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Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

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Effect of Age and Other Factors on Maximal Heart Rate

a b
Ben R. Londeree & Melvin L. Moeschberger
Department of Health and Physical Education , University of Missouri-Columbia , 65211 ,
Department of Preventive Medicine , Ohio State University , Columbus , OH , 43210 , USA
Published online: 08 Feb 2013.

To cite this article: Ben R. Londeree & Melvin L. Moeschberger (1982) Effect of Age and Other Factors on Maximal Heart Rate,
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 53:4, 297-304, DOI: 10.1080/02701367.1982.10605252

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1982, Vol. 53, No.4, pp. 297-304

Effect of Age and Other Factors

On Maximal Heart Rate


University of Missouri-Columbia
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In an attempt to reduce the confusion regarding reported effects of the possibilities of a nonlinear regression between HR
age upon maximal exercise heart rate (HR max), a comprehensive max and age or the simultaneous effects of other fac-
review of the English literature was conducted to obtain tors upon the regression, e.g., type of ergometer, sex,
descriptive statistical data representing over 23,000 independent state of fitness, exercise protocol, nationality, and race.
subjectsfrom 5 to 81 years old. The data were split randomly into On the other hand, there have been many investiga-
two data setsfor independent regression analyses. HR max was
tions which have found differences in HR max due to
the dependent variable while independent variables include: age,
some of the above factors without considering age. It
age", age", age", sex, level offitness, type of ergometer, exercise
protocol, continent of residence, and race. After cross validation
was the purpose of this study to pool the available
the data were pooled and reanalyzed. Additional validation was published data on HR max and through multiple
accomplished on identifiable subsets qf the data, e.g., cross stepwise regression analyses to establish equations
sectional, longitudinal, training, comparative ergometry, and which would take all of these factors into account si-
comparative sex studies. Results identified negative linear and multaneously. These equations should reduce the er-
non-linear age factors, an ergometryfactor, a fitness factor and a rors produced by assuming that a subject has an aver-
continentfactor. Age accountedfor about 70-75% of the age HR max. As will be shown in the discussion, a great
variability. Generalized equations were proposed. Even with all deal of variability remains after all of the above factors
factors accounted for, the 95% confidence interval of individual are considered. Therefore caution should be the rule
HR max was about 45 beats/min. Tables ofHR max derivedfrom
when using average values for HR max.
the equations are included.
Key words: maximal heart rate, age, sex, race, car-
English language literature from 1950 to 1975 was
diorespiratory fitness, exercise prescrip-
searched as completely as possible and pre 1950 re-
tion, ergometry.
search was reviewed selectively for data representing
HR max as well as variables which were considered as
factors which might influence HR max. The data re-
P rescription of exercise usually is at a specified per- corded included: number of subjects, age, sex, an es-
cent of maximal oxygen uptake or a specified percent timate of fitness, HR max, standard error of HR max,
of maximal exercise heart rate (HR max). Since, for standard deviation of HR max, type of ergometer
example, 75% of HR max is equivalent to 60% of used, testing procedures, continent of residence, race,
maximal oxygen uptake regardless of the state of fit- and repetition number if there were repeated mea-
ness (Londeree & Ames, 1976), the resulting- prescrip- sures. Data which were not on an interval scale were
tions are equivalent. However, taking a test to deter- dummy coded (Kerlinger & Pedhazur, 1973). Age was
mine maximal oxygen uptake or HR max is quite dif- expanded through the fourth power to permit study
ficult for the subject. In lieu of a maximal exercise test, for nonlinear trends. Data were recorded from 388
prescription often is made from a submaximal exercise sources and resulted in 1140 data subsets (a data subset
test and an assumed HR max corrected for age. Unfor- was subjects within a particular age range) with 2 to
tunately, numerous cross sectional studies (including 1750 subjects represented by each data subset. A total
those shown in Table 4) have reported widely differing of over 23,000 subjects aged 5-81 years was repre-
HR max-age tables or regression equations. In addi- sented by the data. For the primary analyses, repeated
tion, previous studies apparently have not investigated measures on subjects were excluded and treadmill



