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high British English




Grohom Fruen
Q Solution

hlgh ffir$tsmfu ffireg§xw*r

Grahom Fruen
ffi Solution

Clothes be: affirmative, negative and questions There is / There are Activities can and can't have got

Unit I Types of film

) Present simple b Films or books? Be part of the action!
) Adverbs and expressions of ) §kill: Understanding Listening for
On scrcen Adjectives to describe frequency different opinions in a key words
p9 films ) Present continuous forum
) Pronunciation: Contractions ) Word Power: Film nouns
) Present simple and present
) O Grarnmar animations
Unit 2 Jobs around the home l Past simple b Amazing inventions Before they were
0 ) Pronunciation: -ed endings ) §kíll: Understanding the famous
Good iob! Jobs ) ber past simple main idea of a text Listening for
p19 ) could and couldn't ) Word Power: Compound specLfic details
3 ((} Grarnnnar animatione nouns

Verbs and prepositions Past continuous b An amazing rescue Jungle survival

of movement Sentence stress ) Skili: Understanding the Listening for
{4, Past simple and past continuous sequence of events in a the main idea
Adjectives and Past time expressions story
adverbs a ) Word F$wer: -er noun

REVIEW UNITS 1-3 pp100-101 3pp


Unit 4 Containers
Quantifiers: some, any, (how)
much, (how) many, a lot of
) Love food, hate waste!
) Skil!: Using pictures to
Are you good with
Gonsumer lVoney verbs The letter a help understand a text Listening for
socie§r Comparatives and superlatives; ) Word Fower: Spotting different ideas
/^^+\ ^^ ,,,
p39 lilut) dó dó the odd word out

Unit 5 The human body

will and won't; may
First conditional
) Humans of the future
) SkilN; Working out the
b lf you don't rest, you
won't get better
I'm only Health problems should and shouldn't meaning of new words 3 Skili: ldentifying the
human Iol and lu;l ) Word Power: -ion noun relationship between
p49 a ending speakers

Unit 6 Party plans ) be going to ) Birthday celebrations 7 A music festival

ty b be going to and will ) §kill: Scanning a 3 $kiiÍ: Listening for
Special days a ) Present continuous for future web page for specific specific information
p59 Things for a camping arrangements information in a phone call
trip ) Beflexive pronouns ) Word Power: Adverbs of
) O üramrnar anim¿¡tions certainty

REVIEW UNITS 4-6 pp102-103 PROJECTS UNITS 4-6 pp108-109

Unit 7 Expressions with gel Present perfect affirmative and ) Pushing your limits Have you ever felt
go, make and take negative ) §$ti!tr Understanding scared?
Amazing * Present perfect questions; eyer paraphrased sentences Predicting
adventures Feelings and never ) !trord F,¡lwer; Extreme answers to questions
p69 Sentence stress adjectives and listening to
t check

U"it I Helationships
Present perfect with for and
Present perfect and past
since bA special friend
simple ) $kil[: ldentifying correct
Be kind!
Listening for
You've got a Kind acts Present perfect and incorrect information answers to lzllh-
friend in me and past simple ) t¡Vc¡rci Fower; Synonyms q uesti o ns
p79 ,pJ

Unit 9 Life stages: nouns

and adjectives
used to
have to and don't have to; rnust
lt A life-changing decision
) Skill: ldentifying the main
b Different countries,
different rules
Changes a and mustn't topic of a paragraph 3 Skii!: Listening for
p89 School rules musf and mustn't ) liúord Power: Words to the answers to a quiz
Indefinite pronouns do with The Olympics

BEvlEw UNITS 7-9 pp104-105 PmS"lñ*TS UNITS7-S ppil0-f i1


b lt sounds scary! b Afilm review animation

b Great British plO
) Skiii; lVaking and responding to ) Skillr Writing about my adverbs
) W*rd Feiwer: Sequence p1Z
suggestions favourite film ) €¡'tuÉture:¡idrr: p17
i Usefuf language: lt4aking and ) Useful language: p11
responding to suggestions Beviewing a film
I@ Keep rnoving! ) Look! Writing a conclusion

b When can you start? 7 A biography ) A famous writer p20

) §kill: Taking part in a job ) $kill: Writing about a ) Word Power: Crime words pl9
interview famous person ) @ Cult*re video p27
) Usefutr ianguage: Asking and ) Useful language: Writing pzA
talking about skills and abilities about a person's life
) @ Keep maving! ) Look! Prepositions of time
) Guess what happened! ) A narrative b Australia's dangerous animals p30
) Skiil: Telling a story and reacting ) §killr Writing a short story ) Word Fower: Australian an¡mals p30
) Llsefr.¡l languaEe: Telling and ) Useful language: Writing ) @ Cufture vid*r¡ p34
reacting to a story d §LUr y p7S
> @ reep maving! ) Look! when, while, during

r,..;,:;r-!:r:;.i¡-'¿:!:.fir' ;i t t', : -.,r .:.,.1.',

) Too much choice? b A survey b Second-hand shopping in the UK p40

) §kill: Comparing advantages and ) §kill: Writing a survey ) Wor¿i É*wer: tt/iatching p43
disadva ntages of products report definitions p47
) {Jseful languagel Comparing ) Useful language: Survey ) (.§) ffirsltlire vid*{;} p41
products resu lts
) (& feep maving! ) Look! Expressions of quantity
) What should I do? ) A How to ,.. guide ) Vegan Britain p50
) Skill Giving advice about ) Skill: Writing a How to,,, ) Word Power: Food groups p50
a problem gurde giving advice ) @ cufture video p57
) Useful languaEe: Expressing ) Useful languager Giving p57
concern and giving advice tips and advice
> @ reep mov¡nE! ) l-ook! lmperatives
) Aspecial occasion ) Athank-you letter > Happy New Year! p60
) Ski!1: Asking for and offering help ) Skill: Writing a letter to say ) Word Porrer:Types of p67
) Usefui language: Asking for, thank you performer p67
offering and accepting help ) Useful language: Writing a ) @ Culture video p64
) @ Keep moving! thank-you letter
) Look! Preposition + -ing
ii-[1i,,1i{..}é#L§Ftfj. i".ji',ii I i: ,i."fl ¡r¡r1],i 1ir:

I Have you ever tried skydiving? ) A blog post b Tourism in New Zealand p7O
) Skill: Asking for information ) Skill: Writing a blog post ) Word Fower: Extreme sports p70
) Useful languagel Asking for and about a school trip ) {} Cultur* video p77
giving information ) Useful language: p77
) @ feep moving! Describing things you've
) Look! so and such
b Come on, it'll be fun! ) A description of a friend I The Story of Camic Belief pB0
) Skii!: Persuading someone l §killr Writing a description ) Word Power: fVlatching words pB0
) Useful language: Persuading of your best friend with definitions pB7
and responding ) Useful lanquagel ) O culture video pB7
> @ feep moving! Describing someone you
know well
) Look! Adjective order
I Aschool exchange I An email b ltlulticultural USA p90
) §ltiil: Talking about rules ) $klllr Writing an email F W+rd Fmwor: Language suffixes p90
) Use$*¡l iaelguaEe: Talking about to someone visiting your ) (§) É¡.¡ttu¡r* vir$m{} p97
rules country pg4
) Useful language: Giving
) Look! Opinion adverbs

LITERATUBE UNITS 7-9 pp116-117


,v &ffiffi-#tueffiY Clothes
talk about clothes,

Look at the pictures. What do you think Mia and

Elliot's hobbies are? Read Mia,s blog and check.
Match the clothes to Mia and Elliot. Listen, When do people wear these things? Match the
check and repeat. clothes with the places.

boots coat hat jeans scarf 1 shorts, sunglasses and a T-shirt

shirt 2 a uniform
skirt socks T-shirt trainers
3 a coat, a hat and a scarf
Mia: bcat:;, ... Elliot: ... 4 nice clothes and smart shoes
5 jeans, a jumper and trainers
6 shorts, trainers and a sports top
ato a friend's house
bto the park in winter
cto school
About Blog Latest posts Search dto the beach in summer
eto a P,E, lesson
fto a wedding
What are you wearing today? Make a list
a T-shirt, black jeans, ...

Family and friends

@ talk about famity anct friends,
:.:. ' ,' I Put the letters in the correct order
to make words for family and friends. Listen,
check and repeat.

rnctoeP ectrls trrobhe lcnue

sbet reidnf msoctoest

nuocgl nmdgoro drongdo

Copy and complete the table with words from

Exercise 6, Can you add more words?

Male ü Female + Both t+

S; Read the Look! box. Write the names of some
of your friends and famity in your notebook.

We use 's and
Possessive's and'
'to show possession.
My best friend's name is Ethan,
Work in pairs. How many more words for clothes can
My parents' names are Clare and Andrew,
you think of?
'ffi ffie$WBá'14 &ffi be: affirmative, negative There is / There are
and questions use rhere is I Thereare to describe a place,
{[§@ ask and answer about personal information. 5 Copy and eomplete tha grámmar box with is, isntt,
'l Read the grammar box. What are the affirmative, are, and aren't.
negative and question forms lor l, you, helshelit,
we and they? Affirmative
Affrrrnstívc: lar, y*1",'re, he'"s, ...
There I ... / There's a skate park in our road.
There 2 ... some big houses.
Affirmative Negative Negative
l'm from Newcastle She isn't from London.
Questions Short answers There 4...
any shops.
Arc you into skateboarding? Yes, lam. / No, l'm not. Questions Short answers
... there a basketbatl court? Yes, there is. /
ffi ffi **.* Copy and complete the interview with 6
... there any restaurants? No, there isn't.
Elliot from page 4. Use the contracted form of be Yes, there are. /
where possible, Listen and check. No, there aren't.

What1... your name? Look at the picture of Mia and Elliot's grandparents.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
My name ... ElliotWilson. there is / there are,

Howold 3... you?

I ... lifteen years old.

Who 5... older - you or Mia?

Mia .." older than me - by ten mtnutes!

'... Mia in your class at school? There's a comfortable sofa,

No, she ... . We ... in differenf classes. 1 ,,, some books on the shelves,
2 ,,, a desk,
3 .,. an orange armchair,
'o... your friends into skateboarding, too? 4 ,,. any lamps,

No, they l'| ... . They t2 ... mostly into tootball or

5 ',,, any plants?"Yes,,,, ,'
video games, 6 ',., a dog?"No, ,,, , but ,,. a catl'

7 write five or six sentences about your bedroom.

Use the words in the box and your ideas.
Copy and complete the questions with the
question words in the box.

How old What What time When

Where Who
fhereb a comfortable bed. There aren't any ...
1 ,,, are you from? I Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your
2 ... are you? bedrooms.
3 ,,,'s your birthday? A: ls there a sofa in your bedroom?
4 ,,,'s your favourite singer? B; No, there isn't. Are there any pictures in your
5 .,,'s your favourite film? bedroom?
6 .,, is it now?
;S Work ín pairs. Ask and ans\ /er the questions ryd;p FÁsY'pIru?sE-*frffi
in Exercise 3, Think of more questions with the Describe your classroom, Use there is and there are,
question words. There are 25 chairs, There's a ,,,
ffirere'sycurfav*urit* place ín the wrrldl
taik aboui activities.
Complete the survey with the verbs in the box. Listen, check and repeat.

cook dance do drive make play read ride run speak swim write

D -Í t you do?

I lcan1., a bike, but I
I can't' ... - | don't like water.
can't 2 . a car. But I can n ... f¡ve kilometres!
Rob.28 Jud¡rh.65

l¡l k
Ican ' ... the guitar, I can " ... in French I
but I can't ... music but lcan't '''... it-
I play 'by ear'. l'm too shy!
Anna. 17 Lucg, 19

I can't ... a meal, but
I can rr ... , but I can't
I can ;' ... a sandwich! 12
Tali" 15
... gymnastics.

Complete the mind maps with the verbs School subjects

from Exercise 1. Add an extra word to each
mind map. tal ¡i-:cr,ri rr*irr:ri su hjec is.
m. !.;

ó motorbikO Match the school subjects in the box with the

pictures. Listen, check and repeat.
1 Art Drama English French Geography
the trumpet History lVaths lVlusic PE, Science
ó cdmet
tt horse
d comic
ZIT¡N il l'ffiffi
3 bdsketbdtt ryru
Match the exam questions with a school subject. Work
in pairs, Can you answer the questions?
d frlilgd¿¡he
1 What are the two longest rivers in the world?
In which century and decade was World War I?

Which famous Spanish painter painted The Old Guitarist?


Irdtiith l$ a wnah a f¡sn, 0 mammal 0t a fe[l¡lGfl

to your teácher
in Mónddrin
€ lf a car is travelling at 90 km per hour, how long will it
take to travel270 km?
{ftffie$h$effieffiq can and can't

@ talk abour abitiry, Look at the picture, Copy and complete the
sentences with the correct form of have got,
§ Read the grammar box. Choose the eorreet word
to complete the rule.
Affirmative NeEative @ @
l::Le-tjv-f:-qs!¡i: !!-:!ll't 1ryiT*-, ,__.
Questions §hort answers
Can you ride a horse? Yes, lcan. / No, Ican't


After can and can't, we use a verb with I without to. s

can and can't

Listen and repeat. Elsie has got long fair hair.

1 Alex and Ben ,,, white T-shirts,
lel lal lal 2 Ben ,,, a hat,
Can you swim? Yes, I can. No, I can't
3 Elsie and Ben ,,, glasses,
4 Elsie: 'l .,, a mobile phone.'
Listen and repeat.
5 Ben and Alex:'We,,, long hair!'
'Can you speak German?' 'Yes, I can.'
6 ',,, Ben and Alex.,, phones?"No, they
'Can you drive a car?"No, I can't.'
7 ',,, Elsie,,, long hair?"Yes, she,,. ,'

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about

Write true sentences about you with can or can't. your friends and family.
1 I /run /fivekilometres, A; Has.uour sísfer glot a Euitar?
2 I / say / 'hello' and 'goodbye' in three languages, S; 'les, she foas.
3 I / name / four countries beginning with A
4 I / make / a sandwich, long / short / brown hair?
blue / green / brown eyes?
5 I / swim / the length of a pool underwater, your best friend
Have a bike / a car I a motorbike?
6 I / count / backwards from twenty in English Has
your brother got
your sister
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from your parents
/ a games console?
a laptop
Exercise 4. aguitar/aviolin?

S rnsr FIN¡sHER
Describe your favourite celebrities. Use áaue gof,
Dua Lipa has got dark hair and brown eyes.
have got
@ use F,áve gof to talk about possessions and appearance,
6 Copy and complete the grammar box, What are the
full forms of 'ye and 's?

Affirmative i Negative
l've got a new bike. I We haven't got a sister.
He's got schoot today. i Sh" h"sn't got a dog.
Have you got a brother? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
he ... a newbike? | Yes, he
. / No, he
3,., .
READING SPEAKING lntroductions
understand different forms of grammar in a text,
@ @ introduce mysetf.
1 @ sO,a Read and listen to Kieran,s blog and 3 O so.9 Listen and read. what
answer the questions. three things have Kay and
1 Where is Kieran from? Charlie got in common?
2 What does he say about his family? Kay: Hi, are you new
3 What are his hobbies? here?
Charlie: Yes, I am, lt's my
¡ first day,
E¡ Kay: Me, too! My
name's Kay. What's
your name?
Charlie: l'm Charlie, Nice to
meet you, Kay, So, what
year are you in?
Kay: l'm in Year 9.
Charlie: So am ll l'm in N/rs Ryan's class, She's really
nice, Whose class are you in?
q Kay: l've got lVr Bliss. He's OK, but he's quite
Charlie: What's your favourite subject?
Kay: Probably N/aths, but I like History, too,
Charlie: Hmm, l'm not keen on Maths, but I like
Hi, my name's Kieran. I'm fourteen years old Kay: Oh, there's the bell - time to go, I can't be
and l'm from Newcastle. I go to a big secondary late for lVlr Blissl See you later,
school in the north of the city. 1 ... more than Charlie: Yes, see you around,
2,000 students. I really like my school. ? ... a
great gym where we can 3 ... basketball, and 4 @ Listen and repeat the Useful language.
the teachers are all really nice. [t4y favourite
subjects 4 ... English and Geography.
I live near my school, so I can walk to school in lntroductions
the mornings. 5 ... a big park near my house,
Are you new here?
but there 6 ... many shops or restaurants - it's a
What's your name?
quiet area. l've got an older brother. ? ... name's
Anand and he's sixteen, I've also got a younger Nice to meet you.
sister. ts ... name's fvleera and she's eleven. What year are you in?
We're all quite tall, and we've got dark hair and Whose class are you in?
brown eyes - the same as s ... parents. What's your favourite subject?

'ü ... do I do in my free time? I like alltypes of

sport, especially football and Formula 1 racing. 5 Here are some more questions to ask a new
ln my bedroom, l've got lots of posters of my student, Put the words in the correct order.
favourite sports stars. I also love music, but only 1 old /how /you / are l?
to listen to. I can't play an instrument and I've
got a terrible singing voice!
2 brothers / you / any / got / or sisters / have / ?
3 do / live / where / you / ?
4 music / what type I of / like / do / you I ?
2 Choose the correct answer to complete the blog. 5 favourite / your /singer / is / who / ?
1 a There's b There are c They are § Work in pairs. lmagine you're at a new school,
2 a lt's got b He's got c She's got Write a new dialogue. Use the Useful language
3 a to play b play c playing and the questions in Exercise 3. Then practise
4a am bis care your dialogue.
5 a There's b There are c lt's got
6anot bisn't caren't § rnsr FTNTsHER
TaYourbHercHis Think of other questions to ask a new student at school.
SaYour bHer cHis Are you in any after-school clubs?
10aWho bWhy cWhat
Vocabularyl Types of film;
Adjectives to describe films

Types of film

Match the words in the box with the films in the online film store. Listen, check and repeat,

action frlm animated film comedy documentary drama fantasy film

historicalfilm horror frlm musical science-fiction film

watched see

a .-if ts '!¡.
¡1! -

Don't go into '"":"4



Work in pairs. Think of examples of each In pairs, do the questionnaire.

type of film.
The lncreciibles /s an anirnated fil¡x,

Match the types of films with the

F¡lm Questionnaire
What types of fitm do you tike? Why?
Which don't you tike? Why?
1 Don't watch this type of film on your own -
it's scaryl How many fitms do you watch every month?
2 There are lots of songs in this type of film, Do you usuatly watch films at home or at the cinema?
3 This type of film doesn't use actors, lt uses What's your favourite fitm? Why?
interviews with real people, Who's your favourite actor?
4 This type of film can be about the future,
for example, space travel.
5 People laugh when they watch this type
of film.
6 This type of film uses drawings of people
or animals,
Write about your partner's answers to the questionnaíre.
Yolanda likes comedies and fantasy films, She ,,,

l!§l uang*ase serrmmary: {Jnit 1 SB p 127

Films or books?
READI NG understand different opinions in a forum,
t O t.e Read and listen to the forum. Copy the table and complete it with the names.
Who films?

Who likes films

ffi Y
\/ -
Do gou prefer wotching fi[ms or reoding books?
Ctick on the buttons ond tetl us whot gou think.
Are fitms better thqn books?

Jt Yes
V Js 4A7" Sog Yes

Afft !/ posted 3 m¡nutes e gü

My best friend doesn't agree, but I think films are more exciting. Science-fiction films often have
@ amazing music and special effects - Sfar Wars, for example. You never get that with books.
§mnigl posted 12 nitlLltes aqo
I like reading more than watching films because with books you get the whole story. Directors often
@ cut the little details that make the book special, or sometimes they change the plot completely.
K0l[ posted 2o minutes aga
@ I think books are better because you can take them anywhere. I always read on the bus, for
example. OK, you can do that with films on your phone, too, but the screen is really small, so it's
harder to enjoy.
f*leLiSSq pé.stec/ 4^? n?¡n.,tes flgo

@ I love reading and going to the movies. I usually read a book every two weeks and I go to the
cinema with my friends at least once a month. Which do I like more? I can't choose, sorry!
po.ted t haur ago
@ It usually takes me a month to read a book, but I can watch a film in two hours! I love fantasy films
such as The Lord of the Rings, but the books are really long and impossible to read,
Lñufci posle.l t hour ago
When I read a book, I like imagining what the people and places in the story look like. l'm often
@ disappointed when I see the film. For example, in the Percy Jackson films, the characters aren't
how I imagined at all.

2 Read the forum again and answer the questions. Who ... 3 fiitllltltlFlll Complete the sentences with
1 says it's quicker to watch a film? the blue words from the forum.
2 creates a picture of the characters in his/her head? 1 Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are
3 likes films with special effects? my favourite film ". '

4 often carries a book with him/her? 2 Ididn't understand that film, Can you
5 says that the story in a film is sometimes different from explain the "' ?
the book? 3 Alfonso Cuarón is a lt/exican film ,..

6 watches films with other peoplec 4 The,,. in the new Avengers film are amazing.
4 Work in groups. Do you prefer watching films or reading books? Why? Compare your opinions.
5 BFINDOUT Whowrote TheLordof theRings? Howmanybooksarethere?Howlongdidittaketheauthor
to write the first book?
ffi ffie$Wffiffi&S§ Present simple Adverbs and expressions of
about facts, habits and routines, frequency
describe how often I do things,
Read the grammar box and rules. Then read the
posts in the forum on page 10 again and find more
Head the grammar box. Copy and complete the
adverbs and expressions of frequency.
rules with regularly and true.

Affirmative l'm often disappointed,

Directors sometimes change the ptot,
l/YoulWe/They often go to the cinema
I go to the cinema onee a month.
He/She prefers books to fitms.
I read a book every two weeks.
You never get that with books.
l/We/You/They don't talk about books.
HelShe doesn't agree with me. §{u[es;
Questions §hort answers Adverbs of frequency go after the verb be, but before
Do you like reading? Yes, ido. / No, ldon't other verbs,
Does he read on the bus? Yes, he doer. / We usually put expressions of frequency like once a
r No, he doesn't month/every two weeks at the end of a sentence,

Rutes ffi Write true sentences about you. lnclude an adverb

We use the present simple to talk about things that are or expression of frequency.
. .. or that happen
IVy friends and I watch action films.
My fríends and / wafcfo actisn {ilms every
2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb Friday nig!:t.
in brackets. 1 I watch horror films in bed.
2 I buy a new book from a bookshop or online.
Film directors often nr*&*, (make)films from books. 3 lVy parents let me download films from the
But sometimes they ... (not follow) the original internet,
story! For example, in The Hunger Games, Peeta 4 We watch a film in English class.
... (lose) a leg in the book, but in the film he
(not lose) it!
5 I turn my phone off in the cinema,

ln one of the Jurassic Park films, some men ? Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss your
(take) a T.Hex and its baby to the USA. The T-Rex answers.
... (escape)and ... (kill)a lot of people, This ,4; I often v¡atch k*rr*r fifms ín bed.
(not happen) in the book - the dinosaurs ..^ §; Me tüo,
(not leave)the island! §. tre*{{y? I never watch harror ffJ¡r'rs fn bed.
They giv* rne f¡ad dreanrsl

# write a questionnaire for

ffiffi ffiffiY *ffiffie-$'ñ\{ffi
your classmates, for examplel How often do you
watch science-fiction films? Do you like horror films:
a lot, not much, not at all? Draw a chart to present
the results.

Write questions using the present simple.

1 your town / have a cinema?
2 How often / you / go to the cinema?
3 Who / you / go with?
4 How much / a ticket / cost?
5 you / like horror films?
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from
Exercise 3.

";'1 i,i"=r F ¡i:

ffiS i"ar r"
Write a post for the forum on page 10, Give your opinion
on the question: Are films better than books?

ffi ua*g**Se suffiirmery: {,Jn§t 1 SB p.127

Be part of the action!
Adjectives to describe films

Match the adjectives to describe films in the box with the icons. Listen, check and repeat.

boring brilliant confusing enjoyable exciting funny romantic sad scary serious silly terril:le




%r nH
Choose the correct adjective.
1 I don't like horror films, They're too scary / terribte I enjoyabte,
2 The film was brilliant / confusing I sad,l didn't understand it,
3 The scene where fvufasa dies in The Lion Kingisverysad / funny / enjoyabte.
4 lt was an enjoyable / an exciting / a terrible film, I give it 1 out of 10.
5 Jack and Rose's first kiss in Titanic was very confusing / romantlc / scary.
6 The film was silly / funny / boring. t fell asleep after twenty minutes!
7 The actors were very boring / funny / sad, We laughed and laughed!
8 We watched a serious / funny / romantic documentary about plastic pollution,

Ask and answer about films that you watched recenfly. Listen to the radio programme.
A: What da yau think *{ tfue new§tar Wars filml Which of the experiences in the
E: The specía{ effecfs are excitinE, but the plot rs confusing. advert does Adam mention? What
does he think about his first time in
Read the advert. What do you think a 4D cinema is? a 4D cinema?
What happens in a 4D cinema that doesn't happen in a
normalcinema? (p1"4 Listen again and answer the
1 Where is James Bond when Adam's
seat first starts moving?
2 What happens to his seat when the
cars are driving fast?
3 Where is Bond when it starts snowing?
4 Why does Adam say,'Luckily, l'm
wearing a coat'?
5 What is the weather like in Brazil?
6 What can Adam smell?

Why do you
think going to the cinema is such a
popular thing to do? Why do some
people prefer to watch films at home?

Sl language summary: Unit t SB p,127

GRAMMAR Present continuous
IGILt"lt about actions in progress now,
4 FROfi§UNGIATIO§§ contractions
Now watch the grammar

I Copy and complete the grammar box with the

correct forms of the verb be.
O t.s Listen and repeat.
I am driving,
She is sitting,
l'm driving,
She's sitting,
You are watching, You're watching,
Affirmative We are reading, We're reading,
I ... wearing a coat. They are cooking, They're cooking,
He/She's driving through Rome.
You/We/They 2
... relaxing. $ ffi t"c Listen and write the sentences in your
l'm not sitting on a beach.
He/She 3... moving.
Present simple and present continuous
jqlryglls¿t-! t !? tI,
Questions ! Snort answers
(@ use the present simple and present continuous correctly.

Am I going fast? I ves, tam. / No, 1a.... {it p"ud the grammar box. Choose the correct answers
ls it foltowing us? j Yes, it u
... . / No, it ¡sn't. to complete the rules.
Are they skiing?
lleu!:y:': t-[g rcy*'-
Present simpte Present continuous
2 took at the picture from the film Míssion; I often ride my bike to i lte's riding a motorbike
lmpossible - Fallout. Complete the description with schoot. I
through Paris.
the correct present continuous form of the verb in It usuatty snows in winter. ¡ lt's snowing in the fitm.
Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) ... (ride) a We use the present i continuous / simpte to talk about
motorbike through Paris. A lot of police facts, hab¡ts and routines.
officers ... (follow) him. Three of them We use the present " continuous I simple to talk about
(ride) motorbikes and the others ... (drive)
actions in progress now,
cars. They . . (go) really fast, but they
(not go) as fast as Ethan. Ethan ... (wear)
a black leather jacket, but he ... (not wear) 7 @ t.z Comptete the phone conversation. Listen and
a helmet. What ... the other people in his check.
team ... (do)? They ... (wait)for him in a lvan: Hi, Anna, What
,,, (you / do) at the moment?
boat. Come on, Ethan! Anna: lt's movie nightl 2 ,., (watch) a film with my

&Mry rffi,+rcsÉnffi***m lvan:

3 ,,, (you
/ always / watch) a film together on
Friday night?
&nna: 4,,, (download) a new film
Yes, we dol tVy dad
every week, Then we 5 ,,, (turn off) the lights
and imagine that we're in the cinema!
lvare: That's a great idea. 6 ,,, (you / usually / have)
popcorn, too?
Anna: Yes - my brother 7 ,,, (make) some in the
kitchen now!
lva¡'¡: Lucky you!
Anna; What about you? What B ,,. (you / do)?
Write questions using the present continuous. Ir¡mnr l'm at Pat's house, We e,,. (play) video games
Ask and answer them in pairs. and to ,,, (listen) to music,
1 What / you / wear /today? Ar¡na: Have funl
2 your teacher / use / a computer? tyan: You, too! Bye!

3 it / rain / outside?
4 What / your parents / do / today? S n*sr FrB{¡sr{§R
Choose a picture in Unit 1, Describe what is happening in
5 What / you / study / in history?
the p¡cture.
6 you / watch / a good TV series / at the moment?

Sl u"ngu"ge summary: Unit 1 SB p,127

It sounds scary!
IIIIi] tno information in an events guide,

About Latest news Events


\f. oL
tt. i"*-
oz ors
-- ...

A group of teenagers spend the night Fun animated fitm for atlthe fami[y Exptore the history of manga, and
in the forest. But they aren't atone ... With the voices of John Rodriguez dress as your favourite manga
ABC Cinema 3 p.m. and Margot Jackson. characterl
Tickets: f9 Under 1ós: f 7 0deon Cinema 3.15 p.m. Modern Art Gattery
Tickets: €8 Under 1ós: fó.50 Free


Dinosaur Worid Safari in the City

Theywatk. They roar. Don't miss For one day onty, enjoy a very speciaI Do you want to learn karate? At[ of
this exhibition of life-size moving tour of the zoo with TV presenter, our ctasses are f ree this week, so
dinosaurs! Hotly Bruce. come and try it!
Victoria Museum City Zoo 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sports Centre 3 p.m, and 5 p.m
f 10 U nder 1ós: Hatf price Tickets: e 15 Monday - Saturday

13 guv flcKETs RESERVE

1 Uook at the events guide, Do you know any web 3 O l.e Listen. Which events from the web page do
pages like this for your town or area? you hear?

Read the events guide and find answers to these 4 (D t.e Listen again and answer the questions.
questions. 1 Which colour belts is the karate class for?
1 How old must you be to see The Dark Forest? 2 What does yame mean?
2 What type of film is Crazy Creatures? 3 Where is the noise coming from in The Dark Forest?
3 Which events don't cost any money? 4 Who goes to investigate the noise?
4 How much is a child's ticket for Dinosaur World? 5 Where does the snake in the zoo come from?
5 At which event can you dress up in special clothes? 6 How long is the snake?
6 Where can you meet a famous person?
7 What time does the afternoon tour of the zoo start?
8 How many free karate classes are there?
SPEAKING lVlaking and responding to suggestions
make and respond to suggestions,
f O l.g Listen and read. Whieh of the events on page 14
do Alex and Meera decide to go to?

Alex: What shall we do this afternoon?

Meera: How about going to the cinema?
There's a new horror film
Alex: The Dark Forest? That sounds
scary. l'm not sure. l'd prefer to
see Crazy Creatures.
Meera: Hmm, I don't really like animated
AIex: Why don't we go to the zoo,
then? There's a safari day,
Meera: OK, that's fine by me,
AIex: Oh, it's sold out already. What
about going to the art gallery?
There's a manga exhibition, and
it's free.
Meera: Great ideal I love manga,
Alex: OK, let's gol

2 (D l.lo Listen and repeat the Useful language

*"fse6q*{ i*riSr;a+';
Making suggestions
4 Work in pairs. Make suggestions for what to do
What shall we do this afternoon/tomorrow? tomorrow and make a plan, Follow the steps in
How about / What about ,,,? the Speaking plan.
Why don't we ,,,?
Responding ii,i.'tl,:,'i Á¿íi-i;ii ',l, I ,

l'm not sure.

That sounds scary/boring/exciti ng.
l'd prefer to ... ) Choose some of the events from page 14, or think of
your own.
That's fine by me,
) fVlake notes for your dialogue,

3 O l.ll Copy and complete the dialogue with the Speak

words in the box. Listen and check, ) Practise your dialogue,

about don't exciting going shall to go

) Use phrases from the Useful language box,
) Act out your dialogue without notes.
Ana: What I ... we do tomorrow? Beflect
Milo: How about 2 ... for a bike ride?
Ana: l'm not sure, l'd prefer 3 .,, to a theme park,
) How can you improve next time?

Milor Hmm, that sounds expensive, And I don't really

) Swap roles and choose new events,

like theme parks, What 4,,, going fishing?

Ana: That doesn't sound very 5,,, !

Milo: OK, Why 6 .., we go to the beach? We can go

swimming and then have lunch there,
Ana: Great idea! $ rnsr F¡NIsHER
Write your own events guide like the one on page 14.
lnclude two or three events or activ¡ties in your area.

§l language summary: Unit 1 SB p,127

Great British animation
GEp compare fanrous animated characters in the


The work is very stow. They lake 24 pictures for
Aardman Animations is a British animation company. lts
every second of fitm, and in a typicaI day, they
two most famous animated characters are Waltace and
create just two to three seconds of fitml lt can take
Gromit. Wallace is an inventor who invents crazy things, and
two years to make a complete fitm. lt's a lot of hard
Gromit is his dog and best friend. Together they have lots
work, but the resutts are amazing.
of exciting and very funny adventures, but they always find

J l
time for a cup of tea!
Aardman's style of animation is unusual These days,
The Aardman team have won lots of awards,
including severat Oscars. Their films are very
popular with British people of a[[ ages, and it's a
most animation companies use computers to create their
Christmas tradition to watch Wattace and Gromit
characters, but Aardman uses modets. So, how exactly do
on TVI Peopte love them because they live an
theY do it?
First, the animators buitd a i'i: r". :l

. '
ordinary British [ife: they drink tea, they [ike toast
and jam, and they live in a typical British house.
model of the character out of {" P.
x And peopte love the funny and imaginative stories,
c[ay. Then, they take a picture .d- - ü
{ _, and the incredibte animation.
of the character with a special \Áut'i .§ tu
camera. Next, the animators
move parts of the character,
for example, its eyes, its mouth
or its fingers, and they take
another picture. Fina[[y, they
put the pictures together
to make a fitm, and the
characters appear to movel

{ took at the pictures on page 16. Do you know 4 §tI?lt?¡EñnE We use words like fírst and
these animated characters? What do you know then to show the order of events. Find two more
about them? words in the text that show the order of events.
* ffi l,'la
Head and listen to the article, Find three 5 Work in paírs. Close your books. Explain to
reasons why Wallace and Gromit are popular. your partner how they make films at Aardman
Animations, Then swap roles,
3 Read the article again. Find and correct five more
mistakes in the summary below.
6 s t,l: Work in pairs. Read How to make a cup of
tea ... with Wallace and Gromit! Put the instructions
in the correct order. Then listen and check.
Aardman Animations is an American
? m cGrirpARE cuLTuBEs which cartoons and
animation company. The company uses other animated films and TV shows are popular in
computers to create the characters. lt's your country? Who are your favourite characters?
What do you like about them?
a very slow way to work. lt takes one year
to make a film.Wallace and Gromit are
two of Aardman's most famous characters.
Wallace is a taxi driver and Gromit is a dog ffi nnsr Frr{EsHHH
Describe your favourite character in a cartoon or
They tove coffee and toast and jam. British
animated film,
people enjoy watching the films at Easter. One of my favourite characters is SpongeBob SquarePants,
He lives underwater in a pineapple,

W¡th Waf,lryr§


-1,(-'" il.'
a kettle water a teabag a cup milk sugar

@ frt. the teabag out of the water. O Finally, add some milk (and sugar,
if you like).

@ rn.¡oyt
o Leave the teabag in the water for

o Next, add the hot water

one or two minutes.

o First, boil some water in a kettle. @ rh.n, put a teabag in a cup.

