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Keys for the first European. People define.

The way around the monopoly that the nation’s with.

Trade with the far east. I don’t need to begin talking about the other companies fairly around
economic as well. Oh, by the way, the review itself for Canada’s I sent emails to everybody that
affects up to that effect. Also, the upload website that will be in the module will get the review. OK,
so we’ll talk about Spain. Spain is going to be very heavily involved in. exploration of. Of the New
World is the group into college. They can as far as things concerned with things you want to talk
about is the fact that Spain is ultimately going to dance to major. Early expeditions that stays out. OK,
I’m gonna, we’re gonna be other. That’s gone. Exploration of the new world. Besides Steve’s. But the
1st 2 are 2 of the first. The first one that I talked about will be the first for most. Important. The first
one being that Christopher Columbus is he will undertake four voyages ultimately. But his first one
will take place in 1492 as far as Christopher Columbus is at the time he’s going to be sailing from the
Spaniards. But he himself was at least the county and Columbus shop around different went to
different placements explaining every talk and it was possible for you to seal essentially W in order to
get to the Far East now does that mean that Columbus believed that the earth was brown well
basically yes he did find. Most educated people and it’s only a small percentage of European
population they understood that the Earth was round the ancient Egyptians had determined that it
was right now there were Europeans always do it during the people period to have this idea of a flat
river if you will by the time we get to the Renaissance a lot of educated group announced that we got
to understand that that simply did not meet with all the evidence that they were beginning to see
the problem that Columbus is going to run into ultimately it’s going to be his understanding of what
he thought of the size of. How long does it delete that by sailing to the West eventually he would
come from a land massage that would be the part of what they referred to as café or or or what we
call today Japan or whatever he had no idea that there was anything between Voyage to the West
looking. For Asia, but he is going to fail in his quest. He’s gonna come upon some islands at first that
he believed lay just off of the main the mainland of Asia. And by the way, there is entire life. He
never. Understood that he had not actually found Asian his entire life. People believe that if you
continue to look, he would find the the mainland. And that’s what he was trying to do with his 4
voyage. He’s also going to set up a number of settlements. It’s going to eventually mean that, well,
the one thing is going to oversee a number of settlements. It’s going to get in trouble with the
Spanish authorities. It’s going to be claimed that he mismanaged him, that there was a life of fraud.
He’ll be in jail, put in jail for a period of time as a result. But the most important thing to understand
is we have. Traditionally said that Columbus discovered America and then there was the counter
argument that became the that began to be put forward in the 60s in particular that well known to
discover America, native split here. It’s like a care of some of those natives. They knew about this
point. In Columbus is that by his discovery from a European standpoint, he is going to bring the
whole New World as the Europeans will view it into the European. World, if you will, they don’t
understand of the world. Now, as it turns out, Columbus is going to be shorted as far as what usually
happened to explore as he discovered something with you. Usually these new things are going to be
named after whoever is going. So by all rights, the two continents that the Europeans encounter here
and discover as far as their their viewpoint was concerned, it should, they should be working S
Columbia. But first of all, remember that Columbus died in 1506 here. Never knew that he discovered
something new. Another explorer in Italian. Also America despite was involved in a number of
explorations and the right at the time that Columbus was shortly before he died. Why and two
cartographers are going. To draw a world map by the one of the it’s called the vaults in Europe map
that was drawn up in the KS7 in one year after the death of Columbus on this map. These
cartographers are going to name these new continents. They had just they had figured out by that
time that something new something different they’re going to name them after America Bespucci
believing that Vespucci had discovered a 4th part of the world the first three would be Europe Asia
African as food cheap was believed had come upon these photographers believed to come upon a 4 th
part of the world and so they they do that to him I’m here from Connecticut so Columbus is going to
be responsible but responsible for bringing two continents that at the time in 1492 Europeans didn’t
know anything about their. Into their world view now had European never seen no there were
Scandinavian because you’ve been one of the area of Newfoundland principally in what is today
Canada but those settlements had died out by the time Columbus for long and as far as memory of it
was concerned the memory was in the sagas that were told by the Scandinavians it had become
almost the thought pathological by this time. So European style market had lost the memory of ever
having encountered these these continents well the Chinese is playing by the Chinese and so
marathon stories of Chinese were involved in upstate around the world. It’s addition that started this
that we’ll come back to that in just a few minutes we’re talking about the joke but Columbus is going
to bring the confidence of what to come to call audio in its northern South America into the
European World E.

