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提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 Qun an Press
fttl ffi WUf!, � 1W JtifiJI=. 8 I )ffJ mt IXJtl I� . -� t ]( : if$
1'f :±l HJH±, 2011. 3
ISBN 978-7-80256-231-8

N. H319. 6

i:p @IJ\.&;i!s:00 =j:Hg CIP �jJ!�* (2011) ffi 028215-'%

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Test 1
• LISTENING ·····..····..·..······················..·..·..·..·..·..·..····..····..·..··....·..·..·..····..·..····..·..·· I
SECTION I ............................................................................................................ I
SECTION 2 ............................................................................................................ 2
SECTION 3 ............................................................................................................ 4
SECTION 4............................................................................................................ 6
• READING ............................................................................................................... 9
READING PASSAGE I ................................................................................................ 9
READING PASSAGE 2 ............................................................................................. 15
READING PASSAGE 3 ········..·······............................................................................ 22
• WRITING ·····..·..·..·..·..·······..·..·..····..····..·..·....·..···....····..·..·..·..·..·....··..·....··..·..·..····· 29
TASK I .................................................................................................................. 29
TASK2 .................................................................................................................. 31
• SPEAKING ·..··..···········..············..·..····..····..····..··········..·..·..·······..·····....·..·....··..·..·· 34

Test 2
• LISTENiNG ·····..················ ·········..·······..····..·..·..·..····..·..··..···..·..····.....·..····..·..·..····· 39
SECTION I • ········ • ·· • • • · • • ···· • ·· • .. • .. • ..·..· • ··..····..·..··..···..·..·..····.. ·..·..·..····..·······..·.. • ..·..·· 39
SECTION 2 ····· ···············..····..·..·..·..····..·..·..··········..·..····..····..·..·..····..·..····..·..·..·..·· 40
SECTION 3 ····················..····...···..·..····..····..····..·······..·..····..·..·.....·..·..····..·..····..··· ·· 42
SECTION 4 ·····..·························..·..····..····..····..····..·..·..·..·..·..····..·..·..·..····..·..·..·..·· 43
• READING ··············..····..·..····..·..·······..·..·..·..·..·..·..·..·······..·.. ···· ···..·..·..·..····.. ····..·· 46
READING PASSAGE I ···········--····............................................................................ 46
READING PASSAGE 2 ········...........................·········......·········..............·············....... 52
READING PASSAGE 3 ········..................................................................................... 58
• WRITING ··· · ··················· ······..·······..·..·············.. ·..·······..····..·..·..·······..·······..····.. ·..·· 64
TASK I ········..·······................................................................................................. 64
TAS K2.................................................................................................................. 65
• SPEAKING ..........·.. ·....··.. ·..·..............·..............·........ ·....·............·.. ·....·........··.. ·.... 68

Test 3
• LISTENING ...........·······················.............···.......................·······...........................· 73
SECTION 1 ········..······· ···..· ·········..·..····..·..····..····..·..·..·..·..·..····..·.. ·..·..·······..·········· · 73
SECTION 2 ················· ······ ···.. ·..····..·······.. ····..····..·······..·..·..·..·..····..·..·······.. ·..·..·..·· 74
SECTION 3 ....·..·..·....··..·....··....·....···..·..·..·..·..·........·.. ·..·..............·..·........·..·.......... 76
SECTION 4 ......··..··.... ·....··..·.. ·.. ·........·..........··..·........·....·......·....··....·..··.. ·........ ·..··
• READING ............................................................................................................ 81
READING PASSAGE I ············ ................................................................................. 81
READ ING PASSAGE 2 ............................................................................................. 88
READ ING PASSAGE 3 ............................................................................................. 97

• WRITING ············································································································ I05
TASK I ··············································································································· 105
TASK2 ··············································································································· 106
• SPEAKING ········································································································· 110

Test 4
• LISTENING ···························· ····································· ······ ····· ······· ··· ··················· 115
SECTION I ····•·•·········•·····························•···•••••····•····•••·····•··•••·····•···•·•·······••····•·•·· 115
SECTION2 ············································································································ 116
SECTION3 ············································································································ 118
SECTION 4 ············································································································ 120
• READING ············································································································ 123
READINGPASSAGE I ····························································································· 123
READINGPASSAGE2 ····························································································· 131
READINGPASSAGE3 ····························································································· 138
• WRITING ············································································································ 146
TASK 1 ··············································································································· 146
TASK 2 ··············································································································· 148
• SPEAKING ··············· ·············· ······································· · ····· ····· ······················ ···· 151

General Training: Test A

• READING ............................................................................................................ 156
SECTION I ............................................................................................................ 156
SECTION2 ············································································································ 161
SECTION3 ............................................................................................................ 166
• WRITING ............................................................................................................ 171
TASK I ······••··•·•··•··•····•···•••··•·········•·••··•·•···•·······•·••····························•················ 171
TASK2 ··············································································································· 173

General Training: Test B

• READING ............................................................................................................ 176
SECTION 1 ············································································································ 176
SECTION2 ············································································································ 181
SECTION3 ............................................................................................................ 186
• WRITING ············································································································ 192
TASK l ··············································································································· 192
TASK2 ··············································································································· 194

Section 1

* , fi**i1r¾�I::1in\1h&!i 1t��'It�
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fl� Ti tl\
0 ;(:E{1",j � � ttl % f11 JI'; (i� iJir O jj 5'1· , &1'2f-
El�� a

loads of :k:11,� flute n. W-f-

come across 1/il�lfilfij spoil v. 7-lJ:.if
brochure n. 1jljjfl--f- refreshments n. ]t�, txf-4
highlight n.&v.(ff)�W bargain n. ;�1*&i, ff'.§.�
stand n.�, § senior citizen *i:f::A
lobby n. :k:;\li;:, :kfr discount n. fftfi

chromatic adj. =F1f�f)-Bi xylophone 11-*�

diatonic ad). :i:{f�f)-Bi gong n. �

major n. & adj. ;k{f�f)-( Bi) wood wind instrument *�*ff
minor n. & ad). Jj,{f�f)-( Bi) piccolo n. �HW
percussion n. nm*ff clarinet n. $��; !l£W
snare drum 1J,�tt oboe n. j(.JI.��
cymbal n. tt bassoon n. 1=1.fZ:�, 11i1f�
tambourine n. .cftt contrabassoon n. 11i1fe=1.t'l�
castanets n. Ol"]fo_ saxphone n. ilf£Wi-

1. Well, in that case we could sit right at the front-we'd have a really good view. -!{fa{i, Jl�i-t€r-J-i-&-, $.1fH.UI!:
,tf.1Jlf:itl., ¼iHdr1-lf1thirM. a in that casd�El�?EM"liiGeorgeill,r1%'s all one price a
2. I'm really bad at numbers. ;J\xHt-'f-T-�� a :i!tiJri!Tl:t!. r.iJ �JJUfu•(,1/"l.ltiW/&'$:/f��f" a ��)\-f��-33 'l:! Wl
"I'm not good at calculating."
3. But I've noticed something on the booking form that might just persuade me! -ir $ if. J: aHt ,@.. ( ,ff Jdr a{i :Jf-
A )-i.l:.�tit-tiilt¼/i'-11\'-;#l--(-�R$61tc� )a persuade!J¥l.:X.1 )Jill.. ·l,Jl,Jllf', �:i!JI!. '31�t11/"t1t�:i!1--1Ma" a

4. I've just remembered that's my evening class night. $. M1 �¾, ,R JJ� k a>'t.,J:� ,ff i* o that's my evening class
night = I will have class that nighta

5. I'll just have to go on my own. JJ��:r;t,1,¥- gi c--¼ T a on my own= go by myselfa
6. I can see we're going to have to go without food for the rest of the week. � 1il!.f9!Jil.., :i!.-t }I.JI}]� 111 �½;,tf,&.
vt O to go(i<J � }G1, :¾1/: "Jl'. :i1 " a

1. *@�:iffi:i1.:kW!ifiJiobbytEJ]CX9"1E'.1ft a *!Ml(:1<.Jxjt,��1:E -=f, 1E1ftifiJtEJffiJt�i"tl:\m'.tE��a videoZJ§, ffr
i:J i*@:¾1! r1t,®Jtr.'r!t@, ;1y�;1y�(1<.J�:fi:Mic·tZ.a
2. *iMitElffiJt9:i;{;f �:l�ft,@,, Ninaib'M�tEmiiiI, fITTGeorge.!J!Ll�W�:i'.tJ§iiI, J!;j:$fijj'{i'-5kBt3i°:5L��£�f a
ffl3 -10@:¾1/:-15}1'- A ft,®,*#!r o ;ly��#r)]IJri�: fltdf�H:,;-�-��·itfill?H} /J'Zw-itlt, ffl-¥�9:t .R;f;f21-@ §I a<J
��, TITTJ§TTIT;f;fs1-@ §I r,<J�� a �1:1::T1UG1,;1yiA�I"£1�¥ .1JU1<J a -flJl:rYr tJ imum:i:i", 13JTi�§ �101-@ §I ,
5-5' 4-6' 3-7(:l<J:JW:5-H�;lp; _IXI.,' fITT2-81'1<j@ §I 7};:(µ¾::f �'it §U1<] 0

ffl3, 4, 5@ rt:'fx'.��J§jij)IJ, ?:tJ)IJ:¾1/::1:il!, il!ll�,\rij;fQit!,fi!;-'%1iI!, o

3. *iMi�i:E���(:t'frc�tl:, 7F�*tf:i:J§F.19Avenue, t!:!.::fru��fvZStreetliJi; Roada
4. ?!HE���¾i/&�;f11�-1±HM11fi-, im£1.::f�reffl:J§F.1<JHilfi·riJZs, 'f::1fJB<J;.\t{f tt:'fx'.tlilia
5. l!ilt@ri<J��£-1-111ft r,<J it ·ri1%1iI&, ;1y�tE;1ym:z FJtr-1E� $ tff- )3 r9ri/&� , ::Jt� £-L� B� 5f11
��J!¾fflA�tJ• m:����:Jm�;ly� a
* B� ,

ffl6-7@till:¾1/:1t,@,mi:i�@ a �j;"Jffl6@(-1'�1E'.1ft%'ii�-in the garden:(:E/ffiJt 9" teJ.l\ltErefreshments5f1lclrinksZJ§; TTfi

j;f,7@::f 1�':¾1/:ffl22June:if ¾fflAnna Ventura1E'.1ft, 1':E/ffiJt 1 !:tfijl:¾1/:��:$\:;,':I:\ m\


Section 2

OO?'l,;f;f:/�$·1f 4ttrc; 1"1 ����HFt»c O *"'i'i �t-(1<]¾-·fft·��!Jo/./ 1."l'f I 1-t A!Ji rtrJ �� (:1<.J��ifijrffl�it�::Jtrl!Jo/./Wi

dinosaur n. �;:It fragile a.��(:j<]

in regard to �T,¥T handout n. �!5:.�:iRB<Ji�$
guided tour ��wts�wtm theatrette n. Jj',ljsijllJt
brief V. iH&l" $ i.�, SJ'j ground floor -tt
coach n. ±JiX�;j;e:,± screening 11. ...t�. m:�
foyer n. llfr, 1*,�'� documentary 11. f;2�.lt
backpack n.'/,\"B habitat n. ( M!IPJ s� )ffi,�,±fu, ii5tb
cloakroom n. ;&�glfs]

2 微信:13522209444
archaeology museums *"i!iti�ffi natural history museums § ?/.\IJJ �ffi
art museums �*ti�ffi �m
history museums JJJ�ffi�m open-air museums ��ffi�ffi
maritime museums #It5ltt�t� science museums fll�ffi�t�
virtual museums EiU0-ffi�ffi
military and war museums ���x-$�ffi
zoological parks and zi:JJ, tM�im
mobile museums 汽车博物馆
botanic gardens

1. Hello, and thank you for asking me to your teachers' meeting to talk about the Dinosaur Museum and to tell
you a bit about what you can do with your students there. * t. -Jtt , � -iAHt- 1i1 ii:.�*i¼-�1.i ,t fp-ijt-ffJii- * -t

�*±�����•���-•�. ����W�ITT*������¾.���ffl���*ffl�ffiZ
lili :ii;ii'/!flJ� 1ffi!. (:1<JIft Affl �**fu!(,;f,jt� xm El<J r.=t :wJJJ]iI 0

2. As far as the an10unt of time you'll need goes, if you bring a school group you should plan on allowing a
minimum of 9Ominutes for the visit. .f. i-iJt,1,t-1i1 Hr ;W; �a1 at fa], -;1"* 1,t-1i1��/} ± 0:1 **�,J\l,a1-if,, .f. j,·
�it:li.1]9O7t4•ra14"-,.!\!.at faJ 0*�1:j=rffj'J,'g-txit�: --t¾goes, 'f::(:1<J*ll¾"JE", �lffi!.=mr1<J¾"li,J-l'B] (:1<Jg�", I'll]
�x.!\\l�J!#IJ{]"J!Jr\Th'i':l<Jli,Jrrci]; �=-t¾ allow. 'f:;(:1<J*lt�"ftW". �lffi!.Jlfi(1: <J¾"(�j(J\\)J'!Jrftiti':l<Jll1il:iJ" 0
3. This allows 15 minutes to get on and off the coach. .Jt. 'f 151,j-4•1' JfJ *( i.l*±1i1 )J:.. T- 4- o *1:i"H1<Jxil',12,�-=f
"this", � -tftitHl?i (1<J¾ "1':Eit:IW (1' J�{fll(l,Jl):i]-9O:Wrl1 P>l " a
4. I'm afraid in the past we have had a few things gone missing after school visits so this is a strict rule. !&d6 Jl IE)
J:J ,.;1, iJlf-ff.� **R�,ut Alro, � 1i1-k:i.±-* ?t- irrJ, Hr ,.;1,:i!_,ttJiL,t1ttJ t h �r.=t:¥:W:� =i�1:1<Jl�L�li:k�. �
"- 1

i-g-i:p-f�;f itJE*�" lzs11-J ";fQ "J'!lr �j "(1: <Jj'J,'g ,t.t'f"- itJffl�jj'/J--t� f" i:J: 1 o �{bl (:1<J�lf".ffif>'t ";fQ "f.§.¾"�.
5. We do allow students to take photographs. -tUi1*±1i1.t6H[. * 1'")'=1� Ei<Jdo:'&��iuiJWJ.
6. We used to have an activity room with more interactive things like making models of dinosaurs and drawing
and painting pictures, even hunting for dinosaur eggs, but unfortunately the room was damaged in a bad
storm recently when water came in the roof, so that's closed at the moment. �1i1 v;/, iJ1f � -,t ;"f; #J '.t , ,ff. JJ�
fLl1iJ-t!!*i" £M.�1.t1iJ. J=J.�3'f:1:in r!:i £��r:iti;J. :f.illfrlf(om\*-t:!:!.;f¾1�xiL


11. r.=i::5'&�MX i:J:i:%:mfU T Jf-'�1'¾1!SLt8,1/?,lf.ltt:, Jfiillf ?1-mf1J)f,J--1'l'�l'Ht111·11crJ¾ 7;;-Lf 1.30. J1:5'l'mr�*'HJl]r.=i::Ji:


12. *Bl'l<J�-i'iJ �lf �:frl1 1=i $;: 25 Dea25th Dea25 Decembeu25th December. 1t 1=j:i�-;frj 1 �$;�J:1fmifi,
13. * B BT :x,J )jiz � X 9 1 ]J;J;J-t 1iJ
+ : ...when you arrive we ask you to rem ain with your group in the CAR.
PARK. One or more of tl1e tour guides will welcome you there...�x,J·-=f�1'J<JJE{il:f-'�-�M1Jl!J111;TI 0 mi.II

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 3
14. �tt:IJllci�.::Ptftfl�L'�, a ��45 rninutesl¥JlWJB:5H:llJ:.±llJ\\T"l5 rninutes_tr$";Ff1"30 minutes�xffiJBrt<Jt!i
;}]'', .R�tl::¥:@-=fJEfii:i,i,Jguided tourff)1)G-®fl}[�� o
15. tt:¥:11'f.15UmJEfii: a @-=f 1=p;J!behind, J]t>l::Ef!�tif¾at the back a

ffil6~20/W¾$m@,ffi16~ 18i�;J!7:ili;3, ffi19~20/W;J!5:m;2 a

ffi16-181/]E��·:(:Em(y:: r.J:11±1J-:!ll(:1<JOO�i11q�:l[, ITTi .flEj §1 tff-mJJil (19*:1£i11;� fAJ5(!f�ffR:: allow students to
take photographs = C. cameras; they'll need to bring something to write for these = F. pens; we do provide
school students with handouts with questions and quizzes on them= G. worksheetsa 53 ji'�4'i'H)ljtJ:;i'£,,�.= 1-m
JJil:(:EJ�X r.j=i:J=t-�¾t.6:JrID'()f. :.±l JJ\1.E� a ��tt:¥:1¥J¾m(X r.j:1-111:milJT check in their backpacks with their books,
lunch boxes... , �1iJmEjA,B,D,Elm-t-mJJiltft�. ��-JEB9��tl.: a
�19~20/WB9 :.±l/WftJJlEjffi16~ 18/W�fg/,, -tl!.¾�l!Jr[AJ5(�:Jrk:(:1(J l;/;J�: screenings of documentaries:X1"fiiZ:ili;Jj)!
Br.J=i(:1%lms; dinosaur games:X•.tJ.iiimJJ1!E9:i(:19computer games a

Section 3

*�tE***�Mfir.J=i.�#�®-@�*�•m� a tE�ZlW,*�ID�ffimlW®:1f*,tEftl1'f.l*
ffJi�•if?:ZJB:mx��Jifi a ::15Vifif�i:!Jl:ZJB;;tA�ff�il�l�(��-o *1iiJl=B9¾-1-*�f:EEj::/5Vifii-J"if?::l!lllffJ1Nil
B9±il!Jlll�±m�8:1f*, ::15Vifi:xt;l't:m:.±J-@f�r&�i5l a

feedback n.&tm comprehensive a. �im�, 15z�

proposal n. }tiSl.; -� sandstone n. fi'YB"
field trip �±t!i,�� plateau n. �Mt
typos n. :J:T=pffli� cliff n.��
layout n. 1P°F□J , i�i.t erode V. iitsJ
sequence V. �m, t-i�ff outcrop n. (B"ffi�� )�/:1:\±t!i,]m
annotate )±�
v. 5iffi!f., flock v.��
consequence n. �*• €* Navajo n. trf&:�.A.(�§!lfD��
subheading :g��)
n. jljf;F�
train of thought ,1!:t� indication n. j��. Bl!i�
cut down Jl/llJ)Jioc vegetation n.1.U&
format V. �t-1��� presumably adv. *;j!j{, oJ�g
header n. mm! invasion n. ii�
footer n. /l!JJ5i penetrate V. �j!

bullet point ljf[§fB=% monolith n. e�H:ll.E, �:ll.:Ptt

be subjected to t&i;j]±t!i,jij�* spire n. �if!;, �m
epic n. �izE �tt*iR ;fD m� � trek v. xlHs@:5!.P
Eg�§.ti&*� vehicle n. X:imI�
awesome a. fJHl�

4 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
C }iiiJ )[Iii�

Africa �l:;:lii Atlantic Ocean j(jffi;$

America �;;!ii Pacific Ocean j;:Sf;$
Antarctica i¥it&mi Indian Ocean EMC$
Asia �;;!ii Arctic Ocean �t,7](;$
Europe �;ffl Equator $<ll
Oceania :f;::;$;:lii

1. The one you're submitting for the Geography Society field trip competition. 1t x.J:. ¥ a1
* T 4,.)111.J;tl!.,J'l'.;/±.½
�.J;tl!.,� i�it.1f-a1 �� o 2js:li:iJ(:1{Jx11U!Rti:r�7G¾--t-1cJ�1Wr.1J-=f, H¾x. rl'J1jffiproposaH1qff!Hl o onet�11'�
ffJt¾J:JtB{Jproposal o

2. And I've made a few notes on the proposal about things which could have been better sequenced. � ,fi_ 1;j-: a1
�� 'f JJ111--1hHt, ¾iJi:1:1:* r.kJ :t.a1J1IYI;f "fv-A4c--i1Hf ;tJJ11¼J.'l'. o thingst�(J{J¾JJ�i:J:1 (:1{]--@�l!i"FrkJ
�; sequence¾"'ti:tJl:JIJii!ff"(i{j�,frr!, o
3. I feel you've often used complex structures and long sentences for the sake of it and as a consequence...

;ft,* &J -f, ;lJ m ,frJ ./fl , it* .. ····�-'i 1,t-a1:0-.fJt;fi, - * •Ht
although your paragraphing and inclusion of subheadings help.. .it's quite hard to follow your train of thought
at times. � 1t 1l1ti± f-1:iii"� .J;tl!..1i1:. ./fl .i. #c it ¥-J
M 61$-JJ11½*-*fi\1 JJ)J ••••• ·1!'!.*atif.JlAil*il..A...JJ[Jii!/-1,r-a1,\g-,Y$- o �tH%¾�Wli1:Et� I±', i���l::JJ� (J{j7f�

4. The subsequent research I did and the online photographs made me even keener. ,!\ 1\!Jf, Hr1tl � 1,Jf- �t;fi,-
/AA] ffH!!. ;\" it-i\�ti!,t.i:Ji gJ Jth11f-!t,� o � iJhi!ft�MJ¾Sandra.b/,1J\)j';)t)(ffN'tfl5Jt * (i{j±f!!.JllI;filAJtJxl&H&��

5. Well, yes and no. Jt, -lk,;f-Jt.o ��i%¾x•Jl'lliffiSandrat'il:P:iJO{J@]�, -t:!1tlit¾ill., *tk(:f{JJJ�rkJ�1;,1.�llif-t:!1�
fill> i,Jl7G�ffit!17G�llif 0
6. It's hardly surprising that tourists flock to see the area. ;lJ 1t � ;:-if-$.½'1t-t/lJ ,m .f..-lk,i,t;:r-.!,f-H:-1 o hardly=
�oEffi�M�¾���ffi.Wl'lliffi��H¾%��ffi o
7. Well, I agree it's interesting, but it's not immediately relevant to your proposal. -!tt•E, -i\1RiJ..i!1tl* ;it, 1!'!.
i!J!fl1t� �� * ;f- JiAHm * 0 itt�r11�¾�±1!!fPffi'ti:A(:1{JJt1UIIJJJ .'£ Jf5ffi(i9itt!1.t�1-t Ti;l�lf:/J (:1{] rkJ�o �#TTl

8. But you are right, there's not much apart from some very shallow-rooted species. 1:\:Jt.xta1, � T -*i�d!l
� .:t.Hh, ll�.l'..&-;$..J:.i�1t ¼ .:tiiAJ.l:. o apart from(:1q�)[l¾"I� T " a
9. That's a practical detail that you haven't included. i!Jt 1,1: a1 � � </=' i�
thatt� aq ¾l'lliX O)accommodation o
* ;'ffe »-. � - -t-1R � l1;r- €i9 fro Ti ioJ M o

10. There's nowhere to stay in the park itself, but there's an old trading post called Goulding quite near. 1i-i!-t­
/,1.,, fill .l'. IHli�* {i.�, 1!'!.)t*-,t-v� 1!kGouldinga1 lfJ f Jb A �1\ /,}-fill1Rilt o itselft�(:f'�¾0!m, f¾:)fj 1:l{Jnear:J'�
ri{J¾�-t-Wl�,�r_�0fill1l�ilr o

ffi21~24�¾�J�l:iz1i;:Jt�o gj[9-t,�i'ft;):l�ll'/J,r/R¾: fil�t�$.J;'.-�, f/ii'�ll.Jrlf:/J5(iRJ, :]'f�if��f�,�,(f{j-'ftJC o

21. �� t-JA o tE;li:)Jj(X �1=1 E1%etter sequenced ( = re-ordered in some parts ) .&and even in the contents pagefst'. 1-ft
B, CJ!J,_p:_ITTJ!-;fcf$�J!iH1 1-1.:P:J1i:tl: o
22. ��17C o )Jj(y:_� [11,Jcomplex structures.. .long sentences...cut them down = shortened her sentences o )Jj(y:_ill
tll!itl Tsubheadingsfn paragraph, 1E!.:i!¾Sandra(:f<.JJJ� 9:i BJ'!-1§-(:1<.J1tr-1��0
23. ��1-]A o }Jj()(t/l!ttliisting ideas clearly is important, �llSandra(1<.JJ �[l1-Jfi:iJ@z-tlt¾separate points were

not clearly identified o )Jj(y:_ i:j=1·1:!1tli!ttl T mJ.y!B, 0�1 (Bheadings;ffl page numbering, 1f!mJ.y! l'l<.J *:1£.!::j )Jj(y:_:t¥f:
,ffi-1'-tt o
24. ��:1-JBo )Jj(y:_1=1=1(1<.Jseeing all the epics = movies she saw o JJJi:X�illt'Htl T online photographs, 1E!:i!¾11��
keenedl9}]Ji:� Z - , jrrj:;f¾iH�became interested(:1<.JJJj( � o
m2s-27@;li!:�r_ITTm�@ o mJ.y!C;!i!:x,J)Jj(y:_�tli!ftl (:1<.Jsandstone plateaux and cliffsf.19�.lt:lft; }Jj()( 9:i f.19what the
students on the trip could actually doX•JJj)z:izl;J.y!B; )Jj(y:_ 9:i (1<.Jsomething about the local wildlife, and vegetationM
@::izl;J.y!F o �tt:li:B, Fj,ij,tmJ.y!ft)Jj(>C "1=111E�Wili:, TmJlB, C, F.=:-tmr.w:(:E)Jj(X� t�1J.!M<.JJ119lij":.!::jm:r_w(:1<.Jt-ll0
�1JJ11)flij-:3i::;f-tt, JX'mr��1:ITIY,-(1<.J lr.i]f.l, W,�ffr1f (l<.JmJ.:u'i o ?Jj�)Jj(>C·tl1tli!ftl T xf:()ftl�VJJ, �lltmX-fl!A;filD

m2s-3o@¾7t�'i:iJf-@, �ttJ�fill1=l�:>](�x•J'¥!J&l'l<.J�&flttl o
28. :,jl:@(19%"1�¾JW::SC �1f.:P:J'.Jt1t ,�,, I� T tll!ftl a<.J 12,000 hectareszjj,, )Jj(y:_ �P�tli!ttl T ;rjjj,-,t�lt:¥:
5,850 metres; ?,;,r}/Jff�B�.2�1T"hectares", J!fr[V,�@�_t:;ff:j�-j'q-'.ey;i!,t"ii'fJ o
29. �tt�t-l��i.:P:J1i:1t,�,o >C �p tli!ttl Tfour-wheel drive jeeps, horses, biking, private vehicles, 1E!Sancira Hli#
30. ff�1t,�,t/l!ff-iftworth visiting o

Section 4

ffim�hM�ffi¥@1'1<.Jm��---¾��*Wl'l<.J�- o *�*l'l<.J¾•m•,�.&Wfi*ffl.&�m�
ffl o rrm•W*.��*fflT-•BWfi�M1:��m•m$,.%$,tt�•m$,•�•m$,�m•
m$,ffi�•m$,•m•m$1V-.&-�$�JJimillfim�o �*W**fflT•mm�l'l<.JI��ff,�ffi
ll!!J.fil1t,�,l'l<.JWxJUn5-HJi·, 1iJf-�ti1i:J;1H1<.JfHm�o

basics n. �lls:�Il historical geography ffi9:.ifuil�

branch n. *;z; )J]m urban geography #£m±fuil�
impact n. ;�-$-, �oia] migration n.iHi
semester 11. �Wl cartography n. iful!l�
bio-physical geography �1o/.J1o/.Jil±tHl� census n. A i::iifo.11lt
topography n. ±t!fJf�� disposal n. ft ffl , fljffl
political geography il&5t±fuil� pattern n. tl:rt, ,!11!.lli!
social geography H�±fuil� confidential adj. ffl \ifHI�
economic geography �iWf±fuil� fold v. 1fi-i�*

atlas n. :lfu 00 flfr distortion n.��. '.!\:%
depict V. ffi� aerial photograph AA:tf�j=\-
drawback n. �;j<lj*fif, �,� Landsat n. ( �� )±fuBJ<�;J.:
replicate V. �fflU �jj.TI.)£
three-dimensional adj. = tiEf-1, .fz:'(;$:Ef-J transmit v. f�Ji

magnitude n.�W. contour

crust n. :lfu� topping-out ceremony SJZ-]Yi 150:t
topographical surveying :lfu%jHI

1. Well, we learn a great deal about all the processes that have affected and that continue to affect the earth's
surface. A 1fl½ � SJ 1!l. j iS' 3'£. lLJJll..tE173 it�� ¾J•f.i M!.JtcR nit 1THk. €r-Jn.#J :f., i:lAl. o welltE:i!!IH!it:fJ � I�*
51..' ¾1-i-B-�ij,_] 0 processestliU8¾.11(,i]±lfl.:J;:jt�ffis{J-�±l!!.mtmzYJ 0

2. There's the study of the nature of our planet - its physical features, what it actually looks like - and then
there's the study of the ways in which we choose to live and of the impact of those on our planet. ( M!.� � 'f
�¾)*�M!.-��#�€r-J��-t€r-J��£�.����. �L*�Am��#€r-J±n.*�L��
M!.Jt/" ±€r-J¾J•f.i{r-J�� o i$:1i]s{}xjt,�:;likthose, 'f::tlHtftrffi(i<Jthe ways in which we choose to liveo
3. But there are more specific study areas to consider too, and we'll be looking at each of these in tum
throughout this semester. 1�)tJtl!,� � 'f :ii.�¾ T .it/JPJ\-1,f.{r-J- �qyj J�, A 1f1�4 .tE�-t- � J!JJ--:itrAt�
� o eachm s{J¾TffimtU s{Jt-tl!Jl!FfiJT-� B<J*1-:1rffi o
4. So, by definition, we wouldn't be in an informed position to work out how to solve any of them. rlsl JI:,, 1!l.Xl
�, A 1f1-1!!.,T-½J!-�fq/fi¼� 'f 1-f-1oJ--t-f.iJM.€r-J fitJ'J o themt�e<J¾J::.xmILls{Jproblemso
5. Wemight,forexample,conductacensuswuntapopulationinagivenarea perhaps.A1f1-1!!.,-itofv:J., �t.�o, :i!-1-tA..o
{t-]t--m-,�---'Mt,t_ ID�P'J{r-JA.. u count a population in a givenareaID•JWJffis{J.i1,Jcensuss{Jff!lp�o

6. You can't exactly replicate something that is three-dimensional, like our planet, on a flat piece of paper, because paper
has only two dimensions, and that means there'llalways be a certain degree of distortion on a map.1t-T- of fit,(£.-5J,t +
dit{r-J h\J:.;hy.iffij_ t,,j ..::.�ft€r-J4h#-, tt.�o�1f1€r-J M!.Jt, rlsl jg i1U�Y- � � l!{!, -1!!.,:r.t)tiJL( ..::..l!{!{r-J ;t, iffJ )cRJJll.,(£.t�J:. -'ff ,t
½�;\t#:f.¥.�a-i;�.ft.o W:'i:iJ(nxlt,�tE'fdistortion , J&:}�dlk":fgrtlL 7:!t*, '.t(J\l:", t.!1"SJ12U�"tttnrtlle<J*�"o
7. You can easily illustrate areas of diseased trees or how much traffic is on the roads at a given time or information

J:.a-i; �-It�, �����A€r-J lt�o ftillmxlttE�ffiJ::.�ffl:i!�ffiA, ffi�-�--"SJ

about deep sea beds, for example.1,t- of vA1!l.� lb M!.H, :±! ¾.tt-* IB. J� , 1f,J �01.'f#i €r-J t;t*, ,(I.lit ,tat fa] �-fk4
�m:fJfflM o


31. IFf i:p s{Jthe effects of different processes¾!Ji(X i:j:1 B<Jthe processes that have affected... e<J [PJ 51..�:!£ o
32. �-'f i:p s{JpopulationX1·J1IJW(x i:p B<Jpeople o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 7
33. ;zjs:JWJm-rf*,1�, Btr:\i%ili/[�im� 1ft, !WT r.�1 a<J�fftifiJtheirx'.t Eii:W.x r.l" a<J those, ffff £1. 1:1:\ JfiltE��impact
34. ;zjs:JWR€�33/W{IHt, J!Jyt�>.K��t]:P)Tfl{Jjj:;jgl i:p� r.p ii�JJ, fMf ::f \¥1 lq1 ��)ji)tf;;11/(J�:U o
35. ;zjs:JWJm-rf*,\ei!,Bu"l/:%il"'-l..'�1ft, iWTi:J=i i¥Jassociatedx•.t$.JJ§(:SC i:p a<Jrelate to, lrn.EI.W.Xi:J=i�fftim tl:'1:lfiltE
36. ;zjs:JW:!H*,\ei!, rnfll:lm, iWT 9" A<Jusing computer and satellite technologytEW.X i:p tll JfiltE��imagesZFo o
37. ;zjs:)WPJ V,,l;imjj:l,',]5(im:ill:1i'�1ft, lmT1=p i'!<Jidentifyx'.t$.W.:SC i:p f19look foro
38. ;zjs:JmJle�ffi37/mi:l! t�$l'till;, PJ WN:l:1:two-dimension:ill:fi�11'Io
39. iWT 9" fl9vegetation problems, density, ocean floor f}j}ljx._t$.W.:SC 9" a<] diseased trees, how much, deep sea
beds o
40. iWT i:p El<Jmonitoringx'.tmW.X i:r i'!<Jinformationo

8 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Reading Passage 1

Aa: A..� itJf-at fal 6(J )Jj :it

Ba: �J.ttj--titata(J*-Jif.J
Da: �1li:&Ra�ata(J .r..J!..
E.f.t: � 00 m :#L;f,#.+btat 6(J ;;r;: liil � it
Hi.: --V--JIJJ :#L;f,#.-it 6(J %..ff,_
Ga: iJt.;f,#.-ita(J ?t:i!:f'r,�:lt!!.i!-it�/- .1..
Ha: �H-Utat.:/t.t.1$.-1tJif.i

� �Itfill±fu I!]
xlllWt�: ****
a'l1Hl�: �iUIBHM))f,fi!Jlcx.J�, l'iJ lVj16/iJCF 111,(!i}ljfj��, :i:z fl'i·*M11't: !

lQ'.;;) 'J,:::llc.'3'[
i=J l,DJ /

1. coordinate v. ti1J.iral, i!lic�

The agencies are working together to awrdinate policy on food safety.
�;jc1t,:, .iE,ff.* Iii]� /J, v:,U!ie.¾;l'm * it,fc,��M:.Jit. 6(J ��o
I couldn't get my brain to function or coordinate my muscles.
�;;r;: tib.l� 6(J :k.Rit( .iE 'it J1/!, );f;-ij; A.:½�� 6(J JlJl, 11:J ;J;mtJJ--i/.\J o
2. successive adj. itH�Er-1, tEHlEr-1
The team has had five successive victories. J)f..!!A.. e., �.lf�-1-lfSik.:i!t� 6(J Jli;f1J 0
Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue. )Jj AaM:.At:irJl-it(. l!l ln-'1-iJtit1'-1oJM o
3. artificial adj. AIEr-.J, Ai§Er-.J
This product contains no artjficial preservatives. ;f../- ,f., ;;r;: ¼1:£:-1")"A.. .L J[;t J,1/!i :1'i J 1

Prior to treatment water may be stored in natural or artificial basins.


4. crucial adj. ,R:'.l:E'l:iWJ, *�Wl
This aid money is crucial to the government's economic policies.
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. x.. -It ;(i;-/14:t-:ft-'f J:. *--:f J:.��t �a<J# rn o
5. approximate v. ilif�, :tlili
This figure approximates to a quarter of the UK's annual consumption.
Your story only approximates to the real facts. 1:r-� .It iH.x..1.x..�#� :ff '.ft;J\-�fl o
6. commence v. 3f�
Work will commence on the new building immediately. .J:.1fl¼ J:.;(i -$fr� :k.#c-jf--!it; o
She commenced her medical career in 1956., Jttik,-jf--!i{; 1-!IM<J � -g!j :ff�.
7. accurate adj. IEJi.fii:;lc;i�WJ; fflfiff!WJ
It is difficult to get accurate figures on population numbers. fr<.Jiit-1.lf i1J * -f A. o 4:t i: a<] ;-ft;;� 4:{ � o
The cutter is accurate to within a millimetre. JJ -P.c "}"":if/f.ofn JU - {; *Z A o

archaeological adj. 考古学的 counterpart n. xtms{J��

advent n.出现,到来 denote v. *:;f-, � 1.iE
shipment n.运输;运输的货物 dip V. -ni, ""f )JL j )f, ii
solar adj. j;::131:ls{j inscribe v. tt ...... ...tt1J
rotate v. 使旋转;轮换 scheme n. i.t-JW, )J"� v. WW:
phase n. 月相;时期,阶段 astronomical adj. �>C�B�; e::kft-J
orbit v. 绕轨道而行 supersede V. J{l<_f{, fI'M
accompany v. 陪伴 split V. ?J'TT; ?J'�
equator n. �� decending adj. "F�ia{J; ""ffjs{j
wax v.月亮渐盈 gear n. t!Ht, itz;JJ � ii
wane v.月亮渐亏 coiled adj. �� a{] , � pt II a{]
conspicuous adj. 显而易见的 fusee n. :t5J f.J Ifill i'Ut
latitude n.�Jt pendulum n. ¥1\tfi
clime n. 气候带; arc 11. sJL\ , sJl1 %
(具有某种气候的)地区 anchor 11. i1a v. rum; .±.t�
formulate v. 制定;规划 quartz n.£�
municipal adj. 市政的 beam V. £Mit!.;&:, i��
cosmic adj. ¥�B� calibrate v. �;ft. JjJE
interval n. (时间上的)间隔; 幕间休息 precision 17. ffifi({j j )ftfi({j; ��
temporal adj. 时间的;现世的 navigation n. �:Im; ®i:fm
equinox n. 昼夜平分时;春分;秋分 grid 11.�it!,[jxj; ����[jxj
disseminate v. 传播,散布 integral adj. !Q'.,�a�, �oJ:e.x:�B�;
sundial n.8� jf�s{j

10 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
1. They based their calendars on three natural cycles: the solar day, marked by the successive periods of light
and darkness as the earth rotates on its axis; the lunar month, following the phases of the moon as it orbits the
earth; and the solar year, defined by the changing seasons that accompany our planet's revolution around the
• •�w�:am�•m�r=�m��M=�i••••�mff%d�a•����-����
• '.li�,5
li::1 A, .. ,:

( 1) 1J1ru5tflr =

day, the lunar month, and the solar year, IW' Elffi1l1�•t���T=� §?'&Jj!r]M:
@lij=f1f" 0 ;J,t�¥.�'.5H'ill¾x. �=�*i:VU:t'-JfOHfiJl, ilf:I, J.illffll(cfl�-�:i!lti�tl:itl-=ftt o
*�I:! *��
1l:t1iJ:'Bt�, J.illffJ/i',f:i•J�Yi-:JJR1t.i:-=fThey based their calendars on three natural cycles: the solar
B, fn

(2) on... !;J, · · ---��{iill

Their relationship was based on mutual respect.1\l!.11161 :k ff,. �i;:.,(f_;j'['.).§.� 1Ra�£.i;tl:J:. 0

2. Temporal hours, which were lirst adopted by the Greeks and then the Romans, who disseminated them
through Europe, remained in use for more than 2,500 years.
• -�if�: El :3'tEl•Jitlf!�om-JJM',A3lU!i, ?&Fo f:EI � �A*!tl#1#¥tl®'#H, -11:1t!tlT2500�1f o
• i-g� ,�: Jltt:J-el. f5p;!;j�JEfs·M.t:J: which'31 .'¥fa B�M. t:J1ft1fJtemporal hours, whoi31.'¥f �M. t:J1f'i'(fJthe
Romans o t:J-=f /1'-J.i:-=f¾Temporal hours remained in use for more than 2,500 years.

3. The revolutionary aspect of this new timekeeper was neither the descending weight that provided its motive
force nor the gear wheels ( which had been around for at least 1,300 years) that transferred the power; it was
the part called the escapement.
• •�w�:��ffirutt�ft�A��¥••5l.H��T*•���-h•m��h.&��T*
a 1· t,Ht ( 3§:1-��1300:¥a�1tmmst) 1tmzY1i1, rm�rt:ftm T -�n4 f4x�W-mt�ft$t�:!:B�W

(1) t:Jru'.5Hfi":
iJ..o/lt:J-=ft�,1Af-ft�¾J.illfOT/oE1�;1cmo EB rJtlneither...nor...���JEtl!i�a�, :5t-'%fiJ�
weightfllthe gear wheels�Hl�¾J:l:iE(:1� revolutionary aspecto iit:J B�ffl1-/K¾:5-}-'% FoiiiB�the pa.rt
called escapement, J.illfff.ff:l,J-�5tffi'o/f�iL
(2) neither...nor... H�·-····ill�-----·
Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve
from principle; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him.
s•�tt�.•A�ft#,���ft& o

4. So integral have these time-based technologies become to day-to-day existence that our dependency on them
is recognised only when they fail to work.
• -�W�:���������tt*B��-�B#�m�-$5t,Q��t:ITT��iE#I�
□1·, ftffJ?J-4}aiJrntlA��¼ ftr!D1��tt*o
• '.li-,5
]:J;:I �,,":

W: 1iJ ffll:51',fflj � , Jtl * �.ffi ij)jj % !@: l'iiJ integral a ;l,t iE '/-(,' ffi ff¾ these time-based technologies have �

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 11
. become so integral to day-to-day existence that... ' it i:p ai:J so ... that... :w: ,1[ ¾ ":!m .tlt ...... 1V, �
T······" o

( 2) day-to-day 1:1 1it a{:)

The manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of the hotel. � � 91 -f im � {r-J El � ii::. 1-to

Questions 1-4

• �§�ru!: MATCHING
• �§ff!1HJr:
1. a description of an early timekeeping invention affected by cold temperatures

��wx xt-=i=-••��-��--�a{:Jt�t�FJJ:l�ffi�
'.i'EW:ml early timekeeping invention, cold temperatures
Although these devices performed satisfactorily around the Mediterranean, they could not
x$�@,s always be depended on in the cloudy and often freezing weather of northern Europe.
�'5;J-t'iit�F87e�a{:Jgxl'}1,1�tf§fl!JJ:;f ffl�-][r!fflo "-'=j �"f i:pt/li�a{:J pq�t0Z4o

2. an explanation of the importance of geography in the development of the calendar in farming


��wx xt-=i=-��tt�i:p�m�xtam��a{:J•¥ tt*fia{:Jmff

'.i'Ef:llw.l geography, development of the calendar, farming communities
n!oJo %J.JIJ:fil::
x$xtEil,s And, for those living near the equator in particular, ...
Hence, the calendars that were developed at the lower latitudes, ...
In more northern climes, however, ...
As the Roman Empire expanded northward, ...

3. a description of the origins of the pendulum clock

��wx :xt-=i=-ri�r®Wllai:Jtii�
'.i'Ef:llw.l pendulum clock, origins
JE 111. iii] M - DZ :±l l.!,\l � F Mt , xt $. � � By the 16th century, a pendulum clock had been
x$�@,s devised, but the pendulum swung in a large arc and thus was not very efficient, -k 51...�"ilJ7
16t!Hc, .A.1fJ�FJJ:l7�#o @EB-=f#fif!i;J1i/JllJ5tW.:k, �itt#:;f+%�5&"o Jtt�i:p
devised��"� FJJ:] " , Ej �T i:p �originsxt$.o

12 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
4. details of the simultaneous efforts of different societies to calculate time using uniform hours

���>( *���OO*��mm-��* t�W��-ili�h���
�fil:iffl simultaneous efforts, different societies, uniform hours
Jlt,W7ffl�:(f jc:t,[: r.1� t=f t/li:kft W 3:!1\:k��-B;J:, 00 *;fil±l!!. IR�, xtEiIEJ§1: r:j:tThe schemes that
divided the day into 24 equal parts varied according to the start of the count: Italian hours
began at sunset,Babylonian hours at sunrise,astronomical hours at midday and
' great clock'
3t i:p �Jjy F.a
hours, used for some large public clocks in Germany, at midnight, � 5(�".A.11Ji.-l-:li;Ll#}-7e
��ffi��MBiliff�,7CX���Mr:p�ff�,w•oo-�:xm0��#�ffl� ':k
#'Bti'BJM�15:lff *ilW®" o

Questions 5-8

• ,W § �m: MATCHING
• �§fOltfr:
�� �fftial 3t i:j:I �Ell,�
� § : They devised a civil calendar in which the months were equal in length.
civil calendar, C ,@: : ..., the Egyptians had formulated a municipal calendar having 12 months
5 months, equal of3O days...


� § : They divided the day into two equal halves.

�x: ftl11f1#J--7e:J4J*�W-J$*o
E ¥.!l: : ...or French hours, which split the day into two 12-hour periods
6 day, two equal halves
commencing at midnight.
...... f!fi}lJllltfa]fo)f]fll1\, 't�f-k.0'J;\rl;!j/f'-12 ,J,atat.¥.t, M.-"f-,lt:/t,H;Jt.:¾,_ o
ffi���� Fo

� § : They developed a new cabinet shape for a type of timekeeper.

�x: fih1fJ�-f:hi-Btth9JtT-�iJrFJSte:rt:jrJf;o
7 new cabinet shape G ¥.!l:: ... and thus led to the development of a new floor-standing case design ...
Jlt� r.j� (JS floor-standing case design ffJtxtJjiz;ft cabinet shape, Ji�J§1:m-:fi-ffJt
ili:1:Jl\T England ��f't*ffil*�i1,J1L Jvi'���� Do
� § : They created a calendar to organise public events and work schedules.
�x: ftl11fJf£UiJI WT-� B :31t*1i:t�r:0��*;fllIft Bf¥ o
A ,@: : · · · the Babylonians began to measure time, introducing calendars to co·
organise, public
8 events
ordinate communal activities, to plan the shipment of goods and, in particular,
to regulate planting and harvesting.

JJt � r:p � co-ordinate ( tJJ. iflil ) xt Jjiz � T r:p SS organise; communal activities xt
Jjiz public eventso ffi���� Ao

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 13
Questions 9-13


• B§ff�tlr:
a, 9!LlJ.iiI B w;�IBttl" laJ , flH! tiBJJtHTI Tifil )E :±', aIBl:r!( Jlt@J?Jt¾®ut=lw;IBt!i" la] )E {fz 'f-GIBI: ) ; �
JG1Mff-B, PlLlrm®uB§ cj:i Li9�B5i::1fzifiJt=Iw;�x:i1!:fi5i::1fzo :117�ifrmi=l:�:,js:B�!/&�&ffttJ ::h2a
�� �fftial 3t i:j:I �Ell,� IU:!fA!Hff
It was called the anchor

escapement, escapement, which was a lever-
9 resembling based device shaped �e a
/.iiI resembling, ffr l:J � ::h (ship's) anchor/ (an/the)
ship's anchor.
The motion of a pendulum
mH�JIID!ff�9!Ll, JLt21JZM.m9B5i::1fz1aJ�1:1:,6�, oo
rocks this device so that it
10 JG
catches and then releases each
(escape) wheel 0
tooth of the escape wheel ...
JttB EJ m 109 jAJ IJ,J-ffi. ,:e , �I �� !j El9¾ �_t iN t.19�
11 JG jAJIO@
f*, 7'J� °lfiJ, J:!Jr��-:;htootho
Moreover, this invention
allowed the use of a long
12 beats, each
pendulum which could beat
beats��iJJJ11=El�2:tili*=i", :;h��, ffrl:J�-:;h(long)
pendulum o
once a second and ...
Jlt@PJ EJm12Bf'i,J 1:1,Jfr� ili , Jlt1iJ cj:i (1� oncex•Jl.iiIB-=f
13 jAJ12a r,,J12a
cj=lj'j� each, ffr second o

��1:TiIEffl*IJf:l, �0,�sooo�nu, -rlf:f� Q,11100 n�*iliJJl\ZIN, B ttff?:AJ?Jt3Ht19W:l:□'J·l'l3], 1tMfBl:i1!:
13 Jn*m�0�mzY1, H�Ll11f!l&J�JE, t�HJ1J¾�':J'Qff!l&J;f1 l1 tl1i%il�tlLl 13 Jns%wlt!FlFf .=: � F-1 �WJAA: � EEi

11]!:�£:/Jnr!JLi.ollslJJ:t, 11£%/l'.±t!l.lR 13Jn(1�%d£$�iLlAJEJ\!iJAAFJ9�"fril, W::f¾@Y=l�o?�W, ;(:E�fi*
�r1·!1.:&.illt.a�£i\io:ltr:11�1=(.{1�HW, @Y3�P1Ll£11m:�o �.if!�� Qi'!'irOO foJ�ttnlE, '2r:19risiJJJi!i*®#'l\fll¾f1H!@

-rl;(:E�QiwOO�J'LJL�tlH��il!J. �RAf;ltB�iLl�Trnili!(:13Jn, t.!i\5i::-��l2�A, &��3Ox, Jtt
� 7rif�5xffl*tr 1E-�ili1�@Y3�o #f. 1Ox�t?i5i::£llr-139ili3:Jl\::hti$, ��£ff.t1Uf$,ff"fl@:ljz''C�m-t-Jl'.
Jn'I. ?tll'. )o x1&£fxl�:ll-Jf:f 13 iliznufH@, JltMPJ Wt� 12 �1.�:!XffiMl§x2, W�-JJl\��f:f#f.�:tlkXm��
it ��tPJr.zmnuE ili:E.!l\o �RA9!iit"f-12�ffi:J.j(a�*rtr�x1!1tl!.1r'J%d-�f;fra�*m, 1t!1.1f1#J-#f.-���IRl'l3]
(ZE3Vl%·&-�El�IRl'a] )5tdl2�15ta :i!�;r,:;h 13 :31t:M, lzsl::h'2�t4r1B•HB]llifl�*11£iF,lmla9
14 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�. BftBtffl:1P-1EZ'ffl"JlrtA.*ffl,?'�J§ 1±12? 1:/;A*ffl:#-f-OiJ©:v+I,-1IftfflT2500$1¥.
J-JTftEl::Ri2*Bftat' �ajj*ff1fW�TB {I,' m:tJl=lflf'JJf�rt<J-�OC®:1J1n1*:m�atraJ 7-K#�B{l,f'F O

ffi;f§�,ffi'fftT!illt1NU:!i l=I ft□t. ffl:1P-�1J<<tir�-¾--t1J<�. �millf-J:Jlr�--t1J\fL, 7-K:ifil:i:VNLniitl:1*•

••*�����•m�•��at�oc•�r.7-Km����N••����M�*M- �ff��••fr
ifil i:p iwifil lK -t*)Ifm ' {§_fr$ii:#-'ilt� F� :;R'=(J� ©:V·i·I� t$1P 7Gn�- 1Ifr£ffl 0

l' 1±\�T-1'1'iiJ�, &PitBtj•it,M.fjjJBtfljft. -f¾l41:!Hc.tJJ, i_lf$#frmitBt*� AffJit:lW
¥f-::R*J;J24-,tt�H5t, W��if�Ll!NJ-Jita�·ilit'ii\El�::f�W7Glli]: :t:;+cliJBtj·1EiJ,M.Bii:ffM/.ilil, 5 ttffiBtlEiJ
,M.Bt1:1:ff�.::R�$Bt�,M.i:r�:ff�.w•oo-�:;+cm0�at#fr£m� "*#"at�,M.�aHMi•ilil. &
g1-,��itBt:1Jr!1EZ"1M4 "BtlEiJ, &Pr!OOAti'BJMillH�, �)i%--::R*Jl.ltrJ;!J,t121J\a�·,,M.�a:ff�-ilil.

7Gftr*:3roJr�mJJt1Hf!;ilil291JJ, m7Gftr*�t-tt,Htc�0-'�13001¥�fr£mm� H-�xm�JJ. Wfrr�ft
fflT--tn4fhtl��mttJ�Uli$t:&•�t-JW�. 15t!Hc.tJJJdfl>Z.ftLl�tl:1 T�:ldEiJff!Jf,t!1.1EZftJ;J:ffgjJ IMIW:$t:. �ff
.i:��*�•7Glt!r�ft�iJ{EjJ' fgit&•filn�:3/-J4:•\ 1 •&$t:t1rnt-tgjJ fljT16tJHc.' Aff1��Ttl'l# 01£!1±1 T

�rmm29] , IN .tl-t:#-7Gi-*��:i.

J-JTfriI(,tk:�-triiJ�. W-�•�mti;l�iili$t:&•r1�r&:it!:&•16101¥ft�����t1:1*· w:&•1BlftJ-Jtliim
-�m�.�trffJ;J&�.mtt•---�-- #-��f'F�w:&*��ffi�.�fr£�MBWJ§ff�-�
m�•$t:••�&--t-i&,,M.Wfr£ffl-©$t:ffi•�•ff. �•Mm#i:rMfr£m�W-�••7G�.•m•�m
ti;lft#m�ta\¥�5JllOC�1�11.vJ\ • .t1-tY�. �-�riJHt1�t!�\1 i:1�-ar1:J1tm-�m. -��rm291-r,,M.W'3l�T
:fr Jlt5r ' },A_�f)j( JE1:tr*�]2£� tJ 1:1� f:1�•raHJlr 1%7G{ll t>H1!ffi!R'; �{tLi9:* �JjJ n� ' ff1Blm Tl$ 291 � i!5 ' N[J Btj·

HM�A*�ffi�OO�JJ*��- ���Bt�J;J&��tt#B��Jl.ltJ;JB')lt�ffl�-$*,R���ITTX

Reading Passage 2

Mi: -IJ;t?:Z'.:t-'1i1Jl.:ilt T ;/t-ilJ

B-ti: -fJ.}] a'-J-IJ;t?:Z x._iffi. ,f¾,1]
ca:�+��•#1Jl.:ili-.T-1J;t?:tx..iffi.-f�a'-JL• ff<_jA){t-lJ;t?:Zx..iffi. ,f¾,1JJ.\1?.)ij-�-i�
Eli : -IJ;t?:l x..iift. ,f¾,1] JL f-�Jk.At-+
Hi: FAMfh-". T�tl'""�J)t : ,f t,,J '.£ JA_ a'-J � �

微信:13522209444 15
*l.t*�= ****
�ffi:1£�: -fl9til1£T, '\\i[IJ/B'c1/ixLIST OF HEADINGS, 1.fil¾�:$t;f"BTRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN:;k;Jjt�J
m-ilW., ic11-� i!JL� B�JE 1.ft 1�'�', J! i:!11i fl:/J-=_f;(:E W�:LIST OF HEADINGSBtit!:fiJE 1.ft 0

1. regulate V. mtlJ, 'gill[

rt*-i)ij ri Im c.,a./;#. ill o

The activities of credit companies are regulated by law.1-t��� a./; ;�i;IJ,§'.:iiHfi'J At.o
People sweat to regulate their body heat. A..111 :iiii.ii ::ll
2. oversee v. ll{j:g, %l:=t,lil,
A team leader was appointed to oversee the project. a} �J,..4ffi. .lf-�ikA� iffi-Jlt1\'-J'.yj' a./; ili.1t 0
United Nations observers oversaw the elections. llf¼ 00 �.!t� _9i � -f.lit 1\'-i!;i\s- o
3. metropolitan ad}. :k:IJi.frnWJ, :ktflrnWJ
At the metropolitan twilight, I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes.
,it :k.� ,t, a./; � � at t,J , � � a,t ½ � !hit-1ffi.. ;Ji III -ilL o
In one large metropolitan area I surveyed, fewer than half the millionaires lived in high-rent districts.
,it� -i�friia./;-,t :k.� ,t, IB'. P'l, Y- � ;r-:i1J--f a!J 1i a-£;� Jk1i.,/t iNilll½ IB'. 0
4. consist ( of) v. s:i · · .. · · ffi/
Their diet consisted largely of vegetables. 11!!.1f1 {r-J 1K.1£- .i.� e?..�iS" � At o
The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes. m JJ/J�iiJ JlAr ;r-: � a./; �r ,il;lit.illA o

5. accommodate v. �tfll, B'Htts�fs]

He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.11!!.� 1 k&-f- v:l-�j:iJi11!!.a'] III 4Ht o
The island was used to accommodate child refugees. �£ Si] J� Jf) *�t�Jl, 1t R o
6. blanket v. �.:.l.�ffi:/1�
There is sufficient sand available to blanket the unconformity. � A. GJ,t a'] i_:!,--f- oJ"" Jf) -t ,fl.1,. ;f: :ff¼ iiii 0
Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground. :k. 'ti!l-tklt..1.. 1 ii" i1]<..a./; :k.M!. 0
7. impose V. :Htfr, *ffl; 5.UIJ�ff
The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory. .i!tli't 51 ¾,1] � � 1 � �·Mi! � 1-- 0
A new tax was imposed on fuel. # {r-J #!; irh if-Jt, t:, �Jt 51 jj\1] �fr o
8. correspond v. ;j;§-�, f§14�
The two halves of the document did not correspond. -ii. .:iC. 14- {r-J rrJ:J .g� fJ-- ;f: o
The numbers correspond to points on the map. � �41:. � tj-i:L :11/!. iil J::. a'] ,?i, o

Grand Canyon *��( �[j) margin of error 误差幅度

aviation n. AA�, 'E.rr meteorological adj. 气象学的
congested adj. ��B�, tJllffiB� VFR n. ( Visual Flight Rules) 13 J!'E.
rudimentary adj. MivEr-J, �*Er-J 行规则
manually adv. .:f M ±fu , ffl .:f±fu necessitate v.使成为必需
vicinity n.llft:ili:, :ili:� IFR n. ( Instrumental Flight Rules)
fortuitous adj. i� ?'?.{ B1 , it >'I' B1 仪表飞行规则

instrument panel 1SU�:&, 1Sl=:&�W.:l'.& altitude n. ;w:1£
license n. if-offil, mffil V. :ttt;t, WoJ respectively adv. 分别地
designate v. 标示,命名 explicit adj.明确的,清楚的
turboprop n. 涡轮螺旋桨飞机 clearance n. 许可,准许
realm n. 领域,范围

1. It was only after the creation of the FAA that Full-scale regulation of America's airspace took place...
• -�il3t: ]lJWifHflflit��-€tl�t:Jki, ��;;t3f�€t:@:ffi(:i<J@l��il\U······
• m� ,�: It was...thadiB!uifi'il1iJ (:1'-J;J:,if,;=J;z o ffr�!i'd/�$7}:;¼'&thatZmTEl'-J P-1.§ 0 :;lg-/j!-'fJJ!lffJ!?, tJJifB,faJ:J�H/nifn.l
/j,Jf>j;;t�}f, 1iJ:t¥f:�� o

2. The FAA realised that the airspace over the United States would at any time have many different kinds of
planes, flying for many different purposes, in a variety of weather conditions...
• •��:st:��•nAA���m�•�-����w���#���m.�T��m��§�.
ti:4}frl14}�a'-J:x4, tmr�fitE�� 1:1'-J� "i" •· • • ••

• 'B-=-,!;­
l:� i=:i "":

Cl) 1iJ�:5tVT:
flying for.. J�;j:igJ:rt�ft'Cffi different kinds of planes, ���$)'-t .EjffiTffiFJ%avdl'etE-mlJll!ftt1f. o
( 2) a variety of something: a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way.
There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from. if#� it- §; {r-J l!l � of1-Jt-:i!it o
This tool can be used in a variety of ways. :i!- .:r..J!...if §; # )f] .it o

3. Conu·olled airspace is that airspace in which FAA regulations apply.

• -��3t:����¾��•UM��-�mm���o
• ig�,�: Jl:l/oJ!llJ::lH!liQ.137$.li'.���)}./f.i]�t.flg 0 EJtfFJi,)tWj,t-7)-/j,J controlled airspace is an airspace fl:I
FAA regulations apply in the airspace3lOll!ffiT/, o

4. The difference between Class E and A airspace is that in Class A, all operations are IFR, and pilots must be
instnunent-rated, that is, skilled and licensed in aircraft instrumentation.
• -�il3t: E�JHl1A�zrsJ B'-J JKfitJtE-'f A��:bJ,t9:i ffr�ri'-Jtiftt�:@;1/l!l1S{.:,& �1rf&.Y!U, -�fi ff1&,3Jj!Jel.
�fS{.::&�:JJ1J, ��z,
&,®1JMJf;11t��tJUS{.*r.,'-J1tm1HH�Hq:.11J o
• ig� ,�: that is:MrfiAif:i-Jtt:5t, ¾"��Z, mffJt¾ifl''�x?f:,\I!-, =l'tkiffiB'-J r,i,J .§ffl-'fffi!i'.ff:instrument­

Questions 14-19
• /Mi§ f(J!?ffr:
i. JiffeFAA�Jt·il\UJl'. vi. ��iU�fiff1 tJ.iftfl
ii. /'m�}XxiE{@ftfizgJ vii. :11!-��:b.Jt�W
iii. WjJ'.J)!1/l/if°t s'-J i;i:Ai/tt* viii. tlHJ;'il:Jc4,•l'llf mi9:.3'zJJt»1Ll
iv. :IW:5t�� ix. �:@:ml�
V. -#:tl!l'.M-f.t�xffi,� x. AA�5i::im�tu�m-tt,-
微信:13522209444 17
imJi½ �{i'i:w] :x::i:rxtmz,� im�M!HJf!f1iJ:
An accident that occurred in the skies over the
MJi:�M1iJm, !f1iJ±�1HBT-tl:

Grand Canyon in 1956 ·resulted in the
aviation � $ (an accident) IV- Jk ;l't � ;!;f!:
establishment of the Federal Aviation
14 disaster,
Administration (FAA) to regulate and oversee
(resulted in) , E!il • "if. ml FAA
prompts regulate and oversee (ffJ:lIPfil.00:1\1- )�
the operation of aircraft in the skies over the
*�mmr135'(:20 l!!Jlt��j/iio
United States, which were becoming quite
C段前两句:!f '1:iJ ib/, l'!fl T ATC*1i El� M -1'­
In the 1940s, ATC centres could and did take
development, FlP)J<iJfflTM=l'Xt!:t�:;k
advantage of the newly developed radar and
li!Mlt1: f±j El� �&Hlltl 1¥.J rt JZS ;fil r&mm 1¥.J
improved radio communication brought about
by the Second World War... It was only after

coincidental, �•maM=1iJ�•������m
15 developments
the creation of the FAA that full-scale
regulation of America's airspace took place,
1¥.l f' 1-: � k r �� =Ht 'l'JHJns El'-J ilim
10 '*EE
�.1!1�����*�*��001¥.J:2 u.. �
and this was fortuitous, for the advent of the jet r1 mi;,i,,
7 la\' mL M1'-fil % ;tJEiJ El� 'li[l:;1
::r n.t/il ,':I:\ T
engine suddenly resulted in a large number of
:i! - development 1¥.J 1�� f'& tt
very fast planes...demanding some set of rules . 1=: ... . .
Af1 comodental
(fortmtous), -J m r+,
, wJ ..&-
to keep everyone well separated and operating
5(-� 0 l!!Jlt��:1'1iiia
safely in the air.
DffeJi:!f 'tfj i\i'.iJ :i£ T -1'- 7(� AA\,� (many
Df.liM-, =1iJ: people think...), t§MirM=1iJtlil tH:i! 1'­
16 Manypeople think that..This is a veryincomplete AA\ -� :i:i T .It 00 a Mi T i:J:t 1¥.J
part ofthe picture. oversimplified ;j'[i � -':I:: Dl'( 1iJ �r 1¥.J
incompletea l!J.llt��:;/-Jva
E M = 1iJ i:J:t m ili il fm:2 x �
fffliUL3f :®Ed:�1'-�� , � li-?Hl!Jifi:
:i£ T � i,',J � OC Afl:2�ffflj1J·tt1f 1£ (from
17 altitude zones First, ATC extends over virtually the entire
365m above the ground and higher,
United Sates.
215m above the ground, below
365m...) o l!J���Jg iv a
F !f 1iJ m f±j FAAfif1hA. TM �1• isfiJ,f
�a:tt�x.J-:i!Mtf1J,f�mfiT Jff!f�iJt
F段首句: l'!fl.���-&�IW1¥.JM1£r,is
18 The FAA then recognised two types of fi1J3. rff rti HlHH:li1.isfi�JtmLl (VFR)is
operating environments. 1'r; �11U�..'Jl0Ca�·tli1£ r, isfiJJ3.Y!Ll
3JJH'_l( HlHSU& 7Sfi�.Jl\J/1Ll (IFR) lSfia !!I
���:£/kviiio!f1iJ :!f '1:iJ .� ili±JHfiJ :i£fffliLl :2�
19 categories
Controlled airspace 1s divided into several 1¥.l ?t� (controlled airplace ... different
different types,... types)a l!J���:1'1vii a

18 微信:13522209444
Questions 20-26
• f/J.jf=l�lli!: TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN
• f/J.jf=lffJ1Hfr:

20. The FAA was created as a result of the introduction of the jet engine.

�:;lt�x: FAAldl.iffl\' IJ!n-'={.�t .'.&Z))J1JL (:J<Jt" '£ lmt" '£ (:1<] o

�f.ltiiil FAA
m��ttiiil as a result of
An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted in the
X:Jtl:xtEil,� establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ...
:im:d:JE1j'rifiJi:i IV.:if11£5E1lI��-�!f 1PJ, El3tt1iJi:kJ�i'iJ1/:il, FAA�}'[(establishment)!Jr-:1!1
:1-J19561f(:J<Jaccident , �!12-=f !Jr-:l!J (jet engine)::f-� 0 t&Jl:tf!J.j��j/FALSE 0

21. Air Traffic Control started after the Grand Canyon crash in 1956.

�:;lt�x: fl1c2: :9:®�;tliti � 1£ 19s6c'if-r1<J u�t\: 2: xitJ§:rH& r,'� o

�miiil Air Traffic Control,Grand Canyon
m��ttiiil after
Rudimentary air traffic control (ATC) existed well before theGrand Canyon disaster.
x: 1t1xtmz,�
Jl:tf!J.jJEflIN�xiEBto JEfj'r{i"J 9� (:1%efore�f(Jl(,f/J.jJ;jfif,JafterfJf:IJfil. § t07f mi· o

22. Beacons and flashing lights are still used by ATC today.
�:;lt�x: ;J:Hff>5filIAb't;l:J �-4-1THJlATCfie ffl o
�f.ltiiil beacons and flashing lights
m��ttiiil still used, today
...while beacons and flashing lights were placed along cross-country routes to establish the
earliest airways.
x: i:p :xtmz,�
Jl:tf!J.j(J<JJE1liifiJ::(:EJt � JJr-:ifiJ 1:1:l r.m, tJi: HlctJl[j)!jf. JJr-:91UrfJ IV.:if11£5E1ft o Jt � JE1lI!it�:J'/j//:l:l beacons
5filflashing lightsf:E �INEl<J1iffl'�1'.li'., x•J-=ff!J.j-=f i:J:1 M:J'/j/ (:1<J�i:1-4'(:1<Jfieffl:tk1'.li'.H '¥*m o "liJ/:Jl:tf!J.j

23. Some improvements were made in radio communication during World War II.
�:;lt�x: ::(:E=�M�X��®mtt*•fflT-�*�o
�f.ltiiil improvements, radio communication, World War II
m��ttiiil during
.. .improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War...
x: 1t1:xtmz,�
Jl:tf!J.jJE1lI1�ffi�, JE1lL1iJ* 5l.� "�=�·JttJ\1-::k,�1/ii':£. 1:1:l l'l<J · · · · · · "i!J/:*J§l'.!'-JX��®mtt
*", �f/J.j-=f* Jl.X�o i&Jltf!J.j���TRUEo

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 19
24. Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports.

���:x F �2:lll..t'h365*k,].-f (1� 1Ri'aJ£1.�7SfJL:f:J.,::f ili: o

:@{TI:� Class F, 365m
WHI2i�m� below 365m1 not near airports
Uncontrolled airspace is designated Class F...

ii!iuJE{.fziiiJClass FilJ•l'.k:�JE{.fz�.tlt�, 1§.�PJi�fef(JJEClass FJ;Juncontrolled airspace, ii!

:xs:r:mE!Z,� In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire counoy is blanketed by
controlled airspace. In certain areas, mainly near airports, controlled airspace extends down to
215m above the ground...

JltkiJi��.b\365*1:l:J: EfJ IR i'aJJ;Jcontrolled airspace, £1.tE:;k$'.5tnear airportsEf) IR�, 215

* k,).J:EfJ IR i'aJ t��controlled airspace, l!l .tltilJ k,). �tit /:1:l uncontrolled airspaceEf]'frlr � o '/& .tit
25. All aircraft in Class E airspace must use IFR.

���:x E�2�EflYr�lSfJL&,� {tf!HSl* lSfitJM!U o

:@{TI:� Class E, IFR

m�*•iru all, must

The difference between Class E and A airspace is that in Class A, all operations are IFR, ...
X: i:p :mJi!l,� .tlt/12ii!i :tlJE{.fz i� rJ� fiJtIB� 5E {.fzo JE{JI 'tiJ Efl 11° 51..-J-J "E� ;¥n A�Z la.I EfJ IRJJUtE'FA�®! 2 9"
Yr�FB:rift-tll�Wi{Sl*-�fit.Jl\Jil1J " o KU�il2'f{�,@,�JE{JI.kiJ P-J?§� � o .tlt/12:ifPJ VJf§Rf!t&
x11-tii'/Jr[allfilmuse,!1:·l',k:�1UJE��o t.!{Jlt/12��1-JFALSE o

26. A pilot entering Class C airspace is flying over an average-sized city.

���:x *AC�2�Efl�fim�� S-9" ••ffiEfl�ffi o


:@{TI:� Class C
m�*•� average-sized
Three other types of airspace, Classes D, C and B, govern the vicinity of airports. These
correspond roughly to small municipal, medium-sized metropolitan and major metropolitan
airports respectively...
:x i:p:mJi!l ,� WJC: :J't{1J!..= 1-•�: D�, C�;¥nB�Jf:l'f''JfJJR;j:JL:f:J.,Jlf;j"ili:EfJ IR�o J!.= 1'�JJIJ:;k3&Jt:1JU:if!
m t
* m
'FIJ, ill! :vi m- , �f� jfj:J *ill!� Ef1 m m:1:m
Jlt/12ii!i:tlJE{.fzii'i]rJ�fiJtIB�JE{Jl.o JE{JL'ti] 9" (:f{Jmedium-sized�/12'f 9" El�average-sized� T Jf,J
>l.��o t.!{Jlt/12��J;JTRUEo

20 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
- - - - - - - - - ��flft��im�ltLl-
A. 1956:'cf-� I� :;kili�;G J::.2.£�a-9-®•i'i"J-/JEtiltT IfH:!H!Jt2Fu (FAA)E�J ,5_x;.:i'l_ o i-tfiu:fff�f ffJJ!Vfil ¾ Ff�00.
*•Wma-9*20 i�%-a-92�xilllff���***�T�mtE�OOa-9�fi��.filW��W��
B. !T!tE:;k:�'6 xxtt��zfiI�f¥tE�t%a-9flii:2xilllffit-tl (ATc) o -'F-1£201JHc2o!cf-1tw .:/:Vi !T!r�12�xilll

ffflj!JE3. :(:Em:Jm flf-Nrm n 5filt��J!1t-¥zYJ '31 �-�:vL
a�-, tH� fl-1 IAI :3'(JTYH-••l!If��Jij:Jt kHl!.:i'l. :/:Vi!Ti (f,J

AA�0 rtim ' j�J•l tr�W FJ<}f!M'.% &EtE� � 7e '(;li/f 6 f¾Xm (!�0 iU20filgc30!cf-1t ' fIDi:2xilllfffl1Hf Mtft
fflX��illliRo §1'-*ffl�{�'f4-*a-9AA2xilllffil11Jr1�tili�¾rn�r1J, �{fil.±�FJ�:xt�m�l(ifi�J§o
c. 20filgc40!cf-1t, fm2xilllffil1tl �,i:.,;¥UJ:1:JT�=rx1:!:J:W:;k,'llt{{g�ili (i�jf'frT!Jfi�JEl�-��l"i&:ittJ§(i<JX��ill!

�--#�¾ft��.m����.£�m�F����B:;>cm���ma-9W•o ���m•YT�fi
�a-9i!R� 'PMJ¼ ' _§_-�� fl3J\a-9filHttJEIJllj �{ll 1,mz,ri] -Otl:=tf f!11-J-El�*. :jj(;,$ , ti:2���fifill:0
illlo�R¾•-t-:1m•��-W*o �OO•UAA2fiu�*�-�-�-����������m.�T
��-�a-9§�.tE&�&��7e�ffi�T�fitE�00�2�om�.�---t- •����ffi�� ■
�-f** o
E. �Till!tl�-!j�i'lJt, �00-UfIDt*fiD�nfilT�Tm:�t/!i'ht!io tHc, ·tJ:flii:2xilll�'ffjiJJL-'¥-�R•-t-�OO o
-•*m.-�ffi3�*�R�-a-9��.•-t-oo*••ff�2•m•o tE¥���.±�¾8ilim:Jm
ffJ�-lit, ffflj!J2•tt:;kiU § ±moo21s* t1.J::.a�1iHfil, imtE��m:JmE�J�:IJJ,t, "�'il1IJ2.§:Jti�ffi�J::.��
�-o ff11,iJ2:h.i:i:¾�OO-UAA2fiutJEJi'.ffiffl Ci<12•0 tE�f1M���2-, �fi��iUa-9��11,lJ!fltYo �u�
*�TrfJ�l::���JiI2, im'ffl'�1�iUfIDi:2Jm{*:Jf1 FJ��fi-�fiJ �1���ll!l:ittA�'fl11J2•0
R �J§.�OO-UM2fiu-�T����a-9�fi��otE�a*#lW�ffi�T.�fiff'.!.Pfttg§m�fi
IJlU(IFR)-�&,� o �WltJJEIJlU, �11-�t&ttr�m15l.*i);tl�!H!H1�-�11·•J¼fl.l�f1fdtf,@XeffiW-�fi:ti:� o x
�BJ;'W]At, ffflj!'1 f��fi-�i:iJ �:izl;�:(:E§ fAl�fit!.EIJlU�15l.*�fitJEIJlUT-�fi, im�OO-�:flflii:2fiu
a-9tJEJi'.:(:E �-2• � a�·ffim 'f jl},j�tJEIJlLl fl1��1ifil @�ll:� �fr�a-915l*��� w !i,lt1� TT �&,jHflr 09

�*�fi ff'.!. tAP.fUJEJi'.���, �fi-�Rfit:lzl;��1Jl!l15l.*1SfitJEJJ!Uo

G. ffffiLl2:h.i:i:*�JL-t-��fJ���. IJ�Jt"f'.·H;J:firr�o �l::��2--Ji'.�F�. imyly:�5490*�T�����m
:l:mEf9��:2-•Ji'.:1-JE�o 5490*�J::.El�lfr�2:1JJ.t•Ji'.�A�o E�ifnA�¾�W�1·BJ�fia9T��m�
�rrntti:5-H<Jo -•* i-.5t, illIJ:l:lf1Jt2�:VL(J!�-�tfL(:is�fi-J¼:;k$��:i1S4-90*)�Hffiill'.i/,i;\41?J�tifE��
mtEE�2-�fi 5490*�J::.¾jc�l'!Jt�ma-9�Jl2, m�l'!)t�5:t.£$1tJli'l��'.!(.$1l'.&!;g.J.3t �:t�jJ□im�'

•oE�5f1lA�Zi'BJ ris �JJIJ:(:E'f A�2-� JiJr�risti1till:illif1Jl!H5l.*�fitJEIJlU, -M1·�&,1Jl��15'.*�JJIJ,

�%z.�m••••�m&*a-9ftJ:1:J#�fflWP o m�M2xilllff��--t-2•���¾�*•�
�o �{ill=.-1'-��: D�, C�ifl1B�ffl'f�'J_lfHJU:mllt-J:l!irJ<J�:hio �=-1'-�JJIJ:;k8*JJ']:if!ffl'f1J\�:l)j�m,
��Mm5f1l:;k���mE!StfL:l:m, §�T-�•*•F�El�1JE:llifi�UJ¼o-WU�11, §m�1'rtJEIJliJ-�fi-��ll�:ittA
C�2-. &,m.!:cJAA2xilllffil1IJ�.:i'l.xJfoJX��-*o f1Jt2xillli'i11iJX•t¥:1f!iF�1iffJEl�ill)df Pf, @�fi �
r 2l.
�&,m*�t1�vtE§f,!M�fitJEY1iJT-�fiA'���tJEJi'.o �n�illAB�2:IJJJl, tt*r �iliii.±�MTiHJL:l:m, IJlU'.16, ...


提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 21
Reading Passage 3

iw:.: 51 :±l·'"'X6s.�a
iui.: -i.1::,$-M*lr-J 71".ili.:f<'Jl-•t1.