My favourite film 3 took at the Usefut language. How do you say these
expressions in your language?
WRITING A film review
Usefc¡t language
(@ write a film re'iew. Reviewing a film
I took at the picture. Do you know this film? One of my favourite The special effects are ...
Discuss in pairs what happens, or what you films is.,, The plot is simple/
think happens, in the film. The film is set in .,, confusing,
The actors are ,., The ending is exciting/silly,
2 Read the film review, What does the reviewer
think of the actors in the film?
4 nead the Look! box. Then look at the end of the review.
What type of punctuation do we use after ln conclusion?

Look! Writing a conclusion

We often finish a film review with a conclusion: one or
Afilm review more sentences where you give your final opinion about
the film. We can use ln conclus¡on to introduce our

5 nnatch sentences 1-4 and a-e. Use them to wr¡te

conclusions in your notebook. Include ln conclusion.
The plot is confusing and the actors are really bad,

,ifl r:r}nrrlt¡--o,l,:i"}. ¡f '§ ir:¡'¡-¡É:itl ¡llnl

1 The actors are great and the songs are brilliant,
2 lt's really scary and the ending is very imaginative,
One of my favourite films is lhe ltlartian. 3 The actors are good, but the story is boring,
It's a science-fiction film. I watched it on 4 lt's a love story, but it's also very funny,
TV last month and I really enjoyed it. a if you like horror films, this is for you,
b I really enjoyed this musical,
The film is set in the future. A team of c it's a great romantic comedy,
scientists are living and working on lVars ,l
u ^ +^..;AI^ ril*
fLü ll¡nr.
One day, there is a storm. A large piece e there are good things and bad things about this film
of metal hits one of the astronauts, Mark
Watney, and the other scientists think 6 Write a film review, Follow the steps in the
that he's dead. They decide to leave Writing plan.
the planet and return to Earth. However,
Mark isn't dead, and when he wakes kkrü'k$mg i".ri.:rt-l
up, he is alone on Mars. He now needs
to find a way to survive and to contact Prepare
Earth ... ) Choose one of your favourite films,
) Make notes about the plot
The film is really enjoyable. The actors ) Think about your opinions of the actors, special effects,
are excellent, especially Ir4att Damon ending, etc,
as Mark Watney. The plot is simple, but
the special effects are amazing and the
music is great. The film is quite funny in ) Organize your ideas into paragraphs:
parts, and the ending is very exciting! ln . The name of the film and when you saw it
conclusion, I totally recommend it. . A short summary of the plot
' Your conclusion
) Use the expressions from the Useful language box,

) Check your gramman present simple and present
) Check your spelling,

@ writing summary WB p, 84 §f e*"ms, Unit 1 SB p, 118 Q tanguage silmmary: Unit I SB p,127

I r
Vocabulary: Jobs
around the home; Jobs

Jobs around the home

íFib,.f f, about jobs around the home,

Complete the survey with the expressions in the box, Use the -ing form of the verb. Listen and check

clean the bathroom do the laundry do the shopping do the washing up lay the table load the dishwasher
make dinner make your bed take out the rubbish/recycling tidy your room wash the car wash the floor

So you helB at home? F{ere ars of you are happy to hetp cookl
tlre resutts of or¡r survey of These are your two favourite jobs:
tsrit!sh¡ teenag*rs"

of you do chores, and the ones you

do most often are:

Most of you never hetp with these jobs

of you comptain about doing

chores! The three most hated jobs are Parents pay of you for doing jobs. These
are the jobs that parents most often pay forr

Read the survey, Which results surprise you? Discuss in pairs. ls it

Which results don't surprise you? important for children and teenagers to do jobs
around the home? Why/Why not?
Which jobs do you help with? Write sentences wíth
often, sometimes, hardly ever and never,
I often take out the rubb¡sh,

Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

1 Which jobs do you hate doing? Make a list of more jobs around the home. How many
2 Which jobs don't you mind doing? can you think of?
3 Which jobs are easy? tidy the living room, walk the dog, ,,,
4 Do you sometimes argue with your parents about
jobs around the home? When and why?
§t Unguage summary: Unit 2 SB p,128 19
Am azing inventions
READI NG @ understand the main idea of a text.

t @Z,Z Read and listen to the article. What is the'Boot Buddy'? What job does it help with? ts it successful?

) I
Like many teenagers, Arminder Dhillon from London didn't
like doing the washing up or tidying his room, but the job
he hated most was cleaning his muddy football boots.
There wasn't an easy way to clean them after practice,
and his mum complained when he brought mud into
the house. Then one day, Arminder had an idea. He
found a water bottle, a plastic knife and a small brush,
and he put them together. When he started cleaning his
boots, his older brother laughed. 'What are you doing?'
he asked. 'Go and do it the normal way in the sink.' But to
his brother's surprise, Arminder's idea worked!
Arminder didn't stop there. He made some drawings of
his invention, and experimented with different designs,
He then used a 3D printer to create a model. However, to
staft a business, Arminder needed money. He decided to
appear on Dragons' Den, a television programme where
people show their business ideas to a group of experts
and millionaires, and ask for money to help them. Fifteen-
year-old Arminder was very nervous when he stood up
in front of the 'Dragons', but he knew this was his big
opporlunity. Did the Dragons like the idea? Yes, they did!
Three of them agreed to give Arminder e20,000 each.
He became the youngest person ever to succeed on
the programme.
With the Dragons' help, Arminder now sells his invention,
the 'Boot Buddy', all over the world. For footballers
everywhere, it's an end to the problem of muddy bootsl

2 Complete the sentences with the 3 Read the definition of a compound noun. Make
names of the people in the box. five more compound nouns with the words in the boxes.

Arminder(x3) footballers
his brother his mum
compound noun

the Dragons

,.. didn't like cleaning his football

I two nouns together which make one
ne1{ noun, for example,/o otball boots

boxing golf ice swimming tennis

2 .., didn't want mud in the house.
3 .,, created a new invention to make ball costume gloves racket skates
cleaning easier,
4 ,., thought that Arminder's invention
4g GET CREATIVE Work in pairs or small groups. Think of
was silly,
a job around the home that you don't like doing. lnvent some
5 ,,, went on a TV show with his
ideas to make the job easier. Present your ideas to the class.
6 ,., helped Arminder with his 5 Q! F¡ND ouT What machines did these people invent to help
business, with household chores?
7 ,,, use the'Boot Buddy', 1 William Henry Hoover
2 Alva John Fisher

Past simple
@,r'u about events in the pasr Lucy's parents are away for the weekend,
Her messages to them aren't true. Correct
the messages in your notebook,
I did my homework on Friday

Read the grammar box. Choose the correct

night, (go to a party)
She dldn'i do her homewark
- answers to complete the rules,
*n Friday night" 5h* w€nf f0
a party.
1 I got up early on Saturday,
Arminder hated cleaning his boots. (stay in bed until 11,30)
j-re t
! 91*9Ii9:- 2 After breakfast, I tidied my room
Negative (watch TV)
He didn't like doinE the washing up. 3 Then I did the laundry, (meet her friends in town)
4 I cooked pasta for dinner, (order a pizza)
$1$::-*[t-:!qp_9:t,--.*___ 5 I cleaned the kitchen, (fall asleep)
Questions j Strort answers
Did the Dragons like I Yes, they did. / No, they -ed endings
Arminder's idea? i d¡dn't.
Listen and repeat.
Ru[es Itl tdt tñt
We form ' irregular / regular verbs in the past simple laughed complained decided
by adding -ed.
To make negative sentences, we use did I didn't + Listen and repeat the verbs you hear.
infinitive. Add them to the table.
To make questions, we use didn't ldld + subject +
? Write questions in the past simple.
you / watch / any good films last night?
Find the past simple form of these verbs in the üid yau wat€,h any goad fl{ms {asi night?
article on page 20. Which verbs are regular?
1 What / you /do / last weekend?
become bring complain decide find 2 your dad / make / dinner yesterday?
know make put stand start 3 you / lay / the table before dinner?
4 Where / you / go / on holiday in the summer?
Complete the text with the past simple affirmative 5 What / you /do / there?
of the verbs in brackets. Use the lrregular verbs list
ffi ln pairs, ask and answer the questions in
on page 136 to help you,
Exercise 7, Give more information if you can.
A: Did you u¡atch any gooelfilms last, night?
S: Yes, ldid. twatch*cl eaptaln Marve[.

Josephine Cochrane iiri,,'.irii,,li (invent) the first

dishwasher in the 1870s. She ... (live) in a big
house and ... (have) a lot of dinner parties. Her I J.9$,an artist, Harvey
Ball, drew a yellow smiling
servants always ... (do) the washing up, but one face for a local business.
evening they ... (break) some of her expensive He received $45 for his
plates. That ... (give) Josephine an idea: why
design. Today, the .smiley
not invent a machine race appears on T_shirts,
to wash the dishes? bags, notebooks and
Josephine ... (draw) more, and is worth
some designs, and $500
million a year.
then she ... (build) a
model. ln 1886, she
(take) her dishwasher
to an exhibition and
she ... (win) aprize Write sentences about famous people and their creations
for the best invention. Use the verbs inyenf, paint, write, sing,
Now millions of homes Leonardo da Vinci painted the 'lvlona Lisa' Ed Sheeran and
around the world have a Beyoncé sang' Perfect',

§t uangrage summary: Unit 2 SB p,128

Before they were famous
iiri[ur'¡ irir l'r¡,iei:rfic riri¡iln il': a
ffi,, ¡xilir;ost,

Match the pictures with the jobs, Listen, check and repeat. ln pairs, think of more jobs.

dentist designer engineer farmer journalist lawyer mechanic

nurse personal trainer police officer receptionist shop assistant
\ w


n o *q

4 ,
, '.''# / ./



Match six of the jobs in Exercise 1 Look at the pictures, What job(s) do these people do? Listen
with the descriptions. Who... to the podcast. What jobs did they do before they were famous?
1 looks after ill people?
2 builds bridges and roads? @$ ETTERTAINMENT WEEKLY Ín
repairs cars?
works in a gym and helps people
to become fitter?
one o
5 grows food and looks after
6 writes news stories?

ln pairs, think of more jobs. Ask

and answer the questions.
HughJockmon Lody
1 Which jobs do you think are the
most interesting? Copy the notes. Listen again and compfete them.
2 Which jobs do you think are the
boforo the.¡ r^rere famous: ?art One
3 Which job would you like to do
when you're older? Émma 6tons worK¿d in a ' ... shop for' ... .

Hugh lacrman taught' ... and a ... wh¿n ho was only s ... loarr old
Ladl Gaga'r ¿ustomors lired hor bocau¡e sh¿ war b ... .

[§ tanguage summary: Unit 2 SB p,128

GRAMMAR be: past simple could and couldn't
@ use was and were to talk about the past,
@,u,n about ability in the past.
S Read the grammar box. Do could and couldn't
have a different form for he, she, and it?

1 Copy and complete the grammar box with was,

wasn't, were and weren't. Affirmative
llYou/He/She/lt/We/They could sing and act.
Affirmative Negative
Her first job was in a cake shop. l/You/He/She/lt/We/They couldn't swim.
1... Questions Short answers
His students almost the same age.
Negative Could you ptay the piano Yes, lcould. /
when you were six? No, lcouldn't.
It 2... an ordinary cake shop.
Most famous people weren't born rich
Questions I st'rort answers
6 § z.* Write sentences about the people when
they were young. Use couldlcouldn't and wasl
3... she a waitress? i Yes, she was. /
No, she wasn't. were.Then listen and check.
Were they teachers? i Yes, they were. / No, they ... .
N¡lozart / play the piano / when he / three
Mozart could play the piano when he was
2 QZ.t Copy and complete the sentences with the three.
correct form of í/as or were. Listen and check. 1 Picasso / draw really well / when he / a child
2 Serena Williams / play tennis / when she / four
3 When he / fifteen, tr/ichael Jordan / not /
get into his school basketballteam!
4 When he / sixteen, the astronaut Neil Armstrong /
fly a plane, but he / not / drive a car
5 Before she / famous, the author .lK Rowling /
not / afford a computer, She wrote most of
The runner Usain Bolt is the winner of eight Olympic Harry Potter using a pen and paper!
Gold medals. But ... he interested in running at school? ? Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
No, he ... . His favourite sports ... cricket and football! Choose d¡fferent ages.
Taylor Swift's first job ... on a farm. lt
... an ordinary A: Cawld you swím when you were three?
farm - it ... a Christmas tree farml Taylor's job ... to B: No, lcouldn't"
look for insects on the trees and take them off!
A: What abaut when you were seven?
As teenagers, the actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
B: Yes, I cauld swim when lwas seven.
... at the same school. ... they in the same class?
No, they ... , but they ... good friends! swim two
cook a meal fou r
speak English SCVCN
3 Read the Lookl box. What is the negative form of ride a bike eight
there was and there were? USC A computer

there was I there were

ffi# pegt trrtr-*ds&4#$'t

The past simple of there is / there are is there was / Imagine you are a superhero. Write sentences about your
there were. superpowers when you were younger.
There was a party at school yesterday. When I was two, I could climb tall buildings,
There were lots of people at the bus stop this morning,
Was there a storm last night? Yes, there was,

George had a bad day yesterday. Copy and

complete the sentences with the correct form of
there was and there were,
1 ,,, any milk in the fridge for breakfast ¿(
2 ... any buses so he was late for school, I
3 , , a lVaths test at school, /
,,, any difficult questions? Yes,,,,
,,, a storm on the way home. /
. /
§! tangr"ge summary: Unit 2 SB p,128
When can you sta rt?
understand job adverts,
§ Work in pairs. At what age can teenagers in your country get a
part-time or holiday job? Do you know any teenagers with a job?

2 nead the job adverts and match them with the pictures.

a 1

Newspaper bogs and girls

x WA^/1- ÉDIB,AE.Y>ITTÉ? o Are gou fourteen or
'&' o you like looking after chiláren?
Do older?
, Are gou sixteen or older? c Can gou ride q bike?
We're a familg with two goung chil&ren.
We're looking for o babysitter to work We're looking for someone to deliver newspapers
one or two evenings o week, MondoY to homes in the area. Mondag to tridqq. Sürt
to time 7 a.m. You willfinish in time to get toschool.
CnllTo^ o.Deli^ on 519 6LO3
Please ask at Morton Nerwagent's.

Do you love sport? Do you like working w¡th children? Dog wdtker
Do you want to work this summer holiday? Hellol l1g name is Lolo qnd I'm threc gears old.
I can be a bit naughty, but I'm verg friendh¡!
Energize is the UK,s favourite spods camp for children.
We're looking for confident people to organize activities l1g owner is looking for someone to tal,e me
five days a week. You must be fifteen ot, old"r. for walks, five dags a week during Julq and
August. Onc or two hours a dag is all the
Call Dan on
¿xercise I need!

So if gou love dogs, then cqll mt¡ ot.¡ne[
Sorah, on 07i00 C0078q.

We're a smatt, friendty café. We're tooking for

a hard"worltins person Iage fourteen or otderl
tG §tean tt¡e kitehen and do the washing up.
t!ours ef wsrk: Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m
Good pay. Free [unch!

Ask at the Dream Bean Café, {§&

3 Read about the people below. Which is the best job for each 4 O 2.9 Lucy phones Delia to find out
person? Which person can't do any of these jobs? Why not? more about the babysitting job. Listen.
1 iosie is fifteen, She's the captain of her school volleyball ls Lucy interested in the job?
team, She also plays football and does athletics, She's
hard-working and is good with children,
5 O e.g Listen again and complete
Lucy's notes in your notebook.
2 Sam is fourteen. He wants a weekend job, but he can't work
on Sunday afternoons, He doesn't mind what job he does,
3 Megan is sixteen, She wants some extra money for her
Job: Babqsilter
holiday next summer, She'd like a job that she can do
before school, Age of children: ' ... and...
4 Charlie is thirteen, He'd like to work in the summer holidays, Daqs: '.., and...
but he also wants to have time to see his friends, He likes
sport, animals and playing video games, Time: From 3 ... fo .
5 Duane is fifteen, He's interested in food and he's great with Paq: a ... per hour
children (he has three younger sistersl), He's free to work on
Saturday evenings and all day on Sunday,
6 Lucy is seventeen, She's studying for exams, but would like
to work some evenings after school, She enjoys working
with children and animals.

SPEAKING Talking about skills and abilities

It![Ltut part in a simpte job interview,
t O z.lo Josie is having an interview for a job as a sports eamp assistant.
Listen and read. Do you think she gets the job? Why/Why not?

ri&! [, Good morning, l'm Dan, Nice to meet you,

"{*ui*: Hello, l'm Josie, Nice to meet you, too,
*;:l;'l; So, why are you interested in working at a
sports camp?
Well, I love playing sports, I do athletics,
and I also play football and volleyball,
How well can you play volleyball?
, iijr ii: ::,ri:: Oh, I can play very well, I play for my
Sar¡; That's great, Do you enjoy working with
,1 i lr:t ¡ i.a : Yes, I do, I sometimes babysit for other
families in my street, so l'm good at
organizing games, I know how to keep
children busy!
r.-:r"i;,,; Perfect, Well, thank you for talking to me, We
can let you know about the job next week,
j;;',rii:Í: Fantastic! I look forward to hearing from you,

2 Qz|tt Listen and repeat the Useful language.

i.i:::¡.:rfr,: i i Li ¡:
ij i,¡ ; iJ,.r d& Work in pairs. lnterview each other for a part-time or

Asking about skills and abilities holiday job, Follow the steps in the Speaking plan.
Why are you interested in ,.,?
:i: :]-:r,.1¡¡f iii :r:l¡,1: j l,,l ¡,
How well can you ,,,? I

Do you enjoy,.,?
Talking about your skills and abilities l, Decide on your roles,
Quite well, / Very well, / Not very well. l Choose one of the job adverts from page 24,
l'm (not very) good at ,,, ir fizlake notes for your dialogue,
I love/enjoy .,.
I know how to ,,.
:: Practise your dialogue,
,', Use phrases from the Useful language box,
3 QZ.tZ Tom is having an interview for a job as
): Act out your dialogue without notes,
a waiter. Put the interview in the correct order.
Listen and check. Reflect
a lnt: That's great - our foreign customers love ; How successful was your interview? Do you think
that! Are you good at carrying plates? that you got the job?
b Tom: I can speak Spanish quite well, and I know ,.r Swap roles and choose a new job advert,
how to say'hello' and 'goodbye' in a few
other languages,
c lnt: Perfect, Thank you for talking to me,
d Tom: l'm friendly and I enjoy working with people
e lnt: Can you speak any languages? A lot of
tourists visit the restaurant, $ rnsr F¡NIsHER
f Tom: Yes, I am, I often help my parents with jobs Think of your dream holiday job. Write an advert for it,
at home,
g lnt: Why are you interested in working as a

§t ungu"ge summary: Unit 2 SB p,128

BEAL A famous writer
Gu ffi

Agatha Christie was born in rggo. She

eould read from a young age, and she
loved adventure stories and detective
noveis. She always had lots of ideas for
her own stories.

J/t# tud {efd}dL..


Today, Agatha e@*&

Christie's stories
2 In r9r4 the First \,Vorld
War started and Agatha
are popular all over
became a nurse. She
the world. With her
worked in a hospital and
unusual characters,
helped injured soldiers.
her mysterious
There she learned all
murders and her
about medicines and
brilliant detectives,
poisons. This was
she really is the
useful for her detective
'Queen of Crime'.
stories - a lot of her
murderers used poison
to kill their victims!

Thejlurney to Istanbul gave

Agatha an idea for
one of her best-known
stories, Uur¿u or in"
Express. In the novel,
Hercule p;;tr;;"rr"r,r", After the war, Agatha wrote her first novel
O.rt*t Express. On th" ,""o"J",ni,,
rs a murder on the train. ,L*" about the fictional detective Hercule Poirot'
The ¡¿ictim i,
He was a Belgian police offrcer with smart
on the "-r?*".i"*a
and the murderer is somewhere
train. ,W.ho is
it and can poirot solve the *ro;;'-* "'""' elothes and a large moustache, and he was
very clever. He was one of Agatha's most
popular characters.

Agatha loved travelling. In rgeg, she

travelled to Istanbul in Tur key on the
famous Orient Express tr'ain. During her
trip, she met Max, an archaeologist, and they
got married in rg3o. Their marriage was very
& h.ppy and iasted until Agatha died in 1976.

§ Discuss the questions as a class. S Complete the article about a real mystery.
'1 Do you like reading detective stories or Choose a, b or c.
watching detective programmes on TV?
2 Who is your favourite detective?
3 Why do you think people enjoy detective
The nysteriotrs disagpeerah¿e o{
stories and TV programmes?

ff ffi X"tS Listen and read about Agatha

Christie and put the events in the
correct order.

a She travelled to Turkey. In 1926, Agatha Christie

b She wrote her first novel. disappeared from her home
c She learned to read, in a real-life mystery.
d She died, Where did she go and
e She got a job as a nurse. what happened?
f There was a war,
g She was born in England.
At g.So p.m. on B December 1926, Agatha
h She married lVlax,
Christie got up from her armchair and walked
S Bead the biography again and answer upstairs. She said goodnight to her daughter
the questions. and went back' ... . She then got into her car
1 What type of stories did Agatha like when and'... into the night. Nobody saw her for
she was little? eleven days.
2 How was her time as a nurse useful to her
The police found her car about z5 km away.3 ...
as a writer?
were some clothes in the car, but Agatha wasn't
3 What did her detective, Hercule Poirot, look
like? there. A week passed. A newspaper offered groo
4 Agatha's husband was called lVax. for information. More a... a thousand police
What was his job? officers looked for her.
5 How long were they married? Then, after eieven days, a musician 5... Agatha
6 What happened in hlurder on the in a hotel3So km away. She was safe and well.
Orient Express? When Agatha's husband arrived to collect her,
she 6... remember anything.
4" ffi Match the crime words in blue
in the biography with the definitions. What happened? We don't know.It's a mystery -
1 a police officer who investigates crimes just like one of her stories!
2 a person who kills another person
3 to find an answer to a problem
4 a crime where a person kills another person 1a downstairs b upstairs c outside
5 a liquid that can kill someone 2a drive b drives c drove
6 a person who dies or is injured as the result 2¡ They b There clt
of a crime
4a than b that c what
oic¡ru¡ 5a looked b watched C SAW
6a couldn't b can't c could
& ffi P,lE Listen and check your answers.
? &Lrtruffiffis who are some of the most
üffi *#rusp,qffiffi
popular writers in your country? What type of books do
they write?
M a
tr üN TtlE
TRIENT ,h ffi rmsr
f;xpR[*s ,1 ..,]'';,r. 1'
lmagine you are a crime writer. Make notes about your next story.
What was the crime? When and where did it take place? Who
irll i-. i':l lr.j!.i fll_-r"i:¡.!tlr¡1-.1 was the detective and how did he/she solve the crime?
An interesting life
WRITING A biography
@ write a biography,
t Read the biography of James Naismith. Why did he invent
ldrvte¡ Nilisrnikh¡ T he inventor of

t D
James Naismith was a teache[ a sports coach and the inventor of
basketball. He was born in 18ó1, in Canada, and he died in 1939. Basketball then "'
James grew up on a farm and, as a child, he helped in the fields
before and after school. From 1883 to 1887, he went to university in
Montreal and studied P.E. He was a good athlete and loved all spots.
After university, James got a job as a P.E. teacher in the USA. For
most of the year, his students played baseball, football and rugby,
but winter was too cold for sport and the students got bored. James
decided to invent an indoor sport. He put two fruit baskets on the
walls of the gym and created a game that he called 'Basket Ball'.
'Basket Ball' quickly became popular all over the USA. ln 1898, James
became the first basketball coach at the University of Kansas, and he
worked there until he retired. Today, more than 300 million people
play basketball around the world. ... and now

2 took at the Useful language. How do you say 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
these expressions in your language? preposition.
1 IVly grandma was a pilot,,, 1982 ...2015.
Usef¡¡l [anguage 2 ltly uncle worked in a factory,,. eighteen years,
Writing about a person's life 3 They lived in France ,,, 2015,

He/She was born in ,,,

4 Her cousin was in hospital ,,, three weeks,

He/She died in ,,,

5 We waited for the bus ,,, ten o'clock,

He/She grew up in/on .,.

6 Liam worked ,.. 9 a,m. ,,, 10 p,m.

As a child, he/she .., 5 Write a biography of a famous person from the

He/She went to university in .., past. Follow the steps in the Writing plan.
He/She got a job as a ,..
#ret§ng *l;:r;-t
3 Read the Look! box. Which prepositions do we use Prepare
to talk about .,.
1 the duration of an action in the past?
) Choose a famous person you're interested in,
Research and make notes about important events
2 when an action ended? in his/her life.
3 when an action began and ended?
Prepositions of time ) Organize your ideas into paragraphs:

We use prepositions of time to describe when

something happened. box,
He studied P.E, from 1883 to 1887,
His sfudenfs played football for most of the year,
He warked there until1937,

@ writing summary WB p, 85 @ exam=, Unit 2 SB p,119 [! t"ngu"ge summary: Unit 2 SB p, 128

Vocabularyl Verbs of movement;
Adjectives and adverbs

Verbs and prepositions of movement

describe different ways of moving,
($ 3.1 Match the verbs in the box with the

pictures. Listen, check and repeat.
climb crawl dive fall jump pull

tr a push run swim walk

Read the Look! box. Can you think of more

prepositions of movement?

Prepositions of movement
We can use prepositions of movement after verbs to
show how someone moves from one place to another,
We walked through the forest,
She ran up the stairs,

Are you look1ry for a Bead the description of the obstacles in

lhe Survivor Bace. Choose the correct preposition
phystcal challeuge? Lísten and check,

Then the
obstacle course wíll test
is for
youl &.rr
to the li,uttl
ü¡r obstacle course
S S*i* ocross / up the icy river!
2 @ »ive over /into the muddy lakel

o Crawl through / around the tunnel!

Climb along over the three-metre-
@, /
hish wall!
o Pull a tyre down/ up the hill!
3 4 @ Push the tyre up / down the hiil!
I o Walk olong / into the tree!
1 @ Don't fall off / upl
\.r o Run c¿cross / around the flag!
¡ñ, Finally, jump onto / off an air bag.
Congratulatlor¡s! You zurvived!

Work in pairs. Design your

own obstacle course and describe each obstacle,
Use the verbs in Exercise 1 and the prepositions
and nouns in Exercise 3.
/ I

l*, t a

I Write sentences about last week using the verbs in Exercise 1,

Remember to use the correct form of the past tenses.

I ran down the stairs at school, I climbed up a rope in P,E,
A n amazing rescue
READING @ understand the sequence of events in a story,

ln 2018, a boys'footballteam from

TRAPPED! Thailand suruived for seventeen days in

a cave.Ihis rb their amazing true story.

* 2{ June
6 {l
I ¡r,
The next day, potice officers and divers were at
\ the cave, but it was stit[ raining heaviLy. When
the rescuers tried to enter, the water pushed
Ozl June them back. lt was too dangerous to go in.
It was a Saturday afternoon. The
boys from the Wil"d Boars footbatl
team were training as usuat.
0ne of the boys had a birthday
that day, and the team was
ptanning a cetebration: a trip to a
nearby cave.
After training, the boys cycled to
the cave. They were laughing and
joking as they c[imbed inside, but
suddenty it started to rain. Soon
the cave was fiLl"ing with water.
The boys tried to get out, but it was
impossibte. They were trapped ...
Back at home, the boys' parents
were starting to worry. Where were
the boys? They found their bikes 2 July
near the cave, but there was no sign
Eight days later, the boys were stit[ missing.
of the boys.
No one knew if they were aIive or dead. Then,
lnside the cave, the water was on Monday, 2 Jul.y, two divers were exp[oring
getting higher. The boys crawted a tunneI deep inside the cave when they heard
further into the cave untiI final.ty voices. The boys were ative! But now they faced
they reached a ftat rock, about four an even bigger chattenge: how to get them out
kitometres from the entrance. At
[ast, they coutd stop and rest.
To be continued .,.

1 Look at the pictures from a true story. Do you know 4 ¡flllfllfilitll We can often make a noun ending
this story? What happened and where was it? -er that means 'the person that does the action'.
Copy and complete the table.
2 O S"g Read and listen to the story and check your
ideas from Exercise 1. verb noun
begin beginner
3 Read the story again, Put the events in the correct
order. climb climber
a The water got higher, so the boys crawled deeper dive 1

into the cave, play ?

b Finally, some divers found them, TCSCUC 3

c The parents found the boys'bikes,

win 4
d The weather changed,
e The rescuers couldn't reach the boys.
5 OTHINKcR¡T¡cALLy tmagine somefriends are
f The boys went to the cave, planning an exciting trip to a mountain, a desert, a
g Football training ended, cave, etc. What's your advice for a safe trip?
h Police and divers arrived at the cave.
6g F¡ND OUT How many boys were in the cave?

GRAMMAR Past cont¡nuous
@[,rf f. rbout actions that were in progress in the past, 3 Write true sentences about you. Use the past
continuous affirmative or negative.
I / sit / on the bus at nine o'clock this morning.
I wasn't sitting on the bus at nine o'ctock this
Read the grammar box. Choose the correct answer morning.
to complete the rules. 1 I do / my homework at eight o'clock last night,
2 We / learn I about electricity in Science last week,
Affirmative 3 lt / rain / yesterday,
The cave was fitting with water.
4 lVy parents / sleep I at 4,30 this morning,
5 My friends and I / text / each other / last night,
Negative 4 O 3.5 lmagine there was a robbery at school Iast
night. Complete the interview with the verbs in the
The water wasn't going down"
box. Listen and check.
The boys weren't carrying phones.
arÑ"*-***.*6n do eat have play watch (x2)
Was it raining? I Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.

Detective: What were you doing

Were the boys j Yes, they were. /
at eight o'clock last
taughing? i No, they weren't. night?
Student: | 1 ,,. dinner,
Detective What2,,, you,,, ?
We use the past continuous to talk about a long action
Student: Pizza and salad,
in progress / a finished action in the past.
Detective lnteresting, And what
We form the past continuous with the present / past u.,,yo, ,,. at nine o'clock?
simple of be + -ing form. Student: | 4,,, a film at my friend's house,
Detect¡ve 5 ,,, your friend ,,, the film, too?
Complete the next part of the story with the Student: No, he § ,,, a game on his phone,
past continuous affirmative. Listen and check. Detective Hmm, very suspicious,

TRAPPED! cont¡nued...
. Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm.
A: What were you doing at seven o'clock?
2 July
B: I was playing football,
The boys were alive! They were thin and hungry,
but they ... (do)well. Outside the cave, A: Who were you playing with?
journalists ... (report)the news. The whole world B: I was playing with some friends,
... (watch) and hoping. A: Where were you playing?
B: We were playing at the park.
3 July
The rescue team ... (work) on a plan to get I
the boys out. lt wasn't easy because the boys Work in pairs: a detective and a student. Do your
couldn't swim. Experts from all over the world own interview about the robbery. Use the ideas
... (help)with the rescue. below.

7 July Detective Student

The divers ... (get) ready to pullthe boys out. What .at.? do my (N/aths) homework
A storm ... (move) nearer and neare¡ so they Who . with? do the washing up
needed to work fast. Where,,,? listen to music
sit (on a bus)
10 July tidy my room
After seventeen days in the cave, all of the boys walk the dog
were finally out and safe! All around the world, your ideas
people ... (celebrate)!

I {fuüp #cqsY'Fgs*esHEffi
d What were you doing at these times yesterday? Wr¡te true

,l sentences.
6 a,m, 8 a,m, 11,30 a,m, 5 p,m, I p,m,

§t tanguage summary: Unit 3 SB p. 129

Jungle survival
Adjectives and adverbs
Do the Jungle Survival Quiz in pairs. Check your Work in pairs, Choose an adverb from Exercise 1,
score. How long could you survive in the jungle? Think of an action and an adverb and mime it, Can
your partner guess what you are doing?
Copy and complete the table, Use the
adjectives in the box and the adverbs in blue in the Á: Ár*yor..r reading a foo*k quickl.u?
quiz. Listen, check and repeat. ñ: That's riqht!

angi'i/ easy fast good happy hard

Read the guide to a radio show, then listen,
hungry loud qurck quiet slow How many dangerous situations does Megan talk
about? When and where did each one happen?

Adjective Adverb
Radio 7
angry angrily
l8:OO Adventures

Read the Look! box, What is the adverb form of

these adjectives: áad, heavy, nervous?

qp 3.8 Match 1-6 to a-f. Listen again and check.

&d3e*{iw*s meiv*rhs
W mca{$
1 lt/egan a ran towards them,
Adjectives describe a noun: The cat was angry. 2 The fast water b drove away fast,
Adverbs describe a verb; The cat looked at me angrily, 3 A cameraman c was swimming in
To form adverbs, we often add -ly to the adjective; 4 tVlegan and her team the river.
quiet - quietly. 5 An elephant d were filming
Some words are both adjectives and adverbsl 6 The driver of the jeep elePhants'
fast, hard, late, e rescued her,
f pulled her under,



duN.&kffi §URVXVAL QU
The jungle is a scary ptace. Hor,v tong coutd you
survive there? Try our quilto find out!

You're watking thnough the jungte.
There's a snake on the path in front of
You see sonre colourfut insects on a tree.
What do you do?
you. What do you do? Eat them . You need the protein.
,q Move the snake angrily with a stick Don't eat them. CotourfuI insects are often
and run away? poisonous.
ffi Watk away slowly? *ü A jaguar is [ooking at you , . What do you do?
You hear a noise behind some trees.
Z What do you do?
Turn and run through the jungle?
Shout at it to frighten it?
& Run fast towards the noise and get
What survivaI ski[[s have you gat?
ready to fight. lt coutd be foodl
§ I can complete a[[the levels in
E} Sit quietiy untityou know what's
any video game!
making the noise.
I can work , think ' and ptan ' .

§t unguage summary: Unit 3 SB p, 129

ffiffi&ffi,#ffiffi&ffi Past simple and Past time expressions
past eontinuous
@ rr,* about when things happened in the past.
use the past simple and the past continuous to
ffiw talk about interrupted actions in the past. $ Read the grammar box. Copy and complete the rules
with ago, last, yesterday and before.

We were in Africa a few years ago.

