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A Research Proposal

Termiticidal Potential of Papaya (Carica Papaya) leaf extract

against mosquito

Presented by:

Team Balacio

*David Balancio

Tresevee Manabat

Jeuz Jickain Aquino

Vince Gabriel Ugay

Present to:

Mr. Rejie P. Tactay

June 10,2022

Background of the study

Nowadays, various species and their larvae, such as

mosquitoes, aphids, caterpillars, and worms, can be killed

with papaya leaf extract. Alkaloids, papain, and cyanogenic

glycosides are insecticidal chemicals found in papaya leaf

extract. Papaya leaves can be mashed and soaked in water

overnight to extract a multifunctional pesticide. Other papaya

leaf components, such as flavonols and tannins, have

antibacterial capabilities in addition to insecticidal to

extract a multifunctional pesticide. Other papaya leaf

components, such as flavonols and tannins, have antibacterial

capabilities in addition to insecticidal properties.

Dengue fever is a contagious disease with high death and

morbidity rate.Because it is a viral infection, no specific

treatment is available. According to certain reports, Carica

papaya leaf extracts can help dengue patients improve their

clinical state

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study is to determine the

effectiveness of papaya leaves [CARICA PAPAYA]. It is desired

to test the effectiveness of papaya extract as mosquito

repellent in terms of

a) Number of mosquito died


Papaya leaf [CARICA PAPAYA] extract has termiticidal

potential against mosquitos.


With the increasing number of dengue patients, the

development of alternative mosquito repellents can be of great

assistance in reducing dengue patients.


This study has the potential to reduce the number of dengue

patients in the community as well as the number of mosquitos.

Instead of purchasing expensive mosquito repellent products,

the researchers devised an alternative mosquito repellent.

which the members of the community can easily make


This study can be used by family members, especially

children, to avoid dengue fever. With this research, instead

of just eating the fruit, they can also make an alternative

mosquito repellent from its leaves that is organic and less

expensive than buying commercially available repellents.


The findings of this study will be used as a reference

and guide for future researchers who wish to conduct the same

or a similar study of papaya leaf extract used as an

alternative mosquito repellent.

Scope and Limitations

This study will be conduct at Samara, Aringay, La Union.

This study covers the identification of effectiveness of

Papaya leaf [CARICA PAPAYA] extract use as alternative

mosquito repellent. The collection and preparation of papaya

leaf extract, and materials needed were conducted at the

researcher’s residence at Samara Aringay La UNION.



The papaya plant is lactiferous because it contains

lactiferous cells that occur in most tissues and secrete

latex. Lactifiers secrete latex and are found in almost all

plant tissues. The papaya-latex is well known for its high

concentration of the four cysteine endopeptidases papain,

chymopapain, glycyl endopeptidase, and caricain[3]. Carpaine,

an alkaloid, and carposide, a glucoside, are found in the

leaves. Different parts of the papaya plant, including the

fruit, dried fruit, leaves, dried leaves, stems, seeds, and

roots, have long been used as ingredients in alternative

medicine. For example, seeds are used to expel worms and

roots, and seeds are used as an abortifacient agent. The

leaves (especially the fallen ones) are used to treat fevers,

pyrexia, diabetes, gonorrhoea, syphilis, inflammation, and as

a dressing for septic wounds. Many tropical and subtropical

countries are currently infected with dengue, which is caused

by viruses in the Flaviviridae family. Despite the fact that

dengue has a high mortality rate, there is no specific

treatment. Dengue infection is a priority for national health

services in Sri Lanka for prevention and mortality reduction.

Many people have resorted to using papaya leaf extract

covertly out of desperation. This applies even to dengue

patients who are hospitalized. However, I recommend C. Using

papaya leaf extract to treat dengue fever is unethical until

scientific evidence supports it.

Therefore, the current study looked into the effects of

taking a pure extract of C. The effects of papaya leaves on

hematological/biochemical parameters as well as toxicological

changes in a murine model


The following materials will be used to make a papaya

leaf extract: papaya leaf, knife, water, blender, cooking

stove, empty small can with lid big containers, and


Gather all of the necessary materials. After gathering all

of the necessary materials, cut the papaya leaves into small

strips with a knife. After cutting the papaya leaves, rinse it

thoroughly. Blend it without adding any water in the blender.

You strained it after blending it with a strainer or a piece

of cloth to remove the blended leaves. After placing the

blended leaves in the cloth, squeeze while a container at the

bottom collects the juice from the blended leaves; you should

get at least one cup of juice.

Boil two glasses of water for five minutes on the stove,

then add the juice, and when it boils, pour it into a large

container and set aside to cool. When the mixture is no longer

hot, transfer it to a small container with a lid. It is also

ready to use.

This study will employ an experimental research method

involving the introduction of papaya leaf extract and the

participation of the survey for the respondents. Five

respondents, residents of Samara, Aringay, and La Union, will

be given a survey along with the papaya leaf extract. The

survey includes questions about the extract's effectiveness.


DE COCEICAO.P, The properties of papaya leaf insecticides.



Maced .J .M,(2019,OCT 30)The Effectivity of ethanolic

extract from Papaya Leaves. Retreived from 2019 OCT 14, from



Insecticides.ehow.com/list_6790220_properties-papaya leaf-


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