Instrucciones para El Trabajo de Secuencia Didáctica

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Didactic Sequence Instructions. World Religions. II Term.


1. Prepare a cover page.

2. On the following page, state the performance objective.

3. In the first part of the work, present the religion we are studying in the period.

Name, origin, God or main gods, their most important beliefs. (Two pages

accompanied by small images related to the topic.)

4. In the second part of the work, introduce the country assigned to your

classroom. Name, location, flag, president, year of foundation, predominant

language, professed faith. (One or two pages, accompanied by small

illustrations related to the topic.)

5. In the third and final part of the work, discuss the population of the assigned

country, naming the number of people who profess the faith of the religion

studied in the period. Express the above in population percentages. State

what type of presence this religion has in the country, whether it is solely

institutional presence with churches, temples, shrines, mosques, or

synagogues (depending on the religion), or if they also have social work

institutions such as soup kitchens, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, etc.

6. Conclusions.
 Work in groups of three people.

 Format: Word.

 Font: Arial / Font Size: 12 / Paragraph Line spacing: 1.5

 Turn in the written work by email:

 Write in the subject of the email: didactic sequence II term 9° (this is

an example)

 The rubric for grading the written work will be handed out in class.

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