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Assessment of suitability for lung

Gerard Gould FRCA
Adrian Pearce FRCA

Approximately 2400 lobectomies and 500 Table 1 Cardiovascular recommendations before lung
resection Key points
pneumonectomies are undertaken in the UK
annually, the majority for malignancy. For Cardiac risk should be stratified Co-morbidity is common in
All patients should have a preoperative ECG
this group of patients, in-hospital mortality All patients with a cardiac murmur should undergo
patients with lung cancer.
rates are 2–4% and 6–8%, respectively in the echocardiography A preoperative FEV1 of
Patients should wait 6 weeks after myocardial infarction
UK, although world mortality rates as high
before lung resection
>1.5 litre for lobectomy
as 11% have been cited for pneumonectomy. A cardiology opinion should be sought for all patients and >2.0 litre for
For lung cancer surgery, there are three pre- considered for lung surgery within 6 months of pneumonectomy generally
requisites before pulmonary resection is even myocardial infarction indicates suitability. Values
considered. The tumour type should be non- less than this should prompt
small cell (the majority are squamous cell or further investigation of
adenocarcinoma), the tumour is considered Table 2 Major risk factors for increased perioperative respiratory function.
cardiac morbidity
surgically resectable and the patient consents A thorough assessment of
to surgery. Surgical resectability depends on Unstable coronary syndromes cardiorespiratory reserve
 acute or recent myocordial infarction (MI) with includes calculation of
the absence of significant mediastinal or dis- evidence of important ischaemic risk by clinical
tant spread as judged by computerised tomo- symptoms or noninvasive study
predicted postoperative
 unstable or severe angina pulmonary function.
graphy (CT), positron emission tomography
Decompensated heart failure
(PET), bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy. CPET should be available in
Significant arrhythmia
Guidelines1 on the selection of patients  high-grade atrioventricular block centres providing a thoracic
with lung cancer for surgery, published by a  symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias in the surgical service.
presence of underlying heart disease
joint working party of the British Thoracic  supraventricular arrhythmias with uncontrolled
A multidisciplinary approach
Society (BTS) and Society of Cardiothoracic ventricular rate is essential and should include
Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland advise Severe valvular disease anaesthetist, chest physician,
that fitness for surgery is based on assessment thoracic surgeon and
of age, cardiovascular fitness, nutrition and
performance status and respiratory function. Tests of pulmonary function
Perioperative morbidity increases with age;
a careful assessment of co-morbidity should
Lung function tests pre-surgery
be made in elderly patients. However, age Basic spirometry will measure the forced
alone is not a contraindication to lobectomy expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and forced
or wedge resection in early disease, although it vital capacity (FVC) and the best value after
is a factor to be considered before undertaking optimal bronchodilator therapy is used. The
pneumonectomy. Weight loss >10%, a low measured value in litres may also be compared
BMI or serum albumin may indicate more with the predicted value for a ‘normal’ person
advanced disease or an increased risk of post- derived from population studies and vary-
operative complications. Recommendations ing with age, gender, race and height, giving
Gerard Gould FRCA
appropriate to the cardiovascular system are a percentage of the predicted normal value.
SpR 5
summarized in Table 1. The guidelines2 from The ratio of FEV1/FVC is commonly deter- Thoracic Anaesthesia
the American College of Cardiology and the mined. More sophisticated testing allows mea- Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital
American Heart Association should be used London
surement of the peak, mid- and end-expiratory
to stratify perioperative cardiovascular risk. flow rates and residual volume. Flow-volume Adrian Pearce FRCA
Those at major risk (Table 2) should undergo loops may be constructed in which flow rates Consultant Anaesthetist
a cardiology assessment and be considered for during inspiration and expiration are recorded Department of Anaesthesia
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital
coronary angiography. Generally, patients in continuously from residual volume to vital London SE1 9RT
intermediate and minor risk categories should capacity and back to residual volume. UK
be assessed for functional capacity and con- Diffusion capacity is calculated by mea- Tel: 020 7188 0644
Fax: 020 8468 7466
tinue with surgery. surement of the amount of carbon monoxide E-mail:
(for correspondence)

