-. fU_M=f:k�� �Jl!!.f.!l �.fEJil:,:;(c:i}l T
5 itl:89131'-=f J5. ffJ'.l'.N��*�5¥: i(i[I! . 'fEit· :l'<{1::!J&.i :fl l!jj),J it½£ tl: ITT J:J.,1Ti1fijc ,JQ. �-¥ o �!1/'' El�.3:. ���J!Ml�

rki�,t'�-@f.l�*JE. :f:.i:1n.!l.i:1,fcJIJ!.�fil. JJN1<J UU.ilZ�1TJYfj:\'f/;fm. ffl-<\j,lt:!!�!!!{ll!'.ili'.o Ei.1It1RJ11:t. �'1111!.lfff!iJ'-JJI!

1'fl:lJ" -r n<J fl\ :tllilldr o
rtrniffrr�i15:l.a<J�. -3-!Jl''�1M1no. oootD.�£�.%-0-, _g'tf:� 1:� Rn lf�f!E'a:, 10.�At-&�1,�-t-l'l �T-
1-¥-!J&*lE��iF� (J<j LJltA �qi,! n'J�Jll!.�19j. 'J.fll'f JJJrttl+I 1i<J 3' tt Jt!!.li, �:f.r]:f :Jt{l!!.i'fJ./fluWrl'/-\':Mli o

Section E
rh-=f fJii � f}J J� �UTI T FI J:. Im r (J<j :JHt� • t!I) ?5-1: ff i# .i2s f� WI JI!!. +t Ii ' '/z til i!'!Ol'.f 'Ef _v'l ,,;,-,t f1:: H I T � J.E . I.kl
Jlt. �.Jlt iil<.Qi:fJl-� _§, t,l'-14'1-tx:ii!iJ}il l=I fo'i'il'U1 �nJ.x'-'it, flJ.:li!a.M. �Jtl!.i&Jff Jf3Hft�-rw El !Hll�:�(J0 o ��
19: fi �Jt!!.il.&fff(1<J:stt#.f11JIBffr'/a. �lt!!.ttf:i!;.f11Jt-lM'<t-Mt i' (1<;·,�ii >/t�M�ifliiS-11Jtriil.@a
Section F
g\\{£. �Jtl!.?x1cTJ..Pt4,Mt�Jl:ci!}il!ll./WU.Jl�HiU�l�1Hftxilll LJ::J..i'J<Jfil�f.!T o ��-l�JPJf1.w;l1t-ft(�JtM�.
:;Jt��:ffi .JI� ftMt ix:it Ifil (1<i aJ0rr1sf w (1<; � J1 ftkif 1l'Et'Vi:; � Jl!!.m 1% �J,R • v.11 i;11 111!.ir 1f.rH1H.t f1<J .i:1� 1 1 1 � .r1rr
!l□ 4-- , -i*1t5 H3H!i �-J!J.l;fz; :(EJi!� Je 1lli. C:. f£�AA,c., , 53-1-:ill:1Z-fJ<j � t-txilll Jgi El ill un :1� ;(-EJl't JF
W L JA.Qif->l·'Ni:.m El r1· 1 Jfr�R11it(1<J%':®#r-:;lc1-I ll'J DJJ, fl;;M4!i lt!!.12S: llL� J.I�* (l<JJJi! f=l �,fJ�{F!ff(-1<;��/6:{91J


The importance of animal traction in lhe world

The first use of animal power look place some four thousand years B.C. ln the six ensuing millennia 21
species of domestic animals have been used for pulling agricultural implements, goods and passenger vehicles,
blocks of wood and for carrying loads, for riding and for use with a saddle. Some or these animals arc used 10
supply necessary energy in extraordinary situations, such as for the haulage of blocks in the fo1·es1 or the use of the
yak and tbe llama lo transport loads al altitudes higher than 4, 000 metres above sea level.
It is estimated that more than 400 million work animals arc in use, mainly in developing countries. Of these
300 million are cattle, 80 million belong io the horse family and the remainder are drawn from all the other types of
animals used for traction. 50% of cultivated land is worked using these animals and they are used for pulling 25
million vehicles ( Rawaswamy. 1985 ). Of the total energy required for agricultural production, 65. 5% is produced
by man, 27. 3% by animals and only 7. 16% by tractors ( Holmes, 1980) _

90 微信:13522209444
Test 2
Draught animals and the repair of tertiary ruraJ roads
To the uses mentioned above, can be added the repair of rural roads using equipment designed to be drawn by
oxen and horses. This technology began io be developed in 1997 in Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador and a set
of tools was developed which enables work on the repair and maintenance of local roads to be carried out that
complies with the technical guidelines laid down for this type of road. In 2000 an exchange of experience took
place with the North American organisation, Tillers Lnternational. which promotes animal traction and also uses
similar technology, used by the Amish communities living in Wisconsin.
Tbe road repair tool kit consists of a ripping plough, a terracer with adjustable angles, a grader ( supplied by
Tillers), dump carts, a rake, an irrigation tank and a compacting roller. The technology was evaluated by USA.ID
and the results indicated the feasibility of using this technology. Compared with projects based solely on the
intensive use of manpower, it showed the following results-more rapid progress in work and better quality; ease
in the use of equipment by workers, humanisation of work; low costs per kilometre repaired, low costs for the
maintenance of equipment and suitability for use on a wide variety of soils, with the exception of very hard and
rocky terrain. More recently, World Bank, K.FW and Japanese government agents have reached the same

微信:13522209444 91


$ Jill
Jltm/i1grth��, ¾*T' I9791fJ1J2004&¥Wl i't'iJffkV-tl;litl'E!�f(:Eili, $-f:1:1, 4 � ;fil.X!'?, � e<JriH!i'ti'Jol o W.4JIJ1g-HJ:
A'HfJ%H1<Jtlli 'bt!l. JJJ}'t1:71'f!.i:U: o fM�lh:f.Jfl•tf1c1L

ru·1�1¥1 fflxrj·*·t3l,Jil! "f�fl\)Jt :;r;; ;.lHlt:kNJf/&iW • ·f.Q {i!Hlt-�-� tl:� o<J� , "�l 3" Test 4a<J 1111 tl r,fl 1fi!lJ � rtll � .
"�]5" Test 111<J11!1�1¥l�=fit1ll1t�, iTri�r!A:"�J7":J1,:Jm*-1ll1�� £f�1ll1�!J&.ur:1:�1ll17, /Q�f'l:ot'.J<J,[U.1�-:,r;;�. li!I
�1c�-1HIJl�!jJJJ,t;tJr?!£1t, f&Foll}:ilHi t�� o 1//i��1t(i<J11t��tt�U=1�, 1.l!.JM:�lr:if/-K:e<J93 �h-�. l,,;\t:J;-a<J
JJ31g:;%-�. Ja] l'cn11¾±W/{�:§..x*�x'.'.J,'i'l<J, J)!lj}.iiI�ffi�HNta<J�ffi!Jr, Jkk�lj;J,:f;lf.3itl o

� $11i 1111�1¥1-ln'i�7 1979.1:FJ1J2004&c¥JV11't'il ©;1JIJJtr:m r�o111:mr,<J41'!:1 , $ �1 , %ii� ;i:1 1� f'l:1 a<J1ill '!Uxlil:.
19791¥4 r:l:J�����rr:ifi\:�AJl.kill!l'l<J, 1iJ:AftJJtJP'Jjjlj�J¥J2253'[. $f�J;ftl%iil�J (1<Jri11 l�fil���( tf._J 150
3'[), i7iiilEI9Yfij;tttlJJl1J:);-�!t-�rnl1WJ1JilI!.ii50}'O.
{El¾, :(£�25&¥�r,,' 41:IHil$f:kJl't<JrM1HiJ::Jc:Jc"fllfflj,t))IJ1gtf.Jl00:�rn1553i. {l1a<J/JlJWJ,'i1i:l!."f�ft- .r' ff!
�/liJl'i9:Jlll,z,.:Jc, ��311H1J1J�Hll;"fS0:s'[, Jifrt:J.Ei.fl!.'iili�-ielfll:JMM1J lil!li'.'..l,'B<Jtt�, /Qflli:Wi1J<-'¥-tll¾:©:.fi!�B<J.
m1W.,r�1 e<Jr�i WlfiHIU:lik�tl!lrJ:JI·, 19&o�"Mlu$r:,;1, 19&91'fifil.i:1l�1:i:1. J1J20041:-i::. ,-i�r:1;1 rlli vifilir:i�/!ii:A1.lj

-�,Z' 1¥L'w.ffi' x� � fl<J ifli :6'l:k:ki1�1m j7fj [qi ntWJ;lt ltl!.-&47!1 (1<J1M� wJ:;r;;Wr-r Ill 0

*r.1i111J'C;ff�J-1'1il'nJI-Jm�, 1l'ffi7!¥1�(J<j.f:¾,t'.,1l'L�,: HtliJJ, Jl!!./.H11Wf�x•J·�. �-,,tjjf k'.,(JJ-.rl:1�331¥1�11:J'C
3r��:tmMillfrtl:l(� (paraphrase l o
,W 13 flj[J'C: The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meal in a European
country between 1979 and 2004.
111 J'C ;If� -I& : The graph illustrates changes in the amounts of beef, lamb, chicken and f:ish consumed in a
particular European country between 1979 and 2004.
*1U1��Jm.ffi7-- · ... , "JiVJ;"-(.EJill El r\ 1 m(i<J�show, /l'LXfilJll 7 Fn!Sl. �illustrateo ':Jt"f�l:&(i<J1ilf�x1�.
� § 9:1 £ff A�;i1the consumption offish and some different kinds of meat, r't'DtJ+J 7 changes in the amount of beef,

92 微信:13522209444
Test 2

lamb, chicken and fish consumedo "tFl:W"-ifiJ.M.i'm 13 s<;�·ifiJconsumptioni&�T :l:1: �:51-iiiJconsumed.�3311, T iliJ
m�J�1to �,r�;(;El;/;J�...tte�!Eilfil1�aiJ�J(meat);J. .�'.5J1-IHIET o �"fH;fl'eJ�1lil!J.,�:itiW1'fl'f,\!!,, Jm£1;tJtPJJ;J. T o
-�-.<:., i&'.5Jparaplrrase.:E�wt¾illlu ii'iJ% (1'-.J�{Un!Eil.x'.. i'iiJt'.J'-.J�Jfi�¥E'il: o

1:: !$¥.lt:5HJr:
tla'.5J rtl1 �� , jt;Jt�$ %t Jill �JHl.J r�a<; rllI� 1¥1 [l{_J n- {� . .:E {ljcl§';l: fi :li"kr'fi'i .!f!.fl\J ES *¾l!f-f a<; : .:E pjcl¥,!:ti:$r-§llj

ti'lil£*�rtll�* § e<;�ft. ti!i�MJ!�1lf1�JH1<J�U-:i11:fitt!tlco tl1JAA:¾ iJ?.. &:�1111�* ffl-w-11iJ-m*tlal£i11

I{H, {!!"riJHt�.i1rnHt!tlcJrH& o
lrri*Jt*I& 7ffl:i<'.t$z:�@l'fJ'.l�}i: .:l::1�Jtttt�1Ntl11tt•ri!l!�iE?.*EJ. %ii!:BiE?.,�l'fJfr'f10 tt!tlc, MFotlli
J£**-:-111l�iJ/J0�J�ft o th1J£JHfiR;t1aJ.!31:( I 979�)09i'(fi0tt•ll , :J:tcJ!f!jj/j:'/kfil:.M.*flJ;J,a<;Jl@if:Y:( 4-r�, $�.
;;{��I, ff!) o iJJ��1U<JWi�JJ!1HH.tc!lP.%i'f�il1fU\, )A"�9;lcit11U-a<;Jll9!ff o1:El!�ill00 �,�, [g�•ffl:Vin'Ii J:j=lfl°=:f'PW¾
£r���-. f9rw.1cm�r�. milf./l�,i11:lf!:Ejr1i$. w.�¾t.tcJmr-$liH.tri<;*,1,1mr¥-r1�,u<.M.*f1J1J,). JeJ..pjc*
�.%�4-��$�ffl•�*•mr�.ttft'.5J��m•(fJ•1'f•�. irn�m•�J:fl-�•�-�ffim�
e<;' :filiru-=.f'Pfl° /!lr�lf./l. EfrJ;J.;(;E'.sjfr-A;j"�iE?.-�:li. Jflon the other bandl!1'*5r-xHta<J�W.-* 5 I� 0
��rffi�� ii:tt EJ{J ¾ , tE A pjc-t/li �.:E f*fJl:ti �J 1tfU11 tt• £19 at{� , � fik)'t'.5J �tl.J. , �• 1tv ZR-��·J1J,ilH19
5i�oi£:,j,:)(tjl, t/tiJ£(J9/j&ffi}.:£.�11J\f3:-�-�, -tl1lfA'.J!�ft£J<Jm;,iiR;f1l�,�( 7t§lij:(£ 1979��2004� )o _¥:'i


,111�.it 1¥1 t1=Jt�a�Elia<J1t= c:t�r:rw-1,1 1 o �- • �n*x:1µ 1::f�r.if .R rtvZ?df *-:-,u,•ag * § �ft , 1.l�¾Ja�

�{t. Jl.?tYRWiJttzfii] a� tt!tlc' n11¾_' -�,Rw•:izl:fi

@W:M�%tr!h�ii!:fi·tt!tlc (Pf J;J. tt.;l:l;jfl];�;f11�;11' ). it=, �Cl*Xilt.:E1*E'il:$E.r.£fe£fo'ii"£T tr�rtt1�4:S- § (J(j
-�-t;!i �WiiJ O JMa@W:;lH�Jtt1¥1:!r¼fil.B<Jfg:!1H�g-""f 0

*ff-!l!I }Ja: showed an upward trend( ...t;Jl), soared(JH+), increased dramatically(**!\!/;Im)
*5.?-lf��: fell dramatically( **r�), declined(�y),decreased(lJi,,xY)
*1-'f-��: were stablc( ·f)ti:tt-.iJZ-f.i)
Fifl5Cl��: were eaten ...was consumed( ffi=fJtffi= 1iJ); dramatically... significantly( .::.Rm-1iJf11m m

While*ffextlt*�: �=flffi=1iJ:¥n1-ikFn-l3!: o
u�?ti�fF�i1'l·: �-{;J;f11m=1iJ(consumed) o
�tE'ltiiiJfF�-�: ffi lrnElim-'riJ (overtaking) o
c:tzl/J .Ej �zl/J m
= 1iJ;f111:1t=:: 1iJ o


-@A}A79&f'HB�fr:;/gffil@W:1'flfil5E1ffil o mi�-@AU!IHJ...1JtEtk:�f�file<Jfl;j{�, 1:l<.:iit

����1'1*�B�fi79(J':JJ;fiJH11�BmHJbtJLo Ni-e:�1fxlll,,1.�JHftl±l1$M1�-l'! o

微信:13522209444 93
*Jm;-(f@i;j:JJ:!mrt:1:��if.Jm, lill�J:Ji;l'S r 1-J-ir:�(Discuss) o �:¾:Jf!�tl1JITiiB9 i�Rfil. 111.�JfWJ.!l'm·AJ-t.1i
l'&IZ-o 2js:�a(J�iJJ!.BtE-=fx�•-=f�f! 'IHr:;J;J t'i<.J1�·VIJ.l!Zit:n&�1JE□9, �¾�'2l:-�·1k(f:1J:fftft,llliYJ,l;/L- *1Mi(1<1tM!�
;ftlTest l�fl;.(. -i'i1112Z �,ti,J-i£:, ?tffet1HI', FI c.a(Jxll'..#: o

'I-J: ·r.lk: c.i,Jr11-ll

1� ..IE 'fr
*X¾�i-.J•i£:¾;;cr:fEiZ �:;,l;J&l'Mf!.\W-fi:J:1\111JJE li'i!JE�f,J, .if:Jll::EiZ �!tl*·tJ!WlJl{*5Hfr o tlil,[1-lt-t. ��EiZii
iW1fffiiillfr?t;ffrf-nit-iiE, t&m-1':ElttiliHilll..t1# tP. Fl c. a0itwr'0l ¥la .!i½ffi1Y1s9EJt!�x.1?i?t'1 !ml3l: a �-f..\Fl I H\ ii1r
Im' �=¥.ltfi1�::;::'3l:7:l-}}l)·�-J-itJW-t-1ri7iit'l(_Jx!.1'..'�:ffi� Ff(1<Jl11!rh' m !ml3l:t'!tl111:�- � C i'J<Jxlil.'/ii:o !J!Jm���--� □(_J
�t!.:IIH�11c:tf FI C B9xl\'.,gta�illm=fntn:::::'3l:. -111.:iii'tliH�' tE�-.J·tr:)Ji)Ju!il,A\(J(JR;ff��K.il!:fi�ftwrnJ•�ts<.Ji'l'-ift 0

'1&f11 Jl�)lf!fi .1-Ji&ji. ™ JE 1�fil-1I 1111:6£�{f'!- �Sl. (J(_Jt;ljfl] a 3t �-r:�
In.I ii:�R;& M�I JE1�-\'f.l. . X1L1f :ill\,g TIJl19
1i�it U1} (19j:�

J�f,J �;ml�� Jl&•tJHr-./fl o J/IHl�A 1fl:J:fl:ii1 {II!. ffl� IJ fl.lifrl�[!1T �-1-1-li;lE½THf fni�5Z:�fl'
:ill:·r.J f'iJit. {ili1fl�fffizs/JZHu:::::!e',o
�f'I• /�·tRff-JcH tl:!�:iffi iligz�,�f!!lrH1<J!l&iJ:1li'*ll:��-�.f11� � a
.JE��F(f1R:;k.ffi½lt:llll¾fttWrB'� o �.fi.\r-!X�IHJ!:5i-T�:imi-!jl,, �1' rh -=f ;f lnJ ?!Ji!; (1<.J =1:'.%1\llt'?.lifr-m'**"§.¥:ii@� (J<.J;f-

�-1f ffii ' Ie!1[!!fMf '1 B<.J J'f:l.:rHII igJ,f'JL��A �-i.1:1 i'crJlll .JJBE:s'l. ;i:nr/tt�i�JJZ-i� .iE (:I'� 5t**{4: 0

FI TI i7ii�A J'J<JA .5j
»..-1'�1& �-f1Jr -1'-5l:1!f 1!f (J(_J�ff *.=f-:J¾3Gt.Hl'I tt(11.J f.tiA.'-1 wrn, ff(��1Jr!

ZJBJ a<.J �r IEiJ1 �:HH£.:V:.f11f1fl �i�:iJl-i�.T.E IJ9l11!{!:tt/, f! o

Jfr1f B91Bl!Mf'1'/fl1Eili���,�1�fil lfl.:J¾. )f��J_iiz �.:;,l11&H'fl1JiH�t:lll:1f.HJUi1:tik��. �t�ilLEiZW:ffi.!Ji!.flj

;lit�1m1k:FR1i o
ffjtj.JE :l\i{U-n :I:& i'l/i f$f,J (J(_J -WFfZ-;Ii/: �{f.1-j! . � {(1-rJi t.Jl1.5:£ ,f&fili'Hr!�(j(J :i]r!-tiu� [fr� 3l!,c 89f:Jfi!fc f11 �rrni
JYr�f1Jil.i*1,116LJ:�r!.\W-:i>HfAx�m � o
3I-=f�$:i., :t:E-� ffi\l� • .51§-i/H:f1JfflJIU-n'OLt�u<J�i'.ilc, rtftc�Wfi$:i.1Hfitr1'£'0L%:A·rJVH1J11wl*!fm(1(Jfi:J:I o
ffii.§.. �1J F'I TirlfJ ,tAE19A tl!�flll$:i.l�f�f,J o

J'G. 5 * 0

.51§-lf.� �'11( ..it "4iil7"P 165)

-���:�■ >C-�Sffi�.�f�*o ��%fiTtt•fflM��#m�.�MmTm•wx� ■
rt:S-H<.JAA\.� o �o*�:ii:;�Wfilli'.li:5}, �mr�Jin1i·Rffr(1<.J�i1?: 0 >C$"�-tiil,W:�', ffrt.tfrHft o 1.11¾, IB!:ffi'.a<.Hs�1r,IJ��fj,
���$a,�./fl�R.C�g�o������.:;k�!/&��-��-ffl�.R:J¾�-�-���® o ffl
jg:@1Jffiifoj ,m;r-*, r51:�1jljlljlij3(': mt/.iltiil O

xt,t-�-!-fitz.�. 5H:ll:;f-:;lc�J:11!. )i�ll(,iJT:llk-��7-t o (:filffMtl&t'i%1r, J.itz��: m- Fl?.�l&; �=l1l

m.=: El �'3l:; �Im El rti&iU�7" Pl!t'3l:m-'riJ; mt;;
Flf�M1=1:iJIIJm-H=I �t:it o )

94 微信:13522209444
Test 2

xiif Jf * Fsf �-W.A::i::!Mf: �� 1.i\Z �:;k1 :,gtn1,-,r1..'1H=r11w'i'i' 1�� JEf.\H:1 rr iJ/:* 1a:J;J:1 i-:ht*®i� ·11n-H
�/ii] 0
�=Jfilffl =:i..1t.tntt#n'i'l �1.�-tt] (J0 :IJ)l/(;ff1Jll!FR O m 11Q;filtl11iJJt5tlfr y lilJ�JAt�·J$(��$fi:1J B�J-fJj't5f1li;/J-l'Jl
ffl*i.xJB=1>Jifi:Jf!l#,'i!dt:� 11 t2(1�xf.il.J�: Vr 1 l 1 Mfl1 xf.il.lX. -:JfITITW11filil5iJ,t-\':J. J,-1fUIT�::Jg1/tf,J5i'.
-nl'!fl r11 fFPfiliWtiUi1H� 0 Jt :ill't� It lt:ix-fr-ffl'. . m i�dffi tt .�JMnV-1 �� • Ji}� r,'i'Rlli IYHefiJ El'� ti'n� 0

have a deterring e!Tect on �t · · · · · · ;/ij' �:ill,ff m be subject 10 ilt 1:
be convicted with sth :i!H•l;/ij' �,t-�Ht reconsider doing something ;.,W, ,r,, J€; fr
social stability and security �±.4,--;fi;t;fO�± mini1nizc �;!,
jury pg.'if, a) be accused of :tA:Aiii tt
penal -/11] � 6ry arbitra1y :ii\!ifr a(J
take into consideration/take into account :¥,-�­ prerequisite .$1:,;k #di
justice and equity 1,),.-f'-1,),. iE ...cannot be compared to ... ft i!: tl'..!/i
intem,ediary 'f fal (Jry exemption -'t<i- >t
be exempt from 1lf-f1].;!'?;->t be held liable ofl!t· ....· Ji v'! ·JJ'rf.f:
violation .il 1,f- violator .il�e.;r,-

(I) ...has been a debatable issue .... ... ..li1c1-1f{M.>lf.i%'F,/Mi o Wtl�n:
As the origin of Christmas has been a debatable issue, various lheorics has been suggested. �,Jt Ti ery :ilf i&l­
A�,t-� ♦�� �M. ;/ij'� �Mm*-•�*
Whether US economy is going into recession has been a debatable issue among economists for quite some
li�oow.-4�M�*.�®a•���&MA���a••�lf�&A�-,t-;/ij' ♦���M 0
(2) There are many argtu11ents supporting ... ..... . (1�%\\/Fff�IH�i1?:t!il o fY1J�n:
There are many arguments supporting both negative and positive effects of human cloning. x.� A� a1J iE oi,
;f,,.&. diJ *-5�-/ftl;/ij'�!l:.J *-l1Hi.J �# •
There arc many arguments supporting the cultivatjon of genetically modified crops. �1fl J, *-!%- .l.##-U.¼t
Jl-�.l±At o

� l� 111nJ xiiiU3Fi.1:(1<1 tJ,t/-\'i.R :

debateable, i':lt-�#,\'�, $:;/:Jdebatablc o
This would result into criminals getting away with their crimes ... ;l(rf�, result into@jgresull in thiefs, 1Hritr
thiefl't{J1il�@jgU1ieves o

微信:13522209444 95

.ffi".@,o �·g:tJfr*filf;lm��a9�:s:J, Tfr-, f±.mEJJtil!!.#l:¥i:i2r@illHf�l'5Ja

I. What kinds of thing make you laugh?
jW-,t-,!IU'ke1J �-i��-!�H--il.� 1fl:A'...� o -,t-�,1!!.ai]�-lt .;x.-1'1' �.,i-{,i] "JF•r�-, .\!!.. nf Y)-j,J:�1f1LX.
Well, lots of stuff can make me laugh in my daily life. A joke, a comedy, a funny face, there arc too many to

list. I laugh hardest at something that people doing goofy weird things.
goofy 1¥!. lr'J weird -l!j- ·t! � , ·Ii Jf- a�
2. Do you like making other people laugh? ( W11y/Why not?)
;t- m Ga'-; i!liiltf'1�!l�Ht• o
Of course I do. I have sense of humour and I can laugh people's head off. I think I may have been a jester in
a previous life. l like seeing them smile and know lhat it's because of me. And also it's a nice way to have

flt* 1ft A lltr·/'P

someone remember you.
sense of humour iiJII�� laugh one's head off fa"%
jester � ;1f },it* Bi; A previous life lltr ilt, 1¥r �
3. Do you think it's important for people to laugh? ( Why/Why not?)
-Ila��: 1t..ALX,l1i-i:-t:-? .i!.,l/i'-iti%°i:�•IH� faJM, :ilf±ct�-#:t!l-*¾.llt'.JQH,-.i.:M·ffil$-*: �
Yes , laughing is good for health because when we laugh, we get rid of stress. Also, while we are laughing,
more face muscles arc activated. So laughter may prove to be the best medicine, at least as far as the heart is
get rid of stress :fr J;t, .!.f. fJ face muscle mi -ff!l J!IL �
laughter *j',f

4. ls laughing the same as feeling happy. do you think? ( Why/W11y not?)

•llattI5: �tt�•;f-¼1f"·,:;•Jli? .i!.1'-i l:11!-JioJlU!!-ffilU¼drJ-�.
::lt!i. -r�:1-�:t!l--:IE-�11f"•,:;, �1fl.ia:.¾-,ff.
1tMA'-i.il "F �. tc,: 1Jt,f,11utX, L�Jt!!.�;jJ'jl,%.-��1-X.�1f",,:;{i��,t1f l, .i!.*-TYJAj/J;fc>;:lt'tiili.ftir-Jt"# o

Laughing is generally associated with feeling happy, but it does not always mean the person is happy.

96 微信:13522209444
Test 2

Sometimes people laugh when they are mad, scared, or feeling uneasy. Another example is sarcastic laugh
does not represent feeling happy either.
associated with lj · · · · · · � i {£ -� scared -t ·ta B'J
uneasy .:f 1§1 {£ B'J , ,f � 99 sarcastic laugh i)L �al;�


�12"f?i��-5�ifi�-t(Cue Card) o ��� l jj-�1HMffl;J-1'EQ, :tf:nJV,J.i;\x�ic(�12"4l>ifi���l11W: ).ZJ§

���{i\xl-2,-}#A'�l�� o ��i)IJcFn, �-'j2"���� □ %fil�p;]��iW1-ffi*f51�. Fl=t*-�fi\xfm•@]�o

Describe an idea you had for improving something at work or college.
You should say:
when and where you had your idea
what your idea was
who you told about your idea
and explain why you thought your idea would make an improvement.

► -mJ!ig�i,Ji 1:!ij
i!1-ii�-t"Describe an idea";IHf•R:��tln�-1-�f#Wl FI Bc,J(�If1=��3J;J,!;-jfiiiil'l-<JYf::l::'.(ttsx
�:ttlr¼. ldea:i!1-lf!iiiJ �t�:}fh�, {����t�'t:�1Hr-:J!- 1-�JJ]-m ■ 1i:tli'i� . .i!n: �7 -1-it f"-if!Jl!.t.li';i\$
�flt, �7-Wi:$..t3]}£JJ!1f���.{E!.tln*:i!.W*tl/il£, �,t/if'!lm7 oJ.A l!Slill-tr.J:i £&1f1ii!J�B<J�ffl..t�{f1nJ�:.J.
a�. ■ §-*l'l-<JMttn�•-�-1--�.V,.l.��tt���i!-t-m����-M.W�¾*ffl�B-*d
71':t<J-f4lJ o

1 would like to talk about the smart idea I had I year ago for improving my English. Talking in the
English Corner.
I had really bad feeling about my Spoken English about a year ago. My pronunciation and tone were
understandable but the irritating thing is that I couldn't express myself with ease. For instance, I
always felt frustrated about talking with others.
l read English books loudly at home everyday, but actually it didn't work at all. 2 months after my
il'�B self-practicing, I came across an American asking for directions, I tried to help, but couldn't say
:t!lii anything. Then I realized that l should spend time on real talking, not reading. An idea popped up in
mind: Practicing in English Comer.
There was a biggest English corner around my campus and I could go there everyday. There were
many English-speakers being surrounded by Chinese students who wanted to chat. English comer is a
1iH:L good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve
f!ifiir interest i.n English. 1 would grasp every chance to talk to foreigners there and if 1 kept on speaking
i!Sl:.f! English everyday, my language ability will be greatly improved. It won't take too long, I would find
that I could express my idea in English without difficulty. Everyone knows that practice makes
perfect. English comer could help me to overcome the biggest problem-shyness, which accounts
for 90% of my disappointment.
r,?./ffi OK. That's my idea for improving English. ljust started last month, hopefully I will succeed.

微信:13522209444 97
..ili:i:( iiiJ/Pj
English Corner �ii ftt Lmderstandable of � J.!l[ � B�
irritating ,t A� •/b't !I� with ease �i:ltl!.
come across 1/lhl§ popped up ii tl!
widen sight if¾ DR J/1. account for (;{E ,! :fir :;If ilii) i5

m.::Jfl5}: �11iJ 1ti-1:;(4--55Hl 1 );ljtf .!:ij��Ffll�Fl-1�='/fMMl 1ti Ill* i'!�-@tt�:Jl l1�l'l4ifiAWill:fii-;J•iBo
� =;liSJ}FJ<.Jmlm�xt�=«M·}ffl�-F P-J 'fj i'M�fUnt�fiik 0

Ideas and education

I. Some people think that education should be about memorising the important ideas of the past. Do you agree or
disagree? Why?
�;ffi:j1i:I1j": i!-'i'- fo) �All i ,If 1. � ti� JJf 14-f, * -ilt."1,,(£. -J-"memorising the important ideas of the past", .:k.. J; .tt
A..½iH-'/-j/J "-icAl.ii:¾'!fl-:l-((.1.Lii ,-&. �-*", i"Jlt:i!.## .ifil -t- ®� -�-¾Jl:ffi!r-, :i!. t-M El ik.�trim $ 7 i!
l[OJ1611"111emorising the important ideas"J!."1,\"'!it-:l-�llti�"<,IJ�,ig,, � "fi,:J-tfjifi.J£A,'/-�"k-it.Zi. '1,r'', :i!.#�
,j'-�El t,t��fti:tl': "-,1,l?A..iAjlJ-lft.Jf Sii�kic..,1,Jt�t�:1.1iq/J<J�:t- 1-t-IaJ11:•.!!.,'I .,
Well. Personally, I don't agree with that. Memorising past ideas is the same as rote learning, which is learning
by repetition. The amount of knowledge we obtain through rote learning accounts for a minor part of our
learning process. The priority of educa1ion is 10 provide a solid foundation and accumulation or academic
knowledge which is utilized as basis of future research. Employing the knowledge itself and the conesponding
methods for further academic fulfillment encourages initiatives.
rote learning ;tj[,,ft $ >.} repetition :![ 1.
solid foundation � ;t El�£;� accumulation 'tR m., I ;f;;
academic knowledge $;1t�iR utilize .if 11Jfl
academic fulfillment $ ;It ;t I®. initiatives EU �/fit#

2. Should education encourage students to have their own new ideas? Why?
�;ffi:J11:I1;: -lft.Jf Jl:_ :f,-j,1_ ii01$JJi� !!..;ff gJ e.. (i/J if{ri.l\!.A? �-/fl "f v./.. i.li. - >1!Etr�, ,cn.jfH!\s� !!..�iJL..�-,IJ-!r-J ft
:h , ikf..£. -/1!!,-/il 6� 7,,,"- :h � 0
Yes. In fact, that's the basic framework of education. Education should encourage students and build up their
inner abilities so that they can reach for the skies and build up their dreams. It definitely encourages them as it
gives them the confidence of reality. But unfortunately, 1 don't sec this being implemented in the public

framework � ¥3 , � inner abilities fJ ;{£ EE 7J
reality �;t implement ��, �{f

3. I low do you think teachers could help students 10 develop and share their own ideas?
��'11i:I1;: ;:t-9iji,ci,1oJ{�JJ/J�!!...til:±l:fP:$r-¥- ro e...<,iJ,t{ri.W..Ao/t.? :i!.Jl-.iit."�/l�-i-x.."1r-Jf lM, ;lf!!..�iw.$e!Jat

Teachers can have them brainstorm in groups or have a sheet where students anonymously share ideas.

98 微信:13522209444
Test 2

Another good way is: setting up a website where people ask all kinds of questions and other people get Lo
answer them. Anyway, education should encourage student's independent thinking, which results from what
they absorb from past important ideas.
brainstorm � }lili'J;i\,,£ anonymously II 4; :ll!!.
share ideas 11- "Yj :I.I!,� independent thinking #.:fr,\!!- -1§­
result f om T:1=1-f, j'@ � -f absorb '!bt.Yk

Ideas in the workplace

I. Should employers encourage 1heir workers to have new ideas about improving the company? Why?_
��:J't!J: 1t h ,lij_, it i; t-1. i:t.lil!Rh 91 .:r..1il j .tl->!E�ri1uf?i.i£/,}-� {M-B-*? .i!.,t1°l;;'l11;(-it/t11il $, $�,l
��t,;ta�. ;;lf".i.���Jl!..,!i.i>lili ,R,€;, -1•1-,j..'f-!111�1/ii:l:.-T:iH.Y..1.!i�t/,}-,;) n�,tl•#'J!T*t.toJ"�A T.
Of course they should. It can improve the bottom line and productivity. Also. it can encourage teamwork,
dedication and allegiance amongst the staff and retention is the key to a successful company. What's more,
encouraging workers to have new ideas make bosses approachable, so workers feel like they are contributing
to their company. Employers might get some really worthwhile ideas out of the workforce. Anyway, the
employees work there and any ideas they might have for improving the company should be welcome.
bottom line j_ "'5' productivity 1: ;tJ: $
dedication *mi( allegiance .t-iffl
retention i>\l<#i)J, :jHjzjJ
approachable ��:ilia!]. :it--1:JJ a\;
contribute to vi' iliUt , l\11 -f workforce 55' r,}J -)J
2. Do you think people sometimes dislike ideas just because 1hcy arc new? Why?
1=•*�j_•�*#m, R���•tti•.•R1t2•.i!.a1t�*��m;r-:$�ii!J��,
l don't think so. There's nothing to do with "new and old". Everyone is scared of the unknown. People
dislike new ideas mainly because those ideas haven't been put into practice yet. Every idea throughout nistory
has already come to fruition. A new idea without a strategy, without action, is useless. So whatever new or old,
putting into practice is the key.
nothing to do with Ej ..... · x* be scared of i'-'ts
unknown ,;!c,s, fruition t!i)l1;.

3. What is more ,difficult having new ideas or pulling them into practice? Which is more important for a
successful company?
-�:/'t�:.i!.-tAM����AM�*��. R;r-:��L���ii!J�Ao ��A�ii!J��•*•�-�
•*�1tit�,tlt•/J�,t �:.ft-'.tE? *-i½ �• �-� .-t %"'I 1�: "·€11 :i!:JtJ.lUt-ir-J(ldeas are cheap )'', i!. 6J w�!l'J!T
o� ,ff.£ 1 ../tiZ'�ll.\t 6� ]ff�•Ii �;J. J.l;((t)i o Jl-1:.M6ry l!ll � ,ig.J!t oJ" �A 4";¥,-�- o
I would say that putting ideas into practice is by far the more important for successful company. An old phrase
that "Ideas are cheap" is true. Excellent strategies, plans, and product ideas are the easy parts of being
successful. The more important and harder part is executing in the market. Arnold Glasgow said, "Ideas not
coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied." It's implementation that creates
the real value. Ideas by d1emselves are worthJcss, unless they are followed wid1 action.
by fadU El 1itr j;J .iJ:. ideas are cheap -6.� l ¾ .Ll'ift a�
strategySli�t Arnold Glasgow ir.Ti*,t;ll.·�#LM-ilf ( if�¥*)
brain cell ��}jig. implementation �.ft, I&. 1T

微信:13522209444 99
Test 3


�t-r M�tt*i$2., tMUflI ff:( part-Lime job HlH�'ffi· ffi!.a<Jtm:l;l- o -rul::;ic$EtiJ$tt���*::IJ"it�ffil;f,j

�n��m�ttmifFa9$fl :J'TIBYlitr�f:lJ:-l:;1!��13�,'ttM/J!,�i;,s�JS0-90%, M=�!i!i9i� �7'1-' ff@�

�����--�;f,j-��•*••C��•�*•*•��o T��-��--��m�•·��'

available adJ. ilH�ftiaiJ clerical adj.M!MliJ, ::11-i��.A../YJ. a�

register V. r3:j]Jj- involve v.§�. f�&
degree n.�u'l hang on m•
student card ��fil manage V. /tut ( ;ltl}I)
take...off ( �l3/:Atl'eJ )�1�, �.€!, come up ��. H:lfJll
position ll. l{Hfft hall of residence <;lc$a<J )�tt-ffl*
appeal V. ()(�·;it.A. )�IQBliJ. fil! administrative ad). ff i& □�
(�}\.)/��� enquiry 11. laJmJ

job bunting �If'l: barber 11. ( ift J.l TW �;f- 1�iJ?vl =f
waiter 11. c oo;i:; , meit� e<1 >mHr 93. aiJ )Jlll�pffi
waitress n.Y:nliHr./YJ. laundry II. '1$t;t{fiS
supervisor 11• .lltl!:1-.A. ; ��./YJ. ; '1!0111::\l grocery II.�1ltTiS
warehouse n. j;t,&- nosb bar ;J,nz:frl'i ' tlc'ftfr1'i
hairdresser n. C .1U� ::h y:-=f nlH} BY ) JM! tuck shop ( jU�tE��lijlili': l'liJ )1J,1rz:
�:9ifi 16, �MH,s

I. Well...l've been at uni for four years but I'm in the Third Year because l took last year off. JI M�,(:f.:i!.fo/r :k. �
e,�;{;fl!!1Jf-7, -(!l.Jt�¾Jf-#. 7-Jf-� o tf □ i-1:t*. "well" 'BJ�:lVf-!fHJr!i.x.'�*A•H!iJ½'�lo "uni"�

100 微信:13522209444
Test 3

"university"E!(]�IBIH�:rt, ffi"::k�-=" o IJ j;\'f rpt2')il"f5l!YllQ'.!. ioJE!<.J��ITTIH�:r.t o tt:!m: sec=second, cig=cigarette o

2. Does that appeal? �¼1:1: "�''"' �•.!½? "appeal"fj:,,;lriii]'.t::Ji/"(M;Jit.A.);(;frQils l.n, flt!( ;lit.A.)���. ,, f'F�iii.l
Xl!.::Ji/"IQil?,ljJ; OJJ'llf" O
3. I'd never make it that early in the morning.� ¼.f, ��-·t€J ;/J.;f:J1J o :(:£ i::li-if r;p"make it"i:iT IVJl["1Nix, -fhtitl" o
4. 1'11 get a few details from you anyway, and then we can check through the list and see what comes up. ;1c.it:i(,:,
1-T, ���:il', ic..-':lEit-� /i'--A.1t .t., PJ.Ufi � 117-11i-½1t��Ri¥--'r, iW;tfft ¼ .:C.-ft:i.!¼1,t- o "details"tEJ!ID.:J'I[
-t.A.fJlLi, §:J\s.A.�, ti.!!.tL !IU�.1r:i\� o "come up";ijl:5(::Ji/" �H:00, lit�", tE:i!.ID.t�"����:j:JtJrJ:ij!t-&:-:i!
5. I'm in one of the Halls of Residence for post-graduate students, you know, lntemational House. � 1i.,l'£.h)f � 1:.
6. Room B569-no sorry B659. BS69&iaJ, ;f:, JtB659&i0l o J%1\1J-'%jijl!'trffiHl{_J�-HJ:t!iBJlliY:.x�¾�7Go
7. But I need the work so...can you tell me what the job involves? ,f.£)t�# Ji1l f; ��� .:c.tj,, fo)f 1-;{ , 1,t- �t¾-ify
��+ .:C.-ft)t f-1t ¼� ".!½? :i!1-1iJ=f �IJ, "so" i:iT !V-Jlli/(J!f. :;/-Jif-K\l] ·fnJ, �li\�!];f�,m·n;=�J!ffi .If'F o 115JA;J-, 'tif
TIJ W-fl=�ii/J, mliikJ:JE ""f (J<.Jif-.f:F.l, �;if-"Efr!V-" 0

8. Could we make it a bit latter? �1il�t;r,;!+uiiiiAft�->lE':-t? -i"i'Jt±;W-"make it"t£:i!ID.�¾�}i'.1tftc o "it"=!'�

a{J¾J:JtVHitla(]"interview " D
9. Hope it works out for you Anita. ;/j;� 1.U� fft,f�/it:.:$:.o :(:£·i$:1i] 9�"it"t/[ :>Ct'nlB<J" I l.30" o "work out":J'/il"f'
��M!, nx.JJJ" o l�'!rn: The plan worked out well. i'S:-ti-i-t1M�'/ll·Jft.JJJ0

l~2!Mi¾5Enx.lff!=f o
l. ifil:i:1:�ij!flif Wi.fn�, � l!Mi'flii�.l:JlB(]:li! il��-iJ::(:£� 33 a1�-'tf &k o LiJtJt "I'm doing a degree in Business
Studies."1i!rifHt1n, ��¾"business"o ��t'r¥-ll:J:*�l!.,\tf],�fi11T:iJIV- o :m _�-�11'.l-'tf;f.i�ima<.J1=t::,=-HJ::;k
�o -1f 1f !i:; im .:E�'E1.=ti!l' : Ai; , il!!.i; , .:J,; � , tlHll: , �� �,t;i; , •HMJ..& It!. t',\l.'i'; §I (J<.Ji; ffJ 1� o
2. illi:i::JJ.mi�lffiJ�fl, �2Mi'rlf��1i-·-tf:f-�iii] o LiJtJt "I've been at uni for four years but !'m in the Third Year
because I took last year off."ID. illi;ij �!/Ei1P..tt!-"41:f=: "o ::r-u:lllfiir!frj1Ja1�¾"31:f=:", ��tl-rl.Jl1.:(£�t nfi]"but" z
ffi'i o l!/r.7J�i;i\/l· 1, ��11\"/�·.•IH!.\l:t£!Wtri ilfii&io

3. (t;/Hi�IH?�fflB?:-nfP..\l "receptionist" ¥ULiJt>C9'�{.il o "There's a job working at the reception desk at the
Sports Centre." �/HintnJIV-��w.f-1'-.t)li�a<Ji'st�-/Jj::;k�, l!;l:;I-J�¾:!:l!l ,!,i,i;f# 1 o "Sports"J:jJ(:J{_)"s"i:iT;(;fi:iT3t o �

JI, . %\fila,t:t.11H1iti�:iill:tLl:rJtnJJriff1!P-1JIJ!Jri;ifiJ(r��. :JJ�.z.8Xi:iTl :J.'.!§J��]i:J;#jJ&; :t.t□M!::Jc�!f:1Jlifr. fit/ff�
�f,,J �:ii& o t£9/fir.· �r .
t1: t1: m�
;;& rztlil ,
4. �4!Mitt�flu.!f!. o �Jt"Wbat about cleaning? There is a position for a cleaner at the child care ceotre."9'1-lfil
;bi{�.@,"cleaning";f1l"cleaner". )jJfj( l=jJ:ffi:l[ EltJfjaf ,\�Hll!:ffi:J:: o lzil ::Iii, tE�IW-'£ ff. J:jJ�ffltl:tl:�:i:�-@jl�
5. �5/Mj(J(j)j}t)ti-p::fcj"��ffl-�,"in the Computer Lab", 1€1."No, il's in the Library , not the Lab."i�tlHiJlH:JJ{�.'�!,
"Library", N�T"Lab."o

6-JOlm¾*�JE-t .A.ffi,@,��-
6. �6/Hi1ifi:Jt"J'm in one of the Halls of Residence for post-graduate students, you know, International House."l]ij
TefA1i!fifi:l�ifl��¾"I ntemational House"o ri�ti"�-/±J:::k�, �iJJ:i!¾1iefra(]�ffF o
7. �6, ?ll@J)f(Jt f�L�.J,f,-�, ;t1:ii."Room B569-no sorry B659"1:T {�.\�l-!Jf .iE, �1Jn 7 �mW�x!H�'. o

微信:13522209444 101
8. j!p;&Jm(1<.J 1-H/l.fil,�.Mt:filf�,@,lltr� o miX "There is a position for an Office Assistant at the English Language
Centre." rr1"!,ttl::iru(1<.J���"Office Assistant", ,1ni1ij;,f•�JEfflifi.l"at the English Language Centre" 0 1-J T
l.iiix;rf° .@.Tltr:'ill: a<J� ■ . �'.':t:liHf � M, :sJ rrr '.bJ . m 1m®:n-nc:·tL t.J o

9. ffi9 ■1!tr�JJ('.Ef B<.J�JH°tl-(1f,@, o miX "It says here that you'll be required to deal with student enquiries and
answer the phone."rj,, ��/J\:f!j\1:E1-E{fl(ff.\½!,ZJi"i, ;!< �XH�4tt��5£{li. o
10. � l0lillJ.litX;Af'fffll11¾: iI: "How about 11.30? Hope it works out for you." :J-Ftfrl·ill, "Friday morning, around
ten?", fl;]J;Jj!-4"�;�10}��11 ::ff!JJ, Ji'i*i!J(Jvt7 I l.30 o


•-���-m���t��-. --��&s•m�.-•v�-�����m•�-�.#ffl�
�\'.;*12i,Ffi',l: 118<.J�lwlrn�-w-i, ;ff(1<.J:n½illi:u-@X�IDtf;fcffJ§i El ill:fi;J;di4 o *f,MHJtl,iill:t!J.LHJUt-P.il�·f1J
1J1 !R tvfi ffii 11 �;'J :I(!!. IK(N1kr (J<Jttr-i' �H� o

charity II. �,.; 1.t:�jjl:11* rucksack 11.<zfilc#, �111:M·JHa� >'l',r-e1

sponsor v./21. JJ.,tW1<A) marvelous adJ. tlHHr<.J , t�,M; (1<.J
donate \I, �j;J� historic adj. JJj !r.J::f.:!g, J( <JTixill:W.(.t<J
guarantee v./21. f¾ViiHA) weave 11.t\iii�
disabled adj. JlJi{2!c{'fJJWH1<.J deliberately adv. �jQ:Jl!!,
the disabled �1�A leaflet n.1ttlift:pij,1JA1,; (:Jill·/J\·m H1i.J¥!.
certificate II. iiE .cj,; itinerary II. '*fiUM.x
daunt V. tl,!( �A)"'{.{£ acclimatize v. (f:l!)}TIJ.i\Z.fffrJ.f:I-Jl; Jl!i!7J<±
spectacular adj. �l:�(19 culminate II. � T��lf ;Jit:fil1 �-i ),,.) TIX:ti· tll�
bedding II. rl!Ji'iii gorgeous adj. f&�f(I�; �j=.·/J\•i/;'b'.M1'�

Scout II. m-=r� good works 'f3lH'rY.1

pass the hat JH!ii hospital 11. [JIJ=f:f')L#i!!t.¥1, 1 1 1 )�if
charitable institution f.EifHJUJ;J ljj,(J'#l;t
philanthropist 11. -�� charity school fl';�,$:-13<:
charity ball Pt:���

I. I'll start by giving you a brief overview of what it entails. it ?t., �� :k.. �1i'-t�-r .iVk.i'b"r,/J�!Hf- ¼ � �1ti)
rp(l<.J�,i�tEJ.§iITiiE!<.J;�ittM 'riJ. ;t.t•1- 1 "i1"tl-TJ:Jtj;uf1J(l�"�IXffri';/1". "entail"t1�%'.i:J.!J;fik'•,(JJ!(�JJ� )&'.,�;
t'J" 0 {j,1]Jm: "entail labour upon"ft;lg"ffi;(.£ . .···· Utv.?:½'JJ" o " entail great expense on sb.":i;'I:;/-J"fsl!�A7ffe.
102 微信:13522209444
Test 3
-rf!:;k�,mm" o
2. We require you to raise sponsorship money of at least $3,200, paying $250 or it up front as a deposit and
the rest in stages throughout U1e year. 4\. 1i1 -!c- ,t<-11.; 1f1 :1.f � .f. ;J, 3,200 � 7C. 69 j'- Jl/J ,lt , $.- 'f , ,t. fYI ,{,f-250
� 7C.1t n #�, Jt.+ aiJ ,tf.�Jf--:'73'-ltfl-.ft-ft o jb:{,](JiJxfEl{:(:Ff" rront", ;Jt;fs: ;l�"mJifri", Tfi'i"(:Ei�:m. "up
front" fi .. 'f:Udi fJA •· o
3. Out of this about thirty-five per cent will go on your expenses, and that leaves sixty-five per cent guaranteed to
go to the charity. $.. 'f 35%it 1.t--/i1{1!J,1t if ' J[�J�(!IJ65%1iiif.te-f6-:HL;/f.J O :;j-;:1 A](Jijx{l:,,�:(Ff"this". EJ!-mnu
ffij(i<J"3,200R5G"Jf;fil:"250�5G"IY�? �?!.\.fillilJ fi 0
4 Each of the walkers' sponsorship money will go to help an individual special needs pupil in one of the
mountain schools. 4,j;-,-r*JEj i,!;k_ J -fhlir/J 6/iAHr 1K�.:f-<11J J· Jl/J M:.���Jf- Jf] -t�I' .lllJ. -,t- ;;lt. ro J., IK-'.'¥=-ti 69 ::tf t-i'
f,f.. % �{r!J 'If 1.. itrn:n1r�1 I ''go to"mt1iJ,fil .• J IHIE1/M-- .... ,. 0

5. Now the Semira Mountains are among lhc highest in the world but you mustn't be too daunted, we will mainly
be trekking in the foothills only, although !here will be spcclacular views even in the foothills. Semira J., it i!t-,W­
�-� (!IJ J., ��-. •fl � � � m C �. �ffl � ft,(f. J., �(!IJ A-�••J •ff, (!IJ � � ��
;J± �J/1, 0 � 1n] 'I 1 ··now"f5!:19�J�r-1J;' )(. , FIHl!:ry I Hi Fn lfrf (JiJ i:fj- o 111J]frj,B : lJU('f'f-�1JIIJ\1¥.t-1'p � BiJ�;s)(, i!.fil)f)
''now"�J.JTf�it1o�•c.91 , ':JI ;mr
Jc o W1J�U: ''Now, look who is coming. "�:1'1"11/fJ. �·ifI* T o "
6. You have plenty of time to gel into shape.1/i;1fl;fif )t�{J/J atiiiJ -iJ.!Jfrc�#- o i!1a:Ji:r!j'rl1"shape"(J<pfc5l.�:J��
"in shape"'(J . :;'g"fil!J,l�"o l:ifTTT�tlr'�;Q,··. "shaping"�(lt:Ji,.Jdl11ii'iJl,(1<.J·''j!j'�", L!l!Ji1.:�� o
7. After a couple of days to acclimatize yourself, you'll slart the trek 011 Day Three walking through the enormous
Katiba Forest which will take the whole of the day. tf.i±.JUdiiJ 1�.±.i!S, 1t1il-¥!-,tf. � ..=...k-fr* � ft] .i±.r
<, 1 Kalibail#. i.!-!c-�t-� .k a J 11t ieJ o i2\/riJ ififF:9- 1f -1-11, IEiJ :tk rtt, 3 : 'OJ r! BiJ "walking through the
1 1
1 t

cnom1ous K.atiba Foresi"1Bil�JlPlki,�·o .M:J�BiJJJZi.1t)).'i'i}/�t{1i''walking through the enonnous Katiba Forest"�

f4:'. JJ: o

11-16 )W¾ii\;�:Mi o
11. /H()(" Basically we are organizing a ten-day holiday ... with eight days actual walking..." rp �-1-� Pc.�1n .eJ,
·'ten-day·· 1!nct!UWwalking"��&. #X��ll\rlt- o
12. W- X "Out of this about thirty-five per cent will go 011 your expenses, and that leaves sixty-five per cent
guaranteed to go to the charity."rt,-ll:!,;{T -1-:i£Ji'$ftf,h!. "thirty-five per cent"o 1!n�Jfl "go to the charity"7&JE
{ll. �Jtnf!,'.J.tr1W�Fm"sixty-five per cent""
13. TJi[x'·Each of the walkers· sponsorship money will go to help an individual special needs pupil..." �xrf (Jij1

''pupil".qiz\;.f!ij "student" Ji1:!fi] SI_ ifi] o

14. J,h()t"However, you'll need to be extremely fil if you aren'I now ... "Ejlfi:fil°i(J<.J:ii\;tjiIB;filCtH:X:, {Q�"quite"(J<.J
liJJi':f:(t�, "very"Ej}]f()(�-1 A<.J"cxlremely"\l!f�.irr o
15. W-Jt"We ask that you only walk with a small rucksack with needs for the day."rl1(l<.Jjy;i[�Ej8:Q\;. l]J!l;t�*i/r 0
A, Cill;J,iiiiJt'lt :;ic�tJ<J o -ftjtf?Wlr. ::t:if!x,t(-1�:ili;J)ii�;;,r-fj�ili;(t''.l o
16. }ii'[)( "the area has been famous for centuries for mal<lng beautiful carpels, a!U1ough recently there has been a
lreud to move into weaving blankets and wood carving." rj, fl9 =-'1' f;'f,12../'iil:(,£:ili;Jffj 11� II� J:J.il., :!zn;!f!:Hf:/m El rp B9
"lradition ., 7&.xE /Si.. J]ft;;i--,�t'/:1.121535tl-Wi1-lli;:l]ij. 'E ffllfll�.f.J!!.(E(�Jittli',' Tfii�l"1f¼'tft o

17 -20fm!lH&t'Mill"
17. JJ;'t)( .. ...you'll start the trek on Day Three walking lhrough the enonnous Katiba Forest which will take lhe
whole of the day"1 l 1 i't<J��•·rorcs1"H\.fJU:E,'ill El (J<.JJ;E fu:if/J"all day"Zrlii, lm'f-1Jlf.@. RiJ:Ti o
微信:13522209444 103
18. W.. J'c "thenyou have a rest day, that's Day Five, before going to the spectacular Kumi Temple with
twelfth-century carvings..."1 1���/:1:\!Jl!tE�'tilii.J�iltr. ·ll1J/iFf11'L@Juff o
19. W..Jt "... but culminating in a swim in the Parteh Falls. Tl1is is the highest waterfall in the region. ":m fr!tlll/iill! 1§­
W-�fn��1 ' Falls" , #:(£mJ'c �r:m:�f'waterfaU"-ii,J o
20. W..Jt "Day Nine is much easier, with part of the day spent in a village where they make some of the gorgeous
red blankets."� �"with part of the day spent in a village";!i�� l:tl JJ\!BY:!ll!:iJ, 1E!.:m:�*;l'HH12Ff rp ''visit"
tfylliJ5(m,@,%�, i:l:13.]fJ9, Mti':��� -�ilft:l.lt o �uffl"Da y Nine"�fri:�tt•�� o


*Jt•mR tt���.�i�ffiBA�m��V��-mR•�o •�mn��-$.*�--��


robotic adj. VL@ ,A.(:Jy, § ;/J l'l� meteorological adj. ��$89

profile ll. !#!;L911 ; 1�1] ini El Nino IB�,}]2,*
launch v. ttt-L -19:ml; -t!r:tl\ (tJi:iSl�); ozone /l.t.!fii.
al:H(ftr��) depletion II. )ljljl/i,_l, 7A!¥€
Indonesia II. 1:p!Jr� @ill!. prevail V. /11( .i3t). f;ltlli
impressive adj. �A�i1J1:pa(19 rescue v.ln. �JJ;!(
activate 11. lftcffi implication n. *IJ;; ilr:TJ.r-, llfHlir
satellite n. Jl!i preserve v. 1i.Jt-i. tlH�\ re...... f§!::J<1�n�Hll!
variation n. 1.!t:1t, 1!:;/J. 1.!t::l'F( MJ�IJ!:) sustainable adj. fJ�tM#ay
salinity 11. 1I/;.ft ; tJ;J{l'..!Jl'. , /i'.JUt ; � rik1j1;


Arctic Ocean ��7;Jcf� America �rHI

Indian Ocean 1:JJj[y$ Africa 1�'/Jtl
Atlantic Ocean XiJJi� Asia .iWJJII
Pacilic Ocean ;l.c3]Lj:j, Europe ©,t'H
Oceania ::k#i!H

1. So, ii can help us in building up a profile of different factors which work together within the world's oceaL1s. ff
y;1,, -t: -1f M -t 4ll 1i1 r Wf-1:-J,ti.li:- i!f- 'F -1' � l!l -t. � 15l-ft m MJ :k.f:H-A° ol. o �1,J rr "profile" a<_pjs: Sl.N
'r'�Ml. 1)!1J
ini". ��-gH�"�l{lrl"o

104 微信:13522209444
Test 3

2. Sounds like a big project-isn't it too big for one country to undertake? •fr�*�1-- k J§i m , .i! 1--19! m d:7 -,t­
OO ����� * k? �$�ffi�•T ±W�. ff��W�00" 7 •�--� � � � �ffl
&. "' o m•� rp if(J"it"Wnu• a:Jrj, BY "project"

3. Each of the floats is dropped in the ocean from a boat at a set point and activated from a satellite. .fi;:,t if-#'--:lril ffl
#J,1£.ffil .it..lt.iUiA�i-'f'- •p Jfl J?..�:f+Jt-itl:$1;-o .i! 6J i.5-k-jf-f•I 6J o Wn�M-}l't':J.:ti.fr"llJ}:Ji,-"each ofthe floats"a
4. Well at this stage nothing, but as it rises to the surface it collects all sorts of data, most importantly variation in
salinity, that's salt levels. ,1£..i!,tjljj-Jli-t-#'---1'1.lt.4.l:-1-Jii'...?lt, iE-k i\i 't 11-.f1JiBi:uiJ ery st-fik, 't 4;--slta�;rr�� o
lik.1:*aryk, ii'...?it!G.Jltary :ll:.1t o it��"nothing"*X::C:1-J''fti,.fill��.:&�", :(fJ!m.£* lr!l�"So what is
it actually recording?"�-4'-faJlillB<J, ;ti:::Jg";f1�ff:fnJfc�"o
5. You say you're building models of the world's ocean systems but how're they going to be used, and more
importantly, when? 1.t-iiLiE.,1£.�1-tlt.jf.�;f lfd"ic.aryf,!!\:!, IJII ¼ .i!.1Hl!!:!+1!--J1P1uf1lffl o/l? � 1f[*{r!J:At_, 1t ¼
at�;t fitffl J:..i!�1J.tM o/l? lb:� 1:j-1 (J{J"they"1�11u11if tJ<J''models" o FniiiitJ<J''when? ";lil;-1'-%!'� 0 fc�(l(J
�-=fEtz W:�: When are they going to be used?
6. For example, our understanding of the underlying causes of El Nino events is being confirmed by float data. �t.
�.�m*���---�,1£.�roaryaM��d:7;.}#'--tta�ary��*�R a ��ffi��"��
confmned":J1ir".iHU1tlif&iJ.-" o
7. That's part ofan ongoing variability study but the results are still a long way off it?-. k#!J,4,1£.ary •Bt •t1.Z}f­
� {i� --i!Jl'l]", 1!Lkil4 ri" *i!Alli& o it nJij,"ongoing'';frI"variability"'ll1H�i-11i"study" o

8. However, this is not the case with our ocean weather forecasting. .f!L�, .i! Ei�1fl a��if .k �dM!lo(J 'iit i}l.;f-
1"1 o :i!.fil"case"ffiB<.J;U2"'hloc., ;t/(oi.; �t�f"o
9. We'll be seeing the results of that quite soon. ;1U11�R•�:r.t½� .f1J ·t 6'1 tii *o :(f Cl ifi-rt,. �*ilt�'rll·t'llt RHIE
*�'J�!i-rf!II� £�wi::/l.Hl•� £� l':l<Jzgif1° o "tbat"ffi J::ScU'HilJ i'.l<J "jfilJ1x1·i'fiJ# A<Jfvf :n:tt:;lcriJ��-11: f.fil. jt�tt;

21-22£%� 1m-=.r--lifil o .R�:J11H1Rli.:f(J��t4.J. JEuz�tt.��� 7 o

21. JJ.RJ'("It looks a bit like a cigar and it's about one and a half metres lo11g."cp1[-flffi'IH��f�,\¥!, "like a cigar" o
22. ih(J'( "Over the last live years scientists from 13 countries have been taking part in the project and...next year
this number will rise to fourteen when Indonesia joins the project." cj� Fn iii tl\ � T ifil ;;&1;1� ,\!!,"fourteen" o Jfr i:,J.
->E�i=E�JE-W: o �::Jg@-'f�llti$:fH!i\f'.f%Ji�At, J!Jri;J�ill;Tiu11ifa�ft¥ o

23-25/m;l!��Jiill o �;{5-rjj���if(J�1'-1ifi?}, ;;J-fJg:J"t3iJJ�� o

23. W-J'C"Each ofthe floats is dropped in the ocean from a boat at a set point and activated from a satellite."B<.J�:f:¾.J
l;jl®. Ff--#, ��l't'�ftf.�,Ej"dropped"£jH�**, J,r�.'.,( l:t.!il(��JEffl o
24. W-J'C"...during this time it's possible for it lo cover quite large distances but the average is fifty kilometres"* ,R
:f-i"-1'-Ue:�"50 km" 0

25. W-J'C "...it collects all sorts of data, most importantly variation in salinity ... and the changes in temperature"�i'!<J
"salinity"Sj f!Jf:g't-liiJJtf1J , lJUffii (J{_J "changes"U1 nf i;) 'fW J'l:/J).'E'-W: a

26-30�¾mrR!Hi o ri�:J�j-=f l;j:izl;J.Ji!Z./iiJa�x;J'Elz** o @§ r1:i Hi�T31'-Jzl;JJ!, 51'-iW+, j!�l*?£r:f-i"i'.f{J-;Q\;J'.jjj

�-rl!ili� f.g!ffl 0
26. ml J'C "Some of the data has already helped in completing projects. For example, our understanding of the
underlying causes ofEI Nino events is being confirn1ed by float dat'a."A<.JElt�:li/J:J,\\{£71:;JiltAt. f!Jfi;Jlfi:;W)z\;A a
27. W-X "understand the mechanics of climate change, like global warming and ozone depiction. That's part of an

微信:13522209444 105
ongoing variability study but the results are still a long way of " lj- 1 "a long way oLT" 1--1i-ifi::fllf(]it liJf5'E�.1n��
�: fiMsf��*. ffrt;J;2fl:,'ill.®Co
28. Jj}t Jt " ...we can advise the navy on search and rescue missions. That's happening right now and many
yachtsmen owe their lives to t11e success of this project." lj I urright now"f!i-ifi: l�fi];;ji:M]in\;Ao
29. J,ii'(Jt"Would that help with preserving fish stocks? Yes ...We hope it will help to bring about more sustainable
fishing practices. We'll be seeing tbc results of tha1 quite soon." '1° 1'1<.J"quite soon"�ifi:J.ltff-pfc�ii\;B o
30. Jjj:t::i(" ...agricultural tool...planted appropriate grain varieties ... ! agree tliat this concept is still a .long way in the
future... " 1�1 f!fjTiffl�ilJ"long way in the future", J91'IV.*lm:ill;C.