• 5$i.: ?.t:illJ§- {r-J �

¥ 6-ti.: ''"' "M '.t-l-k i.°'f-t;f..t.#
i Ui.: .i. iJ.t# €r-J i& Ji
¥8-ti.: .M..$#.�J.t:iJl,1tlr-J-oJ!-1i:

�lt�tt: ***
�11Hiff-: :;k$f}TABLE COMPLETION EJ<J@ §I :/,fjl t����, �fil5t#f�f(JT(,fk: o :li!i:ii@-=ft.llP��{fz.,
�:l-3i\JltSENTENCE COMPLETION1-J�X�1i:�, ffr W- -��fij§' 11}1� o

1. constitute v. ffi.lix:, fZJ!ix:

Female workers consti.tute the majority of the labour force. -k•t1.JJR 91 ;#:JA J �-ij; /J €r-J k +o
The rise in crime constitutes a threat to society. ���;f.J:.11-ltt:t±.*;#:JA r m,.Jl-;l}- o

2. genuine ad}. �a{]; �i/ixw-J

We need laws that will protect genuine refugees.�1fJ '.t-l-1i�f.JJ1f-t/' .Jli-.iE*- �a{:) *-if o
The reforms are motivated by a genuine concern for the disabled.
�*4$€r-J#J��:±l�tj-��A.Jli-.iElr-J*� o
3. suspect v. �Aft, •�HI
I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine. �•t-f.U.£.#J*JL::l:l J JaJ:1/! o
The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths. �#Pi4h;/.il•t-f.U.i!.A J 200 J AJt-c o
4. seal v. HI�, i&'H
The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags. �*��;/.il1�4.,(f.�#lr-J !I!.#1/t 'f o
He wrote the address and sealed the envelope. #,� :kf�;l:Jl:.-jf-#·JiHt 1t o
5. reveal v. �!Jil,, t��
m Details of the murder were revealed by the local paper. -il-?f--lr-J m"it;/t ili �-tfU�;/,t;t_ ::I:! * o
� He revealed that he had been in prison twice before. 11!!.�1?11!!. '1W z& rTJ:/ ,k.A.AR o
1{ 6.

flaw n. �u�, !FirilE
22 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
There is a fundamentalflaw in Walton's argument. Walton ary it,�- 'f 4 ;(J.-1'-;i'!l4'- ary Mc� 0
7. overlook v. *ii:W:f�, ��
It is easy to overlook a small detail like that. -i!l$.fl; ,t,ctYl.1t11�ff-ary-1'- 1 J, �ll "'{i o
He seems to have overlooked one important fact. 11!!.11'1. -f- .t-� T -1'-1fr-:/k:-{1ry �;: � o

telepathy n.心灵感应 conventional adj. it#ts{J, ffli91Js{J

parapsychologist n. 超心理学家 sensory adj. %1 % a{] , �% a{]
derision'l'.!"R: leakage n. �;,m, ;i;m
sceptical adj. 怀疑的 outright adj. WJ � a{] , '.7t � a{]
rigorous adj. 谨慎的,严格的 fraud n. it:!)l(u' !Jl(ur
implication n. 含义,暗示 automated adj. § iiJJ f-l'..91
compelling adj. 令人信服的 minimise v.1f······�tHt
sceptic n. 'i:f�( it l::r; t�·l5F��Jt consistency n. -¥5C'ti
a{])_ detect V. �;��j �%
advocate n.提倡者,拥护者 marginally adv. t&v&±fu, f�J-'±fu
concur v.一致,同意 mainstream n. ±5nt
ganzfeld n.超感官知觉全域测试 plausible adj. �iUJ.s{J, oJf�s{J
meditation n. 冥想;沉思 mechanism n. tfl/lilj
swamp v.淹没 esoteric adj. ;*�a{J, *iii91
tranquility n.宁静,安静 entanglement n. �4�
filter n.滤波器 transform V. i:&3t, i!_j!)_½!
random adj. [lJMfl 91 , fr� 91 trial n. m'.!lli' �m'.

1. Other parapsychologists believe tl1e field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to produce defuutive
scientific proof and failed.
• ��if x::
�ftl!,j\!@,i:,, Jlf.l � �!ilLliA.i ��fll· 'IW iA l!l 11¾ I±\ f9H"ifri (:1g ¥1-�·itiil:, 1.� tp �Y"& T , lzsl JJt.iE!.1

-=nu,It: l'r:l :ill�o

• ·.n:-=-
li::1 i=i,,5
.... :

(1) -'aJ�?ttfr:
having dondf:i:ti;J*� B �%nlt o lzsl Jlt, .1Jt1iJ i:j:r Ag produce defuutive scientific proof and failed¾1:l:
j\!@,C,,Jlf.l��11} tl:l "-��f1l-.iE!.1-=f 75Lfliii'.l'r:l:ill�" �-t�itZ fitr%n\t8go EE rhaving doneZ.J§ agt�
tt.J�K, �tiJl:tE-'aJ�o
(2) be on the brink of sth 1:E ······ (ig:ill�
The company had huge debts and was on the brink of collapse.
2. They pointed to typical hit-rates of better tl1an 30 per cent - a small effect, but one which statistical tests

suggested could not be put clown to chance. !!l.
• *;tJif >C : :PJf J-1:�

T � T30°JoEI� :!Ji!.ru!frr J:f:1 .$o li?'��*7Giz!: J!ftillt , f.E!m-t-�tm1J·iit�� ���#J-'8

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 23
(1) lriJ�?tlfr·:
a small effect�JilL-\.i!f·, [li/i,1§ffiond/Ht, �RN(Jt�i!i·M1riJ which...:it!:-±t-ffi*1'itffiasmall effect a
(2) put sth down to sth: to think that something is caused by something else
He put the dispute down to some misunderstanding. 1it;f�-$--i1?;-f:1 !El -t �tr-il½ a

3. These ranged from 'sensory leakage' - where clues about the pictures accidentally reach the receiver-to
outright fraud.
• � �� 3t : J! � i:iJ ri� tU!lE 1'2 tis "�'§?Ill:tm" , �n � 00 )er�* i'it � � � H ±-1!?. f!Hii 7 ti 4� ;lt , t!11'2 :J\s
IIJJJE:i'itAAi'F a
• '.n""'="c!,
li:::i i:=i"":

(1) 1ri]�5t;jfr·:
it:lriJR<J .3::T::ll:These ranged , Jti:J=twherecJ l-'¥.f i'i<JM1riJHJ*1M'ffi 'sensory leakage' a
(2) range from ... to ... M···· .. flJ··· .. ·3!":1t
The show had a massive audience, ranging from children to grandparents.
4. Only when many studies combined in a meta-analysis will the faint signal of telepathy really become
• ���x:: ,R� �:kfiJJ!H·Jttr!i�tE-1-�z$>:5ttfrzi:J=t, ,i:,,��J1ZR<i11��1J§f%::t��* a
• H �,�: it:'PJJgffU!�lriJ a IJ_only1/i'>'ffi�i'IH iUill.J, fHHJmi!i·, �itM1riJ)ff*i'i'-JlriJ-=f, lriJ-=f A<J.:i::i��

5. While physicists have demonstrated entanglement with specially prepared atoms, no-one knows if it also
exists between atoms making up human minds.
• ���x:: 1M't!Jo/.JJ.m$:*1f1ffi�i'li'i1§-J'i<JJ]j(-=fii� 7''�4!J.iii", 1§.J!-:fJl\�¾1Sf1'iJ;Jc$1-f-tE'ftl;JnlZA
�*n© i'it JJj(-=f i:p t;fl ::JtA lJ-'f.1 B]E a

C 1) 1riJ�5Hfr:
1IM.twhile:#-�[::5 I -'¥.fa�·reJ�ifrM1riJ, ®¾*�!tHr a �fl131!7G 7 Mf.whileJ'i<JJ!-ffi�, t!1 i:iJ iJ_h"W-J
1-?tlriJ 0r1se:m
Bt7G li'/J R-J�jm IJ_!}'.lj irr 0
(2) make up sth: to combine together to form something (= constitute)
Women make up only a small proportion of the p1ison population.
±•t±� ,!;JlHlA. o a)-,J,�1t- a

Questions 27-30
• ffff@1T�:
1. JI:t@::1-J ricx. % j:\'.Jt ;rcnx; lriJ-=f@, � �m:rsr j6flJ m@ -t-11§f -�-1w io x:�UJH11t� 1iz , rt 1§ ?tlfr:i2P11l*

2. Jl:t�@§s<J@-f--fN�1!JIW!Ff J]j(!J!iJ, i:iJ5fiJHJJl:t)Jj(!J!iJfm1t�1ft::i:t;fi a
. @§ffJ1Hfr:

24 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
imJi½ �{i'i:w] :x::i:rxtmz,� :x::i:rxtmz,�
JltBJE 1fttgtx1L mfri/f.Btgt�
m=IBtm -=.t,1 0

JE1ft tJ :P scepticsflladvocatesjg}#� I,',]


researchers Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on

i$. ft Ml Tiff· J"E � ( researchers with
with differing one issue, however: that the most impressive
differing attitudes ) , 1th 1f1 ill :(:E ganzfeld
agree on evidence so far has come from the so-called
�-�-� tt���T�mo �X�
13{)concur on.X1J.ilIB-=f � []{)agree on o M:
'ganzfeld'experiments ...
.i:Ef])fl��jgE o
11u2JE1fttgt�, :3/:1m=i1m:n100
� � 1J!UJ� @i.fL� -'f JUltfJx'T fft � 13{) A
In this case, such signals might be more
experiences, �/�IJ3!Uo ffilff1lfi'JzNJ{J"��@jhJ\t"1'f'w
28 meditation
easily detected by those experiencing
meditation-like tranquility in a relaxing
'whole field'of light, sound and warmth.
ttli:IJ .i:�tli1 ,':l:l 7 FFJ1itx•.t-'f ��i 0{)�
Ill� o i&.i:Ef])fl��:3/-JB o
第八段第四、五句: 此题由关键词和顺序原则可迅速定
Answering such questions would transform 1ft , m P.!I tJ � (:1{) transformM rJi BT�
parapsychology. This has prompted some 13qalter, mn tJ �7t m.&7iJFJ"E�ff113q
researchers to argue that the future lies not in attitude, &PwJJlf-J[flq**tE-'f�J"Em
collecting more evidence for telepathy, but in t�(:1q:JJLiff� (mechanisms ) o iij:.i:Ef])fl��
probing possible mechanisms. 7'JAo
第八段第二、三句: 此题通过定位词可以迅速定位到第八
Some work has begun already, with 段倒数第三句,倒数第二句指出有创
autoganzfeld researchers trying to identify people who are 造力和艺术性的人们表现得更好。因
30 trials, success particularly successful in autoganzfeld trials. 此可知样本的选择对命中率会有很大
Early results show that creative and artistic 影像。故正确答案为F。
people do much better than average...

Questions 31-40


• B§ffl1Hfi :
%1/f.B,�,JMHi'iJ-fJx±l�B, fffi'�7t5fffr�f�JYf±lii'/J1:1qif!Jtt, f'tlfiiili:i:l:�fflrnIJfiii'!JutfiJE1ft, 1:Ex•JE
m���ffl*�£,filfi.MB§�x•*���-� o

imJi½ �{i'i:w] :x::i:rxtmz,� im�M!HJf

Ganzfeld studies, The idea was that a person acting as a 1JU']JE 1fttgt � o � ffl � !Yr ±J if!J rJi jg
31 1982, person, ' sender' would attempt to beam the image person 1711.J'J[ ft'! -@. 0 sq :m
f!J'� Jn',.�� jg
acting as
over to the receiver'relaxing in the sealed sender o


提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 25
Im� �fftiro )t qi X1t Ji1Z,?.( ®!!§fill�
.tl:t@�1ltLJf., {EIJE {il.if!H� rJJL'nHL
1(E::J1: JE{il.JaJ¾-1.-@JE{il.JaJ a<J�tr-lf.fJ o
In early ganzfeld experiments, the telepathy 2'.�Jvr±lifiJ@J-1M. random
32 selection, four
test involved identification of a picture chosen selections of four If' picked out B<J �
from a random selection of four taken from a i-B- o ffr�.tl:t@±j picture/irnage o @T
large image bank. lfl B<J picked out £j J)j{)( lfl El<J chosen
from Jm'f lAJ5Ut1J± o
.tl:t @JE {iz $3): �0 2'. �ffr :J:j if,J @ 1:/
identify �-tM1=E1<J5,!;t/:I:\�,JE1il1iJ9"
.!ccjz;/'B)(1@r➔<J¾tlHcifiJ this person, 'f
33 identify Once the session was over, this person was
¾1iillN1@J�_t_-1iJ, f!P� 31 ID•JJ:iil
asked to identify which...
1iJ , PJ �tl<; ,'±l this person B<J�{;$:tlH\':
.X•J�o ffr�.[]:�±j receivero
.tl:t@:Wml.JE1ilifiJ,&Jr!iJ!Jf. m:IJ!U PJJE ffi:
��ll!li1�1l!lfi:i:Jfi, ;l'.J;r.j:1 many
...there were many other ways of getting positive
other ways )(,J@@T9"El<J factors,�
34 positive results
results. These ranged from sensory leak.age
f;t pq �1:E�r)� s<J-JaJ i=p o Jvr�.tl:t@
where clues about the pictures accidentally reach
sensory leakage Q)Z (outright)
the receiver-to outright fraud.
fraud o

.tJ:t2'.-'=j34AfiljJ;}�IJ:k,*0 1i���1:J
IAJ34@ IAJ34@
(out:right)fraud ElJZ sensory leakageo

�:li�: .tl:t@JE{il.$Ji'.�o 2'.�Jifr±lifiJ@-1:I�

36 automated variant of the technique J=!Hli:%n\tkey tasks(➔<JM�, :SC i=p El<J
key tasks
which used computers to perform many of the performX'J J.ilI@T lfl(!<]were used for o
key tasks such as ... ffr�.tl:t@±lcomputers o

.t1:t@fli:H�J1iil!if. m:IJ!UJE1:!L, m:::sc �r s<:i

�li�: minirnising.x1· J:iil@T 9:i B<J limit, 2'.�
37 limit
By minimising human involvement ... ffr±lifiJJ:iil1:/11!i: �Uu El<JM�o Jifr
@±Jhuman involvement 0
�:li�: .tl:t@JE1il.$Ji'.� o 2'.�ffrtlii!JJi\IJ-1
results, subjected In
38 to
1987, results from of subject to i'l<J:5(1�o ffr�.tl:t@J:j meta-
autoganzfeld tests were studied by Honorton analysis o
ma ' metaanalysis' ...
.tl:t,@JE {il. $3): .x1t , )( �1:i B<J individual
�7\�; ganzfeld studies £j@T lfl B<J different
different test test)(,fJ.ilI o 2'.�ffr!jif,J Ji\IJ-J ::f 11iJ �.\Ji
39 results
Yet some parapsychologists remain disturbed
�it� zJaJ B<J 5c ¥ o EJr �.tl:t@ ±llack
by the lack of consistency between individual
ganzfeld studies. of consistencya
.tJ:t@JE{:![$Ji'.� o 2'. �ffr J:j if!J !E. -1:I
sample groups□Mt-fil,
40 sample groups �7\�: �:iffi:i::t�JEifiJnot'/W II)Jjil!Jr�� o ffr
...the group is just not big enough.!lbig/large enough o

-- 'L'��B:-
A� "f v;J,1.x..'Jt,'&l\R-itJ .iJli.•.i¾? -1'- J-tli.-tc.v;J,,t_, ''--' X�E- l"l:JIR-Ja.1il:.##,W.�Jil.,.:f-, Ja.
.f.4- k #dt ,{£ 'f' ,W.;li -:!it: 'F 11 � � �.f!l, al.J 4'-lt" o

II��� 1M12Jt , �-Jc-=f-L,' �!®@(:1q ,%-;fi:11 �

_t t!Hc.7O�1� 12,(*, t11J'l'--%-±lfl.JJi�iW/il31'.rlWl·1iJTr�JYl'(l�m-i:.<flll5¥-=* '@ -:ifil�t,J[1�tf·r::f�;$)Jt i'fq J\'iJ$1iJ
ffx ittixAJL +1-Jm,:ll 13q;f_;/-$:11JfJE r:j:t :it!:fimJ� 0 iA�� (Jq�[!f J!Ut.lttcl

-�Wf-1E*i:A;;lgii\'.�frz�*fqr}Z�A filr/J�1:1%HJITl, cti.11J1,i:.,�8@¾��1'f-f:E(Jq �t1mm,i:.,Jlll$:*YliJi:A;g


*$:Mlm�mili���W$:�fil,@���T.��IT�-=f�M��- o �rl.��*�ffl�*�f:E-
1- f',,]{1-JL.t Jt�o!¾iR: E!fJ Jt 6(;g J.t�A fp �:l:rk ;;lg �1WJ%E fJ;t ,�!:\ 1�1 0flij (Jq "ganzfeld" ( Ml8'§ 9;Q '.l!t�:ln:t iJ!j iA ) �
�ir:1:i,5X-f.-'&ix#iN·aq�,�-¾"�1-�Jl�" o A�1£�t�;J;!(i'$r1Jq,i:.,�8@f*��t��11m,i:.,Jlll$:*·tf�,i:,,�
8@mn§*A�AZ����"�%" o 5X��%+*aW,0(�-=ftttt•rr��*Mm�lfr-�o ��
it*, 5X�1�% ey��!!�§-lJf5�tJt�-=f�fltf19:?1¥frr:j:i (JqJ...:lliiYrnirJo 11fl.fiJlfr�sq"�1-@!iiJ,ll":f=f ·�Atixf't
eq:JT 7't, 't�J...(:1qF1ifrrli1i'AIJll'!qfFm o
���F1if,ffl���*ffffi#�*��M•tt.��ITTRR������il�*� o f:E•M�Ml8'§'�
jjt��imt�!Jfrzr:j:t' ,i:.,�I®@iY!iit§t;!f·t.J=UJIJJ.A*t'J![I Jt f!t i:j:i l)llii'JLz:ltE!q lm5� � Jt r:j:t 1:1q�r:j:t-5� 0 iA�frz(:1q;l'�
7!¾:f=f-1-AfJ=;g"�:i!�", �iA:JE�ft�:i!�:i'.f:!Hllimi'fflr:J:1 1*,�Jq":Jl�51:�" o f'tf�rlllE�*Bt, tl�51:*
fHiIJ.f[- @l:g lm5lE 00 Jt r:j:t (iJ19Jll-5[Efti::JxliJJxJLlfifflrlMJ o jlJ(;Ii'JL5}j·jJ!iJ (:1qilf r:j:t $¾250/o, {§.�n.,i:,,�!®@¾��t-Jf:E
l'!q, ilJr:j:t.$.@it!!iWli o 1982�, J1tr}1i'ilf�MJ31i:i!11K:i'f·z-, � �jl],i:,,Jlll$:*Charles HonortonX'J°*-1ltffl8'§
�'.l!t��iYWii\.'.TJJf��-:itl:fiTy};j<Jj- 0 �JT-JEtl*J&iftTiW/i-=f3O0/o(ITTl-!-tiJ!i/Jr:j=1 ri o lit?'&�f*::f��J&, {§.mitiJ!lj

r z �¾mm_�'§' 9in '.l!t � :1n:t iYrn m :1f rH� � T ,i:,,� !® mz 1:1q � �iil: ll o @5X ;!i=ht it; :f=f-1-
r�--1-1£�f�mr:1q;f4$:4J11�tI�t1J!l%:!,1-¾\f.t:J i'iiJ& o W {£ EEI -=fJX�rf(J!Hftll0l�T11'!/i?'t� ¥ #::f ��-iiE� ,i:,,JR8
*• eq im

@-JEff-1£; illiu:/�$�1m(.,q:;IJ1¼m�t:t;JH1HJHJHf!i* o 5X�m�� t:tJ)l;§1t"m_�'§'rill:tm", E!P��Jt:f=fJc(.,q�

lt�JH-lfl.1#�Tti�5l:*, IB§t;sWJJJ'i;;13qJ�·r1= 0 {,j::;g@I@, TJJfJE�ff1£cti.T-fo'��, ,r,t�T 1985�0(Jw:it!:
fi�lfr:f=fffl!®'§'�'.l!t��DiATJJf�,k'.,(cfi.�MO/o�TJJfJEU£�T:f=fmtt•��fil� o @�ITTml\'iJ•§1w�
�r:J:t�:f=f*.$��&mn�Bffl&��-.�m�•mT-ffiM$,�*;;1g���TJJf�N����� o
JJt�, W.$TJJfJEAff1tf� l"J T §I zY1M!I®t 9in'.1Jt�±!),\tiJ!I Jit,5X¾-t1l1 tt#M1 @I qi1-t3£1*, m)j,Jt¾ftrn 1cgnm
1-to 1987�, Honortonfiffl"�¥:5Hfi"", E!PM-*JiJWf·�r:J:t�-t��{,fi.�*f1qmittt#, X'tkEf?X� § iJJM!
!®'§ 9in '.lJt i
A�f!i*:it!:11'TTJ}f JG �[!/*lit f'i!d9::f=f 12,(1± ";) I A ti 1=! , t;jl 1Jjf'!,�A l:D ��t1J 0

f'&rm, -@ffl,1'.,,Jlll�-=*1JJPt11$1-M!i®'§1il'.l!t�liJ,lli9!1 Jii\'.TJJf�zraJ•z-f:Ji: tctI®iiJ;l:JJHi&io ,i:.,�I®J.iiJJ!\!Jl

*filr:1q�*:szJ#o �n•1t §mHiff��[!/-cfkfif:J 13qJJ��, ,i:,,�!�@r.1qilJcj=1 ${J1Jlll/}�-=fillt$1Yi1J!j13q250/o, ¥iv Et.
WA���-�Mli®'§�'.l!t��D iA��*eyn:lli���: iA�ff�ffl*�•* o R:f=f�*•�JE��f:E
-1-�¥*HiZr:j:t, ,i:.,�8@1Y�1l�Bf�%:;,J-��I[lif:lffil_j@*o fmjX{!;,(:if IE¾i'ill-�*ff]ffr£JJ\l(J1 o
f'&fm, 11fl.1fli/sfJE �rt��£JJ\l3::i}Ml/·$:*ffJ (Jqi$!Jt:f=f fffnJ3t:1-t: X/'.Hl* A filf'&%�tllcf-F ,i:,,�i®J.iiJ:Bqxffi
,1�i,o �Y-'ifll*i'iiJBf:E-=f,!'.,,�/®J.i\Zfl'Az�J.illA1i'JLfltiJ o
-%-#Jli'f::tll•mTili*, 1�$0(Jlll if:!/&JJlll $:r:1 q�JL�Jl�;gffl,�o �r:p§ffi":i:riY¥i": Xif:W,Jffl!Jf.:r ...
��-$��ili.-�-ffl!Jf.:r�-�����-��-ffl!Jf.:r o lit�!/&JJ.ill$:•mm�n�&�!Jf.:rfflffe �



微信:13522209444 27
T "�ygj", f§.J!-JJI\�¾�¥¥:rftEr-t¾;JJvtA�* !li&TB�JJi(-f-9:iiJJXA9il:J IT�a Mrl! �fiiJ@s� @l�¥J-i!Jl:7:lt:Jffi
,i:.,:FJII� J!�q!t-�tiJf-JEAJJi iAJ-r�1_:f413�**�t1:rrl5e�£$,i:.,��m:B%Ett, rm;(:E.!:j��;it"i:iJ��s�m

flt� a-� I11= B �3H€1IB:fi· , 1iff-TlAJJi iat 00 i,,!UJ1J ;(f @I zitl Mi� 1g· '.Ill'.% �ti /Nj·IJt i:j:t �HJIJ Jvt� B'JBli: iat*a -'fl-WJ s�tlli
--���mhffl£* tt�AITT�9-�iliili•r•�*•:tE·T•*��-�mJEi:j:t,fi�-�-iat
"ffli"9" *•:it56°loo !1,X:�tf]!$il'f�Qj];�� El�i91U �:i\:!rk�i%--jj1iJFJEA/J.J. til\.1JHfu1fJiEtE �-* El�i.iEm½, JJLITI] tm�in L'��


Task 1
- ) s;,:;Rc5,-c-c;

( _Vt!, "§i1Js"P3O)

:i3:�Jjj\ IIl:(:E20lt!:tc.90fp{-1;;¾�n1iiJ� llfrTijt�, JgxV'[-15fll:k%1'0 tJ+I fl½.

:ffL'i�m�ffl*l�l 8½l'j;:!/&�¾W�' m20111:p2[=J 1713 (:1{J1H1f::)(�(:j{_))ji)t¾'iJl:*OO 5fil*t·M1%11ii-OO tit O

*00 El½X �1;!/Hi;J �ffx1· tt!Jxflij l�- ' :ii11'/1t¾4IJ 111m!J � �-JlJI: ' fil iHtli :i£ 00 i:i� fit;\\ (i½ 3::�� t;� 5fn tt L'fB }�, 1 0 ��

mm�•ooz��*�.illfi�tix���. �•m��M*��ffi.��$#flij����•oo�3::�M�

��. *•�-�3::�:(:E*ffi·*•:a��WM���ft���MfilM.��WA�.��m���-�

lE /5 � ·m ..x..
,,, -=tL�--t+-n-

( §l "-&Ll8"P162)

-tJHk. l!l Xl iF 1 i\; ,}-t!t-.)1.-;tz. w i!.1U1 � 1- _i_�ffi; !El ,l'f ½J;i<.tl � r"J ' 650/oa1i!.1t� If)" ;Jl,t,ok i.llt

1�-lf-Ji 69, � Ji1] J;350/o;f03O%. Ii :91'280/oM ½J,1<..i!.1t� If) -r- ;tz.1-t4h f19ii.l.ttJH-t O $,-11!!,ffi; !Elf; J; .it--:llta170/o.
it_�� !El,(f9Oif-1\Jt ;;,- M JI!!, IRitn'x. 1 ;;,- M '1'1.&aHJ "r-i.itta+I §; iis.9.80/oa1 i!.1t� rl'J -f iJl,t,.J:iJlU�, ,li1 k i-f
i'rtl :fP �l:. k i!+I x .J:l:. IJ vf.i tl'l JtK ,J, , � Ji J;:; ;ff 1. 70/o:fPO.20/oM .±.Jt!!,x IJ "f'l. itt�J+I .±.Jtl!,i!.1ta1 .it-tt. 1f. :if.:.� (230/o),

l�;Jl,t,oJ:i.llt1�7r�x �-fii.J.t�-1-t(7.70/o):f"ii.&m:At(S.50/o ). Ei .J:l:.;;f- M 111 �, :k.i-f;J+I ;ff 130/oM .±.Jlti!.1t, 1-­

_i_�� !El�iilhHt( 11.30/o).�l:. k iJt! .±.Jt!!,01 i!.1ttt.1f ! K 11\, ;:; ;ff 50/o, _i.�� !El �ii.J.t�-1-t(3.30/o), 1,-;J:�

��.�m����.:f01--�Jt!!,IR��.itt�111:tz.mi!.�•r�. 1--i��1E1�•�k#:f"ii.1.t

0 7.l't'T
*m�@�ffi.M-�¾�B§���.��Too ���••·•=,�,@�¾�m*oo••�
?tVT. 'c}t-*00 (1{]Wi�Jljgf[f;@ 11;-��5frji: -;fi1 ¾t:P:JffULl#(:1)�jJ1J*�tll0t/if'.�J1jgf[f, ?J-;fi1 ¾Utt1VLlB):k;J\。
1 1

微信:13522209444 29
l'i:iJJm. li'\'Jfif*ffilffilzsl, :/i1X1.flltrWJ1'h1511HXs 5-Hl::7'1 ±i\g·, 1.E!:5HJIJfflTis caused by;fllis due to�WJ;Ji:1 *�•

1:EBFo-�ts£, 1t-�W�-=f r:1'-El::i'/!.·;ff.l� ii\·1iz::l'::ii:!:11· T1r�, .%i�!ffi lzsl , riTI Fo:im:i1;J1imimrnaccount fori3 I
/:l:Js:5Ht:. J'jj�, ffi:ff],ii-�¾.t1r�00*1:J<JJ3j·1�.�1Y.¥tlir/:l:J�'!/,�, if¥fflAf;jl:!J&J'!:/J□l2H�fcJJ:l.
)fltW,1t-::ts'-Jif:5ttr-11t!:!.;� 1211:r.Jn, ���-:riJ!¾lexical resources, ElPimtCs'-J�ffl.�5-Ht-Xilli'm'Wi¥1�iiJ
WIT1-JJffis'-J�til-: Hlff!ffl'li (accuracy Hn §;fif1t(range). "1,f1TJfAtt" i!v .& ff.fJi[E!'-J:iz\;:pf-, -rmtt= EJ'-J�fflrnm'.§j �.
"§;fif1t"t/irfl'-J¾if/Ji[$;i, ffl;c!Jlr-i:s. �:u, ffi:ff],ii.(J'-J¾, ���11j·f���ftr/c- "§;fHt", k,(7']�-1-.!f!.if/J
;(:E::t•� .Rti�ftffl-lX, d*)/] §1 ¥>l<( directions)�fl'-J.!f!.if- fJ1.fX.�i=1�ti�ftffl. ;(:E�ffi�'f§f11X�, t�§
��show;(:E::t•��;itffl�ftfflT.�?t, ·tt!.�ti�-l*ffl�Jm§�(Jgffl·ff/J, BJJ!iJ4s:-\'r-f{;Jdt.��"§;fif1t"l'l'-J
ffl¥JJ�z-¾MJm§��ffi♦ffi mfcJJ:l ttx¥illfi�£j.���k,(illi:i1���tt*��.��oo��
degradation1:EX.�t13li:'J£jJv/;degraded; if� I)) 151:!ffl�5(i.i]fi'f-t, tl:::(mJm§�B)agricultural land{:1:)(.9:i�

reasons --+ causes agricultural land --+ farmland

degradation --+ degraded worldwide --+ in the world, globally
over-grazing --+ too much animal grazing deforestation --+ tree clearance

JJffi.�-m±¥¾k,(!ffiizs17'Jm£jMa,rm�-m±¥¾k,(��7']•£jMa • .%£j�s:5t�•$���.m
1:1:J ;(:EdeforestationJJffi, �y)·M B99.80/o¥m;m;:kr:k'f(oVM r:191.70/offi�t�YJ'i·I B'-J0.2%. J'lli�El'-113-Jf��k,( 1�lltr*r1JJ§­
WJ*:ii:!:fix-J tt, rr*X�¾fflwhilei31-\'r-s'-J tt:!tJl:17tmM��:EJ\\x-HU1'-J. t/n£j%�11+lzFo, =t1T*fdi£j±±11!,ill
1Ul::1YV m=�(J'-J:k#Yfi'I, j6£j ±±IJ!,ill1U'-J,g, tt.$, rtFo'.§j±¥Jffilzsl-:i1/Jatfj_tqt.BJ§-£j±:ltl!,ill1Ul::1YVB
ff.\;l'l'-J�t�V·M , �fifm¾.%'.§j ±±tl!,ill1tr1'-J,g, tt:.$, rtFo� n�r•�ffi� □'-JJ11mfi';xf-t!ffi1zs1. ,g,z, rrt,i'.§j � 1-*
ffl�aj·f�, ±¥�P.�±±-tl!ill1Ul::1YV:k1Nf'-JJ11Wfi';ill11·, .%:kFo1J\, f:&IXtln�.
±IJ!,K>l'!.l:tlii'.*t'F�Jffilzsl,illfi tl::$,lUllxHI::. r.fHJ.%£jtotal land degraded (ill1t±±-tl!�,i�,I!:), t/ir 1:1:J �V+IB$
(230/o), JL.IJZ-¾1iz:JW, �IX r:1'-J::k'f(o ?J+I C 130/o) r:1'-JWJfg:, tl::1YV!tll1M'-J¾jt�¥fi'I (50/o). rtFot/n£j;(:Edeforestation;fil
over-cultivation�WIT1-JJffi, �?fl·l� ff)f,tf1iz:, :5H}IJ7']9.80/offi7.7%. riTI1:Eover-grazing:1Jim, �¥1'1'17'15.50/o, 1f.\;
r::k#¥fM B'-111.3%.5i ztm&, :k#t}l·l;(:Edeforestation:1fffi ,R� 1.70/o, .§. 19:� over-cultivation. nnjt�V+l ;(:E
deforestation5frlover-grazing:1Jim:l'f�¾JX= 1-1il!.�±:ltl!,ill1t tl::.$B1J\E}{j, ,R;\]½;(:Eover-cultivationLJl3.30/o, fY.
1:E:ii1Yt5i1w.JJim, J.!-mk,(��1-tif/Ji':l'-Jthese causes(��Jffilzsl)ff:¼, t/iri'l'-J¾L-miJ�iLlB'-Jfour main
�1w. ITfflC cohesion). ��L, rr�i.9:£�ffl T �1X1iiiffi1-ci1'1J(these-IX, this=IX).

(summarise)±1;$:mM�rfJ� l,'f,t@,.m-31:B'-J�,l,'1Jlf,@,¾tttW-1x.EElill1tl'l'-J�1-±¥Jffilzsl,�B�rr m=m


degradation n. ill1-l:'. constitute v. 占, 构成
deforestation n. 滥砍滥伐 respectively adv. iHllJ, 45- §
degrade V. ill1-t account for V. s, �j.5(

over-grazing n. 过度放牧 collectively adv. 全体, 共同

over-cultivation n. 过度耕作 minimal adj. 最小的, 最少的
clearance n. 清除

Jr1-H5/JJ1l�Btj·,W*�r.!�1'if!J'Jln}_1:1<Ja,J1WJ�i-'/F.-the 1990s (20tttic90fl='.1-t), :(:Et/li�Ja!.f:;jl:f�)�UJ<Jritj•f!ilc, �11Yr1-



B§ ■ �:-�A��-*$�-�-��W��%�tt��ffi;W��A������¾-���
*B�B;tJJ::.�'fft-W�ltsB, B:WJ::.Jm'fi�•-lt�(Discuss).Wl-'t::�B:W¾;f!L[((:l'�t·�B:W, �2010
�EIM81X�ti\'.i:p '512/X.WJ2011�ri<Jfi111X�·ia:ti:p, E:J?:�TSlXi�•;,t�B:W.·l·Jit�i'l<J�1t-•m�rJ<J,irr!,�
¾: ���fUIW§B 1J<J:XJ1l,8, W�;1G'tl:tM1l.x.£:1r1:1<J�,8:W:fiiH!r.

Wlt�(Discuss)B § s<J*-r-,8¾, B§ 1=1�1rtgl�tNUl§x,H1<Jmt•l1�,8, �:-:Y:�1=.·l,Jitx.£:1r1:1<J:XJ\1.,�3:f:-tfi!:W

f;j'i.��Btj·f!ilc, riJ 0(1'i���� rffi:tBiU6' iU7' iU8.!Il.A<J rmilt!ltJ1'i�1l1i1X1:i<JWit�x�(:1<JYtgfi;J:W:fi*tfr

%ilx,J- tt:
;1I1J5 Test 2
�:3/:,M•it�Bt;j·' *)(fl<J�f1=:1J�¾:(:Effl-ffl5I Wif§"B,x1tro1usr�·itM1�,80 ffl=timW&:1rB<J:XJ11.
�&grn.�#�mw1x:1rgrnzg,:W:fiTffl$�&�.�g�ffi = fflmw�:1r���.#:W:fi�fil�
¼ ••g���ffl]I!_���:1r��#1'i���.
;111J6 Test 4
ffl-ffl�1Jx1-t¥-3);, '31 Wt;§"B, j,',Jstj·tfi!:t±lft-#§B rmJ\1.,i!K.ffl=ffl&�&:1rr1<J�,1!KlzJ£rn.ffl.=::ffl:tl;T m
W�:1Jgrn�-�.������.�l'J(tfi\:W§B•�.�Z.*x#N1'i*Yr1¥ffi���fil:1r�,ITTJ¾lli -
:±'1mfrl1�,��;\ftfij1 ;f1ilJJ!'.J::.s<JifgZ�0(&f.u��JYr�.MWiffW I� Br1<J-�.J!f,ji�t,Httg)::illtifDiscussr.J�n<J =E

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 31

t1J7 Test 1
m-®:11:tlicJ I At!@' t9::f=Ji:ll'::±',II& Wl:1f El�x.J\l,�' mt9::f=J *SJH'J::� I� D m=J-�¥tl; EdJ=:�;j:ff){1

�*-����.Wm=®:�i:/l'::±1��ffim�--����o m@m��,£���:f=J�B��,@�¾
1tJ8 Test 1
m-micJ 11±\ it@, 3ti:ll': :±1 x.m,�o%ft =mt-i-:x•J�,�-ill:/'5-:5-HR!HlitiiE. m :±1 *·�1%iflr s�£¥1fcl �om =®:
ttm��=illfi*���fil.ffi:±1�����*��fflo ��tll:ffi:±1,�n&8*K���.W¾:f=J•�
�H%(�:o-l:!cfffJ�jJ o

( §,!, "ft08"Pl63)

-��-•�*•����·����£��tto �-�-�¾-���=-•T-RA��Ah*
��½Alo ��.��S��«��*�*�o
hTAh*��½AM.+���•�����½��,�•�½�����o •·•�r•���
��•a�A���tt����I�¼�,�AAffi♦�Rh���*�•�o �*�-�·�il-��
�±�t������.-�ffiS���ff •. ¼��ffi��ffi���I�����#�m��A o
�� .•�m-��·¼�½����l��U��ttR��I�tt�Ao -�a��•�k,�ffi
��AT-+�����½,��I����·���½�����I���-#ko a�m�•�I½
�*�����½,�-�¼�����Affi-�-·�±� o �-�mS�-½�ffi�#��¼�.�
J.l-ji,cr{"J/2 aJ1*±�1tkJtml o
�� .•�Ah��aJ�t����-m•�·����ft�-#o Ah����½AM�+A�­

0 7.l\1'fr
m-m s�ft m¾icJ 1 :±1it@. Jf:m 1±, �-�o * xJ�it@¾ = i1tm � i4km tJc� 1.t-=f fix.Jg�H'Tf±%fix.Jn (:1nq
.? }A; 5l.r1�1fcll3tif1.¾JL:if!J'&ff B�i%@, tll�-¼Z:E3f� i:iJ �5ti.5!.�JL:if!J'&ff !.ilZW:1�1'�� pg�o ;zjl:@:ifil:i::1:-IE

-& El� 1fcJ /3t' m�) L ]!•ff�fSl&¾� J3 t1r&IH� :J;[I iJ� -'=HU� ' �¾ �nfilJ AA1t.AH% ' fix. Jg H% fl� -if t-tr fix. ffl 0

!J'&ff�-=fM.AH%a ;zjs:tll:��fil¾5t*�W�H%•ffl���,��m��T����-����fA�3f

*tl iTTH.t-=f § :±1'.t ��§ r<'k¾J1c5fll5(·1±J:ff-ilil'.tfi!i' M'.Jl·Bt;J:JrUL�J:1 �QfilJ.7'J�H�U%.ffl "fix.hff (1sU

� %dffl" ¾�lt�M•�-�'�fi�;zjs:@:�fflTM•m���fil:1f�,�mT�-hM�H%dffl·�
I �J:J��ff:m�m�,•��A,��'.tffi§�.�J:Jfi jg:1f�••o
m ffi=tll:¾�fil•��-ff�-=fM.AH%:1f00Mffi��1fcl�o ��ffi:±1,ffl�JL•M.AH%,�*tl%
ffiffl���&W¾*K�mffo *���Tffe��T��ffl.M�-m�**�-�;zjs:@:���oJL•�

32 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
a�Ft±�� tt�•mti10U1J(:1��nmi, ��¥F-. x•J-'ftf:f�•T(:1�u�tl:�f1J�*a1:111c:mo

���•m• �o -�k.�-rle���-�A�-�.m�fflm•TBAU�-���¾•*��
��M•.�¾��A�-ffo �¥F-���-SMTB§i:J=t•��-*���-����ffi*$o
ijjj;[# 3J
*� 51§-'@'ffiXffl f:1':liifl1[�:,js:if�¾3oooj\1/jWfllirrJ1[ Ll�f:1�f/li J,fu'f1iifl, t!Lff)t¾j\1/j �� � 'l:hl'frl!�Hff-�>R'.lit■�-lf!.
1 i

iifl o mm' -�f;lt��!fiU�,ft,x���f#,'�fflt�!jjl]xilJ':Jij!iifl o lljf��L' !fitli!'Jj\1/j:5t�xa':l*ti�-'f��B�:E,lilx;fij!

iifl(:l':Jnatural and sophisticated controlo 51§-�mLl&lDiJT·if*'fjffl.'��1i1X, �f!l�IBf:;$:�;fil!m\Jff-51§-'§(:1�ffliifl o

1::Em-ffl m-
i:j=t , 1A] B JE 1i°J ( ..•has never been about... ) , �� =
1i°J "i§f JE{iJ ( ...has always included... ) , m .=
1:iJx¾BJE1:iJ( ...cannot be... ) o
��r!i��i:j=t' m-1:iJ�JE{iJ( not like ... )' 16JWJE 11Jj( something that... )o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 33
Part 1
1:E�-'/'.fll7}, �'®'�1d1H l c#Tifu A��!%{5t, ?tJi§itT:tf��m,�, :JRtil�·iJ-\i;l*, fl,Ji'Bj, ±il!.}���
ii\'.{�L�,o �'®'t1FT".71t��lt1i��Ul<J�>:I, It1=, 1inI��fM§:¥:it��:tftllHoJo

1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?
I know all my neighbours. There are a couple living next door who are in their late 20's. They have two kids
and lots of other family members, that I have mostly met. The morn works as a respiratory therapist and
the dad is a cop. They are almost like extendedfamily to me. They are always willing to help us if in need
and we feel the same for tl1em.

respiratory therapist "f ,:&. )t/ 11 Yip cop��

extended family -k. fi..J/l

2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]

Very often. My neighbours have always invited me for dinner. They are the best neighbours I've ever known.
The great tl-iing about them is that they aren'tfakes but really are genuine and nice people. I am about to
move soon and I am really going to miss them. Hopefully, I will have such great neighbours in the next

fake ;i ,fh {lJ A, .lJFei-t genuine .J\--im. a-iJ

neighbourhood ,J, 1K, �±.IK

3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours?

Neighbourhood disputes a very common occurrence. I have been affected by some of the issues that
frequently crop up. The most common issue that causes tension between neighbours seems to be noise.
Arguments can arise over who looks after shared facilities, or garden areas, especially in flats. Boundary
disputes are also a popular reason for complaint about the neighbours.

crop up '.!tf../;:i'._.1. tension 'l Ilt

boundary dispute ill.-lt-4'-Ht complaint -IB ?&. , -&iJj:

4. How do you think neighbours can help each other?

There are many things to do. To keep an eye on others' place as the neighbours work at night or go out of
town. To exchange cell numbers with neighbours so just in case anyone needs any help with anytl-iing. To
invite neighbours if possible to functions you may host at your home. People who know each other in their
community are more likely to turn to each other for help, and in the long term cope better with crises and

keep an eye on met , WI ;t function�½

community ,J, 1K, �±.IK in the long term *$.JJ At.ix,

34 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Parf 2
ft- 1:i � 1i\t� ic(�� ���'.:l:.�;fiHIO o Z
�tr��'.1.-sKi-r!iB-F (Cue Card) o �'.i. �T1t"rP71t-iil-fl�-rsJ,
!§-� '.i.�fi\t 1 ~ 2 5HP f:l<J �:ifo � '.i. l}j: 7t I§- , �� � fJt � �E rt<J f\\'i] :if p;J ?g t'f,-p;);j 1-tl!I :'k: i'iiJ B , El,1 � '.i. fi\t ffi'i �
@l� o

Describe a time when you were asked to give your opinion in a
questionnaire or survey.
You should say:
what the questionnaire/survey was about
why you were asked to give your opinions
and explain how you felt about giving your opinions in this

:!m *�'.i.)!%. � sit � Jt �i fF !JwJ r.% B tlli :if¾ � !Il: � (J<J o - ('l(_ iJlij � (survey), -� l'i:iJ �
� o I;§ 1Jt ,
(questionnaire), !i.X:�¾Tffif�Pm Dif-\·�M"Pi..i/aLl(l<J-�i.'ffti'(evaluation), t�£�!t/li(:1<J:izU-t o

{iiJf111 Well it was hard to think of a questionnaire that I filled out, but I could talk about the
fc]� evaluations we had to fill out at the end of every semester in university.
Obviously, the school wanted our feedback on the quality of the teacher and our interest in the
fc]� course. Teacher evaluation by students can go a long way in enhancing the professional
�a(] performance of teachers. The school also wanted any suggestions that we might have about how to
improve in the future.
I wanted to be helpful to the school, and the form never took very long to fill out, but I still felt a bit
uncomfortable with the process. Even though the form was confidential, I was a little concerned
about teachers figuring out which form was mine and it seemed awkward to say anything
�� particuiarly bad about any of the teachers, even ifl hadn't really cared for their classes. It is said that
ffii� teacher evaluation is vital because it provides specific tips for improvement so that the teacher can
learn and grow as much as possible by this. But in my opinion, it's still hard to give negative
feedback about a person. In addition, I never really had any particular suggestions for the school
and usually just left that part blank. But hopefully it was still at least a little helpful.

fill out J-Ji� evaluation Wfi!i' go a long way xi······lfm:k'M.ll;/J

enhance ti�, ±ts!fi confidential f*\if.'B� vital ��:!:��
negative feedback ff.I. 00 & �•m

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 35
�.=:W:5t: xJ.fiiJiiit (4-5:5tl'l1) �,g ��1:ern�E1:1M=W:5tcJI �� tl:\J'1d1<J-i�H�t&ffl:l�a<Ji%@:lt!:1'iii
�. m.=:w:5t��•¾mm=w*�•����-��%�.

Asking questions
1. What kinds of organisation want to find out about people's opinions?
Businesses, schools, news sites, and governmental departments all need to do surveys to find out people's
opinions. Businesses need to do market research to learn how people might react to new products and how
much they are willing to pay. If they don't know about their customers well it can be a disaster. Universities
need to know that their students are satisfied with campus life and learn what new programs students might
like. Newspapers always want to learn people's opinions about different social issues. And of course,
governments occasionally do a census to learn as much as they can about their citizens.

governmental .®:Jlt !YJ , ifkJlt•ti./flt a1] campus life fX. fill 1- di

social issue :t±½ loJ M census :t.±½-iJ� 1t, 1\'-1t
2. Do you think that questionnaires or surveys are good ways of finding out people's opinions?
Surveys have a lot of problems, but they are probably the best way to find out opinions. One ma1or
disadvantage of questionnaires is that many people won't really take them very seriously. I don't like to fill
out surveys and often throw them out or fill them in without thinking things over. So maybe the
information gathered isn't very reliable. However, there is no other more cost-effective way to get
opinions from a large group of people.

think over iJ-.J\-,�� gather l/X.�

cost-effective ;tf J;\,,.f..Jti:.ji !YJ , :l(1j Jt. !YJ

3. What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinions?
I suppose there are a lot of reasons for not giving their opinions. Some people are naturally shy and feel
intimidated by questions. Other people might be very busy and not want the hassle of stopping to give a
response. There are a lot of groups that demand our attention these days. A third reason that people might
not want to share their opinions is that they don't have any well-defined opinions to give. I'm sometimes
very impartial to a lot of things - especially new products - and don't want to have to take the time to
think through my opinion. I guess other people feel that way too.

naturally J:.. 1-.ii!!. intimidated R£•t:H1J

hassle tffi.tii.., ./lf.-1� well-defined it:tl!YJ, itllf.lrof-!it!YJ
impartial 1,)--.J1. !YJ , ;f: 1G, ;r- f.i- {J1j

ffi Questionnaires in school
1. Do you think it would be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about lessons?
It's definitely a good idea. I feel that schools need to get constructive feedback in order to develop classes
that students will find useful. Education techniques change very quickly these days and I think it's important

36 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
for a university to regularly change and adapt. Academic organisations should be as innovative as
possible. They can try new programs, ask students their opinions and then decide if they should keep them or
not. Also, learning really depends on the quality of the teacher and a school needs to know how students feel
about their teachers' teaching methods so they can make sure they are using the best teachers available.

constructive }t-i1AH1 academic organisation "if ;J(.;;j:;tA/;J

innovative i1];¥Jj- a1

2. What would the advantages for schools be if they asked students their opinions?
There are many potential advantages of asking students for opinions. They need to keep up to date
with students' desires in order to give them a good learning experience. In addition, it's possible that
students might have really creative suggestions for new programs or services that school administration
couldn't have thought of on their own.

potential advantage �,{f. {t :lh' keep up to date� at1:l'tnt

learning expe1ience "if SJ ,(;j.q:&r creative suggestion i1J rH± a1 }t-ix.

3. Would there be any disadvantages in asking students' opinions?

Overall I think there are more advantages than disadvantages to asking students for their opinions, but I
suppose I could think of a few disadvantages. One, for example, is that schools need to focus on the core
quality of the education but students might put more emphasis on less essential issues, like
extracurricular activities or groups. As a result, the school might feel pressured to change their focus.
Additionally, maybe some opinions should be ignored, like if students think coursework is too difficult, the
school shouldn't necessarily ease requirements.

core quality :J:k •� }gf i

extracurricular ii� a1
ease requirement f;,"j 1-t 11/; ,-J<._
pressured *
emphasis jt,*,, 5,hfol
JI;. jJ a1

t�ff!ff&$�1:tt�ff :cttE:1c{tj J:w<:Jll R.U[tl!titJl'iiJ, 1M1i'iiJ�El�i'£ffi a ff )d1��itJi.?:ffi1&·1tutfc, ff )d1��iff

i.?:ffi lTILl"i:iJ fl�::f J/i(:@ l§ ' �3&-4--J§ W&� iLl�11;,( ['iij �l!.X:ifr)J� (j� i'I1i ?)]11�· � rl-
- rl-wtt
- JHi! ffiffr iJliJ� ['iij �:fil:
O ,;� '

ffm����*ffiA�-�#ffl��a TOO�m•-�*�-T,�������-��--���a

Successful Survey Tips

-How to Get "All of It" From Your Surveys

Successful surveys don't just happen. They are a function of doing some very
logical simple things really, really well. The first element is knowing what you want
to know; defining objectives, laying out what decisions you're making and planning
out the infrastrncture of the survey. Another element of the series is actually
writing the questions and making it easy for the respondent to participate. Next,
we're going to focus on leaving our respondent happy and preparing ourselves for !:!l.
analyzing the data.
If we really want to get all the benefit from the work that we had done in

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 37
defining our objectives and creating engaging questions, then the very least we can do is finish the job and get
as much information and future cooperation from our respondents. This next set of tips is designed to reduce the
amount of work for you and also reduce the need to go back to your respondents for information you might have

• Segment your sample. If you are using an existing customer list, pre-segment your sample using the
"custom variable" feature in QyestionPro. You have the ability to use as many as 255 custom variables. If
you already know specific demographics about your respondents, then this is the ideal place to program
them in.In addition to that, you can place up to 5 custom variables in an e-mail invitation to personalize it to
each respondent. You can also compare as many as 10 segments at a time by the specific questions that you

• Pre-test your survey. The easiest way to test your survey is to literally give it internally to your
company or a trusted group of respondents. Be sure to tell your test group who the audience or the
respondents are and to act as if they were the target respondent when answering the questions. Look for two
specific types of feedback; first check for clarity of the questions. Did the respondent perceive the question as
it was intended? Next check the test data and see if you can make the decision that was the core of your
objective. If you don't have enough information to make the decision, then you will have to go back and
tweak the questions.

• Use a Thank You. QyestionPro gives you a variety of ways to say "thank you" to your respondents.
There is, of course, a Thank You page. This is actually a wonderful piece of promotional real estate where
you can give your customers a" downloadable" thank you gift. Another use of the Thank You page is to
send your respondents to another page on your website where they can get more information about the topic
that they've been surveyed about - maybe even a biog post where they can provide more feedback. You can
also send your respondents a Thank You e-mail in addition to a Thank You page. I would recommend using
BOIB the Thank You page AND a Thank You e-mail especially if you are providing a downloadable gift.

38 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Section 1

�ft. 9!llt:!1¾jffi :%-m zg] 9" �-m- Jli!,:%:t� o *

U�ft¾A1fJ'i.tis9"1'1�--t-11HHilJ1�tffl:5-}, 'f::r&R�-t-@!Ji)\\, :!Ill: �ff, ;/di!., �:;g;, 3:_fil(M·, 1Jr:iE�a
Ti iiJHt�¾Michael.M. i:�I �, :iE:iis-�!Jo/.1 �% itl � *llJ fili_ E�J � � , frn��


belonging n. Pfr1f�, 9!:tf" crack 11.ii&'.�

take out insurance �1:i� cabinet n. te�
claim n. �- towel n. �rfJ, ;e,rf]
current adj. 13 r,JEt-J, i.l\1,UEt-.l Indonesia n. E� /1,fe, jffi :ill!:
suburb 11. �IX quote V. H11L f&111'
via prep. f283 saucer 11. �:&t=E
reference number '£'i'sJ-%iil\ replacement 11. �ft. �t�

term/policy period 保险单有效期 premium 1*��

sum assured/insurance amount/cover premium paying term 1*�xtriM�&
MN� maturity benefit M�&;tiJ_g
death benefit 9E"t::1*��

1. Some items were damaged during the move so I need to make a claim. ;ff * 4h J'a ,tJ.. :i£ 4t ii t.i 'f �Jl :lili f.;r- T ,
rt v,q\�%" 9l¾ a W:'r.iJ�WJ-t-.-ifiJrPn�tt�:: moveU:i�J[MJ:w:JG1-¾":iE4litr", frn�¾":iEzili"; c!aim:J'/?i "•
IAff', frn�¾"J5'W"��-11!'!,a
2. Now, who was the shipping agent, Mr Alexander? JJ� '¼ , fl •JJ� � /,)- .3) fi -t :i£ fif,)" a1 ';It, , Alexander A,±.?
agentriT lVJl?i1-tWA, -t!11:fJ IVJl?i1-t3:11!0� a
3. Don't worry, all of that information will be in the documentation. ;;;; �.:!E.''-> , if-. iiE ..\t'.. ½ e!,-¼ i'lf ;ff 1-t .t a
information:J'/?i l'!�¾!Yr��twtiF!Jo/.1 �f�,\i!l, o
4-. I need to take down a few details of the actual damage over the phone before you put in a full report. � % �
,tl..1t-.:hl3t�did!l¾Z1l'f, ;1:-,,t}.. rbf .\fl. ifuii:.�;;ff -'k.. � f.f;;!il\Yl•tl,JLa1-*#fu!1t ,t a over the phondt'��-11!'!,
:Z!: "ti: � 1-15 fil" , -t!1 PJ � iJlon the phone a
5. And what is the extent of the damage? ;!jjif-.T-a1 t.i/t-.!la1of? extent:J'/?i(:1�¾*-filJJ!'. 0
6. I had an estimate done on this actually because it is a very special table to us. � � J:.� 'ill' i'£ .ilt1t.ti±. #
1t, � ;IJ iHls--*-r xt-4-\.1il ;f;.i.ilifl4-t M a had...done*7f:"iUJ1JAfi\!(;1./t.l!Jf." a

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 39
ffll~3B¾-t-A1l"f,�J&�B o
1. *B����m� o --�-�*�AA�����.*ff*e�re*�m�ili*,ffi���rr��¥
-t-Jtl!.�jtffJ§�it-}::J¥rJJi·J,t'.=ji'.·l�HMJ1:�o ��j,:if�it�;"RR"M �i'-'
!-, lTflt��nx;"double R", :;f,fatj"�
�nx; "R-R", 1' '1[-i/!HiO 11)J!lif! ·tt!J-6ltfl�·tk� fr /:l�, &Ji o

2. �a:-�aa½:hi1J§--,t-i�-riiJMovers¾iJ1L it:i&'., �a 1=j:r(J½�iffl.R�1'¾¥.H/j¥--t-�i2i", -%Ui1

3. a:•���- o �h@:JCcj:r%ili��¾•*�BM,�J5�-���BM o �fil���-�,BM�nx;
�i/&iffl, ffi/&�tfl�� o
ffl4~1DB¾*�B o
4. B'f-cj:r (:1½damage=®:X 1=!= 1 (:1½cracko DJ:xcj:rmiLlEl½new ond'/j(J½¾screen,�.fil.���1:�t-1-ciffl:ifJ.Ji'HMm
jJ, jffij3.�1'1l"f,�,fil¾�:i:Jl(J½1l"f,�,o
5. a:•1fr,�,mT:'l: o B'f-9:i1!1½cabinettEW:X cj:r 11\:f.J\l:(:E�abathroomZ.mT o
6. B'f-cj:r(:1½damageM/i@:)(cj:r�has a huge hole in it 0
7. �it •*ff * (J1 -=i=-t1t1r.)§L *ff5M!tiLl �_), mr ¾:tt 7 $125� El½ ' )5 00 ;;1-wi:t:E!l!tlt rm�$140 0

8. a:•1fr,�,mT:'I:, g::pi:j:r S9split:(:E@:X i:j:rtJ1¾ili :E.J\l:(:E�az.J§-,'iffi'��1=.5r1Jffi�:1Ult"rc'tZ. o

9. a:�;{fr,�,mT:'I:, &'f-i:p tJ½sixtE®:X cj:r ili :f.J\l:(:EplateZ.J§ o
10. tt•mroom¥Ll7-&-t-�-=f$10,lJ�-z.:t;-t-�-=f-�¾$60; B'f-cj:rstin total=@::$Ui=1 (:19altogether o

Section 2
'-1 ±P.i ** tB
ffA�h���-=���ili����-�- o *�m�¾--t-�•ffiffigA::rt-1'�*�-m��
§at(J½��� o

amongst prep. tE······Z.9=1 complex n. �*-g-�m�

remit n.*� plan n. oo�a:, Sf0000
situate V. �;'fr block n. lR�
route 11.lEMi graze V. fil:�_5(
circular ad). �%ir-J rectangular adj. -Jf1.f%ir-J
marsh n. 5f!;f out of bounds �.1bil:A
poultry n.*� nutritional adj. �fr=a�
breed n. &frp broaden V. �'.o'[, �jJQ

display n. )&� orchard n. *Im

browse v. ix1JIB: diversify V. 1f1'1EJ, 1f *�'ft

40 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
accommodatiorcapacity MH��g t.J after-departure charge �fF�N� ( tUQ
accounting period ITTl (P :/'!JJ Eg t!�, tE� :FF;�
adventure tourism ( ��-:iE:���Er-.1) fr5 B';J Bt i� - �9: :;rs
���;Jff t&' �j��im:i:1il§
affinity group 11#Fa'J�jl!t iff- ffiT�ii l

1. As you know, we have only been open a week so you are amongst our first visitors. .iE-.!lo k �P}f:1-P, A 1f1 i;Jtj
,T-�-fol, foJj"v:H,t1f1.:Tt:l/k.--f-¥t:Jlt.J-c.�Ji/.,{J9$.A o a'.:im:amongst=among=of o
2. We are also thinking of bringing in cows and horses but we do not, as yet, have facilities for these bigger animals.
A 1n-tt.- .:a��I :Ul-!lll4:fl,J¼, 1!1..:TlA1n � 1J1Ji!:A:.*-1:aJ.:Jf..:i!.*k1!!#i o� o as yett![FJ�;lik f=l"M�19:� o
3. These are very popular with the public but of course we mustn't lose sight of the main purpose of having this section,
not as such to preserve rare animals but to maintain the diversity of breeds to broaden the gene pool for agricultural
development .!R?i.V.<}-,R,1(l$�k.:i!.*, 1!1.;,l�1f1-lt.,Z,:1i5;f,ic.A11H'F-l'n:i!.-1'-�l�ii9 � ii9: ,Z,:;,l;h 11�Ai'#"*#J1h
,Tri .:Tt:h 11,1t#"°" tr ii9 J, H·•tiv:;,-}-£; � IEl 4, :Ur.m-iJU!-R� a1 Ua it'ilJ i:j: a<JjJ;J;j1-m"1:iJ!t� :
1 theset![f-t_t-'il)
�p;J�, &nEl30ikilf�i;/J!Jo/J!V-.&fol0ikW•±il!.iJH:lH§�J:-J.Hfl; such:J'l[n�;fil:the main purpose of having this section o
4. May will be perhaps our most spectacular month with the arrival of the Canada geese and when our fruit
trees will be in full blossom, but there are interesting events on all year round. 3i J] ¥f1,;-;,l� 11] :i!..\l'.. :Ilk.#\ l;fi]
#I O with9::\I-ra� �
7 May will be perhaps our most spectacular month (:j{J ).)}( I!! a

11. filFf:.klli"1purpose{E).)}l)( i:J=tx. J.jiz7 -1- tt$.lt�U!� [PJS(irf] remit ( I{,q;jJl1111i ) o �:i:1�1::riJ IV-1��� IVi'fLl

�1if!Bi:p �j;;lj1-. iii]education5fl1research o

�12-141ffi;lik±-tl!.00tticlffi a
12. :zls:lffi\w�fflJ(jl,00 i:J=t�H:\ (:J'�Grazing A.rea¾'.;Ef�, ).)}l)(;(.£M\:fLl�1-fi,@,z.�iJ?.W-11JF�(it;likForest Area o �
ff:5m:, lffi'fB�H:\Area, ��i:J=t�&,W-:iJlo
13. :zls:ll]riJ 8:im:i:1middle... circular;fi1 two... rectangular'.;Ef.fz��Fish Farm(s) o
14. 7-js:ll]riJ !V-:im:i:1south-eastem;fi1marsh'.;Ef.fz��Market Gardena a:5m::zls:lffi-'=j _t_-ll]a���Re� tt$.ltili a
ffi15-2O/l],lik.J]i!�f.l:/l] o
15. a=.5m:lffi'f i:p �closed to the public=).)}()( 9'1 �out of bounds; �1if!Cr.j=1 [i�short time=).)}()( 9'1 El�tempora.rily o
:!73�r. A, Bj;;lj1-m1if!(i�5m:,l!Ht$.lttlili-fL;lik5m:}rM��$(i��J1fl-f19J'i�:;rs¾IE:refu��o
16. a=.5m::zls:lffi□�ii,'&, tt$.lt:5H&, mJJi!A9=1 �=-t-fi,'&J·H!J1.£j:;1j1-li:iJ-=f r.!:i a
17. ).)}(j(M\:fLl 7 =#i;/J!Jwlgoats, sheep, hens, §r IV-IE1iff1�J.}Ji,likC; :!iHr, mx i:J=tmM\:fLl 7 cows5Fn horses, JYr
IV-A, Bj;;IJJ.]f! filJl� -'.;E B�- tlttL

18. �1if!Bi:p B�varietyX' J.jiz).)}(j( 1:p (i�diversitya a=_;t,:n[r [PJ5( i,".] a


19. :zls:lffim�nfr[PJ5( irfJ o ll]'f i:p □�at the present time=).)}()( i:p El�cumntlya
20. mJJi!A i:p A�animalsx1 J.jiz).)}(jc r.j:i �wildlifea

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 41
Section 3

)flUfl'!,�m'.¥&El. Ml m II =I I= 1t r-YZ '

:x :Sl:Jt!iJJ!Ix!9r::f§ 0 * $:5}¾ Ii _lt1. �if itJ �_: � i;Jj:fu/f- iII VII�.¾ :!mfPJilli

quarantine 11. & v. tt�. �� moisten V. ff:™;llI

infest v. tt!L, �ltt scrunch V. tttt �ffil
microscopic adj. tJ.H 1 a�,
t.&fh�JJ\a� eradicate v. t��. =Hx
die out :x:t� mite n. 1J1�; ,m�
devastating adj. n&:tF't'.H.&*�' �x wipe out Wix, �JJltHU1
·11� pollinate,,....:j§:t.t;;ffl-
skeleton 11. �Wt indigestible a. 7flili5Mt�

pellet n. Jj,� cough up �/:11

butterfly �� flea it!��

scorpion �-=r moth �
mosquito 'R.Rr mantis �!hftB
ant �.415( roach IJ!f!hftB
beetle Ef3%:e. termite s!l!Sl
cricket i!/t!I$

1. Well, obviously they want to protect Australia from diseases that might come in with imported goods, but they also
want to prevent insect pests from being introduced into the country, and that's where I have a part to play. �!l fl}]
�Ait,t- 00 �, ,Tri it-11:,iE.k�Hr�J[, a� 4JU}x.o !f $tthey1�ftmi:>UP El9Qyarantine Service; ;t,t7Xwhere1� El9
¾Grant(:l'-:(liJTJt@l:l!]_!lto prevent insect pests from being introduced into the country a
2. Oh, and another thing is, if you're stung by an Asian Honey Bee, it can produce an allergic reaction in some people.•#!:,
�*itk.,k, -:!{i,*;f&:.� iJt\ liti: J:t1fr: f1J �if;, *�A.�/L .i.ii�E. 0 itt�E19¾if you are stung by an Asian Honey Bee0

3. Then they bring up all the indigestible bits of skeleton and, of course, the wings in a pellet - a small ball of waste
ffi material which they cough up. P.t.1€; 't 111½;/e'..- �� flt ijlj 1t a� 1[·/1$-, � P.t ��f;��z� a� t\; �, ¾ A--t-
B 1H;Ji..�.±. :±: *o whicht�El9¾pellet; cough up;;js:;w.¾"lltl!lf', 1:E�ID.¾"n.±1:!1*"(19�:}fsl o
*, �
A 4. So far our research shows that Asian bees have not entered Australia in any number - it's a good result and much
more reliable than trying to find living ones as evidence of introduced insects. f1J � Rif /J 111 a�� 1[, i.iE a}] �
42 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Jt.JJo of� a t:t:laJ (1'-Jxit\'RtE"f Jti:j=1 (:1'-Jx-Ht.a more reliableiJU1MiHltrffiJUW El"Jjjl't--:ifil:i:10-i'Ji-Rainbow Bee
EaterE!Tn.±1±l*E1'-J;]\:f:JJ<(1'-JJj.Jt7}*M1Ji'.:l:'iH!f1'J�lZ.1Hl�E�ill.Arll'!1c5f!J�-tt.¾t�tYw(1'-J�tJ+lj,:��£1JllriJ� o


21. ;zjs:@�fll:r\i:izPJJ1B, C[i"J-=ftlt, }Jj(>(9:i:j;!l!JI!JTNew South Wales and other states, 1§.��:1:-tl!.jj:J:'/!:�f!lfl{Ji/J:iil
lln � 1J+I � E�ill.A , rra :=Jt-::1 � 'N. lJc\� r)+I �9� 111'-Jtll!.jja
22. ,$:@xit\'R;(:E"fi.1,J5(!f�:J#:a :i2P1J!M=1 (:1'0carry parasites=)Jj(:X 1=1:i 111'-Jinfested with mites; :izPJJ1C1'J -;i'.(1'-J'f :tit
'11, 12511., J}j(>(i:j:i tl:J J:Jc\ T damage o
23. ;ijs:@x!t\'R;(:E"fi.1,J5(!fff:J#: a ]2l;JJ)1 C i:p (i{Jsold to customers abroad= }Jj(>( 1:P 11"1 exports native Qyeen bees to a
large number of countriesa
24. J2l;J]JjAi=l:i (:1'-Jthe country's economy would be alfected=}Jj(>( 1=j:i El'0We could Jose a lot of moneya
m2s-30@:l:'/!:tWl;�±J�fm o �!J1JJJ1Jtt�@§�:;:jt9:i_x,J'.cf-i/&1 1'-JllL�tM: ONE WORD ONLYa
25. rift�J5(�:J#:, @'f i:j:i fl"JonlyX•JJ.ili:J)f,>(9:i (:1'-Jas long as a
26. �ff��IA.]5(i.1,JJ;Efii:5fflfl§,1�!-1l!T.'i:, @-=f i:j:i (:i'-Jlocation=J)f,>( i:1=1 i'l"Jspots, £1.-�l"J tl:J J:,!il;(:E��feecling,::'...1§ a
27. Ji'.1ir�JJl!i.1,J: collect, take; for analysisX�J]IE�::iUl"El"Jto examinea
28. ff�l,',]5(i;i,JJE1ii:t,;J,.&1iJ-=ftt!H1il (:1'-J1f:1-t o ,m-=f 1=1:i fl"Jsoften=}Jj(>(9:i (:1'-Jmoisten; m:x¾.:tzYJ/pJ' ffij@'f¾tJJl
igj/pJ 0
29. Ji'.1ir:!1�Jji1,J: look for a
30. JE1ii::!Jcfflt .1,J: more... than... o

Section 4

,$:11 ¾--t-1iJfR'..Afft Mr E!Tillfi· r➔'-1 :!Jc r � fr fi * (1'-17ilfR'. (:1'-J l�kf a �lk:ifil i1 � IA.] l�I � E1%Jl-R'.� ft! i'"-1lt l'oJ
�B{JjjJ3'.:illfi1iJfR'., mi .ELRlJWllt18* IV-J:£1..iitEI ft a{J � 'li a TiJT-R'.i'l{J:!1tfi�� 1:P , �:W:J¥Jt�f11Hffi a tEiJWllt
i:j:i:fiffl��;it!& TW�1'JitlliB"J1t,@!,o

rationale n. �*�IJ., �IU�1t:li recruit v.m�

questionnaire n. ifcl* fa] 'f!,' counteract V. .!cj••····S.zi;/J
collate V. �II, �xi revert V. t,z.�( ��)' @Jill
implement v. 1��ti5c, �Wl subject n. l&:*iMt�
be taken aback OZ:'i:!il; \I])$ reassurance n. �)):{�iii:
encounter v. �flj seminar n. iii1:
traceable a. oJ �j i�J* s� substance n. 1t1J)jjj:

bizarre a.*'1'¥�
eye-opener n. � A ::k rrm.Ur-s�

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 43
assignment n. i'\=jf wording 11. :tlfi.EJ
assess \ draft n. 1\t�, tnf�
sample n. t$!i1, t@f$ presentation 11. Hitt&�

random n. llitJ1

1. Now I had to set up my programme of research in three clifferent countries so I approached postgraduates in
my field overseas department, contacting them by email, to organise things for me at their end.
1i1 ,ff. Ji� Y :h A1tt-':tt, •-rt a endtE�1I :J'l;r i:11J:I\Hll1.= 1' � rt'fJ BIJ !�%a
2. I know questionnaires are a very controlled way to do things but I thought I could do taped interviews later
on to counteract the effect of this. �f.rii!fa] 4-ifol1!:-Jl-+-'1!c �1\' 1:.f!l-$1] �,?;Jf-1[.-}f A., 1E-Jl�l\1i.16½1ti:ffe_{}
*it, v.J. � -ifol 11:- faJ 4 aiJ �**fr liAra it'PJ SIJx/trf.'( tE Cf:®:.1§ E(Jthis, 'f:::J'HtBIJ ¾ffl i)j!ij'.11!::Jl"'iJ�q� /:I:\ EIIJ�:!,f;/: a
3. Government reforms have been proposed at all levels and although their success is not guaranteed, long-term
hospital care is in fact probably less of an issue than the media would have us believe. i&./it j;J(_ $- e..� ,{f..}.+
/J� JJJ\ z.. )'"- 3t o would have us believe¾"-j,1:j',li;ff1*f:J1t" FIIJiUG'- o
4. Certainly I will need to do more far-reaching research than I had anticipated in order to establish if people want
extra medical staff invested in the community, or if they want care to revert to fewer, but larger, key medical
units. � t.t��!Ht�ffff.Jl}] Iii] �;/Jrii)itAai],?;Jf-1[., v)Z.fij-i.A.A.1f1Jl�,/f.;/±.!R 'f .iif ;/Jo ffi. 11 A.ffi. , :i£Jf_�,tRj__v.J. 1l'f
Ji�#•-� :Y1E-�k� aiJ *i!t ffi.11 {JL;#;J a establish¾"/2'i:JJ\l, fifAiA."EJIJ:i&Jsl; keyBIJ:ti'.Y.s',¾":!,(J}i!BIJ, m:�EJIJ" a
5. This first stage has proved very valuable though. t.t mi �1(,-ffe t'..,;/Jt-jjf. � Jf__,ff_l;;tf11i'ia. � o thoughtE'PJr lfl
6. But I was taken aback and rather concerned that something I thought I'd set up very well didn't necessarily
seem that way to everyone in my own department. 1E-.t\1.. :i£Jf_ ,ff_l � >'I-, ,!ri JL,ff_l,i!! •�--� ,f � 1t H'· A� -
':tt,iht,ff_l�, 1E-i.¾' f, l'..P)f ;;tf {1� � �Lift,½� z.. -i.A.J; o be taken aback:(:E�lf EIIJ:fi:}G',¾"liz:'t)i(, :fi::W' o
7. There were odd cases that threw me - one of the subjects who I had approached while he was out shopping

in town, decided to pull out when it came to the second round. ;;tf ':tt,-ij-•tl-aiJ1t1f1J.:le.�*� 1 0 ;;tf�;tJf--1.i1:_
it�, �1f,-k.t\.i1]�Jf__1i!!.JE,{f.J,h\l'..9l�ih, .i� 11" ..::..itJ'i'-{!tJf_�i}t �i!. tl:! it o threw metE:i!1lt.1"J]l-,\sl,¾
"il'm1�1E�, 'fgiJf, �:f.llifflT(' a pull out:fi:,m¾"fil/:1:\, -Ji!x:.:f.f." a

0 � § ffitfr
m31 ~36@¾.!f!.JJ!m�Jmo
31. Ba i't:ti'.!"1.:X.:!fH!�a:iiliJJ!M�EIIJstudents=ffii::>Ul�i':IIJpostgraduates; J5�r. :iiliJJ!C�-JE(ilJ:i!Br.lt1, 1251:3/-Jffii:X
.l§lffimrU ...and sometimes their tutors got involved tOO o
WJ 32. B o :,js:Jmi:iJ ffltllcl�t:L .@.f'�ffii:xmrU T jiliJj)!A;fr:C1'1"J P-H?: people under 18 should be excluded; set up

*� ;
ffi something for people who clidn't have jobs and for employed women later on, 1.§.t��@;tt;ff,f o

� 33. :iili Jj)! A ,tl, � lj.=I WI T )Ji( X i:1� BIJ get a wide range of data M J1i. )Ji( X lf1 EIIJ include as much variety as

� possiblea i't:fi:�ili:»2:BIJ:iiliJffi-B¾7f:?-0 -%1lfiJ),EIIJ, -fN*iJ1JJt�:iiliJJ!��¾iHifo��o

44 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
34. :zis:@xif JJU€ll: ::k , l!I :1-J:iz\;J:Ji!A(£@:X 1=!:i x1JiiHm& � ¾ffl!fffttfJ� , mi Ji:iz\;J}Y!B i:p (J�government;\il1 :iz\;JJ)I C i:p 13�
hospital\!\'�:±\:1:llliE®:Jt i:p, .:PVt·t1!€ll:�ie a 7G:i:1:1f-,i/RTff!'�ff�, :iz\;JJ)IA(:1�.:kmi.n.lpress1£®:X"1=1 ti:',JIJ\ Tp;i;j:9-t
x1·Jj)I pg?§: newspapers%il media a iM'<:i::tfil 1 :i:� f§,1�,-J)Q::j\;fl¾.ifliffl��, J!m¾f;\l(@(:11�1:szr5z.- a
35. Ca ®:Jtm¾ffilffftUJ�, Wd1�¾0ikri�ftwroJ·t1 a :iz\;JJ)!Bff t�$.il:�illEl���-t1, 1!1'7®:Jt "1=1 -t:!1:J'.lHIJ Textra, f.§.
®:Jt r.r i.tr1�¾!:W1'H1� �ff A!JJ., 7G¾18:\',i a
36. :iz\;JJ)I C r.p fl�colleagues do not always agree:X1)iiz@:Jt 9' 1 fl�didn't necessarily seem that way to everyone in my
own department a

m37-40@¾:J'i.ti'fc@ a

37. B a ¥1:f:IP.]5( :ffj!'R:; decided to stop participating=®:Jt r.p 13�decided to pull out a
38. Fa JJT:Jt i:p tll':¥1J-1--1f �(:t(J;zjs:;f1j.1:_f! ·tJ:Shonaf:lf/:liE7GiJ:JJ1J,A_f-riifil fth(fl !t; �watfllf y)jj(; :iz\;J}Y!F(:i'-J:f:
, i\'!-¾":Jt!iL.-1 A 1llf .�J!.t&l�ttM!�?l!l:tm", ¾x1·wxa�fWffftnlj=J� a

39. D a ®:Jti..11. El�¾�Ill (J�-1- 1¥.fJ �1:F. tk:JE¾i!? IP.]:f:Jl't '.'ft: *"tlJJ!1-i'iiJ@J: , i!J/: 75t T JL l'X .:I:::f: a
40. Ca refused to tell Shona about their job:X•J-D!I®:Jt 9:i (J�he wouldn't tell me exactly what his work involved a

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 45
Reading Passage 1

� UJt: -;!;-;t-a�;Jt�1Ji,J:i½i!-ll$,-{R:�
� 2fJt: -tr ?ti!J6 a� oJ" :i! �-t,,J :i½JJtJr� a� .:Lt:.
�3fl: i-'}-i!-1/l1J;Jt.:Lt:.�,f-1..
�4R: i}i!-1r,tJ;Jt.:Lt:./ff-Jl'.
� SR: ii .:Lt:.� .:L .:lUt .1.. ,f-.,a .ffl
�6ft: J;t,4--ii .r.. t:.� ?ti!
�nt: #i'HH�.,a.ffl

x1Mt��= ***
ffilt.lW:)1[9iff : :J$; tl\ J/]Jll]i.[ij':ffl?pJ/] !If] nJ
�ti!Hi� = J1t�x1P:1:J#�lli!r:11f':Wt"lli!, m1-s!l]x. mziw.=::�, m9-13R]xtmzm.=::�€*t�5HJR:J-t
€MJ¥.Hir, n :J1,;F.;J11Jilij':�,t-�Jl]o

1. molten adj. i$1-tl¥1

molten iron :P.,H.!k. , 4-,U<..
molten lava ( =liquid rock from a volcano) ;t.t. % , % !$.._
2. virtually adv. ��i-..t; JVf
Virtually all the children come to school by bus. JL-t Hr�� 1t:-f-:tf1*1;:-. x.-$-J:. "if 0
He was virtually unknown before running for office. 1\1!.,�}Jaft:iztwi JL-f ::f- 7-J A.i@ 0
3. guarantee v. �ii£, :I'.§. f:i
I guarantee you'll love this film.� 1,'ib.iE1,t,½4,;� it §Ja� o
The law guarantees equal rights for men and women. it-lilli!-.flt1�-i.iE T Jj --k-1[-�+�a��x..i1J 0
4. coincidence n. I'j-g-, -3&
By coinaaence,John and I both ended up at Y.ale.John:fi:r�,oi:Pj::i/fitr.A T 11� .ff-o
It was a happy coincidence that Robert arrived at the same time.
Robert-t!!.. � at .f1] it, Ji.. Jl t--4--A. -Jt ,(; a� Pj 1,--o
5. inspection n. f.ll'.�, �!1t
An inspection was carried out at the school. "¥ �.iUclt- � 1 -ik.;/A!,� o
However, on closer inspection, a number of problems emerged.
f.{';"'7, 3&ii.Jl:7-J1-tful�#i:�, ;ttJJt T-f!lJ loJM o

46 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
6. automated adj. �M1-tl¥!
a highly automated factory � &. gi #11t a<; ..I. r
The production process is now fully automated. -;!{u-6,--, .1. f- i±.:fbl ± gJ #1 a) a
7. pattern n. j\;1'f, !!I�, 1'fj\;, ffj\;
A general pattern began to emerge. Jf- -Jif; :Ii.. JJi.l, T f;f. ¾-il A. a
Their descriptions seemed to follow a set pattern. 1;!!.1(1 a) .:lliii.t 1t1.-1'-i!1!i.i 1 -,t- i!J ,t_ ii) ilA. a

Ll iA � □ -iii] 5[

Mesopotamian n. ��1':it*:JEA gravity n. *jJ

Egyptian n. ±�),,z__.A_ horizontal ad). l.K481
lime n. fi"JJi: roller n. iir□I , iltf!Jl
spin V. tJJHt full-scale ad). ( :t�tl�� rn��R '!81,
unblemished ad). i�S 81, xJifEB1 � mi81
labour n. 9';'iijJ' 9';' jJ homogenise V. 1ff-:,;J-'o:_j

intensive ad). \if/�81 simultaneously adv. IEJBt:l:fu

continuous adj. :ii�81, �1!�81 relieve v.�)N
ribbon n.Tff*� mar V. Ji&::l:iF, �__Q:J:iF
grind V. fT� bubble n. Ee(,;'§
polish v.�:le tremor n.�iiJJ.�N
rub V. �, f&, .1ij ripple n. M'.�. »Hsc iii�
adj. ,m;-g,_l� 81 adv. t□L.tilh, �)rrt±fu
tinted upstream
eliminate V. �ff<¾,��� unaided ad). :W: t!I} M 81, �!l! iL 81
bath n. )Jt)*, )fr'.¥: downstream adv. (i;]""fiJh
tin n.� steer v. :tlW-. �Iit. ��t; sl�

1. When heated to about 1500 degrees Celsius ( °C) this becomes a molten mass that hardens when slowly
• -��:it: it:¥L'Hr�1Jt11□ 1!.�fLlif.JIS0ot� ix,}lBtf;;-�Jvt:11:'f J.lft, ·t�·t�'4!1PJ§"f;;-f!9'.!1k.a
• 1i]� �*.fr: it PJ 1:11.J .± 6] 1lthis becomes a molten mass, whent�ttJfFlltl'i:lJ *i�, that.hA. t.Jf�'({ff molten
1 1

mass, £L it.hA. t.J cj�§�-,twhen'3 I �r11.J11�·fi3];J)d'/:f.hA. t.J a

2. This allowed glass of virtually any thickness to be made non-stop, but the rollers would leave both sides of
the glass marked, and these would then need lo be ground and polished.
• -��3t:.I£��:ii-1'�����•&��Jl81&-.ill¾ffl�f;;-�&-���ffififfi7'
(�i1E, J!)Ji)tfffi'�:N&f�:ill:fi=!'T�, Vt/1:3'to
• ':0:-=-
l1=1 c5

C 1) t.J�:5Hfi·:
-t.J�•**���.���'l'ff*�ff�,J§"#�o -Jfi-,t#�ff*�ili�ffi�**�
these, :J'/Htx•J�#1'¾the rollersTITT¾glass_Ulf.Jmarks o
( 2) leave sth + adj. :I!,t�:ttJ*mil:�!J&./W:J:#-JJr!%�, {ll'i:, tklirA�,o �Q:
You've left your lights on. 1,r-A:YJ BHUl*:kr a
She must have left the phone off the hook. :I«!!.� ,tJU.t #: -¼f ,i if, 0

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 47
3. The glass settled to a thickness of six millimetres because of surface tension interactions between the glass and

• *��x :
the tin.
I)UJ� ;fll� MJ * mi'}[(jJ 1� 1f.1tffl 43{f Jj_xJf� f.19 JBl�1& (:f{) !¥l3t ffi� 7± 6¥:* a

• ·11�0
l:i::1 j::j,..,:

( 1) 1iJ ID! if,' ;

1Jt1iJ$.li'.J/tM'#J'.i�illsettled�1tu¾:0-inJ1t�i1l, {El�t.ii: J!ll -1:iJir§- ,H� --t-zs/JinJ (:1qffi):JJ.!IJ, :if¾
i:iJt;J!gt't;)i:.1'tl!.fljl$'r/:l:\1i] .:HM1il o ±1i"J1Jthe glass settled to... , because oHM1iJJ-J;jjti'§· 0
(2) settleE)-{J:l�t}[\;1, 1J "�-� , 1iff! �" o

4. Several processes - melting, refining, homogenising - take place simultaneously in the 2000 tonnes of
molten glass in the furnace.
• *��:x:: trff�1�T2ooom�:m1tJJJl�i'fJ;ey�p;J, [A]atilifi��-t-�fr�:m1t, fi!J:l1.fs, :l:gJffr1t a

( 1) 1:iJID!:0-:tfr:
Jlt1iJ i:J=1 iillu1u1Ufr%tifiA T fli-lf,ff-$;::fr(melting, refining, homogenising), }.t�'ml:5t1J ±1:iJ a
(2) simultaneously adv. [AJR�jt1=J-tl!.
The opera will be broadcast simultaneously on television and radio.
i.t: ��,J i-!f-ifil.ii ie. �,li/.;;p, r otl!r � -ffe otlft :±: o

Questions 1-8
• ,\WI §I fflIHfr :
JJ:tlm1J*ffl��*illfil%��(19�t1r, f§.[AJ¥f=¾t.ii:H�J1W1rr/:l:1a, �1irnt�Ffflt&H�B%J1W1FJlttt;
tEMBu�*�ff�•aim*&6:0-l'fJ** o

iffi� �'UL� :x: i:r xtmz l.i\ Hi�!Wf#f

�-%1:: lLtB!'.19�{iz$.li'.W� a � ffl r.j:i Yr :I:${in]@ 1J
1 method The first successful method for making method(19;gf$ 0
clear, flat glass involved spinning. Yr t;JJ]:tfclil:1:${: spinning a
�-%1:: JLtB i'fJ � 1izinJ1J!i IP'J 5f...�:i£1Jstayed a
2 remained it stayed perfectly unblemished, ... fvr t;J JltB:l:;l: (perfectly) unblemished a
Jlt Im 89 � {iz inJ 1J!i [Al 51... � :i£ :1-J took a long
time, � ffl * Yr :l:jj; in] 1J�slow# 9Ll i'.19 --t-
3 slow However, the process took a long time
and was labour intensive.
)VT t;J JJ:tB:1:;l: labour/labor-intensive o
Jl:tBiilluRibboni:iJ t;J�{izfU�=Ml:, ;r-t*
Ribbon, Advantage$:0-� �1:i 1±� = 1iJ ; X * anyX'J
4 varying
This allowed glass of virtually any
@{ffir.j:ivarying o
thickness to be made non-stop, ...
Yf-t;JJ]:tB�: thickness o

48 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
iffi� '.iEf.lLiiij x: g:i :x-tJstz .� iffi§ffl1Hff
Jlt@ifil :tt 200/o TE1iz 'f xt $. /pJ Z J6 Ml t.l� -
glass, 1PJ, :J'fi:Hl'!Ji/ITT/f. !fri:Y1H'tiUx1$.:!11 �i=i sgglass
5 200/o
... but the rollers would leave both sides
� 1:j:1 yj-±j!i i,1i]J11.J-1 glass fig ;l;l(:?{fj_ a

of the glass marked, ...