Bead the grammar box. Copy and complete lwas in South America last month.
the rules with pasf simple and past continuous. We flew back yesterday evening.
We finished filming the day before yesterday

I was swimming back to the camp when I hit

my head on a rock.
While we were filming, an elephant attacked us. We use ... + morning / afternoon / evening to talk about the
day before today,
lwas swimminq-.,..'......,,,,.,.........,..,.J
We were filming We use the day ,.. yesterday to mean two days ago.
We use ,., + night / week I month / yearto mean the most
l now recent night, week, month or year.
I hit my head We use a length of time + ,,. to say when in the past
something happened,
an elephant attacked us

ffiuXes Put the expressions in the correct order. Start with the
most recent expression,
We use different tenses to talk about a short
completed action that interrupts a longer action
in progress in the past.
We use the .,, for the longer action,
a month ago a week ago last night last year
six years ago the day before yesterday
We use the ,., for the short action, feo'o-minu.tes'ago yesterday afternoon
We often use uzhen before the
We often use while before the 6 Complete the sentenees with one word.
1 I went to Liverpool ,, , week to see my cousins
Copy and complete the sentences about 2 She moved to a new house six months ,,, ,
some other moments in Megan's life. 3 We went to the cinema ,,, afternoon,
While they (camp) in the jungle, 4 I had a Maths exam the day ,., yesterday,
they (see) a lot of snakes. 5 What did you have for dinner ,,, night?
While they were campinE
? Bead the dialogue, Work in pairs and make a new
in the jungle, they saw a
dialogue with the ideas in the box. Ask an extra question
iot of snakes"
with Why, Where, What, Who, etc.
She (lose) her phone while
they (film),
A: When did yau lasf go to the cinema?
2 When she (wake up) one morning, 8: Atsaut three weeks agro"
a big spider (crawl) on her arm, A; What fiLrm did'¡a* se*?
3 She (walk) in the forest when she (hear) §; Isaw Dr Dotittle!
a jaguar,
4 She (speak) Portuguese while they (travel) buy some new trainers clean your room
rn Brazil, eat spaghetti go on holiday go to the cinema
read a book take a photo on your phone
5 Luckily, she (not see) any piranhas while
she (swim) in the river,
lmagine you are an explorer. Write about
your most interesting or scariest moments,
Use the ideas in the box and your own ideas,

explore Africa break

stay Australia eat
swim South America hear
travel the mountains lose
ffi rmmx trü&d§&&'csiffi
Write three more questions for the Jungle Survival Quiz on page 32

§ Ungrage summary: Unit 3 SB p,129

Guess what happened !
@ understand a news story,
1 lVlatch the newspaper headlines with the stories.

otescuers a Big surprise for British couPle!

sauG IGGragGt from soa

6 --- -tHg TEENAGEFPoEs


sixteen-year-old sanjay patel missed his first lesson yesterday,
but he had
a good excuse: he was helping to save someone's life. sanjay ías walking
to school when he saw a man on the ground. The
man was'having a heart
but luckily sanja¡ a doctor's sán, knew what to do.
lttack He gave the man
cPR for ten minutes until an ambulance arrived.
The man later thanked
Sanjay from his hospital bed.

d Fourteen-year-old Henry
;"i;;; ál"rt", in
Wood was *-"!!1g.hote when
tr'áitre"t - with ESoo,insidel He
number' so he took the
coutdn't find the o*n"'-ühone totd us thev
;:iü, ,;;i; ü.uf poti'" it"tion' rhe potice
l"u" U"ntY 850 to thank
A young surfer was safe at home
Two tourists were luc§ to be alive after last night after he lost his sur.fboard
a whale nearly fell onto their boat. |im in the water and couldn,t swim
and Nicole Gray, from the UK, were back. A member of the public, Daisy
on a whale-watching trip in Alaska. Morris, was wafking along the beacir
.l! when she heard the teenáger. ,He
They were in Glacier Bay when the
was shouting for help,, she said.
huge whale suddenly jumped out of the
Daisy immediately phoned 999. The
water in front of them.'We wanted to lifeboat team arrived ten minutes
see whales,' said Nicole, 'but we didn't latet and took the surfer safely to the
expect to be so close!' lifeboat station.

2 Read the stories again and answer the 4 (D e.S Listen to the emergency 999 call. Who is the girl
questions. phoning about?
1 How did Sanjay know what to do?
5 (D 3,9 Listen again and complete the form.
2 Why were Jim and Nicole in Alaska?
3 Where was Henry when he found the
4 How did Daisy know that the surfer was
having problems? Service: '
5 What number do you call in an emergency Address of emergency: t
in the UK? What happened? 3

3 @ coMPARE cuLTUnEs what number Name: 4

do you call in an emergency in your country? Age: :'

What are the different types of emergency

SPEAKING Telling a story and reacting
@*",, a story and react to someone else's story,
1 O ¡.tO Listen and read. Which storyfrom page 34 is it?
What does the girl suggest at the end?

{'"{mmn"5r: Guess what happened yesterday!

Lina: What?
Henry: I was walking home from school when
I found a wallet in the street,
Lina: No wayl What did you do?
Henry: I opened it, You aren't going to believe this,
but there was [500 inside.
Lina: You're kiddingl
Henry: No, really, I looked in the wallet for a
phone number, but I couldn't find one,
Lina: What happened next?
Henry: I took the wallet to the police station and
they managed to contact the owner, He
gave me f50 to say thank you.
Linar Wow, that's amazing! So, shall we go for
a pizza then? You're paying!

2 @ S.rr Listen and repeat the Usefut language 4 Work in pairs. Tell and react to an interesting story.
Follow the steps in the Speaking plan.
[Jseft¡t tanguage
,. 1':r':
Telling a story Beacting
Guess what happened No wayl Prepare
yesterday/ You're kidding! 'i, Think of a time when something interesting or
last weekend/ What happened next? unbelievable happened to you, or choose one of
on Wednesdayl Wow, that's amazingl the news stories from page 34 and imagine this
lwas.., when I ..,
happened to you,
You aren't going to : Decide on your roles and make notes for your
believe this, but ..,
No, really.

3 Q Copy and complete the new dialogue with i Practise your dialogue,

the phrases. There are two extra phrases. Listen

., Use phrases from the Useful language box,
and check. ; Act out your dialogue without notes,

a You'rekidding! d What happened next? Reflect

b What day was it? e Where did it happen?
i. How can you improve next time?
c What? f No way! What did you do? .! Choose a different news story and swap roles,
Carly: Guess what happened on Saturday!
Carlyr Our cat ran up a tree and couldn't get down. Now play Keep moving!
Carly: W" tr¡u¿ to rescue her, but we couldn't, She
just sat there, miaowing loudly, $ rnsr FTNTsHER
Think of an exciting news story you heard about recently,
Write what you remember about it.
Carly: Our neighbour helped us. He had a ladder
I heard that there's going to be a new restaurant opening in
and climbed up the tree, But while he was
our town .,,
climbing up, our cat decided to jump downl
Carly: No, really, I think she was scared of our

§l language summary: Unit 3 SB p.129

AL Australia's dangerous animals
i:ú¡'f'rp.trf ,*riir-t..¡r,:r:''', .r' '-,',',:'.,,, rrlij- ,:. m Al¡lr¡-*!i¡¡,
ffi, rr'r1::iis

Australia is a beautiful country Éü:.:!l
with rainforests, insredible
beachas and eoo! cities"
lüts home ts some amazlng
animalso f,or example, kangaroos, koalae amd
ple§puseso hut if ycutre planning e nisiü, here
are somre animals that you definitely don't urant
to meet!

There are about 180 types ofshark in rhe oceans around Austratia.
The most dangerous is the great white shark. They aren t the
largest sharks, but rhey can grow up to seven metres tong - that's .
almost as [ong as a bus!1... They eat fish, seats and smatt whates, The Sydney funnet-web spider is the most poisonous
but don t worry - sharks don t often attack humans. 2 ... spider in Austratia. They sometimes attack peop[e
(there are about 30-40 bites each year), but peopte
don't usually die from their bite. r ... The spiders live
Snakes are shy creatures and dont normally attack humans. under rocks and logs where it's cool and wet, and
However, there are lots of poisonous snakes in Austratia so you they run out to catch lizards, beetles and other
need to be carefut. The most poisonous is the intand iaipan.:¡ ... lt sma[[ animals. 'r ... They don t live indoors, but rhey
tives in the Australian Outback and eats mostty rats. a
... lts poison sometimes watk info people's houses or fatl into
is strong enough ro kitl a human within 45 minutes, but because it swimming pools, where they can survive for many
tives in rocky areas that are hard to get to, attacks on humans are hours. So, before you dive into the poo[, atways check
veryunusual. thewater!
§ took at the píctures on page 36. What do the
animals have in common?

ffi ffi *.:S Head and listen to the article. Copy

and complete the table for each of the
animals below;
. great white shark
. inland taipan
. Sydney funnel-web spider


wF¡üf does ¡t
Eoes i* often
mtfock hurnsms?

l3 Complete the article with sentences a-f,

a However, if you see a sign at the beach,
don't go in the water!
b They then return to eat their meal
c lt also sometimes eats other small mammals
and birds. ülhere do ¡alünrater crocodlleg llve?
d lt's green and brown in colour and can grow a ln the sea
up to 2.4 metres long. b ln rivers and lakes
e These creatures have huge mouths with 300 c ln rivers and in the sea
very sharp teethl
f However, it's important to get to a hospital
S*ew §ecxg ean *hep gr*w?
4 ffi Copy and complete the table Up to four metres
with animals from the text. Work in pairs. Up to seven metres
How many more animals can you add? Up to twenty metres

ñflommmls kangaroo, 1

!msects ? ffiew mex,tg *ee€fu de &h*y fumw*?

64-68 30-34 16-20

t#hat de *ke3r emt?

& Mostly plants
N/ostly fish
Fish, birds and mammals
.§ ffi :¿.¡,¡, Do the crocodile quiz. Listen and
check your answers,
S*ewr §eatg do Ekey §Ewe?
S Are there any dangerous animals in your
country? What are they? Where do they live? Up to 30 years
Up to 100 years

What do they eat?
Up to 200 years

When dld crocodlles flrgt eppeat

ffi reasr sEffissssffiffi
on Eañh?
Write some quiz questions about an animal from
your country, s 2 million years ago
b 20 million years ago
c 200 million years ago

A rescue story 3 Read the Look! box. Complete the rutes with when,
while and during, Look at page 33 to help you.
WRITING A narrative
when, while, during
write a short story.
@ We use when, while and during to talk about
f Read the story. When and where did the rescue something that happened in the past.
happen? Who needed the helicopter and why? We were walking down the path when suddenly a
man in front of us fell.
While we were waiting, we heard the sound of
a helicopter,

r|IIIIOPIIR RI§IllI During the night, it rained heavily,

We usually use 1,.. + longer actions.
Last weekend, I went camping with my family
We use 2,,, + a noun,
in Wales. The campsite was on top of some
cliffs, with a lovely heach below When we We usually use 3.,. + short actions,
arrived, it was late, so we went straight to
bed! During the night, it rained heavily.
4 Choose the correct word in each sentence.
The next morning, it was a beautiful sunny day, 1 She was running down the street uzhen / while she
and we decided to go to the beach. The path dropped her phone.
down the cliffs was muddy from all the rain. We
were walking down the path slowly and carefully
2 They got lost while / during they were walking in
the mountains,
when suddenly a man in front of us fell and hurt
his leg. He couldn't move, so we called 999 and
3 lt started snowing while / during the journey,
asked for an ambulance. 4 He was cycling into town when / while he fell off,
5 While / During we were swimming, we saw a dolphin
While we were waiting, we heard the sound of a
helicopter. The ambulance couldn't reach us, so 5 Write a rescue story about one of the situations
they sent a helicopter instead!The rescue team below or your own idea. Follow the steps in the
pulled the man up into the helicopter and took Writing plan.
him to hospital. They said his leg was broken, . You were walking in the mountains with a friend when
but he was OK. We spent the rest of the day at you got lost,
the beach - what a weekendl . You were on a skiing holiday when your friend had an
. You were kayaking in the sea when your boat hit
some rocks,
. You were camping in the forest when a snake bit
your friend,

m )
tt/ake notes for your story: When did it happen?
Where were you? What was the weather like?
What happened in the end? Was there a rescue?
2 Look at the Useful language. How do you say
these expressions in your language?
) Organize your ideas into paragraphs:
. lntroduction . The accident/problem
. The rescue/ending
Writing a story ) Use the expressions from the Useful language box,
Last weekend/month/summer, .,,
When we arrived, it was (late).
We were (walking down the path) (slowly)when ) Check your grammar: past simple and continuous,
suddenly,,, ) Check when, while an'd during,
While we were (waiting), ,,, ) Check your spelling,
What a weekend/day/holiday!

@ writing summary WB p,86 !f titerature: Units t-3 SB pp.112-113

@ Review: Units 1-3 SB pp,100-101 @ E*amsr Unit 3 SB p,120

fl Rroject: Units f -3 SB pp.1o6-io7 §l language summary: Unit 3 SB p. 129


Vocabulary: Containers;
lMoney verbs

It![il trlt about food and drink containers, F¡ak§*

i I d

, .. if

'r¡. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

t ffi ¡

o How many glasses of

water do you drink in a day?
Match the words in the boxes with the pictures
How many bags of crisps do you
above. Listen, check and repeat.
eat in a week?

bag bottle bowl box can carton

o How many cans of fizzy drink do
you drink in a year?
cup glass jar packet tin tube Do you sometimes carry a bottle of
water? Where?
biscuits cereal
jam milk
coffee cnsps fizzy drink e What's your favourite cinema treat:

tomatosauce toothpaste
orange juice soup tomatoes a box of popcorn, a bag of sweets
or a packet of peanuts?
Think of containers for the products in the box. a

beans olives peanuts pineapple juice shampoo sweets tea lmagine you're going camping for the weekend w¡th some
friends. Make a list of food, drink and other things to take
ln pairs, think of more products for the containers in with you.
Exercise 1. Who can make the longest list? Food; a packet of pasta, ,,,

§ Uanguase summaryr unit:l SB p, 130

Love food, hate waste !

@ se pictures to help me understand a te;

I look at the pictures and the title of Ella's diary. what do you think waste means?

I hod o music Lesson, so I didn't hove much time for

lunch. There's usuotl,y quite o tot of choice in the school
conteen, but when I got there, there wosn't rnuch food
[eft. I bought o slice of pizzo ond some yoghurf. The
pizzo wos coLd ond I only ote ho[f of it.
* -
"1..{i!&+ I wos hungry when I got home, so I opened o pocket of
biscuits! How rnony did I hove? Not mony - two or three.
¡* 0K, fourl
t §$@-fr

Dod cooked chicken with

- pototoes ond vegetob[es.
I ote some peos, but I
didn't hove ony corrofs
§'i ,

- l'm not keen on them.

For pudding, it wos cherry §
pie. I took o big piece, but
ofter too mony biscuits
E eorLier, I cou[dn't finish
it. I threw the rest in
the bin.

I usuolly hove o bowL of cereoL I feel bod obout the omount of food I wosted injust one
for breokfost, but todoy the milk doy. lt's bqd for the environment qnd there ore o Lot of
tosted horrib[e. I threw my cereoL
people who don't even hove enough to eot. I wont to be
owoy ond hod some toost insteod. more coreful ... storting tomorrow!
2 @ +.2 Head and listen to the diary and answer 4 Work in pairs. Which is the odd
the questions. word out in each group? Explain your answers.
1 How much food do people waste every year? There may be more than one possible answer.
2 Make a list of all the food that Ella wasted in 1 milk yoghurt cheese lemon
one day, 2 chicken jam burger steak
3 Why does Ella think it's bad to waste food? 3 carrot bean cherry pea

3 Read the diary again. Which food didn't Ella eat

4 apple banana orange biscuit
because,,. 5 Work in pairs. Do you or your family sometimes
1 it tasted bad? waste food? How? What could people do to waste
2 it was cold? less food?
3 she doesn't like them?
6 (§ F¡ND OUT There are some eggs in the fridge,
4 she was full? but you don't know if they're good or bad to eat.
How can you use a bowl of water to find out?
+iS Htf* §t¡E éhBq Qua ntifiers: sorne,
any, (how) much, (how) many, a lot of
about quantities. The letter a
Listen to how we pronounce the letter
these words,

Read the grammar box. Copy and complete the

rules with the words in the box. packet waste half any

affirmative (x2) countable negative (x2)

questions uncountable

Countabte nouns Uncountabte nouns dad glass many taste

I ate some peas. I had some toast.
5 O ¿.S Complete the interview with the words in
There are a lot of There's a lot of choice. the box. Listen and cheek.
Negative a lot of any How many How much
I didn't have any There isn't any mitk,
much some (x2)
carrots. I didn't have much /
I didn't eat many / a lot of time.
a lot of biscuits. TilT WASTT TOOD
Are there any apptes?
Has he got many /
Do you do any exercise?
Was there much /
a lot of friends? a lot of food?
How many biscuits did How much money
I have? have you got?

F{u{es F What's the ldea oS the rc*taq"-¡rant?

We use sorne and a lot of in ,., sentences, Supermarkets throw away 1 ... food every
day, and most of it is still good to eat.
We use any in ,,, sentences and
Supermarkets give us the food, and we cook
With , ,, nouns, we use much in negative sentences 2 ... delicious meals with it.
and questions,
With ,,. nouns, we use manyin negative sentences
h W;*at scrt s{ m:e*ls do y*u soc§{?
The menu is different every day. A lot of our
and questions,
customers are vegetarians or vegans, so
We can use a /ot of in .,. and ,., sentences, and in
there's always an option that doesn't have 3 .

2 Choose the correct answer,

'lEmilia didn't give her brother any / many / some
, I People pay what they want. lf a customer
:.'., doesn't have 5 ... money, they only pay a
help. small amount.
2 There are a lot of / any / much students at ,t
my school,
3 N/y dad doesn't have many / much / some .' About 300 people a week. At the moment,
free time, ,l we're very small, but we've got 7 ... big plansl
4 How many / much / a lof of bottles of water do
we need?
. ,' Work in groups. Create some
5 They haven't got many / much / some video
posters for your school about the problem of waste
games in this shop,
food. What can we do to waste less?
6 We do a lot of / any / much sport at my school,
7 I dropped any / much / some food on the floor,
8 Do you do many / much lsome exercise? ffi r,,r**r srsrsrs§*ffiffi
What's in your fridge at home? Write four sentences using

I think there's sorne cheese , There aren't any pizzas,

§ language surmrnary: Unit 4 SB p,130

Are you good with money?
Money verbs
listen for different ideas in a radio programme

\;+-^ 6§
\F?*1¡,- é a§'-

.i* :é

Match the sentences with the pictures. üS .t.i Listen to an interview with two teenagers,
Listen and check, Lydia and Dylan. How much pocket money do they
a She's an ice cream, each get? What do they do with their money?
b He's balloons, G g"z Read the ideas in How to look after your
c She's money by cleaning cars, money. Listen again. Which ideas do Lydia and
d They're online for some clothes, Dylan mention?
e The jeans f30.
f She's by card,
g He's his pocket money on sweets,
h He's his money,
i She's some money to her friend,
j He's some money from his dad, Pay in cash rather than by card. L I
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
Always look for the best prices. L- f

1 lf you have some money, do you usually spend it or

save it? Shop online. i",l
2 Do you do jobs to earn extra money? Save your money for things that you
3 Do you sometimes borrow things from your really want. i _'1

friends? What sort of things? Don't buy things that you don't need. L..j
4 Do you pay for things by card?

Work in pairs. Are you good with money? Which

of the ideas in Exercise 4 do you do? Can you
think of any other tips?
fEl ¡¿¡gusge summary: unit 4 sB p, 130
GRAMMAR Comparatives and
superlatives; (not) as,,, as Complete each second sentence so that it
compare things, means the same as the first sentence.
@ A Ferrari is faster than a cheetah,
1 The waiter was friendlier than the manager,
Read the grammar box. Copy and complete the The manager,,,
grammar box with words from the interview on 2 lvly mum's phone was more expensive than my phone,
page 42. It'1y phone.,,
3 ln my opinion, football is more exciting than golf,
Adjective ln my opinion, golf ,,,
iComparative !supertative
Short adjectives
4 My parents aren't as funny as your parents,
i' Your parents,,,
cheap i,... lthecrreapest 5 The bus station isn't as far as the train station,
big j uiss., ] the uissest The train station ,..
easy '.j-*---- i !!-" "":5:!
Long adjectives-l' - Complete the article. Use the correct form
of the adjective in brackets.
relaxing !3... rthemost

---i- -------*-
i rtsfe -- Would you like to go shopping in a place
that is ... (big) as 50 football pitches? The
good ,o... ,thebest Dubai Mall is one of ... (large) shopping
l, malls in the world. lt's next to ... (tall)
bad i worse i the worst building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. The
far ! fur¡rer I the furthest mall contains an aquarium, an ice rink and
120 restaurants. There are more than 1,200
Choose the correct answer. shops, including one of ... (good)sweet shops
in the world. The shops are ... (expensive)than a lot of
1 I bought cheapest / the cheapestjeans other places, but that doesn't stop the B0 million people
in the shop,
that visit it every year. Wow - 80 million visitors a year -
2 lt's easier / easiesf to spend money than to that's crazy! Even New York City isn't ... (popular) as the
save itl
Dubai Mall!
3 Hong Kong is Ihe more / most expensive city
in the world,
What are the advantages and
4 Actors earn a lot of money, but footballers' disadvantages of shopping malls compared to small
salaries are often higher / highest, shops and markets? How do you prefer to shop and why?
5 Friends are more important than / that money,
6 This is r¿zorse / the worst restaurant in the world! Work in small groups. Use the adjectives to compare
your opinions about the topics,
Read the grammar box. Choose the correct
answers in the rules, films food music shops sports teams
TV programmes video games
(not) as... as
boring enjoyable exciting good interesting
l'm as tall as my dad. scary strange tasty
The bus was as quick as the train.
My phone isn't as fast as a new phone. A: I think heavy metal is better than rap music.
The fitm wasn't as good as the book. B: I don',t agree. Heavy metal isn't as exciting as rap.
C: Maybe, but dance mus¡c is the best!
We use as + adjective + as to compare two things
thatare the same I different. The. inventor of the shopping
We use not as + adjective + as to compare two mall, Victor Gruen, hated his
things that aret the same / different, invention. ,They destroyed
cities,' he said tater in his lit".

Write sentences comparing famous people,

Taylor Swift is taller than Selena Gomez, SheS a better singer, too,

§ language summary: Unit 4 SB p, 130

Too much choice?
understand product reviews,

Wireless Speakers Sports Action Cameras Hoverboards

':,' j,; 1,;i
1:.¡.e 1:1 ;.: ;,,:1 rr ::i:il : i,:l;r:i' tt ! ii

The MegaPlay The Epic V2 is This is one of the

speaker is sma[L and voice-controtled, fastest hoverboards
waterproof, so you can so it's very easy to you can buy, so it's
ptay your favourite use. You can't take onty for experienced
tunes anywhere, even it in water, but it's riders. lt's quite
in the shower! The perfect for using noisy, so don't ride
thing I Like most about 0n your bike or scooter! it up and down your
it is the price. street.
Size:7cmx7cmx5cm Easy to use: :j u :,-: r-: :-: §peed: Up to 22 km per hour
Votume¡(((( Price:f19.99 95 g
Wr*i_ql':i.r Price: €35.99 Safety:e& Price: f219.00
Cotours: OO a cotours: {*f-i * Colours: Ú @ @

;.i: 1-;.; :,,¡¡;1 - lll l,:,.,. ::i .:::.]:; .:

The SoundBox has The Active-Pro The MaxF[y
a powerfuI sound, CS is compLetety is fast, but not too
so it's great for waterproof. You fast, so it feets very
parties! lt's even can make great safe. lt's got tights
got co[oured tightsl videos, and with so that peopte can
The onty probtem the free app, you see you at night,
is it's quite heavy, can upload them and it's very quiet.
so it isn't easy to carry. on[ine immediately. I love this boardl
Sizer 30 cm x 9 cm x 12 cm Easytousei :; ! Jr Speed: Up to 1 2 km per hour
Volume: 44444 Pricet L79.99 Weight:500 g Price: t7 4.99 Safety: sfu efu *&
Price: f99.99
Colours: * @@ Cotoursr I {}* Colours: @#@

f took at the web page. What sort of text is it? 3 took at the words in blue in the text.
Choose from the answers below. Then read quickly Which word tells us if something is,,.
and check. expensive or cheap? price
a an online shop 1 big or small? 3 heavy or light?
b a blog with reviews of products 2 fast or slow? 4 loud or quiet?
c an instruction book
4 O 4.8 Listen to Polly's Podcast.What is Polly
2 Read the web page again and answer the reviewing today? Which of the two products does
questions. she like the best?
1 What's the best thing about the tVlegaPlay speaker,
5 (D ¿.4 Listen again. Copy and complete the table.
in George's opinion?
2 What doesn't George like about the SoundBox MaxPack
speaker? Size very big ,
.,, ano
3 Which is the best camera if you want to share
Weight I light
videos with friends quickly?
Colours I
Why is the Epic V2 camera easy to use? blue, ,,, and black ': ,,,, orange and green
5 Which hoverboard is the best for beginners? Price L

6 Give three reasons why George loves the

IVaxFly Plus,
SPEAKING Comparing products
compare the advantages and disadvantages of two different products
t O ¿.9 Listen, read and answer the questions.
1 Which wireless speaker on page 44 does Lottie decide to buy?
2 What are her reasons for choosing the speaker?
3 Where did she get the money from?

lsaac: Hi, Lottie, What are you up to?

Lottie: l'm looking for a new wireless speaker - I got
some money for my birthday,
lsaac: Cooll Which one are you thinking of getting?
Lottie: l'm not sure, What do you think of this one?
lsaac: The JN/C Soundbox? lt looks nice, but it's quite
expensive, The XR tvlegaPlay is much cheaper.
Lott¡e: You're right, but it isn't as powerful as the
lsaac: Yes, but the It/egaPlay is smallel so it's easier i'1
to carry, É'
Lottie: That's true, OK, which colour do you prefer? I
lsaac: I prefer blue, I think it's a cool colour for a
Lott¡e: I agree. I like blue, too, Right, l'm going to get
the MegaPlay in blue,

2 O a.lo Listen and repeat the Useful language. 4 Work in pairs. Compare two different products and
choose the one you like most. Follow the steps in
the Speaking plan.

Asking opinions
-t,: tt ,;t; ittrr; i ..1.r_l: ,
What do you think of this one/these ones?
Which colour do you prefer? Prepare
Comparing . Decide on your roles,
It looks/They look,,,, but it's/they're .,, l. Use George's Gadget Guide on page 44, or choose
your own products,
The .., is/are much ...
It isn't/They aren't as ,.. as the .,, ,. lVake notes for your dialogue.

Agreeing Speak
You're right, / That's true, / I agree. . Practise your dialogue,
.l Use phrases from the Useful language box,

3 O ¿,lt Copy and complete the dialogue in a sports

: Act out your dialogue without notes.
shop with the words in the box. Listen and check. Reflect
agree cheaper comfortable heavier .: How can you improve next time?
prefer true ;' Swap roles and choose a new gadget,

Zoet l'm looking for some new trainers. What do you

think of these ones?
Theo: The SuperZooms? They look good, but they're
quite expensive, These QuickRuns are 1 ,,,
§ nnsr FTNTsHER

Zoez Yes, but they're much 2 .,, and they aren't

What's your favourite gadget at home? Wr¡te sentences
as cool.
about what you use it for, and how it compares with
Theo: That's 3 ,,, ,
other gadgets,
Zoe¿ The SuperZooms are more a ,,, , Which colour
5 My favourite gadget is my tablet, lt's much lighter than my
do you ,,,?
mum's laptop and I use it for playing games and listening to
Theo: I like orange. music,,,
Zoel. | 6.,. , l'm going to get them in orange,

§ langr"ge summary: Unit 4 SB p, 130

AL Second-hand shopping in
GU the UK
e secotrc!-iiano silopprrro ttt lne
ffs :3rnpa]
Ui" with shopo:trg itr t,,r¡ :c,rrnlry

Second-hand shopping is very popular in the UK. Here are

the best places to look for a bargain!
ethareÉy sheps
I love charity shops. You can find them in every British
town and city. People give old clothes, books, toys and
other items to the shop, and the shop then setls them
for charity. Everything is really cheap and usuatty goocJ
quatity, and when you spend money there, you know
that you're hetping other peopte. The onty problem is
t that you sometimes don't find anything you want, but if
you're like me, that doesn't often happen!

C,nrr [,-:,om'ff saflmsl

€* A car boot sate is where peopte come together and set[
'.' r' the things they don't want any more, usuatty from the
boot of their car. You can find everything from books
to bikes, and comics to computers. Car boot sates are
often much cheaper than charity shops and the sellers
witl sometimes accept a lower price if you ask nicely!
There are hundreds of selters, so you can often find
what you're looking for, but you need to get up early or
you'[[ miss the best things.

s Omflüme pflaEforms emd app§

Ontine platforms and apps are a poputar way to buy
second-hand ctothes. Users uptoad pictures of clothes
that they own, and se[[them directly to other users, lt's
better for the planet: why throw something away when
you can stittwear it? The apps are easy to use, and you
can shop from your sofal The ctothes are usua[y more
expensive than charlty shops and car boot sales, but
you need to be carefut. There are sometimes dishonest
setters who take your money and then don't send you
the clothes.
{ ffi *"tt Read and listen to Luna,s blog # ffi e..:* Listen again and match the people with
about the best places to buy second-hand the kinds of thing they bought. There are two extra
things. Which of the places is usually things.
the cheapest? Which is usually the most
1 Luna 3 Freddie 5 tvlilly
2 David 4 Georgia
ff Bead the blog again. Copy and complete the
table, according to Luna.
ffi:t r

Cc¡r boot

ond apps

§ ffi Find words 1-7 in the text.

Match them with definitions a-9. t
'1 bargain
2 toy MUSIC
3 good quality
4 boot
5 seller
6 upload
7 dishonest
a something that a child plays with
b to put something on the internet
c a person who sells something SHOES JEWELLERY
d made well with good materials
e something that ls much cheaper than usual
f not honest
g the space at the back of a car where you
put suitcases, bags, etc, l tr!.

4 m ffi$Mp*mffi *qi§-?&iffiEs Discuss the

questions as a class.
1 Are there charity shops or car boot sales in
your country? ñ
2 What do people do with things they don't
want any more? BOOKS
3 Do you sometimes buy second-hand
things? Why/Why not?
ffi ffi c."l*
L¡sten to the dialogue. Luna went
shopping with some friends last Saturday.
Where did they go? What did they do
afterwards? ffi nrusx Fñrussr{ffiffi
Have you got a lot of things that you don't want any more?
Imagine you're going to have a car boot sale. Make a list of all the
things you want to sell,
lvly old football kit, some tays I had when I was a baby, ,,.
Your money and you
WRITING A survey 4 took at the graph showing how ten students
use their mobile phones. Copy and complete the
@ write about the results of a survey, sentences with the corect expressions of quantity.
I nead the results of a survey, Which sentences are
true for you?
Message friends
Go online
! Play games
Last weelq we did a class survey about teenagers
and their money. We interviewed ñfteen people and Watch films
asked three questions. Here are the results. Listen to music
Pay for things

024 6 8 10

but most students get about f8 a week, play games on their phones,
Almost everybody gets their pocket money .l .,. students watch films,
in cash, but a couple of students have bank accounts
and their parents pay the money into their account,
2 ,., students use their phone to go online.
3 .,. uses it to pay for things.
4 ,,, students listen to music,
Half of the students get money from parents
5 ,., uses ¡t to message their friends,
or relatives on the¡r birthday or other
special occasions, Some students earn 5 Work in smallgroups, Write a survey report.
extra money by doing jobs around the Follow the steps in the Writing plan.
house. Nobody has a weekend job.
A surucy: Exercise and you
The most popular answers were clothes, snacks,
games and make-up. A few students try and
1 How much exercise do you do a week?
save some money to buy more expensive 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3 hours or more
things, such as phones or games consoles.
2 hlhat is your favourite form of exercise?
Ball sports Gymnastics or dance Swimming

2 took at the Useful language. How do you say

Athletics Cycling
3 hlhere do you usually do exercise?
these expressions in your Ianguage?
At school At a club At the park
At a sports centre

Survey results
Ltár*tiia=g i:l;;r::
Last week, we did a class survey about
We interviewed .., Prepare
Here are the results. ) lmagine that you interviewed ten people in your
The most popular answers were ,..
class about exercise, Look at the three questions
above, and the possible answers,

3 Read the Look! box. Find examples in the text. ) lnvent the results, Out of the ten people you
Which of the expressions are followed by a plural interviewed, how many chose each answer?
verb? Which are followed by a singular verb? Write
) Organize your ideas into paragraphs:
Look! Expressions of quant¡ty . ln the introduction, say what the survey was

Everybody aaaoaaaaaa about and how many people you interviewed,

Most students
aaaaaaao . Use a different paragraph for each question, and

Half of the sfudenfs

aoaaa use expressions of quantity to give the results,

Some sfudenfs
aaaa ) Use expressions from the Useful language box,

A few students
ooa Check
A couple of students
-- ) Check your grammar: quantifiers, comparatives and
Nobody superlatives,
) Check expressions of quantity and your spelling

@ writing summary WB p. 87 § exams, unit 4 SB p. 121 ft summary: Unit a sB p, 130


Vocabulary: The human

body; Health problems

The human body

Match the words in the box with the picture. Copy the table. Add the words from Exercise 1,
Listen, check and repeat. and more parts of the body that you know. Which
words can go in allthree columns?
ankle bone brain elbow face
finger heart knee neck shoulder Lower body Upper body Head
skin stomach throat thumb toe
Complete the facts in The human body
in numbers. Use the numbers in the box. Listen
and check.

5 to 8 73 206 115,000 50 million

li ü
{_ -: ':§

There are ' ... bones
in the human body.

The human
Your heart beats about
brain is 3 ... Yo
... times a day. water.

ose 't ... skin cells every day

When you eat, it takes about ... seconds for
food to get from your throat to your stomach.

Work in pairs. Read the sentences and identify the

parts of the body. Write more sentences for your
ii partner to guess.
ir :i,
1 You have two ofthese, one on each hand,
2 These are at the top of your arms.
* 3 You wear a scarf around this when it's cold,
4 You use these to see,

lnvent a strange-looking alien. Draw it and write

a It/ly alien has got a large body with two very long necks and twa
heads,lt's got,,,
' i';:'--- '- l_r '

§ language summary: Unit 5 SB p.131

Humans of the future
READING @ work out the meaning of new words,

Humans are evolving all the time. Today, we are Other people predict that in the futune, humans
about'l O cm taller than we were 150 years will evolve digitally. Scientists will use robotics
ago, and we are living Ionger and longer lives. and artificial intelligence to make superhumans
So, what will humans be like in the futune? or cyborgs. We will have mechanical arms and
Will nobots make us lazier and fatter? Will we legs so that we can move and run faster, and
develop superpowens, such as X-nay vision on we will connect oun
brain-to-brain communication? No one knows for brains to computers
sure, but here ane some pnedictions, so that we can
control things with
A lot of scienlists believe that in the future, we
our thoughts. Some
will live on olher planets. This will create big
changes in our bodies. Fon example, lVlars has
scientists even
predict that we
less gravity than Earth, so humans on Mars
will probably be taller. Mars also neceives less won't grow old or
die because doctors
sunlight, so our eyes may grow bigger so that I
will simply repain
we can see betten, and our brains and heads
may become large¡ too, lt won't be easy to grow broken body parts.
The big question
food on lVlans, so a lot of oun meals may come in
pills. We may not need as many teeth, and our then is: will we still
mouths may become smaller. be humans?

f Work in pairs. Read the predictions about humans e Í,!ñ?Tr!!!ññll We can sometimes add -ion to a
in the future. Which do you think will happen? verb to make a noun. Copy and complete the table,
A We will all speak the same language, verb noun
B Humans willfind new worlds to live on, predict prediction
C Parents will choose what their babies look like,
create creation
D We will live forever.
E Our bodies will be part-human, part-machine,
2 @ S.S Read and listen to the article. Which of the
predictions are mentioned in the text? What other pollute Is
predictions are in the text? 4
communicate 5
3 Read the article again. Find these words and work
out the meaning. How do you say them in your
language? 5 O TH¡NK cRITtcALLY Are robots replacing
1 develop 4 predict humans? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of having robots in our lives?
2 gravity 5 thoughts
3 pills 6 repair 6q FIND oUT How far is it from Earth to Mars,
when the two planets are closest to each other?
GRAMMAR will and won't; may
make predictions about the future, Put the words in the correct order to make
r Now watch the grammar animat¡on, ry
questions. Listen and check.