;lj\:"fi �t-:i£(J<j .i:,\Wi�1ni111°fl9i&l:Mii� /IIHr O :1:17 7..'i' Ji!i:� ��nV=I (J<J3ft illl . -�JifH1"i gg. ;g: }% l'§a� 7 IDJ· n1.H1f m.
:ifJ'J;g: A t'H!ti;f'>:Ji!r1iA fijs<Jm��' 1UQ-lJt{J:li;1'JflHl<:J:/!f i!/l, ;J,J5(1<:Jfi= !11, tJ.: ��tftt�J:.;:lg� .Aiill.-0JU:i 0

hospitality ll. f/.lt:\'p)l'.Jg��t�f dispense with 'Ci' -t.11 , ful!1r.

disorient v.1.il!�*nlril; 1N1l 1 �'.tHi. maximize V. {\!!li"-l::k 1.t
dispirit I'. {\I!"'iJj . 1!.l!t.ll-1� sleek adj. m�3& FJ<:! ; ft"f ll tJ{_J ; � :f� r'l<J

opulent adj. 'lill?Hl9 ; $. m- (1<:J , =H,l B<J underpin v. 1m1 .!i't······(1<:J¥li'JJ; [n� ]:si:�,
contemporary adj. lli-fta<:J J.f!. l,\'I
external adj. :9Hlii A<:! hotelier 11. 1m i1dt ,tJi
investigate v. iJr;13!l: predictability II. nJ'ffljjj)!1 Jt£
chic 11./adj. im:ft U19); �JiJ_lj ((J<j); 11,t indulge \I. ·fi(P! i=. )'i.i1�; tl"!l'vli...'E; w.�
!fW1<J) pamper V. w.� • /(]f �
boutique II. ;tW,'ii'iJ,�; 1'1'tU!c'.i:(llJ/JJJt1it)(I<] spoil II. j)jij�
13 Fl-lr'ii'1 (��ftrl-i',) Lreat II. ;(;j"�f i �:Ni
mansion 11.:kJil ,,.t.xt-¥; xl���Hrg*IJJ:
luxury II. �1t ( ffi'l ) miniscule adj. �IVJ,(J<j


lease II. ffl.� quilt II. fl!iT

furniture II. *Ja!.. pillow II. f,\:�
stereo 11. J'i:{*{flll"]�n sheet II. )*ip.
fridge 11. f�r,M� towel ll. =E; rjJ
radiator 11.I�� bed-linen II. *-'-fl-2?( f,\: 1t:
microwave stove JW:V.!df' closet II. IJ&WJ

106 微信:13522209444
Test 3

I. Last week I looked at the economy end of the hotel business; Lhis week I'm going to discuss the luxury end of
the market. J:..,mJ �-iihJt-1 �111.:lk. 61] *�*�.\I"!.., .i!ffil �-ffl�-i;lf.i!/i'-rf, -¼*fj ill]- di! o *1i:l rl1 89:lfr:.gtf =f
"end" o :fl:i!ID.. 'f:7G;lll;:"tM�"a(J;w;.[l. TffiRo"1Ii1ii"(1iJ:i,'J:,� o
2. You wake up in the middle of Lhe night in a strange hotel miles away from home, disoriented most probably
from jet lag, when even the most expensive suJToundings can seem empty and dispiriting. +.rt, i!i ft-���
4g�m±••�•��•.-*���k���s���••���. �oo�g&fy�*••�½
M:¾ At-- ?i'. ii-J , 4'-A iil ,!l o it 'n) 'I 1 "disoriented most probably from jet lag" BiJ �$ft :Eitt:1% liui1.ii BY "you" o
"when"tE:i!fil7G�" �- · · · · -111•·, 17ii�*l�:tlro
3. Do these findings, however, apply only 10 hotels situated in particular areas? 1E-k, .i!'clE½(JJL�.i!.¾�1'f.if-.lll!,.&
alJJf<.111•.!l;? "these Eiudiogs"ffiJ:J'C!rHUl¥J")ilji:g:(1<.Jlt*1T.i�".
4. However, nothing stands still in the world. 'i!'L�, i!t"Jf...l:..i!l*1t � 1E.. 41i·l'if � il'f 611 o "stand still"tEi!ID.7G;li1;ti
"tL�tr:Fis/J'' o
5. Those in the business indush·y maintain that these serviced apartments dispense with all the unwanted and
expensive hotel services that business travellers don·t want, while maximising U1e facilities they do want. .:lk. 19
A± .i.?l ro Jl,n.111Jfi¾Jl��11li¾•.ft/r-J�A�$�alJ ,7QJUr-Jk lr-JJlll..¾, Jal �� �fltJ\Y;/;o�A ':t-¼�i!l
.#.. 0 "maintain" (f�.fil.{�i'l<.J� "::i::W', mi7G:IB: "1�H#" a "maximising'' BiJ:i�!trt.i:f/f;llk "these serviced
apartments" a ''they"ffi"��" o
6. The attractions of such facilities are obvious and it'll be interesting to see whether the company manages to
establish a trend all over the world and make a lasting impact on the luxury accommodation market. .i!�ii.#..Ji
r.tiUJc1t1?&.1I Al1IJ o .i!+/�J) ,l:[.½�-tll-Jf.ii!.00 rl-1 �..ft .-fblH{'-, M.,ro#�§Jv(.1 f.1f--!i..m rfiJh7 �1ll+H\
1§1 �;.(,ft. i�1iJ �r"it"l/JJEiffiii'r:J.if:J.E:rtinJiil '·10 see''Jk.lt�ifl·. "make" .!:jJiuu.iiB<J"establish";l!Hf:J°U:k* o
7. Now, finally l want to consider Lhe psychology underpinning the traditional holiday hotel industry. �ki, � itE­
-il- 1H,t-O'i a_.
I;!;!'- .:lk. 611 ,.:.; Jl'.fi< ..flb, "consider"tE*1iJ rJ'i•lfi"ii!Ht, i.•:H�". mi7Gti1,"�·.rg" o
8. Secondly, there is something very powerful in our need to be pampered and looked after, it's almost as if we
return to being a baby, when everything was done for us and we felt safe and secure. i �, �111 *-#-%-¼
�f����!IU!l, /lj);r,t.,t�tf».:$.,fl:r/!!l;f!-, :f.\'..'.!i'f'ft-�.it) 1 �JL�1\, Hr�lr-1:-:P:·h�"1f1.il]�1fl1�*f1' �1n�'.1![:j1)¾

31-34/ffi;li1,iz\;3t.//2 o ��!:.jf t±;tt±}'r,-1f FI LJililYrilii�1'.10ii�jJ 0

31. W- X "You wake up in the middle or the night in a strange hotel miles away from home, disoriented most
probably from jet lag, when even the most expensive surroundings can seem empty and dispiriting." r1-1 (j(J
"seem" .!:j,W·= r rt 1 (t� "might":ll5U1Hlr o JJJtx 1 IJ9"dispiriting"J=jBizl;JJJ! •=la (�J"depressed" ill��J>l . in.l o
32. W- J'C " ... the research suggests that even tl1e most opulent, luxurious hotels seem to have underestimated the
most basic needs of their customers ...the need to feel at home in surroundings which are both familiar and
inviting."i:ja BiJ§41fi\7}.EjB-Ji\;JJJ!���(J'��!.!1.tlHij o lffi+rJ-•(J0"need" /L\J,lil,{E T /mJ'Crf1, ;l!5<:tJ.E{iL�jHl,ftf
1W fl/J a
33. W-Jt " ... the company's research covered a whole range of different hotel types, botl1 independent hotels and
those which are part of large chains.'' 1 j, l'JiJ "research"..!:jfJFf rr (J<j "research"11Bf, ��!ill'.�� �1.lL o JJ,[J'( l'J(_J
"whole range 01' .Ej AmJJJ! "wide variety of'' (Ji) IW.I .>( i.ii.l:)t;* 11!.q� nJL'ij}_ 0
34. Jj§iJt·' ...and the research concluded that what was outside the hotel building simply didn't matter."rpiJt"�'i.11
a(JfrHm:J'f"-�.ID:�"' j!fr�;;,jl:,Wili;:f.'f;C.
微信:13522209444 107
3S-40ll.K5H1tffil!J'i�Bo lK 1--t)ll:ffl i:t� .R 1'iW-i 1-.:EB o
35. W-Jt "... all the unwanted and expensive hotel services that business travellers don't want, while maximising
the facilities they do want." rr (19 "service" ..!:ififfiTrr (:/(J "cater"R:IWJ Sl iiO�* o � ;,1- , i:t/m(19xf11,1�1:E =f �ll*
ffl"traveller";E1JLEIYffi' ��$tl1Jr¥.JJW•. rt.Fn:;t�r1JrfU;E{1Ii.iiJ' ����1lli��o
36. li;1 )t "... for example, not only sleeping and living accommodation, but also a sleek modem kitchen" �r BY
"sleek''m:fi11:t&':/t\ f.!11.:(£Bf rlJ , Tfrf :;IHi f\',JJl ·iflJ "stylish" BYf�;,i::t/lJ, j.m, !�:Im T:<fUl o
37. lll'C>C"The attractions of such facilities are obvious and it'll be interesting to see whether the company manages
to establish a trend all over the world and make a lasting impact on the luxury accommodation market." 1 17 ii
��fHM TW� o "all over" ..!:iB-F�Jl'.lt}"throughout"�lfiJSl liO o ��"world";lik:;k�Ut�li/M!Hl<J.lf!.ifil. ffrV.J.
1�f&1.lf!. o �;,r�7:E:t.<B9�: 35, 36, 37@i:(fJ.W-Jt 1�7 1U:ft1iili:, ffi,@, t����, lfrfj,! rp 7i'.Qi;jJ illfillfr'.&f o
38. itB El tt�xlt o DJl)t"Firstly, hotels exploit people's need to escape the predictability of their everyday lives. "
..!:jBffi.Fn-�-#.�-�-fil��-��M�.a•�����--o �-�� ■ B-�W-£
i;/Jii\'J, ;E1JL�:;j:f:lx.J'f,'fi.!.)-� o
39. IE(Jt"...it's almost as if we return to being a baby"i:f� (Jy"as it' ..!:jjlli-,:: cpa<nike"¾lffJSl. iiO o i�B�:llH�:<!F. o
40. W-Jt" ...give lit1le treats...ljke the miniscule bottles of shampoo and tiny bars of soap, the chocolate on your
pillow at nigbt..."tjl "shampoo and tiny bars of soap" ..!:j@if rp a<J"cosmetics"�[\',]S( p\'] o �B El ltrfYfl!IH1UJ<J
�-1' tt�fa'ilf!.a{J:JHHf'f.�,. •13[�::ko

108 微信:13522209444
Test 3



�� -jj{,R}!j:_

.±Nll �!lii(. t' Ii�

�#;I �-a, .tll tl:! i.t } i.• �:l;i(_Jl-#�1.r1,u91.411.
�-=-.tt, ��6(i.1:.41/-1t3l1-EiAAm1i;t o
Jr;iwft: )(tJ:.-ftiJiL.�.-tll:!f�t't..
i*a, �:1;it,,dsrJ¾if'11r6(ii'Jf•.
�/�!, �!lii(.�.ii:.;t�JA •<,911,1-t.
� + f�: ��if.J-iY-it:fi�h.

intelligent ad). Jl�IJJHIY. �tl�A� scrntiny 11. ff�lll rfiH\'.IJ Ji fJ<J �lt
creature II. �E !Im • i;/J!lm. A demonstrate v. *IJJ.I. ,'llff-. ff-111; tliHr��
spring v. 5l(!tl',; �f'�::l-\Jfil spark II. (:ti'�1¥J)�.;&; Y(+t; l2£�

ape II. �� cognition n. iJdH. iJ,. i.JlJJ; iJ,.�-a

sufficiently adv. )E�}tfi!J, investigation II. ifnl:J!t
hint 11. 1Pii5F, tllltil'.l'�nl:�

repel v. mill ; ,il!�Jl!fs; tw.fi: arouse v. n�M; i,lml
visual adj. tli'.% i:t<J propagate v. !Hi; 1t:Jffi; f�m
auditory adj. l1Jr'.%EIY embarrassment II. !;lsl!l1

religious adj. *�t'JY fungi ll. A'.1¥i

:m:'� .� 17. *li, tt�
chant 17. �� j livestock
jingle II. IIT�J'E launch V. �;/)(�$-�); ffft€
slogan capture VI. tifi�, f.!r-,,m
martial ceaselessly adv. �-<?ii!!.
微信:13522209444 109
/l. f�ffil . ft-us:; 1tifilrilf
VI. �Ti!?i
- .

ll. rz: , .:J=-!:
adj. ;fi'f!-1UM0
*ii�. ;Jett;](�

instinct /!. overtake V. )l[J:; *fJ�ttr j J'kjjj
continuity 11. lt�Ht agribusiness II. :&.illd,JHhr- 1111
herd V. (1J!!······ )Jiltlff; 1iX!l3!

sustainable adj. )E i'iJx:/;;t(J<j, fi�tftt;JN1<.J crop II. t'(ft: !JwJ
enormous ::k:
adj. e ;:le (J<j, !zf (:1<.J adaptable adj. fi�mE\ZB9; mE\Zi'liJiiH0

digest v. ti!Ht secrete vt. f}-f£,

cellulose II. ¥HfEJK antibiotic It. 1JL��
cultivate VI. !��, ���ft:, ;l.'.!/;})'.'i fertilise v1. lilli:JJE':f. fl!JJErx
nest II. JI!' �


colleague II. jfi)lµ modify vt. 1'1t�, :9!IE

adv. M. � � :1Jifri swap fH · · · · · ·ft:?JcJ,
"- �*•
genetically VI. 3(�,

screen v. 9mili;; l\1!filj1J. '$'�; �f.OC; i!ltii& strain =n.l�; fill�
diverse adj. :iFlfiJ!'J<.J, :fEIJT-B9, $fil 1 ��i'J9 colony II. ifii; llff*
domesricate II. !"il/i, !"lift

whereas conj. &adv. ?l.':mi, t.n, &z. setting II. J\'il !=ffl , ff-� . 1'T:lft

prehistoric adj. .51.:: HU BY maintain v. �ftt.r-; MH�, flf-�; M£t-¥
exposure II.��' ffl� specialise vt. -WflliVJJ, f.ll!-Wi'11t
forcing house U\ltlc chamber 11. �. nHiiJ

accomplish V. jkJj\!' %Jilt interconnect vt. {ll!:!Utl:ii�
magnificent adj. t.f:fil•I I't<.J, *-ffi 89 territory 11. ®l±, r.&111. ®l�, ml]!
supercolony II. 7C�:f/r-fl

enduring adj. �.0,.l'Jg; J&'-i!ii,f i't'-.J hail v. r�-- ....xxnf; mnfil(t'f,

intricately adv. �'8 Lil!\, :lil�±I!! masterpiece n. ?.t'ift:
meshed adj. jijj*I't<.J, �jij]JL(t<.J ptimitive adj. IR-*�
outstr ip vt. Jli-:ct, .illb':1 albeit conj. £rt' enf5'!
ancestor ll.�. :r.JB'c

110 微信:13522209444
vi. .J'.IU �·ft!Jm
v. f�Wi, �;IIY!; =t!!l!�
- update
VI. sJDTfr
Test 3

II. Jf"Jjf;f-, Jl!J.m.fff,

riit:"1-i*; 1.11! · · · · · · mz.� 14' 11. gl-'J�:iJ , ;j:ZJ�, ;jffi�

integrate v. framework
bearing 11. Jflti] ' 1515.l consult v. il"JH. 1nJ······ii'Jtt

transmit V. f��Jli , !flj� . {{'Ji; spot 11. ltl!.l�; m:1/i\

locate v. :t.lUH ; i.51:.:'f, uz=r­ elaborate adj. tMlll(JY, t)'.:.Jil'J�; ffi,i:.,a<J
maze n. �1g· odour 11. b·vJt

mobilise v. iYJ.vL M-f riJ i;!J-� clue II. �i�; lti't�

scout centre f
V. fi':= •1•.!)�; �r11
TI. l!!i�!n.
session ll. ( ,Be�f.lizs/J�El<J )11-tf1'i]; �i5l sequence II. -jtf ::j3 ; )ll!Jiff
proceed v. rr-=¥-mfi. m;�mfi compass /1, �'/1i¥:i.ft
exhaustive adj. x-iilHWi A<J. WJf�l'JY. i;l'.:.J� BY individua!
attached adj. JIH!iili'.l<J; ·f&�A<J

I. Among ci1ese, the world of the ant bas come in for considerable scrutiny lately, and the idea that ants
demonstrate sparks ofcognition has certainly not been rejected by those involved in these investigations.

�;lj- �t )'( : ;It i:J� !l!I3 �tJ:!: W l.t:t:E:Fudli Jilt T .:E�ay ��M� o i
!l!!l�Jw.ffi �H-Ji'. Jd:1 1.1J a<J�.� -tl!�� ¥1J TWf�,A...!n
s<Jiq� o
r=!:.ti:: w.i"i'{tifiltheseffr:t!i-f-t(t<J{r,,�.rllr�3ill.dJ:T:Solc�'lf ltlr, -ftlt!Jrt311)1'1":ll!HIHt, tnJJitr;ft-1,,J" o ;if,:,',,] If' ffr
:t:.rat:SHJ1J�" ll!kJ'i'-.. ;J:i1"iJ,��1J/f,:E" 0

( 1 ) /4iJ1HH1r
;ifl:/4iJJ5-"i':'.lt'OJ �J i , Fl3 the idea i3 I� R<J£ir:f JJ /4iJ�r&;/4iJ=f�
m:)j!jl�, ���Jlll�i!f 'OJtHl'* T
1fo�tl$t�HRH�* o ·it:5tflJ(l<J£f:;/:J: The idea has certainly not been rejected by those.
C 2) iiiJ .1UJHJr
considerable adj. fairly large, especially large enough to have a11 effect or be impol'lant
We've saved a considerable amount of money. �1114 T ;Ji 111 -i-,Jll.a<J-ffA�o
considerate ad). always thinking of what other people 11eed or want and being careful not to upset them
1 fit�;/,l-;l(f
It was very considerate of you to let us know you were going to be late.1,t.:ilt �-tt.l!Hf %1!],
%-ilf � ffHt.�uli1J 0
(3) demonstrate a. v. to show or prove somelhing clearly
The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition. :i!.JJiZ/t��n}l T 1t1r�1r 'ff--;r,:: R.t
iii] {r-J lfk� O
b. v. to show or describe how to do something or how something works
They'll be demonstrating how to handle modem, high performance cars. 11!!.1fJ¥f-i'.f{,r;,ia1of�fJA.JJt�{f.J 1-h
•)± fit i\ .$. a

微信:13522209444 111
c. v. to protes1 or support something in public with a lot of other people
Supporters demonstrated outside the courtroom during the Lrial. ;{f. 'if, ,rl] Jt1J Is] , j_ #¼;{f. >f. Jfi:. �� ii- ,t;._
ij'ffr O

2. Their fungus fanning and aphid herding crafts are sophisticated when compared to the agricultural skills of
humans five thousand years ago but have been totally overtaken by modem human agribusiness.

�� it-x : 't: 1f1 :tf rFf J.l f� , 'cf/J ��r3' .!tt (19 tt;f: ;f1lli -=f �JilJ(:1{j .A.�:&:Wr-t/i:,f:;f,1') t� �ri: �W.� , {!HfJ-wJ{,A.� :00tt a<J
;&.ill.(�'%{£�:ii!;�itii� o

( l) 1i]!JMjHJi-:
i!:laJii(1{J�if 1 ' ,C,, i¥f 1,crafls. butfltr .IMH11J -J.J �*tili#J ;f11�i;/J�� o
(2) sophisticated
a. adj. having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment abow socially importa111 thi11gs such as art,
fa.l'hio11 etc.
b. adj. a sophisticated machine, system, method etc. is very well designed and very advanced, and often
works in a complicated way
c. adj. having a lot of knowledge and experience of difficult or complicated subjec1s and therefore able to
1111dersta11d them well
British voters have become much more sophisticated. * 00 fr!J .it..� :lt �11- JtJJPi!/:-M.'., 1 0
( 3) be overtaken by something
She was overtaken by emotion and started to cry. :,l!!,Ji:,>1.4£,M m c. it��-�, 1f-M; ;)(. 1 �#-.o
3 . Whereas prehistoric man had no exposure to urban lifestyle-the forcing house of inteUigence-tbe evidence
suggests U1at ants have lived in urban settings for close on a hundred million years, developing and maintaining
underground cities of specialised chambers and tunnels.
�� �X: �ritr.A.�?9:�-i'JL�t&fO!lt:IJili lHtf.1'1�n!i1J:i:t�-�W'/!Ji1 fl�(:i{JU o ilfiiiE�*r� .�!l�B�-21:E
�£rfjpf.tft rp �.ff T:J$S·ili-1Z.� 7 , Il!.iit1HfHt:u Ft:r11i'9l (J� ifnl /\'. .fn �:ifil¥il r& FJ<J:lt!fF JJocrn o

( l) exposure lo: the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life etc.
The visit to Germany gave them exposure to the language. -ftl!.11l a��:t � .z.��1J:.1t!?..1n-il-�J1] 7 i!.;fi'¾ 1: o
(2) setting adj. the place where something is or where something happens, and the general environment
an old farmhouse in a beautiful setting °k. iii'i tr-:1:.,t 'f lrlJ ;!,;it;/:<.¼

Questio11s 1-6

• J/li § �llil: True /False /Nol Given

• ,\!fil § f(jff!fr :

1 . Ants use the same channels of communication as humans do.

�;;1twx 蚂蚁使用的沟通渠道与人类相同。
�f.!Lml channels, communication, humans

112 微信:13522209444
Test 3

ff�H]i*W!* the same

Sucb chemical communication can be compared to the human use of visual and auditory
ebaonels to...
.llt@nJ I;..( iffi:i:i�f.trfii.Jili ifil� {.trffi =l3t
'Ants are so much like hmnan beings as to be an embarrassment...'
(jg :a w.i 1iJ·ils o WJ 1,J-m i:p till ,R :JHJVJij ill½ !PS( t1� tt �ff
1il-'=i A��F1Ji·t§fi;.!, i7iLl'fii El �1, �Wi5t¾ik ";J:§ l\aJ". Ei JffiJtffi�, lz;l .lit���� im JnU.i5Z IJ<�

2. City life is one factor that encourages the development of intelligence.

�;;1twx lJfm tt ffi ,!H@:itl:i1 ��.iltll,iH/J--t-lzil � o

�f.!Lml city life, intelligence
{m�;RW!'¥ encourages
Whereas prehistoric man had no exposure to urban lifestyle-the forcing house of

inteUigence - ...
i1tiw��f:1'l tl/&�xflJt . �1ft iiiJ:cJt I;,( ruu� tH :ooo 1.11**ffl J1W!J¥= JJ¥-Jil� mm3/ill��wJJtM'.
J'c�Fx'.t@:,� (MAEll: )fiaJT)tilUl� Lt��� o
J'ci't -'=i @i El tli :00 Fill >l � � :
urban life-city life; forcing house-encourages
IJ</JN fW(,/lfil;RW!:{:E =f¾ =/ff fl�iE rifO :fJI\�l!f. J'c �F ;;i'i if.·forcing house (JIJ� >l . t: a�� >l ;J.J "rml*" ,
-'=i !'Ji 9' f1N- IW*W!'¥encourages7t�ll?JJ-fr o !2sl .llt.llt@i��:1i/TRUEo

3. Ants can build large cities more quickly than humans do.
�;;1twx ill½ �; iiJ I;..( LtA�Je]JHI!!.iii•*� lJii(rp O
J;E{.!Lif;'.] build large cities
fljff.mi.:�Ht'¥ ants, more quickly, humans
...we're amazed at what has been accomplished by humans.
Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything
achieved by our distant ancestors.

1.!1¾J'c� .# t'HU �� !PS( ;f11A�t1y �:li!i::iilU.l ,
ift5ld'!.&�;iji § , l:!il.llt!.ilZ-iJ<:Q\;�NOT GlVEN o
xt.litfp ffffer at tt:$'x o JtU]'i/i'iFf-:!JI!.�00 J'c
TIPS: rtJ T� •Ei A� BY �illUl!UJ)jl: � ffJt� 'f-jJ}.j -t-xr!l:t� �:im 13 , lz;l .llt�m/l /ill =f :!Jl!.�
(Jg"�.f¥:(£fl9 tt-tll;R* "�, ;{£�:l:,mJ: nJ l;..(!7c/firt,�ttJ:51f.m:m;ttJP-1JJ;E;/,JNOT GIVEN o

4. Some ants can find their way by making calculations based on distance and position.

�;;1twx 一些蚂蚁可以通过基于距离和位置而进行的计算来寻找路线。
�miilJ distance and position

微信:13522209444 113
m.,w*� find their way, making calculations
...they navigate by integrating bearings and distances...
it-Jt: 't1rl:iffi:i1�il-1f rt."Ht1Jif£�*�tbto
Jt 4,x1mz,� JttH!:iffi :i15i'. 1.i'L iilJl'iJ IW�iili5E W: filU�-l-f3lW:151 , !I.W:151 �5( 1'i mi § -3& o
Jtf�tl,jfflj 13 /:li:f.m[,'l]5(!t1t�:
find their way-navigate; making calculations-integrating; bearings-position
1251Jlt Jlt/m ��J.7 TRUEo

5. In one experiment, foraging teams were able to use their sense of smell to find food.

��·j.lJt :(:E-��•m.�u••��---jffi�����*•o
5i'.1.i'Lili.l foraging teams
fll¥1m*W!* use sense of smell
Elaborate precautions were taken to prevent the foraging team using odour clues.
!J!fij llb'illfLlffl.)i'. {ftifiHli!�� 5E W:, llJt r p 5E W::ll!: /_l:l :E..11\prevent. .. using odour clues, ;tl;� 5( ;};] lltJ
J.l:{9'.!JtJ-'=f.��* • miIDFF rJ� B-<Jf((fc 1/li� -� :1-J �!PJ U I�� �·�1lt!fm o �Ii! f!J:I Jll L JltMJIMFF .!:J
JJJiJt pg��•�� ��Jlt��j.JFALSE o

6. The essay, "In the company of ants", explores ant communication.

���Jt /HJ§ :;/-J (.!:J�!IJU�f��>a9Jtf;1.:-��T!l!l:1.!l!Jla9f�.@,3i:iJiL,

.)i'.{JliifJ "ln the company of ants"
ffrf.mi*lii:� explore ant communication
...in his essay, 'ln the company of ants', advises readers who ask what to do with the ants in

xCF x1J3ll,i!:( their kitchen to: 'Watch where you step. Be careful of little lives. '
Jlt/1li5E {Jz�� ·ill·:i:1=� o :(:E.)i'. f.i'L 151 CF, 11c:�fSl-Oi�!niml 711:fiPJ4�!P,x' �:;/-J1Hll ��A91:.{rp* x,t
1�. x-t'r/1lifc!0 (�1fWU�,�"�!l&'.ri%t�.xifrE":J¾�illfr1iJf�Jt-5MJUt, 11tlmnil'r:!il!-�s�"llif
f{�,�-X�'il°Mtll", 1251.Jlt.tltfili��JuNOT GIVEN o

Questions 7-13

• /1li El �ID! : Summary

• f(Ff.llJJ1f?t:
l .M'r*'ffi�/��Summary, 1�11tliJil.ffi!f.filitv-lJJ!t5'I-, mZ :J£.x;J-i�$9:iiJ91(.! .i�1'Jii.iiJ'11£illfr?t�, Jf:;fljffl
i.iiJ�CF�i�f19iliJ5(:JG1Jf}*!n;lil;�� 0
2.W:Summary,ff /1':f.,f-/Mi , iiJ l;J. iifiu � t!W � Eltffif 151 B91f I'!5i'.fft;ltffi(, !lii fsl:tiJ}jffli$�::If Mto
• !lii §ff(/.*:

114 微信:13522209444
�� �W:iii.l x i:p x-t JiZ ,,a @EllflHrr

cultivate, they
cellulose in leaves-but some
tB .li®:: Anis can't digest the 1ltB:iill:u�f:E�W:¥.lHitriJ.IJJ!: q,-l=lftli/J::'. W: FnJ, nT I;A
�-;It� itL u ll!llr ' ;It-$->( jg .. !I� !l��f'ilrnHt
11f.:r--rl 1 1'l�tHfli�, {f!.¾-®J'.i:linf�:J. o �Jlt!W;)�t[
7 fi.mgi can. The ants therefore
can digest 13 B i'J<JJI! r:J=i#'iff=:ig:�Jiif" o B.::P 1 t1 JltBb'I:ITI-1-
cultivate these fi.mgi in U1eir
��. la ■
J JtFoMA�-�-�FnJ:(:E�ufi�
Fon!Ht!L�JliS( riHt , =f :ia/ i'iJ V.J J![�ili; tJi �*C o

-!'Ji J!lHIIW ff jgJillj :(:£ m7 /mE�tiW�1:fi ii'/Jnf VJ :ill ill�

m .li f.!l' : Fanner ants secrete mo:iill:i:1�-Jlt�ZFo�B.::PffiAi'iJ*ml.ifrffi•
antibiotics to control other iii]/.ili:�� ii'/J, .E!.Jtfr.Y-1:J!lkill weeds; :ii:1H1�tli\�
8 weed-killers
fungi that might act as 1:i.7..'i'iJ. Jtrl 1 mlJE�flfFJ<Jii'/J;;/:,antibiotics, {§.:(:£iii]]¥.
"weeds" ... rt, Jf: * H:l :FJI\ I Jlt nt JHi� ili; tll ;It .Yf :x. in.I ' �n .3/-J ili;
Jltll:fil :(:EX1=1 1 � fSJ. � �;rr J:-,�o :iill ufMI .::P 9� � �
znu (:j<J W, -�-i'iJ VJ. tlj ®r I I I lfrift if,] '1 � f{ � ii\'J ' Jl;)'t
unwanted tf3 .lif.!l': ... and spread waste to �fft=f unwanted materials o :(:EX 5:E&6l!:tUU,txt �r
materials fertilise the crop. fii.Zii'/Jwaste, JlJt,ft:Jt.j;;/,Jfertilise the crop; :(:EIHll.ifr

ffit-;¥.!l': ... the ants improve or

illiu1Hlr2�!J:1J. tH lfr:JR iiiJJ2Z.tJv+ingJ�:r!: ( andmJ
new species, modify the fungi by regularly
Fott/.f:'AJ�'§ [¥.1]), :(:EX rt, �{i'i:fij r:j=ri(.j b'Iiii.J;/gswapping
10 neighbouring ant swapping and sharing strains
and sharing (�1!(!:;f11:5}Ji[); .:(EH!Ji�lfr�f:tifi.1$'41#ii
colonies with neighbouring ant
J.Ev+ing3�;r.te9if,Jfil:i1H1··�:i!IIatPi, ��..R��:l!ID o

.tJ:t@:l\:tm7WLJ=f, {El¾:imu1=!tiW�&�i1S¾ nJ i:,;.

m ll!l¥Jt: The fanning methods m: tt
:illifil :(:E)'ci:F1 t.UUxt ifiJo 9G¾ 11nmt1:� .=�if}

They do not ruin environments =
of ants are at least sustainable. Fn-1 a:Jii';L"fJ e<Jagribusiness, tiT *;;;t ¾ffi 11!1¥.!l'�
1iJ 9� EJ{Jfarming methodso ill1:ct:5t;ffrl!J/Ff "P2�llu
or use enom10us amounts of Fo(l<Jff-f.@!, ,!NJ�ffr.tl. iiiJ@;Jgj��ii\'J, .EI.Jtf�tfli.5Cf
energy. � 11 methods; :(:£ )t If' JE {$1. 6lt (Jg .l<t lili: ill.I jg
sustainable, .5(,t@�-N o

1Lt!ffi�{i'i:r,;ijffiJ 1/.W o lt=f:£�Z�tr:J!liYJiiiJ, /.ifrl;AJ2Z

12 affect r,;ij 11/.W
@iii.l�ruin, lfr!:,J.��:1-JJtFo•·iiiJenvironment, �n
On\;� o

�&�•�••tt�r,;ij� o X'f'�uI��m� ■
13 waste Im11B :l!luse enom,ous amounts of, /.ifr!;A�-19.itE.iiiJ
energy , �fl E:iit;� o

微信:13522209444 115
,m �1.lt11Hfn111 i9JiJg/J w a<J I' fi�1t1n nt, :1J-Jlili, 1 .lL�'l w �A<J�:!iHUM�-=r- !JJ.� J: , ;-(£ b�Ett w , ���Jn

tl�� ffi A<J !BMi/JUiil.5.r- /I\ 7 ;j:� �tlil!Jl'.80� tm ;I( r1 !I!�!l& ll .tWJii!t;-(£:G::i!rnx 7 .3:.� (J<Jx!\1J;� xtffl !l!fl!Pox'. Jfil_jf- /-f{

-JEiA�lt.J (�Jx!\1.,i;;'(·tl:!A1'/siU 7 Wf�,A../rl FJ0f.f1E o

!l!fl!JiSi.fmZ-r:tt�' &rr,-9��. {fJ.,l[-fJrfl,t,RHt1Mi'f ",1·1[.;j:f-lllH'� JJ:t.1t$frf%3t./1iffif .!:j ,A.�1.\l!:ffltl,11.:1\t�fjfr

�it1?: ( �n�H:Jx, r�1i!i'-J��, #I.a, ifdl�1ir-i-lt�lkz;;}k) *iW{jHrf�·;f1111¼'.ia1l.lli�a<Jfi·:;J-1ffl�� o �!lilJ$�

Lewis Thomas�:irf: "!l!�jril_;f1!,A.�;&1,!1.1Jlt(:f<.Jffl{W.. tfllil:�1i1:lli;11r l�l-t9J.;;i:; lrn o 'Eff1Hff1'1'.l.:]Afil, te�ef .!tl. fl:, jJ�CM
*iiil�, iJijiR�l!Afl:;f'&, Hl1t$k(.*�IP.�1A-;f11��\1&,A., flf.m.l(VJt, ·tt .:fW"�. ;;i;;¥}:ttkxml:{l'f,'.f,o f�T:f:
�-El! tl/4'Efnf I· ,z,, /iil·fi\!{o ..
ffl&o ,A.�fffr�JLFl01Jil151.!i'!. H� 1�* (1{_j*fj�. Jt{l!!.tt�Jill];filtEJ�-L�.ttl!il rl 1 J/\tl:�;lt{l!rn.ltln!d-J:� J;_/ m1l'l- o

ffl .t;.fl�'"Ji� , 1'iiJ�si;J!k 89

tt * *
Jft®*��•Jt1tf�:iji:f:tt!J�ff1lij!l!J;\!P.x'.ffl ttJl°1'Tl� :ktt<J{;Jt,!i!,to 'f:ff IJ.A*'.'.j!:lffi!l4:k t�*. i:l!.:f:'.l:fl½t!iik1JfilJ!jjJJ o 'E
ffl :li -=f1flfu (1<; ,A.�;t'<',tlftt,i\: �f:I tt:iJS 3'T-rix Wt , 1!! -tll�A�:fJll 1 t (:f(J ��-€)-it �k.

jjl1,z,,�t(ji(�J�A�JIB�7 ,z,,? !l!l)t((1<;*;rJFJJ:r.t.¥::.!,'�nT;J1i�tl:(l<J o rtffl:f:��,t.t;p,:i;Ji. -tlL:f:'ilri�-rJ!

Jtl:kfilni!iilo mi.EL. ii\l:ili:a%£:ffil�tjij. �Bt1Ul<J*��F1f:r.tiiffl� l:tu�:J'.lt ff]f11'i.A:3/g(t0:iJSJ!f n.ltW.\;f1l� nft o
!l!fl!JiSl-'f.-=f ,A.�S000)J &¥ffJtBri!t1l*xo 't lf]:f:fi�Wi1tn�-=f 1~13 (1<J¾'f·tft:K, ff!;lil;;Jf��J!ifilnJ � o !Rtlt��

tE:fil1c11.lJfiff:l!@Aii' il:'t/17 V,,( ll l·-=f;;lgtt. mi J:nt»!1]�:;/-J�-Ji0-& 11PJ*timo ilil!P,x'.Z'<'xff11t-WmZE*�1£
ffitl;lt ft!!.iiJ ��Ji\Z ;;lg "?i� 1"J:" (1<., tUti , :ias� fl!HllkJii�f !ffft= 4tll)';(ff /m o
•�•f2:i's.f x!\1..�iA1J�t(:M'ff a<.JJ.'J;.ia;f .R ¾'E lll�ffi/1<.,�-,W,fil i���*fiMJ!::f-Pl�/Ji'a9i&'3l: a Jt�:f:1& o

.'flilE�:m i'l<JUirich Mueller;ffl{l!!.a'� lf/JIJ:i:ffT@t!A!l!fl!JlSi.Jl!1C r11 .lA,!;HtlJJi1ii9i/iizl; Ill T862f'!•:f:fal;f:l•�i'l<JAii o �.@
Jt:"M,w, ;fil• �f-i:-JR·*!I¼!l\)( 1£:f: ttfr irrl'f m ,• �
irr (J<JJJ: m
;fil• o lJ:,A.]!J111 t::P ���,1 a'-1 :fil: • )(,J·tr. a<J DNA:0-lfr ,91 •
��iil1.i1 ���Jt!!f11 !ff! Jl1B1r, mil 1t'H* M1 x� *
;f1I �t� i&:illll;;]!tfr ia1VFl1 0

!t:mi,A.�mfftJL�ttf0!!1JJi�rnft□<JCEfi!i:Jr:r.t-�-qirJi1fi� 9rliil* o m11iE.J!t*IYJ, ��!IJ)(B�:(-ElJiXrlH-F
� rr �� 7 �:i!r-{Uf 7 . .@ii!r:lHfEt#.u rl=t �'�% (1<.Jijff] 1C ;f11 �ill ¾l mt (iJ.tllff �rn o
.¥:i:J'tfll�·f.-Hlfi!!i{;flJ1L 1f-J?-:;f11i��Ti)Ln,J-, l��'fff-l!){,A_�(t{j,f:f)*Ji\Z)l,\: o f't&�, Hoelldobler;f1lWilson;(£:;J.1!f!I}
.fz:/l--1-�-i�ft=B9e�.H!l!I¼�» 1 I 1. tli'ii&T El :;j,::ltl'fifillf.i5�'�(t<.Jf.ifH[�ffrntma0M!�t('!lr- o ffiWF, ;-(£:1!-t-§
1,;-7 4S00,t-W.;f'bt3(:•¥I\'ii<J.!U,1C' �r.iln�2. 75f-1i!J;;fil(l{_j''p:;k:IJli(TiT" 1 I I. �ff;;[f-3. 61Z.RT.�;f1l I 00)J .R!l!ilE.
1,!aJl�l\lil, �5kB<J ��t:Ji:7!(:JJ!lJii!t:@.®Mlin&T �t ffl s0:®ii*.9..9cffr���Et<J{ffrtf rilt� o J... 117;(£1! gljJ$Hl�glt�
;lctfl!!lll!:J.fr.xium@WDJ "Hltr(t<J;j'g-1m1�ft, A<J r t-N�Mtll.$t (�JJi\Zf,ltjM?tlU�1,1J w �lHSlB0tt���t;J?.;(f:7OOO�7J &'.p

RliiM'.B�:f1lJ.!\l{f;j-ffl�xfLoJlt5'�, 5£. miA�(l<Jt:k:*'" J:*q�Jjjijfj JJI�¾, :fil �nt(t<J�rtp'(f±�ffl tt,

O �:tt�n:
utt-t�::k�, v1'lr5l:Jtrr::k$ l)J.&vt�ttt::k�rtr1-r(1<.Jf!IF1u&uJJ. ti;��;-(£.m.ttJEJt!:iii!rr. ��il--t111Jlili
r:J:i:f:ltfr51!itfrs91finJ;f11Re��;lo�*f*� ITTJ o r�fn�:m-nJ ]!.s<JJfilfiF.q lc'tz.�rr (-t'� IRJ:ixninlriliil-*?tr-!Jl}il?Rfit
#, #-:f:119rJl!!.�fflifi1£fffr o IEIJJ:t!l!I)t( tl1J;J.-��J;J fi�.tJ o
{f 12�fJJfR:i::l:llil9). Ryabko .fit Reznikova:J'.UIJ7 iiE-!m, Jj£nJ]!l!�_ljlS(fj��J¥11tiai�la'/i·�:U�fl9 M.�,o 1.d!��tf
�'tf9lfMU1t4tlJJf-f:islill*illi�i1,lx!.-Gl°IRfii o l'ilfR,A.Jn-T-tW 7 !l!fl•x1rit(t<Jui@, ;-(£:lii:Jr-ire{J,'!��lr�, �-�!11,x'.
B�fij7.ffi!ifiD<.Jffilllrt/i\'fif! L l!Jill:.'llr-il!i:i:t"'i:!Jilc*�jaHr L@,. J.!\l{fi:tif::B<Jf.�J�;li/;, ��-tE�Errfiill:IE/}�B�
f!fia!�.ifil :i:1-� �� (:1<Jtr:!r1' ;(,'!f!i·ffi,®.:iJS¾:illi uflf!YJ ttA (J{J:J.f Ia1 fllfle�FJ I .ff-* 0�Ji\Z i'l<:J

116 微信:13522209444
Test 3

tEJ!lX3tlffi(i<JIDBt.tli.'jl rp, Reznikova3t:!l:J,,1'..,Ji!dl!:A3f1Jkl!!�Mi�a�!I¼tt� J:. M!,/[!;�� I� e. ·i,A. W-&:- .R

!lll¼tt-Hilf!J!'t1il5J-J:ifUN·t2� 0 x't:13¥ Edward WilsontE{M<J i1?:Jt(..1=j.!l!I)!l1,)('_;f;f.lfHrr. tlHSlJJ�.®1flJfriJ�llfiiJ9.!:
fillilff}jj•rp9!!;1!1JtB�Jij*: "t£:t".-\/lt4J- F. :$t,"\'1J,1':'lfrr o"


,pt;:� i{'YJ)t_
�� AO .it$Eini##
�� A.ll.: ZJfX.-f-�A.. o .it$ ��.ldf.JJ..tlil.o
DJL zj--t Jn.�1: i:-.oJfft <Mt-it o
Ht: �--:!i-ZJr1t-Vl#.-<r-JiJ1:."1k.

GR: *-f �;J;:.A} �illiVIP.!-it6�$.-1t!!..� �,.t,,t o

distribution 11. j-}111, 11'11115f� objective adj. ��W,1¥�

archaeological adj. �1i�l'l<J, �ii�:J.:(i� footing n. JI. Ji ,1:J, • :it :!:Ji

fossil 11. fi'..;fi clue II.�%
technique n. :J1l* genetic adj. ifilfh�
sound adj. Tff$(1{], il-JJIH.1�

launch V. JF�f, migration n. :ifft; ft@
coloniser n. m�::ri- Bering Strait n◊rtiJ.�
wave ll. )'.;::flt.A. □ ltz;/J genetics n. ilfrf{z$

anthropologist II. )JI�$� drift V. /f,!ft

focus on f.M1t1:(£, �1�-=f generation /1, {�. -{�
variant II. �{*, '.it£1 interbreed v. f!E �fil 1 x!R, -f92t�f<l1
allotype II. liilfii 1;)T-ml tribe II. �Mi
protein II. lli BJ.ifi: establish \I. :lli:it
immunoglobin II. ���f.:.!< Iii FI calibrate \I. -13i'il:
fluid 11. r/rE�. r�{* indication 11. �IJ/'.I; Jiiffi
portion n.riMr

微信:13522209444 117
�!�� ftllffi�l,�,*lJ.\i:�lltim�
� NEWoHlt:NTnL 7 • ffli#

sample v. :Jlhlllt;f;farf/1 ancestral adj. fil_:,\:;J'f(J

divide \I. :5Hflj. :Jt!J:,t. IWifr- ancestor n. -t.ll*, W.;t
correspond v. f.Ht migrate \I• .ifft. ft);!:l
deduce 11. tfH�, n1I�111

geneticist 11. iill1w$=� predict II. ffi�-n , tm A
mitochondrial adj. �;j!ji:,ji!i:(1<:J descend II• .i!Jl{�r*, */J1jl''f, �f.*
separated adj. :5-Hfff<J

analysis II. :5tf!r incisor 11 fl;f

physical adj.1:Jllla<J shovel VI. 'ff ( t£":, tl )
characteristics 11. �HiE scoop v. :/Im,:¥£'.
crown n. ;l°JI$ upper adj. J:f.'jla(J
component /1. 1£7)- premolar II. l]\J::)'l!f 1iiJEJ'l!f

minimally ad, 1• �fk1;1lRJJr!l!i. triple adj. �ili:(J(J

specimen 11. f.(;* , tr-* molar II. 8-/!;j

majority II. �IJ&', *�� tie in fll!!i!l#
prehistoric adj. .sEr11J (Ji_J dental adj. ;ftlfi'a<], ;ff-J-(Ji_J
trait II. tsHiE analyse II. 7}-f}r

linguist II. i'{f��� account for i�n}I (JJF-��)

credence ll. t1H� backing 11.X:�
minority 11.�'i/&' nevertheless adv. f!i.{1fri. �:u
favour VI. jffjtr, hard adj. liffl�i'l<J, iiJ!i';a<.,
notion "· AAJ.�. �.rt. ::!:�IE

l. A number of techniques developed since the 1950s, however, have placed the study of these subjects Oil a
sounder and more objective footing.

itl'Ff }.�:
(I) a number of*fil:EIY
It also provides a number of other functions. 'E if.-M.4lt- :k. fi:Jt,1t!!.6 1J >}; �t o
( 2) footing: 11. the co11ditio11s or arrallgemellts Oil which some1hillg is based; pullplace something Oil a ...
He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing.

Test 3

2. Thus, by comparing the Gm allotypes of two dillcrent populations(cg. two Indian tribes), one can establish their
genetic 'distance', which itself can be calibrated to give an indication of Lhe length of time since these populations
last interbred.

� t·i.'f? 51:.: ffrV.J.. iill.uMtt.w:i��lmAllfBYGmlal:f'l1;\T-�( tt.:lmM1-�ntl11<At.l"M� ))..1fl 11f VJ.�:v:� FI l'J<J"l!lift

�e" . lle�;zjl: ;!ij,riJ WJ�l � • J-,A.rffinJ w, � ,'1\-®f)'L�-- ./M�lltfi�:/t't I� J.A:1.&.Fo-1?-::ifilWrtl¥.Jf11 IV3��:11 T � L� Bt !'iil

( I ) compare v. tt.�
a. compare... with...
The police compared the suspcct's fingerprints with those found at the crime scene.
b. compare ... 10...
Davies' style of writing has been compared Lo Dickens'. ffe_ff!� '.!ei fl;Jiil.�15] ;/fi- JL/r-J Ji\l.#}--fi o

3. There are two other kinds of research that have thrown some light on the origins of the Native American
population; they involve the study of teeth and of languages.

itl'Ff }.�:

( I ) throw/shed/cast light on something: to provide new infor111atio11 Ihm makes a difficult subject or problem
easier to understand
Melanie was able Lo shed some light on the situation.
These discoveries may throw new light on the origins of the universe.

4. Greenberg is in a minority among fellow linguist, most of whom favour the notion of a great many waves of
migration to account for the more than I, 000 languages spoken at one time by American Indians.

� �+1� x = � ,1,t; fA ;!'it·-\'! im ANtFf.·

(IYft R:, ill! i❖Jl:likffl!f.�lJf\-ntWJ�t9'k
�=� �!l&vre
i=p a'� , irri *�!l&itt 1r � �ir1im: JjJZ:J!-t+-;rt, m,� -iEi.x -lit
i.JI: I OOO�fil1i-H'§O�llflf-ftx Ni 0

(I) be in the/a minority: to form less than half of a group
Boys are very much in the minority at the dance class.
(2) account for
a. to form a particular amount or part of so111ethi11g
Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.
b. to be the reason why so111e1hi11g happens
Recent pressure at work may account for his bebavior.
c. 10 give a satisfacrory explanarion of why something has happened
Can you account for your movements 011 that night?

Questions 14-19

• /,fil 13 �ru: List of Headings

• Jlli§fi17f.;yf:

微信:13522209444 119
�� �ElftiHJr
AFst: A段中间部分出现转折句,主要含义为一系列的
A number of techniques developed since the ffrtt*f9!qi11t(i1f��11ff)JII fli f.!fn�AAl. o :t£Fst5l.
1950s, however, have placed the study of these ili;J'.Jir:p,R�iv:izl;�r.paiJ*ffl!inJdevelopmentsn�z.
subjects on a sounder and more objective footing. ITT!�, 1251!1:t��.:;/-Jiv o
BIBl:-f 1oJ : B13¾: �-1iJ 5 I tli T lt � ill A� #Ii :;le 15$ A □ � li:iJ J'JI .
Recent work on the problem of when people first 1':EtJ:t5l.Q\;J11i rf1 .R� vii;l'llixfil4JE�f4', f§.�BFst:l-1'*
entered the Americas is an example of the value :jJBitlA�if$BiJDitlh9, mT .R�tEFstr&JBlHMMl
of these new techniques. �Ii 7-JJUtlaiJfii]llfil, 19rt:J.ix�M. �$lill'i$:::l:,vii o
cmr1� � /1\ T-�1•1YfR:1J7¼. &[l•liJfRvariants. .:ff-tE
关键词: two different population; establish 就能建立他们之间的"遗传距离"。在段义选项中
their genetic "distance" 只有最后一个满足要求,其中对应关键词为
blood-variants, closeness. between different
populations, 12s!Jl:t�$::l:lx o
JLtm:;1c�Jt�i'if i:J.tic im�m$:�J1W!f'f fil�:ttl!. lifo �
::l:li, �;%Usl::l:IJ:.-®.-1di:lT-1<iiJf�. Jl:tf&Jili:*
om: ft�1iTfR�:W:, mTFst>l.iliiJ11irl 1 .R;f;f i:;J-1liJf��:W: o
17 They found that their Gm allotypes could be )}x:jlt:illluilll��®_-, qtJ.: 1\.3:.QM1iJ::I:,: fi!!.fi-J�mli!
divided into two groups, ... �Gm i'if IV. ,t 17 w.i :;le� o :i!�:nHvlJE�� i1?: •.M.;Jt
g�*��ftffl tt�*.&�W."�Jl:t®.-®.-5l::l:I
.Q\;J'.Ji io
i1?:�1iJ fiiJ/Ml. f'�JB3'0tt Hi 7Jtfll!.�l.JiaiJf91J-r otEJ::l¾:5l
18 How far does 0U1er research support these
� J.111 rr , .R � vi ili; J11i rp :tJ1 itl 7 Jtfll!. f!Jf R ( further
genetic evidence), M:��¾vi o
F段次句: iii, I� :;J-7Jtr:p'E11,i- * W! iilJ dental and linguistic
The biological anthropologist Christy Turner is an evidence, f.@;% iii �1 • A !Im Greenbergf.li W J.!UCF -
expert m the analysis of changing physical ®.-, liH�ll�Jltili;l11i o
characteristics in human teeU1. ■
�-��.:l:. �::l:IM=1iJ.Jl:t�*M71YfRWffl
X$, l&��;;.k;ii o

Questions 20-21

• Jlli § �� : Table Completion

• fif(, l'Jl jJ#.;: :

1 .Jl:tB 11 i£00 J;i'{:Will, 1�1iT !J{�JilfilaiJfW(,lilfiltvlJ'ilt�:.�1-, � � 9M·Hfr f¥l �1:11�·,@. , �g .fl}3DJ Jt rp�t' L

2.x-tTB=f�IJJ:1:$3):-L�B<J �1:filtr='f $ttE�rl •tt:+lffl*�ulffi,�,, :ti' B.��'W:®.-J::l.t�'ti"JltHrffl.};E

fSi. o tf,:J�.M� (!iJ"William's rcsearch"tfXq� ,�i �tENl:r 'tiJ, 11il�tJlt,Wt'.t':Jffrtfilil¥.!:;;.kJDFsto

120 微信:13522209444
Test 3

�� :JEwi� x"P�fil.<2- �ElftiHJr

...three major waves of
migration across the Bering �&���T���Mw@-�roa�B��

15,000 or Strait. The first, Paleo-Indian, Strait . ),rid.��Jiif.W:;(:EB, C, E•N/ri�. 1 ! 1nf t1:r�J
more wave more lhan 15, 000 years !:J,qm r!fi !iiUil!Ji:1ft 11-l )hiJ'CAfl:X:: ifiJCentral American:ffl
ago was ancestral to all South American. i'il(��:/�:IJ�x,t )jiz:ill;f!i1Eo
Central and South American
nW:rn ,�f.11: }.i:'. ffL� (1iJiJtn)I 11: fl {lU':E600fl.lt 700"HliJ.M.Jlll ilt :k
... and Apache (who only !11J f'fiif,fl:if � o
21 600 to 700
migrated south from Canada f-El¥1 'i1 �W�- '11 f!.,(TD(l<J �l:utcanada' I1 ;m
about 600 or 700 years ago). -9-- lT fri1 !nl f'f.i , -/i.l( ¥,: � 7-J D o

Questions 22-25

• Jm El��: Matching
• ffff.ffil1T�:
I. Jl:t�J1lH1H�Matching)i, %1:t:®'.LE:(1iJJMrFi#.IYJ'11t:leH-\JE{V:1l'L©, "tlu·ee-wavc theory". l�lilli:i:1:t:Hi'i'i

* ��
�f.li:lf 'tiJ:xr'tJ.E fiI., Jltll; rif f/NJ:IJ1i°m-:kJJ!i 1i1 (iiJhcadings. �,It;:£ f-/z-'FD-l& o

2. J�H-�qJj � #f �fA rl 1 (liJ ,A. m',J:j ;It 0r Xt w. (!(;wave�};tlnl:h /ft!X•f .

3. J.l!J¥1JJlt�nl�_: &J:'J-1 ,k��_:/:J:(l'�MalchingJJ!in,t. -4S·lt_Jj\i.,(:Etl �:su;111-t�t-Jt 1 I 1:Ki;:;f�i./:j: lf/J:itl:fi-1-ffi ii:1..
• flfil El !Wt1fr :

�� �{f[� x"P � m,� �El�*fi

Other tests showed that the fnuit (or Eskimo) and Aleut fom1ed a
22 Inuit DIBl:tMfi third group.
Fh .tlt/4,J nf id.q� l!fJ1iVt!!J:1Jtl9r ,' L\ lnuitlir. T-� =:�. ltl.llt��J;JC.
The second wave. about 14, 000-12, 000 years ago, brougbt Na-
23 Apache D$Jl:f&!J1&it7fi Dene hunters, ancestors of the Navajo and Apache.
rl1Jl:l/r,J nf t:JJJ�IYJ Wl!!.fi]!lfr/1\Apache/iJii°m.=�, �IJ!t��J!Bo
... blood samples from three widely separated Native American
groups: Pima-Papago Indians in Arizona , ...• aDd Ticuoa Indians...
all three groups appear to be descended from the same ancestral
E�msh (Paleo-Indian) population.
24 Pima-Papago
:ii!il1�11)'.'i1J nf �11IJE Pima-Papagoh� i°"lhree groups" rl7 (1�-,fil1 • Ji
fl -=f Paleo-Lndian;
Palco-lndiantEDli..��{Il/i\)Ji(Jt: The first. Paleo-Indian, wave... I&�
lnl1J'>;2ME!l o
25 Ticuna E-13l:fi1)1/&�6fr
��)'lA o

微信:13522209444 121
Question 26

• � Q ��: Mulliple Choices

• IHI El /Wf.tJr :

�� �{f[� x"P � m,�

fill El: f.H1�J'1<friJf::J1:-e!.�7)(,f·rfl-1:,J'I%�1!t:
A. .sr.1l1ff1l �·ft (1<; jQ mlA & .\Iii. iJII A Ml 3f-&
B. 1tifr:(:E;ffrlltf�:i!,li;l[l llt��(�Jfti:JJTi l-(1<JA
c. M**ft����A�mm��w•�*
D. JWII &iJVjJIIJd1%J,: ft >J ·tllt
illi .tt/Mi T-*ll� fJLT-xl;'i: Ffx :
m6fi·: Christy Turner is an expc11 in the analysis or changing physical characteristics
in human teeth.
t,.t� (1<; /iJf�E ::tW-io:5},lfrA�::f·1Lt(f��l.::fil!!l,'HiE. I.kl 11:t nf �Jll:i�J:-!Jt& .:r 1*i" n<J.®1.w
26 Christy Turner B,f11D o
tt 12fr: Studies carried out by Turner of many thousands of New and Old World
specimens, both ancient and modem, suggest that the majority of prehistoric
Americans arc linked to Northern Asian populations by...
Cili;1§i,f'J(!t.i£�tt. J..t;rl 1 ''thc majority of prehistoric Americans" Ei�X-i:'c (!d.�
J!-j)-Jf,r:,!.::J_;)1,�JJi�:W:JYr"suggest "(1<;, 1ITTJf::ll,t�;�_u;lE(1(j�JJtf1-J�; I!Ji:�·fJi!!U
�:f.¥-�" t11:1�ts 1=ixr,t;?';·1i;.t-J& l'!<Jili;J]ii .. n<Jlfil�11J . i!1: ���ct11:1�-11�.
Aii\;J]iiEjj)jt)( "Studics... ofmany thousands ofNew and Old World specimens, both
ancient and modern"1J.- J(:fi;�-3.-� o
,'ilC:iHifO� � -;f;-1 A o

TIPS: l. Multiple ChoiceMJlit�R<J�{v.-JlltJJ,\IDFf*il�{iL, ul;J_ITTf,i!ifOX£&5Hfr o

2. � ii\;J]ii Ei l)j( -¥!i( 11,t , i%<�JJH�1f riJ ft�}J l!f;\ �Jt n\;Jj)i , iEfeff1m)]ii ti:1 b'JH�X 1'1<; lf:il Jl. !fQ 1£ o

A u*A 117.X•tA�i8llW-EiA IJ '.5)-;fji(Jy[iJ[-::J'f- bI¾{f�li'.&::00-1-111tCilifU1f�1{JltlillU:i1H=uI<.i O t�Tm. J.A2011±

2SO¾f-f t®& 1Yj l'l<J::f�ffJr-n!Z*{Jl!q1+11tJJl1iJ[·JE-!JlFfT s1Ul5)·' !Jrin!l'.t'l<J:itlt.1.':t O A·=fAn .if +tffiiYJJ'I<.J�.!\'l (i!f,@,
;lll,J.A"i'i T;f;jufi\" 1 I 1 tlH!}-(1<J. !f *ff lnJ M.i!lH��tlJ/!Jl 1 I 1 :6i:£l\l-@���o
B ili)l�X'tA�fuJn;J-1JHX!i:U.:.;t'.:iml*l�lif11J/l.fil(1<J{j/fJ!f\!!jiH,tn�Ji@iilr�t* fftftf.(1%Hh'11fY1f o q��l,'J:ll(. fl";.lt
fili. fmmfMU illi.8X-1( f}J[:tJ,\1.):1 A�tf IX 1:,j "J t::XJ"di tJ I: !JI.".if ,it (1<J:&: i!(,Ut! L f!J. £1, • � ,gg l=t ◊'if:Jdl�ill A�TJfl*l�li o<J

,it�YM itb�-r;:i!J!J Ll"X? J!r;:;Jt� ·(;:ftj:, 9.lt:f,·JiJL1XJ.Jj:/'j: XJi/:/ftJll•l":&:�(1<J 1.!ft? ili:@{f*, Jill.i::J:X-tull:1�q:(1<J
1i1f51:, ffll"UilljJ/HHff- ic{El'J�Ht� IJIJ*.:1:m ru I I 11Hii'ti'fi>la<J%Ji�xt�
c F11�t!iwJ.A.���*�fM;'j, · J�JJlt�li}Jl/r®!..\'r-(1<.J-JJiUfi:2!.(T.;f'Ul'.\1iJf51:.o!X*.f.'�{£T f.0,,&:J,�MI' IG':ll:f*< X.114 fhil�
&f:ic{fi R jj'i]�l•:ff �G m Ll: o 1£A�J(ILflHJ!tf.f.'i I nJ IJH��JJ!:fil 1�1lt,. Jj/f,?f(IY m !'"IJ.917t11�-=fiYs'imt��� . .!iJUH:E
1:i''t.:fdr��, JJfl�J&f��Fn, illil:J:.iiiHtl l�J&.(J<J*JJ1iJ�El fi J:Jri"-�-JJIF<T-1t:I� jj'i] (1<J':ll:·fit- J,ri:. J,. }ffi.i3J:)(<f Lt rW�
::f [TT]A�IU1<JG1111fil;f!l1 -JT-1H tt.ll11Wi-t-E:IJ�1<.A. .�111,n A. lfliiJ i:J Il!JLZr-17 [t'f':illi1!illeT4". Ji![�}�,11::!;ffiJ � i/lirn�.
M 1fifiiJ!:J.fMl\-�f14,GJ,. -!n,T-llt�*fff, l'I M11dcFn-?.XiiliWrtR.Jf1Li:J31E� .i3!:7 ;t Lc11tfnlo

122 微信:13522209444
Test 3
o IDllil��f!Hl/r;filfl!!.(V-J lnJ?J:i:f( /Mlno1.1°11t1i1],(-Llt:R iJ!i1riHW.l2CR1/! T s, 000.:tj!,�HIC:ptf\'Ji:.Aa<.J u1Lrl�4'-o iill.ct
li!f-��JI.A\. J!�C:p��)d1<.JGmlnl.fll1 JF� riJ W.JlilJ)- J� [JJ.gjl. ;LJ;rl 1 -til tl.!.;f1I �-•ifli, 1tJ-f{lli'J1-1C:ritf-i:ti:.AJ.lil1l#RW.
t-f1111"!£o �1filiWJJiil'.R� t.!;li!l �'A ( X 11q*Jtfr¥flA ).flllliiJij/ 1� AJ�nltJ}-1-1i�1lta -lmJJt ilHJJli1ft111Wr H�, �il:l&
l�l�rhJ��IY-J*�.JJl.�ltl�dLHiJJ�;f-f=:ix o U-1-l'Xf$['-.\i'l�1Yll½t 1 1°;(£ l5. ooot.i,.wJ. 1-trl - 'fl{J �,£il�/ti:J.-.:Jik4-3(!RIN
rr ifHIITfl,�il£P�:t<J.-.0<.Jtl1% 0 r-114, ooo3itl 12, ooot.rwi(i<.J�=/j(-ft �tG!i<'JHW* Y �li-!JiliJPA�t�/!/-fi·, ft!! ffl�� I[

9, ooot. PTl1i . bUi�Jt.illi. ;ft IX; .3L)t J;i: *x�

�Afiilliif�(.ll7JA( ft!! If J;(E�J600D.li:700/4F1i1fMJJ11:<;l:,k1H /'{il:f.t R;f1J� ffil H1<.J·HBt- ,m�tX rl\!H9J�� 1Hf.J I 0, 000!.&
(J<.J �-tttAfi Jm ft�m JM'f. A,f1 I ll1if f.71 rp A (J<.J ill51:
E 71� i.. , ;!tfl!!.-!JfJIM JltJ.9!� 1f?: (1<) ·Ni'JJ JJC'ICff �:k 19t" Ji/Ht�; !?' �Gt'i #?·rit:Jllr · 1�*± ill �JJilfJI=: :kWi 1 Jtm;
mr1<.J.:its:±�#IIA(iJU1J�JJll;J·IHl<.JJ.i!lib-1�Mt1:1<;A, ffi1llT t:f Jt F-lfl 'F-Sii (1<J.m�mi::11tW.ti::A, l�.!.JT[j,9[1;1ijfrynJJJ1)'fi/r[
:h"j(t<.J.i!!! 111g.:fp¾f?i:A) lf!Ltl�,�* rl I (i(JtltHl•DNA'.&.EJ\l: ,<j>',t f�� ((1t't-. ,�rm�m:�Urt'l<J?rd1,;J:JiliWI (J{_JJJiltl. :: 1'/i�flf,
;l:1;�$1 lfil-1-�Jl% 0

F Jlt;,1,, �=t'fiW,fil Wfj'Ei1J:-$f,\1lfYf T ,1�±-�ifHA(10ililtlfitli"iJJlli o '21i lt!.'7 .&5f· &TiJT-Ji,J:llifi·1f fiJf�'Eo �!J-mA�··r=

i'�O'lill.JUHW- · *Y,�-rJ::-1,1:Mif;: A� ?,:f· /J.El:.J:llltS,ftE � ft liJf5t F�J t; *o Ilk ik:J.1 1'J.HFU11 1'J.r ,ffH�J. �-f:.!i�J:i □<.J� W IJ,1
�, )'t:f,f½Jl,Fii�flkrtl�J;�n1"Jfi¾:1J, o -IRll,7;)(1'1/jef-* l'liJrlH UJ:.W-(�Jtr4�uHr-5},(Jr. �1H1!J'.ti.:JI.A\. :k�i/&�1ili:Rrl+I
Ai'Ettrrin1i-&,lfWf,?.U:ln.\Jli. rJ11Jt1r11A r::11rnr1m.;1�. �11tfr� n 1:1,I ( .:r·1Jt t¥1-�"lJ!.t:{l!. 1wi1.it!�lllftf1:f� ,m ii, t;11&½l!!I;�
:IX), J¥!.ifXfflJ:ffi�-1i1jJ�3f .fn:::::.m:.mr1i1Jtfl-Jt<3f o
mt. 1i�l* • lg: -t'i' ..� ;f1r,1, 1:ntMi: ;,,u a
t ,w.1t1�Ht1J;;111ifr :A:llx • tH1lJ .iili ri,r-�t 3f t,q r.&ill 1t.ifil& f}: 11 i! ixrt � :&
O I r1 �
:f:. .(± 14, 000li f 1iu .ii)j:i:J:)(;j 3fffi (:1<.J luf-J'l It!. iulll T Tri mi:i1i+.i tJlj JiliJt:!, ;f1 l�Jtrr4!;r;q,iJ Wt 1Mj)x_,l't li':rL� jy)j

o F1M2ot!Hcso1.J�1t. i1I�4t*�1;fil;.x ·Hl�fi'H1HJti:AJ�. Jrr11(1<.J7fs:±�f]� iff�lnlhll T-1 1ft-l'l<i-1-i::r1t11

!Ji:if,t *<1��:iiliJt1.f11�.111r�wt-1wJf.'l ri 1 J:,J.,.-�). JJt,fil•xl\\).�o(•t�::JctgJ_(ltL�rL�l� r1�i.llr.&Ml��Y %iiE -+1'1-;M;ff1,M-�
lfiJ Ht itifl-�$*rt, il�P1& iJR • TITT :k�1& �ff-;;;�* Jfilt'1' J;\t�-tl-f1l 1 xl\\,1!1 : -iJJ,: X-i!li t'.l<.J ;ft L1.:. 1L� iWI :£/:Jfir:ff Jlll­
nt WJ:lt�C:P m12AVI: I000�ll1 (/i-'Ff(l�llm--!l-<!l.!i o f/J]B1cl;jc�fi:i], %M1<.J;JU:w1;q'!l�WltEW::J.Jt�;M;ff1+-rti't<.J)(l\l.,1�
+tWtT1iil11 JJ (J<.JxNi' o �rt, .t:-=flt�t1<;fJ..fifi:MfuJfiiJ®Ill!�Wi'tlt�·H;if, l�����ff'f .@Afriffri!i\H1�,t- r11irl:1klt'.l<.J


fit;:� jj{,B}] j:_

�*� �
:±Im ltt�Jt! Aiti�v FI M
-.f:lt: ftt� 4Jf-.ifl.J1j)"' :\t ¾:,.t",f- 0
� ..::..a : m.: .,�
4 *t {r-1,;.. :k. :i:.1J f1!!-
• ;..•: M �• � m.:"
A#� a����•
�11!1.ff.: •v4.#{111r-JJ!i;k:iSl0

element II. fJX.'.7t , 2l:·J}; awareness 11. Vd,Jt, TfWfc , t=n ill
heritage II. :il!if', �f7p:!jm imbalance II. -;f�]'-f))j' 9c·ilJ]

decline II. ;U:il:!, �ft threaten \/{. /J&,)1/J

decade /1. -J-ii,. frontier I/. ill!R. jl.J)Jl.