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 3 2006 97
ª The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia [2006].
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Assessment of suitability for lung resection

(CO) taken up by the patient in unit time (DLCO). The units Exercise capability
are amount of CO per unit of alveolar concentration per unit
Exercise testing stresses the cardiopulmonary and oxygen delivery
time—mmol kPa1 min1. The test provides a gross estimate of
systems and provides a good indication of cardiopulmonary
alveolar/capillary function and is not (as commonly supposed)
reserve. The simplest test assesses the number of flights of stairs
just a test of the diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar
that may be climbed without stopping. This may be undertaken in
capillary membrane. The diffusion capacity may be referenced
the outpatient department or ward and is a good screening test.
to alveolar volume (transfer coefficient, KCO) with units mmol
Two more standardized tests may be used. The 6-min walk
kPa1 min1 litre1. Both DLCO and KCO may be described as
involves walking as far as possible in 6 min. The test should be
the actual value or as a percentage of the predicted ‘normal’
performed indoors along a long, flat, straight, enclosed corridor.
values for a particular patient.
Most studies quote a course of 30 m in length with cones at
either end to act as turnaround points. Rest is allowed during
Predicted postoperative respiratory function the test. In the shuttle walk test, the patient walks back and forth
around two markers at increasing speed timed by an audible
The predicted or estimated postoperative (ppo or epo) values of signal. The markers are usually cones with their centres 9 m
FEV1, FVC and diffusion capacity can be obtained by consid- apart making the course 10 m in length. The subject aims to walk
eration of the lung volume removed at surgery. For lobectomy, around the 10 m course and turn around the first marker cone
the simple calculation uses the number of bronchopulmonary when the first audio signal is given, and so on. Progression to the
segments removed compared with the total number (19) in both next level of difficulty is indicated by a triple bleep which lets
lungs. For right upper lobectomy (3 segments) in a patient with a the subject know that an increase in walking speed is required.
preoperative FEV1 of 1.6 litre which is 80% of predicted normal, The test stops when the patient is too breathless to maintain the
the ppo-FEV will be 1.6·16/19 ¼ 1.35 litre, and the ppo-FEV1% speed required or after 12 min, and the number of cones reached is
will be 80%·16/19 ¼ 67%. The same form of ppo calculation may recorded.
be applied to the measured DLCO or the DLCO as a percentage
of the predicted normal value. Of course, this gross calculation
assumes that all bronchopulmonary segments contribute equally Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
to the overall lung function and this may not be so. Ventilation Formal testing of cardiopulmonary exercise capability appears
scans will provide a more accurate calculation of ppo lung to give the most accurate indication of postoperative complica-
volumes. tions. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is a non-invasive
technique that involves submaximal and maximal treadmill or
bicycle exercise (Fig. 1) with continuous ECG monitoring and
Ventilation/perfusion scanning
breath-by-breath determination of oxygen uptake and carbon
Quantitative ventilation–perfusion scanning calculates the per- dioxide output, and spirometry. Maximal oxygen consumption
centage function of each lung. This is achieved by the inhalation (V_ O2 max), peak heart rate, exercise capacity, anaerobic thresh-
of radioactive xenon and the i.v. administration of technetium old and respiratory gas exchange ratio can be calculated. V_ O2
labelled macroaggregates. A gamma camera and computer cal- max is the highest oxygen consumption achieved at maximal
culate the uptake of radioactive ions by the lung or the perfusion work before stopping the test (Fig. 2), and is usually given in
of technetium. The percentage of radioactivity taken up by each the units ml kg1 min1. The predicted normal V_ O2 max for a
lung correlates with the contribution of that lung to overall func- patient may be derived from charts, allowing derivation of V_ O2
tion. Using the measured radioactive uptake of the lung that max as a % of predicted normal (% V_ O2 max predicted).
will not be operated on, the predicted FEV1 of the residual
lung after pneumonectomy can be calculated by the following
Arterial blood gases
simple equation:
Arterial PaCO2 > 6 kPa (45 mm Hg) does not appear to be
Postop FEV1 ¼
an independent predictor of poor outcome but preoperative
Preop FEV1 · % radioactivity of non-operated lung
hypoxaemia, oxygen saturations <90% and desaturation >4%
A further calculation has been developed for predicting post- with exercise have all been associated with an increased risk
lobectomy pulmonary function using V/Q scanning. of complications.