. Bead the grammar box. Copy and complete the rule.

l/You/He/She/lt/We/They'll be ta tter,
l/You/He/lt/She/We/They won't grow otd or die.
Questions Short answers
Witl we stitt be humans? Yes, we will.1
No, we won't.
We use will and won't lo make predictions about the -1§

future. The contracted form of r¡¿il/ is ,,, ,

people lwill /wear / -<l
Think about the world 50 years from now. Make What type of clothes / ?
your own predictions with will or won't,

1 robots / replace teachers

2 we / build homes under the sea
3 humans / live to be 200 years old
4 schools / exist in our free time / do / we /
5 aliens / visit our planet What / will /2
6 we / have holidays in space
Bead the Lookl box. What is the difference
between sentences a and b? 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
a James will be at the party tonight, Exercise 5.
b James may be at the party tonight, A: What new technology willwe have in our homes?
B: I think we'll have robots to do all the jobs around
Look! may and may not the home.
A: And we may have fridges that can order
I agree.
We use may (not) when we are not certain about the shopping.
a prediction.
Our eyes may grow bigger,
We may not need as many teeth,

+; Choose the correct answer.

1 Scientists may / r,v// discover life on other planets -
who knows?
2 l'm sure my mum may I willlove these flowers.
3 Sam isn't very well, l'm not sure, but he may not /
won'tbe ln school tomorrow,
4 I 'll / may always love you ! You know that, don't you? ft*# Fes'r F§r*Ésd'{iliq
5 I may / will play basketball later - it depends how Write more questions about the future Iike the ones in
much homework l've got, Exercise 5. Then write answers,
6 Jack will / may be coming to visit this weekend,
He's booked his train ticket!

Sl uanguage summary: Unit 5 SB p,131


lf you don't rest, you won't get better

Health problems
Match the problems in the box with the people. Listen, check and repeat.

l've got a brokenleg, l've got a cold, l've got a cough, l've got a headache, l've got a sore throat,
l've got a stomach ache, l've got sunburn, l've got a temperature, l've got toothache, N/y back hurts.


Copy and complete the sentences. Listen to three dialogues. Where are
1 Please stop shouting! l've got a ,,, , the people in each dialogue? What is their
2 She's got a ,,, of 38oC, She needs to stay in bed, relationship?
3 l've got really bad ,,, , I need to see a dentist, qP 5,6 Listen again and answer the questions.
4 l've got a ,,, , lt hurts when I speak, 1 What is Emma's problem?
5 Don't stay on the beach for too long, You'll get ,,, ,
2 Why doesn't she want to stay at home and rest?
6 l've got a .,. , I think I ate too much at lunch, 3 On what part of his body has Tom got sunburn?
Work in pairs. When did you, or a member of your 4 What is his mum's advice?
family, last have any of the problems in Exercise 1? 5 Why is Ali's back hurting?
6 What is the teacher's advice?

§ mnguage summary: Unit 5 SB p. 131

GRAMMAR First conditional should and shouldn't
about situations and their results. d shoutdn't togive
@,r'n @ use shou/d an advice,

Read the grammar box. What form of the verb do we use

after shou/d and shouldn't?
Bead the grammar box. Look at sentences
a and b. Which parts are the situation, and Affirmative
which parts are the result? l/You/He/She/We/They should stay at home and rest.
Situation Resutt l/You/He/She/We/They shouldn't stay in the sun so long
lf you don't rest, you won't get better, Questions Short answers
Result Situation Should I put some cream Yes, you should. /
It'll be better for if you don't play. on them? No, you shouldn't.
your team
Complete the health advice with sho{,r/d or shouldn't.
We use the first conditional to talk about
situations and their results,
To describe the situation, we use if + present
You x ... exercise everY doY. You a ... eot plenfy of
fruif ond vegetobÉs.
To describe the result, we use will or won't +
We use a comma when the situation clause is at You s...
You 2 ... smoke. look offer
the start of the sentence,
your weight
a lf you stay in the sun for too long, you'll get
b Your bag won't be as heavy if you only carry You 3 ... eot loo much You 0... sloy up
the books you need, solt or fottY food. lole every night.

2 Copy and complete the sentences with the

correct form of the verb in braekets.
lul and lutl
1 lf she ,,, (eat) too many sweets, she'll get
2 Be careful! You ,,, (hurt) yourself if you fall
cook good put should
off your skateboard,
3 lf he doesn't take his medicine, he ,,, do food true you
(not feel) better,
4 Other people will catch your cold if you ,,, the box to
(not stay) at home,
5 lf we don't drink enough water, we ,,, (get)
a headache, book could foot
soon tooth would
6 lf she doesn't get better soon, she .,, (miss)
the final,
3 Comptete the sentences in your notebook "$ Work in pairs. Take it in turns to ask for and give advice
with your own ideas, in these situations:
1 If it's sunny at the weekend, ,,, . You've got a headache,
2 l'll be really happy if ,,, . You think your arm may be broken,
3 lf l'm hungry when I get home, ,,, . You've got toothache,
4 IVly parents will be really angry if ,,. . You've got a sore throat.
5 lf I pass all my exams this year, ,,, A: l'v* gat a headache. What si"lo¿.¡dd I do?
6 lf I lose my phone on the way home, ,,, B: You shouid rest.
4 Work in pairs. Read one of your endings J#h..
for the sentences in Exercise 3. Can your %s;p f:es" FEñ§ssÁ"*Hffi
partner guess the sentence? How many words can you make from the letters in the word

the, hot, ,,,

§t uanguage summary: Unit 5 SB p,131

What should I do?
understand an advice forum,
S Work in pairs. Who do you talk to when you've got a
problem: your parents, your friends or someone else?

* Read Today's posfs on the TeenHelp advice forum. Complete the summary of the problems
with words from each post.
1 Anya is nervous about a ... to 2 Sammy always feels .,. when 3 Rochelle is worried about a ,,, ,

her,,, . he's at... . Some boys are,,, him,

3 Bead the expert's advice on the TeenHelp advice forum. Match each problem with two pieces of advice.

Search q

Hove you got o problem? Get odvice from our experts.
No problem is too big or too smoll.

Q¡ write or Coll lr
O@lny"*t+ a @Sommy_123 o @Rochelle
l'm giving o presentotion to l'm olwoys tired ot school. Some boys ot school ore
my closs next week, but l'm Sometimes I con't sleep bullying one of my clossmotes.
reolly nervous. Every time I ond then it's reolly hord to He doesn't wont to tell onyone
úink obout it, my honds stort concentrqte in closs. On becouse he's worried it will
to sweot, ond my heort beots Soturdoys ond Sundoys I iust moke things worse. But he's
reolly fost. Whot should I do? wont to stoy in bed oll morning reolly upset obout it.

.olr rI ll( r il f.Íl ¡[/ [{:

d d
Teenogers need o lot o[ sleep becouse their bodies Show him thot you're o friend. For exomple , iÍ you
ond broins ore growing. You should ovoid going to wolk with him to school or sit with him ot lunch,
bed too lote, ond moke sure you're getting the eight he won't feel so olone. Friends con moke o big
or nine hours of sleep thot you need. difference.

lf itt
hoppening ot school, you should help your You should toke o bottle of woter with you on the
friend to tell o teocher, or tolk to the teocher yourself. doy becouse your mouth moy get dry. Smile, speok
Adults need to know when bod things hoppen so thot slowly, ond don't forget to breothe! Good luck!
they con help.
c Getting up lote ot the weekend isn't the onswer. You
Proctise the night before, ond write importont words should get some exercise during the doy. lt will moke
ond phroses on cords. Don't try ond leorn the whole it eosier for you to go to sleep, ond you won't feel so
speech becouse if you forget it, you'll probobly ponic. tired the next doy.

4 Work in pairs. Do you agree with the advice for each problem? What other advice do you have?
5 O S.g Listen to the phone call to TeenHelp. What is the boy's problem?
6 (D S.g Listen again. What is Janet's advice? Do you agree with it?
SPEAKING Giving advice
@ give advice about a probtem,
1 O S.tO Listen and read. What is Jude,s problem?

Lucy: What's the matter, Jude? you don't look

very well.
Jude: l've got a really bad stomach ache,
Lucy: Poor you. N/aybe you should go home,
Jude: I can't go home, I've got an exam this
Lucy: Yes, but you shouldn't do the exam if
you've got a stomach ache,
Jude: I suppose you're right, What do you
think I should do then?
Lucy: Why don't you talk to your teacher
and ask if you can take the exam
another day? Now what's wrong?
Jude: Mmm, l'm not sure Nrliss Wilson will
believe me.
Lucy: l'll come with you if you want.
Jude: Thanks Lucy,
Lucy: No problem. l'm sure it'll be OK.

2 O S.ll Listen and repeat the Useful language.

Useful [anguage 4 Work in pairs. Give advice to a friend about his/her
problem, Follow the steps in the Speaking plan.
Expressing concern
What's the matter? 1:-.,,...,,,. . .. i-..,
.,i'i."':':'i:ii:i;i :'.; i )t.:.i!'
What's wrong?
You don't look very well/happy Prepare
Giving advice ,r Choose one of the situations below, Decide what
Maybe you should ,,,
the problem is,
. You don't understand one of your school lessons,
You shouldn't,,,
. Someone at school stole something of yours,
Why don't you ,.,?
. You're stressed about something and you can't
l'm sure it'll be OK,
Jvv l./¡

)' Think of advice and make notes for your dialogue,

3 (D s,tz Put the dialogue in order. Listen and check.
a Nathan: I think you should tell her you're sorry,
b Julia: Yes, but she doesn't want to talk to me, p Practise your dialogue,
c Nathan: Don't worry, l'm sure everything will be ) Use phrases from the Useful language box,
oK, .:, Act out your dialogue without notes,
d Julia: suppose you're right,
e Nathan: Doesn't she? Oh, maybe you should
send her a message, ) How can you improve next time?
f Julia: I had an argument with my best friend F Swap roles and choose a new situation.
and I said some horrible things to her,
What do you think I should do?
g Nathan: What's wrong,lulia? You look upset,

$ rnsr FTNTsHER
Choose one of the problems on page 54 or 55. Write more
advice for the problem.

§ language summaryr Unit 5 SB p,131

Vegan Britain
{ffi compare alternative diets in the UK wit rn my own country


More and E¡ore people 1n the UK are glving up neat. A recent survey f,'ound
that lCP¿ of' BrttÍ.sh chlldren aged. elglrt to sixteerl are vegar¡ or vegetari"an,
and 44% are tryiug to eat less meat.

A vegan is someone who doesn't eat any animal
products, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy* products,
and even honey. Some people call this 'a plant- Some schools in the UK
based diet'. A lot of vegans also don't wear clothes have'Meat-free Mondays'
that are made from animal products, for example, when, one day a week,
leather shoes or jackets. they only serve vegetarian
or vegan lunches, for
example, spiey bean taco$,
"dairy = made from milk spinach and potato curry, \
or nut burgers.

'The food tostes greot,

oná at the same time
we're caring for our
planet and environment.'

A lot of famous people are vegan. British world
I became vegan because I
champion Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton
decided to stop eating meat to help the
care about animals and don't
agree with eating them. I also
environment and improve his health.
want to help the planet. The Other famous vegans include the
production of meat creates tennis champion, Novak Djokovic,
a lot of pollution and carbon and the singer, Ariana Grande.
dioxide, and is one of the main
causes of climate change.

lwanted to eat more healthily

and lose weight. Fruit and
vegetables are full of vitamins
and minerals, but you should
always plan your meals
carefully to make sure you get
everything your body needs,
including protein. '-{Aa
1 Work in pairs. What is a vegan? Which of these things 6 Q S.t+ Listen to Max's podcast.
do vegans eat? Which don't they eat? Who did he do the challenge with?
Did he complete it?
beans cheese eggs fish honey meat
milk nuts pineapple spinach 7 # *.¡+ Listen again and answer the
ffi # n.ig Read and listen to the article and check your 1 What does lMax think at the start of the
answers to Exercise 1. challenge?
2 Why does he say 'lt's not fair' on Day 2 of
§ Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or the challenge?
false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 3 How did Max's friends react?
1 One in ten children in Britain aged eight to sixteen are 4 How does [t4ax feel at the end of the
vegan or vegetarian, challenge? Give examples.
2 You can eat eggs in a plant-based diet, 5 Does lVlax think he will continue with his
3 Hannah says that a vegan diet is bad for the planet. vegan diet? Why/Why not?
4 Benja became vegan because he wanted to protect
animals, § üfln#ps.ffiH trLl*"§"qJffiHs Discuss the
questions in small groups.
5 Vegans have to be careful to eat all the vitamins their
body needs, 1 Do people eat a lot of meat in your country?
6 Some schools don't serve meat one day a week, 2 Are vegan or vegetarian diets popular?

7 Beth doesn't like the food at school, 3 Could you do the Veganuary challenge?
Why/Why not?
B Lewis Hamilton became vegan to be healthier and
protect the planet, ffi ff# &ffi§'üffiffi&T'frsfs work in smallgroups,
lmagine you're having a vegan day. Plan
4 Copy and complete the table. Find the
your meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner.
missing food groups in the article. Which food groups
Rememben no meat, fish, eggs or dairy
should we eat most of to be healthy?
Food groups
1 meat, fish, nuts
L milk, yoghurt, ice cream
apples, broccoli, tomatoes
4 carbohydrates bread, rice, pasta
@ rrusr FrlunsmE§
lmagine you're doing the
5 fats and sugars butter, chocolate, oil Veganuary challenge,
Answer the questions in
S nead the interview about Veganuary and the interview with Max.
answer the questions.
1 What and when is Veganuary?
2 Which food groups in Exercise 4 does N/ax like most?
3 Do you think he'll complete the challenge, WhyiWhy not?

Veganuary is a charitY
go vegan for
encourages peoPle to
the month of January. We
Max to try it. Before he
a few questions:
started, we asked him

Do you eat a lot of ttl*at? ** ycsu eat a E*t *f

da§ry pr*duc*s?
Yes, I do. I love meat, I eat a lot of cheese, and I always
especially chicken and lamb. have cerealwith milk for breakfast.
Wfuat f*oc§ wi§! ymrx mñ*s t[*e
rrssst dr¡r§e?g tÉt* cfuallemge?
I don't mind broccolior
I think l'll miss fried chicken, my
dad's cheesecake, pizza, and I '& sweetcorn, but I don't eat a
!....., lot of vegetables.
love pasta, too ... loads of things!

#* tltisr$r Xreacr'3H* ?eeÉ h*Ea§É$ti*r xt t?te ee, d &§ t§Ee ¡*tcxxtt$t?


I know. I think protein is good for my bones and muscles ...
without meat it might be difficult!
Stay safe 4 tookatthe Usefu! language. Howdoyou say
these expressions in your language?
WRITING A How fo .,, guide
Usefut [anguage
(@ write a Haw ta,.. suide, Giving tips and advice
f Read the title of the blog post. What,s your advice Here are (my) top tips for..,
for staying safe online? Discuss your ideas as It's important (not) to ...
a class. You should always/never ,,.
It's a good idea to
2 Read the blog post, What advice does it give? Does
Remember that..,

ít mention any of your ideas from Exercise 1?

5 Study the Look! box. How do we make affirmative

and negative sentences with imperatives?

§ t
Qlp tmperatives
We usually use imperatives to give instructions,
Think about what you put online,
üI' Don't accept their request,
We can use always and neverwith imperatives,
How to *****
Always show respect.
stay safe I
Never meet with someone that you only know online,

The internet is a great way to connect with friends 6 Complete the advice with affirmative or negative
and have fun, but there are dangers, too. Here are imperatives. Use the verbs in the box.
our top tips for staying safe online.
choose give put speak spend

It's important not to give any personal information

'l ,,. passwords that other people can't guess,
online, such as your phone number or the name 2 ,,, anything online that you wouldn't like your
of your school. On social media, you should always parents to see,
check your privacy settings so that only friends can 3 Never,,, your passwords to anyone.
see your posts. 4 ... all your free time online.
5 .., to an adult if you're worried about anything.

It's a good idea to only play or chat with people you 7 Write a How fo,., guide. Follow the steps in the
know in real life. lf someone you don't know asks to Writing plan.
be your friend, don't accept their request - people
aren't always who they say they are. Never meet with
Someone that you only know online.
tñlritinE plan
Be careful with any photos or videos that you post, ) Choose your topic:
especially if they're a bit embarrassing. Remember . How to stay healthy . How to do well in your exams
that other people can share your photos, and then ) Make notes about your tips and advice, What should you
they're out of your control. lf you're writing a post on do? What shouldn't you do?
social media, always show respect. You may not agree ) Group your ideas under headings, for example, Before the
with someone, but you should never be rude. exam, On the day of the exam, ,.,

S Read the blog post again and match the headings ) Organize your ideas into paragraphs:
with the paragraphs, There is one extra heading. . lntroduction,
a Be careful who your'friends' are . Use a different paragraph for each heading,
b Think about what you put online ) Use the expressions from the Useful language box.
c Choose a password that you won't forget
d Protect your identity and privacy Check
) Check your grammar: should and shouÍdn't,
) Check imperatives and your spelling,

@ Writing summary WB p,88 @ r*ams, Unit 5 SB p,122 Q uanguage summary: Unit 5 SB p.131
Vocabulary: party plans;
Things for a camping trip

Party plans
l,;itr,rrh{ii;f ii:r' n ¡:,rit¡,.
ffi ¡1i;;¡;¡,,

Copy and complete the party guide with the words What makes a good party? Put these
in the box. Listen, check and repeat. things in order of importance. Then
compare in pairs.
date decorations DJ fun guest list invitations . a good playlist or
lights place playlist snacks social media takeaway
food and snacks
. guests
. lights and decorations
. other things (your ideas)
Work in pairs. Did you have a party for
your last birthday? What did you do?

& Ghoose q... qnd....

Youth club ¡4O,

O.... Listen and repeat. Pay

attention to the f/ sound.

decorations invitation social media

Practise saying these words,
E Listen, check and repeat.
Bug... ond celebration machine Russian
food or il'-. show special sugar
order o... ! 'l+. ,.j'


L ..a
* Complete the sentences with the
5 Greqte q... correct verb from Exercise 1.
or h¡re o ....
! month. and She wants to throw the perfect I
I OartV - l'm helping her to plan it! I
Puú up.-
qnd.... I list.
I told her to 1
... a date and to 2 ... a guest I
! email.She wants to 3 ... the invitations by I
Io Mum says it's too expensive to I
I ...atakeaway or 5 ... a DJ, so we are I
: I going to 6 ...some snacks and 7 ... a I
hqve... t I
I playlist - and ... some decorations, of I
two party rules:

I course! Wes have I

a I I Don't -.. photos on social media!
Thlnk before Uou post lJour

YSF Y§P r P<rrtu oD ¡.. - we cll know

ruhot con hoppent o Now watch the vlog.

lmagine your dream party. Where are you?

What is everybody doing? What food is there?

§ language summary: Unit 6 SB p, 132

Birthday celebrations
READI NG @ scan a web page for specific information,

I Work ín pairs. How old will you be on your next birthday? How do you want to celebrate it?

2 Scan the survey quickly. Find answers to these questions.

1 ln total, how many people wrote comments?
2 Of the three people here, who is the youngest person to write a comment?
3 Apart from surveys, what other things can you find on this website?
4 What time did Theo write his comment?

ffi ffi ffirffi S.t

Film News Science & Technology Style !.r.rrYev: Z
Fun & Cames

l§urv*y: Y*e*r' ffi rrt***rg di

Everybody likes to celebrate their birthday

differently. Perhaps you like big parties with
lots of friends, or maybe you prefer simple
celebrations at home with your family. lf
your bifthday's in winter, you probably won't
have a barbecue or a beach party, and if you
have a summer birthday, you definitely won't
go ice-skating in the park! So, how are you
going to celebrate your next birthday? Write
and tell us!

fordan, 15 zz Mqrch ot 22"73

My birthday's in November. l'm going to have a karaoke party, with about five of my friends. My
dad's going to hire a karaoke machine, and we're all going to sing our favourite songs. I want to
find some cheap wigs and sunglasses so that people can dress up as their favourite singer! l'm
sure we'll have lots of fun!

Hayley, 13 2L March st tt.l?

fi) My birthday's in July. l'm possibly going to go to a theme park - if my parents agree. I love
m- theme parks and I really want to go on Nemesis - it's a really fast and scary rollercoaster. l'll
probably feel sick afterwards, but l'll definitely go on it again - straight away!

Theo, 14 el March at 72.05
l'm fifteen next month. l'm not going to have a big party, I'm just going to have a small
celebration with my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. There'll probably be about twelve
or thirteen people. [Vly mum's going to make pizzas and we're going to play games outside.
Hopefully it won't rainl
Show more comments

3 O O.¿ Read and listen to the survey and answer 4 ffi Look at the examples of adverbs of
the questions, certainty. Find three more adverbs of certainty in
1 Who wants to have a party with a few friends? the survey.
2 Who wants to have a party with music? Perhaps you like big parties,
3 Who wants to have a party with family? You probably won't have a barbecue.
4 Who wants the weather to be nice? 5 m§ FErum §air How many people in the world are
5 Who doesn't want to celebrate at home? celebrating a birthday today?

be going to and will
@ talk about future plans. lClL trlt about future plans and predictions.

5 Look at the grammar box. Copy and complete the

rules with be going to and will.
{ Read the grammar box, What form of the main verb
do we use after be going to? l'm going to have a sma[[ cetebration.
There'll probabty be about twetve or thirteen peopte.
We're going to play games outside.
Hopefutty it won't rain!
l'm going to have a karaoke party.
My dad's going to hire a karaoke machine.
We're going to s¡ng our favourite songs.
We use ... to make predictions about the future,
We use " ,.. to talk about future plans and intentions,
l'm not going to have a big party.
He isn't going to ¡nvite any friends.
They aren't going to play games.
6 Complete Chloe's comment with óe going to or wíll
and the verbs in brackets.
Questions Short answers
ls she going to make Yes, she is. /
pizzas? No, she isn't.
It's my fourteenth birthday next
2 Anna and Liam are each planning a party. Look at I
Saturday. ... (get up) early and
the list and complete sentences 1-6. have a birthday breakfast with my
family. I hope there ... (be) some
presents and cards to open! ln the afternoon, I ...
D 0
(have) a small party with my classmates, We ... (go)
ice-skating. Some of my friends don't know how
Anna Liam to skate, but l'm sure they .,. (learn) quickly, and
hopefully there ... (not be) any accidents! Afterwards,
invite a lot of guests x
we ... (eat) at my favourite ltalian restaurant. l'm sure
buy snacks x everybody ... (be) really hungry.
order a takeaway x
create a playlist )( 7 wlake questions with áe going to or will. Ask and
put up decorations answer in pairs,
hire a DJ x )( What (you / have) for dinner tonight?
A: What are you going to have for dinner tonight?

Liam isn't going to invite a lot of guests, B: l'm probably going to have spaghetti.
1 Anna ,., snacks, 1 What (mobile phones / be like) in the future?
2 Liam ,., snacks, 2 (you / watch) a film tonight?
3 Liam .,, a takeaway, 3 ln the future, (humans / build) homes on other
4 Anna .,, a playlist,
5 They,,. decorations, 4 When (you / do) your homework?
6 They,., a DJ, 5 (drones / deliver) our food in future?

3 now are you going to celebrate your next birthday?

Write sentences. Use the suggestions below and
your own ideas. ln the UK, if you
reach your t00th
l'm goinE to go to a bowting alley. birthday, the king
l'm not gaing to invite a tot of guests. or queen sends
. Place . lVusic you a birthday card!
. Number of guests . Decorations
. Food and drink
4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your plans. S rnsr F¡FmsFrER
Write about your plans and predictions for the summer,
Where are you
l'm going to invite a few We're going to go to France, Dad will probably get sunburn
going to celebrate
your next birthday? friends to come to my on the beach!
flat, What about you?

§ Urngrrge summary: Unit 6 SB p,132

A music festival
Things for a camping trip
(@ listen for specific information in a phone catl

Are music festivals popular in your country? Have In pairs, ímagine you're going on a camping trip
you ever been to one? Discuss the questions as a this weekend. Think about the weather, and agree
class. what you will need to take with you.
Match the words in the box with the A: lt's ge:fng t*: rain thís weekend. F/e'Jf need te take
pictures. Listen, check and repeat. our raincoafs.
S: And r,¡a'fl nsed a tent *f esursel
kit hoodie phone charger pillow
raincoat sleeping bag soap sun cream CI 6.§ Lucy phones her friend Seb to invite him to
a festival. Listen and answer the questions.
sunglasses tent toothbrush torch
towel water bottle 1 When is the festival?
2 Apart from Lucy and her dad, who else is going?
Complete the blog with objects from Exercise 2. 3 Where are they staying?
4 What does Seb need to do before he buys
his ticket?

Copy Seb's notes, Listen again and

complete them.

lf it! sunny, you'll need some t ... and a pair of ? ... .

Nar¡e of festivol: Big Green l'4usic Iestivql
It can get cold in the evening, so make sure you take Dote of festival:
a ... to wear.
Price of tlcket:
It may rain - it is the UK after all! - so take a a ... .
Things to take. ... , torch,
lf it rains, you'll want to dry yourself, so pack a 5 ... . Tronsport:
It's a good idea to take a 6 .,, in case you cut yourself. Doy/tirne of leoving: ... qt .. . o,.ryr.

§ languagé summary: Unit 6 SB p,132

GRAMMAR Present continuous for Reflexive pronouns
future arrangements use reflexive pronouns.
about future arrangements.
@,",n lxl Read the grammar box and the rule. Choose
the correct answer.

Reflexive pronouns
§ Read the grammar box. Copy and complete the
rules with future,presenf and weekend. I fixed my bike myself.
Did you hurt yourself when you fetl?
Joe cut himself with a knife.
Are you doing anything next weekend?
She reatty enjoyed herself at the concert.
l'm going to the Big Green Music Festivat.
We taught ourselves to ptay the guitar.
How are you getting there?
Did you make the invitations yourselves?
Dad's driving. We're leaving on Saturday morning
at 9.00.
They introduced themselves to their new teacher.

We can use the r ,,, continuous to talk about
We use a reflexive pronoun when fhe same / a
different person is the subject and the object of a verb.
arrangements (fixed plans) in the
We often use a time expression, for example, tomorrow,
nextt' ,,, ,on Saturday, S Complete the sentences with the correct
reflexive pronoun,

2 S O.Z Complete the dialogue using the present 1 We really enjoyed .,. at the
music festival,
continuous. Which actions refer to the future? Which
actions are happeníng now? Listen and check. 2 He fell off his bike and
hurt .,, ,

3 l'm teaching .,,

.lapanese, lt's really
hard I

4 Don't go too close

to the fire, children I

You'll burn .,. .

5 I gave her a towel so

that she could dry ,,, ,

$eb: Hi, Lucy. I spoke to my mum, and - guess

6 They introduced ,,, to
everybody at the party.
what? I 1 ,,, (come) to the festival next
7 The whale cut ,,, on
some rocks.
Lucy: That's great news, Oh, there's a small change
to the plan, Dad 2 ,,, (not drive) because
8 Sally, are you talking to ,., ?

there's a problem with the car. We 3,,, (get) ffi wr¡te sentences about you and your family and
the bus instead, We 4,,, (leave) here at 8,30. friends. Use the verbs in the box and a reflexive
Seb; That's fine.5,,, (you / take) any food with you? pronoun.
l*ucy: Just a few snacks, I 6,,, (pack)them right now,
We can buy food at the campsite, cut enjoy hurt talk to teach
§eb: OK, and what 7 ... (you / wear)on Saturday?
My dad cut himself on some glass last week.
Lucy: 18,,, (wear) shorts and a T-shirt,
My sister is teaching herself coding.
§eb: Great, I e ,., (feel) really excited! See you on
Saturday morning,

§ Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about lmagine you're going to a festival at the weekend.
your plans. Use the ideas in the box. Where is it? Who is going with you? What's happening
A: What are you doing after schaa!? there? what are you tak¡ng?
I'm going to a festival. I'm going with ,,
B: l'm ptaying foatball in the park with a few friends.
What about you?

What do after school?

Who meet tomorrow?
Where go next weekend?

§ language summary: Unit 6 SB p, 132

A special occasion
@ understand messages in a variety of greetings cards,
f Work in pairs, Do you give birthday cards to your friends or family?
On what other occasions do you usually give cards?

2 n¿atch the occasions in the box with the cards. There are two extra occasions

Birthday Christmas N/other's Day lVoving to a new school

New Year Passing your exams Wedding

* *

3 tvlatcn the cards with the messages inside them. 4 Read the cards and messages again and

o a ansvver the questions.

1 How is Amy celebrating her birthday?
Thonks lon everyihing Dear Arty 2 Who is moving to a new school?
you do tor re. I moy Another .¡ear oláer - 3 ls Jordan a boy or a girl?
not be fhe pentect son we ¿ar"r't bel¡eve ¡t! 4 Who sent a card to their niece?
but you'ne definitely flrá Have a great áa,¡ 5 What are two names for the person who
pen$ect rnumJ
an* o, fvn 7a.ty brings the presents at Christmas?
Lots o€ love
5 O o.a Listen. What is the occasion in each
Jordqn Mvr.. aná9aá dialogue?

6 O o.a Listen again and answer the

€ o To camila
Dialogue 1
To Ioseph W¡rhinC you peace 1 Where is Susie?
and happinecs lhiq 2 What did her brother buy for their mum?
Th¡lnks for beihg ó lreób
f"olidag .Q,^qoA.
trichd óhd ctóssmóte. Hope Dialogue 2
*oPe Fafher
you m¿ke [o$ of frtehds dt chri¡tma¡ b?í^é. 3 Why is Felix leaving?
your new ptdcel gou lotr of tov€lg 4 What is he doing this afternoon?
?rQqQl^.t1! Dialogue 3
We\t miss youl cood tuck!
5QQgou in fhe 5 What was Chloe's tVaths result?
Evcrybody in dóss tB New year! 6 What is she doing tonight to celebrate?
eeckg x 7 §| cET CREATIvE work in smalt groups.
Choose an occasion from Exercise 2.
€ A:i:.ri -',.:1rr':

Design a greetings card and write a

To our qmazing, hord-working Emrno
message inside the card. As a class, vote
Congratulations! hJc knet,l t¡ou could do for the best card.
it! You're a star!
Lots of love

Auntie Vicltg and Uncle Bob

SPEAKING Asking for and offering help
@ askfor and offer help,
1 O O,g Listen and read. Match the dialogue with one of
the messages on page 64.

Amy: Hello?
Zac¿ Hi, Amy, it's Zac! Shall I help you get ready for
the party tonight? I could come over after lunch? \
Amy: Yes please, that would be really helpful,
Zact So, what can I do to help?
Amy: Could you make the sandwiches?
Zac: No problem, Cheese and tomato? I
Amy: Perfect!
Zac= Do you want me to cook the pizzas, too?
Amy: That would be great. And after that, would you
mind creating a playlist?
Zac Sure, l'll put on lots of party songs that
everybody knows,
ArrSur Great, While you're doing that, l'll go to the shop and
buy the drinks. And then I think we'll be ready!
Z¿rc; Great. I can't wait for the partyl .\r**
2 Read the dialogue again. Which jobs is Zac Aoing 5 Work in pairs. Ask for and offer help in one of
to do? the situations below. Follow the steps in the
Speaking plan.
3 (} a.lO Listen and repeat the Useful language.

Asking for help

Could you ,,.? ) light the barbecue
) tidy the living room
Would you mind,,,? ) cook the burgers
) do the washing uP
Offering help ) make a salad
) clean the kitchen
Shall I help you .,,? ) plan some games
) take out the rubbish
What can I do to help?
Do you want me to ,..?
|,11,,, .,': .1 .: .. ,..¡ , ,',

Accepting help Prepare

That would be great/really helpful.
,. Decide on your roles,
, Make notes for your diaiogue,
4 (} o.ll Put the dialogue in the correct order,
Listen and check. Speak
a Maya: No problem, We could play musical chairsl .i Practise your dialogue,
b Dad: That would be great, Then, could you plan l' Use phrases fror¡ the Useful language box.
some games? .' Act out your dialogue without notes,
c Maya: This is going to be a great party - Mum will
love it!
d Dad: Thanks, Maya, Would you mind making a ) How can you improve next time?
guest list? Just family and neighbours, ) Swap roles and choose a new situation,
e Maya: Do you want me to help you plan Mum's
surprise birthday party?
o moving!
f Dad: Brilliant idea, Everybody loves that game!
g Maya: Sure, Shall I send the invitations, too?
$ rnsr FIN¡SHER
lmagine that your class is organizing a party for the end of
term. Write a list of the jobs, like the lists in Exercise 5.

[§ language summary: Unit 6 SB p,132

Happy New Year!
(@* 1omp.1re.New
Year and winter celebrarions in
the UK with celebrations in my country.

New Year celebrations in 2 Flogmamay, Edinburgh
the UK The Scottish name for the New Year celebrations is
How do you usually celebrate New Hogmanay. ln Edinburgh, Hogmanay starts on 3O
Year? ln the UK, there are lots of December with a big parade. Then, on New Year's Eve,
interesting celebrations at the end of there is a huge street party with musicians, acrobats and
an old year and the start of a new one. fire eaters. At midnight, there is an amazing firework show
Here are our three top suggestions. over Edinburgh Castle. People hold hands and sing the
traditional song Auld Lang Syne. The celebrations don't
stop there! On New Year's Day, people dress up in funny
'l New Year, London
costumes and dive ¡nto the freezing cold River Forth!
Many cities and towns in the UK
celebrate New Year with firework shows.
One of the biggest and most famous is in
3 Up Helly Aa, §hetland lslands
Up Helly Aa is a festival that takes place on the Shetland
London. At midnight on New Year's Eve, lslands in Scotland. lt happens later in January. People
Big Ben rings twelve times to welcome dress up as Vikings wearing helmets, and walk through
the New Year, and the fireworks begin. the streets carrying torches of fire. They pull a full-size
Thousands of people stand along model of a Viking longship through the streets, and then,
the River Thames to watch the show after singing the Up Helly Aa song, the parade ends when
Then, on New Year's Day, there is a big they throw their torches onto the ship. As the ship burns,
parade through the streets with carnival
the crowd sings one more song, and then everybody
dancers, marching bands, magicians and returns to the town for a big partyl
giant balloonsl

f took at the pictures on page 66. ln which pieture(s) can you see
1 fireworks? 2 aparade? 3 costumes?
... o
2 S O.'rz Read and listen to the information on the website about three celebrations in the UK.
Match the eelebrations with the pietures.