微信:13522209444 123
geography 11. :tl!!Jlll undertake V. »_;JJ; 1�UiE
deterioration 11. �,ft, ill 1.t initial adj. ;l)lft(J'�, J:ikiJJ (J(J
mismanagement 11. "m'J:fil�� joint adj. l�-€1-(l<J , ;I:!;. 11'/J (J<j
co-ordinate v. ( 19!) IJ/J-i)/il, tt/TTJ confine v. llf!Hlitl
ministeriaJ adj. ffll � a<J , p,JliHl<J , t.Jti!& BY geographical adj. fl!!J.ill(� )(J<]
destruction 11. �tf;, s!.lt.:J< border v. mtt�ll
combat 11. 1Efll-, ��ll- the Mediterranean 1(!!t1-1ifii:

extension 11• .ii!;·L�, :ltJE Nordic adj.:l�®':B<J
ecosystem //. ��*tit discard v.丢弃
preparatory adj. < . :/iJ.J�a<.J
'ffli4ki'l<J, rftA,HJ

triple adj. .= 1-fHliJ raw adj. �EIY

recreational adj. �5f-(J<j constantly adv. �ltfrJ:1!!
lung II. )]iii renewed adj. ]Didri'l<J

photosynthesis II. :J'til-1-r-J+I condemn V. 'M4fr

oxygen II. ii{' '.$( .t:t. urban adj. JJixrn i'.t<J
transformation 11. �ft,�� unrivalled adj. :;Je�f� ttt'l<J

solar adj. ;t: IIEI (l<.J unwind v.war
fulfil \I. �JJ\\. tilii.@ dawn 11. 1i!lilm
immense adj. e :;le a<J, r· 1c (J<J fuel 11. tf&*I·

myth II. fll1 f.lr scale 11.1'.!11.�
primary adj. ;'fJJ }ft] i'liJ declara lion 11• .t:!.i=i

artificial adj. .A.:ili /1<.J ecologically adv. ».�;0$A<.JXl\l.F.X;(i\'·

adapt v. fll!uiw. coherent adj. 1Uf,l f�-15'B<J

exploit V. ;Jf $, jftjfH, ;Jf.j;fi continuity 11. ��tt
vital adj. .¥..:�:lf!�i'.l<J. �'.YEf!l(:A;:(l<J unforeseen adj. :x�r.ITT.:tsi-1':J<J
transcend \I. Jmw.!& ensure V. Tifft�' {�iiE
generation 11.1t, -1t potential II. 'IfjJ , #¥fll5
inevitable adj. �nf :illt:!ti'JiJ maintain v.MH#

accomplish v.%r£ cumulative adj. �;ffli'.l<J

resolution II. �i,)l atmospheric adj. :;/cG{.(:�J

assist v. IJl>Il)J pollutant II. '(5


propose V. :j}i\� principal adj. £�·BY

extension 11• .@*. :lt1t culprit II. �BA. !W�B
systematization II. tll�ft compound II. t�il°!f.lJ.1
surveillance 11. JKrm. 1Kr1� nitrogen II. 1k(
monitor v. .l!'if�. llir1lif sulphur dioxide =�,(,ft�
propo1tion II. lt{ftl accentuate V. 5ill jJ;\]
needle II. ti·nt climatic adj. 9". l�.J:i'I�

124 微信:13522209444
Test 3

drought II. f !t-- significant ad). M�f.l{J, il:�1¥J

hard winter F�A<.J�:Jc preferential ad). $1611R/1<.J, t\':%(�J
acidification n. IW1t relaunch v.11Vl'fr�;{IJ
concentrate V. tM 1• �-,t physiology II. �.J.ll!�
pres�rve v. fMI' . �1"¥ biochemical ad). �t�1-l:/¥:a9
genetic adj. ;JiiJz;l�J, .ifilf�(:l'� scholarship 11. �!\¥:�
diversity 11. � .j:$ ·If financial ad). {il:"M1t(�J. !Mi!&l'l<J
reverse V. f{W{ftj , :i))'!!f� doctoral these iw±i:tJt
establishment 11. TiffJ:.V.. fljtJJ.E framework ll. �f1;), :fm#t!t
databank I!. !I&j}Jf hannonise V. fil!/i'J!I!�
preventative ad). fflllntU<J identify !/ifJE.
V. -j.9.))11,

minister II. f.il-L�, :;Jc:[2: priority 11. f:it%-Ol

undoubtedly adv. ;k� motivation 11. i#.J:j:JL. i;/JjJ

ecosystem 11.1:.k:�� participant fl. �)Jll::J!r, �!:j:1§·
at risk ��16:1� represent v .1�*
scatter V. /lfff , -/&;{fi , 1�flfi commit v. �:t-(; • ;'J·iiff
permanent adj. 11<.�i'.l<.J, -t#�i'.l<J on-going adj. t#�BY
skiing II. fir')!;• representative 11.1t*

1. The decline of Ew·ope's forests over the last decade and a half bas led to an increasing awareness and
understanding of the serious imbalances which threaten them.

( l ) 1l] t\rn·:frr
·it 1nJ.3:.'nJ:,,J: The decline has led to an awareness and understanding.
(2) lead to: to cause something to happen
the events that led to the start of the First World War

2. Their initial task was to decide which of the many forest problems of concern to Europe involved the largest
number of countries and might be subject ofjoint action.

� As· Ff- Jt : 111!. ffH&JJJ i'.l<.J if%-¾ tk J£ .(£ ©:IfH �,M(lfriifi tl�i /1<J it'� l'iiJ»fil rt, • �Jll-i' fiiJJ�lfr W- El l'l<J @I �U1}:$ ,
gij�¾frz;/J ff� .3:.,W 0
nT{1= 1'J

( l) of concern 10 sb. /sth. *-'f

topics of concern to television viewers
(2) joint: adj. involving two or more people or groups, or owned or shared by them
The two ministers have issued a joint statement.
The meal was a joint elforl.

微信:13522209444 125
3. The first is lo act as a "green lung" for our planet; by means of photosynthesis. forests produce oxygen through
the trans fonnation of solar energy, thus fulfilling what for humans is the essential role of an immense, non­
polluting power plant

f$:�·Ef.x: tN-rj,!rJ1fi�JiH,}ili.fJl!!.J,JH10 ··t� �7-J11!1 .. ; :iilli.:U\'.;'itf1:JII. ��{.E:tlll lfitlJ!f�fl�l:1>f£rl 1 �Jik�'10

x-t A.?R.:¥:i.J'l, 't:R,)r-i1f {�H�(1� P:j(ffiiJcNW!(1%� fii:3/Ell�L
J.r,,.., ...�:
( 1 ) by means ofsth.: using a particular method or .1J1·te111
The blocks are raised by means of pulleys.
( 2) fullil
a. 11. w achieve the thing that you lwped}<,r
Visiting Disn�yland has fulfilled a boyhood dream.
b. 1•. to do or prol'ide what is necessary ar needed
A good police officer is not fullilling his role ifhe neglects this vital aspect.

4. Although forest fires do not affect all of Europe to the same extent, the amount of damage caused the experts to
propose as tl1e third resolution that the Strasbourg conference consider the establishment of a European databank
on the subject

���X: lllf�� H-k:kX•H¼iJtl� lrH10J;�n�H!i!JJ[ +:fnl. {I lJ.\!JUJO.:f-}] 1:ll i Ui'i#'.ffl-lttl/1\ tfl --:/l'�i)'l: JtirtH-/r.
( I ) to ... extent: used to say hmv lrne s1mu•thi11g is or how great an effect or change is
I do agree with him to an extent.
!Is success will depend to a large extent on local attitudes.

Questions 27-33

• ,\ill 11 �J��: True /False /Not Given

• !ill I I fWHfr :

27. Forest problems of Mediterranean countries are to be discussed at the next meeting of experts.

���lx .ll!!. 'i 1 /1iJl'il!*(l'H'-li,t,t,111JJ.\N�1f {Cl--- ix (;·*1:':: �Sl 'I I �-l'iB 0

;E{i'liiiJ Mediterranean counuics
iwf:/fri:X:t}Jri� be discussed al the next meeting
�} -l\J;t�t;
.... such as counties bordering Mcditcm111ean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be

x' I x,tl.ilz.��
discarded. However, this dose not mean tlial in future they will be ignored.
!ltJffiiill:i1Ji:' fiLilJ 11r �JillilliJE f,n,1�-H1:MmW:j1iJ ii1T. Jt* 5l ;19Jl!!.1 1 1 ?t-J l'EI �FCE 1:1 lri ::f-J:E

il/i.t!J�; 1ffiJffi''f WJ 1111:T-rji:� �Sl 'I •�i0He , ,,�.rtJ:1:SC i! '*�M.& 1J..1�" t'Joltl��� 1,J NOT

126 微信:13522209444
Test 3

28. Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European Economic

1$��)( � t� l1ll * f1<J JnJ JMi5lc tile: .,1y J/t.<;Gk IJ;I J'i 'f:: WJ 7f-Jiil-==f ©.: mt ts:: 1?F ::l¾ lflHifi: •
�1.i'lii'iJ Nordic countries

fl¥f.@�Jf� because
Their initial task was to decide which or the many forest problems of concern to Europe
involved the largest number of countries and might be the subject of joint action. Those
confined to particular geographical areas, such as counties bordering Mediten-anean or the
Nordic countries therefore had 10 be discarded.

J'C ij:i Jtl'Ii1Z J.'X

t'.'.:l::nJfi�i(!g,rnx-MEuropean Economic CommunitytEX '1 1
* .4', :el\ITTi#l'�Jt!!.!/:tl 1£!r�� "h

JU� it:Mi�·1i I� ;!:ft A* . rh J.E (!f. 'riJ 1 I 1 (1<J 11,I W: J: * ifilthereforetfli I I ·\ ffi'f.lliVi.iJ 11 ni.1.i'l 1iiJ (1<J Tltr -
'r,J: Nordic countries7f-�� l,\:Ui lbl J'i� iSL 11lHJc�i!llll��;f;l(fiiJ� r.iv .& a<J � *M�gt- Elri�Glt
1&. .h llxiHrz;/1 (1<J .:El/Ji , � -'=i :/Ji fr�� (1<J !lA l817f- ITII , ITTi �-:J!l: l:kl
xq·J,y:, il&J t,W��::;l1FALSE
** * 11, r•� >k:SC1;t-'=i ,\lfil f::I ti� .fifrJ

29. Forests are a renewable source of raw material.

tffe1 i--f-Jt �,!;t;:1:i!:: iiJ 1Jj.ll:_/R:¥f!f!J.(i<J*ilfi( o
�{Si:'i'ii) raw material
fff(,/lli;}cfil� renewable source
..., forests provide raw materials for human activities through their constantly renewed
production of wood.
JJtl.�f'l<JJ.E{v:ililtr:Jt 1 1- 1 l.,'J.JR:ifiJ: 11.fll, tli!mJ11Wff JR:YtifnJ 1.,'J. :illliliJ.Euz.
5c 1i 1 }i'. f:iL� Pi Jl 11 : illi J:1Jt7f-ltkflij:: (1<J.{( U . �#� .AAJ� tfr �1�fJt 7 Jm:.M;li4. X.:1-;f-'=i,W
El fr, Jl-rx. il&Jlt:Mio/f�J.JTRUE.

30. The biological functions of forests were recognised only in the twentieth century.

�51y�J'C �,M-;(1<J�l:.!IPJ�lJJfjg.(t201!:tc,H/JilJ-i!J
�uLiliJ biological functions, recognised
only in twentieth century

The economic importance or forests has been... The oll1er aspects have been recognised only
for a few centuries...
Jt*x-tm-z,� Jlt :Mi :Jr. jfil J:1 biological functions � {:iL Tm-= i& ·ri 'fiJ ' ;J-t rj-1 4� )ilj � � fi(j -=. �11 JJJ A� J..,
biological, economic;f11 recreational; f'�Fn Iii rccognisedf.'freff!n:'. W:illfiflf.@j1ij, ;Jtrp.JMJtJ1¥t-7
economic�?'I-B<JWi1IillifillB�tlliJ.. iiT 7 JL-1-i!Hc., Tm/l] 1::.1 lfli,A.;/,1 ;Jt& f.ll:iltE201!Hc.::t�
iJ,. fiJ(1<J. /i!HIIJfcl 1�-'=iX.tr-'i:A:flN:. l.&Jlt/l]��J1FALSEa

微信:13522209444 127
31. Natural forests still exist in parts of Europe.

�31yi.if,J'( Sffi•-��«��™�-@�h o
J.E{.ll iilJ natural forests
ffflf.�AW!'.=r- still exist
All European forests arc artificial, ...
J'( r1· 1 X•t Jj)UX
Jlt ■.i.ffi.i:1:1-E{v:ifiJriTJ.E(JL fm:::JJi:R1iJ' .i.ffil:Uli�-HJ.lilfWOill'l'iJ' ;It';'r so�: l!UJHJ!frff(i<J;iU.
;j,i(t11)V'-- T;pi'ful'l<J. 1IUH·tJillEl-':iX.l";i.11'J�µj1J:ltf-tf:I&, ,'ii(JJ:t,W��:A/FALSEo

32. Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries.

��·141)'( ·-•-�m�m�*�����o
JE{il iff.J forest policy, national boundaries
fu�ll.fil �j}l!.'.'j-: limited
This means that a forest policy is vital, that it must transcend national frontiers and ...
J'( I,, ::Hf!v_).'J..
Jlt,Wiill .tt iE f.)]: ii1J fi� l!Jt ilH!IJE fil.. �fu��*�:Al:8�--�*ffi�.��ffl--�-
�w�. M�a��J'(��Wffl&,�Jlt·�-�F�S�

33. The Strasbourg conference decided that a forest policy must allow for the possibility of change.

�Ay�J'( Jl/Wi#dtrr�� iSl 11"/ll 1.k:i..'x., .,l;t;i&1l't!16,ffll'$.& nf fi�'.Jt�r1'��1t.

JEL'diiJ Strasbourg conference, forest policy, change
ffff��W!� allow for
This means that a forest policy is vital, · · ·, and that it must allow for the inevitable changes that
take place in the forests, in needs, and hence in policy. The Strasbourg conference was one of
Lhe first events on such a scale to reach this conclusion.
�J'(: �iM:J:li:I)¥,[f-Jw�,M(iff{.�)tffi:j_f, r� &:,i_w�·Jtflj�;j,i(pf#l, A �rlrr ->I<, F:lil*iffl�
J'( rj1 x,tJ.iii:)� Jl/r!l",Nll!llr!�� lSl lll.11�J1llt�ifM.Jll.f�-ft1HIYJ�i.sl I I 1�/JJZIJ(t.tiitr1<.J�i5l
:bi:�,FwJ ;!lfw_(J<J121t o
:.!::.- o
Jltl12BillilJE{\I.iiiJfl�GJfill:i£);Efli.. )t{,L{i]m Iii� iSl.lbl£this conclusion, Jlt6tt tJl!JMl§f t, -fl'.i:".im
m1t. ,.,n11J;ft-'nJ"(1(J/�1J11Huf1J�.i::lu/111 rY'nJ 5Em 111J11 •��Ei,WD 11 �-3& .,'&JJ.t.W��JJ

Questious 34-39

• �1=1gg1_�: MATCHING
• f/r(,fill1Ji'!:
I. bldM-=Ff,�Jlil l!l)Ef.V:iii.lresolution:ill+f:k½&JEfv., f:H1W.fH:11:1=11iJ:lff-Jltlill�{iLJUtf: 119¥-J!.: o
2. x-t�}ll;Jffi, J.iii: IJ(r'r,\sjjjjj :11 �J5-:�iiiJ. r&rn+rH\i'.J'C '1 1lE f.V:'11J(1<.i * 5l.ill:fiyli'/-IB;o
3. JlbW _;i;-:ao1;· 1EX•t>Cf.'.t:IRFn-� r,rr�II l l'l<.J 1,JYI tic iSl (J<.JJ.lllflF(, �
• Im El ffl'f lfr :

128 微信:13522209444
Test 3

* =
�� �{f[� J'( rj1 x,tJ.iii:)�
11.9 ®:tf-': fr
The first proposes the extension and systematisalion of surveillance sites to monitor forest
�Jt: 'A'"';-J"Ntk i,)'.,lik)(,t�;f;i(:ilHtJllfim1Jfii'iillrf-tt@3H!l!;td.;*&l{t o 1:Eili;J-:ITT rl I J.:ltlt!-<:ltl!
in], 9.f'l" JQ\;J°Nrfil-i¥<� SI..: �;f;i((J<J{J:fnJ:ilHt{Ft.t!, '/lll��-flJU�&c.Jl!!.11,l{m o
34 resolution I 1JUl::1'iW.i1-+:tJtn1;1Jil: f.flll o
F�J'.ITT rj1 /I\ m\Jt rp )J'J ii'iJmonitorcd, (_Q)(,Jloss of leavesB<.!11{ti�!! .R:l!tk i;il I 'I 1 (J(_J-Jyj p;J
�. :f �mi;
l � tN q ,- II\ :f.!\l X r1· 1 JJ\i: in] soil imbalance, acidification, compounds of nitrogen and
sulphur, fji_�� iiBtE.>C 'I 15} Jli) 111 JJ\1. 'f·:f If,] BY fY1ff rl1, ITT! I �J'ITT-1:il:lt-J ��-i'-E-1,J it 1=i� o
i'il(��}]J o
The second resolution concentrates on the need to preserve the genetic diversity of
European forests.
35 resolution 2 �x: m=:i»rt1dSl(1<J.ffi:lUli-f¾kt�,�?lll�;f;1(J.rnl¥f-'ti·l�U1<J\iti:J< o tEn\;1Jilrl1 �3t/,'i.xfill
inl. fJ.1"i A�-IJHl'i:li!tXJill illlpreserve, fl:lt� SI..EiJJRX;t-1:lf.f: Jfr1Hl1 �t'.l<Jft1*:1:11&,�.m
Although forest fires do not..., ...the third resolution that lhe Strasbourg conference
consider the establishment ofa European databank on the subject.
t1?:SC: .fuf&�,l;ii:/c3()(1�k'Hll�llij(J<.JJ;�111�ifj!/Jt:flf/l. 1f!.:l�JtWZJil;JJ-l:il i.t-�*ffllt,'I\�
36 resolution 3
-=:: -t-/'ki,I{: Wr�f.LJtfr({\:{t i;x,J.iiJ: i¥<;;·i/i;titJlt-=E)ill.fil.1L.-1'-©:1Jii:1&�r'F- o
:(-£z1Jli I r:J=!WiY.:.1illiiiJ . .H;(:f Eill;fW ,'l:l l.!t'.(:Jfflif,J forest fires. _.§_;Jt� )(. l:j llR>Cffif.J:: ,(er
X:�;M;:k :k 0%¥. -�-1.ttlk: 11x�;1-i--1t ri"

m1mwm-1-1\.fr =
Jlt611::w. i :$t'.ii'. {uJilJm-l-lifi·(1<Jthe fourth resolution, tZ:.iit-1 lj'j,]A";:l-11�:J'tf1rnj1f.,'i!'PJ :
Proposed developments include a preferential research program on mountain forests.
37 resolution 4 It>C: mi,)l.i'l<.Jr)1(:il!:t1f)i'(ii:fil.t,i1 -l;lt:$\::tltst-.1Jii* -==ftJ1;t>f;a<Jfilf�Jy! R a
:(:E � Jg! rr t-1-t/i'i ;R. tfl! liij , fJ. :ff B n\; J»i i'l-1 JJ\l ;R. tfll in_] mountain forests .fil priority ( )(,f@.
preferential) • .f!Jt'� '5f.. '=j)jj'i)(�'�f<f: )1(6:�ijl't<J tl1;f;t;J.illi�1tlf�J"N El rj 1 -()t;n:�l� o
i'iJ(��1:7B o
f,r; ll!lfJifiiJ:1&;i";-l-q1•:
Jlt611:: J.iiJ: r='f ,tJ:E W fij(3)lj :l&*-1 ·-H (19 the fifth resolution , iK: .i:i:J::1 � J5 ,1 ft� :J:.HIJ ffff.
flli In] :
Eurosilva should support joinl European research on the tree diseases and... Each country
38 resolution 5 concerned could increase the number or scholarships and other financial support for
doctoral theses and research projects in this area.
�X: "�;Jit;tli� :/x)Nt "fl t:# ©: illl-i't Iii! 1/x il-WF���J'
* (191� '.,lf kl. .&� J£ fW.t {tjT mI 13�
lnh'f.fil o <hj:1-�l:i '3ll:n!s J i:J.t1�•jJ11��� l-'J &Jt fil!.r&?ft3tt.!J',*'l&ffll;Jlt®l�.tM±it::SC l'l{Jm
:EJ l-'.
J & fiJf :fl-:JITT I� : F J&

微信:13522209444 129
�� �{f[� x: i:f:l xtm ,ea
tE.n\;Jgi 'I• 1::lt/,'i �Jfl! if,] • .R 1-fG� !ITT II I J.!i\.;XJ.ill if,] a IIocaled to rcsca rch f1 I Irce diseases . I L
;Jt f!i" 5l .!:j lJit)'(;t'f:If.f : � iJ.S\ !16•fMh�Ut .:X: T-f:<,JA,Jri:i;!H�J1iJf9E o
m Im��f�J�tfH::fr:
Finally, the conference established Lhc framework for a European research network on
forest ecosystems.
39 resolution 6 i,f.)t: � (S(:Q��3'L T ©;iJtl�;M(�t:$* t/t(t<J;flHiJf �t/'t o
1'£:i&fiii 1 1-, -t-:!1Ni.JHill if,], H1T D�fiii /1\ Jl..l!;X:fll'. iiueo-ordinatcd( x.J'@:rescarch network).
Jl;t-t= 11" _)(_.Eij JJ�)t,l{J?:'f : f�f�t.li"A:*fr:£1�-tlik�H 11Hiill'-Ji!Hi·. I;}. f\JI!e�fJt!vta iT.IY1'1'F 0

Question 40

• !Hi I� �1_\�: Mul!iple Choices

• fir� /ill 'Jn! =
I . W:Jm :;Jg .:E !;i'fff-Jm@ , �!E. H �-13 i�Jt J;,tr-'f ;;f� 1iJ , �:lHI LXJtl! in] ;i!HH�X-t @:�� o
2. :j'EffJlMM:i.ct.m 11 ,g,;:�{!EJ FJ "fl�lri'iU� , .*}Jll'i'R/1jl/ ,,\lfil.i£ffl'."
• /Hi IJff!lHfr :

Im� '.iE {u:w.I x:i:f:lxtli1Z,ca

Jl,fil�: Reading Passage 3(1<JliHHff-,'illJ:1:
A. �;M;a��!W), fim:-tll.«>Uf-f(J �
B. �iJtl AU;!>"f; IJ!Hf'i l-j1j
C. !Kkt>H��*tft1ilf�1:a%t9c·l1
D. x=J::. AU;M-1H.ll!!'i<J W:W.tl:ilJieffi-1£�
ifil.tJ:j},l;/j-)(f;-tfcf 1iJTTJ J:J1!} / H . ;t-!;i! 1 :X;1ili iiiJiJ forests , JA Trii fllil�T-11 JJt;AJ!ll iii] (1<J ili;
40 x J'.ii1C;
Am:rITT I I I l'�J::: 1-S<::filif,Jbiological. economic;f1lrecreational_gJ*tE*1n] 'I 1 -1:lJ.&. �!l
B.:fnD1W-t�:!ii1 �I• �W!i.nJj}JjljJ:/: B'.l!il iff.]protect, D1!il if.'ilpolicy on managemenl o )t
4[*1,'i] 1 I 1 (J<.JgovcrnmentJ:J. .&rcsponsibilily for forcsls5!i'dJ/ijilJi(J.f.f X•J·=j��#(l<.J .i!H1 ml
:Ji:�l:�:gji. flr-l�DnP'.!li o

5t*z- * ,
�,f;!(Jik §1 t&JJll f' (l<.J.:l:: l'!l! ou s:1fBx�M �;M(a<.Jif! ft�J§[ t'. %':�i:ITr U:A ff1 . tnRJt-T 101nI1J :it,:f>I•;w.
.ili:9': y;,1x,t111!.f!l(.1<.JJJoc/J:l} o l(j;,:� ���*itJ&]i:j.1/4��AU;M(��J(1(J.:l::��Jf�}. !rt. T:111!..ru!.:f11'=-U� t'!t1<.J�Jtlr1V.M-. ;Jt
·(11!.r1<Jftilft:�?t�:Wl'l<.J' i1t!.ln�.sr.?5M/:' ±�ill11::' .!:j El 1nm
1'1<.J�;t;fc.:k:k. 1Tll•tl��£:;.'JHt fflM;t;i(Jl[J)fil�#
l'l<.J1�= JJl!T-w o A.1i11ll.lti1J*�ii!1�!l!.\ iJ-.1JUU* rR11,?1/l-l!.n*;l!l* t,J} ij;�r.,cl� ., l 99011� I 2JI , tE�!l'fi!Jllrfl1ff.Jtlri-1t:!j;

130 微信:13522209444
Test 3

fi7m-·7XIV, 1�-IJ�!lx}H\.;j,t;:::J.J:tJ1Ji(1{_J �il LH&-0 iSl )IE rl 1Kl1!fliJ.:(10311'fff�z1t:&1[�-'l:to��SU1{_J iSl,'ill-0.:tili:

�11f11Jt'J1'1ml1vf�'lx•t•;j;f(f1<.JMi:J�. ft11fuJIVi i't'Ifi#*'.iJ�. l)J..&�1111�#1:�JMft.TiJF)1:J'.'!li 11 r10:Jt*o 1£ i,Sl>r-ih tlu 13
Jf7j);(j� t·*1£iSl*f/i!(41:1l1IlfH't T. fl-: o fl!!.1f JMWJl'10{£#:bHk/JZ:(£f!Xifij.;M:f,rTfli1\(ri(1<.Jil.·:tf0JJi\fil 1 \ 1. �JJM'Jr,:lfm
/JJrrW .&E10Fill*M�, TIT fj::j;J�pll�f,-fi79J(J{_J±Jill o lbl JltJJ\l��1#9.:¼dl!!,J:!lHi'd11=1!Nlli1Hl<.JJl!!,p(. ftll.111!. ij7 ffij IV-Edt
.•�.{;ll:11ii1f. ID.:iJHFm*iJ...,:J-1fJ;M:1i 1liJJJt1t-�E�t. t1-Bf ;f11�£R.J:/1fi� 'A'�-fil�1)}w!tl!!JJJH10 "�.H�.z
)Mi"; .ii!IJ.:1::Yt1Ht:HJ , -�.(£:.;l:c ]If.Iii� Ll!il�J.:1:f'J I I" �JJX¥-1/i x•tA�mi ff. rt .fil:,f ttf #f ta� F * ,mx ¥5� H0
fi!Hit*Wil. If/JIit. :iffi.i::J:;f1Jfrij4(J<.J,1':�J, i!U�*if:;/�.A.:!J\J;T; i;/1411dt�7JJ;CMN o 1t1JB. ��lf :;/�J.l\i@t.E.lJ�rlT !I!.4:lj,
J�]i;}c�\�-'fT {f.(J{_J t.f:JF.tit{f J!!lf:Jt7 x�f{:; lt(1{_J t11M>tll]J 1�.ff J)t,i:.,,m. -�iJl1:�I-\'' !Jf,f !!1 l)J,Ed�.@�{,t-pj;jrl;
(J(_j/)j 9:.. {D. EWl�1ij�*·i1'111.m:1;!- 0 jj;l.iJt. ���m1-1 ·1}X:t±�llh•flj�;M(1iJ.!Jt�flEJ�}uiO�=:Tit�;,jl: JjJfj�(1<.l1i1.li
Jq:t'.Hr'1 o
,(J.J:;)c���(:1<.J 1'i �·t111·m.if.(;EID:iJll*�liimff¾',(;-. mi 'JJ2i�J.:. J.'GE(�JJ.ht�f/fJ;M(B��;f�ff:(:£7 ffr1f(J(j 0

[9".#Ma;M(riil�.A.Ll'l 1-!'fi(1(_j. 1J!i.A.�i&il!i:;f11Jf�T�f-11-' .i!�Jt��:1J;lc-ff, -JJfill!�PlW.. ll��1f,ft(1(_j�,t,Mll:�

�;kill�. �:j: n.&:-�ff�·t�Jil]�;M,J;f-:1:Jz . .A.r\;\lri >k, IJll*j[f���l=.;fnJ j.t:f:fu(t:J�1t oJllit.r11LWi{¼�iSl�lnl".1;
;i:J11.-W;A�if.zs.lJrt 1:lix:.$tll5Tilti�Jait (1<.Jrtt;IJZ- o :Jt.t:r,;(?f :h, flfufJ411·��j[�J.t'J:(1<J�;M:WxJR(1<.J�,G,1;1� �. til
&;,�Uf lllt T L� j�J tJ{_Jnf .J·#�·�.HJ..&;f ttf J:lii.!Ji!. (1<J�ki.ll irJfi�·ill'* (J{_J Jt 111i�, !)). f)f: iiE�#B':J�·f11ViJt1Mffl 11f IV, m�,j tm

,��;J .�-lC/ef, 1£ ix:iH/t/1', T;,\f�,f[;fifflllli�Ulj:Wl\�1�(1<.J iY.i�[l�i,Sl tr1-.!Ji�i51.,'il:x.J"�#i!Htllirnt1.ri'iill

fi.Jtkl!�Hf;Jt*tfi:1ta l�ffJx,t�;M(lli ft(1<J T ffr'f .if;f�. f!J.E�.iili:J&,�11J· .f11t1·1�1-A<J *fillllH/.fo �1-- W-:'liil:kMi
W..&*�!J&;t,l{fl ?111�jiljj ;�111i,J, s'l:l;�n(,;Hwf ,j( J5 �aj' *·Ll-filEl<J30%f1]50% o �t-H<.J•lj'Jtjl(���=i-AU l]jlsf� g..!f.fl.\i<

i'Jl(1<J. :k4,ff�iJt;!iJ;Jt'I (101fllUJ:lf4 ri :if';"l;;:"t:-t#J)11rl:lJ:�l1t1tlJ;f1C$(1t7iiii o rt.mi. -�� f�IEI� �11 T-!i!. �


�. 1-U-& &/i�,!;!1 *W*u<.I-J:.J,i¥iijJi{t�±Jl!!.1;:�r��lll. TiJfi��JJ11J,t11J_l!@;;r-;r1J1l-!�(1%tn(,,J o �=JJ!IJti5U1<.J fill�

�f.!tl�JiliJ.:tJ-� �-1J;ii;l%tHif1<.,·;�>l< o 11 .f';f-H£cJe�t><-t.f<l 1 iJ,£ j,'(19�k1)l.!i.x.W �j,'{j 1W /!Jrff ,l;!J ;rl•a<JJ.W:IW��o filr�
�;M(*;!o<.f"IFXtJH�lf.li'.!<.Jl;lJ11(.Hhl/Jl'.�lfiJ, (_ll;!�Jtf�tf:hi�J il: �-*ffl-VUH�=: ��i5l, J!lr!j;!j-#,:J!frffi�i51.Eiz�AJ·
tt *
11t iM'.Jtt.:E rmm3'L -1-1xxmi !Ji!l 1¥ o J'fr;(ej· !Tq 1;1HJ' i!j!(ffi' a�i:U�,, , J!Jrrn n%'LG!,�-�1u� rz ?t 11: ,, ffll·lf ff'l l!Jri-J·it

A0mim:imtJ.!:tSUi�-'f 1L1#Fl<.Jo 1'£1ix#H�1t.lriHk, ��11itfii:l�(t<Jx�T:;Jr.:1L1.ttl! 1t�*fiEo ·m·{t:A l=I /19$hl:5Hfi

l)J .&-t1, 1;lsl m;JJ�•rn11 .li:-fi'I� • t{; � .111!.�!c5 �mm ,m
mtT F m: L<J1J1 (1<J il)[12 o m iSl l'l<J1:Ju1Hl'tl'ii!ifil:m1;1i::Jtill ft-�i

;,{:-'f 111#Mi l"iJf5'E>W F1 a tn u:J·.w 1.k:i>l illfffr :&. :/fi 7tf :X::� ,t- '-�Jlli•� (1<.J � '1 "�;M(4�.f� 2,t �" (l� W-:'liil fiff::R: l«l "�;j;f(
��.iltli ":W-x:t�,11J.:ml� l'ltlim1t-riJf-'.)'E�:t 1�0117,j:,!r W..& 11=.JJl!;f11�1�7fffiii'l<J lliJfill o 1ii:1-�.iey !J<I fiilriJ 1)).:1:\Y/ )Jll��t
�VJ..&;t.J.:{tl!.i?.iJtx.fq,*tf.UiJJ1JJ-ttWfoJ(r.�::l::-lt>Cf10:JJl1'!.:J l))Jx Wf�tr.ITT 11 (10Jlwk o �i51.1��}gft T�'liil��1::�*
�d10;jaJ!..T!lf ��. Jfl �J. t'J1'V•�*\Jilfi;IJ VJ..&fefO iA-•@;f11�;M; f¥:ti�f�*(1<.J.ill:/� WT-� iSli'illo Jlli�fid!fr��i51. (t<J.m:11.(

¾1i' IIIFf ** • �-·liHJJ c1%IJ,t:J L#ll .(f L!. h�Jg 3 I .r, �JJU ;#f\:* (10 3 l -t�krJtl ml� I'.!� :J � In! l;/J jJ a il!!.·ff l 1&Fri" /1� if ij.\'
¾Ji� fft ii:ilx-t�#a<J .9'i 11 . f�iiEil&Jrr-1 t:t�li'iH�I (1<J L·1· it v!t o

微信:13522209444 131


Jltlill:1.ltJ::lkOO, Ji&�-'f-I99O&.µ:3119951µ:Ej l996".H[2OO2!.f J! p;(]",t11,t1IrJJ3tJJJ.1i:-'1'-m\:•f!j• ( ili�"J, 1:!iti-HI L
ft-!?, , 'It;== YM/Fil11fu)1j ).!fL:ltgJ%1MIY�{t·li'f iSl o �1t;ff),;:ifill:J:;f1119891,l�t'l<J!/&�illfi-X-t tti1ii{*JJ�HIY o iclh!l'1T�.i:t:1g
a 1} l:t o

tt����ugoo:&1t:xm�·�:/1k�(IY' ���� r!:.ftl40%ir:;(-, U:t'el¥l:iill'i1\·5t:7-J41�{t,fil l:t!flc□YU:tk


00 Ej �ifi,W- u��EIY-lt:t-k 001W�I• *lillmt1f�ft' Jl.;{,f l:t�. '.ll:f Utr (IY �ITTJ-1' JJ,xrn 11'.iff:lrnt1n1 f�J �ftJ}Hf)- (J<J J.:

fl-:vJtf ll1f, a l:t�t� fig;ff),;:-(:£ !fil--1' mt fr}] J3t IAJ � ITTJ:lJiXm Z.li1J 80 Jnfft �� o - /llt*i.fl, ITT] l'l;f-1'f �{U11 lt�Ml n- f�,
i1H.J..$t��ft, f,.&J§-ll}�l:t�. �t'�-\J:l..11Jl;,(-JE3tfU11tt��tbEl*�, ;;f:cJ:;i!;J,:i:�lt�$U1� 0

*P-M� 1117 Ei 1989�;f!;I l:t, I 99O1H\02OO2!.f I 241�1ic1JJi 1' ;;f Iii.] llll*(I� Ji 1'� fl'iJJJi!Htf 3fl-:l1JJ.% JJHft#H':E�
'.7t lt-Jrffii fl�3tft.
,tf.H,lil;lfl:00. :(:1.: I 990i'f!� l99s&cµP,J-]l'aJ. =1'J�Tfi(i03V-_gJ/;i;-fft,ff Ji1.�7"fll�, �11ilfill�ffllifJ 5%. El :,jl:Jf{ ,,,t
.fil�l3ilfu�-t!lrll1{!7 ¥J7.S%. fITi:9HHW1'JJixrlH10.!fL�J/JHftm/Fff J:ij�, W:!J.f.>f J;11�.ID..f11'1r..�lr.l�==�-tlri:St.:¥i1ff
�� 7�J 1.5%%112%.
Jtxr-1'111l-¥JH I996�.¥.2OO21¥)i1ii�, .R1f 13 *-m%1'10.!fL.l:1:JJr,--ff)-r!fJ_,'u!.""f11�7. J'.15%. EjZ.*flBE, JMtl!.
»-£rffAg.!fL:l:'g)}Jfft;/111J:fl·7 m��Jj;-fft.W.�J:l��TS%, �aim.ro�l1�74%, 1!.=3�>flii-J.t/Jm72% o

ft4fXf:E 19961:I='.�2OO2�FJ%"'¥R-tleJ 1/;JJJ!.liJ)}Jfft�-L�tMJ!l'.fii:;lc, :ktr.iJ-•,'_1/ � 7 11 %0

-�-Z . 00:tl/i�(i<.J Ji 1'lJ!XrfH1<.J Jj;-�,fft�ff :t'H� ::k:£:rr- o ��£ Jf riT fi�� i=il �£rn (10 .A □ !/&J d: 5¥flffr't/J!N-(J<.J
Ifs�-:L1 lfr -n' I'.ll: (J<J o

;1y13· ,,!;i, i'I': ( Jt "1'117"P 166)
�, ffi.f'l.{��l;1;J�**rif lU.:-(:£�� 11,m+r1l-J!lll'!{J:Jtf/lk. 'l.lUf.iJt �-'�<.! (Ff,eH11i1Ht:FJII, -0!Jll7-JH-tlffi�-¥¥Jt
@¾. Jt1;-i:/11fJf�fJ-1:J<1"/i\fil @I (1<.Ji-!:l(�;;f}'E5t o filf'�,ff �-!1fl£�4/cl. ff!,itii<HIH.liirr.lt[fil11 Ill!.!. ;;f :i.fffi �;;f
� ' lflffiffl� 1'/fJ nJ

132 微信:13522209444
Test 3

X r11 Lt�ili 1�¥i±l!!.:iiUll T �;fil 1 �i!i+� 0 tr,.'/,d

' �jJ-1H/.!'i/R' Hi·rt.;-_l: i!l.1-T -@-JfiltflU11'FJ"/ l,R' (.b!.�@tf�;;f ,W.
.ffi:, 7.liffftn®3i.:muJJt:w:.

�mf'l:Jt(l�;J-r�J::.\t: The chart gives information about the percentage change i□ average house prices in five
different cities located in live different countries over 12 year period between 1990 and 2002 compared with the
average house prices in 1989. .Sj JJ.lUl] § The chart below shows in formation about changes in average house prices
in five differem cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989. *fl Lt, 7-l¾:;fifillfi Ji.;
.tl:lll.Ji-�'.Q'' tE[Jq:;k:��(ilJll;flil]' !1!!.1.�;f11fi)f�x1-�J.::/fll;l.ih!J/2j1:)!f!E!;. �nM!:J!'.MiLlJ!:j','.:jBlJJl!W!. w.itr�J('.��ij_r;[
1mJt:f}-. LtJmnJ ��.:ii;.z,.ill(: The bar chart displays the changes in the prices ofavcrage houses in five different
cities ( namely , New York, Madrid, Tokyo, Frankfurt, and London) in the period from 1990 to 2002 .

* ;t;nr 1�. l.ilZ �mtri* � •m � t1:-1ar� . r 1r.11 a<1
Jill t,','i�. 199O1:r-, 1iI 199s1¥w11aJ • 3i �:v-&rl1 (111 J#fil"1e1t:f:f :tt'I
.,;r -g.:A:-mi�. EI 1ilJ n-H�i,ll�H.ic J!r!:tt'I ��r 11:t n��rn/Jr a�it�1f!; . JA �J1Jf1,H&ix�o -t118.t•1if� rt;-�ru-11 %11
];!Jt'!i!l!OifftH�..t�� , r&Ji5�Ji;Jil:, ·ff::¥J(;f1Jfllgl�J%fftl'l�rlltfr, JHllJJA;j{Ef ,Ht1Jfl � �i0JIo 1996t.'f-�2OO2W]fa] tll.
±!Hr�fl;,(A<J'.ll.l::lfil. ;'t� 1:t�tJ.i;J.i!.:(1<J?:G.:1tUK:Jj(J%fil"l'l�r11�), r,,/\JREJ°it11!!.11!1�:IJ&ffi l'.l<J..t��, t.?imt�·�(1<J::k/J,
)119if=f:!'1���({1:;¥.l(:, i:ll.�, :fl,ii[11J!ifil�!�}'U/7i).


Jr-. =
1Elm 1r'iJffi iJt i!@�Jr-nJ fm.fil FR JJ�m(1� A 1=i 8itt ;fflJYf ffi?N-(191% JiH&:W:Nf�jil@o i! � =f 1m1 !l!t�.@ , it}
wm11JtiJi. :rlt�-�*ffx�*:i1Hf��!Mt,'i:i£, ;;fYl2.&!-iffiiJ3=:x!\f.o<JW·Vt:fn1:1Jlflro

t lfi·1f 5Hlr
Hl iiiJ: :ii.:Xfoi)'(f;rl'IlJJTI in.I 1:t�;(JI�
· C Mt). *�1e1!:.11<JJ::J+ .R1t-1-i91 i.f,J: increase. *ffirl>$. iliRtT
decreaseo )t;Ji;*ffiJ: :rl-(1%/J if,Jif1f: rise, grow, go up, improve, climb, boom�1ff,, *ffir�l'I<Jz;/J in] �ff:
fall, drop, dip, go down, decline, reduce�tl o
�1'1:(:E:tlHRJ.:f,l!(��J.:iZH'FH/}: 1=i J: fl·, rl�:tHc(ilJ�tlrliltJii'iJ consideraply ( lm.fr:Jtl!., -m-� 'r/i�, J1i.-J;1
considerably), significantly( .luU�;:JI!!.), dramatically( l!J:l.!u!JI!!.)o
t.trtl�: i
:i!tliix1;U-1<Ji!i¥;J l:t!Bc�f.'f:C 71t)o
while?, \�EJ{j*�xf Lts<J:l)(ilfJJ., 1,J(�=®:)
as 'I I -B'< (I'� ,/)j( 111 :!kif.-).A 1'iJ ( m ll.!WJl: )
It is clear that... 1VHllHJ9¾· · · · · ·
Ln contrast... Ej z)!'fl) j .. · · · ·
t>r-iHl-h�: �=®:��= 1n] � while'/ 1-B', 1-J ),A 1iJ. :f f:iM.l!JLfili: 1.iJ, !1i.W:.:f11J:-1i] i:;li-fl-}1:, HJJiIITB�1iJ%illl
/J.lt:i.iV%; TIJi::ir.·��while�J�howeverl1Ji;but, JJll.z.JJiKTTf t:

,ffj,;J(:1%J:!!IJ: a wide dilTcrenccs, ,@.;:l:,wide differences.
± m-i'X: the five cities whicb illustrated in this chart, w. ::1-J the uve cities illustrated in this chartli,lc; $1- the
five cities which arc illustrated i□ this chart
iff.J: Ln New York it increased considerably by 5 percent, in Madrid it increased slightly by 4 percent, in
Frankfurt it increased by 2 percent. .= 1-.:1:: �i1� i�;j:l;J(1�W:i-l\-J1':$irJ(:1�11tf�, JftjJ,l;jf zli'iJ@it.1Jl1and.

微信:13522209444 133
lhf;$ : London has lhe largest increase in the average house price over the 6-year period from 1996 to 2002 ...
�ti',l�l'JY'./&-l»}t111Jldt}&.cl*. -t/,\:l&(1(Jn,J-�@:itrn-11JUji�fl.t( London had the largest...)


►Tjf )@"
Jill El ifflli�: x�1&A1Jllt.��r.!;(1(;)i:-/7,il0-1111ITHIJl:fill'.E [f'l::'1 1 /J[,ct(1(;. l1slJltT11tlli:t!�J3t�-t A�1ii\(J(;J(�
tJI 1i�J1B, 1w�@IH�.-<,- Wfl_: YE T.11:: 1 1 , �JH!f.:riUJ M.? x•J=- f !fr:.ff !Ji T>IE iJl. M-'f T fHUJ 11 /J£ (1(;J!llf'F(:HrrJ��UJtJ:
nf iJ. '¼FA\?
*•�-�knT*t��ma.• �T�tllitc)J(•��m�OO.Bfflk�T•TTttm.�m�•e�
-'f20Q6{F IOJ] 28 '9-:(f I I I lli!*l�ltot·.i.1. tt:,w:*)ffi7fT ,w-t ltiJ /l2:ln.1 �Iii]�: -:Ji/: T 11=#Jifc)J(a(;�JJl!!&7;k:Tl]/Jf>®�­
JR, =�(-f1ITJ'.;ff'i\J.!Llfijg6.J.t;).;{fil .x;f"f:,j.:Jlli*ibL 'flillli�;tfll,r.�, ;(1-J:�1il.f!.n.1¾:fT1 ri,.'Ulr,ifi]f[:f11:$til:;, illi'F
��{f:::(1:J.!lllir<-�.=.-tfii'J&i't<Jnct{�f'��i�f,fl/i'.&1J:�fiJffrf.o lWf�.=.-t/'oJB, 1T:i!f1-��!Wl(fl:t1Jlfli1/c: .. r.,A.
ffJx,tTf1:i� )E(J(;JYJil��¥(,�.fl.,\l(1<J?" "ffr-;{=f J:A )(1 r. i'Fr,UiXXJ!IJ'!<JWl.filfl.;(:f �:;kf1(;Jl.,\l��5u" ".llll�IHtfifr;f-f
(1%1 Txtj· l�I c. (1(; T-�r.111�f1Jnll1fi:, :i.2\:fcFFIYJUJ1.'f;fT�:fJ\\'.'k?" "ftJ'!WJffr1'T ffl r../illx-tT.11:tlli:'CTtE�:kt'.lWLl::.;lM1...ll
�a<p "��n)] '�. �-@Jfilfff{,i'fll,Ff;HJ�;p,jlJ;ti'J(j f,\fu�

Ej f1,: ,W, !Mr

;,j,:Jt'.!l[i,,H-��n·fiir:(:ET.fl:, 1 I 1JJHti-r�lJE &JtTTf fitl: o 5(,t=f 1l.ii Fl ,-1, (1<JWI1'l11l!l2:l, it iiEll:J'�;j.:J.: TTf t:J.�t.ll�J }J
ITiPf·f}tl( � o tfi-&l:fr'TI 1y1 fi' tfi .± Im . :HJIB El I I 1 (t9 M(l&-f'J:X �i'; Jlll i;J "&'EI n.tJib1l:ff f,i'j-'!.l l'IY :tt JE. � nJ]T f'Ftilli;m
f:ft-H-t .A$11.\(1<Jif£Wt'.£ 0 f*-.lriiiJ t:J.:(f*=l31:1Hfrl!IJ��11;1:;lt1i w1=f' Jn r1tT. � I l1 �JHtHIJiJE �T>I� HY&/:Hf nf
t:J.HHIH},l{r .61 T.)(,j 'f [ff-r�XJ/r£ /1<J Wl 1�HE filJ �tWi J:TIJ t:,,( � .00, lt!l; W-l�HIJ :im� �11� :tt! El<J � lfil . W.1!HHJr�11
frrJ� iiJ fi�4l:rl· T. ft�-� !lt.

EU£iff��{�.A l1�1f �qn Tft' (ll!.1 f l;/-EtE�@T.ff-J:(1(;n,t1i1Jlt fmlH'� )]fr i;J.-1-}_J(,J·T i=I d i:JNtYft

:);itt'f)E�).in.Jll-/1\ Jt<AM n c�m li(;,�.14-i:l�st' l!IJlt T. li:fiili.0:J:il:A<Jliffl5(•t'f:c>f-fl7if�(1<JJ�rilt�.X:fil�.

E'lT nJ i;J.M,1[',!�1Tlfii�1�UJ1:rillL�JJt I� St' --tA�t '}2'.:li!:1�111!. f�a<J T.-ft-1iffl" fiHH+H1J}!7:,ill:' rrr t:X(:E
.1!1fliiL.t ;;¥J t'l<J.i:EiliiJ.i11U,.,Jt:16!ill�- o .1111:W:.Gl T.:w:1tHtk(1y Tft1T W1-f fl:�n.lt�1�{*(t<Jt�7Jf, M.11ii:J.�d1H1H\xfJ9.
r fM,t�1i rvtJM:� o ;ltjj;:, �.A ff J•i�JfJ.im.i:U-f'iiJll'':i},f:JL� ltkff Jf1(;t.i!zftjgriJ VJ 1!Jfll L�:iilJJ,lZ�.@-1'!(; rfi. JJ[I¼��
!��111���. JfX1H-j!t�Ji'UsJJ� □ r1<J o 111 IIA.E.JUi!:: Titfttf*(1(;!/=1 im1:1� L1L1r W1=f T.if.ril!l�1Jt. 1;1;111 fr\'.l!'J�� !'11HUfl
1W 11.IJ . >;£:rt r. i'F'E. ff; )(.j =f Hi [IA.(1(; .i!f1T: !�.frl.i', lJilU� llLfi!H.l! 1fH,ll/ tiJlUM it'G
�r.t. JJ:,r-:R:ffi.1-Ar.11�_;£]': T.1t i'll.�(1<g,i1ff .Fl\'.;t �:1J-l� Ir i!F� Arr: fll!.ff JtiM�f1J(i<.i ,�W�t�1Tlliirll:,N
11-¼-IB;:j?f.. ;f-fll•tf!)!, 1J'.t TM.4l�l'l(;Tf'Ftllli�.ii'i1-t111!.ff l11Y.Jifijg. Jl.1H:rfr-ltl!.fr l(iYntl'l -�T11::lli:;lsi.:inizl*. ,Jj
W5-:��H�, .!::j;lt ��-,/HW*T:f'\"::tpi.J:tJ:l:il'., ,f-�11 �1fil�'1'j&fJ1RHl� J,:1:i�. !

ff[�, E!llfil!ffr;fcft'I<Jfft T�:kTTTfilH:ET.i'F rj, Xil!n:.�fllt��f;. fJi:f:&1'JiA,Jg"(-Ef1:MTfj:: I 1f/f:�1�J-:Jl\��!'1(;T11:


�(1%"':t T(E:!E:*:mll�.fl...llT.11:nlli;t'.1:JJf.

134 微信:13522209444
Test 3

Jf�JdIQ: it ffr
�iHJH-51.iBXJill 1=1-f:tll: rh WHfll:5-H.f:lr»t : :&1J� ·m :!;H9 l�;:l£liiJ;f11� ff--�:;:Jt Mi� 1'0] 1iJ Ii.tJUfr� 1rJ o )(.J-':fJill1§1 rr
r1%1;l£1rJ, -AA:;(:£J'C:i'lU19:JF:5Jdlii'�. ii!i.i.:.ti&EJ;f11-tt.JcJm IV- lilllilZ. J-1 .:l:i;jl'.Ell:3/ts95Hfr1111 �'.H!ll:W:o �ffilffi El rj,(�J
Mil£1iJ�: As most people spend a major part of lheir adull life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of
individual wellbeing. ( .k J, ttAA.'f- 1c. if.a!J .kt11 �'-lit iuJ :l/11.:1t,,(£ .L•fj; 'f J.it:i±, lliJ itt.L1f � � /Jt.:it.1-A t ;i#,�
:-t�j.JlA �1�o) �J&-1-11s!*x*(191ru =-f o 1:h��E1911t1�. 1-JT W:-tvi.lVYJT.11=riiiit11tM-t-A:;f-1iiifl'�!'.i:'fk
tt.m�t�t•ffe•�� "*�•A���m�*W*��-��T.����" �1r.Jmmfirm.�•-r
:5-} A� ffi A9 7C .gil'.5} flt i'iiJ o *r *
full-time jobslV-.&thc proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high , ·lh. JJ;,lt�Jl.fljl:W,iYi 7 T.� i!:, *fi'il
t'l<J feelings about one's jobt'}--'f-;li!job satisfaction, Trrihow an individual feels
about his or her life as a whole�f=f;Jlkindividual wcllbcing o �J(�.if-{fflj: 1-{�1i'ilmlii o f!:filfl �individual wellbcing,
r't'Oti&Jiltthe wellbeing of that person o

)'(:r;,l�=IB!:(1<;tt;;ftJ �l:'i11·r1'ulJJI.Jm�. )(,j"-=f-Jm1:11 N1<J�-1-fnJJill: Whal factors contribute to job satisfaction?
.:l:WfiJVfdJtT i!f:lujOA<J@I�: Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways. mr*:iftli\l-i*itiiE: firstly ...
secondly...also ...also.... LIL�:lf::M.ll!l1-1fiTfi.ii!:fiii-ffr: ..1:'ifl (19.tEiiii Li�. :Jif11UJ9*:i1.!:, lfil l!AV:! Imm.I?, '7rl llA.';}H:E
/� %1 Li'..iJiU,, o

iw=, ll!IIBtfrffr,
tF.ii'it"X-t-r T�ril/i�3£ (1<JJVH;yY:E fftJ:':'};f!i!Jt..l: "iiT J:J� JJl\"� -ltiJ,'mHYII�·{�' ;;jl:J'C*m 7 il:zv-fl!Jj,�fl�
�=:IB1:J1il:tv� . .:l:�5-HJr���;frtml�t(J(_j�ll·Eo rJ1.::P:§JH!iMYl.lll�, 1Nlt ffiix�:$�¥tiT. -ft:�
� , M.I� i:p �1# ri!Ji JE. m 1/11 J:�1:J &.�l3t , ry� �p {9:! �IIJlt , {�r� TTf lV. :iilb:H�l&1£.f'H/lfJi11I1JII *T.fHilJ.i:'@';/J[ o

j, �*§ 1:t ;j:Jr

.fil�-?S ifiJ.&P.HR:
job satisfaction .X.,ff i� :fr, Jt. individual wellbeing 1-A.. :f � positive feedback .iE.oo &..1�­
sense of fulullmeut AttEi, sense of progression �,i1] *llr sense of belonging �3}i\,�
sense of responsibility fr1£ti sense ofloyalty .t.1ill� resentment and insecurity ?JHft;fl,;f-4;-��
m ifiJ-f11ntrt:1'19 �tF1t,
J'Ct.IB9f'�,I'.,, i/i]j[job satisfaction ( ..L-/f � �.11 );{EJ'( rj• fn I:) T igJ if/J=J'¾Hfc'.: get ( 1t./l), promote Ut¼),
contribute to ( � JJ/J f') , lead to( .li'-i.t). increase (J\l\' /Jo)
is very import.ant in this respect (·· ....,(£it� ifu ./ll j[ �) is also encouraged ( ......./.1j-J1]J!ffiiJ)
there is ( � � ......) contributes to ( ;;f;j' JJ/J -t · · · · · · )
is also increased ( .. ...../1fJ1 J.:f>'liiti)
( 1) It is unlikely that... .. ... ·:::f :lcT ffi� o {yljlnj:
It is unlikely that a nation would choose war if its goals could be met peacefully .
-/lo ;lJl - -t 00�� m # nit tij .iiii.i± ifl> -t-NJt .itA , -r
1111 ¼ � :k. fit½ �#=&Ji. 4•· o
(2) lt is not unrealistic to... ......�_g;;f;:flll�l't<J. 1j1J'll]:
lt is not unrealistic to expect individual nations to make the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy.
(3) If the factors identified above are implemented, then... �1l:!,lttJtm1J (1(_J�j,ftfl�{!'J,"flj�Ji11I, 1m1:, ..... .. iY�'llJ:
If the factors identified above are implemented, then we will be facing a more promising future .
微信:13522209444 135


·(:E�-i110-. �·'@' �irffl F-1 c.JHefo w-.�1:jJ,•f�}. rirn·trJH�-ff,f;/L/�. 1fHIJ.1J-iJti.f�,, n11aL Jl!!.,1!J�:;\;·
i:ii:11L®,o ;lf'@'�"f3!HHlll��·_j:.(:f½�J::g. t1t=. ftffi.!.!l)-t11Mf:l:X:ii1r,WJ/lkJHIJl'fi] o

Cold weather
.I. Have you ever been in very cold weather? ( Wl1en?)
Yes, I have. l went to the Harbin which is a big city located in Northeast of China in the winter a few years ago
for my sister's wedding. I'm someone who hates coldness then I got a really bad cold. But luckily, the wedding
was nice.
coldness J¥)t- bad cold� 'i{/

2. How often is the weather cold where you come from'?

ffltt!5: 1,1:#i#,� k�t �'J:_;t,--;J:.? .tll.ti-4-/i'-A.a!J� � ;r-i;;'J, � ¥:f'l• t-tf#J@J$ o �A.61-J � � �-$­
*�*�. �§A.#J� f �I*�LX.
1 'm a local here in Beijing where we have a clear division of the four seasons, which means we would
nom1ally have several months of winter every year.
locaJ.,I.Jl!!.A clear division 'lf-r�llr/JH!Jf}

3. Are some parts of your country colder than others? (Why?)

5�tt!5: � •r 00, �� �§.It� ;t.Jtitl!.:11!!.� �·? 'r OO�ll:.),:, ,��bill..& � ?,./,!l}I Jl. �$-�"i'-M lil a!J ot
-��m•����*�•�-���4���M• **�.lt-�&T#.����-�tOO�.lt•
,fi._i. � filj' J!-� {r-J iJllJ.t #.�-
Yes, of course. China is such a big country with huge space for its huge population. We do have areas in
different geographical altitudes. I'm not really an expert on this, but I think the territory or China expands to
areas called · tropical zone', 'moderate zone' and · subfrigid zone'.
huge population e. -:k a� A tJ geographical .lt!i.!I B'J
altitude �:lit. � lit tropical zone ;¼ {f. 1K
moderate zone 1'�$ 1K subfrigid zone .3E�{f. lR

4. Would you prefer to live in a hot place or a cold place? (Why?)

-���/i'-A.$ff,���-��-�. ��A��-•
136 微信:13522209444
Test 3

I personally prefer warm places, for really simple reason, because I just cannot stand the coldness or winter.
Plus. though l'm not sure about the reason, people in hot places arc normally slim. Perhaps it's because !hey
clo11·1 have good appetite and cat less.
warm place i£.llj: il�:/t:71 cannot stand ;f:. 5'l: "f!.. �
appetite \l1 P


;lfi1f�ftJ; 1t-�l�i!,f.W l�·(CueCard) t· 1 1°.1T I 7)-'rl1HIH�·ll•tlill, j-j'-11J�Jl/t.('[ic(�·1�f£'�.-l;- 1J::_�:fllfLO �Fn

::t'Ll::_�f�l-27)-t,1 �(jj¥');:i£
;.lj-.1=.iWic/R . �·1\{'<Ji,ltA;·�J::.(1<Jf1Ttif1J-1�-IJJ-j),\i1'�'11.:XJn]Jill. 1l1�· J:_fi\xf,\'j'J.\'.:pil*,

Descrihe a competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sports competition) that you took part in.
You should say:
what kind of competition it was and how you found out about it
what you had to do
what the prizes were
and explain why you chose to take part in this competition.

► 1%@-j,;-lJt.�J,Ej
.. f,tcrf:@ i;/J''-� Jt;@,��!J:l;f, ·.:l5·f& 11 . Ji' I Ufl� il;JJN �!�"f!L'.l!,,l; ik::.1-�il0- �WiJ&�-i'iifi·/l&i J.:-(1<Jfl,tl�\1,'iW
n 1
rl::('.Uill W;:J< . :ttff J�11'1i.i£-l� l-t:J,f \ (compctitio11)1(ij7G.)i:d.W 1Y11'1(J-J1i1.i64/J(sporl activity) {n.Jci'i::Ul l{nJ, .@i;/J
� ifi� I� (1(] Wt ilfl-./tllfil .f'l'liill (i'� . J::. -f {¥Hili i;IJ J'l<J r I iWM M Ji£11lf!J.l :.IJ 1 1;_ &:·%I� ?.M!1,:;t-lK@+J (J<J

-�flfil Let me talk about a badminton competition I 100k part in last summer.
J,1.fiiJ Last summer, the student union organized a badminton tournament in our college. Posters of this
?!lm competition were all over lhe campus.
For this badminton competition, I had to prepare some basic equipment: A racket and many
i'l=iiiJ badminton balls. Badminton rackets look a IOI like tennis rackets, but they arc much more delicate.
it� The ball is called birdie. The birdie has a small rubber half a ball on one end, and it fans out with
feathers on Lhc other encl to help it to ny.
ttiff The prizes for the tournament arc awarded to l sl & 2nd place included: up to ¥500 cash. value
�lil/J barbecue coupon forY200.
I always love to play badminton especially in the summer time. II is a game I really enjoy, so play ii
whenever l can gel a willing partner Jt is a lot like tennis, but I can play badminton anywhere. I do
not have to go to a tennis court to play and l can play in between classes without gelling sweaty. 11 is
;/;JfiiJ a game that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty or exercise playing badminton. The main rea�on I
*1JQ chose this competition was that everyone, man or woman, has an equal chance to compete. There arc
so many sports that require height or strength to be good; it is refreshing to play one that l have an
equal opportunity lo wi11. Maybe that is why I got very competitive and energetic when I played. J
love the game; it was fun and rewarding, and J felt alive when playing.

微信:13522209444 137
► ill ls""( iEJ/ti]
tournament �t�, t�#� racket 11( ;fa
birdie �;J-t;1jU1� i;Jt rubber half a ball V/t}&11!-.tlt
ran out #J tr tll -i!t- barbecue coupon � t;!f 1-\;; 111: #
wilLing partner Jit f!-11: 6�:jtj:;j=JI tennis court l«l J.1t#;
rewarding :f.f � a�

�=:;�Mt: �[ri] itil?:( 4~S5H1l1 ),l;·'�-�A;·1£ni1t1t1l1'A";=1r115:ti'.l I 11! 11:AEr10-� 1:ttil':l1l1¼/.11<.Jlr.llm:i1Hr iti'i?:o
m -=:tMH<J ii�lm.JJkMm=,�M}-.JtJ,1�-1�1,/;J zr'.AY1i1-l'..f1H1i�

Competitions in school
I. Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities?
-�tt�:�������&�♦ �"·-�i;l;?•��•������•��-��"*!l.t
I think one important responsibility of teachers is to promote the students' desire to be someone strong and
prepare them for the future. Competition never sleeps. This is an awareness without which anyone joining lhe
labour market would not succeed. It's always belier to realize the cruelty before the students get shocked in
the future.
promote !l:itt awareness iA i}l.
labour market 'Ji #1 7J W :lh get shocked ii.U'Hff.

2. Do you think it is a good U1ing lo give prizes to children who do well at school? Why'!
1n6HH1f *!l.t "f v-Af!.A1l .:it-J-1n<rl1 i;I; jJ (motivation), t iM;r-!IJ:-1!!.,,l;tf ary. 1f•Hc": .:/t�1fl½if!Adh � Jtl'
'&' ( chase material possessions).ex. :ti-.�- lfH. � �-lt J,!11, � (realistic).
Yes. I do think so. For one thing, people by nature make all their efTorts to gain the most pleasure and avoid
pain. Children love games and having fun indeed, and they hate study. So if a child achieves something a1
school, a prize will apparently enhance his or her sense or sa1.isfactory, which has always resulted in constant
good perfonnance. For the otller, U1ose children who cannot gel the prize would feel I.hat they want U1e same
d1ing. Then prizes become a strong motivator for U1em.
by nature �•Ii. ;is: 'Ii pain flfi-/if-
apparenlly !iHUtl!. enhance 711151 • Jfl I¥.
sense of satisfactory mf ft. tt constant#�/!�
motivator #1 j:J

3. Would you say that schools for young childnm have become more or less competitive sinc1.. you were thnt ag..:'?
-�tt�:OC,(£.M·�����m���£�L•�♦ --?����-tl-*q:�f�������
n;J- r J,!11,,(t. WJt-r1n,(f. ::f: -Jx •� im 11�-; aiJ 1.£. }1 ·1»; -1hi. :ll=1'liJ >'t..i!.][ ,m fl9 "school'' 4l-1 MJ �-H}'.:, cp q: ii.. ;ff:, ,i, .
I would say, as far as I know, schools in China have become more competitive. Children in primary schools

138 微信:13522209444
Test 8

arc requested by their parents and teachers to learn the knowledge for secondary school students. only as a
preparation for their future school entrance examination. Once they pass the exam, the vicious circle
continues. Secondary school students spend a huge amount of time doing studies much beyond their
capability. It was not like this when I was a child. I had more fun and more time to enjoy myself.
ptimary school ,), i/:. secondary school 'f' �
entrance examination A��;;\'. vicious circle � •Ii 1/a :&f-
beyond capability ;ti! tl:i ttE -JJ "te. IN

Sporting competitions
I. '.A.'hat arc the advantages and disadvantages of intensive training for young sports people?
�R]iltJ:5: .i!_jL, J;�fil!.AJJ a intensive training-:k3!.l.it. i11I i :t.'111 {bl:rktt.�i-lfrti!l � 1 i!.Jl.iE.Ji.. iti,t.MJ
�M.�±��¾M•�-T��A tM,.i!.Jl����*�AM.�*i��T-.�����«
ll}I ro e-Jl/i'-fl.1l·i:t(layman), /���JQ..�.tt.�, -�+A'..�{{I-M;�1;t
I'm only a layman in this field, so 1·m no! so confident of judging whether there's any advantage or
disadvantage. I could only answer the question according to my own knowledge. 1 think if intensive training is
necessary for a particular sport, it's better to start early than doing ii when someone is not physically qualified
anymore. There normally seems to be a short career life for sportspeople, perhaps an early start brings a
lengthened career.
layman f1 :rl- 5X physically qualified tl· �J:
career Iife l!)( � 1:. iJl lengthened �-¥:: !f.J

2. Some people think U1at competition leads to a beller perfom1ance from sports stars. Others think it just makes
players feel insecure. Wh�t is your opinion?
-�ltJ:5: :t ♦½{ii::!�. RJl �Al.JJlUt-lfr, j£Jl ½14:.it!!.117 i!.ti(;f 4:-¼!i'! :t4'-sl} *Lt.jJ, i.lt� J.EfJ :r.ti1:.�#J
I agree with the latter view. Personally I think laziness is an inborn nature of people, and only could we make
progress when thcrc·s strong pressure and rnotivalion for success, or even the threat of being punished for being
a loser. Competition is a good and effective approach to force one lo pursue greater achievement and greater
latter Jf; iii 0� laziness ·ltll ·til
inborn nature Jc •Ii loser 1.k J& -tf
approach it� , -=f &

-��!5:··���:t ♦
3. Do you think it is possible to become too competitive in sport? In what way?

it:¾- m w �.Alf.

No, never. If we find something ve1y or too competitive, it seems we are either not qualified or even
incompetent or there arc people who arc equally competent or even stronger. I would say irs a good way to
motivate people, I mean, to motivate some people, because there arc always someone who are incapable of
taking responsibility and facing threats. And irs the same for spo1ispcople in their search for the infinity of
incompetent 5t fiL/J l'l� equally 16)#:ltl!.. fiil �1\¥.
motivate JUh incapable 7C. �E jJ D�
infinity 5t rn humankind A.�

微信:13522209444 139
Test 4


�J]Jtx•tiMi�.:E�rJ.1�;6!;-1' 11 *::kf,'/�lUt:�fl:tE �,Jl!!.AJ<Ill. �-¥=-t3i:ff(iJi':l<-rll'�: 1 !:_f:Hi•i(J� r.1t-A.!kihJl'iiJ

f �1!!(1�-tA#Lf!.i:J.&bll!Mf:HN1<., '�)]< ,M=f !¥1�1:* iJ/.. :!tt{.E�-t3i::S'l-1mtt--tf.m:(1�ii: !J1.J]; tt$Jc�fH1� If� J-1
iill1JA rt43c tl: Ili:-tA Jri,�. 1l! �A� 1\!L� l r.H.11-=f ;i:1 g(t :YI-A . !Yr i:.MJ.UJHJ: Y£ � tl!i..A.iiC(I!. !IZ, �.ITT-11J 1ifiij)c � )j
:YI-. �iSl l'R''?::tfM£¥411!.!f:J:T1�� (1<.JA�. Ji r,t.;f:�-lt%frft N*Ji!;, I.kl Jgftl.i.ff1 k�9.!:tHt��lH\:(�Jl�H:ll:.
�x-ttJ:1 !11:t.�l'Itfti, wr¾1J

homcstay n.寄宿 preference 11.H�f; f;/�j'.!\;

enrol! 11. llii-7' , il:Jn vegetarian 11./ a. �it::t 5(:f,·( (I�)
advanced English ,.�:jil,f,)!f j;/f handball II. �fjR

cricket II. t&J:R squash II. \).tf:1<

rugby II. �:t\�+filJ-:j( baseball II. j;/�Jjj{
football 11. �;i;UJ!Ufu.f:R sofiball II. �.fiR
soccer ice hockey Y}(J",l<

I. Could you spell your family name for me? fili.til• 4\M-"f 1(j: <r-1-H.�•2,•1 :lit:-i¼ 'f ;tf �Ll J thrUA''-ii ",fl,'' ,g "Mi
2. And you're how old? 1fi;J k 1? ;i!/4i]ili(l�'il:'i�•fftff;J: And how old are you? ff!:ffl:tfi-1 Wl·'1 1, f��;rl 1 1'!fil(itj
IOliJcr- i'.10 trY l)UI� � o
3. ... and how long arc you planning on staying with homcstay? 1fi:tr.J1-.�-m i-Js:atfaJ? .ig: 1ii]i;f,lj1,ly�IJ'Z�.:>;J
"plan on doing"(l0ftrnc o
4. rve enrolled for twenty weeks in Lhc... um...Advanced English Studies because I need help with my writing ...