JVr IV.Jlt@±JL markeda
Pilkington had been experimenting with
improving the melting process, and in
�r-����TE,�¥• ■ ��ft8o
6 float process
1952 he had the idea of using a bed of
molten metal to form the flat glass,
E/rI;.JJlt@±JL (molten) glass a
eliminating altogether the need for
rollers within the float bath.
ri?:��E/1-lli1il:1-J1:E glass rliiflg��.
7 iTi.]6@ iTi.]6@ :x�i:ix,JJ.i\Z�ID_ bed -i,ii]x,Jfjtj_J't{j'[ft o
r1r IV. Jlt@±l: (molten) tin/metal 0

�� f-ll �1:i Jfr ±j ifrJ � glass ]JJ;j fY!U ff igJ • ft (ig 15

8 iTi.]6@ iTi.]6@ ¥Fa
JfrlV,Jlt@±l: rollerso

Questions 9-13
• @ElfiJlHJr:

9. The metal used in the float process had to have specific properties.

���x: ��I£ffi8��ffl��-�ffiA*����tta
�f.lliiil metal
Miffi*tlhiil specific properties

The metal had to melt at a temperature less than the hardening point of glass (about 600 C ),
but could not boil at a temperature below the temperature of the molten glass (about 1500 C ).
:;,js:�:J'/il/:1:l: it�}m (:1g�-�(J6'jJfi1�rJJ/U�(:1gT�1-!:JffiUJr( f'.1600:/l �OC)' 1EliTi.JA,Ji!/B,�¥� T
�1-t:lfil1t1i1!1gfNrtOC( f:11 soot.N �OC) o X�M$.���-�Tffi�-��k��tta
t!{Jl:t@��.:1-J: TRUE a

10. Pilkington invested some of his own money in his float plant.

���x: Pilkington� I=! c�i1�JJ!lff�,±lt:T .@t-j a

�f.lliiil Pilkington, float plant
Miffi*tltiiil his own money

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 49
Pilkington built a pilot plant in 1953 and by 1955 he had convinced his company to build a full­
x:qix-tm,� scale plant. However, it took 14 months of non-stop production, costing the company
£ 100,000 a month...

:t�px,JJjiz-'i,Jf.x'.mILl0fcfJ �-J$:1j=:l'eJ19:�, *mRPilkington:zls:A:¾'&�19:�o

t-9:Jlt@��:1:TNOT GIVENa

11. Pilkington's first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success.

*��x: PilkingtonE11.Jm-�Ilb�.I': 1di J:.tvtlli"l 1-lfTJflf.ill!.J:: a-<:Jn.JZ:i;JJa

:J:E:fflim commercial success
M�*tJhm instant
Furthermore, once they succeeded in making marketable flat glass, the machine was turned off
for a service to prepare it for years of continuous production. When it started up again it took
x:qix-tm,� another four months to get the process right again. They finally succeeded in 1959...

X9"X1mlaJtl[rl±l, ·r�Ir1:E 1959:tf:;tt;JH��J)J, 1:0J�.<:fiFl:f�J&-�<1£*I fF, J!.!cj@§

q:1(:11.J""JI._�p�:i;JJ"� � 0
t-9:Jlt@��:1,J: FALSEa

12. The process invented by Pilkington has now been improved.

*��x: Pilkingtoniit fj)=] 1:11.Jr}itliJ!A\1:E B� [frBj:;ili: a

:J:E:fflim process, improved
M�*tltim improved
The principle of float glass is unchanged since the 1950s. However, the product has changed
dramatically, from a single thickness of 6.8 mm to a range from sub-millimetre to 25 mm, from
x:qix-t Jstz,� a ribbon frequently marred by inclusions and bubbles to almost optical perfection.

tj:1Jt@��::;,l,J: TRUE a

13. Computers are better than humans at detecting faults in glass.

*��x: 1:E�r9WWif�J::BI.Jll!Hi1EJJffi, rtJJ©ttA�g!iia

:J:E:fflim computers, detecting faults

M�*tltim better than humans

To ensure the highest quality, inspection takes place at every stage.,� :zls:@�11: tt��::fil:lw:��sl.J ll'i]5l.41�o :t�inspection¾EEI itJJ©tJ1Jr1J<J, Hn�liftlf;lf/::lw:� a-<:J
t-9:.llt@��:1,J: TRUEa

50 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
JHi$it&lti1i§: f¥ftiz-
•a�-��*��Mffi��R�MA1fJ•ff ���--. ����ili�--R�u¾��-�-M
;fi1-1=i1ka<Jttiif!Jo/Jffif B o it:ttiif/Jm.1Jllt!�JLlr"Jl500ffl �)tr1�·�3tnx;;i:f:i'}Jff, 'tf 'tf�t/JJ§�T!lr!1tojk·nx;�Jlr,Llili
�rj/3 • fffia<JJJfi��a<JI z:; i:p §:Jt!iJj,ij!fflLl� o � lM �=II= 1/t1'-f�'.:lt , /251 :h JJzr�a EEi �x12T!lr!s<J uW i:p�� ti fMdf 1uf�
jfj , /251 llt pJ 1V, -1i:1�H#-5c �xll!U1<J:tk � , jkfgjm u ";k�J.fil" Lltft§ 0 ft ITTi, it:u�'filffi IJ,J://H� , ffif Jl�off; :1;lt:k iJ:
89'.ffzgJfJ 0

�-��.AIDMfffiJJz•�•*w•.�filW�•-™m�-a��J:JJlV-�•™m•-��� o ffi
™m��&��oc�•-.m¾m-�a--���m••���.�--�m••*fifl ffl��o� ■
-uf��-�f�20°/oEl<J•f�, ffif£1.Mfflr1<JV-Lf�i:!1W�� 0
Alistair RJ:J T t.!Ji. fuLlmI z:; o�fl1Ll � PI VJ ffl jjHr,Llmfflr J!�!Jm ..U<J�RJ:J • 1'-f � a<J 11ll Ill.
f�, -� PI lV-:1-J1f-iH!H!:l�RJ:J B<Jf-f �-f,�oPilkington-1i:a&��¥£L 1iJFJE�U1nJ?Jl: fi!.ffl1tIZ:: o :(:EI9521¥, 1m
ffi�Tfflffl��-��*�I--��m�.1'-fT����--M.•J:JJlV-OO���m$To ��-�ffl
J�&,iJJi1E£rJJfi�� l'l<JT!lf!1Uill.OC( r"J600ffl �it), ffl�Att9ll,,/;��-T:ti1tJllU� (:1<Jti,OC( r"J 1500ffl �J.t )o jk�if
��:�'d4s<J�Jm¾ o ■
���-m���-�&#.¾fflfl o ffltJPilV-W�ffl��-�*ffi5c�-1JLffiH*-¥0 0�.IBffl�

�••ma;1:W ��.--��*lfii:!1�5c�fffio�-••muWM�U�-�.�-�a;1:W �gg ■
���*ffi��-M��fiOC.��-J:JJlV-Jfilum$���*���MTo·•ffl �*OO*fJffl��ffl ■
�i\/!nx;%s<i•i=��s<J�Jl'.ffiJE:(:E6�*o1t-�l'l<J:L5if¾, �fl,JrtJ:l:�x�·J.t•t&a<JR*f-f60°10¾6�*••t.&o
19531¥, PilkingtonJ!.ll.T-�ii\'.,�Ir o iLl 19551¥:h 11::., 1mBr.2i,Vl/Jll1ml'l%�1'fJJ!.ll.n.X:�1:l<JI��:'li: o ft
ffif, 1m1f1�ul4�J=l IY��ra:i lifr�FJl 'lij:� J� �f#J107fi':l�"/v;;, ::;J;(:EJ-fil 1§]/J(�j"" ili pJ m r <J-I,� 0 ffif Jl, 1tl!.11']

anx;��FilimNAffi��--ZE.•�mft*ffiT,:h�¾amT*�1¥mUW•�F o �mft�rJi:
NA�FBi·, R�T ��J=l r1<JMi'a:!*1t�FtfilfijELiE!fJLo19591¥, 11Bil1i-1rnx;�JTo�n�t.!Ji.�fuLl.Ir:®
;:{ff��, &-�IPtrs���$151f�i'a:!1£Jrtil!. �I FJJzI�-=fiITllo
�*�n�™JJfiirJ:JJlV-�Filimili��JJff•�--oaff�T2ooo�ffl�--�-��.�� llfi
-�-!f �501H=iH<ix1sJ lifr;i:f:i';l:iuW, [oj�••t\Y/-¥�-. ff.Jjgf)lHY�-�<§j :tt••-�•*1±1JU/ffl:�, jkjg

§20filt"c.501¥1-tlV-*, t.!Jl.$fuLl.s<Jm��i?!ii:'.ltu o ftITTi, JJil-thLlrfl,tp�JETe:k121t: ».zriJ�­
B<J6.8�*•Ir•M.&¥iJ�n�s<J��*��25�*�i'a:!1f��OC□<JJ.tI,�t.&; ».zriJ1�ff�•rJ.115!lo/J;f-fJ7,ffiHE1�
s<i•r�w¥Ll�1:1�mili*�5c�(1<J•I� o Jg TWiil:jk�/Jff:li, 4iJ-��F�5r&/:il/\f-f llil:.o1,�)F, 1:EM.rll£cp
&�f-f-�'={.m*•mili.-M�&mf-fffi�.�¾M �-igj��-•*f"�•tt•M�o §igj�a� ■
�-f-f��ff%:-¾��DC�F��&t)W��Fufii:pJ:JJ1V-•rr�m o�•tt*PI1V-�••*�� ■
�&lYMi:i:1-1Z.l;f(f:t'�1m1Jii, 1V-JE1ft � H�JG$�hA.1:t'Jlf.�jjlE; =¾i-lTD( �FJ§ llfr&t Ht¥F-mttts".JJ Jal.tJJl!tHf
1'-f lN jjlE A<J 'ff!l?to

Reading Passage 2

Ml : �1l :ll:. 1ta<J JJi Jt»-.A. �a1 B. xt,tt oL

BR: �t,J,,;J<...ft}]a1;t..:x..:f"
C$9.:. : ii-¼a1 �1l-&14-a<J .ofn ;t_ � i!-
0$9.:.: /� JG9oo-t .f.1200-t raJ a<J �1,u1;. oL
E$9.:.: ,J, ,1]<...ft}]xtJgf;_;':JtJ /J1 fJ vf.J v;.(»__W:_;':!tJA..;R.JfH1�{}.:#i.

*�*�: *****
M�Jllm:ff : }:ii: /:lj /W/lllfifFflj!(c�
�'!wm�: :i!�-ffiffL?£r.j��oc,�·;](�(i<J>Ci�, LIST OF HEADINGSx1li0C1IVc, 5Mt!:i!tt�:5t, TffJl(c>C
�jcJg,, [1,Jf!�f=lt�i�ffil/W § i'l<JJ;Efizif/J, lil!fi-¥�$*J;Efizo

1. embark v. 3US-; !!Ut �-¥. J.J-.�

He embarked on a new career as a teacher. 11!;.M. :f T ;Wj- a1.l{R � , A 7-J - ,t �9iji a
Both countries have embarked on serious reform. 11J:J I!] :lf!l-}f-:llt: T i*/.lti?'.t$- 0
2. episode n. J=t N; -N•lw$; :/la t!l!
She decided she would try to forget the epirode by the lake. :111!!, i:k: ,.:; ,t, ic. ;i}J dLa1 JJJl$9.:. tJnlb 0
Being named the best actor of the year was an important epirode in his life. 11!;.�� � ,t 7-J � 4 /J1 :/&.11 75 i'fff. Yi
iiJl11!;.- .1.. t/7 a1 !It� :f1t a
3. adapt v. �$
The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school. :ft:-t1ilaJJt,ftl:./t-¼i!.S. #/fil1 *:&. a
How do these insects adaj1tthemselves to new environments? ii* :l 3; .,l-,uo1aJ"i!.E. #if J;f-:!ta<J "fr,?
4. supplement v. ijH�, :t<I, ft
Kate supplements her regular salary by tutoring in the evenings. �J1Aif i!liiin_tJ:_ 1ti t.,tt,R;?r rot El 7J\" .:r. jf- 0
The payments are a supplement to his usual salary. ii.fl,fk..Jj)j _r,\j.J 11!;. El � .:r. 1fa1;?HJt a
5. perish V. �X; ;1/l�; ( iie J9Er
Hundreds perirlzedwhen the ship went down. J:_ 11 A.§t-fi5i'..:/ll} 0
We must protect our environment or we must perirlz. � 1il ,jl,Jfti1,i;:.;/t �:!t, :[. W1J � 1il ,jl•;jif ilJ<... a
6. culminate v. itilJ"Ti!i,�; ��
Their summer tour will culminate at a spectacular concert next week.
T�a<J��a<J♦�½*/21{!;.fila<JI$�����J:_�½ a

52 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
7. trigger v. �!I!�
The assassination triggered off a wave of rioting. it,k.{11] 4-- �14- 11 :/j__ T -Jh�ilHL a
The burglars fled after triggering the alarm. /ij,J: •f.i T .f-#-ra it 1-- tJj �� :iJ!<:.}t 1 a

[J iA9;Q1'6J 5C
climatic adj. �i�_t 13{_] variation n. 3t�, 3t1-l::

historical adj. !cjJn3i::.�:ff2.13{_] narrative adj. #Ji£ 13{] , #Ji£�13{]
context _t TX; It±Jl:;
n. Medieval adj. J:fli:!H213{]
opposed ad). &_x-j-13{_], x-J-.fz.13{_], 'l&x-J-13{_] roughly adv. ;y.§.�ifu, :;ld{J
humanity n. A�; k�. A� Norse ad). ( "i5 )1'tJr�13{_]�p;iti£�iM{]
at the mercy of Z:E· • • • • -13{]t�%ff; :j:- • • • • •13ti::l:'ic voyager n. f.mfi�. �A��
glacial adj. ,;..kl3{_] , ,J.I< J 11 ( AA )13{_] constant adj. 1'3tl3{], t��s{_]
irregular adj. 1'i�Jillj13{_] mean adj. SJZ-±';:]13{_]; tj:l�13{_]
dazzling adj. �AHtHt�!L13{], JIIH&l3{] cooling n. �!P
opportunism n. tfl�:i:X reroute V. 3t��fi�ti
harsh ad). J""�13{_], ��13{_] cod n.�i@.
unaccustomed ad). 1'>J'tt'{13{_], :R'f'/:�iJm herring n. wi@., �r
stock n.*ti fleet n. �fl-�A; fJJIIJ)_
famine n. tflm offshore adj. ili�13{_], �1'¥-13{]
unprecedented adj. � JrrJ 13{_] , JrrJ PIT*� 13{_] adv. � !'¥-:1:tli,; ili�ifu
seesaw n. _t""ftt�131:@l1/l stem v. (from) ��(-=f······ );
interaction n. t§1ii1=ffl ( EE······im lii'i:At
switch v. $'4'1#/: fodder n. t5Jor4, 1\tf-4, ®:f-4
reconstruct V. :tJl, i��; 1U� livestock n. *ti, 11ti
systematic adj. 55'�13{_], �*13{] migration n. f}�. f}H:, f}l1/l
proxy n. f-1:J!A; f-\:JU>I.; �ft� blight n. t!i�m V. ( it )t!i�; tUJ
adj. ftI!i3{] hectare n. 0t_m
tree ring ( t�tt13{] J:q::�t fossil n. 1-1::£
hemisphere n.-=p� proliferate V. tfm, J��
equator n. �� soar V. �1fl; �";SlE
amplified V. m:::k j :i� 5SJ. regime n.ii&�, ( m5t m:rt; ;Jt?'t
drill v. tML n. tMLtfl, icir prolonged ad). l��f�j,_13{]

1. The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few
lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still little understood interactions between tl1e
atmosphere and the ocean.
• ���x: r�Tm' 1NJ<WJm;�l0 --t-�Jjr(Jj(�=JtlJ' B�Jlff,_t¾Ei,1;k4.-1:j�'#Z1'13]��xiU!r-l'lM§1Lf1=

J:IB I ®El�, t�mWHl/fifiil?'Jl r2s±H�-*1Ll::frJ1\!JlLl4°.1t'.:mltlNM/Ht a

• Hf11L�:

.z.fiJa'-J$:5ta rather�t¥;Jft=1'.7far from�i1[;ti;Ja{J.#-3iU$:5-}, ®J'UiJlaJ:lft=ffla t£11t.#-3iU�MiJr.rffilA­
,t-3:Jll,:(£:5tWJmi!f (few lasting...), ffl]J;J;i,t-:&; %1%:Jf, ffl-=ff!i-'dlirapid climatic shiftsa
(2) far from sth J!-i'-�i1ff/;J:�!H51'f{j:f:,l�J¾"something very different is true or happens"; fVU�ll:
Conditions are still far from ideal. ffe-14-usl&Jf-�...t��-a

2. We are close to a knowledge of annual summer and winter temperature variations over much of the northern

• *��:x:
hemisphere going back 600 years.
= !1Gff111H 1c)?Jt�*m�t��JJ1<*$6oo�fiJa{J�JJi� i!rMiltl'f9�1-t To
• 1:iJ�:SHfi:
tt:-'i'iJ±-f-1'.JWe are close to a knowledge, AZEl9of1f-��11i"fr:1-JJ§".'i:5Ei-'/L tfW:J§".'i:JEi-'gr.p, going
back 600 yearsfl}'(fp fl9¾temperature variations,ffij�¾northern hemisphere a

3. The revolution involved intensive commercial farming and the growing of animal fodder on land not

• *��:x: :
previously used for crops.
* !Im tm
j! lX 1]1 tfp � T � r.p 1'19 ]tlf }& ,!ljj::ftj1 ' kA .& 1'.7 T # ;j:_t igJ
fil'f9±11J!:Jf �o
W4 ffij t£ � F- ;& ft= till _till'

• 1:i]�:$Hfi: W:-'i'iJ±-f-1'.JThe revolution involved ...and... , and.Z.J§"a<Jnot previously used for cropsJ:l=Hj(;f�
l'r]iland a

Questions 14-17
• R2 13 �lli!: LIST OF HEADINGS
• HJi 13 frrf.ffr:
i. rffii�f=c 1��1-t vi. S ifrllf/-�a{J:XJ7(�i,c�El9fffl>R
ii. ;J,17j(WJ.!:cj4'7(1'!9lfH� vii. --t-m �-=t�a{J1lrf·9'i:
iii. :v�r!I:a:�1��1-tr.rr:191-t=m viii. A�,�t¾:xt�1��1-tft= tl:\ T lfil Hi.
iv. A�.M�f�EJ{j�ll[q] ix. :mt:�$!/m)E�
v. �llfiJJfifflJE:ii¾El'-J�1��14

Ni-'% Utffi:::l::Ri'f:iJ Ri�ffill*fi

B .@:t'f-'i'iJtlirtl:'1,1j,{lj(WJ:;k:J&h\-05c 1300 �M'
14 The Little Ice Age lasted from roughly 1300 until the �JU 19 tlHc.r.rWJ,H�.@:fr.s)?Jt¾tEfa'iJ£1J,11J<
Mx1-=f:EJ\lt£89-@�ll[q] o
middle of the nineteenth century.
r,sJ1Jt��1'1 iia
D.@:t'f 1iJ :
D.@:t'f-1:fHfili)li], tt: =p:; a<) p;i �¾:xf 1000�*�
This book is a narrative history of climatic shifts
15 during the past ten centuries, and some of the ways in
r,§Jl:t��1'.J Vila
which people in Europe adapted to them.
The increased productivity from farmland made some
16 countries self-sufficient in grain and livestock and
r,§Jl:t��1'.J ix o
offered effective protection against famine.
F.@:t'fkiJ�lXkiJtlirili, �J;j�?frrll'f9_tff51®T
Global temperatures began to rise slowly after 1850,
17 with the beginning of the Modem Warm Period.
There was a vast migration from Europe by land-
r,sJJ]:t��jg iv a
hungry farmers and others, ...

54 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Questions 18-22
• @§ffl!Hfr:
1. .1J.t@jJ :;:(ef ifiJ � 1l1g±l�!MI, HifiJ � a%7tJ tl::l:!g � � ii=.J , i'b: :izPJlI l.i=.J?[ � iffi:XiHJIJ 7G 1c a
2. .1J.t@:;:{ef 1]\t�@, PJ"�:illlMB11Mi&fltiliF=1 1i'IH,t1 �·IR:J£Ji:1:fI'fB, G�la
3 . .11t@-flxt.ii:JIID!J¥ 1±nm, "�' raJPJ"��ili r.m-1-�*t 1:1gtLJcr, o
Jm� '.l:EfU:i� x: q:i :x-tmz ,ia Jm§fe!Hfi
�@Ji:&��.rrcflt�B•�• =
Cfl: fi":t� 'N.:E.l\lpast(ig&.>t..ifilrecent, 1.§. ill
past, source
For the time before records began, we have only l51, f�}A_}tk!Jl�f:lt(Jt¾��13gtl:\� o :2
18 of,
'proxy records' reconstructed largely from tree ffl�ffr��m��'fM*�M�m�
rings and ice cores, ... ;,j�j)Jl( o

19 '1'(118@ '1'(118@
ifU,1� ;,JUJ)l( , H � 18@� ft-371J :¥-:
i'b:JJ.t@��:1:7Bl!.X: C a
* a

JJt@Ji:1:fI:/�x11', ili r_m T Fm: sgtLn< a 5E

{\): ifiJ x;J· Jj\IBfltJE 1:fz Ja]� (:1g deep freeze a
consistent The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze,
20 freezing however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid
�ffl i:j:i ffrllii=.Jm� consistent freezingEJg
tc!Gli'�& (rather tl1an) a
climatic shifts, ...
i'&J!LB��:Y:lA a
The seesaw brought cycles of intensely cold
winters and easterly winds, then switched J!L@t.ii:mUUi!J¥JJF:JJ!IJ�a5E1:fi a �t-i'f 1�

21 cold winters abruptly to years of heavy spring and early ffrllii=.JJj\I�heavy rains% Jr�Jt-371J 0
summer rains, mild winters, and frequent i'&J!LB��:Y:lHa
Atlantic storms, or to periods of droughts, light
northeasterly winds, and summer heat waves.
�����:Y:/�th nnrain�-���
�, Jtx;J$.j(�1'1gdroughts a :ill1M1=ltihli
22 '1'(121@ fj'/J21@ �����R:x���mJaJ,m�a

Questions 23-26
• fflif@jj�:
1. J!LR� (igMATCHING$.i$:5i'cffla Ji:f:fI(:1g-til 1�L@,:itl:fi·tllllltJi:1:fI, fl.tk17HfTJtft!i,JLtil. f�L@,:¥-:it
2. MATCHING@JfJUi!Jcy,'!'1 a

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 55
Jm� '.l:EfU:i� x: q:i :x-tmz ,ia Jm§fe!Hfi
...with the beginning of the Modern Warm
Europeans, 此题定位较易,根据定位词很容易找
23 Period. There was a vast migration from
farming abroad 到对应段落,可知本题描述的是
Europe by land-hungry fa.imers and others, ...
Modern Warm Period 0
Many Europeans started farming abroad.
i'iJ(Jtt@��:1'1C o
Millions of hectares of forest and woodland
fell before the new comers' axes between J;Jj�: 1))(1:lUJH*n�f:lJT�IIIW=( 1�o
1850 and 1890, as intensive European Jlt@�1ii:!'.�, �{ii:1i}ri\tl1\, �sl:f
cutting down of farming methods expanded across the 0t}11l19�;j;j(;f[l;j;j(j,i!!,fill-t=f f{:j5'iE*(:19Jf.
24 trees, affect the world. The unprecedented land clearance r, 3f�lilil�-l'XAJ-Jfl9�J)j(':l}:l� o

climate released vast quantities of carbon dioxide JlJ1tIBl:':liHJ1::J$J;(£iiRiBModern Warm

into the atmosphere, triggering for the first Periodo
time humanly caused global warming. i'iJcJ1t@��:1'JC 0
The cutting down of trees began to alTect
the climate.
Part One describes the Medieval Warm lllllif: ©:VHA2it:E.!Al 7 ililr:kl�ti o
Period, roughly 900 to 1200. During these J1t@I�{ii:!'.�, f±�{ii:(19�t=,t,"J ��1 1�
Europeans, other three centuries, Norse voyagers from ,'±l, r!TWrtli!:1'19�r½Mtilfi'l9fmrcy*1flM.©:
25 land Northern Europe explored northern seas, rHl:lt'ffl5tl:\2;t��:ltrcy, tEtfrl%Z�.%�
settled Greenland, and visited North, :=Jt-�i,jj7:lt�:kl!m o
America. 故此题答案为A。
Europeans discovered other lands.
ll!Jlif: 捕鱼的模式发生了变化。
El?st: Jtt@�1ii:J§-wJim&w:E19i;/;J$!'.$, 1E!.
The Basques, Dutch, and English �:@.]�!t,ii'.��{il: 0 ::>UM!\t
26 fishing patterns developed the first offshore fishing boats !±',, BWislA, filj�A;fll� �A:l:\'Bt
adapted to a colder and stormier Atlantic. :illi: I±\ 7 ��1!Jt:ill[J.j\It£;Jl1t � $JxllH19 ;k
Changes took place in fishing patterns. 1lfl1'F�i=1 f:11i::l-r1:l9�!¥rfUH- 0


A. 本书详细讨论了小冰期和其他气候变化,但是在我开始部分之前,我要向大家提供一个 相关的历史背
3t �-il ¾ i'.19 73 TJ 1f !'sJ �:Y 1:1:l r_m;-;t /'-(7( l7J( ?iiJWJ o § M :Jc t1� - TJ ±f iW E19 _t - (7( :Jc l7J( fiiJ WJ rf!
'J:� 1f11¥JW:$1cl¥Jt!tt:1M' �I:: JL E191l:/: Vl-¥ ¥J1::illi!liI � il1r:ilfil 1¥tEtp :=J:f: 7G �_m fElt i¥J�pjc 7:l}: I.if o
* 1
J!J:l 3Ht ,
1m 1f1 ffltl � 71§. ;fs/ W: 111& , �

��fflffi*T•·;�fil��&.�-��*�®��*�-�T fil�Lfi���I����.@�.
B. ;j\(J.KWJ*i1,M.i�::5i;l300�j�jc�fljl91Jitc�1�Jv101:ZM-1-t!Hc�.'.J.�u' l[XiJ+l:ill\'.:i/!QTJNJWH1(:J{JF!J:..' Wi±lliiJ�1'��­
}Yr1l1J];j((:1fJ� LiJ {l.)cJI I (:Jf_j�/Jr�flj�_l::.li1f.i;' ri)(ii:f1ml'.lfil 111·fftNi-'f.-{lj(½m. ;J\r;J(AA f:lfJ�1�fiszij]�1Sl1:E'Z\!lm3:.!l\

1-1:Jl1!.J;JU1Fmnoo�t!i�T11::HI' iB.7:/�rl4-�X�fff�ElfJ�f;J<7:t1JlV.!l\�MH�lTrl�U�.rt WI' ;j\{lj(W]:izi;=l�---tr*
IJ[ r;.)c rfl�WJ ' 12 �llisL�EEi *� Ej #�: 1{-' z J'1cfj 2�3'i� xirful? �MfclJi11:: f:W:J I j@ (:i� • j��WHff :illii �ii T 25fi=:(if_J- 3ilJ
�-��-���-�o ���®��zijj��ffi*mAA tt�F!J:..®*�·�fflX��ff��*�i/&�
(:Jf_j ,r�i• m . ]VF:-� m . ll � ;f:!IJ)ijlf 1� (:Jf_j* TLEf i"tJxte' j�J �Jf,JWJ'l1T� • tt�� :jt JxltnrmHtt.Mf!
* *

JJr ;f:11 ;l!.�ffi �I= iJ+I f:lfJ ic�HHt1i} ]I!I� 0 �

c. fflfi;J :i1 (:Jf_j �f��1tilk Jt It! xit ' l�l :Y:, m 1'.1"1 -Jc� x!ll iYW 1Jl {Sl ;(:E JL 1' It!:tc z filj :;,J-�f'i f ©: iJ+I ;j:I] :It� 1J-i'I lojJ
f:fer ·le* z � 1'.1"1fpf� ' :Jtif] fHt "1-Ulhc "-*'fffl*it� JJITllX1

*(:Jf_j��tfn{lj(,i!,;( EI":Ji/&tli!i )ffl.' ;Jl 11l1ZlV,'.'.l,'Til:�JG�l'.JfJ=f-EJ·ic:lRo �11: 4"' ;f�il']:]Jf!:fsf JL1§"{5l-iiX1*19cft?;(:1f_J

ic:lR, :illii{!l:lt�r;nn�:i1Ht wi 1'.!'�1L�g;Jll!.JR; JJtifJ:ttM r:-JilkrHI. +&1��,% • ;VJH�·-J;C�}tir &;Jtfll!.Jll!. JR1��11t-
1�fJ (,lj(;-r, �1=111t-riJT�*,tl& g; 1'.1%\'ltJ§ti/&:J'J&11;-J•J:t:ic:lRHH·i�l·JE □ JJt1f]1�tli!:riYC�-�Wl:lt4',J)j(**fl600�fp rifJtr::
JJr � �:ilfiiJ§t �1tT.
D. 2fs: 111 i;J:H£T:i1 10--tt!Hi:l JlciJ �1!9i: �1U"1 J3J�,:tt :fHBT©:IHI A�T:ifilJ.W: �1� �1ti'fr*J=l=I sfJ-� :1H!.

m--#Jl-5:l-:JlH£T�lt!:ti:lll:l'DJ,*f.Jc,M.05t;900�:J�j�fiJ1200fp. 1:E�� --t1ttt2�,�,-s:wr±:II\:J'ifJtf'3tUJZ.(-t<Jf:jJt

m:Wi-111.M.©:1:l+I:jt'ffll 1±\ ���=It m ' 1H-?:r I��/,_� JE m ' ;JH;1h}jT:jt�*llilj EJ,J-(:Jf] �1�Wti�t*oj(1nJt!JJZ}§
O �

;;i��,-�rn�rn1f.i;-,� □
E. �i'frm9;11,*tfJJ}\0::5i;l200iJ�ili;\,+?:'rl��.%%11:ltHBHf'ill�im't,1N;j(JDJ3ilJ*• EE f:ltilki-'f.-i';j((,i}wJ°:J'tisl'!c,�
llfr±:/i!: r-rg tf'3 tit�M 1ITi s1� f:IMflJ �� ti 7:!t:!ll! �3l t.Jc rii� *1ITi r1,rt J§--�Hvt :f"i"" i11t1 .LI�.T • :1 t *w ?'$ :1trffj, r:11� Jxte
J:� 1Jn o 1315� �1319ffJ'sJ,]!!�]I! t�ilr!nU1fJ-Jc�l!�l[ili 1[7(/HI*llfjj,/1,\Z =f· LT:f (:t'g AYE f tltr3 �1-* llilj (:JfJ'i,JLJ'[.
jljT1400�' -Jc�HJLjj}. l �1{,}]!!1mx1UVJ:iJijy11J' HJxleIB(:1f_J JLif£*±\�1 ll:iJri.X:tl:\J.!l\�Z\\l;g,ff ][r' ftl6lt!:t2*

r:1"1 JL-r �'.!JJAA B1 �OU� m:i • ;(:E�lll� IE ;(:E�ilil E11g ��iY-tlR,it i',�d�tJ.W: l iJ * ffl� , lTTI ffi � ¾ �:kffl� 13� M ,fi!, •
1-l±�)J!]fl.JM' x.J�4m{#$.(:Jf_j_:k,C,•�I1T:lt©:i4Tr:i1!:r1"1*�1�5:· :i�:l'J,'.1jt:.fll'*T-�(1fJ]tlJ.,[�'¥Jl:fi:l1' lVJJl.7:,

T:fi:f1tizY1!lef;J 11Jii;J-s�®tt�1=*W!Jo/JmJil!.L:il!:fir11�±111!.=n�. *11=,!Jo/JFfil(:r�•�j1f11eJ'ffll-5-}�*irn11J�r.!l\lt��

� lMO���.��mOCH��-Lft,�HT•rt•M��a. -*m©:�m�-M-*±��*
�, flj�t/I\::£Vr,�Q,1RJ/i!F'iJL)';'t( EElL°btt!/i!Fi'MHit5ij@)(:Jf_Jl(Jl�-ttmrUT:lt�. iffi!*flJ�.• fffrgEj�;f:11
=11=1:l+ll¥ii'f�.18SOff �1890ffJ'EiJ, El:1 'f·� c1=1rt:JY(l:ll· l· *'¥1H=!{t:ilfil�J3_}1,i/&s:TJ0tJn(:1fJ�;Jit;f:1J;Jit±-tfi,�f1-tiM#
(:1"11'$r �Jfr*:fsf1:1fJ*};Jl\fUlM{iJ!.1-lt-efil(:1fJ=�1tri1x'fJ.H!l:,A.*�·:lBlilil�-&(A�(:Jf_J���lliL flJT

201:!Hc., rn f1f!Jo/J:lf!.rMf1fJ11Jfli1Jx±111.rm,��1*1i(1"1:/'l�t�1m,�im,�=r\-a"1:i£0C:i1!:-±t-1J□tk:a Jt;E1;�20-1tt

tc.80�{-cJ;J*,f\-rlIT,BfJ:i£1l'.1mfiilLl. 1J\(,lj(J'lfltlll-:fi:l fffr(:1fJ�1��1Uj:i:Ux.f-c,Jt,'n'c�t�\�¾-LtWJ.�t�(:1fJfl­

m. Ej���. -�-Jc�,�Em�L��� . IE�ffl��--.

微信:13522209444 57
Reading Passage 3

Ml: �•.t:fi>$:JtzfaJa�*t
B-rl: �•,t,tf.A.ft*t 'F�--ftftl
CJl: h1t :i. .if¾.1fJ � •)e_:Jt ;:r-;/,t "l°;/Ji/..
Dil: i�i1::-�•,ta���
EJl: �f:)R.J{t-f�•,tal.J�Jt
Hl: �•.tk-# ,t.5l.A.$f-� ml "t

xlJJUf��: ***
�·!wm7f- = »t�x�(Jq pq 1iVJ::-�1&11-r-A, mmI?lm1&��, *OO¾�re®1Hiffi El��1mJ1W!ij;o

1. be aware of�@:, ��iiJ

The children are aware efthe danger of taking drugs. 1t-f-1f] '.lt�fU �.;l-� /tl'fr- o
He has been aware efthe importance of this task. -lit e... l&. � i.?- f1J T ¼. � .I.1f � -t" �,t1:.o
2. impair v. :t9H3i
The illness had zinpairedhis ability to think and concentrate. :ffe:.#J e... l&.49i;l:;f- T 1\t,tg-�:f,, � 'F� /J � �l!./J o
impaired vision 1'.: 49i al.J ;/Ji/../J
3. apparent ad}. �Jllnl.1¥-.J, *W..t.1¥-.J
It was apparent to everyone that he was seriously ill. .ft,t.A.;/lfl;;t i:l:l :)R.1\tJlf.',/;;#J1f1ll "l° o
The difference in quality was immediately apparent. J1n ill:� Ji. Ji1] iL !!J'JlJjl, T tl:l :)R.o
4. agreeable ad}. 111lrtJ/.a{]
We spent a most agreeable couple of hours. .if¾.1fJ-�J.tii T 1f'dlfu--t;lH11.J JL,t,J, ato
an agreeab/,e young man -,t llii.:fi>a� ),· 4-
5. distinguish v. [Rjjlj, 19¥i-A; iielm=l!f
His attorney argued that Bill could not distinguish between right and wrong.
Bi!WJ -1f �;p -¥if {i' iJi, , -flt ;t. ildif ii1J J{H!\-o
The factor that distinguishes this company from the competition is customer service.¼.t.1,}-,3] ,tf. Jt4'-4' !vL'f»i ,li1 i:l:l 111.J kf\:..'.t-Jlll o
m 6. perceive V. ��, i,A;;Q

®. I can not pera:ive any difference between the coins. .if¾.$ :lt ;f- f1] ¼. -iM:-.oJt ip Z fa] ::{;f"-ft :i. ;f- � o
JI Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures.

� �*��&��'F��;:r-��a-f-l&.�Rh��k�R�o
58 微信:13522209444
7. elusive adj. xl1ia1, xl�:J.t.@tJa{]
She managed to get an interview with that elusive man.
She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive.
8. undertake v. Jf:t.§., ).J-�; 1ii.iE
DrJohnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.
Johnsont!))-±1"¥.;f£ T jf<JJ.-!<#.½*-i½-i.l)J,14-a<J1:f::-:#-.
He undertook to pay the money back in six months. ,j-t!!,,jJj'diE *+ Jl J§- :if_.//� a

v. �IJil,, m.R, .lm.R
olfaction n. Dffit)J;!; reveal
odour n. 4.□ undervalue v. iB.;iti"ifl'i!, i!H�
aromas n. iix.w, W4- feeble adj. J;[�� 81 , 7C 1J 81
faculty n. tflfit, '§'lit acute adj. �l5t81
participant n. •1rn� realm n. ®I±EX:, 3:.�
evoke v. □ik:�. sl� recollection v. @l ·IZ, @l �JI, -ic�
grimace n. *.llfr, �Es';_]*·� odourless adj. 59:lf 4.�81
olfactory adj. �'.%81 psychology n. 'L'II, 'L'If !¥
fragrant adJ.%=W81 offensive adj. �A1''i�s';_J, ���81
n. �'.%' 9'□ '.% n. 113.S:.� □I']
sensation interacting
bonding n. ,ox; 8tii ili :�O"� intimate adj. flA81
spouse n. llci/1§ interiorise v.1fi.?iU\p;j 1 L'

01t/oJ � i'fr
1. The perception of smell, therefore, consists not only of the sensat�on of the odours themselves, but of the
experiences and emotions associated with them.
• •���=0�,m����-��••filmmx*��•�.&filmm�Xffl*��mffim•
(.i� i).J,fl a
• lJ::iA,,!;"
.. ":

(1) laJ�:5HJr:
itJiJ i:p Fl�therefore:t-JtmAn.x.:5t, � 1P]:1-]The perception of smell consists...• consist ofjg IQJJi'.�MiJ,
ft1i:J�!�{:Eofifll:5ti:J�w:�T not onJy...but.. JMi;J.
( 2) consist of sth (:t<J�.�,¾ "be formed from two or more things or people"; 1Pl!W:
The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes. �Jh ¾$ �¾ T �ilt::f � 6'J �r J.t;jt_� a

2. In one well-known test, women and men were able to distinguish by smell alone clothing worn by their
man�age partners from similar clothing worn by other people.
• •���=�-����•�i:J=i.••� ttffi� ttmn•&�M���ffl����i:J=i�:5t�B�
• ',!i:-=-
li::1 ,!;-
i:::i "":
it 'P] i:p (i� distinguish)\§' El%y smell alone:1-J :Jkif:\ , clothing:1-J X�-iU� �� i-r};;J JJR:
提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 59
n.lZH�i!Hiil'.5-}, worn byt,HtJ::Y:l:d*5:tlfu11':5El'fJo
(2) distinguish...from...: i;- · · · · · · 5frl · · · · · · lR 5HF
He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction. 1\1!..ii� !R ;l)1j .J\.. iE.{1<rJ,-f: Jv 1._-;r,1] .fo 0

3. The reason o ften given for the low regard in which smell is held is that, in comparison with its importance
among animals, the human sense of smell is feeble and undeveloped.
• •���:����•a���#�•�AA::Y:1:ffl��+0ma���n���w*,A���
���� imJi7F iit:iE 0

• '.li�
11=1 t5'
( 1) tiJ,J25HJr:
i�t,J .i:liaJJ;;,The reason often given for the low regard... is that...o li:i] �1� 1:l<.Jin whichi3 I� 5Ei:'B}A fiJ,
1�'Cffilow regard a 1Jt5'1·, in comparison�j!f ,ti;J ::Y:l:tm.AnM} a thati31 � T -1','th!}Ali:iJ, �II ::Y:ithe
reasonEl9 j7,J $ a
(2) in comparison ( with/to something) tf:I� · · · · · · ITTI§
In comparison to other recent video games, this one isn't very exciting.
1l. In the realm of olfaction, we must make do with descriptions and recollections.
• -���:IT�����M,ffillQn��*•�-����o
• '.li�
'LJ::1 t5'
make do 1�f-&l- , i%-Jli)t
I usually make do with a cup of coffee for breakfast. $_-f�fJ.7-f ]f] -4�1r-xt1t a

5. Different smells can provide us with intimate and emotionally charged experiences and the value that we
attach to these experiences is interiorised by the members of society in a deeply personal way.
• •���=7F����n�ffmm�%.A�.••����ffi,ffm•����m�mmx�•
t±.� Jl.t.91 r.;J, tlk 1' A /i<:JJ1:r-t rQHi!i a
• '.li�
lA A,t5'
( 1)10 ,J25Hfi· :

Jl:�fiJ i:i� r,<Jand:ii1:ft jlfj1' 1PJ r, �r

.i:i-'g7H)lj:3/,Jdifferent smells;fllthe value a .€ �l"'fiJ lfithat)A tiJ � .i:i!
)),. fi], 1�'(1[ithe value a
(2) attach sth to sth: :}���lltli':E:!i'-:\-�_I::.
Attach a recent photograph to your application form. ;/i..1t- M 'f' #r k.. 'F 11-it J:.-1!.t�/lR a

Questions 27-32
• @" §I �!Fil!: LIST OF HEADINGS
• @ §I ffl!HJi:
i. i-J·-itr��(J<:Jxittit �����m�¾�0���-1'�•
ii. r��U5flA:1i:� i:p ri<J 11': J'l'J vi. ::Y:11i-¾f�1i1E1<:Jrlffi!���-t:J\!.
iii. i%·*x.JnJ1�MniJT-JG vii. fl/J!�¾;JltffJl'l<:J��it!\ii%
iv. :kJJMj--"3 911-y ;tJaJ(:1<.J:1i:� viii. l��--"3'tFi.2JaJ(:t'�:1i:*

�� ¥9:5i±�'m ��ffMfi
Allit:7XfiJ: Am.i:BtiJffiW.���������m
27 It became apparent that smell can evoke strong emotional -�$,�ffiWT��--"3-��**o
responses. �Jlt��::Y:Jviiio

60 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�� $9:�±�1i:J �§ffiHfi
B)&!f 1i]:
28 Odours are also essential cues in social bonding.
� , m1Hlii /:I:\ T ;!,);:;(:EA/l!1'** r:j:i (1911= ffl a
In spite of its importance to our emotional a11d sensory
29 lives, smell is probably the most undervalued sense in
r:/:i tJ.ll �t.\l\, IIJMFo5-} :tfr JJ¥-: lzsl a
many cultures.
Odours, unlike colours, for instance, cannot be nilllled in
30 ma11y languages because the specific vocabulary simply
tn'i ��'* 139l'if.l Y[ a
doesn't exist.
Significant advances have been made in the

'f� '* (19 :l,&�:,js: (:191', ij B� � :f#-ffr/, tk:, mP,8

31 understanding of the biological and chemical nature of

SJl 1 1%JfJt 1:f 9} a

olfaction, but many fundillllental questions have yet to

IE!Jlt��11: iiia
be answered.
Fl&±B��xiHiffiJE, ��1'/iitt\, Mr�'*
Fl&fftl�:m=. 1:1]:
(19-�T:iJ � IR'.5} :;f lf.J ffgx1ta *Wi�Jlliffl!p
32 Importantly, our commonly held feelings about smells
distinguish... from... EJ<:J.,�,a
can help distinguish us from other cultures.

Questions 33-36
• B§lfflHfr:

�� '.JE{:U:iii] fll1Hfi
A 11lf1J'ji.;f_\\\-;fi/ 1 ff{r(J'g�l*R� a
B 1�1111l:rrnLl-fil 1 11H&r194:,1*0� o
introduction, C t� 1f] (:19 I��t).ll WOJ R�· 0
33 awa1·e of D :J1l11T0J£ ��'EL� El� a
JltBJE1.1FtElntroductioni'!9:mlrn�: f!,� �1��/zsl�;fi!1 !J¥:IEl�t.!Jlffil��B�·, t�
�§ : tE B$i 9'1 tia �I'!{)��:&
B fJJr�T%Miiltffl���{bl!Yg�1*0
34 paragraph B
D tt�T!J5, ::tcl1M-=f�l*(l9.�o
r:19.-tft, �'*1M���A\¥1TfP�a
tJ.IfliffJ��:3/,J Ao

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 61
;W§: 11=�1:EC$9:�71t¼?
A 5l t#-;lt fj)!,?iff1i:
B �tl:\-,t-�·i;ll
C &x•J--t-'rl/f:ilfilxl\\,�
35 paragraph C D tla� Ill� t1Ml'id4
1JtB'riff �t=liiC-IN, IT.x:�t1H/ttf4-::kB i:J:1 CW El%eading*m� o ;lt-!Nti::k�
�r,� 11J)'{�::f;llHJ�-i.�Wx; r�rrn:J-t�ft111ri�.it� -=r-1:A0��tx1i,� o
i'�IE 1iff'f?F � jg Co
;W§: 1:EE$9:i:j:l, 11=��i13lt��i:pa{j��a{Jli]f�a-g-�7ff¼?
A x•J =f '7: 11;Jd1�JJr:LlElt1� 5l�:1m fi!Hiff! o
B m-n:���, l��tiM.f-¾-frl1 �l:Jlll&mo

C ::ktfS%'=(, i]t ¾ ::ftflA&!� a� o
36 paragraph E
D l��film:JE5l.o
1JtB1EfiI=fE-IN¾E:li:iJ, ;lti:paii·x1Jj)zatmosphereo 'Sr1�:t/:,'G1,:;/,J: ?iHJE�1fJ:if'ffii
�tUIJ;/yllj/'{�iUT�¾-;fil1 :if¾WITif't 1 1®�--;fil 1 !��@1/jiZ'=(,l]t;,js:5t, jj-if'l1 !®

Questions 37-40


• f(j!(,IJ]:fnt::
.5cµJt1:iJ-=fBr1�ffll?i"k�{i;.\ =fSUMMARY COMPLETION, I]] I� f:&Jllc\Ji[WJf.JJ§l:YlU tl:l :i:J,ll, 1L'ffii:$t:5-}lfr
• ;W § �Jlf:tfi· :
�� :li:fu:ffil )ti:px,f/§Z,� �§ffiUfi
1ltB1E{ft li:iJ �1=1 B�marriage partnersM mJE{ft
... women and men were able to
�0 2*i:pffi�Wm���ffi-rffiM�
husbands and distinguish by smell alone clothing
37 wives worn by their marriage partners
(J�-{�=1iW, belonging toX'l Jj)IX i:p B�wom
from similar clothing worn by other
Odours, unlike colours, for instance,
linguistic groups, 9=1 named M /jiZ describing, languages x,J f1i.
38 describing
cannot be named in many languages
linguistic groups o 2ti 9:i ffi)ji;inJ)jiz�{rR� B�
because the specific vocabulary
simply doesn't exist.
$Jitl]]%):��vocabulary o
E-!N: Jti l]]1E{ft!& xfL ffil � Wl � 361]] B�JE {iL 1:iJ jj,Jt
not smell, obvious ... one responding to odours proper fl��tiff11fl]] o 1:i) i:p El� odourless x1 J1i. not
39 odours and the other registering odourless smell, 2ti9:iffi±JtinJJ1i.�l!j'J::fiUEl�*Wo
chemicals in the air. i'iJc Jit1]]%):� 1-Jchemicalso

62 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�� '.@{u:im x It! :X;f$,� ��MtFf
i:p [11 offensive 5¥11 perfectly acceptable �/11.J x,J
...smells that considered to be
40 unpleasant
offensive in some cultures may be �, 5::HlrJx,J,5iipleasa.nt5fl1unpleasa.nt o 2¥!:'r�
J!JrJ;Q-lfiJJ.i:1Jti.liA:1Junpleasa.ntr11ll1rn a
perfectly acceptable in otl1ers.
i'iJUJtB��-JJcultures o


����,�.���.���ak�.���±m.�m��½&����ffiP±W� o M�.�k
JA ltOCT,�ffi�A������*���tffi��ffi�t��o R*�����#���ffi��X
A. -JJJ'! El3 Antl10ny SynotttEiti�HIJ� (:J1�Concordia::k$:fl: JR: r11iJ\'U1)'�;:jt�..'=j:t"W1fl"- Tl�'.%1:E{ili{f](:11�::t.i'i&
7.'ll A1� l,J;r,1.x: Ej f-®W.�ffi,(ef * (:11� iJ;Ufi:iJ ��il.Af/& ,l'.,,1-lffiirn�rJHtl1 Q))J! iJl'iJ 11' El1J.i � :t-1fJ '.%� iU r:l :1§r ffl�

��'.%�%�e�rffiS•• a ���--rr�� �-OC�.�il::kAV•�-�����W�M

�,t-�·llru·�,m�il::kA0·iJ-.1.J3f:i5'B1�1J;lc�11!}iHf�1'-f2fi:·i,JEKa f§1Jt, x.Jr�1J;lcs1S9:fl���'El.t;!;x,J
�*:1§r�S�.m'E2ffi���ffl*��ffiffi ffiS��� a
B. e�1J;lc;!H±��*(:l'-Jffl��� o -{il:1��iff.]1)'(:11.AiA1.J,�1:1*�¾fil�tlillt5flJl'7/:IIi'J{$JYi'�El1.A11.X:!/&J,;JJrl¼ fiFffJZ.
raJ�fit19:1fJt�®�:.IE r11-rl'J' sr�* o �r�..t,� J LYL�:\ �tJfi ��Jfi JJfit�¥lHR·/±J:* Ci1�1J;lc,J&.A-1J1tt1± riJ IV, iii1
:tt�1J;lc1JfiA @I c r101�r11.x:w11s o 1:E-JJJ'! :%t!t'i 1:11rY lm'. "'" ,fJJiiJ!tR·1�n11 JJ ·11t11 ��i9.Hx'.iiliu�'* 1:1: �,0 lfiJ �10 ;t.z!lw1
9'1 IK:5t @I c B"JWc1/��"'u1111Rlllx5fi:J�{[!l,.A3fuEl11RJllxo ::kttllfHJJiiJ!1J�·:(:[�jJ[li.ITTtli-itZ.mi,1�1friJ1crn.!N¥:fill19:1f��
-u=rniJ�1Jtmm�J&1.J�riA.�J.EJ&.!n 1:11�.x.�orl.\ITTi.IE�nm:u�JYi':t-ij?]\ 1'11,�fit1n9:1f��rii���tR, -· 1Jtfilrf.\�� A
C�ff��Mftill�ffiSffiS�::t.ii!ii�ffl�.ffl�TiJnrrffl����fil¾A�� -m�-� a ���
£�.A���'.%����¥@�•�mff�m.@¾fil�ffl�am a ftill�arn•:5tMJ&�..t�#
�l]t, ·1]1 riJ IV.a!J;1HJH'&iilr1"J�IJ;jc o
D. tf.\Tffi, 1��¾;f-t! 1 ::ll::�i•xiHJ:J1.Hj(J1J.J\la a �1]t..'=j-@,�7f;;jf,J, {YU�ll,1:E1l��;f-t!1 i'/K·W�i"i�1�xiHfi�1Jtilifi'ff/r
!t'i,�¾1!11.Jt��CmiiJ1c+i*�Zf1:Ea 1�1fJ1!�ti','i:1£¥;f1 �1]tf!,J, Hm�i-f1."�11TI®*1�·-····", ��JJ©ri·

•*�ftill��'.%S�a��mx�IB*:�1f1f�� ���-M��*��-§Zf�-a1:E����
•.ftill�B��*Bm:1£ffi@�.�-�&M���m� a
E. Jt4-1.J .tlilifi1:10 �IJ&*r1'71:�1i%Jf Jt111Jt.,(ef !lwJEJim-$:ttlffio Mr�1* (:11� 1trn1&,10 T ffl11' e,fef T•� ns
-'.%�m��*:1§r.� #a'.%IB�2��x���$:l&:5ta ��*M��Bfilffi�r¾��-��
�ft 11�� (r1 :1§r1,$:ff ,g , IV. 2Hu 1nr � Xlil±ili i!JlJ!B:x% r1<:1 �1Jto:l.21: +t f:11 r,:i.J a Jg_ 1Jt;g :x�· r:rvr-�:t-* m,,M 1� '.% ,i:,, Jll.l
F. ttfffi,1'7/:'.%:Jf�f-l¾-;fl1 ::t. !JwJ�.;5f'H<l:lll$:J.J\laa 1'7/:'.%A1fX1tJJ Hi, !1slJi�m¾-;fl1 U�$:fr1JE .51: $:I.ffi
r J
aa ��--�T��filffl:tE1f@���A1flm•�����TX�x��TiJm��W i IV.1.JA
M��Tal!l�.ftill���¾..'=j fil�ilifi�M��J&ffia�a�lfil���B1.Jftill•*�A�.affi �
����m.ftm•��@�ffi�filfflx�•tt��JnIV.a-t-.A�����o-��¾.Hill���M N
����lfil-�m•MMftilllK:5t@l�..'=jX���m�al!l�.Mr�����ffi.51:m���¾�A �
.A�X1t*lffiW�ttH-a 8lc.
提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 63
Task 1

(JA!. "f.ilj8"P53)

e11 tJt-tl(: �, 0 � =: 1- 10t * !fJ:S-HL1Ju1; T� �, � � :& 1:E 19s11¥ , 19911:p 5H120011¥ � .=:1¥ & 1¥ E1'-i:trJ,1t

;t,:!l]��-=1-mtl(:mo ����-.�¥�R�-1¥fil���-�§z���-.m¥ffi��-�­
J� §1:E��1¥15-}zrsHJ0121-to-!Jxm,*, ��"121-t">Z.�" tt•"r10a�-1�, ¥11!,8�"121-t"o �" tt•"s�·JJ!U�
�!fdfnJ � ffl:i::;k tt fVIJ sq;[ /:!:', �§ o


it>lE III 4.:h"-- :1i J Xf. if- 1 l!J � c-f:, R�:1i J,tf.19s14-, 1991Jt-:fo2001-t-it;.Jf-,tf.;:r- iai i£ f- t m J:.a1-Jt--tilf o

,;.�J¥-1J1'"JR., �kii<J .l. tl:: Jl.,tf. .w. �er.. 't J:. o .¥. r.t Jrt--t�:JiJi .z.>'I' a1 ffi .:r.. .:r.. 't J,1_19814-a1280/o T 1\$:-.ftl
2001Jf-ii<i1x..150/o, 1E-.;t±Jip ii<]� 7]<.1:i<.r.t Jl.�ka<]-Jl .l. tl:: , ,tf.19914-it.f1] ,tf., -]f-4�� ii<J500/o, 20014-/2 450/o o
i,t1o .:j,; ;t...-l-'§f-iJ?- ;;f 11G ii<J .l. tl::,tf.1991Jf-.J.f-J.Htl200/o, ,�J6 ,tf.J)iJ6-� at .JiJl T l\}.ftl Y- �90/o o � z;tmffi.., �
J!-:foi9.:�ii<J 'J: �� � z;tmffi.. o ¼;;f 11G {r-J «, t\.7 ,tf.19914-�.ftl )'{ ,!; ,& .l. tl:: ii<] 50/o, 1E-,tf.20014-,tj JJ:.1t, it 'f1

-f£f_wj.{i-!J230/o o �+H<i Jl., 1,l<.l\ft-jf- .l_ .t!z,.I.J:.1t��, J,/_1x..20/o:li$-!Htl20014-a180/o o

�.z..-�.:r..'§f-��T#R:ilkii<, �.¥.���:fo�l\ft;;f�ii<J1't.lkN&:!i$•.�.:J,;;t...:fo��M
.:r..ii<J.:r..'§f--l-;;f�{i-!Jfrn��hii<JTl\$:- o

** f.ll: :St tfr
x3f :�Uf� -IB¾: !J� _t¾x. e§UIJJJ'1'tt>c¥ □0r& �, m1t� T .=::troo □01i ,i:,,1� .�, : n.J 1sJ , ±th,i�,;f-u x. �

Mx��fflffi���;t,:ffi!l]§ffl�.@��fflillfiTr&�.Me§���r&�T�� tl��fflM�o e§

i:p(f,J�i1:,Jspending, fil"BJ(:;/Ji'/Ji1:,Jspent o

tt1f1fili'iJ l�He:l�l*:i:� tl:l (:1M#All.X:�'.ij,��1:1:!f llii* �,

�.¼!.-&IJS Test l "�' MX"

z-o 1:E

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64 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�=- 1-'@j:t/(:I!] �1:1, teachers' salaries( �iVTii(fJI.18:i:);fnother workers' salaries(;!,t:1[h!ff(I(:JgI_18i: )lll¾I.18:i:, PJ Ll
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**�. 11Ll�11:
Coal provided 46.20/o of the whole in 1970. ;l:Jt.))L J; 1970Jj°-,if, i 6946.2% 0
Males accounted for 600/o of the whole workforce. 5') •ti J; ,& ;ft-ij; JJ A. o 69600/o 0
Students make up nearly 200/o of the group. � !£.J'.9 J; ,J, �il.A.4H9200/o o

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"If� 1Jr 5j x,J' tt ii:� i.fiJ : but, while, in contrast C � nJ Ll m whilst, whereas, on the contrary, by conlrast,
,t/,ts:klfl']: overall

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提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 65
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66 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
JJfili :YEi !PH1Ffl$ JE5to :i! -,i!s� t-B:i,65-Hi=J'.C s<J�>R : H� "fi� IIT$ Im J]I/MJ § � >R ,1!Hf r:1<J1:'fll5-n� filt;;i;;�M'c �a "�
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1. ricJreff, 1�rtr1<J*�
in an enhanced manner�J:/l\'�ffi(:1'-.Jj 5:-t
establish communication �JJli.XYJ1L
mobility n. ;f$z#J'l1 medium of communication xr}fE:li!t:fr; ifilff\,-=J=-¥.9:

when it comes to �fJ;.&; J¥Jt······®H�: be equipped with :tJH�
be in touch with tlfMl;
2. *J'.C�E1<Ja,J1aHJtli".!
�=m: earlier, in the past, to that time
ffi�¥.9: : now
3. ffl�ffiW�(:i!@ftl�'�;;i;:_¥7f,�111�1x•1�65t.iiJ�[l*�1�6.5J:JkM�fy!iJmr�:ill1fR.)
i.ff.1%: use toJ]Ijgused to( u¾t?:·1�·); should be maintain@:1Jshould be maintained( il5lZ9Jffi,'$)
tit�: leaving far@::;igliving far; feriendJ]Ijgfriend
if!�!/&: easy wayJ]I1Jeasy ways; two personJ]I::;lgtwo people
ffl£� ��: between one person to another personf.0:;;'Jbetween one person and another
.:Ei\Il-3&: it were very slow and were @;;'git was very slow and was
z#Jlff.lff�:K: People used to afraid to writef.0:::;IJPeople used to be afraid to write

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 67
. en
� Speaking

Part 1
��-. �W�T*��-�����.I�.ttffldK�ffl*�B�Hm�o

Newspapers and Magazines

1. Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why? J
I'd like to keep myself informed about international politics and business. The Economist offers the best
quality. I really like it. It gives thorough coverage of news from around the world, including places that are
often overlooked in other sources. Also, it has a wry sense of humor. I find the captions of the photos
to be quite enjoyable.

keep someone infonned 1'K.. � A_;/Jli.% Z coverage .W-r llf] {!Lilt

overlook .t- 1�, .t-�)\l, wry 4t1H11, .;µ1,.,f11J a1
sense of humor &i .Wk � caption i>LflJJ j::_�

2. What kinds of article are you most interested in? [Why?]

I enjoy reading articles about international <if.fairs, economic analyses, technological developments,
trends, food and travel. I prefer neutral analysis, not just opinions from the left and right. I am not
interested in reading any gossip and speculation. I want the facts as far as it is possible, although I know
that "facts" are not as they appear.

international affairs 00 �.f; * 4J-. trend wJJiiL � 1:4'

neutral analysis 'f .ft. 6') 7}�1f gossip tJ!s 14] , ;tL 1;
speculation 1J,-1t

3. Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language? [When/Why?]

I learned German for two years at university and during this time we were supposed to read German
novels as part of the course, but I normally read the English translation as I felt that my German was not at
the appropriate level. However, I then realized the only way to get it to the appropriate level is to just read
and practice. We should start with children's books and work our way up.

be supposed to ;}2. it ( 1ti � :ij;: ) appropriate level i!.¼6'J 1]<.-'}

work one's wa up t ;/J foJ J::..

4. Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the
language? [Why/Why not?]
Yes. Buy the unabridged audio books or magazines to read and listen at the same time, so the audio
components are an advantageous help to develop pronunciation skills. It is a very good and effective
method to learn a second language.

unabridged �-/l!liAa1, it'.,�61 audio component i}}Ji-l}Jl7}

advanta ·eous � t J a') , � � 6')

68 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Part 2
�'§f ��1::-5lHfs&-I�( Cue Card ) a ��l::.7f=f --5-H,1 1 111:�ll•Jl\3], ::Jfi'i I;J1;1'.l�fc(�'§f 4::��1::�fntl�) a

ZJ§ �-1:: �1tn - 2 0-t,11 Eff..JIWd� 0 � 1:: li!Hc )§ , � 'ii 4:: tiVt� �E Ml 11 :)£ l;);J �HI-T#J 1-i'll* i'tiJ B , ITT � �::.11= rm
�-[i:i]� o

Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.
You should say:
where the restaurant was
why you chose this restaurant
what type of food you cate in this restaurant and
explain why you enjoyed eating in this restaurant.

"-1-iUf", ;<,J-=f:iZ:1-it&-I�, ��_1iJLV.:iz\;:J'\!1:1tJJU. 1l�g; o Xii:RiiJLV.Wi:l£1=!�tttltr, �!Ud,�J;s, :J'1'LITfifis,


10CTtfc\" o -t!1 YrJ LV.tiMi:l£r/!i�Jf, �[I tUij1r- Jl�, Y5Z.�Tis, 1EiJl!A�¾�¥iJll�l& l�I cj��:;:JZ Btwhy you e1�oy ed eating in
this restaurant, :lfHH4� g; iJl-�1-A!nfJl:.o tf� .=: {fll0-¾ I� t-11{-q&J t-'i'-@. 1:1t l'0J B � fHlt , ·It!.¾ 9'11 'f-�11J 13 �,¥,-1:: t"!i ,�,
Affl*�ffi&o �fil�Xii:Rm��¾-•m:J£���fil��Tffi� □ ffi-U,�ii:R�Tffi•���.��
JNJiLl, 1E.1�Y7f=f A¾l:ifil, Jl_y!,f=f,1�Yllfm:c/!T1i1:1tm."i'.1Jto

s I 1:1:l I often eat at a dumpling restaurant in a hutong near the Forbidden City. It's down a small street
�Im and is a real best-kept-secret.
*IY-J I don't go there often because it's right in the center of Beijing and I live on the outskirts, so it's pretty
!iji� difficult to get there unless you're already nearby. I'd say I go there every couple of weeks or so.
Being a dumpling restaurant, they obviously serve dumplings! You get around twenty dumplings in
each serving which is more than enough for me. They don't serve other types of food but make up
for it by making especially nice dumplings. I like to dip them in vinegar and then eat them whole.
When I took some friends there they said the dumplings were the best ones they'd ever eaten.
After a meal at this place you feel really full and satisfied. It's g uaranteed to stop you feeling hungry.
I also like it because it's really cheap! It's only a small restaurant and there's no decoration apart
from a few ornaments behind the counter, but that's part of its charm: it's a simple, friendly place.
7'J fiiJ The neighborhood is great too: it's historical m1dpicturesque and there's always some interesting
�,x people walking around or riding their bicycle. You can relax and enjoy your meal withoutfeeling
rushed as you are at larger places that play annoying music or are too crowded. Another great
thing is that you always get your food served right away without having to wait, so you can walk
right in and stm·t eating.

hutong "li,ll[ii] It's down... tE...... 91�� best-kept-secret ::f A A 9cr:I 81 �-g �
on the outskirts tEx�IX make up :t<H� dip@l
ornament �t/fi� picturesque Jx\,-�Hr:l@i B� feel rushed �'.%31J'IT:B�

微信:13522209444 69

�.={\'1\5-}; )(,X(,,]Wi'i'.;(4-57Hl1) 0 :ol j�j'--'=j��l!mt1El=J�=f.Jl:5-}i;,l��/:l:\*(l�-@t��:JT!l�(:r,JiJ5®Jnt11i'Ji'i'.;o �
f.�:5-} (:1� t®I¾M� = f.ll:5-Hfi®I-r-- Pl� (:1� �1Mn :J,T:i JI a

1. Why do you think people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something?
Well, I think there are probably a lot of reasons why people go to restaurants, but two of the main ones are
that it's very easy for everyone to relax and have a good time and that it's not as much of a hassle as having a
party at home. Most restaurants these days have really fun causal atmospheres so people instantly feel
comfortable talking. You can also reserve a private room if you like. Perhaps the more important reason is
that throwing a party at your home is a lot more trouble. You need to do lots of planning and food
preparation. Then, after the party your house is a mess. I held a party once and when everyone left, my home
looked like a disaster zone. It took me a long time to clean up. So, I personally would rather celebrate in a

causal l'i!L ;t !/.J , 1;!;. Jtj{i<J instantly jJ__ f!r Ji!!,

reserve fffe, iT disaster zone '.k. IB.

2. Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants? Why do
you think that is?
It depends on what you want to do. Fast food restaurants are rapidly becoming popular for several reasons.
One is that white collar workers have really hectic schedules and may just want to grab a quick bite for
lunch before getting back to work. So now there are rows and rows of fast food chains in tl1e business
districts. Another reason tl1at fast food is becoming popular is that places like McDonald's create a fa.n1ily
friendly atmosphere, tl1ey even have play areas. Families witl1 toddlers may not take them to a more fo1mal
place. However, here in China, traditional restaurants will also continue to be popular for a long time.
Chinese people take their cuisine very seriously and traditional restaurants are the best place to go if you
want a huge variety of food or authentic dishes. Traditional restaurants are also extremely important for
occasions like big business events or fa.n1ily get-togethers.

white collar El 4.9i hectic schedule '.l\HR, •t-i:: {L 1/.J El :t¥.

toddler JilrJ '3f ¾k}ta� ;Jt-f­ cuisine t.&Jt
autl1entic dish Jtilt 1/.J i"-1h get-together �½

3. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than food in a cheap
restaurant - would you agree?
I can see why some people would say tl1at, but I have to disagree. At least, it's not always better. Some of my
favorite meals have been in small local eateries and even dive restaurants. Altl1ough the food is simple,
it's often both hearty and delicious - like a home cooked meal. Of course, if you are a person with refined
tastes, you might still be better off going to a high-end restaurant.

eatery ,J,*1,f dive restaurant 11i';j§.1it 1i: a�*ff

refined taste � !Tli a� £ •t� high-end restaurant � ;jg;*ff

70 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Producing food
1. Do you think there will be a greater choice of food available in shops in the future, or will there be less
Yes, there is already a much greater variety of food available in shops than there was a decade ago and I think
this trend will continue for a long time. When my parents were my age, they had virtually no choice
whatsoever. They could only buy what was available in the small local shop or vegetable market. Now there
are countless supermarkets with huge selections of food. For example, in addition to regular items most
supermarkets have an international aisle where you can buy imported foods. Also many seasonal fruits and
vegetable can now be bought year round. If you can't find what you want in a regular supermarket, you can
also visit specialty shops tl1at exclusively sell-tea or chocolate or other gourmet items.

aisle ii!i..i! exclusively -t n ;l,t

gourmet 'k 1t t,

2. What effects has modern technology had on the way food is produced?
Modern technology has affected food in a great number of ways. Farming is mechanized now, so fields are
more productive, and also there are less people involved in farming than before. Another way modern
technology has affected food production is now scientists can bioengineer new foods, like bigger tomatoes
or seedless watermelons. Perhaps one more way food production has been affected is people buy a lot of
prepackaged foods, which are extremely convenient, but don't always taste as good. Thus, modern
technology is both good and bad for food production.

mechanized tJLti#.11:'.. a-ii bioengineer .1.. 4h .I. :fl.

seedless }Giffa<J prepackaged food lvUt E ;t_ ·J(fa<J 1t 4h

3. How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs, without importing any from
other countries?
Well I think it's extremely �portant that a country is self-sufficient, and that it can always provide enough
for its people, but a country doesn't necessarily need to grow all of its own food. For example, if we have free
trade, we can import a variety of foods and products tl1at can't be made domestically. It's definitely
important that a country is capable of growing all its most basic foods though, for example, staple foods
like rice and grain. If we have to import rice from other countries, there is a risk that p1ices might.fluctuate
sharply and that could negatively affect lower income people.

self-sufficient m i¼ m ft.._a-ii domestically ,$-_±_ ;l,t, iJl i:kJ ;l,t

be capable of� Ii� jJ a-ii , Ii�······ a-ii fluctuate ill #1 , ii'- #1

A•*�--�---� □ �ff��H���fil• *•��-*�*••·����g-�-���

i!f (Pizza );fQ.*flJffi (Spaghetti). -0-5'c:f.lt1fJJY;IO�;i:oijr1fi:1� lliU l±\-1j}J[!l,:@: (:1�•*tU ffi (Spaghetti).

Spaghetti is a delicious Italian meal that most kids will love. In fact, adults and kids alike will surely enjoy a
spaghetti lunch or dinner any day. The problem, however, in most spaghetti dishes is the soggy 4
pasta. A lot of cooks tend to overcook spaghetti and thus ruin the whole taste. They say that the �
best way to cook spaghetti is to cook it al dente. This means it should be slightly chewy and not
pasty. Let's learn how to cook spaghetti noodles al dente. C/)

When you purchase your spaghetti pasta, you will see cooking
insu-uctions on the label. Make sure that you check the instructions
and follow them carefully as these instructions already teach you
how to cook that specific pasta al dente. At the same time, these labels
already include the quantity of water and the time you'll need to cook it. So it's
very important to refer to the label insu-uctions to come up with spaghetti
noodles al dente.
Perhaps another thing that you always tend to forget is to cook enough
for the number of people eating. Generally, 500 grams of pasta is good for 4 people. If you look at a
bundle of dry noodles, the diameter of about a US quarter coin will yield 1 cup.
Now if you are cooking the spaghetti, make sure that you have a good sized pan large enough to
allow the pasta enough space. This will avoid your pasta sticking together or sticking to the pan. Another
technique to avoid this is to add oil. Once your water boils, add oil as you add in your pasta too. It's also best to
toss your pasta every now and then to avoid sticking. Use tongs or chopsticks so you don't ruin the noodles.
For 500 grams of pasta, you will need to pour in about 4
liters of water for boiling. However, it will be best to check on your
pasta's label for insu-uctions as it may vary. At the same time, if cooking
about 500 grams of pasta, add about 2 tablespoons of salt. Salt allows of
your pasta noodles to cook evenly. Add it after the water boils and not
before. Adding salt prior to boiling will require much longer time to boil.
When timing your pasta, make sure to add the noodles once the
water boils. Don't cover the pan for al dente pasta. It will take
about 6 to 7 minutes for small servings. For large amounts, about 10 minutes will do. Again, it's best to look at the
insu-uctions in the pasta's packaging.
Now, to determine whether your noodles are already cooked al dente, make sure that you taste a
piece of the spaghetti as soon as the recommended time is finished. It should be slightly chewy and
when you look at the piece you've bitten, there must be a small white dot in the center.
If you're still cooking the sau�e, make sure that you drain your noodles first and run cold water
on them to stop the heating process. If you don't let it cool right away, it will continue to heat and cook and
give you soggy noodles, taking away the al dente texture.

