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co SS Pao ALIGARH} COACHINGICENTRE: WAn}institutefof{Science]& {commerce IIT-JEE | NEET | FOUNDATION | COMMERCE | MANAGEMENT Contact: +91-8534899823, +91-7417102408 Beri ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY THE MOST TRUSTED COACHING INSTITUTE OF INDIA FOR AMU & JMI ENTRANCES. Previous Year Paper 2020-2021 a oe Add: Abdullah Women's College (AMU) a Road, Near Marris Road Chauraha, Aligarh (U.P) a koe a = PARTICULARS TO BE FILLEDINBY wean THE CANDIDATE Question = Book! ‘Name of the Candidate fowe | 1262566 Roll Number Aptcation Number WBAM Name ofthe Centre 4 Paper [como A MA By Jes |. 126 eee! Question Signature ofthe Candidate} ee A Maximam Mats : (00 Test Duration : hous INSTRUCFIONS Pei ee INSTRUCTIONS = = Ganglia enres onthe cover page ad pul your sigrature in We spce provided ' + Use ely Ball Point Pen (lack / blue) for making entries in the Question Booklet and 1 the OMR Answer Sheet. i 1. The Question Booklet consists of 32 pages and contains 100 question. Count the uml = of pags ard quetons before atempting the questions. Discrepancy, if any, must immediately be brought tothe notice ofthe Lvs 2. The Test duration as specified above stall be reckoned fru the momeat of distin ofthe Question Booklets 5. Blank spac inthe Question Booklet may be wed fo rough work 4 Bach question is followed by four stematve answers Seles only one answer, wich you ® consider asthe most appropriate. Shade the relevant circle against the comesponding question number onthe OMR Answer Shel Sleting, more than ome answer for 2 question, even if on ofthe selected answers is catect, woud result ints being treated © asmincorect answer 5. Answers should ONLY. be marked onthe OMR Answer Sheet. No answer should be witenfmarked on the Question Booklet 6 The eandidate jp required. to separate the original OM’ Answer Shest and is carbonles apy atthe perforation carefully after the Admission Tet. He/ She shall handover thevorginal OMR Answer Sheet and the Admit Card tothe Invigator before leaving hisher seat aif take with him/her the carboaless copy of the OMR. \ Answer Sheet and the Ouestion Booktet. 1. Failure to handover the original OMR Answer Sheet and the Admit Cart will ead = ‘o-cancelation ofthe candidature, “Beonomic Survey is published by (0) Ministy of Finance (Nit Aayog, (2) Government of indi (0) Inion Statistic! insite The ea of te ‘ey smelt by te ee ‘originated in which of the following ? a (@)Messhall Pan (©) Washington Consensos (©) Geneva Convention (8) None ofthe above ‘The Lokpal nd Lokayukta Act was enacted in Idi nthe yur (@ me @ 2013 (© 212 @ 2011 ‘The Chet Election Commissioner of Indi is ppinted by = (Prime Minister a‘ (©) Pariament (President (@) Chief ustice ofan “Smart Money’ is term used for @ © © Inert Banking Credit Card . ‘cash with Bank (Cash with Public f 6 VAT isinosed (a) Diestyoneonasich (0) Onl sage of rofiton (o) On iat stag of protection {)_Onat sags beeen podation ad Sil se ‘The laret conn i nia’ Nato incone is om (a) Primacy Sector (0) Secondary Seer (6) Tein Secor (@ Anyottese Which ofthe lowing ogaizatos ak afer the cei weds of age a rel Deepen in a? @ Fol ( wot (@ NABARD WAR 9, ar Anda Din Yj provides cial eyo ()Allbous oa ares (8) Alness ous ving below poverty ie nu areas (©) ttous io ban res (@) Allbourin both rls welas un areas 1, Teproposl ame he Indin Cots is (0) Rein © baktsi © Rope (@) Bieom WBAWA 3 2. 8. 