140 微信:13522209444
Test 4

and rm nearly at the end of my first rive-week course. �;/F1..,£ �nu 1 20 /1i] 6� ;&j .tll *i¼iJ!Lfl, ffil 59 � ·,-.I'; -�.t'l
� �a!i .'.fi 11'4.Hl'. i1rJ Jl�-tHt )K,�iSJ� MJ c1: .J:J T l)IH1-M1<J i.9:'1't1f K{HIT. Jc ;�Mh�!f'�� 12Jlil
5. I like reading and going to the movies. .:Jt_;j.�k. -w, .:f'i ,fu � ii!.-ifj '"like doing"-Hf (1<JQ:-Vt :1ld�l; "like to do"
4-:f (1<J �� 11iii if xJ.: fM! o
6. Now let me go check on the computer and see who I've got...Listen, leave it with mc...�,!f. <l?.JJ;i;_l:.it-r, ;;ff
;tfiit;tf½i!.a!i t» L 3t�-.:1�•e., .ii1r.J1J 1 '·now"H.fil:i/{· U11J"

r� i)!1J ,1:111ii,11.m11t t'.il: W-M

1-6J�JI-1-rm 1r1 □<i 1-A rn .1'...l;&
I. E�X�"And your first name? It's Keiko. K-E-1-K-O'" ii:1:'.'.i:'.Jtllfr1)'.i .iiTJ(t<J� 1�·, t�Fri Jlj:iifr '7;/:J:(1<J!Jt·i� o �UJ!,-IJ
ii\ 1 1·•�,7\-�fl',Jl4
/ ill:W-iK-Jll!(1<JJd;, Jl!!.� fi l�'!HE.t!.11�Jl.-H'.i,;*ifH1<Jit �r�t!JliJ.ti:"i'l
2. m{)t�" ...your passport number isJ06337" =15" 1 1°{1\!W£r?X11f!,')JE(v./l 1 ,m-.1m�*·
�{F.JJ/.'.-1':k tl::ef:: !ft�
,'['.�ii\:• 1· 1 ?£'/1\·{t: II\ :fll-Jl�i:!2-&.-'t; /;J:f'l<J 1➔ fiT1. -rut:k'r:J 111111f
3. lmX"About four monLhs...longer irI like it..." 1 1 1 "about'' 1 -1/Mi +'1 1 El<J "approx" .!i1 fi1l SI.. ifi] o :!IJ 5-'� �i:t.0:
4. J.mje'• 1·vc enrolled for twenty weeks in the ...um ... Advanced English Studies because I need help with my
writing... " 1I 1 "enroll"-�"l] t!L,'I: J'Jll �1:7 Jlli-F-'i I. �W. lt�5i:fiJJ, fQ:M•!l!'.rH1��t'l(Jic•Jitl.: !fft1�,.,\ym 1,, 11\.f.!i!
.i.1":::fil•�i{i-l�H't: general, academic;f11advanccd f}�H.f �rt:(J:1NSTRUCTORf/ti(Jl2Jffi4" 1 J 1.IJHIJU'i-f:JX,J
ifiiJ·•111-<1JMis���. mrtr�=rJx,nfliiJ ,;r,s-10,wr,<J�� -1' '.ll:-IJ;I J11-6iill:R:-1':.&-m. 1t,t�!,'J.1-JttI-f.itiJ 1
5. !Jii:X "I prefer... ! mean I like young children, buL rct like to be with older people... you know ...adults...someone
around my age." rj 1 ri1iHIT11-1-fff ,�. "I like young children"; Jri1IIT(19 " older people. adults...someone around
my age " Li rfii ;IJ!:,i±,e,S fn.@. J IJ;! :hfn1Jl2Jfn](!<Jff: !)if1Jii(,1J 11 I 19:11 fl·i,.
6. Jlii:X"Okay, and what about pets? rm a veterinarian so lhat"s fine ...lhe more the beuer." 'I• i�" ltl J; �l!!JI--t­
l�/-12i. [{rJ:.Jif:Jiix•t-h"?�!JtiJ"o rt:t/::1:fil·'ffaJ(J<J:M: if:liiXH(fJ·i�

7-I0/ill,f!fnJ�Jlfil o fiiJ�J1t.iiB<J!j�J°-lUiHl'..��f�, Tf!iY!1J. !tlJ.1,FJll1Hlr'i,J 7-M.f:l�. iill:iJJ,t1i,J ft iiiJ;fn�traJr,\1JinJ�iftnf

IV.J1llir�$1d;:f.t!. o
7. )Jf(>(''l'm nol a vcgctarian ...but I don't cat a lot of meat... I really like seafood." ij,;(T � f.i/;f;:f .Ll." meat", {Q.fil:)Jf(
x.x-tJ.t T IV. T1f ,.i: o
8. !Ji()t "Yes, I joined the handball team, but l didn't like that...so [ stopped playing. Now I play iennis on Lhc
weekend with my friends..." 1·1 �i"�ll!tV. Ti1i ·IT 'f=-J5J< . .fl,,\l (E-J"T(J{Jjik�JJ;j<''
9. !Ji()( ''I've been to the city a few times on the bus, bul they arc always lalc... l like catching the train...they are
much fastcr"1� �>'l 'i�:;,1:td-{"tf.f�·m·oxlZ o Jill! �'t�!.l!tJ!□'J)<. f",
10. J)r:)t'TII check my records and I'll give you details this anernoon. "11 illj]/lf([ 1#.�:R r 'nftkll! i;'(�flUf?;" .e!,o '·t11at
afternoon" ;f11''this aftemoon"M-1-�� /llli1HJJ1El f[l.:fib:1itr }'[- !JD11Jif(J. 1/sl Y-1 x,t-=f �'l:.1IH}i, �1-Mifi�V.J
j"jfj ft _!:I:: li<J,

微信:13522209444 141

1*V11¼fiUl//ftiUJ!.;:l;· i:a'. 1 l 1 =fl: 'i�"/;r .!A!.it<.J o .i!,�Mt:IJJ:-� ,\'f ilif �·J---1'i� �Hl<.Jfttn. :J.t 1NW .:&i� Im �Ji� (J<JJJj
it ' i�I)\:] l'.l<.Jf!�JJ!(;J:), & r J/Jtf � (11� �9-1:: fi�ill {T -� rt.:-ff i;,1:/i(ii; t14jl.! ,(f $(J9l,{!'.;pcf; ;\,17'1-£f 1T1 1i'IJ:Ut!r1J.lf,f117]< r;Hi
47' 1 1X:':7'c

bicentennial a. 200{1�(1<.J. 1�;�20011�(1(; synchronized swimming �ur�tlfft,k

demolition II. iM lvli : !� Jii; diving 11. rl,1h1J<
derelict a. MdltlfrfTl'1<.J ornamcnlal a. :\,Hin i'l'� ·r�
warehouse II. ,Q;J'ii sheet 11. .fflJlf?ir. 1),�

storehouse 11. ft/Ii�. +JWr mangrove II. CtMlfi'Hilijj� L�Fl<.J >tt.fwt

housing II. fl:};i} accessible a. T:iTJ:.1.il!:A(i<.J
complex II. �dt( (ifeffi-1i) '.
boarclwalk II, ,f-,:,f'&/#r
fomial park ld-r.W.�ll) (J<.J JL /iiJ 1¥1 %..{fi J.,l (J%� lit! rar end lli;iiM
feature n Jl!!.Y,1 .
Jl!!J� refuge n.1�Hl'1 !X:
fantastic a.HHH1<.J shelter II. tJVff; JtttJ" JJ/f v. {;j!:.j)'l
arena II. Wff11'i. 3H.Hfi binoculars 11. ��l'Q.iif;-m, XR□ fill.
gymnastics II. f,11:-f'i f,\&ffi

LfiJ rLJ,r, mt

valley ll. LI I 1'i- chameleon II. ��Jt

dale /l, �ti- scuba diving r#JJ<
rocky a. �,fjl'J(_J barbecue II. t�t.J;
ca,c II. jf,i];\ cave exploiting ?fi'llA 1:t11�
hike v. �JE . ttWM'Hr mountain climbing Y,t*,·
hike out �1j sailing II. 1:f1irliJ:; ljJLflailltW
villa 11. }jljfilt drifting ,1. ti'irni
manor 11. Jtf,c! rose Ii. ];!.(JJ\(
ki\\ i II, )Ufi1E!i lily 11.s�
ostrich II. frt fl; carnation 11. /;:JUj�
cobra 11. lllHtl!l!'t pomelo II. illff
poisonous spider 11Hlll� grapefruit 11.11U1'1M·tl1
crocodile I/. �q((1_

142 微信:13522209444
Test 4

I. So, let·s gel under way on our tour around this wonderful park. ff, -il:.:f\i.:lfl -1[--llf; ;if- Jt.i! Ii'- ii� (1{71� � , get
under way�" JTJrri"(1�fi:,1J},
2. Creating the park required the demolition of lots of derelict buildings on the site, so most of the exciting park
space all around you was originally warehouses and storehouses. i1 ] jJ£.i! +1,.'-- � 1; �;!J,!.z.A:�!l J, Jll.-lf- {l1 ;,U.t.
ftfr YA :k. �fo}j- ,tf. 11/i i!./i'-4--A.ii'i #J a1J 1l;- � 611 :k.-¾11n'-� foJ y:J. ,ti"l:�}l ,{/;-- ,4_;'x_ tt#t .i1,;li,J itfl�.l: iH,'i::"Creating
the park" a

3. ...and finally up to the north, if you look in !Toni of you now, therc·s a lake with a small island in the centre, you
can hire rowing boats at the boat shed... iil Ji; J1] �l'.. .it!.. T , "JII' :k. � u. ,ti � , 4.- � 3'1) -1- isJI , •� fo] ;ff - 1- , 1,
Sb, :k. W:. "f y;(,(i.-/l�/.HJH1 l-/llt up to i'.E.ifOl'!.ff:'"f�j;l] •' · · · · •· (!� !:'.i:!J.I,"
4. The Mangroves have been made more accessible to visitors by the boardwalk built during the park's upgrade.
,ti.i'&«}-lftJ-Jtf;H11 nt� l'//r J.ta1 1 ��Ht -r v.J. iJ:;#:t..lt :t. lh �-i-.iJ.th�:.t#- � 1fiJ i!i;!JHJJiig/J'l'iJ. tJl i/I-fllt1R.'.'J,' J II
illi;/Jfi] "accessible"-· hl¾:J I H�.& i1f o

I I. JR:>C"I hope that you're all wearing your most eomfo11able shoes and LhaL you can keep up the pace." 111.a,a1J 7
'•:�1'illiiM1,'fi=f", !Yr t:J)j)z W:��ic, Wfi,
12. TJilJ'("Thcre used to be a lot of factories in this area until the 1960s. Creating the park required the demolition
of lots of derelict buildings on Lhc site, so most or the exciting park space all around you was originally
warehouses and storehouses.·• 'I 1 -l)J311j�JL 1/ti' �1i��lt '·factories". l!Jrt:JJj_iz itili;�B. T.lll(illitl: o
13. }Jl'tJ'("lf thc land was to be cleaned up, they wanted to use the site for recreation. Residents wanted open space
for outdoor activities, rather than housing or even an indoor sports complex." 11 q,1311] 7 =:-i'· ili;.l!}l. (IJ.M?ii.E
7 B, C�JJ! o �.ct::::: 1-ili;J.iiI)rif, %: u-ll,'1-\ fl JfrtJ'(. 1f1i %:JJi't:$((1(1 lflJ Sl. #f�� o �II: Aili;J_ITT"ieisurc'';yt:�ff'_.'i T-IJA
5crl 1 i'.l�"recreation. outdoor activi1ics" o
14. lit-Jt"The tall blue-and-white building in front of us is called The Tower and is the centre point for the fomrnl
gardens. "111h!f�Jll!.�ifF,IS· 1i�Jj)z it<ili;:J1Bo �1"i� f,q)il:- rl I 1Mi i\'lliHtJJJlUI�: 1:1 ft l>CfilA T.ill11J: 15(, ffij N�ti:A
T.U!J1i:l�i'M 1 ,C., TIJfi�i'F��-,t�ti'J�"fonnal' tl:*Jtrl I ,·1�$," >'-' (U�Jt::.fJ;�ni,;i¥,::.ig �12:(1(1.rR}J!,,ul:-''rh JL

I 5-17Jill;@::J:l!!,1¥lf�L 7'£ ;�::(£! 1Jrz. r11iWfr; lllif'liJ:ltP.ri-t-}j(nj f,T-i'.:i: IIHIE, J.An:(-i:IIJr (:1v n-tf�&JE.� tt.!f,(· tJ�-@,
15. JJrl:J'("Out to the cast...Thc Olympic site has its own station to encourage the use of public transport. There is
also a car park, but it only holds a limited number of cars." rif#1Jll!. �$ll�J 7 �:(:EfJ; UL. 1ffi l=LI� T''station" 3/I'.
Jmfu�;{-f''car park" o
16. @Jt"And around to the west, you can relax and sit on a bench to smell Lhe nowers in the rose garden... "r! 1 lil.
fJ/Hfi fJi.JtlUT. i:EIL4.in.1'f-1-"rosc garden''
17. DrtJ'( " ...and finally up to the north, if" you look in front of you now, there ·s a lake with a small island in the
centre, you can hire rowing boats at the boat shed, which you can·t see from here, but if you look through the
trees, you can see the cafc, which has lovely views across 1hc water." �, ��fil!J�:lt:iil, 11.1s TfffM, �-1i, ft,)', �
.i::H��Jt}tnf �.'.J.:l'Ifil!J" ca/e"o

1 s-20/m:JJH!H�li o
18. Jifi J'( "The Mangroves have been made more accessible to visitors by the boardwalk built during the park·s

微信:13522209444 143
upgrade. You'd think that people would come here to look at the unusual plant life of the area, but in fact irs
more oflen used for cycling..." 1 I 1 (1<J'"Mangroves" .fll"boardwalk"rfJ V) /l1i DJJcly· 1:l::.ll:'.1ilfill]�*"cycling" 0
19. JffiJ'c"Frog Pond...Thc area is now most ol1cn used by primary schools for biology lcssons.'''1 1 ili][*t�/-I\ 7
20. JJK:SC"Waterbird Rcfugc ...This area is in a sheltered part of the estuary, that's why the park's viewing shelter is a
favourite spot for bird watchers who can use it to spy through binoculars." 1 I 1, ��/Ii :F.Jlt{E9]FFffl ,'Ii (-t</WJ1'-fl'i
.Q. 'i '1i1J � '};;!:1'.'i}JIJri:;tU1<;Q;, ���')\:;if'�, /lntftf.t1J•·shcllcr"�;,IC,f-fl�1n1} T


(EPJl:$'�f{l•1:nst. -j=:::Js {1:-?¥:J:1 l:J:f�,l 'I I Wrii-JQ'.',t.)(.J"h�- /;i·�-r�¼'ff'�. �J:fil::<'.'..ffe-tEi/.1�'.fil'.L ��- 1ilriJj:(1<J ;,-.rtm/: I)�
�*�o :t911it2•ifl;;(ji:ll:J!�ff:*' 1T(f<jjf � i'F-'.1} -�1:�fjt)(,f·ijf;-1 r.
rl1 'r Ji/:1:ft-·& i;l�:i:tiliHJI:' JYrt:.J.,f-�'f-5)- 0 !kl
.lit . .!/J 1:l!frflj� 1'-ri'LQ.Fn� iJ'l''Good news"

presentation 11. H.x·1' �- fi·!Milii::&ri%iHJI: overhead projector Hl:.li'6fl
assess v.�H', scale 11. tJl\,11)!
historical a. Di':1:.(1<J resource 11. 1Ji )»;!
geographical a. JIJi.J]l(l<J brochure 11. 1NVFF-
overview litcracy 11. iW¥, ifi;Tc;Jfl�jJ; 1'J�fnl
nope ad. ( 1-1 iii·)� encyclopaedia n. rH�-��K
scmrnar II. /iJH. � enthusiastic a. .ffi?iHi'Ja'�' 11Mi1I(1<J
po:,itivc a. fef(JJ:Eff<j. i'i"Jt(1<J tutorial 11. Jri�ii, -'rJ)IHfi-W<

assignment 11. ft:,j� survey //, iJ,'if:ff' liJT-�

deadline II. fil:fi=j-HI] Ill;[' T�t.tl: 11 JUI questionnaire 11. jj,,1-e:111) '!I:
ex lension II. M;WJ

I. No ...nol this time round...because it's the first onc...you know. ;r- , i!.- ;k_;;r::: -i,f- �, 1:1: fJJ .i!t, I!1 f.J i!.Jt � -
;J:.. ii1iJ(l<Jx11V.\: "this time round" (JYk\}J!,Jji,Ufl � T"not !his time" }J ,ij, "you know"j;l:,(f fti,,J;J,f*� SI.. ,
,R;fi/,--1' i:I *f''(l o
2. ...cos not a lot of people know where the islands arc... If] J-7 �ll .t A;;f: 4:sdl!.ll�JJE .R, J.lj,tf_•JJJl� o ·rt 5\5, "cos"� l:J
i/1-�• x•t"bccausc" (1<J1rml'r. ?:, :$'��ll:'. ii"fJ1'1:"pcople" .ffl.(E "know" 1J1Jffff (1<J:td!J.&,f-� o
3. Dr. Wtiite said we shouldn"t go into that sort of detail. White i'li-±-%-ifi:.tll 1iJ;;f:�i-J·;.,tJJI\JJEful"r u go into�"N·

144 微信:13522209444
Test 4
it"Ii_x;fi·"(�fJE ''(i(_J J!)J!,o
4. Nope...that goes in lhe Language Policy Seminar...don·t you remember? ;f-, 1J�'1';fif ./f i½"t �Jlt it-it-½ J:.-i:11',
1-t ;f-ie.1.ff 7 •Jli? "that"=l'IW1:Jl:J:X�f1J (�J"thc role of English language" o "nope" )il; r::1 ifi·'l•*n�19!-E a9-�I•
Jn.t o

5. Dr. White said he wanted us to use plenty of visuals and things and we might as well try them out when we're
not being assessed... White tJ/-±i!L{il!.�i.l:..;JUil J, m -*;jJil:it ti/J ?\; ,!$, /G.Jt.Jt..{f ;f--j'f ,)-6� at1hE. -r v..l. J,
ilt..-*-it-11!!.. ?\; tl$, "visuals":J'li/PPTlilt�·Jt1!k(1{_jt!.(\'.)ii;iQ:,%- o
6. ...lhe islands are going to be more of a problem. ll�* Ali J._l.j MJ Jtill j}U;a � f',;J �o "more of"EJ{_j-fr 5(:Ji&"]!!jc;ffil
)J[J:' £�(1()" 0
7. Nah...not up-to-date enough! ;r-, ;r-�tUr! "up-to-date"tt'tlMf:,[l,;kj½"fr¾:ffJi(f(j'' o
8. 011...someone is enthusiastic! "li-T".t, � A.;;tm :!i ;tr;ti-ht"l"T ! :it,:fil1.JUXl.�lUEf{_j;if(1J;jc o

21 ;fn221'Ifil:¾ik%mtloJ-=r-- o
21. Jm)t"and five minutes for questions" 1 I• .lJJi!Jft l+l T��, tt:i"JJi'jJ'j'.! .o J:Oil!IJEJ011;j"{�J'i,,\J:-niia:i!1-/ID�-flfr-1-1&

22. lffiX"...and is this one going to be assessed? No, not this time round ..." lilY!.Uio.fEl 0Jl;,J�i:j',51diiUTfafm'f rJ-11'!0
"will" ;f11./Yr.l:J.'!��"assessed". {IL� ,R:JQ'.�1::fi�1Jn-i'c'tl. �vtriJ l)J�-tiHll!bl-J§iml'l019�if/Jrl •��Wt�o �fi:
)-:J.it-��119 1:J� o

23. Jifi. X "but I think we ought to say something about the geographical location...cos not a lot of people know
where the islands arc" rj•(i9 "ought to"�7J� ,t·� ltlillJ..iiilli;A o
24. tiff :Sc "Shouldn·t we say something about the economy...because it does influence the education system.. .let's
think about that one later shall we?"�� m:·economy":i! 1-ifiB VJJFt:PH>t, E/rl)J {fil{f11f i'if ti��§:jj!;:i!-t- f.
farm, Jj(rl)J:u.\;B o
25. /h'()(''general view of education...of course" rj' (10 ''or course''�ffs�j::J..iiI :u.\;A o
26. Dr-X "...and then the role of English language...Nopc ...lhat goes in the Language Policy Seminar. ..don't you
remember? Arc you sure? Positive." r�• Wl "the role of English language"�:(:E:9H'�-1- ,�•itr 1r� & , }fr i;J, 1.i
i f

��'§.j\S ..ii\;C o

27. /ffi:SC" ...the most important thi.ng is the overhead projector ... No problem... we'll get that from the media room...''
rp A91tili.l"lhat"ffi(J9.£..l:XWJ1j!'l(J ''overhead projector" a �n*::lf;?!�-1tif/JiH'ii:. �f3tf,lt�/l1�fiiJJID o �{�
tl�:iilil'illi� nJ IV. (fr�tR:iXtl EI'.J i'iiJBo
28. DR:Sc"Wcll, lhe West African one is no problem ...There's one in the Resources Room...Oh yeah, of course, the
resources room..." 11· 1 riJIV-Js'UlTifr3ilj�� o 1! 1.f& riJf)gff@;ly�ffi,f/.i; l!frJIJ T�'.t, ;/;flj9:7ti jEfifflt:lt/1', �,t-i)'.!.inl o
JgT�./tl!!,!'(!lfoJl'l<Jt)f:�, :!&.!ff%W.1?.f:i�-r.H.!i'.91'J o
29. lffiX "Literacy rates...encyclopaedia...why don·1 we call the embassy? Oh...someone's enthusiastic! Well...if
something's worth doing... ! know...it's worth doing well...OK."1J1Jf{ij H�:fJ\lT-1-:i!fl'J{g,�, "Eif4�·= W'. �l:t
lFi frri Jl :#l'JV/1} .l;E T o
30. !Jii:X"We can find out statistics on school places from them as well. Might as weU."rj,, ��/+l:J:Jll:(:EJ.Ef}Zf�.�­
zfllJ '!!ll:��ff�•ic'tl;JJ�'JHI-u9ifi ij,'Jt�#h:1��0
' '

微信:13522209444 145

IJ;/�ffl¾i'f�A;(£f�jJ�alJn,t{��f!EHJ(1<Ji/,\J;jS�' 1H-liH��'1'1 A 7/filf.'t(t0JJI3tO .i!tMtllfrjJ (:i<J�W.1;J.1�#,,t�

* f1*fH:i<JJJi51:! o �flir-J:, itr�:fil1 V,�1;¥;�;(-EillAA�B{JJJf;fJJ.:Z1ilJ'/'i11r£Jli7-'1'-U:?1�illiX1IIItJi·EJlJ.u� o 1J;jc,li'HIL
�-¥f. , 'tlUt¾ Fl1 .Aff1IT.-f-11 i1:J:J¥i: 11 '-tJM'lf. I I l Ell.I o

monosodium Glutamate 1),lc;jrtf intensify II. JJIIJ,il!J

enhancer II. {J�:i1J:3J'l] evolutionary a. jz!:ftEJlj
cmsine 11. :i.1:11:. :?.-:iJ.�it-k associate professor l,llj?j'f{-1;\1:
seaweed II. ifiJ:J' ;t:. mi=l� protein 11.mRllfl:
extraction ll. .J:!i\:Jfl"( carbohydrate II. TIY(lK1-t��
amino acid i{4.lilltl toxin n. �;I;:
commercially ad. mi�ll'.Jl!!. spoilage II. fflJ;f,. }/iS:):!!:
crisp 11. r,1, :l'\, .f!J'i�12

leek n. A�
,'/H. pepper n. �.r,;j",!j{
ginger II.� hot pepper �Hfl
garlic rosemary 11-��;jlj:

I. Now, MSG as you probably know, is a □avour enhancer which is used parlieularly in Chinese and Japanese
cooking. .:k. � "iif fit!-P.ui, •,t<.,t�Jl.-:f'l' ¥[/0,f.:il'• l , L$,-,(f_ 'f 00 :t" El n�]: -iJ.!] 'f �ll·i�� Jll o lt-'llJ If1H/Jfo11'1<J"now"
i!t1HI-¼ fi:5l . f.lWZ�--i' i-11.·'=t:. in'J o
2. The main reason why MSG is more commonly used in Japanese meals is Lradition. h 1t¼. a ,tA.r&. •�;--ft m •,t<.
:iii.i.*/r-J � � Jl, i!!l.-ft!!.1/WJ fHic. a
;t)�"/b? �'n]if.EJ�.3::":iJ�·•The main reason...is tradition."''why"i'J I .\"f (1<J
H:--l�iNtM:'nJ. {�tf�nlfiliiW'reason" 0

3. From 1908 until 1956, glutamate was produced commercially in Japan by a very slow and expensive means of
extraction. M. I 908.!rJ1J 1956.!r, El -t�ii.it� ;3j :lk..1./'' � ;.\.aJj;_ �f; ±Jl.·& ,r., lL ·Vt m �It ifii o 'M[;)J"ti]�:¼; i-/t'i•1!1!
rn��'ffi'fji�13g1ii) �. ffiT I r @I�:!:E1£ 1 1- ih;f1I£.i1'F rp {g!JH {!J!1JqQ:'.,!;' • �� 1251 Jg& Wt •N�j,'fi!!Jm&:i;/J',,J 0
4. So, how exactly does MSG work? R�¼., J1JA•,f.;fi,\-J!.-:ito1nf�1t Jll /r-J"/b? it:1,Jcl•"exactly"fl;i.W1iu�:'h7�ffi
iml 0 BSrif l)J:iStr&: Ilow
- does MSG work exactly? �¥f:tfti.l¾:1cT�il'dJ,�Hltti:}i\:I, 7 a 51 :Y�. "work"-iliJJ+l�k�ll$,
,(-£�.ill't:Ji"®ff-Hl "Bgki:JJ:l,o
5. It does make perfect evolutionary sense that we should have the ability to detect or taste glutamate because it is

146 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test 4

the amino acid which is most common in natural foods. l1il jJ ��&'..,l,(i m t.-K 1t4h 'f �il •�i• Ji1.. s) -1\.�&'.., �fr vJ,
;t\:ffHM}�JJQ.jf-� tll 't:a'J 0.,j;...i.!, M.Ui1U<J fh/Jt{r, .i!Jl:.-ijf_,/.:j-.iifi.olJ �1iJ 1 l 1 (J(j�-1'"it"t�i'1<J�rJt(�Jthat
})/ii]; lt=1- "it"�-�Zl-�� o f l;';inJ:-(:E�if\· 1 1 1 (51'.J·IJ-ll:'/f\'JyfiiW�, )(;j"rj• 13.7J�-�* iJI:, �:Ji:-·1'- �jl:/,; 0 :'kJ7ffilf.tR:�
1-fnlliill, M:!lf(1<J 1Ii'.H i:Jl½�•f;\l('t)tlllH�� o .!Ln#!::-(f i!t3ilm lf!Jrl<.JMf�riJ 1:.H-Jrn[�Jnt. JlfS-i,:(:El!fr:flHt iil.l H<.JA•t{I�
ilLriJ �.'.HIH��ilili;lt.Jt'r1" \;';:X•t�, �:;c<t:J:t��!i\lYi)JJ.lll/OU1<.Jfl�JJ111Q:;Jc /jfj WJo
6. John Prescott, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, suggests that this fifth taste serves a purpose
just as the other tastes do. John Prescott,l�/;11-.'} .k. !f' a1J -ii Si•] �.:Ix, 11'!.il� 59 .i.!¥ i.:l>hil<--.i.!ift> $.-11!!.!r-J •A'-.i!t
1t m ��Ja!, suggesttE�lll.:ll-); ·• Y-.JJ'', 1ffi::FJl!:"ilHSl "(1<.J .;;:;:!.Ho

31~33miJ1!::ii\;�/iill o
3 I . }.ill: Jt ''I'm going to talk about Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG...Today I'm going to explore why it is so
popular in these cuisines and , more impo1tantly, how does ii enhance the flavour of food?" rr ryJrefotS1)Y"l T:.:ts:"W
vi'Hiti'J� ±�1:kJ � )J!:fl-tfl IJHi'f..!Hllfnjj@f1-i Jfl EJ<.J ' ,rr W5v. �i&.ff-B 0 3: n' mi :-(£:f!Ui!J �15.\ �1-,=I� ·m· j;' .!7,!, 0 1f!..llt�
1' ± n' Jill7f-ffi��·1=.1� t...'. :t: 1�.M, lt;I-JJ/fi'lX 1�[��/I\ T �� o

32. m(Jt "But it wasn't until 1908 that the ingredient in kombu which was responsible for the improvement in
flavour was actually discovered 10 be glutamate by scientists working there." r:j 1 (J<J" I 908"nf �JiJ:�·.!:l:J/iMUE
ffi:�� 0 'ti:�j,r,()( rj •(i discovered to be" .!:jc.i\\;r_ITTrl·1 (1 1f'idcntified"�lfo] Sl irrJ o
33. £j 32@-f(; . /Jli: )("It was in 1956 that the speed of the process was improved, and industrial production
increased dramatically and still continues to increase to this day." 1 :P·t:!l.ff mi El fil Vi'J;IHl(Jfl-tfii]" 1956", tl'..$.l'c�
i,JE'Ul o J.ili:X.ll!.lfil1!<.J==: 1--frL�, '"improved, increased dramatically, continues to increase''iilt1til!!f!i-i!F��liv.
�:ii\;A o -fllB¥i>'i, Ifi�tl:ri<.Jf\!i.@,JJ/JlUli�-(J(_j. lt;I ;�tt�;l;l�fEr,£; 1 1 1 .A.11T/'fll�.ID:�ill�1J!L@,a

34--40:,%:t!t�:IJ1� ,"m " ;R 1-t.�t•.�-� iiri fh\ 1- ::F lf/1 (J<.Jti1i' Jffi , tl'..�� $', Ji'. w��
m-=.:1-riJ id..):Ef_n:

34 . .W-Jt"MSG contains 78.2% glutamate, 12.2% sodium and 9.6% water" 1 1 1 1'1.::: 1--!J&',f. ;It 1 l=1
��"water" o
35, 36. J;'Ji:Jt ''Glutamate is an amino acid that can be found naturally in all protein-containing foods, erm, so this
includes food such as meat and checse."r:l 1 ri 1J �fl!!.�H•, -(�� -·meat and cheese" o fil.¾:iXW,i1-�$;ff:I���
i1r . mi .ElJJi 3t 34/MHl<.J�� '.)l'{ � t1Jl,tlil:'�/4,Jt,1i , 1W 'riJ il, 1 1 1 fFi ,\i!, \¥,' � a J.A is: fr (i<.Jfr1 J;t I Pi iW ¾ �;;lfll � :'.tu11!fr
37. J,r,(JC"in 1908, Kikunae Ikeda identified a ril:ll1 'taste"'tl 1 1f,'ID'frj1 (:J'�T).{f1'1)'1 i¥/)"!908"fn.A.f6 "Kikunae
lkcda", �1t�fJ-�1:i11!:�trt:�¾} o 11�!-��l�tTnH.J.�"fifth taste"·ll:!.riJl:J,EJ"new taste" o
38. Jg)( "we should have the ability to detect or laste glutamate because it is the amino acid which is most
common in nan1ral foods",,� EJ<J "most" EiJill-1:. �r (1{J"'so".5klfrJS(i.ii]' lt;I /'JITIOS{ ll:!,;;(f "1� ''a<J�-� o
39. Jr,tJt"Bittemess, he says , alerts us of toxins in the food ... " l· (J(j' 'alerts"Ei!W"f-rj1 (1<J"tells"-.!i/drllS(·lnJ 0 is:il!JW
1 1

li<J/·! 1,lffi:ll!ll'.!M#,�,t(,J:c.'/:. ilLJM':¾iJ'l, ��llllJ.\\tE5Ef]T. 1rf.\2,Znu o ��Jt'i!,r��!i.J!�!i'd1<J�Hl•li2'tlfiGjJ, mi

$�P3 OJr�riJ l;Jt'i\��i!ifil•f:J�jJ 0
40. !r,tJt''saltiness signals the presence of minerals" 'i 1 (l<J"signals" Sj )ffi-f 1N1<.J"tells"ill;fil:li\J5( iri_l o

微信:13522209444 147


-f.ti:� -iJLl!,llj::
±:Hfil ��1:-��.t
f;!i#=) ?ii 1:: iii t11 Marcus Chown6Hlj",Jl/.,,,!/. o
�-.Ji.: 1l-i'<!Marcus*-t-1t-�J-$-1�J.t61)�,Ji/...i'i.•
;{, .=._fl: ii$.l(l_,i'i. iii �}i -{i#� �Mortezaii!J -r-� o
f, .=..$:: :/.J llft1Jl:. it,lil.}.-t,l !ll Mi �!Jfl-1rl- -it o
tj; P.$ .f.lt. : � !Jt 1/i.A� 11';,.:tJJ 0

i .E...fi:.: i,t � !Jl #i ;\ft �'J :$3-�fr
#:: �JiijJi/...ii.4-e:.;r- � alJ ;t {}.

�� J"--fJt. : -ji( �!Ji,(£ J.!t � 1 1> !?) ,& ft] 0



adj. jffi·,,1·(10, 'i�-,�(J�

-- .



�mx*- !¥ijjlijJ'c'.'r=
adj. "i'Tt='kl'l<J
drag VI. 1!iI, t,'£ posture 11. �'!),�

sledge 11.�-m via prep. �£ITT

back up x:t# mechanical adj. 1JL�FI�
software "· .!ttfll' giant tulj. P. :k FIY

consultant n. ln.ilifiiJ wonder V. ftff/f

peruse VI. iffill�. �]Ji!: objecl 11. �i*

monument 11. w!t illmE • ilI! 1.11:

imriguc V. ��- .. ··-�0�� keen adj. �ftf�l'l<J. f.&�(l<J

contact v. Ilx* puzzled adj. Ffg }'.,,!{ Fl<J
aeronautics 11.f.Iit2� spark V. /¼:&

institute II.�� apparently adv. EUJ

fascinate 11. 1!i't?.!UIJ!.1'!,i.?;I investigate \I. i},�i=tt • ftlf�t

148 微信:13522209444
ll. ll: ' l/;ll ½:I:
adj. 7/(Sj'-B<.J
- .

v. tl�·NJ
II. f1'f{f ,
Test 4


ver tical adj. � ltlf�J magnify II. tt,(-jc

source ll. *im{ rig v.�ffi'.

initial adj. liifJJ(l<j tent-shaped c1dj. 111�miJ�:t)s(l<j
calculation /l. i 1-31: scaffold n. >f.�
wind-tunnel adj. Jxtii1l] (1<., suspend I
\. ;@;-j':fr

convince V. �}l/JIL 151! ·
· ,1'13/,:f apex 11. TvilK, :Nf�if.ii.
tonne 11. ifil! roll \I. ( 19! )��J
modest adj. f/.H11(JiJ, :uliJf El<.J trolley II. -=f-1/t !j�

rectangular 11.mw instant 11. J.L t!II • l�luJ

nylon II. }�:;/,E generate II.

absolutely ad11. t!'i!Hll!.i. ;rc�Jl!.i mere adj. fS!.{ll.(J<J

St\111 V. * i=I ll� i=1 �

gentle adj. 1Kil .fn (1<.J : tt� (J<.J massive adj. P:-jcff<j
steady adj. .fi'.\i.EU<.J, 7f-1!:(1<.J actually adv. �l�J.:

stale 11. ;tk:5 construction II. fil i&/:, ffi�
jerk V. -�f�L brute adj. xJ111ttl'l<.J
realise V. ,;;}: i_Rflj

specialist JI. ·Ii* no-existent adj. 7f-ttf:EB<.J
unconvinced adj. 7Gfi'Ollx (J{J associate professor 1,11]� ri

harness V. jft]fH uncannily adv. ffii, ·)r;:J:l!.i

accomplished adj. lMMJ<J • 11 tt'il'Ui<.I glider 11. fflf.JHJl
Egyptian 17. t!i:Et..A sophistication 11. ;fWJ&-tt, :tJ'i!d1
wooden adj. ,f\:ill� (J<j civilisation 17. ::iei:ITT
block II. 7C.!:J( dump II. lffiif:il, l\ilf{f1J

physical adj. �J,ilt(i<.J flaming adj. 1f'!.{:f;;>t(J<.J
ancient adj. lif\:(1<.J. i1T;:if;fl<.J debris II. liNi", 9.X�
artefact 11. A Tllitlrf/1 foe /1. 1/x.)\

practical adj. �l�'F(l<.J concrete adj. 7)< tltB<.J

access II. ( {il!HliiJt_lJi!JilH1<.J H'JL�, �,x'.;f:IJ arch II. -tJHITT
civil engineer ±.+: [t[�iji hint 17 • . UH)(. ffi.'2,
adobe 11.vrWt.±:l.iE sensible adj. Wit�U;r-t'l<.J

微信:13522209444 149
1. And since he needed a summer project for his student Emilio Graff, investigating the possibility of using kites as
heavy lifters seemed like a good idea.

�J5· tf.>C, llsl :;/-11tk�J1J.!1-f'ii';12t-�r.'!r-=�EErnilio Gra1T,1'fT'i'•'1'.-J})l '.i+fl!.il/Uf-�1: i l·.£1],

iJ,\J�J-IJJxl�·f/&€..ill-il/Ul� riJ i�·r.t�-
1-*.f 3:: ;ti": 0

'It "=' !;
! 1 I r1 .�,..,:

(I) investigate: v. to II)' /Ofi/1(/ 01111he mah abo111 or rhe cause of something
The state police are investigating the incident.
I heard a noise and went downstairs to investigate.
(2) seem: v. 10 appear 10 exist or be tme, or /0 have a particular quality
a. seem like
Teri seemed like a nice girl.
b. it seems (that) ...
It seemed that Freeman had killed the man. and dumped the body in the lake.

2. Tbe instant the sail opened into Lhe wind, a huge force was generated and the column was raised to die vertical in
a mere 40 seconds.

l 1iJ�1Hfr
� .q-zH1Jl'l½$5t1'lthe instantrl I �(1� n,t1l1J :1kii'\·M. ',TJ. (J:instantJFi JJUJ.: when/iiJ. lb:i,it;:r;�flJ11HfllH o
( 2 ) genera le
a. v. to produce or cause something
Tbe program would generate a lot of new jobs.
b. v. to produce hem, electril'ity, or anotherfom, (!/energy
Wind turbines generate electricity for the local community.

3. There are plenty of places around U1e globe where people have no access to heavy machinery, but do know how
to deal with wind, sailing and basic mechanical principles.

( I ) have access to sU1.: ro have sth. rharyou can use

Her mother doesn't have access lo the advanced one.
(2) deal with
a. /0 wke the 11ece.1·swJ action, especially in order /o solve a problem
Don't wo1Ty, I'll cleat with this problem.
b. i a book, speech ere. deals ll'ith a pal'licular subject. iris abo111 that subject
These ideas are dealt with more fully in Chapter Four.

150 微信:13522209444
Test 4

Questions 1-7

• Jffi l=l ��: True /False /Not Given

• ,W El firf,-tJr ,
1. It is generally believed that larg e numbers of people were needed to build the pyramids.

���-�)( A frl-f�i:AJ-11���:t�t{-\=fl,) �::kfi)J0A)J o

�&iffl large numbers of people, build the pyramids
li!1f.i'm�1Jll'.:ji: believed
The conventional picture is that tens of thousands of slaves dragged stones on the sledges.
JlbW:iill.ctZf.flif/Ji'iJ �ill:iiliZ (.\!'.�-���= 1iJ it. J{!= f _;/�xtxit�{.l'i:1i"JFJ0.fll{ :tfi·�: r& 'fJ . 7)-
X � I xrt J.ilI.i!i\ �Jr�1n::-,
generally believed-conventional picture, large numbers of people-tens o f thousands of

2. Clemmons found a strange hieroglyph on the wall of an Egyptian monument.

��i�x Clemmons;(:E-1- *& r 1 , l2E (:1y r/,� iITi J::ii:f..!l\ T -if'l 1 �Hl BY�J� Jt '.:ji: o

!iE&if/J hieroglyph, Egyptian monument

ffrf.fl!�m!� found
While perusing a book on the monuments of Egypt, she noticed a hieroglyph that showed a row
of men standing in odd postures.
x rl M ®:.�-?.
Jlt/mJ.e {SI inJ,(£)'( ��• JmifiJ /-1 \ :f.!\\, nf �-1:/�:ifilti:: {ft o X �1� �u'L-'iiJffi ,1 -P, Clemmons¾tE-;,fi::AT:l�
x*1fi.�-. Wilm §I t.11 t1HrntE-lili�.& ,\ilf ayif.tJ::&::fJ\\ 7 �J�x
IJt.., l ,-�f.101�Lrit(.¥1J(J(1�J�
'.:ji:,BMBEl�X�ffltt.�JltJlt ■�-����
3. Gharib had previously done experiments on bird flight.

���x GharibZ1Yff fij.i1�i�7Sfil'IY:k!J� o

JE{itii'/J experiment, bird t1ight

fij!f.llfil� 00'.f- previously done

!Hi 'f (10 J£ {:ii. f�L5!, tEJ'cl;f rl 1 .-K H� 3!11, Jlt]Mij;J l1il: t ll !-im B0 "Jjj('J( %�*-lMEdti". �Jl� � 1-JNOT
X cp X'.t.@:.i.';Z

4. Gharib and Graff tested their theory before applying ii.

��i.tf.Jt Gharib and Gral:ttEJ.ilZJ I lfl!!irJ (1<

�u'LiiiJ theo,y
fil'fc ■*illl* tested

微信:13522209444 151
Jt �- Mmz ,� Earlier this year, Lhe team put Clemmons"s unlikely theory 10 the test, ...
wJt: �{J:'.ljJ..@ll•rf�. {l!!.fflfl'.!Clemmons��mHi?:1-tifi·:?k�.
Jiil.f.�,W LI EiJtt;•i::iG��IIZ-l , 12slJJtJJt,W��:1:1TRUE.

5. The success of the actual experiment was due to the high speed of the wind.

15�-�'liJt fl,l\:!k 1 1 1 ;v;�(J½ JilttJJ�ltl JJ /xl(1(J 1\i -�•

i:E&iriJ high speed of the wind
Jiw.,WJH.ili::'f due lo
The wind was blowing at a gentle 16 to 20 kilometres an hour, little more than half what they
Jt �- Mmz ,� thought would be needed.
JJt)MifJ,; J!(!Jil!JlJ-¥ �yltJ, tEtl'�1if�1':l-uJ�{SL /tl-!=.i /Xl.l£;!-ll�(J%¾'.�., ff!.)'( 1 I 1 .5Wf Jxt;iliJ'J<Jtil'ii£JJ
gentle;ffllittle more than half( -'=i-'l��:;Js�). �U�,W111=j/J�Jt;f:7{f. IJslJlt��:1:JFALSE.

6. They found that, as the kite flew higher, the wind force got stronger.

�.;ly�Jt {i!J.{fl£Jli�JX{,l�Jl. l::J!Hl!t:i(l½lltj'f�, Jxl}J W/fN�]'.!:j!J'\ o

XEf9jt1J kite, wind force

f1i1f.Jffi:,<Jilt;ji new higher, got stronger

What they bad failed to reckon with was what happened when the kite was opened. "There was
a huge initial force-five times larger than the steady stale force, ·• Gharib says.
�J{!Jt: {II!. fllt\:!:1H!:{f!J(!�.fi1;' 11Jxllj}L- l':ffll<t�5.IUl:.f 1-.z,, "�*OO��Jxlh�ffl8tt�Jxl��
Jt I I t;<;f J.iY.,�
:kli:P,f ,. "Gharib��till ,.
Jlt)i�{Sl.lt��� o :(££f]L'n] 'I I J=HtJl1J7kitc-h f(l�ll't{�wind force1Ftlc , )(;j'"fJill 19 rj 1 8�
����-��t\:!:-&.JltD��m� "/ill lj 1;1� �Jt:i','r"ffi11Hll&lli'", l&��J:1NOT

7. The team decided that it was possible to use kites to raise very heavy stones.

�:,iywJt ftl!,f! i:�J1-fl llA-IJfr�{iJ.U+JJxL1WH10HIHJL(l�fi *ll, ITTri�:!kJ:lllfl� o

JE{ftif!I kite, very heavy stones

t,rr,_��Wl* possible to use

This jerk meant that kites could litl huge weights. Gharib realised.
Jt rj1 )(•f $_ .',!;i.
.lltlilltj(J!f!J11ITTJfJJ}l91Jl (EJ.:-D�fJ1.'nJZJPiJM'.tl�·ltf1J� (ft iff.l ,. Mi El 0/JitXf� Sl-3&. J$J::f-1"M
l�}lTff�-lt\JHJ,t::ldl½ !fUit". l&��JHRUE.

152 微信:13522209444
Test 4

Questions 8-13

• !Mif=l�fil: Summary
• f()lf. ,'ffi1Hk :
1. itSummary;f;f 1],;j:,i;@i, nJ IV-Jill.l::t-l=lt/HHl:t1t1i"Jn01Jr.&�1.u.ll-\;ltff1�/Mi€!:tfi :'J.J�-taa
2. Xtr��ill'JffEl0Summary. g,-;:(-£@1X�1.u.Z..nui:Yii�1J�#rf!fr:lj.W11(i(Jill'Jtt. :(:E�f.u.fl'ff!Er� El B0Jt!!.:itf.:l'.ll o
• :m § fff� ,ffj- :
x i:p 3t1ElZ,r/?:
�� �ffl:im �l§!M�ir

1E� (ftf.:l¾: 1 1 tttJZiEffi:iff.lPf l)Jill:iiliiE ui. ,-: �¥1�
'nJ o /Mirl 1 � � i% 7'J ;/J iii] had , ffr IV-$TJt rj, � {iL 6lJ:
...like the Egyptians. And they
am���������JtJ.:T�W a JJ:t�am
8 Egyptians
arc known to have used
wooden pulleys, ...
t# * ·:h to have used. Ji!IJ );); fr5 .!,)'.!. i-fiJ f!jl ;'J.J � ;t :
( wooden l pulleys o
..., which could have been JJ:tJffi ,(f Jt rp iE 1-tf. � �lf J.:- ,m O jfil :tta ti'li iE 1ft jf,j
9 large pieces made strong enough to bear H} IH large pieces ofx.J- /.ilZ Jt rf, massive blocks of. =r-
the weight of massive blocks ;Ji/;:Jt;Jfi1¥!-ifi.lb!jl1,/��: stoneo
of stone.
m-t¥1 �-��-�ui.-���ffB.�r-�M■a
Harnessing the wind would :'J.Jffita.��*iEffi:ff:iffln•JJ:t�iE&raM
energy from
10 not have been a problem for ��o�����*�M.�:(:E�ffL6lJ:affl•*�
the wind
accomplished sailors like the an�*� o ���m�-;'J.J�.�;lt�J,)'.!.��
Egyptians. :'.1:7��: ( accomplis!1ed) sailors o

A wooden artefact found on 1lt Ji\fil jfil .u Ji/ITT Ft JJJ'Oi!IJ nJ l)J �IHtc iE {:lL , iE 'UL 6lJ: Iooks
uncannily like3t;J- E!I/m -1= resembled, El.2�'.I'nJ:t�sJ
ll the step pyramid at Saqqara 1 1
looks uncannily like a modern -1-l'(J.�� in], 9!1J��:;/;J( modern) glider o

m tfJt Jltfi\filfi11(,/ffi:J:tU51film IOJlli, FR ::i::. 2:mrJir:Y-1* il'ilwith,
... , its sophistication suggests
/iln'-f JE (ft'nJ •I I dJ:t/i'i rn :5:'. 1.U.T*il'i)o[, ii.have been
12 that the Egyptians might have
experimented developing ideas ofM Ii 'f lffi have experimented
been developing ideas of flight
with with . ffrlV-��JJ- ofZJ§ijli,i,]: flight o
for a long lime.
tf� t•
..., lhe Chinese were using JJ:tJffitfi.C:'j(fi]Jt&Jffi. £:mnu;'J.J!JJifiJsendi□g, WJtf�
13 China them to deliver messages and W:'nJ 'I I t=l:t/i'i�lH;l] Z9J ill'Jdeliver� z3t;j-Ell' ;It)§ !)'!if,J
dump flaming debris on tJ1eir l.!n/'J��: messageso

TIPS: .(fSuumiary�f(Jlf.Jffi:i::JJ!i\'I 1 , -A
- ':"<�,m 1i1.i:;kJi;IJ ifi]** ifiJ, Y!IJff.;::(D'crJ-1 �f.\'L�'.i!tfJl-$:if,J1i,lt;1'tlo]� lfiJ , Jl it

微信:13522209444 153
19:11A'.l:il:iliftz�.::J;M=:f1JJJ'..(Jik�J;-z.li!J1lU1<.J o Marcus ChowntHt!*�TTffiltli".�2:iTtT.i!!i:" o
�:&1'1%i:�tf,;!l!:::i'-£300o�&-fli'u1l!Z!t(1<.J. f!d.LH.9:lf A.�lil'n� fflf;}V). fiiJ;Jil1 :tJA,m}J!t(1<.J o 1�tJl:1'.19-Niti£�rJ:Jr&:
ftH�-�ffi�an����¼•�-� ���ff����� -��o ���£���#MA
Maureen Clemmons IJ 1itr-tJ;l;H\ (:E1G:�NH1(HJh�b.:J:�\ '1 1 iiJfi�{lf.iJH 7 J.xV$: o t1:llilll�J-2jq'T:k�JxJi�(1<.J-l�11-t. !!ill
;&l!.l\-1"�Jix�11Wi£i'.J<.J�-wr, A� *if [fJ�:!/,9t:fl. f[!J,ffJ=f=-_l]_ fv.;f:i'�/J;.(g-,'D.�(JIJ3J�i!Y' Jili.i.:l:�1"!1 .f:JL liix�1J
� '11 (JIJ- .Re !2; kl!!m:Ji1JJ1JJll,R e El;;fil:-;rfriJfmiii/i:frl,-rn '· :;k(l'�J.xl$-. 1fiiJJll�ATI:J W�*;}i,;,�ifi¥J.I
0 0
!1-Ht,t:.,IjlH_�l_ (IIJClcmmons!IH'� 7 )Jllfll.f.ill [•1,:l�·H1<.J�fC2��-BtM011eza Gharib o Jfi :M-x,Jkl!!El<.J:ll!t.&:/lHu..��
�o {t!!i.lt: '':flt* R 1Jt1m. X•t'i ;f-(J<.J;j<l./x;fcTl',&J!i1(1<.J�ilm, "/tl!.lf/J# l1Lx,j·�c1emmons��il!g(1<.J1¥IJtl�i��g% 0 -�

;rr�r1· 1 !1fr.1i*(i<JWltlx;J'f-S21�*WY� ri1!.:-tc'AI.JC�o ":JBJx��M,<.Jnfft�fJ:TeffJ;iJM+1:Ea'�. "ll!J.l3"lo IMJ-Jfl!J.l�VM··,&'1JJ.

M""tctE,uilio GraEf(fi'lrt-J'.jjj �-il!iff�f:iE l-1"� 1J. ilt.J:l!!:J rJJA$-fhtBl.lli::-l�(1{JiiTfi�·rl::Ji-'i"�f ..EJ.l.
Gharib;f11GrafP-Z:iAR /#i'.flJJJX�jJ (l�Jlt�;,1,ts1:1n=tfl!J.1J�iti\\) *le-J.:Jvl< 1f J)j('i"Ul<J4. 5* K(1<J1=1-f.t.b!i:.u.�

*o lrktJJ/tiJ i I-� V.J.:&JxU�·�ill!��-Ll:fl!J.11'14:fl IRif m;t•Jll\(J<J JxljJ #Xfi�*���33. s 111ttifi:(1<.JT-i ,It. it: �RWJxL

jJ w.oc ' �ll fl�MIH:-'f--$;E Fl<J n�· !'il] )f.Hi�1hx3IU J:Jj]��Jl l-'i"m !ffi �=le (!EJH (J<j Jxl jJ lt:k 181 Jlt1tl!. ff l {Et'IU&

(1<; 17tl:Eif.il I.1:J:: 'Jrtf. 7 -1"1 ,�miJi o<nt #i L 1-£ x� i]{J llirnil;�fli -r· t:'t :t,:: JJ!Ht Jlk '½ :fi tH<.J-9',iJM: fr. ifil. l3 -

�1J""�lj'!�n;J-·f�' ft!! lfJm-!k:403fl 1J >¥: i'l<.Jjjj� /i2.�}Xlil!fl-tec1cmmons(1<;:-� �J11li1?.:1·J j;fi-� ® lfit� Jxli)Jlre-6

:fl:��li-rll1.tl!!.ITTI. "JJUfJ5'c� U lfff t::i;J,i�, "Gharibibto "J;iH}l:(;fJNI 1//UHJll-i1J;u:�-Jlltl'i1cf1<J/-<l1J. f.lUE T40

tJ:r-it.:1:�fJJltitm:t&ITTI o ..

�n,t(1(1Jxl.tJM.iili (Sl::h L6f1]2O0 .!TI.. £6':;f )E ft!!·lflJ:BH!.!ffrV.i Jxl;;/J (1<J-* fi!!. ffli.9::ffAf.H,lJ(JIJfl::�Jxl�HT If-lit

it��1t1... "12 :;k(�Jf71.lm!xlfJ tt'tllfit�;k�JxUrJcii.'fl'\', " Gharibifl. o ft!!J.l. i.}HliJJ!fsl :fl?�EIIJ1JLjJJJ:�{fJ��

fi�£Jt:fif:� l°I i,<i:m: 1J1 .R JT.;4oi"ii:;(7 �,<; AjJ Jm _t rrn :rr 'i" Jx1.1wurn�J�-.f6!300,i.u uiJ;J'i'tt.W:JZ®* JYr k-l
o o

Clcmmons�x-ta<J. "5}:�J#r=t'1%l!m�ff fiiffi��lll 7 Jxl$f�l=I:;k(1<:J.?i".tk-lf,:3H1�m1E1.\L'.i"i:a "{l!!.ff !�1? .ui'l<.Jf!,l!Jll

7 Jxl$-;llH'.l ;,1,-11'.ltJJ. "Gharibibl o '1'9:;f-il� iffiif/li.i£�'.]tfd1%1!.iffhnlr.. l9r IV. il¾:::ff 1J,J'!iil:it1:JiJE2it '-tf:1<.J 'JJ:'/rJ o
"-�FIHxl/j;:JM;iE f-i:n"11<J u"E:ttiH11,fil!HJ1!u;IJ�(i<J iif:-IJ,TI;r-,fflJ.: r, " Gharibi5to
:JJ�..t, �����-i.,'f� lt*;l1'·'iF{Ff )Jlil o #H�T!ILJm1+1 ;Jc�(J<:J�.& 'i'°,�:+Mtltt-BtWiUckcWendrich#ki.lt:
"x f;!j,µlirHM@'.l<JiiEW)t-'iF{?1-E'' a
;lt-lt!!AWIJi,,\_::Jg j[t;tit:llll.i.t (1<:,j; {Ylj;r--(fj,'1& o x-tf%t�:&A� m?MM<:J,J< i=-* Ui�� � fxl,jJ ;r-:&;l'tiJ �o ,m .ft
lltffl�[l�fl i.ilfl!J.ff];j;iJ±llt 7 � f.lil (J{j,,j(Jll!m !1-:m J,,'jj)kmJ;:ti�nT-i Jlt;,1,. :{ef � liE�f!Jli1i�:&Axn�.nH���ilill o

;(:E;}lJmtii:(1<:Jllfi'��** ..t�J'Jll(JIJ-�,1'(fM1lll T.i\i', .wtl'il'ifl,JJ.l\\ ( t(1<., H'rflHJL. 11 '1!-E / I\ mltE�"'t.t*�filUL rr ��

Jii, 1.E!�E l'l<.Jtt'Il&'i@Jf�;jl !nt;J;;�».A�l ��Jlpl l'I<J:\f�i'i� Br�il:'iit ,',l...iii; ., TI'IT;ltfl!!.1,X nJ]fiffl�il! 7 M.Jxl�{;; -'tl--tf
i�Jtii1J 12soiJ:.. r1 ·, l=illAJ¥XJIVi::::ffl*1t.ia'lfl'f.©..!.!xr.11l&AMiliHti.i�f1<:Jli'i�J, a
�.¥J:m;rr�-�!Jir-fJ11�.i&J'.l.1i� HltE o � W:JIH��Jt!!'Jr(1<:JAff Jt9:1fi'(l\llfJL�, 1.1Jtil.illftnliiJf1lJ ll»<Ui�,
IJJ'LrhJ;fiE.!;!;*(1'�:j:JL;jfixJffiJfil. -{.\'Lmtm!i):Jll(IIJ±,,f..: T�¥.�1jiJf,tl[;X:.m, 7 Gharib, !J;l�U:-1"'1� 1"i fil ,:�t/L,l;&O<.Jl[!J. }J�
•mm■±mx�±�am�m�o �����*rr•�•..tmmmD.MmmK•mflmm�mmm
'r.lo "ftff M-7 fl!J.-@i5t+.J·t�i5l. fftE"JWHtl!.(1<;& il#. "Gharibill.o J!Jr�:,t:;f fi' Jxl�•1-ft�tHJ.1JfJ�Hl!.ii!t{r}:'..ie:tJL
fi;J.-'I'-� {fH'+. 0:n;2 l i!Hd ifHff 11E� ;1';J+J (1<; ili'$'t ,-_})_.o

154 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test 4


'fit;:� ijt.fl}l X.
±� -r##i'l±i!!L.&
�� •-$i.: [laf,ti.Jl)f;IJa{r�rb�o

• .::. .flt : l'"T,tl.J!fr jo 1J<. ,tf- V,v. -f- '&," '1,t�lt- i.@..&� 5R o
� ..=...flt : # mu �lo .i!. l"'T ,ti.J!fr ;IJa � 5R t\/; :k._ .!!., 'I@-§!.i!!L.& -tf-V.V.

-�a,tl&••�:k._.!!.,'l@'-•ats*M•• o
i-r-.fJt: 1)'-tg 'i'" J&.i.il..& a� if..-iiE.�AM MSC a
W, ..\:;JJt: ,(f.MSC:iil:4fi}di"E.6/J ijl.J§-l!fi-.f!.tzt± 7 ;k..!!.,'I@'- .&./l�JL.
¥ 1\.._fJt: /l;f}L� ifJ ��If afaf,ti..J!�7JPJlt/f.j-*•{)�.t/}�n

� itAJt: lf;;J .ti-J!frno :k._.!!.,•,g-. §!.;!!L.&��.!f-MSCiMiE. o

explorer n.�I�� Pacific ll. :t.>fZ-��
volcanic adj. j(Ll.1E1{J land mass TI. :kflm�
archipelago ll. :flti/fi, �,%¥H} inhabitant /1. ���. � t�-

mainland 11. :kllilL *± shellfish I!. JI!. rp :,t�i;IJ�

combine 11. < 11 )tt.ir, < 11! )lfxir crustacean n. rp 3'c�i;/J�

coastline TI. r[rj,}$� mollusc 11. tx 1i ;1J!Im
feed ll!,lt, /4:lim; °$······t-J1:_
II. bounty /L i!Jiff!{, 'ffl:k, .l�Jl?;

nutrient-rich adj. &.i1?'8'1F�(J{_), i�ffl1{_) fishery n. ¥ifi.J:}./; ttti..ill!.

according to prep. rA:l!l�, f�:J/,1:} nourishment II. ¥?Jiff1'f/1, �)M, 'g�
commercial adj. mi°.illdJ9 predictable adj. iiJ 1:iil �-fl (l<J
herring 11.ffl!tcili abundance 11. �r-
'f,r,, }'E�
grouodfish 11. 1ifV!iiY.. Jl��ii, < rli�r.i=F-iii.i: flourish V �5R, it�, 1i5�
/i');(J{_):ffi, f.lllf@fu�•p) spawn V. t-'!JP
cod TI. �lQ. ultimately adv. iii�, :©�
sole ,,_f!ijl:ai_ chinook n. -;1J-� Yl* .Qi llJr lQ.
perch 11. �}1'l.; fl1Q,@!,; {fi.=f chum II. f!; Vj: * fb 11�'.ffi
pollock /l, 1-f�t coho n. lN:k f!1 n�i!!_
salmon II. (ft, :kfbfl�lf! sockeye 11. KI:k :P.; nt�. , Ul!lt
pump II. /Yfi?±_ i f11i7K i ff'4:.; f'n!:fnj humpback 11.!lt-/1': �1H,o/.; 1J,�1fil
rhytlunic adj. 1fffiltlH1<.J; ;f111t:�fl<.J exceed VI. jfil ct ' If£ :i:J:

circulaling adj. j.i[ifi(t<J, �fFA<J ex-vessel adj. fa'; f:Jl:l- fl9

微信:13522209444 155
II. .i:1JJl'.·li1J1fj
n. JiiHM, Wif=. J�f.,-
- sustainable l
adj. nft;H#(�J; .rf�}�(J<.J ;/f �
severe adj. U.�J ?.!i a<.J . ;iv. ill (1<.J , F � l'l<.J , basis II. ;Mimi: , ,tR-1,\!l
?7-;f;/!r(:1<.J statcwidc adj. 3kftl 11H°f;f (J<.J
declare v. 1J:;(jJ, pci l!J:l; I !· I W total v. •�:ii·; ;itjilj
federal adj. Jfx�qla<.J decade ll. -,-&:�
onset 11. l:&m. ill:� average adj. 3¥-JiJ (J{J ; Jill 'Iii (1<.J
statehood 11. HI (1<.J:/A:;$E.X:±1!!1tr annual adj. 4,<}�f:'.(J<.J, 1}'JJ[(J<.J

take over "· ��:, :JJHf: in excess of
constitution 11. m�1; 3\sr-t; iir� occasion 11. J:Jrf.-; :j-J L� ; ml ri:J
mandate V. f.rr4-; �1 Hfdft

primary adj. .:l�•�o<.J; fJJJV@; -tR*(J� approximate adj. jd-1;_i fi<.J • :ili1Wi<.J
biologist 11.�!Jo/.J•�.:* particular aclj. ti-y }jl]i'J<.J , 1!JFfi 119 ; #t�lj (J<.J
throughout prep. ilii!.&, J::t!a' halt n. (� .LI:. ; 1*.C!-
constantly adv. 7f�Wj-Jf!J., �-;�·lf!J. mechanism ll. f1Lill1!; .VL-fl.J; JJRJlll
monitor v. lV.r:"fl/4. lY.flljr. 11'.ii.4" stock 11. !ih�; .J/u.m; Jlx{�}

strcamsidc II. ¥iifi�, 7iiJ.illJt!!.•al' accordingly ad,,. PHt, :hfil:; �{1/.i)IJI!!

sonar II. ·!'ri i!Wf-�!11-lt/L J� -i �ri prosper v. �&fr' /i\GJJJ' {Ji!·· .... ��
aeroplane II. l:..f;IL threaten v. Jl&.ll�J-
fisherman II. @.';R: endanger v. f(L]k
pre-set aclj. 1j i&i: i'.f{J

marine adj. ifiJ: o<.J , Y1fJ � r1<.J ; hfHJr.1 i'.t'� , f:IJ'( indentilied aclj. %':�� (�J
mHt<.J approach 11. it:f'.t, ;i'ft
council II. Jlll�H�' � !n. i;; undergo V. if!!_§[: • �)Jj ; f/2, §I:
COlllmission II. �{H�; fJII� certification 11. ji[ IJR , f¼ ii£ . !.!fr. }t
certify I
I. iiEIJJJ' � liE appoint V. H-:frti.t!r�; �J�(ll.fliiLH!!..W
enable V. ue·•··••ft�(� committee II. �./r!.i;;
label II. f,;i;:W:; l�tif- compose VI. f].Jj)Z, fi.J fiX.
recognise \I. f�iJ._. ·UU]lj' kA riJ official n. 'fol-w aclj. 1�f1T(�J, IE:i:\'.:i'.l-<.J
criteria II. tf\rfj] rcprcscntalivc 11. ft*; i,_i;il_w; .!)l.(.�
potential adj riJfi�i'.ltJ, #1:(:E(t-<.J

lead up to f1=1J······fl<.J5t-'¥r- region II. Ji!!p(, Jfil:h.!,t Jf!J.,/f,'
collapse l
\. {jJJ� . iilliJlt . 7ff. fWf. priority 11. 1Jt%.f'Jl; ()(;9c/119iFt; ()(;9c
subsistence 17. �E. ff , � r,T; devastate II. igtJ,j";
community II. ti: IR ; 13l/4i.; (11:.@J Hli: fli

156 微信:13522209444

��*:9�' fMJL
fJ.l.iGflj(J{j, 1:J.?'H'�
- prompt

ii,t;ai ' f!t:W.:' ;J°if.igJ
:il5flJ"]]r,1.'fll__x�j�J]; � · · · · · --'/!r�

contend V. ffi-ii?;, Jthi?; ; ll-"cJ'.t , f.!;4p­ harsh a dj. t!Hil'i l'l(J ; �llJ II= t�J ; Fm A<J
climatic adj. '7:1� (J{j frozen adj. uj(i;J";B9
shift II. �1-t; {ti;/J; -t}UIE as far as �-'f. iii;fU

announce v. ��. :iili-'A- • .if�1�C(fi permission /1. Fillt:I:' ilfiif' ftit

qualified adj. 1=T�H'M1{.) initial adj. Jf:/1€1139, :lilWJWJ; =¥ti"t�J
grant V. .ft;iff' �I Al. ' i!ki;A.