72 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Section 1
�l ±Z. £ A �7]
L.J ,(/J 5T, J I -P

&J%'l:inifilc¥��o 9'1 fHtiJ$11�·y!J; &�!xiJJI�, 1£ltl\�Zfl��±(:1½�>Ro 1'F1J$'i., ftffi@st-f���fflj�J:1'§

D +-++-lJ �\
,i'I ::It:; '=1 '[
i=l 1,□J)

rent V. f.§. 11. f.§.:#i kitchen-diner n. ( �:sst�!R±ts� ):kratm

location n. ±fu,�, iiI.'i'. study n.�m
suburb n. >;:�!R whereabouts adv. ftP}l��
minimum ad). �iff; 8� n. �j,•, fflff;i! decorate V.iH1J, �i$
let n. l±Hll., Ul� scheme n.i.t:lW
living room �f.F;:¥: district n. ±fu!R
dining room fHf construction n. }ti51:
garage n.$$ impressive ad). � A ED� i5ittrJ �
cloakroom n.盥洗室 schedule n. i.ttiJ; BttrJ*
cope with 应付,处理 convert V. i&}t' &:@:

accommodation n. iifl§ ;1l§� flatmate n. '.¥:�

apartment n. (�)0� homestay n. �m
budg(:)t n. tff.i1fl: off campus ft�51[•
contract n. '15� on campus ft�P-1
double room xXAfsJ studio n. (�);j,�fs]
flat n.0�

limit for the rent?� •H�� 'l2 l!I *,

1. That might be difficult, as most houses of that size are in the suburbs. Still, there are a few. What's your upper
IEl ;, k J, 4&.�t!· drl ;fP-a'J &-f :t�,( !R o /l':d.$.1f1i!.Jt:.� -'l2a'J 1.1;.foJj­

tiU�x a<J;f.!l.1z -1. l'tlJt:. J, '.Ji? JJ:t!xisize�f.iiZJ.filfOT/c:1'J"R. ,J-", mf J.iiZ:3/g"iffif.W' o rent-ii'ufl::�Jii,Ja�-*�"f.ll",

1ti;ii,Jll*�"fEI.�" o
2. But we can't go beyond that. 但是我们不能出比这更高的价了。此处beyond指"比……高,比……有
Jiff·· .... ", 1ffU�IJ: His exam result is way beyond my expectation. 1M'J ;lt-i;.\,fi'x.jj/pt,$_ fj,Jtj] a']� tl:l-i-t J, 0

3. RightAnd howsoondoyouwanttomovein?All our letsstartonthefirstonthemonth -Jifa'J 1;\;111:!H-� J, ,tkA.1i.? O

4\.1f1a<J;f.!l.1v!'�Jt:.»....� Jl --tfrtt:a'Jo let-iFiJft:2j';:"'\t9:i(:1½1';-Sl¾�'i.�::kW.\�MJ" tBffl, fflffi", mf�l:::i;/Jii,J"i-1" o

微信:13522209444 73
4. It doesn't have a garage,though you can park in the road. it#..¾·'h9:.� .$-4,1E-1t1f1 'iif v;J.4e,.$-1f,,(f.1¾t:iiL 0
2js:1riJ5�1Jtt./Ul=I-i:B"in the road, -fR:J'�"*g!j:J:�tE!Mr J:"o
5. That looks rather nice. But whereabouts in Hamilton Road? it/i'-¾ J:.¾1fl.�4tl- o �#,.,,(£.Hamilton >'!3-€r-J1t
¾1.i1L? whereabouts -if,J:ii1/l'ffl'f:itt-±Vi1iJ/'ii.J1.l'zi': o
6. But this one hasn't been decorated for a few years, which has kept the rent down a bit.1E-it-f.f-.¾-t E:A.i j Jf­
;9:.��11}:ii T, ft}j'v;J.-f1r�tt..$x.1t o keep...down 5&:,\!tli"1f ...... 1�", t£ljs:1riJi:p5&::3/'J"{le]§.�{ij1JftE1�1.l'z" o
7. The only one closed down last year, and it's now in the process of being converted into a film museum. •-it­
{/.J- �¾Jf-* Jfl T, � 1Jlf .iE,{f.�Jl?t;it.A � §Jt!)j-4Mt o J!:t6l.cconvert-iftl*�"BJl:J!, i&�", .E!.-JE:J'/i(��­
;j\J!��:3/'J:::k:J!�, ll!ilJE:JiMc:3/'Jconvert...into... o

:zt;:"ri l±lmlB�Bill!-f&f�k,(!JJtill!Section l l±l ml�.vP�t&iW/i �W..!fdl-1-.A.f�,�'*:tiH form)R.1*,�' ttM*tiH table):3/'J

�o 5���MAm��:1'J��,�A,filM• o
1. �-:3/'J]/[ff;l[ o It'd nice to be central. B.::Pi:p(J�location-iftlnlt:3/'J:l:�B�W:�,W,)(:1::f.l\\ o
2. *•�*!l��Wi,W,::x:W:¥U£5OO2}_£6OOWi1-�Wi o JW1'st:fil:ffl551'sf 13�l_!Il�!fflfil,1.§.J51'st-tl1r:iJtlsto B.::P
"P�maximum--'=§W,::X:(Aup to:1-Jll'¥J5/.�� o ff)&:: tE:olJia\i:pmaximum;filup to ll'¥J5l.��EJ{J'tJH£1&$0
3. ��:;lyj:_�I!] :1'J W,)(W,]}_ B�:fil:we're at college here for two years rffilr,ir:i:.t��, {§.).)j()( �tf if jZJffii.JaJwe
don't want to have to move during that time if we can avoid it. Cim:�:i:iJk,(Jl�B�ii, �ff]�;ttl,tEJ!:tWHaJ�
*0 )5&::J'��� mm
El�Bt*--'=3 � )J @lt-LHEI [PJ 0
4. ��:1'J1l:*lo :%1Vi'¥U£55O, ZJ5 it doesn't have a garagef:IP,�f!J:j��o
5. W,::x::%W:¥Ubig garden, ZJ5ffl9;1'st:J'�l±l"J:!tfr'JftflJiiJi�T", B!Pffl9;1'stiA:1'J:t.tim:;J,c:::k:T o
6. Hamilton Road:3/'JfJJ:llfil.1*%iftl, ��.:s'l.tLll±lmlo study-iftlf'r-�iftl��5/.:3/'J"cj=i;B;", i'EIMY'ftl o
7. W-�x1'Hamilton Road:ittfigffii)aj, ]6 l±J J:.l\\��that'll be very noisyo
8. :zt;:B�-l±lml�XffWmMttMA,1l:MMl±l�5o
9. & 10. $ili;Bi'Elx1'xitJ.tffiiW/i o l±lml$6l.cY�M·/11*,�'o :ittllL&sports centre, 1§.:fil:under construction (J!i&!::
i:p), :olJj:_&,@HEt£ :iftlrn.::tri�t-l��.::ptJtili;JJ!D o In fact the swimming pool's already opened. ��J:, 't}{'f­

'bJcrtl2B�ff$:, *fJJ:l:fil:ml��i&!::Jiui o mf )6 JZ.W:¥Ucinema, 1B.B�*l;1j, :olJj:_��ff:i&:�;k'cinemaB�ffJl'(,ff:

·�:1Jc'L �,o the existing concert halli:p �existing (mlrfa�. J:.l\\�s�):3/'J:/WBB�*W!o

Section 2

* ttr-:t111 § 1\-m T OO*z':#i:p,I'.,,� P-J'irfl;t/J�, �Wk�, r.m�mi;IJ1i:t-ll=R;lt*1J,B,JIEiL filM•·lili&o Z

i:p ,I'.,, t[ ,'ilt�Ji-<¥1-tflll:tilHiW: > 1.§.zf§ JZ. flll .¥ci !l!!.ff.H�:1:�0 it!:#i:p 'L' Jl,:if �<¥ x� ff )J,9'. 0 ]!,� 1)-ffi Tir½ iii

D +-++-lJ �\
,i'I ::It:; '=1 '[
i=l 1,□J)

spotlight n. �xn classical music

throughout prep.�& concert
venue n. ±t!i,,� complex

74 微信:13522209444
cater V. ;ji:/j .@_' ill)-g attraction n. IJ&sl�
art gallery imi/ij. �*m recommend v. tit#
enormous adj. A%B� spectacular adJsl�. ;l±xJll.�
eventually fantastic ffl*��, tHY�
adv. ffl-t1 adj.
symphony n. XPl'l review n. �i,f
orchestra n. �st*i?fl exhibition n.�W:
selection n. :M�m' fflm; m� collection n. 451:�; t&�

stopping points i��±fu( ,'2-) shallow ad). ;31;9�; /l;!i;;31;�

palace n. 'g,ljlj arcade n. m/ij; 1fm/ij�fir�
residence n. ff!} Pfr, i:H'.t commentary n. fli-f.iR
refreshment n. 小点心 departure n. tl:\�. �ff
commercial adj. iffi"�� hop-on hop-off llJUIJ ll]i�; llJi Bt __t 7'

1. Every Friday evening we put the spotlight on different arts and culture facilities, and look at the shows and
events that are on offer in the corning week. -fit%] Ji at J:. � 111 ,tJl ½ � ;(t -t ;f � MJ "t. ;j(. Ej .:i:.1-t, it� , fr Jl ½
¼i?ol$1i T Al- %l �;//i. t:l:l {r!J4.i1iti,;"f;-#J o spotlightjg;g ifiJ, :(:E:,js:'tfJ 1:pJJl!fffli'. jg?,;/JifiJ"Jlt� "Jf1milHl" o
2. But did you know that it is actually much more than just a place to hear concerts? The Centre itself is a huge
complex that caters for a great range of arts. 1E-1t-1fJJl. � f-Pilt:i!. '#< f.i':;J:.:f1x.1x.Jl.-,t 0fr½ !f-4:-{r!J��? it
jg":fij!R", -'=J�i\3-�B%lock�,\!HB!f:fJ o
3. Both our National Symphony Orchestra and National Theatre Company were involved in the planning of
the project, and they are now based there - giving regular performances every week - and as the Centre is
open 363 days of the year, there are plenty of performances to choose from. 00 t. ,f ?t x. vf.) If- 0:) to, 00 t. JJ ;i.l\'.,
��-·�T�i��.�m ♦ fel-�:i!.I�ff��4.� o t�♦ 43�k��.-*Tkt��{r!J4.
i'ffi o be involved in� If:,] rparticipate.
4. So, to give you some idea of what's on, and to help you choose from the many possibilities, we've made a
selection of the star attractions. f5IJ1t, jg T i.J:;k�T f(J!f. § ftI IE:(:E:W:fi M1i'-li?ij], Jf:'/W IIJJ;k�)A*$*ui[ �
:W:fi:izt;� , � il'JlM it T -1-" t'i r\Hli �J'' t.1-fm o what's onnJ IVJill!ffij :1,J "IEtE:it!:fi a'-J m zijj" o

*����� o ffi�B§���Xffl�o
�ll-l6&��ic(Note)±J;;2: o

11.题干中的well known for对应原文的It's famous throughout the world as。考生需要把握这两个短语,方可

:tJMi��f�L�,venues for classical music o
12. &.:Pt& 1iU1'-J1:5-;kp;J'/rl)�i!ifi;J�:(:E�x��mlk, .§_Jl[ml'f-3&, i'.1:f:PJr�{f epnJ�tl:\�� o

微信:13522209444 75
14. ffi()(;(:Eopened to the publicZJ§".3L.t1J�/:l:\1:f-f53-Igg3 0
15. ffi()(lflrun-----ii',J��"�g, :iE�", -'=il�ff�i=1 EJ{Jmanage�ji'/J5(H, @Ff9:ri't9bytRiET��&,��}\!!"jttflit1ilo
16. HJFFopenffi()(j[JJ\\, Z)§".3L.ttl� /:l:\/J&�36'3 o
�17-20/m:1:!11§,�, ttx•J*M, 11§,�,±!f}t;);J:�l'i*Mr:1g�rt,JJ1ID!ff1Ll ,':I:\ o
17. t;)Mozart:1:15:E{fl:if,J, JJ§()(;(:EMozartJ§"J�Jl:±',:EJ\\iil!,J�Garden Hall 0
18. ffi()(8 pmJ§" /:I:\ JJ\\Cinema 2"i=i ���3&�1:.'t�'!m, 1El.3L.trJ /:I:\ :EJ\lThree Lives a .1lt/mxit/.tJt-:fjW;5, {§.�/mB,Hl;rtt
-�§�·�����.����*�o ��M*Mlfli't9B�ffiAo
19. *Im���, fHmnfe�if �/JriJ, {§.\'ffi'tt•4'1�M:i:l:a
20. t;,(11 am to 10 pm:1:15:E{fl:if,J, tt•l!fr�J§" /:l:\:EJ\\J't9 pq� o ffi()( 9'' fl1�it's...called... :1:Jf]§�i.1',J a

Section 3

Paul-'=i-fiL:3(±1:fi,�•i.-Q:1-Al��lflm.&!'t9m�I 11=:�JE, t!Y .&Pau!B9I W1*��, IIHJ!t, iffiJ§"Ni .-Q: TM

**Eir*H § B9WHi3'a ililtJJPaulx- J!ffiI 11::� tt�1�fl9WHt, iffiJ§"jt:w;I ffpq�tntl:JJJH&�19:�:�U1E1-t,

�J§":fiJ:Jf.o 1§.Pau!f«rtiA:1:iJ!xHI c.89***)]�'/WJI/Ja

D +-++-lJ �\
,i'I ::It:; '=1 '[
i=l 1,□J)

personal statement 1- A�Ji administration 11. fiil&�II

fluency 11. ;fiitrJ lodging 11.*@;it; /:l:\fil.B%�-rn
barrier 11. jl!�ij laptop 11.�i.c:;$:���
original adj. f&tJJ81, /w:;$:�; module n. �n;
lw:*B� gender n. t!JJIJ
agency 11. If!*' ;j:Jl� analysis 11. ?:rtfr
voluntary ad). § � 81, ;;s � � reconfigure V. j[\!je,� j j[f.,fj-i5t�
construction 11. }ti5t occupy V. cj"®f, cj"f,i§
engineering 11. If.¥ elect V. m¥, 1J¥
physically adv. �-(;$:...t; 1:.II...t leadership 11. ®I�
de-motivated adj. �¾iiJJ .7J 81 sphere 11. m:oo' ®i::lex:
community 11.HIR acquisition 11. �i�; �i��
reluctant adj. ::f'li�� indigenous ad).;$:±�
suspicious ad). 'i:Hii� appropriate adJ.1>g,s�
academic ad).!¥*� Portuguese n. m�3ffg

complementary ad). *�JE.81; B.*� remote adJ. iimB1, ffif$B1

historical ad). )t.j"5!::� uninhabited ad). Jii7i:Am�
expedition n.1¥�; m1.iE wilderness n. Jii'r
scientific base fl¥dMih fieldwork n. �±!!!,��
specialist n.1f*

76 微信:13522209444
1. What took you there? Was it to gain more fluency in Spanish? 1,t IJ 1t ¾ ¾ T JJ� -t-�� ?!lf.J 11#:.. i!Ei J)l t--i¼
,t.;,t;f,J •l!i? take-ii'/] i=Ii-'/H½ffl.r!���,t$ , �1-\tT:iJ kJff=Ht=�Eltj['riJi'B*B½:�H5 a 1YU�rl: What took you so
long? (¾ft-i.::/tT fFi�>z.-�EIJ['sJ? )
2. In fact, I ended up teaching English there, although that wasn't my original choice of work. • � J:. ,
•/6 �
3. I'd thought it might be difficult physically, but I was certainly fit enough... no, I wanted to do something that
had more of a proper structure to it, I suppose. � ,I.?- v:J, IJ ¼. 1ft 1.11' "]"" tit 1t � #-- � 14- � ,t �t 4x i%J, 1E. JJ� at
111� e..r.i�!': 'f 1JtAr 1 ·· ····+, -tUJ-.IJ ll��1tx.--'1E JitAfit ,ti:J,tH¾ 1.1t a ::zls:1'iJtMi;Jf�lfil.J3'1�, �'.'tfFn'�
t�mf�ii'/Jitt�ftworlcfritJJll.ff!I� 0
4. That wasn't his strong point! I think he was often more interested in the academic side of things than filing
reports. He was a bit of a dreamer. ¼.+!l 1M¾ H\1:Vi ! �iJ-.IJ :'fPJ4'.§i-tll%;/:l'nt, 11!i...xt* ;J(.�di! ,t.�-,z� o 11!i..*
A �!f!l-.i.:x._ o dreamer:¥lffi�:.'!1'�"1��(:1½X', JffiXi:51:t'f 1±\J'Jil''XX±5C', {filif-�"�Mii±5C'Ji:1JailliJl/iJ! o
5. And did anything on the administration side of things surprise you? What was the food and lodging like?;(£

6. Don't judge the value of the course on that. +�vUt:J!tt,J Jlfr¼.-t-i!F.fH11Jr11 a that:Y�JJiiS �p J::.-li:iJt'BiUEI'�
"ft�T □½�lit/W §I" a


21-26:1;;.�/W o
21. Jw:xa_)HiffJJ¾iUmain idea was to find out more about the way people lived there, flnt..fil$ Tff!Ufi11�J½)di1'.'t
itr (1½:trrt;, flP:iz\;�C11½iUG'.� a
22. /W��(:l½get involved in:1:1:i:,���JJll.f(1ir,!'l½ft,I@,, :]'�"��" a JffiX f :9tt'HUconstruction, building���-\'r­

��'.'t�#�t'f:.fB�ii'/J?[(i½�r.JJI; mf J§ Y.Jl.&tourism...which I actually chose to do a actually¾��jl�

ii'/] a illi'rn'actually, in fact, as a matter of fact�fW:itJ§�tl:', J,U!�·1t,l@,o :;l§-'.'t-ti!, EJ 12MtH}.IlJll!i!J'f JJRff!U, fUY;ITJ§"
ili JJU1½1t,1@5J iHiffl�� a
23. ::zll:/Wxfli�i'�lxtf�� a JffiXJ¾rU: I wanted to do something that had more of a proper structure to it. OM..fil1i&
-��t'f�� tt�I� a )&.¾fil,Tucl���ffiI���ma,ffl� tt�� a ��A���w�
organised���JlUBm a
24. )ffi)( JlrU El'�suspicious:1g ::zll:/Wf(lfi',/W;R:ft o JffiXJ¾iU: What struck me was that when people became more
comfortable with me and less suspicious...( lH�riz:tJ]'((:1½£�),._1rJ�'i±t1t'Ji:yJfEmf_§_lJn1tt' T fH,tBtj·• ·· · ··)
��T:iJ-��TM�T�ff�m� tt a
25. ::zll:/Wtft!l'.�� a 3(±(1%=iJ/WWhat about management? Did you have a project manager? �-'fmJJ.ll/W-'f a Pacl
]Ui@l� he gave me lots of advice and guidance a J_filff!if, T advice�guidance"l�1:£1i'iJ-iff]JJ,Jttt�iliiETeffijz\;JJYiCa
26. JJRX � l'l½even-ii'/J{;f\:J:J.\lili Pauli'.i½·mn3f, � IW"f· � (f!surprisedi'Br-0' a laptopJHi ili l.!,\l, xt m�J.}nMp r,½
computer, ?x1'fmm·l1f�L�, a

�27-30/W::3/;Jlffi@c/W o
27. 1W T�f4Gender Studies in Latin AmericaE'RX:i:IJ.ll a )ffi)( i=p � ili 5R1Hf it was to do with people in the
villages rather than those in the public sphere, I would. iJlrjfJ�;ll/;;rc�11Jfi9:fl½5R14TPaulT:iJtt�illfi�J]n� !!l.
�,]m��J::.����� o
28. �;f4Second Language Acquisition1:EJffiX tl:\ l.!,\lZJ§, Paul� ili i!fJE��: I'll put that down as a definite a
Put...down��"i2T' a definite:J'�"i/fJEB½, t{gx,Js½" o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 77
29. JffiJC%!£RPaulJffi � jJ� i'1 �f¥ tt$.lc�-@-, 1fl.;g T ¾1¥ 1¥J�iat@ § Fo, i&� T ±5&:, �p M Jlt::f ���
T, {§j(±;(;/J{tl!%..l=j;J!t{tl!�1:.xvit-r-1"f-fFl:k:�, zFo-J'lf.i:,R o lzslJlt{l!fiJJ���:iz\;�i'll*, ��:iz\;B o
30. fm�Jlt@i¥JJclt1:E'f :Jfilffi!f JffiJC �1� B<J1Dr: I'd much sooner do something else OJi:rriJM'i:�-=f AiJ11Ji¥J), �fl
:J'�:;ffl({ij o

Section 4

..l=jff:Jfil�tfilJci¥Jijj=�, i�·-it{E:lti¥Jnlt:W1J{nJ:iGJJ.-riJ�flt� tto ±iJ1=.A 1¥1%:t� tl:l$//&AiAift.ti¥JWIR, iJ,.jJ

{E:ltB<Jnlt�J ¾riJ�fl,� a<J , ffiJfil1Zitil1h'i!fnlt�.A±*ffJfil{E:lt , lzsl 1J�@.AriJ � *nlt� r1<J t}Bt o {§. &-H=JJ
1¥1�1:.:n:ct, Yi':ilti¥J:ff:\fM'ill::f;f;fil!AJ, Yi'�:::/c$//&1¥J"m�":J-!g �9c9&��o ±ii!!-.AiH� tl:l�11{nJnll;�:te:\"�fl1� "nlt� o

0 *i5" &, lhEJ 5[

branch n. 7t�1JH� component n. JC�, PX.71
parent organisation £}-0 � interweave V. �t_R; 1f···)i�

capture v. :tmt'E complicated v.1f��

scale n. :l:Jl1.:ti ignorance n. ( xt��!fPJ )x¾J
utilise V. :fij ffl, {jeffl invisible ad). 1'ciJ IBS1
generate V. F�; jct� duplicate ad). �1MS1; M:ffi:91
glamorous ad). 'i' 1f lt ;:/J 91 , ii replicate v. �iu
J..91 misguide V. 1:��
innovation n. 3£�' -eu;rJr accurate ad). ;ftl'iffl 91, 1Efdfl 91
confine V. �U1J comparable ad). 1§1�}91; ciJtt�91
acquire V. �qi, �qi modification n. 1tt/fi, iti&
overwhelming ad). ff {¥Hi 91 ; 7C �=If£ compromise v. �&; �t!I}
m: 91 underlying adj. ��91
confirm v. iii:�, llnliJ., cautious ad). 1j1Ji'.,,9{]
setting n.��; ±m� exert v. �1rn, filffl
retail store ��/is reliance n.1-U�. 1-ix�
real estate agency mf"g:i1r template n. 111-�
pick sb's brains i□l�J.. iMx, ii� consistency n. tif�'l".t
isolated ad). 11l\ .fl. 91, IWi � 91

CB 1EJ 5c t:o *
preoccupation n. ;1Ht fraud n. J!.X!Jlie, if!Jlia
lawless ad). x5!x�S1 customer n. l@i�
legal ad). -g.;! 91 diversity n. �-ff'; �:i-$•11
corporate crime itli��8$ behave V. ;�JJll, ' IT j;J

embezzlement n. �ffl, ffi�ffl personality n. 1'-'11

78 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
gender n. '1":IJllJ responsibility n. 职责
variation n.�ff individuality n. -1'- '11 , 1'-.At� 1.iE
creativity n. -p:IJ:iM1 cooperation n. �ii
conflict n. ;i:µ� conformity n. -il'l1

1. And in today's lecture I'm going to talk about what can go wrong when businesses try to copy their own best
practices. ,,(f.,q-. � a'-Ji;fU:.��i!ta'-J Jk... ;\, ¼ 3k. "i" .i:i1!!.1fl �A-W a'-J jUj :JkAt J.., at ofii�¾- tl:! JJ\l,� laJ M o 1( Jlifi]y[
practice: put into practice if:}[1_:jg''f, ��Jil'Ji;" o
2. It's a less glamorous activity than pure innovation, but it actually happens more often, as a matter of fact. ¼
1-1-J�!.IJii} o
3. However, surprisingly, getting things right the second time is not necessarily any simpler than it was the first
time. M,Ti'i, A.A.•t'f.r:a'-JJJ..., i-=-;x.m ,ti;i � a'-J •.i.r.:t A.ftJt-R-1-lta'-J A-W-.�,;t�� J:t.1f;-;k.�.f-lt�J L :,j\:'PJ
:1:Ji111i/il-'P], Jc�*:it:1:J: getting things right the second time is not necessarily any simpler than it was to get
things right the first time o

4. Now there's been a lot of research into how companies can repeat their previous successes, and it certainly
hasn't been confined to the United States. m1J1J;;fifit J, -f /i;:-a) -3io1of .l_-$1]11t1fl.Z.1J1J�A-W i'.Hta'-J�J[., ¼
;\, i-&*�1xJll-t ,,(f.-fs. 00 o r.1:tf:ln!JEfiifil� research intoo
5. Managers who want to apply existing knowledge typically start off by going to an expert - such as the
person who designed and is running a successful department store - and picking their brains. �-�:i!}i.aA-1/J
&•�•m�m���•*Jk...�¼�-�♦�.��A-W��*&�-����al�A..��-• o tt
:tf:start off by doing sth ( � fM(;ljt� :1:Jff �it) o
6. And the situation's complicated even further by the fact that experts are usually not aware of their own
ignorance. tlJ-t¼�♦�.:/.i.1-i �i.?-� .iU m c.. a'-J Jc..�, 1il:.-1Htr iJL�-ffe .l. ffe1t o ignorancd'�"5i:/1-11, :7i:Jl.:" o

7. But the underlying problem has more to do with attitudes than the actual difficulty of the task, and there are
ways of getting it right. 1-�.f.�-,i',;l a'-J laJ ::II!� J, �-Ei t,Jt;;(if ,Tri �Hl-¾;j:;.� a'-J *!t, *JL;;(if .f!l J, :t * of �;1.1f
Jl.¼�fl:!1& 0 ff�has sth to do withB':J�}[\;l,::fil:"Ej··· ...;fLk" o

8. Not merely duplicating the physical characteristics of the factory, but also duplicating the skills that the
original employees had. �1.x..1.x..Jk....l.-$1] 1..r a'-JI�1Ht"-1iE., ,Ti'iJL�.l.-$]1 ��4na'-J }]�� �" J!-�a'-JtU� 0 ;zjs:
J'.UPEl':!duplicateEjreplicate'.@'.,ll:!Af:l�J, :MJm"�lM" o

�J.l?RJl2i'4i!l 1lt tt:'tii'.�£J.1Jb¥,

1.§_:,js:J'.(tll lJ\l T -J�Ht:'tii'.xiH.lffiiUl':JinJo �1:E�ll*'ltf,"""f ,C.,,*J=JRJlRfi<,1:,-ft }§!,, �
31. /MFf 9'l (!':!existing processesM J]Z�)( 9'l (1':! existing knowledge, rfJJ'm1JtJE 1.fz. o �:JfrbutZfBE:iftl T ll!�ft
,�,: it actually happens more often 0 but5fQactuallyl,',J:1:J�:JJr{t%lfiJ, ;l!l;,15:J;IHU �more oftenEj:i2\;J_yjB more ci;I
frequentl,',J 2 o
32. :,js:Jl]*ltf�� o J12T9'l 13':!research:j±�)( �Jstudies*:it, A host of studies confirm this (*i!:El':!f!Jf91:i1E�T r
�-,� )*aA��f!JfJ?'.(1':!�*�r-3&, :l2l;J]J!B9'l�consistent findings :t�W��i%11!f;l:5J1ftll-tf B{J�*o �



提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 79
33. �Ff i:p (:!'-]consulting expertsx; /j)I!JJ()( i:p B'-Jgoing to an expert, t� fm IV-this approachtti/1-l;;Jlt1�J!,, JHtil tl:\ :i!

;fij,JJ:rt:9-1SftEa particular systeml!.X:smaller or isolated problems(:1'-J·/1J6i',r;;lriJ [;),jfiiJJ'l'l 0

34. @-=f lf1 (1'-Jincomplete-i.1:u:(:E!JJ(j( 9:i IV-never has complete I±\ :EJ,ll, J'Uifl\\'il:]£ T !JJ( lzsi, x1·$:l.iliJ_!i1T:iJ9JI, it:!JJ(lzsl
£�:tiHU;Jworkers, IJJI;),.!f!.i.1:uworkers5E1fi:�� o
35. filf-=f 9:i t1J B Jil11§.�,n;mx (:1'-Jtll:l;:i£a ���z.fu"r1JzY1 .1:ucreateJg 5Effi:3\/�i.�J, !JJ(JC:(£J£iUcreatingJ§-:sttiJtt.&

perfect combination = ideal combination a

36. filf-=f lf1 11(] e.g.5< mz;m:i:ci=!:i fl'-JFor example, H/f:li'. � � 5E1fL�� o
+t� tfilfilf-=f riJ '.W 2��Jjiz±Jt..\15 i,iJ , !JJ()(for
example)§- tl:\ :EJ,ll TWil-t-15 i.1:u: moclification;fnsafety a mi·'1!r _l=jfilf-=f lf1 J:1Jchange11!g[, £1.!JJ(j(*{f :(:Ei!V=(J: t!!
11!i.v;#� l:H Tsafety-i1'U o
37. filf-=f i:p (:1'-]change)( /j)I!JJ(j(9:i E11�adjusting, Fo fil&��JJii:11:uattitudes a

38. ;,js:JWtMtJ·ti�F'm'5ffi. o Secondlyn5E1fL:kW! .1'1J; impose, rigorous:7)-JJIJ_l=jJJJ):XlflBJexerting, strictn!EJ5Cli/f


�; �FoEJrtJJ'-Jcontrols-i1'1JJ!UJ-J��a
39. ;;t@ncopy origina1B'-Jm--t-t[[l:5J-,�, filf-=fi.1'1J!JJ(j(1l!Jmo Not merely;J;§ �'fnot only, �Fot#m--t-�fll:5t
;/i ; filf-=f i:j=t BJPhysical features_l=j !JJ(j( �1:i (:1'-Jphysical characteristics.1-J IEJ5( ff�, !J!U;E!;Fo tl:\ :EJ,lls'-] factoryJ;J�

40. but alsott.i!m=-t-�fB::5-},i/ia filf-=f-ti)_l=j��10JL.:iJ2-JJii:X1l!mla fttl�m39, 40fil!a'-J:k'�:(:E'f$:mnot merely...

but a1so... 1i)fil!(l'-Jff:Jt!, IV-.&:E._ITiff!Tkopy_l=jduplicate!m !EJ5(ff�, :r5JttiJ"g[�j� " a

80 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

¥ W:.: IA] � 1'hlt ff1 .t:t

¥2Jt: #l?fA.� iE,tf..iijf-'Jr., w¾ 1:g � a'J -j;"*
¥ 3 $9:. : ;t fJII a') IA] � W¾ ;j(.1)'-�[5
¥ 4.fl : ;1<_ fit w¾ .t-a'J Mt f�
¥5$l: ���a'Ji¥tJt.W¾,t..
¥ 6$9:.: i¥t;)\:, W¾ .t-ff1;/i .t-.J.¥- Jj'_
¥ 7$l:i¥tJt.W¾ .t-ff1Mt f�
¥ 8$9:.: iin.:ii �� ��2t?i.ilt.i¥t;)\:, W¾ ;j(.
¥ lOJt: ik±.J\:, w¾ .t-a'J �� m�

xl!.V%�: ***
M�111�*: t�@ §I J11YIJ1fr11r-:-g: mrrnr
�'iwm�: t;\;IJl.!\l{flii�:: ;zjs:y r:j: MJSUMMARY@§I Jl!YIJ'fffi:'J!:'.:ll::,
11 ,i'I ,:n::. , '
LJ !.G' i=l l,3 □J / [
1. inflict v. @!ix:
The strikes iriflicted serious damage on the economy. *.:r..f¼rl.iif-:i!A T 1E :k.;/Jn�.
2. inviting ad}. �EFilA�
The log fire looked warm and Ji} ;/<_ ;fi- J:.-¼i.l\l. Bit r7ii -if;' A o
3. property n. V!:tf=; )ji'ti
The hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage to guests' personal property.
a herb with healing properties ��if; :ft tci:.JR a'] :f. "P-i
physical/chemical properties 1h Jj'_ 4,r •ti/1t � 4,r •ti
4. fund v. � !l;/J, :J:9:�
The project is jointlyfanded by several local companies. �+:i:jij F-l 1-lf fti T � �JL �1.,:-.. � a'] J!k¾-'ffe-.!l}J o
governmentfanded research JJ.t;tt '.if- .!l}J €i') ./ijf- 'Jr.,
5. back v. 3z:t�, M !l;/J
The scheme has been backed by several major companies in the region.

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 81
Some suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by the US.
6. discharge v. $. Jti,; :!'-1� t±l
Both forms are readily gasified by electrical discharge without leaving any tangible residue.
7. emerge v. t±l I.ll!, ;¥!.ll!
The sun emerged from behind the clouds. .:k. faM.. -i;;:!f:. 'F 4Jit :±l .J.: :Ro

Eventually the truth emerged. .$\-�JSJ��i-t- :±l 7]<.i!r/ o

8. reveal v. ,ll!.ll!, .!m.�; :t��. n!!:ii
He may be prosecuted for revealing secrets about the security agency.
He revea/.edthat he had been in prison twice before.11!!.�SiJt11!!. ill' rl.�:iiifJ:J ik..2f= o
9. generate v. iif=�
The program would generate a lot of new jobs. �1Yi it �1J½i1J :i½A!lj ;'f)j-.l!R1i. 0
Tourism generates income for local communities. *i.# 3k.i'¼ i\i Ji!!,;/± IR ;)j," :RT 1ltA o
10. surge n. ;jij;m; 1iiji'
a surge of excitement - f4 7t-7ii-
a surge of refugees into the country im A ii 00 � J.jt � WJl
a surge in food costs 1;-.Yo11)-;t%--ft.i#<.
11. install v. ��
They've installed the new computer network at last. �1f1 ���,¼t T ;'/fr� it ,n.*JL/#] M- o
Security cameras have been zi1Stalled in the city centre. rJ, 'F -� �,¼t T �1:-�ll.1J.J.: o
12. nifty adj. �ill'r-J
a nifty little gadget for squeezing oranges --ttf�-f lf Jfl � X 1Jt.,J, .:r:._J!.
13. in the offing l!P�4£�1'(,]
Big changes were in the effing. �,j '.lt. l'!p �+ii.. .1. o

dramatic ad). ��A. J L,'8� branch n. ft�

fury n. Hl'l, H� ( *)tq:i:t�ffi�El:!5nt l populated ad). .A. r::l lt/�B�
leisurely adv. �¥Mfu extract v. ti�
dice with death � ftfri"ftm� atom n.mi:=f-
neutralize V. q:if[l ion n.�=f-
brave V. � il5l: J;(jJ_°ffi'i X'J ionization n.�r-ft
armoury n. �*W electric field El:!,!�
on command :tti::t�� conductor n. �it
power grid it:h� sporting event -(.t1f ryJ �
precise ad). ffllif{j l'r-J stumbling block t¥Mll1:i
voltages n. E\:!,)± monster n. Ei�:;k:!jo/]
frequency n. �.Yi$ manageable ad). ��!I�
failure rate �J&$. yet adv. r,!6*; iiE59:�
trigger V. �£, �!!(£ come up with 准备好;提供

82 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
reckon v. Nf!t , jjjfi,f interactive meteorology E.�4.��
forthcoming ad}. �D�*llai� confront xifJt
v. i!if 11$,
field test �±ili,;9)jii\'. menace n. ffe.t.¾
turning point lH.Fr ,� hail n. ,Jj(�
an avalanche of M,� J:H9:B� torrential rain � f,ru
current 目前,当前 moisture n. 水分;湿气;潮湿;降雨量
matter n. �� giant hailstone n. 巨雹

1. If a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm could, this conducting path
could be used to guide lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the

air in an uncontrollable surge.
• � �if :it: �11 �$:-� 1f.�"= ffi ii: Ml� -=f� , f}ti:iJ 12,Z tE IAJ it it :l:Jh±1�Bfi.tt1-/NXr'ldQf!jiJ
im z
8'-J yJ!E:j:j:m W1l 2: 4: iW ' J=lli� �f�-\f ill'i ifH� �ti. fnj 5 I -\f fij:lfil iii_t* 0
• i!"l�L�: !J;R:i-g·.M.'tiJ--�{4:l;R:i!.M.'tiJ
�{4:J;R:�.M. 'tiJ B'-J�HHi,J:i�;f=f: if, unless, as / so long as, on condition that� o JJ:t:)()::1:/i.f31-\f B'-1�{4:J;R:
f91J1:i): Just imagine how horrible the world would be if humans are the only creature in the world.
•-•.�*A A�����•-�±�.���½��f�¾o
Some animal species are under threat if they stay in their natural habitat.
If icJ 1-\f El'-J�{Lj::'ti);f=fj_:��{41i'iJ �il4Fj_:��{41i'iJ�:M1 0 4Fj_:��1'l''tiJi:iJ 12,Z*�:
( 1) iPJ:EJ\'.tElT-�i'IWi.13'-J1f!h5!:: .M.1iJ(-fifit:i:J:¾f1�• )+:E'tiJ(should/would+i#Jii,JJ]iJ�)
(2) .!=J:li¾iJ�i'§&a'-J{IJiliS!:: .M.'PJ( :l:J:¾5EJvtfl,J-)+:i:1iJ(should/would have+:l:J:¾:5hi,J)
(3) :X•. #J·*El'-J1IBli&: J.A 'PJ ( -M:l:J:¾IN )+ ±'J (should +i#Jii,JJJrJB); _M.'PJ (were+;;r;%'.:i:t/should+iYJii,J
t P

191J1i): If drug use were to be legalized, considerable police time would be spent in dealing with other
more serious problems.
2. A laser thunder factory could shake the moisture out of clouds, perhaps preventing the formation of the giant
hailstones that threaten crops.
• ��if:it: --i'i�:3't]f Iri:iJ rH�1J(?�.M. L" Jif 9" Jlt tl:l, �t'f--t!L if i:iJ 1-l). iill.ll::.J�Jlj}J.r� □'-Jjc,1J<iH'-J
• Hf � ,c!:\: J:Jl'.tE:5hiiJfl=::J;R:�t
191J1i): Facing high competition, people may suffer great pressure.
ifu��4� ♦ , A ffi��½*��k�&ho

Being confronted with economic pressure, women have to go outside to work.

ifu 1j{l; t§. ii}& h , -:il=r-:lt;-.:f 1-lt.:f Yr ::I:! .:L 1f o
Not wearing proper clothes, people will be considered those who do not know social and
interpersonal skills.
�*�-.:f�, A ffi½-�A�.:f���� A �*l���A o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 83
Questions 1-3
• �§fr1Hfr:

�� '.lE{U:"iiil �§ffiUfi
� §: :2jl:3titii1¥-J:t�¾
1 main topic c��ffl*���it•*��*��o
IT�-�€.��A®B��ffAm�.��c��A��- tt.@¾Q�
t\'t\'X.fffi�, Jli)t:;fxft;,ltJJl\*X±.�¾laser, m IJ.ITf!ifl��¾Do
� § : tlHJ.s :it� fij-� IA.I Fl3, �

A u� JxLr:mJ!l1 raJ x-J��!Jm ���{! � :x s� wttrs"

C tE�tt!::W-1[!ErkJ�3&500A%L��1:15o
D 1u!ZtfT100$'.*�l�it�0r-U o

2 lightning ��C®D��A�-�¾fflff��m�.m�m�x•M-mo x�m

ilJ, Q;/f:::(:E� 00, IAJ itJ.ti{'r:Jli)t���1JJ500A, iffi:;f ¾tt!:Wffi IE l;/;J, 11511Jttlf�

m�Co imlO0:it1-��:(:EX�¾l00 million a year, iJU1�¾ti1f-17:Jiti,fi.,·U::�E!.
1m :;f :¼HJtfilHill oo$'. iti10 'ii1 , 11sl1lt:/'ll:i� mr.ITT
j10 r-iJ :tffl � Mi:tt-12'.i�jfj ,
Do x�m¥1JT�JR ■ �®*B,J-t1:f='�rtJjWj�,*¾=ll=�t�f�llFI13�, jj:y.51:��ti
1f.11sl'm* ®%1:15 (:1�;/f::jWj $*��, l1sl Jl:tfj�f��r.ITTBo X � miu, there is
damage to property too. buildings�rpropertyl:l�f[n�, 11slJJ:tITfiffl��"A o
A �ff,Jt'f s�:&-t�*WJlo
B 19:!ffl ff,J ff (i'Jli*
C �Ji"f]l,<f.ill'.0'ii1o
D :I:Dff:f&x�- o
University of Florida, 此题是不可过多联想的典型,越直白的想法越能解题。一般来讲,带有金钱
3 University of New
Mexico M-�tEM=m: ... with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute
(EPRI) ... ?J-�tEM1i$: ... which is backed by EPRI...
M�fiffffiw,jJ_ITT1iJf�j\f�1�¥1JTEPRIB�:r&f ]3)J, 11s1JJ:t��"Ao
X i:J�jj:Y9:�mliz.; �r_ITTD»"!IJ¾:i1$1iH.lllF.1�tj!i:!,J, ��1!efflN*:;f ff,J, 1£!¾:tf:
:;f 1t*M �::�u=1=1&x•J o
84 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Questions 4-6
• @ @I f(Ji?ffr:

�� '.lE{U:"iiil x g:i:;t,tmz,� �§fA!H.lf

J=§EPRI5i'.11'I¥UJ'.Cftm=--�, EPRim-l'Ji:tl:lJJ\lZ

EPRI, financial
m=--�: en
J§ t� 11\ ;EJ; ¾ El3 1'E'. jJ 0 � � Jl/J El9 , ,®: :SC cj� El9
4 support
EPRI, which IS funded by funded� l,',J -'f@ =f cp 139 receives financial support
power companies... from, lzs!JJ:�%;=�Jjiz·�tj power companies a
ff j,t 7G� � JiJZ.lf'.1/& 0
fflA�Diels1:EJUF 15i'.11'I¥Umn$.9:, J.A@i=I irtl:\�
mn�= fil��A-+��,ffr�ey�iEA�m���
5 Diels try to use lasers to useITJi;*useMJW=t�ioJ, :j:j: lltE!tm�:J'�w� -ly��
discharge lightning safely... :r-t El9 io] , � ¥(c .i:E llffJ %;= � safely1N ·l;k: Jl,Jt fi� ?-'I- tl:\ 1}( filf
� im: @ i=I (J0 5i'. 1ft tlH� 1f - � [I] x'i , ��¥5-

m-t$: difficulty-lfiJ � X � cj� E19 stumbling block!{¥:* j@

The laser is no nifty portable: :ill: ifrf :J'� fU m--t f.9: i:J� !'10laser-ioJ a x_cpJ'JHU,
6 laser equipment
it's a monster that takes up a �•ft�4*7Gfr�mw,�¾+�m�mT-
whole room. Diels is trying to � [l'i] m rsJ (J0JJM'tjc!Jm 0 ir¥U�fil, illl:d:Jll[fflt, �
cut down the size... �rney�m�•ft�••*��@•¾�ffl*
7C, 71::;�f:jj!ffW, ffr�iE liffJ%i=�¾sizeo

Questions 7-10
• @@I �ll\!: SUMMARY COMPLETION M�1J,�fl:
• fo;r,@;J\l':5 n: 1. -��4I�*�,*�������o
• @@lfrr!f.1fr: 2. -11}#] 4�M � ,t_ 1.i ia] ft i -HMJ ionisation,
�-�l,t_���*i*&, ��4+
summary�$.� ;v,t;}l it ,(J.. ¾. + � %] I}) � t:\ a

�� :@{U:"iii] x g:i :;t,tmz ,� �§Mt.If

;2js:@3Hl:J!¾�Jll[ffJ11'@ �I� s0remove...from... �x
�El':/extract...out of. .. /ji,'fli'iJ'x..W:/tk:, �fil�*:ils
7 electrons extract elecn·ons out of
(J0¾J.A,®: T (atoms)�:Ji]jR l'E', ZilJ (electrons)a
atoms ...
mA�: ff :W: X � generate ¾ "f= �" � t&: ,'GI, ; directed atX•j
If a laser could generate a line of � X 1:p 1:1'0 all the way up to, Jt J5 !'10 a storm cloud
8 directed at
ionization in the air all the way enx-Jm�1'/Ht��1:10P-J�a
up to a storm cloud... lzslJJ:�iEllfg%;=�¾Ca

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 85
111� :fE'ULwl :x: i:p x-tEll ,ra l!§KPHJi'
��.�&�•����•- �m•�•••:n:
...who would want to fire streams
9 less dangerous of rockets in a populated area?
���-5¾"ffl•*����¾�ffl*•�� try to use lasers to discharge
� (less dangerous) a<J::1nt".
lightning safely ...
•/\m: protectionX•J@:>C� �stop ...being struck; at ¾ftt.�
To stop the laser itself being B;Hti1l'J, �P-/t::f ¾lffl:x� a<J ciirecteMQB §�
10 aimed firstly at
struck ... a<Jaimed ¾�5( iii], illPJ k,(})jffj�].a<J%jl:;..t� tl:',
Instead it would be directed at a *��¾�&�.x�������•-
rrnrror... F.EIJJtPJj;Q�-¾D.

Questions 11-13

11. Power companies have given Diels enough money to develop his laser.

���:x: �f10� B g2 roJDielstU.!t T )E �a<J!8:f�*M·� 1-tha<Ja*M.

:fEfft tiu Diels, money

WHl��tlim have given ...enough money

m �{:V:iffJ».JIID!fftJMlfJ:PJ��1:v:Ju•Am:
"I cannot say I have money yet, but I am working on it" (":ftBS::frJtiJt� B g2*iU� T , {§.¾�
iE��z�jJ o ")�JU��it, �--•..t�:Bernstein says thatDiels' system is attracting lots
:x: i:p x-tmz ,ra of interest from the power companies. But they have not yet come up with the $5 million that
EPRI says will be needed to develop a commercial system...(Bemste��,Diels�il',-b't*miE
�5 l®1§-�n0� (m.._rz�MB. 1.§.1mif1BSt9:lnt�:!lfEPRii&'cili a<Jsoo:n�:5'G-3f�--t-
- - - - - -a<J�m•m�lfr••�- )���itJE�i.iE�Dielsr1s•mBS19:1'T1�JUJE�a<J18t�Ji:M'.

�� NO

12. Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on tests in real storms.

���:x: �ffl&ff•*•lfr·�-�*•��-iE�-�-�*fi��--
:fEfftwJ obtaining money, tests in real storms
WHm�tliiiJ tests in real storms
• 11 B �@ a<J J]i: :>C r - 1PJ t&'c JU: He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the
:x:$x1mz,ra turning point... X�tuming point¾"!f/Hfr,� "a<J aJrrL a•..tB�i.y1JU (t'�,§ mrw:rJJi§BS
19:1'TtfiU1:�, PJ¾i��it�a,�,¾field testsJl1,lt¾1�iU18t��!fHfr,�.
field tests= tests in real storms
�� YES

86 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
13. Weather forecasters are intensely interested in Diels's system.

�;;lt�3t ::'R:�13ilt�ln.ffJ.xtDielsMJw,;tff,i,'it*¥.r-JW®��o
�{1iii] Diels, weather forecasters

* m-.&
M��ffltiii] intensely interested
:i! ¾-ii!#� ru! El� 1c:@: El� fili f=I , interest -iWJ !±l ml 1£ :m ;\. %1: 8� ?K � , ffif weather
3t i:p �El,� forecasters:i!lm 1'i1'J-i:!11;CtE:m J1%1:�J§ lm 1iJ i:�, 1±1:l=J\1,: ...not just forecasting the weather but
controlling it..., ffifJsJA;jl: rJ;J $ li!Ll 1c:@: ::n� =f o

- mitx@Jm1AJ�-
1�:Pff t�ilUi::'R:�J!:4-Ai®iLl;'i!:1<•1:riia�::'R:�To {£;(:f�@g, 5,ll�B�ii�it?.m:&1:f-tll��nt:ki�S00A�
�d-ffio iimNSITTf*���,;(:EP*IT-¼Q��-�xdT-#�#ey ffi�•ffi.X�r¾1£$e
B a�·l1-tn":lfm�-rJil:!it-A1£f1 )'l'fl�--"J,xJ;lftf i:iJijt¾IAJit�{fx.X:i;1l:ma� f=lfif\o Jlt)'�, /AJ rti.t!!�w*M
Fffl�o &1:f-�rti.�M�@gith0��d&u-£���ffl�o
::fu' �@g;j:Q El :2js:�1J)fJEA.!n.IE;(:f�:IGLl@lm/AJ �EI.El�JJ� 1tMfJ B :lf�i6m:i:1��1ft!1JiJ.\'.i:pf[li[�rtJ,f,,'j��

;fsl 1Jr!o �1:f-�::'R:, 1m1fJ�41ilffiii�: �fflWc*El�iJlb't�M(,:,J2'.i:J:i�ffiii, ��


��ffiii*tU::i4-ff1iJ:IAJrti.:tf:-::l�-'l'fffrfltf!o lr-1£20iJHc:601:f-1-t-rJ.AA, :iiJfJE�ffJJ?Jt�iA:i:1:tEw�:ft!Et

SII� rti.JiliJfJEM'(EPRI)�3tt#-,:i!-tt;;f:1£1,B� £:i!S�J'i'l1z:.:k#iA��:lti2$HiLl T EPRimrti.h0
�18:i:IIJJ, mlIEl&h r1J}f·JE{liHf'�@g�lJLlit �J::f �/A] �@.•m□�JJ?! "ftffJey�im.:i:1*•il!AJitml"J �ff]fltil

1:*El�:l:il!.JJ, "EPRil'i<:JIAJitJJi! f=I �:f.filRalph Bemstein:!.rnJlt·Ul,:il. ·it*•�J:il!,:fJ\1,;(:fijtMIAJ rti.itffi:it!:fifi/Hif@JY!j

ii:, :tf:-ey�ilI;fg½�ijiffJ�/Y!j rti. �t'it*ri�rhllll o
::f [$! fi 1.1
£M*•rrWJEi:p�::fey�,@1:1fJX?!mm�it*•�YrffA••*���. &3t*•�fil:k�
1,200��.£!t!v.vl*ff��. lrn�IJ1�*�•:i!S40%. �P11 1:ff11iftl�ijtW$'31£iAJit,••tt1rtJ!Xf!,tr1,R::t&:ii-:lWJ1l9!
;f:iJ:it!:fi "/A] itey::f/Jr11,,Pfrir5' "Bernsteinil' "'B1f11/lii�%:tEftM' t-J¥Ll1:ff]:2js:::f tt*Ei�J:il!.1J
O O "

@:;f�;.s;;W, ffitf%fl\RA i=i !&'�El�lil!,IR£!tdms�*• "Ml:. *(f!"f=JJ£�1ir*, "fffr�Tfil{lf:k

#�Jean-Claude Dieis:J'::i tll.DielsfJi\;(:EIE:(:Efh:vf-1'JJi! f=I , ttrJi! f=ImERPIM'3t1'#, iAl!lim.:i:1£M•:3'6f.i!!IAJ rti,
�:@:�rtJ.-�:@:¾-JJi!�:2Js:�*'��mA••re�1fJec� tt-tn-��1fJ�fflflt'itfiWr��Z"
T���lt.B9507J��B�:J:9:A, -�ffe:kffih�w,;m�WIE1£lt:��1l'ti't'.�d%.
;i!-w,;m�Wl:l9fl\r-.Htir:k¼201:f-ll!T, � IJ�·IE:(:f;lf£:k�*•J'(;fi)}-.JJ§( -f- i:p M'oI!Rrti.?ilf :tt-1:td�TEl9
Wi:2'.�zll!T ' m :i!�1-��Jill. ii! ff: rti, f,,J 5 I�iU ttl2 lro J::.*0 *'
T f!}j .it. a1tf.f ;,js; !it�¥Ll rti, 7Gijgt�1:11:t:ll: .xt 1ft

iim,ffif¾�:tE'BMm-lffiffiT,�•1tiffi.:i:iffiTmM(,:,J::'R:2'.. �1£8iliffi-f-��m�W�rti.ff�ft»-.ffif
MX:it!:fi��. �m���¾,iimB�nc�)���•fil,��••re1:m�•rrffiff•�rti.h�•m
�; �)'H('E�JJ�mw' ��;(:EOOll;j;;iEiijJ�-:l:m±i!!. =1:ifflrff�ifr�fJ(B'�ffiii�*J])th

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 87
1'i ¾, fJH-:HE e 7C 1't1 t!"J!tll 15 a i,!1,Bt:filf 3t ::f jj1J jji;; ffi' : t;¾-t-fl� 2i W�-t-J% rBJ MJJJIP.t jc4� a Diels-]H�t

��;J\t;sq{;jq��, f.P&iR1N'l9i:JfJt1i1=11J\�*-f-jc1Mq11Jk:3U!T a ftl!,-J,-l-:ltLl1::EFJJ'J1:!:::Jf*J=lllLiE1:1q fi�*�lljjy!1J
iJ\Jt 1-� !&= @Hi11= C-f11jJk�*ma
Bernstein3&iR, Diels (1q/fJBt*mIEtE 5 [ j@� 1cgjJ 0 r-i'J (1q r� ii�i!1B a {El ft!!.11'1� Nff l{E��t-EPRI:t'l': /:I:\(:1q
soon �5r;-;Jfft--1'-i-Ul:3tillf �1j\J7:i, 1fr�-tl:!,�1i1!11:(1q]flf J] *mrf� 0r'mi '.iti� a Bernsteini-Jt "llt�::f fl�
i,j?,}JtBf?:�iUt� T, 1El¾tltiEtE:1�z:.�jJ "fm-lA�, filfJ�$_i-:itHrW�-t!-tM!Um'.4i:J��-1-!ftlfr,r#:, TffilUm-tM:E

:1tJHi'f-lHHllL�, a Bernstein1:ii!*, :tiri*--l)]Jrj]ij5flJ, ��$f-ri& r-J I ":/'ll0 Ll..J{f�rof:J9:(:1q�il1Bt113ttt" a ftl!.::m-:�lfwiiJ�B:@fs:

ftsqfH11fr�fi��1':E4Ii: � SJJiiJ lOJJ�5r;Z:.lsJ a
::t'-l=1tM4-#JKt:J:!,fi�JA 9"�irii'o �ll*-¥ J::_ff T:J£lliU IAJ ��J'f';FF*", *--H�[-5fJ[-��*JfJti'iJ iv, Tffl¥1!ll:kr:iq it ttEilHIJ
!/o/JJ.jjtO,J-4;;ft�!:: f [--¾.:l'Jl\� a Diels-ili,;m-�:;giiJ ""§.;/f''t:�#"lriJ li!:-::f{ll{ll¾J:li!l9l1J7\:'=\:, Tffi_§_ fi�:J£iM 7\:'=\: a "�II
:�HJt1i'JfJMf �B$:EEI,, l:Jt{f]-t:J:!,i,H()tfl�t£�j7('7:, "ft!!,IR, o

Tffi_§_&-J,tf, Dieism,, tltffJ�-fi�t�_tx,J-:J-Jt-��ftl!.EIS'=\:�JIDZn:!J- a "�1fliA.:1Jlltff]&iH�iili:i::B I� 17:J EEl,*fillll::
oj(�, "1iliiJ?.o rt, @l-=flAJ it1:1s�J:1mVJi:, �iA�¾:k!J1\!:ffi-»l.t-:!JJ!MJ1i!J1l!:*'7:-(:1qfflrttft:ll*a -1-i1l:3t'rt
Iri'iJLV,ffi*�iA�B��/:l:\,��&�i'iJLV,ffill::_·��-�:k*��%-o �*�'=t:���,tE���


� H.t: k;t-iaJ at ,Rii,¥-J.l:J't-¾5(.

�2R: A1f1J(t--tk;1-a¾##�fot
�4R: k;1-1ofv,J,;,!J k;t?
� k;tJ!A-Jl,�JLA
� : � � JrJ k * Hr H tll at 1\ 111'
� ,t-M iU Jt;tL iK1i:r1of � �t k;t

x!MI'.*�= *****
�•fsrmff-: :;'giiJ�¾�flSTRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN, ��,C,,fil-JE51';Jf;{-tTIIE1 a ;,js.:,'l]¾�TRUE�
id¥i:i\'.�fri:l:MJ:IR' !JJLl�"\' ��}]II�, ti!i*��f$'t)J(* ! !

88 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
I !.t'
,r'/. ;:11l=J:=. 7,□J
'=1 /'[

1. perpetuate v. fie71<��.:(:E, fie�fJ

It is our hope that the men of Yale will, in their own lives, pe1jJetuate their manhood and courage.
His honesty and generosity jJerpetuated our memory. -fl!!,a<J $,LiJ/x.:fo k.J:t f;:.4-J-�1f1 a<] iV(l 'f 0
2. attribute n. �mi; �•Ii
What attri.butes should a good manager possess? -%.1£ �(i<J tV1£AE. ij:�4ft.1"ftf .fo Jfff?
Courage is a good attribute of a soldier. I �)t-%.M-±A E. it�4:r-a<J .fo}fff a
3. ambivalent ad}. � tl'l ;f, ml¥l; -g-:j;ljj 1¥) ( n. ambivalence)
We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child. xt-t*T-*.Jt-3-�14-*, � 1f1:til� '1!?1i-1IT-;t 0
O'Neill had a genuine ambivalmce toward US involvement in the war.
0'Neil,tf. -k 00 Jt � 4"-t\- :;'f J:. � J:t 1tt nt.
4. mistrust v. �tl'l1*, •I��
As a very small child she had learned to mi,trust adults. :if.Jt /i'--,J, .Jt a<] lJ,J-1,t, -ki!i..tfc, e.,� '.f' � T- �1'11-t k.AT 0
Some people mi,trust the computerised banking. � '1!? Axt-it JHJL1ta<J 4R-1t � i�k-, •ff tt.
5. defective adj. ���� 1¥1
The disease is caused by a de.fictive gene. �tl• :ffi.#i)t lIJ £. IEl t.k:ff1 �I ;�a<J a
This is a de.fictive product. �)t 14- i.R.. .fa 0

6. burn out:!?!.\�; tt�

The hotel was completely burnt out. Only the walls remained.
It's a high-pressure job and you could bum out young.
7. eccentric ad}. if•l�l¥J
His eccmtric behaviour lost him his job. � fl<] {&--}f-; iJ:.111!,-!- T 1:&..1,;t.
Aunt Lucy was always a bit ecc.entn"c. Lucy:k;l;�,&Jt�i!i.fH¾-{i<J a
8. adversity n. �±j[
We admire his courage in the face of adversity. �1f1 -f)I\.Jlll.111!,,tf. .ij:_ :1Jt 'f a<J j)j � a
He had drifted through life with advantage of wealth, never tested by adversity.
9. collate v. �!!
A computer system is used to wllate information from across Britain.
10. upbringing n. ff�
Mike had had a strict upbringing: MikeM'J, t..t±.J"'i%- 0
11. vantage point �:@ifl It, �;fs1Jf:{[�
From my vantage point on the hill, I could see the whole procession.
.1-;.__�,tt.J.iJ:.a11.i.I. ">f.¾, �/i'--19-..1.n.�JilfliUl.
The whole dispute looked silly from my vantage point. .I-A�a<] /Ii&.¾, �/i'--4'1-ft,i.; {;Jc,� x. 0
12. continuum n. ijJ!k�Jc-'(211:
The Creole language is really various dialects arranged on a continuum..
All the organisms in an ecosystem are part of an evolutionary continuum.

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 89
13. manifestation n. �!.W,
These latest riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent. ifk_:ili� -l,.iL iE� � � � a}l ,;/fl �J_Al. 0
Manifestation of the disease often doesn't occur until middle age. ii:.##\�ihHHtl A...� t 4 at ;;i- ½-iiE.J.Al. 0
14. minimise v. ifmi1J,
Every effort is being made to minimire civilian casualties. �1i1 Jf-. 1 ifk. :k.. � jJ iA '.),• -f- �115 i:" 0
We must not minimire the problem of racial discrimination. �111:T-ofv).$:U-i'..#�.lil.t.�U� 1a]J/! 0
15. supremacy n. ��J:1!!; :±.f:ll.
We can't denyJapan's unchallenged supremLU)I in the field of electronics.
air supremLU)I ,Ji,] '.£'. {.x..
16. outstrip v. imtt
We outstripped all our competitors in sales last year. ¾4� 1fJ a�4/f � .ffiiit.� 1 fo]f�it-f 0
Demand for new aircraft production is outstripping supply. .i/r?f!M.'.£'.? J'.,{Jt-;;f-,& ¥. 0
17. emulate v. 5&1JJ
He hoped to emulate the success of Wilder. 111!.;/f;-1: ���i&.1.tWilder�A-1/J 0
Few teachers can emulate the remarkable result of the experiment.

[j) iA�Q1iiJ 5[
genius n. �:;t infant mortality �JL�t:$
prodigy n. 'fill� life expectancy *$
cult n. um�»: home tutoring ��
divinity n. 'fill BJj bullying n. •�5§).)i��( (t-Jfi-7-1)
characteristic n. �,<;?-, *HiE privileged adj. tiJf.>( ${J
exceptional adj. ���-�£(t-J, 'ft�� paediatrics n. JLf3f�
intellectual n. �i.R5Ff mundane adj. SjZ.R,(t-J
impractical adj. =ft)]��;f-�, �Z:�� mediocre adj. SJZ./1�
���B� incapable adj. 7i:;�g�
denigration n. D\zJm nurture V. -1f � ±R.Jf

frequency n.1J;jji� trigger v. sl�. �!I!�

beneficial effect lf;f1J�oia] marvel v. 'J'.�QJ
adjustment n.�m demonstrate V. i.ti.iE I i.iE BJl; �m;
fascinating adj. IJ&slA� unpalatable adj. �A:f'i:R�. N��
anecdote n. %\;$ perseverance n. !:!£1�:f •tM
norm-referenced m'tl��.� precision n. ffifif@'ti; BJlfif@'l'i
schooling n.���� save conj. rl.�, �7
historical sources ffij:_�;!:

1. Perhaps for us today, two of tl1e most significant aspects of most of these studies of genius are the frequency
witl1 which early encouragement and teaching by parents and Lutors had beneficial effects on the intellectual,

90 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
artistic or musical development of the children but caused great dilliculties of adjustment later in their lives,
and the frequency with which abilities went unrecognised by teachers and schools.
• -���:dW���raITT*m·*•*�*�a'-JM���*����--�a'-J�ffi:X-,.
m••���ffi•��•rmfia'-J ■ •a'-J&�ffi•��•r�fih.�*d���ma'-J�•¾�
• i!1L�: which5l�a-tJ'.iEiB°,/y\'1:iJ
i§rj'i=i]: Proper monitoring of the media prevents indecent materials which will be harmful to children's
( which�,/y\{;J�ft± i.g.a )
Military life creates hero worship which may do harm to youngsters.
( which�,/y\{;J�ft± i.g. a )
There is an urgent need to censor the net to remove inappropriate materials which children have
online access to.
����s�•fM•.���-����M������## a
( which�,/y\{;J �ff�i'g· a )

2. What we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works or genius or the achievements of prodigies are the
manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to, but so much superior to, our own.
• -�if�: X�B-tJft£dtJ!lffi:(:1-tJn\G)j,Jt� AriXfft. ii:!V¥11·!Jj(rl3l.z6i.c�TX�JJ\l T ftt!,fiJa'-Jttra�ffi*®i,

* ,� :
• i! what5 I� aM5 iii}li,/y\ '1:iJ
i§rj 'ti] : What happened was my fault.
foJr�±��;,l�a'-J4lal- a (::l::i{i-,/y\{;J)
People do not know what will happen to minority languages under the pressure of English
A1i1 �:1.Pi!�*i¼±Jjdt� H,.fJ T :J,-4&.��li½"t ½,"t>tf a ( �i-g-,/y\{;J)

3. To think of geniuses and the gifted as having uniquely different brains is only reasonable if we accept that each
human brain is uniquely different.
• -�if�: ���ii(� T'BJ-1'Aa-tJ*fl©tll¾�!k¥.fA-tJ�i'imtl!�' �::h:x�ffi�xlt1'ra-t1*fl©�!k-X
• i!*,�: �'.iE.:r.tft::l::i!
f91j 'tiJ : To telecommute usually means to work at home.
:iiH1.�J;/1:im. 'tt:•.t� � �.L-11 a
To have a family full of love and care helps one enjoy his life more.
To send children to the army helps cultivate their independence and self-control.
�-�¾·��M��•�m�����MftfJ a

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 91
Questions 14-18
• Bl�lfn!Hfr:

B-l% B�llffi� iil:Bfll1Wf

�IEr:10:x; ;(:Ei1-�{JJiJit� Ej is popularly believed that if people are talented in one area, they

A �?J-1i�. must be defective in another... tf:I :;f m.

Ej ...procligies bum too brightly too soon and bum out � -'a] ii!i- iJ: ;
B x?J-(:10?J-1J��1UJ�ttJf.
burn out¾"�tJf"(:10�,�', �l\'iJ'fexhausted. i'&m:rJJiBIEJiffJ.
:X·JJjizx "F' ...people witl1 gifts have a responsibility to use tl1em. i'&m:rJi1C
C x?J-EiZW:!Jllffl1ili1r'] MlxM.
x� :t'l':¥1J ...that genius mns in fanmies, tlii /:I:\ xJllit¾�flz(:10, 1J=l.¾3t'/9:
D taJ:1-�.A� 1±',-�x?J-.
�ffiTifUIJ#J:-1-UU})t /:1:\-�x:;;J-. B 13 Jm 'f:i:1Jl 11UIT •
;W;.��-,�1:EX�"l�'/9:�:t'l':¥iJ, im*cll::�1111 t.;Jq�* (i0l'is, i iiiJt ..that

E x:;;J-�11.Jrr<l:Jfr!r?:�11li!l!J/:. adversity malces men wise, �mtl:\�:;;j-�-'aJii!i�F1:iffe:.!lJ'i'r=WJ' {§jf

;;r��lf/J 'f�:;;J-Jgtili:Jfr Err!i!lt 0

X"Plb'L.genius mns in fanmies, tliix?J-¾�1tr:10. *¥1J��m:r.m, i:ft

F xJ!ITt¾�ftz□0.
Ji:1JMt�mlJJ1D(:J0ffi�JYrftT. t�mJ])!FITTiffl.
�(i0�1:x- x 1=!�eccentric��if.J t�:'fNJi�, ��i.f.J¾tlii.AfiJg
J "-ti"-t:l
G 3i::;;J-:flHiUl§!it. r1 1f', 1.1 1¾3t-��l\'iJ'f xiUfl!it.
JN.rt, �mB1':E1l°IJttWt�. -if.J?C:fil:::k1J=l.
x•J JjizX i=j� El0 ...genius goes unrecognised and umewarded, l'llJ:x:;;J-��
H .A11'1 JA�fV( 1Jt �IT (:10x :;;J-.

I x?J-¾x1=.r1'�®!�#. X"P?x�ti¥1J�:f:."{.Yl�#"/10P�?§.

J * ?J-'f ii m "P�rJl\ii[�. x•JEiIX"F'El0...adversity malces men wise, ttm:r§UIE1iff1.

K xlt�, ll�JN. fJl\ /:I:\ *. 5c�rx�:t'l':¥1J.

Questions 19-26
• B 1=1 friTHfr :

19. Nineteen-century studies of the nature of genius failed to take into account the uniqueness of the
person's upbringing.

*��)t 19世纪关于天才本质的研究未曾考虑到每个人生长环境的独特性。

'.iE{iLiiil nineteen-century, studies

M���liii.1 failed to, uniq:.ieness of the person's upbringing
However, the difficulty with the evidence produced by these studies, fascinating as they are in
collecting together anecdotes and apparent similarities and exceptions, is that they are not what we
would today call norm-referenced. In other words, when, for instance, information is collated about
early illnesses, methods of upbringing, schooling, etc., we must also take into account information
from other historical sources about how common or exceptional these were at the time.
x:q:ix1mI,?.1 ��.���m��*�*ili��-��-�m*, � f.; 't 1f1 ;r:; .Z:f-¾-$. 1i14---k f}j" ii/ {ri; �\'
tt4'-mto -ttrt 6J if,-j,jf_, ,
m���4�����m��#tffl�•�-*��# tt�����,�•��;i:;4�
a!;1t ,@.. o
;zjs:)W;):j: 7G nUIJ ffl nineteen-century I l�5E {i'B!E 4?:ii�fflr tk: l'i'iJ !llN o 7.js:)W1ffi'gfjffi fjq'f:::%t, 1:E�:J:�
l i

_ _t,�5i:Jlit:¾ -:Jfr·J�Jdf�:i1Wo :iE1ifflffi:ilr-fzJ5, #ilj5E��;I&TRUE 0
�-l5{jfij i[iflJjt1J\ f:I��1: f5e ffl �TRUE�ffJTf. tk: JJU\11 o

20. Nineteen-century studies of genius lacked both objectivity and a proper scientific approach.
���x: l�fil�*T7C��i����g�tt���-#����M��o
jEf:V:"iii.l nineteen-century, objectiviLy

M���hm lacked, both...and ...

It was only with the growth of paediatrics and psychology in the twentieth century that studies
could be canied out on a more objecl-ive, if still not always very scientific, basis.

x:q:ix;J-mI,?.1 -:/t -�-if

- iti.f.. *
Ji_f1J20-t!!:-�c.., lln.,ti- JL,tf#:t"''-> Jll'.#a!; :#.__Jr,:_, �**��*�����������
;r:; .t-�-nu+#o
illi:i1;,js:'Pn§ :5t rir I-!.Uii9rn 1±\ 19filgc*'f 7C?J-1:11�1iJlJlfll(�g�•!'1, f'/.'\J5illi:i1if still not always
very scientifid�·!lif.l, Ji201i!Jct-1 *;;ic7J-1'11f/iJf Jt1'fl\;/q:71::: ,i�,:£&Wl4�, 1Ji1,z,,wt]�JJ1J�l9t!Hc
El%H�T, IEIJJt-aJ·�tfti9!1Jtt\;zjs:JW:i11iff1��¾TRUEo

21. A true genius has general powers capable of excellence in any area.

���x: --t-•:iE�7C�¾�ff����nili�-��illi�o
jEf:V:"iii.l general powers, area
M@*ihiil any area
;zjs:@EMtli:1£:i1'ft�M, imt�xrj·[fiJ:iE¾�fHALSE(:J�_:E:1?il-11Ji±Jr1:&fil :!rn*JW �I 9'1 et\ J_m�Q all/

always/any/never/none/everyJRf-f'u -=H�xrj Ei�lf,J, fJ�¾ tt@���?.js:J]yt;I&FALSE T o

Jlt@JE1iI'fX�EI�� IZY%t:
We may disagree with the general', for we doubt if all musicians of genius could have
x:q:ix;J-mz,?.1 become scientists of genius or vice versa...
1E.$. 1i1 "J"ti�-½it" ��iii]"� - .�-� Hr1t ft!, �/.J�ffi�•¼�ffl��k*%t�-"I"�
A/.Jk�#��. ,&__z#r..f..o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 93

22. The skills of ordinary individuals are in essence the same as the skills of prodigies.

*��)t ffBA�ttR��-�ttR�*�k¾ffl�� o
'.i:EW:ifil skills, ordinary individuals, prodigies
M�*tiim the same as
What we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works of genius or the achievements of
prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to, but so much superior
to, our own.
k*����#-�A� ♦ Aa�.•��������$•«1�m��ft��-.
)t i:p � EiZ .�
��ffim�T���ttR�ffBAffl�.R�M�-&WB o �����R���--
ff,ft¾��, 12slW:izl;FALSE; ���¾-;fil1 ��&i'1L./A1iJ��j!ff1Jk1'i V,,1_�tll. but so much
superior to¾V,,i_ffi1Ait�%:a'.;tll:EJ\l�, .#-�¾�1iJi'8�(1�:i: A\, :i:;�ff¾�similar tok,
��'fB§ i:j:t�the same as, JiJrt:J�amz�z�TRUE o

23. The ease with which truly great ideas are accepted and taken for granted fails to lessen their

*��)t XITffi*�•m�V,,i_•Q�*�.�����:m:m,@¾�Xffl�ID�:i:� tt o
'.i:Ef.l'i:ifi] great ideas

M�*tiifil fail to, lessen their significance

But that their minds are not different from our own is demonstrated by the fact that the hard-
won discoveries of scientists like Kepler or Einstein become the commonplace knowledge of
schoolchildren and the once outrageous shapes and colours of an artist like Paul Klee so soon
appear on the fabrics we wear. This does not minimise the supremacy of their achievements...

M ifii °f � uJ"" v:1- -iiE fl}] �1f1 � iie!' jJ ��1f1 � ff-�f i@.f,'./; ;r- � , J;t. �o, 1tKepler�Einstein¼ff �
)ti:rx-tmz,� #':f �JJi �_;� {-foJ(lf�1.:f �#':f £.J.Ji!,J.J\!, e..A.JJ ':f ';jl"i.R•ti.-1-Pi.R; 1tPaul Klee¼ff� @i �
foJr·Wt� t fi�p-J;t.-f1t�*;Jk.�.3Ji �,1�•th)Gt!H.Ji!,� 1 �1f1 f ,t� do# J:. o i¥ M, ¼-fti.t

���¾·tll����*m���ffi*�•m�� ��B�d�B��ffii:j:t���-
e� fili , � ff,ft x, $ TB § � ITTf ��the ease..., * � Y-. tit ,':l:'1 This does not minimise the
supremacy of their achievements, IT:!I-J-x1$BTE��o 12s!JltJJ:tB:lzl;TRUE o
�rt, �o* J:t!jjl�LJ�ili'fffi:H-we%s, :fiHH�n?!ffJt¾�J'iQ:T, :fi}§-�TRUE� o

94 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
24. Giftedness and genius deserve proper scientific research into their true nature so that all talent may be
retained for the human race.

�;tj�Jt AITTm����M�*-�*��•rr*m���A�§Mffr���n.
'.iE{fl:iliJ giftedness, genius, scientific research
M�*tflliJ deserve, retained
:i!i/H2§ 5E1ft,�tEm:Rt{i:3f*11{Jgeniuses and the gifted, 1!=!:fil: ti:/5('.��fl&, xtt:.JITTiffl5E1ft.
xltlxtJ.i.lZ,ra "iti5l�Q :�H�;;f i!J 1JtB1ft it , �:li-J- r1{J :1ft! Jlilt:fil: 1iJl{/NT-B§, � fr5 ffl J!ID! ff H:\ BJJ¥-.ITT!J &Ji
@J:i!iliB§. ;(:Eifli5Err£ffilpq�Q5Jtm�i!Ji%<BffrJ£pq�, .ITT!JJJtB���NOT GIVEN.

25. Geniuses often pay a high price to achieve greatness.

�;tj�Jt �T&ffl�•-•·*�ttttMiliT-�ttfil.
'.iEffl:ijj] pay a high price

M�*tflliJ pay a high price

...but we should also recognise the price they may have paid in terms of perseverance...
xltlxtJ.i.lZ,ra :i!���&�T*�pq���m�T*�tE-�*��ili-�ffrMili�-�ttfil,¾*

26. To be a genius is worth the high personal cost.

�;tj�Jt -�*�ii�J�11 ili. � 11{] 1-A1-t fil.

'.iE{fl:iliJ high personal cost
M�*tfiliJ worth
...but we should also recognise the price they may have paid in terms of perseverance, single-
mindedness, dedication, restrictions on their personal lives, the demands upon their energies
and time, and how often they had to display great courage to preserve their integrity or to
make their way to the top.
xltlxt@,ra · · ·1E-}l-t/?.,;il. -/..ft� J1J 1l!!-1f1 ;f.J ;1:t,fa)j-1t tl1 a./;1\ 11t-, � J1J 1l!!-1f1 flJ � rlii ;f.%, -t ,c:.; ft ,t, iiik.� ::jJ;/ij,,
����.�ffi������-ha-i;P•�*. �a,���ffi;f.*;f.�mt11•ka./;J
:i!#-t-AMwm�:fil:�m. Am��i:J=i�JJtffi&mo§.