data were included preferentially over bicycle data. As Results

a check on sampling stability the data were assigned After deletion of repeated measures on subjects and
randomly to two samples by a computer program of ergometer results other than the treadmill or bicy-
(SAS76-Uniform) (Barr et al., 1976) and data cle, 826 valid data subsets representing 18,155 subjects
analyses were conducted on the two samples indepen- were processed for the regression analyses. Solutions
dently. Similar analyses were conducted on two other were developed for each of the validation data subsets.
identifiable subsets of the total data set: cross sectional Comparison of the terms which entered the equations
and longitudinal studies. showed that there was surprising stability among the
The data were analyzed by stepwise multiple regres- equations. The most robust terms were age (including
sion (SAS76-BMDP2R) (Barr et al., 1976). Several a nonlinear term), type of ergometer, and level of
types of solutions were used, but since the results were fitness. Less robust terms included type of exercise
similar only those without special weighting are re- protocol, continent, sex, and race.
Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 13:28 02 February 2015

ported in this paper. However, both equations which To substantiate the apparent similarity of the equa-
did and which did not utilize interactions among the tions developed from the two validation samples, the
independent variables are included. Pooling of the best equation from each solution was used to calculate
data permitted calculation of standard deviations by PMHR (predicted HR max) scores for each data subset
five year intervals for the various groupings of sub- in each validation sample and each PMHR solution
jects. Additional comparative analyses (analysis of var- was correlated with observed HR max and the other
iance, regression analysis, or t test) were conducted PMHRs. The correlations between HR max and
using pooled data from sources which included the PMHR for the various equations ranged between
appropriate information: changes with training, dif- 0.836 and 0.889. The correlations among the various
ferent types of ergometry, and differences between PMHRs ranged between 0.994 and 0.999. It is obvious
sexes. that the equations agreed quite well between the vali-




E C2 F2 F3 F4
0 0

:I: 160
.- --
1 1
......... 1 0 0 1 0
--+0- 1 0 1 0 0
--.... - 1 1 0 0 0
~ 1 1 0 0 1
~ 1 1 0 1 0
-...... - 1 1 1 0 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Figure 1-Curves developed from the interaction equation. Under ergometer (E) 0 bicycle and 1 = =
treadmill; under C2, F2, F3, and F4, 1 class inclu~ion, l.e., a member of that category, and 0
= class exclusion. See Table 1 for additional detaIls.



Table 1
Regression Equations for HR Max
Reflecting Significant Variables via Stepwise Procedures
Source Equations R
1. PMHR1 = 196.7+1.986xC2+5.361 xE+1.490xF4+3.730xF3+4.036xF2-0.0006x
ALO.542xN 0.8772
2. PMHRI = 199.1+0.119xAEF4+0.112xAE+6.280xEF3+2.468xC2+3.485xF2-0.0006x
ALO.591 xA 0.8841
3. PMHRC = 205.0-3.574xT1+8.316xE-7.624xF5-0.0004xALO.624xA 0.9207
4. PMHRCI = 205.0-0.116xAEF3-0.223xAF5+0.210xAE+6.876xEF3+2.091 xC2-3.310x
T1-0.0005xA4_0.654xA 0.9264
5. PMHR = 206.3-0.711 xA 0.8451
6. PMHR = 202.8-0.533xA-0.0006xA4 0.8524
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1PMHR = predicted maximal heart rate, C=cross sectional, I=interaction.

