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Online Exam Guidance I r6}n;tpr6161DfiD UffL61Dff owJn;niLm 2024

Final Online Class Series
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• Inspector of Customs Grade II

• Asst. Superintend of Customs Grade II

A.F.Abdul Halik
PhD Final Year
Online 0778867131
Test 01

Read the following dialogue between the Custom Officer and passenger and complete the
dialogue using the appropriate utterances given below.

Customs Officer: (1) ………………………………………………………………..

Passenger: Hello. Certainly, here's my passport, and here's the declaration form.

Customs Officer: Thank you. Could you please let me know if you are carrying any
items that need to be declared, such as valuables or goods exceeding the duty-free limit?

Passenger: No, I don't have anything to declare (2)


Customs Officer: (3) …………………………………………. . (4)

…………………………………………………… (5)
Passenger: No, I haven't been near any farms or animals during my travels

Customs Officer:(6) ………………………………... Are you familiar with the duty-free

allowances for the items you've purchased abroad?

Passenger: (7) ……………………………………………………………………..

Customs Officer: (8) …………………………………………………. . . (9)

Passenger: (10)

1. Yes, I am. I made sure to stay within the limits.
2. Good day! May I see your passport and declaration form, please?
3. Thank you! I appreciate your thoroughness and assistance. Have a great day!
4. Have you been to any farms or handled livestock recently?
5. Excellent. Just a routine check.
6. Just personal items for my trip.
7. Great. It’s always good to confirm.
8. Enjoy your stay, and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Safe travels!
9. We need to ensure biosecurity measures.
10. Perfect. It seems everything is in order.

Test 02

Fill in the blanks in the following text using the given words within brackets. Use one
word only once.

Customs play a vital role in ensuring1 ……………………………… (security/economic) and

regulating international 2 ……………………………… (commerce/counterfeiting). They are
responsible for inspecting and 3……………………………… (clearing/ensuring) goods at
borders, collecting 4……………………………… (duties/smuggling), and enforcing trade-
related 5……………………………… (laws/borders). Customs agencies also play a crucial role
in preventing the illegal 6……………………………… (movement/activities) of goods, such as
7……………………………… (counterfeiting/smuggling) and fraud. By monitoring and
controlling the 8 ……………………………… (movement/import) of goods, customs contribute
to a country's 9……………………………… (economic/security) interests.

Furthermore, customs officials collaborate with other 10

(………………………………governmental/international) agencies to ensure seamless cross-
border 11……………………………… (trade/movement). In addition to their regulatory
functions, customs agencies facilitate the collection of 12 ………………………………
(taxes/duties), which are essential for a country's 13………………………………
(economic/security) stability. Customs serve as a frontline defense against
14……………………………… (illicit/legal) trade and play a key role in protecting a nation's
15……………………………… (borders/economic) and citizens. They use sophisticated
16……………………………… (technology/enforcement) to detect and deter illegal activities,
including the use of advanced 17……………………………… (surveillance/counterfeit)

Customs officials undergo rigorous training to stay updated on the latest

18……………………………… (regulations/technology) and trends in international trade. The
collaboration between customs agencies on a global scale enhances efforts to combat
19……………………………… (smuggling/legitimate) and ensures the smooth flow of
20……………………………… (goods/information) across borders
Test 03

Read the following text and do the activities given below it.

Navigating the Complexity of U.S. Customs:A Comprehensive Guide The United States Customs
and Border Protection (CBP) stands as the pivotal authority overseeing the intricate movement of
goods and people across the nation's borders. A nuanced understanding of the U.S. customs process
becomes imperative for individuals and businesses engaged in international trade. This guide aims
to provide comprehensive insights into key dimensions of U.S. customs, spanning entry procedures
to the regulatory landscape governing imports and exports.