-]�12,(*' :tc7l ;filfr!1 mc/Jllff.§tA1(];Jciiogenius-JiJiJ,iJ( -=f:J'.fLTFB"gens" (=%-:Ii¾);:J'.fLTi!ii'fJ�"genius":w:
'J/'-x.",* El-=.F� �;lr-WL �a1·A1nx,J-;rl 1 trl 1 rJIHJJ;!\�U::i:,ft�JU1%-1l!ii.MJl§f®i a 1:EgeriiusMlf&tJJ%i"5 r-1�,
rt: _l=j %-1it§f ®i-i:11�[/t¾-%-.Z:�-7J<�EIS��jJ �*a Jfi*,genius� i4fr�l1iffl*='tVi�A (:Jl,Ji'if,�;-f4€*,
genius�ffll2J. :J'lii1-\::-,t .A)}... ftREIS" -x. ft-"ITJZ:f/!Hrl1 �.Yi Ml� _tJ:!/r 1� 7J\ EIS:lfHIJ�i' fll:to 6>:tc , A111 fil� �$,C,,-=.F x,J !rH§
1e;t�1eM(:Jl,JM�B�dT��X�(:Jl,J-$*,@AITTMX&r¼(:Jl,Ji"$0C�¾�a(:Jl,J a ftITT•Mx;t�
�Mff�ITTa tE:k;t���fil,AITTV���=�*AITTtE��ffiffl�:tcM,m��ITT-��tEX��OO
�&r�JE ;9;1] tR*r11: 11:�-l;JJ � llii�;1'1 1 :m: :d-=.F;,1-1nJiifii TTIT Jr. Jr.111!. "11£?'!.UiA:9€: " ; :tc;-;t-1.::l: i'Hltttr!:T'tl ;:tc :,1-
(:Jl,J�fll:t i���;:tc;t �-TR �-� Z �;:tcM¾*•m ff (:Jl,J;:;lc;tfflG �,&r l2J.�-�ff ffl �m � w
D)J; :;1c:,1-;f:n�t'fl}f ¾-@I ]Jf; 1:lf �;pl J)H�;Jt111!.A]!n({\�' ]!�ir �f;:kMTI.X:]!1,lf!/,&$� JJ�;:;lc;t ,£HBitfil19:'

ffl�����@m;��W�; t ;:k;t�Wff�ffl�ITT(:Jl,J:kMa �i!��ffl����*�'�:hl���

( g1 l2J.�X1t1��i'��IY�A),egghead(-=l",*r),blue-stocking(::9:$if),wiseacre( I� 12,('J-Jn�� 13SA),know­
all( § l2J.;:1xrfr��ila1�A),boffinn4$%-);JUI,,X'J-=.Fi'��A*iSlintellectual¾-,tim:_:x_ ii'fJo
l�fil�.AITTM-=.F:k;t�*flli*�lliffl�*��-.TTITff�T��ttM•��-�m� a d��tEX'J
-=.FftITT*m·*•*M:k;t �m��8*l2J.�M'i'f&ffl���OO:X-.•M••�-x.��-�M-rill
�OO**T§*(:Jl,J�*;X=. ���$����*�� •r&rA4�;t mo �fftEm���-�­
'* f
lri1•$, llll.•1FJW,1� 12,(JJ. 19"Ll?'r�;/c/Si',c/Jilt:ITT� 51 A, 1£\¾, f��;f-ljJ:mg�jlj -jt1¥f W l�Sl.if'r!i:!1� -5E III
*-���ITT����ITT6>:tc&r��#M#�a ���m.���ftITTtE�-�*lr-M�m,�•�
iifild�.ey.;1ltF.IS{"f§,�,o 1mm' �ll•UIS�)LyEt::Ifi'N�, AEIStiffrJ-tMt6>:k�fI1¥}�' %-ftX1-=.f:lUH-n&l'm%­
·��filffl,m���ffl��tE-����$�filt!1afil�M. Wff*�'?.&�m�M-*li:lff��mo �
¥iJ20IJHc,11.iff;w )L;f4$;f:U{,,Jll.!$(:1s£J'ff,t§;Jcv)f�:;;j-q¥j,l2,l,;(:E]!1Jll�){Jj\(:19i/iliM:_t:W:fi-�ff1:&r,Mt7G,g,¾
1Nll-$ a
�ITT�-�MN;t D•�oW���-if�mM.•*���-.�$���ili�lli�tE�ma�ITTffl":k
:,1-" �1-ii'fJ*:}lii1t91l��;Jtl±\�J1'ZtivCW!tJJit�1fJ/vf�riJ(:1sA,1Jll�AJL.if6ll:tETA3R��jJJi�1;1s:CiSTffiftml,11:
T 1:&IJZ::!I!: f-}Lit, f-lr�'if;f:llxM�ifo Samue!Johnson"li!J.=i:ASxJJU%�¾tJI1:lf :@J:l!lf.lS: "Jr..LE(:tiJ:k:;;1-tE% �00;/fll
tfF�T;w l�*1:1s1i��,1�-f�lf/.\:LmtJJitk:� 7 rtJ-1'i'if5EEIS�IPJ�J&a "@t�1f1riJm��x1·"% nlii"�-,��rfr1*
E.��ftITT#�¾�ffr�:k;t ff�*•riJl2J.d�:k;tM$*,&Z��a @¾�-�mfflW�:IT¾M
��tk:�mffdM�T�ITT�;t m,�z�Tffl�Z�.il�ITTriJl2J.d��ffili:JB(:Jl,JmA�AX�a tE�
���Z�.�DZ±d�_t�.���::9:.�dA-t:11�•- □
@i£f'/.\_l=jt�m13Sffl{I;,(' @:lR:lR�-=.Ft�1fJ(:t<J7.l< }["i. r/.\TTIT$�riJ 12,( iiE� 11R1f1 EISI' jJ ;f:flt�m BS:it-=l�j§f'/.\��' tt

�11, 1gi.Kepler;f:llEinstein�;J:4'0 r-tiJ;fll-$%-ffi�.xN$ffrJ&1¥J,IY�;fll$jtJJilJJi\Brix;;g$ma½�iJU1JilliH;1tPaul Klee

��EIS ill!i %-ffrtLlmAS '&/ �=I� tt.ey.�'it (:1s%tUnW!�1N•t/cff,ltt±l l:!1\1:E 7 ft1f1�";w (1S001�1-_t a �?'�, �:it-19:�11$1�1
�,fiJ#:lR:lRMl�TJfi # o

96 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�.M�rn�������*��•mn#�♦A-�a ftrnmn�•-�rn��-��-.ffi¾�@*
:wfU1ill1f11J1Jt�f-J ti:\ (:1Mt1fl"' :wfU1tMIJ (:1j�Jm�i½' ='z,C,,�;js;' lttft�t-Jlit111' i=l :fJiJ':J*' 1m11Jx,J ,� cMisJ51'l1
l� iJ 1:1s ru:ti�::J< , �,& � Y lJz11J!,1r'J�Wi ���Jlll 11\ t& ;:ic as Jj 4.*1:!iHi'i !�I �(:1s iE HlI.X:xLtx1UfilJEtJ,\tJJJ a


AR: 7i 4h ifJl ;f-f .,tv\ �

Mt: 4h ,Yr., 'lt 18 ..!=j .1Ah �::ta¾ ,t...Jgt g_ li'l
C+t: ft-ca¾/ff..�
mt: A.� a¾ + :l$J jj= ♦ :k. .ft..t.fil. ,t
E+t: 1. 4h 4 4'.t 1r,,J jj= ♦

Hl: iiti:JiK�-*4t
G+l: "iti¾iiUt "fv:J.�4�jj=

xllt��: ****
�•!wti:;f-: *XfiSYES/NO/NOT GIVENT:iJWfiJH!Jm'f i:j� 1:Ul.!1\ilS � T *:i25*5NiflW��, -5E�ic.1±J!
�*:i25-f:Jx¾:iz\;YESJI_IZTRUE(:1%j�;js; :
possible / probable / likely
seem to / appear to
may / could I can
not all / not always / not necessarily

1. life span �-if(;

Captivity vastly reduces the l_zfe span of whales. �-3f-.:k. .:k.�JHJi. T �JH¾ jj= ♦ 0
The l_zfe span of human being has been considerably prolonged thanks to the advances in medicine.
���¥a¾�ffe,A.�a¾jj"=4r"�;k_;k_�*T o
2. artificial ad}. AI�( adv. artificially)
art.ifiaal light A.:i½)c,
art:jficial fertilizer 1tJlE.

微信:13522209444 97
an arlificialsrrule --t+1RX
Food prices are being kept artjficial!y low. 1£- .Fa 11r'1:/H.tA.. 7-1 tt ,r,1H.:f 1R.1t a
3. wear and tear IH�
Check the equipment for wear and tear. ,¾ ,¾ ;j:JL � €t-J;,ft-t9\ -tt oL a
4. static adj. �lta{], ��a{]
Economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period.
A static image appeared on the screen. � jfJ:. ::I:: JJ\l,T -rj,£#[,- t; l!J 1t 0
5. inexorable adj. 7i:;•jwaq, :;;r-RJ�£1.t!la{J
Nothing stops the inexorable decline of Britain's manufacturing industry.

*• *,
The police found their precautions useless before the seemingly inexorable rise in crime.
�t:. ffe\.#-� .f-$�JJ\1,1i!!.1fl €t-J f9H;5" t-1¼::itT-;ts11' m a
6. equilibrium n. i1Jflr; .IF-1l$
The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium. �AtJ,512.::t T-¾.fri;Jtftii}{t-J-f-Jt a
She struggled to recover her equilibrium.-#,� :h �•18:.i..-f-#f,- 0
7. mechanism n. fJUfjlj, fflH!
When a person is ill, the body's natural defense medianisms come into operation.
The mechanism of the brain is yet to be further explored. k.Rit;j:JL1/;1] :if.;;tf' .ft:i!l--ffe41f--1t. a
8. existent adj. 1'¥-tta{]
In the exirtentcircumstances, it is impossible. ,(f.JJ\l,;;tj'J,;f:J,t 'f, �¾.T-of�[,,a� a
They made an attempt to refine the existent system to make it more efficient.
9. optimal adj. �11a{], �i!Af!a{J
They made comparisons between every possible choice in order to make the optimal choice.
the optimal growth temperature •it¾-±* €t-J i�J.t
10. parameter n. ��, *�
The inquiry has to stay within the parameters laid down by Congress.
11. internal adj. r,tg it� a{) , p;] t£a{) , 00 r,tg a{)
We have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. $.1fl � -;f;: f- i:!V Jl1] �� � a
There's to be an internal inquiry into the whole affair. 4t�t-tt+-.=1t:J4-½:i!l.ft � �-if.]• a
12. frugal adj. "pfta{J, *��a{)
As children we were taught to be.ftugal and hard-working.� 1fl,(f..Jtt>lat;iht:;Ji.-lf-�!iH�-"j$" i9, � ;h ..:C..� o
He led a remarkably.ftugal existence. 111!.a� ± i-5;/.ll$11ttr a
13. reserve n. fit�, fil1'¥
Somehow Debbie maintained an inner reserve ofstrength. T--1-P .t,J�, Debbie� J:. �¼,t-#T--1-P.-t €t-J:j;JJ � JL a
We always keep some ;noney in reseroe,just in case. $.1fl ,&Jt.½4-*4Jlv;1,-?ft-T-�Z � o

ffi 14. extend v. �1$, ti:k
/n1, The government has extended the ban on the import of beef untilJune.

�At:J4-4 � ill o �4-.l!.*.ftl T -k Ao
� My duties at the school extend beyond just teaching. $.,(f.�;/£� .ll?-'"t T-Y-¾.:;Ji. 45 a
be subjected to 受到,遭受 constant adj. 'l�JE'.81
at some time or other 58 � , � -t- Bi t1J , ,�, il° nutrition n.�*•
-'Ji;: genetically determined tif� � � 5E: 81
comparable adj. oJ rt 81 metabolic rate 1-\:iM�$
closed adj. 不公开的,封闭的 body mass �!fP.J�

constitute v. 构成,组建 inverted adj. fflJ� 81, & icJ 81
wear down 磨损 captivity n. 12;1�
renew v.更新 hibernation n. *H�
dynamic adj. 动态的 lethargy n. i!lll¥ I �ii¥
permanent adj. 永久的 prolong v.�-1£
continuously adv. 持续不断地 relaxation n. %1:tl
inevitable adj. 必然的 self-observation n. §ftxJil,�
adaptation n.mb'Z. self-control n. §:fx�ijjlj
immortality n.永生,不朽 logical consistency izmii m: t1

1. Although the same law holds for a living organism, the result of this law is not inexorable in the same way.
• ��tix:: .m-1ttB �J 1i1tJl\�-t:11Jf!ff:I r� !lmf,t,:, f§.3't-�� � �J�r,�:nrt;f"��"i:iJr11f.'s%rt� o

• i!1'LB: ilzv-:Jf(it·fA 1iJ

'1g ffl s I .!@ ili.l : although, though, even if, even though a �� though5fn althoughf:lt , ffi jij (119 }A {iJ � ffl� �
but, 1§.¾though;j;Uyet"i:iJ Jiff:] o
'(§1]1:i]: Although the wildlife kingdom has shrunk significantly, it is ridiculous to think that no space
should be left for the wildlife in the new century. .!li fet � 1. #; .:J'.iliAh a'] 4.91.itl!, t:., :k. :k. � + , 1E. iA. 7-J
;Wr-tlt-tc..;r-)}2.r.?;-�1.#Jt.Hh � 4f 1.4'.<tiaJ 6'J Jtr!-i-i-:silo 1t Jftifo
Though animal testing sounds cruel and barbaric, it has yet contributed to numerous medical
breakthroughs. .!li ?.t#J #1 '.k-%: 0fr�3¥cfl,� iti? ��, 1E-'t t:., ,1,w Jl}J '.kJJt T .k.� IE ;I: '.!tzt. o
Even if animal welfare is a reasonable concern, talking of animal 'right' is extreme.
�1.t*i.i#Jih#i:if1l4f.i!.J11'., 1E-�-iHtl#Jih"tx.:if1J":r,LU,!!_M.; To
2. Animals which save energy by hibernation or letl1argy (e.g. bats or hedgehogs) live much longer than those
which are always active. The metabolic rate of mice can be reduced by a very low consumption of food
(hunger diet). They ilien may live twice as long as ilieir well-fed comrades.
• ��Wix: � �ffl�illl:u�lltte:)Zl�llfil*Urf ffl�iia�z;)J!jm(-/VHm�9iE/.xJilj�\gj )illl�M' rt.JJ��,trl,�1N mli!:ld1�
�fJ!fP.Jm::/�£-L��o :fJutr,�1-titH:1!$"i:iJ �Jim:ulmx:J,�it!fP.Jmtt:i:CtJLt1� 1cxiti'-! )*�f�, 111!.fl1�%fif"i:iJffl�
• m� ,';?- = tt.?&:Jf(i-afA-1:iJ
1itff:l':ll�iicTI:�tlHt.?&), ... ilian...(��ml'.r1�tt.?&)
i91J 1iJ : Our future cities and habitats should be as advanced and comfortable as scientific and social
advances allow iliem.
�ffi�.:J¥c6'J�·��&.it!!,S��#;/:��½�ffe��6'J ltOCT��tt��iti?#�o
Breeding animals in zoos is more successful in ilie sense of anin1al protection ilian leaving iliem in JJ
ilie wild. M..1,%..:/t#Jih a'J t: .:x..J:.;$c ijf_, � #; ih � 'f taJ ff-#Jih tt.:tE.'t:1f1 � ��71-- ,e_-Jtf o 9:


提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 99
Questions 27-32


• ,W §I ffl!HJr :
§f :5'G, �'i.J.iilmf{{I-111&1§�@1�!::t Bf2m�:l 1l11Jvll1J; t��, ixLl�Jvr::{ef (f}Headings, f�/:1:\;'R:�iol o

�ifilList of Headings@§! tl:'..�xft, 1��@:1-!frm:iNilll:IWf:ill[f(Jl(,;1-tmtl'H!i-tk:JE��o

i. 'i.!Jmt�1
ii. :1:11-r-i.�t::::{ef Ja:ill
iii. !J:l J\. 5f:II ::t( )dl\J :il � :i1W
iv. }[f:1h,l'IIJ'i.°ff!l
V. %fiti1J1JtlH�
vi. 71:::lr'!J!Jmfil 1 1'!1J�J&Wt_;:t
vii. ��::{sf ffrMH+, 1El%"fflJ1Mtt@:JE
viii. n�:mmti
ix. !Jm r'fb � I El %ii'£.!Jm {;js: -� ;t::J1'1] Mi ff� ;,js: ��
X. �lz5j!ji;J!Jfr(:IIJ{t�

111� :fE'ULwl 3t i:p :x-t El,� ��ffllHff

Our 'dead' products are 'static', closed

systems. It is always the basic material
fundamental �I�@:, ;1-ri�rJJ1 Bft�¾tEx.Jobject� !El (:19:i:;J:
which constitutes the object and which,
differences, fiffi'i.!Jm�-��:i:iW®m�ailll:i:1��
in the nalural course of things, is worn
objects, inexorable in the same way 5i jg11J 1±\ ¾ mJiL
down and becomes 'older' ... Although
orgarusms �� �1::i 11\Jfundamental differences a IElif[!��
the same law holds for a living
organism, the result of this law is not
inexorable in the same way.
§f :$'G 1:E C @: :t� tlJ :=& :i'5 � tJr Jiff, 51... 11\J i'M iol
C段第三、四句: nevertheless , - Jl!x@: rt :;le fiff_fl\ if� ii: :'ftlfr iol
Nevertheless, a restricted life span, J§jij; 1��5-izJ.lll the reason for this, �)j]}tPJ
28 beneficial
ageing, and then death are basic l;J,x�·J.iilmlJ)!ii.i:p(JIJwhy; f��-T�5-lzJJ\lm
characteristics of life. The reason for �lj T :YEt::¾&,:iN Ell), inunortality�:J:ltfiL�
this is easy to recognise... �'i.�*m.���Pfl;J,*fim-To IT
Dilli:m=, IITl 1PJ:
...but within one species the parameter
is relatively constant.
m J:l)! vii 9" J5Jr m flj 1!11J a stable life span; 1'/�
stable, despite Although more and more people attain _
29 .
1:IIJ although ff!lj PJ l;J, xt JiL Headmg 1=!:i �
improvements an advanced age as a result of
developments m medical care and
. .
despite, rmprovement 1
P] �," Ell)
developments m medical care and better
better nutrition, the characteristic upper
nutritiono �f:!f-Jwt5f:11Headingf:IIJ Ji#,)[S( :Tc fr:: f!VJ
limit for most remains 80 years.
il- To ITfiffi��¾viio

100 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
111� :fE'ULwl 3t i:p :x-t El,� ��ffllHff
EfJtllif 1aJ:
... it is logically necessary to propose the 2Js:&t1t11J 1 �1miU: �rJ*:;/.fitJ":fil:-1' III� IE!
existence ofan internal clock, which in tR:'.iEEl�1:4t?J4�HiE, �ll)-i,;ff]JliJt�&,�mtl',
30 biological clock some way measures and controls the i�Jl-1'-)(J.\\,i��' �rl�yt:fil:1:!Jo/J{;;j\:j;/-.]1'-f-::(:[---'j'-·
ageing process and which finally 11q{fllil,H�l :i!¾X:il¥.tm-rJzmrU1:!Jo/Jt�l :i!
10 1

determines death as the last step 111 a f(- -tllt� o IET{fJ��¾i o
fixed programme.
energy-lfrl itJft,ni)'19�: :iz\;:Jzill:1. o :Q°\:�(:l�&/:3/-!t
Animals which behave 'frugally' with
energy ...
&ta Rn�n���Bu�&t.���1'
energy Animals which save energy by
31 ;w.; &miii.l. )}Jttm<�JJi!nwi :±\ m�x• o
consumption hibernation or lethargy ...
1'1J1J75"1:T:iJ��i?:izl;iii, 1E1 jjftl!,1f1 R�riJtE
That means that they live life
'energetically' - more intensively, but
not for as long.
G&tll!f 11] : Heading 1=j=1 El� prolong-·(ii]� � � 2js: &tllif 11]
It follows from the above that sparing �1:i(:1�extend o 1f1Jf&'.:1'J: "M_tffflEl�i-J-i-tT:iJIV,
32 prolonging
use of energy reserves should tend to :;m·/1\, �r�1tffif.Jt1iJE l���i!!:1ttii'&@ i f:iJIV,
i f

extend life. J[-�:;1,fitJ- "I[1effi��¾iv 0


Questions 33-36

�� :@1:rciii] 3t i:p :x-t El,� ��ffllHff

B&/:m.=.11:J :
!fm��IB�i1f£*j,\s__;j;Q __ ;!IJ!IJ 0

Ageing in this case must occur
according to the laws of
;):j: 3iiJ (:1'� jJ;J;j JiJ: �� t� 1=1:i 'FI� ±j � -j,f,J 0 llif :$'c iU �1:i �- t�

** �
objects -iffJ , T:iJ IV, 1.f B fJt )IIDj ;j<lj :yt iiJ , r�Ji5iWtt•�
physical chemistry and of
J�;.ll3iiJ t�ifij and, W ·!;Jc T:iJ �j ft JJ\l IE Tiff!� � o
��jjphysical chemistry (and) thermodynarnics o
1�· ::i1c@dmutations-ifu�-1JtiMI1:EXJ¥ �i=i '.iE 1:fz, filri
Because of changes 111 the ,->--,
�tti1��3S.@¾-'.i:E�ffiffimamtt� o 定
genetic material (mutations)
11ZZ)§�t��Ji55c 1i.ill'.=f- better to, tlHJi�t�mJ(:1�·�
mutations, these have new characteristics
35 organisms and in the course of their
individual lives they are tested J
x. fu'Z itiJ tt � it JE1 : adaptation, �%-Jt�;Jf; j}i)JW �II
for optimal or better adaptation
T:i]" ��:3/']adapta

to the environmental conditions.

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 101
Im� �{itffi] xi:p�J.i!ZF.a Im ijffl!HJf
Immortality would disturb
evolution �, ET:im:i.1evolutionmfiJE1.1l a fi1tclisturb-iiiJ1r,,iil;I,
36 theory
this system - it needs room
¾ " -'f i/t , ft r!iL " , x. $_ B § i:p pose a serious
for new and better life. This is
problem for, izs!Jlt��:3/'1immortalitya
the basic problem of evolution.

Questions 37-40
• B§ff!THfr:
37. The wear and tear theory applies to both artificial objects and biological systems.

���)( §�.ffl���mfflrA�-�mmfflr�-*� a
�fftffil the wear and tear theory

NM!H'; trim both ... and ...

Our ' dead' products are 'static', closed systems. It is always the basic material which
constitutes the object and which, in the natural course of things, is worn down and becomes
'older'. Ageing in this case must occur according to the laws of physical chemistry and of
thermodynamics. Although the same law holds for a living organism, the result of this law is
not inexorable in the same way.
3t i:p x-tli!Z ,� �1nr1f'i)li"§t#"a�/"£"-ttt,a�", :!Hfl � �t,.ic,0¥J.1Mh#-�£-;$..##,it.-Jt�-t£ m f't.i.±
t1 ti£J1r,1t.t.9\, '.lt 1l":t1t" o ,tftt'HhJ11.1tt;fl'f,!l,/J t�JJUt, -t£¼#-tt ;JL :t1tJt'.il·Af;� 0 _ig
Af;;,j:m� �:/i;Ut-t!:.,i!}f] -t1Ah#-, 1£¼-:/iJUt-#-T-�v.J, �.t.fa�-Ji° A./" .1.T-of.f;t.te.� it* a
A�m:±1 l'iiJB, B�ffJ1f.�1'0J& a :im:i.1.J:00.::: 1iJti51�9if1: x1·r�-1,$:in113, JEt:::lt-��:;i;;PJml
��.izs!Jlt§� ■ffl��x.Jr�•�**·��-:;i;;*mfflT a

inexorableiEffifB i:p j@;fif *l.ltfFffl a

�� NO

38. In principle, it is possible for a biological system to become older without ageing.

���)( JJJtJ1i't::ITTil3, �-*��PJntR¾�-�, m1:;i;:�1-t a

�fftffi] older, ageing
Mlm�trffil possible
At least as long as a biological system has the ability to renew itself it could actually become
older without ageing ...
3ti:flx1J.i!Z,� .f.),· .R�--t- .1.4h � t,.ic,�nt/J m �Jtifr, 't;r,t ..Jn �nt� T-JJ!Jr A *1E-T-�:t1t· · ·· · ·

�'tiJ��B § "P�®i:l&.ie�IWJ-@-, M:��mlt¾YES a ITTi.El�P���t�:;i;:¥U�1-x.Jm1iJ,

fil PJ IV-:im:i.1& § i:p El�possible-iiiJffir91j 1±1.IETefti��¾YES a
-{�-fr�possible, probable, likelys1�*:l&i��:iz\;YESwt:l-TRUE a
�� YES

102 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
39. Within seven years, about 90 per cent of a human body is replaced as new.

���)t ;(:E-tipzitJ, AWt'-.l9o0101-MITTJlfi!1\'ll�J!Jffr:J-t'M\'.:o

'.i:Efli:ijj] seven years, 90 per cent
f!lUfil*�ijjj replaced
Jl:t@t11¾-:iiJJ�iY�@§ JIQ.�o-%1:l/6t¥1\'II¾ tL�:k'iJl!J:l�JE'.1:v:-ifiJ; f§.J!.ffiT-�¾seven years
x:i:p:xt@,ra �¾9�,1:E�X���T-�;WT-�����l�,���4T-ffi&o :i:J§ :& � *
*f.51:;;(sf�JU,�;:H�f!.t;kfg, �EfJt¾�5E�NOT GIVEN(J'-.J1i:J-=fa

40. Conserving energy may help to extend a human's life.

���)t 11t'-.lm�i!:1'fW1=.F :filipfif_;l.f- o

'.i:EflLiiil energy

M@*�iiil extend human's life

It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life.
x:i:p x1@,ra ����#���¾ili,���m�m�tt••�s����**♦o

Jl:t@�,8.."jJ:.ffi(:1�List ofHeadings"i"R�32@¾:i:;1i(:1�,T-xiU.UU; rmll_@§*5J-m'1'f may
J!�fj� rijriJ (:1� :it 1rl'ff may,could, can�if,J(:1�@§-f:Jxjz'ijYESITJt;jl;tTRUE a

�� YES

A flt1f1f:l�;/.f-ifu¾1'f�IY!fl�a &�A1l'IIB�ti� T J!-,8,�jg,M"1£4M$:":fi¥JJJ!'.*iJ:l=J!¾lnl. rm�J/lB� a "?51:;;(sf
1t-z.�1x1:E ! "?trm,tE�1iJit�,:Jltint1t¥1n;11�@Amf:1'-ltt*f=i%, l!@f=p'f,tE1tFlli:1fJE i:p�f-='£ §
ft !Hffla �ff)t2 rJne1'r�1fJ � Jl�ff -*1� ll-.I.11, T-m�m T ( '£ !J&J$:2 _Ul�"YEt::" ) o 1.�J!@:J-i f=
B :f:li:1f1M'i�"YEJ'4i"s�f=,'f/,¾tl?i-@"rr'fi$1l1�",:b'-J-l;f:J fl��Mta t�nlUlef/J1*(J��J.1s:tJf4;�,¾�1:E § fJ:i:Hi 9"�
ifr@Hffl,1t1�"::Mt"o t& ffl4i1J l:l!H-1:$:;fill 1!.ttJ $:(:1� ;i;.!E�t , 1:EJ!#·l'llf cfl T �1-t¾£,ft El�o 1a?J tf:I IP] El� ;i;JEt-sls tl1
mm=.F1:E�W,ml!-••#T-��[P]����F1:ET-mttm��•- ��R�-�1:E!J&J*ME1'f��
Mt.T-ffit}iti9Jo �.llt1El!Ji!J&a�millrtnffr!Jo/J&E1�%)JJZ;�,¾:!Zt=.Fk�a1i9J�Jf{i:ilf�a %d'£4i1lf*(J��&T-�
BJ!:':!£, 'f¾:f:li:11'1f*r1q (:11 IE14o/J&tt!.-t��T-�:lillfltii'fr�&•1�,Jj,)tf�l'!Jl'.;)R, 1:'.m�*f*J:.1:l!i:t� §5J-131%i$;f!I
c ��,���YEt::T-�--�¾�m���,1Wt�':E!J&J1*:Jffl1'f��-2im™�aM��_t*,-�1:E

1-t c �1t), 1:1:::�f*:Jml.rT ffrr,:,�4�HiE, :Jl £1. 'i'-f*1=!:::ifrr(:1�:i:1f.1EtM:E��tz121f1x,Jr,J �, 1:1�fl:mJRfll'¾B1'f :i:ft !!l.
�-�W�m�ttok1:Emm�rr&l!�*ME,��'i2���ffi�,�W�1:Eifrrmm��ol!U¾m� w

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 103
o &1-1:i:4-mf;tq\ifl� t&JJAi'f � f:1iJ%-$ o 7Gf,',J s<J!Jm;f<l1 A%-$m � • lfil. � �!1}1J,1§. 1± f,',J-!Jm *11 i:i� , � 1-�!/&;t§x,J

't:�JE fff�:',m > JL-=f inJ(:A� EJ<J f :l:!g%-$ JL-1-19:� .@}t 1±1 T �fr /loc:%-Btl�R-HWa'� l]i]i&� > M&*ihttstl
O 0

A:ititl;l1lj�' f§_;i,J:fcg;!l&A*i.}'l.A�illfi@l'ltl%-$J::JIHJ3¾80� Jlt?lr' xt:tli:Mif!J�:J'gll.fili-£:Elt!J3-1-it,�


-iJ._1],1'.!Jmf,;$::t;¾1:1iJB,HeJ}1/:JilUJLx(Mif!�mllfl!1=.4tD*ii��¾JL1J\fl,J), -IHlUJL-=fiJ::,tt�n e� o
E �n*%-$¾-1'1±1�1Z51tk:JE(➔iJ1=.!Jm�1iE,cJJ�i,.t/i:ftftiz'.1�'m11'1ffJt�&f�tl£tl:l�¥F-1'xffi,�: 1=.!Jmf,;jl:p;i:(f
-w: �L o J?Jt1i%-$,M-=f7G[,',JEJiJ1=.!Jm{:;j,,A1titltl!$R�{*•�-1'�JEE!tl!l&�**o[,',J%-$;t§tt,�
1-**¾"&rtJW': 1=.!Jm{;$:1*m:M&:k,A1titltJ!rf�M&1� o :!FJ?lr,�1-**7G1Xmffl-=f%�. 1±1-r*MEi!!
JG!;l;J (itl't�&:kf,;$:�f�, IZ5I JJt-1E,mJ:f-J-=fA{lhM-�1=. 4PJ{;$:(t1I!Jm, i;JJ!Jm, if!�IE/lfil1=.4to)o
F 11��1± ��it m ��iii tt?Bt"1HiJ "(19 i;/J!Jm 1f-$jtA*,{ff��n�10 %-r.1 � �o ��� 5¥n �iUt f.£ 1\r� tflHill¥.,IZ5I
J1t11tl:7G��"f,;$:�1=.ffi", -=f¾1:EJi�;jjc�r�3Hij T?Bt*�%-$ o ����imi1�D�E!xnlllfil**:ff��:i:�
�!Jm(M�•••�ffl)im'i\r�m�a¾fflffi���!Jmffiffl�*� o :t;ffi��WJ!$ey�J.mi1•�t!Jm
Y��-(tJHf�txtt'! )*�lHJ;,\;,fth1r'Jstl%-$ey��ttcJJr1�f El Pz/c§�,@atlf,',J�%-$*-·1fio J35'r, ::9:"'riBtl%
'!fpffla}�·ri(:1tJ%-$*(:fc�"Jl0O/o)o �n*�JfJrfJ;iJtE!'.1tJfti�tJ!$, 1t¾�ffl\�·ri1titJtJ!$?Bt;l1lj,�J?Jt:W:

□�-reJ N � 3Z:"·r1 o
�•�tt�%-$?Btm,m•¾m�rn1±1=.ns��?Bt�•n•-�::9:" ttffi��11��.m�•M•�

G M�iffi�t �ey�•i±l.���J:f-J'mfil�Ufil�*��ey�g***o t&*�����eyn¾il��

��J ��:itillfi11;jj( � ' @� J;E 7G¾g*** 1i1:Vtr *ey� ��1M�itlt$' jmJE,@s<JOil H�lk:k{,;$:f 5f:1:J(➔0 'ri

�m¾®�fflf,',J��ffl o ��*fi-��'mxffi.,F���'m��.�A•��¾*M�•�•

1f1&1'At����JJ § B i'.!<J"���fiff" o f.£�i*11A�¥F�1=.ffi:1f:i:t7G1X��$m1f:�%, im ���1ttfil!BRo ft
E�-�t€\Xt7G�:Si2 o

104 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

Task 1


ml%Ji'. R'g tl'Vtt± o
;zt;:B:1s:Ji'fiU¥00&�, 133M'Pfil1.m.t¥[1;j:tJf:&o[,',];J,-:.'ffiB¾rJ;\j1pfily.m.t¥OO, ;zt;:Bxtl]'.�::krftiJ6 Test 3 o ftiJ6lJBJ!B
,'a!.ffiT�Q1iiJfiJffl1i1a:�FH'.� 1:1'-J:d:l!ilo l!l-lir!.ffi1i11'-J�inf)l!jrf, OO=otU.l\.'.f:f:�tllV:i:TI:i:it¥oftti6 Test 3�Bff: 11'-J
;z1s:e11'-JM$iiOOz1·sJJJ1V¾1:EB;J'i'sJ5'c�J11YIJ'¥ (1'-J¥Titl:_t, :t\Wl11□T .x. tt** o :oly��i T �5tt1Jtil'i�ffiVt1=JJ<.1.1t.t111�•
±1:1'-J��Z�r, if� tt$Jl�M�l ��1=1'-J:fff,',] o

;zt;:BEl3Mffl00fflf:&,�����5tn�moM-m���:i:i��B§�¼� tt��*ffiMffl00���

( £ "ftti8"Pl66)

±?*��--ffe��A�&�(,f,,)#±o ��tt#J�-��.£A•*o #•·*�Aa#Bo
��.?&������#��Bo #T*.�¼��A�-�.*���*To �1��•�*��

�iltM±-$1] �� ifi!, .t,.1Jf•e<J J-ffe �*;Jif-150/o�*i.!t, 100/oa<J *, 250/oe<J ;J,-,f,,500/oe<J � -f-�Hilt¼ 0

��tl' A71'oiilit�ilti�±4it41Bo

( £ "ftti8"Pl66)

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 105
�.•��*�tt�-��nR•���*�m��1���$�. �t�m1-*�*���.���

�, 1Et�s�m�!l'HiEtlli:£;f iITJ;·i$-&-.
x•A�@f �til'i:£TW-Hilllll /1�:::lc:w'., x=J= J:.xt@§ :ifrh· T-�i!J(�(stages�:3/-Jprocesses, cement-making
�1.Jmake cement), Z-0:--&l-6:5}�:f<: o £ff-El� .EiJ $; llJ IV.¾: The first diagram demonstrates the process and the
equipment used to make cement, and the second one illustrates how cement and other materials are mixed to
manufacture concrete for building purposes.
�S�B�!fiffiEt\!iEI;flgj;JE:5}. t��i:!M.:::�B�These four elements are introduced into a concrete mixer.lJJ
IV.� EI 11 : These four elements are poured into a concrete mixer in which they are rotated so that concrete can
be produced as a result.

�tiif(J : then, after, afterwards, at the end of, as mentioned above, however� o
1'1Hcif(J : the first, these, this, which, where, the latter, the final, the last� o

�•x•lf'�T@§ .:¥1100 lf'!Jil�t,�•if(JIV.�r, �:tf�1tmT-�t§*if(Jtc:
igJ -if(] : introduce ( n!J: A), pass through ( � i1 ) , go into ( ill A), work with ( * ffl ), come out ( tl:\ * ),
pack (-el}\t ), begin with ( .M. .. · · · · :JHf:/ ) , obtain ( g:H�- ) o
1s if(): material (;j:,H'4), combination, element ( n.X:?t), step ( ±HJIO.
ffl ·li'iJ ;f � � fVU : •=�The first step in the cement productios is to introduce limestone clay. These materials
pass through a crusher that produces a powder. (;f �ffl·lf(J: introduce tiXA, pass through �i1)
$. ?JI: 1.J : The first step in the cement production is to put limestone and clay on two different conveyors.
Then, these two types of materials are pressed so hard in the crusher that they are broken into powder.



106 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�: j! frl x!R.,� ? f�,iA j;J 1'J ft-iJtfll!, (i� 1'J �jffi )J°Ui?

:zls:iffi:(:Eiffi;j'J_t)m-=fU��ilj-iffi,IM"i�J:¾Agree/Disagreeo:zls:Ji\fil1:l:1.= 1:iJi'5rn.fiJZ o M-1:iJ¾x!R..�; M=, -=

i'i]¾ WtlJffi El� l'oJBO lt 1fJ §j :i'ctlH !lf5<·J�---t-roJBillfi· @I Jjiz : lf.fl �:if¾&x;J-, Jj§-tI� I±\ lij(T /'1,rr□ tllHfr L!Hr :if
1'ftt�fflffim�•��@���MB o

:zls:Brlt�:@lmB�x!R..� i:p·e];�T -�i;&f��fnJbest o -f:JQ:iJti,t/Hllonly;rllbest�i)'ti"!:ct-=fg{gxHt, @1¾

Jimdisa greeoJliJtxa-,g,f*�,J:Jgffff�, :krxm�EJ lmilJ1i-IBl:oM-f...Ntx,JB §x!R.Ait!::fi@lm,*�7Gli'fJ�; f�

( JA!, "-&IJ8"P167)

11; $.A.a<i4&.ilt dJ -t:iZ.-i&.Jlt.-tl:.½,rJ ,,f.i !1J 1;;.* �ma<i-lt tr,� .Jct•s �if �Hit� •§'.:Nr,f-]¾��1;;.,1-&-�Hllita<i .A.

��o�k�,f-]�#$��-�.-���. fy½�:iZ.*FlMP±�kW�o
,!l'it:Ah -f<.. a<i lf-i\Aii!-tt o

* �¥£ :SJ 1Jr


Hx1"A ee or Disagree:i!��B,§Jt�IRJ.llJIJ�(fact)tllx!R.,�(opinion)oIJ�¾B § 9" BS iar�, ffff � "'

�:=:*�@lm�¾3t*if¾&xt!i\fil §i:J��x!R.-� A ee or Disa ee:i!-�i5liBX'fffl�ftJf:!k�W �1l-mi5l@

a gr gr
El� "'i=r�(fact), �Emili § i3(1sx!R.,�(opinion) o ;f:J;-���!1.±ft1'��1)--m_t:{t�1:k$Bti'iiJ,�-r:i1$tlli:l£o
Jt�:i!-�loJiffi.'k�¾itliEX!\\,�, ffff:7G¾-tmf�;IJ� o
ft:zis:.@l:fi1X£,ft :j!fx•J§1:iJ EIS :l1.t�h51:¾ft!m §Jvrmf:J:!i (1s f*,@U1s i!JliTitl.\ _t, � :/Jii T J:·tlt� tki'/footh in cities
and on motorways everywhere, JJ._fffftiit ili i'oJB�Fffltl:o?tE1:1:m=1:iJ1'/it ili:3'6:fM/;rlilffl-as_tmE:xi"!fOli'.tk:i'oJB, m
1]Jlfeffl*ffi;f��(disagree)iffi §(1S x!R,,�o w
There is no doubt that¾�Jf::,_.@l:i:p ffl*�lJ�S�?¾ ffl*-ito � Jlt�{g,(�*-it:if1'f: it is undeniable that �

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 107
(Yi:Vi1Xr -mit f.!P iliJ::l\l) ; there is no denying that; it goes without saying that�o
$ilifi*••�**�B.=¾mm��-�*0ftxBIAilifi�A�&Mo ��-*.X�¾ffiMS
��:!,ci'!9ffl'Jit! i'iJ��ntfi:, fAmFJltl:txJB§ �-=�i'oJBi'l9@�o
�-ft�M��ffi:R�ffiW�o �*ftM�mfflili��$m�TR��-.illM�mH�$���
x*m□9ffl�tt, fffl¾=IF'/jfA{itmmiliffJ¥�fi�Er-J�$o i r· x�·M-mmilis91'oJBret#ft-=f:V�m, -t!1#�-=f
�*�fflTI&JffxJ�a9::l¾Fiu�jJ o
mftZl'sJ ���]±�Btt*mrnm•��liiiJ�l�o �-X-i'l9iBiil:Fz!:Fz!:�*, mtt1HIF�l"�'itit-Jll1,
�m-�•iWJEJ9ftffi�ffi-t!1::/IH-lH*, tt�Qffl-¥Ji:89There is no doubt that c�x�roJ ......), •=mEI9While
it is undeniable that (:;ii:;"i'i:f 1:'fiA · · · ·· ·), ffl �mr:19However (?tfffl · · · · · ·)ffiffl:=I1$i'l9In conclusion (,�,z · · · · · · )o
mMp;Jt�i'lt�m.-·11:i:�:tiHir*iiiJrlHIH�iiiJo �-X-ffifUE19�tlii',Jfr1�.¥IHl-�as, also, but, then�, tlHt
ii',]� these, it, this, that�o

motorway n. 高速公路 manufacturer n. lM:i'§:]{lf, m1J:i'§:1

undeniable adj. 不可否认的 congestion n. till�, t!lltti-
fuel n. :Jt&fl- sufficient ad). .fE. �i S� , 3t.fE. 13�
implement V. ��. tAfi alternative n. 供替代的抉择,选择余地
tackle v. 处理,解决

13 �Fffl1:1txBtr1?"5�l'oJB: growing traffic and pollution problems (B-=f), the increase in traffic and
pollution (ffl =¥Ji: )
1/';(\fmm�ki1�:rise in the price of petrol CM-m), higher fuel costs CM=m)
**"'**ilifi:private car use CM=m)' driving your own car CM�m)
ffl'f�l'oJB:solving these problems (ffl-m), tackle the problem (ffl=m)

id'Brt:.:l::i'B-� = •=m•-�
i-1:$-:J;!(:i'B-fA�:M=mM-� Cwhile5I�)

Df:lzsltfi:i!M 1iJ: ffi.=-131:ffi.= 1i](as'3 I�)
*-:f4:M:i!M 1iJ: ffi gg-131:ffi= 1i:J(il5 I�)
JEifiM1iJ: ffi.=-131:ffi=1i:J(that'31�), ffi=-i31:ffi.=1i](that';JI�), ffi g9-i31:ffi-1i](�'111(§-T that)

x1H=iJ '.n' 1./r

1. But there are various other measures that could be implemented that would have a huge effect on these
JMJ•: 1!!¾��%f'l1 Jtfthf1�ntAf1L - E �ti([, �n�x1:i!�fiiJBf=1:te::-Jc�u/uJ 0
1H./r: :;js:1:iJ 9:i}¾�p;q,t-that'3 I �B�JEi!M 1iJ a i!rtJ:.J!r,ij-t-JEifiM 1:iJt�fttmmeasures,i! 5l.J:.JW--t-JE
i!M 1:iJ¾J§-1-JEifi-M 1iJ 13�*':f4o J!-t-J[� 1a:JPJ IV- :5t:J'ff :1-J:i!� B�r,ij 1i]i%: But there are various other
measures. If these measures could be implemented, it would have a huge effect on these problems. f!!:i!�:5t
f}f, ;:f�OJJ§i/1:iJi!1r!ttJii\, t:!1;:f /9.nUJis o
2. Long-distance train and coach services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to driving
your own car for long journeys.
JMJ•=**�*ffi***}¾�$@���§�**�fi�m••���ft tt��o
51-1./r: :;js:1i]���J1i:J o 1iJ-=fEl�.±JHl1�¾: A should be made alternatives to B(A@ itflx:�Bf:1��1tn7t o )
Mli/�¾long-distance train and coach services(-Lt*:9Ll$;ftl·�*1�$),�i:l:ilong-distancelEJBtfti{fJtrainlO
coach; Btli/a�¾driving your own car for longjoumeys (-�* § �), 1i] t:j:i El�to¾frijfj, /Yr!V-R�tEtof§ffi(1�
¾Z9.J;gijfji15;jtJ 0
3. In conclusion, I think that long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the
public to use public transport more, and on governments using public money to construct and run
efficient systems.
51-1./r: :;js:1i:Jxl,�.±�tEdepend onf§ ffi f�;gr,ij-t-#:>1U B��i-g-, :(:Effi.=-t-�ifi·ZfIT depend�' Ill(§-T , f!!on;:f
�t�'lll(§-o ffi--t-�ifi·¾JJlltE:5tiiiJ�:li:ifi·educating the public to use public transport more; ffi.=-t-�ifi-¾
governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems, �t:J:igovemments3t��ifi-El�:i!'.$Ii:

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 109
Part 1
�ffiA. �ffmT*��m�����.I�.ttffldX�ffl*�••*•�.

1. Do you like to have flowers in your home? [Why/Why not?]
Yes. Flowers are decorative and they send forth fragrance. They make my room more colorful and
alive. Flowers make the air inside a little fresher and also give my apartment a more homey feeling.

decorative �1Hta1 send forth fragrance 1/i£. ¼ :\,

colorful and alive §; -;¥; ,Tri ;f;f' .i. q_, a1 homey t.a1, #i!.a1

2. Where would you go to buy flowers? [Why?]

I don't buy flowers in a real flower shop. For convenience, I buy flowers online in bulk for huge discounts
and free shipping. At the click of my mouse, they'll put together a selection of beautiful flowers sourced
daily and deliver my bouquet to my address

bulk :k.-:i free shipping ;t 'bt

sourced daily % k �.A,� a1 bouquet 1t.Jlt.
3. On what occasions would you give someone flowers?
I'm not a person who fancies giving flowers to express my affection to someone, but if I have to, I may
pick the occasion when a friend is recovered from illness and coming out of the hospital, because what he
needs, at that moment, is something refreshing and full of prospect. People around me send flowers on
many occasions, such as business opening, wedding, Valentine's Day and so on.

fancy ..g-�J.:., �-� affection $ :i.: , & ,tf

refreshing 14:. if ffe..a1 full of prospect tc, i;UJ :Ii,- 11. a9
business opening -Jt .:lk

4. Are flowers important in your culture? [Why/Why not?]

Very important. Flowers are a perfect gift to express your wishes to your near and dear ones. They don't cost
much but say it all. Fresh flowers can lift someone's spirits, while dried.f1.owers can be used to decorate
homes. Also, flowers have many meanings in China. Peony represents prosperity and wealth, and
carnation stands for love and respect.

spirit ;li;if dried flower -t- 1t

•.7] �
peony 41-fJ­ prosperity �f:, Ill

110 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Part 2
�-,g�:;-lj-'.1:-5[Eti5½']-f ( Cue Card) a :;-lj-'.1:lil :5Hl 1 <itf§-r1,J i"U , #-1:iJ � 1/JX�ic ( :;-lj-'§ ��:;-lj-'.1:�tr1�1U a
z.JB:;-lj-'.1:�1/JXl ~2:5t'0f1 F.!� l�l£ a :;-lj-'.1: iiJtfcJB, :;-lj-'§�)ji,Jt:;-lj-'.1: 1:I� ll'rtll£ pg $�-M�i'fil:kl'iiJ½'], EEi :;-lj-'.1: f/t{fij

Describe a meeting you remember going to at work, college or school.
You should say:
when and where the meeting was held
who was at the meeting
what the people at the meeting talked about
and explain why you remember going to this meeting.

@ i%� -t i£ B]i
i15½']-f;-Describe a meeting¾$ftj:½']�j:itg):Jgm:�(:J�-�, 3:.�:;-lj-1f:;-lj-'.1:¾��1ft'o'il£�t1f1$ftj:, �}f:nB�
��jJ a �aJ.B�i%½']-tif;ffDescribe a party, Describe a happy event� a :;-lj-'.1:;(:Et'o'il£J!�fi!i½']-tr1tffff�rtv .&J!

Well, I think I'll talk about our annual meeting at work. My company holds a large meeting with all
_the different offices once a year at the end of the.fourth quarter. Everybody attends, including all of
the major bosses and the company president. It's really a spectacular affair. Last year it was out of
town and we all stayed in a fancy hotel for two days over the weekend.
�,St. There were a lot of meetings to attend and we were all pretty busy, but it was actually tremendous fun.
±� The president made a long speech about our successes in the last year and planned for the next.
It was quite inspiring and we all felt grateful for his praise. After that there were awards given out to
Je!fiti: employees that had performed particularly well over the year and most people received their annual
pg:g bonus. When the meetings were all finished, there were plenty of recreational activities to�
participate in, like KTV. It was a great opportunity to get to know my coworkers a bit better. Overall it
was quite fun and completely unlike typical meetings, and that is probably why I remember it so fondly.

annual meeting �* spectacular affair :\M:* annual bonus �.It��

fourth quarter �im*.lt inspiring tt�A'l.'EI� recreational activity :!!J5f;5%ivl


提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 111
Going to meetings
1. What are the different types of meeting that people often go to?
People go to many different kinds of meeting. Probably the most common, and definitely the most boring, are
meetings at the workplace. There are department meetings, sales meetings, meetings with clients and
even networking events. I have to attend a weekly meeting every Monday. Besides work, people go to
meetings in order to socialize. There are clubs for people that like hiking, sports, or music. One type of
meeting that I like to attend in my free time is a regular English comer. It's a good chance for me to meet
other people that are also serious about improving their English and practice with them.

department meeting � fl ½ix. sales meeting 4�i � ½ix.

hiking 1¾. -ffe it.At

2. Some people say that no-one likes to go to meetings - what do you think?
I can definitely understand that opinion. Frankly a lot of meetings at my work are a tremendous waste of
time. They can drag on for hours and sometimes it feels like my managers just want a chance to make
themselves seem important, rather than actually contributing to a project. I'd rather focus my time and
energy on dealing with my heavy workload. However, I understand that meetings are a necessary evil.
Sometimes it's the only way to guarantee good communication. Meetings tend to go best when they involve a
small group of essential people and you have very clear goals. So it depends on how well meetings are run at
your company.

tremendous e. k. a'] drag on-t��

contribute to �t · · · · · · ;;f;j" }'t ml
3. Why can it sometimes be important to go to meetings?
Meetings are important for a lot of reasons. If you participate and make good contributions, you can impress
your boss and perhaps get a promotion. Also, more basically, meetings are important for effective
communication and to ensure that everyone is on schedule with their projects. They can even give you sense
of teamwork and make you feel more motivated. If you work in a competitive industry, sometimes
meetings can be useful for training. They keep you up to date on new policies and products so you can work
more effectively.

sense of teamwork §'1 �1'.◊1-tt:-i.?-.

competitive industry :It �•t1. /'- J1:

International meetings
1. Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together?
Well, I think it's essential that world leaders have frequent meetings together for a variety of reasons. We live
in a globalised world now and the actions of one country affect everybody. Look at the
crisis, it started in one country but quickly spread everywhere and all nations in the world suffered a little.
Governments need to make deals so that trade continues to develop and grow. Also, these days, leaders need
to work together on even more important international issues. I feel that environmental protection is one
of the biggest ones. Leaders from all countries need to agree to work together if anything is going to be
accomplished. Also regular meetings between leaders can help the people of both nations feel more

112 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
comfortable with each other and guarantee peace

globalised �J,jdt a� financial crisis 1:-,wk J�,;f./l.

international issue � J!;j":: � jj-- guarantee peace 保证和平

2. What possible difficulties might be involved in organising meetings between world leaders?
I'm sure it's very difficult to organise meetings between important leaders. First andforemost, they are all
busy running their countries and don't have time to squander, so things need to be scheduled very
tightly. Second of all, I cai1 imagine that security is vitally important. Leaders need to be protected very
carefully so you need extra guards and all plans about the scheduled trip must be top secret. So
transportation, accommodation and lots of personnel all need to be arranged for the visit to go smoothly.
Last but certainly not least, they need to ensure that they get proper and positive media coverage, so they
need to coordinate with reporters as well.

first and foremost it� ii� :lf._ squander iit •1'f:

schedule �tlr- tightly '.if'c * J1'!,
go smoothly J Wi ;f J ;111!,
1 1
__ _ _
_ i! _ _ __ _
media coverage i\t1tt_!l__

3. Do you think that meetings between international leaders will become more frequent in the future? Or
will there be less need for world leaders to meet?
I suspect that meetings between world leaders will eitl1er become more common in the future, or stay as
common as they ai·e now. I understand tl1at with advanced communication tools like phones or even
video-conferencing, it is unnecessary to meet face to face, but part of the reason world leaders meet is to
create good feelings between their countries. This can only be done well in person.
communication tool if:J iill./ 3t. ;/,L .I.� video-conferencing ;/Jil,j,Yi ,½ix.
in person .:/fr m

"ff�"�1-t§"Jm_:l:f: ::fWi-?i1· , J)AJdfl..t �w;4H1Ll illt.J§" � 1m I f1=: , ff ii (:1� :jc� 1J,� ::f JYJJ:l<:* o 1� � Ai3t
�ff�,�A����j(�::f���-,�A�����ff�#--�B. Tffi�mff•�w;M��iliT
Most people hate meetings because they waste their time. The majority of meetings don't stay on track, have
the wrong people in the room and only cause more meetings to happen. To
make sure that doesn't happen to one of your meetings, use these

• Begin on time, clearly stating the meeting objective.

Communicate your intentions to stick to meeting type, time,
topic, and agenda.
• Take a few minutes to establish some ground rules for your meeting
such as one person talks at a time, off topic discussions will be
delegated to a parking lot, respect others' opinion, etc. Solicit ground rules from your meeting
• Review the agenda items and plan time for each item. Adjust if necessary. But remember, changes to the
agenda should be consistent witl1 your meeting objective, type, and time linuts.

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 113
• Use action language if responsibilities are assigned. Capture these on an "Action Items" sheet for
distribution with the minutes. Action items should include 1 ) what will be accomplished, 2) w110 will
accomplish it, 3) when and how it will be accomplished ( time frames and deliverables).
• Document meeting results in full view of all participants. There's a lot that goes on in meetings. If you
capture information on a white board orflip chart paper, it can save you from discussing items that have
already been addressed.
• Have a "parking lot" for topics not on the agenda. This will help you keep the meeting on track.
• Close the meeting by clearing out the parking lot, verifying the action items and take five minutes for
meeting .feedback

114 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Section 1

��·····•�*·AMBAA�o ��-��±��±*fflT�-�-fi.*�WT��o

temporary ad). 11-ai Bt Ell , lg Bt Ell waistcoat n. ( iTh'��Bl l"ier,C,•, -:9.i f:13
shift n. $HJI midday n. $ q:. , IE q:.
alternate V.X�, $t;Jit reference n. ti;/$:A, iHBA
generous f
ad '�'liitBl, :k:1JB1 vouch V. �- .. " ·1�i*
uniform n. Iii=��

resume n. r�m performance n. Ii1=:;JlU!i1,

recruitment n. 1trn� reward n. �Jjj/J
agency n. $il', i-Ul benefit n. �:sE, :rH�
job hunting ttiii= motivation n. fR!'.& tt, iiJJ :h
job hopping ltUi

1. I'm afraid the person who's dealing with that isn't in today, but I can give you the main details if you like. T-M-f:
:�-. vi -t�1t�al;A.4'-_k;f:,tf_ o -:/l11*1-t}T;�{1<Jit", A ofvJ.�1t--'lE-.i.�t.& o 1Jt109::i(:J�isn'tii11'/ii"�tf" o
2. There was one post for a cook, but that's already been taken. },¥, ;j.;_.;;fi - ,t ffit Vifi a<) .lfR1.i, 1E.J;t,tf_ t'.AJ.;;fi A.i!
T o ¥.!;t,:�_filpost[l�J&j[!,¾"If.H1iz" o
3. What about time off? 1t.1ru111")' 4;;-�Jjs�? off JJt�:3/giHrrJ, i'iJJ�JtJ.lllffJT(,:;/,]'',pj(,�.. ,pj(fl;/" 0
4. Do you know what the rates of pay are? 1t:1-11ilUJf !litl JL,t :J,·•J!;? rateJlt�*:izs"1£:ifff "(:1�:t,:,l[l, 0
5. You know,just someone who knows you and can vouch for you. 1,,t,9;.,;!_ a<], -fi)(_,.Jt -/.J-.. if..1,t ,Tri Jliitt.Jj:#1:t:�£
1%. ary A. a vouch for somebody�;,E;!\1,¾" 7'J �).J.E!-B!l:" o

;zjs:1JiHt>'.x'(j:J.t:ii!j: 9", *Wr.m�¥..}1�1r� P.l�gJZ*:izs, lOifilh\Rfr:fflS:;/gtJ't£ 0 ;;I

1. �)( $ tl:\ r_m T waiter;f:llcookM1' lff(1iI, 1:E:Ji!l!:J?(Jfr�f:l,J}L•JE�'U�� B ti':tf=lr�: but that's already been ::
2. ;(:EllJr�HiiBshiftZ.J§, )j;fi:iJ l),,(:J;llifilt§Cf *1!1� fkJ�Ej;zj\:/i\fil1f;Jc, l:EJYou get one day olI. .. T:iJ{!Hl:\�� 0

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 115
3. 2fs:@��JI.Ulxl, '1iJ:1Nf�·M1I:6U&4wIZJ§tl\JJ.llR�includes a break.1l��:±lMrfli/6iiJ o
4. @-=f£.x,J-i,%i:pYou can get a meal in the hotell:l�r,,]5($-"/iJ£, 1�rJJ:l.!m��::;/;Jmeal o
5. @-=f 9:i (:1�white shii·dl�tU�s.ffi, flH�i'tJE 1:fl.JtJw:JC i:pYou need to wear a white shirt... , Ei=J ;l'J;J§ dark a�
trousers�nr.iJ1itl:l.IEJiffI�� 0

6. 2fs:@f�tfx1t!.to Jw:::x:tEmfUjacketJ§, �f�;gftH'EiJtrJJ:]but the hotel lends you that o ffir@�Jlt:(:E-'f?#JioJ

lend o
7. 13 AA� ,':I:\ El�iil-FFAtf���tto ::X: �i"JtmliUHJ}· (around the end ofJune), f�;gr7l-iJt:±lAf:;$: 13 AAC yes, the

28th) o i'i:i't'f;'.sJU- )=J {5j·J.ill{f)fj1j!·l,frJt)t·EJ, ITTf=ll=l/&� o

8. ffJi:.A. ;g § � ·BJ:�Jff '.sJ 0

9. middaytlfr''i:pCf, i.ECf", J.illi'it!:trlH@::x:i:p(i�B- l�:i]f�L�,o

10. �El.ti5-�Tifb !±\ JJ.l\J§ J.illi'.i'.@:rijy2fs:@(:J�i'm:kr,J;J ?§ o ask for�f. r,,) -'f@-=f i:p fl�require o

Section 2

.--·1 ±·Z.
-2 A tlJ
.>f', J I -1=1

��X' ifi¾--t-ritllt ri § (i�-i'tfl:5-} tRit TtJixmc&�ittU TJ § i:pm,& > �u:ill:fi�Ji:ifnl1!1: �!tMt

J °
l O l

m�JEX'J�m�B*-���ffi:ill:fit&� o ��:���ffi���mr.iJn��-•$.ft;ist����MtE
�-�::k;�����Atf�� tt,ilia¥m•;•��ffi�t&��**�mffiU��::kt&� o

councilor n. iSl.�iSl.� pavement n. Afii@:

consultation n. )i§i,'s] pedestrian n. fiA
overhead adj. �Jff[..tEr-J signage n. f;r-$#.\\1.
resident n. ,@� intersection n. +$-�Q
shelter n.�lliBt incorporate \/.��

shade n. t;fjlJJ , �,El'*

monument n. �2�li.\\1. district n. IX

public lavatory 0:J:tJ]!iipff residential area .@�IX
national highway �lt urban adj. rn�B�
metropolis n. :k. :llW$ suburb n. �BIX
municipality n. m ii&� r□J outskirts n. m�B
municipal n. mEr-J' mil&Er-J

0x * & �.iE x1Uiittr

1. I understand that there has been a lot of community consultation for the new plan? -½Jhit.� 1-lfr {r-J it \1] e.,!£
:i!.H T-it J, R � 0§--iGJ? 2fs:,t,JJ.lll.ff!I?,(:11�xt;�IT-=.fcommunity consultation, tE 1 1�::x: i:j:ifJttf ffJX' �m El� ffl:lli.l o
= J

116 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
community;t::;h"f±IR; lfilf;jl:", consultation;t::;h"�iil]" o :(:Ej!_[!_ tlilx1 �l'l!l,"5 �utfi'�iil], 1¥£1.iEft;t:_fil,]!:ilf±iJi.:W:fi��mEl�i!1:i1ltfJ\\�U o
2. They feel that it is only a matter oftime before there is an accident as a lot ofthe children walk to the school.
So we're trying to do something about that. 1;1!,1f1-iJ,..;I.J :±: JJil,::\f tL"!. }lot f,ij Jo)�, JE} ;I.J -it J, 1t-f1/�Jlk.J!i...l.
':if o rif i,:.q\1fl .tr St-� JJ1t1iUt ¾ o iilH� i!ht is only a matter oftime ( :i!.FU\'½:a1·reJl','iJ@l�:E/::.!:5B•HaJt§Jc
3. Another area ofconcern is the overhead power lines. ?J-1-4- .A:J'ltt)t (1� i'i:!J@¾* JJJU:.EI� �� o overhead­
i�:(:E�iJ\i:p /:I:\ lJ\\Jij'.ijf'11* 5(: ::,_ JJYL.t; :iE \§'� ffi ( f.ilj5-Test 2 Section 2 QJ.5)o
4 . That's good to know, but will that mean an increase in rates for the local businesses in that area? iifl "I" -g..
a-!i, 1.�i.}}�Jl� t;•,1;.,t\-}}�,t-� IR a<J ¼ Jlcf3i.¾Jw J1a? ii�rate-i�1:E2!s:-=!UL�Jl]i:p$rXtlHJ\\, ;It* 5l.:lt-7G7t
�tlcll\'il, ill$.!:5��tl�Jc o
5. We're going to get school children in the area to research a local story, the life of a local sports hero perhaps,
and an artist will incorporate that story into paintings on the wall ofa building on the other side ofHill Street
from the supermarket. $.1fl;Jf#J _Pi ��':if RE'J!i:-1--.:f-..±.. M:. :if, ttda-iJt � ;1'!,-1.i#- if a}]£. a'] .1..
+ o M.16-iff-1.i t; ;K �.te.ii-t-M:. ::\f ,\¼A.fU &111' 'f o ii &t1ic;JHL(I.Hill Street.1. a'J ;t! rj, itdi) k#a'J .ti!l-.1. o 'fFrf
JH-fU/Hl:i:ffiincorporate...into ... "�t · · · · · -Ni�X' o

ffi11~13:;/:):Jzi;�Jl] o
11. Jffi:$(1=j:i (!�worried about:E/::fJ)f %i� , .!:5 JI] f �1=1 f.l�concerned about!m 'f lr-lJ ,.'x. :'f'tif o A)§ (➔� a lot ofthe children
walk to the school� /:I:\ T ��ft,�, a :izi;J]JIAi:p (:1�pedest:riai1fl�xit, ri rJ��fX�� EEi 'f7GiA i.,Rtj'e!. �jffi::;lcjt!J'.lj

12. EEJJ/]f i:pa�overhead power linesJE'.1.l'L�Jffi::JCi:p, JtJ§m&11� to move the power lines underground (��-rt
��;f$�iiJ1.r)flP�:±\��ft,�,a :lzi;lJJIB buried:E/::xti·x 1=J:imove...undergroundE1�1r-iJ..'x.�� o
13. MX 9'1the power company have agreed to bear· the cost ofthis themselvesriJ !V-]Hi!J'.ljll;/f /:I:\��0
ffi14~2O:;/:)±iJ1.l!l@ o
14. !'l!J,J!l�f;t;:::n1.l'L:;hff;;J-'°J , ?!iU(iilil�it,8 t/itffi, JJ!IJ k)�� inix•Hil!. l!I :;h� mt1r1.l'L a to the right of*ffi"::(.f · · .. .. /1q
:f:i"Jll" 0

15. Jl]fi:pi'l�footpaths¾x tJffi:SC9=1 pavementsl101\'il..'x.iH(ti o on the corner oH/?i1:E11iBj:tJ3fft:tl o

16. Mat the entry to Thomas Street from Days RoadriJ k);i/:1:\Days Road:(.£ Thomas Street.A □ !1.tEJ�-fy)IJ0 75''£.
'fFrf �M;It:W:fi· IE 1ef01I!ffl¥ o
17. junction;t::;h"xJl.M.r □ "0
18. ��ft,�, i:p B%alfway down¾xit8 o � � PJ k) 1�ff� JE 111:� 111m , ITTi xilli:J:T ;It� ¾l&:f:EHill Street::flJ
Days Road fic!Y:11�:l:iJi.jj" o ff��m o
19. :zjs:Jl];j:§x,J tt�xfL �'£.7Gff�?HIJ., IE!:;hW R.�$:1J1.l'L1;t@,o on the walJ ofa building on the other side of
Hill Street from the supermarket riJ i:J ffilff!T(,:;h ":(:£Hill StreetJ:. 1:l�Jti!r)jx,Jini )c� (J�lf,\U:." o Hill Street:7GxiEJE
1.l'L, ;!tWJfmHlHl:rfbuildings, mfW:@F.1q��JJ!IJ¾Jti!mxtini(:1q)ct� o
20. intersectionj'/fi sq¾"-J-f M.r □ "0

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 117
Section 3

�,-J f·Z�J. Jr, A

J I t7J

WJ1t.$:�Danf!UeannietE·i-;-J•i,,ti:ll/:;f1iL :;lyJa.t;fili,-J5'rmi9J� o JeannieP:iJDan¾N B �-2� $ T�:!IH:U11, Dan

t'tiiJ § c.B�f!!J$�$i�f,flil9!5fiJ, :l:IH!i-¾:X:-HJ:�'r TtWWJo DanrtJJeannieiiU!'iiJUxJJffiB�i'iiJ� ,Jeannid!IH.>l
Dan�:brJ-��im1:!s!Jf rff!l o tEi,J[tfli1JJffi, WJ.A��yip;:fli'i],Jean niex�· § e, l'l��YiJitt!BlnJ;!JJ&:, ·1A1'11QJ.fiJTit
$$):}}tiSl;fil:;iym'.i'i�JJffil'l�'iW f!!J, fffiDanJJ!IJx•J- § c. El��YiJit'ttl', T lat�o

grant 11.Jl}J�� stamina n. MtJ, -(;$:tJ

eligible adj. fr-g-*iH�, -g-;j4\-i¥) seminar 11. liJfN�
sponsor V. m:Jl}] on the same wavelength �:fHl:l i'BJ El�,\!;',
scholarship 11. ��� �. -g-1s
desperate adj. �-1'W�I¥!; t��i¥) tutorial 11. ( *���ifil¥! )1't.l1J$m�
rehearse v.m� BtfsJ
frantically adv. �H.±fu, H.�tt!i, productive adj. �� J;x)i�i¥)
conductor 11. 1/H� priority 11. ftj\: $IJJJ
stretch v. 131'.�tJ �X�. if;1&\�fiJr�t incentive n. ziJJ tJ ; i?t£/jjjJ, wLl iPti
hockey n. Elllt�� tackle v. xiii, �IJ.

instruction n. %&t§i: ' j� � angle n. ffift

cooperate V. �f1= semester n.�M
ambition n. te}y)' $J'o]
dissertation n. (tt± litx

1. It was practically a year ago that I applied to my local council for a grant, and it took them six months to turn
me down. .& ;r; $ -.+wi � foJ :11!!,;;ij �lit 'f1 ifr Jl./J �½, 11!!.1f11t 1 -k ,t- Jl !fJ at fa] iE�e, 1 -iJi.. {r-J 'P ifi' o tum...
down:irri�t;;&�"1Jfl", Jlt:llt:l'�"ffig{g"o
2. ... but they're all so small that I decided to leave them until I was desperate. 1E.:lftl :k. :Y 1 , � Jut ;t ;r; 'f7
1, �.t-.w;tlJ at1l.j!}iJL o desperate��"�,'fFuar o
3. But in the end they took pity on me, so now I've just about got enough. 1E.Jft#-,1;1;,1f1 it�� ;f; l"1 •tfi-, ( #;- 1�
�� .ll/J )fa)j- v:HJl!.,tf.� aW{.&;r; $ t.Jj; 1 o take pity on somebody5ief-�"x1··.... ·c&�li'iJ·ttf' o
4. It's our first performance next week, so we're rehearsing frantically, and I've got behind with my work, but
it's worth it. T%Jk-i\i..1f1�-ik.�iti, fa)j-,-:,i_�{f.ffii..!Ht!!.;J1i'-!if-o �{r-Ji)RJl.�.*-itTT, 1E.k11i.1-¥- o
behind with something:f=IWJ;frl1 'rrl'J=l=l� .SC "3/tr; 3tt#-", :!_WriJ&:::5-}�L
5. And I also joined the debating society. It's fun, but with all the rehearsing I'm doing, something has to go. �
:if.}J11A J ¥>f'i0;i-.±., 1P<-�� ,'& 0 1E.JJl!,{f.�*if- $ ;jjJs!:t-, -1'1i"-1''%-.1f-l/'-Ji 1] n;i};, ( "[jj\,,;rk,k 't J ) o t[:;zjs:1') 9'1

118 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
go;f,�if ffl:llw1J"jE "li..X:"�3l", $.Jll1f01r 1J"int, 1iJ:."ff." o
6. I'm not very good, but I'd really miss it if I stopped. I decided to try tennis when I came to college, and I'm
finding it pretty tough going. I'm simply not fit enough. �-tr1.)f:r-; ktr, 1£?.jo*;f�jJo 1�½�f-'ij\' �¼, ( \!lJ
tV,Ji..)a<J o Jil1]..l:..:k.#at�Jt,t,'iri;\Ar /#JJ,Ji.., 1£?.ra ,R�JJ\1,;k,,* 1, �ttl;.fi-.i.ltJJ� ¼ s!l\�± o ;$:1i]i:j=isimply ;f,rJ�
:FJl!ffJ!(,1J"r□J•±·t!:!.'', ITTiJ.j\ZJ.ll!f01(,1J "fij1[, ttJt¾"o
7. I think I'll give that a miss ! � � � ;f ½ � ho a{J o give something a miss 1-J � JE ti We , '.@: Jg " ;f,
¾1i\x*$" 0

8. I like the way we're exploring the subject, and working towards getting insight into it. �.g-5(X,� 111 Jt.oJLit�
F-l ilt.Hif 1;- a1 '7i" A., :z-; Mi"- :h R1-lt �iJjU;rJ a1 J:Rfoifo insight into1J�5E:J'itjtjc, :FJl!ffi!j',:1J"�ATffi!f' o
9. She gives me lots of feedback and advice, so I've got much better at writing essays. :!ltti¼�;/[li R1ttt:f"�ix..,
fo.lj' v:,l,�,(i:_ i0 k� tf-jj" di'1 � 11!l:k..t.!t � o I've got much better at... �liiJ-=.fbe good at.
10. Maybe you need to do something different every day, so if you break down your revision into small tasks,

and allocate them to specific days, there's more incentive to tackle them. -\l:�;if-1,t- ',if{; �4/j:-:k_ 1& � ;f � � :iji: H1 o
fo.lj' VA jo 1t.te.!. � if:-45--0'A1tl J ,Hf-45--, -ff-;je,�� ,J,11-45--0'/Jii'..fU -A--/,f.a{J 4/j:-- :r.._, 1,ht½� � ;;Hry -=9) :h
¾ :;t.A o break down:i:kfil.¾"5tfO!j'." (:1t'.@:}�,; :ifl.f "t.!Jl:l;f, :±l 7.i51: lij" FJt.J.l\l o

;$:"'11 �r B'Jiz\;i$B(�21 ~26BHBx. -= *�±Ji:£B(�27 ~30B )ITTi¾, xlliN¥::k

J f

21 ~22. izl;r.fff 9:i at p;J 1ra)Jl'(X 9::i JVf ililtl:\ JJ\l To X q:i tt 7t ML& itJ local council"� ii grant, 1.§. ti ;g !Stir...
n,m me down o 9 Dan� :@J �)'Hit¾ the boss of the company I used to work for@?"J r.iJ l2}, make a
contribution o � l'ii.J lft.. � � (:1t ��fr£ El�-, Dan ii�� 1° rLl f@. 'fFri r1�- 1:1:� JJ!Ll ;r, -f, :51;- f/H. o !½ J§ � rLl , ::'it -!±J: :if �
rTffl�o :51;-�'fFri�ff-B§�:±J�-ff�X-7tJ§•rr-• ffi&T�¾--�, 1.@.A�izf�
)II])! ff JJ!tl ;f,- 5E �X. i::J::r i':l:\ lJi.\ 1 1t Jll]n J'f tB I� if o ff • in fact jf-1] to my surprise -� "J§ :'ft 5il\ iJ//1 ft.�, " ID!