I. Taking advantage of this rich bounty, Alaska's commercial fisheries have developed into some of the largest in
the world.

(I) take advantage ofsth.: to use a parlicular si111arion to do or gel what you wa111
I took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.
You'll want to take foll advantage of the beacbfront clubs.
(2) commercial
adj. rela1ed to business, 1/ie buying and selling of goods a11d services
Our top priorities must be profit and commercial growth.
11. w1 advenisemenl 011 1e/evisio11 or radio
a soap powder commercial

2. Between 1940 and 1959, overfishing led to crashes in salmon populations so severe that in 1953 Alaska was
declared a federal disaster area.

��i-lx: 1940¥U 19594:laJ, J:J:Jj[tJIH#i-f.iJ!�l'l'::k�flg-iJ_a<Jl/&iil�J.iltllht:J;-, 1953&¥-, lifiJrlLWT:!J □ �:'/'1"1{011�:iR

7fti.lK'' o
l11 -=- ,1\- :
( 1 ) lead to: 10 cause .w111e1hi11g 10 happen
A degree in English could lead to a career in journalism.
(2) so... (that) ...
He was so weak that he could hardly stand up.
Everything happened so quickly I hadn't time to think.

3. Over the next few decades average catches steadily increased as a result of this pal.icy of sustainable
management, until, during the l 990s, annual harvests were well in excess of I00 million, and on several occasions
over 200 million fish.

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 157
� �'-"-
ii!! 7::w� §l!Jffi�lU�.t�lit�Jlilitlffi$ 7 · fi!iitt

�J;-�J.>C: ;(£nf:M,�ti1imffi,lc�i'l<.J 11ff:ll.lr, �T*t'l<.!JL-t-1.F.!JL *.rii1�:fr!a<.Jf-'fil1'-fitJ::Jl o 20ttl:f:i:'.90{f-f-t,

.I1,1¥t:m.a'��F£lJil:i:11 f.*. -t-JJ1J1:f:{5tM:�MH:t 72fZ.� o
( I ) as a result of sth.: in consequence of something
As a result of the pilots' strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.
( 2) in excess of sth.: more than a parlicular a,II011111
The car reached speeds in excess of I 00 miles per hour.

4. The fishem1en know the approximate time of year when they will be allowed to fish, but on any given day. one
or more field biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing.

�� �f. x = ®:� !f19llm-1.F rJ =i i!& Jfif ft.ittrli m a<.i *·l�M 1nrn� o /Et� 1£;!/t�!fw-� t1<.J B -=f • ;!lt-t-tl!!.1<.{ f:tJ< --t-ll..'Z�

( 1 ) approximate: close ro rhe exact 1111111be1; amowu ere., but could be a litrle bit more or less tha11 ii
These percentages are only approximate.
(2) put/call a halt to: to slop a11 acrivityfro111 co111i1111ing
I urge those responsible to call a halt to the violence.

5. The crisis was completely unexpected, but researchers believe it bad nothing to do with impacts of fisheries.

( I ) have nothing to do with: 1101 involved or connected

He said that he had nothing to do with the decision.
That had nothing to do with you.

Questions 14-20

• fHi El ffrf:fn :

14. The Inhabitants of the Aleutian islands renamed their islands"Aleyska".

��w:Jt lfliJOO �I ;/lfii(,(:J<.J� �#HtMfJBY.%�i&1'.7"Aleyska"o

%:{fijil.J inhabitants, Aleutian islands, Aleyska
18¥:lm:�:fiit* renamed
)t �1=1 ;(,J-
The islands' native inhabitants called this land mass Aleyska, the "Great Land"; ...
Jlb'ffi%:{ftii1J¾J:(£Jt:l';'i:tl;-Fs):�_'.,(/i;tirrJ/:I-\Jl� o ;lt� '51..1'.J" ii(,J:,@�:fff\Jll::ii(,1'.JAleyska", jffl�q�
�WHli.11'.JlD:f.ti� (renamed), �X�71-f-J, M(Jll::{ill�f;fi1'.JFALSEo

158 微信:13522209444
Test 4

15. Alaska's fisheries are owned by some of the world's largest companies.

��-�)( l!nffi'LJUr1ma'-Jffii.: l:J.,JiiFF--�11J:NJ:1,tk(l%; i1l o

�1ftirfJ Alaska's fisheries, largest companies
kffmiJdi'.:ji'. owned by
Taking advantage or this rich bounty, Alaska's commercial fisheries have developed into some
of the largest in the world.
:SC rl] J<-tml!i'i-.
Jlt,W.iilll:!:Jlft. ji'\'J nJ W.·tJ.t3£�1JL o Jt rl 1 �f.v.'nJt� :J·: . IITTTW.Jllr1m llY-�mi��rJ!!:i"bJ�J&JjJt;f;Jt!J:
W-1:. iitk (1<1 Im I] 1 i I Jfr4JHlJ l'l'-J "'jff:l-% J-1 1t:l:1cl'IY i�ffJ f!ir-!11FFi "-(:EJ'c rt, ;Jt·*t!&. /Yr W.Jitl'J!�

16. Life in Alaska is dependent on salmon.

���Jt lliiJ-}i'1.Jlfrjm(1'-J� li1ii«M.It-=f:kP.1lllt fito

�1.v.iffJ life, salmon

firt,JJUt�!-Y- dependent on
llfE::.-1-� rp JYTJ:
· Salmon, ' notl!S writer Susan Ewing in The Great Alaska Nature Factbook, 'pump through
/\laska like blood through a hca1i, ... '
Jt �, 1 X11ili: .'�
.iill.i:1 ,W rl I J:E {Ii.iii! nT ;t 1 T-i"f l7(/I l J�sa Iman (Mi� ==.13!: J.E 1JL ill:Effl It nou i'l'-J -=¥-t!ib1JJJ'J :k .Qi nft
fJJ.J<,t"l:: IITTTN:J!ir)Jll .�)( ifi1c, if,h;{� fm.u,C.,Jl!l(IY till� -;j:_'p. ii -'=ifl2i 1§1 �11 i'J{Jdependent on( *151
T );<,r)liZ. /iJ(:Jlt)���;!/gTRUE o

17. Ninety per cent of all Pacific salmon caught are sockeye or pink salmon.

���'(!Jt tlk:·hllrJ:ia'-J-Jr..lJI .t-'F;kI:/illft:tY.1T90%:lHI:kb1111fr:fu_gJt;f!i-}*J;i,11(t-ffi o

JEuLiff.l ninety per cent, Pacific salmon
frif,imJdil!+ sockeyc or pink salmon
All live species of Pacific salmoa-chinook. or king; chum, or dog; coho, or silver; sockeye, or
red; and pink, or humpback-spawn in Alaskan waters, and 90% of all Pacific salmon
J'c cj• l!•t rifi.,i/K commercially caught in North America are produced there.
J ltllli�1.v. inJ:!:\:J,(£Jt 011 l)J MliftJ t±J 1.!ii , 5:E.{fz_fiiJ
: ftZ-f! 7 :tfi!iiJti'OtfrJJnJ)<�f' !Jfl ot1iJ:.j,:;t.:ifl-#:kBi
11�:ft!. , JH/1 Iii tlk: tit m (I"� -Jr. �l t!f-:k J;i, n(t ii'! .ff 90%�11 f= FI Jit 11< J!;_x o imflfil El 1:/1:tff ;oc El Jit1)(�139
1if:Jr{IJ �liilJ-.i-;fil•' ���1Ht'-J" 11� SctU:mi111Ei?il1J,,Jf'' i¼Jitfili��;!/gNOT GfVEN o

18. More than 320, 000 tonnes of salmon were caught in Alaska in 2000.

��wx tE2000:¥ . ifil:tt32JJ ir.tt;k 11i r�lil 1£ µiiJ-tft:Wr1mt.!ld!IH'Ji o

5EfuinJ Alaska, in 2000
/irMHi;XJill:f.: more than 320, 000

微信:13522209444 159
:it 9" xstJiiI A During 2000, commercial catches of Pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320, 000 tonnes, ...
,11.HiJ®!J'f J.liU11fiiJ IB:illi�f:fLJtt/ffi, fi� ffl'BJ;f1l/ffi 13 it-J �-¥,l(. Jctrrl" l'.l<.Jexceeded.5jJ'Ji El rl 1
(i<.Jmore lban/iiFflf/l.>(.$1.j� o M(Jtt@�$::J;JTRUE o

19. Between 1940 and 1959, there was a sharp decrease in Alaska's salmon population.

��-�)'( tE 1940iU 19591:f:laJ, lrrIT.J"i'LJl/r1Jr1B<.J*!!111f)j IE ,lt,fil�.li:�r[l� o

�f.i'i:ilil Between 1940 and 1959, Alaska's salmon population

iif.:1/li ;)'cffl!!f- sharp decrease

Between 1940 and 1959, overfishing led to crashes in salmon populations so severe that...
:it 9" xstJiiI A J;Effl�Jt;J l)JJ!,tif,J lli�, j;E{Ji:ln]ffi IIJ, tE l940f!J1959:!.pfa], itffl:-ttllW�3&*.Q,Jl��-�-fil*
�, � .5j Im§ 71::@:-l:j( o )tr;.trp a½crashes.!::i /ill §l r[1 t10sharp decreaseiiIFf [i'iJ S(�:l.£ 0 Ml:Jtt:llli
��:;/-JTRUE o

20. During the 1990s, the average number of salmon caught each year was 100 million.

��i-t-)t -0:20'IJHc.90:!ff-t, *!!;ilftifta<.J�P::Jlltt:lJiiPJl-�J1-J t1Z.

J-Eul liJ I990s, average number
J/J¥fii;)'s:WJ 100 million
ffi fill 1Yst*1 iiJ :
..., during the 1990s, annual harvests were well in excess of 100 million, and on several
X 9" X•t JiiI.� occasions over 200 million lish.
:ffH1li�ftnf ill.ilJ-E fur� lrnJ:31:* 'nJ, 5-Eul'nJ1tr tl\:tp:tiHt:liJ:,liH::l:( in excess of) HZ., BSfi �
:!ff�j121Z., TiiiHJi § J!U �Jjl-:1$J1-J l{Z., -/il{tlt/Mi��:hFALSEo

Questions 21-26

• /l2 § �ffi! : Sentence Completion

• fWFIJ1J1f'ft,;:
1. Jl.LW:hffc'.xsti�i\ s�1c!ilt1iJT Jm, �-�Jiiitt stfrJ fHmFFm.5!, lillffi::ie:ilHrY-Eifz, f.'�Fc:5HJrili;:rffi;k:i.il!iiiJ
uHr M®i o
2 . Jtt�/m 13 � ®iCf-/lltl1mi/li;i}¥ DRJIL nT ;flj ffi JttJJ1-9W ffi11t5-E f.fl :u ;ffi! 0

• Im 13fll!f.tfr:

�� :lEiftiil) Jt i:p M $ ,./K RHlMHff

Jlt:llli5-Eift��, ff!.Jll'tlifilflxiL El�5-Eifz1iJriT�il!£�•
�3i1Ystt11=1iJ: i
*1I�ffi Htlt 13 a<.J, *!£9-�iiliitJJl!ff1" tR..t r
There are biologists
adult fish
throughout the state constantly
monitoring adult fish as they
Jt,ttJr{fHH: !:t��;aa<.J��:�t �*:f!liffl??J.��
,j,:." "I JJl! 1f � EJ<J-$* . Tiii :i.!:r_m W:f.!ll3W
7 :fil.fil a<.J

show up to spawn.
J'E)i! ( abundance) o jill.jj::J=Ft/�iz\;:rffi;)'cfil!iii.1, 9-::rf G�

Test 4

�� '..iE{Il� xltlx1ElZ,ifii: �§M.ffi

J.m.:XJilliiiJfia!:jzx1$: to ensure that fish numbers
arc sufficient(:X1$abundancc) to pem,it fishing o $.
1.f-Di IB!: , 1,- [IJJ : �•�&•�.��fiiI�m*•�-•�•��
..., but on any given day, one ma o �fil�-��-�-����(�h)nGfi
22 authority or more field biologists in a :fal o :iffi.i:ttltn\zl§i!/dJ!ifiJ' .R�Ezl.ITT:)HiiilJfTu!:j
particular area can put a halt to zJ<q·[iiI: to stop( 3(,r$halt) people fishing for sport o
fishing. til!:.iElif0��:1-JE.,
tf� Ji131:*1iJ �•�MUff���m•�fil.�fil1iJm�•:r.ITT
It is this management mech- <s'J.!ll-'J=-@t�q.\l �iiJ !ii:Wr1m e<J :k I:!i 1lfrig if.till!. ;IH�� 5R
23 allowed anism that has allowed Alaska ( prosper )o iill.i:ttltli'iIB;l.ITT:¾:tl:J!iJ,J , .R1iBzl1YiJc�
salmon stocks ... to prosper, ... if,Jfja!:jzx;f/i: to be successful(x;f[iiiprosper) o 1'&
iEfiffJ��'J-7B .,
��QJ ltB, &•@l.%�HH Hi established1:EX i:J, BY 1nJ
.)(4°��was found, �Qlf.iJt�,'1-\MSC.fl: iAliH.l!i.6?:itli
The Council, w11ich was found
MSC, ��tr-r/:F.1':1'�¥fil:J:u; .iili:i::ttl:tli'i:litl]'l*Wlii'1J • .R;f.T Az
24 ill 1996, ce11ifies fisheries that
established J'._yj_:�JilHff.lfi5!:jzx'1'@: to recognise( M@certifies)
meet high environmental
fisheries U1at care for the environment ( M .uiI meet
standards, ...
high environmental standards).. '/&iE1ifO��::kJA o
tf� J\.$..lt*1iJ:
However, the state reacted
:iffi.i:tB��m��-�Q.:iffi:i::J:tl:t/i'i�Q1iJ� ■
25 the state fR lli;l]'i � l:J q[i! -��- H\ Kili;l]'i "to close down all
quickly, closing down all
fisheries" !:j Dit.>CJL:1J'-5E3t-3& o MCiHeff1��::faJK ..
fisheries, ...
t(; JLIB!:W,;=li,J:
�t Ii� 1i[lllJ t/cl ,' Ii Mi § rJ, -1M �J BY 7 � i� �J-llk' � f)( iiJ
Seven companies producing
seven �;(:EeEBY��J:�ffiMOC�5$ o B:i1tlmz
Alaska salmon were
26 Alaska l]!Jc W! i:liJEdl�ljjk ii\; :i'._ITT , :&:::f'l,il.Fili; JJJl "to I abet ( M Ii
immediately granted
salmon display) their products using the MSC logo" JL:ij'-!:j
permission to display the MSC
ffi)t-3i.l( ., /&.iE /ef(l��J-1F o
logo on their products.

i1lfs$4'.ilu.-at:i:1JUr�rffil:=?t;f11.1t=EJ\l'�/Ji�-m:Q;lliiJf.t/ tNtUfiC 1u'f:lt:t:3f �,:tt<1-1-.1<.wWr-mi). T 1.t: tum

=.F:ltiilz:1f 1¥J-tJ.!:kMi o R:JJ:i'fJffif1E�Al:\:i2e:J.ik::;lclld1�,::faJllnJ�Wi-Js-, :ttY-1"1t:;lcl'J{J±!Ik" o :tm�, �{fln�'tliiiJ
:nIWfJJO o
19591¥ , llnJt'LWr1m1Jn,A�;flj��ikl3ll. Jilt::faJ�� (10�491-fN . )tfili;JJVt� � T� �;llt1t!!A81-ftl,�, fiii;ffHl<J
Ji?tz.-.. £!:j1Jn�:k;t-lifl:l:lt�:kl!mm= ¥:11<� , iffFff�l3sl-*�J:s<Jr§}l'F-� o $,'krnJmt�Aa�r§}d!Jtif11
llnJt'LWr1JDf�-('Jj(� ITTi'&r-a-!MH97l<�.£�ril4=fJ:Jj'i'&}.£ii� ��ffBY* lfcl O Jtt5'r. �jtJ)<:IE,£i:p;ijS��tf 400
�Jftl 1 if!�' !TT�' !llf!.l�fl$kfll:i;b� 0 lliiJ�'l'LNr1JllBYiffl°ill!.iffi:!:J;JE,t;flJFf:JT:k f;f f'cM1<Ji1Ut' Br.2:&::Jlflilt1:Jili�J:
tJ!1.�:f&:;lcBY �ill!.?ilt#Billz- o

微信:13522209444 161
.j,ijlµiif:l'.uJlfiJJUfff!_ill,_.q:j"rli:J';);J,afifj( . ;(:£2OOO1.J:.. lliif 1iLJ!li JJnil'lI�Jdff!Jm Ill r" 7 Jili;IT_1.:-r-11,tt1i(J IJl �;f11�ll=:1!!. .i±1T
rr �TJl�fl�;jjfljfil( -et:tfi.!f}jf;Q., �1!L �/ifii_;f11 i'Jft� ). i!iiT.Jv.MJllliif! 1J1t.tfiEf1(JJt1t{,,Jllt.:f1l�rJ.\l.tllJI:;k.I!ill{tfu o raff
%fF*9f-JJYJ · ;tmltrJtll(19f,{-fpH!l:;kB(J l!rfft'i:Wr )Jll 19 k�1!J!:l.l-l)-�1,; '11 -1'/:f II\. :;le D., llf\- fit J.J,JuJN:JJ[r;mv11-i::t. fl'X1�1(1L
i�i1it�,C,,Jl!l:-t-.Y,. jJ _i!}'l-±JI!!, i9J/fm;f11A 1f HW*�tl!J;l.fflJt'I!, Wi':Ff illi 11% (Mh1f o nTJ:ITT.!ill'l(J =IS 'bf l'J<Jj(:ll1llft fI1 , : ,)

:klf'- �*!Ii
fil-W ,fl:±Jt 1t:/t} IV,�5Rtrl�. �lHE(l'�r" !Jll ffi.:;f.J fi�, Jll}:;f11;Jtfl!!.?JJ!lt�il¾ft!Jm. i,H�1J �Jt ±Jll!.!UfJtl�;/S�" 5.fil•
11� iY. t1111'.£11,,r�wr1m1J<:1Ji11" �� , �� s'l:k 1;/111ft fu (Iii!£) , Bi J1;*.Iii 1,e- ffi OiiJ !@) , i� .Iii11ft �- c tli *
fil£ )_ Uj(:.f!il�{:fi ( UL'1£ )_ f�}:kll1lllJ ffi.(!J'/'.:1-'f:;k.f!ilf{t ffi ) o :lt�9O%U(Jrffi}llt.;ii.:3Jl.f(,:;kll1llfl':fu Jljlj"'= FI l»IJ' .J'JI.Jl}rJJfl
./IMt1JiiJ1i'l:Jtir1m..!ik-1-JrtuLJlll�r�Jifr. 't�t-JI� ill:W.Q:;kt1(Jllff�E.kfb1� ffii'"'JI!!.. 2OOO1r-. llriJ-lv.Jllr1mil'lI.!llt.:k Bi
fl�fh ("·JJ.l:mu32O. OOOll•tt, flfl":ili3(� �M!.u2. 61Z.�lC o
/l�fffi. -llltfu.!llt.:;ti'�r--i&.i!-i.Jxli/h]f:F:ijl@i 1940flj 19591i:rn1. :i:1:i!t�lll-NH�1ijj(:I!1llf\-i{i_(1(J�litf.JJ,illjl).�:!,-, 1953
1JS, l!iif�tl!frJJUri!Z::l:J"llxffl'.lt'.iknftl8:" o.::G:tl:, Hl�Miill:tl:.J1C9'1 4Ji [ill TU I� 3::"'�J.!ll*Jl. 1".EfH itl�tfl9� � "f TF !Rt
1J(!_ill,_r,f/i;/J o i7iiflHtl!lt:fr��7if01i'dliTI"-nLJUrjJ11(1(J l�it.&�1!,;t;(:E nf 1#Mi��(1(J�li:llJ:ill: frJf �jfil)J.I] JJIHlti�. �f]j 1rf.

!'Ill p;J (1<.Jj(:.Q,llft 11!1"fil::;k��J925OOTJ � ;(.Eilf-lt�:JTJH)l'i13(�(1(J��1llir. tiff* (ML I ·1js Ill' :kf11llfl' ata(J I" lit

31'-�tJ:3,- 2O1.l±tc.9O 1'1°1-\:' f!1lli't1L.ti'J<J{f r":L,bl11.i.:J: 11Z.%-. 1-JJIJ 1Fff}.Jl ¥ia4.il 7 21Z.t'k"
w· , , *

1"£1� t:i 09"§!£ JJ.it lzil :lik �M!IT fl/iffJ; *hli r:JHf.l.� 1,J;;j,." (J<J 1�'J1Jl.nr! �:HI ¼'� llil rJ;J a<J � @/� Y-! .Ji-tJr-
�-�*n���� �-- mm. Mn��--.� �,umfi a

��*.I!i *fh • l �ff

�. Jt-�nft�3(·i§R. jc:!;!Jflf\-CI!.tflH.#*11i.iG JI1�bti9:Jt/F(-(1<.J:Jlt-n-ti� o ?Ji!�fr)t-nill-11° 1 (1il3()(�:Jtit11l1.JJia<.J:;lc
.ji;tA;j" ffil � o i!l�tE;;!R@��□9 [I ·=f • Jit1-JI!! 1K 1'.t(J-1'" J.i.£�1-�»i:h.i..Ht<J �:W)q: *:;fr -�l"l'�• .,Jt �J t-lrll filif; l))J. t!:�
ili 14>-� tt�Ul'.t<Jf<J{gtl;i;/J w.�tl!i� tl: o .iEJI�#l'J<J''�:1lli.f'JL;Jjtjf�1!}-IJiiJf!LJVi"fm (1(Jjcl'.!i11f\- f&1itt LH!i\-Jilj 1¥ liE.;Jt-f!E
�iiJt'LWi1m(1<.J.frijJ1!_\]1!_1iiiv.:t�Hi�� TITTlfi]n;J' � jillJt ftl!.ll!!.�:fj{J:;kI!1llft CiiJ&·ljI: E ll 11 :Mf 4- A WtJ L �,(E �d'l:J�

Jl#.1-, ..Y:��f6.:liMJ!lk:$rl1.
I 999&:t=, �f.fi'lj'Jfil�.v'l.•< MSC)f,UR'ifilf.lliif./:i'LWriJll*.lliilft{JJ.-titH:lhllt. o ·it'i: !'A �rili;:SZ-'F 199611,. 't.1-Jt'r
1'ti%:Ff ��mu10u.&1ttJiEnJ1. JtiHI!! ff1uf!J:rltff-�, f&'!flft!Unnu.tt ,�, i:2 IR fft t1<J:Fif� 1lifL i1ii: i"f='CT-Jfil'i: Jn i'i
�T -�-w ;EM.!lit.trlt1J1.jk (J(j;j:j Hli O j.(yjj�0 fa1-Ydfn[ljjffi.i.:J:J:f ri-frfv'rn>:,.E Jfr-lll'* O'�ffl.:{_Ejf1J Mi!� . �M6} �3R lb:
� Ft �1-J F-1 f/ii1.ttl:X:-i-¥�. =f¾. rhJtr-�tl'J!Jl • .Gi ll!:v. 7 -1'" (i· f"J B9i�,�� .F.t �. �flil!
-�-n l'.t'�i.(g�ld?�UJ,
fil., ).Anft�, ����, �Jt,f� 1n. ,f-'1lltJt�H11:l!;iljj(Jl'.JfJlt t�J..J:Jlllillil'i1:i'IHHxffi,\i!. .f11R,1�.

tEiiti:#�JllI• l.n.�ii¥<:@:J§"tk:�(1<Jllf1JL-t J.I JJL 1!YlfliftiLJlfr1111(1(J:;/cf!111�w..fu ftr-�tUuitEt. -'F:&, -@AAT.�
v-1-J • i!iiTti1lUr11n :.i;ij 1ift-tldig..!lk :;r-�11 ff M ��m �1r-f'JL-ttJiJ-. iiE(i<itJL� 7 • :tT'l :£ jriJ .f11-is-:Jlfr;f:11-� �1iF1Hm.Jrx •

}'[j(:!11 �fti.;f:flJ;1J �_);*TI,11fl':fuJ L1'-:ll! T n:m IV.* JlHtfti 139�� 0 -lt,:JI!! IK Miftf 1IHt1l (irJ/jFff /}tjttJl 89iiJ t.-t-tJ

�J?H!LfiJ:;<:t Jlt.J:lff-:;!c$l'i.
:iz,:J:J,tfl:�L:,t� /Jl1'-A /11 (J�;tf:;!4.mm�J..ln. ,If! fi'f�:Jt-.iG�U.'.&IRti!J I ®!l<J O Hl& . II!!if Jyif.:ftJ,��,��
ec 1��1-ts<.JfiHTJ:' ]kjc3!'-#/4a-ui:im�m:j1,� ii1H11:ttrJe.!ilJl!t1,�11�J+H�JfrHP-: �@� {�J;!li�ii!Uilt�* (J<Jl!rr�.

1m1iifil]!Hi¼'H\&@:' �l;iJ]Jifr:;f,fifil:l:J,. &�-�H"fiJlll@;l;J 7 liJfn;nJ t#�$:}Pk(1(Jtifi!m
2000��9 J� . l'fn-/i(:�l!Jl • .in �£'F(JilITTJfi):J.\fr1lfl:k!"!i�ffintilt.:!Uii:t 7�#'t r,li'?f. 7*�Ef"l!r,Jm�lfi1lll:Jc1Jill�:ffi
�<Jtfft_ill,_i� � "SL un� 111'.:(:Ef' i'rr1..t 1!1'.J l·l /1ijf,(;1�'J.lll� Jn il;-1z· JI !ft'& .j;j; Q i�·jiEn)J (lJ )I!, !trt Wl IIIR.::J� s�' Z.E 4iJi¥:iJH r­
!XW�. l�Hifu-mHf!! 111�0�1f'.Jf'tff�t.l\1.�BY�l-ft o

162 微信:13522209444

f.$:� ·i.tU!il ..it

:E®i •fo §j •f.J
�� i -a: A�•�. ;f-Hl � -iJ/,l 1r fie. /J a
J ..::..4: -iJ!l "'r �t.fJ 6� ..6:i Hl·l1.o

plausible adj_ �1i;J.J'J_:�(J'�. %Hi;J.ffJ11HtiJ work out v_ (111(,�; i,l;t-i-1-1±: ; iH+
adjust v_ iJt.i�. �------m:r physiological adj. �JJJHI'�. �Jlll�� BiJ
countryside /I_ .§, tt, ;&t,t reaction n_ /j_JE_
initially adv. ii"�WJ disruptive adj. 1.1"/ilii.(l<.J, m/i:tf-11:1'!�, ffitl:iilf tli
capable adj. f-f f:i�jJ B<.J \lil(JiJ
adapt v_ -BI!- -- ---ml.i.\l; i&'.r.!� subject "- ;fif-§ • :Ell!
expose V, -Bl!��T, 1tttffi�tilJ control v_ & n_ Jlffitj, �ifitl
burst 11_ :m/i�. :'kf'tHJ,� arousal 11- ifix/Ti!J , sf;¼:/Ti}J

adaptation n_ i&r.!Tu; .itililZ pilot n. �qf Jn , @i!Jitln , i3 I ilJt.!n
troublesome adj_ � Jd;m·ll&in<J, ttJ:Jtf.t<J air-traffic n_ :£rl,�:i.il'i

concentrate v_ $ 9� , "� •L'; t-l'<� track v_ R&l/;;f;, :ifil.�

interfere v_ klffwl-; l�•�; -=fr!v steer v_ 51..\'lf; 1/£l]!l!; fjj'(fi
monitor v_ Jl{IOJr, .IJ'.i:1!'f

significant adj. f-f;g.:X.niJ, X1;1Ji!I:� L�f.t<J; ID: overall adj_ �i'.l<.J, .f:l.�HiJ
�!'l<.J. i!::Jdt<.J random adj_ 1:f:;ga<.J, lf'ifH!Ea<.J, illHlLa<.J
predictability /I_ nJJ:9l!j!!t.£ interval ,,_ lal IWi
tune out �t!/i' ::f:}11!� annoying adj. ·!m,A.a<.J, i,,j-J;Jt B<.J
chronic adj_ KWI 13<.J: 1§1,f.ta<.J portion n_ $:,-}' {5}; 1?rJ-jg
circumstance /l, :!f±fi:; :!kl£; !Jf.ftf: after-effect 11. Fo *; �ilt

intrusion 11. 1�.A., �:J'Jt proofread v_ �x;J-, �WJ

space v_ 1Wi3f, f}IWi error /1, 4'/!� • ;j:;}i::

微信:13522209444 163
apparently adv. Jl'U� toll n.1Ufr-
fatigue II. 1.BZz. , PH¥

variable II. �tt individual 11.�A. �l,ti:
eliminate V.I*¾' tile!*. jlll* exercise v. ®#.i<; ��h,; g/J;>J; .@ffl; fif!l!
negative adj. �J.E i'.l<.J; jµj:t,& 139 ; ftl iTii (J<J sufficient adj. JE ltJp!'.1<.J , Jt:51"-(l<.J

so far lt4-.:;lgJ.l: adaptability II. �J.iY.•�-£

transient adj. �tilf(J<.J distractible adj. �-=p:5t-,C,-(1<.J, ;;r-�·,J'..,i'.J(_J
lasting adj. 1]<� i'.J<J , 7)(tfi i'.J<J follow-up adj. i��(l<.J
realistic adj. JJ.!lj;a<.J, :fJ\!�::i::Sl.B<J investigator 11. fiif1-E�. v,11:r11t. r!i1i:l!T
elementary adj. f]J� EJ<.J , ¥*0<.J comparable adj. TTftt�l'l<.J, tt:/UJ.:(1<.J
blood pressure .illLffi ethnicity 11. ;fil �:JGIJ:5·}; ;fif1 /it�tE

distract V. *ft, ?J''L' social class �t4i'J1Hv:

1. In general, it is plausible to suppose that we should prefer peace and quiet LO noise.

( 1 ) in general: usually or i11 most situmio11s

In general, about I 0% of the candidates are eventually offered positions.
(2) plausible: adj. reasonable and likely ro be true or .rncces.1ful
His story certainly sounds plausible.
a plausible explanation

2. But there are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to
concentrate on more than one task.

Je:11niLAh%L'(ti:1lL o
(I) concentrate on: to give most of your auemion or effor110 one r/1i11g
Doctors are aiming to concentrate more on prevention than cure.

3. Apparently, unpredictable noise produces more fatigue than predictable noise, but it takes a while for this fatigue
to take its toll on performance.

"Ji.� t­
i., Fi ,Ii!,,:

( l) toll: n. a ve,y bad effect that so111erhi11g has 011 something or someone over a long period of rime

164 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test 4

Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.

a heavy toll on lhe environment
( 2) lake some time to do sth.
II took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dark.
Repairs take time lo carry out.

4. The studies discussed so far exposed people to noise for only short periods and only transient effects were

��lll"l o
( I ) so far: 11111il 110111
So far we have not had lo borrow any money.
They're delighted with the replies they've received from the public so far.
( 2) expose sb. 10 sth.
The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.

Questions 27-29

• J1fil El �lli/: Multiple Choices

• Jffi 11 /OHfr :

lffi� ;;E {.itiiij

,W fl : tl=:/fm /I', Aff],(:1: LI I !UiJ!Tu•w:nJ�-1'-T �1xmr1<.JJJilli>I :Ji!::
A. Afil-atKnJ-1Jifri;;i--;'{-"'l(J,'i-'1'fli o
B. {�if JriJf��l!Jr:flJlt}.'t.li1jf'�::.(1<.,�tirJ. 1-i'?j· a
c. Aifl:(£Jljfi'.%11t!l!!litQ:llfi-3iU-AEi1H�Jli:¥J'/'\'- 0
D. {�ff iTffi�t=.t�.ilV.ili 7 JJ&TIT 'I I .ll!:k(i<Jl�'/T 0
sleeping in the
27 xt@m-.IB)j,JjJ.ljlnJ: Jtt� /I J1 A�{l;.l:iJ'-( plausiblc:@':1'] "m,fl;,(ti;�(J(J" ):JI!:::P.x1i:i'lf1•
t'!.iFnftl /'Hyet��-tfr•::l I .'11 (-t: 111 IX:11!:W.:4il;!;J 1'1:ic1i;iTf1 rnix{E J;). .AJif{ o .lltllli{1!J+J+.ll,ilfri�fili
�l�·�/fl'f.iffi: A rl 1 l'l<.J ".�.XXll.tfi· ;;fU.�,TNft" )tl;'(;)-1:*JM&; B1 I I Fl<.l"l�W:iJf'':E.B'��
·t�ru i'?i- "tEJ.E {i[ 1rJ 1t 1 LIL,fHM&; c1 l11'J<.J "A-�� ll1Viil l•t1ifi- Pf =f;-" 1!!*1M.&; RfiD

.l:,!;J'.!i!f.ff,-)t:@':. Jt� 1adapted to a highernoise levelX•tJ.ilZX1l1(i<.ladjust(iJMTi), li;J:;lg

)Ji!ti'n�ir43c:k. lfr W-.(:HLI ill.ll!J!ji:11,t� '.!2-iJl;J-\'ii\£@: o il:TifO:§:�: Do
iWl-1: :(:El�t'i''.X�1 11, Glass;f11SingeriMiA�:£.!i\:
A. ('£'.tci\'ft:ffmr1 /ill(,�JaJnF!JIJJ lli'm.JY,1. 0

B. �El.fil&w.:J11J��J 7 T WfAf.::JJ o
28 Glass and Singer
D. X-t!!!!�!J�m �<.J �.U1ll&J1i.tJ� ii£ rilj.ii;! o
x�·J.&J$-f..lt:Ii'H=iWViJ, �WJ. JW!fri.l:)..,i:.,,i9ft'.tliL o {!UE:kf�l!Y:5Hil•Fn. -t!.lim�t�

J1.H:f1�1iOJll@*:lltrPi"&� 1 I I EJ9)(; J!H'.li�!J!i:H!-f'f':1lUf Ji!!. Ttl= o {fil frl i'!9�:)11I&lii. i:!!.
.i:B:ifil/1<.Jfi'jfilfl]�X·t!!!i�!�m�,1'1 !!{i(l97J<3JI- o .tl:fif(J��: C o

微信:13522209444 165
lffi� ;;E {.itiiij )t g:i x1 li!Z,�
flJrnl: 1Vf�;fj-�JJlit65t !i! IIJ!kir::f j(nffrn7 ::ft:
A. 1)tJ'.g!ffJ§-(1½Jj)t�Jjj.1Jr o
B. �fr 5:1:iili;� rj 1 3t::iffi h/J,i)/ij./n (J½ff%- o
high noise levels, D. �H•tll;J::f.li\.= 1' i1J.!ltff.l:(1½f1�jJ o
29 not...interfere 0
m=i&�'riJ: f!HnW:�J)t-iJ\:J�Xt�IITJllt 1ftl:JLJ»i1f*11t, ;J;l;Ml�tla<J�JE.fi�n
with Jlih:�ftJ:Jt;;t]k[q;[, PJ-ff-llL��1f}.!!Jmil:A,C.,:,tyj�WL o
»..� = 1iJ ff �n1M:1 ttn�'Hfu
(For example), IZ5IJ1t·f§lJ-r£JUl'.l95l �'nJU:.likfff't'.n.fil'nJ o
u*it Ft'c � nt �-t1:�JJi!fE*(J<.1A, 911JAz:i»!gltnJf:i�.ifl1t.:i::m. J:1.iEliJf!�� o Jtfl!!.
.=:-t-zJ]Hl11:.m:mtx ltl:EJ\l(J� P,)�, ·@'/'rll¾t!!. ��JJi!fE:1Ht�:l!l;JJi!, �-� riJ:J:tiP.H"flP.11:ri
..l=!jJJ1-J'c-i�ft9ili;:i»!"i'l<J/JR911J$t�JHlci*, �J�z:i:ITT·tlL:'RAo .iETeff!��: Ao

Questions 30-34

• /l] § �� : Summary
• f(jl{)i( 'Jf1£; :
I. 5WHl'J11ifiJJfs0summary. l�ttl�f;tJi'.�·!Jlflfor/,/ffi:$-1,, l.ilZ1�$tx,J·HfJJfF- 1 I 1 (1<J1'f!. ilil:Jtli if,Jf.:1:±!Hrf}�, Jt:.;ftl J U
2. 7£�:fHfr-=fftizl;JJi!, Jin E&Fi:J,.& H&I; {_l;l_fffir:i:ti:Jl:ti'i\fil;f nff�J=!HII:!� ��, � #al �t1 NBffi /1\�JJi!r.iJ t:J

3. Xff-�.-W-/ffiB �Summary, liHESummary�l3!:li1iJ 1 ! 1 �·-l'1:5E{.fl ifiJ5E{IL.

• )W §I ff!lftfr:

�� ,:ggiji] )t g:i 3(;J-/i!Z -� � �M*fi

m.:::l?i: �,m ffr .lilif,J;0 noisea9{t'l1ITifll. 'fll;� � .R 11 'F
We are much more able to BCDG.J o �-fflffr���-5tfi.r.iJ���ffiffr
Glass and 'tune out' chronic background .f;l'Uf,JJ_i)l!ijintensetr.lnlt&.>l:'ld�. i�1'1%'iz i'iT t;..(TefO
30 Singer, noise, even ifit is quite loud, ���:Y-JBz:rffl: uncxpected o :'r:l;,�, :ii!i:i:11:��!Mi□
circumstances than to work under ,f11J'(ij1 5E{iL:ill:(Jy5<,fJj)z:X:*. nH.ij,IHBrl 1 in which
circumstances with _ occursXt fiiZ J'c If ' with unexpected intrusions, tlL
unexpected intrusions. fJ�:iz\;tll iElif(J��B o
-!'ii 1m1,wr1r mi:911J{Em301WFA tHlli�1:fr i'ifJnf i:1 11!::i!JE
m.=:l?i: fi'l. o �-1-� !Yr 111ifiJ:!lsinoise(t<Jf�1{r,inJ, ��tl!.R iiJfi�J/
For some subjects, the bursts BCDGJ, :(:E�Ii 1'zJITT rj� _R;f,f D·)z\;.!J!!ij �Jtthe
were spaced exactly one same amount-1:!,c, i'&.TETefO��:Y-JD o
31 al l
minute apart (predictable � ;,� , :iill .ct JJJIJoi� J� 13 , t.ic mu:-r x :w: : . �
tH.B. rt·1
noise); others heard the same -ili15tAt�fll!ha<Jnt�:!/ii'iJrffi-W!H':l:slJ, ;ltftkA�kl!P.
amount of noise overall... (lY)'J�.ifitJL��El't½, fi.Jr;f,f ,A.1!/r)ilj t'J(jl\l¼�t►.'ll� _" U1
nMW: I\ Q .m fil .Rflli.lnDJzl;J]i.

166 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test 4

�� '.iEifi: iii] :SC$3!t&I,� �Elffilf.:t/i

Subjects reported finding the JltlillJ.i:'. ffiJi'iJ;t,y, riJ t.lc!!HJIID!Ff Jll'U!IJ o ��QffiJ11T Fn 1-J
predictable and unpredictable ��A.�Jlt��$m���-�-.i'&-•.R
32 noise equally a1moying, and fitiJEFl-llo :iill .i::J: .J31/ 1'i X rl1 X<J" J"§i. ,?K nJ 1Jt. � jJ;l.j :fil• A
all subjects perfom,ed at about perfom1ed at about the same level. �IJlt.R@u\;�F
the same level during the noise m.r§i o
po11ion of the experiment.
tl'l�l-3-1:: •a�fi���m�•. m��ffi�mm���
As shown in Table j the TiJ Ni iWJ t:l: IIJ!ii {f jf11 �lo riJ'('jii ij!I) ·l111Jli! ii rt• (t(J TW� A e<J Lt
written unpredictable noise produced 43()c� , �� .R fi� .11 EFH I o riJ IV-tE X '1 1 311'1.fil l�Fn
material more errors in the later jJ.Jj\'i/l',1El::X:IU:lt;X:�: produced more errors, -jz\;J§I
proofreading task than '1 1 .R11trl 1 (J<j)cfililiJmade more mistakes-'=iZA'ffl f.f.
predictable noise... M{��:7-Jl o
t/H!.LI fJl:
Apparently, unpredictable
.lit Jill� Ill illJ :t-E.x" , });'[ i.m :1 rim . ii.Im 1:1 � � rrr.gn-'f!
34 fatigue J� i1t.ri.l1:1&?1 ( fatigue)(JfJI� ]ii� }}lj, �1 f�5<•t $JJ;'[Jt
noise produces more fatigue
'1 1 (1<.Junprediciable noise ..iI:lif(J�� l'JB o
than predictable noise...

Questions 35-40

• fill I] �J\�: Matching

• fif� filiJJ �:
1. JJ:tlilll'JA.� l=JJt1iJf1Er1<Jtll"lc:MJ. r.yJt�{.ll.A.ti -r 1 Hftlll:'.iH!rJtli.lf1c�JMJ:, itl:TfiT:(fJ�-f ti•il!:frVli'i� o
2. A;·1t::TTf•(:E.J3if >Cf;:t11t�t - Jc. 1 I I Ate. :.klif y.: IIJ:j1f fitff-i.c W-1-iiW� {iL. lll.iiZ)t� {lL / ·I\ F,.l\ lJ(l/il[$.Jl'�' a<.J A
lg o Jltf�rl1 Ail\;tiil;(-EJ'c '1 1 II\ fA\ �511:, BCili\lJJif:l-,'llJ:ll!-511:, D-jz\;Jj)i H \- .f!\!WJ511:, /.iiI-l'Ji!mBCDMl(_JJ@iij::itt
3. r,v;.i111:tx1J 1111m-=r:::X:1ili if..l. _sjJJiJtillh tt.� u11nT
4. Jlt/i\fil'i 1 ', IH:JI\ T��!!r:'f(J<JEu\;JiiI: ,. IV-.l:.u\;J]'Ufll�.)(, '', ,lj -�1:.m ib:�HHll:lrit?Ml�E o
• !aiflff!1r.ffr:

�� '.lEi:iiiiil :x:$�&z.�
35. Subjects exposed 10 noise lind it difficult at first lo concentrate on problem-
solving tasks.
il!HJJ. �'fl�)-'/'f 1 1 1 (J(_/Ji�!ji!):;<•t�{��m� 1 1 •trrJJ*ffrf.tk:i'iiJB&i o
Jlti'IN1'1<JJE-ffi:J®!J¥ J.ilZ it-Hl,tfmJi ( Zl:11JJE ff£ TBCi1--� ,f11 I/,\HI.I: D). ;k1tr,-1x5:E {ft
35 difficult at first
A.iz\;J:lJlGrass and Singcr o J;E{i'.i: =ftf1-f.9:fflj��l!9{f: The noise was quite disruptive
al first, ...
�Jt: il,'g-fJJ, PA'h�f- U:A.,i:.,;tm:tt�i. o
-o:Jt '1 xtJ.ilZl� :13.fi'li:tlJ>i'. /ui.P]disruptivc at first, ..!,I�1'B5)'/N;j:R:r.T-
1 o M{��;!kJA o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 167
36. Long-term exposure to noise can produce changes in behaviour which can still be
observed a year later.
-L� WJ�1£ P�yHfr 1=!=1 fi�?":l:: fi JJ �fr,o �;fll13£1-t 1£-�Fn m fiMJli;llll� flj 0
itt/Mitl�5i'.1ti:J®iJ¥ Jl\Z�tll=:tf� .=;f11ti1 Im ( Zli'if 5i'. {l'IT BC*-�). ::kJ5;EtJLD:iifl:W
Cohen cl al. • t !it5i'.{l'I:tlJJ��,sl):tf';.=fj·: One study, suggesting that this worry is a
realistic one ... 0 J1t 1
wr 11\JIJlffi{tiilJthis worry' �!!W'.il!HIH\:. fanlfJ;o·-1,J" Lr,{!)ll].

But the major worry about noisy environments is that livi11g day after day with chronic
noise may produce serious, lasting elfects.
long-term it-JC: ff!;J½l�i}lf:t.fl:f!lFil J}l(1��'.RH:lt1$¾. El u - El !I!! �WEtrfi1:EPNdrff-JJlrl 1

36 exposure, iiJfjg�f'�FID:. -t��nyl;�n(i�

changes illi:u.J3WiJMFF .XJilliTTIWzl;-J1J5i'.J.136Ml, fQ;J½;Jtrl 1 .:kiilnli.la year latcdJ1*�1'i:fJI'., =f
�:il!:fi= tx5i'. W:Dlli;J'.ffi a .,U!!: �1J �tfHi:lr :
A follow-up study showed that children who were moved to less noisy classrooms still
showed greater distraetibility one year later than students who had always been in the
quiet schools.
�JC: :9H'J--1§lH&�-liJfft'.:'&l!J'J. lilJm�-JRtE:tcfffi�-l3<:J:�FIY�=r-tf:l l:t, 11[1{!)!
111'.11;1;J��t'IY�=r-ir'lllfitf1J:'P:1Yf1-@(1g�f:i:ltrJ:-"'-r0vJ.rn. 11!!ffl�*xmv.1M.11l 1 rr:tt
�Jlt' 36},WI J1 ..¼Ji1Jifi];{-£Dlli;J'yifi}fj1'.:X'(1<.,(i)f�1t.'i*" ,�i·MltfJI'.' .El. f,;- 5(-3&. jl;Jc�
37. The problems associated with exposure lo noise do not arise if the subject knows
they can make it stop.
�!l;!,'lt)tl.lix-tfl!.7-i1.ill:{1Mnfi�/;Jj;1!J!IIN;1J" W Jl:B%1i', FR =f�tfRJV; '/;J01 I 1Tffir';�l'!<J fol ffi,ojii
Jlt/Mi!t<.JJE.1iLJ®lJfl.!iJ.lb:-1'11:-{-£m I::( Z1i1J5i'.{JLTBC�-�, w:i�D�.:J.&Wi�A, 1ttJ•

37 make it stop
m =�A {.!L f m =::f,Q .El. x 1l'f .'�!, TiJ MJl\Z@ El ) . :;I:, 1;i} ..= I.XXE {u.A.i111»l Grass and

Singer a J;E{u-=ft(S.liF.ll:ffi=fi:
Lf the individual knows that he or she can control the noise, this seems to eliminate
both its negative effects al the time and its after-effects.
(➔ <.J if:i ¥&3� 11(ii] fn li'iU fr-JIJ •
5i'.1.li:�J::W!if.lcontrolEJm3s/l:filrj 1 make it stop.5(,t}l\Z. i'ill�m:!kJAo
38. Exposure to high-pitched noise results in more errors than exposme to low­
pitched noise.
38 �:(:£f�11 !):! (J<Jil�ht I r lt�:(:E{�:,-} !J.! (�Ji1�iff rj 1 ti�{\!!A�[!9I� B%!\' �a
:1:!i.J*jMJ{lllf-�j-7} !J.! fJflf fi:i]fi\m, J&Jltf�illi:ut-11:i�f,k ,R fi�:ii\;;]$.E o
39. Subjects find it difficult to perform three tasks at the san1e time when exposed to
39 three tasks
�:tl=fll;\H}Jif�J:Jill.Y' ¾1.liM����lf:jf,'Jn,n\i(.=:t.m Ul: o
JltM!i(1q5i'. {,'rJ19!Jf $. iM�r:tEU�- ( �;'; .!llfW(J.fil1Jrk2), ;;Jg5i'. /11.iz!JJiiB:u\;19iBroadbent.

168 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test 4

Im� '.i:E{ftjijj 3t i:j:l � Ju ,,a

For example, high noise levels interfered with the perfonnance of subjects who were
required to monitor three dials at a time...
�>(, 1Y1Hm. �n,!,lHJ1- i.i.t:�M�\'.AW-lnJM\¥Jtf.,E: 1-i�Jt.fil:. im.z. j:,¾"j7} §.! �-1.fX
1? l'v:i!Ff tlWMf 1 % Ii£ ft, o r.
�{v.9.1:monitor three dials al a time�t(D91.Wrl1 perform three tasks at the same tim e
f�)(tJiil.o /&��7'J Bo
40. Noise affects a subject's capacity to repeal numbers while eanying out anothe
�:SC: �'.!t��xtt§!.1E{�51-X_ITTTfjcIT•J·' l�r,}��111t.ltill�J&�rMm.1J o
repeat numbers, �1ft -=ft11=mtf�l�m-fi:
another task ... but it did interfere with the subject's ability to repeal numbers while tracking.
J.i:'.1ft9.l:traekiDgX•tJliit!140:/&Jrl 1 ca1Tying out another task 6 All�� ;lgC o

,g, PI-* �>i, A1flJiil.itJl!�i�.:f1l>J!·'T i'rf•1fiFl,-�:i}.:l!Mff-�.f'l1 :ttttHl'l{i;J.1=T@:il\tJ.filo :fJtff1:k$�A1ft\1f u

i!f.'Ml�f£./E: :!m:lla!:1'.E�LiJ�:;t!/'§,ttlli'.w.:. &,mif-@ilWl�,1·fi�lliJHin'r-. l�1'1�@±1!!,jf�t7J"::t3i:1(efl"7 0 i!
-1Jlffi�FIJ3A�;fffi�f.J*illllilI�FoJ;[Mf[, ;5 -}-!J.!�JJ£$3i::kf.t'��:fil•I\® it o l'ilm: ll!.liE�7 �-,1!;\ a 191HQ. Glass;f'fl
Su,ger( 1972)�ft A fi"J 'tl=fl�f1}) '&.: 1
1 (1<J,U,·m ·�11J1t (:1�«i;Jii JiF�;t,•IJ . Fn iWllil fl!!. WJfr1H�i'iiJ/l!(J�iJGjJ ;f,11 FI, Jltf=�
�J Ill 0-4'•1•Fn . �� :rt "f nJk-ff r t,<i �t •)(,ta 1ey :!ll: "f iE -�\· ff-m, ,, aiJ A
1WE J!ll.Nm o mitJ1 . !Lj-i'f i. l.:A .CdJri :W!: s1L 1f!
fj'Jffl tt½t:l}il. T1U�i£JtJj!Z{f* 1fffli ·l,\HlHf��,ffi. l7fi .B:ltMf'l3<;J-1\i,¼ f;f (l<J1:.JIJL&:w. tl1�ill,jfiljl/f,f(Ulj.!::j Fn$i·t<'fif-(i<J
f.!Hll�:!!.l.\:JtiJ:l.'.�Xtalii111t�·rVLJiJ!-f:*n;J-. Jt;,<,J-nj-M1<J.if1Jiil.·l1.fi�j1fJt�iiiltiflkllll!. Pfilt--tl!..�!N!f9!1JII
·tJ::A,t:.,:f;�LW!:11iL o f§1J.lm. �11:\fJ:-1-2/�!�MiHJJ '!Q'.liiJn,tu{[ -il,1\::::/l"MJJt:t:A:. Jll�.z. 1 %0" !J.! n*ff llt�FID:=f-lftftMiJ7t
Jili:T.ft: o Folllt11{Fel'.�-t-i1J)Jtf,,tn�;i:1nJr .wiix:fi·�-?:•l 1 xiill�;\Jfff?m El� Tf-t})ll:;Jf;=3& (Broadbent. 957)
I 0 Iii]

.ili:��'.:ji:, �l1¼�1f;<.J-{l!!,ifl/1%�11
· (,fi/Ultk7(Finkelman and Glass, 1970)0
:sJi:i'F, Jltr»l:X:=fi1Jlki}(1%JfRhl::!1!:-Jd1� �Jm. �'l/i::fil:IW�iT Ct<J nrnI..9;!:11� lt't 5-}-JJ.! (1�:-Jc1J, !,!!;:/<; iff1!!- a :f:!di17t
"' r
�;{ffj�jJ xt-L�.JlJJtf-tEfliJ PI'fr"l:lljk"g0 "0fr1fii�P1l", 1111{�1:'. ff Jli/'fJ�ql.i! llY; l7fi !111:�A f J T f'FM�iti ��11;Jt* B<Jl �i}
A<J��' 1l!!.f l��Mi�iilim o tEG!assf.11SingerE197ilf1E 1 I I. :..��':l�X-t�iH\i(-J.ii!T 1'1:nt. 1�1l!!.1f1:a'.=f�f'!.t�.·H
fl<J �-1.f-ff-:!Jl r:fi , ;ff�A 1!/i' jtj(i<; fl1 1t:II= ',}�•jc . trii,ff it� A IVr fU {1� rl{ tf Lll � � l11 W� � ���)(tJ" � rj,-1fll*A llfr itl
a<;11f•'l?f:1iF+Mli!!f!-*1M•a<;nt1aJl' iJfWiF��r1<J( ITfT:liiiWJf.:l:llfn!fi). J �Jtl!.Al!JrfilU r1iJIIJ¥df ,g.£l:£�:'.!U<J. ff!.¾F�
n-tfffJ tfl ¾lli'fl :j-J L □<J < �I= nr1:91 W!llt.:l: nJ-g. ) o R 1� tll ft1, , 1f t.w i!111 •1 1:1:11Ntt:r .ft1 �I; nJii11 iWl ·l�tnJ¼ -g. i11q1Ht A . mi ffr ;ff�� x.
1 t

Fol"* -1.f-�f4* *
�:(:£PAt!�-1mrJ�ti10-li<J*.&!'/'iJ19.l:{£1frJ-7l<-'F-�.Ja.o f'i.{ 1nI, {£XRJ-i"'f Jf.l#lT'.Jf:,jt �!�M��M� illi;i:J)!;;�n-t, �
a<; i\'itJ f'F-JfJ ¾i@J.fi.{ � !HJ a� o �nc& IJifi' � • -T11 nr f:lii w!I u ufi"Hn 1:t . -11= nn:w w!W:l: �-11t�J.lfV<•ta :(:£
if!C:XtJ'llt ,"I \f!.1\9!$%�; �;ff1(�J:ll=riT1:9liWJ·l1 11i i�'i-'.li�llJJ: tt1�11TIJ 1'1<Jnf'fjilMrH1:«J �' tJ:A :H �!l!�r1t�o

微信:13522209444 169
��1iJ1w w!tl'l!tlll� iiJffi wJIJ 'I!£PI� i:'iJ1R
?.:li:r}JiJ.flj� 40. I 3 I. 8 35.9

�n*if 36. 7 27.4 32. J

Jt;Jfi_ 38.4 29.6

fillM , �� iiJ 1Y! iJl1)t'_tl!i{f�iJ:A!!!),l:,J , 7G l:Hi :¥,' .l;f-I:J(T. ft: J: (J<J!rl½ ��';'i.;:�-fi r1-t /'ffJ o
1JW!iltl:7G�l1ft-ii'J � liii:.l;-liJZ*i�l ,�nJ{tfD. iffit�lljli)l'J'��hl� �-1-�iibi�{f·a<JiiJt£tE o �n*-1-Atn
lli lfil c iiJ�t£lr�l�1�0 1¥.Jt;§-. :i!-.'!Hi;J.3¥-riJ!:J fi'llijt�¥tn-tnJ{tMJfiffmt�11j!iJ;f:ff/M1'Fffl o flll1tAfrrnt11$.il:�blx{l!!.
ft<J�?i, ��:/llHi�, JXfl 1 %(*-tiL�ii'J �J8�til'l<J o t)(�flil! � C.1')��il�]IIJV!tfB<Jfl�jJ)'f,tJVJtT o
3iti § fili1'.l.11:, lfritif::(J<j1i Jf�ffll:fil�, )\. fflffifl.J-/'iiJ.ff.'fl!lw'/?f-JiFijMr, -ill..R:llHvlJET 1I1Jlt{IJ'*(1<Jl!f.HiiJ �P(t�
(f!�P*ff:ff:!Ji:J!Jr51i�i'J<j .:t:�·tJti/fdi!:, 13 �- R Jl!!. K.Wl� f.li;(:E�{t JiF.!Jl r:p nffm�f':l:Jnt:ill, 1#j\l'l<Jhi�. -
J'§if1Jl)'E;'& rJfJ • Jlt1f!,t:,,�;(f JJ11.�tt'J: l'l<J o :1$.J-tEi4H�fiJL:l&�tt(tJ.f:IL.l$J�\li1J:$: (J<J1J,��t;fi1Jlll@:(.£$:l'r'f1:ff.lfi r:t1 J:"f:
e<J1J,$;�ffi L�$::(( Cohen et al., 1980), l?,/t�.b'tm\flN!'1l· Jl!!.IX:(i(J1]\��JfJLJt.�it-,lj, 1!:.W�!r!H$r:l:�f1 o �H�. Jt­
&1'f ■a;&M-�fi�BMm�•ff o $�J: .• �n�m� 1¥.J��m���-�. �fiM� �-� ��
f1 0 :5H1�-J'§iH£H;iHJf�'E-f.W' ;fi11Jll�-:ili:tE%'{Ji$,t!l.J:$(I<.J�rt-li tt' 11I1�n_l[I;1ll$-&!IHI<J�rfillMrU'ti:\1ft
-�B��&#fJ.:-iflWE/, {ll!.ffl.HS;!fk.xjg!:J�r! 1 ttttj1 o 1'T-,1��;7,r�i3trY]a�:fil, TAAii!Ff��;I1��.i::l:lvf�AD.t
tl-i L'lrr;�a<.J, filiffltE��, �MP�Hi, frl ri-'Mil*i:�l!ll'JiLt:ffllJ'.l.11nf l:t·�l:o
1 1

170 微信:13522209444
Test 4



Jlt�1i0f':lt1¥1, �;)t=f- J9804'..ffl2000{pl!Ji\7CfV51Uilr!:l'li!HDki'itELl.(JiJ:/f1.t;/Sl-£1H£:aiJ?:l¼:1U11tt$.l't o ili" f&illt�
i3:�, [r,)-1-00*a(J�ff/]�f7}j/�ft, Tfif�[1ijf]l�(J l1�-1'�f�jJ tt$.J't o

tJt-:l.A:1¥1 B<J'.!ij11':JJ!,JE&�tt:J.A:� ln:c&.m Lt!fltllif!:1, tl!:fil:�5}-lfr 1�1tf11 tt$.l't -J:Bt ib1JlE , i'iT t:J:-a:: $: 1;ji:f.lif-if '.!ij
�ft. t,!f.�:itHrtttx o it!.�Jt;!iH!t Jt�triJ�J1}/1lmf.li o �-1¥.t3tftf�,t:.,fJeL\�L x1·,WblFiJi�r!f:lt-!:Jt*:izHii&

'.!;Jo �=tt-Wi�rl1!7Ct1H1IM. !980�¥1J20001._M1fllnJJ:rJ%:&rt!.(1<J-lt&�s�t.nmta<.J�fto �-=.E11:-tlli�?!f:EIM. t980�tlJ
20001i=:JPJ la]}H .£ l'li (l<.J:/f��4m Jilt (l<J1£1t O ibl:.Fn BiJ�i �@H� I.It! j(;flj .\Iii. ;f:nr!� ilHi 5(,j" 1:1'.. . iJMfJ Wi 1- � '.iR1£.£ r,t!
-�--li1:;f112t Ft!. B<J1-tM4-!'l;JJtt1.f rriil'J<J &:Jr. o

�-'gfr[::$( ( � "11117"P 168)

l!@� �t$.l'tT I980&f=..fil2000:'i:f;.73!7c;ftJ.fili.;fflr!lllli'l<.J11:!,c1<.,*i1,i;{ 1':E�@1f!ITJ, 1tu<.Jf'iilJL>f-ifi!IT-ll', /!M
*;f1J.fili.M.1 oolJlui:.m Lo11J 110�1:ll, i?i1r!l'ii��!1JM.9011� LHtJ I so,
tE 19so�, � *l'l.illi.JTJWtnfF J.1 ;tJf. a<.Jtt Fll*lbll( soj(l. & J. Jt1l!!.f.1<.J PW* �1 =r-�rt�, 7J<J1 c 0-JliJ �f'
20!)'.tf.i'z );f1l:{::ijJIJ ( .R:'Ef" I 0.!,)'J.{]L ) o fU20QQi]", :/Uyt r1:iJi1Jli!�:'Ef"(J<.J75%1:J I:, f!.:{,jl]<j]m_,�ux;:;1']:!t)- 1-.fil�
a<J.£tt!J10W., W:{iH'-J20%aiJrl:!..1J o
* a�
�;t,ffJ & , I9801:F(:E rt !Jll . 11': J.; lcf1 (1<J ibi. a<J 1:1i H r" 1t:.2s.1,1J. (il r[! , � ?�''{�Jlttfl11;.l a if!lfF BiJ 40.f)i {!L 3::
11:-*lW.=f:r:i' llU ;fn,t�fiE ' ll<JJ .R-!'Jtd:it-r 51,1 f1L o (U.f1J 200011,:/!J!7Cjf:lj �M*1ieJll.i:1:(J��fiEft�1£f jj�1'.7 3::�*iL'll.
�f= I 261¥!-·f.lL. ff.JJ:, .�,Ll!±J:!'liJ75%. Tfif:JU;yt,f!l-1111tt-j-l;;,f �f=so1)'!. fil o Jt ll!!.*tff,(7G:jl.J:ill� 0

-��, WllJl.ffiL t1J2ooo"r::11t, :i!Wi1'1'li1*1�Awi :::f:;r-l•il(1�.:i::�frt:lot*il!.\, �:;1c;f1J]v..-l-l(if..Yl:J.!tyti7i17tl'lil�!1J;J!&


*Jt ;)f �fj1::ffWi1,J fr!;: �-'r,Jx,t!ffi El ( rubric )li\J iJ'llYl t'iJt"r;fMmiJ.;(�; m= Jy!1Jt/li� 7 'r)t:t};:�
1rJ (J<j -�.f;lc
i@'!iN overall trend), t!!.1,,1:JiM I980iHIJ2000{Jc?Jl!7C;flj 1WA11r:t: I 1q,&1b!,fit(1<.J�1t o

�1=1-31:t/i'i'.!;J 1#;!7C5fiHJI 19&o1-Hn20001-µj1J]�f!:!.*lt1iE13�1t" :fil.� t'li.J£Jm@r1:J 3::�:ll!!,{ti:s3 r� fiE*ifJll, t� &U
f,f§JIH[ a<irrr w.t1.nm.7G ii·. �w2!ffffl. ifiE7KWlf-t'(;. reni�I' 1 I! 0EJ!E1));l ti11--.ri ilJ o ttt'.!: *¥111 T :i!lt�t11�m

微信:13522209444 171
� .=::.119: tlli �tt � (i<JIt'. fj�* 'im!(J(j'fi'/ IJl O
��l�{\'L��T nf fi�.illi!i.ltzJr-r-;;f1J{ijJtz..�ft, *llil. T I980"'-I°m�r[!1)1•(\'i:, ffii2000.if-JII 115-} lti!f'f (I<.Jl�J.\
mt rt! fjgJ.A :k f11 ,1� it½J®IJ¥ :it.HHl/i �., rtAl 11: � (:Efl'li j£ 1�1ttJ<.J In]
1Ji11=ii�:.k;f11111c.a<1.m:1m.� jg:!fJ1J< �fl�) t1MlHr 7,m1)'! .:i<Ht o

��f::9:lMi'IT*'iJt-�1¥1ff ;,(;:�1U11 tt!t&-(1<Jf&.ft,C.,{1'1,\½],: i.11!kf 1li!E-JH&4W!��. Tfiif'krn!Wl�Jfi*.f:tfi�

-li'tdJt produce. supply. contribute
::E�B<.J: main, principal

,tiil]�fj;J-f1:;:r!-3ti.Jt.f9H1<.Jt,h{f: Between these years electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100
units to 170 in Australia and from 90 to 180 units in France . .(li!,&,Jf-fa], t\!. o� ?' it JL-ttin -i,-, ill! ;k.,f1) 3lM.
I00if.-!ftJ� -!U1] l 70ip.-!i., ,m i4a- 00 @•! M.90:r,y ·j.Uij I80,

r lr-.140$--!ft.i.� * iW- i- .:6 itb ,ft,� fit, J's<- fJ Y--f,'l* 1' Sip.-!ft
with�t,;jtJcJ I �l'l<.J�i:ff: The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power, with hydro
contributing only 5 units. *'I 0

while 'l I .fic a<.J tt � :jj,: iff JA 1n] : Bui by 2000 nuclear power, which was not used al all in Australia, had
developed into the main source, producing almost 75% of electricity, at 126 units. while coal and oil together
produced only 50 units. t£i 1J200011'-i!l!:k>f1)�M.t.1itJfl.i:!:lr-J�fit-tE .i4a-lI!lAY1 .i.��*i.W-, 1.?' 126.i(!.1.i, t11 ;Ji .t­
ie, �<1�75%, ,m !:),tffi..,fv .:6 i1b-� :t .i./-504il- o

i&Ef (paraphrase):
!lilt-r-�f1l;i;M#t1f->J.JIU flE*ilfiFJlJll,tf�( l)fl. jf/J {V.n:.l'l<J�ft l:
m=tJl::ff�: In 1980 Australfa used coal as the main electricity source ( 50 units) ...
�.=J:jfff�: In contrast, France used coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980...
ntfaJ�i'I-\NJ·(fl!t?t JJi]"(,E-loJ it(1<J1f:)i,ffltiit�. Wllt:fu 1G 1rrJ o .. rl! fiE*w;!: :;-} );1J:W�Ji.\telectricity sourceT-11
source of electricity, tl1.fil>J.1 Y i*:I.ru�.j;.Y,1t::&� o
[l:i]f'Y,�J!J¾'/.i;jSl.£fl!M1n,tf� (�¥i)(J<J�1t), ...the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power
( each producing 20 units) and oil ( which produced only I0 units) -Jt.J0-½iRfi'Jt:0'l i]);l o -tJj!;j:'.;j;J<jJ £11!.fJ(_/n,HiJ+J
7}-ji'/J�flil' Tfiir'J.&E -/111 it<Jf l•H�Jl!JJ-fl T J.Eif.-J}:\TJ 0


, Tli .@I
I� rl � �t : -� A. iJS1 *� l
T1i.�t� ¥ }lk_ :!E.Vi\ H� T. ft-J!Jr(lri�(J<J t·n·l,J!.;f11tt fiE o J;t fll!..A.iJ...11:.k�(t<J A JEJJJ fi3
!1i.��,;lg 7 ;m i· .H:i$::% i1fi M1M,1i-tJ!., i1fi�16-�IS. iJ.RfHl� x1tJ-HA.i¥" -ffl1f J-tl o f1J; AJ111-"¼¾7C.!Jl:A'�::E�-ft=J+l?

