1958 JournalOfPharmacology

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vasoconstriction was observed. The vaso­ mouse in a cage for two to three weeks may
d ila to r action of DMPP was blocked by C-6 be used in an ataractic screening procedure.
or phentolamine but not by atropine. The The criterion for aggressiveness was the
vasoconstrictor effect of DMPP was incon­ immediate attack by such isolated mice
sistent and frequently disappeared or was upon normal, non-isolated mice. No special
replaced by a dilator response. Denervation training period or recording devices are
did not alter the response to intraarterial needed. Five groups of 25 aggressive mice
DMPP or TMA. (7951) per group were used in the investigation.
The following compounds: reserpine, chlor-
Influence of heart rate and drugs on the promazine hydrochloride, meprobamate,
contractility and potassium loss of rabbit hydroxyzine hydrochloride and serotonin
auricle. P. N. W i t t a n d R. C. J a e g e r *. were administered daily for one to two
Dept, of Pharmacology, State Univ. of New weeks. Treated mice showed a 35-90% de­
York, Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse. crease in degree of hyperexcitability, anx­
Earlier experiments with Strophanthin and iety and aggressiveness. Control groups of
frog sartorius muscle had shown that K loss aggressive mice showed no change in be­
into K-free ringer solution was dependent on havior after daily doses of saline or of
the rate of stimulation (Helv. Physiol. sodium phenobarbital. (7953)
Acta., 13: C 43, 1955). For the present
experiments stimulated left rabbit auricle Erythrocyte glutathione metabolism and
in K-free tyrode solution (37° C.) was used drug sensitivity. W. H. Z in k h a m , R. E.
and K loss measured every 10 min. with a L e n h a r d , Jr. a n d B. C h il d s (introduced by
flame photometer. In control auricles beat­ E. W. M a y n e r t ). Dept, of Pediatrics, Johns
ing at a rate of 0.3/sec. K loss was 14.2 Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Favism is an
microequivalent/gm. auricle/hour (ewt) acute hemolytic anemia occurring in people
and increased significantly to 19.1 ewt at who have ingested beans or inhaled pollen
4/sec. Addition of veratridine 10“7 lowered from the plant, Vicia faba. This disease is
significantly K loss at 1/sec (control 17.1, seen most often in persons from the Medi­
veratridine 13.3 ewt); however, at a rate of terranean littoral, has a familial tendancy,
2/sec. the veratridine muscle lost signifi­ and moré commonly affects males. Such a
cantly more K than the control (control racial, familial and sexual distribution sug­
15.5, veratridine 19.5 ewt). The effect of gested that red cells of these patients may
veratridine on contractility was also de­ have a defect similar to that observed in
pendent on rate of stimulation, it increased people with primaquine-, nitrofurantoin-,
contractility at the end of 60 min. at low or naphthalene-induced hemolytic anemia.
rates and decreased it at high rates. In our This defect is characterized by a reduction
experiments a process involved in K move­ of whole blood glutathione (GSH), a marked
ments with different activity at different decrease in GSH after incubation of whole
rates seemed to be influenced critically be­ blood with acetylphenylhydrazine (APH),
tween 1 and 2 beats/sec. The dissociation and a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate de­
between changes in K loss and tension (con­ hydrogenase activity. Red cells from two
firmed in experiments with epinephrine) Greek patients who had been hospitalized
indicates that other factors besides K loss because of favism were studied for these
are responsible for inotropic drug action. abnormalities. GSH was abnormally low
(7952) before, and markedly decreased after incu­
bation of whole blood with APH. Glucose-6-
Isolation-induced aggressive behavior in phosphate dehydrogenase activity was
ataractic tests. H e l e n C. Y . Y e n *, R o b e r t deficient. Family studies indicate that this
L . S t a n g e r * a n d N a t h a n M il l m a n . Div. deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydro­
of Physiology and Pharmacology, Ortho Re­ genase activity is genetically determined,
search Fndn., Raritan, N . J . The aggressive and is probably transmitted by a sex-linked
behavior induced by isolating a normal male gene of intermediate dominance. (7954)