�1HR o
23 ~ 24. :51;-� 'fFri fl:1.Wstretch-ii',J flt 1'i- 51.. Jg" 151:'. *&i � EJrrJ�, ft �fj lV- il:!:" o JeannieiA Jg-if II�tli/ttr-;f,rJ�fse §I
stretch, •tli/JJ\l;(:E at t!P:1 ;r, l!J$, 19: rl�nm c.
JE �I at'fFu>.lt o �=rJ;-jJ}l'( lzsl �x!H.filfO!j'. o JeannidA1Jl.!\ltEEJr
illfiBt�1 tfi;�i::-mi:SBt1BJ, 9J�1ix"ff--@*WT, ¾j�z•¾"a�·raJ;r,l!J$ffl" c

25. J}l'(j(��'ti];f,x!L *tBl.!ll�:.ii',J o ffl.BJJ)!r.j�(1tinferior-ii',J¾ffll(,Jl]Jdt, tli/"!fit�Bt, t�------�(lg" 0 DaniA.1J

����Bt1:JTW$�����,1.@.§lc#�;f,� o
26. ;$:Jl]xjtJ.i'fl� iWj o :51;-� 'fFri Jf- Jc �J_filffllf,J}l'(j((:101"-51.. ;;t' rJ�iz\; i':Jj _iE lif(J � � o Jeanniei!,'G� #ifi demanding, � T
*ik1&$&1.:1UnJt·W.., fse*M0essay writingl.f Y:f&::katBiWj o AJ.JJ!¾Dan(:1txl,�, r.iJ lV-1i:ti�l,fi o Jeannie
.!ll.rt·/A-jJdemanding, 1.§.;=JH.!itl.f � §I c. ri0WH�ill1'r:X•J t�, i'i!zBJ.fffl&M'Wk o

27. B-=f q:i (itpast papers:1Jft.1%ii',J, ;(:Ex,Ji15 1=!=1 PfriLlB�·JjiJt��mlff.fJ T, ZJ§"DaniJU1tthen what*ffi� tJj l�
T-r])! p;J!&=, -=.F¾1�Ji;g tl:\ :OOBtrevision priorities&ll :1:J��f�L�, o
28. ��tii;ft\'lB-=fJIIJnfff:&t,(�:±J o on a cardZJ§, JeannieBiLlyou also need, ��timetablellnf&fl :±JJJ\l 0
29. Jl]-=fq=i�divide�J}l'(j(i::j�r1%reak down�liil51..ff¥k: o
30. B-=f q=i i'.10each topic�-=.FX r.j� p;j !&=E10JJ}ij1'fJ:1llJ:Jll, �ti;JlFoE1ti;"ti',.]9;lH'gsingle paragraph&!l:1J�� o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 119
Section 4

:zjl:Jt¾�=f7f:;}c5flj�JJJ({:l: �(:1<:J1'::i��jjjjj(:1<:J�lli�HIH!r O �±ll!.1'::i�ljjjjjj(t<:J�nH?:JJJTDynamic' Yam 5f!JModern


aboriginal ad). ±�81 curvy adj. 1f i tHs ; � ffll �

symbolic ad). � 1iE tl: 81 resemble V. fj, �m
characteristic 11. *HiE , tiJ ,8 miniature n_ fJ&fill 00 @i
categorise V. ;j%.... --Jj'� marine adj. ;l5$BS
artistic adj_ Z::;f� prominently adv_ .lm.�±fu
dynamic adj. �?.sBS, 3tJlll5tfJ � intrigue "-��------��
significant adj. 1J°�::k:�XBS serpent 11. !llt( )tj@i:;k:!llt, �'t't:)
depict V_ 1/a�, t/a@i kangaroo 11. �mil,
static ad). Nj ?.s 81 crocodile 17.�!§.
stick-like adJ- 1'��81 coincide v. �-------¥Jl:
naturalistic ad). �?.MS disruption 11. ili.i5w, liflll/.
internal adj. 17'.JflMS inspiration 11. ��

skeleton 11. ��

archaeological adj. *ti°BS, *ii°¥� accurate adj_ ffl�BS

fieldwork 11_ iH[,�tfuifal* identifiable adj. oJmif- 81
contemporary adJ. �1-\:BS complex adj_ ��81
interpretation n_ Iill.Jl/f., flll/.ff unintentional ad). �l:°i!&�BS, x�BS
engraving n_ /!lltrilJ( :;f ) ; #& @i disrespectful adj_ x*LBS
footprint n_ JE.xit priceless adj. xifl-81
scholar 11.¥:,1ef fragile adj. �Ji$�
mystery n. t$fi,ss�!Jo/.J precious ad). It�BS
illustration 11_ !!Ifill/., f9�fil intact ad). ;jfff7ej�9q

1. The Australian Aborigines have recorded both real and symbolic images of their time on rock walls for many
thousands of years_ i.lJt k. :1'1J 312. J!f. 1:t � e, �#�.ft -t Jf-;(i.. � Ji!\- J:. ie, )lt.1\1!, 111 fo)j" !It at 1\ JJll. � a1 J.l �F- JJll. � a1 &ii
ifu a symbolic�::'.0 "a 1iEtU1<:J", tE;z!-;:1iJ �1=t:iillifr11i'.JJ "�l::JJ\\� r1<:J "1!1111T=i"ift a

120 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
2. But the first human images to dominate rock art paintings, over 8,000 years ago, were full of movement. 1-�-JL
8000§; 4-#rir-J-f.JtJJ.i.iJ.LA:i@, 'fa(; A..4hM � ip Jti� T iji �o movementr.fJ IV-*:it"�i;JJ"TI,)t"zI/Jft-", tE�.fil
xrk� w , rm
m(JaJ�*:it(:1<J l.U[tlr!::�i;11 a<Jm'.!iit�'.fl*, !!I JJtw :'.tsr "zI/1 m.�" o
3. In the Yam period, there was a movement away from stick figures to a more naturalistic shape. ;{i. YamA:i@,
atJ(IJ, t'Uk.Mt,-jf-cki; foJ Jt;i;o m t.Mi(; Mt,.$½ :it a Yam-iftJ5&::1Sl"t= ¼W", ��l1 Ji'Jli:�i�)'/,:Jf{Ji:iF(,f Bll� a �fil�i!t
/ont T :1Slft-i.tE�-f:ltWl' ;r:j��ifili-f;;f�,ft-Yam period.
4. However, they didn't go as far as the Modern style, which is known as 'X-ray' because it actually makes a
feature of the internal skeleton as well as tl1e organs of animals and humans. Yi .7iJ , YamJxiA�-:if. ;f- .&.Modern
lXl.* o ro {-i.t#!.J 'X)t,' , llsl .h � � J:..'t €r-J4t .�.JL#itfc T iji 4h:foA..aHJ-�.&.� 't o ;zjs:la]�;j:i.J t�$.Ji:gl5j°}!,
&,�JLJ:11.!fffi\lV-rmi-N: as far as ( f� · · · · · ·-;W), as well as (=J:f: £1. ) a .:!�:Ifx·ii'iJfiJJ§-WrJM<J �:1Sl=J:f:1LllaJ a
5. The Yam style of painting got its name from the fact tl1at it featured much curvier figures that actually resemble
the vegetable called a yam, which is similar to a sweet potato. YamA:i @, JA.* llsl :h $,. Jtho � ::I:! tlli, M t, ,Tri 1-'lf­
,.g o �flf1 Ull�%��/lffi__t:f=JA�fi)'{ f1/ 1 i1LJ•/:!"1,l(i<Jf£'.i[*, �{!;.("f i:/"t/:t(l<J±1fo ;zjs:laJr:p'&F(sJ/P]f:V:fS-J)/PJo
6. Aborigines managed to convey the idea of the settlers' clothing by sin1ply painting the Europeans witl1out any
hands, indicating the habit of standing with their hands in tl1eir pockets! �31: :k.. ,r1J � Hi 1i. � ii(, if] v;l, ;f- @, + a(;
7. In fact, fish didn't start to appear in paintings until the Yam period along witl1 shells and other marine in1ages.
� �J:.., !Rir-J M �1i.f1JYamBt1\;r:fi:, ff! :Jt.&.$,.tt!!,�if-.1.4hM �-� ::I:! JJ!,;{J..,fil,-tjc 'f a marinem(�tlii"�"i'¥o
(1<J", tf;zjl:'ti] r:pmarine in1age:ffilffll(, :1Sl�7¥o EJ<J�� 0
8. The paintings of the Yam tradition also suggest that, during tlus time, the Aborigines moved away from
animals as their main food source and began including vegetables in their diet, as these feature prominently.
YamatJI}] a(; &ii11-i!!..4. a}] , it - n')-J(IJ J'.f 1i. � a(;-tJ:.-it ;f--11i-�+#14h11 .h .i.*1t4h* � , e., f£ -jf-ck/; •U,Ut a it*
4t .�.;{J.. ,fil, 11 'f �F 'f. a}]� a
9. But we decided to study the Rainbow Serpent paintings to see if we could locate the animal that the very first
painters based their in1age on.1£A 1f1 i}t ,t.J;Jf '.t[,:fJfu.!kt&ii11, F-1 a(;JL 4\:-.t� ::I:! -&-fa(;@, {-f1j-1-tz-t,%a(; Jl1"Tt1'#J
4h a locate-ii'iJt£�·�9:iflt1il tl:\ l'J\l, 5&::'.1Sl"JE1:V:, �W" a
10. This flooded many familiar land features and also caused a great deal of disruption to traditional patterns of
life, hunting in particular. Tit-§; j� �a(;��, � at J{t#M..1. ii-1$1:Ar!.A T ;t.!l.:k.. a(; z.t:tr-, .ic:.$
#i- a flood-ii'iJ IBfaJ {t-;g Wt!L i:ilft-zI/JiiiJ , 1:E�.fil¾zI/JiW tfl); ?51:"(:1<J :if#:,[� a

m31-36/ffi:1Slmimclffi, x!Eflt!tli:iW/i alffi I� trt'<,J �l:::i!m:, x. ��(:1<Jic·IZ.7J5flH.ill/iii?JJ�>l<.!tli:iWii a m37-40:'.,ls,J:lS::JIDil, i'l�I
x,J·f8f!(,!. o
31. ®FFJE1:v:iftJbones¾x•Jm(X 9:i B<Jskeleton11<J IPJ5<.ff:l£a ��i:iJ �,fflff:Jfi·.¥:.®hi'iJhowever#!IJ i!lr:m:�11§,'&, te JJll
EJ<J1:V:'i:, ffifrii'i]J§- B<JModern style�Jl jg��{]§,'&, a
32. ��J½'tElaJJtm.&Yam style, TmJ§-/1'-Jcurvier figure:'.1Sllfil/clffi.¥:m!, -'=5/ffi-=f r:pa<Jrounded figureMJJi a ���rt,
*::.:Gl:__llliffi\curvierEl<J� 5<., Jlt/ffi�-X?!/f!i(, ti:', a
33. ��fffi'�'.l�JJR&laJ�J=imfLlr:1<Jifilift-JxL�, 11:tffiffFttW-'=5/ffi-=fx•JJ]iJ<Jli'iJYL m(xi:J:iJtmILlModern paintings rif..J­
-1-W-.�:!i!::ifilift-r:p B<Jiif� .A�t.§t;(ef-=p=J:f:;-(:EJ§-mtil'i:l£ i:/:i (without hands), :X1iJIUfJ.:W 1=p(:1<Jwith parts missing a
34 ;zjs:JMI.x{Eflt::.:GiW/i a m(X r-/:i fl<J miiuature1i:t�x,J-Jjizjffi -=f 9= 1 El<Jsmaller than life size, .EL I� fifR *ff-;:i!¾Dynamic
figuresJ,l.:f=J EJ<J!f.r-,� a
35. ��Wl'J\l1:E{]§,i/i!.ii'iJin fact z.J§-, fish, shells ;l<riother marine imagestEYamflHt�Jff�il ti:', l:J\l a -"'
36. ;zjs:JMit�mOOmYam period:it!:fi·�J!ta �;ftl•�mWr.!,\l-;W��fl<J'tl'H£tE:f!L'Gl,��r-pf:1t:f=J��, ��
::.:G�xt § i3 a���f=�·tH,t a /ffi-=f r:p B<JplantsMJ]zm(Xi:J:i(:1<Jvegetables a

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 121
37. Rainbow Serpent!m-=f)JJ(ifrJ:mJJll a :ii!i:iil�FffUWf1Jt:ll.tffiJ�;g ifrJ a X r.p E-f!identify��-=f r.p El�locatdElx•JJ.iiZ, Jt
J§ 1¥.J animal&P :3/-J�� a
38. 2js:@i'l���1§ ,@,;/��li., Jm-=f r.p (:1%igherMJ.iiZ)JJ(Xr.j:1 El�risingo
39. traditional}� T )JJ(ifrJ:mJJll, .<:_,I§� lr���1§ ,@Jmnting in particular, � Jm-=f r.p fl�especially huntinglm jPJ S(!f!j
40. 题干信息词symbolises对应原文中的symbol,symbol之后的creation即为答案。该题难度较低。

122 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

Section A: El ,t.� •;f±. if n'�)f ;l+ :J:i

Section B: El ,t. 'f • ;f±. if "k-:-t f.� -fr­
Section C: :st.�Hii if.J 1t m
Section D: El -t-4:i •i;)t a� .;jc;pft i/.L,J'.le.
Section E: :ko1"f �\1 .ll}J ,ra ill:.• 1.
Section F: El -t-4:-t•:att if A-1/J a��-;t.

�•!wm�: ;zjl::\Wji'.J'-JYES/NO/NOT GIVEN]llip;!,j�¾9'.5} jf;-=f--, 1f1iiH��I!R1��'.5-}(1'-J��fllJiiifJ<4t-§JiJtt
J&m:ftjl)C�llffi]'UI�, }'z:;fJ)���(i'-J�§, 11�¾:kl�.r!Ro

1. attainment n. pjt)j'ft; �� :h
She is a young woman of impressive educational attainments. cill!!.Jt. -1.i • Jk. A it � M a� .+ .$1: -x-f- o
The Ph.D., a traditional degree, signifies the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment.
2. variation n. 3'£1-t; 3'£'(;$:
Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation. 'lit ip a0 }U#t-!.f- ,(t, Jt_,tf. ill #J o
Most of his poems are variations on the theme of love. -f{!,, a� i4'-f.Jk.k J, �Jt.,tf. Jfl ;f R � A.-f./k.1tffi :t -tt o
3. consistent adj. -%[1¥-J, ��:l!0-1¥-J
She's the team's most consirtentplayer. clll!!.Jt.1:�A.�J.t•lt-;.t_a9:i&,+ o
We need to be consirtent in our approach. � 1fl-1-lt 7f-Jfll - Ji /J9 -}j- it.o
4. standardise v. HHir-,!H-t
Attempts to standardise English spelling have never been successful. /.tti!.�:st.t#-� 69 *;;ffA-1/J i±.o
We will extend and standardise legal services and provide effective legal aid.
5. identity n. �f7t; ]E]-•ti
Our strong sense of national identity has been shaped by our history. JfJ :lt..:itit T � 1fl {!f.!I_ a� �ihA R � o
My father experienced an identity crisis in middle age. � x.. ft ,!I. 'f .+ at '!&.Jfi T - Jh iA R �,;j:JLo

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 123
6. loyalty n. ,'it',i/.ix.
Elizabeth understood her husband's loyalty to his sister. ElizabethJ.'l'.Jnf :l ;iz_J(t11!!-¼¼I/.J ,\f,1� 0
In the rural areas, family and tribal la_yalties continue to be important.
7. set out i.5!11, �:1'4�; jJjJ �
Her work is always very well set out. M!,,g,.,t;/e,.:Lf\:4c-.t1Hf :lp �(jlf o
He set out the reasons for his decision in his report. 11!!-�;/!1 % 'f lilll i!. T .ii:l:.ik it.1/.J:tij_ lfJ o
8. accessible ad}. ��!JllMIY-J, �•IIIY-J; �ilJjt:IY-J
He wants his music to be accessible to everyone. 11!!-;lfi" 1: 11!!- a¾½ ff; ii!i.1� JI; 'ti o
Computers should be made readily accessible to teachers and pupils. *-i-J:.,t- .!/iji � '¥ !1.{[1jj� rn J:. ��it o
9. elaborate v. -W:tlllM�
He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further.
McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning. McDonaldJe.t�#�-i->taJl 11!!-�JJR1/.J }w.. !Zi].
10. supplementary ad}. ;j'<j,3'Eag, WM�IY-J
We need some sujJjJlementary reading materials.� 1/1 �'#;*-c\E;/<r jf.,/)i]�##.
These conclusions are suppkmentary to the formers. �c\E �iitJ(tnif Jd1¾loff-:1[.Jg,_!tl T ;/<r jf.,1f Jf] 0
11 . foster v. ±�� ; ±�-g
The bishop helpedfaster the sense of a community embracing all classes.
The couple wanted to adopt the black child they had been.fastenng.
i�.Jit ;!z_:!1=1 ��t�11!!-1f1- 1U«#a¾ !1�� ,W,A.,J,.Jt o
12. accuracy n. ,!Hiffl'ii, ffi-fiffllt
He passes the ball with unerring accurac_y. 11!!-;-fi.1fo Jc.R��f J,Jdt T tl:: ¾ o
111e expert worries about the accurac_y of government statistics. !1�1i. -t �J_1e.,-:.; 't � 4&. 1/.J ;Jt .r1n •t:i o

0 i1'�0-iiiJ>[
proportion n. bt19°U , .:gVi)- keen ad). ��-=f

incidentally adv. /IID!if-t.l!; i/!l�±fu centralise V. if�i:p
cover V. �.15,
)!v).,l deliver V. �!Jjl,; �17
virtually adv. JVf; pattern n. tl:rt
state school 0.fl�;tt comment V. i.#i,f, m�
private sector flilt:J'Bll schooling n. �;tt$j:�
spacious ad). Jt re_& 81 ignorance n. 1c¾I
let off steam �tl-7'; ���*81fflfJ distribute V. jj-'.Jt
address n. 16Ji�; ftlllf comprehensive ad}. :i: mi 81 , tff< �81
mutual ad}. t§ :§: 81 , {&'.Jlt 81 homogeneity n. fi:;_xt,t
unstreamed ad}. 1'tt t' fJ 71' !JfS1 render v.iim7'1, if3tf�
neighbourhood n. ��ili81:ii!r1f, t±IX. circulate v. ��. �tS\1.
ranking n. m15; �m struggler n. 'is''is'1$=.tL81--"- (��t�J§i
concentration n. �i:p *��)

compulsory education )<'..*$j:-g contributing factor �iiffl81[Z5]�
presumably adv. r.Yi:it unjustified ad}. 1'0If. 81
inexpensive ad}. if'.§:.81 inspirational ad}. tt�A'L'81, Jg:JtJ�U�81

124 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
1. Traditional ways of teaching form the basis of the lesson and the remarkably quiet classes take their own
notes of the points made and the examples demonstrated.
• -��x:Wm�����¾-��E�.��rn��-•�M��ffiW�mAffiMili�ffi�­
• iif"l�L�: :i.:H�:rh1'f.lft5EHL ffftim:
People invited to attend the meeting are very pleased to share their experiences of hospital
1'.:.i!JiJ.;i,11 Jlct. ,k.½ix.a'] A 1fHR.,ffi1 � 0' 11-111!.1(1,r'.E. � l'.tR/l ��\IQ a'] tHit 0
Benefits of SOHO include decreased use of sick leave and improved working efficiency.
A majority of the international journalists surveyed view nuclear power stations as unsafe at
present but that they could be made sufficiently safe in the future. f:.. J, 4!:t-§'.:iH'J ;:./ij.->'hc.;/t,1/fli},..
Retired people still can make great contribution to society.
�1:f.-a'JA1n#..t.t �v.1-h�±½1;1:t :±: e f:..�mk o
2. Only rarely are supplementary worksheets distributed in a maths class.
• -��x: ��i�U:, ��ifi.RtE1\'kY 1/i!rtt!J6Lr�·-�;&-J!;Hi'1EMi):J 0
• iif-g ,�: only ti3ctE'r.iJ!f B,Jf:l<Jffj.�MtJ o fYj�n:
Only in this way, can you learn English well.
Y-.�:it.{-f-, 1,r,;,J-jj�c!f*�i½ o
Only after being asked three times did he come to tl1e meeting.
111!.�J.tif .=..,k..;,J-*�j;11½ix. 0
Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard.
111!. fo '!Jbr fJ j&j :ltl,, ""'r"fil. ;,J- tib.LA.A "fr .t1J o
Only in this way can we achieve what we want.
�-'r.iJr��M.%1:iJ.��1:iJffl•. M1:iJ�ffl•o ��:
Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.
�1.f1R.1!t at, 111!.;,J- 111-1,t1t,L

Questions 1-5
• Mi§ '.R:lli!: LIST OF HEADINGS
• Mi§ffi!Hir:
!f jf;, ��JJ!IW:%1-lll/}{Y�r� i:J=tB�:iiliWr1<JivJ:l)l;
:J#;.fl, �J.OO:Nr1=J1rgHeadings , 1JW\:;1c�ifi.Jo
i. :)(:Jrjl�'��lljnJ
ii. f# I!:/JJ§ill��
iii. 5( :9HX� El<JJj.Jt:i;JJ ;t:_6t]:

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 125
iv. �Jti& $Wl Ff n\ZijH,%JTj'E,c,t:i:_m
v. i/&$i:l!H1{]:!J�lli!t�:i:t
vi. i/&$Wlff19:Al8:t11£ 1:1{] tt�
vii. 1=1 *4'$r1{]ttff"�r�
viii. l=l ;2j,:.iJ&$ttffn\ZJJ1 J:IIJJHt
ix. tttr& t'l=� s½ t'l= m

IB-'% :@:ttim x: q:i :x-tmz ,ia �§ffiHfi

11:::3/:JLIST OF HEADINGSJ:IIJffl -1-R] §, .1Jt

R]:if ;fHilJ�xtJl (1{], lz;J j-J��illi i!J;Section BJ:IIJ
background, Section Blf 1:iJ: ½e�w�n•m�¾�*1=1*4'$J:11Jttff
1 middle-years Lower secondary schools inJapan "�:ffl: a :!rn*ijit,�ffjl§{i]i:pa<Jlower secondary
education cover ... schools*x, @R] §
�p El½rniddle-years education
iftrn a .iE fifll �. :3/:Jvii a
Monbusho:(£ X 9:i ffl - 71"( W :li\l\ -=f Section C, -&i
��-A•n••�rr��-T a �*��*
¥.9:Monbushoi':l:l J_llla{]!:::1r:
Section C: Everyone has their own copy of the textbook
2 Monbusho Monbusho, as part of... supplied by the central education authority,
Monbusho also decides ... Monbusho... I,!J. R :,k{iJ ...Monbusho also decides
the highly centralised national curriculum and
how it is to be delivered., tl i'iJ L!J. Ht iJiW W � - 131:
�i;Jj:Monbushol3½�111� a i1i1ITfifl'.J�-:3/:Jio
Section Dl§{iJ: i!J;l§{i])J)t��1�1UE¥Jr;2j,:.R]�-, R]-=f 9:I (:j{]format
3 typical format
Lessons all follow the same pattern. -'=jx_i:p(i{]patted-=ffi'i.l�!f�i± a i1i1ITfiffl�*1:7va
Section Em-;J\131::
...any strugglers would be assisted
by the teacher or quietly seek help
from their neighbour.
;2j,:.R];f��Xi£Jl, X•J@1taf,1&,:5t11l�J a Section E
Section Em=1J\@::
less successful Parents are kept closely informed
4 students of their children's progress and will
play a part in helping their children
to keep up with class, sending them
to 'Juku' (private evening tuition)
if extra help 1s needed and
encouraging them to work harder.

Section F首句: Section F开头设问道:“那么什么是日本数学

So what are the major contributing
5 key , successes 显然态度是重要的,然后具体解说态度如何重
factors in the success of maths 要。其中的contributing factors与key相对应。故
teaching? 正确答案是viii。

126 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Questions 6-9
• �§ffJll,1'fr:

6. There is a wider range of achievement amongst English pupils studying maths than amongst their
Japanese counterparts.

*��x: ft��l/&��ffi.����ltS*���*M��*•
:@'.{ftiii] English pupils,Japanese counterparts
M��miiil a wider range of achievement
Section A:
... have established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores of average
attainment, but there was also a larger proportion of 'low attainers in England, where,
incidentally, the variation in attainment scores was much greater. · · · · · · -iiE � , 13 '} a./; El .,f..#
X: i:j:l)(;j@,� ±���-��.Fl����1�00��"��" MJ # ± �t.111] �:k, ,/rill, J11w1�-iJL-GJ,
*�ffJll,�itJ,!J!:;!f!Jlwi¥it� where J§"ffii31�El�JEtl½JJ-fiJ. ft�{]'-�S WJ�l3���a�$J.#-fillfr
*il&M�t��*• :!.!n*�ff�fll;g' .tlt�§ 1�'ilJfm�n.ltNOTGIVEN 0
�� YES

7. The percentage of Gross National Product spent on education generally reflects the level of attainment
in mathematics.

*��x: �ft�Wk����f'�fflltM£*��&�1/&���*�•
'.i:Effti.m Gross National Product
M��mi.m generally reflects
*�1�?§�Ji:1iz.¥LlSection Af&J§"-fiJh!:
The percentage ofGross National Product spent on education is reasonably similar in the two
countries, so how is this higher and more consistent attainment in maths achieved? fJJ;J 1- 00 �
X:'tl:X1@,� �-��&iJOO�±P�«������-�El;j;:...��M���-��-�-�&iJa#A
:i!1-l'oJ fiJ � � El * il:/:A ri'u t2F f!JGNPf-P ��{gj; f'�][:iJf(:1�I/&� nl1J.#-f, Jn!. rt , �W7.K-11'·. f�:,r-.:
��11it1lmGNPil1:A i.tZ. Jlt�-tl1Jsl.1"f -Ji: MJ �/Witt.
�� NO

8. Private schools in Japan are more modern and spacious than state-run lower secondary schools.

*��x: s*�����1t0�M���tt.�m•.
�ffti.m private schools , state-run lower secondary schools
M��mi.m more modern and spacious
*�� -=Nl!-�,J� t��:!Jc*�fffti'l�NOTGIVEN�§. �1-fi }�, i\'iJ )( � Section M� /:lj 3:Jll,
X: * 3(;j@,�
;ii, fElJ¥Jt:;!f!19:1"f:J'JHLl�§�Jif ill,(:i{J:!Jc*• :i!;trl•����§, x,J''f�Jnu:&Ll4¥Ll:&Ll7¥3Ut�
��1n, mw:t��?§�.

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 127
9. Teachers mark homework in Japanese schools.
*;;1;ti:x: 1:EB*�$�£.��*�m���.
�f.fLiii] mark homework
fllU��ftiiiJ teacher

Pupils mark their own homework: this is an important principle in Japanese schooling ... "if 1.
:x: g:i x1tiz,� m c..-itt?.t 1'\i �: ¼,ff. El ,t.aH':.:/3t;ff.1f <I' !l!D · · · ·· ·
*�JE1iL11t�,1;��rJRTiff1, i:iJ4�f'MIJhl9rl±l%�.
�� NO

Questions 10-13
• � § ffl'ftrr:
�* M -t .:Pj .it.1i:.
iE.o/ij :iltlJij ,ff. <I' fa]

IB-'% :@:ttim �§ffiHfi

�§: B*l¥-.l!l&:¥ttM:
A. 1fi- :m�'.©: , flj-'f$'.:!:.�* 0

B. ��it-JlIT, Jlim$'.:!:.1/f>R.
C. ��Bt�.r[{JUflHE!.f!f''fl §lt§ti!iit-.
D. ;(:£if$ B *ttffeµr:p�¾W�)(),:jffi.
x1EiZJ�rt::l'c cl:i:f=rrm�:
-� 1:£Section C 9:i $ : These textbooks are, on the whole, small, presumably
10 maths textbooks
inexpensive to produce, but well set out and logically developed.
J'j-� 1:£Section Dffi =;J\IBt �1=1 : The impression is that the logical nature of
the textbooks and their comprehensive coverage of different types of examples,
combined with the relative homogeneity of the class, renders work sheets
:l2': w-1 1:i] -J,-f!; �1=1 � well set out, logically developed, the logical nature,
comprehensive coverage)}JU§ �-'f:iz\;Jg!Br:p �well organised. t!(iETiff1%�::hB.
� §: 3--tmi1¥-J!/&:¥�t.&:5I )dl1,
A. $'.:!:.1fJ@l%JlllH.&J:s%=iJJMI.
B. $'.:!:.��1Ut!ttt4 4'1.
C. 'E�tI!tWt111ru-1" 'L.'±illfwfc��$'.:l:.fJJr.
D . $'.:!:.illl �t· �1f J:IH1il?'HI� fP3 JJJJ-.
;(:£Section Dffi=;J\IBt: After the homework has been discussed, the teacher
11 a new maths topic
explains the topic of the fesson, slowly and with a lot of repetition and
elaboration. CJln 9:i (1� carefully and patiently explained ¾ 5(1 slowly and with a
lot of repetition and elaboration(:i<J fi'i'J 5Uf'.il£, w-1 *:lf�¾�Vj�j_f5:-t 13�:tki'/½, J?hfl�

128 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
IB-'% :@:ttim �§ffiHfi

fflJ&:}l!;VtS'�JWJil- o
:Q\;JJ!Bi1-'f�f!ix1, UJ IJJ/4-BtJsH/l,� o mJJTIA¾tEt�mJ:-1J\�1ttr!!xtfill'.MJ
Jif;Ti", ·t!LJ.ilZfttJ!lfll:j* o if{ifg��::;/gCo
■ §:•��OO�ffi•�fi�-�•�?
A �1ili111:ifil�a{JiJ1Hm-'ir-a
B. lzJffh1tMfJty�;Jst1th$:1:a{J1till'.o
C. s!lii!! 1ili1f1ffllff:::;lg1ti,.it1:zvti�i,.If 0
D. :J'f:;1iliff]�fll,:(:E--t-��_1JT--(:1{Jl})f� 9=1 o
students who kA 'itrRJ?Jt1:iJl!,\1LlWr1±',B, CW,jJJ!T-¾�� o ;fJ�-:z,, A;ftIDW,j,t-:Q\;JJTir:p, JLlm;¾
12 experience difficulties iljJJl,t-1y�?
)(_ � Section E � = 1j\ � Mk ¥Ll : Parents are kept closely informed of their
children's progress and will play a part in helping their children to keep up with
class, sending them to 'Juku' ( private evening tuition) if extra help is needed
and encouraging them to work harder. A:k:illt¾**�*f%<r¾tP:1$:�,
iEffx,J-Jj)I:Q\;JJ!A o
■ §:�tt�s*•�m�nrrn•�oo•m•w�••?
A. '2sl::;igi/&$:1:E 8 ;zjs:¾fH�il o
B.1th1f133 ·tM-'f19:1'J'IW DJJ�!ll § $:33 o
C. $:1:ff]f,J,'l:lW$�j:J#Ji.IE:Tiffi��1rl�!lff o
D. 1'#-:JJU!lt:½\!l�$:33 o
:iiiliifilFf a{JJ'1:iJ'QJ%rt;JE1il:¥LlSection F�-'QJ, � Pia{
- ] pg?&=�P::;lg��M'tE:
Clearly, attitudes are important. Education is valued greatly in Japanese culture;
maths is recognised as an important compulsory subject throughout schooling;
and the emphasis is on hard work coupled with a focus on accuracy. A r:p (J{j
hard work ff! a focus on accuracy ?f !iJiJ xt J.ilZ C J-]j! r:p a{] much effort f-fl correct
answers are emphasised o
B, DW,jJJ!::(:ESection F9�+�;;js:?9:1'JMklz; AJ.Y1£P.�Mklz, 1!3.�¾+N;;js:)Jj('2sl o ti!x
iEfvfJ��¾C o

- - - �¥��z�-
A. )jf}ti/&$:EJ{JJf:l!g,5JiJlITTi l§, 8 ;zjs:a%���tt���;ftlrot�±�H{t$ o 20tlt�c60:tpftl!-(*, )J;;Jt$:1:i/&
$:,61Z�§r1;1xa{J:k:I!: 00 �ifF;zjl: tt�T!Jf31:tiE�, 13;# a{] 8 ;zjs:$:1:_ Jf :l:5J?ti/&51!�, 111 Btt!LriE� 7 � OOlU.!ll
"��"a{J$:1:��51!:k,ITTi Ji,.�m-'QJ,�00$:1:5ti/&a{J��t!L�B;zjs:$:1:_:k�$ o p;l,j-t-00*tE

B. B �1}] r:p •• ::;lgst· .='.tp, kA 7:tp� ( 13;# ) ¥Ll9:¥� ( 15;# ) 0 ]1-IJZ- JY1'1r � -t-llfl' � 81$:1: il�:ill;jf 00 }L
$:�: ,R1'J3%tEfl.lLVlfZJJ?Jt� o $:�:iiil '!tillll&tt-l-1{t1lH.!ll1-Ut, �� Q, �, r!:i til1 OOfH t!11rl:k o �Y:'i:2'. �
i'BJ1&:k, $:1:�ffl (11¾fftfll, a%!ll.ll t�t� o ��il 1:111t� □t· 1sJ ¾tff-11H-t s{J so?t#, �J§-¾ 10:5-H-1!1 a{] �
�-��.UJl!-(il$:1:111��-� o tt�J:-l!-(ifrt;a{J����ffl-AAff�,ZJ§-�J&:fJ�•r:p
tE��tlR1tt$:J: 7 a (D

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 129
kW�m••*-m•��A-���-ff�*�**· $�ff�AA��ffi�Wfimff�­
�--.���ITT�ffl�W��m•��-�$�•m. $�ff§B�ttgk$,Me�km•
7$�m�. ��kff**•��$�fflM�•-�.ff¥���g-�#ff-�illA"�M�"
C.fflm�tt$n�¾·����.$�ITT**••�M��ffiili�-��Mili���-��. -�
$�1��§B�il:zls:,Eb� :9i!:ftfftJ1.frJ>Cfi!l'm'(Monbusho )t'H!:!;,�-tl1¾15� IV-r �0 �.!J:�±R.Wt
5l. 95-ftff:f�2�-W*. ,i�,1ij/HJl,��-�:z1s:1if,�•1J\, jjjiJ fFJrZ:zls:i:lJ0� t�•1F£,1Ji!JlrnJHU� ,�t1J
O ( � -1.ll�Yili�Jl1Jt.!\:& 'f ffft$il:zls: 9:i 5 I A-@.Jl!3;f-flMi!fil:1m:!it1��1'$ �iJ:zls:��Jz,�ff-tm
x��•r**�$�ffi*�· )•Tm��mw:z1s:.xw��m•��-�-���½�m­
��• tt.��M3����½ffiBffi.��k$�*�•*�-.����M%ffl�Z�.�­
E. ffi:1�ii-�¾,ffM6� JIJ15� �-� .>l.95-ftffWHBJ,$�ey0�t�¾ff0�jJ�-�*m£-�$
ff:'fi1lxJ\l��iJ�L' ff1ilJ� 12Elxt(t-J$�$���1�JIJ�Yili�'IW flJJ' :sJl;�11h1fJ�dr=1'tr=1ii�*'IW I!)J O ,i:,,

�fF�'IW&fil�#�mil§ili�$�mkmamoc. @¾, s:zls:AMMttff��ocffia•���
¾"Q���-w�.�-��Xffi�m". ��m•&�T-����iliffe,ff'IWM��-L*
am�nffi® T�PfFffl, &,�at1m1r1�t��r:i!¥1J"�W!C f-L1.31.��*r�:v,J1 )",#1t�mJJ1m1r1���
$�. �#®�%-��M%%�ff��-m��fFffl.
F. ����¾S*ft$ft$JrZ�����-�?B�.��¾Wm��.ff8*>C��.ftff&�m
Rm•§ ��*f�. "m:1izlJ;lcB'-JiJ�fr1�icT!le1f ��t1:¾!tR"�a�-:'f11li!ll ffl3H�i:l£ a :zls:�i*�,
��m�-tl1�¾�0�-tl1�0K�. m•�*m�•�••�•$W.�:zls:k•�•.gx�­
��tJ�il:A ■ tHF!� Ja �tl:.

130 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

� Hl: :ltPiJir-.t-.k;f--!k, � At-:!r�.&.. +tJfl

�2.fl: -=-1i't!k�t.:btPi, -1i�M.Ht;1J:.!ffei
�3.fl: .;f.-!k tht-k 't, � I ;ljt.lle,-ffe *Mt 1;-1.if.
�4.fl: 1' � ;'i+J a0 ot** 1n , ii<--$: :ltPi .;f--'t!k
ii;S.fl: .-1::-t.+1\/.J.;f--!k, -*•_t�.-1::-r�
� 6.fl: rj, Jhf!fi! .;f.-!k t l, A1'1" hre,•ti1/,\" of�l

� 8.fl : CIBC.:/ili � 1i:. , :fl] JlJ � � ,t. � !k
ii;9.fl: .;f--x..�.:!f.,J,�t+, .J.iffJ�a0��!k
ii; 10a: ±#J.;f.-!k i;l/Jt j , .;f.-J<.. 't!k ;f 'i{{ ·tt

�t,!Hiff-: MATCHING�:zjs::mfJE,�, J!-t-filiru!tl-f!!H�M-"'r--, fEl.�M1'1!9�:SZ.��x1L 't:E1�1H'.EE1tj·t1J�
W!Ht1f17flm�x1:5l., ::fn�t��?J a

1. counter-productive ad}. .r"�fltl.R%!:JIH(J

Sending young offenders to prison can be counter-productive. ,te, ),· .+ �r:..:i!.:ilt:.llii.-1>t-½if_,1;f *.&.. a
Increases in taxation would be countl'T-jJroductive. 11.if.{JL-½I'-±;j:�Ji..a0�At o
2. disorder n. ��, 1EHiL
A number of stadiums were closed because of crowd disorder.* JLJ.lli.#-1f 1�-t � /.JJ.....i.¥J}i�iLifi l;f] T 0

Everything was in disorder, but nothing seemed to be missing. --bJ;f,�iLt'/H\18 a0, -,E.;,lJt1t&. ¾ It- iffJ a
3. resistaru:e n. .:/1&..:bt }J
Aids lowers the body's resistance to infection. :,l:,iB:;ffei f$-1� 1 !#-a0.:bt� � �t }J o
To improve body's resistance is also an important measure to prevent influenza.
4. potent ad}. ��a{], 51�::h a{]
Politeness is the most potent rebuke to insolence. ;f-Lttk,t1j{•tiA*�a0-it� a
The treaty requires them to get rid of their most potent weapons. �i'��.i)<..1ti!,1fH�'i !!l$AJ!-.;f--1jj }J a0 ;i\,� 0
5. immune ad}. ��a{]
Once we've had the disease, we're immune for life. 1;\l-i±it-t-friz.16, � 1flth:.�±5Ul T a

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 131
You'll eventually become immune to criticism. 1,t-ifk.*½�1.f{-:.f.;/f_-f-i,l-i,fT 0
6. boost v. i.'Eill, l:\)'/J.rn
The new resort area has boosted tourism. # Ji 11i 1K 1,liltT it.;# J1,. a'-]:#...!&.. 0
The win boosted the team's confidence. Jli;;fH.t•T -±-�o
7. yield n. 1";, i&�
The average milkyzddper cow has doubled. %:f--.Joi4a'-J-f-:1$J .f'.Joi-i"illH T-:/.ij' 0
Shareholders are expecting a higher yuld this year. Jlt it 1f14-4- J/JJ .ft1-f{- .i1J Jt :k.. a'-] l§1 -tll. 0
8. necessitate v.>!J �-Wfi
Lack of money necessitated a change of plan. �.f._ -'$---1:-19:..1.f{-it:!i.1] ;f.1-f{-;f. ?k � 0
Tus would necessitate interviewing all the staff :i!_;yk,* ,j"(. in) i;\,fo}j"� � .I. T 0
9. outlay n. �ffl
For a relatively small outlay, you can start a home hairdressing business.
House buyers usually have a large initial outlay on carpets and furniture.
10. account for S···"'��'f§1J; �······ir-.Jfflt�
Afro-Americans accountfm- 120/o of the US population. �lo-it:!k. OOA. J; :!k.00 ,it-A. o a'-J 1i �z -t .:::_ 0

Recent pressure at work may accountJm- his behavior. :i'/k.ili..I..1f JI. jJ :k..-t!� vJ. )Olf-;ft11!!, a'-] .:ft 71 0
11 . perpetual adj. 7]< � a{] ; }#gj a{]
When you buy a house on a land of state-ownership, you get a perpetual lease.
We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear. J, 4-�� 1f1-1L1..if; ;/f_ f&•rfl. 'f o
12. minimum n. �flHN/Jt, �,Mt
The judge recommended that he should serve a minimum of 12 years, ii;-'t .:U-1(1{1,,i/k_j,',8.JlfLlf,U24" 0
He achieved enviable results with the minimum of effort. #. ffl ilk. j,· a'-] 1t tl:: Jf:J..1fT {--A.#, Ji a'-]�* 0
13. plague v. 1Jf/l, l!ltt
Financial problems continued to plague the company. :i!.�/,}-a) - 1L71 � 4}-1o] �j}j" l!l ;/Ji., 0
The team has been plagued by injury this season. �,t..} :i!. .l_ �A in.-1L71 IR. � a'-] 1% � fo}j" l!l ;/Ji.,o
14. devour v. ��; ��
He devoured science fiction books. ,f{l,_,-:i{,:r,J:JL1W&j �1*':fti, ,HJL 0
Her body had been almost entirely devoured by the disease. j\!!,a'-] �#-JL-f-1>/Jt:i!.:/t�;//.li:ltT 0
15. free v. ;\:!rll;ti; :JtM,; fie:� l:E
The cenn·e aims young people from dependency on drugs.
Art.frees the imagination. t ;j;.)Olf-JlitN. �}J o

reckless adj. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的 glaring adj. 明显的;耀眼的

synthetic adj. 人造的;合成的 wipe out 消灭,彻底摧毁
pose a threat to 对……构成威胁 agroecologist n. 农业生态学家
engender v. 使产生;造成 treadmill syndrome 跑步机综合征
emergence n. l±Hll1,; £� breeding potential 繁殖潜力
chemical-resistant n. tJcPJt!=. genetic diversity 基因多样性
lethal adj. 致命的 built-in adj. 嵌入的;固定的

132 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
havoc n. *li&'.tf self-dispersing ad). § fi5�Hl�if-J
intensive agriculture :tU�ID!.:&it predator n. [ziJJ l tmtt=i!f
an alarming turn
adv. ��±fu
n. ��; �it
n. [�]
n. P-ifr'U; 1·UI1llf,


invasion n. Ail; 5mA devious ad). ffB tfT if-.] ; ::f Jt BJl IE ::kif-.]
property n. ii1t: L 'ti jgj:; 9!t f" eradication n. tN�. 5�x
adverse effect ::f;f;1J�oio]; ff:! mfft.ffi nuisance n. lfH]Jf$; ii� if-J 3F-iffi
escalate v. ::f lffr;'/f-1.t, 1mmu parasite n.��.'E.
peril n.�� prey on tmtt
indiscriminate adj. if:�if-J, jjj;';.ffi/3� defoliant n. [.:&it] Jill,Otfr'IJ
natural enemy 72 'I& indigenous adj. .:,t,:±s{J, �±fuif-J
detrimental adj. ��/3� clutch n. *:t1i, t�%1J; ��tJRi::l:

1. By the mid-1960s, the situation took an alarming turn with the outbreak of four more new pests, necessitating
pesticide spraying to such an extent that 500/o of the financial outlay on cotton production was accounted for
by pesticides.
• ���:x:: ¥1J2ottttc60ir::1ti:rAA, ·lfff &�1�it!&it4- )._::pt:, X /:I:\ !.!1\ T !ITl;fri1 fffr� EL 1t1�nJJ\Jl'.!i;&f,ii'e�
� ff! i:5¥1J T tlil:.tE�f''#fff! r1�500/oo
• iif� ,�: 'ti] i:p B�with the outbreak of four more new pests{t=JJF-IW!tiW,·o
1. with+$f itl-+!J1\::(:E5-}W�JZ�:iHWi·
This article deals with common social ills, with particular attention being paid to vandalism.
2. with+$fi-r½+:i1 *:frii,JTI_H:lHWi·
With different techniques used, different results can be obtained.
-•�m�����. M *�*���o
3. with+$fifr+%!@:ii,JTI,H.Rifi·
With so much water vapour present in the room, some iron-made utensils have become rusty easily.
4. with+$f i!+:frii,J�.Ri8'
With the school badge on his shirt, he looks all the more serious.
5. with+$fifr+ii!Jii,]Jjit,J

1:\: � tit i.l*JLB tU� ¼ -Jt.

You cannot leave the machine there with electric power on.

2. In the face of the escalating perils from indiscriminate applications of pesticides, a more effective and
ecologically sound strategy of biological control, involving the selective use of natural enemies of the pest
population, is fast gaining popuhu-ity - though, as yet, it is a new field witl1 limited potential.
• ��if :x:: iJlr-i:ffl:.&PJffr'ftl'*r,�fe:1lf El fn-11111.ii!J lliTx•J:lt:Jil1 'i'/lf 6l, -f•l1 ]1'!;/Jll11·z*-f51�ffff ��El�'=E��

111/}, ep� !Jm JlJJ-'±l ?! , Wtit!&*it!&st;lXill! o :it�r�ml} :i:�¾*-f iil;:/f·l1±U1 ff ff!* -'±l W�7el5J:o ��g;4-1J 1c,

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 133
( 1) facel¥Jfflt!:
1)!/miYJifiJ, �V'1'"ffiJ!,ifJ, iEx1·; iEtl\1."s<Jf�,[l, �1:1:
The building faces the square. &-t .iE.�t:t Jh o r
He faced death with courage. ,fl!!,* J;j M!, iiiJ )(t §t i:-a
ll-iT fi=»!/miYJifiJ, facetl1ff::f:R!/miY1ifiJl¥Jfflt!, �i:i:
Our house faces towards the south. {§Jl-f,&][t#·iJl Our house faces south.
2) face B<J 1it .!A!,if,] �JL
face to face iiiJ � iiiJ M!,
lose face -¼ diJ -f
in the face of ,tf. · · · · · · a<; iiiJ -M" ; ;;f. Jiyj
-Wtl�Q: They fought on in the face terrible odds. �,f /J /:I( Yf 'ff , 1M"li£.,V1H� ,I;\+ 0
( 2) yeti¥) ffl r! :
1) «iUifiJfflt!:
yetfi=MUifiJBt1it�t J:l'l rNJE:13J 1:p, �Q:
a yet unfinished task -Jyj r¥i ;;jut A a<;if-jJ-­
It isn't dark yet. k:if.i9.:.*,W, 0
tE� l'i:iJ -1:iJ 9" , yet-:tnln&ffi" B �", �i:i :
Have you had your lunch yet? 1f-"ti± +1:&. 1 ".I!ci?
�yet�ftil1/i�:i!fflf11•, *ffi":it4'7-JJ.r.", �Q:
That's the best suggestion yet. JJ�](_:it_-4'-j.J .Jl:.J)l-!{ta<; ,iix. a
yetfi=«iUifiJ�ff "filf't; �"r:1��:,'G',
There is hope for me yet. $.:if.*;?r,� o
2) :i!ifiJfflt!:
yedi=:i!ifiJ□1·, :¾1i:"ftiffi; T=i :¾1i:"11<J:¥:,'M,, �n:

He said he would be late, yet he arrived on time.

,fl!!,iJU\!!,1.;-:i8...i1J , i.& ,7ii-4'p at .iU J O
3) if,J�Jfas yet*ffi";it4'::;lgJ.l::.", �Q:
No one, as yet, is suspicious. :it.-4'-:h .Jl:., :if.i9.:.*A.:'iM a M�1J,�fl:
W<'1fM. -f:Pj it ,f:i
ll!7 -t-izt .1yj �* ;t
t@. )(tonly-iM�·.:/f.
Questions 14-17
.iE. ;;ft! izt.1yj ,tf. 'f fa]
• @§ff!lHJT:

IB-'% :@:ttim �§ffiUff

�§ : fie: ffl 5¥--!±!. jf!J W.�$CT
B filW _c i.lf$!1l!.fra<J��;lc00 a
pesticides, C ilW_t¥��fr����Wi¥Jffl�a
contributed to DP LV.�fi,(sf��-1¥J��*mft�i¥)��.
3:!IIf(J[(, T @T�:iz\;Jj)jffi, -W!:JmJE:1ii:ifiJJE:1ii:�Y. 9=1 m 1.131:m21D :·Apart from
engendering widespread ecological disorders ... , 12!11'�� � J.=:!.ffBJJ)jZ·f-€i-it'r3J
f:fr:l£1AJ�, Jt�i" (.-t<Jimbalance,f§ �TY. 't'' l:l<Jdisorders, YrLV.iE1iifJ��::;/gBa

134 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
IB-'% :@:ttim �§ffiUff
. �§: l!;t@;f�1*l�1t&��tEHRct2�Jci,tt:l:\�i1300#�.!ll(�ffi. '2ff1
AB��NW�*$ftITtt�ffl�*�m o
B y �:irn31�f-f:l*�rfrJ*4���1M o
the Food and
15 Agriculture
C ti�tr;J;��$�,ft:!lwJi:p1#ffl�WJo
D*�e �-f-f:lft:*����!lwJ�ffiV���-W*o
ti t\s 5E {ft iiiJ r.iJ � tt m 2 flt: i:p :P� iU According to...the Food and Agriculture
Organisation (FAO ), more than 300 species of agricultural pests have
developed resistance to a wide range of potent chemicals. lzslllt��@it;:1'.7A o
�§: i:p�;fli�*/jl�;}f�fiefflffeffiri'tl
A IEl:1'.7iifUff B':J*jJ�1# o
B�@x�·fffrW�Ml tl:l JJi\o
cotton farmers,
16 C EEIT�ll£Vf114.119i:�1-t o
Central America o � uftl1i �,turn :tU1':i Fil:£$ o
EE cotton farmers in Central Americaey���t-tl!.'.iE{ft_¥m4fli:, ;l'J;i:p�g¥fc�
ff;S[ � : ...the farmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to boost crop
yield(:1-JTfiffd,\f;t�F, ;&�1fJffitff!f!!.1ff-f:l;&�), lzslll:t��1��.lfil.¾Do
�§ : jjlJ__ti!tt2.60fl:.f-\'.: i:j:ljffl, i:j:1 �irH �*fil�it!Ji\, ffe !±l. rfiJiEtt
A *JE-Ef*:t:.Ji -1-m W Etft El':J W� o

17 mid-1960s D��1fJttJ1:.__tA:Jfffl��*Zli+o
g¾-ililAH�:tt�tLa':Jft'¥B, ffl,1A':J��-�ifJ:1� 129-t-� *Zli +ilJt
iL T O Pft-(:1':JfmBx,.tJl-U)t¾@ljij)($:msfll:'.iE{ft:ll.t, ff�IIl�fi�S0O/og,t­
ft '¥jij � I� (:1':] ¾ {-j- ¼ o )( "P EJ ii : ...500/o of the financial outlay on cotton
production... eyJA!,g,t-ft'¥J!lIT{fit1µ(.;':J¾;&�l'J':J:ttJ.!', i&iEfiffl��jJD o

Questions 18-21
• B§ffJ!f!Jr :

18. Disease-spreading pests respond more quickly to pesticides than agricultural pests do.

*��x: ffffl�WJ�-��T;&��&@�;&�W�ill� o
jE{:lli.iu disease-spreading, agricultural pests
M��-i.iu more quickly
:%:tULlagricultural pests, }tlf:(:fr-{i:tUUdisease-spreading pests, ey ��:imx i:p*:lJIJi,Jt
x: q:i xtEll,� Tjl};jfiltW�Ei<Jm�ti, @#?!it�ill:fix,J ;to g¾Jll!-lli!MJNOT GIVENBID! o

1*,§1.:c&�B§ r:j=1 Mm&ri':J** o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 135
19 A number of pests are now born with an innate immunity to some pesticides

���x ��w�xt¥���mA�*�����n.
�fftiiij JiliJ!JT l5U!U %::'. 1il.1¼ ; born with
MB��iii.l innate immunity
Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic diversity, many pests are known
to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in resistance to pesticides.
a built-in resistancef0 � TBT"P El<Jan innate immunity, *iillli -=f �11!-�(l<J f15J5( iii]'®=�� 13<:J
YES@ o
�� YES

20. Biological control entails using synthetic chemicals to try and change the genetic make-up of the pests'

���x ����?¼fi��fflAI��m**���W�E�����do
�fftiii.l biological control
MB��iiiJ synthetic chemicals
*B�1il.f��xit!Jt, *�l*��.R�¥Umake-upmtifoffspring, ;JJ�¾.Jl:tBl'l<J�{iz.mJJ,Jt�;f!JL-
iill:1:il-. 1.@¾, *Q*�¥UTJGH<J�1il.iiiJ biological control, JJ,)t�;,ltJ.%-J$:B(:t<J�1il.,�U7m:
...a more effective and ecologically sound strategy of biological control, involving the selective

x q:i xtmz,� *, i,t�*��xtiff.. �tl'�lll&-

use of natural enemies of the pest population, is fast gaining popularity...
······-# Jt;iJo-ftz�J<t.�-/Jt.1:-a<J ±�Jit.4, !!p ±1hrrt �
�rl ■ �mkiJ.���i:t•����?¼����H�fflA���.��-§��x
�� NO

21. Bio-control is free from danger under certain circumstances.

���x �¥�ffi��.����?¼¾�W�.
�fftiiij bio-control
MB��iiiJ under certain circumstances
*B�$Jt�J7.i, tt•L-Bl'l<J�1il.kiJt:l:T.l'.t, �ffi7m�E-kiJ)J,)tfi��¥Ubio-control,
)tq:t3!1Jr,z,� .M- ffi]Jil)Jj5flj�{il.. *Bf.l<Jffj[(,@*9-lii.lunder certain circumstances�X i:j� i'l<Jwhen handled by
expertsf0X'tf.ili:, free from danger� safet0:Xtf.ili:, i'iJ(l�J.ili:jJYES.
�� YES

136 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Questions 22-26
• JI]§ ffilHfr :
;;t;:Jl]:±lJl]AC�tffl�"l='tEX�:lrilJ5r,irnt, ffl�Jl]3tJti1'tJ8Jt¾�11-'.cj:: 1HUI a

�� '.i.Ef.itim :X:ltl3!1E!Z,� ��Mtlr

CIBC is also perfecting the technique
filtl =tfr � 15 im 11� lq] 1:v_ ffi n,IZ 7t ¾ :x�- ' disapene
for breeding parasites that prey on
disapene scale scale' insects 1:1'9 fn� ff i,Jl Rf) 0 defoliantt/ii Jl!t Qi-
22 insects
' disapene scale ' insects - notorious
defoliants of fruit trees in the US and
:±\*Q)frl1 £R-=f�tHJ?f a ��%i=�:1:7Da
A natural predator indigenous to India, �iliJl]§�mJl]*•¾MM��mM�
Neodumetia sangawaru, was found that was devouring forage grass1�:%fii1',J¾
23 sangawani
useful in controlling the Rhodes grass- grass-scale insect, ITTi � ¾ Neodumetia
scale insect that was devouring forage sangawani, �Ji!IJ%i=�J�?e'.�J¥Jtik-iz\;A aiE1Vfl
grass in many parts of the US. %i=�J3ii:-�¾Ha
blighted �1-i1'tJ1IM:;���i),:i.�, �:i1:iil1:i1
leaf-mining ...flourishing coconut groves
were LTXJ3ii:ffiU·��ffi:±l¾���.m�
24 hispides plagued by leaf-mining hispides... ¾leaf-mining hispides�� T 1t-z. o ti!i:%F�
Argentinian ... trying out an Argentinian weevil for wipe out1:l�-}[I,¾ "WER", i-B�'fX'flA�
25 weevil the eradication of water hyacinth.,. eradication, i&%i=�:1:7E a
By using Neochetina bruci, a beetle
native to Brazil, scientists at Kerala �iliJl]§�-�tE'f����*$.��
Agricultural University freed a 12- •�•Am•u**�.���?e'.��m
Salvinia kilometre-long canal from the clutches JtiE0%/Ji1',J, tt.:!mfreedf!J infesteda 1tt1'tJm
26 molesta of the weed Salvinia molesta, popularly 1tn'Z7tthis weedfil?e'.�tlllikffJli'.o :!ln*��-
called 'African Paya!' in Kerala. About ��1-�r�L��.iE�%i=�Bfil��
30,000 hectares of rice fields in Kerala •:m¥1JTa
are infested by this weed.

�1��JJS15!: -
17 T:/QtM�£R, A1f1�1�t1!1:;ic�itfflAiil-r��1t�FJ!lm, rm��iil:Rfl, �-fi:1:7�1�Jt&, �fr&fF-!im;filA
��f;Rm'*T�nJJa �T�Ji\t:;/d�fffi;El���;Ji;iJlil, �!E.JflJ�ftT-:JipM'}JtFJ't't���Mi��fii-ffefffia
合 Ii ffi�2itR.)lH1W� ( FAO ):!rkili:13�-JJJf 1iJf 31:'11ffi , Ml:i1300:Jil1 aM�illt.� !E. B�2:xt $;pp�Uf� !E.JflJ f'
�T=rti:FJtL l!F:i:�¾ :(:Ef�:fif*ffef(;��!E.1:P, �"J�lOO;Ji11B�:X; $;frl1iEtEitffl��£E.JflJf'� T �:15!:jJ 0
!Im, ���!Jm��-:/QHtlJ�£R�:l:i'.l�i1)1·L�a �J¥Jt-'ir�T�illt.����JiJriJlW'R1gt/7HL�il-vE"a AffJ�flili,
IEl:1:7 "ii
�$�£R•A��*�•mm.1Jf!J��$� tt.���rnn•m��*il-n'Z���FJ�.�rn�ff�,15� a


"Nfil�VL�"s<J e::kWi::Cf jJ;i':E 9'1�V·l·lt/ll:&B<J:ill'li/! 9'111eJ,iLl7 ffi'.mlo 2Ot!Hc4O1¥1t-&'1-Wl, A11T1EfltfJiW1:E
IV, 1-t$ F5ifbJg £Titll B<J if jfW;&}]k_Efr'flHIE Wit� 5RZ "P 19 7 rif(J 1�iUif/ r"' ' ;& � 1f1 :!ffi"Cff :l:tMfffit{ gtj f:[2Ott!Jc4O

1¥1t9'1WI, -1¥�ffi81X�.!1lffLl o iLlT2O-1t!JcSO1¥1t r:j�WJ, El:1 "f3;f!l1fffrW=mJ1jW.!1li¥J//&it���Ulll, ffiFJiX

1/&:l:if/ �-*)Jt281Xo
iiJ2Ot!Hc6O1f{ti:pWJ, ·�m1f:1U�it4-A7G1<, JUl:\:l::J\l 7 4frPffrW.!±l, 1!£:11e),PJJrm;&FJ(1<J�m r:!:iilJT fill
1-t�r"'!ffeffla<JsOO/oo 2ott!Jc 7O1¥1-c:rJJ, 3ffl�J!sii\£12Sl s<JW.!il���Afi;& III ,;& �fltil.UIJ7 �fg�, ;&FJ1t!ltri!'if1::
}!k_/t:m�ilJ 7 -*flt7O7Xo
�00 ff*VLHJ B<J-JffHiJfJEJfil.ff-;, � 61 m-:l:m __t El<J:;k:$:fr;&FJB<J3&!Mt!: , i3 I it£ 12S1 � 3t 89 ilt!: %ii Jt1mfe:W
9ma<J tt�fil*�u�UB<J�OO o �OOOOaRS*��ffi�itml,;(:E-*$�A�ffla<Jfe:��$FJifb�
i:p, DDT(u�'/itfflB<J-fr11X�;&Fj )(J<J/j\j:ffi:fi:J;JJYZ o
rlm;&FjErrw* B<Jfe: w 13 M1111 m1J illf xtJ!fi11 ·� (JL , -frl1J!tJllfi z � �3(

ITT].� FJ<J�;$.mi, llP �� � .!±l

@¾��Mfiflt�¾�sm� o �Jt���ffl�,Jttt•tE'F�3ffi�ffl��-s<Jd*,��s<J����ffi
fiflt:li�B<J-�f1::ffio �u�a�m,���.!1l�¾1<�X�-s<J,H�.!1lnU�fiffifto
{v: 'f :fJI:/Jll� � B<J����� l!Ji?F-1vJfJEE!r (CIBC) ¾� �W.!1l (fl � � �J5?F-1vJfJEI {1:: ft Yi!i � (:J{J �F ';§' ;f.1JtUiH·
JEVL¾Jz-, :jffl�:i!iltff �f:J<s<J,(yfJE���;filillHHi!i' �3&�'F-lDT-JEilllu��*�.!1lB<J:?C&*�MlI�!f.7J.I�
iMo jj'/JB;j", �tH.¾-1--�3':J<tJ:J<J.!1lWl!JJ?F-1��m�ff1JnHI:\ □1*,�,x:J!k:VL¾l o
t&llit�'iil'��F!l!�n(n] £pflt;fi1�:;k;f.lJSI1U1<J;&}!k_;fi1A?R9m o CIBCi3 I A 7 -#�nM&llit�frl1-=fB<Ji! gg{lf
��.!1l, 3:t-d�!il!.�11\HiTJ!frl1 4-Ai,J13ts<Jt&Jlx�s<J�:filo X�:1!�1�, -fi11 7.)(�p�tt!:W __tiq:$:tt!rtra<JA
1flll'�mdT iltltffi!ff;l:Jr o!Nf 'F 1Jt, �CIBCRflJJ s<J1.l'I'F#iJ11eJ,m 1313<:J IK.-lDT-JE��@:�(RRL).il:tEii\!½zffi-fi11irnJ
�J!��!R?� !RJ!l<P fe: �� a<J��o fflRRL(:1<]KaiserJamil:fr"± �ll'& : "[liiJ;J:Ul�#.!1l 7G � nx J�;lt1tMH� o -xt
d1¥ (:19 .!±l rtE4 ~ 5*Z p;j J]f)c����-J!fil1 �1; � ffi Y( =!'-'Ii "J:Jjl;(:E ' ;(:£%�-J§j �m*�.!il □<J=J:1u!c*M1-J­

frl1ciisapene scale�!R, J!;fit1W.!1l;(:E�005frl £Pflt¾�;g ffB�ri<J='=1:tfIBl,ntf f1J o

IV. r ¾-��;:::,c�M!I��f!JJ.!il�s<J�-Wu o 2ottt�c6O1¥1t*Wl, Wr£�-F�1lJ<J;fllll-=f?:t#:ill'lilJTe:1�n-1-
-=f (i%.ispidesB<J1iW,tr!i='=J!;fit1 W.!ilflt-;f!B I § iffr;/Jn:11lls<J*�.!1l�J.!±�Ji!L�mHi 7 o :(:E£pflt, �!-tJi.-#_;g
n4Neodumetia sangawaniB<J*&�.!ilM"f:J-�m��tt,% B<J�&Ufr�F'ilii��, .€�;(:£�00 B<J1&$!-tli.�::kf!::s=1�
f<iJ�o 1lM1 �HI:J-1rJ:fl;&�:;k$a<Jr1!-$af.1JJ:tJ-;fit1n41i\lt;fff �"7.J<.UP� l:J3 (fJ 13 gg l:J3 .!1lYF-1m7-�120£-Ka<J

�iiiJ, m!RT:kJt::kJtflt�HI:J-.fLf:j)An41ill1£1=¥ln-t-�s<Jmnt�, ;(:E!IJ�£��3O, ooo0t.wa<Jffi II!c/l'��ilJ7 Jtfi:t1



iu.t: 53--��.!Ej .1..t;�.,fE..�%!!i!l!x..��*;r- M

i2-¥Jt: -f .:c..,fE._�*
i3.fJt: i¼,il[-.,fE..�*
iHJt: it--t..§.-.#7,tf*
is-¥9:.: �FJt*�*

138 微信:13522209444
QJ 16i � ±fu [!]
*ll*!J&: ***
�•!wm�: :zls:xX·itJAXiJJLll'm I� ifl�-'ff�itiitUJIJ, ;(:E;lj--�i:pi/ULl, fdJ::;\j-'£1IHff�f'i'.,'o :zls:Millfil-1¥J
xfEldlMATCHING�JHfili#XiJl':ltlm%1:if§-? fmffr-/c�, 1EL¾;lj-,8ti�;(:EaJJ:iit, 1lll%tULl;
El.MATCHING%I, JBliiE1tJ:jl!ll'm:llli:zls:J:t!1J?JtffiTHk: T; �IJT(:!'jlm:ifilTRUE/FALSE/NOT
GIVEN·t!1�x1t, !f}f',,;JJt"i:iJ%nx;o

1. specimen n. t$:zls:, fiF:zls:

a very fine of 12th century glass -14--t :n--:il-'k'k a-/] 12-J:lt-tia-/J J;tJ,'/,i,t.'(-;j;..
Astronauts have brought back speci.mens of rock from the moon. � ./Jit. ffi. M.. Jl J;]<.. f,- l§J T JG Ai #.t- 0
2. caste n. fP/lf.rli�':tlfilJ/l; H���(1:E��:j:�IJ!!?i1ll.lH±�i:p��H&)
the ruling caste M. 'if; l½rJl.
lose caste by doing work beneath one's station dJ i-1R1� -t §l G �1;}-a'-] .I.1f ,1ii �j;_;j.±.4i---�1i.
3. compatible ad}. 3\lt��, RJ:l=t:1¥�
The new software is iPad armpatible. #.$.k.14-ofvJ.,tEiPadJ:.1.4:.Jfl o
Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth?
m m �/}
4. overlook v. f.ri1,,
It is easy to overlook a small detail like that. it¼ ,J, a'-:,� �-Hl$:.,l;,/'/li..t-� o
She found him entertaining enough to overlook his faults. :ltll;, 1\tA-;'-#-a-/J � J.');_ � '.,t, �of v:.di&. ijlJ 1l!?Ae. a-/] 41,\- 0
5. otherwise adv. �!)11J; ::f PA
We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.
6. elusive ad}. *j=:lt�; *�.:/JJE:tl�
She finally managed to interview that elusive man. :ltll;,�*ili½ 31<-ij; 111�,t-;/ij, _;lf,Jil., -"t�Jil,)ta-1] � A. 0
She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive.
:/tll;,�;j;..�--j-�:±J�,����J:.��:/t{l;,a-/Jf.....¾��t� o
7. extract v. IIJU±J; tiI!ll
He extracted an envelope from his pocket. 1\tM..,R;JEl'.;/50 :±l -1-1-t-Jto
They aim to extract the maximum political benefit from the election.
8. Sift V. ljijjfil; i:1�
Police are .efiing through the evidence. -f-�..tE� i� -!t-iiEi%- o
It's hard to sift out the truth from the lies in this case. it-,k.-1R.J:ft¾-1h4� 0
9. concentrate v. �$; �ffi�t-$
We need to concentrate resources on the most run-down areas. �111 1{; �qe, -'ffe.:- J.?- j;, t ft] -t �.o.ltYli a-/J!, IR 0
Doctors are aiming to concentrate more on prevention than cure. � .1.ft!J J!j;,1ii�x'if;-m:-it �� 0
10. evaporate v. �£, 1�£
The sun evaporates moisture on the leaves. l1El )t,�i( T "t--t J:. a-/J 1]<.73"- 0
Hopes of achieving peace are beginning to evaporate. �J.Jt�-t a-/J ;/r,""1: jf-:11{:; '.ll:_,1-;'-iH;!,·t;l_: T 0
11. minimal ad}. ;j:Jil:'..!,'�; �tJ,�; �Y�
The storm caused only minimal damage. J'A,..J_ ,'s. it A T-1R. + a-/J q9i Jt o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 139
This is a practical course, with only a minimal amount of theory. :i!.it.- f1 ii�if:f1., �-it-.R J;t.ll..,J,(t-J-�lfr" o
12. maintenance n. tUP; {�,ff
The theatres were closed on Saturday and Sunday for routine maintenance.
Engineers are can)'lllg out essential maintenance work on the main line to Cambridge.
13. intervention n. -=ftjlj
Experts say that we need government interventi(!Tl to regulate housing prices.
-t �1i1iJL-t\1n 'fft �.i&Mi-ffii :R iJ� v &11r o
The government's intervention in this dispute will not help.
JJ.tM1i'-A:i!. th • ,;,t;J4 Yf JG,t r o

� iA �Q -iiiJ iC
complicated ad). ��if-.] utilise V. tU.ffi
exhaustive ad). if f8l if-.] , ft]] Jl.H{J shrub n. ii*, il*J-J..
estimate V. ilJ� fi!ii.t
1 vial n. ,Hffi:
taxonomy n. 5}��; 5}�;! spot V. �!Jll,, �tf:j

variation n. 3tf�, 3t-ff capture V. tJ!j�

pitfall n. �tll# debris n. 9i�, ti$flil
ground litter ti!ittrtot screen n. vm-=r
log n. ®:* funnel n. i.i4
vegetation n. fH'fffi: marshy ad). ;B)?j\: s{J I ;.@.±IP, if-.]
tree trunk tM-=f coarse ad).{J; r.El.i.Rif-J
bark n. tM&: level v.1i�±!!; 1i�Jl
nocturnal ad). �fs]5%�if-.l preservative n. �J:j�fflJ
confine v. �UrJ diameter n. �12
mishandle \I. '1t!!�3 personal preference -t _A__g�r
forager n. m�=l!f encounter V. J!i.jlj; 1�1.-MiIB

1. Collecting ants can be as simple as picking up stray ones and placing them in a glassjar, or as complicated as
completing an exhaustive survey of all species present in an area and estimating their relative abundances.
• -�-�=�-�-e �mM•.�-RR.�fi���-��a..\•••r.p�eyo �-tM@&ey
• ii�,#;: �i;i,iJ11=.±ifr
191]1:i) : Switchingjobs too frequently may ruin one's career.
Working at home isolates employees from corporate culture.
tfr:9Llitf1=:%3:t.i:l!l!ltthere5l-@El�'PJT r.p, i;/Ji;ii'rJ11=�$:&"-.±lfro
It is no use (no good, no point, no sense, a waste of time �i;i,iJ) + doing sth
It is good (nice, interesting, useless �%�i,iJ) + doing sth

140 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
There is no point ( use, sense, good �;g iii]) + doing sth
i:11]1:ij: It's simply a waste of time and money playing computer games.
8t. � nitm-�iikJliil 'lit at fFiJ :'fi:r1.-4!l a
He is a stubborn man, so it is no point negotiating with him.
-fi!!,;;t -1'- l!l-#t.MJA., rJt v::i.iit1�il&:.Jf-l o
There is no point making a fuss of high payment of athletes and entertainers because it is an
inevitable outcome of market economy.
itiii#J 3! :'fi:ri'.li'i 3! a'J �-tilllh'il :k.M•J,-ft.Ut�� :x..., IE1 J.J it;;l if JMli]};;,- "f :ia.Yt a'J �t * a

2. Baits can be used to attract and concentrate foragers. This often increases the number of individuals collected
and atn·acts species that are otherwise elusive.
• ��if X:: i�'ilfriJ J=IHltnJ;Fi I tn�\tJJt:m.-tt� a �;f,111f1!i11 '/t��f!J$±�;/J11*;1,l(:J{],t-f,ts::li, ���IQB I ���xi!
� :figtJ: fl9 �;fif 1 o
• ii!f � ,�: otherwise (:Ji]ffl'I¼
( 1) used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done NJ)!Ll; ::f�
You'll have to go now, otherwise you'll miss your bus.
14:1-1'-k. T, ;;,-t.-&½-ik T /.,)-x_..$- o
Put your coat on, otherwise you'll get cold.
� J:. :k. -R , ;;,- f').d,t½ 8 W €J'J a
(2) in a different way to the way mentioned; differently 1:l:Afill:7.flm; J':l>'r
A lot of people think otherwise.
it J A;;,- it �dN- a
I'm afraid I will be otherwise engaged that day.
�,tE.,.:.; !J�k. T 4-½:15 �¾-tl� o
( 3) except for what has just been mentioned �JJ:t;;::.5'r
He was tired but otherwise in good health.
I could hear the distant noise of traffic. Otherwise all was still.
This spoiled an otherwise excellent piece of work.
itjl T 4'--it ;it 1± 1-t a'J - 1'£ 1-t J'., a

Questions 27-30
• fill§ �:ill!: TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN
• fill§ ffl1Pi'Ji· :

27. Taxonomic research involves comparing members of one group of ants.

���x: *�$m������-�--M�BiJ�mo
�fu:iRJ taxonomic research

flllt��tfiiil comparing, one group

m1Aft =
For taxonomy, or classification, long series, from a single nest, which contain all castes

微信:13522209444 141
( workers, including majors and minors, and, if present, queens and males) are desirable, to

allow the determination of variation within species.
3t i:f:l �
-.!I"* t±: -f �JUtav m {J'J( �:¥k..lj3 �), "f v.J.iin.:i:l:.1Ji,t-/i'--�oli!. 'f €!..¼.r./f��tl'( €!..{t .i.�{J'J
;ft, ;J::.�{J'J .:r.�, � €!..{t"f�l!.4,tf.{J'J!i-ifa;ftr�..E){J'J- .% f1J #;t..*..ffJ,tiht\'{J'J ''o
X i:J:i 13'-:l single nest;l-§ � .::PB § i:J:i a{] one group, X i:j:i a{] to allow the determination of variation
within species;l-§ �TB§ 9'1 Ei<Jcomparing memberso 2Js:Bmi -=fffiflje!.a{j [i',]5l.ii'1J'®=�W!1RVE0
�� 1RUE

28. New species of ant are frequently identified by taxonomists.

���)( *����#m���f,fia{J�--�o
JE'.{frim Jlill!AfJE1M!, taxonomists

NUl��tltiiil new species

�mBey�@m•J¥JEm�*Mo X.i:J:i,*����€W•R•���1iJf���.@
2Js:m�ffW��mB §ffl*a{JMAoili¾��.�a{J���tt�M1m&€-���
taxonomist-in], tt• �� The taxonomist sometimes overlooks whole species in favour of
:x:i:f:l�@e those groups currently under study...��ffi, JZ51Jit)jyf;���jg*���::f��?:#��1,Jr-
;frjifffii2\;�FALSEo ���kiJi1!ii:J:i;JH9:�it�*��*�T-���1,Jr13'-)!li�--��14�
·�, R¾i3t*��*flJ�B11�1"1r*•m�r.J�a{J;frJi;!ftf;f;2js:mfX?HJ\1, T�-i'-!J;IJ.lfrP o MCiETiffl�

29. Range is the key criterion for ecological collections.

���)( *•��¾ffl������-�-a{_J��o
JE' ecological collections

Mlm�tltim range
For ecological studies, the most important factor is collecting identifiable samples of as many
of the different species present as possible.
:x:i:f:l�@.� �*k���·���!§l{J'J,At�{J'J�·�k�"f�j�*•m��M�tl'{J'J"f#R
;i'f;j;:... o
BTi:J:i 8'-Jrange�X i:J:i 8'-:ldifferent species �-=f fj'!i�o Jl:�B'fFn'£¥J·Xi:J:ijl]f1ki]i-%Y=l�,g,�
jgrange-ii'1J, fil�T tt$.Jl:!/l!-W!09Y=l�:A';1RUE o
�� 1RUE

30. A single collection of ants can generally be used for both taxonomic and ecological purposes.
���)( -��•*•ey�Jg*�������fflo
JE' taxonomic, ecological
Mlm�tltiiil both...and...
2Js:BJEf.fH�$.Jlfij1Je!., xtrimC:i::=l:o 'MEi<J��, 1Je!.:1itx•M1m9� a{] ...these methods are not
always compatible)jyt)E�!J;IJl:l;li'tll�� o lfil.?l, *��*-�;fil���*-�:;f ,g,¾*$
a{], ·t:!1J¥Jt¾iJt-?X�-*•::fm�jgp;q;frp���ffl o �n*��::fiA·tHcompatible�-i'-ii'1J,
Ji11J m�Ji! :i1Jt€a{Jffilfl\fkiJ Jt!:-tv: JJl!ff!fL !J!IJ WT tll lBi.fH�� o

142 微信:13522209444
Questions 31-36
• B §�fill: MATCHING
• B § ff!!Hfr :
:zls:B11t!ffJE1:V:, JUHi<P.fiJIIJi!ff-iJ-f-l/;Jl!JtriJ 121- T, 1.�¾�l'i:w:B f=I IY-JiJl;t!xtX�P-J?&'.B1!ftl�a

When possible, collections should be made from nests or foraging columns and
at least 20 to 25 individuals coUected.
31 groups of ants ��tt��,*•����-�L*������-,�K£�*•w£
255;,@i� o
��¾A o
This method works especially well in rain forests and marshy areas.
32 wet habitats :i!+�*#M�m-t�#����ga
M4llititl= s<:J ¾m Qt FzH1a¥f ;t!, JE 1:\'Liiilwet habitats --'=j X If! B<:lrain forests and
marshy areasJl-lt'f fl,J.SUf�:)£, ti!(iDiftt��jgC o
This often increases the number of individuals collected and attracts species that

are otherwise elusive.
33 hard to find :i!#� *ifil.';t1il,:.t.JJ;:r;w a�+14'- i:-, :i£1il,:.<QL.i5111�** vJ;/m;/il.�4h# a
:r:k:iliBIY-Jff!TfB:�J}J!J&;!:ffifli!f JEi!.hf.- {iJ "P (J<:lelusive, 'f::)jt}U§�'f 5£1:\'Iiiilhard to
find, :i:k 1--iiilf.itiffi JJ1U 9'' /1 IX�JU, �� -JE�l'i:w: a 1aJ i:p IY-Jthis:tlii B1llJt¾iJ§
'il):*•;t!, ti!£��jgBo

34 little time and effort

time with minimal maintenance and intervention. 11& l!Jr
*• * �
One advantage of pitfall traps is that they can be used to collect over a period of
-+1k � .-tf. -t ,

11tBB1ffllfB.'klJ:l!¾JJI[)1)T(,minimal maintenance and intervention, 'f::llJti'§ � 'f

B § If! IY-Jlittle time and effort a ?-0(��::'./gD a
Individual insects are placed in plastic or glass tubes ( 1.5-3.0 ml capacity for
small ants, 5-8 ml for larger ants) containing 750/o to 950/o ethanol.
separate containers, if.;; � .:k � y)jk_.-tf. it.J.t /.J 750/o£950/oiib'i ::Ii� tl! #-f �JJ.tJ$i ,f ( 1.5-3.0t 1t­
35 individual $:.i:-m -t ,J, ,@i�, 5-8t1t-$:.i:-m-t$x.:k.a���)'f a
5E 1:\'L {iJ i:p 131 plastic
or glass tubes ;j;§ � 'f B § i:p B1 separate containers ,
individual insectsi'§�'findividual specimens a i$:{i]1ft-=fM2llit, .hf.-®riJ !.V-!#tili;fi
l:t\W:{i]i}j=13<:JJ&hand collecting, iiJCiEfefh��::'./gA o
The preservative used is usually ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, as alcohol
will evaporate quickly and the traps will dry out.
36 •-t�::iil#£,a�4��*�1,ffl��m�m��•Mifil.-;tk��
preservative �����o

131, M�-=fB § "i�B<:Jnon-alcoholic preservative, §f !21-��jgD o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 143
Questions 37-40

•MBfr�:�� ---���x-�¥md¥�m���.tt-�«��-�ffr«���tta�
● 题目解析:

�� �{itw] ��fllll:l'Jf

37 5#�1ud1't&Ji This is most commonly done by placing leaf litter on a screen over a large
funnel, often under some heat.
38 00 �iffi �Mrtlii rl<J fr foJ 37,38%il39=�'2:1ii:rx�,�-1:iJffi�, *m�trtfilj�:lfL.trm{H-1--z,,
�1=1reJ:,t'iHt-z,, Triix.¾1t-z,a
placing leaflitter on a screen *A}Jleaflittertfscreen__t 00; ITTi fi5 00 fl<Jover a

large funne!X. 1�*screen¾f1J[fiJL'li:rfunnelZ_.l:S<J a lzs!Jlti=iJ IJJ!ffi'.iE'.00 �38
7G'.iEJCt"ii',J a

5f[139W'1�'2: i'l<J��?}-j}IJ;Jf1:leaflitter friscreen o tl�lBiLlunder some heat ,
i:t!.J?Jt¾i�__t� i'l<J =f-F tll¾tE��heatT El<J, Mrl2J. .__t00 r1<J 37'2: litr W:
!Jl{heat-ii',J o
As the leaf litter dries from above, ants ( and other animals) move
downward and eventually fall out the bottom and are collected in alcohol
40 OO�ffrifili�NH1' placed below the funnel.
�kijffi�, placed below the funne!¾1tWffalcoho][i<], i:t!.J?Jt¾i�, funne!T
8<JNH1�J.j)ztt¾rfilfft!r, i'&.if Teff!��;'./galcohola

-��§�a �n*tl:lr?t��i'l<J § �CtMJt¾Y=l�). m12J.iFti:JJlj!'.iE-�--�1'1�ffr�rt&;l<l1( 1'1:Jfi.i:�!'!Mn
;l<l1!'1<J-%:!J&:lia<Jf-F*, lzsl1Jt-tt!.�ytlli11;\; T�@f-F*l'l<J5-}�M�1ftffla
jgT�mnr���--#.�ill�ffiiliffl �#fr�a�@fr�1:'1ffi�I*•�.�-*•�,M�
�!il!b•M*�fl1!•, mf.§.�j;-*•2O�25 Q�- 0 �;f-p)j,JtTiffi1*TMr��.J:Jrt&�1*j\ffll'-�--fill , M ITTi -tt!.tlt�
TW����filffla�r�@-#.i:�tE��ffi�. ffr12J.*•�m&�rS�.�**•ml2J.�ffl��ff
cm1int-z:1'JPft£l=l, ff). t!:t-f-,J.W:fa::!i-H<Jr�rml'l,ttJV, d1't�,1�!J;r1:iitl!J:Jtl&7GPJA�itr, m11:tiffl�*•o .,Ra!;
@J m.m 12J.1iJcrr��:1'175%�9s%¥filfffia<Jr1v1':iffl'd•-ff c 1.s-3.O�:1+�:liffl r1J\�•, s-s:t/;r!·$il:fflr?€l)::k
: ��rt&)� o �IVtS!-ff$,l):$£, .§.]J-�:f1!7G�i'l<Jitf7G$}wtili$, ffr12J.-m'12�£�1flVt:iff!'tl:•-ff£:!lfo

f i�'�mffl*�i31��mm �1't o �#fr�m-m-���t(t{1m*•��1i:11, JI���i31fl�@xttnV.1fflf!i�•

� #a �ffJBlZtt�fflffl, �drm, lzs!Jg�ffU�i31i�$�7G�B<J•;fr�a�@i�•m12J.:fiJcll:tEJ:{l!.OO__t,WT__td1't
144 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
::krotts:M�1�oJ1X1:E±tl!.illL.tr11·,iJfi:Jl1jiz-�11.tnx1:£1MM&�;"-l=1th}]Z-�, fx�s�*iifJ:,�1'f:fix1:EW::�EuMffii:ro
iti=��-1,jl:ru!1J\, ±�?:Efi1!.iif J:11�tx:tntW¾ 1:P l'i3J;J<nJt:fthl2t!JwJ�1 1 l\'!;�o f:!l=f*•�@�• tt!ix�xt, •»x:
��*•:tr�Z-U¾ ■ •�•rnrrrrJt:i:rffit�M�.��Mi:r•ili�-o�#,ftID��@M�tt•
;(:Efffl/-=fJ:,r:1J¾--t-::fctffii.J-o 1±1±?:Ex•J■ -4- J:jJuJ:fi-tJU�Hil•, �JH� J: iif s�nt-=fiiri4Tr1t:.::P, lrf,\9& ( rPJt:1iliztlJ

!JwJ)•��T3�.-�Wr*,M■4�fi ■W,��--�-�TWr■4r:tr�mMi:ro �-t-:1J�M

�mmrffi#rPffl��g. �m ■4�.m*m-*ffl�rffli-rM�.��wreM�tt•rr•4J::tr,�
¾-ft!iJ:�tJ□�•:i:s�:tJ�, lz;lf.7��1Mlfi�•*=r1�::kt�;J"n·bf111M�Jt�,MlffiJ-"EMnt•9=1 ®*0 1:Etffi4/J&:i:lH�
116 m¾ �--t-#HJB� L/t•tl1�• 1:1�Iffi!.. fVrj llJ:1=m �¾ff:1nJ--t-JJ!n'.Ht!1 ooJ:� r.iilf rlJJ • ri=1J 11�1J\ff�,ff�
�mfiJjiz--1:jJt:mOOJit!.*1�HtJ.K}JZ-o�tl�•W*ffitBl ,=tfill�fi llJ:l=tJt•tnu Toilf.�f�Hf[i':J'fg112�:3/g18�*iLllO
�,t tt!ix:!1-J-),1§.Jt:IJ&:i:JJ!Ll rnIT1:Eillfi11�1Vf:H:JVi'��o rn rYP=qM�:J1¥�, Jl[-=f1lH1cJ¥Jt�.::PT, P,Jr�ft1f11tffls�
�-m�#¾�=-��=-o �m*•��--t-tt�?:Er,��-�-����rP.::Pffl,�ID•�-¼
�ffl�l't1 :1J�J¥Jt*•�iLl�@tl1�9&0

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 145
Task 1

Oi!. "fiUS"PlOl)

;$:H!jg flll�f!I, ¾:!lcr��;(:£1974/,f �20021,f z1aJiill:ct1rnl11•;;ffilJxiill:n:i:\�:itd1{J:!k!lm!l&fil o �•:1g�

*:!k!lm�!l&�.��H�jg$maa�:1g�� o

flll�f!lm¾J'IE,�,f!l:c&fF::Scii\l'�R!W!,fiLlffi:firn,}l:H!*9Ll /:l:',:E.mi1$7!A: o fiU3 Test 4(.t{J flll�f!l;(sfw-J�rJ:lJ�,

fiUS Test l�flll�f!l;(sf .=.�flll�,mi:J!ili:H!5fllfiLl7 Test 2-;j:$, tl1¾1rn�fll!� o
flll�f!l��fFAMiill#¾%*ffiatflll*m��flll�*m���.�FoWffi;;ffilJflll�*B�•o fll!�*
r•r-==-���-��aa�,m-¾ffi�*�Bjg-�,dYd*;;f��Bjg�-� o filJ;t$$¾�*d
•• :!-'�' JJ!Llmi:t*ffi�1U{J1imitM.*iU1J\:j:jj,9ij' t!1PJ�%xc tt;fif�!�·�ddY$iiOC:i:*�*i1:l1VHl{J'
m �m i:p s{J o


ik �#ii!. T 19744 .f.20024.JiJJ faJ * 00 ii!i.:ii �# 3tii!i.�..\.i£t;l:f-e1Jiif 4h4&:.i: o ,/i.:i!284.JiJJ faJ ;f. '.lt.,ii!i.:ii
/,;-J!&., 7J<.J!&..;fP ,fi!.i£tUIJ iif 4h4&:.i::tf!Jf ;/Ju T , i7i'i1;i;.J!&.i£t;l:f-{r-J iif 4h�i:JL-t-Ji.1t#,/i.40007i•tli. t. ;f. '.lt. a
19744;fl'20024f.:.:k.. ;t {r-J iif 1hi£tt:tfl¾ii!i.:ii/,;-J!&.( � JJ l /.J 70007i ••t;fl'9800 7i •t) ,i:. Jt.A aiJ , ,m 19744�

20024i£t;i:r-iif 4h�i:f.:_J,· {r-J 3tii!i.�..\.:tfl¾ 1-i!.( � JllJ /.J :k..i'J 5007i•t;fl722007i•t) o 7J<.J!&.i£tte'J 1it1h�i: ,Ii.
19744 .f.19784.zfaJ i�:Ar '.lt.1t,-'It r ,i:...¥..-'11§'4/t-Jl; ..-\1\W* .f.�1f-:ilt.6ooo7i••e.,zjf, :i!-1-4&. �1t# r :k..t1204.:f:
'.lt. , f:./;; ..€, .5l -Jr :ii� � ifir 1'8 ;/Ju

1;l;.J!&.i£tt!l'Jiif 4h�i:,/i.19744,f,,20024 !Lfi�* '.lt. 1t, 5940007i•t, ,/i..i!cl:.J!Jj fa] !l'J�i:* fa.Irr Nik.a -ii1.rf­
ii. ft. a']¾, JL-t P}f � 3tiill.�..\.i£tt!l'Jiif 4h i ,/i.19944:tfl-1-P.lf r I\}, ?- � 1-i!.Ft-Yr, :f � J:. ,f i!.i£tti)f 4h-ilt
,Ii. ik4�.f•J f.:_�Jt o
..\.*;f.,1jl��X.jff. o

146 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
k1:°-Jt4-.:f:�:iij Hll.t;J,'.:/Jl-;f--1-¼.
•M-��-*m�;r-:�*�t1.M#,**M��0�•s.�m*���- ��-+4�I�-�.
��¼•�-a�•r#�#½. ��*�.�kt•��•*�·
�m::n'- t.ff
*x•m�m�ffi. ffl-�¾MB§��EJ,eym���1tmM*;ffi=���T�#��frA��
et-s<J±� 1zJJ1J.
:f<:_ T ffi - � , 'f.!/: 1f1 ey � :(:E J]I X El<J ¥ li:ll _t 1� i;!J{ 11 : The line chart illustrates the quantities of products
transported by four different types of transport (namely, road, water, rail and pipeline) in the United Kingdom
from 1974- to 2002. :filJJPStB H;, :fj/;{flrl!J graph, goods5f;[lmoddH31Jffl n,,15( if,Jline chart , products 5flltype��,
A��ili�ff��f A,#re��R��&•m���. ��-*.x•�*�-N�ff�MBT.
3::-/;t;:$9::n'- t.ff
*X ±f:;jq}�:5t�mm , Jl;EJ IT }1!'/,Nfr¾ftx•J :;f [1',J [:Ill t�illfiti'liEJ:fil tt $,li'. , :(:E tt$.l't 9'1 f:;jl:JJ\l #f JR rill���1-t

ffi =mft:5t tfr�ff ill!mtrfrA"P !HMml f:l<J mff--:iE!mtr:i:fi*(:1%�NUrl:l:r!vM<J ff:im:, #£L:5tfilJ � ili T�ftft:¥
Brt�JJ□ )s<J1Urr@tu ffi�:mfttMi�T5f[l�_t�t�l ill4'tfrr:1r5:\'.;fill:;f [1',J r:1<J4;JcNfr. tir*' ft��*T�ffiT�ftft:¥171


:fil• R:¥1;}z;,��--4'1�1i:¥1;}-1994:¥:it!::frtlliEJ. 1:Ei�:¥�:im:illtmtr r1<J�1-t�JJ;11!!. #fi�:;f [AJ.

t;1;�$9::n'- t.ff
x•��m��T�#ill!mtrf A��•e•:0Mill!mtrfiffifi.*M�ff:im:ill!mtr�ffi*�C4;,lcM:iE!mtr
¥*-OH#-:;f� ).