*f�::(fnfil�;,j·J:Jir.-'f-lHf�frf;lffi o �:i!(�·�:$t)fi'-'f"05lip'.5)=] 28 FI -F11071p I JI 13 Ff :(£:fif.'!l)j-iitrt1 HI J.9.l o ;j;:®j

.:E�·rW ,&jc!1¥;J't(j{lf!-6trtn-ft=Jfl, �::1-J T1T UIJT��JM'.�11'.. fli:l½:tl T �M��(l<J It�, .;lyEJ::;?;;:�tlUH 19 c (t<J�ltW
��r.:i:%!:(l(J:fil:, �ilt,Wi�Hi'ffJ:�:ffJ'il·liifiJill, f.b!.�J.ll!J::@:i:;J it��.W.( Discuss: ��Test I;f11Test 2 ) o ifil El 'I tt

172 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

/·Mt�t-JclX•tM1p;li:f'l•AAJ.,.:X, �il:_&,tffi.Jl:1}.jjj-�p;q:f,j•AAJ.,1!;(* �I (1<J�J.ill1t.&;!s!.:Jll!i=i=J. ?tF

□ 1'£Jlt;J;!iM1..tm-.'±1 El c. a<.J


f'FJ:J-iilliitU1(Jt-J·Lt�fffi�. '.bJ 11:(1{_).JJ;*� ti-J.f-ri,IB�Ei Discuss�:(£� BU:¾-ff s<J O )t�nf W. 5-}J:I rrn
131:o ffi-131:3<'.:f-t-/Jf:f{:. ffi /11� lffJ a<J,A..l(,J-,'f:;ic�(1<J-OJfi�1-T�lffl l'l<.JJll!ffr(,;f:11;Q-� o m.=&t nJ t:J.5-}lfr;Jgf-H,A ffl�
iJ-.J:,:;ic�':J.iiL ib:tt'.'jt:t ttt&�Hl (1<.,. J l-JA.Qifflrf.rJ;::(1<1?:ill-J�;fin-Jxfi�; nf J:J.IBHJ� fyij_ i;i,HIJ:' XHt�·itiiE:1i�1lll
w. l•fil�0 m r
::: 131:riJ i;J 5H!f J./1 ¼1'1 �AiA :Jg:;lc�� �/.l'J. itl:1:-'f:LjJ fiJ ' if1iJ.iiI �.7'1 7 '.,ciH,R mi1HU-O iR :(£ Iii\:Fn-

131:, �-�nJ1,..:J-tliHH 19 c. a<.JW.lJJt1111 J:J, i1:: iiE o 1f�l'l 1 W.J/RriJ/Jt.Q\;�, rlJ W. iA.::;J.1:;ic•t'l<.Jf'l=Jl'llliR=f:t:ff;:ff!tl.A.1(!.
{tllfo'1'U1<i.A.7.1-; tt!."nJ W. iA..7'1:;ic•;;r-�J-'f!ffiJll!.\¥�f!iG, J.ii7.�J:, 7�:niJ=l ITiH���l·iH : ; .!llZ:j!f .i!H'r:H·�, iA..1:i� lffl�I•
�89 :;le·� i' 7fs !ff] t'J(_J r,/J fibfil fl=.m•

��* , t
X: =f :;ic$$.it �{:lH l-¼*1M1<J :m lf!.l1I-lifiUll:(-f-fi 4Jc1-i)l. -�AiA.J:J :;k�.: il< J J.tiE ;/Jf:i�¾ ,'H -=f c. if
irnill1itniJtif<Jf�ffi. {§.�n-0-. �*��a<JA.m,'i\. :;ic$Js.il ���!!¥:�1:JJiH�T tr- 1 1 JJJi'Wi�-o<J�fliJ;�11=JH�o
f-!lia -Jl!;J&f.ihJ:·ltMilimff��ftl -1� ['fp(J{_Jfl�JJfl<.JttfAf o �nW::;k'o/.:�fi���{:ltiK:@�niJ;;fflt�Ji�. ��f'.i]'fi�t,it�
7fstlJ .ft=, {l!!fllrM'.�:/N��. �f-f-*. :;k:!!: J �9c �*'.:fEo
mi.§.. tlH:ltT f'l=/)Jr-;lii�(J<JffiiH;fiI-lifl�ill!:/#*�;;r-;rrr:W:� fffr(:1<.J-n'ifi�.filf¥f .�_,\J!Ji1,'cf=�=f T.f'l=¼Br. f§r

J:J.iill:i::t�·tt=f If'F:l:,w#A<.Jw>J<, :;ic�fj��$:/!H!IJIAf((�f�'EtlY�}11!1fiP�, if1i llf.ll!�� F1 �]!!)JU:E!.iHt1ta
lrtllfi , :J1l'.1��tH'll i,,i:J.;f:11 :tR �f:fJ:lJJ -'f:iill 'ilt t� ::k � 4MfJ�iN1t 1e'f UJJ (1<.J '3ll o �!l,t 11::- IHJllf:f :i! ��i:Rfil-!iH� ,
iX�J£�£-r�flj T {t=' .il.:�fil!1-lHt ffl l'lll*�IFfH1l:;k(1gg,�j; 7]

ltfflnJ J:J iJH�{:ltT {t=lfrftJ� A<.J:X11·lf!.;ffI-!ifi�¾&ffr::k�:t'J<.JcMi#JJJfi�o

#)t;lq 55t 0

�'jfil',1!J,i�< 0!."-s�l7"Pl69)
�ol; itx: �tlfxi'i'f:�fLl2501-�' 1!1}9:1f liiJ�fii/l l J1H1<iffr1'f1TITii' lli!Jlt9c?t 71' .ti' Jt.r}::J�HH 7 -@.,j,fl

::X:.i'l<.JAAJ..�, Hx-troJ,WMt tHJ'.l:%. AAJ..�Z!'i1F('f t.ll�. )tifi:!i��TITlllfr o I!!.ff@:5-)-&,:_xr*��tftio -.®mJ�iliJ�m

il(J!-}, ffl.rn =fffif·\:;f1I��if<J�z. X rt1 1f:k£1:fil� a :d:Jf tI<Jill� ( "9°;fli-JUII-!ifm" m:!'r 7 JLl!K )·l!!J&r9HiiJrUii:
1'f!IE!. 1� 7 � § •:J=i a<Ji-'lf�z,-�. x ��
1 s<r.ftfm ifi.l1CJt1:M1JM1J<ilt FHITif E o xiif t1, w.ff i5!:f�EiJ��1iJ a<i�i5!:, ;;r-:11:
:i!-@�ii\'.:iili'il\•*it��, 1T.i�$w;JL1Jc7.l-tJ�:fl.Jl/Wf. o {Ql.!J..11-�l-ftTif(J(1<.J����a� •

x:r;t.R�T232�. �ftj;'=f)fJJL'�,HlllXEc1<J�:.!,'250'f'.(J{_J �>J< o :(f1J;J�1TUiiA�jj�l--1-fil:;ic�l�¾1'F�-�
;-(ji-ti-i::@§ � rj�EJrtlf:.41 FJ<Jffi.=fl1 AAJ.Ai.&Jt:fll!F'1, .R4!-f·5<, *-fil1 AAJ..�.il!:fr 7 0-;f<fr;f1li1:: IiE, 7fsf.f�J lt�@ruxt

=f P-1�7t�tl:a��:;Jt o
)t�:(f i,J-i1:;:;lc'.'jtJiii:�J:, 7 J1=JA1'f!.fSLB�1?it>l<-tlH!JiSCll·l,,tl.;f11;Jxfi�:1ffili. �#.. tttllm1itrr, M.:i!f-f1i'JtM:!jt�, :;le
$;t[If:ill*=1riiiifl{_J:i!-J-61.t:i1Hfii?;iiE. �;tl;Jf��irrJfr!tIIlfr: Tbe firstreason(i§�JJ!lm ), moreover(ffii..EI.), Iastly(:/:fi
Ja-). ff!�;.=, :::JJt0-6Jtp;ljJ3titi*EiJ��J111, 15.iZ �i!F(£-®, JJlt:Jg-131:·Wi. .i!f-fil�hlliJ!i't 7 :r}fJt/1��!/1t·l1: o
:itii�11-t·!i;f11&� i1(J{_J �J.ll!., 1�7 riJ 1J). �Jtl �m ii'fJ;fll ID:� VJ,7'1' , 11'HUtl#tf.!cttl.::l.i!:fil!JPf¥..ll: o ffi1-t
(referencing) -J'll H.!l!.fflthis. that, these. those�ffiff-1tii'/Jif1Ione. it�1tir,J*tlHt.l:-1iJfil.l'l<J�,l'..-::8ili.l, �f-f

微信:13522209444 173
iiJJ:Ji\lt�.i:1/Jt'.ii;sl, ;!t-1m�!il..t T 1,J l,szillJ (J9JO�·li. -f8:�(substitution):J'li(J0�illlu�Sl.. im;f!H!i.>l.. i�*��

.i:1:l.1!:ill�(J9 jffjy[:
knowledge and skills---,ltJTIT9?j,:Z� o M�. :R;c'E: nf VJ:tf;f'j(i0!1!!.JJ JtH1Ht(this, these�). lHl'�Jt!!.JJ J+l
� Sl.*i!s (abilities, expertise, instruction, learning)!i..\Utf nf l;J. itrrf fifl. ff : abil it.ies developed through books and
iiiJi[fil�z: JJi�J:, l�T initiate( it_jjg W.Hr. ��J'C:i;'till}Ba01)' !i1,J1'ffl�m.lr1ii'Jr[iil25OOJ:Jra9Jtti1,J o

m-.i&: ...the tn1e function of universities provide knowledge for their own purposesliilr&7:7the true function
of universities is to provide knowledge for their own purposes(M: :J,• #J-i.l))
�=fJi: The first reason for universities should provide these knowledge and skill is the students' needs. $.
il:l(;/:JThe first reason why universities should provide these knowledge and skill is the students' needs. ( ')iii GJ 1'1-'i.iJ
... 1itl!fl� -i.lJ f.ii¼, ;:r;; fitl!ll.i. -iij tJi � ,
for.§ di! � .8. Jfl i!U.lJ why )
�=IB:t: ...the most of U1e students go to university purpose of is to get some knowledge and skillsliili..� 1-J ...
the purpose of most of the students to go to university is to get some knowledge and skill(')iii GJ, !!fti,:J.�A!f.)
m 119 �:l:!: : ...so focusing on the needs of the workplace the university could get sound strategies to do research
and make it more mordenization.@.i!!l.:/:1 ...so by focusing on the needs of the workplace, the university could get
sound strategies to do research and make itself more modernized. ( � :J,· 1r i.lJ by, &. :!;, -!.\;. -i.l] a� 1k .m , make sLh.
m lif.:ll: : Having these knowledge and skills, students are more easy to get a job, and this can make our
countries' economy strong. /j)zr$(;/:JHaving these knowledge and skills, it would be easier for students to get a job.
and this can make our countries' economy str011ger.( it6J � �1il:.JH ,fl,makea'-J1lJH)

174 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Te s r 4



1:E�-t.Mt. *��1rm � i:t:1Hefrii:A���f3t. ri.tfritr:JF�{fffLf�. :rRtll�iJ!:�;ffl:, at1BJ, ill!,o/R��­

JJCl:1�.©-0 ���r*�l'fil�:,ly�(l��3J, Ii'!=, 1:J:,rfiln,lt;ltfl!rflJ*t.s�JiUFmfiiJo

Travelling to work or college

I. How do you usually travel to work or college? (Why?)
•lffi&I5: ill:.M;if :i't-flJJt..:df 1..Jt.�½�:it a �r !lit-if> {r-J3t.illi...:r.J+, "".Jl!!.�(subway), ��A-$-(bus), tll
:t!L-$-(cab)�� o
1 don't have a car, so 1 usually use public transport. I take subway the most often because it's quite convenient
for me. Sometimes I will ride bicycle to avoid being stuck in heavy traffic.
public transport 0# 3C:iill subway :ltl!.it-
convenient 'Ji il ff.} be stuck in :1!1i
heavy traffic ii$ , :Jlll .Wff a� 3C if!
2. Have you always travelled to work/college in the same way? ( Why/Why not?)
A��ff��R o ��Jt.�&��ffl.�tll•��� o
Yes, I have, because for a beijinger. subway is the only form of transportation l can rely on. I used to travel by
bus, but a 20 minutes' run could take more Lhan an hour during peak hour. ffT travel by underground, however, I
can plan my time to work precisely according to my experience and traffic won't be of any concerns.

*� �
beijingedt;Jf-A rely on#{-$:, it{#!

peak hour iWi t>$-� precisely >l '6.Jij :ltl!, , ill!,
concern :f!!_,,: , -lg]

3. What do you like about travelling to work/college this way?

-�&I5:�M*mk#*�!l��-t�$��.illi...:r.A���f/J�A. ��-�-T�*�•#�
�.i/!i...:r.A�+J-¾1A'..A o
Traveling by subway is a I 00% time guaranteed Lransportation for a city dweller. Plus, it offers opportunity
for me to refresh myself; I mean, spiritually rerresh and reflect what I did yesterday and plan for the future if
time guaranteed ;f;i at (a]� ii {l\J city dweller :\iJt. rp .\s' �
spiritually ifl# J:Jt

微信:13522209444 175
4. What changes would improve Lhe way you travel to work/college? (Why?)
-fi,J-Jto � �t 4-1if v:J. i!. ,J,1'i ®:1\t. JM:k. 1if i,:J..f,'l:i!, 1��A. 4- vf v:J. :ll:.A.E.,1£;-� .f. J!.. J ,1£;-· · · · · ·
There are many things Lo do for the improvement. Adding more garbage or trash cans, lowering the fare,
upgrading the access for those with physical challenges, and opening up the shops on some subway stations
where at one time, you could buy all kinds of things. All ofll1ese can make the station more up to date.
garbage Ji:tll trash J.il.:i&
fare '/Ji: m upgrade ft ii
physical challenge# f$;f1!J!_


�'i§i"gfj-��-5ltii11WT-(Cue Card) o .*,-:t11 l ?ttl11fr:flrlltli1J, )f:nJV). (Af(�·Lc( �1r1l�t��1':�f11m:) o z/§

���i�l-25H!l R91*�o 1
�:Ei}l:Jlm, �%�,i)t:.tf�l't<Jf,ftJ�1J;J�-tfi-Wi1'*1'1:¥claJftfil, rt=i�·�i�1'i1i:NIITl�o

Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful
You should say:
what it is
how you learned to use it
how long you have had ii
and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful.

i�}m I� �I!)]
ijll'� T-"Describe an electronic equipment";li!; l.:J ifl-�j;i\:rj:i!jo/,),IT,�t.'s,W-� rj 1 4'x�ifS/W! IH JJi'.(19itA!-l'-'Z-,
�'jg .:E��:i!t�1:t/i'i:l£4w ,'iMfll"ri(i<J Fl�J.J :fil� u@! 0 ;ly�:: tE1/11:l£:i! 1'li�1W1-n-t�rt::©: BY�� 1-i;lil'liiT- BY IIF!J.E

�f4'-"1'f m�t,lJ, 11 !/-1� r11J 1:J!-r t','rr, o -1-m
WJ r1 B � J3m1f
(l(J rct1-r ii'iJ#�. -1-1H11.1 nt 1aJ *1& �t BlJ m
rti.-rvtf�m�, t1I:fil.iH/H1lJlliUfif o
The electronic tJ1ing I found useful is an Electronic English-Chinese Dictionary. This gadgel was
given by my grnnny on my 18th birthday. lt's handy, glossy, Ugbt weight, and super thin.
ll has a PDA style interface, where I could write an unknown character, then have the dictionary
magically tell me what it was.
I'd say that it was in high school that I've really felt the urge to gel one to help with my English
learning. I had this gadget will1 me everywhere in the last 3 years of my high school. As l mentioned,
it's completely portable and very light weight, so it's easy to put into my back pocket.
The dictionary includes not only definitions, but plenty of usage examples and sentences. It conrams
great idiomatic and colloquial phrases, botJ1 for US and UK English-in addition to the more
jJ{ii]' "standard" used meanings. Also, the word search history list makes it very easy to jump back to a
�m word you looked up earlier, making it a very valuable study tool.
Its popularity amongst young people also bas had a persuasive effect on me. l personally think my
electronic dictionary is the single best investment.

176 微信:13522209444
Test 4

ilt� (�/p]
gadget +#I#, 1],J,;t� handy 7i1Jl! a\;
glossy ::fir 1t it a� light weight � a�
super thin it{ l'J;. a\; interface JR. im
magically '9l*fl!U!!i. portable 19'. � (19

.t :iHiiJ �1 *
idiomatic >.) i¼ colloquial CJ i¼ /J.�
search history Iist /Ji persuasive ;(;f i,Ull:;/J 89
investment =Uc 1i-

m :::1l'Mt: :zy_ioJ �.J"it(4--55-}4ll• )J4r'i;i·Ei��f ,1�111!t=tMM I r11 :IL�!Ei¥1 -@tt�:Jrt11U0ti!i"�illfii-Ht o

m.=-ffll0-s-<JtTifm:. lrJ<1·m='l-rfl0-ti;•jf--�JAJ.§a'1�ft'HH'{iJPe o

Technology and housework

I. What kinds of machine arc used ror housework in modem homes in your country?
(washing machine) , 'l&.1: B(vacuum cleaner), ie.th..1ft(riec cooker)��o
J would have to say washing machine, vacuum cleaner, rice cooker, coffee maker, electric kettle, air
conditioner, furnace, etc. Those would be the ones I couldn't live without or J mean wouldn't want to do
washing machine i,J\:;.:&;\11. vacuum cleaner !lll��
rice cooker t. � � co ffcc maker •/w a;JJ; s€: • •hi �� ,f,/L
electric ket1le ft!.� ;,J<. 1t furnace tl'-1-

2. How have these machines benefited people? Arc there any negative effects of using them?
�#/titftFJ.\\:,, f.J/k.A1f1<1t.i•m-t1. 0
With the aid of electrical equipment, we are able to work quickly and efficiently. It makes our life easier and
convenient. However, there are some disadvantages of using electrical equipment. People will become totally
dependent on equipment and not to do things they could do themselves. Sometimes using electrical equipment
might be quite expensive because it will consume large amount of electricity. Lastly, people could get
electrocuted if using them carelessly, which happens every year.
aid � ll)J dependent it,i et/ , -1& 1t et/
electrocute � t , t ilr consume )ilj ,It., ;/t !Qt

3. Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future? Why?
•�=11t:�: �,It.Mi Jlt *�
#.lfl� �½1:--e11fit.•�m 11z. �? �¾J��#½� �lk . ��-itJt.-t-,t.- ;.-1, (JIJ ½
# o � ± "f �;.{�lt-!%-ill'J dii-¼12J :.f.1H:.M: (I) ¾t.•�m tl!. &*1-T:ff1tz�. (2) ►.t;tf �Jfl 11!. &*,faf ;i:::f;!!.:t_j(j:.
Electticiiy has truly become the lifeblood of our society. Right now we can't Jive without electrical devices
because we rely on them to make our life easier. Many of us have become addicted to what can be done with

微信:13522209444 177
indoor plumbing, the Internet and cell phones. All homes without household machines is possible but it would
take a lot of adjusting. We'd have to buy all the non-clecLric tools Lo make life workable-wood/cook stove,
build an outdoor ice box, dig a well to keep food cool. and top it off with lots of patience, as nothing is fast and
easy in a non-electrical world.
lifeblood .tln.i!t electrical devices il'. T iJt 1/'t
addicted to ,t .. · .. · _l � indoor plumbing �Jfl :C.$1-
ice box )Jf(,W

Technology in the workplace

I. What kinds or equipment do most workers need to use in offices today?
�Jm:txf5: 1-Tift' dJ.1,.'- ill.:..tft.Jt:iil t· m av? '.f -r �:um.itz iJlf av El •i,r�Jil.�, 11! � tll -� dJ-1� :tiJt4a-sv ,g ;f:l: �:.t
I think people at work rely much on modern technology, especially computer and Internet. Many people can't
spell some words right because they are too used to the Office Software which provides users with the spelling
check. They can also use lnlernel to collect data and information and analyze them. Modern equipment
provides all kinds of resources which will be of great help 10 people's work.
Office Software ;7J·¾tft # spelling check #f '.ey �¼
collect data tt.JUHI

2. How bave developments in technology affected employment in your country?

�Jmttf5: #tt{tf; :,l/tl:ilo1"J'-l;!J•f.J A.111 o1J .:r.fj;? k #:B!l�.i! • .i!.£ fr-1e111ployment-1!:Ai'l Ai 1/R 6� �,;g.• .irli.it'• Ai
1m"i!,ti.lJ, � 1fl"iif il.l-1HrJ � $-{tf; ,\g.3t. �t.-1!11: �� �iifi.11 Afp•lf�JL�l. ;r.t:;r--m; �1,11 � $ � .;\Ht 1
Technology has allowed computers and machinery to replace manpower. Also, it has made it easier to do
some labour intensive jobs with fewer hours. I think it eliminated jobs via increased productivity and made
work safer in many areas of industry. For example, a lot ofwcldlng on cars is done by robots, which was done
by people in the past.
machinery ,f}L.ff manpower A,jJ
labour intensive ,§' 7J � � /J� eliminate 41- l;t.. j� Ml'
productivity il:./L fJ welding :k.'1-*

3. Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays. Would
you agree or disagree? Why?
i�, -i>L :l:: 5h � .,Jt.i,W.(.:r.f!, L�'f.b\1t, I .:r.Iti�Ht�;AI ) o
Yes, I do think so. There used to be plenty of mindless, repetitive and mechanical jobs in all three sectors of
the economy, and lots of unskilled people who have to do them. However, with U1e development of computers
and robotics, these people arc now substituted by modem technology and are facing the threat of job security.
As far as I know, U1crc has been a huge number of people who·ve been made redundant because their jobs are
rather routine and can be done by cold machines.
mindless ;f }f] Mi f-1.m repetitive 1l[ ;ii a�
mechanical t/L� a� unskilled JfAHE fl'J
robotics l}L� A tt ,it substitute � 1\: , (\: �
redundant j�a� routine - ffe. :f � {t.'J

178 微信:13522209444
General Training: Reading and Writing

Test A


► fi)" ���{} ( Passage 1 )

12jl: �: s.m x.

query II. mt fii]; H;� v. inJ fii] ignore V. ;i;:J111lij. tO.l\l

arrangement ll. 12:/if; tlf.ftl assistance n. li/,l!IJ, t�HVJ
occupant 11. ��$T; Jlsft$f efficient 11,lj. i%�ag: ��l'fEI0, ri�-'fa0
household II. 1:1:f' ; */J!. *JiJi issue II. fii]/ffi. i.i::t.l.; ,'1-lJ:&. :&fi; Wl

adj. �� (J{j , *MU10 ; tl:iffi tt<J 71J� V. :&fi·; ifrUl-l

interrupt v. tTWi', rl,d!fr. Wfli!t complain v.@fJ

various adj. ;i;:[rf](l{J. *f'l'*·t'Mr:J failure II. �l)lJ[, �9&�-: /&lrf/£; Wir"
range V. ;a:· .. · .. 1r£Plll

11. tlJJ]i�; fifrJ; WW�

Questions I -7


• ff&i§ffllln:
�� �El�{ft� �${l'i:lt �M
�El: ttf'-■ �--.•��:iil1�*8� ■ 0fflX�
J:tl:�!l!: o
change of address ( @I
liRx; �ll*1��-�c i'i'J'�lr!Jfil�l:fJtiil l� lfl�j,'Tfn�
r.iJf:il� }:l-1:1f1J,.j,j;/lli
481J,IIt(1½AtfaJ :5<•J-1��1'l)Fil it s{J13tJilT. 1$-@16•�fJ0$:fll, o
I 'El.� Jltp;ir&(�1@tm1J\ Moving home
,f;r, ' 1111 Moving IE (10 I x m fr �•�m=�xaa§��•••���Tmm.m�
tlrl� TNOT GfVENll<Jiif tm·l!:Eo /Hi§ ill.: tl:f'JMJ!Jlffr*r□
�-�*8� ■ 0ffl,Bffl�)t���*�:��-OO
481],nt,;i;:t{f o Jj/f f:).�*11FALSEo

微信:13522209444 179
�� �M
OC*�Mft��-*•�*0 X�9�*·••�£n
�•-••u�tt��•*- ��m��M®,m��
J1x¥241J,n;J-1� iM600 7310 310.
d6 • �Hfi : JJ-,'t JUl 1 ;{;j- J� El l'.l<.J ;{;j- J:;IZl'iiJ J,ill , -JHL:::. 'nJ I�
ttllMeter reading) :i£: JttJHM;!tG"(�, 1t!.:'&l':l½��. flJtHl:f' *�nfiiJu::@'O
I'� w;. � . 1;.J. 3Ff �lHlHJ:i 11 fiiJ 11,]i • iiJ IV-:>Jd!JJ 241!, nt rl!
ifi m j!�nJ Wtr: l-', {l!!, flli--".:;kJftJ=t �tittJ i1ii.0:liVi it: FI

e, it/\L�J:.(110 ffr!V,��:1-JTRUE.
�§: .f1Jl:(J:. i-r-J�1J.tm11r3:I-:. ;Jtq tttt!.]!fiJ!'.i1i'..
Jffix: &1':f�'1'11'=t,f111MJll--'1'f1=1�·1J¾l!Zt1T5:tf:l:1ft#'t ll'l�
Vi;'.!6�JJII �.'.J. It�.
cheaper, gas, raU,er Moving home.fil
3 :iIJ.i·/1\·��:;kJNOT GIVEN. ?\ff1�7iilfj;lj.rJt�l'iiJi'�i'l<.Jll,t(�. -
than electricity Meter reading
7.t'.�1£Jht5c'l•�JW\T,EJJ-'1',i:JJft1Jt1<.Jliff1:it!Jr7 tttx, j1J1*&11
Wi-1' &tt:t 1 11
tttx, if)tlli;NOT GIVEN. Jlt/ffi/f,tJ'(:';-}})lj�flJT gasfn
electricity, (IlJJtlT /i\J.l\!·fft:m, !£t!t�Ji!Httx. lfri;J.��
�§: *fi-•0ffi:;kJ�����-�-�-­
■�:ill�lt.��m ■�-��•-1'•1T. R•�s
,i1:J:IWl/iliiiT i;J. �t1J�1ftWIHr o
supply energy, �'•7Hfi': :ftt[l�··ii-1: � 1 ay :r,1 �r1Mi-f�:fil:�tmJ©i If u;;: 0011
4 throughout the Moving home (J<J. 1E-lt1%�A� 11trW!--'i'-fflljj". Ffl "ft;it'i:1;\11],. 1-ZIJ'fr'J/£
count()' TEX fi1J•m .=: fi· : I\ JJI! i1ilf¥ ' ;f uM&t iif Ij,1ffiJ,ill tl1 ))i,k ri��F! � £ � {ft j'lj)Mj El
mftlfr����oM#$B�.tt-■ Aft.JtMJ.ilZ�
Jffi �: flgv,(jl%(1tftMJG tl!.�JJll�'ftmt/.ilWt�iti'l� ifi.JIAJ
■ x:�7•���-��rn••�•�.m•�•m

IBH'¼iH,-r,/ID �*:l'M , l(0995 7626 s 13. $����Jlll;Jtil!!. � ito P-l�o

5 Energy Efficiency Line Energy Efficiency �,•7t�Ji': JI!§ rl 1 �JlU-!\;;lb.f�HllL�=ffjgif§.�tfiB"'HfU
LineiIX�f.11 fi'il, imJ,'iiJ:crr rJ,ll!iJO � 7.rltit.��R J1HJt!UlfnJ���Jfl�imt
���-��ma��lal; ■ BOO&MMax./!JrlV-W
�;f.JFALSE o
� �: JYr1fxt@il.1.·FM/Ht½-t5(ifFJ.ilZ*:iillurl�;m o
■x: �1fJ:m-m1�HlM,liXJ:!JtirJ!'.IYJllii�HIHiU�1'.l!:ifi:, ftn;f
■m.we�um�n�eNifi:���- �iiT��•Eii
(�( PO )BOX1JltEI! i1i( telephone l o
�t.fl'.1],;j:;f,)a.N �-�fi:Jl!El-�lfr��«WRn:iill:tttt!.�.i1ii�Jt
6 complaints, phone Complaints 1 1• )(f'f�ifi:1Jt.HPi'i'· 7Eii ffi;filtl:! ii!iW.I;rl 1 1f3:I-:. Jnf.Jt rtii�

iEX�-llil ;rfWJ--'i'" n�. JMIEJrl 1 R-tN:ftl--'1'. ¾-1'ax 1 l,"$"xtJ.ilZ

180 微信:13522209444
Test ,1.

�� �13�1'.ii:� �$w:n H21/f!¥

i&f 1§ 1 ".t'j'r.-"�0�-�, ��JfffiJtt,J1l!Jfrlm 1 l 1 �•i,l•1!1.flJll'l0�

,1!J., �*J�Fi\LSEo llt;,1, . ,ijJ-=f :,js: �-Ill.'l!Hf a II:i! 1-u-'f

if.], **'/tilJ.JFALSE0
�13: �-lfl.�fMfi/&ill';int. 1:1:J�nJi;J�iillitlimo
mi. -:SC : �llWdJt rl! I ii 7 fnj@ , i,'F�Jut!. ��Doc#�� 0600
7838 836 , =r..1rn1�ijf19c24,J,11t� v&t:11�noc!i- 0
7 report a fault Supply failure
if:'.,�?f*lr: Ji!fil LI rj1 iJi: ...are not charged for the call, X.f';i.
1EX.1'!l'ffl 1 11i3l: call free. 111HlFGTFn�-1•J-�. /1N El ;f11>(:i';'.dViZ:l£ &''.11�

t.!,-I:l(, lrrlV-**:1-JTRUEo

,�x-t;J;M�� iti. a<iwr-1r1ri..x:Jt.: '1!F(f 1-:1�tLu111,it 1l!. i'l<J fa]Mfil1-f {EM �H"1 • t11EJ l;{1lff1J,Jt fn i'!<Jfi'J 1111 t111-
tt1-t1� 1fiJJJIHr o

�n*fft�-IM*. ii'f )¥-!j!iffi T.iH:\t ff j 0 :f:ldfl��i/.r�48 1-1J,f1 ,r J<jll•tlaJ3!0<,t1$�'1;f1l f1:!.l'.J<JfttJ.u1�-�


&:,�f19:ti:fllo 0 2H�t=nt-i;X:Jm�H1<;gi11 '\l, nJ�:tI:!(1l:!:J.�fr-J241J,11-ta<J/I�# t-�0l 3 16 753219 0 �ffl��'iil'?iii�

1:E1�Jll'i�� D 1:ilili!flir<J l !?H&o i!i-'.J.lllfr(1<;ttf=1 JHtffl11\/1ilfl�imti�ff.l:;,l;Jf:t:f1:JhHM1<:Jfliii#, �'..t�111�frJff{J
!JIHr7ffaJWr. J-i'i'ic{:£, xl:f::1f!.�JM:fiJ�l1l!B<.Ji9J�1-ll!!.)f . .R�1$Hi.tw:, �1fllilriJ l;{ffHi7'J1$/11Hr. �n:W:fft
f.!;):� tlf $'c.iilliil=ftf171&.� E.��*, 1fti�I.Hfnrfl���ffi.�1l�m*� Ji} /Kiffri'',;.�(1<J!/,� HI o

1J\�llnl5llfi.0 filf!l!:HJ�;fil•�12(1<J1i:t.$:. JJd#�(1<;t1JHUlai!J1fr:f'4,t!i(10:tilt.:r�fi!.1i*• x·i'i::19nl•*, �Ii

�M.ti:fi.::{7�. %HIX.ff fiif il e'!,(J'��� 0 �n*1�i:Fn�4W tlJJ. i1'Hllifl. ��241J,11,tj.;/\i;xl4:!, i?i0600 73 I0 3 10 0

1i'A:TfWijnfiiJ1-'i�ltl!.0!JF!fil5WUi%1H.i:t.. i�f�r�fIBiffitMut-�t..!��-M995 7626 513 0 *1%-fiili;;f�Ji�tftl!.�
iffl rJ�iff

ig,i�fJ;fiE. 1f,fnH:,tili;.jfi)i:j'j':Jll� **m, .iit,:.f'!{i)G i:f:::ftfflfiiJll·r!'.:Htiffti*. f� Xlifil5x;f:Jldfl (1<J�15tilHr
�i.iE o qXil} i,-'Mi7. i;'fi:XFl:!/lf;i*�Mx0995 7290 290 0

rrfffiiJfi,J@..tw,�;m JJJJ;fMIH.i:t.. ·m1nr1�fM1316440188.

:JJdnm-�ff£\ft�-1WilliJl:f�11 J (i<JJJIOr/.\i(jlj��ifF o �n;;.r�ffej:'(;'.i:' +!'n& Ff:I,:j"Jlffl·tt fl�l!.!UJ1:Wt1{J j;l·I llA o

f&:nJL-'Jili;=l� ff;)'-{,1fTI.£"1!-ir!i1IUf-tltfn. Jl!!.1JI:: 1IHli&mifu20, Jtrr:tlle!P-fMii, il[l \�1iST55 6GF; it!. ili: 0 1316

�ll:W:i:Jt�E! /·1-LfJ\1.Jc.iJ /m, i,'fi-:llrt! ifc:!}1 flfl95- ·vt10600 7838 836, :f1W Jifktft'7:;x241J,n, �iji,£j.;�/Jll# 0

微信:13522209444 181
� $Ji;:S.m.!i:..
::t�pg�: -:l!u1off�Jfl./tUUi' o

heat v. hll;I,!� evidence JI. :idf�; iiEWl

them1ometer n. r.\IcJJr·n·. 1*rl.\lit bubble "· ®if!!.. '/=I 1{!]. 11. ii!L � , � Ml. H9
moisture II. i�)li� , /1)! ""(_ il·:JW
liquid 11. nH,f( , mr !* piping hot r.&�El9
essential ad). !J6,� □':/; *@:EJ':J, �*ii':/; steam
/l, �1'-t
fr'i $ (J<J n. !1ll: • � !1ll: ; � � , emit v.�/li, t�ii:
�-#, stir V. :Jfilff; =lmt1), �;jl]
exceed \ I. ifiliti&, Jl'ti::J: wipe v.�
bum v. �. �1t 11. :J?t19:i. :tl.Jit squeeze ,,. & "· FF-:�. m
pastry II. irri� tt ?;;', • ,,/R •L' grease /1. 111!)]�
process v. 1mT.. 611:f.ill 11. :PlJ'i' . d,I;-� interior ad). Vfffll (1� . P-1 (.t<J n. 1*1 .gil
burst JI, & II. :W,&' •J'.M� unplug v. fbt� ( mr, trFi�-�·1-). ,��
beverage JI. 'ij,:;!:4 µu111

Questions 8-14

• �ill!: LIST OF HEADINGS u\;,tir-/Mj

• B El ffi�lfr:

f!Jrt:J�f.!f jjljiJ:fJ,'m E:J f11Xi;'tzJ1:iJ(I�� ji'ijy.Jt;# l\'115( ji'ij(J':J f�j!R, o

�� �El�{i'i:iiil �M

8 rapid cooking rimes

shorter than� 1-m i1f *
Xf.'i:SECTION A..E�iJj:�7r,&•:.\:l"l'l':J:it:iJ,�JntJi1) l�;lstit!!.*�1 1 (1':l�fil. If.IT
t//i � ;J:t 11.J' lflJ l'l<J t� � , )(;t fu7. :ii\; J.9i v:
times( m-Wu'{'t.H.111J. 'Jiij) . ffrW..ill; Vo illi-ttJ.liiiv: Standing time rl1 ll1l:l\J.!I\ Tnt
rapid cooking

rm, ;r-umi1<J:.1J1=:t(r,nn•HilJ
>C:i',"rSECTlON B;u-ill=f b11;tA�!,'-LJ.:tt!lmn;J 19t.-E�:)I-� • .x•.tfiii:ill;J,ijjvii: small
9 small quantities of food
quantities of food( 0-'filft4w.)). ffrk'./.m; viio
Xl;J:SECTION C£}HJ1=�7 Jmt,!�7J<5tj;-(J9ft!jmn,ta9tt:'!tU.Jl:�, xtJ;)Zzl.9!
10 foods low in moisture
ix: Foods low in moisture( ilii\/Jt::.r-::kl'l9ftqt!J), ffr�J.��u\; ix
X:i';-i:SECTION DiJ!:�JJ11t,!�-.@)Jl1T..i:Ul�*!IPJnt(1':1?1:�:r)J:Jji, �.@ft!IPJil!i
11 foods with skins 'ir1· Jt,(Hl·-e!� , .i± - e!tlHW Bl □<J7Jc W: ":1' , .i£: tl!.#l�z:rm ii: Foods with skins
ffrfi1(19{B'&:'&l:!lm. (;Jft:).��u\; ii o
Jtf,'iSECTJON EiJi:fl':l#JtR:Jm:t-!Hw, iJ,�*H11'ij,:;j-,�ll;J-AtJti:W:�Ji:JjJf . .i!�fJ";[!i
12 liquids
ll!tiK.lr:.il.V.!f!x: Liquids Ol?i I*). ffrt:J��m Xo

182 微信:13522209444
Test A

�"5" mi: � :iE {lhfil Jffiffilt

13 re-heating =
)'(1;ksECTION Ftf';-'ri]When wanning up food for a second time ...,-¥,t�r}R:,t,:
131: iJHI� ¾ @I ;lt.Hll.;,,,t�� ?X:/Jn 11.�it�n�· Fl9 ttxJ.¼JJJ.'flI, re-heating( :ffi:.f;Jf:/Jn
:t!\). ;W,€:JfiT�-JJ;J�. EJr!;A��ili;i o
)'(i;1:SECTION GiJHfT ULl{riJMf,�iJJl:.li1 :it.1:firr!i¼. !;1{�1�Jt=i:: �+. ili;!j)'iiii:
14 keeping your oven clean Keeping your oven clean (���--���f�>��eMT*a��
w. J!lf !:).$�ii\;iii

A �t&::Jt-1 BY:'r.: �liJntliTJ ttJAili1i:i:tB99.: ill/JfltiWJ�nH!i�. ffr t;1;iiEtx1"l· 1G-r.&:fi:ftr\11¥J1i'rnf-"'f. ;;r;;�Jfil:tttt M

§�J::. t'l{Jfl!W-?l i/,\J atraJ �i.¾:� 0
B 1Jllf.��, hift�LlJll•tf!�t�:,1,,i:_,, - I;J.1Jllf.�111i'uU1 L�. tt�m��%11�. � =i:: . M�mlj( o �1'1/:f)Ji.ITa9�;�J8]1J.1'
li1J. Jiji��1i:1J11t!Pl 1 i'!titt¥JJ�i5l o
C 1Jnt!\7l<'ltf?:hlj;-E19it!imfl1�1l,,1'..,. lt:!,(n ffiifl�ft!lm, J'.'] .{OJ .!.!X;# ffiift �.@-ft!jwJJJ111t.\fl-tl'r1J:i:1 L�, tll.�

D -�1JIIJ:.i::.!:□9�J�, l:t:/.(ll'i!f/lm, '�l\1fx1U195'1-fQ� JJ11:tA1vJ. •i!'.•t.iiUA3Z. rl'l'&TtJ.kJH!l.�. �.J-�TI:)J111t.H:I
� rj1 :U.H t o 1i� 1' A9 7J< l111/.Ll ill -r.(,
t J
E �ftlt'i1il/i:Ji')J11f-!Hh, \lli-tl·f11t.xJISH19 11,H1� 0 l!ll·f±Jm;tf.\ji1 J1:·,� =fl�l1/i.H, . tl�f,t;:*iui·tl:!.n ft���l=/7fil o r£X2:::f
�.i:l J.!tJJfl ;tf.\ 0

F - mmilli���-•�.-���w*•�1mm• ��=*•�•�*m•�a��-•M�i!:�
1@. X•t ;f fjgffittl: (:J'�ft!fm , rt.Im Pf 1¥'- , J,iiZJ 11 JJ r-1:JJ J F rj 'Ii 1J 31� f.&� :§i1-H�J /(()JI I#.\
G J� T {!;1 liH�lWL;J;,'• EIY 3<3kfieHI ' �£ ;:inwt illfrrti�1� rft � 0 JH tr T rlii'd-!Hl-<J )11:\.!Ed-!U A<. F(fi-lt,H:i\�i& :Ji' i:,;, -Alrt­
;J'J; p,J ffll □Yirl1 !]§']Ji: �!jt/J� lti: u jff � i'i'f i9c:i:1.ff �,%i1E't,!ZT-1 I! ilfiHifl :!ldJY·trflYl F illfi 0


>�i:r,'i:�;t� (Passage l)

� !ll.lt: ,&Jijj:_

premise II. FIU �lit' ( 'i't�lk.' fJLf¾� �itEJII ove1whel111ing adj. Jf.(yrJ·l'i:i':19, xr.-U!Hii:a�
(10 )})J·/M temptation 11. �}&/;, 5 Im
dominate v. Jtffi'.. i5VtYi� property 11. �!tF, ffr;(-f!j&J; t't1'£
priority II. f}tj\:;' (t '.,t;� decade n. I·�; I·

微信:13522209444 183
�m1l.re�i:iti:ui:it�� 7 • ffli!t

rectify v. �,'tiE. V,IJ� operation n. jjf !f!i . :t�H1"

threaten v. ;'l�flf' �JJ;I; prospect 11. :.\;(e,; 11tr it; WL'll

ironically adv. i3l& ifiJI!!, Wt�!Ll:ltl!. "· �-:t.Jt ' t�J;j;ji

swing v. ./'1f¼1'j , l�i;/J • tl!i!!fff obstruct v. �ll lWi • �ii. ;ii ; ]lg lirr C ill Mt , 5ili
commit v. 11:! < ffliJO , O;PM ; =r :JMx mzq; > 11. 1mt1-� . �'7HiWlm
initial adj. lfil:f]J(J<j. tJJJlfi(i<J; iiiJ!fl'l<J flexibility 11. 1Q1¥t. :icWJ.¥1:. tJLi,;IJ·!i

outlay ll. Wiffl physically adv. !aJ-1if. ..t.lll!.

image /l. ,��. to\11%{; ,�,� alter "· i..'.)(�
V. t;J:!f6<; J.R[!)J,:, �1if: extend "· :jfx;' �11 11
enormously adv. �l�'/B·J[!!, f=i::.kitl! outwards adv. jnJ �I- , 7ff�l-
manufacture v. :l�;l;!t n. H���; 'f"?i--/, landlord 11. $'fi�. !l!EE. (Ji1Ht1i'�i'!9 )�1&

access II. :iill/#1-, A 1-1 V. �.in: contract n. itFr\1, ��; �rr�

van /l, ff��tr,: II. {!!!�nm: j �!M!
lorry alteration
11. -�!j:: II. �]!, iJ..l(.ll!i

restriction n. ll�ilij , authority II. -t5Ul&., �flif; ;tJU�A -1:

tighten v. ��,�mm. tv:� rigid adj. liltl'liJE (l<J; ;iv.� (:1<J

crncial adj. _?r?:�.ffi:J.l[:(l<J density 11. lif.:JJr

Questiofls 15-20


• Im § J1Wtfr :

/lm.� llm.l§l�ifi:� ��i.n:n lffiffirt

J:M El 'PJrrf 1 (1<J�-lt�tEbecause5 l..\'f(J<JJJii:ltil�i-1-f
JJ,.. lf;Ji:p, i)t.fiJj�.f:l"WJ�-1-}Jf(fJ;J, Tfii.EIJ�A:t.7-
)( 1 I f..ltfit1J,+n;J�What you need
r!1 m 2 €It f:P; 2 fr ... because lhey 1-�ifiJ:§,x/fi�iWl:1Wi1''?-(1<Ji; iilJ�i1fo]jj'(>C 1NN
'tMUlJbecauseffr':i l.;f-i'.l<J-nJ-1- o .ff}fHlll I� it, .bi:Jl..11.
15 believe in the importance of
because, !� I] rt,� tiLiilJexpensiveX<JJ§IJJlUt 1 1 !i<J does not
image-and that docs not come
impressive come cheap, )� 19 rl I impressive M J.iY. iht )( rt.1 (J<J
importancco Jifr� 1-£:i!lfiJtili'l1 1!11��*:£�;l�j.\'.;
a<JZ iilJf..J:Jgfs<J��, Z iii.limageU/Jjg��.
llJiQ 1iJ-=f 111 Bt.l2-lt:lil;tEdepend on/E'uii, on**
�- �OO�m��MA��1-��-���d
)( r/ I E\t 'ilf 1J,.j:,j;,tlMLocation rp tfi J
�Sil�1-��i;iii.lffiillo fflWARft�S.
l3tm 1 'iiJ High street premises are
depend on, near, Jl&i@ �flj (1<.Jshopping areaXJJ§IJJii:X 1t1 B<JF-lttt/J,
16 important for shops which rely
shopping areas t.ir-rEfilLocation o .'flf-ff�Ulf�·!p;, �S/lMGl rp�fftiii.l
on passing trade-but these are
shopping areas X1 Jii. j)j( X cp l'J{J high slreel...for
shops; depend onJt>Jf.il7.)Jii:Jtrp(J<Jrcly on. Ml�lE
:(Jft- iilJX-tl.iiz o passing tradcl.lfJ ;:kJ�� o

184 微信:13522209444
Test A


produce goods,
storage relies heavily on access.
17 there is, manufacturing, Wff glll f� i�;. �.f.lllfili El q, �iii:
Think about how vans and
delivery vehicles fil]dclivery vehiclesX'JJ.iiIJJ;tS(:rJ7 (!{]vans and lorries
lorries will deliver and collect
will deliver and collect goods, ill,1.'Y, :(:EJlt I:[ !'ii] P-1
goods from the premises.
tt1)'1'/t[.?, iiiJ o acccssH[IJ;�� o
:$Ul .Ji.\1:W}1hf;f-faiGrowth '1 t'B I Mi El 1nJ=r-1t1Ji<J�¥��1£whetherFnffii, ijt,f]f]�J-Si
1 1
€It m 2. 3 fr I! is important to (-1<JiiiJ-J�J:.tJJi; ii'tllJJGFh 1Mi-t�ifiHJ11ilU1<J!& iliJ��
removed, create consider flexibility from the sta11. Ht o Jm IJ rj ·•mHHlB<Jwhethcr...could be removed to
more room Can a building be physically create more roomx;t $i. Jfs( X 1 11 (J<j knocking down
altered internally by knocking walls or by extending .... .iilluf8i !'J!Jtl!.Jll!f(f,(,'ii]=-ftJ:
down walls or by extending... JiH, wallsl:!fl::h�* o
:SC r[ 7 IB!Jii ;j,;j:;f-Jm Growth r!·• m2 /l£ FI 1nJ--=fr!· 1 s<J2f��tEJi'.JU ifi.ltbe/5 ffii, m)J/l�
f:lt 1# I 1iiJ Landlords obviously .lj'HJ<Jif,Jj�:it;:hZif/JTix!"E!i¥i1'�iffJ�flJoc(1<.J� iffJj:TI
have to agree to any changes so j;fr o Mi El 1l 1 JtH11Hf<jtypc of building alterationsx- @:
type of building
it is important tbal the contract JJit:SC 'I 1 (!%ave to agree to any changes, mI El 111 (J<j
19 alterations,
includes details of what will be permitted 5(,j· $i. /fr( Jt rl 1 (1<] it is important thal the
allowed and how much extra will contract includes details of what will be allowed,
be charged on top of the costs of :fil.r�{fJlt Iii liil rt-J .jJfiH1Hii-E icifif,J theli<.JZ i� o
rebuilding or alteration. contractUll7:1�� o
.)<. r 1 -F.
+-m; r1 ""'-. ,'MjEJl,,:ff'1 1 (J<J211Hl1£close toJr'ifli.T. iJlf.!Jj�J-ti(J<j
I 1 x 1,i- /j ''ri.F,o:!l Growth· 11 !1� 2

t.J¾::®Fo-iiJThc building may be

are located close f1��T:ffiiWJll\*�,m, l1 J.iil.ir<::h�-1'tt1Clf O /Mil] 1 J 1
in a conservation area or near . . . _ ,. 1
20 to, extensions, �U,j;IJ(J<.Jextens1ons may not be allowecl5(,J-$i.Et;i_:3uJ
housing, in which case ii will be
not ...allowed (J<Jit will be much more difficult to consider changes;
much more difficult lo consider
,'Mi El 111�3:Jj(f<.J close lox<tJ.ilZJJl'tScrl1near o IYrlV3&
±I!!. 1.f(J<j1', iii- JbousingCti.<t:./lr-
1 1•
- ,
)Ull::f:7�� 0

1M.�il'.l:U::ili;m:1.1.1:11,tf;lt.$t;t·1kta(J � �12.Hl{:R,: J�:;ji:, Jili;:,Js::tt:fil;rix':;;t>: o �l=T A�/tlfi��, ltl.1l:ti!l!fT
--t-J(rni:,.,_.J1iJe�<iiJf�JM'.:!.ik¼t1t--tfft-mliH!!I'.El'.!1<.1m=r- o ii�ti�i&JL +�•rt11imi:,.,_ ,�u l'l<.J::kt/:r, 1A:IiI�
JilUJMilJ--t-Wl�lil' jJ (1<.Ji�il'.I 1'1<.J:m•* 0

Tnii/XlJ!i1J(:f<.Jn,, -�i�il'.J.!:jJJt:j\�f'Mfll.i, -P,;l(flz:J'.'�9-Uf<.J o i�P]ijtstzwJ, fl!!.117�:lH�::kfiH1<.Jt-l

Kffi.1%::r-J: . � ::h11!diltt11f-f:J� � r1<i fil� u . mr fJ!i:fa!: t1<.i tJFf �fi�� !nl. 111 i� ii'J M1 ;�� 0 ili;ff J11- �1rm
-f:Jl!:t.Jetll! o

微信:13522209444 185
� � fi\Jliff! r� jfii hl(1<J1: �. u!J'f.Jil.f J(ij ii�,tl& '!Z--(E 5!I 'r-jc f!'j _L, �11Jiit:6/::lllirz t� tl. WiiT� ± {!;j J L:;J(:
m;/1<JJ1!.Ur. ti�iK:�-f;'ff :st rt 1(1i1J--��'.fi£(1<J�.1:ll:iiilt-fi7,i �1E*$(1<J rlf rj,,t:., T. Jt.Jt£: .:E'.8'.:1lx��r-t!.
ikwt1'1f rl!. rlllllf'I: jJ{'1d-'Ux:rt(1<J��l�
;\,,J.ii!H11ur-:ij� t: '.[< /{� V,� II I A(t<J f'J!,fi] � -l§" !/;;{jl] �t 1Jo,f11 ,� 1r::JJd,lf J1lili.i1;:J,'r¥A (1<J{f,f1Jtl:o X·J-1.,:l. UfE
i5L IIHifi:rrn� 11�J:MqlriJ1'Jl:'. . .if �:,{f Ji{iJ!(l<Ji�.!¾3cJill. Id}, l!E (Ex Jillfl'lr,lj /JII '� i'l'.Jll·ti!f·ll!.11tJJ/!E: BA
g),i!;1-- �l:;fi· )'.J,t)!(1<Jl:k:J.E, J::. J-1iJ11'c1J-i�!4! IV. .& W:'1'-T. ftluJJ�r·,7,;:� (1<Ji1ii fH A:11,, "ftl!l,kfil 'tz:'Ji:i.k­
�.!I\"-!MfJl f -'1'-f�l1�4s.:(1<J-l'� zt-1:J: �i!. o II1MiL'.'!iJ�flii M J\'!'1 JJII mi-010

t{J.-'1'-1Jvi1:��(1<J 11 f,1;t.ill:J-il:JJ!l If: :J.1-'1'-ki� irJ. fUJil:: 1 ,!JYJl'1<J-@#NJiHk-UJ: 01H lfiH ��l•Zi:Jl./t" JA­
JFllfl�-t �-1/iCftJ -Jil:!ii'.i;Titthl 11:·x1- ill�f1<J JUf ,in:J.Jiili.:J:ml:u�w. ,:,1:7J--ltill1£JJ11riv;1nJr1<.i1:r:i:l.:*vJl
·Jiu;; h{n<JiJ,1 .�11-ti��? lli�A\tf1tl!.frnwtr1<JJ:J1!.i. IJJ. t.r-tffHtillzJ11?
1WVJ M' >iJA� (1:fl L/,tjll•J-�11}.,f�t�:lHr,11-i'::ll(l<Jff: f11J��}T�. {lliUHZ-�@tlU '1'i'.fI:(Ef.-li'i] L. ,,Jr,'i
tiJJfl�{i1,1llift i'F�Jl,1:(1<J�IW',H11 I I I 'f-1,1j!1�!J;-Jitf1!';/,i�::iz:H(l<J frlJ,iH,'iJII, l,�-lfilii ,-�1](1<J 1J.1 � W.b•l ;;\;!/P.r,�'
}.t • 1Jl!!.(IY/7}J.1k11'.f1l!-tJL-l'fH,�- 1'[f11{11,i •J·1em1�(1y�*�'�111J/,fil. AT l�)J11�J1(Jj-1Jlf l'l<J�.-m:, ft!i.!f F{f

FHHI'�}� �11.WillJJt,4,:-!'.J-ul/:H n11mJ,UM1:IS=:rx!Jm f�HJ'•.r'(!{l';_(J<ji;ft·' iM•l•'ti'nil "f �ll&/l\�J{��lt�I-Mxm

�-.-.: ,'r',f,J�l,',( p assage 2)

> fo1 .,._ '"'' , T��

-f4: �: .a m .i:.
±�!Xlg: 1JD,t1]�it,3Ii.ttl jL�fJt,l'r-JJ..1t#.-#J01 .:r.iH•J

,16,T'f 'iffJ iC

payday 11.'.6/.: l.�n duplicate "· w1�JM1. 1J1J� v. irn�

overtime "· & m/j. ,lilll-J( (l<J ), }Jfl.f:if.( (l<J) prior 10 -{E 11ii . ll .$'c
exempt I'. )."{i !,t(1<J.
0Htl�(1<J temporary adj. 1'511,f (I'�, l/�ilH(1<J
approve \I, �JJX , .JIU/H. jJ.!Li:l approximately od1· l!r{Wl/!.. kf�
excess 11. J.:11.tr • iliLd benefi1 ,1.;f:IJ.'6it. H6ll::
compensation 11. �H·:2. mM:.'.� prorated system -.fil1 tfr�1tffi'.�m
pennit 11. j,lj: nJiiE • .JJL!!!! 1•. i'FriT. Hfd!f schedule 11. MliJJ* v. TJJ'f15EIHIBJ

payroll II. ,f,fr ;]( � , i;if-11< -�-?Wi initiate V, :Jf !m. 2,tJ8l

dcdul:tion 11. J�l�i. ·llll� gmnt v. loll?., lW-'f, *iA

human resource ,A,)J \Jf i/Jit calendar 11. 11 DJ. JJW�

license 11. i'F nf ( i1E) 1•. VF iTf entitle v. �,t.x . �.:f

line II. rfJ.�, \il1t: span II. 1/-,'H'ft . WUN

automatic lldj. 11 i;IJ fl�. X;ft l_Hl'1<J ; 11UIJX(l{j grace period < f "i)J , :ili{HHJ<J )JX!'.IIR.WI

charge II. '!»JIJ; t[!.r,:f

186 微信:13522209444
Test A

Questions 21-27


• Im El ffi!(,�{r:

/lm.� �M
J::ltrfl:1J,t,r-Mi Payday_1J.:J'(
i.±.wJfil LI �;J<,G,1:'fl.ct=-: 1-.1r�inJ :m n ..!irl I t#�iilit
21 where. collect wages
m 2 fr employees pick up /hJ iriJwhercVf:/i•l. f.Jrl,'J. i'Y :tref(J};i:'.�� l�;:l::,,'rd', inl
!!.X� iri)fil i/t. .&Jl!!l,(, N&i 1111 1 collccl their wages5C•t
the pay checks in their
J,if.Jf,tJ( 1 l 1 pick up the pay checks, f,rl,'J,1tiffJin/iirfii

1/ifil l I ¼1l1tH:U,H'iJ iifJwho�l'nJ. fJrt:J tf %tif0}.if�

.PJ-U& 1J, f;"f-/IB Overtimc.il •� m 1, g 1.,, -� .1� 1.., .-��,. -r 1�) 1.,
.,1� 1 ,1,1, .1.,_,l,
;RJ�J:'.\A:-t-1111I !!,x.,r_, ln1h\l.lit, -N: l..-r1 E,x./\1#.J:>r Ill
who, authorise. )( tl) 3 fr The supervisor , • ,
22 JIB 11 1 I I authorise xt /III JJ;t Jt I j I approve. !Jit X. 1 1 1
overtime must approve all overtime
approve(l<.J=E i/i-1-Jthe supervisor. � lll.#Jt�Jill ll 111
before overtime occurs.
authorisdl<.J.3: if\'. i!'.;l.tltthe supervisor;filo/-f �
Jlli 11 :Ii!; rl I t.'Hi!,;� l'•iJiiiJwho4JH•:iJ . l9r W. fiJ\; liffJ,.if�
.vJU« lj\ +,r, IW Overtime.LE �Jfj;:.�J.H� irr],!]JiAs jf,J�Q iii-. �.A.� !.llA !11') Q 1;)­

not paid extra,

x fi 1J � tl'; 2 ff Exempt Jml I '1 1 40 hours a weck1Rfri}x,t1i»;U'c-1�riMt-Jt
23 employees receive no - fr (i<.J forty hours in a workweek. more than 40
40 hours a week
additional compensation hours a week l.!jl J<·t Jiil: JJ;tJ'( overtime hours, [MI LI 'I 1
for ove1time hours. not paid extra x.]' Ji J;;( J'( 1 I I receive no additional
compensation, J!Jrl,'Jcxempt cmployees:fil-��
)/2 11 fil: I h t'Hi!; //;� fn] if,JwhereVf: f,,J . f,r W. n St Tiff! 5:£
µJ!:{ttl,.j:fj;JMi Parking.iE.X ��J�Jt.:,'i!:.r. iri]!!.lt.i:t i11rnHtL :&JI!!.�-;_}�[I '1 1
t/1 I 1i:i'ld-�A monthly pre- parking charge fl� Zi' &} )(,j· $. )Jt- .X 1 ft flt 1)\ tif.@
1 1
where, parking
24 f tax payroll deduction can Parking; )Ml !1 1 I 1parking charge taken off... x;J' J.iiZJ)j[
charge, taken of
be made by visiting X 1 1 1 ... deduction can be made by visiting Human
Human Resources. Resources. �frl,'JHuman Resources( AJ:J \?fi»;Olfil' l )
_fil:��, lll.11f ��'.Q':i-1HR,
.v.ll:fi¥1J,;j:;j;JMHolidayil:X !ml I ll;1M.\:�;/;�fii]in)what.W!'oJ. lfrl,'J 1�:i"SttiffI��
tl'1 2 fj· Regular part-lime �Jfht.:�.ri ifiJ]1xi; iRJ)Wri-. �-;f'HJ!OlH!E l 1-n ffi!
what method is used,
employees wi11 receive J�Hl'1 Jirt Jill I I <I'holidays%!�t1 x,t Jjiz )J�; X '11 ¥JU&
25 calculate,
holiday benefits worked ;j, fiF /ffi Holidays; !Mi rl ,j I calculate X•t J.iiz /fit X 'I 1
prut-time, holidays
out using a prorated work Olli. J,r l,'J Jll 7'Hl-n ff.! L "� JV](1� JHL!ik
system. prorated system. !J..1.llt��)Ja prorated system

which documents,
Employees requesting
26 fill in, /1}11',f;f-/mrersonal Holiday; J{ffl 11 rj1 !ill inx,tJ,w.}J ;,:J'(
Personal Holiday will be
Personal Holiday 'i 'will be required to complete . 1:/51 Jltcomplete(J'1�
required to complete
ili· Leave Request' for111sll!IJ11ill in(J�'.fuill. l!!.#,t�
• Leave Request' forms.

微信:13522209444 187
/lm.� �M
J!J/: ifr 1), ,r,J( Jill Birthday Jill[] Ji;. rlI t.'(9.U,HnJ ir/Jwhal is the namem Ji,] . IJ/r �:L
lloliday rl: Jt tf'i 2, 3 fi· Y'fJ'cii/Oi-i:'.��J�::i:\';Ji)Jg i1iJii.x� iii]�Hfl-. :&-¥.-if);
what is the name, What is known as a grace /Ml El 'i 1 birtl1days{IH��)(•J·$.J,�jcrj 1 j!Jn'ii1J,.j:;r,,W
birthdays, December period through January Birthday lloliday; ,W 11 'I I what is the nameJ(,t J\\Z� I
15th is given to those Jt rj I whal is known as. llil 11:t ;t( /ri iiii [l(J a grace
employees... pcriod�)U1¥,W(19��
______ J

1.JO;f;IH-i �ill!.fM .ll:'¥:�ft
tJIWi-/i'iJ(1�/i'ilE.:;/-J/n. C&: 1:18i o �ll·J.:Fl:J,�IJi.Mfl!l!PJ. JJll.z./11Ylfilf:U-FJnJ-·:&: 1:\Ji -J��nJt. w. T.
:{:EffrtEf.flf l®f!& T.1&£; Ul1;!.P:J!Jr1'E;�jlj' rnu-r. TTfl:J. j;IJ"jt'if r,11,i�'>ir :.t·��X o

T. f1:;n,J-1'11]JflM'll}:;.(81], 11t' I!Jt-J;�J401J,r1,j·(1�,·�111}. 1X ?Ut:M.WJ n T. f1:;(1�1ilJ /\.1'1],n,J':/;ilJ,iz � HJ111

J.,F.tH�TF.Kfn r.• f1:JJUJJEz.111J&:,{ITTrl1E'll�ttl!li filJUJ IJ r.W,lli.ct81J,nt1:J&-::RTf1,ifilJ1121"1J,n,J'(10
-i:M}, Jjj_ �xHxll.1KJJ11.f:/f. i� a 1/(;ilH l�}JIIJ.:/f.7Gf��JHUWI5HY f+f�� o

61 [.(16,f.W1!::f,Hf1T s&f;� 1,-:: liE;;i· nJ l)J,{:E.61. 1:(1;� 1,:.1m1,•;� 11c �11Wd1.!J)vf>11iliT.!h: I 1 1 11':Yl 1n/tt,f,;P'1::t�.
-(f .A. ;}J itiV.lffilfl1J,Jll!Llll nf o �11:AL?iH/lIJl!fiUd·t. tJt- ftiil:.f:ll�]!J�ttl!![U.li).r�-r,1Jji_tf %-'t:ifl,JIJ!l!llnf . fi:tc
: frUFJ-l.\,J 1'(1.• JHll:hf:J,t;'i;
·�Iii' J�tf�gMt!:1r Pfti0iff:(1 �!1:

I f1= iiE
J!Jrt-1(1�In. r.&,t!ii��'Hll' I: WiL Ull*M T. t.-1-.: [7� ftirE, :/�· ii Z;l11l.l(�l{5��*fi-1J,-1'/;\1J,1;: UII
*ln T/:i!iIIJt l:·ftliE&:•%i (1:®i*1Rlii-�$#7k1u
l 3clffi

iif-1- ,�1i.t{ 11�. J!Jr1fll:�\';(1�;f111l(lill•J·(1�1-': 11 m�.1,1 r.-A's/:X1l11fl,'J�Uflj 13x(1�,/fJ';fJf-,(,t.:(l!,l Ji)j-{f L<:WJ!l(fi

rHTfl!lJOJ 1'1y t r1l1H.t�1f-t'x!!(!" ltfY1J�1HU'fr: ".ill:17 j l·J): f,j( fl!il'.idlHtJ!ijofM{-rx j/,',J�

1- .A. vt-frl
- IJ fl.li��JH' fii-1' i,1 T. (:Enf-'1' i'I f't{f:JJ!'.Z.f!J,�tJJOllfl��-::R"r A {,t(flli/ll•J·1n1 0 1-)._ ftfl!iln,J-fiiJ&:,
t.ITT-lkfH.J!Hl:ir: �,� ( �J{Hli:\ u�s,J,1 1,t, 1l(fill-t r.t.t.:!!�!ltfsi1J�fl:i#ll\�'flJ..&:1'1�11,tL-s:). 9-! r /,1(1- .A.fl!.mJ&:,
�Ji�J]'rFJ"fA-1111 r11 W" -#+'ii 1'.A.f*nu-1- 1it T.-{H:J.fm1i-1x

� El vt-@
/j/j-;('j 1E:r.\:(M11 ll�i fl,t(J%t IJ ;jjtJ vl [I:) &,lftlfl(.Cl r-: /11\Il,{i- Jc't 11 ·:Wtfrf,I, (11;1 ffr,(-i(JYF!. [ iTf l,J
' (E
'-'I� 11 1ifi!!.XJ.1 1- Ii:;/( JAJ •;£��,rl fJnl!:l 'E II (E 12n I 61"1 jilj 12)131 n z.1n)(1y w T. f,l(/[li/ II fff ii!;f,IJrk-fF I
J1 1s LI 1l1J .iJH i'

-------------------------------- ----------------------------------------�

Test A


� �: -ii{.o/])t
:t�P-J�: �-ift-.:1(
w; , a , .r.1t ,(f. .i. :� .:t- oo 11.f-�,u&i m -t.i-¼lf 1% .\!!. 6� .w. @..-t.i ;(" -t.i y :K --111, , 1N1r
�� UJt : 1JH' �J!� ii:.J.!il. 7 :k.� iM Jlil
i 3JJt: Pj-!r)tF,�.i.&_a{; -il-J'o-1!!,;f- fji:,l!,�ji 1/�?�J!�
f,j!; 5&: w! :k.:H � -Jf-/k 7 - ,t-J:g-1.i �-1i Ka� it �11
Ji;7&, .J1-#--ix.HJl *#�4'•ti. ,i, e�/ilh1Jitl·
W: I UJt : ;l.!U,i Aff-�- ;}( 1J1l.. i/ I �-1l1 ri � 4h q: � � ii.�: . {x.1x..1'l + nt fiiJ iuJ ,I!!

breed v. Cf\12: H!Hri : .Jox ff

n. i'd,1"l :fil %
1: 1
- rushing
air vent
arlj. :�.MW4; IIU�(14
II. 't fL

Customs II. rfii};; grinding ad). �ii] J:f. (1<J ; Jj!i (i<J
baggage II. ffq; generator II. :&i: I �.tJ L

convey \/. -lll�:iE ; i� .idi bark \/, 1!,/i:, 11(!!fC¥:
reclaim 11. I I L/1i; lj5( lnl sleek ad). )'t rl'r (14 ; rl'H14
roaring ad). 11(!.ll.f l'l',J; ;?,;'11�(10; ll't'(l;J;Hl0
wag v. .Jhli�. .J?l;-W1

cavalcade II. Ill\ffi; - ,;1J * wrap V. -@.�� ; fil ,ii

luggage II. f j·'1: freezer paper ,t1iiULt

beneath adv. (1: · · · · · · ::t. heat-seal "· :li!\HI I
casing hashish 11. ��- 1;n&*1�ru:111,i'1'1J1;l.tJ
pepper 11. 1'i/11il;{;j()i

conceal \/. lritf/!li handler II. 1'f J1ll fi· • iJII �ff:tf· . ( ::)� JI/'6( (14 )
sniffer ,,. JIU:,l .:r-11r1 (1<.J .A.. ; 1�!-1'� �� iJIIMi r,·
persistent ad). -t# 0-. f,[d;i.1(14 dedicate v. rPJ(< � l. i"J.f1
scratch v. -11n. ;Jr,� 11. r;1Hf,,f/J:i; -11�%!. ��11i deleet V. o/,{'.i,it, '.&•1i!;; f*j�[lj

alert \I.i'.Jjjtg�j; II. •�t�; '5fjf sphere 11 • .fjR1'fi:. t1Hlll. �i:1!:1-:

微信:13522209444 189

comparatively ad11• lt�J!l!., �1� ''1.i!l!. mechanism II. .j:/L�tJ!ili ','S'. j .j:JLttJ; �LflilJ
1:soterie adj. ttf!);1 (1<.J • �111�.N1<J determine V. !_k)E, fyfJ�

neurobiology 11. f111�fl�JJ� diagnosis 11. �tjyr
unswerving adj. 7G:i1ii'l<.J; IJ£¼:'.(IY, �M�7Gn'il!(l'-J controversial culj. 4Vi'i:; (J(_J , ;}Fj,)l (1<.J
trail 11. !ul. X-1'1(J!fif.'�, t/i' I:

define I',�.)(; �fgjJ1i,j1}!fl stamina �JJ ; Jl.'i71J


essential ac(i. � J.m (1<.J ; 16• (IY,a:: fearless adJ. ::f•lfl BY, *ll!Hl<J. !JJitx(J<.J
II. ;jl:fJll, ';i.;fJll ; �-l.( jam-packed adj. m�H<.J; :IJU'i9t;f:t}J(1(_J
praise II, M'�M. ::f',(f.ITT. #J,l!/.l: cargo 11. {j:J'.fjf , ( :_1fc , fltl , -uJL�jg�'jlj
disposal II. �J'l[, 'tctl�, pj�•�,• (19 ) t'r4'PJ

II, ;,f.:fj�


cognitive ac(i. i.A. 7-i I (1<.J, v,. it-!.(1<.J , -(H� '.J-W1<.J clocksicle 11.m�
distraction II. Jt•L' sustained adJ. �#�7G�U9

assess 1•. 1Mi. i'F-!E feeble adJ. t��� a<J , t'-&�fHl(_J , iW�sJ �1<.J
scale II. �lj)J't; tf:1ftl; ':{ftJl paddock n. C.I11J1��wr1':!)1M10m; m1tm
toss II. 11/:. 1m phenomenal adj. �l�H1<.J; 1.li1%!.(1<.J
patch II. Jt, 6ir.-; ,],JJd!l!. obsessive adJ. �Edfttl:B�, J �.i.11!.(J':J

overlap II. if(,(/:, :J'att: monitor 11. ll{tl!Jr-AA. Il{rf/4J.N, l¼fti �&

blip II. '1l�.i8J:ftil./J�(f(J.',1.(CiJ,J� l:A�L, v. Il'.1¥1
iM'J](fJf!.!.!X.) � (fl!. -1 f,i;fl'J fiLjVl) interval II. 111J!Wi' Re:�1. cJ\W1J�,f,!.
cluller 11. i!Hl

unpredictable mlj. � nn:lliw BY heroin II. #ii t# I� . ll!-)1111,

odour 11. l(JJ;r�. f'fi!-r-. �11,r-, bulging adj. J�JllHl':!, 1_!:1 /1\ H':J
molecule 11. 1}-=f sack 11. ;J-:� ,,. ffilffnI

deficit component II. rill;,}

Questions 28-36

• /ml�: MULTIPLE CHOICE .11J.!Vil.!\i-1$!,lfil

• iru 1=1 wr,+rr :
190 微信:13522209444
Test A

�� �§:€{.frijj] I ��{ft]i_ �M
z#.JW-fll1:Q-llli,l;·-¥Jl:, j-: � Jjfr(;J�jli:,�1JtJlffilJ ,��i'iM£ (�in]
iifftr1]1:f';2@:. Jill I I 'I' (i(_jsuitcasc J Jt,t .SC'A12V.1WDfj'-(1(_/suitcasd•J·1,i7.; Lill
1J 'i 1 (1(_/drugEj ,�rxm2¥Ji:tiil:1ri• 11 i"hashish( Jcrj(f( )x,t Jill: -flit �- 1t 1111-flA.
·i-;thashish.is:1-J'(•. jfi] 11-!.-fld( j 11f (;J 1 Hlll'rli/till. Jf.i! n /'nj 'r if.Tu I I I (1(J1IU HII

{nf. /Ji'(>C�12f1!:'1 1?.:¥H/1'i:if ... lnside the case. within styrofoam casing.