14 ‘What waste Mathatan Project? (@) Secret Endeavour to bulé Atom Bord (©) Chistoter Nolan's Unrelease Film (6) An UN Plan to Combat an Alen Invasion (8) A monument planed 9711 Site “Which ofthe fltowing cites was declare as the ceanest iy in India wr ‘Swachehh Sarveshan-2017 ? (@) Sorat (Bhopal (© Indore © Iripur Which one of te following countries ithe other country alone ih 9 > aaron th Sheng oopeaon rgsizion SOD) 870177 (@) Afphanistan (b) Pakistan @ Inn (@) Tukey hich ofthe ftlowing planets isthe bites? () Jupiter {u) Mereury @ Mars @ Venus 15. din cos ofthe A. Pesient B. Raja Sata teksti DL Viee Present ‘Seth core ane ing codes gen low () ABE @ Bac @ BceD @ ABCA 16. Owe of te soir ssmeic pogmmes nue by Got. fla, rat “SWAYAM' sete (0) tine sly saree (Smet ( Seanciy Masts was giveth French by (Gani said (Tyee at © Tw @ Nam 18, Theft Viceroy of te Brin nia was (@) Lanctve (Waren Hasings (@) Lod caming (@ La Dathowie pro, 18, Which site became the ft i India wo ious sill develnment TA karan wees De eke wogramine in bighe edt? i o (a) Rajathan (0) stsepenier ‘Mack (@) seen (©) Maharastra (2) Maya Pade © om | 20, Inthe abvevion ATM, wht does Mtn fr? Vo elected (0) Machine i () Salivary gland (b) Mobile di () Pituitary gland (9 Moxey | (@ Media 1 14 attesting nna i 11 Tefen spare Lk | isa (0 ov.Mevie H 1 o ia (b) GMC. Balayosi a One 1) sm (9 CB.Gupe a 27, What ene perenage is mie he ao ange vy cag 22, Plectron was fst deified by length and ines is ready (©) D. Rutherford @ Decrease (2). James Chadwiee Somer nmi Poche omer : S vs. a1. ’ A Me ompR, @ Ree © Faas © mu @ Rw ‘Aman buys milk a Rs 50 per ire apd afer ing wate, sls iat Rs (Ope fie thereby making profit of 334 sy, making profit of 334% Fad the propio of wate he as det? @ 19 © EB @ © 07 ‘Avner of two digi is equ to thee tines thes of te dis Fd te umber @ 3% © 8 om @ 6 ta te of 100, 64% of te students ake Poti and 5% of he mens asta Histry How many sudeats have maken bath he E87 () 30% > 2% @ 1% © 1% 3A oa ein obit iso ese hg cme J Nang yc ein a How bs ‘ake the her wo do the jb? = ine a @ 9s © iow © Mews @ rows ‘Me tft odo. 1 he tnd of 0 3anso cx Waist 20s te? : or om o Oo” 138 The tl ag een eds i 7. Te mee age fe er es oa be w2 OB @u @% 2 ee 1 We ng and wih fa tng ar ip i te a of te cna ecg tthe aa oft elton»? @13 ors eis oun ‘weaMa ’ oe 31. Themunber whore 71835 @ sw (© 00 «20 38. A father gives 1% of is mot sanyo hie wo snes pocket moor. The le saa get 8 of the ttl amount given f te tho Zo adhe pens The wight of conic wae 28g. Whit # weg 19 ts wei whois 2 fa of ate le ee ye 186i etna fo daar (oon og Jj oat (ite | o« (9 0 i} oa ED ces: er Se Resi we Al Mc ieue Y) | chy meat eigen er yi emt aa ie of aco eng oe cnet ont om | oe 2e © 19% | oe (0 te on @ im Jj ox 40, Thesquare root of (5-28)is, | \ @ Wi- 1 ) v3 © wi-8 | @ fet li li onus F< WBAMIA 0 See f AR \ eyerty Land 2p 5p = then the vl fps be seal Iasyesty Land 29 +5950 then vl ofp mass 48 Thereagof25 otis These et 2 of i nd ws eftelat ist Meteo eats ws | om 7 om os @n ws “Which ofthe following aumbers is exactly divisible by 99? | (was | oT te fe ours of to mts 0% of em of (&) 3sra08 ses Ther ote sii slr nie (© ws 52 (91464 was oan Ina boo, comming 20 pages or 1 she ne beet cms 2 ag rian the shes ising Sum of te page mars othe remain ssi 1S ® re number wae on bot be sides of Ge ising sees se ‘The page numbers bh the sides oft 8 ‘90, A person bought an aricle on 40% discount and sold it at 50% more dan the @ 910 ns pice We pide 56 © 10% @ 112 f ee on (@ 50% fhe 54 Aan doe © 508 “The efficiencies of two workmen A and B ait piece uf work in 12 ours, then B an do tin {) 18 ours (@) 16Shous (© (Ghous (@ 1shous ‘Read the pasage and answer questions SL, ‘he human race has never faced a challenge bigger and more compet tan lite change. Its challenge tat oue plies 4 socitis, organized around the ine of individuals and groups, are unable to ake on. Fighting elite ang eqs an totirely new paradigm, and ways of hnking an ating. Two new books apie isis dramatically nd