3 Read the website again. Copy and complete the table.

'1 there is a parade,

2 there are fireworks,

3 there are musicians,

4 people go swimming,

5 people sing songs,

6 people celebrate after 1 January,

7 people wear costumes,

B people burn a boat,

4 A performer is a person who entertains an 6 O O,ls Listen to the two interviews.

audience - for example, a singer or an actor. Find six types of How did each person spend New
performers in the text. Year? What are their New Year's
5 What are New Year's resolutions? Bead the text and complete
the resolutions with the words in the box, 7 @ Compare your answers in
pairs. Listen again and check.
be do eat listen save spend start stop
s @ coMPARE cuLTURES How
do people celebrate New Year in
your country? Are there any special
traditions? What do you and your
family usually do?

f,- -.,

I OrHrNKcRrrrcALLY what New
Year's resolutions would you like to
make for next year? Think about:
RES@LUru@NS a tlúnqrt t¡tu* urcull. üke
ta cha,n4o, and, wk4,
We asked four British teenagers about their ffi

New Year's resolutions - the things they a ttt-ut tün4rl, yttt* ut<ru.{d,
want to do or change in their lives during the APeUL (ta,an, and
next year. Here's what they said:

a thinqrt qnu wau,lÁ,

Ukz k' afaaf (o+ tlr),P)
dtinq, and. wlu*

Iwant to 3 ... money for my

summer holiday. l'm going to get a
Saturday job and 4... Iess.

get better at @ Errsr FÉNsss{EH

school. I'm going to t... more in lmagine you're organizing a special New
class and ... moré homework. Year celebration for all your family and
friends. Write about your plans.
First, l'm going to have a big concert with all my
Iwant to i ... fitter. l'm going to join favourite musicians, Then, at midnight, we're
a dance club or 8 ... running. going to,,,
A lovely surprise
WRIT¡NG A thank-you letter 2 Uook at the Useful tanguage. How do you say
these expressions in your language?
@ write a thank-you letter,
I Read the letter. What did Layla get for her Usefu[ [anguage
birthday? What is she going to do next weekend?
Writing a thank-you letter
Thank you for the ,,. that you sent me,
Dea¡, A,^fie CLa¡.e a^d U"cle To^y It was very kind/generous of you.

Tha^k yo" {or the card and Prete^t that yo" I had a great/fantastic birthday.

fe^t r¡e (or ny birthday. lf wal a Lovely Lots of love / Best wishes

tvrPrite aad very ki^.,I oÉ yo,. I the

headpho^ef * they're ger(ect Éor Lirte.i."3 fo 3 Read the Look! box. Find one more example of a
preposition + -ing in the letter.
rulic everywher.e I .jol
I had a g'eat birthday. I .1of "p early a^.i Look! Preposition + -ing
openeol ray ?vete^tt be{ore fchool. fhe^, i" the
ev€ninJr ae orc\erec) a Chinele iakeaway * raY
lf a verb comes after a preposition, we often use the
-ing form of the verb.
{avo,ritet. I "Jot ,o¡^€ €a^ta¡tic Prete^tl - rno^€Y They're perfect ior listening to music.
{ron M,¡n a^.1 Da"i, ahc¡ ,o¡e eatrrinll kor }tcar.
I'rn f hi"ki"1 o€ "ti"1 the raoney fo buy ? n€w
4 Copy and complete the sentences. Use the -lng
bike al r^y ol"l o^e if a bit rr^all Éor r€ ¡ow. form of the verbs in the box.
Next ,.reek ir the Lalt week oÉ terrn. l¡Je've go have make remember see
1ot exant aL[ week fo l'rn ^of Looki^'j {or,»lrc)
fo thatl 0. tri..lay ^i1hl I'r^ 1oi^"i to a fuieni,'t 1 l'm excited about ,,, my friends,
houle {or a lLeegover. We're '1oi^3 to watch a fiLn 2 He's good at,., cakes,

anol have f'nza 2,.á cakel tle probabLy -o.'f 3et

3 Are you scared of ,,, on the rollercoaster?
4 She isn't keen on ,,, a party for her birthday,
a^y tl.eeh b,t it'LL be knt.
5 Thanks for ,,, my birthday!
rha^kl alain {or the brilLia"t Prete^t- I really 5 Write a letter to say thank you for a present. Follow
appreciate it. the steps in the Writing plan.
Lof, oÉ Love
k$ritárxg pi*n
) It/ake notes for your letter, What is the present and
who is it from? What do you like about it?

) Organize your ideas into paragraphsr
. Thank the person for the present,
. Describe what you did on your birthday (or other
special occasion),
'¡1 . Describe some other news,
) Use the expressions from the Useful language box,

) Checkyour grammar: be going ta,will andpresent
) Check prepositions + -ing and your spelling,

@ writing summary wB p,89 § Hterature: Units 4-6 SB pp,114-115

@ Review: Units 4-6 SB pp,102-103 @ e*arns, Un¡t 6 SB p, 123

o f,f Rroject: Units 4-6 SB pp, 108-109 [§ u"ngurge summary: Unit 6 SB p, 132
Vocabulary: Expressions with
get, go, make and fake; Feelings

Expressions with get, go, make and take

lIl[|l trlL about experiences t'd tike to have,


Hi, I'rn Joseph and this is my bucket

list. What's a bucket list? lt's a list of
all the things I want to do in my Iife ,
well, before l'm 25 anyway!

5 ... hett*r
at drawing
* ... E*oc1 m*rk*
in my exams!
L new friends
at university

- and pass
first time! and
7 ... *¡n mn adc{emtu¡'e to America I

What's a bucket list? Read and check. Complete Copy and complete the table with the words in
Joseph's list with the verbs in the box. blue from Exercise 1. Add the words from the box
below. Can you think of any more?
get (x3) go (x2) make (x2) take (x2)
abroad abreak aphoto asuggestion
(p z.'t tisten, check and repeat the answers to married on holiday plans ready rock climbing
Exercise 1. Which of the activities would you most
like to do? get go make take
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
1 What would you like to get better at?
2 Do you sometimes take part in competitions or
events? Where?
3 Where would you most like to go on an adventure?
(§) rnsr FTNTSHER
4 What other activities from .loseph's bucket tist
What's on your bucket list? Write sentences'
would you like to do?

§ langrage summary: Unit 7 SB p.133

Pushing your limits
READING @understand paraphrased sentences,

1 Look at the pictures. What part of the world do you think they show? What are some of the dangers there?
2 O 7,2 Read and listen to the article. Check your answers to Exercise t.


Jade Hameister is still a teenager, but she's done more in her life than most
people do in their lifetime. She's skied to the North Pole, she's crossed glaciers
in Greenland, and she's trekked to the South Pole. She's broken world records
and is the youngest person in history to reach both poles.
It hasn't been easy. To prepare for her travels, Jade - from Melbourne in Australia
- trained for hours after school and at weekends. During her adventures, she faced
temperatures of -40'C. Other dangers included polar bears and the risk of falling through
thin ice ¡nto , ,-,',' j ,i,' r water. Altogether, she travelled '1 ,300 km. She skied for eight to ten
hours every day, and pulled a ::t:.::!:50 kg sledge behind her.
During her 37-day journey to the South Pole, an i': '. , : Jade wrote, 'l've lost the feeling in my fingers and

toes and my body aches everywhere ... lt has been 26 days since my last shower. I would do anything for a
bath and a home-cooked meal (even just a piece of toast!).'
Jade has given talks and written a book about her experiences. She feels strongly about what climate change
is doing to the Arctic and Antarctic. Average temperatures there have increased by ¿ ,, i'. i'" : 2-3"C in the last

50 years, and that affects humans and animals everywhere on Earth. Jade also wants to inspire other young
people to follow their dreams and push their limits. 'lf you have a dream, just get started,' she says.

:l: '
rfldffirEE ott&
Distance: 150 km r
Length:11 days
Recold: Youngest person
in history (age 14)

Distance:550 km
Length: 27 days
Record: Youngest woman
in history (age 15)

Distance: 600 km
Longth: 37 days
r ffi
Recotd: Youngest person
in history (age 16)

3 Read the article again, Copy and complete the 4 tT ññfilnill Match the extreme adjectives in
sentences with one, two or three words from the text, blue in the text with the definitions.
Jade is the youngest person to go to the North 1 very big 3 very cold
and South poles, 2 very tired 4 very scary
1 lade .,. hard for her journeys in her free time,
2 Polar bears were just one of the ,,, on her trip,
5 O rHtNK cRtT¡cALLY work in pairs and
discuss. Why do people go on extreme and
3 Jade couldn't feel her ,,, as she trekked through
dangerous expeditions?
4 She really wanted some hotfood and ,., , 6 gl FIND oUT Who was the first person to reach
5 The Arctic and Antarctic are getting warmer the South Pole? When was it, and where was he
because of,,, ,
6 Jade would like to help young people's ,,, come true,

GRAMMAR Present perfect
affirmative and negative (# ¿3 Complete the paragraph. Use the verbs
lIl}Lt.tL about experiences in my tife, in the box and the correct form of the present
perfect. Listen and check.
o Now watch the grammar answer ask not reply not send reach
send take write
Read the grammar box. Ghoose the correct answer .-{é&*.
to complete the rules.
Wnifing to the Wonld
Affirmative When Toby Little was five, he
wanted to send a letter to every
l've skied to the North Pote. country in the world. He is now
He/She's written a book. a teenager, and he ... his goal!
:_ Toby ... to schools in China,
scientists in Antarctica and
wildlife rangers in Africa, He
I haven't crossed gtaciers,
people about their jobs, the food that they eat
He/She hasn't seen a polar bear. and their hobbies. Sadly for Toby, some people
We/You/They haven't been to the South Pote. ... , but a lot of people ... him letters. They
... Toby's questions about their country, and
Rutes some people ... photos to show him how they
We use the present perfect to describe an experience live. But there's one place that Toby ... a letter
in someone's life. We " say / don't say exactly when the to. Where is it? The Moon!
experience happened.
We form the present perfect with the correct form of Work in pairs. Talk about what you have done in
' have / be + past participle,
your lives. Use the ideas below and your own ideas.
Toform the past participle of regular / irregular verbs,
we add -ed to the verb,
eot Chinese food hike through o forest

Write the past participles of these verbs. Use the

lrregular verbs list on page 136 to help you.
live obrood
tqke port in u school Plot¡
climb eat have meet ride see
sleep study travel win
ride o horse sing on stoge
Copy and complete the sentences about Jade's
family. Use the present perfect affirmative.
1 lade's dad is a mountaineer, He ,,, some of the
swim in the sea
world's highest mountains, (climb)
2 )ade ,,, at Everest base camp, (sleep)
3 Jade and her family ,, around the world, (travel)
4 They ,,, some exciting holidays together. (have) A: l've eaten Japanese food, but I haven't eaten
Chinese food.
5 Jade ,,, lots of awards, (win)
6 She ,.. Prince Harry, (meet)
B: l've lived in Germany. We went there when
I was three.
Write sentences using the present perfect
aff irmative and negative.
we / live in Chile ,/ inPeru X

1 I / ride a horse ,/ a camel X

2 my brother / eat snails / insects X
3 they / meet lVargot Robbie / Emma Watson I
4 we / sleep in a caravan ./ atent X
5 you / win a silver medal / a gold medal .x
6 my sister / see a whale ,/ a shark X
Write about more experiences you or your family
have had,
My aunt has been on TV,

§ Uanguage summary: Unit 7 SB p,133

Have you ever felt scared?
Listen and repeat the words in the box. Look at the pictures
How do you think the people are feeling? Why?
I think he's scared because I
angry bored calm cheerful confident disappointed embarrassed
excited nervous pleased scared surprised upset worried


Work in pairs. Copy and complete the table with the (p7.§ Look at sentences l-5. Which of
adjectives from Exercise 1. Which adjective can be both them do you think are true about Damien
positive and negative? and which are false? Listen and check.
Positive Negative 1 He's parachuted into the ocean,

2 He's jumped from a tall building,
3 He's felt scared.
Choose three or four of the adjectives and think about what 4 He's worked with lots of famous actors,
makes you feel that way. Tell your partner, but don't say the 5 He's been in superhero films.
adjective. Can they guess it? qD7.5 Listen again and answer the
A: I fee{ iifte tl¡is when n:y fcoth*i{ team foses. questions,
8: Drsappoínted? 1 Why was the stunt in Damien's most
recent film dangerous?
Read the radio guide and look at the picture, What is
a stunt actor?
2 How does he stop himself feeling
3 What injuries has he had?
ffi z.SO p.m. Radio 7
4 What did he do before he was a stunt

ffiffif§&ffi:ffil:{:r 5 How did he feel when he won a silver

on some of the biggest action 6 What would he like to do in the future?
films. We talk to him about his
excitíng, but dangerous, jobt

[§ Unguage summary: Unit 7 SB p, 133

GRAMMAR Present perfect
questions; eyer and never 4 Read the Lookl box. Write questions with the
(@ ask questions about other people's experiences, present perfect and eyer.

Now watch the grammar

r@ ever and never
We often use eyer with present perfect questions.
I Read the grammar box, How do we form present It means'at any time in your life'.
perfect questions?
Have you ever hurt yourself?
We can also use neverin affirmative sentences.
Questions I Short answers It means'at no time in your life'.
Have you dived with i Yes. I have. / No, I've never broken an arm or a leg,
sharks? i I haven't.
Has he met any famous i Yes, he has. / No, he (climb) a mountain?
actors? hasn't Have you ever climbed a mountain?
1 (be) scared at a theme park?
É took at the interviewer's notes and write questions 2 (feel) worried about an exam?
and short answers. 3 (meet) a famous person?
Damien / work / with wild animals? / a (dive) into the sea?
A: Has Damien worked with wild animals? 5 (eat) Japanese food?
B; Yes, he has. 6 (break) a bone?
7 (get) angry with a friend?

Sentence stress
Listen and repeat.
A: Have you ever climbed a mountain?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Has she ever eaten Japanese food?
B: No, she hasn't.

Work in pairs. Practise these questions

and answers. Listen, check and repeat,
Interview - Damien Green A: Have you ever seen a snake?
B: Yes, I have.
1 any animals / attack him? /r
A: Has he ever eaten insects?
2 he / crash / a lot of cars? / B: No, he's never eaten insects,
3 he / fly a helicopter? X

4 he / climb / any mountains? / 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from
5 he / break / his arm? X Exercise 4. Use never if you need to,

6 his films / be successful? /

A: Have you ever climbed a mauntain?
B: Yes, I have. What about you?
r Work in pairs. Use the notes in Exercise
2 to act A: No, l've never climbed a mountain.
out the interview with Damien. Use'you'and 'l'
instead of 'he'. ffi
lmagine you are interviewing a
Have any animals
famous explorer about their travels,
attacked you? Yes, they have!
discoveries and experiences.
Write questions wíth Have
you ever ,,.?

7 SB p.133
Have you ever tried skydiving?
understand information in an advert.
1 Scan the adverts to find the name of the
three sports. Which one would you most like
to do? Why?

2 Read the adverts and answer the questions.

t Which course is the longest? Which course
is the shortest?
2 Which course isn't for beginners?
Have you ever wanted to try s§diving, but you're too 3 Which course gives you a video?
scared to jump out of a plane? Then why not try indoor
skydiving? Our course wiLl teach you atl you need to know
4 For which course must you get there early?
5 For which courses must you take some of
Cost: f39.99 your own equipment or clothing?
* 45-minute lesson with an instructor
* Two flights of ó0 seconds each 3 (D z.e Listen to a dialogue between two
* All equipment provided: flight suit, helmet and goggles friends, Becky and Sid, Why is Becky
* DVD of your flight calling?
4 O 7.8 Listen again, and choose the correct
Ptease arrive an hour before your fl.ight time to
meet your instructor and put on your f tight suit t@ answer, a, b or c.
1 When do Becky and Sid decide to do the
a o
\dORtD Mon
For sn experience you'll
never forget!
Prepare to drive, jump and fly through mud on our
2 How much is the course?
exciting quad biking course! lt doesn't matter if you haven't driven before
you'll soon learn. Book now ... you won't be disappointed! G ¡
w*s+¡ts Now c37 870
30-minute lesson and one hour of drive time with an instructor
Max¡mum 10 people per group
Price includes hire of quad bike, helmet and protective clothing
3 What do they need to take?
Additionol informqtion
Bring waterproof clothing and wear boots - you'll get very muddyl G
Have you climbed before? Do you want
to go to the next level? Our four-week 4 How are they going to get there?
course is a great way to improve your
rock climbing and feel more confident!
$ostr 1fi5
What's included?
6A minutes a week with one of our
" Unlimited use of our climbing wall
" Equ¡pment: helmet, ropes T
" Certificate at the end of the course
Please bring your own climbing shoes.
ctlcl( It[flfl I0 800r.
SPEAKING Asking for information
@askfor and give information,
1 O z.g Listen and read. cathy is at the indoor skydiving centre,
Does she book a lesson?

Receptlonist: Good morning, how can I help you?

Cathy: l'm interested in indoor skydiving,
Receptionlst: Have you tried skydiving before?
Cathy: No, I haven't,
Receptionist; OK, so you'll need some lessons with our instructor,
Cathy: Do I need any special equipment?
Reeeptionist: No, you don't, We provide everything you need:
a flight suit, a helmet and goggles,
Cathy: How much is it?
Heeeptionist: It's f39,99, The price includes the equipment, a lesso n and
two 60-second flights, You can book with me, or you can book online,
Cathy: oK, l'll get my parents to book online, ls there anything else I need to know?
Receptionist: on the day of your flight, you should get here an hour early to meet your instructor,
Cathy: Thanks very much,
Reeeptionistt You're welcome,

2 Ql.lO Listen and repeatthe Useful tanguage. 4 Work in pairs and ask for information
about an activity. Follow the steps in the
Useful language Speaking plan.
Asking for and giving information
Receptionist Customer
How can I help you? I'm interested in ,,, Prepare
Have you tried ... before? Do I need any special : Choose one of the adverts on page 74,
We provide.,, equipment? or use your own ideas,
The price includes.,, How much is it? i Decide on your roles,
ls there anything else I need .' Ivlake notes for your dialogue,
to know?

3 O Copy and comptete the diatogue with the phrases in ,i Practise your dialogue,
the box. Listen and check. .: Use phrases from the Useful language
How much is it? I'm interested in kayaking.
r Act out your dialogue without notes,
You should bring a towel and warm clothes
No, but you should wear old clothes - you'll get wet, ' How can you improve next time?
Receptionist: Hello, how can I help you? ', Swap roles and choose a new activity,
Receptionist: Have you tried kayaking before?
Emma: No, I haven't,
Receptionist: OK, so you'll need the beginner's course
Emma: 2
Receptionist: It's f60 for a two-day course, The price includes What's the most exc¡ting experience you,ve ever
lessons and lunch on both days, had? Write a few sentences about what you did
Emma: Do I need any special equipment? and how you felt.
Receptionist: 3 ,,. We provide I went on holiday to Lanzarote and went scuba
life jackets,
Emma: Cool, ls there anything else I need to know? diving, I felt scared at first, but when t got in the
a water, I felt really excitedl
Receptionist: ., , f or after the lesson.

Emma: OK, thanks very much,

Receptionist: No problem,

§ Uangrage summary: Unit 7 SB p,133

Tourism in New Zealand

all over the world. v irs it New

F,YE ,to,urlsts from AS
in raft
I and whtte -urater
b et boat its
E¡t of, of' v üsttors
a It
198Os' a New Zealander bungY
J. Hackett nade the
sport of'
junptng began on the s0a11
Brrñgy A. wi'th
lsland of Vanuatu la the South junp trng PoPular He worked
of Auckland
PacÍfÍLc. A local legend says that a sclen'tlsts at the Uni.versity §, and he
bungY roPe
¡nar¡ aad his wife had aa argunent. to create spe c1al. wanted
dtd hls ff'rst junP tn bungY
1986 ' He
The wouaa ran fu¡to the forest that junpnrlg was
and climbed a tree to escape fron to show the wo rld he had an iidea' He fle¡r
her angry husbalod. ?he husband safe, so io 1987 juxüpe d f'rou the Eiffel
to I'rance and he
f'ollowed her, so the wonan tied a cane ras filned the
virne' around her ankle and junped Tower irn PariLs' TV ¡ranted to
f,ron the top of the tree. The nan junp' and suddenlY everybody the worLd's
try i t! In 1988, A'J' opened
also junped, but wi,thout a vine. junPlng c entre at the
T'he wonan landed safely, but her f,Í'rst bungY that was
Que enstoÍn.
husbaud fell to the ground and died. Kawarau Bridge ln tourisu 1n
It 1s nor a¿¡ annual tradirtÍon for the beg i-Enir!8 of adve nture
then nllli'ons of
islanders to buXld ta1l towers and New Zea.}and, and since the f,ron the top wiLth just a vine peoPle of all ages hav e experier¡ced
juúP !
around theÍr ankles. exctrteoe ot of a bungY

in the rainforest
vine = a long, thin ptant that grows down from trees
S Wtrat do you know about New Zealand? Where is 7 @ Zf * Melissa and Josh are tourists ín
it? What is it famous for? New Zealand. Listen to their podcast.
Which of the activities from the map are
tr S z.te Read and listen to the travel guide. Who
they doing?
brought the sport of bungy jumping to New
Zealand? ffi ffi f"f * Listen again. Choose the things Melissa
and Josh do on the tours.
ffi Read the travel guide again and put the events in
the correct order. a go inside a small house
a A.J, Hackett jumped for the first time,
b talkto a scientist
b People watched the jump on TV,
c spend the night in a lüáori village
c A woman from Vanuatu jumped from a tree.
d hear traditional songs
d A,J, Hackett jumped from the Eiffel Tower,
e escape from other people
e Other extreme sports became popular in
f swim under a waterfall
New Zealand, * ffi ffiffi§'*ffintr[§1/B Work in groups. Make a video
f The first bungy jump for tourists began, blog or prepare a presentation about an exciting
g N/lore people started jumping with vines, tourist attraction or activity in your country.
d.i ffi Find four other extreme sports
in the text. Can you think of any more extreme

ffi ffi **ffip&ffiffi frt,,-ffUffiffis workin pairs or

lmagine you are going to visit New Zealand. From what
small groups. What extreme sports or adventure you have learned, what would you like to do, and why?
activities can tourists do in your country?
l'd like to .,, because
S ruew Zealand is not just for adventure
tourists! Look at the map and
match the activities with
the pictures.
a Learn about lMáori history North Cope

and culture,
b Relax on beautiful beaches.
c Explore modern cities, aW-hangarai

d See whales and dolphins,

e Go hiking in rainforests,
f Go on a Lord of the § Manukau

Bings tour, of Plenty

a fauranga
NORTH eWhakatáñe

I G¡sborne
New Plymoutht
Égnond '

Fare,sel! 6Palñe¡ston No*h
i* Masterton





t Duned¡n



What have you done so tar?
WRITING A blog post
@ write a blog post 4 took at the Usefut tanguage. How do you say
these expressions in your language?
f Work in pairs. Have you been on any school trips?
What was your favourite school trip and why?
Usefüül [anguage
2 Read Emma's blog about a schooltrip. Where is Describing things you've done
Emma? ls she having a good time?
We've done lots of exciting things,
We've climbed ,,, I been to ,., / seen ,..
It was amazing / great fun!
Tomorrow, we're going to go to ..,

I 5 Read the Look! box, Complete the sentences

using so or such alan.

so and such
Hi, everybody! l'm in Wales on a school trip and l'm
having such a good time! We use so and such to make our opinions stronger.
We've done lots of exciting things. We've climbed We use so + adjective:
Mount Snowdon. lt was really hard, but the views It's so warm,
from the top were amazing! We've also been white- We use sucá + a/an + adjective + noun phrase:
water rafting. lt was great fun, but l've never been
l'm having sucá a good time!
so scared in my life! I nearly fell out of the boat!
The weather's fantastic - it's so warm. Tomorrow 1 We had.,. exciting day,
morning, we're going to a beach and we're going to
go paddle boarding. Then, in the afternoon, we're 2 The beach was,,, beautiful,
going to go on this zip wire. lt's the fastest in the 3 I bought ,., funny souvenir for my best friend!
world. We're all really excited! 4 When she got home, she was ,.. tired,
l've bought souvenirs for all my family - a Welsh 5 We were .,, disappointed with the hotel,
dragon for Mum, a Welsh football scarf for Dad and 6 lt was,,, long journey,
a T-shirt for my brother. I can't wait to tell them all
about the trip!
6 lmagine you are on a schooltrip, Write a blog post
about it. Follow the steps in the Writing plan.

tñ§rit!mg plan
) lVlake notes about your school trip. Where are you?
What activities have you done so far? Did you enjoy
) What are you doing tomorrow? How are you feeling
about it? What souvenirs have you bought?

3 Read the blog again. Which of the things on the Write

list has Emma done? Write sentences with the
present perfect.
) Organize your ideas into paragraphs;
.What you've done,
'.1 . What you're going to do next,
' l
, r ' ..i i t .t l

) Use the expressions from the Useful language box

go white-water rafting
go on a zip wire ) Check your grammar: present perfect, be going to,
go shopping for souvenirs ) Check so and such.

go paddle boarding ) Check your spelling.

climb a mountain

@ writing summary WB p,90 @ e*ams, UnitT SB p,124 [! tanguage summary: UnitT SB p,133

Vocabulary: Belationships;
Krnd acts

It[L trlt about relationships with friends and famity

Match the verbs in the box with the pictures in the questionnaire. Listen, check and repeat.

argue (with someone) be kind (to someone) be rude (to someone) get angry (with someone)
get on well (with someone) hang out (with someone) look after (someone) make (someone)
say sorry (to someone) shout (at someone)

Copy and complete the table with the verbs from Write four or five sentences about your partner,s
Exercise 1. answers.
Positive Joanna gefs on well with her parents. She often
argues with her brother"

Complete each question with one word from

Exercise 1. Ask and answer the questionnaire in pairs

Think about a person you get on well with. Why do you

rilTNDs AND TAIiILY get on well together?
Iget on well with my fnend Ana, She's very kind, We're both
interested in ,,,
O Oo you get ... weL[ with your famil.y? a
O Oo your parents sometimes get ... with you?
O no you ever ... with your friends? What about?

@ lf you're ... to someone, do you atways say sorry


@ Where do you usualty hang ... with your f riends?

@ Wfricf, of your friends and famil"y... you l"augh
the most?
() no you sometimes look ... youryounger §
re[atives? Who? When?

@ tt you have upset someone, what's the best

way to say ...?

§ Uanguage summaryl Unit I SB p, 134

A special friend
@ identify correct and incorrect information in a text,
1 O g.z work in pairs. Look at the pictures and the title of the articte.
Discuss the questions. Read and listen to check your ideas.
1 What are the animals?
2 How and why do you think they became friends?
3 What do you think they do together?

Am unusueifl
Owen and Mzee have been friends for nearty tventy yearg in fact
since Ouren was a baby. But vhat's unusual about their friendship is
that Owen is a hippopotamus and Mzee is a l30-year-otd rorroise!

Their story began in Kenya on Ihe east coasI of Africa when

heavy rain fiooded [he river where 0wen Lived. The fast-moving
waLer separaied the young hippo from his mother, and carried
him aLL the way to Ihe ocean. Luckil.y, some fishermen found :§.
the hippo, on his own and ctose to death, and took him to a zoo. ü.
!y'hen Owen firsI arrived at the zoo, there weren'L
Owen has Lived there with his new famiLy since that day.
any olher hippos, so Lhe zookeepers put him with
Mzee, an elderty female gianL lortoise. They didn't
get on wellat first - Mzee preferred being atone -
but after a whiLe, they became good friends. They

.r' swam and ptayed Logether, and Mzee tooked after

Owen Like a parenl [ooks after a chi[d. Owen even
§ started behaving Like a torloisel He shared Mzee's
food and he slept at night inslead of during the
day [ike other hippos.

0wen is now with Mzee, so the

Loo big to live
.'¡ zookeepers have moved him to be with anoLher
t hippo called Cleo. 0wen and Cleo have also
become good friends, but Owen hasn't forgotten
his old pal, Mzeel Their story is a powerfulsymbol
of lriendship, and shows us IhaL ifwe accept each
o[her's diflerences, we can atL Learn to be friends.

2 Read the article agaín. Are the sentences true (T) 3 flll!f?:fñ[7ll Find words or phrases in the articte
or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. that have the same meaning as these words.
1 Owen became friends with tMzee almost 1 alone 4 some time later
twenty years ago, 2 very big 5 friend
2 There was no rain where Owen lived in Africa, 3 old 6 sign
3 Owen was with his mother when the fishermen
found him, 4 O THINK cR¡TIcALLY Discuss in pairs. What
makes a good friendship? Why are friendships
4 Owen and N/zee became friends immediately,
5 lVlzee was like a mother to Owen,
6 Hippos usually sleep at night, 5g FIND ouT How long do hippos and giant
7 Owen doesn't live with Mzee now. tortoises usually live?
8 Owen and Cleo don't get on welltogether,
Present perfect with
for and srnce (D A.¡ Complete the text. Use the present perfect"
about something that started in the past and form of the verb in brackets and for or since. Listen
@*rr. and check.

Now watch the grammar

Read the sentences in the grammar box. Copy and

complete the rules with for and sínce. trlly best friend is called Anna. I

(know) her I was eight, and we ... (be)

f riends ... nearly three years.
We're both mad
Owen and Mzee have been friends for nearly about football. I ... (support) Manchester City
twenty years. ... overten years, and she ...(be) afan of
Owen and Mzee have been friends since Owen lVlanchester United ... she was little. We
was a baby. always get on really well, but we sometimes
It hasn't rained for a few months. argue about which is the best team. Luckily, we
It hasn't rained since March. ... (not argue) ... a few weeks!

We use the present perfect + for or srnce to talk about
something that began in the past and is still true now
We use ,,. + a length of time,
We use 2 ,,. + a point in time.

Copy and complete the table with the words and I

expressions in the box.

2019 seven o'clock five days a long time

four hours I was twelve tVlonday October
ten minutes three months two weeks Write true sentences with for or slnce, and the
yesterday ideas below.

for stnce
a long time 2019 r(lt0w llv BtsT filtllD 0t AI tllt$ §clloot

Complete the sentences with for or since,

1 She's worn the same socks,,, three days.
iltlt il ilr ll0llt tlAUI A Ptl0l{t
2 l've been friends with Fernando ,,, 2018.
3 He's had a girlfriend ,,, six months, flt A rAt{ 0f
4 We haven't done any exercise,,, weeks, SI tl[I tll$tl§tl ,,.

5 She's worked as a journalist,,, she left university,

6 l've been awake ,,, five o'clock this morning, Work in pairs and compare your answers to
Exercise 5. Who has done each thing for the
Iongest time?

t85t The world's otdest

football club is
/ar, Sheffield F.C. lt has
existed since tgST!
It{¡ woRrD,r Hn!I t00r¡tu (

lmagine you're a famous person, Write sentences with

E for and slnce about your life,
l've been an actor for ten years, l've lived in a big house in
Hollywood since last year,

§ I-anguage summary: Unit 8 SB p,134

Be kind !

Kind acts
answer LVh- questions when I listen


I ysur seat to
"". "." §oruleonesitting yslrr tea*her
..- .". frorm the "stre*t
§smeone on the bus alsne to l¡ave luneh after a lesson
with you
Eil EJ E

... at everybody .." blood "". fcr eharity .., eomeone with
you see their shopping bags

Discuss as a class. Have you heard of Read the tweet. Listen to the interview. Why is Noah
World Kindness Day? What do you think doing eighteen kind acts?
it is? Give some examples of what people
might do on this day.
r:? Noah Harris f roltow
Read about World Kindness Day. r¡L @NoahHarrisT95
Complete the eight kind acts with the
It's World Kindness Day today and
verbs and expressions in the box. Listen,
l'm doing 18 kind acts. Listen to the
check and repeat, interview with me here!
give help invite offer 3:15 p.m. - 13 Nov - Newcastle
pick up Iitter raise money o5 e2o *s
smile thank

Listen again and answer the questions.

3 Work in pairs. Which of the things in
Exercise 2 do you do, and how often? 1 Where was Noah yesterday morning?

A: I always offer my seat to elderly people 2 Who was he with, and what were they doing?
an the bus. 3 Why does Noah want to change people's ideas about
B: Really? I sometimes do that, too.
4 What other kind acts has Noah done?
5 When did Noah give blood?
6 How did he feel before and after?

Sl language summary: Unit I SB p, 134

Present perfect and 5 Look at each pair of sentences. Decide ffi
past simple which needs the present perfect and which
needs the past simple. Write the sentences
t.'n about experiences and past actions. in your notebook.
1a I / see / all the James Bond films,
b | / see / the most recent film / at the weekend.
2a Layla / break / her arm / last month,
§ Read the grammar box. Copy and complete the b Really? I / never break / my arm,
rules with present perfect or past simple. 3a David /
travel / to a lot of different places,
b David / travel / all around China / two years ago,
Present perfect Past simple 4a you / ever / run /a marathon?
b No, but I / run / a half marathon / last year,
l've helped peopte with Yesterday morning, we
their shopping. picked up rubbish. ffi took at the questionnaire and write the questions
l've given btood. : I gave btood on Monday in your notebook.
1" Have yau eyer ralsed rnoney far charity?
We use the ' ... to talk about an experience. We use it
when we aren't interested in when it happened, only HAVE YOU EVEE aaa
the fact that it happened,
We use the :r .,, to give more details about a finished (raise) money
action in the past, We often mention the exact time for chari§?
when it happened,
2 Copy and complete the sentences. Use the
on the /
present perfect or past simple.
{cook) dinner for your
family or (make) a cake?
(see) a thunderstorm?

(eat) insects?
(write)a story?

1 Noah ,,. a lot of people, (help)

? Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 6 in
pairs. lf your partner answers 'yes', ask another
2 On tr/onday, he .,, his neighbour's shopping. (carry) question in the past simple to find out more. Use
3 Yesterday evening, he ,., his grandad's dog for a the ideas below.
walk, (take)
A: Have you ever raised money for charity?
4 He,,, a lot of interviews on radio, (do)
8; Yes, I have.
5 He ,.. on TV. (not appear)
6 Yesterday, a photo of Noah and his friends ,,, in the
A: When did you do that?
newspaper, (be) B: Last year. I ran 70 km and I raised 50 euros.

past simple
present perfectand
When dÉd ymu """ ? +:

Sühgre 'r'"it'l;$ ir'*t* "."


§ g,o Listen and repeat.

t he helped / he's helped WhAt ,r,:{ti,.i ,t¡;,.l¡,,j .,". i.
2 I lived / l've lived
3 they worked / they've worked § r*sr Fr$r¡sHER
Write sentences about your classmates'answers to the
4 we tried / we've tried questionnaire.
4 Q¡ 8,7 Listen and write the sentences you hear, Julio has cooked dinner for his family, He made spaghetti
last week,

Sl language summary: Unit 8 SB p, 134

F\ Come oh, it'll be fun!
,' READTNG and LlsTENrNc
- I Look at the noticeboard. Have you ever helped with or done any of
the things on the board?

e O o l ¡
Wfier¡: Saturday, 10 May, Ílelpers for our after-school dub
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: South Beach Have you worked with children? Can

We need hetpers to pick up you work at least one afternoon a

ptastic and other rubbish week, from Monday to Friday? Then
from the beach. We'tI give you , r-* t.- we need you at our after-school club
gtoves and bags. Afterwards, for five-to-ten-year-olds, You must be
we'tI alL go to the beach café happy to organize activities, prepare
for a drink or an ice creaml snacks for the children, and help
lnterested? Please emaiI us! with homework. Contact jane@hillviewschsol

OtlARil il
rday,1 t May,1(
Bournemouth School
Oueen's Park Friday, 16 May, 3.3&-4.30 p.m.
Join our bike ride and help to We're having a cake sale!
raise money for charity. Children Please bake a cake or make some cookies to
must be thirteen or older to take help to raise money for new
part. All cyclists, including adults, school computers. Bring your cakes to the
must wear a helmet. Cost:t10 school office before the day of the sale. The
per person. All the money we sale will be in the school playground, or in the
raise will go to the local hospital. school hall if the weather is wet.

