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1. What are the 2 historical events which launched the evolvement of the British Parliament?

2. How many listed rules are there in Magna Carta?

3. What was the principal achievement gained by adopting Magna Carta?
4. When was the first Parliament meeting summoned? Who initiated this event?
5. How is democracy in the UK defined in the video?
6. Who has the power to make decisions for the nation in the UK?
7. How many elements is the UK Parliament made up of? What are they?
8. Which House of Parliament is the elected one?
9. What are the functions of the House of Commons?
10. How many members of Parliament are there in the UK?
11. Who do MPs represent?
12. Do all MPs belong to a party?
13. Who becomes the Prime Minister?
14. How many senior ministers are there in the Cabinet of Ministers? Who chooses them?
15. What is the party called which is not in power?
16. What is the function of the Speaker?
17. What is the second chamber of the UK Parliament called? What are its functions?
18. How many members are there in the House of Commons?
19. Who is included into the House of Lords?
20. What are the criteria to select the lords who sit in the House of Lords?
21. What is the monarch’s role?
22. Are there any other people who support the working process in Parliament?
23. What is the Government selected for?
24. How does the UK Parliament hold the Government to account for public?
25. What do Select Committees do? Who are they constituted by?
26. Who can give evidence for consideration to Select Committees?
27. What do Select Committees do at the end of an inquiry?
28. How quickly should the Government respond to the Committee report?
29. Who makes and shapes laws in the UK Parliament?
30. What is a Bill?
31. Where do the Bills come from?
32. What is a Green Paper? Who is it discussed with?
33. What is a White Paper?
34. What is the role of Cabinet of Ministers in law making?
35. Who introduces the Bill to Parliament for debate?
36. What do MPs and Lords do with the Bill?
37. After being agreed by both Houses where does the Bill go to?
38. What does the monarch do with the Bill?
39. What are newly introduced laws called in the UK?
40. How many types of elections are there in the UK? What are they?
41. How often do general elections take place in the UK?
42. What is the day of elections called in the UK?
43. Do voters elect MPs or parties?
44. How do election candidates become known to the voters?
45. What do parties standing for the election do during the election campaign?
46. What is ‘a hung Parliament’? What can be done in this situation?
47. How old do you have to be to vote in the UK? When can you register?
48. How can you get heard by your constituency MP?

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