28 drug, suitcase �'':2-13¾:�1'\il packed in loose pepper and coffee. wrapped in li·eezer paper and...Ajt\;J!Jl
lining( H'll) (Oh�)( 1 1 1 19:,(I, Bu\Jllpeppcr and coffee around them( fJ�

,'if] W ;f11 l�JII llji: t!l llil ,({ ) C Ml; JJ)( Ix: ...been frozen ½ lht ..)( ... wrnpped in
I freezer paper and ... , arc 18 kilograms of hashish. ,f� 1�- D Yn; J!Jj had a
special smell to repel dogs(�f:,1,/,,{f-·:f'l 1f1if;l,;ll;fcil1:1'3�1(1J), 13: (1:Jfi\J'C'1 1
I 1x 1i .w& n 1i s u1;J9U11 JJ;t .sc-lit: . o/f * jzl; s
)ill rl II I Most dogs are not good... L,; Jf,( )( Ordinary dogs have a 0. I%
chance of making ii in drug detection. J(,j·r',,Z ;J�fi l(i(_j (i'��JC:fil: 'Jl'.-:j",�j,IJHI;
�1i?:Wi�:fil1 k.fil•�fi'1<JJJ;tlJ,I ;/f..!-t\•l!Jr(Jt: 11��1,� /f,1A1<.J1�1lHi 'JJ ll!)Ff�
/liflj.iJ:11/ii,'.fil;J:!. t,&(1{Jf111)!!,' (B l!fr. hl!!A� Vi�Jl!!.-IJK 1=·-VMfi, J\fll •Jl,a\!�(i:;lc in (J(_j r i:
.Cj;. 1:111�fi?:Jl/r'.,'c 1:.fi!:-t-JfrR-rl•, klk.!!.lut:rc111:�u: 11fl:- �-f Jlf ftifl:,:rl: I
Most dogs are

:filri l·JG1 ](1<.J)'"';�. A.w;r9ithey don't work well with a handler. ( fl!!.f( J�fj�{I�
not good...
�f-Jili!:jl/ilM,,M-f.-i1= ) ..(1:MUc 1 l 1 ?5/:HW& B.ii\;J!i(thcy lack the right
training. ( II!!. ff J�j)t'.'..\,' ii: /y(( (1(_/ JJ!lr/4(�). :(EJ,,;-,: X ij I llL j� ,{j-lJUl
C.ii\;J�i t.he
drugs arc usually very well hidden. (� i'1 1'Jiffi·m·;�Jr,J\:j,::J.c�FT )�,t;,�
7C � 1& Jiij {E g:fhlJ: .If mi ;f� �!-11' <.J �{ l,t;! D it!; J'§j they lack certain genetic
qualities. ( (l!!fi' J�iJ.1.z.Ji�JJ-t::JJill-llH1 E ),¼ !J�tJ'C�lJf:\tW-;21 j-Florence is one
ofa truly new breed.X>Jhi7.. M l;'JJ/,ill, o/f�u\;D
m4®: 1)1=(1<.,2:1,11�11?:Jllrnlt:J:1 Mfil r- tlt.:k 1'1<.JJJitl.kl D )lfil 11 1 I 'good drug detector
.!c:jJJil:Jt'I 1 tl"�4®:W41-r-··top drug dog... MM �-nJlt. turns out. that it's 1101
Florenee's nose that makes her a lop drug dog. but her unswerving
conccntrntion ... < fief,!,!& (1?:Jllr lJV,1-* ffi�,dri tJ'U.:: (10 A 11-:m:1.1;1,t;JHl!!
good drug
30 detector,
'A'�4f:lt □<1§:i T·. 1/iiJ"rb:klk�W/(1{1 ·(.;·HAIIJUl!!.-�•�-•J.f l'l<.Jt'-f-N: lEj/ffi n B...s not
tf.I3fi1J:ff-f easily distracted ( tl:.CT)J;;f:fHJ, #��)-/� );{,tJiY. JtJt•�ri:fi:not A but 8
/1<.Jiffilif: ,f,,.%A, 1fi"i �B �JH<:•,:�·c.15·(1<.Ji'll i..H,1/i, o Au\;1-Yl" 01,� ft:JW ltJ-t
(1!1J1�11;J(l(_jllt/:·J.itW'' Jtr I 1 f9:1i-!M.&
CJ1'&1-Yl"fi.i.:J:t�i9.,'�;iJIIM,' f4� (E.f'JLJ.m
Ti1°"' }!_.f;:hl,�JJ-.X'i 1 1Jl(1<.JJfrtlkl O D½\:Jffj"Hb� ff?;)lfr:.'.]£·:lt-2(1� rw··'
l;;jj)�Jt:;fc.X:: ��:ill;B o
JIB rl '1 1 i£faiff] scientists, understand-½ }Jii>Ctf�4ll.li1�5i i Florence could
help neurobiologists to understand both ... X•t Jllj_ O 'ifi /till: Hll� (i:;Wi i!]" l;J, m
llJ1¥�cr:�CTffl'H l·,z,, Au\;J!ll" Afll �i� (1(J J-.:J1ili1i1uf:;;r, fi,J", Jc'i 115-t{dM.&
Bili;1-Yl ")l..ffJ�11(11f)l..fll!JIIJ..:!l�HMJ.irfii'". X: 1 i 1 1!it1i-lJl.& CJl -0!: why
�4-13¾: some people have di fficully paying attention 1] !Jt: )( Florence could help
understand u�sfi· neurobiologists to w1dcrstand bot.h what they call • attention processing'.
the brain mechanisms that determine what a person pays attention 10 and
for how long...and its nip side, problems such as... MJ,i]. Djz\;Jy!: Lhc best
way... U,Hf(1<J Jnl�· · · · · · l, .SC 1 I 1 i!it1i-t�.&.ii!:.Pe11,-£:1i1*f(l<J Jnt ��

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 191
Im� Im El :lE ffi:� ��f.rr:fil RmM
)/2 El rt•� {JZ if,] I 993, Austr alian Customs�1if-Xms�m I, 2trThe
Australian Customs···But, in I 993···:X·t& o rrfHL 1993&¥1�::k;l<iJ�llU/iJJ;:
Mfrif? Aiil;J]li "��.m:ffi{il! II ·flti.1f1 FI Br1<.J�/iJ", J'ct pift�� o B:iiliJY!"{R
ri!tJJ11l!!.:tt�rrm�::Jc", .!:jl!JftXtf15��21'rbutZ.Fo ...fed up wid1 the
ms� poor success rate of finding good dogs this way ... ,ff:l& o C:iiliJ.W" ......t.-��
32 Australian
'A12rr T !tMfl��tt�tiJn<.!11�". � )Jj(J'cJlt�:!ilFn I 'i=i]: ... and set up a breeding
Customs l
programme5<.f l.i'Z o DJl\;!Jil"iJ:;f:
:&A;J14ilJ1f,Jff$r-rhHtt51f$1¥.J�ii " o JJK:it�s
�tB lfJ ...sincc 1696...Traditionally, the animals came from pounds and
private breeders. ( :(:Ef�tltJ:., ;ft.Ais/J4o/Jiiillf$r��9!$ i'J��fij). �:&:j::.
:(-£ 1993&1�ll!I. n;J-faJJ:.:iGf-1= o J•!Jr���:iiliC o

• !mill!: MULTIPLE CHOJCE�J]ijlli;�ml

• I.mi§ fii¥lfr :

Rm� Rm El:lEf.ii:� ��{.ii: RmM

!ill§ tp important qualities that detector dogs must have� tf16�m J fr
Champness began by defining six essential traits that make a detector dog.
First, ...x,t@:. �m;,�(1<.J�� P-11f!l���JIJ;i)i" 139. Jifr� �-%!!H&?X:ll1J Iii
�1 .JctiiliHl<Jll!!.::1rt.llX•tJ.W:,i/L -�$\::First, every good detector dog must

love praise because this is the only tool trainers have at d1eir disposal, but
the dog must still be able to work for long periods without it. ( �-t{d;lt
�r1%1fil'l::R:�,�ffi':IJ;(X*A✓..::,�. 1E1Jg:i!¾iJ11t1-<:#-11m-T:iT vi IDutr.:stnc
(1(J1::.� o 1.§.¾'f:: .if&,fft!tt.i9:f'T�=l't1 /1y ff'ri5fF �t1;J-1aJJll!.I ff o) x•J Eiilffi
1:1 r1, i'IY F:iili J.W : a willingness to work without constant encouragement
<Y9:1cH#�l'ltttWatl.l!iU:::n::.-1t) ;f11)Mjl3 tpa91iil;J.ffi,: a desire for people's
approval ( �flliAfmf1,!JJ!'□YYl!.li! ). Jt$r�J�7�1fi;2/irJA good detector
must be capable of focusing on the task of searching for drugs, despite the
distractions in any airport or dockside. (-�/l\-@.(i%'ifl'l:::Jc&,�.i,1fll§�tt
33-36 tM, 7Elt m*•��ff§.�ffl�-W�k��T*��ttmJJ*M��
·/j'J' o )X't l.i'Zml § rl� l'!<.J Di1\;J.W: an ability to work in noisy conditions( :(:E nl'!j
dogs, have
�� � ftl: r .T. f1: i't':J flt§ JJ )
til Mfil §I r1, 139 E :iili J.W : an ability to maintain
concentration�( f*Nfr151:JJ� ijl �1<.Jft�;IJ l o mJt i:jlffi7®:fiiJ!J&tB2 , 3fi
And lioalJy.. .the dog must persevere and maintain focus for hours at a
ti111e. 1lf 1XM�iiE T-.iz\;JJiiE(1<.JiETiffJ't1, mx tpmust persevere and maintain
focus.Ejfili El i:J,maintain eoncentration�'j@:. ;t'J;./[[!.)W § ;leJ;f ll!.-.izl;JJiil.m::iC/fll
ili'ffY-1.& o lfrl-'J�*>':1: D, E, F, r. �Fl$16}$m;IIJT-=ftJi:-Jz\;J.WB: a
willingness to work in smelly conditions (lfilti::(f'=(�xffil:iH t'lt#d4rT..
fr- ) , i).. J.J 't Ei M( J'C tl 1 m m
6 t3l: (WI& 2 fr : The ideal detector is also
fearless enough to deal with jam-packed airport crowds and the... OMH�!09
1�itQ:::Jc�f1��xJ!tJVlti.$.MVL.t� rJ-111< 11!.t�iffi(i<JAllH�:x;J-EiI ). �� irA
.1., 1:i,l.1.JtJL%��111'·19t. lfrl-'J '=Ci!,kxl ltllll o fil'ttlt::fc.!filJt:(EJltI ft, JM:i'iJ �1Jli
if=::;/,] B:iili:i:ITT : [[£JJ:;j'f 7.l!)fc:tflj JllJ lM(d4=r I f1= 0 :i! ¥1:¾JBl, T Jt;;js.: fl!<-l}Jf
(JY�&:-��� o )tflti.��;{,j tt�1'��51!1JllllJ!,lfil(19, J¥X�:f:1�1!1f-:iiliJJilB o

192 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

Questions 37-40

• n]i�: TRUE/FALSE/NOT GNEN !flj JVr/,fil

• n.!i El K11Hfr :

mi§: #=1Jtlfr1.i<-I-:.fit19ll�fl° ADHD(1<J1fi'Jfl:Jlltf:j!jl/f�tztt3t:o

m!.x: m41&·ff1J:1&2fi· ... although diagnosis is often controversial (.§.��,-�
tMJ& 1.m,��¾1'.f1•i-Sl. ).
fi1�3fi �,�,HJr: JM!@ ij3 ;JL.now widely accepted ( JJ,ll1E�J�tztJt� )mi /JJ-tt

9 3 iJL.is often controversial /� l:I E.iW-X!Jl'.�l�'J;:;£FJ)Hm.�ifJllt. lfr ���

� §: r:r:,!?'%i)l1Jli\'.:ff!lfl55t't•l•Jfi, -�jkY�.X-t�-IJ:,f'�filgGJttt�fl j-�
)'t}� o
� Five minutes into the test, one in ten subjects will start
J,i;t)'( 9@:ff1]�3fr
to miss the majority of the blips, one in ten will still be able to spot nearly
f i ve minutes, �91& all of them and the rest will come somewhere in between. �J Ji0-'t•I• Fn,
vigilance tesl f�J�3fi +it z- (1<J tit !J>i J<•t�� tffi NI jcffli1B't ,r:,;: . --t-f} t'l<J-0:i fiMt :&: JJII.JL
.z. -

�Jfr19(J<JJ't,1� , i-irF(l<JY1tl1l-=f=1'fzfi:iJ. 1if�)'.5tffr: JJltS(:r�,one in ten

subjects will still be able to spot nearly all of them... ..!:j {JJl � i:J:i (i<J some

subjects will still notice some blips��-i:!l, 1ffl3'& IJij :rr:iffi:?tiit�M�

-O:,�:f'1'3i1J)'t,r!;,:. �Jlt��JgTRVE.
� §: t¥�wJ,Jii\'.=IW l.VJVt?,;:jit:0:fJ.
vigilance test, m!.x: l-1H.1H'l]Jt/r1�-f:&�WJ®i['f}jj[y1tl, :imi:V� §i;E{uifiJvigilance test
39 Improve � I OJIJ): �*�m�m1omo�-�-���.m-fl•��--:.fit�n•��
concentration �jJ(J�fnl!lfil.
�,�,Hfr: b1t:Sl: �1 1 i9:1'f IJJl El 11=1 (i� 5:EfU:if.Jconcentration, }!fr�£ ��-t
;fit 19 vigilance test PT� fi f!JJ =f improve concentration o /fr� . � � 1,J

�rn : M:!-f J LR:it,fi, �l'fi1!j�I; 1it!Ef' lL� iJil f/f-:® fl� B�ili:�r::k: ·w.�
Jii! x: *;
I 0®:�21i"J During a routine mail screen that can take hours, the
dogs stay so focused that not even a postcard lined with 0. 5 grams of
heroin and hidden in a bulging sack of letters escapes detection.1':E-/ji:ff;
well concealed ,
A•t:1&1J,n,J·(1<J/ylJ1'r1 l!IHH�1t�P, f�I�ii:::k:tii!t"�·tt. {-£J'i'Ulli'.l<J-::kW!1�fi1f
best dog, miss
fq:o=p' M�rra-fl-tUl-fl°0. SRrfiJ#rlm�JIJij{�Jttl!.?9:ff ill:u��.
&,�,t�Jr: D;U'(a postcard lined with 0. 5 grams of heroin and hidden in
a bulging sack of lctters-l'ti' (J� i.t:Jfr� §I •p .J:Jflltl (:J(J � IIH�q[UHf{j JL}'n1i
,\'I, o Jn()'( not escapes detection ( �fmillillt�� )Ej/!fil@I miss them( 1#:u
f.i'.i!!: )�:�l�Klt�Jlffi!.:J1Mfi!l!. ��:it, lfrl:J.��jJFALSE a

J:ti::A�+1iJt, -�\S-tJL1!$-i'/F(:£ffi1f,*�-n1Jij}ji\)J�l:nlllJ-i'JL�. JL IT fH i�!:fJ.liitHt11l!.J}- .MJLJ.:.i8¥iJ1r
*@II&�(1<Jf!fm*J:· f!Jl:�1tJlfi. i!&: �:1'6fU1<J��-h'n'fi11L�*. m+r-�B. rHH1<Jriqfli_ffiti.:t r:umtfi<JcJI
!'Jpl!i, .®Jxl f:I ll'J'lllf-i'!<JG( tiiEJ=l-i:fil�ilJ];J:!'l(:J :,& t[! 1:!L(JYfl'i i} a
fi:$:*��U!lill!J.)}. i;I,�' {tJITi-�f_,r�ilfJ (i<J £,,l-1-T�:d: . JJ; 1 I 1 ;fi---t-r&�11!\ 1111 f:tW\!l! JM ¥:!'JHri (£-f-41t:ffi _W
;{'.,j-f(!lj;Jc(1(_Jfg�rJ-J. {£1��r1<.JilJH�.fiflVJn1L1r,r1 1T I 8i� fr HJY��f'�fg� ' Wl!:N}m:lt.�1,t r:11-t� i'!<.J:kfl;l;ll,1Jif1J

.!5 M,·l\'�tijiiH1<.J'mi,\iH-t-;;r, ft�ll,Wi::!:Mi�)Hll1tn:k:19ll� ff?:Jl/rFJ<.Jl,,l -1- o klk�f.'.}Jl!J.4Jrr ¥-!J2iffi, :i! i:J Ii� 7 •�11:k 1,1 (1<.J�
'ill; iJl,�ftJilr��;l%--t-fffr:::ic;Jil kll!TIJtilf�iH!tWJ:JlflI- � -f J 1f ffmi:F.:-Jc:fil• i 1·x1HJ<J/"�J .. xt-=f·jlf[·.ii!l:i(:,IH�. flit

J.Jm�JJ;:ku':1�tfiI%..R�1O. 1 %. ljj!jc;t:1JsiJi.WJ.xff! :;1u1<ifffr:knn n-1·..1tiHll;tt1irJ1. JPff� ,'I\ s<.J1�11'r-�1� t:JJ:.lM,r,"

JH#flt. :i�J'c�:f!-fil•�m·liEl(JMi.3:1 ' j.J (J<J:J%ro=llot!tlf,,\i',�i;IZ-=fi!J!jc;f:1J.illiJill flZ.7'1'.{blJ,'i* iiJfit1l.::il:
tE-1-7'i:��lfrl a<J��,t&�ft:JH-*nx-t1:t$l(�11q;.z-a,m,��1:.�1%:®JJ!,1 .. it�'t�I-iiE'Yl. fi1:Jl;ll!J-ffi:J!lrJix:1:/-�
lJJI?;&tO:llI,:k r10J'];iElhUisl��kiks0t�L -=r-. ifri JH&�ifi(i<r'!Hi:.f11;1tfll!.-!M?&, �(10�·�.:1:., ,�,.�-ffi:JtrrTTf i:; W1'1-'l'i'Z: w
t1: r
�#.!$i!CTflfHll!:ff Jffr.ffMIY '·tt�;:t.,�J..!llJ::Hfil ''--fil•el!:�-1'-A½if = f I·�, t:J.lk1ta:� L�lltliTJft0:k
Jl&f.lUl,tl-1:J lk;JitXtiT. ifri. -�n i:E�;/1�.ikzl� :i;/H11: ( A DH D)JM�(J<Jl'nl,W o :(£� Pll . #3%-5%MJ.ffr=r �hA ):/ ,',l{
1,Jlt�*m. :&:w:t$1t�?-�. � ""��mrrt:W:,tJ,��#ic1-tx..
i=l 1969"'¥� • l!t!:k ;f:lj SI[i/ij:5cfftFF! �( J*j!I! :rt ill;,\',', o f�Yf..t . l!%!: luJ ,ibi-5'.E.1<: :k Jlii: 1Ht loc-li,A # :k :fi'JJII Q1
tti�l'l':J. {!l.iilltt:i!frl1 1T71�· J,fiJitli'c�1efifil'i::ku9JlltJJ1rt�� /0:. 1993fr,:. ,(JJ HJii:k iJllrfi.til7,1i�H!trff�J� · .FUf{Q-.!cj
11JllJlfi ·�fflffi,t\(r-�ll,f 91k.if;lJH�HJOf�jc�(I� IW±�l:.-l[x'f-JF� J -1-Jf'i'ff 1 l·Jt1J o
t�fnJ�J!lrB 9c W 7i:'.T fvftll:kJJJr&,fi't(101'f'l1 �tl:. t"i 1c, Rf-1fdJt�(i0 {!!ifil'l::;k:!16,@!-ff �:Jt,A./,ff�, It;! J1
i!:J! iJIIM: $1-11/1;-nf t;JJ.iff;�:3'tift'. (1<.J T.� {Q. nkEif&•{Di:(£yj 11 *1hl'l9tr'ti;l r ll!. � n,t fill :Jili T. ff- J=t lJ, . E rlef �
0 0

;-fiffi1HJ1.f1<.Jl.\1.' �-]I·JJ,tjfif {;jc;/J. fj�JJ!E{H1HHl1 �J3OO1XlfUt(t01�ft (:[* J.!ll1[l(19f�Iff�:kif til%sxt!J:·��j[k/;iz;<,t,f)L


¼ p;J 7Jc �I!:�iillMJA lft;f:115 I 1�� rlfi,E1(J 'lj'f' flfHJ� o

l�ff (J0Wifil•�•l111X:¥�'&;. 2$:JJJtJ::JEiJ,.93,-p_1(1(J. -*-,'I\ e.(1iJfJ1'ffili�;k&,i.infi� -�r�W�-,JJ;,fM1<J{H1. ::Pw'-l'JL
J:J.iTI.tfi!?i:!kJ::ft=i:Ef 1·¼,t/&i:l:�:iJA(Jll;I,#.2Ji/t:l�J111ii1:.�J��JYr¥r-a<J":ul;:l'i\'!i'U.:Ul;/J " .. .liil:J�. il.M11', IIJfi�tf 1:JT
1'-ifitEB01f�.lfa\:Z!l!:' 1!½tlll:Jc&,ffl7fT�jJ. tl'M#��· l]r:l:�.:;/Jllul,n- 1111M illi�*ffJ;z.J,;"t.•H:,J·rl:i:=ttr::t., ",

}1:eiH'!l·fil'f.la·{i'IJl?.Jlfi#.1i'ilITTIJ�J(J9 =(¾·tti'i�:hU•t • .fe-1-JjJtl'JHilU'l:1¥':JA�(JY-:l)Hl!!fil. �-JiH(!Ji,t]]CJsl-(l!H#

s<Jr:l:.i1(1JlfEf 1:!GHt:;kJ-3,ilJ ii:� .. (}JJrni 7-1'f/N:/i!(i0:fd&. fl!!illl.:tf -9GJJ.,. ff! '�!ffl-13lllJJ.:{1!!,J£J1#.i:lu0Jl!J.}f

n.Uffll,w,j 1 (1(J:U�5k:5t!&71:E�:h. � (}t.WJl!ill�'IUi. �l!!Jl.1f�Jli!.1'1<.J t"tl:;/J: 1�·.A&Je:�i,A.;/gkl!!¾.l'l� o �.FLct!

1,!/-tHIHiiJeJ..rn. l9l�·�I •?�1-f-ff-/irrff-iillflE-/!J.!kH)-,i:,,. 5J11 (10.JiU, tt#./til�f)�-llkl!'.:$},l'..,o a11 fi�A-f:£57.illfillff./;klk.
kl!'.n(!f.F1l.:�w±lk�·t.le. �-01'-WJll�f T Id·} .,
J!lrml¥.Jtt:�1J �3'11ll:t�. 19!1] ij.\'..NJg(:t<Jti:fJ:JJ;{f �;fil11T�. IUnnJ IV,:@l:1: t.tiJ!:tl�X-t�J:J-tifllfHLUl0Wi 0, iftf%!.
1111})��. !i_lt##?)JIJJ'..:ij'}ffii%(lll(Hll!.'.%-ltbf-' .!J.x*.i1Hf"�'.11tlWJ iJ\:''. li\i(�J.11:w!tliJ.\'.J;(,\Jff'�f;i,fts� ·l"Vi�'.ib o !E-1'-11

�l'illillil/il':t<J \l([�f.NJ:�;;r:;n,tllkLL\.f.%:}'tlX. Tm ..fi1(:;,r,';i.(1<.J1iTJ 1¥� ll!,;;r:;J;ll'.fJllJ Q fiMI.H.k:&:J:14\Jifr:ff "JtJ.\ (1%J.:r�M Mt1!-}flj
i\M)-. i)!1J ut:JHh 3i?"t�•rn . -1-fr z-uyiJ!:�x-ttM.�:ff AA i,m-ti:r 1�10- s<J J'tlx . -1-t)-z- (10iil'.!Ji M�f!H1t �.It:&:
J.%JVF-ffr1'r /10:)'t#,. il':�ff (1<.Jm'.!�x<t�DIIJfl-=f=:fi·z.l'rJJ o
�:1.ttw11JiJ.\'.11JHMil�T�n� 1:l\:E1..llJlxr.H:mi)!1Ja<.i1Jaf·'%-�:iI.tH:1tfiJm!ii!1efI!P�:kJYrtl!(a0. Wf!l'Wt fi:tE2
G(1•�3IIH�j,'fJYG(�:,Ff. r&JA"J¥)t�:1'fi!Jjt� o ;(£-tx¥1511•l'fJuJ,11�·(1<J{lrljfj-flfllflH�fl'I {vr�l'J::-Jc ,:';jJ� !Hi:. ?'EI.

ttwzl'l<J-jc)W�{Jlf{tj:rp. Ja:�tft,ff- .HiM.ffJO. SJ'ljf;"i#tlBI (1(_/ t]fl{rf it I:!:!. tl1t:1'CT Iii*•

fifftf A1flx< r:l.:11.:h :lltJ111.ufl J.:Jk l -@il:f-rtl�:�;JJG.iklWiIt-I� a<J .A.*�fi'4(1<.J;X:a:. �lli'.-i.:1'.i:JJ ��t�il/JfiEt11
:¥1r:/lll0-�fil' Afflffiij! J' ifilf&�:kl!/il '71 iAl¥lfr,fi�@�Mi�(1(J-f1l1�!l"J.J:.';t*ff ](1<Jtttl. i,g: fR fl:fil-t-11,trulfii] ,W
1 1

194 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test A



• 'i:fJ@

iW § lfill i?: {fr,:©: iirfHfi ;(£- ;iCl'Ji0 � Tf'F o '.!ijJiHff gft-1'-i#.:t;tnff (:�J IDl :.& o t-£ {ff .ID.{fr-�frrt�JJ {-!-�, �T.
f'F , tlli �f{Ft'J(;ffr Tfr-. :Wt:lr iff5<t1f Jt lll!.Ei ffi,fi l'J(; ii� J!- o
:,f,:/mJm-=f-'i!r9;nfjlf, i&filrAJMJJt&:. r:l.:�rr.J'cµj.J:�flli::kiE::r.t( fom1al). �rr.'�.iill.( general )J'cf,t,:09¥1i:l!J:
!.IH��-��l�iE5:t ( infom1a I )�Ht; o

► Effr-,'!I,�
tfr-f!J.! 1i1J*'��f'F{Hr. jffi ·/1\';li!; '=: 1'�:,)<(bullel points). �(1(Jn,J·f��--lilll.iiz' 7G@:il/Hm -f:111:4ij,-4'�;JtJ'tj =

'nJtifr*@ll.iizi¥)t�7G$T o

*� (.1{] � ,Wt
�1li!ffi;;fi!f{J, fil��r!fl-i;JJ;tc.!ff-, flt1lHfi!:ikfil:ili1�0-';filf�;JIYUi� o �J.!i1.�:�fR°��'a-iJ'Ffff;:fUJ/:T f,t�frT.fF o

f{f,iii2�-!:f.:fJtv}i)IE;(-£jJ&5'1-JL��(FJ7J��ili'1Ji:i�ifJJ:JJE·? I!�, :f!t,1'i-Ji!:'.W:l!)j: T-Ttr-II�·1'aJiff:I� �, ffiiJ=l.i�

�f.s. 11U. tll;;r-;'g;�;Wo JYi'�fUtl.iizJr.�tT -*M1ltErn cp,t,:ff Ti,��:tfr*0frl i'.19--'l'JrfrB9 P111i·Ue.illc, {t!!.ffltE:tfl
ffiiiitI'J'�ntf�:fif.l',S,:;�5�' ffl.:f&fr=i:ft:if�1W-i1JTit1i�fiif5(Am(l9Lfr- o :ftlf?l ,l'.,,Ojla! ! 11!.{,A ttliii:*ilili' T. ff.
Jif-:1)1�flt, i7fi.ll:JtN·Ll!7GJ·M*t,:J:J,JJTo
�u. :J.!t�tw�T, l�JJ:JMEl.�lltE:J..lc�JL. jf•·-:il'T:ft(I<J11'ff=f*�f.lt o �ikiJ::J.ttf/.t:it�:t'.i:, ft-ilUfoJ:f.ltf!ljc
* tt 0.nt-f�riJ t:J �lH� ft :m-!€1�� jd:JFn
o o

,m:a:;( ro1111a1 )*Vr:
¥1,ll'J' ( salutation);filt�W:iiH cacling):
faithfully o
� {1J, � iE� =j� fjlf tft;:fl :ii\!JH'i (J(J A , 7G ;tc 9,./� � li,H& jlf. � .m ]!!;: l,Jl( 89 �./\Ant , ftJ;U'J' m : Dear Mr./M�.!Ms.I
Miss./Prof. Fnllii1mtt(sumame, family name); �fll.iiz(:1(Jt;!f* lrt-Al!JHKind rcgardsli1Yours sincerely a
微信:13522209444 195
�i/1,'.!;;,f;lr�l?�A!I,x�J!fltill't. ffi-llT-Jfl: Dear .1nWiJJ11�(given name) o tn@:(JY �lii.lH/f-hll:JllKind regards.
Best wishesli.X:Lots ofloveo
*:>1.J<J1l�f¥'l"AJ!fl!lti. J� fffi=:fi1 '!Nl}l. ¥1,11n11t.fi;IHMt1J1JH-JTDear Jenny,FflWith love o

J -j,f;JJHlr:
I hope this finds you and your family well, and I'm sony I haven't been in touch recently. I'm writing now to
let you know about my new job. �·ff!1fi,;f111fMf )��-·IJJ1df. llWH(o!:Mik�ili{l�'.'.l,';fllf�,I�� o :f�f!.\!,{E�f� Ji!::�
17ifFffi;:Jt:mT ffi"Jffr r.ff- u
:JF�.!sj T 11J.j /41] 4,;-: 'A'�-1if];f.i!llt!--1;;-; m= 1iJ¼ 1 I 1 ,(.,JJ:.1 .:ttl, ti: tt lfilJ.iiifW )� (1<J�;J<, re� ,�1 11-, fJYstarled
work in a new companyi!J(fij rill 7my new job�
ll;IJ.J1[l(ff..A.:Jt:JVlti. ffr (:).* X:ftJll ir1JJ.:1J!iJ IJT -� 11� 'II: 1E5:I:- 1.';t H<J .&:ib. Wu �n 6nd...wcll . be in touch.
le1...know�f{:;1;; �ll�Hi ttt:1tifi.\:(1<J4'jfff. 9{1J1.iil ib:J I l+fix•J·i_E:i:\:-i:U19:c&.i! .i!:fil:flU[l'.I:Jft,J'cP!-( register)(1<]!'.f.>l< o

:l:.ff-131: f11�i'irr!'lHlr:
i!�Ni.xt11.J"'::1":E!*Blt1-Mt1J1Jx,J-Jiii..:::1'�;;:](( bullet poin1s). �.W�ii'fil#i, ��IWH'l 't o
�=r1t�::J1fl-z,.� r.11°: T.11=nt1'11Jl(:, 1Jl cA.fk\: o
2$.=Bltt/li�fffrt�t1H1<Ji!f5}Tf1=: nfJHrll.3lA!A; M:fl.t.Jf!:1lll.A.1�:j, .fif-m�T-, i:i:3�0li:.::fHlff 1iZl:.f:JF. o
. l!!.l'l�-�Wl,\';.\:f'1=:M-(1<J�IH!l:f111H�-f*;fl'ht!l' JNfte.-;1'11] f�. ;fiyf{lfj�-1fil?JHt
;ftlx';�.:j,;ff'fi1-:>Cfl<.l±fif-l&t'fl'.�5J11.:fl(jifl!l,(Z- 71%.::f�illit\irilfillJ1TI.(1(j{I;{ftJ:J2-,Q, Jt�1'1,'q(1<]11;J'f�:J2-
iB iiEJL5-}-. -tlHll JJ.-f*JJJ1 I I I o

be in touch( ·f!Mi'i'1tffl!ll), feed up with('.j{:{1t7. t§Litf7). 10 be honest( ��tKifi). basically( 1,�;j�J.:), meet
up( .hl ITIT)
f;jl: :& X f;jl:t.\\r/.H1<.J �'ff 5(,J· �I:: YE :i:t (1<., .ib :
�7i�(contraction): I'm sony. I haven't been, l'm wriling, wasn't gTcat, don't have 10 drive
.::f*IE:i:\:fl(J�ift·, let you know( ilf{J,1�lill). well( ilt'=( ir/J, �,1�.rHJi'"), a bit( ,(-f-J!J,), anyway( ;;lci'f::�11
M, .�.z.). lots of( :/R� )

.ll!1�1iJ 1\1:
� i{U}v'iiJ: I hope lhis finds you and your family well... hope.1nITIT1'1nl(i Tthal o
J'm sony I haven't been in Louch recently. sony.1nITIT'ti'IB� Tthat o
You remember that I was workjng for ... remember.1nmi, lhatrJI \sr-(J'�J}/rTJ o
JEI'/f J}.. 'r.,J: l applied for a job at a new international company that was looking for admin sta.lJ... thatrJ I $r-B9
�i?{»,/ti]. ft1l(icompany o
�iH·M.'nJ : T have to stop now because my sister is... because�! �(l<Jlm!El�ilt,!A 'r.,Jo


!Mln �,,R < J/L"§1!7"PI 16)

T1i JlN
4H��:-@A��a� tt�.ffi��A�m�0ms��� o �tt0mffi�.�-a�tt�A�
;jilI 7C T � '?

196 微信:13522209444
Test A

;zj-:J,i-(£1.'filM_l:.liIFftt��rni!JJI, ).'filt\2.l-.lm=f ,fl]!Ji¥:5t,l9'r�( Advantages and Disadvantages) o i!�� 1= 1 (f(J�

��:jil;i;f11Discuss�:i/r{!!,(, ;';11@. �,M.;jirJ�jJJ:j"Jrrfiiill:HiHfr. ?'.�F□-IJ� II\ (=t c (J{JX!\1.,i/i: :i;IJJ!t�;.t:rJ:k=f�. ff-:k-=f
,fl). J3: 11jk;fljf¥,�-'¥ o

'L.j fr}J.', li'.X-
�1>.fi·H£ f1 J%� �1. �1t:itf:l::=t:;f11i�I11PJ Jll;fil1 1T.i:t�,rJ;k=f�o � {1::(1<.Jntf�. nf l�ftTi!JJ-fil 11 :i:t*1i:t=ll,::t1*
fxr'&: -:Jil&i�H£�1til.·fl:.t;f11i�1l!; (1<1H�, r�FniM!l!:itfl:�;fni�?J!;(1<.JAAl!f.J . .QFn;lJ:fjX;J- u�; =��f}½i]ijR
i£�!1l.3L.1£1::;f11i�liU<.J;f1JWf-. r'?.\JEiill:fi lttl<'.11JIII FI c (1<.J�A1; �J;He�1t:itft�;.f.11i�mH(Jf1J!ll'f.tr/J'XT� . .bldi
J:1;-(1<.JJ1 /X:i1Hr:5t-tfr o ITiIi!tli �-�l0.f1" JU-1-J 1'1<.JJJm-fil1 , L!L.,_'il;tlJ X·J-#� -1:ZHf. (J<J1J � o

t1::k!121fliilv..JJixrl1. fiWJ;rl1 ·f:l:Jh·: �1t1Lf3:·t;i:11i�?J!; o -@A.U:�(fi-i�W;. -@Xtf50(fH1t1L ff� o
1t:k�lifli 1lk»1Hli. JVf-'fff1'-A nf:Jdlll?'hL I\ T. �llJe�t>J. i�?t-Ui';�t [!Jiff-:i]g' ]l!��l1<.J1:.m1n-t o f:H�
711; (��f�if;fT: 111!.ffl P. 'il.-TJ1 JlH'l'f!'-��4!Jlfill;;f111Vi, rrii lt��!c} I� d fil:k*iilfi<.J-ff-l .iill ·m·;fr f1 I!.�121'£:k I' I l::J •
{ii-=f nf i;,J. ;f1l 1%:W�J/lJJ iii: ffl-jl:'!l�E ltt-=fLIJ. :f,t''N o Jlt?'I-. i� 1.i!;7f mr'22:Jll� ¼ � 13 ·r�· h'iiff , lt-1117f ni'�h'ft5\: ft.!�.
iITi Jifr 1T a{] �(I� :E�3fill nJI 1=1 , t,�'t,H1H•,l'i :J:jl,{11: ;{II[ ,k,JJ: o ·f!! .:1:.�fJt,.� f:l: T !m :W: /I \ .@ f7 JJr il!il , Jn-=f �1� � 3t o
11H.'.J.1i' 17 i:'.(�J./.1::!Ycl 01't*3f';/e�"fil����. )iJt�fif�{tl. l�:;l-}�1tlnf 1;,J.:f:1:./.t lltlfilt/�50( 0 �11.J:fH:l:r {�t Fl i:'.xtj·!j:

.i./J:fiMH�!llZfi�.JJ!i¼.R111'-E-!I0111·-1 c2\:r-!i-:(1<J�tlw:H�fil:,j-1'Ji.�JfnTfl� o
Affl;-fcfU,J-f�:!EJ'JtE� FI i:'.(1911�..lil. Jlllfti�1J1;#Jt�1lU.!iIM o 5(f=JC.Jlli�t!l:�;f1lll/4ifil'.�IIJi!r�flltA.tfl�(1<JA*
ili.. !tll:itf:l:�� .B/;:l1Hli.ill;ff.
rn� , f, n�· f, xt =f flf 11x A .A
;@1'friJ1Mi o
:in* *
l$L �11.n: 11 '.i ,,ffltlil: -t tHz1;4¥f! {E i2\: f'l -t,'flJ?. -F , ;fHf• ;i:111�' J.fil m-=-f�

MFn:ft�-ffii5t.,/l,J.1J,i;1' A(J'1:Jfe(}l, i,V:j�l �f'f,j'fi�,{f ;fl];{'f !Y-'f. o f!dM.:ft(l'-JHI JJ[' :ft�-�yiiJl0;li!; 11,Ffi-¾:!.:!.l\{t�m

(10-1-;'fL�//. rni:iUEl�(:1<.J�_§, B:1�Y .9l o

*)'(:'J�7?} o
;:1n:-,�i'I' ( Jil..'°'.�•l7"Pl71)
lJ.o �11:ll!;(:E�-I� A<.Jll;J-·f�til§�t�iiE�JE,t. J£�t�� .!J!tli O �..� ii'f-�!!r. 1HJ1:il'J:!H o ffit�-f--1-i.\t:ff'jij�'.'.l,' . .fcJ' �tie!
11::Xc:�/f.THefO. ffl.'nJ-=f z111J,F11�fiZIIiHl<.J�-l1Ht!t3hi'fl[lfr O in.Jj[:@JFJ�¥F. 11�fi!!.1I 1/:Hi�1[t/lf. {.@.iii]y[i'J�:u\;
-l\\!·(/l,\H,lf �;if1M·i' })t-Ej 911;Q"Jft�!Elflffif0�1cf UJJT1}:1&A<.JJJU� o nJ lV,;;{if]I�(1�tU1��lf,;J. f§_1iJT J�:r-1.:JE�Jt�
�. ifi·Yi;filf;F,\-'.Ul!.,m �/f4'/,t. f.'fir7?1'�>R o fT-@Wi�' ff!t@:k�iJ&i1l11;.li/;1M1r�. ;}f�WJfi!t-x:vff o

1J➔ W- filt,/1 \:l.J 1} l'/r:

�-mx1�tr:r;:: ili.lJJ1f,1:J.11�1,1,1.1fil :u\;1$, 1!lt1LH::.tfni�;1!;

m=mw��0$���,Af���-*2�,n�1r�o *m����:ft�.fflT*M,��
m JJll' li&l:,H)IJi,tiHEi�it 4'11 fH!llJL 1-l:'.:8i'.J<.J�il�l�!i : Ti1.i1"/'Mtzlftt;fi.' Jii:t?f H�-i� HJ;.f.11tJiH'f'fil:1'- l'iiJf'i&I 0

微信:13522209444 197
ffi1"¥J/:,�.tfi�X. iA:h Wifrl•ili;��;ff ;ttHiWf. ::JHMI\ El a l'.l(Jfljf loJ ·�t: %:ill; o
ff'.tp;J �1fffii* i..li . � 11!1, :li�Jc� riJ t..'J SH�. ·( Ht·iiE�H� �11/Atf�2l:-}!!JE7t. -illffl-��1911,
xt tt . i.J:tt·ttitiiE1H!. :l! "9= xX:t1:E rAJ �1IiIIT (11/�!Hr .i± � JII�li.

�-¥1Some people prefer Lo live in apartments and some like to live in houses. i!1iJ i1'i 1 (i<.J�.=-t-somenJ

i:,J,iJ:!!:�others, i!�nJ WITi.i:J:'l�*(substitution);lfH;f;:.W.ffi�tt.

�.=&l:The advantages include the [act that... :it1i'Jir!;@: it<i.!Jrn\4The advantages of apartment's include lhe fact
that...:it�iiJ t..'J;f11 J: -1,Ji!:;(f]!jc /1<.J5X:J0c·l1: 0

-llii �..x:*:
�.=&l:The advantages include the fact that there is one key and lock they have to take care of. .. :,fl:1;Jtheyffift
'f/hM, i! fil l'!'.J :t'.i: ,m, [iiZ �JiiHt f-1 (inhabitants), ihl,llH/,�ffil'! , JJ¼ 7 ffi{� advantages; @: �-te they iJ:!!: n!1; the
�=:.J::l!On the other hand, houses have their own attraction for its inhabitants. 11 itst/1{U1ouscs, J¥!.1['kiOilI�
-, !.i1Zi&.1Jtheir, li.!Z#/Hltll�;r-:!!.Q'. o

��{t i'.l<.J iii.I?[: option ( Q\;�), available ( iiJ �tJ, (1{:J • i'if fi (11/ ) , compound ( ll%ri), attraction ( t1;;'J ).
inhabitant( f:l:f•), maintain(tltlr'), garage( 2\C:}¥) , privacy( µ:�t;f;L1), properly(-€.�ll!!.)
�fl'.l(Jf*ffic: go out for( tli *·· · · · ·), take care of( J!!'l�I-), be a part of( Jilt:h ·.... · BY-'lc\il?·}), play around( .fie
�). be concerned about( :££:0:)

prefere (prefer), voccation (vacation), maintaing (maintaining), neighboures (neighbours), than (then)

�fY,{!::(11rtJ 1-�A �l�:

�Filll! � UJ:E i,ff .IA 'TI) : In big business cities, where almost everyone is going out daily for work or study,
apartments provide a much more comfortable and safe way of living. :,fl:1i) rj1• where':ll����ll!):Ef.£� t# )A 1iJ, ·!�
'il!icities o
!lll!�t'l�i:'M-J.A /4,J: If someone is interested in maintaining ( b'RJt: maintaing) cars himself, it can only be
possible in houses where one can have his own garage. 2f',:-1i) �1 whcrc5 I �11��'11:�i=ti-J.A1iJ, f�'i ·f)ihouses o
lnl{fti?frJ.A'i,]: The advantages include tl1e fact that... :,fl:1,JrJ 1 that?,l�lnl&ifi-J.A/4,JiWil'1ithe fact.
Dit It! :tk if, )A '1l] : ln addition, not much daily cleaning is required in apartments as no staircase has to be
cleaned (.fili:X: clean), which is a difficult task-all housewives (JJr-Jt: house wives) know it very well. :,js:1i] rJ 1,
as ':11�J]ft !iii :!ki-?i·J.A 1iJ , which ':11-W< � I: llll!�fl:� i/l- J.A 'iiJ . (�'i·fliti!r tJl;�.r,fl i! {�:iji: o
*ifi-J.A 1,J: But a key advantage is that it is safe to go on vacation (DRX: voccation) for a long trip. :,js:'1:i] Y 1
tl1atcJl�*iH-M.1iJ. ·(�'Cfliiso

198 微信:13522209444
General Training: Reading and Writing

Test B


f2ti: �: S.Jtl :(_

::E�P-1�: Supafone;{}#J� �/�� ii� 1{!.1"·Ht.t. 'Jdr �ft-, 3,/i-;;tj° 3..;ri'itAt, �;f,�<i�it '/k .z.j- �;r-;tro � o

rate n.ttrr,.{; :ifil&; ��; irn1 11. J1rf (1<.J:/l!i'9J; �;;K

digital adj. �-"r:(l'� 11. :/&� budget II. f.jij3'r.
executive adj. �fj- a':J ; 'i;f l.fil B':J ; fj-ir!il: (J':J competitive adj. ��:1-e':J
11. tllfi* client 11. l@i:g:. :g:p; �tEA
hightlier 11. �n�.1'1<.J.A.; �:r/1.A.±, m� critical adj. *�/1{], .iJHJ{J; ��.A�;
moderate adj. cl=i �f l'.l':J ; :u!Uf (t'� . J£!. 'I I l'f{j WitB{J; ��l'l�
V. �;f-n increment II. !\'(/jJII' jt�ftl
strain v. }./£:}l't i ti--:JJ

Questions 1-7

• /ifil!s�: MATCHrNGtfH'lcJm
• Jm§J/liH!r:
llm� lll)i §�{:!'.i:iffl ��1n:n fl!M
� §: J=J .mAJb'l fiJlifJif!I;i.tkifil-if.W11lH,k{!;\; o
/ill As a high-volume user you pay an access fee of just
$ 60 a month but even lower caU rates. 11'::;Jgfie.R-lfil::k(:J<.Jffi
monthly access fee, Ei!:Wf1J,tf-,W.
f�' J=I �A:l,li-/3l{l"l.60��' iHi��5¥jil]]FI{IU1<.JV1� 0
highest, call rates, HIGHFLlER
�-� �Hff: li'i%' � ff :iJ!� w; .IE::SC 1N:t<J *:m o .llt,WnT � 1� �
lowest IE >C NkJEi I fi
�J'1!/.�monU1ly access feeJEmfU*#rrr: HIGHFLIER¾
JI tf€A:il�ffil:j'.;"j(J':J--0!/JIH}. 'j]};IJ\I.�- r.lltnll�B{Jiffiif.Vi
�, .½i:J3ili/il(!=r-.liluJ,, E!ll:fil:fl£ o Yr [V.ili;C o

微信:13522209444 199
I f®.i-'5- H]j l§l � {.i'i: i'ill ��{u:i!l fifilfllll.
fJli. :X : Calls in each plan are charged at only two ra1es-

short-distance or --J;.-tff-!Mir iT: xm short-distance and long-distance. :ft}-1'- ii-:!W l'J<.,it, �if�tic J!�
long distance 2, 3fi Wi-1'" WH�tlil!&-rlrir'r;fil L� i1i o
�'•7Hfi : l!1 riJ Wx!.\!.� 1¥1 * o /JrtJt .f11 *m tll* PJI .= f l Jl�

;a�-fi-rlrit ;i:11 L� l1' " 181Jlt��:iitD o

Nfil §I: �-1'-tl-:JG1J_:E�;;;q1Hmr�JJl�@:t£I 1'1= 1 l 1 1fu'�{!t'.}IPf:-
;f;JL1'1 <.,A.
NOT primarily ¥J1:1¥i'./1'f;j;/M(' flli.:X:: Your mobile phone is mainly for personal use. You
3 intended for LEISURETIME use your phone to keep family and friends in touch. £�:i1i:
pcople...work iL>C m I fi· Rf'J�-1'- NI�#, ff!=fl11�Aii..li;�JIJl:&l/)L� o
±, IJ-1.11:t;,rf��A o

ll2i §I : �11Wd11,4.1: J=l :tfrBiti • ..t M!x !±'1 lxlLlMl:u 100��.

ik-1'" i l·:1t1J:Ji!:.©::llm:(l',J o
;i:Ht� !EH tt,
.!1! r{f lllfr:
fJli. )( : Jk&m ue·
rif i:
spend just over $ l 00 jl,J.J-1'- i l-:JG11(1<J.J'l {!t'.J+l W.i'i'iilM\:uT 100�� 0
4 Best if you spend
a month �' • � :tfi : !12 El J9r � 'JJ : just over < ix,1J All .tt ), f(rj
this amount a
EXECUTNEJI :ii!ii'l!iW1tE95�i:3DJ 180��2.l�JJ, :@:�;fi;-
month on calls
rJI l=l �.:l:/< o Jlt!MiW TETifflll!IWtcost-effective:1-J ":lt1J� "(f(JxJ
!l1•• ��ili;B o
� l§l: -F 1f2,i/i(, �UtT--1-30ti:f�t (J<.,*tilr. iilhtw.t::J;J21
�1} o
� :x : :7l 1¥1 !l! ]Ht . !l! n'fl� "
21 cents, 30-second, ;(aj-;,!� ·11f!E L�L-IJ2 �,-�:j:}i': '(:E?&� rl I jjt,x;j-Lill (!(Jl/&:ffi, long-distanceti\'t;t:f
long-distance, 2 p. m. "!P:m·1111r �, t.\tf1]2 I cents�-1'-1$1::fm. ¥1-�"J/;:;�?f:(£ peak time. f(rj
rlf2,i�/iii"J;:i&,m'i,u<.,peak time: 7a. 111. to 7 p. m. Monday-
Saturday a �N�� t\t?iil]/!)r3<;f Lill(1yJJ�1ff!noc#:;/,J H IGl-lFUER,
���C o
/l2i § : ili��1J:H 1:130�� 0
flli.x: Once-only Connection Fee: $30 -1X·llf:itf ttW-! ff!:,CJ
6 connection fee, $ 30 *� JiiFn I fj- 30��0
�,-�:j:Ji': Once-only Connection Feeffi(JY¾Yf:W B<.Ji!=
f'l 1 /llHH1<.,iittH�. J!Ji'W�*u!;o.
� §I : iIJJ=I !J6, @f 1·t IHl1:ii!iifilwi&"
.f:Jitf 11,f)°F,'MJ.
/)ji However, a monthly minimum call charge applies.
minimum amount, LEISURETIME
7 {f!.;;ijk. 'BiJI •qi{Jf)(.--4'-¥2js.::ii!iitr. ;� o
each month il:Jt fitJ�'A';2�1'
�•�m,�x•oo•��-1'-S*Mma.&aA ■F
J.!fr*ils(J<.,fUJ!,, lts!Jlt���Ao

200 微信:13522209444
Test B

Supafoneftz;/J���alJ.J1�,W{Jt�f'l1 it!.ti1i�:iillllf(�h ·fifq)l;J, ��;fn:ti'J�. riTIW'iiJJJEt;, r.p, fifflf'l(q-itJ.ts

19!ffl:lil: B<J� lr'rl o &-t-H·:JWa<Jifi 16'Jl11t:A: !fflWI-1-1/ii $1&1&-Tll" -l2iif11Ki15 o :(:£�I= frJi w(f, nt.lfiiJiJ IV.$:�f1J 1'-l)}1J
(rutlt!J!; o

{ll-j;j;J ���ff
.i:�illiJ:IFf-1'-A.llk:%- o J:¥1-=f-;ffl�Awt�JJJt!iV�Jf-, i1iiJiX�:1$!��1H:w�o
�-t-�e��nTlV.f9Im•��-��J-JmAm�•#••��••· m�. &J-J�tt•¥*:iill
ifi!/n 0

¼!JIFF miJBt l!iftim�'�.sj ;}J-i� '.i: lV. & � F' I�� (Jyifij*A± 0 1[l:i% JJUD:m-=f:.;j:JL BY{!HilHi ' {Jl lr'r) ntTM�� LS
ti5mm:st fiiJ AWi o
��r,· il!!ffl �ft!•�� JllHHIY=f tJLffl f-' • & J-l -ti A Wil::f-ili t:i�':i-.� , f!l nJ lV.:;!J': ill£ ,f;lt!H1%H1tlJrl1J o

�m-=r-.gJHt �FJJi� , �I=ff,• rt.m:ill1m,!9!tfr1'1 (�1 m f' • ::e·it � t£1J:HU1Y ,9i� --t-iMt . 1ir.� � �nJ lV.if11111!.
fF1J�1rtilfflF', f-l �A:01{)[{)[60��, �ti��J':¥1JJ1!1Ltl'iY!&':$o

vt-m�ff ifij��� ffi��ff

�Afjjj¥Ji 3S�� 46�� 60��
��lltf.li �Firli'*-fft� it':i�fl.j� �I: iei ill/flAt �J if.li�nt� =IFil'fi�H.J'-1&
30�1l!JH,'i 1iJf,- 30f..J.�·itVt :l.itfr 30f-'J;�ii·-i11 ]itfr
ip�(��) 21�7.t" 10. S�,:t- 16. 8�7.t" 8. 4�0- IS.1�7} 7. 6�,:t-

*�(*�) 3 I. S�,:t- 16. 8�5} 2S. 2�f} 12. 6�7}- 21�0- 11. 4�,:t-
(;lg/« tt jjlJ9S�� 9S-180�� jfil:i::J:180��
�1!1lft-tf.2:: flil-¥1Jflil� �7iU1iJl!l\'.7,1�

�l:��a.tf-2:: lfr1'I;lettt!!.nt1iiJ, 'El.f.5WJ El �;>co 30f'..P::J.1--t-it:Wt. 1tJ.ffi:o i:l!tH1l ll.9i%'JiAill,:t- o tE�Fr,'li�at�.

&l'j(i.t16lJ ifil iis-:lrri � -'f.J w;i-1-i·l·Vi 1J1.ii: o
-,.ttt�n€¥.!iffl: 30��' �ll:lfHfiJ:FISmartCard, filHl;J,•�1mJ:3SU

1.it. �: am ::t.
.:E.� pg � : <lb .v.t �)h 1t ,1,r IR

campsite ll. lJfr� j;[!J, , � 'gf tfil litter ll. :ti::f.&

�uarantee 11.�iiE, -WiiE4', \I. {;\il:iiE, :lfl:f;\jl: bin II. :t}:fil_;flTI • :ti: i.&ifil
dispose v. *J11l, �.it; fr'lll,!l/- obstruct V. �]_jWj, i!Jtllfr( :ill�, .ifilifil�)

微信:13522209444 201
II. �.JHfl/.4tJ
disturb n
v. tn�L . tit , tttfiL prohibit "· � J.I: . l!II.11:
bark fl.& V. rJ}c , fl{go.}: reserve II. iil�. -f!.iH-f.; J:Jg�

disorder 11. ��Af., 11.'MrL, x#cl'f:lk?.'.f admittance n. 1/�.A , .A :%1:ll

Questions 8-14

• /ill� : TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN J1Jljgr)W

• /ill I§ f(� f)'j' :

�� � §;i.E{ftiii.l ��iftrt Nli�

lffi §: tiW � IK1t1 rfF1i.k o
mi>I:: Open April-September lffifi'l�U1<:J:fF:lilcfl,tlei]J:74J=j 3ilJ9.Fl o
8 open all year round :tff-rJir�1fi
�-� :SH/r : f� l=I '1 1 open all year round Ej W-Jc r.j:i open April-
Septcmberl!fl11il.11Hli!l!. J9r!V-��7'JFALSEo
lffi §: IEE*JilZ �-1-JiHiu'ijHT o
JiR >I: : Booking is advised for holidays in July and August to
book ahead,
guarantee a place. �feffJ-O!HriHfJl{;w., IlHSl1Ws':tHllHttJ�7-8.Fl
9 busier times of -l'if-;@T � 2fr
(1<:J ll!ilWJl!H�,Tfti n o
the year
�•�5ttfi: Jjitt 1 I 1 (1%ooking is advised l:j]Mi§ rl1 book aheadl�:i2!!
-ii, JfJllfl1 t, '11111��/,r�ilnu:;1-JIII*iiiii'E, JYi't:J.��7'JTRUEo
JUi §: :!f/r:.�J;-�:(:E�3/l !K�i21'- ll!e...t o
�•�5tt.li': JlU.fil;l:IJFFJminimum stay;fillwo nightsilJJJT-J'(tj"l)E{.\L,

minimum stay, .
�xr;1:�m.& o 7'] T itl:-t/;(ef(JJE��, ;t:1JJ+)�:ljll9r�'1] e<:JJIITTF-t:ffi
10 JmJ'Cj)l:11 {F .@, !JllJ. iiJ W-A'1V1 Ej Jltlffi..tr ;1:1Hr1 □-<.JWJJMI � JE1.fl o iE.tff-1Mir�3fi
two nights
·JHft, il]�r.t1),.j:ff-i/;§Let sleeping campers have some peace. 9"
tH f.lM�m11Im� fftjf,J I O'clock� -1- !K l'fiJ 9" , rfillt.\t,f,f $Jm� 13 'fl
(J<:JJEfft·ifrJ o [fr!V-��:;/gNOT GlVEN o
mi�: �·fRl�l'i�:kn1.if.1�10.�..tlt!J! 0
mix: Don't make any noise alter I 0 o'clock at night or before
7. 30 in the morning. JU 10..�z..1n!llt..!.\!..t7�*zll1rfr'?fJi1J;r:t;'/f.ft o
11 locked, 10 p. m. JffiJU� 11 ·(�lt
�' � jt *" :
1ill. .1:J: )@! r¥ JJT- JIU , ..R -tJ; � r/S- 1), tt-Jm Let sleeping
campers have some peace. ij, H\ JIJ\� f.i'lifrJ10 o'clock o f !l:.li!:Jm J'C 'f1
79:ff tlt.&�lHs'l'IR(JiJ:kJ'l.Hi;,,,iUJJJi, lfri;,J.��7'JNOT GIVEN o
Jm �: �1U:::f::j¥:ifr.Afl&'#i' IR o
mi x : Owners of dogs that disturb other catupcrs by barking
through the night will be asked to leave. �{u 16•®1� III A.;w'l;r; EE
j::£tt'$ Ij ,;j=ff-@ ' �*�w•���•n•��iE•�•�.��±A•M�
no dogs
12 Dogs must be Jjt ��\ ;If fi'iVif IK o
are allowed
kept on a lead. it•�5ttfi: W-x 1 ��uummr.-iJt-rtJt1t!!A:&raJ�.@,. fiiJ i'J<.J±AJ11J
�1.7� l�Bfo � nJl,fil;.lfHl!ft (:E�fu B i?.:ill:.A.f!HJ IR ii� i!1Hilll ff� ,
;,r,�•oo*rrtt��WB���-�?�■ §'fl�R•*�
�}:i1LA . IJl'.J lw. ::.Hffr JJT-J'(. [fr WI�j,7 FALSEa

202 微信:13522209444
R!� !Hil§l�{u:w] ��{u:lt �M

not allowed,
.@1Jif ;J,tff-@i, JUrn : m
;;rs ft itr r11 :JdMtt& o
The lighting of Ji'ii:Jt: The lighting of fires is strictly prohibited. F�f.ll!ffl O}Jj( o
13 cook food on
fires is strictly &:,��:tfr: J/fi§ rl:i ... nol allowed to cook food on open fires�_rni:
open fires

prohibited. >(�1 ...is strictly prollibitcdB<Ji-f::�r,lg$-�, EJi'l:,J,��;/gTRUE o
mrn : �'bi' ig r <.i 3:..A. Jti�;f: ft i?ftnt�
➔ ri ,14r o
Ji'ii: Jt : The management reserves the right to refuse admittance. ill[
Jxl;&¼�i!-J.lli�¥1'Tte��illf'{,f.:ilt.AI'.I<.J:ft� ffilf.�tJ o
may not allow you
14 ��fi�Jg I fi· &:-��*Ji: f1Jm!l!1Jllfrfllfit1, l'l<.JJ1IDI!:f. rnui,i, re�� J.£fliJ11J�tu1t®
to camp
FnoDRJ'C ...reserves the right to refuse admittance�HJ[ I§! ...may not
allow you to camp theref.lltlii'iJriHeftlt/J¥'{,r.:ilJ:.A, it�r)g�-
l&, J9r l)J��j,/TRUEo

tf.!11U1W1H� · �%Jllrxxill11f!::*3fU�filK, Alr£:ir,fil1ftH1�$1;!:�1ttrxJJtflxo :Jtff1*�4II:-fft�

if:ti;(:EJ.tfi!iiWJ ra11i11 fi�:&JJ.\11.1:\ $F<'i (1<:i� 1:t: � 1*1Jlt . 1iMtm1m l:,J, r� 'ti.1it� :
• �M,��IR-=fi€ft��ii!i:
- 1f!:t&:!Jtlr.itEt� JE B'� j;y:tHm it-1 ;
-'fVflJsa<Jf,t,!;Yti' 1!1:.fffJ;f-'llJ'MtJ\;IK:lrJ\� rifri�f>lHti'/Ji(fef;
-;Zf :rfAtitJ{�HilJ9:1'f1l>'R.l'1:il>to
• ;;r-��il.�i1H! o ft$, EJ fi$�;;p��1i.lc:(£:ill�J: o
• � iiE it�� tr-.l fit;; ,i�Ut-tfaJ o l]!EJ: I O.� � Ja' !l�J+!.J: 7 lX :!I�� JW1fr�#t-1< j'(.fto
• !k'.-���'ff�1&tr-.l�tiJ a rt-l.::P}c�fITT�n(ri];Jtftl.\�'ti�1�!'i1JXr!lE'm·#.®!J'J�. �f!JB<.J.:E.A�-f&'.�>R�:rf o
• ;;r-ft i!ff:I: fiiJ � iiLfi � a
• F�-fiefflPfl.!ko
• !Ht IR ;;r-ft i!j: � � �i"dl a 11.\t tr IK5t- rfil B%.� p'q;f-f JiU� BY� !'BJ , nJ �
:i11:1'r�tl1:f,Jt� ffli1/J o
• ��1t1Jjfl, �*itm;f-i���ir-.im:m o
p_q Jxt-&:l:.wif:fll!:M· �:J'e� 'IJ!r-:«-:it!:.Aa<J:lli� fWf;f:J.l'J o


-flt. � : .El. rn .:t.


