Instructions To Practice Teaching Activities

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¤zÉðñÀPÀgÀ PÀbÉÃj Office of the Director
zÀÆgÀ ²PÀët PÉÃAzÀæ, ªÁtÂdå ¸ÀAQÃtð Centre for Distance Education
ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀUÀAUÉÆÃwæ, ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ-574 199 Shopping Complex, Mangalagangothri
zÀ. PÀ. f¯Éè, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ Mangalore – 574 199, D.K. Karnataka

¸ÀA: ªÀÄ«/zÀÆ.².PÉÃ./©.Jqï.(ODL)/2020-21 ¢£ÁAPÀ: 24.02.2022

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The marks allotted for different tasks are as follows:
Pedagogy of School Pedagogy of School
Subject-I Subject-II
(Choose any one) (Choose any one)
a. Kannada a. Social Science
b. English b. Biological Science
c. Hindi c. Mathematics
d. Physical Science d. Commerce


Practicum-I (Pedagogy-I) : 200 Marks

Practicum-II (Pedagogy-II) : 200 Marks

Sl. Activities Marks Documents to be Submitted in

No each Pedagogy
1 Preparation of 32 Marks 16 lesson Plans
Lesson Plans (16) (Evaluate each
lesson out of 10)
2 Lesson Execution 16x5=80 Marks Evaluation Sheet(16) duly
(16) (Evaluate out of 10) signed by Mentor Teacher and
Head of the Institution
3 Preparation of Unit 10 Marks Unit test and list of students’
test and Execution of marks followed by group
Unit test, Correction performance report in
and giving feedback Percentage and feedback for
for students self-improvement
4 Test Material (50) 14 Marks Test Material
5 Lesson Observation 10 Marks (Evaluate Lesson Observation Report (5)
(5 lessons) out of 10)
6 School Observation 10 Marks School Observation Report
(3 days)
7 Reflection on 16x2=32Marks Reflection Diaries (16)
lessons taught (Evaluate out of 10)
8 Preparation and Use 12 Marks Submission of Learning Aids
of Learning Aids
(Best Six)
Total 200 Marks

Preparation for Teaching:
1. Planning Lessons: You are supposed to give 16 lessons each in each of the
pedagogy subjects in secondary schools of your choice. The teacher educators
will guide you minutely for each of the aspects of lesson plan like selection of
the lesson, Writing Instructional Objectives, Preparation and use of learning
aids, closure activities, etc. The format for writing lesson plans in constructivist
mode has been provided already and the teacher educators will guide you to
write lessons in this format. The lesson plans will be evaluated for 10 marks
each and will be reduced to 32 marks in total.
2. Designing Unit Test: You are supposed to conduct one test for the unit taught
by you in schools and you need to be prepared to design unit test. The format
for unit test and a sample of unit test for each subject is already provided. The
marks for designing unit test is equal to 10 marks.
3. Designing Test Material: You are supposed to frame 50 Objective type
questions in each of the pedagogy subject. It needs to be of different forms of
Objective type questions. The examples for objective type questions in different
methodology have been provided already. This carries 10 marks.
4. Writing Reflective Diaries: You are supposed to write reflective diaries for
each of the lessons would you teach and hence, you are supposed to submit a
total of 16 reflective diaries to the Study Centre.
5. Observing lessons of other students: You are supposed to submit report of
5 lessons in each pedagogy and submit the observation diaries to the Study
Centre. You need to Xerox the format for observing the lesson, provided by the
centre. Student to be need completing 5 observations lesson in each pedagogy.
6. Observation of schools: You are expected to observe the school on three days,
being present in the school throughout the day. The teacher educator will guide
you about the procedure and reporting of school observation, based on the
format provided by the centre. The report will be submitted during the third
contact programme.


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