2 nead the notices again and choose the correct answers.

1 lf you d like to help with the beach clean, you 3 After-school club helpers ,,,
should ,,, a have to look after the children when school finishes.
a go to the beach café, b must be free every day from Monday to Friday,
b take your own gloves, c don't need experience with children,
c contact the organizers, 4 For the cake sale, you should ...
2 The notice for the bike ride says that ,,, a take your cakes to the school on Friday, 16 N/ay,
a children under thirteen must be with an adult. b tell the school office if you are planning to go to
b only teenagers and adults can do the ride, the sale,
c the bike ride goes from the park to the hospital, c go to the school hall to buy a cake if it's raining,
3 O A.e Listen to three dialogues and match them with three of the notices from the noticeboard.
4 O e.A Listen again and answer the questions.
'l Dialogue 1: Has Will made cakes before? When?
2 Dialogue 2r How many bags has Freddie filled? Where is Lydia's water bottle?
3 Dialogue 3: Has lMegan ever worked with children? What has she done?
SPEAKING Persuading o
@ persuade someone to do something.
1 @ a,s Listen and read. what does Lauren want to do next saturday?
Does Grant want to do it?

La¡.rren: There's a beach clean on Saturday, Do you fancy

doing it with me?
*rant: lVlmm, l'm not sure. l've got a busy week, so
want to relax on Saturday.
Lauren: Come on, it'll be fun,
Grant: l'll think about it.
Lauren: We really should do it, They need
volunteers and it's important, We all use
the beach, so we should all help to keep
it clean,
Grant: I suppose so,
Lauren: Think of the birds and animals in
the sea that it will help. Plastic is so
dangerous for wildlife.
Grant: That's true, OK, you've persuaded me!
Lauren: Cool! lt starts at ten o'clock, Why don't we
meet at the bus stop at half past nine?
Grant: Great. See you then.

2 O e.tO Listen and repeat the Usefut language. 4 Work in pairs. Persuade your partner to join
you to do something. Follow the steps in the
-.f ,ir:i,'rr,,, :'.. ::
Speaking plan.
Persuading Besponding ffi
'l:.-,.: :.
Do you fancy ,.. with me? l'm not sure. I

Come on, it'll be funl l'll think about it. Prepare

We really should do it. Isuppose so.
, Choose the cake sale or charity bike ride from
Think of ,., You've persuaded me!
page 84, or your own event,
' Decide on your roles, Student A, think of reasons to
3 (D Copy and complete the dialogue with the take part, Student B, think of reasons not to take part,
words in the box. Listen and check. .. lviake notes for ycur dialogue,

come coming persuaded suppose sure Speak

:: Practise your dialogue,
Rob: l'm going to the cinema on Saturday afternoon .: Use phrases from the Useful language box,
Do you fancy 1 ... with me? I Act out your dialogue without notes.
lvy: l'm not 2 .,, . I've got a lot of homework,
Rob: u ,,. on, it'll be funl Reflect
lvy: l'llthink about it, ) How can you i mprove next time?
Rob: You should come, You can do your homework )i, Swap roles an,d choose a different event,
on Sunday,
lvy: 14,,, so,
Rob: Ben and Alice are going to be there, too,
Ivy: OK, you've 5,,, me!
Rob: Great, We're meeting outside the cinema
at three o'clock. § rnsr FTNTSHER
Make a list of things you can find or see at the beach
lvy: Cool. See you then,
sand, sea, dolphin ,,,

St language summary: Unit 8 SB p, 134


Comic Retief is a charity based in the UK. lt raises money

to help tackte some of the wortd's biggest probtems. Since
'1985, Comic Retief has raised over E1 bittion to support

peopte tiving difficutt tives in the UK and around the world.

The first Red Nose Day took place in 19g8.

During the show, Now Comic Relief has a speciatTV show for Red Nose Day
viewers at home coutd donate money
to the charity. lt was every year. People can wear Red Noses and do fun things
very successful More than 30 mittion peopte
watched it and to raise money and support the charity. And in 2004, Sport
it raised el5 mitlion.
Retief atso started, encouraging peopte to use sport to raise
money and change lives.

A lot of schools take part in Red Nose Day. For example, Celebrities also take part. J.K.
Rowting wrote two short
students make and se[[ cakes, or organize 'dressing-up Dooks based on her famous
Harry potter series for Comic
days', when students (and sometimes teachers) pay money Retief, and a lot of pop stars
have recorded anJ sotd songs
to wear pyjamas or funny costumes to schooil for the charity.

The money raised by Comic Retief

has hetped more than Through comedy, entertainment and sport, the charity
90 miltion peopte around the wortd. The
charity tacktes has shown that we can at[ hetp to make the world a better
hometessness, supports chitdren,
fights fear and viotence and fairer ptace.
and supports peopte who have mentaI
heatth probtems.
§ took at the pictures. What do you think
the article is about?
6 Read the website. Who are the people in the picture?
What are they doing and why?
Comic Relief, Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)?
1 Comic Relief started more than 30
years ago,
2 The charity raised f't billion in its first
The charity helps adults and children, I
4 lt only helps people in the UK.
5 On Red Nose Day, ordinary people raise
For this year's Red Nose Day, nine brave
money for the charity,
6 Some children and adults wear funny celebrit¡es are climb¡ng Africa's highest
clothes, mounta¡n. They're doing it to raise money
7 A lot of famous people have helped to
raise money. for Comic Relief. You can listen to our daily
8 The Comic Relief TV programme podcast and donate your money here.
happens every year,

3 Read the text again and complete the

sentences with a number or phrase from
the text, Write one, two or three words.
1 Comic Relief raises money for people in
the UK and the rest of ,.. ,

2 The charity started in ,,, .

3 The friends organized a special ,,, with

comedians, actors and pop stars,
4 Now a lot of people ,,, in Red Nose Day,
5 With the money it raises, Comic Relief
wants to make a ,,, world,
4 ffi Match words t-6 from the
article with definitions a-f.
i tackle (verb)
2 comedians (noun)
3 donate (verb)
4 homelessness (noun)
5 fear (noun)
6 violence (noun) 7S a.rS Listen to the podcast. How high is Kilimanjaro?
Do the celebrities reach the top of the mountain?
a to give money to an organization,
especially a charity I & e,lg Listen again and answer the questions.
b to make the effort to deal with a difficult 1 Name three of the jobs that the celebrities do,
situation 2 For how many hours will the team walk on Day 1?
c actions which hurt people 3 On Day 4, how are the celebrities feeling?
d the feeling you have when something 4 On Day Z what is the weather like at the top of the mountain?
frightening may happen
e people who make others laugh by telling
5 How much money have the celebrities raised?
jokes and funny stories § W GET CHHATtws Work in small groups. Choose a charity,
f when you have no home then think of ideas to raise money for the charity. present
your ideas to the class.
5 m coMPARE cI;§-T{JRES work . What is your charity? Who, or what, does your charity help?
in pairs or small groups. Discuss the
. What are you going to do to raise money for your charity?
1 What charities in your country do you
know? Who, or what, do they help?
2 Da you have TV shows in your country
that raise money for charity? $ rasrFTNTsHEH
lmagine you are climbing a mountain and you have just reached the

top. Describe how you feel and what you can see.
Best friends forever!
WRITING A description of a friend
@ write a description o{a friend,
f Read Olivia's description of her best friend. Discuss in pairs, Have you got anything in common with Martha?

bY Olivia
My best friend is called Ma¡1ha, and we've known each
other for about five years. We met when my family
moved house. Martha lives in the same street, and
on my first day in the new house, she knocked on the
door and introduced herself. We've been friends since
that dayl
Martha's got long dark hair, beautiful brown eyes, and
a big smile! I like her because she's friendly and kind,
and she makes me laugh with her jokes. She's really
into sport, especially volleyball and basketball, and
she's won a lot of competitions. We go to different
schools, but we often hang out together after school I

and at the weekend. ,

We've got a lot in common, for example, we both like
dance music and action films, and most of the time
we get on really well. We sometimes argue about little
things, but we've never had a big argument. Martha's i
a really important person to me and l'm sure we'll be 1, .:

friends forever! I

2 l-ook at the Useful language. How do you say 4 ln your notebook, write the words in the correct
these expressions in your language? order.
1 tVy cousin Eli is a ,.. (little / boy /friendly).
2 He's got,,, (hair /fai /short),
Describing someone you know well
3 He often wears a pair of ,,, (cool / trainers / blue),
We've known each other for ,,,
4 His dad has got a ,., (brown /big /beard),
We've been friends since ,,,
5 His mum has got,., (long / hair / blonde / lovely),
We met when ,.. 5 Write a description of your best friend, Follow the
I like him/her because ... steps in the Writing plan.
HelShe's into ,,.
We've got a lot in common, for example, ., Wrüti*rg pt*n
3 Read theLook! box. Think of more adjectives for
) Make notes about your friend:
columns 1'3.
. when and where you met
. his/her appearance and personality
Look! Adjective order . his/her interests and what you have in common,
When we use two or more adjectives before a noun, Write
they usually come in this order:
) Organize your ideas into paragraphs,
oprnron size/shape colour noun ) Use the expressions from the Useful language box,
dark hair
1 Check
beautiful brown eyes
) Check your grammar: present perfect and past
Martha's got long dark hair simple,
She's got beautiful brown eyes, ) Check the order of adjectives and your spelling,

@ writing summary wB p. 9'1 @ e*ams, Unit 8 SB p, 125 ft language summary: unit 8 SB p, 134

Vocabularyl Life stages: nouns
and adjectives; Schoól rules

"#9;? tl,.g't ffi f''É L.,*¿ *tY Life sta g es : n ou n s a n d adj ectives
lFhturx about different life stages,


Match the words in the box with the Read the Look! box. How do we say the following:
pictures, Some words go with more than one 30s, 40s, 60s, 7Os, 8Os? Rewrite sentences 1-5.
picture. Listen, check and repeat.

Adjectives: elderly grown-up married

middle-aged retired
W rmsksmg;:*tu*a"at a6m

To talk about age, we use:

l'm in my feens, (l'm between 13 and 19)
Nounsr adult newborn baby teenager
She's rn her twenties. (She's between 20 and 29,)
toddler young adult
He's in his fifties, (He's between 50 and 59.)

Copy the timeline into your notebook. Add the life

stages from Exercise 1.
1 lVly uncle is between 30 and 39,
2 Jack's mum is between 40 and 49,
¿*¿á q;k'a
&" 3 A lot of people retire between 60 and 69,
w #tu ,*ud .ñl" r:H. ,+;:
4 [\/y grandparents are between 70 and 79,
5 I guess she's between 80 and 89,

@" .-ffi- '@-" @"--ffi

5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
1 What's your earliest memory as a child?

When do people usually do these things? Answer

2 What do you think is the best age to be? Why?
in your notebook.
3 What's good and bad about being the age you
are now?
take your driving test
4 Do you know many elderly people? How are their
lives different from your life?
1 learn to walk
2 get grey hair Now watch the vlog.
3 cry at night
4 leave home
5 have children
Write more things that people often do at the life stages
6 celebrate your 50th birthday
in Exercise'1,
7 start a new hobby, such as golf or walking Young adult; vote, ,,,

ffi r.*,r#**s*:ie¡#lrln&r,y; ut-'it * SB p 135

A life-changing decision
R EAD I N G (@ identify rhe rnain tcpic of a parasraph,

f Read the title of the article. What is a refugee? Complete the definition with the words in the box.

coui-riry oangers person war I retugee

O 2
' ... who escapes from their ... b".uo.e of 3 ... , üolence or other 4

rRO[/I I r EI\AGT R a

Before the war in Syria changed her life, Yusra
The sisters finally
tVlardini used to be like any other teenager. She reached Germany and
used to see friends, go to school, and listen began a new life there.
to music. She and her sister, Sarah, loved ln 2016, after lots of hard
swimming, and they used to tr¡in regularly. work, Yusra achieved her
Yusra loved watching sport on TV and she used dream and ct-:r-r-i¡;*1+ri in
to dream of becoming an Olympic ¿riii*t*. the Olympics for the first
ever refugee tearn. She didn't win
@ á i":-rrldal, but that wasn't important.
ln 2011, a civil war began in Syria. Yusra often Yusra wanted to make other refugees
used to see soldiers in the street and hear the proud, and inspire them to believe
sound of gunfire. She continued to swim, but she in their dreams again. Yusra now
didn't use to feel safe. Finally, her parents decided lives in Berlin with her family. Her
they needed to escape from Syria. The plan was life is very different from how
for Yusra and Sarah to leave for Germany first, it used to be, but Yusra is
and for the rest of the family to follow later. happy that it's peaceful.

Yusra was just seventeen when she and her
sister said goodbye to their parents. They
travelled to Turkey, and then by boat to Greece.
There they joined thousands of other refugees
who were escaping the war, and together they
began the long journey on foot, by train and by
bus to Germany, where they hoped to build a
new life.

20 g.Z Read and listen to the article and answer 4 tlil[ElflÑllll Complete the text with the correct
the questions. form of the blue words from the article.
1 Where did Yusra live before she became a refugee? lf you want to be an Olympic champion, you need
2 Why did she leave? to t ,,, very hard for many years, Most 2 .,. will never
3 Where did she go? make it, but a lucky few will 3 ,,, at the Olympic Games
as part of their country's o . ,. , lf you're one of the best,
4 How did she get there?
you may win a bronze, silver or gold 5 ,,, , and you may
5 Where does she live now? Who with?
even break a world record,
3 Read the article again and match topics a-f to
5 O rH¡NK cRtrtcAI.t.y what challenges do you
paragraphs 1-4. There are two extra topics.
think Yusra faced in her new life in Germany? What
a A new life in a new country questions would you like to ask her?
b An unusual teenager
c The journey to Europe 6q FIND oUT How many refugees are there in the
d A normalchildhood world? What are some of the countries they come
from? What are some of the reasons they leave
e A job in Germany

their countries?
f The start of the violence
GBAMMAR used to
lGlL about actions that happened regutarly in the past, Look at the pictures of Ed now and when he was
primary school. Write sentences with the correct
form of used to.

Read the grammar box, Copy and complete the

rules with the words in the box.

aren't happened negative were

§he used to see soldiers on the street"
Yusra and Sarah used to train regularty
Her home city didn't use to be dangerous
Peopte d¡dn't use to feelscared.
Questions Short answers
Did she use to see her Yes, she did. / No, she Ed at pnmary school, Ed now,
friends after schoot? didn't. London ltlanchester
Did you use to live in a ves, tdid. / No, ldidn't
big house? I have short hair
Ed used tc haue short hair"
1 play the violin
We use used to to talk about: 2 play the guitar
' actions that i ,., regularly in the past, 3 wear glasses
, things that : ... true in the past, but ... true now. 4 like dinosaurs
The '' ,,, form of used to is didn't use to (not didn't used 1o), 5 live in l\i{anchester
6 go to school in London
Copy and complete the sentences, Use the correct & Write questions about when you were at primary
form of used to and the verb in brackets. school. Ask and answer with a partner,
wear a school uniform
A: üid you ¿Jse to w€ar a school unifar¡n?
§; Yes, t did. lused fo wear Erey shorfs and a red
polo shirr.
t have a lot of homework
2 your parents / take you to school
3 play games at break time
4 your teacher / read you stories
5 go to any after-school clubs

Yusra used to live (live) in Damascus, the Syrian

1 lt ,,, (not / be) dangerous to live in Damascus,
2 Tourists ,,, (visit) the city's beautiful buildings and
colourful markets.
3 Yusra and her sister ,,, (swim) three times a week,
4 They ,,, (train) with their father,
5 A: ,., he ,., (be) a swimmer, too?
B: Yes, he ,,,

There ,,, (not / be) a war, ffi rmmv Fsfl*§se{mffi

Write sentences with used to about your family and friends,
7 The family,,, (not / see) soldiers on the street,
t'tly friend Cass¡e used to have a pet hamster,
8 A: ,,. they,,. (feel) afraid?

B: No, they,., ,

§l tanguage summaryr Unit 9 SB p, 135

Different cou ntries, different rules
School rules

qS *,*
Match verbs 1-12 with words a-lto make Look at the pictures in the quiz. How many school
expressions. Listen, check and repeat. rules in Exercise 2 can you match with them?

ffi i*.+ Work in pairs and do the quiz, Are the

I ^--",,^
OtrfvE a your classroom tidy sentences true (T) or false (F)? Listen and check
2 chew b smartly
3 dress c litter Listen again and answer the questions.
4 drop d jewellery 'l Name four other parts of the school that Japanese
5 follow e attention students help to clean,
6 forget f bad language 2 When do some American students sing the
7 keep g en+me national anthem?
B pay h your books 3 Why can't you chew gum in Singapore?
9 put i in the corridors
4 Which day don't some French schoolchildren have
j to go to school?
10 run gum
11 use k instructions
5 Apart from at school, when do Thai children take
off their shoes?
12 wear I your hand up
6 Why do teachers in China think it's good for
Work in pairs. Copy and complete the school rules students to have a sleep after lunch?
with the expressions in Exercise 1. Think about
what's normal at most schools.
Do this / Don't do this.x
arrive on time chew gum

ts k
Could you l¡ve in another country? Do you know
the customs and rutes? Try our qu¡z to find out.
b -

ln Japan, schoolchildren must ctean their classrooms for fifteen to

twenty minutes every day.
Students in the USA have to sing the nationaI anthem every morning.
ln Singapore, students and teachers are attowed to chew gum in ctass.
ln France, a lot of primary school chitdren onty go to schooI for four days
a week.

5 ln Peru, if students want to ask a question, they must put both hands up,
6 ln ThaiLand, ch¡tdren have to take off theirshoes before they go
into class.
? ln some Scottish schools, studentswho drop litter must paya fine of t80
t ln a lot of Chinese schoots, children can have
a 30-minute steep on their desks after [unch.

§ tanguage summary: Unit 9 SB p,135

GBAMMAR have fo and don't have
to; must and musfnt
about obligation and rules, musf and mustn't
Listen and repeat" Which letter don't
we pronounce in mustn't?
You must be on time, You mustn't be late,
Read the grammar box. Copy and complete the
rules with the words in the box. Listen and write the sentences you hear.

different necessary not necessary similar Work in pairs and make sentences. What do you
have to do at school and at home?
She has to take her shoes off in ctass.
Chitdren have to clean their classrooms.
&€ sehoo& AÉ h*me
We have to ',' I have to .,.
Students in Japan must keep their schoolctean. I don't have to ..,
We mustn't ,,'
He doesn't have to go to school on Wednesday.
Students don't haue to sing the nationat anthem Indefinite pronouns
ln Singapore, you mustn't chew gum.
lI|[ use indefinite pronounsto referto people, places
Questions rt answers ano tntngs.
Do you have to do any I
Ves, t do. / No,
homework tonight? ldon't. Read the examples. Copy and complete the
Does she have to go to Yes, she does. / grammar box with the words in bold.
schoolon Wednesday? No, she doesn't.
lndefinite pronouns
It's traditionaI to take off your shoes when you visit
We use have to to say that something is ... . someone's home.
We use don't have to to say that something is You aren't atlowed to chew gum anywhere,
(but you can do it if you want to), Students don't have to do anything.
Have to has a ,,, meaning Io must. peopte lptaces things
Don't have lo and mustn't have completely Affirmative somewhere ing
meanings. somebody
Negative anyone / lz
§ ffi g.g Complete the text with the words in the Question anybody
box. Listen and check.
Complete the sentences with an indefinite pronoun.
doesn't have to don't have to has to (x2)
have to (x2) mustn't (x3) 1 I was two minutes late for class, but luckily my
teacher didn't say . . ,

2 I know .,. who goes to school in France.

3 Did you go ,,. at the weekend?
Fifteen-year-ald A,rehie from §heffield, in the 4 l'm really hungry, I need .., to eat,
UK, is spending a year in fhe L/SA. 5 Let's go ., quiet where we can talk.
[,]/haf's fiis new sehool like?
6 Has .,. seen my phone? I can't find it,
'ln Sheffield, we don't start school until 8.45.
Here, school starls at 7.30, so I ' ... get up
really earlyl'says Archie. He i' ... leave the
Think of places in your town, Write things you have to,
house at 6.55 to get the bus and he " ...
mustn't and don't have fo do there.
be late. 'Students who are late '' ... sit in a
separate room for the rest of the lesson,' says You don't have to pay ta go to the museum,
His school in Sheffield has a uniform. ln his
new school, Archie " ... wear a uniform, but he
i' ... wear sensible clothes. 'We ... wear jeans
with holes in them, for example, and girls " ...
wear short skirts.'
What's the best thing about his new school?
'There are a lot of after-school clubs. You
:' ... join, but it's a good way to make friends
and have fun.' Language summary: Unit 9 SB p,135
A school exchange
@ understand a letter about a school exchange.
I Discuss as a class. Does your school organize trips out of school?
What about exchange trips with schools in other countries?

Oak Park School

ParI< Road
Teiephone: 353 20 917 9935
Email: offi

z6th April - 3rd May (in Valencia) and zznd - 29th June (in Dublin)
Dear Parents
We are pleased to offer your son/daughter the chance to take part in an exchange with a school 1 ... Vaiencia.
This is a gireat opportunity for students to learn about life in Spain, improve their Spanish, and make 2 ...
Spanish friends.
The exchange is open to students aged fifteen and above who 3 ... studying Spanish. They will stay with a
Spanish family. The Spanish students a ... then stay in your home during their visit to Dublin. Students 5 ...
follow the family's rules during their stay.
In Valencia, we will spend one day at school. On the other days, 6 ... will be trips to visit the region. The cost
of the exchange ineludes alI flights, trips 7 ... meals. Students will need a small amount of money to spend,
and they must have 8... passport.
We have run the trip s ... ten years, and it is always very popular. If you would 1o ... to reserve a place for your
son/daughter, please contact the schooi office.
Yours sincerely

Head of Spanish

2 took at the letter about a school exchange and 6 O s.g Listen again and answer the questions,
answer the questions, 'l What is Sara's host family like?
1 Who is the letter to? 4 When is the 2 Why is Sara tired?
2 Who is the letter from? exchange? 3 What is her exchange student's name?
3 Which two countries 5 How old do you have 4 What are the house rules?
and cities is the to be to go on the 5 What are they going to do tomorrow?
exchange between? exchange?

3 Read the letter again. ln your notebook, write one

7 Gl GET CREATIVE y¡e¡t1in smallgroups. ptan a
five-day programme of trips for students from the
word for each gap,
UK who are visiting your town. Present your ideas
4 O g.a Listen and check your answers. to the class.

5 O S.g Listen to the dialogue. When did Sara arrive

in Spain? Where is she now?
SPEAKING Talking about rules
flIliLtult about rutes,

1 O Fran, from spain, is in Dublin on the sehool exchange. Listen and read.
What are some of the th¡ngs he must and mustn,t do in Adam,s home?

rqrmm: Thank you, lt's a really nice house,

l4ri¿+m"¡l There are a few rules that I must tell you
about, Firstly, you have to take your shoes
off when you come in the house, and you
aren't allowed to eat food in your bedroom.
Firan; No problem. ls it OK to play music?
;áclxryl; Yes, that's fine, but [Vlum and Dad go to
bed quite early, so we mustn't make a noise
after 9 p,m,
Frflr"¡r No worries, ::

l\daatt We usually have dinner at about 6,30. You

don't have to help with the cooking - I\4um
and Dad do that - but we all have to help
tidy up afterwards.
Frmnl lt's the same at my house, My sister
and I have to lay the table and load the
,&dmnm; Cool. Anyway, those are all the rules, Let's
go and have some fun, Do you fancy a
game of football at the park?
Fran: Great idea!

2 O L¡sten and repeat the Useful language. 4 Work in pairs. Welcome an exchange student to
your school and explain some of the rules, Follow
the steps in the Speaking plan.
Useful [anguage
Talking about rules
l'ti i-:*+!¡: i,i1i;í :-;i.:r r

You have to .,,

You aren't allowed to ,, Prepare
ls it OK to ...? 3 N/ake notes about your school rules:
You mustn't.,. . things you have to do
You don't have to ... . things you aren't allowed to / mustn't do
We all have to ... . things it's OK to do

3 O g.lZ Copy and complete the dialogue with the ) Welcome the student to your school and start the
words in the box. Listen and check.
aren't allowed don't have to ls it OK ) Use phrases from the Useful language box,
must (x2) mustn't ) Practise your dialogue. Then act it out without notes

Coach: Welcome to the judo club, There are some Reflect

rules I musttellyou about. Firstly, you 1,,, ) How can you improve next time?
to wear shoes on the judo mat, and you r ,
) Swap roles and choose a new activity,
wear any jewellery, Girls 3 ,,, wear a white
T-shirt under their judo top, but boys a ,,,
wear one if they don't want to. Yes?
5 ,,, to have long hair?
Coach: Yes, but you 6 ... tie it back behind your
head, ls that clear? $ rnsr FTNTsHEB
Class: Yes! lmagine you are the manager of a sports centre. Write
some rules for using the gym, the swimming pool, etc,

§ tanguage summary: Unit 9 SB p, 135

E,AL Multicultural USA
GU @ compare a community in the usA to a community in my country.

The United States is the most

multicultural nation in the world. Many
Americans belong to two cultures: the
country they call home, and the country

A.\[M§NNIN their parents or grandparents came from.

One of the most important groups are
Latino Americans, whose culture has had
an important influence on the USA. How?
I§N§ NN§N §¿§§.N Let's take a look.

There are about 59 million Latino

Americans in the USA - Americans I -,
whose families originally come from
South and CentralAmerica, Mexico
and parts of the Caribbean. That's
1B%o of the population!

Spanish speakers have been in North

America for longer than English \
,* C
speakers, and their influence is
everywhere - from the names of
American cities, such as Los Angeles * '. ,.]tc,.
and San Francisco, to music, to food.

Americans love to visit Latin American restaurants,
particularly Mexican, Cuban and Peruvian, or cook Latino
food at home. Mexican dishes such as tacos and burritos
are part of American life. Ceviche - raw fish with lime
juice - comes from Peru and is another popular dish.

Spanish is the second most spoken
language in the United States. Many Latino
families speak Spanish at home, so a lot
of Latino Americans are bilingual.
There are even Spanish-language
and bilingual TV and radio stations. r6E.?.wtq!#r
Latino music is very popular
in the USA - from traditional
salsa dance music and
There are lots of festivals that
reggaeton, to Tex-[Vex
(a type of Mexican folk
celebrate Latino culture in the USA.
One of the biggest festivals is Crnco
music)and Latino pop.
de Mayo, which happens every
Best-selling Latino
year on or around 5 May with
musicians include
parades, parties and traditional
Selena Gomez, Camila
Mexican mariachi music.
Cabello, Pitbulland
Bruno Mars.
'T took at the title of the article. How many countríes in Latin America can you name?
# ffi *.1:: Read and listen to the article and answer the questions.
1 After English, what is the most spoken language in the USA?
2 What are some of the ways speakers of this language have influenced the USA?
-§ Read the article again. Match 1-6 to a-e, then complete the sentences
with the verbs in the box.

come live love sing speak

1 59 million l-atino'Ame¡'icans
',, a in lVay,
2 Americans,,, b from N4exico
3 Iacos and burritos .,. c Latino pop,
4 A lot of Latino Americans ,., u lr ¡ +l.^
,{ i^ rc^
Lf¡g ruu^,
5 Camila Cabello and Bruno lVars ,., e English and Spanish,
6 Cinco de lvlayo parades ,,, f Latino food,
Complete the languages with the correct ending.

Engl Kore
Span @ oerm
Chin Arab - ese - ish

Fren Russ
- ian
5 cou ntry? What languages do they

USA from Vietnam. Before you listen,

put the words of the interviewer's questions ¡n the correct order.

L did / When I you lto the USA / move / ?

) was / when you arrived / the hardest thing / What / ?

o How / from Vietnam / different / school / in the USA / is / ?

4 miss / about Vietnam / What / you / do I ?

5 you / do / What / about the USA / like most / ?

7 ffi *.1+ Listen and check your answers to Exercise 6.

I @ *.'t+ Listen again. Make notes about Dang's answers to each question.

ffi rasr FrNnsrsfrH

Think of more questions to ask Dang about his experience in the USA.
What do I need to bring?
WRITING An email
@ write an emailto someone who is coming to my country, 3 Look at the Useful language. How do you say
these expressions in your language?
1 Read the emailfrom Azra in ltaly. Who is Erin?
Why is Azra writing?
Useful tanguage
O¡iFO M Giving information
You should ,.,
I suggest that you ...
I'm looking forward You won't need...
to meeting you next You have to / don't have to ,,
month on the school
exchange to Bristol.
What's the weather 4 Study the Look! box. Find one more adverb in
like there? What do I Erin's email for introducing a sentence.
need to bring? ls there
anything else I need to
Look! Opinion adverbs

Bye for now We sometimes use adverbs to give an opinion at

the start of a sentence.
Unfortunately, it usually rains a lot in November,
Luckily, exchange sfudenfs don't have to wear
2 Read Erin's reply. Does she answer Azra's a uniform!

a*a M 5 Rewrite the sentences. Use an opinion adverb.

It's unfortunate that we have to get up early,
l'm looking forward to 1 lt's lucky that I live near a bus stop,
meeting you, too. lt's 2 I hope that the bus won't be late,
going to be fun! 3 lt's unfortunate that l've got a lot to do tonight,
Unfortunately, it 4 I hope that the weather will be nice tomorrow,
usually rains a lot 5 lt's lucky that he passed the exam,
in November, so
you should bring a
6 write your own reply to Azra's email in Exercise 1
Follow the steps in the Writing plan.
raincoat. I suggest that
you pack a hat and
some gloves, too, as it can be cold. Hopefully, Writing ptan
you won't need them.
Do you want to play basketball when you're
here? I play every Wednesday at my local sports ) lmagine Azra is visiting your school, [Vlake notes
about the three questions she asks,
centre, so if you want to play, bring your spotts
kit. I have to wear a uniform to school, but Write
luckily, exchange students don't have to! lt's a
good idea to bring some money, but you won't ) Organize your answers to Azra's questions in three
need much. You don't have to pay for any meals
or trips, so it's just for shopping or snacks. ) Use the expressions from the Useful language box.
) Start and finish your email in a friendly wayr
The only other thing to tell you is that we've got . Dear,,, / Hi ,,,
a dog, Bella. I sometimes have to take her for a
. Bye for now / See you soon / Best wishes
walk after school. I hope you like dogs - she's
very cute! Check
See you soon ) Check your grammar: have to and don't have to,
Erin ) Check opinion adverbs and your spelling,

@ writing summary wB p.92 f,! Uiterature: Units 7-9 SB pp, 116-117

@ neview: Units 7-g SB pp,104-105 ff r*ams, Unit e SB p, 126
@ Proiect: Units 7-9 SB pp. 110-111 Sl language summary: Unit 9 SB p,135


Consolidation p104

Vlog about one week in your life p106

Board game p108

Poster presentation about your school year p110

. .-..r_.. .
, . . r; "
.: :i.-.

ir,',¡i:.:,,.,,'¡ OSCar p112

r i,,!,:ir., 'li .l.l:The Detective p114

r: :::': : -i.r Saturday Storm p116

Speaking: Discussion p118




m{lrsw 3 O nl Look at the film posters, then listen. What
type of film is shown in each poster? Choose from
the options below. There are three extra options,

action film animated film comedy

documentary horror film romantic film
} BEADING science-fiction film

'l Bead about Jen. Complete the text with the words
in the box.

along couldn't doesn't every floor

hard onto rubbish there was was
washing up were chatting while working

How I got my job

Jen Evans is a lifeguard. She tells us how she got
her job. SUMMER
When I left school, my first job was as a kitchen
assistant in a restaurant. I did the ..., took out the
... and at the end of the evening, I washed the
kitchen : . ,,, ready for the next day. I didn't really
like the job, but I couldn't think what else to do.
One day I a ... at the beach with some friends.
We'¡... when I heard a shout. There was a boy in
the water and he $... swim. l'm a good swimmer, so
I quickly ran
?... the beach and dived into the sea.
I pulled the boy ... the sand and luckily he was OK.
!r... a lifeguard on the next beach. He heard what
happened and arrived 't'... lwas saving the boy.
I talked to him about his job and that's when
I decided I wanted to be a lifeguard. I trained
'? ... and now l'm ""... on a beach in Cornwall,
south-west England.
I love being a lifeguard. lt i'i,.. feel like a job. I get 4 O nl Listen again. Are the sentences true (T)
up early and watch the sunrise '''... morning. or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
The beach is my office! Listen and check.
1 Max says that Bise of the Robots was funny,
2 Kate likes animated films,
3 fi/ax says that Our Last Sumrner was romantic,
4 Max watched The Bescue two nights ago.
5 The men in The Bescue were both lawyers,
6 Nlax's brother saw Pan's in Spring last week.

5 (D nt Answer the questions. Write full sentences,

Then listen and check.
1 What was the weather like at the weekend?
2 When did NIax watch Bise of the Robots?
Complete the sentences with one word. 3 Who did he watch it with?
'1 Jen ,,, enjoy her first job,
4 Where do the characters in Our Last Summer go
2 She was ,,, to her friends when she heard the boy
5 When did the story of The Bescue happen?
in the water,
3 Luckily, Jen could swim .,, ,
6 What was Nick doing when he fell?
4 )en,,, work in the restaurant now. 7 Why couldn't his friend move?

She.,. watches the sunrise in the morning,
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
the things below,

B: I usualllr wake up at hatf past seyen.

lmagine you have one of the jobs in the box, or
choose a different job, Write about your job,
Use the questions below and the text in
Exercise 1 to help you.
farmer journalist mechanic C
nurse police officer shop assistant
What time (you / wake up) on a school day? o
How (you / usually / get) to school? . What is your name and your job? I
What (you / wear) today? . What were you doing before you became a ,,,? f..J

. Why did you want to be a ..,?

. What is a typical day for you?
. What did you do yesterday?
4 What (you / have) for dinner last night? . What do you like about your job?
Which jobs around the home (you / do) last
ó What (can / you / do) when you were three? l

7 What (you / do) at eight o,clock this morning?

I What (you / do) when (this lesson / start)?
I (it / rain) at this time yesterday?

to What things do you usually do (slow)?

fl Do you usually do your homework (careful)?
l2 Name something that you do (good), and
something that you do (bad)

z Describe one§
Make three
thing you do Choose an age,
tYPes sentences usino
every day and ttame five and say three
these adverbsi
one thing you,re otfilm' things that You
easily, well,
could or
quieily. l

couldn't do, l

Say as many jobs

be what r-
as you can in
was haPPening
when You
Name five \ Say five things
you did last
adjectives to
30 seconds, woke uP weekend.
describe a book
this morning, ora fitm. Á
Name five
Describe the iobs
Say what f/rere adverbs or
that you and your
Name five verbs was or wasn't in expressions
tamily do around
of movement, your fridge this of frequency.
the home. I
I a . morning,
3 Q nZ Listen to the podcastabout a summer job,
M¿rulT§ Which topics do Danny and Steve talk about?

food and drink health and medicine

money party plans social media

} READING 4 O R2 Listen again and complete the notes.