the other significant voyage is undertaking the flag Ferdinand Magellan Magellan. He was the leader
of this expedition There will be five ships that will be sent out by. Thunder Magellan’s demand now
by the time Magellan comes along Europeans have figured out that one. Was bigger than they
thought it was. They turned out that there were a couple of. Not taken into account. They still wanna
give Asia though the store as Spain is concerned they need to find it for a way to get there that
doesn’t go through or go along the coast of Africa for 1 thing that Portuguese had already blamed
claimed that so they want to continue with what Columbus had done and try to go W but to go W
now they know that they’ve got to find the way around. So Magellan who is going to sail for Spain
but in his particular case it was Portuguese. Want to go with five ships and begin a a trip that hope
doesn’t take forever that they know that that there are two continents out there. They don’t know
just how far they’re going to have to go to get to Asia and that’s one of the things that the governor
shows to be figured out that if all the jelling is time shifts they take power they go along the coast of
Africa and then they go across the Atlantic at approximately the narrowest part of the Atlantic to get
across to the southern of the two times that is recently been discussed and then they begin to go
along the coast of their continent going farther and farther and farther S now. As they’re going low to
stop in there because one of the ships will turn back. To where the ships can turn wrong these ships
by the way we’re not meant to be at sea for long periods of time and so you shouldn’t answer going
long compiled beside they’re going to have to for. Form some maintenance on them as best they
could but throwing along the South American content the most important thing at that point was to
try to find a way around South America so they go farther and farther to the South going up. The
mountains of Rizzo’s believing that wealthy go far enough we’ll get water on the other side of this
continent but time to time again we have to come back out and continue to sell finally they get to a
point you’re what proves to be the tip of South America. The area keep out of the El Pueblo. And
they find this what looks like a passage between what might be in Ireland hopefully and the main
part of the continent. And so they go through this passage and sure enough they come out the other
side of the water and they look to the north and they could see land going away from them to the
north. So this would seem to indicate that they have actually gotten past the South American front.
Well, they still haven’t found. It take off across the ocean. The ocean of this ocean. The Europeans
are going to call the Pacific Ocean because Magellan himself is going to be very lucky at that point he
went through the waters there. This is the tip of South America. The weather was pretty good. And
so Europeans at first going to think that maybe this is pretty easy trip just going down there go across
this Pacific Ocean. Two big problems first of all the weather that Magellan encountered was not the
average weather of that area. You’re very, very close to a very cold continent as they eventually
discovered and argument. So you got this very, very cold air and cold water that is. Coming into
contact with warmer water that is being brought by the ocean permanent and as a result some really
nasty weather kicks up in that area also as far as the Pacific Ocean is concerned eventually the
Europeans going to find out that some that the worst typhoons found on Earth occur on this giant
Pacific Ocean. Say giant Pacific Ocean how big an uploaded ocean are we talking about you can see
here with Atlantic it’s an ocean but it’s not relatively not that big unfortunately the map here splits
the Pacific Ocean so you don’t really get a good idea talking it is you can take all of the land surface of
the world can be squeezed it all together it would not cover the entire area that’s covered by the
Pacific Ocean. If you take the the base and inlet surrounded into account that’s how big it is so. You
get out on these little ships you start kicking off across the the Pacific eventually they will encounter.
A set of islands that they will eventually call the Philippines and it is while they are there and this is in
as the the map here if you can read the map would be 15 20 1 in April 1521 Magellan is going to
make a bad decision in that he’s going to give himself and he’s going to insert himself into a conflict
between 2 different things on one of the islands in the Philippines and get himself killed. So the last
of the 5 ships only one of them will make it back. They leave the Philippines make their way across
the Indian Ocean. They find the tip of Africa built up Africa and eventually make their way back and
stay there were only 18 men with the board on that ship the other the others well firm one ship
turned back and on the other ships well they lost the ships in favor of the law some of them and
were forced to to get off on certain islands that were probably all of them died but only 18 are going
to make it back just. So happen that one of the men who made it back was a man named Antonio to
get feta Hey Cortana, his job all along was to write a chronicle of the boy. And so is it is as a result of
surviving that we have the story of what happened. And at one point, if that arise, as far as you
know, to describe the going across the Pacific he says, we were three months and 20 days without
refreshment of any kind of fresh food. We have biscuits which were no longer biscuit, but it’s
powdered, swarming the corn. The rats eaten all the good. It stank strongly of their urine. We drank
yellow water already many days putrid. We also ate certain oxides that covered the top of the yards.