微信:13522209444 203
&,,'r if/Jrc
entitle 11. gt . ... ··,l·}Vf;iJ(TI.Ui�), �t"l commission n. �ff; {Jl]�
wage 11. IW \ I. �ff' ,fJ:f,)r
engaged adj. ·h�lil]H�J, ·h�-=fii\l((;)itrt:i: )A<J gratuity n.ill#�
Specify V. ffij;E ; 1,-'f�ITI i#,f!f:j appropriate adj. illi�i'.J<J
provision 11. }Ji\�, ��; �Hill inspect v. �lt

accommodation II. 1±61! ' nl!f-W ground 11. -/t(ffil , :tfH/,t .l1l! W, ±}I!!; 112 All
payroll 11. �7.K!J!. tribunal II. '{!}ft' r!;�rf{;
bonus 11. ��. ttfU

Questions 15-21

• -�: SENTENCE COMPLETION :ic/Jli;1iJ-=f ■

• • 13 Jiw. ;jfr :


文中段落小标题Who is 用定位词定位后,发现题目中的定位词minimum pay

entitled to minimum pay? MJJ!IPRX rl 1 aiJJ::ll:t'.fj:11'1-ff- Who is entitled to minimum
中正数第2行Amongst pay; J1Ji §I 1 i1 t'JiJ volunteer :X·tfiiI/lrt:Jt �t-i a<J those engaged
minimum pay, those to whom it does not in unpaid work o IJR:Jtrl1 .!=,junpaid worknx.:JHtl�*BiJ
. . .
15 doesn't cover, apply are those engaged �family members employed by the fanuly business(�
Jfil-=f�1i�{t.'l�B<J*J.ftJiM! ), J!J¥,UHMEl����;/c
volunteer in unpaid work and
family members emp- EJ<Jp;j�, '2i!Jlt� liuffii.ttfamily business�/1-'i�� o
loyed by the family

■ EI1iJ-=r���m.••�nffl ■ •c��-�
��-��•m.mm&�m�fi. �••g�
� UL if/J paid under £5 :x,t J§L DR X i� 1¥J ¥5!: rJ 1J, f;r, ■
X rl, ®: Uf1J,.f:jj� i'}]J Wbat is
Whal is the minimum wage that l am entitled to? rt•m41'f
the minimum wage that I
16 paid under £5 [i<J... £4.60perhour... �-p;J�o lli'-X'1: The dcvelopmcnt
am entitled to?rrtfI4fi· ...
rate for 18-21 year olds and for workers getting training
£4.60 per hour ...
in the first 6 months of a job is £4. 60 per hour. B FI rp
(J<Jat the start of ajobx;J·Jjiz.lif(:$( 9, B� in the firs1 6 months
ofajob, /frl;J.�ii'iltraining�ll'1�$ 0
文中段落小标题What is 题目句子中的空格在介词后面,可预测出要填的是
-1-�iiiJ!lx�ifoJ�iM·. ��J�ii'¥J o
the minimum wage that I ffl�uliiiJmffl:fi,
different rules, am entitled to? 1:j: 1 fiJJ//&�
�.13i1.Mfil 13 rl 1 lt<J�uz if/Jdiffereot rules :xtfiiIIJft:$(rp a<J
17 provided, with spe cial; provided5<·J$.provisions for, � Jl:t for �E Efr;J-t\'
4 fi ...special provisions
theirjobs for some workers, for (:t<Jif'l:AJTH1%Y�i'.8,tlMJi § lfr�*%2i!f-i'!<J rq%i=, Iiil
example ... --��w�•B ■ %��-�of!!r l;J. ��
accommodation llll-'1�$ o

204 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�� jffif/i/1,

li\2J @l t,;J-=f rl qj{_j�,m;(:E 11'-ifl.lvia!i=i iiii. TTf-fjijj!JJ Hj, �Ju 1¥J

�-���d«�•fi.d�«�. m2w.�2&
lfi , tit :E.m I.mi § 'fl 2 fft in] earn extra money , working
)(�1 &1:f«1J,t;f;l1JiiWhat is longer hoursfHJ!JMJ.ilZJJK:lt�f:1&1:Ji1Hff-JillWhat is the
earn extra money, the minimum wage that I minimum wage that I am entitled to? 0l�·�J:/&m2:/-rft<J...
18 working longer am entitled to? 1 1�1&H&m such as overtime, bonus payments... �-r.kJ� a .[Jj)t
hours. via 2 fr ... such as overtime, 1-J : Pay means gross pay and includes any items paid
bonus payments... through the payroll such as... ,W § �f:i (:t<J for example-'=3
))j(Jt 1t1 (1{_)such as xtw., Pfr�V.�•Jf"x1!EIIH:ili o ffgJUm\
�, �§r:p (J<J11'- lnJvia�))j(Jt i'l<J11'- µi'J Lhroughxq·J.ilI, Yr
J:Jthe payrolll.!IJ,Jg. o
.m 11IJ B<J speak to their... nJ Eli i�IJ.':l-1
;fl.HJ,il �§'ii] T �,, �
� :J;n (1g :11: A , !il � A � :,du l'l{J 16 o HJ JE ill ifr.l 1E
>C 'fl � Wfr 1], f� ,W I ui. lfi , i.it JJll.,'m § ��• 1E fiz in] beiJ1g paid below... -'=3 >C
believe J'm being paid rl 1 ¥Jt ft ;J, tf- /J! I believe I'm being paid below the
being paid below, below Lhe National National Minimum Wage Rate. How can I complain?
speak to, can Minimum Wage Rate. :X·t E!I a f«J1[WJf�:j"Jt3f1Jm-.� 1=f,i'J <JitJ�,@I§rl78<J
How can I complain? 1 1=1 canXt I.ill }Ji( )t rl1 l'l<J able; speak to... X;f 1iiz 1m >( 1=!1 8<]
you should talk directly with your employer, JiJf VJ«
ir,Jemployerl.!f11Jg. o �ff-: Jflrn1, 1pt�J,g:m\iJ!�f.\2j
-M•¾�Jt�µi'J.��0-��·- o
t!.H/Jl Jm § 'nJ-=f 'fl �� ntrilli (l<J look at your boss's.. JiJ
ffii�lj fH •.t.i:t(J<J:lib--�16 ill],�« ·iiiJm.-W.·, **jJ.!i 0

illi: fft iii] !E {iz J§" , � :f.ll\Jm § �1:189 2 fiz ill) law, look
at, boss's f} )JIJ � >( r.j, :!ft Jg I &I:� 1 fr rap (J<J legal
20 law, look at, boss's �Jt:!J� I&):, m I fj right, inspect, employer's)(q" !iiI; You have the legal
right Lo inspect your employer's pay records if you
belicve ... that you are being paid less than the NMW.
[El lltLJ>Cemployer'srn fa1<J � µi'J � i-?f pay records8')tW:
�:li!::FJ.H:I B<J�� o
,ltH(i;/[Qi § lriJ-r r.j:1�#Hltr89 You have a period of... i'iJ
B ■ m•*(l<J•-��*••-a�fiilo ffl2w.
inJ�fftJmxr.p:1tt:§1-1a)if,9:tfl':J2�fl;ffii]: three
montJ1s �ii 14-day o W-J:. -JJ : You must make your
complaint within three months of the ending of the 9:1
a period of, to
21 �XM:JE lR, fil:JE I fi $<J 14-day notice period. fH1U 3'<•t Jffi Im § ;f1l JJ¥-Jt , �
i.it J:Ji\1/&i § r.1:1 O{J specified period of time;l:l;� :lib-�@:
Jtij:t(Jy 14-day notice period)(;f$.(t(J o 1�2i'llltEJ,tfB](t(J
J=U.if'i: p;J�JJ:ltt:J§"-R�t3fr, t'Bltl�t&J.i\Z=f t4;Jc
•M�8�I-�M�00. ■ §r:p.ffl(l<J�i'if�
��-ifi:l'MliJ•, JJfr!:).J.i\Z�-JJ 3/three months o

微信:13522209444 205
-..i�!iit� ftljffi�l,!,*bt:i:Abt�� 7 • ffli#



JL.1J'- ]fr� it= mi I 6ml� s<J �igJ# , 'Elrf.iltli lltI . :ltgiiJ i:,.(Ji!:� 00 it$:{[£Iff(1gi!rffiffltr-?l'Eo JA¥ ;;i;;it
ffl.MI{'t=a<J A!n. :s_x��/m-'f-�tmii::�AY�litmtfft �;;i;;�m Jltfk�o

(OO�I�7'!-);/;,mXEit{J:!&{1£.I5Ji::j,,j;f/E�J�H'3tl� o FI 20071¥ I OJ=l L El ml, 1¥WJ22,mJ� (:lgnJt&.i,:�;/J

;#4i1J,n-t!lf1£Wrffifflfff-1frr:19s. 2s�W o 18~21Jel� aY14''.'.J..'iHn�tr6-t-Jl f'£llR��r><i{ft:11HJil agllJlt. �f�
I�tr-�:19m:1Nt<J-4. o'�Wo 16~ 17Pr/l� itY�i9J�:li;\:f�I.�:;i,4ij:1J,At3. 4�fJJ o ·tlrff��·mm., fg!Hnn�
�m:�T -f±W Er1Ift:;;i;;&,:J'Afr i:,.(J::Q1:f1£Wri\lullfff,lj� .I5Ji:fe1.�-firffiffl' 'e1:ffl El=! I�1i:a:xf<tagffr�tJj

13 , ft111m�J-W, �1fi. fJfl�, 1M'JlniJ;H;fc1fi�o

0���*Aa{]Im*.:r-�•�*MMfi•*•••�OO■ ili$W?
• ftnN:1�:llt�ff.Jri�.iJ, J.ili.l;jf.I�agJfii.::E11:�3e� o ?tt�t;;i;;�R.:!Gll'�, 3![1,J-1.)(312-*:i:MIJ�fl£I�H5.i;7fta�
Jffi:£:f{j-f/li�l)jf,]� o
• :llfl*1�.:J!T�o, J.ilU!:'ifliJI��>Jtll�WJo
• :llllN:R.t'l\'J15L;/f!l;;i;;i'iJfr, ,JfS-i.1�. nJ i:,L�:liH,ll.*�!k:.�:W/- �tc�iillu F.tl.-=f ilJ�{tj::itJ:q.j:JJtiff�3&it!.:ill:fi
llf ifij

�oN:f.lFi�•a'��=tJ.iliA 1:71� ilYI.ffi 11£-'f- 00 :liHl,\J)f-Mt , Il�-i. 1$7(.j �?ti1g :t.R Jf:1J� �1�Jfiti: *�
a11r� x1-n�� o •�Jill i:&,@i1£ 14:;1c Jt-Jm�11t-i2�, mi£L&,@r,Ji1£ft s(JI f1=:l:m EJr§,x;;Jt11!rn11!!1fl:1t

-mJf:i<Jfl!!.�m{/t o :!m*Jtii�*fi���i2*, fftiiJ i:,L flilib1Jt.�Jj!tli\3Cm:i'to 1&1&,@f:(£ t4:;1ci3<Ji�t'-WJ!i!f3R

FA a�.=: -t-JJ p;J-!JH-1:l �iff o

,fit;; tit : .m. m et.


16- "'�iqjy[
efficiency n. iI¥, :i;/J� virus I!. :fiiil:ilf

statistics n. �it�; �itflt¥ prioritise v. t1:\ · .. · .. IK :$-}f;/i;,t; tj(J'¥
wade through 'i# il!di\16t ; :/,11 jJ mf :ill: ; riz: JJ forward V. !f{i�

initial adj. :liH}]llY; WMiBY; ia.11,ta�

unsolicited adj. *1llOi*a�, �igJ!l!{Ml9 acknowledgement 11. T!fi1iA; ru\iiiM

spam n. :t'L�Ulll{tj: rushed ad}. {ti@(l<J, miti¥.I

clutter up ta\ ?it , ffl(\liL recipient It. �1&�

infect v.{t�.ru\ii� definite adj. ijJ:lfiift(l-(J; -JEH9

206 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test B

Questions 22-27

• @'!I!!: FLOW CHART vlEWl¥1

• mi § ffjf.:l'Jr :


mmlil'l (1<11.liff r1 :Jt�ij�¾J:t{:£Me�':f!:%, J�it.t*-i

,i/K ti-¥r-. ;Jt�JFG;1;le o f-flk'.{iz. ilildelete� witlJt 1! 1

X <p &l: � 1J, ,t,f, f11i Prioritising .,. .-

, . . ,
mcommg messages iJ: X iE :1(1.
. .. . . .
ll:I, J:)!:/f1Hif\)ffiPnont1s111g meommg messages rt' .iE�m
. .

22 delete �« ,- Jf 11. 1s
. obv10us .· . 2fr : Lf it is obvious spam, it can be deleted without
.:,f,2fr: spam, 1t
can be deleted without reading. _
reading. � :iJ�/i� iJ i?i a�
. 01· 1 , ,=t./UllliU.!/i (delete) I�,&: Ell .�
. . ._
;Z½ obvious spam ( r]FJ .liil. tl(J :tL � Ill� {4. ) • ,g 1rfl
._ �:\_
obvious spamllf l:!/-J��.
M § cj-1 senderEj JJri:Jt ri-, � 11'-�J.i. Check who lhe
email is from. M@ o l®.!13 r�,subjectEjjjjtJtrl 1m21-
Jt 1, ®: f!f; 1 j, ttf-1,lfil Prioritising :tl:t�Check what the email is about. ;(,J'J.ill. 0 Jl�i..iETeff1
incoming messages•!• o�m31' ��x-t m_ a�iJiXriI it¾m31'1h�.� T: Has the
email been in your inbox for long? Check the message
lime. �!l'd)/il 71 l1�{�0 (r-; Ml'i'IJ , � ilil¾i i!/hnessage limef-f
,g.�Jrni:i'.t, l!ll;i-J¥-i=�.
,f,r,@Prioritising incoming messagesftJ§-a, jJ'ij.fl
��mi5:l:@J;J� i-ill�fi:!; ilil�i.tt, ffi"JHHJlH:lii�f�,
Jt rj� J::l!: 1-if iH,r- Mi Prioritising .. .... (It ill� f4 " o fi!!i 13 lfl need your... Ej 1nt Jt require
incoming messages :if Jt B'� :I& your... ;<, $. : An initial scan like this can help you
24 need your
identify the emails that require your prompt attention.
�p iu :Ill: :m lzsl J1t Jm Jt your J€i (:i(j � iii]�* prompt

attcntionJ-.1� �.
illil:1/i[W J;y- JJKITTU � ift 3iU Jt r.p ¥J!:�1J,fffi!Ml Replying in
stages ' :i!1'fff-/i!r-;Jt*-iiW1'J::l!:t-ii'. o :illilkafNj'iij
1- &l: ri � 1 'ti"J 1f. , � xf� � W itl � 2 �ffi I fi· Some
emails are uncomplicated !ii HE § r.p BY If an email is
easyXtm.. 25�Rshould Fa, ffrt:Jlif8�7��U�:i'-\
easy, Jt rp �fJ;J,tFHliReplying in
25 J;]igJ i:liJ}nt%. lntJt: Some emails are uncomplicated
you. should
and only require a brief, one line answer, so it's a
good idea to reply to these immediately. E :iR 1rJ iii'
lfl, reply to these immediatelyJ;J��, n:P.Rff:2i § •

>.I< llY $ � �� 1t,iJ :l1Hr Ulli ill; , rep Iy immediately li!n ;h

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 207
�� lli!iEl�f.ii::'illl ��w:It jffif/i/1,

:ii!i:tt2sJ�(J{JJ:Emul@, -1:ll.nJ w.�26Nfi09fft.n'.lifliJE.

,m.;1t5:E{ft�lJ)( rl1.@tfi1J,f;Jfl!iReplying in stages7'89 I
m I fJl:t(Bfi'o ■ El tpcomplex)(;f lilllw.:Xcomplicated
matterso M26�5f1l27�'UL:'m':, 3!1l*UIB1�0 j[��, 1'iWi
ftHJ'l'.·ornft:J.iilx. :5H}1JJ.J26�;f1121�(J{JP-J� o �X.@1.-
¾f1J,fi};i\WReplying in stagesffi 1 $J1:ii)r]' 6lrJJl!��tl!IH4
F.k�{/ix!'=t(JWJftF:J:JJ, Jm=f tpi'l'Jfir s�fJJ:IJJ:t6/t1Af :l,M� 1111'
X �� .@l.-3/i 1]\fffeNfiReplying in �, ffitXfJJ:lfefO��l r ��-14-$. ePfirst.Z.Fci¥Jwith

stages tp� I lllttfOfr: dealing a briefacknowledgement, :l'tHi!Mi El�*, riJ�-lHl:l�

26 with complicated matters �o �-1-nJffJa<JttJ:5: :(£lw.:XB�JEfri:�ta�J:ltl!.1J
first, a
where you don't want to give a �M�ii�;f�iirJ o .tEMfBJ�:ia(J{Jtm£r. Rlt?.�B
rushed answer �fiMtfeffJJE��ff�rt1g�ifiJ���ffi:i'fl·, wtnJt:J..tE
[xl1J;:j-JE{U::/lr(¾9lllthrtq:,, f�ffr�miTtif'i!r-;fJEiftiirJ a a9
•�m*.�Fc�•x•� ■ El,�ama*•�
ff,'] 51.. iitl�� o W-Jt�'fi;Ni.f-i\lfilReplying in stagestpa{_)
� 1.@1.-Having prioritised your emails, you can answer
them in stages, first with a brief acknowledgement... ii
�f�;fJE�ifiJa, .Fcfilil3%riefacknowledgementH[ l1g

�26� B<J:5-HJrtlHW., fl!i El q:, a9 ... for answering their

email fullyJ!�·J:ilimt>C tj� llltrt1J,t'FillfilReplying in stages
q:, 89 � I J:::11:-(itJ � � Zfj- ... tell the recipient a definite
date when you'll be able to get back to him or her and
)'( cp .@1.- 'Pi ;j\;f;,f- /Mi Replying in try to keep to this wherever possible. ii:f:;f JE�ili]
stagesrcj:i (Jg� 113t{i1J'.1&�2q=j- ... a, J.!JrV,J.�1i]q:,definite datel;![J;:lg�� o ;fy��,R
give the
sender a
tell the recipient a definite date ■
�7 date, �:ill §-tll.m:xrt, @�-t;JJ-f2�¾ffJJ.iAX
when you'll be able to get back JmiJ:fl o -M.tE�i.fiJroffiiwt�1l'iirJ.Fciiiil't':1, flli.tJi!.J9-
to him or her and ... �•�·�•�*••*�••r.�fil���
ff-o l£i-5l: M'f-�ma9��, t�3!Dlm El?fl-3..K'§.ltlim:tt
Wi�.lf'.ifiJ, ili/i'.5tft�Wj1-�ia.l, ?tFAfl'HWIJ'1¾�1'i
&,� �i�tl'IT·l1J1gifiJ , �;W iiJ W. �Y 1251 $�*mi �
:fr(J{JJL$ o

r� -J-1l1M4°B�1YJJi��T�il14-xa�Iftl.i-1:o 't**ilf::t:l!:f1ll:, :l!a*�JlHlit �, ��19:t:R:i\lI

ft-��l'fJ41-�IA o ?�im, :l!a*fcfflll;f �, 9!1J�1LHU�ffJ(1��JJtntfaJ o tfHt�**fJJ:I, &fn:1J-�1l119.
-6Pf�&x�6/tl1ll30$M�IB{4o �'lf� 7�:;li:�t.J. ffl_:;f;ijlj §*�F.t!TllfB,(lj:Jilt:tJ:filfll[l{lj:���:j1it�
�B@�Jll!1liJQ�:fJl!a{_jt&f4=ffi, ff+!-�f)L�W.-���� o ��_fil, :yJG{fJ�:tlr-!H/r-fl'J:l!llfiiffli/:jflit!.Til!Bffi o

208 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test B

0$iMHIIJUtl l't-J lhBf!f

:l!n*ffJ,%r��·m·tltJJltkfilBg1!1�,fq:, 11�¾. ::{ej'-Ji\;ffilMlli:ii\;*,ft�jt:f-J:ffi:�.:l!ll*ll.J3JlL!ilott!RlhBf4.�
m1roit;-©'!:i:iJ]l�Jllltll�. ttff-i, �mrf1U�llJfH11Jlli4Ii:-1tit!. -=fd11H4:
• ••�-=r•#�a#A.�•�MM•••���A�•#?��--�tE$*���
• •••#�•·•�••?•����•tr:���ttm�z��¾Q�•re�•#•�M
• 1l1Bflf¾�E.�tE�a<JlhllffiE[!.f¥}ttTq[i!,0..? .:!ll:®:111=ntfaJ o
����am•#.::(ej'���•�•••#ffi•��tltB, ■@ey�oo�I����•N�

,tllft$9:@l �lhBf!f:
�lb�f4'�1B:�;fglffi'.5-H&z€, 1fJ,t}ti:iJ�'.5tll1Hlt:iil:fi@lj{7: %�-1-mi�l'J<JfiiOiA, �€��I
if�l�Ji5�P3-. �--��J}tlmJ:IFJ-�B��fi;JJmBglOll14', Tfii,f{J;Jl.�ifff"fflW.$@1�7�. :l!ri�tk:�
i!�fai{, )t�t&{q:A-1-fjijTefOB<.J@I� E WJ. rtff-i�t1:i!f�fi!1-fltfaJ.
::(ej'@tl!�ftt�P38�:k:!i!�, ..RWriffl-frJ'c'.:f.'.fmi\(l.liil�Rrnu, ��,li�14iHf.1Ler1@1:![. #lJ:tlri,
:l!o*ffi-\Wr�iJl.��¾"¾�. :meyw.�1Ju 10:oo��l>l", •"mtijt, �IE¾lt�•�ff.f.@,". ;11�iit.1Len

@l�. :l!n*x�.fr.el!�3i:. �:ii\;ff.�f��M. 1i'.r-rfrr�i.l:�1q=J1J:nii1!FB�1&IUT1hll14, ��·��;it


'f.$: �: ijf,B}] ){.

�-�•=¼•r�•�x*••�m�a�••m•. *�••�•-�*4���-�.
1t•�* �ii-if.l�;;Jf-Jt-jif_!l}j ii�i!-,'t of-ft�
1.%#!-� -,Jw,,)<.";fj @,� ;F l:ll 7 fyt-#f-�
:x:a� =
t 0

C lt: e.lt. :\': · � -1} Jt� ;W_-fa.t.i.'.f • :i!.�t.--tl!:� 11".tit.

n a: ;W_-fa.f.:i.'.f • :i!.�t..::.-tl!:*,(f.�j;:_�-1.1t•:k.-#f-a(i JtE.i!-, m •t� w ;W_-fa.t.i.'.f • :i!.�t.E..-ll!:¥f-ilt�*1tit

Ea= t*•�1i}Jt:i.it1. 111s-1119+�#•:tA#J1t-, 11s 1 Jf--.JE.1<.1�m.
Fa: -•�*ltzi;t, -,tii,7]<.,fj@,� l:ll JJl1.:i9.-#f-B�lt:it.-W.* 1 #� �# 0

H R: *
*-1ll.$A:i!At7 iJll¼;;Jt1t�Jlt-iiF.�itJJl 1'i :&-.
;;Jt1t�*%-iJi:�1f1�j *:i!.�,#f-.,l:1(11f"f�.t;Jt•�1t .!2,

微信:13522209444 209
iroa n. fk erect v. ���:i'L. �:i'L
cast-iron adj. �89 adj. i::i'LB9, !\1;Ti B9

equivalent 11. �1ftttl' ;j;§�#.! grain n. tt!lwl, ft�

adj. tt�tNJ9, ;f:fcl�B9 cider II . :1jr:*jjllj
motorway /1. il'li :ifil i� Ii-& upstream adv. ITlJJ:.Wf, �Jlv![

eventually adv. -Jiklf.i, �T adj. WJ v!Lilii J: s�
navigable adj. iiJ/D'C:frt'.19, iiJ :iil'iflll-1'.19 luxury tf1t. �$; �{t,Ti',

coal n. � wharf ( �!S(: wharves) 11. Ti!?,�


v. l{)l�� .. · · .. (fJ�*'J1>Z
II. �;ftl, -¥;flj�
11. r;�•=f, ,J;€fr;�•
deriw from
v. 11t 19 . f0 " .. "ilii*

11. iiJ fi�m�E�J*4tlffi.lt1Ni; =�­

property 11. JJ!tf=, lfr;ff !lm; t'.£./ll:t, !1#1'.:I: ad). m�tH19; =z;·1'l-1¥.J
distinguish A from B [KJJIJAif1l8 abundant adj. $11 (iJ , 1t¥G 1'.19
apprenticeship 11. $:��fr}; $:{jl§W'] limestone n. ?=i1.J< :£i

pioneer v. ;Jf :Jfi. 3f Jj{__, fW�fl expense 11. mrr1; 1t1ft

n. $t!J�. {gJ��, ,Hl architect II. �1Jtijiji. tfttl·Vl!i
feny v. iJ.!l:;jg • ;igiis construct V. �-n[, f�:li![
11. fl�, l!Uf:\-; ri l::J

II. �.13[' /Yffl�, 1i111lJ
adv. .:f�'/r,:!t!!; Jm.ciHfil, 5 LA.a:� !l!!,
11.1m. -&t%-
v. &n. ��. &�. *llI
injure v. ,m�' :J'J!i!r "· tvfr�. :i=r J..

feat II. :f}J�' f'l;� adj. :{jl§tl,-s(J , tJ>-fr l'.l(J
engrave V• .I\Jjttlj symbol II. *1iE; �%, ic.%
eslimate v. & n. -fi!it-1-, W1tr; 11i'1ft heritage II, jtftf', ii�fa/

mystery II. t�•�·<'tU' ;tt,J&'( t'.:l:) i watercolour n. 7.l<Jl'M!!li

,tl/1�-B':1$, xftlaJJ!lfrfl1¥.J$ttl sketch ll, Jli[j; �:fi'a
survive v. 1¥:t-F"F-*; ��T, �..ff'., �:iI V. 1iJl!!lJ, t��[j
assumption 11. @£J.E. 19:� numerous adj. 9-.$ BY , if$ 89 , .5t!b:1¥.J

barge n. ��g-' in'f JJI! fake II. fil/1::t; ;W(Jlio; JW rfli

contradict v. !a] .. · .. ·3!' 19, !a] ......:m;f(J!l! adj. ffij/1¥.); 1'):li![1¥.J

210 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Test B

depict v. to'i�' tlli'.f;f. f/ii� survey II. Wf.i; i)jli]hl
archaeological adj. �1i�(t<.J V. i),\JlWl�A' R.��)
photographic adj. !!�Uf:1(19, NH�l'f<J


evidence II. ;Jf!!l.]l; iiEW

- 11.�:li

Questions 28-31

• /mffi!: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS Wi�l,ffil

• fm§ffi!Hfi:

Im& Im § :lE {i:'r im *�{i:'ri! Im�

tl:�/m §�>RONE NUMBER ONLY 9.1l�;JJ)Yt-n�o @I§ :15J;!jk
Fl=i�,��1faJ lfiJwhen'W.fnJ l'l<.J, /!fr!;.( i\t%lifO���;f���:tfll:.ftH&
�. *HffR)jjJt<'i:fft o j]'i,5l�·�i'i'J"IV-��JtrpF,Jff)'*AtlaJ, �1-t
mi o ri.tr□)f1JHJJ�l¥ Jw:Ji!tl. �n3i!{ tt��:it *ntraJ.�lltJirra<J�i,,J£
when, lhe ti.l mace, CJ::li 1!i'..!:i/m lfil �1-•(1<.J;)ci11l·iliJ;1:fJ1'i'l>l.��*ils , :i11:fffilifO�fo\:1i�� o
ffi Ifi Im El f0] ffi :IP (J<j }J!" � Jl.j" fj:ij o Hli § q:t the fumace...originally...
constructed..!:i W-Jt 1t 1 CliJl:Jf� l fi l'f<J ...and built a fumace.)(tl.ilZ : lo
J 638, Basil Brooke patented a steel-making process and bui.lt a
furnace at Coalbrookdale. This later became the property of
Abraham Darby . .IW-JU&nJJiz5 ttJi!r�!'f<JfJf11-:l;N:lP£:tE 1638�-flli
1�illf19' ffrk'..liff7} 1638£��0
N2 § fi:i] jffi f;Ef!Ht9 lE/t friJHt 1!H1! YeJll4o Im §I 1� �'UL iil_l roads Ieading
when, roads, to the b1idge completed)('f l.!iZ intJt E�� Sfj' !J{J ..• approach roads
29 leading to the continued for another two years, and the bridge was opened to
bridge, completed
ms, 6fi traffic in J 781. ;2f;:/pj rf, El9another two years( Jl.. Wl�)£�3'.[;(Emf
XffriJ?.El91779�B<J¥li:Pi�J:a<;, Wf�:J.�f?t1781��- o
1W §I l'i:iJfJi:fiiJnt½' ll:_jg�f,joi'MI §I i:J��uiiii.lbridge closed to traffic X1
when, bridge closed Ea l.!ilmUc�,J��3fiB<JSince 1934 the bridge bas been open only
to traffic fitJ!/&�3fi" ..H!E, :;k;f;Jf-1i:Rxtfi AfF!N. o )9.M
to pedestrians. ( r:I I 934�i.:
fiA7f1N., f..t*f!f:l� ..LI:: 7 jg4fftr�J��, f:JrJ:J.�-15t t 934���0
� §I icJ-l,'i;(J<Jt/,tffi!{iiJA•t�.Gli; o �!l,]l�{ftifi.lmodel of the bridge built
when, model of Gl3/; t!G3iUJJ¥-JtG�ffi6�7q'rMJSo in 2001 a half-scale model of the
the bridge, built �Mr, 7fi bridge was built... ( 1251 Jlt;(E 2001 �, I: 2 tt ,(ylj BY �;f;Jf ffl: ru 1l/l�
iilt o H�f!f:l.m!, �1Moo1���0

微信:13522209444 211
Questions 32-36


• �§f(JTF-{fr:

�� iffi§ �,{fL-iffl ��f.frli llliM

1lli � : '/;):;(�· -=i·nm·iiEfil*fiE IJ/Hi'HJH191¥.k.ffi::Ji!;��'tlkJil!:ii!i: BY 0

no written evidence,
mt.x: It has always been a mystery how the bridge was built. f'Jc.ffi:
F$Ji IUJ�:.1Hn1ITJ�:iilt Ei11 1frt��-1-il:t o
· 32 how, bridge was
iJP.;lfi �-�5ttfi: J.Jlt:Scrr• agit has always been a mystery..l::j. § rj=1 BY no
written evidence'/'iiiffir.liff iiE w (19 *l�z. ii£. jJ,'(j:;\f Mi� IJJL�-
3jj(, I[,tffzq:-g-, /9Tl,'J.:Jll;TRUEo
flli§: fjr�.!JliJJlr • gJ Ti'.l<Jfmi;.li/:11lli--MiJlf�,l\4'}.ffi:�JJ�Jvta<Jt/r� I
(l<J iifii ,ft, a
mt, -SZ:. : In 1997 a small watercolour sketch by Elias Martin came to
light in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. Although there is a wealth
o[early views of the bridge by numerous artists, U1is is the only one
F&/: which actually shows it under construction. 19971fJrnr:J/l!.-. A i:Jl-31E1E.
33 Elias Martin, only
1W/&1-4fi JVi · fli T (i<J-1MM 7..k� jillj J.m�fim fll!- •i fliJIJr{tHlf }FL't. Ji. ft E. ,ff
mM T1eJd;i=IE:(f�i&/: rj=i e<J•�;;;c o
��5tffi: ■ §�*Jttjillj ■ �T*m•m•��Ra,•x�
ill.JttfffiiJIVf-Tjcffi:IEtHl!i&/:n-ta<JRMio Jm@!;jxrl 14:i���IJJl
.ffiW£/fl!ll, f)fr�:ill;FALSE.
mt. x:
Up until recently it had been assumed that the bridge had
been built from both banks...Bul the picture clearly shows sections
of the bridge being raised from a barge in the river. It contradicted
everything historians had assumed about the bridge ... -]�JiU:is\::i!r
painting, coustructed, C:&l
34 M•�-�-•.m•�•t•�n�M��-�Btff .lm
two bauks � 1-5�T
..... ··!fl.��hl7K.l!Ill �!f ltirr 11!!.ffVf- tl:l, mm-l'�14'f&:fnJ J:09-f.JW�
�iH'f:iJg. �mm7lfr�mse•a;'cfluBY fl31i&l:o
��. < -e1.�Tm�••1nlfrfB1ifrtaY•m�M�*;JrM�•a<i
xW.1�0 . • 13..l::JJ.JltXP-J�H l:Jtl;fflih, Jifr���:'hFALSE o
Illi §: :/l'HJJ (J<J4'J.kffi &;JtJUi;M;/.tVl T lnl� (1<.J Rt Iii* 11!:ii!i o
mt, x: So in 200 I a half-scale model of the bridge was built, in
order to see ifil could have been constn,cted in the way depicted in

original bridge,
*�iE•m-� �(JI� i'iJ I,'). ffl
��5tffi: ■ FcI¾�tt�•w�•m�•�••JJJr�•��
tbe watercolour. izslJlt:(£2001�. l:2ltf§IJ(l-(J•ffi:mffl'f11l�:il!i, .ffl
jjiij 9"l1H� (fJ :n�lil!r& 0

:il!illtlaJ O JiRX-l:ll':itlT��:JfM}J!•r19Eftfa]' 'E!li9:ffmiUJJ!:�(J9

ntraJ. lfr���lt�-��-7�fil���*-•· ·��
I�. /JJ-xrj,r9:�{ffiiJfl'f.l, /fr���:'hNOTGIVENo

212 微信:13522209444
Test B

Jffi"5 �l§j�{ft@ ��&.fl lffiM

Jffi 1§1 : )dfli:A 1'11J1"�Sll!.Jl/i<Q, T � 1-1 ;Jt{1!tX2=f :;kffi:i'JY II jjjjj o
mix : It had been drawn by a Swedish artist who Lived in London

for 12 years and · · · but perhaps the other sketches still exist
somewhere. ��frill<� iilli fl:1-{fl.J*J§{B"ib. 12� (�J:f'ffflW nni
Elias Martin, other lt'st
36 � · · ··· -;f,inffltlt{i !!.ff.11;1 �1Ml.\tfft�:f£�1-Ji!!.11
paintings �3-Sfi·
�-:j;:SHir: /ill I� 9� have made other paintings of the bridge-"!i mt::ie
�r perhaps the other sketches still exist somewhere-i'lJlffirij fi�:i3:Sff
;J;J;{M:f��tft:(1ylfiliffii. Wi:f.1���191.fil-iiX, JH�ft-it. ffr�:J.�
� ::J-JTRUEo

Questions 37-40

• )'mW: MATCHING JlJH.{\'.-"iiffi*fr,.@!-�tl:l=rlcJffi

• Jm §I flf�:jfr :

Jffi"5 Jffi 1§1 '.i:E 1ftiii.I ��&rt JffiM

Jffi 1§1: :;kffi:ffi����J::iiiJBYJi;t�
mix : ... and had the idea of building a bridge over the Severn, as
ferrying stores of all kinds across the river...{l!!.l'.l�JL-:r, SII {BW:¥ ·
why, bridge,
D� .ittt=ttt, ff.:'./'J��Jdl!.BY%/4$A!lwJ, £{!��:(£il:tfiir_UIHllr-
37 across the River
1fl\ I, 2fi �:;ktft:1i9:llit!. �:J. iSJIJ�*�l•}�!f?J.!ili:l::UiiJM w-.o
�-:j;�:tfi: W-xiJHf 7.SJii. 1�-/11� · :11; tt= ttt11tll!t:k-l,H1yJJ¥-12il:(£
=fill:iti:&r�, 11� 0;1_1ni,, JxJ¥Jt:li,W § �1� ffrfl?(J{Jmrns, o f.fr W-37 Jfil(J{J
{Jef,G.!,* El 'f-D1¥1:, ��:Y-JD o
Jffi 1§1: RHl�Z���1.l!.illtlgRffi:(:�J1r?t
mix : Abraham Darby Ill funded the bridge by commissioning
a method used to E+:jt paintings and engravings... .SJii. {(lw.� · :12; tt =ttt;f1Jffi�ill!i;f1J.lljjt�rj
raise money 'A;6, ?fr (JY1Hl1it-*. l!JJM' �{Ii�··· · ··
ie-��*fi: /mEl r�•money-"!i!hl:>1: 1i1f"tmd.x<j"J.i)L; �Xitt7il!ffi:�
�(1{_)-*w;I, ffrlV-38/mBYfl'f,!!.�-* l� 'fEl31:, ��jJE o
Jffi 1§1: .f� - �)\;:{jjfl-}\!A t�:r-ll!!. JR;<.J-'t�ili!l��1f I!& i:l I f.J (JYt'i'l iz;J
Ji'ii. This led to cheaper, more efficient ironmaking from the
abundant supplies of coal, iron and limestone in the area. � Jl!!.1'i
why im.13.Ml rt�:T: i9i o
Coalbrookdale, ct:11: �-:j;�*fi: Jltlfil�xfll o 'l9::;f:f'ii=:•ir,·�.Ri'l�j,I]S(��" :@.:tl.J: rX
attractive, iron ms-8fr 8fi7M�.�ffitt¥·��--(J{J����'f��•-* ■ =f
makers � r'.1%� � nf �'..(�{tA-=*nlt:;k1 !I!� ilt (1ytff</gR#li{�<4 o Tfri;fll -jf-;:{ff :{g• 5l
%(ltf!l!7.'S o wnJJfiL �@;Jljl��:f:l!!.IRl�g,�jtJ,IS1,k$';•f.1{_)lJ¥-[;1 0 X*
ironmaking .x;J- $i. H&I § rp f.!{_) iron makers; the area tli (i{J -fllI :lik
Coalbrookdale o 39fai(J{j,fiL@,-* r-1 =fC}:\1:, ��:1-JC o

微信:13522209444 213
�-& � 1§1:.lEf.\tim :'g�ffti! �M
B1i 1§1 : i;Jc.�fi:(19*NMHHn fiiJ f1'11f.i!f-Jtrfl?
/ri- 3t : lnstead ii was fitted together usiJ1g a complex system of
joints normally used for wood ... Ej �'4'-(t<J��jljffi:g(!;::f:l]i],
how, sections, were 11.13!:
- �*�#��•:;r,:•�•wdtl1::f:•m••��.™•�ru
connected �3, 4fi' T-frl1 Ji!i'i�'FH'f-1{t:fil,f-:!Jfr�M�i'.l<J:bl���-r� o
&::, � ;t *Jr : mi I§ 111 (19 were connected Ej Im)( r!·• A<J it was fitted
together ...joints nom1ally used for woodffi;{;j'J.l'L o 40lffii'.1%' t@.* fl
fHf&. ��:;1-JH.

A jt i1.:m .filitirkf.li=m=f �� � @-J-r-(1(19f4�F ;(ji tnt1t.�F .���)( iiiJ

p�; JVrt.tt� VJ. ntr rp �A it,t!\l E.
O � r�
f?'l;1;tt rW¥,tli7¥:. fEl -t-O?irt•t1t� J: !f El£µt:rJ1�i&/:u<1W�:-Jcm. tl!.t&�mi t.!lk:4',:frrrr-tftu<r !1lf :-Jcm

fnJil!t ·� �tl1r �/.WH =fx::iill��ftr .;}tfl: YFI ;t� � 'f-1-1( (l<Jt1j)ili i� I'm l¥xiiiJ. � IJ,i';{ Twtt.r-:I: LlJ 1K ' :ul� tt

AJm (i<J Ei ;(fi .illJ\lr:J't� il:iJ11<] :-Jc riff , ��RJill fil:-L� l'.l<J iill f111JriJ rfiL. � X iiiJ ;l.iklJll;ttl.1'.t,'J 7.l<:iE(lit ill , 11!:n!i: JfJ=f 71c:gf
(1g��MlG-.R f11iffltffel.IU I s·t1Hc 1 I 1 nt. �:X1iiJBJ�;Jg�11tj·®:titlliii:�·h�(J<JfnJrfiL�-.�:111!1'.1%-'r!lw./�:iill:i:tiiiJ
ffiiEHL fil:t.s:J;!iL f'..ktr,tM�, $-'=BtlllltfL ��J:f11:/ffe:*ti11l�. :(£:i})!iffijif*i'.J<jj./[:$!Jw.lifi',9°1'f��n:tlJ, fR, O)mllll:

c 163&1p. �1t}r- -:tn m-:!!u��¥} 7:l:fi<1¥.J7¥:r1<J-iff1J;t,-J=1t1:f1��11Hfl->'lfV1,m:illt T -1i:tt�. w::tW:tP 13 Fn::1-JSit

fs�¥-:ilsU�(ffiilf ff=lfll� -� 1:1::-iit. H�=fIB:f}Eifl!!.f¥11� !fil:ld:(1<JJL-r.f-rH1hr )ffr:JJH� o :(:EfEJ !W�FIY�VE
:ttmtlUR:Zla. � tl:::(£:tfifil:Wf:ff;�1'7f �fi7 FIB B9$:i'J. ff!�, {l!!.'F I71 o<¥!M�Jf-4�:l'fi{f/-3'Mt�, 1131:J;Jfl!!.
�;1g*•r•�••nr�•ft*••;1g��m�•••M. �:J;J�•�•u�mr.•r����
�i.W-. t1:'f'xa<J�*ll'.tf�7, W.13.�X�9!i%.

D {l!!.B<JJL=f. ilf{J:lru.¥ ·� tt=tlt. /i1Jt.4J.}l�E195��A'lw.i.!t,!i¥,t;fif�E�X1iiJJ.:mn!r-�•mo<JM:Us. �

1.!ltll�itf'l1 �!ltt1lli¥UrnJ::<tw , 4tJJ1J�fMr-:mt:-%1 tfr- r1<J�:tP &;itWJ .ii11t1l!!.fflt..kr ffr¼ a<J:-Jc£1�1il4, � Ji!1J
#f-�3il(:-Jc�fH1lltil·�J�jl[�. r�w,
1775'1.f, g_JI�4::i5Ci1''\i�IIHJi:i-r]1J (J(J1;11;Jifl!!B<J)L-rS!t fs:J:i'L� · :ils tt.=:
tlt(�'F 17501f ).fx.m(1<Ji51:i-!-lll I� �Jl!!-4?.�m:iQ:fr!/ili:J't.QiJ!fr -� ID.�f-&:i.fl!!--'-t!ff,h'.�HHt�*���ffi:
f{{ (l<Jf.ttr! 0

E :k*.1'ft!Jflj::(£1778-17791F�W:lili:5'crix;o ffi:ini'.li't:Jg7)1(:, �,f,i:l!l�/Jt31*.1Ee�triJITTil2*• I779<!.F.Q::,c, �-il!t

:ttfflt;f�:::: 1-Jl • ::f:nJ ,@ iSL (!<J:li&ill.JiIJt/J ili" J i!it-fr -A�ft. �- ii:jjl: t!fl f1!¾:i'.-Elru-ft 139 ±� �r!H!!i9: 7:�
•!�mJLlJ'-�llTJ}!)i'*!Jf.li'l<J. t'.km1'1<J:ii!iilHilfi9:.I;'fMX.J;'i'�TM1-f, 1781 <¥�-tJHHt7fii!io Sitf$tiL:?f- · .ibl:t.=:
t!:!:;f1]ffl�imi;f1 1!Eitlr1<JVH�*� WJ:f.ffg(!;�i.9:' ill1l!!.;(-£�1-.l]! El J.:.J1J!9c 7q�$' �� § �-t::'Ui 7 iliiJJ.H{fl'l<J:m
tr.. 1789�. �f.lD9�B<J{l!!.t-i'IJt. f:frFT*�(l'�fiJt*c �Jt!!.I.X:�f��r9:1ft#trnH�u<JHtfiiJ, .M.+1Lt!:!:tc
jlJ=-1-111:ia:m' I1�H,Hf1Jffl 1934<!.HJ*' ¥�tJF-JI.R;<:tfi .A;Jf)� o t!R�Jf::YH�iA;)gT...ill!.*1i'lJ-(l<J�
1iT: • EI 'fiu-O?it1rz:.1r:t£>t.1&t;(fi m.1\1-ru)t�·li!: W-illif'U:tr� IB: a<:i, i,,c.,.
O ,�

214 微信:13522209444
Test B
F 't')JJi:�Jrt¾�l11iiJ�.iilifMfl�¾-1-� o l�T®J,'cu<JilHilf-Hi:;;fc, i1S?5¾:1i½tl.!l\1:Efif §rlr1-fx•J-t�tM!!:ilfrl:l:W
(iY :/i'H� frlff;jl�' �rn� ' I.!!j.!z:;(cf ft/ 1·FF{f friJ�:o]tjf� rt.{ jfrj ' 11ll:ili 1'1<., ½t :l:}\L iil fJH11���*x1¥)d!HIY ��

:tl:W1'1: HI TWIBY lofil � ' x-tilr) L +11!* (l<Jil!J!-i9J,!i; /Ji T 1ITT:�r O 1997{[:'.{} I·��Wi . ];:]J T (t<J-1M . \
N JJ< �jpij .f.!l\;!¼fJl
;Jll!-!J-.\'lliWriH1fW-11i o Ei.rt B1f A� s<.,�;;1s;i�:tl/itii1ffi!ifl:fJJ�nlt(:t':1·h1Wi'.. lfil:ltfl.R�:i!f41'F«lit/MfcT :-kffi:
iE1£�i&!:�1=1ti%!{f;k o

G -A�B:iliM-�-�m•��---�m�-¾�NM���*M�.��M�illi��-���a
:a- :i!:f'I• f$r!#f-fil:!'fij)i"(1ftJWF1rn<J7l<.lffl.3Z:illi l%illixl![ o f.§.:J:HTri7J<�jjilj ri'tttl/i±l!!Jm.71' 1+1 ' .f'JfYl'l:11;Jfq:f&:jiiJ __ta<.,

�MWTm�m��-,'c��-�o �¾�Am•:i!MJJ<���-�tt.��m��
J,filjl;ftMf1iiJ�1Wt<J i£51llo i?sl Jl.tt1:200 t 1r,:, -1- I : nt fyiJHy�kfJ'f�llit&:iJ!:iiI®*T. El A<J¾� T�iiE��
����mJJ<•m�m•���---�-o ����-�-$ill-���-ffiffi�ffl�*�T-�
gurnxB<J�i5�' }Jj ���ml;�1filli(1<]·i}l�1f. T f1_;' 1j.f l'ft::Cft:ifilf'� 9-!. �%Ji�T3D CAD ( it3+-l=JL4Tlifl/J �
1-1· ) (ly�ID! ilttlf'F0

H WfJt�*14i-i1HtifJ9!$;(.T.:X::i!RIHJf:::lH11fnJ1Ji�:i:i!dltf�,�-o fJ\\1£l�{f-iiilili, Jlff:feiat;k�,Wfq:fiilff::-4i�!l!W

•�.��'t ITT���••«��- ����••••��.��ffi���#z�a�¾�•w•l.!1
�J&J=!Ufti jg)� sg o mi¾ilirn 7 -f'l•illl·m· J'i'J r1HM, i1!1�i'i ,t1� (�J$l ��u• T..z , JS¾ 21 n-t»I!-�f1g :irf•ti;;
aJ fi�tX¾ � R;J-fiJf-3iUl'J Bl:J 11 rt•
I �tf;f-j'*J!�-ffiBYMOlJff fU1'1-1'-*flWZii o JJll�i11�:1Jl!.7JCfijtti','ifnli.lnl}l.t�)}.. -*�
��t1i'"F* B<J , �
�,; rt W iiJ�IH'=fjl;fl!!.!J.Hi;J.EJ'f&!f �I o5t�M7.K1i jil]j F11-{u�JiiHC!',& 12&:pf-11:Jli,\JJl!-iffii#f!frt�o �a•Hl!!.f:E���fi,
l i
uijEuI.AHmi� ic �/Ji' .¼!./Vi' ll l 19:lT A:f.llif!A� BYif.�l5J'<i�Ml-r ii !lll{iJ . {fl. �riJ r-m1t:f1!!. (J(J � �fF.,r.& 1£�1-JI!!.

1Io 't1il-Jifili'lli:, i�·1dUf1t�.l§J.:l'fifil-t.T·¥t:tJf��friJ¼l!:uIB9.lEJ:/�i,1f�JliEjJo

微信:13522209444 215


J:-t-Yl fffl'£005'r&�, ifflJL-t-JJJtbi:-tl:-�o {tM17�J1l�1{J,�7 -@1fF1fl/Jtf!JiA.J-B9!!�!Jt o '.sJftfrHitffJ,(19Jlf:I:&
ff1 c tE1�i:f=t, 1��JiJJ!�Jtiftl!JtuA91l!Ulll!@ijHtM17. �rf.�1t1J1-�¾.iJ1:;(,j°Jr!,��1tM17'.sJm, #�ifffl!i.fil*iffl1$1 :E
JLx o

:fl![l,�l'H*1t-xMi El %JiJi!�rn1151-, 1�1'i�•!ix'.:f'.�rJJ:l1,r);l, 11ir�t£.iEX!'.!'H'F�t1n IV-xf-1: o 7J �r��Hfr�li,J
*im'.sJ11=1f-%-, ;iffi•lr,·¾:=:::-t-�:;:jt(bullet points). '.sJ�A;j��--@IJiiZ, ,Ftmillffii o �n:l:fHf ill®U9°iii. �;(f p;J
�:nim'fl]Jt J'J!>'r. M'f�,t-�:;:Jta{J lfilJiiZB91P f,JjtJL1?l--@-Jlll. �tr.i..l:��u'fuit;llt-t-1:ilffi. � Lt�:l!iJOO
O 0

*�09 ��f-Jliffl JiJl'lltllll:

Wt�� 1&¥1Htill** B9:ftifll'£�1mJJlll;J':tfl (10 !!P-Jt o � @!!lt.!t .Jl.ff�·.Jl. IJ1l :ff o t:11li.t� @I t!t�if1lf1f;fll;(f
�q�ru.t'XiJ/:1fflli£$�·1'k-�f�f J�ft a� @l@�:ijl:.Jfr. �f&�:,Jt:f-UtlffrjJJi � !UR. ifi§i�11nWi-t-�Wl ��iJII o
!!r�: �11.\ , 1;1.rn1:1'T MrEIJ ½ifi:1�,f l o
:ft1ll0 iii trzire it!.RUUJtilJ[� � M4 m Jfrlfff¼ Tfi!l&,%f;(f� m:&filiiJ,'c;��±ffiJII
O 0

:ft��r-t-iP:ilWHfFfnf1�**flft-ral1:E1:Eo :ft(1{JJl!LJ'1l:¾: tft�flj]tfl·III\11':ij\:.m 1HiiJ;J;t(�t/r�888%. ill��

3000 0 ./lOMJ:{g,{f]ifjltl�* • i'iJIV-.%Jfx�:ft o
WMWi,fll!'r1!1·J� o ftJVJ.f.'r-ffs,ffJa0@fl'i o
ffr, a<:i ;vJ;if£a<:i
* :1-J s%o
��.�i>l'( .!iL "�17"Pl72)

-��X::ij\:.XiJl:1'l�-ffi1'l�•A.�1'l:1-Jm®mm .W���hltl!�ff�k�X��5ttoM
=1--�,��T 7*�A<J;1cr.t, ft11'1-1JlHq:§I a<J�;IJ�¾.mtitrr, f�A<JffiE(.tl!�::t1lf;ti:o x:Wff*.@-,ttHl,HE#�JI�
f'f-7IHi1.�, frlt&J:Ha<J��i/iJ��. 1eJ@:Jiif-tU tt.��11!/r o iiili[fi_J: l:t.�-¥fll�. {§.;Ji!i:ijl:.IIJtJ:j:J, 1iH:�1eJ�1-il H;t.a<J
Il!!.1i;f11-@iiiJJ�� o x:i'ii:� m:ftm�fl•li,J=f�Mt. 1n*���¾tm�(1Y%i 1iiJ o t£ tr.t5t1il�1{a{J�¥Jrrat?.\5

216 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

�:a:( format HHfr:
;;j�Jt(10tlllm.A.JikJlll7.i o ffi(llf-J+l7DearTaulik and Lina, trft#1H9 IJ� J,j}lil r1 rll{;lftJa�.)1/;somc friends
( -'lt, Jl}J � )o ��iJ;I.U.f-Jl-l7 Yours sincerely • .is: 1 :&.ibiill 'i1i"J+J f ,fs:/1:4' t}Jtj;f,' 1JJ B0WJJ,i.flllti'i.'.t.A., {E,41.: 5C II 1 ,1, �
i '" '
{R·� 1. M�fiJ!UJ�Lots of love, With love, Best regards".1".f

:JT-* &l *
;jfr :
/fl:+:jt/�i9tX;J-:1T't.r*l'IYJ!(!Jt. f[!J�l�,z -ft:-f/�131l!>Rthank them for the photos and for the holiday UJ ,I!!t
Jt t,,/1.i±lr-J-!fL.J!Jl�1Rtitl!.1f1), 1fIT*l¥1Ht.ltjilJ1i1ifi, 1Jl11t!P.&J� f.·, (EJJ,JtLl::{f/!lr��-}.

,l!W,;J'(-.'�i:3=:1if-J&i'ttUYl1"iJJMi(.£ -'fti)'1M,j,.r!,J'19ij. ;C,J-T�;RflY'l:{t=-i'- JiITiiexplain why you didn"t write earlier
( M#- IJ -ft� i.t � -'f- .�.i'¼itl!.-fi1 .'.!ii-it ):il.Hr ( .i:l:JJt(1%1iMi' 'IJ 7 /IkrJZ�. J.t�1,-l:�=::t"Ji,f; llll nf 0 ,4q'(J.i1J::'JQ­
(JY1::1(1(f� .fil,/u,� i9Hfl� li'f fr: ·'f )If,- ¾.73-1: 1j! _,).{'.I:J fi'f . .H R:;Jt II I (1<J- ;'{ii)}- . IT i ,fs-{E, f,j,;
(:1.:tj·.:<.J-W =:-t-�;Rinvite them lo come and stay with you(i£!-i{i-it!i..-fl1 �;,fo-ffi:-fi.JUU }Tf(ij. � i 1';-t5tJn]Mfil, {g
,,;7.r 1l:'.i.-ftllltE-f;'f 'I 1 �IYUl!!.J1I:' lbiJJ .iI!l'ii\'1/LH ,lillffi'lhJ-r.JI C.?f::.fT Jll!J1!: 7' 11} /mJ.::itU�rmi�rt�.!t!. 0
�,'fli(1%W---C�:::k'f-tH;f. o You can contact me first if you have a plan to visit.( 1n .!R-fMilit ll•)��, of v). A.*
ii'c � ) I'm looking forward for your reply. ( -i\i..JlJJ,i,t{.t-1fl {f.1 t m 1t ) .is: J!-.12 frf;-flx:ili fr J 1 -J 1':E]f'lf %-l-J1-ft ;f1lf� -1' :::k!</. �
,ID (I� A 7;J ffi Li'1 fl'J·ftx o

-4�5cifiH[Lktt�+m�, J.H� /il1Jf i',1'ilYlinJ, lfiT11.1.l!.�iJ(z.'.,!Nt o

The photos arc so nice and bright. J!�Ut11H�;l!nice( 'i. mi <iii), (IJ)f;;fi�.filbright( IJ/'1 :Jc aii)

After I came back to Melbourne, my boss asked me to had two weeks training in Wellington, New Zealand.
,1�1"i]' I I l'l½askcd me to had!JY. :½/asked me lo have( :::G�:i:�Jri N-ia!iYJ iilJLij[J�)o

iff j!;fll 'P] ill! :

Jtrl I �J riW!� .(IY�'i11iJ:::J.J± ;(-f. lt�U:!1�(10�MlJ r1 111.J"�f11WJ jF,JjffJgJJ.t,;i{lil]f)�M. ;%111,1N -?}

I'm sorry because I don't write a leller to you as soon as possible . .;j..:1,J I I 'I don't writew.J:11 didn't write( .i.1�
rJt-fT 1�111 't;J1rr )o
I don·t have any time to tell you because it happened suddenly.4� 1ri] 1I 11 don't haveJiiz h l didn't have( ;&.-;f.;�

�iliJif,rjfil ffiibE:
I'm so glad receiving your photos... *'ii]fiiZ ib:JBl'm so glad to receive your photos ...
They remind me for my special holiday with you. ;;1\:1rTJJ.iv.i&<:Jl!Thcy remind me of my special holiday with you.
I'm looking forward for your reply. :ijl:lri]J'l�look forward for!iv.:1!/look forward to( IBtfil)

微信:13522209444 217

►'ifr !MI
-1 1:1tAi-.A.J,iji!�A.1i1n0J�nl;�l:iL rfid i'r.ixt,1. 1,rt=i-r YJ!i1J11llA..k,:-:; Wfnl,m.if£:,FITTJ.ri:?1m1i�J-tft!!.l'10 rft:
1iv. i.t,:-1# JrJ 1�:i l'f;l 11JcA '?
:,t,:Jm,{1:miU.J:Ji?. f-tl:11� ii1;fffi, JillJ�U:.M f 111] .�:;;r,1,1].tt�( Agree or Disagree l {f-[·,;,;: � i l:;«i:(i0 Jik . .l;-1:1�
T��IYbi:.J:m. l11l¥,:l,tCT:11.l1)Ffnl.\J:L�I-. jf'Ji�l11l�tN= 1'-ln]/Jfil. L1L1;(.t)i,(i"iWIIJ1t 1-.11,r.:.HfLll\cA fil.f!�{[(J0 lf lir\li.
ii<:��t-itl ,:":jW[.Af � O<J ff xll\(}.j:j ,�� (1%f; /Mi, ll!.,'f:JfiUJ,\'i�• .!;· ii'i'@ L - ""�1]6" Wrest 2 (f(j ;l.fil 1-1 1i J1Ufl(1;1:
Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some
people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss bolh these views and give your own opinion.
(��•�������A±��.�������M-�J#J�ft -�ARhi!.���•-�.���
A-iA.� ;f:,i':-f- itit-i!.11,lj ,pj,ll�.i'i. -j��Jl tlJ 1:f: (iiJ iri!- ) (ll 'if ii:.Ci:),£J!l.jj.iJMfil(:1:JMjJ��,f:11)lli 11/11ll>I 1:(1�lxjjlj

► � f }J.I, �
f-r-J1!TIJ.O::fl1 iJ.('1::�H�U10J�ffl, :@·;;1·{11!1.ifil1!J,\!#}, lriJ.tU11,flr/l.w: �11 W:fril.Ci:(1%r.. JJll1:- 1'.:t:-ttill1 j-1E1frii1:::
i1E. �HJrJJ1!1l� �n:W::flo],t!: 1<Jm. y!IJ11Hf-1t1HJr -T-JA.lt'�.fi1 ;ti:,)(_ h$1.&Ji�.W1<J{tJlllL9.C, l!lljjif�llj]l{1lx
Ar::it1<JJfilm t-!?rn(1:�tJ.liNlLl.:ilffi&t� litJTi, X'i 1 hizW<tf'ill\x•J- rm ·.-tfnJ:Mi1'1{Jl11l¥.=. ,{flVJl1%kH1M<J l'fl,J,v.
ii<1�/ jiljj:;jll§j1&A 0

flt ril:IJ:»-'l� n� z::u 11v. r1(J 1�HiEffi -111·,&Ai:ti!':i r1(Jx!-I',/.( -� JG i� Jk xt-f,l!J1� 1!).J !if . 1,tq'J1V1 b-L if Jim[h-i'i" �r-
1y J fil hjlJHIIJI L lnJ Ii (tMfllfri,\i<(J<J r: Whl�tl.diEl�J ([!.i. ffT(Er.ilW] JJ,Jfftr-1] Jcf:IU.Ecfl-JIJ!(r(j
ftJM. :rt ff i.iu�H-t-n111�.i2s3!1JJIH '"('l:' .1ni fjl(ilMY.A.-1-ft��x1!f.1£:JJ_H'riW1Ha�11 p,1.11u1 fit ff iw1tiHiifu fJ<i1M.Nt1
l'l<J!/&WLh!::-½i1tl!.if l JJ T 4R�#hlWJ�•%i1ffiX•J·t1�i:�9'�,Q..Q.+fl:X:UY jf.'.j:;J:. ftl!.if l.hl:xft1�U1�:Jc,1· o
!lt�I-. j(�!/&IVJfil�fiN�0:CtH.�·,ft1!.1f fr1(JTJil�i11.'S l-t.�11, (,tc ff 19lhl flli/i[fi·::fx.£lHlHNll1X�tJ1.2"'+-+�!! 11
h'i:JJ fr9T--itllY.{t. 11fJ;k�!/&J;��,Hl<J.::l;Jf-.Wft.w:;F�,i(t�� li: P-IJltJt.:-�llMt.lI'fFrr1<1T. ft:1::illi 11r VJ.1.MH5V!J.I
{tj 115(,A (1<.J il-Jll!'tt
.f:*a<J�, JIAMwllJ!U1<Jl{J(�l!..A±X•t A�-tl:01.¼11\(1<.J .!HrAA·�;k1:.J.�. 1ffi1lxAl;ll:J,'q¼f.�. :f�ff Hli.!�ffi-f,fnl.�'.
jji[�AG1 1l!icA.;;l( 1\'fi(1�){!1'.l,( tt�1li' .JJ'•-t, ��!J&'�/iJf;iEAhl �'f'$M.>!Ei1t,FMtll(Al1il :j(1<JJ�( 1lkA-t' lldft!!.fn fn
JJll@·tJc.i!lH,Xr.f (J<Jl!fl!:i¾.if J-t-fl 1-t., X<J':f.ldf J(l<J i/,Hitlrl ;t:,fHil rrc&H!J�
.�.:c, .f.� v-.:J.1uitzJJllJ1t1ll(A,\':;nffj�.(1�J1llil1. (i-!.Jcl,t,:m,;;lf.f�r,,J.O:it!!.frJllllA.i:J:C:;(1{1)(JII..'!,{ {l]i,(rj(J�ll\lA f11
JJll�.XlldJ!iJ;J-n I:� (10 ,f1J1i�.1fii I: {'la(10 A. ff J (1<J1ll( A.L1t1J(r0.¥.llli JJ,1,* JIH(10 �Jl-�l[H ,11,. .A-l�J.i\Z i�1:}flj!J£�i.A. nf
,f11!;[ ,�11 .mj!jj)j

JAJ #,Fil�\ i=!HHfr:
J(l;-t�-fJtHX;J-/Mll·I i1<Jtf�-1'-f11J,W, 1"f Jt19JrifO�l9J i'I c.(l�lLJ:,m-lr,J,\J:. f�Jf'ifrn 1'('.1)-tfr-/l]i,ff J/1�1[\(
A i\':i�ffdt-1 'h i: 1'1"-Llj(•U.!ii-14-H IP. �o Jt.: L!.LJ£d,tlfi)f-l,;J.0:Rfill\1(1<rm· Jll ff ;k1:.Jtl�
tB-=. -:f'lJ1 lUH.li: (concession), {ElrlJXJ,i,l• 1l.�::JfilJ\U11�'.G f1-' r! 1, 'h T illi' fu.lW.,r,1.U1�.ii1H�X•tit

218 微信:13522209444
Test B
( ovcrgencralization )f'\':'i,\"lfJ IJ i..L:,LJ.;·(1(J'CJ11::-¥rt ll!.#Ji:M �SL 11\.r� f.A. l'Jfiif l: 19] hltVx:A.il 1:':j. fl_J_jf )i,: 17 l'i;W-5}-ifi·
· f J:1 fl·.z, �llA0 U:4'1,:"fi ..i2.'.1'.fl.A\%Ui2-.'i' (1: h�,f,11 -P�ISt 1:-fi {)-JIHZ.Jtt , �1-=., �J!.ll:1Hfr T �!l:A ,:":i (10{'.l-.f..!l\fl:111'
(1:: ft:'(1·v)/{f.!Un Tif.11�711iiTI1fr
ti1P�IJ!Jl: Y,1 BU¼tJ!Jt( refutation). Ei.!11 r��-=. -�l-)!:(10,(!\\.•, '.Z r. t
J5tr9 l.tt-f iW� .hldJ Jt flk ffi:W f:i�iidr'�.J dhx
: I\ ( !E :;k.in11ik. X•tH� !I!:1lfl if. �:. 1ll(A�J,GJJlli, 1:·;j ,1..:fJl 1,1] 11,t fi"il� ()Min rl (➔ <1:-:N= -4'-fnJJMi, UIJPJJll�Jt{M0

W JU&J.;MJ.'H.li..�Ji'[ T>Cti:1'14:i:�J\\l.,'.��,f11Jlllrti
u JJt.bj mm
>C1�i:(14i1 EH.Hirn\. ,iill.t!:J:l fl i,iJ{,fi:JJ.\!(141wJJ;;t'I: ll!.11Hf- fy1J�11. su;ttr�-®: 1'UJHM 11'.XW,.'.'�: I agree with
the view that...: tf;-=.J::l/:) F!tfi•.ittrn I:� However, it is also true lhlli...: �l "cJ::ll:tmttrn: �Furthennore ... ; m pq l'.l!:ill
h }jt�Unfortunately... ; fi'[Jr'.,�J;'iln conclusion

:,j;:>(JxUi:Jjil]l'iifl;,lldI�l!fj!t¾_(stars) �:,(��-1!Jl:M91J. m-ixJ-1)(142:stars, m-=.,j(iffjt [stars. ti1:::::,j.,:f11
::('; pq 1,X) IHt j,iJthey;.fE-ti'i1t( referencing)
m ::fJt . JF(!f,r.Hl719JE1 (stars). tr,.=.ix>ji; (�ij i.$V�j JI (,1, (f lYJ !.J1 fll iXUr::JXfl! ( spo11 stars and pop stars). ill
1 i tt�liy;/'jilYJliUH T generation(-/� l. f!l!Jll 7' ?1(��( substitution)

11.\!:A: sala,y, earnin g
t[l(ArS: overpaid, huge salaries, high pay, best-paid, fortune
�j&: amount of money, size or salary
f-:.$1&: the majority of. most or

< I ) It often seems that lhe amount of money they are able to earn in a short time cannot possibly be justiliecl
by the amount of work they do. 11!!.1f1Hr!M: ory .L1t-iit ;,U-JdiE. 1!,11 ftl!.1fl,(£.�li.J�l fl-14 H1] 3'Ali.ii:$-·Jl'.ary
It often seems that;&i�lft,;;1.4- a0AA\.1\. it.filJf3JCEi#. ir4H.:l::i.-/t:/lthat'JI �flYJA'i,J justify(1yf!:.\!!,�show
that (sb/sth) is right. reasonable or j ust ( Az_»}l( ;\tA/ ;',t "$ )/liE. ;½; /,ry , ;tf J.P. o1J _ex/,:- iE./1 � ) o
( 2) However, it is also true that it is only those who reach the very lop of their profession who can get these
huge salaries. ,f.!?./l, 4\l.1f1:&.,JJL'=t ;tf n11*�.f1]JIP-.:ll:. 1. ;J!T�J.tMiA;,J- �IU��¥.i!* f.ii :al-t!Hil�
It is also true ll1at�l!J.j f'r-iHUPfl:(1<;xll!,,1,1X, it¼J�:i: Cti/1-. £'.$1�.::E i.-1\-:filthat'.l I� r1<1J,.J .liTJ l'£that.lA'nJ '1:!Jrc­
t-1!l'd/WiiJ t�� it is...who... �

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 219

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