sorpreensivly. The Unithabitale Earth» Life fer Warming by David Wallace Well i, he words of The New York Tames viewer, "remo, ner-unbenabl cen of what we are doing to ou planet. Even if elective acon mange Kept 2 Aepees Celsius of warming, we wou be fnga word in ihe ie shes i ‘epi their collapse, potal GDP per capt wll be et by 13%, 400 muon more people wil sues rors wae crc, majo cites in the equator ad othe planet il become ualvable, and even in the moter fies est waves wi Sill shousends ath summer” Im Losing Barth: A Recent Hator, Mahan! Wich cherves tat “xy eer Conversion we have in 2019 about climate charge was being ed in 1879" Us says The NYT review, “an acount of wht nent wron, of am twa that nore sats mot cage nd on sparen wllegrss 0 at 99 Le growing owed, slowed dispute into sss rd natn” This happend duet several reson, the fale of sles pt ars le rnesage with sien fee and the scons of polis and eweray comzanis tinong tern Rich’s reading thetefoe cine chang is 2 oe, bu aba ‘1. According othe passage we ar anal to igh lina changs ecsse (@) people ae unwling opt clint change (0) itis nt pole Sight einate change (6) ou polities and soctes ae oguized around the nee finial td groupe (a isn coleive responsibil WDAMIA “ 51 Aceon 0 David Wallace Wel sctunt (@)itispssibl torte wamingby 2 degrees Celis by callie eg (©) itis possible tw arest th meting ofice shes (©) tis possible hep he es nthe gure aie (@ ispssibl to stop wae sey na sbi prt fh wa ‘1. Which ofthe folowing isnot we secant Nati! Rich ? 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Isthe sum total mene oad beven? the ext yer, what would Be te prpontion of Ft inte nal ese Cicer ane ean (4) amerents 1 and spa neat sce ha apa 97, What is Akbar’ age? : 1. tn LS years Akbar will betwice aso as Diss wou be. Page Meare {@)_sttement | alone is suficiet bt sateen! 2 lanes ease we (0 temas eb eo se ii re: WBAM/A, » fe = ae a mm (99. What isthe value of r? p, qe real numbers. 1. q-rer-p 2. ptq=lo {a) If statement | alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient. (6) Ifstatement 9 alone is sufficient but statement | alone is not sufficiem. (©) Ifboth statements 1 and 2 together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient, (4) Ifstaiements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient 100. What is the distance berween city A and C.? 1. City A is 40 kms from City B. 2. City B is 30 kms from City C. (@)_Ifstatement | alone is sufficient bu statement 2 alone isnot sufficient. (b)_ If statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement | alone is not sufficient. (©) Ifboth statements 1 and 2 together are sufficient but neither of statements alone i sufficient. (@)_Ifstatements t and 2 together are not sufficient. WBAMIA 30 G CENTRE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH. {MBA/MBACBYMBACBF ) Admission Test 2020-21 SERIES: A Answer] - Answer Key Aaawee A Re 2 ws 4 #5 56 a 8 9 90) 31 32 33 9 95 ‘QNs. i a rH a a5 e|o]>Jo]> 7 m 9 30 1 52 35 34 35 Jafe|a}o|o}0]>Jo]=]=}>| a] Se ¥ slalolalole|o|o|>lo}elo|>|=}o}o|>|>|9 ot @ 6 64 6 66 Gl io a 70 7 2 3 74 75 76, 7 78 9 30 COORDINATOR DATED: 01.12.2020 2 cc 3 B A i B D A A D ic x A A A A © c D et a A A ic 5 A a D fc A D A B w)ola]>|>{mlalolo}o|a]>|e|>|2|=|ele]a}o]o|a}o[>}=|>|=]-]> ENGINEERING | MEDICAL | FOUNDATION | COMMERCE | MANAGEMENT ACC RESULT: AMU & JMI ENTRANCE 2020 nantes REPEATING HISTORY A TRADITION AT Lc AVAILABLE AND #IitHappensOnlyAtACC Tal i-@ 4-65-8148 ae SQ 282888 OSM@8O2202208558 AiABAlRAOale cae : ‘ee ; 18] Qf Ae ay Te est USTE! coaching of Uttar Pradesh, INDIA By gg LIVE / ONLINE CLASSES AVAILABLE Be 8534899823, 741 7102408 Coma ees Paar CUR Cure Cm mC

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