That’s the wooden cross members that hold up the sales. To prevent the yards from chaping the
shrouds. The shrouds are the the lines that hold up the mass and the other part of the rigid and
which had become exceedingly hard because the sun rained and went. We soaked them in deceived
for 4 or five days to place them for a short time over at the hot embers and ate them thus. And often
we ate sawdust. Rats were sold for half a dip in a piece due to a lot of money. And even so, we did
not always get there. OK, so this was no luxury cruise. If. It was tough. It killed those tough on the
appeal will survive. But whenever they got back, one of the things that they had discovered was that
the world was a lot bigger than they thought it was. The total trip that this is not the circumference
of the earth around the equator. But the total trip is gonna be about 44,000 miles. But you see that
they go down down that they don’t know just straight across the down, down, down. So it’s adding
mileage to it. So on the list. I always like to talk about. There is a group of people in this world today.
Who’ve insisted that the world is flat. OK, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it. I haven’t seen it lately,
but if you could hard drive around planners. OK, now my question is a couple questions. Why?
Whenever you look at it into the heavens and telescope that you see. OK, Mercury, Brown, SE. You
can see it. It’s round. Venus, you can see it. It’s round. You go beyond bars. It’s round and you go out.
I’ve got all those around the. Flat earthers say, OK, there we go. We still believe that the Earth is
somehow flat. There’s a problem there. Another problem is you start out and say you trend to the
West. You trend to the West means that basically the direction you’re going is W. You keep going
west. Keep going west. Keep going with it. Finally takes a while, but finally you end up back where
you started Never turning back to build the other direction. We’re continuing to go West. Now,
unless physics as we understand them where it’s differently on Earth and anywhere else in the
universe. That’s a pretty good indication that whatever your own. Spiritual actually. OK, but
nonetheless. Don’t have the reasons for believing the other one. The other ones. The Europeans
from this point on had the idea that the Earth is in deep ground and their navigation techniques are
going to be based upon that. It’s about the way the navigation techniques as they are part are
perfected over here is getting around pretty well. So if the work world is not brown, then there’s an
interesting community explain how that stuff nonetheless. So Ferdinand and Magellan, he did not
complete the voice, but he is still giving credit for this vice president general called the of the
expedition Magellan is going to be able to show that it’s possible to go out into the rest of the world.
I’m all the way to Asia and eventually get back to Europe. But he also shows that the world is bigger
than what the European spot that it wants.

Looking at these Europeans and what they did, why they did what can we say were some of the the
goals of these European sports 1 thing is that once they understood that there was a continent in
between themselves and Asia who wanted to get to Asia. They looked for a way to bypass that
northern continent without having to go all the way down to the tip of S and backed up more shorter
hasn’t. So they’re going to be looking for what was termed in northwest passage going across the
northern part of North America. But if you. Quite a few European scores are going to die looking for
this because they’re going to end up in northern latitudes above 70 degrees that well froze over
during the winter a very long grip you’re going to be in water and water and all of a sudden ice that
starts to form around the frozen air they end up dying as a result. It’s going to be quite a few years
before it is discovered that would be the only safe if you will at Northwest Passage is one that can be
undertaken under the water in the submarine you can go across the world in some way you have to
be very, very careful in doing the the nuclear submarine models going to be the first submarine to be
able to make that trip because well diesel electric submarines could stay down long enough A
nuclear submarine makes its own air makes its own water. The only thing that that is Also, also.
Spaniards found gold and silver gems and other things in the area where they went. Other European
countries, England, for instance, advanced. I want to be looking for business too. Because the
standards had a claim on the area of the Americas that they did. It’s the European, the other
European end up having to look usually overplace in English are going to find that the area that they
begin to colonize is what they call N America. You know, you’re not going to have gold and silver
things up there. We’ll talk about that at the beginning of the next election. One of the things that
Europeans wanted to do was to spread Chris Hannity. Columbus and Syria took along the priests on
his first void. Isabella Queen of Oklahoma, Castile, consisted that he take a video of a priest a priest.