The port of entry serves as the initial checkpoint, and identifying the specific port for your
shipment is paramount. Each port boasts its own distinct regulations and procedures, emphasizing
the need for careful consideration in this selection process.
Navigating the entry process is a foundational step. Familiarizing yourself with the intricacies,
including the submission of essential documentation such as the Customs Declaration (CBP Form
6059B), ensures a smoother progression through customs channels. Import regulations constitute
a critical aspect of U.S. customs. This involves understanding the Harmonized System (HS) codes
to appropriately classify goods, a determination that significantly influences the calculation of
applicable duties. Valuation procedures, considering the transaction value and additional costs like
shipping and insurance, further contribute to this calculation. The landscape of duty and taxes
introduces complexities such as duty rates specific to product categories and the potential
application of additional taxes like the Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Value Added Tax (VAT),
contingent on the nature of goods and the destination state.

Submitting accurate and comprehensive customs documentation is paramount. This includes a

detailed commercial invoice outlining goods, quantity, and value, alongside the relevant transport
document, such as the Bill of Lading or Airway Bill.

Compliance with customs regulations is not only advisable but integral. Staying informed about
regulatory changes, implementing robust compliance measures like record-keeping and audits,
ensures adherence to customs laws. Concurrently, awareness of security initiatives, such as the
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), fortifies the safety and security of the
supply chain.

Considering the complexity of customs processes, engaging a licensed customs broker is a

strategic move. These professionals possess the expertise to navigate the regulatory landscape,
facilitating a smoother customs clearance process.

Enforcement actions by CBP, including audits and investigations, underscore the need for stringent
compliance. Non-compliance may result in penalties, ranging from fines to the seizure of goods,
emphasizing the importance of adherence to customs laws. In conclusion, successful navigation of
U.S. customs requires meticulous attention to detail, continuous awareness of regulatory changes,
and often, the expertise of customs professionals. By embracing these principles, individuals and
businesses can navigate the intricate terrain of U.S. customs with greater efficiency and

1. Write true or false beside each of following statements according to the information in the text.
a. Compliance with customs regulation is only advisable. ( ………….. )
b. The text acknowledges that the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) plays
a crucial role in overseeing the movement of goods and people across the nation's borders.
( …………. )
c. The port of entry serves as the initial checkpoint, and identifying the specific port for your
shipment is not important. ( …………. )
d. Detailed commercial invoice outlining goods, quantity, and value, alongside the relevant
transport documents are examples for comprehensive customs documentation.
( ………. )
e. Navigating the entry process is a subordinate step. ( ………. )
2. Underline the correct response.
According to the information provided in the text, which factor is emphasized as crucial for
determining applicable duties in U.S. customs?
a. Port of entry selection.
b. Accuracy in classifying goods with Harmonized System (HS) codes.
c. Submission of a brief Customs Declaration (CBP Form 6059B).
d. Utilization of a licensed customs broker.
3. Write answers to the following questions in the space provided.
A. What government agency plays a crucial role in regulating the movement of goods and
people across U.S. borders?
B. Briefly describe the foundational step in the U.S. customs process mentioned in the text.
C. Why is accurate classification of goods, determined by understanding Harmonized System
(HS) codes, emphasized in U.S. customs?
D. What strategic move is suggested for navigating the complex regulatory landscape of U.S.
E. According to the text, what are the potential consequences of noncompliance with U.S.
customs laws?

Test 04

Complete the following paragraph beginning with the given sentence. Use about 100 words.

Customs play a crucial role in a country's economic and regulatory framework.


Test 05

The Biodiversity, Cultural and National Heritage Protection Unit of the Sri Lanka Customs seized
a shipment containing prohibited chanks (shells of a marine mollusk belong to the species
Turbinella pyrum) while attempting to smuggle out to India on 15.06.2021.

Imagine that you were the officer who detected them. Describe how you dealt with the situation.
Use about 75 words.
Write an analytical essay on the following topic. Use about 300 words.

“The role of civil society in debt reconciliation”


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