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BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

0 What do we call the set of negative

numbers and whole numbers?
(A) Natural numbers • What is the nature of the product of a
negative number by itself even number
of times?

(B) Integers (A) Negative (B) 0
(C) Positive numbers (C) Positive (D) Non-negative

(D) The set of whole numbers.
Calculate (-32) x (-4) x (-3) x 0 x (-6) .
Which of the following is the smal lest

positive integer? (A) 27648 (B) 276480

(C) 0 (D) -27648
(A) 0 (B) 100 (C) 1 (D) 9
Where are the negative numbers located If the dividend and the divisor have like
on a horizontal number line? signs, what is the sign of the quotient?
(A) On the right of 0 (A) Positive (B) Negative
(B) On the left of 0 (C) Zero (D) Indeterminate
(C) Above 0 • If the dividend and divisor have unlike
(D) BelowO
signs, what is the sign of the quotient?
0 What is the opposite of earning ~ 100?

(A) Positive (B) Negative
(A) + ~ 100 (B) Profit of ~ 100 (C) Zero (D) Indeterminate
(C) Gain of ~ 100 (D) Spending ~ 100
• Match the following .
How is the withdrawal of ~ 200

Column - 1 Column - II
(A) Depositing ~ 200 (B) - ~ 200
(i) (132) 7 (-12) ( ) (a) 49
(C) ~ 200 (D) - 200
Which of the following is true with (ii) (-144) 7 (+16) ( ) (b) 8
respect to -28 and -32?

(A) -28 < -32 (B) -28 = -32 (iii) (-32) 7 (-4) ( ) (c) (-9)
(C) -32 > - 28 (D) -28 > - 32
Where do we place the positive numbers (iv) {196) 7 (4) ( ) (d) (-11)
on a vertical number line with respect to 0?

(A) (i)-(b), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d)
(A) Above (B) On its left side (B) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(c)
(C) On its right side (D) Below (C) (i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)
What is the representation of 30 km (D) (i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(b)
towards the west?

• With respect to which of the following
(A) 30 km east (B) -30 km operations is closure property satisfied
(C) 30 km (D) 30 by the set of integers?
What is the nature of the product of a (A) +,x (B) +.~.x
negative integer by itself, odd number (C)+,x,- (D) +. -.~
of times?
(A) Positive
4Z) What is the add itive identity for the set
of integers?
(B) Negative
(C) Non negative (A) 0 (B) (-1) (C) 1 (D) + 10
(D) Cannot be determined

1. Integers
JlG BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book

Which of the following is the

Class VII · Mathematics

What is the sign of the product obtained

multiplicative identity in the set of when a positive integer is multiplied by -1?

(A) Positive (B) Negative
(A) 1 (B) (-1) (C) 0 (D) (-1 0) (C) 0 (D) Non negative
• Whatisthevalueof124 x 4-3 + 118 7 2?
The sum of two integers is 62. If one of
(A) 552 (B) 496 (C) 553 (D) -553 the integers is -48, what is the other?

• Which of the following orders is used
while evaluating an expression? (A) 14 (B) - 14

(C) -110 (D) 110
(A)[ 1. (), {} (B) {}. (), [ 1
(C) (), {}. [ 1 (D) (), [ 1. {} The product of two integers is -48. If one
If a negative sign precedes a bracket, of the integers is -6, what is the value of

what happens to the terms inside it? the other?
(A) Their signs are changed. (A) 1 (B) 288 (C) 0 (D) 8
(B) The terms are reciprocated .
(C) The signs remain the same. A man walked 3 km towards North then
(D) The terms are doubled. 8 km towards South. What is his final
If a positive sign precedes a bracket, position with respect to his initial
what happens to the terms inside it? position?
(A) Signs of the terms will be changed. (A) 5 km towards East

(B) Every term is reciprocated. (B) 3 km towards South
(C) Every term will become zero. (C) 8 km towards North
(D) No change occurs in any of the terms. (D) 5 km towards South
What is the value of the expression
What is the smallest negative integer?
7- [13 - {-2- 6 (6 of -5)}]?
(A) -172 (B) 180 (A) -1 (B) - 10
(C) 172 (D) 0 (C) 0 (D) Does not exist
What is the sign of the product of two
integers with like signs? ~Previous Contest Questions~
(A) Negative (B) Positive
(C) 0
determ ined
(D) Cannot be
0 In a quiz, positive marks were given for
correct answers and negative marks for
What is the sign of the product of two
incorrect answers. If Guru's scores in five
integers with unlike signs?
successive rounds were 35, -10, -15, 20
(A) Negative

and 5, what is his total score at the end?
(B) 0
(C) Positive (A) 25 (B) 35 (C) 45 (D) 55
(D) Cannot be determined
A deep well has steps inside it. A monkey
Which of the following operations on
is sitting on the topmost step (i.e., the
integers satisfy the commutative

first step). The water level is at the ninth
step. If the monkey jumps 3 steps down
(A)-. + (B)-, X (C) +, - (D)+, X and then jumps back 2 steps up, how
Over which of the following operations many jumps does it have to make to
is multiplication distributed in the set of reach the water level?
(A) 11 (B) 9 (C) 7 (D) 5
(A) -. + (B) -,X (C) +, - (D) x, 7

II 1. Integers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• A certain freezing process requires that

room temperature be lowered from 4oC
8 The temperature at 12 noon was 1ooc
above zero. If it decreases at the rate of 2
at the rate of soc every hour. What is the oc per hour unti l midnight, what would
room temperature after 10 hours? be the temperature at 9 p.m.?
(A) 0 oc (B) -5 oc (A) -8°C (B) -6°C

(C) - 10 oc (D) -15°C (C) 8°C (D) 6°C
• In a class test containing 10 questions, 3 What is the identity element with respect
marks are awarded for every correct to subtraction in integers?
answer and (-1) mark is awarded for (A) 0 (B) 1
every incorrect answer and 0 for the (C) - 1
(D) Does not exist
questions not attempted. Srinu gets two
Which of the following statements holds
correct and six incorrect answers out of
eight questions he attempts. What is his
total score? (A) NeWe Z (B) Ze NeW
(C) We NeZ (D) ze weN
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) - 2 (D) 6
The quotient of two numbers is
• What should be multiplied by (-12) in
(-17). If one of the numbers is (-340),
order to get 180?
what is the other number?

(A) 15 (B) -15 (C) 16 (D) - 16
(A) 20 (B) 17 (C) (-20) (D) (-30)
A lift descends into an underground
floor at the rate of 6 metres per minute.
If the descent starts from 10 metres
above the ground level, how much time
will it take to descend 350 metres?
(A) 30 minutes (B) 50 minutes
(C) 1 hour (D) 1 hour 30 minutes

1. Integers

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