'l Choose the correct answers to complete the text.

The fight against plastic

Plastic pollution is one of the'bigger / biggest
problems for our planet. There is ; a lot / a lot of
plastic in the oceans, and it gets into the l stamachs /
shou/ders of seabirds and other animals. We don't
know exactly'i how many / how much animals die
from plastic pollution, but scientists think more than
one million every year. a I
We talked to the Adams family, who want to use less
'Plastic bags are one of 'worst I the worst causes
of pollution', says PaulAdams. 'When we go qt§ffi Name:0amt¡?aiu
shopping, " we're going / we willto take a reuseable
bag with us from now on. lt's only a smallthing, but Studying: 1 ,,. altlatlnit*ruin¡ o{.
if we:r won't / don't do anything, the problem will ffiffi lllanúz¿.tt»
only get " worse / worst.'
§ummeriob:2 . ,, hrlrryaLarut¿í.c
'l'm not going to buy bottled water any more,' says (¿alhnl
his wife, Jane. '1'l will / l'm going to drink only tap
Future iob: 3 ...
water. lt's a great way to " save / earn money, too!
Also, I'm only going to buy things like honey and {rc How much does he earn?: a ,,, a dn¡
coffee in glass 1'tins / jars, not plastic containers.' :': Gommon health problems at the
Plastic is everywhere, so it 'won't / willbe easy festival:
to stop using it completely. However, everybody {rrlE 5

should try / to fiy to make a change.

; Complete the text with the correct form of the Where is he staying?: 9n, aa
word in brackets, Use going to, will, comparatives
or superlatives.
ir'.- ' , Complete the sentences with one or two
Jane says: 'Experts predict that plastic pollution ... words, Then listen again and check.
(double) in the next ten years. That's scary, but if we 1 lf he ,,, enough money, he'll buy a car,
alltry much 3... (hard)to use less plastic, we :'... 2 People get sunburn because they don't use,,, ,

(help) to create less waste, We + .., (make) fruit juice 3 At a festival, you ,,, try to eat and drink normally
at home instead of buying it at the supermarket. 4 Yesterday, there was a man with a ,,, ,

It's !i ... (good) for the planet and it's 'r .,. (healthy),
too. We want to help the environment in other ways,
5 A girl cut ,,, on some glass,

as well. This year, we "'... (stay) in the UK for our

6 Danny brought his own ,,, to sleep in,
summer holiday. We love going abroad, but flying is 7 Steve has got sunburn on his .., ,

one of the 'i ... (bad) things for the planet.' 8 Steve,,, go in the sun without a T-shirt and a
sun hat.
Work in pairs. Read the situations and continue the conversations. After each conversation,
swap roles and repeat. []rf,

Borrowing some money Planning a PartY kÉ

from your mum or dad
& o

A: How can t help yau? A,: Can yau lend me some money? A: l'm going to have a big party íor
B: l've gat a cald. What shauld B: That depends. Why do you my birthday next month.
t do? need it? B: What are yau going to do for it?

You are planning a camping trip with your family
and friends. Write a paragraph about your plans.
. When and where are you going to go?
. What are you going to do there?
. What do you think the weather will be like?
. What are you going to take with you?
. What will you do if it rains? What will you do if

it's sunny?
What should and shouldn't you do on your trip? bffi i..,

r Make three I Give three
predictions about Say three things

pieces of advice
.how life may ,.'i,,tiÉll¡ to someone who
that you are doino
this evening.
be different in wants to improve
q the future. ,: their English.

I' Make two Name as many

questions with Name five
food containers
How much.,,? things to do if Say what you,ll
you're Planning as you can in
and two with do if you feel
a party. 30 seconds.
How many,,,? illtomorrow,

civetne oQ
,ffcomparative and
Give the reflexi ve
Say five things pronouns for l,
superlative forms Name five things
that you you, he, she, it,
ofthese adjectives; to take on a
plan to do in we, you, they,
easy, exciting, camping trip,
good, bad, far. the summer.

Listen to an interview. What is it about?
UNITS 7',,9 Choose the correct summary,
a lt's about a school where students don't like the
new rules,
b lt's about a school that is very different from how
it used to be,
lt's about a teacher who is celebrating a new job,
I Read the text and choose the correct optionr
Pleose don'l be worried, bur ...
Have you ... been on an adventure or travelled
somewhere exciting? A lot of British ' ,,, take
a'gap year'- a one-year holiday between
secondary school and university - to ... new
friends and see the world. For their parents, it can
be a stressful time! lmagine you're a parent and
you get one of these messages from your son or

Hi, Mum and Dad, l'm having a great time.

t ... bungy jumping and sky díving. Last
week, I ''... rock climbing. Please don't
be t..,, but while we were climbing,
we saw an enormous snake.
3 O n¡ Complete the sentences and questions from
the interview with the words in the box. Listen and
I met an English girl on the train, and we
become cheerful got have
on really well. We're going to rent motorbikes mustn't pay use worked
and explore the mountains. I've ... ridden
a motorbike before and the roads are really 1 The students have,,, really hard.
narrow!You ... ride without a nelmet! 2
&E What did it,,. to be like?
3 When L., a job here five years ago, things were
very different,
We've been here in Mexico ... about a 4 They didn't use to ,,, attention in class,
week. Most days, we hang 1I... with friends 5 What,,, you done to change things?
at the beach. Yesterday, we went swimming 6 They ,,, forget their books, pens or pencils,
with sharks! We weren't scared - they were 7 The students are more,,, now because we don't
leopard sharks so they aren't dangerous. @¡ have the problems we used to have,
You ¡? ,.. to try it * it's amazing! ,::: .
8 They've ,,, happier, kinder and more confident,
., i."' ir,, Complete the answers to the questions.
Listen and check,
1a never b ever c not 1 Why is the school celebrating?
2a teenagers b toddlers c adults Because the students have ,,, .
3a take bdo c make 2 How does the head teacher feel about the changes?
4a 've tried b tried c try She feels ,,, , but not,,,

5a went b 've gone cgo 3 What did students use to do? Give two examples,
6a embarrassed b worried c disappointed Students used to,,, and they,,. .
7a took b got c put 4 What new school rules are there? Give two
8a ever b never c badly examples,
9a mustn't b don't have to c should Students have to ,,, and they ,,,,

10a since b during c for 5 What kind of place is the school now?
11 a out bin c off It's a ,,, and ,,, place to be now,
12a should b must c have
Work in pairs. Follow the instructions. 6 lmagine you and your friends are at an exciting
holiday camp, like the one in the advert.
Write a paragraph about it. lnclude allthe
information below.
* countries e extreme sport ¿ films o food . Say how long you have been there,
. Describe your experiences, What have you
done so far?
' Talk about your friends, Are you all getting on {
welltogether? (o
. Say what you did yesterday, How did you feel?
o at home o at your school g in public places . Describe the rules of the camp,
c in your town * on a plane

AsK and anov¡gr about v¡hen lou uore lounger. Use
lhe ideas in the bor and uaed to / didn't uae to. OUP ADVE§{TUR§
daily routine free time activities hair style s"
toys TV

AsK and ansuor ¿boul frisnds and peoplo in your

famill. Ute th¿ id¿as in th¿ bor. Ure the prosent
porÍecl r,¡ith f¿r / sin¿e. ot ever / never.

argue get on well hang out

look after make you laugh

-i;flíiii.,rJ"B Make three
Say three
interesting things
you've done in
;{i'Íi[:lilf questions with
Have you ever,,,
your life. Then
say when you
, ?
k:fl?l[?:iJ::.'r''' did them.

List five
adventures on
your bucket list.
Name five
adiectives to
Describe four
things you used to
do or didn,t use to
do when you were
with each of the
following verbs:
get, go, make,take


Say four
Say three kind
adjectives or
acts you have
§activities vou do and Name five nouns to describe
done in the last ffi say how long you
ffi have donethem. Use
rules at your people of
school. different ages.
Eri tiR
the present oerfect
..¡, Wltn lOf Of SlnCe, -¿

Create a vlog about one week
UNITS 1-3 in your life
ir',o;'k i¡r ¡:;-:i,-: lrrci i:r'oclilce ¡ vltlr,r.

I wenf to the cinetv¡o with Een'


Tuegdoy I tidied my room ond did the loundny'

lr{ednesdoy I woshed fhe fioor.

Thunedoy I made dinner fon

I went ehoPPing often

mY tornilY'


Sotut'doY I did eome bobyeifting'

I ;rF i

'. I tried o climbing woll with Morkus'


Get ideas
Look! Negotiation
) Look at the photos, Did you do any of these activities
last week? lf you don't agree with your partner about which thing
Work in pairs. Talk about things you did ,.. is the most interesting, try to explain your reasons'
Listen carefully to each other. Choose ideas from both
in the week / at the weekend
of you.
together / with your family / with other friends
at school / at home / in other Places
Do your research
Choose your activities ) Watch some vlogs, What makes them good or bad?
Write down ways to make yours interesting,
) Work in parrs, Copy the diary above, On each day,
write two things you talked about in Step 1, > Think about things you can use to make a vlog -
a recording device, pens and paper to draw pictures,
) Ask each other questions to get more information
photos from the internet, etc,
about the things you did, Use the Useful language
box to help you, It/ake notes of the answers,
) Which things are the most interesting to talk about Get creative
in your vlog? Choose one idea for each day, Tetting a short story about something that happened
to you during the week witt make your vlog fun to
watch. Read your notes in Step 2. What woutd make
the best story? ls it funny I scary / sitty?
Plan your vlog Evaluate the projects

Look at the storyboard for Lily and Jemes' vlog below Watch all the vlogs. What did you like about them?
Which one had the best story? C)
Decide how you can use photos, drawings or video '={
clips of people and places in your vlog, Choose one of the vlogs. Think of three questions
Use these ideas to plan your storyboard,
you want to ask the vloggers about the things they
did last week C
Write the script for your vlog o
Write the introduction for your vlog,
Write the script for each day of your vlog, Use past
Think about your own project. ls there anything (,I
you can improve?
tenses and the Useful language box to help you.
Give your script to another student to check your
grammar, Usefu[ language
Talking about your week
Create your vlog I hardly ever cook, / My mum always pays me,
He was fine, / We weren't scared'
lvlake video clips, find photos and draw the pictures
that you need, Practise your script with your partner, On Monday, we had ,.. / On Saturday night, I ..'
I did chores, / We watched a horror film' / I fell over
Record your vlog at school or at home, using your script.
When I was going to school ',' / reading a story ...
Show your vlog to your class,
Asking questions
What did you do? / Did you go out? / Was that ,',? /
Hi, everyoJle. Welcome to our vlog! What happened next?
This is a week in the lives of Lily and Telling stories
You aren't going to believe this, but ".
fames. Here's what we
did last week' lwas (going to school) when ,,.

No wayl / You're kidding! / That sounds great.

Lily: On Monday, we
had a Science exam.
James: Tuesday was better. After school, I made
Science 49% fames: lt was terrible! pasta for dinner. I hardly ever cook, but my
I didn't revise whole family loved it, so I was very pleased.
X Lily: That sounds great.

4 Lilv: You aren't going to believe this' but

*Á'en rwas goin-g tolchool on Wednesday'
á cat ran oui ¡n fiont of me and I fell over'

fames: No waYl What did You

James: And my brother tidied the kitchen!


lf¿ ¡E -=="-t =i "

&d,*e.'w **
a L;tl

Lilv: All mv school books fell out of my


oáó, I {uickly picked them up and ran to -'

school. - came to
tames: Was the cat OK? tames: Then it was Thursday. George
my house and we played computer games' U
Lily: Yeah, he was fine!
7 r* fs B

', ;.' .,.\}

r f
* -.Q6p.
Lily: And finally - the weekend! On Litv: YesterdaY was SundaY' ln the
Lily: What did you do on FridaY, eváning, we went to the cinema'
Saturday night, I babysat for my little
James? Did you go out after school? cousin, Charlotte.
James: We watched a
horror film'
lames: No, I did chores for mY mum fames: Was that an easy job?
from 3.30 to 5.00 P.m. I took out Lily: But it wasn't very scary' We
the recycling and cleaned the whole Lily: NO! When lwas reading a story, weren't scared'
bathroom. Charlotte told me it was boring! And vlog'
lames: That's the end of our
she didn't want to go to sleep.
Lily: Well done, Youl Lily and James:We hoPe You enjoYed
James: You're kiddingl it. Bye!
James: My mum alwaYs PaYS me'
UNITS 4-6 Create a board game
work in a group and produce a language revision
board game,

o d
Tatk about Sog one thing
something gou q¡9. doing
you've taught @ ond one thing gou
yoursetf ore ngf doing this
to do. weekend.
Name five health
,e problems in 30

Talk about
people you Name five
know using money verbs.
superlatives. Use these Choose one verb and
adjectives: funny, GI ask your partner a
tall, friendly, Your friend Finish this question.
intellígent. wants to buy a sentence.
new mobile phone.
My parents
Give him/her
,.. t ll ,...
some advice.

Get ideas
) Look at the squares above from a board game, tt/atch
1-7 to the correct row in the table in Step 2. 21st Century sk¡tls Think criticalty
) Which grammar and vocabulary areas from Units 4-6 This board game is for Engtish practice. Which of
are not represented in the squares? these questions is better?
l- Which is the best pet * a cat or a dog?
Choose your ideas
2 Compare a cat and a dog in three different ways.

Do your research
Read instruction booklets for board games.

What makes a good game?
Look at different board games online. What makes
I them look good?

some, ang, ntuch, ntang
Organize your group, You will need to find or draw
pictures, write instructions, write text for the squares
and design the board. How will you divide the work?
Write one or two ideas of your own from Units 4-6 for
each category,
Work in small groups. Discuss which ideas to choose
for your board game.

PIan your board game Evaluate the projects [-
Look at the board game below and creete a sketch
of your board
Which board looks the best? Why?
Which of the games did you enjoy playing? Why?
Decide how many squares you need, Listen to your classmates'feedback on your game, ={
Use the prompts or think of your own questions,
Wr¡te the text and the instructions for your *
board game
Think about your own board game and your a
classmates'feedback, ls there anything you §I
Decide on the rules for your game and write simple can improve? o)
Write the text for each square on your board, Look HJseSu& lanrEu*ge
at the Useful language box to help you.
Writing the board squares
Give your text to another student to check your
Finish this sentence, ,,,
spelling and punctuation,
Compare X and Y
Talk about,,, / Tell us about ,,.
Create your board game
Choose / Name..,
lVake your board game. Make two questions using ,,,
Collect the things you need to play the game, for Write a positive and a negative sentence using ,..
example, a dice and counters, Grammar
Play the board game with your classmates, X is more interesting than Y, / X is funnier than Y
Z is the biggest, / Z is the most exciting.

lf it rains tomorrow l'll .,,

I.eüo§ l'm meeting my friend after school. / l'm going to

order pizza for dinner.
Maybe you should ,,, / Why don't you ,,,?

Ptogers move down the boqrd from START to FlNlSH. Use q coin or
counter for eoch person. when it is gour turn, move to the next squore.
Do whqt the squore teu.s gou to do. lf uour grommcr is correct, gou
get onother turn. § . (Move to the next squsre ond do whot
it ter.r.s uou
to do.). lf gour grommqr isn,t correct, gou won't get onother turn.
The ptoger who orrives on the FINISH squqre first is the winner.

Finish this
|f..., ... Te[[ us

Write two Positive

ond two negotive
sentences using "'

'rte ffi
It ll
UNITS 7-9 Create a poster presentation about
your school year
(t§p wcrk in pairs andcreate e poster,

Fnlendg l've Thhgg we hove fo 7
epent ttme wtth dt'ch't ollowed to do

t- ,Q,

MY gchoot

Thingg l,ve
Thlngg f've
leonned or
done well

e rrl

{*F4*¡ar* q§ |

Get ideas Do your research

Look at the photos, What does each photo show? Ask your classmates about experiences/events at
Work in pairs, Which photos belong to which category your school. Find out how they felt about them and
in the mind map? what they learned from them,
What photos do you need for your poster?
Choose your ideas Take photos around the school and at home,
if you need to.
Copy the mind map and complete it with your own
ideas about your school year.
Try to remember how you felt about some of the Look! Cooperation
experiences you have had,
Sometimes it's hard to think of a lot of ideas.
Work in pairs, Compare your lists and share your ideas, By working together and sharing your ideas, you will
Together, choose ideas for your poster, have a lot more to choose from for your project.

Find out
To hetp you remember atl the things that happened
in your schoo[ yea¡ check your schoo[ website for
news and important dates. Looking at photos you
have taken on your phone witt atso remind you of
experiences you have had.

Plan your poster Evaluate the projects

Think about how many different things you will put Look at all the posters, Which poster has the best
on your poster, design? Why?
Plan the poster and make a sketch of how the photos ) Say which poster you thrnk is the most interesting
and text will look, to read and why,
Write the text for your poster Reflect :t
Write the text for each photo, Use the Useful Think about the feedback, ls there anything you \¡I
language box to help you, can improve? (o
Give your text to another student to check your
grammar and spelling,
Usefut [anguage
l've done lots of exciting things,
Create and display your poster
l've been to ..,/seen/tried ...
Put your photos and text together, It was amazing/scary/fun!
) Give your poster a title. I was very disappointed/embarrassed/surprised/
Display your poster for your class to read, pleased,
l've got better at ,.,
I used to,,,, but now,,,
You don't have to...
We all have to ,,,
We aren't allowed to .,.
i;.{.1 i"t { ".:{, 1- Udi: í'} H
.N\.7.A I've done well in Maths :- : ' .-
this year. I used to get
around 60%, but l've This is my new friend, Nora. We've
worked really hard and mY been friends since September when
scores have got better. we first sat together in Science.
lfeel more confident now Nora's very good at Science and
in Maths. she's helped me a lot. She's also
very cheerful and funny. She makes
me laugh a lot.

f iH*'f il i'.lit:r ¡*ril T'nr,,r"i"?-iilrñ

>:: .l ;1..:.-:i r.."..:i : ..
I've done two things this year for the very first
time... Have you ever seen shoes
like this? They're so
Drama: I took part in the school musical, horriblel l'm embarrassed
which was Oliver.l've never sung on stage every day. This year we
before. I was surprised that I enjoyed it. lt was aren't allowed to wear
terrifying, but fun. trainers. We all have to
Sport: ljoined the basketballteam. l,ve only wear black lace-up shoes.
played in one match so far and we lost, so I hate theml
I was very disappointed. However, the team
has won more matches this year than last year, i:t'{& ltlT Y ii"rrfi §'+i 1}'
so that's good.
l've baked a lot of cakes and
cookies this Yea¡ but I haven't
eaten many! A grouP of mY (' .* §ñd"'
friends decided to raise some
money for charitY, so for the
last six months we've had a
cake sale at school everY two
weeks. Everyone loves cake,
so we've raised about 8250.
We're reallY Pleased about that'
f Work in pairs. Are you scared of any of the things
in the pictures? Why/Why not?

It's the 1930s. Mr Fetberg is a taitor, which
means he makes ctothes for men. He has a
shop in a smalltown in Engtand. Sidney and
Joseph work for Mr Fetberg. They're learning to be
taitors. Sidney is twenty. Joseph is only fifteen and is It was midnight. The street was dark and quiet.
new at the shop. He's honest and wants to learn. Sidney put his key into the shop door. He opened
the door. He looked up and down the street.
Sidney isn't honest. He tries to make Joseph look
Then he went quickly and quietly into the dark shop.
bad in front of Mr Fetberg, and sometimes he takes
money from the titt. He also makes Mr Fetberg think He waited for a moment.
he forgets things.
'Can I do it?' he thought. 'l must do itl'
There's an otd dummy in the shop catled Oscar.
He saw Oscar. The dummy was in a grey suit now.
Mr Fetberg sometimes uses it when he makes
Sidney moved slowly across the shop, his hands in
ctothes. Sidney doesn't tike Oscar. He thinks that
front of him.
Oscar can see him when he takes money from the
titt, and one afternoon he's sure that Oscar hits him. The dummy watched him, its eyes moving.
Sidney decides to go to the shop late at night to do
Sidney put his hands on the dummy. 'Do it!' he said.
something bad to Oscar.
'Do it!'
He was afraid, but he carried the dummy across
2 Read the outline of Oscar. Choose the correct
the shop. He carried it through the back room and
across to the top of the cellar stairs. Now Sidney
1 lVr Felberg's shop sells men's / children's clothes, looked at the dummy and smiled. 'What am I
2 Sidney and .loseph are / want to be tailors, going to do with you?' he said. 'Do you know?' He
3 Joseph is older / younger than Sidney. laughed. 'l'm going to push you down these stairs!'
4 Sidney I loseph isn't very nice to fVlr Felberg,
He looked at the dummy's face. The dummy's
5 Sidney thinks that Oscar is funny / real, eyes looked back at him. The eyes were hard
and black. There was life in those eyes. Once
} READ again, Sidney thought, 'This is not only a dummy!
It's something ... real!'
S @ ui Look at the picture. Read and listen to the
extract from Oscar and answer the questions. 'No!' he shouted. 'l must not think that!'
1 Who are the two figures in the picture? He began to push the dummy - but then, suddenly,
2 Where are they? the dummy began to push Sidney!
3 What's happening? Why?
4 Read the extract again. Put the events in the
correct order.
§ a .,, Sidney fell down the stairs,
b ,,, Sidney picked up Oscar and took him to the
back of the shop,
c ,.. Oscar was smiling.
d ,,, Sidney tried to push Oscar down the stairs,
e ,,, They found Sidney,
f ,,, tt/lr Felberg and Joseph went into the shop,
g ,,, Sidney went into the shop.
S ffiffi Find three verbs in the text that
'#,#.t describe how people communicate. Match them
with the meanings. How many more verbs like
:.. this can you think of?

ta, t,
1 speak words
& 2 make sounds when you find something funny

ñry t,
ffi #
speak very loudly

lp: Look at the picture and listen to the next

part of the story. Are the sentences true (T) or
false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

'No!' Sidney shouted. 'No, no! Stop! Please ...!'

Then Sidney began to fall down the stairs.
The last thing he saw was Oscar's face ... laughing
at him. Then he hit his head on the bottom stait
and everything went black.

tVr Felberg came to the shop early the next morning

1 tr/r Felberg thought Sidney had a broken arm.
'Where is Oscar?' he thought. 2 Mr Felberg didn't believe that Oscar pushed
Joseph came in at that moment. Sidney down the stairs,

'Good morning, Mr Felberg,' he said.

3 Sidney left his job at fi/r Felberg's shop after
the accident,
'Good morning, Joseph,' tVr Felberg said. 'Where is 4 Mr Felberg put Oscar back in the shop window,
Oscar? Do you know?' 5 Joseph was very happy working in the shop
'No,' Joseph said, surprised. after Sidney left,

They walked into the back room - and saw Oscar p ffiffiffisilffiffi§
at the top of the cellar stairs.
'What ...?' Mr Felberg began. ?m psnum ae[rr Work in groups. Oscar is the
story of a dummy that comes to life. Can you
'Look!' Joseph said.'Oscar is ... smiling!' find some famous examples of books and films
It was true. There was a big smile on the that tell the story of dummies, toys, statues,
dummy's face. puppets or other human figures that come
to life?
They went quickly across to the cellar stairs and
looked down. @n

suit a formal set of clothes, usually a jacket, and

trousers or a skirt, made of the same material
Extract from Richmond Readers:
cellar an underground room

Oscar by John Escott


', Spmmmgr*ffi Work in pairs and answer the


1 What kinds of things do shops do to stop people
from stealing their products?
2 What do you think is the best way to stop people
from stealing from shops?
3 How do you feel about people who stealthings
from shops?

The Detective
When Peter started his new job, he totd
everybody that he was a detective. But
he didn't work for the potice, and he wasn't
a private detective. He was a store detective for
a supermarket - he watked around the shop
and tooked for peopte who were trying to steal
One morning, Peter saw an otd man in the drinks
section of the shop. lt was a hot day, but the old man
was wearing a big coat. Peter thought that the otd
man was a thief and decided to watch him.
Peter moved so the otd man couldn't see him, and he
watched him. Soon, the man picked up something Suddenly a young woman walked in front of the
expensive. Peter thought he was going to steal it and old man and stopped by one of the shelves.
became excited. Now Peter couldn't see what the old man was
doing. He looked around for somewhere else to
stand. There wasn't anywhere. He looked at the girl
P Read the outline ol The Detective. Are the
angrily. And then she took a packet of tea from a
sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the
shelf and calmly put it in the pocket of her jacket.
false sentences.
Peter felt very excited again. 'She's going to steal
1 Peter worked for the pol¡ce, that packet of tea,' he thought to himself. He forgot
2 His job was to stop people taking things from all about the old man and went to stand by the
a supermarket without paying, main door.
3 Peter believed an old man with a big coat wanted
After about five minutes, the girl went past the
to steal something,
check-out without paying for the tea. She walked
towards the exit.
? BEAD Peter stepped forward. 'Excuse me, young woman,'
3 O LS Look at the picture. Read and listen to he said in an important voice. The girl stopped.
the extract lrom The Detective and answer 'l'd like you to come with me to the manager's
the questions. office.'
1 Who is the young man in the background? The girl smiled. 'Why?' she asked. 'ls he going to
2 What does he think the young woman is doing? offer me a job?'
3 What does he do next?
Peter was surprised. Usually people were afraid
when he stopped them. This girl seemed calm
and relaxed. 'No, he's not going to offer you a
job,' he said seriously. 'And this situation is not

il 4
Irt Read the extract again. Choose the correct
1 The young woman took a packet of tea and ,, Lr

a put it in her shopping bag, v

b put it in her pocket,
2 Peter stopped the young woman .,,
a before she left the shop, ]
b outside the shop.
3 Peter took her to speak to ,,,
a the police.
b the shop manager,
¡¡ 4 The manager asked the girlto,,,
ffi a empty her pockets,
b explain what she was doing in the shop,
5 The young woman thought the situation was
a funny,

s b frightening,
6 The young woman told the men that she,,,
a drank a lot of tea,
b took the tea and didn't pay for it,
& Find the verbs in the extract and
match them with the prepositions a-e. Can you
find some other prepositions that can follow the
1 look a up
2 walk b forward
e stand c d own
4 put d out
Á step e a round

* ffi i,a Listen to the next part of the story.

Copy and complete the sentences with the
correct words.
They went to the manager's office. The manager -
a shor1, fat man with a round face - was sitting at
1 The girl bought the tea on a ,., last week,
his desk. When Peter and the girl walked into the
2 She took it into the supermarket to compare
the ,., and .,, .

room he stood up.

3 The manager was .,. with Peter because of
The girl smiled at him. 'This man said you wanted to the mistake,
offer me a job,' she said. 4 After she left the supermarket, the girl got
'l did not,' Peter said angrily. 'l saw this person take into a.,, ,

a packet of tea from one of the shelves, She put 5 The driver of the car was the girl's ,.,

the tea in the pocket of her jacket. Then she tried to 6 The man had lots of ,,, and ,., inside his coat,
walk out of the shop without paying for it.'
The manager looked at the girl and his face became } REFLECT
serious. 'Please put everything from your pockets
on the desk,' he said.
3 ffi THsruK c§{¡T¡cA§*§-Y Work in pairs.
Discuss the questions about the story.
The girl pulled the packet of tea from her pocket 1 Why do you think the people in the story stole
and put it down in front of the manager. She was things from the supermarket?
still smiling. 2 What do you think should happen to people
The manager was surprised. 'Do you agree that you who do this?
took this tea from a shelf and tried to leave the shop 3 Do you think it is always wrong to steal?
without paying for it?' he asked. Why/Why not?
'Of course. l'm not stupid.'
check-out the place in a shop where you pay for the products
Extract from Richmond Readers: exit the door or place where you leave a building
The Road Through the Hills and
pocket the part of a coat, jacket or pair of trousers that you keep things in

Other Stories by Rod Smith

'É Spg,'E*sgH& Work in pairs and answer the
1 How often are there big storms in your country?
2 Do they ever damage buildings, cars or roads?
3 Have you ever been outside during a big storm?
lf so, what happened?

Saturday Storm
Phitip (or Phi[, for short) is seventeen. He
doesn't get on very we[ with his famity and
often argues with his dad, Jim, and his sixteen-
year-otd sister, Viki. He atso has a brother, Atex, who's
onty seven. Phil's famity doesn't have much money
and in the evenings his mum works as a cteaner to
make extra money.

Phit loves ptaying basketbatt, He ptays in the school -c-

team with two of his friends, Steve and Chris. There's
a big game in another town on Saturday, and Luke, Jim turned and looked at his children. Philip was
the team's new trainer, wants them to win. At the badly hurt. There was blood on his face and his arm
team's training session on Thursday, he asks Jim and looked broken. He was covered in rocks and dirt.
some of the other parents for money. He says it's to His eyes were shut and he was not moving.
pay for the bus, the court and the referee. When Jim turned round to Viki she looked back
On Saturday, Luke and the team drive to the match at him. Her eyes and her mouth were wide open.
in a minibus. Jim, Phit, Vikiand Atex fottow them 'Are you all right?' he asked. She moved her head to
in Jim's car. As they drive through the mountains, say yes.
there's a terribte storm. Sudden§, hundreds of rocks Jim looked at Alex. He could only see the boy's
start falting on to the road. They hit the minibus and back. Alex had turned away from the window and
Jim's car. pushed his face ¡nto the seat. There were rocks and
glass and dirt all over him.

ff Bead the outline of Saturday Sform. Copy and 'Alex?' Jim said. 'Are you OK?'
complete the sentences with the correct words, Alex moved a little. 'Yes, I think so,' he said.
1 lim is Phil's .,, , 'Has it stopped?'
2 Phil is in the school .,. team,
'Yes, it has.'
3 . is the new trainer of the team.

4 Luke wants some of the parents to give him 'What happened?'

some,,, ,
'lt was a landslide,' Jim said. 'Vikl, Philip is badly
5 On the way to the basketball match, some,,, hurt and we must get help very soon.' Jim's voice
hit the bus and car, was very quiet. His face was white. He moved some
of the dirt and rocks from Philip's jacket. He put his
P ffiffi&re head down and listened for Philip's heart.

3 (§ t-S Look at the picture. Read and listen to Vikisaid in a very smallvoice, 'ls Phil ...?'
the extraet lrom Saturday Storm and answer 'No, he's not dead, I can hear his heart,' Jim said.
the questions. 'l'm going to get out and see what's happening.
1 Who are the people outside the car? I want you to help Alex get out and see if he's hurt,
2 What are they trying to do? Then stay with Phil. l'll be back soon.'
3 Who is inside the car?
4 How do you think all the people are feeling?
4, Read the extract again. Choose the correct
1 After the Iandslide, Jim could see that Phillip ,,.
a was looking at him,
b was trying to say something,
c needed to go to hospital,
2 Vik¡and Alex,,,
a couldn't speak, but could move.
b could speak and move.
c couldn't move,
\ 3 iim got out ofthe car because,,.
a he wanted to get help,
b he wanted to see what happened,
c it was dangerous to stay in the car,
4 When he got out of the car, Alex felt lucky that ,.,
a the rocks didn't hit them.
b the car didn't fall on them,
c the car wasn't in the sea,
5 Jim climbed over rocks to .,,
a speak to the driver of the minibus.
b look for help,
c see if the road was open.

5a ffi Copy and complete the

expressions with get or make from the text.

1 'Philip is badly hurt and we must get .,. very
2 'l want you to help Alex get .,. and see if he's hurt,'
'OK,'Vik¡ said. She opened her door slowly. The car 3 'The driver suddenly made .,. ,'
was very near to the side of the road. She could see
the sea crashing on the rocks below. Sb Copy and complete the sentences with the
correct form of get or make to make more
'Come on, Alex,' she said. 'You'll have to be careful.
expressions, Can you think of any other
We might fall into the sea from here.'
expressions with gef or make?
Alex moved along the seat, Dirt and glass fell off his 1 He ,., a big mistake when he went walking in
back. He got out and looked out at the sea. 'Ooh ... the mountains at night.
we're lucky the car didn't go over.' He and Viki got 2 Alice and Joe ,., married in Valencia last summer,
round to the other side of the car.
3 I helped my dad to ,,. a cake for my sister's
'We must try to get some of these rocks away from birthday,
the doors,' she said. 'We can't help Phil until we 4 The boys ,,, bored when it rains because they
can open his door,' The two children started moving can't go out,
rocks in the rain. 5 Did you ,,. any friends when you went on holiday?
Jim ran over the top of the fallen rocks to the driver. $§ ff¡) i* Listen to the next part of the story. Put
He could only see some hair. He carefully began to the events in order from 1-6.
move the rocks. The driver suddenly made a noise.
Now Jim could see him. The rain was washing away
a ,,, Steve went to help the driver of the bus,
the dirt from his face. b ,,, Luke tried to phone someone,
'Are you all right?' Jim asked.
c ,,, lim became angry with Luke,
d ,,, Luke got out ofthe bus.
Extract from Richmond Readers e ,.. Chris tried to phone the emergency services,
Saturday Storm by..lulia Newsome f ... Jim pushed Luke and took his phone.

Gtossary } BEFLECT
blood the red liquid inside our bodies
7 G¡ GET eREATtvE Work in pairs. Think about
dirta substance from the ground or earth that how Jim and Luke behaved in the story. Then act
covers things and makes them dirty out a conversation between Jim and Luke on the
landslide earth and rocks that fall down the side day after the accident.
of a mountain
rocks large stones

which dialogue is better and why. Discuss with a partner.
spffiAKI¡Uffi Look at the pictures and questions in the EXAM TASK,
Look! About the task
Ask and answer these questions with your partner,
ln this speaking task, you will talk with
your partner about some pictures.
The examiner will then ask you some 1 Which of these activities do you like doing in your free time? Why?
more questions about the toPic, 2 Which of these activities do you like doing best? Why?
3 Do you think visiting museums is boring? Why/Why not?
4 How often do you cook?
5 Do you prefer eating at home or eating in restaurants? Why?
Listen carefully to the questions your 6 Do you prefer playing computer games or being outside? Why?
partner, or the examiner, is asking.
Don't just answer'yes' or'no', a
but give reasons for your answer,
Try to give a long answer using
two or three sentences.
Match questions 1-5 with answers
a-e. Compare with a partner.
1 Do you like watching horror films?
2 Where do you usually watch films?
3 Are you learning karate?
4 How often do you go to a museum? e.r,: ... .il" .*tr

5 Do you enjoy going to the zoo?

a At home. I download them from
the internet.
b Yes, I do. I love seeing the animals,
c No, they're scaryl I enjoy science-
fiction films,
d Yes, I am, lt's brilliant!
e I sometimes go with my dad to see
Think of some questions to ask
about free-time activities. Here are
some ideas to help you. Discuss
with a partner.

What's your favourite ,,,?