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by copyright lew (Title 17 U.S. Code).

piration, systemic blood pressure, and in­ hydroxytryptamine or phenyl diguanidc

testinal motility. In the dose range 3 to 10 was injected into the systemic circulation a
microgm. intraarterial veratridine causes a discharge was set up in the non-medullated
characteristic apnea in expiration. There is visceral afferent fibers of the vagus and
little or no change in systemic blood pres­ aortic nerves. The upper limit to the fre­
sure, and heart rate is unaltered. The quency of firing of the non-medullated
rhythmic contractions of the small intestine fibers in such experiments was again about
are decreased or abolished. This reflex 10 impulses/sec. These experiments thus
pattern is also evoked by intraarterial in­ show that the rate of firing of mammalian
jections of acetylcholine or nicotine but not non-medullated fibers is low and many
by epinephrine or sodium cyanide. With times smaller than that of the smallest
larger doses of veratridine (20 to 40 medullated fibers. (7891)
microgm.) the apnea is followed by brief
hyperpnea and a shift from costal to dia­ Veratridine response in the rabbit heart.
phragmatic breathing, which gradually re­ J. S. Robb and P. N. W itt. Dept, of Phar­
verts to the costal type after several minutes. macology, State Univ. of New York, Upstate
A pressor response accompanies the early Medical Center, Syracuse. The characteristic
part of the respiratory response. These veratridine effect on skeletal muscle with
effects are duplicated qualitatively by intra­ repetitive firing and prolonged double ten­
arterial acetylcholine in larger doses (40 to sion rise has been demonstrated (Witt and
60 microgm.), or by traction on the mes­ Swaine, T h is J o u r n a l, 120 : 63, 1957). It is
entery. The afferent pathway for the respir­ well known that the drug also induces
atory, circulatory, and intestinal com­ repetitive firing in nerve. Brooks el al.
ponents of this reflex response is located in (Excitability of the Heart, Gruñe &
the splanchnic nerves. Vagal afferents do Stratton, N. Y., 1955) have recorded spon­
not form part of the reflex arc. The similar­ taneous repetitive depolarizations in single
ity of the reflex response to intraarterial cardiac muscle fibers after veratrine. For the
veratridine and acetylcholine and traction present study direct electrodes placed on
on the mesentery suggests a common origin, the excised perfused rabbit heart were
possibly in mesenteric stretch receptors. suitably connected via an amplifier to an
(7890) oscilloscope and the electric deflections-
recorded with a Grass camera. Simultane^
A comparison of the physiological fre­ ously tension was registered on a Sanborn
quencies of firing of the smallest medullated ECG via a strain gauge and amplifier.
and of the non-medullated sensory fibers The characteristic veratridine effects (vera­
in mammalian peripheral nerve. J. M. tridine 10~5) prolongation of systole, de­
R itchie * and W. W. D ouglas. Dept, of creased relaxation and the secondary
Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of shoulder were present in the tension records.
Medicine, New York 61, N . Y. A recently Simultaneous!}', the electrical records
described technique (Douglas and Ritchie, showed repetitive discharges and slower
J. Physiol., in press) has been used to repolarization. These Observations indicate
determine the frequency of firing of the non- points of similarity in the response of vera-
medullated and of the smallest medullated trinized skeletal and cardiac muscle, es­
afferent nerve fibers. The non-medullated pecially confirming that cardiac muscle
somatic sensor}" fibers of the cat’s saphenous can be partially tetanized. (7892)
nerve which are excited by touching the
skin (Douglas and Ritchie, T his J ournal, Inhibition of analgesia by butamoxane
abstract, 1958) discharged 2-6 impulses/sec. derivatives. E. B rown R obbins and J. A.
with light touch and up to a maximum of M iller , Jr. (introduced by F. G. H ender ­
10 impulses/sec. with heavier touch. The son ). The Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli
frequency of firing of the medullated delta Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Ind.
fibers in the same nerve and to the same Compounds in the butamoxane series did
stimulus was about ten times greater. In not prolong or potentiate the pain thresh­
other experiments on the rabbit when 5- old-elevating action of analgesics; rather

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