She was more developed than her husband How about the bottoms of the time wanting to claim the
lands in order to expand power? So that’s one another thing that they’re gonna be looking for. And
if. They can’t dominate an area, you plan to win and and colonize it themselves, then they wanna set
up trading posts and settlements to be able to provide a profit from trade needs for people’s that
they account. So these are principal goals of the people, the Western European sports as they go out
into the world. What can we say more to the results of this comm Revolution that comes about as a
result of the expansion of trade, the expansion of Europe is influx in the world. Here we’re talking
about results for the European. First of all, yes, there is an expansion of World Trade bills are going to
be important into Europe that are going to improve the standard of living. Of certainty routines, and
it’s going to be principally those at the top who already had a better standard of living. But also it’s
going to mean that. About the Europeans want to be able to expand their possibilities trade such that
profitability is improved for businesses that are involved in this group. You see an increased amount
of precious metals in Europe. Now that’s good and bad. OK, because one of the things that it’s been
arguing that quantities bring in from a central and South American is inflation and and there is a
great deal of deployment going on in the late 15th early 16th century or what the late 15th and into the
16th century in Europe. England is going to sell to great build inflation. But I would argue that a lot of
but one of the main reasons for that inflation has to do with the policies and the part of Henry can
radiate and Elizabeth trying to to increase profitability. They were the ones who coin the money. So
try to scan upon the amount of gold or silver that was potentially done any extra for yourself. That
sort of thing. So the positive. Inflation during this. In Europe are very complex. But nonetheless
there’s much. Larger quantity of silver coming in is going to have an effect on the money Spain is
going to gain. A lot of advantage from the silk who began with but as we’ve gone on 20 false
problems. There’s going to be an increase demand for textiles as far as textiles were concerned in
England the principle clause that they exported was good and going far for years before they needed.
The wool of themselves they they sold their world to people on the continent. That was the principal
export of England 5 few years. But here we’re talking about encountering other types types of
textiles as well eventually in Europeans are going to encounter cotton textiles and even today some
of the finest cotton textiles in the world are produced and served areas in Egypt and also most most
importantly in India the Europeans eventually the industrial revolution are going to develop methods
of. Making these this up this cloth that’s going to be much more cost effective that they will never be
able to equal the quality of the cotton fabrics of India and northern Egypt but they’re able to make
less extensive top fabric which will be very important to develop their economies but increase
demand for textfuls as a result of this commercial revolution that you talked about here occurring in
the 6th 15th and 16th century and it’s this commercial revolution that is responsible for the
development of something that we. Should we should all be very with these days in shipments.
Usually you talked about describing the development of insurance you you have talked about what is
London shipping insurance but the English are going to be taking an idea and running with it that
wasn’t original themselves the Italians were the first to develop this idea of insurance they’re going
to apply it in their dealings with other peoples in Europe as they expand their trade possibilities on
Europe and need to know the battalions will have a an area in London where they several of them
will will live there and trade with English and they pass on certain business techniques to the
individual 1 of them being the idea of the church whenever the English began exploring in the world
there don’t be late relative to the standards in Portuguese exploring the world they send out ships all
over the world If you are a person involved in maritime business and trained in particular you send
out a ship that’s a target. Supposed to bring it back. Well, what happens if you send out the ship and
you lose the ship worst thing is losing the ship when the car company come forward so you can draw
some **** and the carpet if you want. If you are a small trade. That can ruin your business
completely. Other people involved in trade with that type understood the problems possible
problems is so it is said that in a copy house in London. A number of them are going to get together
and they’re going to enter into an agreement with one of them where they all put in a certain
amount of money and there’s one person in particular who’s given the responsibility of keeping up
with all the money to pay it in and so they were percentages involved here based on how much
money you pay in so if you paid into this this particular fund and you lose a cargo ship then you will
receive a certain amount of money out of the out of the kitty if you will it so it helps to mitigate your
loss that’s the. Basic idea behind maritime insurance and it’s the basic idea behind most forms of
insurance where you’re dealing with the possible loss of whatever insurance it’s going to get a big
boost as far as each development as a result of this commercial revolution also we see that economic
power in Europe is going to shift Europe’s major trade routes are going to change. Overtime whereas
before the tensile trade routes were in the North area in the politics with the Hansa out of the
Germany of the Italians and Mediterranean that those were the principal trade barriers with the
expansion of trade out into a whole new set of confidence and and and also expanding all over the
world other countries besides the Venice and Genoa and the German principalities part of the first
fellas and what was called the Honson being becoming more and more long in trade and beginning to
dominate trade going to see that the principal trade routes are going to to change to those countries
that bordered the Atlantic Ocean. So rather than the Italian city states that in N Germany cities
dominating trade after that it’ll be places like England, France Spain, Portugal. Also as far as a shift in
economic power is concerned going to see the rise of a business class if you will. It’s really not
familiar to call it a middle class. That’s a little too imaginative. But a business class will emerge at first.
