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2nd International Conference on Education

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Proceeding, Vol 2, Tahun 2023

The Use of TPACK Approach in Learning Process

Joko Prayudha S.
Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
*Corresponding Email:

Abstract. Day by day the development of technology is experiencing sophistication. Many scientists are
competing to create technology that can facilitate and help human activities, such as technology engaged in
education. Technology and education cannot be separated, because basically technology exists because of the
hard work of education itself. Currently, learning by utilizing technology is known as TPACK
(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), a framework in which learning combines elements of
mastery of subject matter and pedagogical competencies with the use of technology to create more effective
and efficient learning. This study aims to describe the TPACK approach in the process of learning activities.
The research method used is using qualitative methods through a literature study approach. Data were
obtained from various sources of scientific articles and journals related to TPACK learning. Then the data is
analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data display and conclusion/verification. The results of
the study show that in the application of the TPACK approach there are interrelated elements that connect
this learning to perfection including Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogy Knowledge (PK), Technology
Knowledge (TK), Pedagogy Content Knowledge (PCK), Technology Content Knowledge (TCK),
Technology Pedagogy Knowledge (TPK) and Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK).

Keywords: Learning process; TPACK.

The development of technology has become a very interesting thing to discuss recently. Where
everyone is competing to develop tools that can facilitate human activity. This technological development
has not escaped the role of intelligent people who are always learning to find innovations to help make it
easier to do anything. Here, technology is not limited to one aspect, but covers all aspects of life. Starting
from health technology, agriculture, industry, telecommunications and also including technology engaged in
education. In the field of education itself technology has been utilized to facilitate the implementation of
education to be more effective and efficient. Especially since a few years ago during the Covid 19 pandemic,
the use of technology has changed the traditional education system into face-to-face learning that utilizes the
use of technology. Basically the use of technology in the world of education has been carried out several
decades ago, but since the last two years a lot of technology and learning platforms or applications have
emerged to provide convenience in the implementation of limited education. In education there are many
hardware technologies that teachers can use to help teach students. For example the use of
computers/laptops, smartphones, tablets, cameras and so on. This device is one of the basic tools that must be
owned by teachers and students to support the implementation of learning using technology. Apart from
using hardware, there is also software or applications that are widely used to support learning to run more
interesting and fun, for example Zoom meet, Google Classroom (Prayudha, 2021), Padlet, Duolingo and so
on. These applications are applications that can be used and downloaded for free by both teachers and
students so that they can be connected in using them.
Learning by utilizing technology is not only supported by hard and soft learning devices, but must
have a stable internet connection and the ability to operate the learning tool or platform, so that when
teachers and students use the technology there is no confusion in running and using the application. Teachers
must be able to ensure that the technology they are going to use is really easy to run for both the students and
the teachers themselves so that the learning activities or processes can run smoothly and well. In addition,
teachers must also know and understand that the technology they use can make it easier for students to
access and be able to work efficiently so that students don't spend too much time struggling with the

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2nd International Conference on Education
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Proceeding, Vol 2, Tahun 2023

Furthermore, learning by utilizing the use of technology in this era is commonly referred to as the
TPACK (Technological Paedagogical Content Knowledge) approach, which is an approach framework in
which teachers teach by combining knowledge, pedagogical skills by utilizing the use of technology so that
learning in this way can be more practical, effective. and efficiently by utilizing technology that is currently
trending. In addition, according to Mahdum (2015) explained that TPACK also plays a role in introducing
students to mastery of technology so that students are not left behind in using technology in learning.
According to Mishra (2016) TPACK is a framework for understanding and describing the type of knowledge
needed by a teacher in streamlining pedagogical practices and understanding concepts by integrating the use
of technology in the learning process. In learning using TPACK each element has the same attachment so
that this will become a single element that influences it so that it can realize the learning objectives to be
achieved. TPACK emphasizes the relationship between technology, content and a teacher's pedagogical
approach in realizing interesting learning in the classroom. Through this research, the researchers hope that
the application of the TPACK approach can be massively exploited and used by teachers in Indonesia to
support students not only in learning but also to support students to be able to take advantage of the use of
technology in education.

This study used a qualitative research method using a literature study approach. Qualitative research
is used to describe a real situation or situation based on what is seen or studied without having to change or
manipulate the condition. From the results of these observations, the researcher then described clearly and
clearly what he saw without having to add or subtract the data. Furthermore, data was collected from several
literature sources, both articles and journals related to the use of the TPACK approach in learning. Then the
data is analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data display and conclusion/verification. First,
data related to TPACK is collected. Then, data related to TPACK is further divided into smaller elements.
Then, information related to TPACK is presented in this study. Finally, drawing conclusions related to
TPACK in learning.


