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Subject: Aspiration for a job putting my knowledge into practice

Cordial greetings dear Mr. Vargas Gomes

I respectfully address you, in order to present my application for the required job

position such as Customer Service, in which I can perform my skills such as: the

good communication I have when addressing the public and people around me. ,

the empathy that I can show to those people who need guidance when requiring a

service. This will help me be part of the company's mission, which is the best in the

region, to offer the best services and attention to the public.

Not being more, I appreciate the opportunity they give me to be able to aspire to

this job, which will help me in my professional and work growth.

Att. Elibeth Paola Fuentes Vargas

Magangué Bolívar Colombia

Comprehensive customer service technician


Cell: 3226759471

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