Expected loss of function

¼ pre-op FEV1 · % function of affected lung Predictive power of preoperative tests
number of segments in lobe to be resected Data in >2000 patients from the 1970s indicate that a low mor-
total number of segments in whole lung tality can be achieved if the preoperative FEV1 is >1.5 litre

98 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 3 2006
Assessment of suitability for lung resection



0.5 VCO2

00:00 02:24 04:48 07:12 09:36 12:00 14:24

Fig. 2 Oxygen consumption plotted against increasing work. The

V_ O2 max is the highest oxygen consumption (ml kg1 min1) at
maximal work.

Fig. 1 Patient undergoing CPET. Historically patients were considered suitable for lobectomy
if able to climb three flights of stairs and for pneumonectomy
if able to climb five flights. This was found to correlate with
for lobectomy and >2 litre for pneumonectomy. Using absolute lung function, three flights indicating an FEV1 >1.7 litre and
FEV1 values may be inappropriate in elderly, female or patients five flights an FEV1 > 2 litre. Limited work suggests that
of short stature. An FEV1 >80% predicted indicates suitability patients who can climb five flights of stairs have a V_ O2 max
for pneumonectomy. The relevance of DLCO was suggested in >20 ml kg1 min1 and those unable to climb one flight one
1988 in a retrospective study 3 in 237 patients. The preoperative of <10 ml kg1 min1. An inability to complete 25 shuttles
DLCO, expressed as % predicted, had a higher correlation with (250 m) in 5 min on two occasions suggests a V_ O2 max
postoperative deaths than FEV1 measurements. A DLCO <60% <10 ml kg1 min1 and a high risk for surgery.
predicted was associated with increased mortality and <80% pre- The usefulness of V_ O2 max was indicated by a study of 19
dicted with increased pulmonary complications. In a prospective patients in 1982. Patients with a V_ O2 max >1 litre min1 survived
study,4 67 patients with preoperative FEV1 >80% and DLCO and those < 1 litre min1 died. Numerous further studies indicate
>80% and no cardiac history underwent lung resection, including that V_ O2 max may be used to stratify risk of postoperative com-
pneumonectomy, without death. plications and mortality. V_ O2 max >20 ml kg1 min1 indicates
The ppo values of FEV1 and DLCO may be used and generally no increased risk of complications or death, <15 ml kg1 min1
a threshold ppo-FEV1 of 0.7–0.8 litre is advisable after lung indicates an increased risk of complications and < 10 ml kg1
resection. The ppo value of FEV1 or DLCO as a percentage of min1 indicates mortality rates of 40–50%. Satisfactory VO2
the ‘predicted normal’ value appears to be particularly valuable. max may allow selection of patients deemed unsuitable by
Several studies indicate that mortality increases when ppo-FEV1 lung volume measurements. In 37 patients6 with poor respiratory
or ppo-DLCO is <40% predicted. The product of ppo-FEV1% function (FEV1 <40%, ppo-FEV1 <33% or PaCO2 >6 kPa),
and ppo-DLCO% may be useful and a threshold of 1650 has been 8 patients with VO2 max >15 ml kg1 min1 survived lobectomy.
used. There are few prospective studies evaluating outcome in The use of the preoperative V_ O2 max % predicted has been
patients with ppo-FEV1 or DLCO <40% but in one study5 of analysed. In 80 patients7 undergoing lung resection, V_ O2 max %
65 patients with poor lung function and undergoing either predicted was more sensitive than absolute V_ O2 max. V_ O2 max %
lobectomy or pneumonectomy the mortality rate was only 6.2%. predicted >75% indicated a low risk of complications, <43% a

