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SPEAKING Assignment Step 27

In this step all speaking activities are aimed towards giving your opinion in English. In a conversation
with someone else you need to be able to give your opinion and react properly. A meeting with your
teacher will be scheduled so that you and your speaking partner can show what you have learned.
The conversation will be evaluated.


Step 1: Choose a speaking partner.

Step 2: In pairs, select two assignments from the learning portal for your conversation (see
werkdoelen Australia’s current issues and In the news today)

1) Discuss the different climates in Australia and The Netherlands

2) Talk about animal rights in Australia.
3) React to the news
4) Have a discussion about a new attraction

Step 3: Make sure you have watched the video " How to give your opinion in English” (see learning

Step 4: Carefully read the assignments and prepare two conversations (5 min. In total)

N.B. Make sure you both participate in the conversation equally!

No reading!!

Stap 5: Practise your conversation

 Time it and make sure it takes at least 5 min. (2,5 min p.p.)
 Use the rubrics on the next page as a checklist.
 Improve the conversation if necessary.

Stap 6: You have to do the conversation in class (schedule will be communicated soon)
Needs Satisfactory Good Excellent

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts

Grammar Student was difficult to Student was able to Student was able to Student was able to
understand and had a express their ideas and express their ideas and express their ideas and
hard time responses adequately responses fairly well but responses with ease in
communicating their but often displayed makes mistakes with proper sentence
ideas and responses inconsistencies with their tenses, however is structure and tenses.
because of grammar their sentence structure able to correct
mistakes. and tenses. themselves.
Pronunciation Student was difficult to Student was slightly Pronunciation was good Pronunciation was very
understand, quiet in unclear with and did not interfere clear and easy to
speaking, unclear in pronunciation at times, with communication understand.
pronunciation. but generally is fair.

Vocabulary Student had Student was able to use Student utilized the Rich, precise and
inadequate vocabulary broad vocabulary words words learned in class, impressive usage of
words to express but was lacking, making in an accurate manner vocabulary words
his/her ideas properly, him/her repetitive and for the situation given. learned in and beyond
which hindered the cannot expand on of class.
students in responding. his/her ideas.
Comprehension Student had difficulty Student fairly grasped Student was able to Student was able to
understanding the some of the questions comprehend and comprehend and
questions and topics and topics that were respond to most of the respond to all of the
that were being being discussed. questions and topics questions and the topics
discussed. that were being that were being
discussed. discussed with ease.
Background Student was lacking in Student showed decent Student displayed well Student presented
background knowledge background knowledge knowledge of class excellent background
which hindered his/her of class material, information and topics. knowledge from class
responses to the making his/her topics and was able to
questions regarding responses incomplete. add more information
class materials. in their response.

Fluency Speech is very slow, Speech is slow and Speech is mostly Speech is effortless and
stumbling, nervous, and often hesitant and smooth but with some smooth with speed that
uncertain with irregular. Sentences hesitation and comes close to that of a
response, except for may be left unevenness caused native speaker.
short or memorized uncompleted, but the primarily by rephrasing
expressions. Difficult for student is able to and groping for words.
a listener to understand continue.

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