The TPACK approach has several components so that learning can run well and smoothly. These
components include the following:
1. Content knowledge (CK)
It is knowledge related to understanding the material to be taught. This material must have been
contained in the curriculum to be studied so that the teacher must be able to master the material
before carrying out a teaching. According to Shulman (1986) said that the subject matter includes
knowledge in the form of concepts, theories, ideas, frameworks, methods that are equipped in
everyday life. In implementing TPACK-based learning a teacher must be required to be able to
understand and master the content knowledge that will be taught to his students so that when
learning is carried out there are no mistakes in conveying the material being taught.
2. Pedagogy Knowledge (PK)
It is in-depth knowledge related to teaching and learning theory and practice which includes
objectives, processes, learning methods, assessments, strategies and others. This pedagogical
knowledge requires an understanding of various aspects including understanding cognitive aspects,
affective aspects, social aspects and aspects of developing learning theories and implementing these
theories in learning. According to Par, L (2022) in this component a teacher must be able to
understand the situation or condition of students and be able to manage the class so that a conducive
class can be created so that learning in class can take place well and smoothly. The teacher must also
be able to understand these aspects based on the needs and conditions experienced by students so
that the teacher can place his position as a caretaker in the classroom or learning.

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2nd International Conference on Education
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Proceeding, Vol 2, Tahun 2023

3. Technology Knowledge (TK)

It is an understanding of the use of technology. Here a teacher must be able to understand in
operating the technology that they will use in a lesson. A teacher must also have the ability to
determine what technology or platform to use based on the advantages and disadvantages of the
technology. For this reason, a teacher needs extensive knowledge regarding information processing,
communicating using technology and managing and implementing this technology so that a learning
process that has two active directions or effective communication is created (Prayudha, 2021).
4. Pedagogy Content Knowledge (PCK)
It is a combination of interaction between pedagogy and learning materials. Where these two
components will be interrelated in order to form teachers who are able to process learning well.
According to Shulmanin Koeher (2011) that PCK is a concept of learning that delivers the subject
matter contained in the curriculum. This includes the learning process related to the subject matter to
be studied by students as well as understanding the system and learning conditions in the classroom.
This learning model is expected to lead students to learn effectively. So, this PCK is a teacher's
ability to integrate pedagogical understanding of teaching materials that will be taught by students so
that good and effective learning can be created.
5. Technology Content Knowledge (TCK)
This element is a combination of mastery of technology and content or material that will be taught to
students. Where a teacher must have a good understanding not only in mastering the use of
technology but also he must master the material to be taught so that in the use of the technology the
content of the material provided is in accordance with the curriculum made. In addition, this element
not only emphasizes mastery of technology or content, but more than that it can combine mastery of
technology and understanding appropriate teaching materials (Altun & Akyildiz, 2017) so that
teaching content that uses technology is appropriate or fits what is taught. planned to achieve the
learning objectives.
6. Technology Pedagogy Knowledge (TPK)
Is a series of understanding of how learning changes occur by utilizing technology to support active
learning and can help and facilitate understanding of the concepts of subject matter. In this element
the teacher is not only required to understand the use of technology in learning but also must
understand how pedagogical competencies are applied when learning by utilizing technology, for
example how to process online learning, manage students, manage classes online when TPACK-
based learning is applied. Therefore, in this element the teacher will be more able to regulate and
condition learning that is carried out online or when using learning technology in progress.
7. Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK)
The last element which is the most perfect element is TPACK. In this element the teacher places
more emphasis on the ability to master technology which is integrated into pedagogical competence
and understanding of the content of the material that will be taught to students. At this stage the three
elements cannot be separated so that TPACK learning must mutually support the interrelated
components (Ertmer, 2005). TPACK learning requires multi-interaction and a combination of
components of learning materials, pedagogical competencies and mastery of technology.

The application of learning using TPACK is a way of combining three elements at once, namely
mastery of technology, pedagogical competence and the ability to understand the subject matter that will be
taught to students. In this learning the teacher does not just provide material using mere technological
assistance, but how can the teacher integrate the three components so that online learning can run well and be
conducive. In this approach mastery of technology is absolutely something that must be considered for both
teachers and students. Teachers must be able to master and operate this technology properly and correctly
and also ensure that students can also use the platform or technology that will be used during learning. In
addition, pedagogical competence which is one of the basics for teachers in managing and managing students
in the classroom is also the key so that learning can run well and be conducive. Through good pedagogical
competence, the teacher can manage and organize learning so that it becomes more focused so that students
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2nd International Conference on Education
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Proceeding, Vol 2, Tahun 2023

can follow the lesson well. In addition to having pedagogical and technological abilities, teachers must also
be able to master the subject matter that will be taught to students so that when the teacher makes use of
technology along with good pedagogical competence it is supported by exposure to quality subject matter so
as to create a perfect learning atmosphere. Furthermore, recommendations for researchers who are interested
in researching the same study can conduct a more in-depth study of learning using this TPACK approach.

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