They’re going to have for quite a few years. They’re going to have a problem in that only. You know if
you’ve owned when you were considered to be an important person, a powerful person. And so
anyone who made their money and trade was considered inferior to those his money was based on
when so these people are going to be fighting an uphill battle for recognition as they amass fortunes
that eventually will make the fortunes of some of the mobility look make them look like poverty. It’s
not going to be in England really until the 19th century that you begin to see reform of of Vermont
such that the. European countries, England in particular. That’s the most familiar with England in
particular going to begin to recognize the financial power of those who not part of the nobility. But
on the list the economic power is going to ship long before recognition is granted to them. Trading
class business class. OK all. The last thing that I want to talk about concerning these expansion of
European trade is the concept of what’s called mercantilism. I’m going to give you a definition of
mercantilism. And it’s the multi part definition not every country practice mercantilism in exactly the
same way. So not every country the people in the country are going to beat all the criteria that are
way down here. But what I’m going to give you is a as complete a definition as I can of what
marginalism what the merciful is arguing. First of all that what you needed to do was to attract the
maximum amount of gold and silver to your country’s treasury as you could then why gold and silver
because remember there’s a transition is currently aware more and more real wealth that’s not
measured in land only but also gold and silver and eventually gold and silver will be the most
important relative plan. So gold and silver wealth is beginning to be measured in those precious
metals. So you want more and more of it or as much of its as you can get on how he didn’t get more
besides force discovery. Silver or gold or whatever. But aside from that there are other ways that you
can bring in here. For one thing you can afford things. To other countries now what is gonna be the
prevalent method in the beginning is to send out goods to another country. Don’t send you goods
and approximate people people value that that they have that you need but let’s say that they don’t
have enough of their stuff to make up to equal the value of what you’re sending down well burdened
to say that you need to receive payment for that difference in gold and silver to the attractive
soldiers soon. Now I’m exports. Are important in the sense that you get. Money for that’s going to
improve your country’s economic outlook. Then you want more exports. How can you increase
fiction with one way to do it is to pay. People to make the stuff that can be exported so you can
increase exports into the said by stimulating to make the canvas needs with bounties or subsidies.
That’s money paid with people to help them to produce more of these exported items. If that sports
are so important. What about imports? OK for people. The people should be consuming the things
that you produce domestically. That’s the best thing for the best domestic business. So you want to
try to discourage people from buying stuff that has been brought into your country, stuff that you
produce already. How can you do that? Well, your tax unless imported items. This type of tax is
called a tear. Your artificially jacking up price of the imported king. The American list. They had an
interest in colonization, but they viewed colonies in particular way. It’s all working for us for arguing
that you should require a columnist, but you do it in warranty. First of all, the sure markets for the
manufactured goods that you are producing domestic domestic. You have our customers out there.
Ready. Ready made customer base, if you will. Also, you’re going to try to set up colonies in places
where the people who live there can can provide their mother country under all materials so that the
mother country doesn’t have to buy these. Whatever these necessary raw materials are, they don’t
have to buy them from another country and have jacked up prices. And so it’s going to save money
being able to get these raw. These raw materials in your column. You got people living in the colonies
who are capable if they choose to do so of producing things themselves. But if they do that and that
throws and I can mention that everything is trying to get going here to be calling his colleagues or for
the benefit of other countries like so what you need to do is to restrict manufacturing and your
colleagues. Trying to make sure that you’re colonials are not producing things that they would
otherwise be buying from the other country. And then as far as your colonies are concerned relative
to other countries, you don’t want your colonies providing any kind of economic advantage for your
enemies. So you forbid your colleagues to trade with any country except the mother country and the
basic of working for this view of colonies who stated they eroded in colonies exist for the benefit of
them on the country So from a purely mercantilistic economic sense, colonies are not being are not
to exist in order for people to have different religious persuasions. They have a place to get away
from persecution. That’s not what’s important to your verdict. If. It works that way for those people
environment. What’s most important is this colonies must be advantageous to them other country
economic. And if not as far as emergent policies concerned, there really isn’t any reason to layout the
money to establish these colleagues. OK, so that’s all that I want to say about European expansion

I don’t want to leave all the still take a little while to talk about. So I don’t wanna leave off in the
midst of that.

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