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Consumer Behavior Issues in Select Markets One of the key consumer behavior issues that

marketers need to understand is cultural differences. Cultural differences can significantly

impact consumer behavior, affecting the way consumers perceive and purchase products.
According to Kim and Kim (2019), cultural differences can affect consumer behavior in areas
such as attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors. Thus, it is important for marketers to
understand the cultural differences in the markets they are targeting.

Another important consumer behavior issue that marketers need to understand is social
influence. Social influence can be defined as the impact of others on an individual's behavior.
According to Zhang et al. (2020), social influence can significantly impact consumer
behavior in areas such as product evaluation, purchase decision-making, and post-purchase
behavior. Thus, marketers need to understand the social influence factors in their target
markets to develop effective marketing strategies.

Consumer decision-making is another important issue that marketers need to understand.

Consumer decision-making is the process by which consumers make purchase decisions.
According to Chen and Sun (2020), consumer decision-making is influenced by various
factors such as personal factors, social factors, and psychological factors. Marketers need to
understand these factors and how they affect consumer decision-making in their target
markets to develop effective marketing strategies.

Finally, marketers need to understand the importance of brand loyalty in their target markets.
Brand loyalty refers to the degree to which a consumer is committed to purchasing a
particular brand. According to Lin and Chen (2021), brand loyalty can significantly impact
consumer behavior, affecting the way consumers evaluate, purchase, and use products. Thus,
marketers need to understand the factors that drive brand loyalty in their target markets to
develop effective marketing strategies.

Conclusion In conclusion, understanding the key consumer behavior issues in select markets
is essential for marketers to develop effective marketing strategies that can help increase sales
and profits. This literature review has discussed four key consumer behavior issues that
marketers need to understand for marketing success in select markets, including cultural
differences, social influence, consumer decision-making, and brand loyalty. Marketers who
understand these issues and develop effective marketing strategies based on them are likely to
achieve marketing success in their target markets.

According to research by (Li, 2018) we can determine that online reviews are a significant
source of word-of-mouth, which can have an impact on a company's sales and profitability as
well as the products that people choose to buy. As a result, gaining a grasp of the elements
influencing consumer online posting behavior is crucial for corporate performance and the
advancement of pertinent knowledge. The three research that make up this dissertation, which
focuses on the environments of hotels and restaurants, are separate but intimately related. The
purpose of this dissertation is to examine how prior reviews and disconfirmation (i.e., the
discrepancy between post-consumption evaluations and other consumers' prior average
review rating) may influence subsequent consumers' online review-posting behavior in terms
of their willingness to post online reviews, the review ratings they ultimately select, and the
review content characteristics. Non-elite reviewers appear more vulnerable to the social
influence of prior average review rating when compared to Yelp's "elite" reviewers. By
offering fresh theoretical perspectives, this dissertation contributes to the literature on hotel
marketing as well as general marketing literature. Additionally, the empirical results of this
dissertation reveal significant managerial implications for hospitality businesses, online
review communities, and administration of online review platforms.

According to (Matthews et al., 2014) from the standpoint of Oliver's (1997) cognitive,
emotional, and conative theorization of consumer loyalty, the aim of this study was to
identify and evaluate the antecedents of brand loyalty. A survey questionnaire was filled out
by 285 students from various majors, who made up a convenience sample. Brand equity,
brand satisfaction, and brand loyalty were all covered in the survey. Each topic was evaluated
using a Likert scale with seven possible responses. The goods were evaluated using two jean
brands: a nonpremium and a premium pair of jeans. SEM, or structural equation modeling,
was used to test the study hypotheses that were put out. A positive correlation between brand
emotional value and brand satisfaction, brand emotional value and brand loyalty, and brand
satisfaction and brand loyalty for both jean brand groups was found, supporting Oliver's
theory of customer loyalty. According to this study, there is no correlation between brand
awareness and brand emotional worth. According to this theory, a brand may not always
evoke strong emotional responses in customers even if it is carried by a shop. Retailers
should think about carrying a variety of brands rather than just well-known ones and should
ensure that the brands they carry satisfy both the functional and non-functional needs of their

1. Li, H. (2018). Social Influence on Consumers' Online Review Behavior (Order No.
10829991). Available from ProQuest One Academic. (2130627835).
2. Chen, X., & Sun, Y. (2020). A Review of Consumer Decision-Making Models and
Development Trends. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1603(3), 032044.

3. Kim, J. H., & Kim, J. (2019). The impact of cultural differences on consumer
behavior: A comparative study of the U.S. and Korean markets. Journal of Retailing
and Consumer Services, 49, 37-44. doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.02.012

4. Lin, Y. C., & Chen, Y. C. (2021). Effects of Consumer Brand Identification and
Brand Love on Brand Loyalty. Journal of Promotion Management, 27(2), 227-244.

5. Zhang, Y., Wang, W., & Li, D. (2020). The Impact of Social Influence on Consumer
Behavior: A Literature Review. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and
Complexity, 6(4), 125. doi:10.3390/joitmc6040125

6. Matthews, D. R., Son, J., & Watchravesringkan, K. (2014). An exploration of brand

equity antecedents concerning brand loyalty: A cognitive, affective, and conative
perspective. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 09(1)

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