When do you usually ,.,?
Do you enjoy ,,,?
Now listen to a student answering the examiner's
Where do you and your
questions. How were his answers different from yours?
family/friends .,,?
Discuss with a partner.
How often do you ,,,?
Now complete the EXAM TASK,

Multiple choice
For each question, listen and choose the correct picture,

Look! About the task

1 Which chore willthe boy do first?
ln this listening task, you will hear
five short dialogues relating to five
questions, You must read each
question, listen to the dialogue
and choose from pictures A-C,
Each dialogue is played twice,

A B c

Before you listen, read the question 2 When does the film start?
and look at the three pictures
underneath it, Think about the types
of words you are going to hear. l-l '
-1. l-t

You will hear something about all l ! l. --l

the pictures for each question. -lLlr,¡l
Listen for the whole meaning, not
just individualwords.
A B c
Look at the pictures in question 1
of the EXAM TASK. Which of the 3 Where was the girl at the weekend?
following phrases do you think you
will hear while you are listening?

clean the bathroom do the laundry

do the shopping do the washing up
- rl--*l_\É;i.tlz
tidy my room wash the floor f @iFs-L)

A B c
Now look at the pictures in
questions 2-5 of the EXAM TASK.
Which words do you think you will 4 What job does the boy's uncle do?
hear? Discuss with a partner.

Look at question 1 of the

EXAM TASK again. Read and listen
to the conversation. Which is the
correct answer? Why?
Leo, can you do some chores
today, please?
A B c
OK, N/um. l'm going to tidy
my room this afternoon, 5 How much was the girl's T-shirt?
It's a real messl
It certainly isl Before you do
that, can you do the laundry?
Sure, What else would you like
me to do?
Well, you can wash the kitchen
floor, as well, But do that this
L o

A B c
evening after dinner, please.
Read the Useful Strategies box again. Read Stefano and Cerla's
stories. Which story is better? Why? Discuss with a partner.

Picture story gfefono

Jodie visited fhe ¡urBle.

Logt rvronth, Honry ond

They 9ow lotg of intenegting onímol9 fhere. While tley wene exploning, Honry
About the task
took gome photoe o+ o smoll monkey. The rronkey uos sffir'g ih d trse.
ln this writing task, you will write a While Honny wdg tokihg photoe, Jodie heord d hoige. the sow o huge gnok ond
story of at least 35 words. You will ifi,'ú9 movihg olor6 the groundl Jodie sqid, 'Don't move florry. Thene's o snok
have three pictures to help you write heon you.'
your story,
flomy picked up q piece of '^,ood qhd throw it to the 9rnke. Then Horry arrd
Jodie non owoy.
(84 wonds)
Organize your story into
paragraphs, Start a new paragraph
for each picture, Conlo
Make your story interesting by using llonny ond Jodie wae vieiting the iur€el íh Bnozil when they wene seeing o sneke.
past simple and continuous tenses, Honry,nos throwf6 orre wood of it ord they runnírg orr,roy. They wene qtnoid.
time expressions and adjectives, (29 wonds)
When you finish, check your
spelling and grammar,

Look at the pictures below and 3 Now complete the EXAM TASK.
answer the questions.
1 What are the people doing? EXAM TASK
2 Which animals can you see?
3 Are the people safe or are they in Look at the three pictures, Write the story shown in the pictures,
danger? Why? Write 35 words or more,

--? \



You are going to listen to two teenagers talking about
shopping. Read the statements below, Which do you think the
ffipffi&K*ruffi speakers will do? Listen and check.
Conversation only give'Yes' or'No' answers
explain their reasons
both ask questions
Look! About the task disagree with each other
give details in their answers
ln this speaking tasl<, you will have a
use different tenses
conversation with the examiner about a
topic for two minutes, You will answer Now talk about shopping. Look at the question prompts,
questions on the topic, and you must Student A asks the questions, and Student B answers, At the end,
also ask the examiner some questions, Student B asks one'newr question,
1 Do you enjoy,,.?
2 áave you ever bought anything ,,,?
3 What do people usually buy in ,,,?
Listen carefully to the examiner's 4 When did you last go to a ,,,?
questions - these may be in the 5 How much pocket money do you,, ?
present tense, the past tense or the
future tense.
6 Which is better: paying in cash or,,,?

Remember to continue the Complete the EXAM TASK.

conversation by asking the examiner
a different question about the topic,
Use different question words
(who, what, why, where, when, how)
and tenses.

Match questions 1-6 with answers

a-f. Compare with a partner.
How often do you buy new
Who do you go shopping with?
3 When did you last buy a present
for someone?
4 How much money did you spend
when you last went shopping?
5 Where are you going to go
6 What do you like buying?

a I think I spent about f15,

b I love buying electronic gadgets,
c Around two or three times a month.
d I usually go with my mum,
Work with your partner again, but change roles.
but sometimes with my sister,
e l'm going to go to the supermarket
for food, Where does your family buy food?
f I got my friend a computer game ls it better to buy vegetables in a shop, or from a market?
for his birthday, When did you last go to a supermarket?
What did you buy in the supermarket?
Where willyou have lunch today?
What will you have?

Now listen to two students doing the EXAM TASK.

How was your conversation different? Discuss with your partner.
§ took again at the options for gaps 1-3 in the text in Exercise 2,
Decide why the other answers are wrong. Discuss with a partner.
€ Now complete the EXAM TASK.
NlIultiple-choice gap fill
Look! About the task
Choose the correct options to complete the text
ln this reading task, you will read a
short text and choose the correct
words (a, b or c) to fill in the gaps.

How to be heslthy
First, read the whole text to üÜ nny sE@
understand what it is about,
Look carefully at the words before It's imporlant to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables - we get
and after the gap. These may help useful vitamins and minerals from these foods. And we
you decide which word best fits, shouldn't eat too much sugar. Sugar is in a lot of different
Remember that only one answer is
food, ... biscuits, cakes and drinks. We should also drink
correct, around eight glasses of water ... day. Water is good for our
skin, and when we are thirsty, it's the ,.. thing to drink.

Look at the following sentences and Doing sport is a good way to ,.. our bodies fit. Team
choose the correct answer. sports, such as basketball, are fun. lf you don't enjoy team
sports, you can :' ... for a run or a bike ride.
1 Both my brothers enjoy eating /
catching fish and chips, We should also get ... sleep every night because sleep is
2 Teenagers shouldn't go / stay up good for our brains. Teenagers, for example, should sleep
late every night. for around nine hours. Small changes to our lifestyle can
3 lf we don't drink enough water, make a big difference.
we can catch I geta headache,
4 What's lhe matter / wrong with you?
5 Lisa gave me a top Íp / advice for
studying English,
Bead the text, Choose the correct
answer to complete the text.


Eleni Loukas is a vegan, which

means she doesn't eat any animal t
products such as meat, dairy or
eggs. Many people ... this a 'plant- #
based diet' instead of a vegan diet.
As well as only eating plants, some
vegans don't wear any clothes that
tr Á
1a around b like c without
are ... from animal products, such 2a most b another c every
as leather shoes or woollen jumpers
3a best b fine c excellent
Eleni ... to become a vegan 4a keep b have c improve
because she wanted to eat more 5a do b make cgo
healthily. She also cares about what
is happening to the planet.
6a several b enough c any

1 asay b call c think

2 a changed b built c made
3 a guessed b decided c explained
Now complete the EXAM TASK.


Look! About the task

ln this listening task, you will listen to
a conversation between two people
and match the names to the items
mentioned, Each conversation is
played twice.

Read the instructions carefully to

understand what the conversation
will be about.
Then, read the words in the two
lists carefully, There will be more
words in the list of items (on the
right) than you need,
The first time you listen, get an idea
of what the conversation is about
and choose your answer.
The second time you listen, check Listen to Maddy talking to Harry about a party. What will
your answers carefully, each person bring to the party?
For each question, choose the correct answer,
Listen to a conversation
about a birthday party. What will
each person buy for the party? 1 Sophie A fireworks
Choose the correct answers, 2 Paul B games
1 Charlie 3 Anna C lights
2 Clara 4 Toby D snacks
3 Uncle N/ike 5 Ellie E decorations
F takeaway
a pizza G drinks
b snacks
c balloons
Work in pa¡rs. Compare your answers to Exercise 3.
Listen again and answer
the questions. Compare with Which parts of the EXAM TASK did you find easy and which parts
a partner. did you find difficult? Discuss your answers with a partner.
1 Where are Zoe's family coming
2 What kind of pizza will everyone eat?
3 What snacks will Charlie bring?
4 Who is going to make the cake?
5 What is Zoe's favourite cake?
', EXAtrrIl PRACffiGE
UNIT 7 {

Now look at gaps 2 and 4. Think of a word or phrase to fit in each

gap. Discuss with a partner.

Now complete the EXAM TASK.

Multiple choice
t@ About the task
Choose the correct options to complete the text,
ln this reading task, you will read
a short text in which some words
or phrases are missing. For each
question, you must choose the correct
word or phrase to complete the gap.
Hi Jack
There will be four choices,
How are you? l'm on holiday in New Zealand with my

Read the whole text before you
answer the questions. This will help
family. lt's' ... great country and we're having an amazing
time. Yesterday, we took part in a carnival and that was
great fun.
Today, we're going to a rock-climbing centre. I ... rock
you understand what it is about, climbing before, but my sister has and she loves it. I'm so
Then read each sentence before you 'r! ... about trying it - I can't wait! ... been rock climbing?

decide which word fits in the gap, lf you have, tell me about it.
There is only one correct answer. I'll emailyou again tomorrow when I have more time,
and l'll send you some photos!
Read the text below. Decide if Love
a word or a phrase is missing in
each gap, Ben

Hi Emily
How are you? I went to the cinema
last night, but I didn't enjoy it at all.
Nothing exciting happened in the
film and lwas so
Anyway, we're going skydiving
tomorrow! Have you ... tried that?
I did it last year with my cousin and
we ... . Would you like to come
... us tomorrow?
Let me know.
Ollie r*. ".

Look at gaps 1 and 3 again. Decide 1a soa 3a cheerful

which word or phrase best fits in b a such b excited
each gap. Discuss with a partner. c such a surprised
Gap 1 d SO d disappointed
2a have been 4a Have you ever
bored calm conf ident worried h haven't seen b Did you go
c have gone Where did you go
Gap 3 d haven't done d When did you
have such a good time
are having a so good time
had such a good time
had a so good time
Now complete the EXAM TASK.

Multiple choice

rEP Abo¡.¡t the task

ln this listening task, you will hear a
conversation between two people and
answer five multiple-choice questions,
You will hear the conversation twice.

. Before you listen, read all the

instructions, Then read each
question and the options carefully to
understand what the topic is about,
. Think about the topic and which
words or phrases you might hear,
. Listen carefully to check the details
. You will hear some information
about all three answers, but only
one answer is correct, Listen for the
whole rneaning.

Bead the situations in the

EXAM TASK and the list of words
and phrases below. Which words
and phrases do you think you Listen to Danny talking to Carla about helping people
might hear? Choose the correct options,
argue with 1 Danny says that N/rs lMoore .,.
be a fan a doesn't have many friends locally,
be kind to
b has always lived on her own,

famous people
c has lived in her house since 2018.
get angry with 2 Danny says that he enjoys ,,,
get on wellwith a making fi4rs Moore laugh,
hang out with b doing [VIrs [Vloore's shopping,
kids c looking after ft/rs N/oore's pet,
poverty 3 What do Danny and lVlrs lvloore often do?
study a pick up litter
walking the dog
b donate blood
with family
c raise money for charity
4 Next week, Danny is going to ,,,

Write down some more words and

a go to a cake sale,

phrases you think you will hear, b do a charity bike ride,

Discuss with a partner. c help at the after-school club,
5 ln N/arch, Danny and Carla plan to work with ,.,
a some celebrities,
b homeless people,
c poor children,
4 Now complete the EXAM TASK.

Short texts
Choose the correct option for each text.

Look! About the task

ln this reading task, you will read six
short texts and choose one option
o Hi Marta
Thanks for getting me that book I wanted. l'll pay
(a, b or c) which matches the meaning you for it tomorrow when I see you at school.
in each text.

a Zoe wants Marta to buy her a book,
'i b Zoe didn't give lt/larta her book back.
Before you answer, read each text c Zoe will give lVarta some money for a book soon,
quickly to understand what it is

Look at all three options before you
decide which one is correct,
Read each option carefully with the
text, Only one will have the same
I Half-price tickets for all students
Children under eight free
meaning as the text, Please ask at the gate. \-/
a Everybody must pay at the gate to go in,
Read the information below. What is b lf you are an adult, it's more expensive to go in,
it about? c There are special activities for very young children
. Now read the three options: a, b
and c. Decide which one is the best € Mark f
summary of the information. l'm at the dentist's with your sister, so I won't be at
the school gates at 3.30. Please catch the bus today.

a [Vlark's mum is telling him how to get home,

b N/ark's mum is telling him to meet her at the dentist's,
c lVark's mum is explaining to him where he should meet his sister,

For sale
!len's red nountaiin biLke - six years
o1d - ¡reeds new tyres
a The pizza shop is open on
Call Steve af,ter 5 p.n. - 07836 6194il
lVlondays and Thursdays,
b Two pizzas cost the same as a You can speak to the owner of the bicycle in the afternoon,
one on some days, b The new owner of the bicycle should change the tyres,
c Pizzas are free in the afternoons, c The bicycle for sale used to belong to a child,
3 luow look at the other two answers.
Tell your partner why they are wrong € Pnocfice ton gchool footboll teom in gym todoy of 4.OO p.m.

- footboll teld too wet

a lf you are in the school football team, you should go to the gym
b The football team should meet in the football field,
c The football team will not play today because of the weather,
Types of film
action film fantasy film
GRAMMAR animated film historicalfilm
Present simple comedy horror film
documentary musical
drama science-fiction film
l/You often read in bed
ItJqr9_9IfU9_eg[rglt,,:__ Adjectives to describe films

He/She watches a lot of fi tms. ll g1,!lt


"a"s: r :lt_l$ r § boring romantic

We/You/They love comedies. We/You/They don't read comics.
brilliant sad
confusing scary
Do you read on hotiday? ! Yes, ldo.l No, ldon't" enjoyable serious
Doestre like horror fitms? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't exciting silly
Rules funny terrible
We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits and routines,

Adverbs and express¡ons of frequency Making and responding
to suggestions
l'm never [ate for schoot.
What shall we do this afternoon/tomorrow?
She sometimes ptays tennis.
How about / What about .,.?
We clean our teeth twice a day.
Why don't we,,,?
The Otympics take place every four years.
l'm not sure,
That sounds scary/borin g/exciting,
We use adverbs and expressions of frequency with the present simple l'd prefer to ,,,
to say how often we do things, That's fine by me,
Adverbs of frequency include: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly
ever, never, They go after the verb be, but before other verbs.
Expressions of frequency include: once/twice a day/week/month, WRITING
every day/two weeks, etc, They usually go at the end of a sentence. Reviewing a film
One of my favourite films is ,,,
Present continuous The film is set in ...
The actors are..,
The special effects are,,,
l'm waiting for a friend Iu:Iy_*_rug::rll _ _ The plot is simple/confusing,
I9!!:. rslrsi::l:: He/Shg t¡¡'-t talkils _ The ending is exciting/silly.
You/We/They're dancing You/We/They aren't driving
Writing a conclusion
ln conclusion, I recommend it.
E:J9!g§!Igly I Yes,lala1No, l'm not. ln conclusion, I didn't enjoy it at all
E¡g:§tp,lg? -__-__-@
We use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress now,

Present simple and present continuous

I often
lownload ltm¡ l'm downloading a fitm now.
We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits and routines,
We use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress now




Jobs around the home
clean the bathroom make your bed
GRAMMAH do the laundry take out the rubbish/
Past simple do the shopping recycling
do the washing up tidy your room
lay the table wash the car
llYou/He/She/We/They didn't Ioad the dishwasher wash the floor
I l/You/He/She/We/They
cleaned the kitchen. I tidy her room. make dinner
l/You/He/She/We/They made
I rÁ"r.rlrásn"lw"lrn"v a¡¿rrt
dinner. i do the shopping. Jobs
dentist mechanic
designer NUTSE
ygy-!ru-:*tyl9-[1 Y-": lgrl_{4'!
-o-i9 - --j
-- ]dig:/ engineer personal trainer
Il1r "9'trigll?_ llel{ggl ["11!!'qt:t:.- .-_,.__ farmer police officer
journalist receptionist
We use the past simple to talk about completed actions in the past. lawyer shop assistant
For regular verbs, the past simple affirmative form ends in -ed,
A lot of verbs have irregular affirmative forms. The forms are the same
for all pronouns, SPEAKING
Talking about skills and abilities
be: past simple Why are you interested in ..,?
How wellcan you ,,.?
Affirmative Negative Do you enjoy,..?
l/He/She was tired. i tlUe/Sf'e wasn't at school. Quite well. / Yery well, / Not very well,
; You/We/They weren't happy. l'm (not very) good at ,,.
!s{U-"&stY:r§E -- -
There was a party tast night I ir,.i" *"rr;i.rir' t"áá. I love/enjoy ,,,
I know how to .,.
There were a tot of peopte I rn.r. ..r"i'i "ny
at the beach i

Was she a journatist? | Yes, sfre was. / No, she wasn't. Writing about a person's life
W*" th"y f*rn"rs? He/She was born in .,,
any music? j Yes, tfrere was. / No, there wasn't. He/She died in .,,
-W"=lIg" -
Were there any cafés at I-Y*Iñ;;;J N", th"* He/She grew up in/on ,,,
the beach? I weren't. As a child, he/she ,,,
Rutes He/She went to university in .,,

We form the past simple of be with was and were, He/She got a job as a ,.,
There was I there were arelhe past simple forms of there is / there are.
Prepositions of time
He studied P,E, from 1883 to 1887,
could and couldn't His students played football for most
of the year,
He worked there until1937
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They could watk and tatk.

l/You/He/She/lt/We/They couldn't ride a bike

Short answers
We use could and couldn'tto talk about ability in the past,
Verbs of movement
climb pull
GRAMMAB crawl push
Past continuous dive run
fall swim
jump walk

lg:_ry_"r!llgll'_!_rs_1!_ I I wasn't doing my homework.

1' Prepositions of movement
I:§!glt:*:e,re i He/She wasn't watching TV.
You/We/They were eating You/We/They weren't listening.
along onto
around over
_Ulf il_f ¡{1eJ9xt9l91v?__ I Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't. down through
Were they celebrating? j Yes. they were. / No, they ureren't. into up
We use the past continuous to talk about a long action in progress Adjectives and adverbs
in the past, angry angrily
- hungry - hungrily
We form the past continuous with the past simple of be + verb + -rng. easy - easily loud - loudly
fast - fast quick - quickly
good - well quiet - quietly
Past simple and past continuous happy - happily slow - slowly
hard - hard
Jen was having dinner when her dad phoned.
While we were cycling in town, we saw our friends.
Jen was having dinner
We were cycting in town Telling a story and reacting
Guess what happened yesterday/
tphoned now
last weekend/on Wednesday!
her dad lwas.,. when I ...
we saw our friends You aren't going to believe this, but.,,
Rutes No, really,
We use different tenses to talk about a short completed action that No way!
interrupts a longer action in progress in the past: You're kidding!
The past continuous describes a longer action that was in progress in What happened next?
the past, Wow, that's amazing!
The past simple describes a short action that interrupted the longer
We use when and while lo link the two actions:
We often use u¿hen before the past simple, Writing a story
We often use while before the past continuous. Last weekend/month/summer,,,.
When we arrived, it was (late),
We were (walking down the path) (slowly)
Past time expressions when suddenly.,,
While we were (waiting), .,,
We went to the cinema yesterday afternoon. What a weekend/day/holiday!
They saw their cousins the day before yesterday
She had a Maths exam last week. when, while, during
I bought a new phone two weeks ago. We were walking down the path when
Rutes suddenly a man in front of us fell,
We useyesferday + morning I afternoon / evening totalkaboutthe While we were waiting, we heard the sound
day before today. But we say last night. of a helicopter.
We use the day before yesterday to mean two days ago. During the night, it rained heavily,
/ I month I yearto mean the most recent

We use last + night week
night, week, month or year,
We use a length of time + ago to say when in the past something
1,. -
§# TANGUAG L: -t-

: Containers
bag cup
ffiffieMr#&ffi bottle glass
bowl jar
Quantifiers: some, any, (how) much, many, a lot of packet
can tin
carton tube
We ate some rice.
[9y$§g'?':Etgt1t lVloney verbs
There were a lot of peopte. There was a lot of traffic.
borrow pay by card
buy SAVE

@_ _{" ¡grrLs-ol r!s9:9.- cost sell

I didn't eat many / a tot of peas
There isn't much / a lot of fruit. earn shop online
lend spend

I" ll"lg "lry-9' _ _ -[?ye yg ! -g g! 1-ly]Io-lsv-?-

¡s glg:ry-{ 1!9!9f lrig${ i ?o-vq, g:rv:I / 3 SPEAKING
,!¡,: tot 9!
trg*:I:rt rgg§!ry-"-ygy ggY-,,!:yglt 1.:1§ th9'"?- Comparing products
What do you think of this one/these ones?
We use some and a lot of in affirmative sentences and we use any in Which colour do you prefer?
negative sentences and questions.
It looks/They look,,,, but it's/they're.,.
With countable nouns, we use many in negative sentences and
The ,,, is/are much ,,,
questions, With uncountable nouns, we use much in negative
It isn't/They aren't as,,, as the ,,,
sentences and questions,
You're right,
We can use a /ot of in affirmative and negative sentences and in questions.
That's true,
I agree,
Comparatives and superlatives
--i-- wet r wetter
Survey results
lley-9ltes! Last week, we did a class survey about
happy happier the happ¡est
Our group interviewed ,,,
Long comfortabte more comfortabte i the most Here are the results,
i comfortable
The most popular answers were,,,
lrregular I good I better i the best
bad Yoi:e the worst Expressions of q uantity
far further the furthest Everybody,,,
Rules lVost students .,,
We use the comparalive + than to compare two things: Half of the students .,,
l'm taller than my dad, Some students,,,
We use the + superlative to compare more than two things A few students ..,
Delia is fñe fallesf student in our class, A couple of students ,,,
(not) as,,, as
These jeans aren't as cheap as the ones in the other shop.
Spanish food is as good as ltatian food.
We use nof ás + adjective + as to compare two things that are
different. lt has the opposite meaning to a comparative adjective:
lh not as tall as my brother, = My brother is taller than me,
We use as + adjective + as to compare two things that are the same:

l'm as tall as my dad,
The human body
ankle neck
GRAMMAR bone shoulder
will and won't; may and may not brain skin
elbow stomach
face throat
l/You/He/Shellt/We/TheW finger thumb
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They may be late. heart toe

l/You/He/ShelWe/They won't understand Health problems

l/You/He/She/We/They may not go to the party leg.
l've got a broken l've got sunburn,
l've got acold, l've got a temperature.
Will humans live on Mars? Yes, they will. I Nc, they won't. l've got acough. l've got toothache,
Rules l've got a headache, My back hurts.
We use will and won't to make predictions about the future, l've got a sore throat,
l've got a stomach
We use may and may not when we are not certain about a prediction:
It may rain, = Perhaps it will rain.

First conditional SPEAKING

Giving advice
What's the matter?
ool't ltrrv., i¿q{!!!:l¡-t-- What's wrong?
lf he falls over, I ne'tl hurt himsetf You don't look very well/happy.
Resutt I Situation tt/aybe you should .,,
l'll text you later i if I have time You shouldn't,,,
They'll get wet : if they go out now. Why don't you ,,,?
l'm sure it'll be OK,

We use the first conditional to talk about situations and their results,
To describe the situation, we use if + present simple, WRITING
describe the result, we use will or won't + infinitive.
Giving tips and advice
We use a comma after the situation if we put it before the result,
Here are (my) top tips for ,,.
It's important (not) to,,,
should and shouldn't You should always/never,,,
It's a good idea to,,,
Remember that .,,
l/You/She/He/We/They should drink lots of water.
l/You/She/He/We/They shouldn't go to schoot. Think about what you put online.
Questions Short answers Don't accept their request,
Always show respect,
Should I see a doctor? I Yes, you should. I No, you shouldn't Never meet with someone that you only
Rul,es know online,
We use should and sl-touldn'f to give advice,
Afler should, we use the infinitive of the main verb without to.

m I

Party plans
buy food order a takeaway
GHAMMAR buy snacks post your party on
be going to choose a date social media
choose a place put up decorations
create a playlist put up lights
t'f _g9:lgj"lyy:reI1pll9le_: llf ¡glg9, n g_lg
o_g¡*g:! have fun send invitations
He/She's going to make a cake He/She isn't going to have a hire a DJ write a guest list

You/We/They're going to You/We/They aren't go¡nE to Things for a camping trip
watch a fitm. drive. first-aid kit sun cream
hoodie sunglasses
phone charger tent
I Yes, lam. / No, l'm not.
"ll"_ygy s9_1ng_to_hi1e q PJ? pillow toothbrush
ls she going to learn French?
'ñ; ñ-",
'h" raincoat torch
sleeping bag towel
We use be going to to talk about future plans and intentions, soap water bottle

be going to and will

We're going to go to the beach tomorrow. Hopefutty it'll be sunny.
Asking for and offering help
We're going to get there earty. lt will probabty be busy. Could you ,,,?
Would you mind ,,,?
Shall I help you?
We use be going fo to talk about future plans and intentions,
What can I do to help?
We use r¡zil/ to make predictions about the future,
Do you want me to ,.,?
Present continuous for future arrangements That would be great/really helpful,

'What are you doing tonight?' 'l'm meeting some friends in town.'
11"_y:lq",nglg-tqsryr,z_\-ty9l: r_e!r9l!119:*-- Writing a thank-you letter
We can use the present continuous to talk about arrangements
(fixed plans) in the future, Thank you for the .,. that you sent me.
It was very kind/generous of you,
We often use a time expression, for example, tonight, tomorrow, next
I had a great/fantastic birthday,
weekend, on Saturday,
Lots of love / Best wishes

Reflexive pronouns Preposition + -ing

Pturat They're perfect for listening to music,
I'm thinking of using the money to buy a new
Reftexive Subject Reftexive
pronoun pronoun pronoun bike,

I myself l*" I ourselves

r91r:!l_ T*, (t,r",)
he t'iry:!, ,

she !:":11-- they themselves

it I
When the same person is the subject and object of a verb, we use a
reflexive pronoun:
He's teaching himself Portuguese.
subject object
Expressions with gett go, make
and take
GRA§IMAE get a (good)job make (new) friends
Present perfect affirmative and negative get better (at) make (lots of) money
get good marks take my driving test
go on an adventure take part (in)
l've travelled to tots of countries go (scuba diving)
L"/_l!s: u:l g_!9ru9:ttio-L __
You/We/They've lived abroad. Feelings
angry excited
I haven't seen a dotphin
calm pleased
,Is11! :-Ertt-r99:r úgr_"_.-* _ cheerful scared
You/We/They haven't eaten insects. confident surprised
Rules disappointed upset
We use the present perfect to describe an experience in someone's embarrassed worried
life, We don't say exactly when the experience happened.
We form the present perfect with the correct form of have + past
participle. SPEAKING
To form the past participle of regular verbs, we add -ed to the verb. Asking for and giving
A lot of verbs have irregular past participles, For some verbs, past information
participles are the same as past simple irregular forms: buy - bought, How can I help you?
bought. l'm interested in ,,,
Sometimes they are different: take - took, taken Have you tried ,,, before?
Do I need any special equipment?
The price includes the equipment,
Present perfect questions; ever and never
How much is it?

, Have you (ever) eaten octopusz I Ves, I have. / No, I haven't.
We provide everything.
ls there anything else I need to know?

Has he/she (ever) met any Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she
famous actors? hasn't. WBITING
Have they (ever)climbed a Yes, they have. / No, they
mountain? haven't.
Describing things you've done
We've done lots of exciting things,
We've climbed ,,, / been to,,, / seen ,,,
LIg/If [1"y.By:l_":r'tLqru:§_!c_9f_!9r It was amazing / great funl
He/She has never tried skydiving. Tomorrow we're going to go to .,.
We form questions in the present perfect with have/has + subject + so and such
past participle, It's so warm,
We often use ever with present perfect questions, Erer means at any l'm having such a good timel
time in your life.
We can also use never with the affirmative form of the present perfect.
Neyer means at no time in my life,
argue (with someone)
GMA$MMAffi be kind (to someone)
Present perfect with for and srnce be rude (to someone)
get angry (with someone)
get on well (with someone)
l've known him for six months. j l've known him since hang out (with someone)
Jutia hasn't messaged me for i December. look after (someone)

a week. i Julia hasn't messaged me make (someone) laugh

I since tast Friday. say sorry (to someone)
shout (at someone)
five minutes twetve o'clock
ten days
j Wednesday
Kind acts
three weeks give pick up litter
I the weekend
six months help raise money
i January
a year I eorg invite smile
a tong time t was ten years otd offer thank
a99s j tr*¡1s_!L _
We use the present perfect + for or srnce to talk about something
that began in the past and is stilltrue now, Persuading
Do you fancy .,, with me?
We use for + a length of time,
We use since + a point in time,
Come on, it'll be fun!
We really should do it,
Think of .,,
Present perfect and past simple l'm not sure.
l'll think about it,
I suppose so.
l've eaten snails. I ate them in France last year
You've persuaded mel
They've climbed Mount I ff'"y climbed it in 2018.
Have you ever seen a tion? saw a tion last summer.
I t ra* it at a safari pa rk with my Describing someone you
I famity.
know well
I've stayed in a five-star hotel It"r*, * h.tJ two years
We've known each other for .,,
"go' We've been friends since,,,
We met when ,,,
We use the present perfect and the past simple to talk about an
I like him/her because..,
He/She's into ,,.
We use the present perfect when we aren't interested in when it
We've got a lot in common, for example
happened, only the fact that it happened.
We use the past simple to give more details about an experience,
Adjective order
We use it to specify the time when it happened,
[\4artha's got long dark hair,
We also use it to give information such as where it happened,
She's got beautiful brown eyes
who you were with, etc.
ln a conversation, we use the present perfect to describe an
experience, but we usually change to the past simple to ask more
A: l've met Lionel Messi,
B: Really, how did you meet him?
At I met him at a restaurant in Barcelona, He was on the table
next to us!
Life stages
Adjectives Nouns
GRAMMAR elderly adult
used to grown-up newborn baby
married teenager
middle-aged toddler
l/You/She/He/We/Theyused I l/You/She/HeiWe/Theydidn't retired young adult
to live in Potand. I use to like cheese.
Talking about age
Did you use to play tennis? i
Yes, ldid. / No, I didn't. _ She's in her twenties,
He's in his fifties,
Did they use to have a dog? Yes, they did. / No, they d¡dn't
School rules
We use used to to talk about actions that happened regularly in the
arrive on time pay attention
past, We use used fo for things that were true in the past, but aren't
chew gum put your hand up
true now
dress smartly run in the corridors
The negative form of used to is didn't use fo (not didn't used to).
drop litter use bad language
follow instructions don't wear jewellery
have fo and don't have to, must and musfnt forget your books
keep your classroom
l/You/We/They have to wear a uniform.
He/She has to help with the cooking SPEAKING
l/You/He/She/We/They must pay attent¡on in ctass
Talking about rules
You have to ,,,
l/You/We/They don't have to dress smartty You don't have to . .,
He/She doesn't have to do much homework. We all have to ,,,
llYou/He/She/We/They mustn't drop titter You aren't allowed to ,..
ls it OKto...?

Do you have to tidy your room? i Yes, I do. / No, I don't

Does she have to cook lunch? : Yes, she does. I No, she doesn't WBITING
Rutes Giving information
We use have to to say that something is necessary. You should .,,
Have to has a similar meaning to rnust, Isuggest that you ,,,
Don't have fo and rnusfn'f have completely different meanings. You won't need .,.
We use don't have fo to say that something is not necessary You have to / don't have to
(but you can do it if you want to),
We use musfn'f to say that something is not permitted. Opinion adverbs
Unfortunately, it usually rains a lot in
lndefinite pronouns Luckily, exchange students don't have to
wear a uniform!
Person Place ThinE
Affirmative someonelsomebody rsomewhere isomething
Negative / anyone/anybody Tany*ro,.e-i-;nyth¡n,
We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people, places and things when
we don't say exactly who, where or what we are talking about,
We use pronouns starting with some- for affirmative sentences and
pronouns starting with any- for negative sentences and questions.



lnfinitive Past simple Past participle
be tbit was/were /woz, woz, we(t), been /brn, bi:n/
become /br'k,tmi became /br'kerm/ become /br'k,rm/
lbr'grn/ began lbt'gr,nl begun lbt
break lbretkl broke lbraukl broken /'brar¡kan/
lbrlr:.l brought lbrcttl brought lbrl¡tl
td lbtldl buitt lbtltl buitt lbtltl
lbatl bought lb¡ttl bought lb¡tl
can iken, kan/ coutd /ked, kud/
come /k¡,m/ came /kerm/ cni'I"!€ lk,tml
cost ikost/ cost /kost/ cost /kostl
do /da, du/ did ldtdl done ld¡nl
draw ldrc'^l drew /dru/ drawn /drc¡n/
drink /drr¡k/ drank /drenk/ drunk
drive ldrawl drove /draov/ driven /'druvn/
eat litf.l ate lelrl, ell eaten /'i:tn/
fatt lf¡tll fett lfel/ falten l'f¡tlottl
feet Iti.^U fett lfeltl fett lfeltl
find lfamdl found lfaundl found lfaondl
lflatl flew /f lu/ flown lflaanl
lgetl got lgofl got lgotl
lgll 9ave lgetl given
lgaul went lwentl gone/been birn/
have /hev, h¿ev/ had lh¿r,dl had lhr,dl
hear ,&¡e(r)/ heard lhstd/ heard lhszdl
know lneol knew /nju/ known /noun/
[earn ll:;nl learnt/tearned /.lslnt, ls:nd/ learnt/[earned /ls¡nt, ls¡nd/
leave lli*l teft lleftl teft lleftl
tose llu'^zl lost /lost/ lost /lnst/
make ime¡ki made /merd/ made /merd/
meet lmiltl met lmetl met lmetl
lpafl put lpatl put
read lritdl read lredl read lredl
ride lratdl rode lraodl ridden /'rrdnl
run lr¡nl ran lr¿ run lr¡nl
lser/ §aid /sedi said /sed/
see lsitl saw /sc¡/ seen /si:n/
sett /sel/ sotd lszuld/ sotd /set-rld/

send /send/ sent /sent/ sent /sent/

/sr¡/ sang /s¿en/ sunE /s,r¡/
/slirp/ stept /slept/ stept
/spi:ki spoke /speuk/ spoken
stand istand/ stood /stud/ stood /stod/
swim /swrm/ swam /swem/ swum /sw¡rm/
take Itetkl took Itukl taken /'terken/
teach Iti,^tfl taught lbltl taught It¡fl
tett Itell totd Iteuldl totd Iteuldl

think /0r¡k/ thought l&¡ttl thought l9cttl

throw l0ratsl threw l9rutl thrown /Oreun/

wear /weo(r)/ wore /wc:(r)/ worn lwc;nl

win /wrn/ won lwtnl won lw¡nl
write lrafil wrote lreof I written I'rúnl
§tls$erxt's ***k
Flv Teocher's Guide
with guidonce on
h¡gh .
Culturol oworeness
,, Creotivity skills
Hxterm*§ *x#rm pr*pcr*tB*n
. Reseqrch skills


. Culture
. Grommor

Extrq proctice octivities


tsBN 978-607-06-2049-2
Solution "g tülllllll]nil[|llltl
rr7g6070rt6204g2tt I lt I

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