[1',J 5(;?{:i;5
增加 increase, show growth, rise 货物数量 quantity of goods, amount of
减少 decrease, show decrease goods
保持不变 remain constant 交通方式 modes of transport, method
SflM1 constant, gradual of transport
(almostB<J�&irJ!ffl: 4&)

illustrate v. 说明 exponential adj. 指数的

span n. 跨度,一段时间 plateau v. 达到稳定水平
respectively adv. :51':nlJ, � § peak v. 达到高峰
;'&1.K"{�J#-:;f�": fflT�l'j,:constant o ey�fflthe same, steady, stable, level��.
;'&7.K"'/l'l'�": Ji�ml'j,:fflTpopular. ey��fflcommon.
The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it showed an exponential
growth, rising to almost 60 million tonnes after which it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise 'ii}

gradually again. (1.KMill!mtr �Jf'!�ft::l:1:E1974:lf �1978:lf Zil3JN��1-t, t:l'::T*¥ t/i/ft%At�*�#I-:ili: ,i:,,

60007Jlfili:, ZEiR-i'ft�1:liH#-T*�20:lf:;f�. rt�Xffftt�tfr±•�•:fJn. ) *�i:pwherefflif,J:;f�, Jlt&'.tlili:�

fflwhen, 1�tf!H978o a;
提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 147
:i:J§-ffi:ffii:p E!�i-att.#-�-1-:B-Fli,In conclusion)§ J.iiI:/Jn:ifI % ; UKJ§*Wi--'iD; has not becomemr� T .:E
i-'/hail o l!-131:ffiJ.iiI�jg: In conclusion, the road remains the most popular method of transporting goods in the
UK. While water and pipelines are becoming increasingly used, rail has not become more popular as a method of
transport.C�,;t_,T:E��. 0f#r-11¾:i:l'Atfis%·1�ill$utr15";r.t; 7.)(f#r;fil�Jl!El�ffffl E3 :@J:\W/:/Ja,rmtfi:f#rft-jgill
$tu15":i:t.#-�1lg'.:x):Jill a )



B§R�:T:E-��-.Aill�•��fflT:E�Wi-��.OOa®��J.)(•�T:E�Wi-��o ��jg�-:1!
:,js:9jgf±f?�i15B,BID!jgf(J1(,�ID!(Report),rrff�r-�i$itID!(Argument)o fOlt-�ID!fFX:im'/ltt!H!UJ�tl:�
"'�fl:(1111¾�-t-ff.J. iti�� 15i!J�Uf?JJ\l�),�>R:B-trr Jffilzslj:f:t'Hl:\ffllt-�15";f a 1'fAt-ili.f?�>R:5ttfrlffi�jHIHl:l
;\!-J:Jjl�ey��:@'.JiltE!�Fo* o

aITT:ifl'i#ey�m��n-131:ffi*ffi��M�fFXoffl-ffi:MB§i:p�fffl:illfi����W��� • .#-ffi
ili�B�T:Ea ffl=,�m:B-trr�•l!��B�Jffi�,Jffi�ey�¾�15"ffi.#-a:r.t�.&ey�¾•15"ffi$a:r.t
�o ffl�¥J:��ffl�, nffi:miliffllt-�l1:iJB1:1�ffi�o

( .!Ti!, "-&U8"Pl69)

1t•� .1.n,-Ji'iZ. YA a4/tJff. � Mt z0
�♦. A m£�-*-·o �m�••I-Ji'�:T-��ro,�m½�-�4��4.�#�m
��mt••�.��m�ro�-o�4������--.1.n,-Ji'i(.�����o A m&•��·�
m4. ��½�#��-��o ��,#������,*�������ff.�--#��*T¾�ffl
�-t-�.2.•e.o�1i1m*�t:f-�a<i iib, JL-t�.l!K a<i a •tkJ-t:k:4�½�Ji1t•1ai•o ¼•-tt#, ,J, �:!-it, •
*���h���A�--.1.n,-}f'A,��·o kt***�ft�•���-��o
ffl �R������Mt�-�o•··•�*,#�Rm�&�½��ofy�#��*�t��fJlf-#,
at 1-t ��t �½�}Jr, a �Jl:t•,fi.-a<J ln?/-i:k:-Ji' ;}i/'JG�•:J:ff- o i'fi#J �ix.kft-:F;,_£ '.J,··t:k:A:.30�-tt a -:!{r,*A1i1 � ,t--$-J:.

1l J)l,�- gJ �t1i$. J/i �JJ\1. 0 1\l!.1iP[ YA ::IU,),-x_-$-�:½ ;K.-$-, P.-&ro�fJlf-Ji,I; T -$-A:_.fij /J,;,,_\.. '.i: o -ft-- ,J, -ffe,IJ�;;tf m a

• #T-��ro���-�m���:½�¾-�.�:½������il#��-hA&LJ:.8��·�0 L

148 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
J, €r-J •1$ id1p 11t J1:t -'t 1-# J'o a<; i&i -f-f.a

Am���+-�*o ��.j�-�:f"**;���.%��ki:€r-J*;�#�M:fP�A�f�­
ffe.�f�*.����gJ�*�£X;���l�,�*•�A€r-J--±��Ao �*#����-�.

0 t.i"tfr
7.j\:)(1�0-6.5:51' 0

�����$1M�t€r-J�+�M.¾����T*����-€r-J�Aa ���A¼M. �Mm*
�#�A€r-J����*��¼�a ��*{(.Jtt�i.**��m1-��#�:f"�M#��.��i#
�1��€r-Jtl•o���-�-�- �A��0��M-��#o��a.��-%�B.�AM�a�
� ilt1La ,$..��k 3t ,,t.;l iaJ iC i:-t- � , 1llff�1tm1-� gi Ma<; �it.:fP•tN!"mi¼a �at�,fg-. � �1tm1 �f­
�A��.��� i�� � ff o � + &� � $ � {(.J ffl �. � � :f"- � -� � � .;l� t � m o $ � �
th �1t m 1 -t-# 0 A. 1E-k i:tii. ,J, fi,"j #-a<; 0�;A :Y 1 .l.#--0 a<;1tm � 00 �***�:f":i!Jf1' � tl 0


x•*�mMm�miliT�B.*HM�iliT���-���o ���Wm�tt��B.@M-��
Jc�muta f=I • J.ili:·rtrJC:!%o
x•M=NffiM=N$=��¾tt�ttN*��r�a M=NW����--�m����W.M
= m $= 1i:i] it 71' {fr a])c 0-' U!Hix•J· • y,� (:110 �! :!l.t 1§. HHE 3t t#+� }2- (:1<:J 1Y1J T � (:1<:J �*-€,ill! t� :!m M = m (1<:J yes'
O 0

your burgers and pizzas tasted better than a homecooked meal , W: 1YU ;fr! i-B ,r2- -� •• H<:l � t;!i � :i:� r-9: � H
��iEM=N�¥B:5tfflM�Nm�TM��-��$:� ■�.�-�- o f:E���ffi.M�N�
�-±�f:EfA������-�T±B a M�N�±B�f:Eill�&�t. �ffi�ffiT��--f:E� ■
tEx•a<:itJHYLt.1!UfJtl!.J.ili:ffi T -��1lfn.lrrrnt1'1:iJfff-; x 9"�1ii1'fJ�: so that, also, rather than,
but, as, even if, if, Or a xi:p1:1,J1'1:iJtfs;t:i,1'fj�:nowadays, when, before o
�•x-�0-N�-��-.����M��•tt o �--�0-N��-�����m:M-N�*
�M.@��Bf=l��ff-illfi��d�m�r�.*mili�Bffif:Eo M=N:5ttFr�����-�m�.
M�•-�m��ffiM�-���ffiillfi�filaM = m�miliM��$--��-�o M�N�mili�
--t-:/"J)Jfilffi[lf1#iftX1t, 3tm�tl!f J� o
:2js:xffi¥Us<:Ji1'fJ1C:i:ilC*, tMfffi T-�):]·t!ft lit, z1:-&,7:5tfr:xr1<:J�>lt a @7F·� � s<:J�FIEAXf:41:��
�::: 'ii t,<:J.lfLii'fJ :
convenience n. 1Hf calorie n.卡路里
microwave n. fJ'&;Si: swallow v. 吞下,咽下
opt v. :i!tl literally adv. ��5F_t

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 149
consumption n. 5��
diabetes n. ;j!t.@W9
metabolism n. �.Jr�!F-1-tiM
recommended ad). :}it z4: 8�
brisk ad). �H�e�
due to EET contribute to 导致,造成
lack of /!iJ?:j,' one and only 唯一的
take the trouble �� fight off 击退

mi! m !E lri ,'!Ufil'ti

.d: 1=J]> Nm i(;!. t1'-J 1:iJ-=f :
1. The oil they used to &y your fries. It is literally black. PJ il-Jt-11���1:i]The oil they used to &y your fries
is literally black, which is detrimental to health.
2. Every little bit counts.PJ � J»�Hf o
3. When you comes home from work, you can play with your kids or bring the dog for a walk. Anything to
get your attention away from tl1e couch. More exercise will surpress your cravings for sugary stuffs. PJ �
it Jf- 11 � 5f-! 1:iJ When you come home from work, you can play with your kids or bring the dog for a
walk, or anything to get your attention away from the couch.
4. People should also balance their diet. For example, by eating more vegetables and fruits. Eat less meat and
drink plenty of water throughout the day. PJ � i)- 3:j:- -J-.J � �� 1:i] People should also balance their diet, for
example, by eating more vegetables and fruits and less meat and by drinking plenty of water throughout
the day.
ifi· Y!'t'M"· tlR :
1. When you comes home from work/jiTf!3{11When you come home from work;
2. Sugary drinks, pacheted chips, candies and chocolate are also some of the causes that contributes to
unhealthy lifestyle. @ i:!l 11 Sugary drinks, packet chips, candies and chocolate are also some of the causes
that contribute to unhealthy lifestyle.
They want convience in everything when they come home from work, they will have microwaved dinner or
fast food so that they do not have to take the trouble to prepare a meal or wash up after dinner. �1:i] iii i:J:i j,�
T 1:i] % , @ 11 They want convenience in everything. When they come home from work, they will have
microwave dinner or fast food so that they do not have to take the trouble to prepare a meal or wash up after
convience@11convenience , diabeties@11diabetes , drip@11drop , surpress@11suppress o

150 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Part 1
�1�L�,o ��=MCnF:�l'.!film��MJ�JJ. I11=.1:l:11§']'[\Z;t{1tlrt0:kirfr@J&fFm1J:)Jo

1. Ho"Y often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]
I'm not a couch potato, so I watch it very seldom. The shows are all pretty worthless and non­
entertaining. The commercials are stupid and take up more time than the programmes. I just leave the
TV on for background in the morning from Monday to Friday because the daily news is on.

couch potato it, �:i!. worthless JG1{t-11 a<]

non-entertaining JG� {f.J , k!if If- •tH<i commercial r%
background dfl"- �

2. Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]

I'm a big football fan, so I watch ESPN the most often. ESPN focuses on sports-related programming but
I personally think it should broadcast more football games instead of NASCAR, golf, hockey, and
women's college basketball, and it should show more football highlights on sports center.

ESPN ( Entertainment Sports Programming Network) -Jet If-#- 1[ ""p gJ ,� ;/_t IJi.J
sports-related E.i #- 1[ �m {f.J broadcast ;/di-it, ;/di-it.
NASCAR iM.Jrf.- .J-4 tt.,J- hockey illJ HU¥.
highlights JU* , iHft *h iii
3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]
I don't like TV advertisements, and I usually close and rest my eyes when they come on. The ads can be
amusing for the first few times, but the insistent bombarding of the same advertisement just drives me
crazy. And on some channels they come on too frequently, actually spoiling the program itself. I'll turn to
another channel if this happens.

ad["% amusing ii"� 111 , -!ff-J.Jt 111

insistent # � ;r-: O')j-111 bombard i)t , �,t �
s oil zJ:_.t;r;

4. Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]

I don't think so. There are many TV shows witl1 tons of violence and sex nowadays. I think the designers of
the shows aim their programming at people with low self-esteem. Only few programmes are interactive or
brain powering shows, which can actually help people. There should be more educational TV �
programmes today. �

tons of :k.-:i{f.J self-esteem gJ .:l} en


提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 151
* �1f
interactive 3... i}J {i<J brain powering 4{l;lt Rit :h a']
educational � 1f a'] ; ;;;i- a']

Parf 2
�'§���-1-lHti@-F( Cue Card)a ���HHl1 1l-%rat1EJ, }1:PJ L-'J1/N�ic(�'§�����fU�tO a
ZE���1/Nl -2fH.r!1(iJ��o ��vt7tE, �'§�ffJt:"it�l'l9 /1YiJ�p;i�:J:!t-�,t;t§;=AJ,:i"J@, JiJ:"it�f/Nmi

Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.
You should say:
who the person was
how your family knew this person
how often this, person visited your family
and �xplain why you remember this person.

"JJJt�:" -11¾ □m-�"IJ\9'1 fi911H,,fi51Wa 1:Etla�J!,titi@-Fi'l9Bt1�, ��/19,.A,.!/V)]��� tli!-rui89!.f1iMi'r

tiE, -f�¾1J\1�I&�Y!.f a 5!£17:;lc*ltl:�1:19¾-,t,ttl:ffitAA l'l9fH!Jlti(:, 1fil%x>.:JJ;tliJi'J:�5FW� ri'hHta
I want to tell you about my best friend, Sam, who I met when we were both only five years old. He
hasn't changed much since then. He's still a little fat, with short brown hair, and always laughing.
Sam is an American. Honestly, at first, I think we both just wanted to practice our language skills; that's
;j-§i.R why I invited him to my house and introduced him to my family, but I believe that something more
grew out of this relationship. We became close friends.
We were both inte1:ested in fantasy stories, so we used to play games where we would act out made-up
adventures about knights and dragons, alien and robots, and other far-fetched scenarios.
)�i;/] We were also big fans of computer games, so we'd talk about them constantly, and of course we'd play
them together as well. I often went round to his house and ate dinner here, which was great because his
mum always seemed to cook much nicer food than I'd get at home.
I'll always remember Sam well because he was my closest companion during my time at primary
school. We were best friends and played together all the time. He's such a larger than life character;
he always has a story to tell and a joke to share. It's hard to forget such a unique person. Nowadays
we live on opposite sides of the world and lead very different lives, but I'm sure we'll always be friends.

grow out of F�T far-fetched scenario ��UfN�B1'1lTi

made-up �:@81 closest companion 11himB1JlJl�
knights and dragons ��±r[]:ft ( w'r-xx.) larger than life ��fLB1
alien and robots 9j,�.A.;r[];j'ftaA( w'r-x.Jt) unique person t�1llJB1A

152 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
ffi.::::Jf�:5-}: .xJ.i"J·i,Jtt ( 4-S:5t4A 1) �-g ��1:E�lti� 1:0 ffi -'tfll:5-B I q3 tl:',*(:1'-J-� 1;�:ijJ1J:J�r1'-Jifi&illfi-f,J
�. ffi�fi:5t�ffi&¾�ffi=fi:5tffi&��������-.

1. What do you think makes someone a good friend to a whole family?
Well, in order to be a good friend to the whole family, they need to have all the usual traits of a friend, like
loyalty, sincerity, and consideration, but they also need to care about and look after the needs of the
entire family. My dad has an old friend that is like an uncle to us. Whenever he comes over, he brings gifts
and asks lots of questions to show that he is interested in everyone, but I think this kind of friend is pretty

trait 49" ,!?. , 4HE loyalty ,\t:-iA

sincerity $..-iA consideration � A':-%l lU , #- .9J,l;
rare :t-1\i" Ji. {1'}, J§-�a¾

2, Do you think we meet different kinds of friend at different stages of our lives? In what ways are these
types of friend different?
We definitely meet different friends at different times. My childhood friends were all just children that lived
nearby and that I could play with. As long as we could play together happily, we could be friends. Maybe I
wasn't as selective then, but they are still some of my dearest friends. Later, my friends were largely
high school or university classmates and having common interests was the most important thing. Many of
my university friends shared the same major with me, Now many of my friends are coworkers, and I'd
say that although we get along well together we don't have the same kind of deep friendship I've had in
the past.

selective i.A.$..;#l:.i!a¾ dearest friend :i/k.1#: i: a¾ JI}) Ji_

coworker �· deep friendship if-4 a¾ ii_ iii:

3, How easy is it to make friends with people from a different age group?
It's not that easy to make friends with people from different age groups, but still possible. For one thing,
you are going to have fewer things in common and therefore less to talk about. You may even find that there
is a small generation gap between you, After joining the working world, it may be easier to make close
friends with people from different age groups. I have become friends with some of my older coworkers. We
can talk about our shared interest in work and I value the experience and wisdom they are able to share
with me. Maybe someday I will have the chance to do that with younger friends.

age group Sf-�i:.Il, .+�-rt generation gap 1\ if:J

ex erience and wisdom i.lJlt,fo 1',f �-

Influence of friends
1. Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person? Is this real

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 153
Honestly, I don't clunk tl1at it's possible for people to have real relationship wiili people iliat iliey have never
met in person. I know iliat nowadays many people have internet relationships and I have even heard stories
of people dating on tl1e internet wiiliout ever meeting, but I don't clunk iliat is real relationship. It's too easy
to deceive a person about who you really are and it lacks genuine intimacy. I tlunk in ilie end it's just a

date i<;½
genuine intimacy J(-Jl. a<; -ffe � * ff..
deceive JtR.1l!t1
fantasy r., �- , � El �
2. What kind of influence can friends have on our lives?
Friends influence our lives in many ways. There are even several old sayings iliat suggest ilie people you
spend time wiili detern1ine who you are. I can give a few examples. If you spend time wiili hardworking
successful people, iliey will motivate you to work harder. However, if your friends just waste away ilieir
days in internet coj'es, you may also eventually just slack off and not try so hard. Friends can also more
directly influence our lives by providing suggestions and advice when we need tl1em.

motivate if!tfii}J internet cafe li.l] •e

eventually l!l� slack off 1/t Hi:. , •WI- ff,

3. How important would you say it is to have friends from different cultures?
Having friends from different cultures can be fairly important. At tl1e very least, iliere are lots of
advantages to having iliem. If you want to study a language, tl1ey are real asset to your learning. You can
practice togetl1er and get the hang of how people actually talk in a natural setting. Of course, foreign
friends also give you ilie opportunity to expand your horizons; iliey have different perspectives on
important issues and different ways of doing tl1ings.

fairly important clp-')j\"][�a<; asset ;tj" rn a<; A.( ix. :f 4h)

get ilie hang of 1f 9'P · · · · · · a<; �4Yi , � f1 natural setting m i-! dt tt
expand one's horizon -Jt-t,i;�A.a<Jot.!ilJl!f perspective ot.!t � , J.!t,i1i,

Aill#�A��M,M:tii:�W. A�fflM�,&�A��$�W�M:tii:,M:tii:��XfflfflM,Xffl�
t�. l:Elllt, :tii:m:l�JtffJ-�:i:'.i:�1:1�9Wi' ······
Friendship: Good for the Body, Good for the Soul
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

154 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Friends are our truest treasures. How many times have they made us laugh when we felt like crying over a bad
mistake? Made us feel loved when our boyfriends ( or girlfriends) broke up with us? Gave us the courage to go
back to school or to change careers? Like armor, good friends make us almost invincible, capable of warding off
the blows life occasionally deals us. Because of their steadfastness, we see setbacks for what they are: temporary.

It's no wonder, then, that medical researchers have found that those who have friends tend to be happier,
healthier, and live longer than those who do not. In fact, friendship has numerous physical and
spiritual benefits.

A growing body of research confums that having compassionate friends is beneficial for our psychological and
spiritual well-being and for physical health. Thus, one can say that a healthy lifest yle includes not only eating
well, exercising, and avoiding tobacco but also having a circle of friends. In fact, researcher Janice Kiecolt­
Glaser of Ohio State University calls the connection between satisfying personal relationships and better immune
function "one of the most robust findings" in psycho-neuro-immunology (the study of how emotions, stress, and
behavior affect resistance to disease).

Having a strong social network is linked to lower mortality rates for both healthy and unhealthy people,
including those with heart disease and some t-ypes of cancer. In cases of terminal illness, having close friends is
associated with longer survival rates.

Research has found not only that friendship benefits us, but that the lack of it harms us. Those who have no
friends or close ties seem to suffer the most from loneliness, social isolation, and feelings of worthlessness. These
with such feelings feel more stressful, and stress contributes to a variety of health disorders. These disorders
include heart attacks, asthma, certain types of cancer, diabetes, herpes, headaches, and even the common cold!
As James S. House of the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research stated, "Social relationships, or the
relative lack thereof, constitute a major risk factor for health rivaling the effects of well-established health risk
factors such as cigarette smoking, blood pressure, blood lipids, obesity, and physical activity."

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 155
Section 1
Questions 1-6

-fiti: �: mzm:x

r l& / ':;;1::.•
!=l1□ 5_])'[

break n. 1*)/I!- V. tTJiBl horse-riding n. ��Qi; Qi#

package n.fil�; �� optional n. oJmtU1
V.t�·....·-e!,,5x;--e!, t�· .... -!j_Hg
j resort n. Jtm.Jli±fu
comment n. 5.Hf; iSHFJ; tSJ'ii, �m coral n. I/]JfIt� , I/]JfIt� 1l.
transport V. ili�; )nt:$_: n. 5(':Jmili�*m Great Barrier Reef *��
lodge n. ( i��1m.Ptl•ilii;JJ::i!f�tl:s1) straight adv. 直接地;不断地;立即;
§;,fsJ,J1� v. �ii, i'I.Hf§ n. �Fi!i 坦率地
wilderness n. 3'iE ±fu ' 3'it 1l1r ' at 1lir refurbishment n. 整修,翻新
retreat n. ��,m. Mt�; ��JlBt �m V. blend n. 混合物
edge n. in, t� \I. �--····1m..t:in.; casual adj. 休闲的;不定期的,临
ftisnu 时的;随便的
heritage n. l!f'=; itm sophistication n. 有教养;复杂
buffet n. �M� v. &��n ambience n. 环境;气氛
canoeing n. :\tlJ�9l.*f-r involve v. 包含,牵涉

Questions 1-3
• @I§�lli!: MATCHING
• @I§fWH!i":

�� �fftml ��fftJI �M
��: .Iltfirfli��::fMHiliJ,�o
not cater for young G'fl::� 1=�1Holiday YiWT1!.\'1--1Hm#�,�.M11lif!xvF±i.
1 children location -1� �•�:$HJr: A;fiJB�t'r r.!=1 1'\'!1?51:� m ¥U�1½, 1mC'K=t'r
1p;;ffiiJliJ4z"nt-i-xi2s� �J:(:11��. El,1 Jlt i:iJ 9-11 C'K= 1ri't
:f�1�1Ht. �-:iiliC.

156 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
@� .'.l'E{ftijij ��{ft� @ffill
■ §: Jitl3ff�•efil-g-�!o
mi.x: fu:'VJvF,%xW.:3't1J\B o
2 no exn·a cost
B ¥ !fr 1'1' 1 Comments
-- 1 � �,JHHJi': AtnC�!fr 1=f1 t11MEiiLl T 1=1 :Vi�� �:rm
13 o B
¥�i:1=1 'EI 1-i 11<J tsiYJJJJ! f=l l��J�11' ill.'.% a<J fjJ!JjJl?1l, ±!gfu
'!# 0 �-�Bo
■ §:Jl:\::m®•·��&�m&tt���-*o
most n·avel time from A¥!fr 1:j:i Transport
mi.x:: i=1 � .:$: l!]\1:1,J 15:5:Hi!i; 0 x .:$: (&JWJ.=::fJI W:12
3 the airport to/from airport-i�
1]\111· 0
�,��': B;f:11C¥!fr:5-H1J'rffl:���1N1·t-i:no:5Hl 1 r1<J$
f.lH!jg_m:l:m; iTriA¥�0r'M'H1·l'BJ:$:-l'.E: o �-�A o

Questions 4-6
• @ f=I ��: SHORT-ANSWER
• @ f=I fr1/f:ffr: ii:¥:;W f=I �>l<no more than three words, enJfl::f Ml:u.=-'t 1,y;_ii,] lill�l'iiJIW o

@� .'.l'E{ftijij ��{ft� @ffill

4 when, not be open
■ §:�ili��ffl•���*iliM��-�?
mi.x:: futt.1w fm ; fu,v1 f1 ?71, ��:1:m
which two outdoor m¾������m* o Bf=!�-�*n¥!frA�
A ¥� 1'1" Comments
5 activities, no exn·a cost,
栏 �WMtmfum��*��a ��U ¥!ffrA�
Mountain Lodge Commentsf� 1'i":t�fLl�- o :!Fi?1Hi'�ii:¥:r1<J¾, A¥
� 9":ttmfU T :!Fi ?71,-JJJ! mz;)]: free talks in the evening
c 1§11% ,�, El:1 1w11 * ) , 1.El :1�J�0 ::f � -=.F J� ?7r ri zY1 o �• .:'.h
canoeing (and) tennis o
■ §:��ili��ffl-��jj��--�?
mi.x:: 1=1 �J$11N1,J1s:5-Hl1; 0:x:$(&JWJ.=::fJJ W:12
What is the fastest way, A¥!fri:j::i Transport �'��;j;Ji': @ f=I ¾� 41Jc93R. /□Hi,Jwhat + the fastest
6 travel, Mountain Lodge to/from airport-t'.: way to traveimfiiJ, �-%:i:t�1if115E:;/g;lt-;frj1 :i(:ifil1J

:i:t a U¥!frA (1<]Transport to /from airportt � lfrfflH1·
/0J:$:�f(i<Je[]¾:$:·t;.lcE1<J:tlt:i2s:1J:i:t a (by) (self.
drive) auto (mobile)a

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 157

J.l®i!P.,� fj)'�* f!�(llt) :ff.p;,: i1 fft�lt�

ill lle:\J'Jt 1!'.B' §�$: l!J\
�!h-X=at!lff5'1, iJJlle:\ § f!)J--'f.�+ �:W:lW�!!vtf.J·; 1%fl!t § IN 15 :0- t-1f1;

* 7G /I� ll,J � � fl( r:13 ll§P :k ; � :W P ;11,�J;;ft 0x$(4fJ,WJ

A t!E Wl\ ; 111ft 41) ttt J/f 3307:!li!JL 1
Jift F � 0 Ifill {:)t@!J:',fs'.t�)j-S� :%; § :W�*.Q,(1:iJ:l.zl;) .= :r!I ): �f.J 2
lfeyfjj:50£ 1N1t

*� ro.t.t J.:rr nt

1JY1 l\\JJ ,% ; rfJ J.A mJ

58O]:!li!JL 4
�--'f.�+Lf� s JH,Hf ild�1� ; � �
( mj: /xlt !!ff �) + vF/ib�7't1N3; �m\Z� iN:3: *1Nt�(4*) if±.% ftL :r!HJZ.'M' s M:!li!5L
:h25;!? !V- ..Uitrh1
iMW--'f.�; JJ\l ff :Ill "i5 � st �HW ID
�mW<TftHt1ij ,t m $ 10
C ½ 74or:!l:!5L 4 Lf� (!!ff�) ;M-; �Jf §fi$:fil�f;j(
Jl..� fHLJEmJT J :0-1-11,
-§JFi :l.zl; :1:m; �*.Q,-§JfW:l.zl;
�Hli ffi ;J;t-�,\l 1:1t

Questions 7-14

fi1I: �: @J:ftt
::l:: � p;] � = 1r m � �titv111.: r�$fl-:JtHltl: 11fd',wt 0

recommend n. ti:Fr, 1rtB, �i!f�A( �*!jo/J) belonging n. 所有物

insurance n. f*�i luggage n. 行李
compulsory ad), s!i\l!lUs�; X*� theft n. �Wi, i®
reciprocal ad). :!i;ffi:�, 1�:!i� n. iiUtt receipt n. 收据
emergency n. ��:!w).R,; ��*{4 portable adj. 手提的,便携式的
circumstance n. 'lw).R,, Ifil non-refundable ad). 1'oJi1'U��
accompany v. 陪伴,陪同 deposit n. tl!l�, JE�
disability n. 残疾;无能 unforeseeable ad). 1'oJ½iJ7i!s�, 7i:;;!½ff31-B�

158 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
• Jl]§�lli!: MATCHING
• a §ffr-Hfr:

lll:l-t-izl;JJg MJ�,m-5t.fliJ¾: A i01:R ll:Jr·iSi.%':t1,J; B $i--!­

�W�&M; C $tt�W���ftMM; D �-ffi
6GTWtHi o
overseas, suddenly,
x i:J=i 13Ui 1J\ tffi B 1 @ §: �1::tE@J9�1JiH'fai�rt�•tU,'c;itfio
7 hospital treatment
MedicalT1fHJ3tJIH, /j!ji.>(: 7!1'!::kflJSlf�f�:jifJtu!t"i:JJEl - �/'\ ,t-�*i01:Rt�ff
�-�ffW�o ��W��mffrlJ'A�tt�ffiffo
1•J'o ��:3/:JAo
@§: �1::tE@J5'�ai��JtJJ\'ljFtfi'BJ�1::o
X 1=!" l¥t t-& 1j\ tff-B 1 /j!ji.>1:: {@,¾, ��&,iJ!mti�*rl$i-j--�lj{:\j?:llft(:1�{���Jft
consults a doctor,
S abroad
MedicalTJ(Hl¥tf¾J§' f'.! �:szM•/itfeJl\)jyt�fnA11!!.=lr-!&:tt(:t<J!/Y.tffl o

!i'.'.,.,t;j;Jr: JJi()( i,.51.ljf]{leJ�l0 �ini!JJt, $i-j--�IJW[��­

l1ftf�1fj�iil§:ti1mB§ 9" ffrl*�(:j�·li!f 6Go �-:1:JBo
9 parent,bring,injured or
sick student 医务人员或一名家属的费用。
@§: ��tE009hitfi�:Jfi�:kf-1Jilli_fiJc�.���

..,.A,..,+T1 -fm-,t /j!ji.,x: $i-!-�iJW���WfH,J-t'ii:WmJB.f,ff*mB�l�t§

J< Yf'r I\J .1;,f,
•- /ill!!
1 _ __
FJ<.•1iui::1 :mw1, fr 1:1:Ja;f§!
lo - Australia
c 1eavmg
be,ore Med·1ca1--� 1' -"I"' 2 -E,,_�--
ffllf�*m,ffr�-��W�0fflillfi��o �•
:1:!D o
@§: �-mi:���1::*� 71liH'ffi�i-to
1�Y111tt , irH}&,/.:l:\�1&i���-t.iE%-i:11iiH'rWrift-t, ft
.-1 E/1. .,;/;" 1 .- .,

lost, insurance card
I,\. 7 TTf N�
'-' ffl ;; ,'!J-Fl3- lilft.
Wll�-t , lzsl Jl:t Nlf 1f1nJ1;\j?: ll�nJ � �Jll[o �. :1:J C o

®1� '.it{ti:iii] ��fti:.i[ ®1�
®J§: ��*�7�3=Jffl�o
x �1=1 � 3/l 1J\ tff- � 2
12 study books
f�ri�$ JmJii.OU:k$!/&$� (:i{)rffi>lto 't:0StHIJJg$�
f�H'iffJ�lllJJllJ a ��jg Ba
®1§: ��w.J-=Hi��itf®o
�x: tr1;li1:•*�fifO:YLl1±\ (:1<J-=f&lc@.JJi&ili1CDtUJl�
x �1� � rt 1J\ ti � 2 �-�ffi=�x*mmtrw•*�•�m�-¥•1c@.
13 laptop
BelongingsTffl3*' •m��-N.W�§*�-�-=f-lc@.M•�.m
�¾���W��-�>R�mA�M�W�a ��


change...mind, X * � f-l} lj\ ;j:ff, � 3
14 not to take the booked Cancellation iE )( ft
w 1ii::f miH-J o
flight )§-/pJ
titr1tit:lt!J, Wlli0R'.l::f{ltdffaJmi't1,Jo ��:1vCa

�Jt=./JP,I/Jj"'f'I% -


� ;JiHliUli t.l\! '.iE:

:zis:·k\ftl¥�ti51JWJ��J=J r1<Jit:k;f;tJiIV-Jji'.>1rti�fi, 1!1Jlt&,%!�17J��rJff-W�i a �f�trM:k;f;tJS!Ji.�W<Jd��­
i& , lfrlf �rt 7T3t fr:!Uf:H�· 1.§.¾ ' fG;i::f ri� f� � 11.\ ±!RiJ,,.:1vtrl}"t>'r�� A<J-·i;JJ �ff.ffl t�¥H� ¥UWft11 , lzsl Jlt

i!1Hlll 1�� 0l TfJ\\�:

1. �fi
M:k;f;1J .ill!.-'=j f�#l'-��t}J(:i{] J\. � 00 *i!&Rl'i[lf1L!; �ffl:hW a � � tlY& tffi 1ll1lfrlf zJ, -it1± It'/; r�ffa 1.§.¾ ,
$�&,®1��:!!11$tt�LlWf�B<Jl!FZ;fil 0l3tN'1itfJ\\tvt�tn;lt{IR=ll=zJ,it�ff1Y�•ffla

mJIA*'�i!J�. �w1it-t!Lmm�mtt1,Jl!fff�@*0<J��Aff.tEiJ;-1';*ffeslA<Jmffla $#�LlWl�::f3tN:81:WfltrB,�lf
�tri<J���-ffl.lf 0ltr�fifltr.-'=jW�0R'.J•iJ,,.�Bffllf�9tt�tri<JdD�tt�a
:!!n•1�1iff1���1:Ei'fiJ�rJ?Jt-�, #*f,IU;JH�{;ljl;l�mlHi•, if*&,tb�1��$�iil:;fflnKfiWI�-¥, ft0R'.1:1f
2. 个人物品
● 被盗物品的现值——需提供每件被盗物品的购买收据,若无收据概不赔付

160 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
•��·i:p���m�-=f-��ffiCD �fi ■
3. t/NtM*�
�t ���•m. �•����JJJ(������*fitt�.*���mwmtt.

Section 2
Questions 15-20

lf�M�t � �6 ti;J
fit;: �: £iZJ:!tJC
±.�r,l;J-%1: Kenichi M:1�= i��: fftI ��:71:lc:Jl!U

security n. ��; {)i!jp badge 11. ff�. i.iE�

guideline n. 指导方针 oblige v. 1tffx*, i§.ifiM:
challenge v. 质疑 comparatively adv. btl�, ;j:§ �
premises n. 经营场所;前提 trivial ad). ::r:m�s�; f.l/Hc'?S�
authorisation n.授权;批准 disclosure n. 7!!!:�, 0ff-
removal n. 移动;去除 confidential adj. ;j'Jlfil�
inspect n. 检查;检阅 divulge v.7!!!:�.��
submit v. 服从;提交 private ad). fLAS� , 1' AS�
disciplinary adj. 惩戒的 initiate V. TT�il, �-=j=- j ��


• Im §fn!H-fr: a:��!Mi § �:,Rno more than two words, mpffl�,liLtJ:w-J--tlffJ lill�l'riJIIB.
�� :lEftz:iii.l ��ftz:• ��
�gi: 1:i:Ji:ps{)'.£mii1J��, .l§Jm��iii.l, 1HJr"i'iT

x i:1�IBt:1t1J\f1r-/IB 9'Q'.£�i:p�ft-1'{1Jt$employeea':JM-%1iii.l��iiil o
@:3t: or inform a senior member of staff about...
15 report, employee
General T {f1J!J&Jrft3
�-� 51' *lr : f'dl =f 9' El<J report=JJJ( X
1 ,�:i fl<J inform; /Mi =f
fi· or :t'...1§
i:j=t (:�Jemployee=JJJ(Y. 1=j:t fl<Jmember of staff0 �31:1�-��

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 161
Im§: ll] r.p�;jtfi.ri¥-.):tf:.9��i'ifland:tl'.!to stop you��
;jt r.pEiz*:!1iJ\1¥-.J pg �:tf:.9!J�*a
x r.p .@i: ri1Nff-ft§ llf.. x. : You are advised detain any person...
16 company, stop you Company Property The company reserves the right to search...
--rm1.@i: !i!,,�51f}r: !Mf .:P r.p (f) to stop=L\RX r.1=113'-Jto detain; L\R
X r.i=1f1�$�to detain3f:ll!J (➔%-JJiffJmi!f ))yt¾to search a
i�1-lef.�;f::t:J(to) searcho
Im§: llJ r.p�;jtfi.r £i;/Ji'if)face, "i:iYJlw!lJ�;jt r.p-:JEJ:}i
A�i'ifl���i'ifJ 1Hi� a

x r.1:i .@i: 3/iINi@ llf.. x. : Any member found removing company

take, belongings without property from the building without proper authority
17 permission, face
Company Property
will be subject to disciplinary action.
--rm2.@i:m21r:iJ !i!,,� @-=f 9" fl� without permission= L\RX r.p ft':J
without proper authority; @-=f r.p B�will face= L\RX r.p
El�will be subject to, tiJi:1�-�;f::t:Jdisciplinary action 0

Im § : � ;jt r.p Eiz

*:t1i J\ -1' � staff;fi::i visitors :tt- 9°iJ 1¥-.J

x r.pfJUtiMff-@ llf.. x. : Badges are issued by Human Resources, and

18 badge Identity Badges rm contractors and people visitmg the company on...
SfiZJfi !i!,,� /MIT r.p �visitors=L\RX 9:i �people visiting
the company, L\RX r.p �people visiting the company3f
3i1J �¾cont:ractors 0 i&1�-�;f::;0contractors 0

llf.. x. :
Jrn §: l±l llJ r.p�;jtfi.ri¥-.J1Hi�pass sth on to, "i:iYffUlJ�
;jt r.p Eiz J\�i'ifJ a
It is, therefore, essential that you should at all
文中段落小标题 times be aware of the serious view the company would
must not pass on,
19 confidential information
Confidential Matters take of disclosure of such material to outsiders.
r m 1 J:)l: 1li Jfi-1u !i!,, � 51 : /MIT 1:P fl� must not pass on confidential
information to=L\RX r.!:i fi�be aware of the serious view
the �ompany would take of disclosure of such material
to, tiJl1-lef.�;f::t:Joutsiders a

llf.. x.: Before you leave the company, you must hand
over to your manager all private notes relevant to the
x 9" .@if$1Nff-@
leave the company, company's business...
20 hand in
Confidential Matters
!i!,, � 51 : /MI T r.p (1� you have made on matters
--rm2.@i:m21r:iJ concerning the company = L\R X r.!:i 13� relevant to the
company's business, activities, prices... , /.jj( 1-lef. � ;f: :;0
(private) notes a

162 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Kenichi �Xf!f:0"§1: �If*�,l]i!IJ-
ij: > dft.biJJ\lfffjjJ�-·t:?£, & '/lt(�hs$Jllt}tmpifil.(J;i1J: pj

lf., .&xtmFf0Prn1°1"B'-Jfffi:iJ4m1=fi',, :ti=:ff\\iillfit�lf.E1'-Jt.lHIJ. tE&,�r:11lfj()Ir·, JJ�hAJ::J£fi�¾Jim�f4z-.
�*��I���.�hA0ffl*��-•ffW 0fflM1".&����*A�ffl*���.ffWA*��
tJtl§•�;0'iilm-t1", -�.bi:fJ\l,�%-r�jJDZf�.

0ffi�&���I-t,ft�0%M���---�J'l'JI-t�§�¾*� 0ffimW.I-t�Ah.
WR=tf!H ' §mr5j;[I iliii IJ�· w � -� 1»1 fijt1'tl' JJti,iE14:

ftI�:i:i-�.�I��-��0ffi�%,�$]l'.ifd��ffl*�ffiA. ��ffiA.X�§�.�
:!l!H���;fljffl,)jiJt�mi�ffi, f�$]l'.if}l,\Z�f1 mrix:F!l!r:1'-JJ§*.l;!s!Jlt ,%&,liiJ)Ji�•f,\fJJ�Wt�.i,flllJl"J:>'�Wtill:JiiHr�*
f]§",\�L 0PJxtJJt�fi�Ff�7Gt'i'.
pJ�%Hfr�z:>1�, ;;r;1�till:B, ftm, flJffl0pHtL1§!,.•rrH�, 1»1�%-Jifr��i�PJ�*, t2i$1, fir�, m�§, Wiffl
�ffl*��A�*J:��-- X�ftMd¾.M,fffflmmll.lZ*��fflBmWMA�fi�.6�00��­

Questions 21-27

f;t;: �= mmx

entitle v. 使有权利;称作,定名 shutdown n. WI ; � 1;tJ , 1lJ 1;tJ

regulation n. 规则;管理 lieu n. i-1:�
majority n. 多数;成年 specifically adv. *HJIJ±fu, 1f fl ±fu
junior adj. 年少的;资历较浅的 collective ad). �f;fi:B�, ��� n. �'I;$:
accrual n. 自然增长;获利,利息 representative n. i-1:*, i-1:IJ.A

• @§ frfHn: Yi�@§�*: no more than three words and/or a number' mnm7GMt:i:i.=�-'f!.!fiJ:fil/l!.X:-

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 163
�Ji;- '.iE f.u: iiij �� ��
■ �:tE9-���r*••��*�filffia'-J*S
!lli L�I?
in what year, cover, 原文:2003年8月1日新修订的规定生效后,大多数
21 workers…originally 第1段日期集中位置 员工都有权享受带薪休假。
excluded �,�:$Hfr: @§ 0,i�9.!K�ilJ1:i]ifi]in what year'h!lHi:"iJ, T:iJ 0-
lifflJE�-)J)t;,tT/::��JJ..1ifpfJtMJ!/&fo JLlJffiX5i'.11r�HE
Jfr1Sf�fo'-:lW:±l*, ttx-J a �-11(in) 20030
■ �:�mffia'-JMI¥�riJ�-�S*��a'-Jffi8
·�x: � 1&tffifl'-J0 I&fp:¥,�:if�j,'=f4JJ!u 1 1'-Jwfffr# !

il!il, �JE il!il l:I (tE�ffi � ;f:U��±ifil 1lt 118� )§:Jf,

what, minimum annual :(:Ep;J o
22 paid holiday
�,�:$Hfr: Im§ 0-¥-'H}ld1iH0JifiJwhatWJi'i.J , Jfr 0- !r :$'criJ
0--5i'.�*%A11��d*��m*a B���
minimum annual paid holiday=/J}(>( �,� fl'-Jno fewer than
four weeks of paid holiday a year o �*jg 4 weeks
(a year)o
■ �:tEMII�--�.&I�-��riJ�&•
first year, what
�x: I1t=ffi-fp:iJiJclWH.51UJi-!-fu� a &I ft=-� J=J •
0 I �ll1"f tX'.¥-st 1/121:pfl!il a
proportion, annual
23 holiday ... a month's
第3段第1、2句 �,�:$)-;j;Jr: @§ l)J.4�H*Ml'i'i.JifiJwhat proportiontlHi'i.J,
riJ 0,1if(j5E��7Ji3'(:11:51"!/& o f/ljf /:l:',@/ll9!/'f Ej.1'J)(/li9!

Ff-BJffi�tEffi�m�*tt��-a R�rl��
tt {ff� o �. 11 one twelfth ( of
¾ 0- X f S'-J J� :iol:
annual holiday( s)) 0
■ �=-�riI�ffltt¼ffiffiMia'-J#®W*?
what, an employer □�•-Ki.ilHi�1�-tt�11, mmrs��¾lf���M*1ixli� o
24 give, stop ... taking 第4段第2句 ��5tffi:@§iM•M���M-�.riJ0-�5E
holiday �-%A11�ifiJ:s.lZ*�ifiJmiila @§I 1N1'-Jstop them
taking holiday = JJJ( )( � El'-J does not want you to take
that holiday, }fr 0-�-¾ (equal) counter-noticea
■ �:MI�-�tEM���#®a'-J-�riJnW�£
what, given as a �5E����IAA,�-��-fu'Mffi�#&AA�
25 possible reason, a 第5段第1句 9;U1�o
certain time �,�:$)-:J'Jr: @§ 0:M9*Ml'i'i.JifiJwhatmi'i'i.J, }fr 0-1i':$'c
riJ0-�5i'.�-%A11��d��m*□ B���a
certain time = Jffi Jt � El'-J a given time a" . � * 11 ( the)
(annual) shutdown/(a) shutdown

164 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�Ji;- '.iE f.u: iiij �� ��
leaves his or her job,
;t;/J1Hi *1* 11NW1 (:11tl� @Y!f§1* a
what should be given,
26 tf,6&/:tf,3 11'i] &;,�,Hff: JtN El l2Hi'j!i.!HiH.=iJifiJwhadlH'iJ, riJ IJJiffJ'.iE
any holiday ... not
%�%:i:-t :'./:1 i; i"J i; iffJ �:lHcg· a J@-=f 1=J:i (11what should
be given=JJj(Jtr.p(:11you are entitled to receive a %�:'./:i
(a) (holiday) payment/outstanding holiday payment 0
�-=f: �i 7-g-[a'] z:\1�, :ttfPJl�f!ll����i!J:§ttq:-t!?,
m'.iE 7�I�#fr.H:izf1J?
#$���-���r.p�����JE o
what type of document, &;,�,Hrr : JtN El i;J, 4�H% � l'i:JJif,J whatJ;!l!Jr.i] , i:iJ. Wifu '.iE
27 holiday rights
tf, 7 tJi:�� l 11'i]
�t�(:11 i; if,]@-�� fil2I -=f r.p fl1 conn·act (*� ) f�J3.,�j:j:
Jlj oJJ§i:JtcJ:imrLl...your contract gives you better rights,
or your holiday rights might be specified in a collective
agreement.%�:'./:i(a) collective agreement o

{I,(tB�·1HHW.'.iEHWTRs) �it-f-T ;k1?/&fftI-r.!JYJr;Jrfl1#hrJf-1*1r!HJlo f'tITTi, � 19981f 10.J=J ittW.'.iE�fi

M, 'itHiiH*1P:x#��N�J!Jr�ffti a Z0031f8J=l 1 B Jrfr1!¾:iTB1}Jl\'.iE��JOfi, ;k�!/&fftI:/JMHJ:¥�#l'lfJr#11i,
§ 2 0041f8J=l l B ml, wJJl\'.iEi11 � ;tc'(oill!: ffl -'f M tJ,U� �a
� �� 131fftI&'f:¥�7GPT4ffl] 1:11'iUJr#11x , }! JE 11x B (1:E�� � 5¥11�$ ± illi 'it Jg 87C )Btis fr P-1 0 {I=!
fftI� Jlf ± i'iJ � lffiJJE-l�1P:xAA B�· I's] a

I,(ttf,-fpm'.ffl��%.m-t-!-ffiLlo 'ITJI1t-1-J=J , .iflI&P1HJ:¥�1/121f1llilo I11::-ifJfi, i�Jlf.i:�i�,fft

I&PriJ IIJHflt:¥�1*1lia
#1P:x�tr, ii:%--&-• nuj"J;/;j f-f'i' .:'f#1l!xrJH� 1-i-9ir1Jln .i:-tt �I] 1��#5 :x(:1111/il, J11Ll 1� �]? J.i!L: m nu10:x1-i-:W Jlf
±a �*Jlf.i:7G�•m�#$ffl*.��mnu#$M*illi�m-��.mnus:x1-i-�m7Gn#$li:xa
�-Jlf.i:•mm��'.iEM�#®.��&'f�'.iEM��WIAA,�-�Pm up;gffi"f#filAAilli�ma
fft Ixtx'.1:E;l'tftl!Mi'sJ1*1Jt�11!xWJ a
���*ll'fl 1=�1 •%F'�, NJJ!Llff!xM7GriJ.m-tt�r-'f, tl17Gi:iJ.iJi"-J::'./,JJJl\�o fEl¾,�1:E*iilJ"PM-JliJF�,
�rt-MMm�U�ffl*#filAA�ffl@Mffi a

*� r.p�Wm'.iETMm�:'./:i�����.d#$���-�W�r.p�����'.iEa I�ft*���

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 165
Section 3
f;$: �: i,Jl�)t
.±� pg �: iii "1Jrt;y11J "-·liiJ5 I /:I:\ f't*gjlj, 't f.i<J��:5l1BU.l\\1tfll-$iiE� tt � faJifiE fHt!ll!:1-JlHfcJ o ;if\: ::ltfrffi T

cowboy n.4H- sting n. QJ, WH9'i

roam v. 漫游 sample n. ��; i§f.r
phrase n. 短语,词组 pharmacist n. P-.i:ff� �iji
dismissive adj. 轻视的 congestion n. Jt1Ill., �_§_�; tffllt, lt.$.
miraculous adj. 奇迹般的 extensive ad). 1阔
1l�Et-.l. 1:ki'I�; 5*fili'I�
cattle n. tl=.r::i; 4 commercial ad). iW � i'I� , iW �H� n. 1 i!r
evaluate v. 评价,评估 internal ad). 'f;$: P-J Et-.! ; P-J *B Et-.!
dismiss v. 不予考虑;摒弃;对……不屑 external adj. 体外的;外部的
一提 injection n. 51M; ;k!l:��5i'itA
outrageous adj. 骇人的 weapon n. it�
remedy n. 药品;治疗法 infection n. 1t�m, ��m
ingredient n. 原料,成分 extract n. t.UtlU� ; 5t v. t¾�, ¥�
eventually adv. 最后,终于 drought-resistant ad). :j:Ji:�Et-.1
potent adj. 威力大的,效力大的 distinctive ad). ����Et-.!, � A 1' f5'I Et-.!
eliminate v. 消除,排除 property n. •1'1flg, •11�; 9!;1"!"; 1'�F
ailment n. 小病,不安 harvest v. t&t1J n. l&�
wound n. 创伤,伤口

Questions 28-33
• @ El ffllHIT :
◊ !rJti, ��@-Jt:li;u:J'!/I-{§U-=f i:p Bt{::ill;:i::J:a<Jt:;�@vi;filxi, 3:j=-fg!-111im:::it i:p i'l<JSection A;filB o
◊ ti::i, ��J_j\z-�,bJ..HeadingsA-=f, .;i:ffiJfilffJl(,!e'J:1-Section�7C�, 3UU :±l ;1cm!iiil o
◊ MJ§", ��@i-�*-w;irvcYtff-@(i<JSectioni:J=i rr-J § f'MJt, m:,�-w;!e'J:1-§ MIB!:B<J�@1iJ ( it:1-J�H. 2
1iJ), t=J-w;;itf1Ri-B·1iJ, 3UU /:I:', ;1cm!il'fJ o
◊ :i:J§-x,J@fffi@�@:Jt:li;U 1:1:l B<J;1cltil'fJ, 1'�@:il'fJ. f1iJ50l'fJ. %:i:\:3£1-t�iiiJfUi\U:YiiiiJ o
Headings /ffiJi-HUT :
i. i!JJl\£B��iU:i::/I-H<Jf't*gjlj(;1cl}J!-il'fJ where, best)
ii. "!lr'�Y1Il"£��f-j--i.(;1cl}J!·ll,J contained)
iii. ;fi=fit1i:f't*gjlj(;1cltil'fJ growing)

166 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
iv. :MfoJiJ'lj ffli'1Ul&Jt'k'=Jffi ( ;ft:ffl!ii'[I how to use)
v. t'l,!"'1JroB9--'¥-MJ.iliffl(;ft:ffl!ii'[learlier applications)
vi. "!ht¥Ib"-ii'[la9 If!*( Bfs'JJliJll,f�)
vii. f'to\1HffP:JJ�'.5( � -&!WlliJTJ1: ( ;ft:ffl!ii'[I early research)
viii. "iJrt¥Ib ":iHJJ¾:!m{nJ jtf!J:l E!9(;ft:ffi!imfirst invented)
ix. tEi!'fi�±-tl!.:1:ff'k�JffiEl9ffl:Gi(;ft:ffl!ii'(l new locations)
x. f'k�Jml)]J(:,[ Ef9JJil1-ttiHJ,'!f ( ;ft:ffl!ii'(lmodem evidence)
xi. "!htim"(:f91¥,W:J#�(B�11J[tl�ll,t)

Im� )ti:p*ilwJ �Jmi:p*mlwJ !lZ,!ffAHJr in�

tff>@v "f't:W:Jffi � �MJ.ilZffl
- "::(:ESection C J:j=t glil71°
long before Meyer,
applied, wounds and earlier
28 stings, teeth and gum applications
•���z�.�fi�&R�•�m,�•�� V

�ffl.�ffiSl.•�·*11�•m�. �M!ht
I� , z.tHJ. .1Jtnffi:� 0

samples, pharmacist, t)[\@ vii" t'l:W:Jffi l)JJ(:,[ � 1¥-M?iff Jl ",x,J J.ilISection D

29 colleague, tested
early research
J:j=t�*-���-�--�••*�fiffJl� m.

i'.i.F@ix"tEffiJr (:19:l:-t!!.:1:f f't:W:• 139 ffl :0i "MJ.ilISection

different story in
m:!:t*rli1!:t, t�*•�!lmt1�:1: 13 �; 201:!HMo:¥
30 Europe, French, new locations
1-t�70:¥1-t, ��JLBXAicml. f'tX::(:E®(rHl9!U
jc:l:{tfflJlt�• 0
tff>@x"f't:W:•�Mi (:j{] 3:J,\\1-tiiEffl "MJ.ilISection F:

no evidence, modem
**•eyffi!ht�,�x��.rt��•**•JjJ J
modem 34::ZZ��''i"MeyerJ/s.ttt, Jh!,JJil1-tf4�x. "X"�•z
31 science, science has
evidence illffl,m��*���.w�•�**•eyffiffi
Q , ffIIJJ � ffi�;ft: 71 :!k , Jl:t 1& � JE 4-Meyer:ffi, 1'ij' ,

IN JJ:tJ:,Meyer Q 9=l Zii'(I.

i'.i.F@iii"�1i'!if'l:W:Jffi"tESection Gffjc:l:ti\'i�. T.i.F
@ 1'P r-19 growing Mill flll: X i:p E19 dry prairie plant,
drought-resistant, pretty tolerant: f't :W: • Jj •
dry prairie plant, ffl!lm,tt�m:•.��#±•,���JE�mft
32 drought-resistant, growing �.XJJ#�ffl!Jm.�ey•W*ffl•**•�� Ill

pretty tolerant �g;1f!:ti'1i!Jm, �M, �n-t-!:t��c§, �Tffl;tI,

-ey��R. *tt���--.-@%tt��.

9=1� @��.�k!±�;�m��Zttlf!R�
Tmi�Tr�, wfflti��Jl\9!UiJJ!l&.
there are nine species of
T.i.F!Mliv" :!m 1nJ iJ'IJ ffl;j:1[ !Jmt't:W:• "ff Section Hff W
Echinacea in all but
33 only three...grown for
how to use g!Iltt/i �. @T 9=l E19How to use=))J(--y:_ 9=l El9 grown IV

for medicinal use 0

medicinal use....

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 167
Questions 34-40

• @§ffi!Hfr:

�� )ti:p*ilwJ ��{u::i: �Ni

■ §: "!l!'i:flil "1M/HEii*ftl!fntr..Jf=&i�%ro
Section A�213t�l 1iJ:
... you might be run out of mt :i'l.:: �n 1� r 'L'9inJJ± i!J'J zt-H:sc� �t!.!1ir_ix '!l1lf:ix
town if your particular
-:{af�j, ;l'.JltiH�rfs:tlim:l±l�'f.N: o
snake oil, effective
medicine, as you realized it !lHf7ttJr:@ §I i:pi,Ji,;NJ&;J;�f�f�IB'/fh-:{af�j, {.§.Jffi:Sc
would, failed to live up to its t� l±l f[!i, 1flx1""�¥Ill "15�� 'L'9iUJJ±� oB §-'=5 Jffi:Sc �
claims. �;;f� o �·:'.hFALSEo
■ §:*SBA�fiW*m�M�ffiM��o
mt:i'l.:: �;fiJJlE riu5ltWffllfFJ'rt'.ZIN, 41fllff.3/%!&:%,

Wild West,
Section A�H1�11iJ:
Back in the days of America's
sM_:� �fHft,'il4 , fffri'nJ "�'lfll (Snake Oil) "!.!it llfl o

35 mistrusted Wild West, when cowboys

�-�7ttlr: Jffi>C i:j=t-:{afWild WestJ!-1-�fil:t'nJ, f§.
roamed the range...
Section B�lfJ�l1iJ:
The remarkable thing about Im§: -�!l!'Eflil*W7tffll£7.l<o
many of the medicines mt:i'l.:: Y=l.A"�rm"zif��!/o/J, f3"(�·z5lt��_m

snake oils, mostly dismissed then as 'snake oil ' ����*x��-��x•x�z#.��
water is not so much that they... :'.htLl:ffo
those that weren't harmless �-�7ttJr:@§i-Jt!lr"irllJ*fff50-¾7-K o Jffi:Sc·lb?.!lr�'/rh
coloured water could be :J:Hl0¾x•-:{af �s�# o �·Ji.lTRUE o
positively dangerous.
■ §: JiJr�!1!1:1lil:t1:.!*t'LH!Hroo
Section B�213t�l 1iJ: mt:i'l.:: t'k'=%i(Echinacea)-/f:¾'i!::-1fftl o Jlt�E�iiE
One, Echinacea, eventually 'g_;, :iJ[t:1J?,tUj;:rJJ;j]!:'.fg-:{ej5t� 0
37 Echinacea turned out to be far more �-�,Hlr: @§ 1:pf:!);ffr-:{af�Y!il1'i°1SJt'k'=%i, -'=J)ffi
potent tl1an even its original )(i:p";j;'f*%i¾!lr'iYIBE�-fiji"fJ/']�*:it7G-i;lco *
promoter claimed. �-�i:p-:{afall)!-*��m•���o �·:'.fg
■ §: �iiE�f'JJIH!fi'iH�iHHl!lffio
Section F第2段最后1句:
proven, kill German researchers had used
ffeJ, v'F:&ml��-:{ef��?R iPfill�JJR£t!.o
38 microbes it successfully to treat. .. against
iT o @§ 1=!=1 �!�proven to kill microbes=Jffi>C i:p E�
bacteria and protozoa.
found it to be effective against bacteria and
protozoao �*:1-ifRUEo

168 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
�� :@f.u:�
* tr-1 :j>'J !l!Hro@:;_!Hr
��{u::i: �Ni
JW: §: � 00 � 0

Section GIEXffil kiJ fl1±Ji¥, !lSYtJE,@it!i.Rel:;JUL
highest quality, Echinacea is a dry...although ��*ffi:B§i:j:i-�00�*��--�A•
39 America it does best in good soil with �-@�x&•��*JEJl,±J1¥��Mm•�
plenty of sun. t't*••�f' {fl.Jt-*•»-�00 0 :r15'r, -f�B§
9:i tl:'1l:Jl.\[fi·jWj�:i.ili�1:itt11Xf!M�i:iE. ��:1-JNOT
Section Hffil@:ffi3'ti] JW: §: *i!!-wf'A*�:iG.J..t-1!t AJ" At-6° o
Most European studies have ��=•�$•M�mmn��••�z�n
used liquid concentrates nt, rJ�0091U$rtttit••·
more than one
part, medicinal use
extracted from the tops of �- � * ;j;Jr: B § �r
13<] more than one part...
plants,whereas extraction in medicinal use X'J $I }� )( 9:i 1¥J extracted from the
the USA has usually been tops of plants, whereas extraction...from the roots.
from the roots. =�11$:i£-f1. ��::'f;JTRUE.

!l!'E ilil---- -
A. �5¥1Jll£riu61.fiz!itf!UlJiEZJ:l'J, 4-ffrht"l%tll::l-m, stl�!l€Hfr,'oL WrlffJ"ilit;rm (Snake Oi l)"��l!j'J. "iJ�iEb"n;g; 7G
Z4�fitnt-6"�ziJtffF, trr/i!lil!Bi:j:if:tt1�ff. %ffFXit1 milit;11J!t, sm�r�.
11Ua,J-, ��"iJ.rtrEb" J=j �4-X:ff, Jxl.f�/JiJif:;Jc; �Oli f ,l'./J;llJl±r!Jlz¥.r��*��:lmr!X¾lf���i , 1lt&,1iJT ��Jl
�tll�"tJi. tJul:t' "ij(�?Eb"�z-p:z���, ;(:E�*�tfli,JHfZJW, �B::f ��:llt;.
B. V3A"ttYEb"zv/g$�� , ffF�Z�::f;(£m{tN1-'¥;{ff-rJJt-X��f-�l=X*X5z7k, ZJ),i'iJ:'fg}r,!J�. i1&ffF1fj·

t't*Jffi (Echinacea) 1!¾-fffiJ. Jl:t�Jfi�£iil:�, ��l!X�£79��. rJ]B,J-, t'l*•ffl':f ":i2f&B1't!"Jlll.Jf!J
(Meyer's Blood Purifier)" , Jl:tJ'.IXfi12f��Z�' Jt!l!��Dr H.C.F. MeyerEJrf!,U, %f$§i� sm. "fil1TB$
liII.:ffiJ "�1=m�,.1Hm�1�,�, 11.itdt.��sm�m.
C. :i2i 1TB (Meyer) Z mi , • JJ¥( Gp ffi � A (the Plains Indians)� � � t � J� � t't *. (Echinacea) £ix� t't
(purple coneflower)ffl�Af�, �?t45-�l1 ffel1ifi. Gpffi�Ai�·AffiU�1J:tk:, W�-=fi:15 i::i J=j!l\)(£H.�Jnfz:£t, �ff
:t-tti R:f�lti�m , v1 1� �t1*!llUr=I, !l1Jrt�il , r#rt, Jc"fI ��mffi:. ;(#:tlYliJr�r�, ZJJ'�Jltnfil1t.
D. m��tifEt!n®i�Jl:t•zlJJ�. f'JMeyer.i!"$JirJ.1f1J(blood purifier )"tlii'lt��JfU�i!iJohn LloydlW, Jl:tt-6° ,R!/.It
�l'aJiffii:1:f. Lloyd£i@1JJiAJEMeyerEirffFZP-:i�il'.IX:ff/Zi.lR, Jfit£1i'iJ�John King�imiJlt•PBtt, llJll'f
�:ff9�'.W:'R:!ilJEJirJ., Lloydi!i-1:fftfH�.
WFo, Lloyd)(,J�PJ�izt\'i:i£�Meyer�i:J:z®X:::FR. �19 :!Hi:.901¥-1-t, t't*Jffi�Jtli�lfilJ:ff!J CDE,jjfil;{fi�
00-=f*:JJJ'", LloydZ'.TJ'�tift15L�$H.M�i'fJ(Lloyd Brothers Pharmacy)QTIZJ:.illJ!Jr�PJ®'1ii'.
r· �-zJfi, J:3\lf�:tiL��M�. t't*•PJ�Jti¾:l:l3;i3t; 2ot!HM01¥-1t�70'9"-1-t, �OOJLBXAici@. rtJt;(:E

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 169
19371tGerhard MadausEEffiil±�, :jj!H1kWJi!Jz_;, #1'Jiflt1�fl 1 ;f'11, 1J:1'.Jfi�5IJ,..l�X�Ho Madaus-0��
JE�i!Ut (echinacin)(JltJ'.J r:E1Madaus'ifl'@ltlli!Jmz:ttxJJ-r11H-&�, $Xfutl�trtJ.:, �{*, 1*1*Jfl1Bz.
�I, ffl ,#ffl'fa:t-Hftlllitl fl:: o
F. tt:i:1uin:i:rni!lrtnx, r/,j::'Jc!J-EiiE o ?J;f-j'l[£1j§'t't:lalHu�J�:':lcz��·1tt, _l]il,J:Jjl{-tfll-$x1""X"B-J•zm:ffl,
f!!,&,it:k�:;f JLf.lJ-$Tefu·!ilHWr.iJt�-i% !=I , lfW1�ftti?:Jc"lfi ik, JJ:t '&.:;f JE�Meyerm-,., 12s!Jl:tJJMeyeri=J
r:pzin.J o
t'k�IHiHiffl 7'1 xtm1§-frl1 �ffel zlf %Uit�, f� �ffeJJt!I:, JltwZr.iJ �Meyed!i\�-o ffiOOf!Jf�� E. fflJltPJ�:mffi
-•�zm•!Jm,#lr-if$�-fi-;M'f*$#_1]il,ffel�,X:m•Bim&_l]il,,#�:9Jffi8�ff5� o §
fil!£1isl?d(j[i5��z__t' l�lr-$.�Ri�£, r,lq:;fzt'k�§VJ-•!Jmz��f'&=b XfaJ;f-j'=fr.iJi,�-1-t O

"!lrttrl1", �t't*§VJTJ)[Jlf�t'-&�;-o
G. ¥t*§VJJ'J•�t.i1i:!iWJ, tl:�MJt!r--, '.@:$frl 1 ±JJR!, �8 ::l't1t:JE±tl!JmJt1! o XJJfrl1 -=f ti!Jm, ZJ),r.iJ Wt);!(Jfit.i1i: o t't*§VJ
7'J�!ll�$1t�ti!iWJ, ��, �nf��=§, �.:plf�I, �r.iJ :it=.R. o �tJ.::ttff�llmt§VJ, �-@,i5:j-}.:{t��, r.p 7'J
1113R/q·t o nf __t�=§; JrE�n-1· JtztJ.:mWfillIDITTiifr�, 'ifl'lfl.t�.:;f�JtffWt!ili o
H. ¥t*§VJ�:5tJL;frr, r&1Sl=frl1ffl'f 12i�zfflo J1f11t't*§VJ�•l1fflfi;,J.o ©i:I'lH$�Wf-JEffrfflJJ:ttram•!Jmzr:&
��, 1&�009!tl$'f��--o �r16?ZfuiJ�iffi:MtlJ5c# I&, Ji:B1"im�;/J□:tt.Eifl1 -=f 12,( -� &=bmt o
r*t.i1i:t't*§VJrm11f,ffrlf &'bfrl z��:9J�_ifflli'i] o Atlctt&��m, ;ttlf,;!ijt, H!lr.iJ:fftill±l o 1j,,i'_.,75t�ljij{=f, fit

'f��$�o J!*9!tlr.iJlJ5c�:ttfa, !!:1ilZ1i*�fflj,':ff!:Xn·1· o

JJ:t·�J:ilZ.:;f���lijT3&1', r�m�l�-@,{tff, r.iJ .!::jz:l@��!l:j,' 0 H.Eit'k�§VJjg��, ff!tl:;f ,�12s� 0

170 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Task 1


B§ �:·fi�m-•T.ffiM��x�M��Hffi.�ffi�.--ff -���*Mffi.mfi* ■
m, IE]Ut:illi-i'�1$�M�*ffr.1i\x$.

�}�,�ii\:� ��i=Sf§ft-XB§:frj;JW;jmlf}: l*�tl::SC¥:WrJJ:JTarft, PJk,(FlJHifu�ft §�; ����;:fftfrf.le/pJ

*��ft-ff%-, illl�'lf¾ ::::: 1-Jt>Jt, \wi�1:E�ft-A�--M-rlillJj\Z, 7G�rn1rJl\Ji1imL :fflf�ili�1<t.1�JiiZ¥*:l!gir.
-H:Jc�El9�ftJiiZEl3 = 1'-ml?tHJn\t: f*n'l'+ftf4:t1;f>:+ft?!�}fL&li'fil·fll�!t;.
ft lllji as EJ 11
4'.ilftA7GIEJ, fx;n'l'E19�i'-!-t:!1;:ffFJr;flA.!:
1. �U*LIY:ftAj;J-1'-11::]t, lfil1;f>:!llt�mttJ, fE!7G9;11:i:f!4'.ilftAJe!.1;f,:�1{J!t;'¥fntl:JiLl:
Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern, Dear Professor/ Manager/ Editor, ( �11Dear1J□ Lj'.i(14=A�Jdtr)
2. :tm*Li5lftA¾iA.1-REJ9 A ( isil :i:f!-ti-'d:!t; lil ·11J}1J) , f§.*7G¾W.t�i* W EJ{JJJH� :
Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Miss I Ms. + surname -Wt!m : Dear Mr. Gates, Dear Ms. Clark,
3. �ri*Li'.ilftA¾�\�EJ{Jffll�:
Dear + first name fftl�ll: DearJohn,
i�H!J: :tflll:as EJ 51
ftfl� £1*ill! '!ri 133 =tf[I '.5-Hil.nlt :
3f:ffif-1dEi:t&Jt-lJl��ft-§ r:1{].
tlt). �;:ff��a{]Jtm, &m:m:,,�·WHt-1'-JeJ..1;t,:fiiJ&, mvtz1aJ�tt��1r.t-1=.Htrtt.
�ft£'.m-�f.lew;ft A�� �itM�ft i'J{J;-$/3t.
1�*:t-Lffii!fri�� Er-JEJ;i
ft*tL&li\3·-IN PJk,(f.leffl�nr :W:it: yours sincerely, yours faithfully, yours truly
f§jrl*¾�ftM1��:/l-Hl{JM�, PJk,(;tgx,Hifi�: yours, with best wishes, lots oflove
�iatf!�•�-1'5i'iJ �jjlifijf;�, ;f-�� §I B(:J{J��Jl!l:-1'5. �11: Mary,Jane, Bill, Tom�.


