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saad eddine azizi

engineering report about a project to build a new airport in Relizane, Algeria:

1. Introduction

This report outlines plans and technical details for the construction of a new international airport near
the city of Relizane, Algeria. The airport is being built to serve western Algeria and increase capacity for
a growing region.

2. Background and Rationale

Relizane is the fourth largest city in Algeria with a population of over 250,000. The region has seen rapid
economic and industrial growth in recent years. However, it currently lacks suitable airport
infrastructure to support additional growth in travel and commerce. The nearest international airport is
over 200 km away in Oran. A new modern airport in Relizane will fill this gap in infrastructure.

The Algerian government has designated the development of airports a key investment priority in its
2025 national infrastructure plan. Relizane has been selected due to its central location and importance
as an emerging economic hub. The airport is expected to boost employment and enable trade in
Algeria's western interior region.

3. Location Analysis

The proposed location for the new airport is 20km east of Relizane city center and spans 4,600 hectares.
It offers suitable flat land with ample space. Environmental impact studies have been conducted and
find minimal impact to local flora and fauna.

The site has excellent transportation links via the E29 motorway which connects the airport to Relizane,
Oran, and other urban hubs. It also has sufficient distance from built up areas to allow future expansion
as demand grows over time.
4. Facilities and Infrastructure

The new Relizane International Airport will feature:

- Runway 4km long and 75m wide able to accommodate the largest passenger aircraft

- Terminal with capacity for 6 million passengers per year

- Air traffic control tower with state-of-the art radar and navigation systems

- Support facilities including aircraft maintenance hangars, catering/logistics areas, fuel storage

- Onsite utilities including water, electricity, natural gas, and fiber optic telecom networks

- Adjacent business park and free trade zone

5. Construction Plan and Phasing

Construction is set to begin Q2 2024 and proceed over three years in multiple phases:

Phase 1 (2024) - Site preparation, grading, infrastructure

Phase 2 (2025) - Runway, tower, core facilities

Phase 3 (2026) - Terminal, ancillary buildings, business park

The budget for the project is 200 milliard Algerian dinars. The Algerian government is providing the
majority of funding, supplemented by private investors through public-private partnerships.

Ongoing maintenance and operations will be overseen by state airport authorities along with
participation from private contractors. International consultants and experts have provided guidance
during the planning process to align with industry best practices.
6. Economic and Social Impact

Construction of the Relizane airport is expected to create over 5,000 jobs for Algerian workers. Once
operational, it will employ several thousand staff to keep the airport functioning. The facility will provide
increased capacity for tourism and business visitors that generate revenue for the region.

The airport also enables further economic activity in surrounding areas. The business park and free trade
zone will attract foreign investment in diverse industries from aerospace to technology and life sciences.
This ongoing economic boost will create lasting employment and prosperity for the community.

The Relizane International Airport serves as a model project for public infrastructure spearheading
sustainable growth in western Algeria. The ambitious vision demonstrates the country's commitment to
developing global connectivity across all regions to improve quality of life for its citizens.

Newspaper Article

Relizane Takes Flight with New International Airport

The city of Relizane reached an important milestone this week as government officials broke ground on
a major airport project 20km outside the city center. Construction of the $200 milliard Relizane
International Airport will take place over three years, providing western Algeria with a vital new global
air hub.

"This is a proud day that will create tremendous opportunities," commented Minister of Transportation
Ahmed Ismaili during opening remarks at the groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday. Government
leaders described the airport as one of Algeria's highest priority infrastructure projects aligned with
national strategic development goals.

The ultra-modern airport has been designed to handle 6 million passengers per year with potential for
significant future expansion. It will feature the longest runway in the country at 4km, a spacious
terminal, and facilities to support cargo transport, aircraft maintenance, onsite fuel storage, and other
ancillary services.

Adjacent to the airport itself, developers also plan additional transportation links, hotels, office spaces,
logistics centers, and a 1,000-hectare special economic zone to form an integrated aerotropolis. This
connectivity and associated business activity is expected to make the airport a key driver of regional
growth and job creation for years to come.

Relizane's mayor Fatima Benali called it "a dream coming true for our citizens" that also raises Relizane's
profile both within Algeria and globally as a hub for trade and tourism.

The project employed over 300 Algerian engineers, architects and consultants in the planning stages.
Construction is now set to begin, led by Turkish and Emirati consortiums in partnership with domestic
firms. Thousands of local construction workers will join to complete Phase 1 preparations before core
airside facilities take shape in 2025.

The ribbon cutting is scheduled for late 2026 if work finishes on time. That day will mark a new high
flying era for Relizane International Airport and western Algeria overall.

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