Activity 10 - Identifying The Arguments

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Activity 10: Identifying the Arguments

Identify the arguments and the evidence of those who are claiming that Rizal
retracted against those who are saying otherwise.


Claimant Argument 1 Evidence/Proofs

Fr. Vicente Balaguer Father Balaguer gave Rizal According to a testimony by

the long formula of on the Father Vicente Balaguer, Jesuit
night before Rizal’s missionary who befriended the
execution at ten in the hero during his exile in Dapitan,
evening he was given by Rizal accepted shorter retraction
Father Balaguer the long document prepared by the
formula of retraction which superior of the Jesuit Society in
had been written by order of the Philippines, Father Pio Pi.
the Prelate, but Rizal did not Father Balaguer’s stated as
sign it for it was too long. additional evidence to prove that
Rizal asked Father Balaguer Rizal really retracted. Is Rizal’s
to get a pen and jot down marriage to Josephine Bracken.
what he will dictate. And that
was Rizal’s retraction
document which is
considered the chief witness
to the reality of the

Your Observation

I think there are some loopholes with Fr. Vicente Balaguer’s claim that Rizal retracted on
the night just before his execution. But all in all, even though it would be easy to say he
retracted all that he wrote about the Church, it still did not change the fact that his writings
began the wheels of change in Philippine colonial society during the Spanish period—a
change that led to our independence, and that the retraction is just one aspect of the life,
works, and writings of Rizal.

Claimant Argument 2 Evidence/Proofs

Fr. Marciano Guzman The retraction document was A great grandnephew of Rizal,
deemed authentic by Rizal Fr. Marciano
expert, Teodoro Kalaw (a Guzman cites that Rizal's
33rd degree Mason) and 4confessionswere certifiedby5
"handwriting eyewitnesses, 10 qualified
experts...known and witnesses, 7 newspapers, and 12
recognized in our courts of historians and writers including
justice. Aglipayan bishops, Masons, and
anti-clericals. H. Otley Beyer and
Dr. José I. Del Rosario, both of
UP also refer to the 11
eyewitnesses present when Rizal
wrote his retraction’s agenda
Catholic prayer book, and recited
Catholic prayers, and the
multitude who saw him kiss the
crucifix before his execution.

Your Observation

Whatever Rizal’s religion may be whether he is a protestant or a Catholic, Rizal is still

Rizal himself. A true Filipino, the true National Hero. Rizal awakened our knowledge of
nationalism. For me, that is enough. The issue will not invalidate his works in any way.


Claimant Argument 3 Evidence/Proofs

Your Observation


Claimant Argument 1 Evidence/Proofs

Ricardo R. Pascual “He then concluded which In his last poem “Mi Ultimo Adios”
he wrote through his book if Rizal really was married to
“Rizal beyond the grave” Josephine Bracken why did he only
that the existing document stated her as a sweet’s stranger?
was a forgery”. He stated and didn’t wrote as his sweet wife?
that its absurd that the Also, according to his poem which
original copy went missing expresses “'Adios', I go where there
and was found by Father are no slaves, no hangmen or
Manuel Garcia in the oppressors, where faith does not
archdiocesan archives 39 kill” It is evident that his referring
years later.” to the Catholic Church, it is clear
that there is bitterness behind those
phrases. If Rizal really died as a
catholic. Why did they bury him
wherein Fr. Burgos had been
positioned, which is evidently the
cemetery for anti-Catholic Church?
Why haven’t they buried Rizal at
Paco Cemetery in which good
Samaritans are supposed to be
placed? And the worst part is, he
had been buried without any coffin.
Wouldn’t it be Ironic? If Jesuits
wants to prove that Rizal himself
had retracted, why did they buried
him collectively where heretics and
infidels are laid? They didn’t even
offer a mass in church for Rizal
who died as a penitent Catholic.

Your Observation


Claimant Argument 2 Evidence/Proofs

Yen Makabenta There is no formal letter of In the final pages of his In the final
retraction, which is rare for pages of his biography of Rizal,
a guy as firm in his Austin Coates refutes Balaguer's
convictions as Rizal. charges, which were used to
Even though he resided support the archbishop's retraction
with Josephine Bracken in and were also conveyed in a letter
Dapitan throughout his from Balaguer to his Jesuit
exile, they never married. superior, Fr. Balaguer's claim of
retraction was not accepted by the
two Jesuits present during Rizal's
execution, Pio. If Rizal had
genuinely withdrew, he would have
been buried in a Catholic cemetery.
What would he have done if he
hadn't been given a casket to begin
with, as he was? Balaguer was not
there during his execution. During
Rizal's last moments, Josephine
Bracken was also absent.

Your Observation

The part of the version circulated by ecclesiastical authorities at the time that refers to Rizal's
abjuration of masonry and his conversion to Catholicism at the last hour was not considered
satisfactory and truthful by Filipino public opinion," wrote Rafael Palma, who witnessed
Rizal's execution and saw him turn away from the Jesuit holding out a crucifix to him.

Claimant Argument 3 Evidence/Proofs

Luis H. Francia Rizal expresses a healthy Rizal's two brilliant novels, Noli
and profound scepticism Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo,
towards the institutional and in his writings for La
Church’ insistence on Solidaridad, journal of the
unthinking obedience that’s Movement, Propaganda depicts the
why they wanted to get rid might of friar power and abuse, and
of him. of the cruelty of the colonial

Your Observation

Still, I do not believe that Rizal followed what the friars wanted. Also, to believe that he
would have renounced the works and beliefs of a lifetime, simply to just escape the sentence
of death, flies in the face of how he had lived his whole life. After all, he had decided to
return to his homeland, knowing fully well he would be placing himself in the hands of those
who hated him and who had the power and means to dispose of him legally-as had been done
with the martyrs Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora in 1872 which to whom the Fili is dedicated.

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