微信:13522209444 171
�i!.#��-¾�#�fil�r-�-�k&T�7! �m�a-lJ��-*kT.��-T�±.;;r:;�
!i!��,(f.)!Jt :icJJ�,tiJ;!i Js-'ta¾ ,J, -t &7 rfr Ji,(�1f1-Jt:iifd\&T--1t-4t-1t-Wf:-tt, iE-�T' �1f1�itl

;¥fr� 1 0

� 1t ,t1,t¾-$�k.a-ii a�111 � --=--faJ !ii· 't, -1-�Ht JJi1,1.\;.1ta¾ �'t:ifo-1-ffit& a -Jt T1f1,tJl-1fl-Jt,-:.:, llil .Ii i!..2.
� -1-k%.-tr , 11' ifiJ j£_� -1-:it J!!j , #An a¾ ':?t fal � k 1 a 1!7-Michelf._-fr,-:.: , e;J .Ii i!..2.;;r:; f; �1.!.t J j· �1>$-a
�111j£_ of �::i. ,(f. :it J!!j .2. :):JI:. ;l;:lj-



f�f14 :i:f,$:a{Jfltri1i::J:ll:re\;1:iJIV-*ffl*�A(t�r-Uf����, Eltl'BJ� -:fr), m1:iJ VJ*ffl511iit!:A(fltt'r511i
ill: IIY 1-=f--ffl:, flt ieJ ��:fr)a
:i:f,$:flta{J�A��, f***L&li!i-5fi1Ii� a%'I:ii·tt!.� li'/J: ;{#_i:f;;jl;Eltfi*ffl*�A��, fL&i\i!i-5filii�m
*ffl:tf�:rt;;{#.i:f:41:Eltri*ffl511iit!:A, fL&lffi5filii�!J!Llim1=1:X1:1f a
fff-Wf � ;t
B § �HefH/ii tl:\ ;zjl: :SC¾� M-1ft1ff-M Li a{Jft, Yr IV-f*11¥ 1i:ti*ffl "Dear+M Li�=¥" a{]��a

I am writing to let you know that at last we have moved to a bigger house! We just couldn't go on living in
the two-bedroom bungalow now that the twins are growing up and the new baby has arrived,,.

ff-������ea •T.��ffiAD�M-��M�*ffiAa{J•OOa �T*MiliT *a{J� ■

��-§�*.����ffi�m• •a{J��.m�-t-��A�¾��.@��£��-e@��o
t)}iftl**; J:j!J3 (-j;( );&:5f=f-T, ��JJ1J�1-fjj,C,,!t!i,IV-ik.M!1!��-�; illlu�tmt�ifil·jjj\1')':f:1!!,£:1:Jl\fJHia{J@r�
¾"-1-*�'.:£;";<'.'..-······��-JJJI@ffr�N�@.��iw�'§'-�, e rt.mi¥,it�T-J!i'tli:5H&i'i<J1:iJ��a f.§.��r!l'TI­
�. •¾•�-���-�-�re n-�ili*a{J�ffo ■
ftf4M=t� = @lf.i\Iffl= 1-�1tff*-fl'mffi@rr1{J·��
1:Et/liJ±�!/t!JB1·, ����i'±·t/li�J1[y!J¥(fA1E¥tl5'r, fAJ:¥LlT�), j;)5'Hf�JJUA-�Ai'i<J·�a ftffi
��.�MfiltlliJ±T.rID��0a{J•�o ����*��ffl Wtlli�OJ¥,N��MAIV-M�a{J-�a ■
1J§f4ffl.:::Elt: @lf.i\Iffl.:::1-�11cff*�iwMti*f��

172 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
f�{4 � Im� : tlH!H''fr � El�!il!.±1l: IVJ?l 1.lffJ JE.3F dn fl,Ji'EJJ-rtti15} Jg -ttHJ,t�t lliF'li!f 1:5i'.±t 11□ t':M r ;t rJ-1.g O � 11:�
Ef{§°�:llf!lft&111·,Lots oflove ;li!:"i'- 1�·/p; flHl�*lLS o
bungalow(f J%),decorate( !/&t(fi),barbecue( t1:/'.�)
EE!r�1'tf§°¾Ef �€;-{il:HJW� t':1�,/ilr lV-1':E.ffiifiJL{sl'..ffi T -��l0iE:r.t*:it,�II: let you know ( il{t9al
ili), I'm sure you'll like it (=l'.Jt1=JJE{t�%�fi1�),Why don't you come round... (��11:u*),we would all love
to see you( 'f:!tif]t�W�;l;t;fz;{�,), give us a call( #l-1�1flrTltri1)
El=! r*x.1.1�1°1E:r.tx1*, 1zs1J1:t1x� :u'f-���1'.f'�J;°g- 1JJ,11�1*i®�r�1111rrvil: 1I%,Ef 1* § r:1�f:Jf11.lfn, ffif-�ii-J.ill,
�11:Ji�f-Hlll1*��J:J a



I rhBffi
� $ IB!.i
BI� /Mli.f: -"5 lV-nu*B tt, lJ\ltE���1·1�.A�r ,'±',J\tvl"f-a ¾{t¼ffilizsl�3&T�l'J ·tJ!J&i'l� :±1 �? fiKi1ff-x�·v1f-��

'i1'i°&11t�t�JJIJff)°&:@mt111'ciJJillr:1��fila �1U!li5l·itxEfftJml�5}1g¥ifitmlllfrri?ifmp;,;j:;Jc�. �if,J(:1�&m
Ef{1°:1n!�ifIJ ,�f! � tlH!1 ::(elf IZJ'j!J ; JJ:t�,,� ff ;tiJo] B�fil ,!ifi,1-1' :iJli\UI\� tE X � Efft f:l,J �-'f 1t 7)- [ill J.iiZ, ii­

� loJB:iilltffi�-��-9'::51' a
�B-JJMffmB§.��@�p;,;j1-�Ba �li:tEEfft��fiff�3&*v1f-.Aft��**�ffillzsl,ifIJ�:5t
i'fr JJ:t:r!A\�#l-vl"f-�w* r1�H6ll: a

xt'f·ffl!?ffmi'l�B §I, :iill'iltl'Jz:!!(fJl:±1 l'oJ/ill-'.5ttlrl'tiJ,'ffi-ffJ!(c/;k:fo]B(:1�,'Gl,�*1cdx.�Ef {t,.= 1-:fiF�'p:5tjJ1J

x,JJ.iiZx.� (:� .=7C'ltli'.T}0

;Jl*�-m:±1 faJB-1�f&i §I �tihli:ttEl�:f!A\�illfi�:tt, 1se·w:�·yjl!� §llWE/rffiil{ii1 1�fciJ&a
± 1*� -W �m :rHfr �-ft :£}Al� (l'o] B ) f' 11: El�/Jil lzsl ,- 5t ;jfi· p;,;j rlJ =- 1-IJil lzsl ,43t1- lzsl-�ris, 1/ii � �1*
/lltfF,i-"MllliiaJl a
gf!i ,ij;¥Jt-*115& §I �>.!< #;- 1:1:\ ;f!J �•HHJr:ii:,X:X' P:iJ B(:1�ffll tk: :1'f � a


微信:13522209444 173
��-��--�*�j�A�ili*�- �-*�Aft�*���kj#j#�.�-�•�&�*
�1/i",:i!kiiJ--t3t:iin.ili-fr:t A.��*-,Hf4-, 1,}--3t-$-:f,,k.-$-il&*il&j. 1E..t4!.M13t:iin.ili4t:t A.��*
*���•**�A•��*-�•w--t±••���. m •�*�frn��*-��*fA *���--t
;fca�oJ"jf<-x� ¥+. 1trn-t--:f,,1t1'torrn --t i..1t*�frnJG-it-k1.U1i..ili,:i!5l:i!.-ffe-tl�1 -t- A J{t*��
r�•*•���-��.A fil&�*r�i�����:f,,ori..�*A.���+or��••�*���­
����•*•��•��.#•Ia,#�T�J�A�ili*�·JG-itk�iliL*. �-+�• Amili
il&*il&M�--t�I��g,:i!���½�ft��ilifr�Aft�•. ��.�4�-����m��OO*fr
���ilifrAft�•���*f."f����k:i!#��*�-�#�T¾,A��- �*����L�



:i!-�*�A��sri-+��*�- �*���:f,,��ilifr Aft�*���:i!.frT�#:f,,*�­
���A- �t��*��srnrkt��- �*�I���:f,,***�-«�#A:f,,#��**���
,J•��. -E m,J, ofvhJLit:� ±it***f-��1t;JJ��th.
p;i-ina !i1itl:.J 5t 1-fi'
x•19:1Sf �l.lfUI%irt��1,. �xDZ.m-mti5:5tfi7u&l'.h1J\�y:J:i: �
- a"Jw-i-t-»r.:�. jj>'� x•:xta § i:p a"Jffi
=-t-�•-••*Mi1i1$a"Jff*.N1SfM�@�.���-�*- ••�-�m-�m��¾���M
��••�a"J�a. �•��•x•*fi���•-��**m•�••J\�**a"Jaa.��W:fr:frm


simplistic adf i:1 -=f $ � f-1:: S1 , i:1 -=f fs1 variable n. 可变因素,变量
-ff-l:;sl;_J adj. 变化的,易变的
relatively adv_ Hlx1±fu, t�im� unrelenting adj. 持续不断的
affordable adf fstfi�sl;_J, 1'::ktr.i�BS campaign n. 乘船游览
affordability n Y-!.:J=gjmt.J; �:j:g�gf.J cruise adv.可论证地
especially adv_ jt�, i�:nlJ arguably adv. oJiiiiE±fu
disposable adf oJ� s:i3tl!ic.S1 industrial adj. 工业的,产业的
combination n. rn-§i-, !i1i-§l- invariably adv. 始终不变地;总是

174 微信:13522209444
on a simplistic level },,,\.]�:f� $ Er-] ffic im _t if give rise to 引起,导致
large numbers of *�Er-] I � 13 1� � Er-] in addition 另外,此为
even though �P{t, .ffirt.{ lead to 导致,引起
due to EBr.�A in this case 在这种情况下
in order to :;J;J 7 tend to 趋向

1. However, the sheer number of transportation means is not enough to explain this increase.
however�-tfHJriiiJ 1¥11.tffl, f]t!iW J§")(�}[ltt1=rfr£1JOJIIYI1l!m; -�1i]1i]-=ft�;j:$];1;J .:Ei! (the sheer nurnber of
transportation means)+* ZJhifiJ ( is not)+%�iii](enough)+� .iEA ( to explain this increase) o
2. The cost of travelling; even though it is at present increasing due to an economic slow-down globally; is
still relatively affordable to many people.
the cost of travelling1:l:.tlt1iJ r:j=tf1= .:Ei!\-; even though5l� i,J:ffitki§.M.1iJ, �¾'tiJ r:p i'.Jq-,t-�,�; due to*
ffi"�:1g", �jq]=_fbecause of; economic slow-down globally ( �JJU.2tk\it:i!! )¾-1'-{Nimffl(1q*jE, tEEif
f1= r:p �-2 'rrUf:l ¥0 o
3. An increase of travel companies in competition with each other has also helped bring package prices
down, while an increase in the number of operating flights globally has also increased, giving rise to
falling air-fare prices.
an increase of travel companies in competition with each othertE .1Jt 1iJ 1:P f1= 3:: it;-; has also helped ;1;Jii!\' ffi- ,
bring package prices down;1;Jhelpedi'.Jq$i§; �iii]while';i I �:J:HU.M.1iJ; mltE:5hiiJ�i'H!giving rise tof1=�i!L�
4. The combination of these two variables with unrelenting advertising campaigns from travel companies
and cruise ship operators arguably leads to an increase in the number of people travelling, in this case

for holiday purposes.
Jl:t1iJ aq ::ti-a� the combination of these two variables with unrelenting advertising campaigns from travel
companies and cruise ship operators jg ::=Effi-Tffl:5}; combination...with:3/-J lgj JEffl�; leads to¾i�ffi-'lcrll:5},*
ffi"5 I j@, �fl:"; an increase in the number of people travelling, in this case for holiday purposes;1;J$i§; /llLl
liiJarguably JJ1tEleads toaqifijffij@�!liifn.l1¥Jf1=ffl o
5. Another reason why people travel is going to work. ... there are many reasons why more people are
travelling both internationally and locally, for business and for leisure.
m-1iJfl1m=1iJ c1:i ** /llLliiiJwhy';l I��INJEi!i·.M.')JJ, :5}§J1Jt1HtA1il tl:\fii'.Jq�!N :fU;1;Jrl'.lf 9r �f;{i:vtsl 13 aq�
OOJ'i�fi!iJZ�±l!!.1±111'A��'h□(:G�IN; X cp:;/cf!1'F=f:l**lllL iiiJwhy 5 I ��INJEi§.M.1iJ, fm.M.1iJtEEiff1=r:p
1¥J���-1'ffl,¾m�Eiff1=:5}���ey�i¥}�-�- o ��tE���,m�*�¥ffl�J:1iJ:i:t,#�
$fiJi/Mi:iEffl ;
6. What is sure is that this increase is likely to continue until travelling at current rates is no longer
economically viable.
JJ:t1iJ¾what5I� ::ti§.M.1iJ; what is suretE 1PJ i:j:1 f1=::tffi-, m=-t-is:1'.I *ZJhiiiJ, that5 I �1¥J.M. 1PJ :1-J*i!i·-tfll:5-}:
thatl\1il�what is sure(1q pq�; �£i'.t%e likely to do:tfi::1'-lgjJE:J'-lf@c,*ffi "1Sf ······i¥Jey1J�"; is no longer*
ffi"TiIJ-" o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 175
Section 1
Questions 1-8

,r,t;: �: J.ili:J=llt
.:E� pg:g:: �um,m�iliWJ!J!?;J*s<Ji'/.'·tf-�i'oJ@, ::ijs:Jt� l±l T lmtl5-:tr�, t\� IIJ1m:m�ffl1(,tk:i'oJ!ill!Io

consumer n. 消费者 inspection n. 检查

proof n. iiH@ , iiE Bfl postage n. 邮费
purchase n. 购买 resort n. 手段,凭借;度假胜地
faulty adj. 有缺陷的,有瑕疵的 procedure n. 过程,步骤;诉讼程序
n. IB�
=�-tfu; �
refund relevant adj. ;jJj � B';i
exchange v. 兑换 alternatively adv.


• @§lffllHJr:

�� �mim ��w:.'I'. ��
� �: :lzrl�1�ffl!M]!j-w,j,�.9.J...tfil@l:;r-��t¥Jft
=f, AA"IA'i=ifriE��1�fil�o
Jti:pffi:f-if1M:if,@Step 1 r1!HW: mt:x: M!J!?;J!J#)J!Jtiil:¾!Jl?;Ji[E(i<JmJrg O �ll*f�}'[flllili
fiJ31iJ: @I� l'oJ@a<J!/1-=f, 1@:i�f.lZ��ilH!Xa *=rf�iXJU*r
Go back to the shop.. .It is also i'/iE-=ft[JJZ..r]1C'�T£)&:, 1'l.tlH�1/1ill@I, tlL�i=ifrm
return unwanted
1 shoes, refund
likely that you will get one if f)t{{j-ill� o
you change your mind about the 4:'.,�:SHJr: @§ 9'' s<Jretum unwanted shoes=W-Jt
shoes and take them back 9'1
i'.J<J you change your mind about the shoes and

*� -
take them back, ilfil §i:p a<] straightaway=W-Jt i:p B/,J
immediately, @ § .!:§ )]( Jt i1 a � � -JJ

Jt�j:iJNf-if1M:if,@Step 1 r�2%1: mt:x: �r.1 *

��: :tm�AA"�IDf:iz;1����, lti$l1�i&T-o
mJ *�\WI :i! 1� 1� ifi' #, 1� i=iT VJ, ;r- &,

2 credit note
�11iJ: *�o

If you are offered a credit note, 4:'.,�:SHJr: @§�!"1i<Jaccept a credit note.!:§J](Jti:p

you don't have to accept it. H<J don't have to accept it l:Jf:I lfil ;r- - ij/: a �� 1-J

176 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
W:3/iiN'iFBStep 1 rm3W:mi3 � �: I1��]1!�;M��:;;r-1ttt�Et-Jft-ro
�= �x:M$�W&�re•-r*��$illfi�fto
The shop may want to send the j�Jl1Mi:11�01JL, l:!1lef flJ1rfffHRJ1:iJ/l] a 1flj13,x,J::f�
factory, shoes back to head office for fB(ilff � Ja f;j MJlJfdfr 1'1:iJ 8 lj=f �FT� :fn_ 'i!f (t<:) iJ17'!
3 responsible inspection. This 1s fair...But If �:ii� o
don't be put off by the shop �- � ?t 1Jr : B § i:j� El) factory = DR X 1�� Ei/,J
which claims that it's tl1e manufacturer, @l�1��"I1:fn_'/!f"5jDRX"i=11/Hl:\
manufacturer's responsibility. fl1fT �::f ff� '/!f ":'&j£;l'j� & o �� 7-J FALSE 0
段落小标题Step 3下第1、2句:
Most shops are covered by the
Footwear Footwear Code of Practice. If
4 Testing the shop you are dealing with is
Centre covered, you can ask for the
shoes to be sent to the Footwear
Testing Centre for...
j£5@T��#,5.iDRX�j£::f-Bo ���
� �: ���£f�ft-rifli�(�/B��)11j��ft��o

credit note
�x: ?5tlef�'f:l:!>cf�L§l,o
5 change shoes
原文没有信息 �-�?ttJr: 1Mt /:t\ /@IID!J=t5.ifi-:>cJl!ii!ff-BDRJ)!Ll , ;J\
tiFBStep 3ZE �X �tti !'§ :J'� ::f ¥Ll JE 1.v: ii,J credit
noteo ��:3/gNOTGIVEN o
文中段落小标题Step 3下倒数

cost, having
faulty shoes
There is a charge of £21. You
£, � ?t 1Jf : B § i:1=1 m ¥Ll cost,
Jf� JifN ff DR YlLl ::f xii'

tested Pay £7 and the shop pays the

rest ( including postage).
� M7�-,Bi=l5.iDR X�j£-Bo ���
题目: 采取法律手段索赔的程序在苏格兰更
文中段落小标题Step 4下第1段
第2行: 原文:索赔金额不高于1000英镑(苏格兰为750英
7 Scotland
... procedure for amounts up to
£1000(£750 in Scotland) is a
cheap, easy and informal way of
taking legal action. 兰进行索赔诉讼申诉更简单。答案为NOT GIVEN。

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 177
�� �mim ��m� �M
X r.p � ?'-it lj\ fiF B Step 4 r � � §l : ;i�itiSl:J;i:ifll:�;*mRT�.:..t.J.J,Jt�M"$!Ml�o
2�: ��=0� w���•mffl*����-��
You can get advice and leaflets Ma �*,-��mmW�§��ffir.p&�*
legal advice,
8 forms
from the Citizens Advice Bureau t11**Ma
Altematively, some bookshops sell �- � ,t tfi : B § r.p (fJ certain shops = DR X 9� �
advice packs which contain the some bookshops, B § .!=JllR>Cf*:1£-rta ��1.,
relevant forms. TRUEa

- - ;���!i!tJft�iSl

M!Ml���¾�@�Mma �-m��ill@��-�@r,m��-¥ill·a�m�*r@r�X�
�T�-.��re@m@,&�RJB�fflillaaffi¾,�m*�@rm���ill@,dml9M@rH� ■
ffl,MmmRTR���•maa A�ffi�*ffl@r�*���*@r���*•��.
�•MaMzmft�#,mRJ���-�a@�-�T,�#ffi�rm¾X���-��. �­
Mm§xit�:ff!/rJffz@,fil,if�illfi#rrmu. �t'H\Hi01JL , -tt!,�JV1"fffl!'r.iJB. 1E1J@xtj�¥fl1[Jb1aJ1!f;'J";as
�•�•���r•m•�m�waM¾. ��*�*�K•·•tk:� ¾••����*· ■
�o••·lw�Xill}j;,1�RJ��>JHWIIJJ. 0�§ i,iiJ�(J:i!!.:t1l.W,1,l!ifi.)§x�±ll!'ff.l�fff-1i��1.,1�mfJJ.;:fk.�
�w�•�.��.���•_t•�w-�•��-�����ill+rW�. ffi���•n•��Am
W:J1r�f��01nJ 51t3:Jlll'r.iJBM rl1i%ilt�*•1r.
@�fi�'tj' JJ!Uutm"f ::k$�M115. �Q•f��l¼J*nt �i �• m �',t�'<J JJ!U,1�m��*�@rziU@�#r
rmur.p,i:,,��;lt11'J��JJ0KBS • .9l. M1153ffiX�{L�-�#z��i!i-o *Jffi;j:,5zrmuf:1tMJ:m1.l21*f!Jo 1�\Wi3/l1'JXr.p
�7*fl], *u�ml:5H -e1t2ilhHJt) ElfMa:iM_§..
TJ�1iE.Btj·' 1�Rf�-®Wilt �f=t!ilfi!t*i5!:�l]Jr_t ¾tl�¾l!lxt.-91#�-��"f lOOO*f}J(�M �1.1

750*@ )!¥J1J\Wi!t�¾-fil 1 IBt�Ll�X f8i Jf!.�::IFK:i:t®i!F.



Questions 9-14

f2li: �= mzmx
.:t�p;i�: *-tFo*�¾11'?�m�t?:�Bt 13 :ta:�.!Fk, 1lH1·-t�ft.ffl�*��Yl�oxr.pfi-mT JLf!l1 1i'f!i:�

178 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
credit card 信用卡 shield n. ®' , �MP *-1
debit card 借记卡 registry n. f:3�:i:; !!%�
suspect v. 怀疑,揣测 guarantee n. f*fil V. fifil, t�.f*
theft n. �tii. iiftr forge v. i;iJ:&, ih:& j m:@
circumstance n. 情况;环境 withdraw v. �(�). 1£(�)
plastic money 信用卡 negligence n. il1,f,;tt, i::t�; f£l1 L'*�

registration n. 51ilJl-, �i.c disguise V. f�� n. f;i_J�
scheme n. i.t:lW , �:M� precaution n. Bi�M1tM�, M

• � § �lli!: MULTIPLE CHOICE

• �§ffiHJr:
�� �mim ��w:.'I'. ��
�§: :i!IH�1W-¾� "T1l1l"ffl-t, tifJtEY�f.'&it¼?
JifH¥J¾:ffi11i"J: A JfU�Wf�0P.! C :t��
If you discover that your B EJ-1'-tft D jJ it i15
do first, credit credit rrussmg, /Jit :x:: :t!o*�:EJl\ft ffl-r--, 5i:.JJH�j, fl!dc -tTil:fJ\\�-t�
9 card telephone the credit card 92:, i.f� 'i:k:� it ftffl-F0P.! :!/,\HIHT o
company or bank as soon !l!'.-���fi: :iz\;J]i!A>C�i�*m.& o j21;:r]J!B-'=j}jj(j(;:f�, Jll'(j(i:j�
as possible. m1U £Jft, 1§.EJft::f¾l¥r5'GJH\xi'l{J , :.lll:::t£tr iti15ZFo o m
JJY!C*m.& o ��1-JDo
�2¥,l¾:�lki]: �§: 1l1l"ffl-t�M?®'£
Because plastic money is A 9.!Jill-r--flflli(lJW�.&0P.! o
now so common, central B �ici�{iL\�Ht<J*m o
registration schemes such C ����;l,15/_i!Z�ij�:%- o
Credit Card
10 Shield
as Credit Card Shield D �-�¾;/i:�flflli-t E<J9�-fr o
and Card Protection /Jit:X:: r:l:-1 =f:fJ\\tEftffl-FEl<J�ffl+-0-ilf:i!fil, izsf.[]:�'i=i�;k:�ic
System exist to help ;J�:/.(O"{tffl-tlltrtf'Jr!J".& "-tW1f1*m"$.:@rn1:., �
customers whose cards =1-W DJJ¾-FTili�flflliEl<JJ:tlF o
are lost or stolen. !l!'.-���fi: mJJY!A, C, DX9��*m.& o ��:1-JB o
�§: -!Hi:tfl�UH}Rl-t£�rf-��
第2段倒数第1句: A illi9ifl"f��-t¾92: o
As soon as you have B !Ot*f�.':k{tffl-F0P.! o
called, your responsibility C Tiff!WtH�¾;li: rJ<J-t o
for any bills run up by D �¾;/i:El<J-1<-(t(J{iL\'i!,*9:illfUJ;s o
Card Protection
11 System company
the thief ends and the /Jit:x:: ,R�t,ltilliit i15, 1�ff,Jtx3Jn-N-M iMwa<J:t-t::'?ii':lJ..,
scheme's staff make sure ITfi�i-c:il.cfJ<Jff:\.I-iHeff'JWilli9iflIU1�FJ<JJ.!Jr��+:-0P.! o
that all the companies !I!'.• � � �fi : m J]J! B � (:1<] get in touch with the relevant
whose cards you had are credit card companies= i1f( )( 9'1 fl<J make sure that all the
notified. companies whose cards you had are notified, :iz\;J]J!A, C,
D>C��*m.& o ��:1-JB o

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 179
�� �mim ��w:.'I'. ��
W*: B�i�*���JtM.
Unless you have been . f±c.
C Switch 1e1 ic -F.
careless - by signing blank J= -I""'•
both banks and D1i=iffi
12 shops
cheques, say - you will r,s-.,,. rr,:,.� l_ $+,•,.z; h* '.....,,.,_,*1lli :;;F;ITll
1 11-,,i,,.LJ::;u'lJJt.
,1 1 T21=1 .X,.;:;;r.' -a9,1_J)r;J
/JP..X..: 19$=l ::,l!J�..1,J�f.;t;1J:@: .=,;.=->1- 1g/Ju,,
not have to pay for any
r l��3tM�•.ffl����l�3tM�fflfi�ff*
1orged cheques a thi ef!=.!.
uses. The bank or shop , ,,_ _ • . ,_ _. .
!lZ,£:SHfi: :i2l;J]J!A.!::jJ](::JC:�:1£�f-J-.:izPJJ!C, D*m.&.�
that accepts them will
have t o bear the loss.
1Mff-@Ifyour cash card @§: �i:1"=1&:���-t...t�f'lW:ii/;\, f�fiiHi�����
is stolen- FiffH¥1: A )J[IA:!fH'f--1-f�ffi-t{lj?J_pjj'�.
Legally, you can be made B �i-f::JM�:imfiJJ:li$ffet.!=.!50�f}J.
to pay back any sums a C ::f.JIHll!il39ffr�:ft��·•
thief withdraws using D :JUj;:f=t�flJJ'j-*tlHr.
personal your card, but o nly up to Jm:x.: .bJd'!1'!!�5lJ::.i}I:,
13 number, stolen the time you report the �, @��iJ::.fljtf�1'Jll::1�:li$ ,R1ffiff.(f.§.50�i'l, �-=lr-
card l oss and up to £50, �&fi���iIE�1��1'!-Jc:ct�, 1:t:l!rJ:tE-t J::.�� § i=, 139
u nless the bank can !,f;fi!&.
prove gross negligence, �,£:SHfi: 1lt!\1lJffiX, ;f51�tE-F...ttii±Tl&'l:fi!&, l.l�¾,Jy,/t
such as writing yo ur �1��::f.J1Hnus9ffr�:t.tft�l;;•T. :illiJJJ!A, D*m.&. :iz\;
personal identification J)J!BWi:i£El9'1ll'.,r,¾tE-F...t ���!,f;fi!&}�.Ei9lJtrm r, :Ii�
number on your card. ,R1ffiffet.!=.!50�f}J, .E:j JffiX�Z-if. ��:1-JC.
1Mi@If your cash card @§: �rl"=l.!ll�-tf.&����ft¾.$?
is stolen r�UR: A 1�1ffi�tt1J,t!:tE-t:!t@I.
Legally, y ou can be made B t&fi�11t1�JlR�.
to pay back any sums a C �1f?JJ!l�T�Yl"�, 1�PJ���ffe:t.E!�il1/i'f50�f}JS9
thief withdraws usmg :J'M� o
your card, but only up to D 4'J§-1��%-���ff,ffi:J:Jl\�-t.
14 cash card the time you report the lm:x.: .M.t!��Sl...ti:J.l:, 1���ffet.!=.!1HnullRfES%�:$�
loss and up to £50, �. f.§.,R1ffiff.(tJ:.!tf�ZlJtrfl!i:]lRjEl:l9��. ITTf£l�il1/i'f50
unless the bank can �W, �t�r-�Rfi�M$1IE�1&:��lli-Jc:ct�, 1:t:l!i:i-t...t��
pr ove gross negligence, § D 139 !,f;fi!& o
such as writing your �,£f.Hfi: Jffi:tt/ii:±1.M.t!r.el1:�5lJ::.i:J.l:f�1ffi1'J1Htu�:tt�
personal identification �·, ;,f.;.tJ:.!�t:W�Mi:ct50�f}}. :illiJ§iA, B, DJffiX�,�
number on your card. 均没有提及,所以答案为C。

180 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
*f -
:!!rH��3'J\l1*JfHc;·' :si.:�' 1M'i2-l�E1li:3'Jil�-l�Jflf*' ii�tlc�1t1*ffl-H�PJ:�liJIHr' #llJTI€�1fi :!!ll*'ff


�.&-t!L�%- 7-J 1$ mJJt� 1lf 11� w-1 J3<l 11.& o
13:1 T 3'.!,il fr 1MJj -F (:j{j 1� ffl -J-:5-}iYH!fil , !El Jlt �1� :'k:ihc :tr• :tin "1* m-1� l\7J :tP Jlfil "Ix "-t f;\f: =If'* tJt "E1I � rnEt ,
§���M,ffi����W-ffla Z!i=i,�*ff�-*-td�W-t•lli,QWM�:'k:§��r -�it��

1'iJ, ®§ic���3655'c�i!,FG1*a Q�t&:imltit, f$)jiJtxffl-f1J-xrj1J\a(:Jq;tJ;;Jt�• T, ®1hc�(:1{Jff!I�Tiftt

*:im9J1¥U1$��1lf�-t0P.! a
1�m-t: ;s'1Htuftfflf$r:i-J-tN&�1�•, 1$:lui:$■ ffemso��o:!!n*f$fr1Htuf:lEm11t-tmrEJ:}tt;R:, JJ!Ux

�JlHi1"1-t: ��l=:1$*�¥U�T2: El:X�, �JJ!Uwtxffl�1Hfitr\fil'�r1{]:si.:��•o_ t.m;R:mtJ,gt@'�:si.:�
(:jqiLHr �.x:rm tl!
ffii2.-t(Switch d Visa Delta): i�fi*ffl�1fiffl-t1'0{0,(J{J*t1E, l!!Jlt1$:lui:$ .H ■ ffctl!SO�'f}Jo

h!\��:¥:5U:: iJt, f�W�ffctrVHtu•Jt(1{]�$�Wl, ff!QWffc:t1!tt*Z1'11JYJr:•Jtr:1{J�W\, ®.§.T-�r
so�'f}J, ��J::t1Hi"���$i.iEfJJH&11lfll!*l1*, tt:!!ri+..tEJ1lf i=1 B (l-JW�o
• £�MT-��-t�EJ1lfW1ii?,(-t_tT-��rJJ:IW� )r:1{]'¥�1i.P:1:E-1ila

Section 2
Questions 15-21

(@> m-�t5;J-�
1,1s: � mm x =
:E.� pg� :fr£I:10P.!.m:ti1HiiJ:it!:11·t'L:1&@.lt1t,§ttiffrnn0P.!@.lt1Jlit:J1;u, @.lt1t11J111�!Jo/1r% J)JJx:tii:ifiiJ@J tlX� 0

recycling n. 再循环,回收利用 switch V. *'H�

hints n. 提示 duplex printer x.JZ.mHTE�;J:Jl
avoidable adj. 可避免的 motivation n. f.R tl,Hi ; 21/l tfl
annual revenue :$:l&.ti competition n. ��' tl�
resource n. mimi; :t� survey n. iFo]查
generate v. 1:-.JJx., f" 1:: inevitably adv. ::foJi!li31c,tfu; !J?'.'.,1.-Mfu
scheme n. 计划,规划,方案 discard V. ¼#' ::fW{tffl
audit n. 审核,审计,查账 variety n. g;ft-; ifilfrp, frp�

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 181
disposable adj. 一次性的;可自由支配的 manufacture v. �f", lMEt n. t1JEt
plastic adj. 塑料的 donate V. t�m!ll, m��
upgrade v. Jtm; t�Jt charity n. ���-f;t;;; �5ff'ii:

• @i§ ��: SHORT-ANSWER

• B §ff�tfr: i:Eff:B §�>Jtno more than two words, flP.ffl�Jlli:i1J;t;1J1-.!f!.ii'iJ@J�l'iiJBo �1Htff1X½'.�iU
1s-20BfflHtlWlf��lriJimwhat.lriJ, EJr IV- PJfeffJiE���3:\�11� ii'iJl!.X:� ·ii'iJJilH's-o
�� '.iEW:wl ��w:.'I'. ��
■ f=l=�-���0�*�@J����HLI.m��*�

%1: ri 1J\ f.i[\@iWaste audit

■:x:: tE3Hfr@J11!xJ-1-�Llz.HU, !f5'c:lttfr'fj;r�o �¥J-�m
what, before,
WH�0Pl��f'�t$�-- �:!& o
starts recycling rIE::it
�'�,HJr : B § M J.iizmt:it i:J� 1¥JBefore starting a recycling
scheme, perform an audit. B § � E8 carried out =/ffi )(�
B�perform o ��:1-J(an) audit/(waste) audit 0
■ §: llJJH11l*JUHOlf.Ji1J1J;�ifJ-03t�r.0i?
■ 3t=*•PJ@J�•*o �W��*Mffl•-�.@PJ
what machines, IV-B:ct.�ffl�R�.ffl�OOfl�m��-*o
%1: ri 1J\ tr, B Company
16 cut stationery
�,�,HJr: B §� [f]cut the stationery budget=/ffi>C�P (-J'�
budget costs can be reduced by... , imfri1'i]byf§-flP�fl£.*l¥1:0'i
11(duplex) printerso
■ §:�I��M$PJ�@tt��1t¾.*�ft@J�

17 what, displayed
%1:fi1J\tf,IWJGet everyone ■ :x::•J 0P1�$mil¥J��-�.��PJJV.*M�

involvedrm1� �1f ft5l 1¥Ji'HJ:HL

�,�,rf}r: B § � (1'-J ...can be displayed=JJl'i:X 9� (:�J
putting upo ��11(educational) posters o
■ §:PJ�@M,r�1t¾.m�MI%�@J���?
■ 3t:iEM,r��--�*Mffl�i¥Jmfflomiffi�M

what, motivate %1:\!iiM.i[\IWJGet everyone �,�,rf}r: B f=I � l'I� ...motivate staff to recycle more=/ffi
staff involvedl::m=IBtm2� )(1¥) ...a couple of ways to increase motivation, �Wn:i:t
.¼!.m =��Send out regular newsletters reporting on all
waste improvements. B §� [fJ distributed to =Jffi>C � E8
send out 0 ��11(regular) newsletters o
■ §:��0��-E�PJ�ffl�1t¾.?
what, unwanted
%1: ri 1J\ fit> B Paper r m
19 paper be used
�,�,rf}r: B § �� (!�unwanted paper be used /ffi)( � A� = 1

for It can serve a variety of purposes before it is recycled,

writing notes:1'J.ffl:0'sZ- 0 ��:1g(writing) notes o

182 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
Im� :iE'.f.u:iffl ��filit RM
�x=*�*�•�-�ttm�@�me &��m�
what, bought, ���.��M�&�il*£��.�ey��0���
IB1: 3/i 1j\tff,@ Plastic cups
20 cut down,
refreshments Jt, � :$Hfi : Jill § * 13g refreshments = JJ¥: )( * 13{] ...make
your tea taste better, Jill § r.j:1 (Jg cut down...= JJ¥: )( * l�ltl ...
can reduce o ��J;:, (ceramic) mugs.
�x: 1:E£1!'k:IB�n�stj·, -t!filf ��J�:J'E'f::1f11�W����
IBt fi Jj\ fl[\ Jill Electrical

Jt,��;j:Jr: Jill§ IV,t/HJtJjiEl'•:iJifiJwherem/1-,J, JiJr �j T:i 7iffiJE
21 where, PCs equipment T iE )( irk )§
� � 1:1 iK :ttii, ,r� i'ltl 15 ifiJ � 15 ifiJ �:iH/L @I§ r.J:i!'l<J
1 {iJ
unwanted PCs= )J.R )( cj:i (:1g when it comes to replacing
them ( PCs ) ; fM! § * 13g sent= JJ¥: )( * i'lg donating
your old computers to...o ��1:,(to) charities.

••�j$M11'iiJat, 0��1Y.J:�:JmT�f1J@ll."nf:1T @lft18J:�,il\.
�f iN i..5b J;:,{91], § 198O.1-'.H�, .'ibJ::.i'ltl�:l.&1,:; :i:&•tlltElfflHi. flj2OO4., ,% _t ��:l.&1":fil B��- :i!s
1OJfll4:-�*6O0/o* § �i-t!i,sg��. x�-=f--t-1J\iib*i.11, �:l.&Jf-¾_:k$T !
lliilf 0i1J l-l·�IJ
!fL:I.& * i!t
1:E*�t@Jl&it:lWzfiJ, 1§"5'clt!::/'i$�. �:11·1l1���i�J'fH�1"1:$j,'�:l.&.

*�ey@Ji&m*. �•��mfflm•-�.@ey��M•Yffl�&�m�mrr�m�Md*·

•mft 0��-�I��ffl•*·�wey�*M��••��•*·
• tiiiJE-ir�I�n:ff��fr!1f��riiJ.

Wol i;IJ MI l.R tlH.1 � Jl 1-1.1 ;! :

•1:E��•n�•�0��6�•. ��.��1:EfflJE!'l<J-m���•-t-6n�•*�N�•Y�•.
•JEAA*��ffl-Ymfflffl�!'l<J�ffio �Iffl�M*W�-���ITT!'l<J��**!'l<J•�.


•r;1ra�ifnJ1:tts*lfil.iK. 6SO/o��:1.&¾filiritli'i'I,. I�j�JiJr*x�:il1�1"1:J2H11;, 1Et#-�-JE��?l'-�-!:J¥..
�mtr@Ji&z�m•a$.��ey�m*®��. ffl�&ey�tr�Wffl#*W�mm.

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 183

1=j ;Is!;**� 1 B aiJ � -r & -{§- , :;J::diiJ � � m: ill fr f-Hl 1�? � � 1Jur� Y YLH't , � illi'. � T � f= fffr ill-{§- (:1iJrPn
3-J<-�f=fl'k&-{§-J}Jc�fllLl:iJ!tjcfil 1:1½ tl:J;&. tE�� I B �Jli&iM, -tp,� J;J ;;ly r.f;1� 't 1fJf1,,J �� � ��VUi;J.

Questions 22-27

� m�t�t2;i
-f2!I: �= mzmx
. 3:. � p;i � : ils:Jt1l'ffl T -�1:Eiif f5:\:�@I�l'iiJ@1:1½ ii:w:�J�rJJl , 1lJA i\1/i'li' 1Y� fr� J}Hfil±l Y - �31Ll �m 1:1iJt!Jk,,�.

tip n. 指点,实用的提示;小费 diligent adj. 用功的,勤奋的,刻苦的

consultant n. /Wifo] prior to 在……之前,早于
coach v.1��. i)I[� shareholder n. 股东
executive n. 经理,管理人员 tailor v. 使适合;修改;裁剪
regardless adj. =f:Wffi blemish n. 瑕疵;污点
candidate n.(竞选或求职的)候选人,申 dodge v. 躲避
请人 steer clear of 避开,绕开
transition n. 过渡,转变 turnaround n. 好转,转机
convey v. 传达;运输;转让


• @§fijq'.tfr: iifU/Jf § �>Rno more than two words (:f:�iW:i:1:Wl-1'1ti-i1'iJ )@l�l'ii]@.

�� '.iEffi:ia] ��ffi:.i: �M
5Ei-rtV0=i] 9=1 ilIR:Y' 3:i-ei·, 2*i J§ ¾$Ji1'iJignorel:liJ J_)f::JT�, )'fi !2), H:!Jft!1J
2M���--1-•����--A���. ffl 5E {il. iWJ 5E 1z iLl
candidates, Iil': Jt: "Unlike some politicians, who take no notice of press
22 not to imitate, ��2l3,/: questions and immediately introduce a dilferent topic in response,
ignore job candidates must answer employers' queries." @-'f i:j:t fl{_]not to
imitatei'B �T J_)f:Jt 9:i (:1(Junlike, @-'f i:J:i (:J(Jignorei'B �T Iil':Jt If' (f]
take no notice of, 1-i!,i:��J:/(some) politicians.
2t-iif'iW¾�5EAii:iiiJ+:Tl%rriiJa certain, 0?�2t.rr�J.w::J:Jt���iiiJ
(1(] iii � % :rt: 0 Jt i:j:i 5E 1tl 'ti] J:f : He advises candidates at job
23 follow
ffl3.pji- interviews to apply the formula Q=A+ 1 ...@-'f � 1:liJ interviewees)(•]
Jj]IJ,il3:Jt 9:i l'!(Jcandidates, @-=f i:�, l'!(Jfollow.X•JJ.iiIJJJ(Jt� 1:/{japply, i"!)(

184 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
;ffi� .'.iEf.l'LiRJ ��f.l'L.i: IPIIW

2MfIT¾1\-ifiJfrom, fvr JtlJYlU2ti i:p JiiI±jli;;g iiiJl!Jt�;g ifiH:fli-'8" a
seru01· X 1=j:i )(,j" Ji 'P] 1,; : Ask company employees questions prior to job

executives, m4%!:m1* interviews to gain as much insight as you can. fill T <j=i (-t'�before an
advise, request Hl&�m1-2fi· interviewx1·JiiIJJ§i:X <j:t (J9prior to job interviews, fill-=f 1=j:i E19 request
information informationx•J J1J.)Jj{X 1=j:i 1'.19 ask...questions, i'&� � 1,; (company)
employees a
If! 2'.M ml El%y studying its riJHtiYlU 2'.fi§ 1=j:i JiiZ±jli;;g iii]l!,t�;g iii]J§
ir:1 a EE JE 11 i"1 JE 1:il. � X =j:t m 4 %1: :
If the company is publicly
learn about a m4%!:m1*
25 business by m�m2-3li
owned, find out how viable it is by reading shareholder reports. fill
T 1=j:i MJ learn about a business fl� � =f JJR X 9:i 1'19 find out how
viable it is, 1-&��1,;shareholder reports 0
EE 21� rnl1:19to avoid tellingriJ11:l!iYlU2M <j:t JiiZljli;;g iii] a X 9:i x1JiiZ'PJ
head of an 1,; : Ms Murphy, president of the Murphy Group...says that it's
interview 1M%/:m3* important to steer clear of lies at all costs. fill =f <p (:t<J head of an
26 training firm, m�m2-41'5" interview training f rmf§ � 'f J)j( X i:p 1:19 Ms Murphy, president
avoid of..., fill=p i:p l'ltavoiM§�'f J)f(x9:i i'i9steer clear of, ti1IE?iftl��
1,;lies a
J i
EE 21�fITEl%e hadT:i tUY11J2ttr 1:p JiiZ±JJ;zw ."1 (:t<J:ct¾-5:hfiJJl;j:.t a X
i:p x, JiiZ 'PJ jJ : ...says senior executive Mr Friedmann. When he

was being interviewed for his current job, he mentioned he had

been involved in many successful turnarounds and one that failed.
one executive, mM1m4*
'And I said how I'd benefited in many ways from going through
failure m�1i��msfi·
that experience.' fi\N T 9'1 A9one executivef�I � 'f JJRX 1:P El9senior
executive Mr Friedmann, fill =F i:p □9 from a previous failuref§ �
'f J)j( X <p 1'19one that failed... from going through that experience,
tij ��·Jc.1 benefited/benefitted a

�i:lfilJ@J�Wiit$a{]foJ�- - - - - - - - - - ­
§ Jt' 1.ltff1��JrIIR� n tEJiiZx•J�1"1'-*iif1 iif�0i5J iWifz¾1i\x1f!\Jil E19WJi111Jfi'] 1'19-,12,.�l;)(.: 7fa-f:;t)J[l'iiJ.&1iiJ:f<t

":sjZI[R�;f §�1M'l-�iYc�JJ�tl, x-J�1"1'-s9ml'i:i]t:!j\ ffij�:::m, !f�ffij5 I AJl-1'-itsfill*lffiJiiZ, Tm f%£,� @]�
iifm'§ 139'B}-1'-l'iiJ fill a "Genesisiifii:t:J{HJ II 0i'il El9John Barford�LI ¾ ib'L "ifil¾, 1/F riJ� ill �±1l!i�1�, E19 @1 j)Jt �u
��-�#�1'19ffl��ff�*�-��¾1'-�Ml'l9JiiZ®� a "
1fu�i5lJ11.Iif� 1DJUH iif iit lf1 mm Q=A+10rt: : Q1t* 1°J fill; Mt*��; +¾1tHl1�,1Jt *-� 1'19fiL1�U1t
tMi/?:; 1¾1�,�l�*�fl9ffl,r� 0

-�0i'iliWiWi.R., fflJJ1 s{Jli4lrx1=.f:f=f�'.!x:±1l!@l�iifii\'.1'r.,JBt:111N£,� a 111!,1iJ� H:l T -�:f=f ffl/1tt'11:�:

• ii[·J;L-\'.rn] � riJ§�±t!!.�fi\x Tf(Jl(, 1:E iifmrnJ i,i'iJl'iiJ J]t-0 i§'J .!ft I-� l'iiJfill' }� T:i §��:lt!!. Tffll(,i,t 0 i'i] �19't� 6r, 0 :!m

**0 i'il¾�ffi0 i'il,�riJ��:ctOO�H**��--0 i'il��§ f6Lo ��tE@l��B��- ro

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 185
• **ff@��*�•-�W�H�*m�s<JMB.��MB�*�*�@�.ffi��-*�*
• i't•@�loJliz.u¾IfF�s<]_::/i:��i!f�jt��ffiEi<JloJB, ��JJ:\�@�.Murphy3z:-±¾Murphy:!att
1;$:*in±i}i)ll�lfil El�-�'�, �lk=rlii I±',, 1:EffilJ:\�7GiB�il{iiJ:]!f[S��i�if. @�l'�]Bf"�J§'tl�.
• �iikitl/,r�a1·, ff:1:,�JJJl:¥Ul.!UJ1s<Jii!f :W!:_t."1fFM9<:� �1:i$¥U (I{] *Tm �tt1.t� �1:i-;jqc$, " j';llj�
Friedmann5t/±�O¾iJl. �1ili;(:E}!� § frJ�f,}If1= El�ffilJ:\ll�-, 1ili:Ji¥U T § c u¾:/�$rvZ:i;IJ (:J{J !fHfr-�

Section 3

�: i�rJJ:Jx

intelligence n. �jJ, ��; ItmfJ concern V. 1f1.§'i:t; ** ilj;

prospect n. AA�. AA�;�� socialise V. �Jf; Y:�.f-
minority n.少数;少数民族 specific adj. J,l;-(;$:s{J, t�JEs{J; lqijt)Js{J
monolingual adj. �iM�, .R',-frpig�s{J establish V. }t .fr j 1(Wj .fr
adj. �jgs{J, �Afts{J, ��s{J outsider n. tl,*:,!f, t�±fuJ-,; fal:9� A
adj. Wjfrp·ig�s{J; �i.ltw.ifrjlig� scenario n. ·�T-J ; i9: ;f!! ; jJ;rnii
B� n. �b.ltw.ifrpig�s{JA appreciate V. ��' �i,M; fti:m:; '®):�
schoolmate n. Fol� beneficial adj. if� s{J; 1f ffi B�
immigrant n. ti� definitely adv. -JE±t!?.; a}'Jl'(1ij±fu, l'(1ijtJJ±t!?.

Questions 28-31
• B§ff�tfr:

186 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
■ §:tEffi�兰*�B�ill-=ffi�WJAfi�;(:E
jjlj WJ ij �U±J �WJ a
第1段第2~3句: 原文:……在新西兰会说两种或两种以上语言的 New Zealand...speakers 人很少。84%的新西兰人只会说一种语言……
second language, of two or more languages are
28 born
必要分析: 题目中说在新西兰会说两种语言的人
in the minority. Eighty-four 大都是外来移民。原文中说84%的新西兰人都只
percent of New Zealanders are 会说一种语言,那么很显然在新西兰能够说两种
monolingual... 语言的人大多数都是外来移民。题目与原文论述一

第3段第1句: ■ §:*�Bffi�兰A����r#-=ffi��
But in fact, the general f!tfnla
agreement among experts is �x:�®-�L,�•m••����M=ffi言
that learning a second 对�-=f1i'J (:1�nlKf=f.fil a

New Zealanders, language is good for children. 1El¾ , ;(:EffiW�. �n*1tRlHf<-=fiJt�-frhB-¾,iJJt

good, second M2��)§- l 'P]: �1arJdi1t:(:E�U�Hf<ri1.AU�o
29 language But, if you speak another ���ffi:�X�Rill�•m••����-=ffi
language to your children in ¾M�-=ff=fff�,B§��*$�ffi®�A*
New Zealand, there are some �ffl�X���---•�mM;X�ffl2�*M
people who think that you are R-�-@ffiW�A��H�-=fill�-#ffi¾�
not helping them to become a m��-=f8.AU�.*mf=f•�*$�ffiW�A
member of society. 的看法,故答案为NOT GIVEN。
■ §: ;(:Ei1r�兰;.ll.t;g:����WJ51h;g:a
�x:x 1=i=1Xxt1iiZ1*)@,o
�-��Hlr:{&$���.fflB § ��5E1fti1,JChinese
5E1ft!Ll�Xffl3�1f��ffl 111·,1§.¾�X¾iJl =�•
30 Chinese 原文无对应信息 Jf<-=f ;(:E ����j] L i:151Jt� o 1Jt�iJJt;(:Ff "&f11 i's· ¾
ff1iiJ�1mFs·¾f�X* �� "a � ����NOT
■ §: -�ffi� bUH�-�ffi����H£1rnWJ
言 �
languages, -1:!t�I&tk:=f&fr! i�·¾1t.ffl(:1��ij��fi!.t' ®�;(:E=f

31 develop... 第3段第2~3句: 1tm r1�¾1m�-#i'B-¾,��Xit1m1f1���¾�f1J

intelligence i�-. f.ti�-. &i�-�¾1f1iiJ�1t!!.i�·¾l�X*��o
tE=f&#ffi¾�mh•*o B§��x•m�-
3&, i'iJc��:3/gFALSEa

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 187
Questions 32-38
• B §I ff1?f.ffr:9 § 1=!" li':JNBt/¥:5F:J:Ji;1fJ, 1=11'!':JJ\,g_,f:11::.ffliLl-?X o
tv�J\H:%WJifi1=T )\,g %'HtnJt•�, -Wti*flA Cathie Elder f§f 1-tfiJtCE, B Brigitte Halford %'Htnli;BH, C

Susanne Dvorak mi 1-tnx; SD, D Joanne Powell mi 1-tnli;JP, E Donna Chan mi 1-tnli;DC.
tv-��2: Wffr1=T )\,g j$: J!�JJJlxs{jJJW!J'f' 1:&l1z�1:V:tEJffiX i:j=t' :i:,���i'ei-1HiJ%1l'3 I%' _§Jff-icl'A'�
tv-93:ft1fJ%�ilitEX.i:j=tRili�-lJZ�A,g,.x ��ffrtli:ili�m�,�ili*W�,�€��B

32-38.xtJ!�, .#�t-l"'J5t.i1',Jit!:fi·*�o �¥F-JliJti:iJ ��-%A�1:v:�:J?iii1Jt&!L
tv�JN: .x�·rilil.!1\ T $l1zl'!{j)\,g, ft1fJi:iJ��ft.t�JJ!li-£:,M�ff A :cfo ififlffl��JJIH-£:tEx�I" ili l.!1\:i:1, ;t&
-�-��.��at•.•*�•ft1fJ��ff�A,g•�i:iJB�tE��a M®MMft1fJ�

:l:Effi:iijj ��ft[� fil!M

A lot of snidies have shown
that children who speak more
� 11co

than one language sometimes

learn one language more
slowly, but in the end they do
learning two €�¾�ftkQill-#ffi*��*'��tE��
32 as well as their monolingual
languages Mt=lk�ili�aft1fJ���¾,�h*��-#ffi
schoolmates, and often better,
*i:il � M wrmfl· ,,�, 1*1' h 7k f o
in other subjects. The view is
that there is an improvement
£, � 7t *ff : 9 §I i:j=t i'!':J learning two lan guages may
learn one language faster¾X'.t�1:V:1iJ �ff fi{j �5(�
in general intelligence from the
J£, tj(��j:JA o
effort of learning another
m1ii�m9m: a§:tE���ft*-�ftfil�ffi��r•S�
In New Zealand, immigrants ill tm III xlo
face the possibility of culture mx:�r�-�_,f:•��ffl�ffi,ffiw��-
difficult, raise a being lost along with the 1% ffiil(ti�)( 1-t�� t1{ji:iJ�� a Ti.ffanyEl':!�.!?i�!bSusanne
33 bilingual child language their children no Dvorak.x,j .tlt�1=T 1*� o
longer wish to speak. Tiffany's £, � 5t M *ff : m
7 m iU 9 m t� tE ffl Susanne m
mother, Susanne Dvorak, has Dvorak Ef{jffetirm�tEffiW��jJiriJt.1/tf\i!i-¾*ll1iiJ
experienced this ... �ff� a t3c��i1Ca
mgmm1-2li:iJ: � §: ��3C" JL�at1���;f�iff�ilH��iJto

Today, when Susanne speaks mx: l.!1\tE, Susanneffl{ii!i-R�� )LiJt it I'!':! at1�,
mixture of two to her daughter in German, �)L�¾ffl�i!i-@:l�a 1=1at1�*1k�Mfrri!i-
34 languages she still answers in English. *trl��iJt.· · .... "
' Or sometimes she speaks half £,�7t*ff: 9 § i:j=t �mixture of two languages.xt m
and half ...
' Jffixi:pMJspeaks half and halfo ��j;;C a

188 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
m1owmr2ti] 题目:孩子们对语言的态度取决于社会的普遍
Professor Halford, also a
mother of two bilingual
children, says, 'It's normal for J¥Ji.x:: Halford�3ltt!.¾�1':X5lifHf<rs'-J�:*, *tll
kids to refuse to speak their iJt "�Hf<r1:E�J)L�l��f.lt3Ht-'=iJl:1tMf<rxtt
35 social attitudes home language at the stage 8�, j§j@ffJ=l=]-/f. h-'/t¾IH�IE'm□'-J a " fEI_¾, �illf� JE
when they start to socialise 说,这在很大程度上取决于所处社会的态度。
with other kids in kindergarten i'., � 51" *.Ii' : JI] §I cJ� l'l'-J depend on general social
or school' . But, she says, this attitudes �'r:I � T JJR X 9' 1
(:1'-J depends a lot on the
depends a lot on the attitudes attitudes of the societies in question o ��:;k,B 0
of the societies in quesL-ion.

■ §1:**fflB�ffi���r��#�-�o
!¥Ji.X:: Elder])l�v,_7-J------xit1t-i-i:B-%, .R
Cathie Elder thinks...What
not important,
parents speak
parents should do is provide
rich language experiences for
w�$ ffi B'-J i?} ,ea, 1i�i o
i'., � 51" *Jr : JI] §I i:J::i 13'-J it is not important which
their children in whatever
language parents speak :X•J 111. )]l: X (J{_/ whatever
language they speak well.
language they speak well o ��7'.7Ao

■ §1:��-=m�mmT��X�x:�l'l'-Jm�o
By learning anotl1er language
37 another culture
she can open tl1e door to
i'.,�5f *Jr: JI] §I cp r1'-Janotl1er culturelm 'f-f'i( ii'(J�l'Jll o
another culture.
最后1段最后4句: 题目:会说第二语言可以提供工作计划。
But now she appreciates she
原文: 但是现在,她为自己能够说两种语言感到庆
had the chance to be bilingual.
work 幸。在我的工作中,会说另一种语言很有好处……
38 opportunities
'It's quite beneficial speaking
another language in my job...
i'.,�:$Hfr: ii] §I i:J� B'-Jwork opportunitiesf§ � 'f-JJRX
Being bilingual definitely
9=1 (i'-Jopens doors 0 ��:Y'1E o
opens doors ... '

Questions 39-40
• JI] § :ffJ!Hfr :

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 189
/} '.iEW:iro ��w:ii IPIIW
B ut when Tiffany went to
■ § : P]�WJ-i'-AtE1Nt-t1�1¥.lti1i.�-# i��?
ffl:!x:: cmsw)
nursery school she stopped
1fil ¾ , � Tiffany J::. T r;!J) L ®I J§ , *!B 7'c � 7G -� if5
talking completely... Then,
T ······ J§*, $*!B�7X3f i::i i�itia,J-, )],/t,Ri��
when she took up talking
stopped speaking i!T a
39 one language
again, it was only in English.
m1swm1 -2taJ :
Donna Chan······*lk:if·fc1�1XJUJ::.1J\$El<Jllt{�, �1'E
Donna Chan: She also
i@i� 75l i!l a
remembers refusing to
�,�*ffr : �§ r.J� a<Jstopped speakingf§ �=f JJK:::C If!
speak Chinese when she
El% was only ;ff! refusing to speak a i1i5l:��:1-J A, C o
started primary school.

:m13Wfi:J§-t,J: ■ §:8�-i'-A���--r••�•*•�m
... she is aware that her �iif���jJi'if��1�ilJ��?
daughter has a certain ffl:!x::cm13W)
bilingual ability which, ······1fil�9:iliUtBEJ<J:tz: )L1'T -JEtfJxJ[W:l��jJ, .R¾
although mainly passive at this §���ffl-.@�J§mR�1'T��-o
develop, get
stage, may develop later on. =
ffl:!x: cm14W)
:m14w:m2taJ �tE�mn7Gmfil��m.@m**·�:1-JtE�
At the moment she may not �EJ{Ja�-1�ft!B i=1 B�$�El<J o
want to speak Maori but that's �'�*ffr: �§If' Ei<Jdevelop as they get older f§ �
okay because she'll pick it up T@: X If! f:19 develop later on_& pick it up again in
again in her own time. her own time iJ��:1-JB, Fa

++, 1-- '+B?..


�-=53 =i!*m�jl,1/j Ib:rffJ Wtlli' n , 1111ti.1n □<JJJJtlk��l!1Ju 1c rJJL rt w•�1:., Rlt.¥t1tBtti: �i��ii EJ{J
:#F�i��;f<J1��;f<p�J::.i!l§El<JAJJ)U&YT-f!. i:1:,tEfffrr!!i�tl:\1:.A i::i MF/&1Vi1 tto
OO*-:W,tE,'r{rg!f.���p};ffJrITJZj);\J;fsj1 �J::.i!1"§1J<J)J&Yo 84D/01J{Jjfrgg�,R��-fsf1i!l�(monolingual)o *ff ri<Jf'a

xitA 1fJx•J i=I B El9X1-U&ilm ff1']";'t;;W1:1<J i=I tE�)L' :lm*7Gi��if:l·, )],/t��A�ff---'=5�7G llrJ 0
� 1-J� 1'-®:�, J\.::# Ei9Tiffany Dvorak7Gm�iiJt--lfh!111Rlffi, ITTf � ::far A W1ft J\.::# □<J Ani Powell�ist�l!Ji!l

A�·, *!BJ?Jt� ,\Q.1�1N7G i=1 ti:a J?Jt{tAni <Jft.l?Jftl?JJoanne Powe11Jifri�El9: "tE!EXr1+1, 1tri}l�#ffi§1N1Jl-1i'l· a 1.E!.
¾, ;(£fffiM�. :!m*1{J;RJ.Htrif1.J;J-;f<J if:\§, tvt�1'TAi�1{J;;(�Ib:r�9t.At±� a "

�ITTf-�J::..�*ffiW��llrJ$53:m=ffi§�Ib:rffiEJ<JdK1'T�a �*ffi�:1-J,--'=J.R�fil-#m§El<J
Jlr]��1§ tt, �i��l'l1m§El<JA (bilingual s) ;(£$):) J::. d=iajjJm.{;it�o �-{;it�1 JIR�=f'Bfl'l1 i'!§{fffi 9���� □
奥克兰大学语言教学与习得专业教授Cathie Elder说:“多项研究表明,会说多种语言的孩子有时候在
� o :fJl{fJB<JX!\'.,i/R¾, $53J3-;f<l 1 iti§m�lWW1�fl•,g,{*�jJ7.)(31'-o "

190 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
11&\ 00j���:k#i't11§ 1-"ft�Brigitte Halfordlf-:I: X'JJitc&�� 1@. o"iiWJfi1 1 'l?f 1§ ITTA/il;, f**iJ'lri��j;J!�±-tl!.

:iMll�-1§,"*ilii3t "1th1f1 �JrHl I±',£*=f 1� Qum;IJtnffr-H:k:!'0UM� ri�.1J ,iTIJHtEili-:!t#)] it, 1§ J=.£1Jf.lf:i'.� o "
-JE B� 1'HEo
EEl'f-T-1t�.!\Th-P'f-1fffl-HJ:ffl,ifeim�El�;ft� ffililfli�X1-t��EJ�"i:iH�o TiffanyEl�*J!i*R,Susanne Dvorakx-:t
Jlt�� 1*� a :R1cf-ITTT,�fttl!.�}t:;'RDieter)J.1,tl�:if iLlWrim �3H€tff;Jr11�1=t fr!UN,1tMfJ 8 �:i!¾ -1-W*=f El�i'JL
�,eyLlre�1fJWJ�:kl¥J�r��-�ill J#ffl1'rl¥JA0 $�,tEffiOOR llWJ#ffl1'rl¥J±��--W# i

.m, iTIJHSusanne�-®;:@T�tl!.mri�:/'.MLl B�*r:i!:nima�JLf J!Jr� �J:;fg. o

11h1f11¥J!ltr!¾tE·£ �m:ttffl3:f±j, P'tfr-i·i1Tiffany;(:Ef;JJ )Lim #�ffl o {El¾,�Tiffany_t_ Tf';b)Llmlr-i,
-���ill�T o �Wl��1-A•fi���ill�oE*,����*□fil��.-,Rfil�fflT o EEIT
:J'.E!,C,-� rl¥Jiti1'f jt�, Dieter3Htffl�itifill�YJLltdt,iTIJSusanneJl!Lltli�J=l=Hii't1· o
J:J\1.tE, Susanneffl{Jg\i,'g-fil&yJLiiiti'!�FJtj·f�,y)L�¾ffl�it,lill� a "d*, �f:!tj•f��tl!.�Wlf"h't1·1'r?i�;g
illa a��-ITT��.tE#�-����ilil:J\1.�reffifflffl�MmtE-�illITTffl�a �ITT�ffiill�*U•�
:Uta�ff;Jrim � Ao im{tittn&: imiJ'?A�1lH� a " Susanne·ill.a
Halfordtt�t!1¾WJ1-xJit�rl¥J-HJ:%€,fttl!.i.,1: "�ttrtEf';b)Llmd#�**€t��11httrx1:tf:!tj•,:teJfg�
ffl-l±J:ffl¾1ltiE#l¥Ja "1£\¾, �fu:Wrt:ii, :i!tE1�:klfil�_t!IRck:'f-J�r�U�l¥J��otE!'f!i't1·f±��mtfrim�,"�r
111!1Ul&�flhm�A-�.iTIJ_§_,�1:1tj·f�{tJl,ff1�$:im:.Rii-f"l1i'B1§�)�)(-l±J:M:/-1L,JAWrt�§cEl�1'-tl:o "
•x-.tSusanne��yJLJifilffii'l�:nr!:c&�3tt�o"���/l:lgJtr-JEJHJ'l;lftf"!1 i,t,1§,,R�§c�li�ifffl:i!
Cathie ElderJl!IJ-/A�, �n*l$!3;/lt-l±Hi c (:l':J��-ltl.1�1�fF-, Jli)tJ.ili:i*M11h1f1(:1�Itr Rill.�ito"X·H�:1-!-¼iti
§' ,R�rj�)J%-;i!#iti1'rii1�1U-J-' �-/±j:)jyt)j\Z·i$:jgJtrm1j¾:cf-'&ei El� i'/?i-1§1,tl:!Ji fMJeyfi�'.%1�§c¾,iHtJi,.A'

) �1"#)Ji!1§i'l��0Cli5!Aim# o Susanne DvorakWJ�:k(J))LrDanyon51'J=.B�-=J; ili1i@fil�itirn.1�-�
*1-ITT�� o a�"JJ!If�, "·� &tETiffany51' J:$�iliJ.!l\,1El fttl!. �fl m• ITTy) L� - JE El)�it, !�;IJ ,.R¾§ 1W
H:tix r� m.,m � fr-i "jjrn���m �� o

Joaime PowellM:utl!.B):±z:)LAniB<:J:w$:t!1¾�rl11to"lltEfttl!.T:f] !��J�·ill.=§%1Jl!,f£l19:**,li5I :;/-J;(:E� � 89

s�:kn o ,,

Dom1a Chan,25;!), ¾IBM0p'J 8{]-� rn:%�1ri!J�fft ,ll];i;!J r1tj·l\iff�1g:)A5ilFrtl:*ILl:i!£ o -�·fc1��1JJ::.;J\

#ITTB•H�,ftfumgf!lill,,a @¾ll:(£,*tl!.� r=I cri�-iJlWJfh't1·1=fl�iiJf;lcfto ";(:E:JJU1<:JIf'I=�,�ill.�-fi11 iti1'r
1���� 0 -t:1cf-' li5I �a�iir5li,'g-' 0 Fil vflt -t:°i\frtl:#JJU11}f rTI'l�trr4�0 '.f='.miw-1f"l1i:B·1§1effl�ri�-�am1M��m
�o "ftfuiio

提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 191
Task 1

( .iJl "ftti8"Pl29)

&§ ■�=•���7-#mamA,@���x��#�m. ��•mrrT� ffi.@mTJ&���

1f 1iiJ )Jfil
ti �m t2fJIIEJtJ-1§. 1:Ef* =1:i


• tm�fiAJ'(JloJ&
• i� ljJ=J --'=5 • it its tti im s,Ji'l(_j ·m m
• -'a-ifF%1m�fJ!IffJ,�!IU1(J:ll.tfJJITJ:rt;o
Jlt&�:tjU�-ii:J)l:ifFffi, &1�lfrV!f.Jih1 rf/i a'� loJ&o :J)l:ifi:1§�{:Ef,/fillit}'tiJll��ii\:i:p J1-1Ff 1�WYlff.11f��, nf fi�
·o �����-�Jlt�ffi#���o

( §t!.."ftti8"Pl72)

;lii;§t {r!J Jt.1..1--k-±:
J:.%l .A�.A�� 1-Y-ffit .¾ .if1 ,J, A� ll�Jlldt �E-1:f<. o � !27 � f !; �J:., iJ\ �P.-iis Jri1J 1 z,ti;f-(r!J f, {-. ;r;
r 0

�{r!J�Y-. A}���Ah�����•.��;r;*,�������1.
�*•An�a��-•�.il\����•. ��.A•���a�il\#�{r!J1t•m��.*•�•

{:}7.J'- ffr
.:zls::X:3/-J4.55-} 0


192 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
x 'f �.t ,!Ull. �;;�It , 1."l. tl7 f-.frx'f .i'Jt :J,· 1t.-��#�i-li-, .!ff 1-lt � GJ_hit rh a x 'f �.t, ?.. � im .s. :¥-. Jfk, 1E.:itdi--i"l /i'J

�m����.�A��*�o ��±���i��k .• £��*����ffl'f��-�.���TM

-�.iE,.fTI � � -tM�, 1E..-il11lJ, ½iJ:.���.fiJt U!/-o

=1-Ef1l�.,�1Jt @@m7G/iJ%JEf}, �rt
!f Jt, x•�!/&7G/iJ%,19:7f=f�¥U7G:J?"f1so1-i0J1:1'-J�>R, Jt 11_ :x1 三
��11 "1m-!fiJlH:fi,, at mu1u , jz\;:J'f 1=1 B7f=f1�m 11'-J�ffmt3l '.sf11=, :1g�:1-J4 �m fZ�m 7f=f 5f-1J 1s1,i:
1Yu�Q*&�>t rroJ£:E::ili�� st mJst-FJ%:i] a , ��"i:iJ l2-lll:H! 1=1 *Jlf;J-J%7f=f 19111�19:nfil,
TefHtaiJ£s'-J-1lj:(�Q: 1lt/tJ;Pmicrowave oven, 1cg
*� "'"

�t iii; 1=1 B �13 it

o.Ktf:l' refrigerator, lt1J<.�electric kettle� )�:1g3:ftift�ffo� T
;!'t&, x•x1=1'�.�l'l'-Jl.ill@m-111&i*1ftr a -fJx'ttmT, =1'Ef1l�.�@�:i:±5Jfffe.r. d:i[i',]�m,�&i.7G�l3/ii§i
�*&a ®;zis:x�.���ffffiJ£Tffi�-��M&,@x1"f&§��M=1-�A.�ffiJ£�-%�it�
��fflm.�¾m•�-�*�·�•*W*�ff7GUJE�o ft�x1' #m�m���.���l.ill��¾

J;t�JE*!l-f�q'j'-) 0
®�•¾m•��ffi¥�ffi�ffl�.��F••�ffl*.�l2-l• ■��tr*�������ffiffi�¥;zis:
J)J 0

I am writing this letter to explain my problem which recently I bought dish from your shops, then it is
broke 1 •
Last week I bought a small piece of dish for my kitchen and I got warranty for that,2 when I current3 it to my
home suddenly when I walking4 on the street I heared5 something is broke6, then', I opened my bag, unfortunately
my dish is broke and I think.8 it was changed because that piece like9 old and not that piece which I saw in first
time 10_ I call11 your shop several times, but, unfortunately no answer from your shop 12•
I would be greatful 13 if you returen my money or changed14 this piece, Allso15, I like 16 to talk with that man
who changed my dish and I would like from17 you to stoped 18 hem19 for short time for his job20_

1. ffi-fi�problemFoOO��ift���whichT,JE�1f1i,JJft*, F/½��tfiJ_t7G,5_\Z}'z: o it:fi�then :1gi[\LJi1,J,7G

�13ffl 'F :iittWi1' % � 1:1'-J� -=f, @tr;l't Z1Wt1□ :l�JriJ and a :liFo 1:1%roke jg i9J i1,Jbreakl'l'-J rl ¾ rt;, lW 007G �!3M
is o tt:fieyr!J(jg: I am writing this letter to explain my problem: recently I bought a piece of dish from your
shop, but then it broke,
2. Last week I bought a small piece of dish for my kitchen and I got warranty for that:1g-1'fc� i'!'-J-'aJ-=f, � �
fiiH'.f�*:¥:�·li7G:k, :itiS!J�-Jl:tFoi'l'-Jill-%r!Ji::1g�-% a
3. current@r!Ji::1gcarried a
4. walking@r!Ji::1gwalked a
5. heared@r!Ji:1-Jheard a tt:ffJ �Jt� lli JJl\Wi1'when5l �t1'-Jfli-reJ tfti-a��: when I current it to my home� �
when I walking,:iti5l!@J�-1' o ¥r*-'a:Jr!J(:1g: When I carried it home, on the street suddenly I heard ___ CD
6. is broke@i&:1gbroke 0
提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 193
7. thenX�i!:tlw-i 1'5c� l'.l{J 1i:iJ=f, :@i5l.}AJJt:5/lJ3 m\-'ti] o
8. is broke and I think/.iiZi!Jl::;/Jwas broken and I thought, tl:�Jlt$:51':;l]:t!:�B1·� o
9. like/.iiZi!Jz::1-Jwas , tl:�liketElt7J� "1i · · · · · · "B1:;l]fi--jf,j o
10. not that piece which I saw in first time/.iiZit:;/]not the piece which I saw at the first time. J]t:5/lt!iif-\'.)Gi¥!, fi-i,ii]
#J�ffl�, _§_�j;'mj;i,1,J o
11. call/.iiZi!Jz: :;lg called o
12. �=6:flJ§-la]i,15:;;f5c� a l'iJ l,!J.j!Jz::;lg: I did not receive any answer from your shop. l!Ji; I have not received
any reply from your shop yet.
13. greatful/.iiZi!Jz::;/] grateful 0
14. returen/.iiZi!Jz::;/] return, fHi!:HJ\Xilll'/ii'1f#Jrefund a changedJj\Ii!Jz::;/]change 0
15. allso/.iiZ!&:;I] also a
16. I like/.iiZ!&:;I] I would like 0
17. fromJj\I -tdf a
18. stoped/.iiZ!&:;I] stop a
19. hem/.iiZi!Jz::;/] hirno
20. for short time for his job/.iiZW::1-Jfor a short time from his job a



·it�:tnm,,�JHir/:1:\ft,1:1{]�� 0

B§�/:I:\ Tw-i1'5c�:X1iz:1tJm\,#., �>R��xf;ltnrfit ·it3:f:�/:lj § 6 (i'-Jm\,#.a !lt�B § �ri,Jit�&
iBX, mtB§ 1:1{]�>]<, ;(:EJt]j[E}ft-B1� ft�/ilOLl:X)tn(J{JxJ\1,#., ;;f ��iliu�Jt- 0

�> � w; m; x

1� -f * i:k: ;t •Jl�tH*A�:ltf a
-¾•··�R�, l*¾R�-•-A•*�*·�����m�n�#�-·��������
1*A1�iJ, • .1.-l,�.Jt.J �-f-rf �x.,f1J, �ll� Hr�• .1..,(f.;f-1:•tH1JJl.l;/UHJ•f.Jr m ��-tt•
;/J ;;r- � f �,t,ti>L,*�UUIJ,J, .1.;J4i.i � ;/J � f .,(f.* >J J:.o �#-iJUi-.,(f.- X.'1'.¥.JlJ:.� itkiE--/TI ii; a �#-.
>] # §l -tit.* T



194 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思
attt'3!f >J;fi_-M,.i.�'f"'3if >J, ll;) J1:t1t..1f1:f-½; .Ji:-,tH13k. ,??- J:. tl:l JJ\1:t1f"� i'"lMo 1t..1f1ja:_ �v;J, .!.A� '3if >J, 1f.½;fi_
t.lGA ,Tri ""t , A-iJ-. JJ i),J # ,rt if 1f- � ;f,� � � $.-1:lc. 11.,,.A J:. a1Jt JI -x ilttit, 1E-A 'it 1.:Y. m cAlbi T ;fi_J.11!.#� !IQ i1l
.fti*A./;Jf1i:a1tJL½, l/il JJ ;fi_AJt ,t-,J,-x.JH� at1�, J.11!.;f4-;/,Jt-iJ-.JJ Jt JI -1tk.� {J� � *4.vU�'fP.lfR�M-�o fo)j- YA�
-'f-Ji:t, AJt11JlfaJ-'f-,J,at1 J:.a1JtJ:.-ktito 1E-4'-A..fik.lta1Jt, at-1-\:f-MT, JG-i1::-'3if.i.;fi_•JJ�#-#t�'3iftit'3if >J, JI


x�Jl'.I T ":lJZ-ir5:t." F.1<:i � �* @1 ;j)Ifill �1 r,<:i � o :e:.x�-gr m, 1t:� r9:1f� t1H1 c. r:1<:i xm,r!R , J=.t :JIB 1 :±\ T
X�:!�5-�iffliH<Jifif�, liiJH,J';ll tl:', TJ'l(r*MJX5l:1fNito 1:E£·{;j',:t'.fll:5tm-m, 11::��:±\ T �fr:5t�s<Jr,J;J,r/RW
?9:�itl:fi·W�mr1<Jit�o TI:.:tft>:ttrl:5tm=t;:, 11::�:JiH.l\\frl!f�ltJJ:l-:n, �P�frt��(:1<:J��f;ft�\o !:j _U;:�{�,
§ i3 (:J<J�BJi, �:±\ T @1 i3 (-l<Jxl\l,,riK o
i! frl }JZ-jf 5:t B<J � � :5(1- T cliscussion� El<:! fill § ::fil: =I I= 'i1t -@-m (:t<J , /iJr � � � \'l,r� li!'Mi11£ tLUt�t
1 1
& �f� �

:J'II,o Fll HJf31:: � t! , �Xilll �it• :5t Jg IITI%1::


*1,$: ';ll:±\i·Ht�ififill, -�rXMd1:r��f§.7G��o

m=m = r8i•� YLl:LE:nxm,r!R r1<:i2-3-t-:J;J]l_rn , &:-t-m El3:5tii=.J2'iiJifitr:;(j, 7G1m�Je1..1ti:ffi'.*o
m.=:%1:: f1'J'fi¥1.�yLl&:1fx.l\\,r/R(J<J2-31-J.fil1:l3, lfiJ�;;fflftl..f�IIllt\'��o
preferable �ffS{], ��m:sq, �ciJ cookery �tf¥, �tf :;ir;:
ad). n.
:mz. sq consequently adv. p}r tt �!It, tE
counterpart n. :l:fu§ s sqA gender n. '11JJ1J
educationalist n. ��¥* emotionally adv. �•!w...t, 'iw�i...t, ,qiijJ:1:fu
similarly adv.t§{�:L:l:fu, �W.:l:fu; ih, iii]f$ prejudice n. ffi.!Jil,, )Jx,.!Jil,, .11:.H�
distraction n. �,i:,,, 5.i�jJ :5tfilt hopefully adv. 1f��±fu; 1fjj1J�±fu

t§ � iii.I ffi& itHt iii.I

be up to Jl11:l:, ,!.J._:f;-=f; EE······:fu� to some extent *f$f¥Jl...t
specialize in 1fJ5(, ffiim, 1f fl liJf Jt prefer to 9 is., �1mir�x
concentrate on 1z-,i:,,.::p-; ��ffi'flll.::P- be able to �gbj$, �
because of � 7-.J , EE -=f

l, It also allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the school to
choose subjects more freely without gender prejudice.
1-tii=.Jit t&1"t7.js:%1:ffi-ii)ifi {iffl ��''*:iis:1f 5:t' f,j�iiJJ;1ifi-X£1lll M 1f5' m'PJ :itf ti£tJ□ JIID:! q!Pj; give

opportunity to sb. to do sthU:i!lt!.�� "�*Am�{i\i[*�"; ii]i:J�F-¥.Jthosd&1"tpupilsillt�:m:�, ::fil:'i'i]�

2. Similarly, boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and to study languages,
which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls.
提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思 195
Jit1D 9:i ff-1-which 5 I � !'l'-J � r- II�tliti 'i'.:EJE'.i-B·M.1PJ , whicht/ii 1-cll!J X tt.HLl l'l'-J ,i Jt:-(£$-·11 !jjlj (:1'-J * ;/3('. ]l�)iJ §� �
iJO�HiJJH:filrfl*.33 iii-1flt 1l*; i:p:;/(:fitftffl 7 whichs I�l'l'-J �UU·!1rfl�r- �UU·l1JE'.iii-M.1tJ, Tm HM. Wix
3, But hopefully times have changed, and both genders of student can have equal chances to study what
they want to in whichever type of school they attend,
X�fflburWtl!f ��� TfiX:tt'f:!f:t&, ililiLl 7 ,�nM1t,ffl; andiUliJ'-J:=JHU1iJ i:!:iBut hopefully times have
changed:3/gf]IJ-*1D, )§--j.)-1i] r:j:iboth genders of student:3/g 3:j-g-, what5I �i�i-g-i:!:istudy(:J'-J;�iii-M.-'iiJ; fr
·[jj'_]�ti,Jin whichever type of school they attendfFith,�;J,Ui'f, -�tr1ft'0 i:!:ithey attend:3/g�'nl?.t 7 **1-ci.jj'Jthatt.1'-l
JE'.iii-M.1PJ, 1ttr[ii;'tf]f:l school.

196 提分课程淘宝搜索:KEN雅思

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