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 3 2006 99
Assessment of suitability for lung resection

FEV1 > 1.5 litre suitable for lobectomy

Routine Lung Function Tests
FEV1 > 2.0 litre suitable for pneumonectomy

FEV1 < 1.5 litre (Lobectomy)

< 2.0 litre (pneumonectomy) SURGERY

% ppo FEV1 > 40%

Quantitative Lung Scan % ppo TLCO> 40%

% ppo FEV1 < 40%

Exercise Testing VO2 max > 15ml kg–1 min–1
% ppo TLCO< 40%

VO2 max < 15ml kg–1 min–1 Consider other


Fig. 3 Preoperative evaluation before lung resection.

high risk of complications and <60% appeared to be the References

threshold value for resections of more than one lobe.
1. British Thoracic Society and Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of
A number of studies support the finding that patients with Great Britain and Ireland Working Party. Guidelines on the selection
a preoperative V_ O2 max of >20 ml kg1 min1 are not at of patients with lung cancer for surgery. Thorax 2001; 56: 89–108
increased risk of complications or death and those with a V_ O2 2. Eagle KA, Berger PB, Calkins H, et al. ACC/AHA guideline update for
max <10 ml kg1 min1 have a very high risk for postoperative perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery 2002.
complications. Available from
If CPET is unavailable then other less sophisticated tests
3. Ferguson MK, Little L, Rizzo L, et al. Diffusing capacity predicts morbidity
can be used. and mortality after pulmonary resection. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1988; 96:
Algorithms 4. Wyser C, Stulz P, Soler M, et al. Prospective evaluation of an algorithm
Both the BTS and American College of Chest Physicians for the functional assessment of lung resection candidates. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 1999; 159: 1450–6
(ACCP)8 9 have produced management algorithms which are
5. Ribas J, Diaz O, Barbera JA, et al. Invasive exercise testing in the evaluation
similar. The flow chart shown in Figure 3 is an amalgamation of patients at high risk for lung resection. Eur Respir J 1998; 12:
of the BTS and ACCP guidelines. 1429–35
The initial screening tool is of preoperative measured FEV1 6. Morice RC, Peters EJ, Ryan MB, et al. Exercise testing in the evaluation
with >2 litre required for pneumonectomy and >1.5 litre for of patients at high risk for complications from lung resection. Chest 1992;
lobectomy. If there is no diffuse lung disease and no co- 101: 356–61
morbidity, achievement of the appropriate lung volume is suffi- 7. Bolliger CT, Jordan P, Soler M, et al. Exercise capacity as a predictor of
postoperative complications in lung resection candidates. Am J Respir Crit
cient. When these threshold lung volumes are not present, full
Care Med 1995; 151: 1472–80
respiratory function testing allows calculation of the predicted
8. Beckles MA, Spiro SG, Colice GL, Rudd RM. The physiologic evaluation
postoperative FEV1 and DLCO. If both are >40% and the of patients with lung cancer being considered for resectional surgery.
oxygen saturation is >90% on air the patient is in an average Chest 2003; 123: 105S–14S
risk group. If either (or both) the predicted postoperative 9. Datta D, Lahiri B. Preoperative evaluation of patients undergoing lung
FEV1 or DLCO are <40%, the patient should undergo formal resection surgery. Chest 2003; 123: 2096–103
CPET, if necessary through referral to a unit with this expertise.
The threshold V_ O2 max of 15 ml kg1 min1 delineates between
high and medium risk patients. Please see multiple choice questions 1–5.

100 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 3 2006

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