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Lesson Title: Exploring Renewable Energy Sources

Grade Level: High School (9th-10th grade)

Duration: 60 minutes

Objective: Students will understand different types of renewable energy sources, their benefits,
and their potential to address environmental challenges.


Projector or smartboard
Internet access
Laptops or tablets
Printed handouts on renewable energy sources
Sticky notes

Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin with a short video clip showcasing the effects of climate change and the importance of
renewable energy.
Facilitate a brief class discussion about the video, encouraging students to share their thoughts
on environmental issues.

Engagement Activity - Think-Pair-Share (15 minutes):

Provide students with a list of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, geothermal,
biomass) on the projector.

Ask students to individually write down what they know about each energy source on sticky

Have students pair up and share their thoughts with a partner.

Then, ask pairs to share one interesting fact they learned about each energy source with the

Interactive Online Research (15 minutes):

Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a laptop or tablet.
Assign each group a specific renewable energy source to research further online.
Students should find information on the advantages, disadvantages, and real-world applications
of their assigned energy source.
Encourage them to use reliable sources and take notes.
Group Presentations (10 minutes):

Have each group present their findings to the class using multimedia presentations or visual
After each presentation, allow the class to ask questions or share their thoughts.

Hands-On Activity - Build a Mini Wind Turbine (10 minutes):

Provide students with small materials such as paper, cardboard, plastic cups, and mini fans.
Instruct them to work in pairs or small groups to design and construct a simple wind turbine
After building, students can test their turbines with the mini fans to observe how wind energy
can be harnessed.

Closure and Reflection (5 minutes):

Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.

Ask students to write a short reflection on what they found most interesting or surprising about
renewable energy sources and their potential impact.

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