2A=age, N=age 2 , A4=(age 4)/1000, C#=continent (If European, then C2=1, otherwise C2=0); E=ergome-
ter (If treadmill, then E=1, bicycle then E=O); f #=fitness level (If sedentary, F2=1, otherwise F2=0; if active,
then F3=1, otherwise F3=0, if endurance trained, then F4=1, otherwise F4=0; F5 and F6 represent collegiate
and national class endurance athletes, respectively); and Type #=type of exercise protocol (If continuous and
incremental, then T1 =1, otherwise T1 =0). Multiple letters indicate interaction terms which should be multiplied
dation samples, thus demonstrating the sampling sta- The above process was repeated on a smaller (34
bility of the equations. data subsets representing 127 subjects measured 2-3
Therefore, the data were pooled to develop com- times) identifiable subset of longitudinal data. Al-
mon regression equations (Equations 1 and 2 are though the results of the various predictions were
shown in Table 1). Linear and nonlinear age compo- highly related (r = 0.959-0.999), the observed HR max
nents were identified by all solutions. The noninterac- and the HR max predicted from the non-interaction
tion equation (#1), of course, produced families of equation did not agree very well (r = 0.474-0.550). On
parallel curves, while the equation which included in- the other hand, the interaction equation produced
teractions (#2) had less slope for treadmill than for more agreement (r = 0.779-0.834). These poorer re-
bicycle curves. The interaction equation is plotted in sults probably were due to the smaller sample and to
Figure 1 to illustrate the two families of curves. the fact that few of the subjects were measured at
Many of the data subsets (374 representing 9629 similar fitness levels at the various ages.
subjects) came from cross sectional studies of HR max The regression analyses identified fitness as a factor
and age where the age range exceeded 10 years. The influencing HR max. By studying the noninteraction
previously developed regression equations were used equation (equation 1 in Table 1) some insight can be
to predict HR max from the cross sectional data, and as gained on the effect of fitness on HR max. The base
expected the results were highly correlated. In fact, calculations are for the two highest fitness categories
the predicted and observed HR max were related (F5 = collegiate and F6 = national class endurance
more closely in the cross sectional data than in the . athletes), which did not differ. The HR max for en-
combined original samples (r = 0.909-0.921). Finally, a durance trained (F4), active (F3), and sedentary (F2)
pair of regression equations were developed specifi- were 1.5,3.7, and 4.0 beats/min higher than F5 and F6,
cally for the cross sectional data (equations 3 and 4 in respectively. Only two data subsets representing bed-
Table I), which were only slightly more efficient than rest subjects (Fl) entered the solution, and hence had
the previously discussed equations (r = 0.858-0.875). little impact on the results. From the interaction equa-
The cross sectional curves were essentially parallel to, tion (equation 2 in Table 1) it appears that at older ages
but more dispersed than, the related curves from the the fitness effect was reversed; that is, active subjects
total data set. Equations developed from the cross sec- had lower HR max at young ages but a higher value at
tional studies included a test protocol factor. The con- older ages (see Table 5). The fitness effect was verified
tinuous incremental procedure produced PMHR by analyzing longitudinal training studies. These
values that were 3.3-3.6 beats/min lower than other studies involved 63 data subsets and 721 trained male
methods. Perhaps accumulative fatigue and/or bore- subjects and 29 data subsets and 200 trained female
dom resulted in less than maximal efforts with the subjects. Table 2 shows that both sexes had a signifi-
continuous protocol. cant decline in HR max with training.



Table 2 were limited data available on the other forms of er-

Mean Change 1 in HR Max±SE for Data Subsets2 gometry, so analyses were not conducted on step tests,
Involved in Training Studies skiing, rowing, or arm cranking.
Trained" Control The regression analyses did not identify sex as a
Male4 -3.87±O.69 -1.57±O.59
significant variable in predicting HR max. As a further
n=63 n=15 check on this point, data from all studies in which
males and females of comparable age and fitness were
Female -O.86±O.64 1.36±1.15
n=20 n=5 measured were pooled. There were 117 and 113 data
subsets and 2697 and 2338 male and female subjects,
Total -3.14±O.56 -O.84±O.59
n=83 n=20 respectively. Since the comparative data within each
study were collected in one lab under similar proce-
1A negative sign indicates a reduction in HR max. dures, these results should be more meaningful. The
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2A data subset is a particular age group within a particular

study. The value of n is the sum of all ofthe age groups from all
HR means for males and females, without taking age
of the studies used. or other factors into consideration, were essentially
3Trained had a greater reduction in HR max (p<.05). equal: 190.4 and 190.5 beats/min with standard errors
4Main effect of sex significant (p<.05) but no interaction of 1.03 and 1.33, respectively. A regression analysis on
(p>.05). these data showed that age accounted for 70.19% of
the HR max variability, and that sex did not change
Similarly, the regression analyses showed that HR this value at all. By itself sex accounted for 0.28% of the
max on the treadmill was higher than HR max on the variability of HR max.
bicycle ergometer. The interaction solution (equation The population standard deviation calculated from
2 in Table 1) suggested that these differences were the 18,155 subjects in the total data set was 16.0
small at young ages and became greater with increas- beats/min. When regressed on age by five year inter-
ing age (see Table 5). Twenty-seven studies were vals, the standard deviation of the estimate was re-
found wherein HR max was determined on both the duced to 11.9 beats/min. When regressed on age, er-
treadmill and bicycle with the same subjects. Table 3 gometer, fitness, and continent or type of testing pro-
shows that the males had a significantly higher HR cedure, the standard deviation of the estimates were:
max on the treadmill than the bicycle, but the female PMHR = 11.2 and PMHRI = 11.2. In other words,
difference was not statistically significant. However, even within a particular age, ergometer, fitness level
three of the four female studies did show the expected and so on, the 95% confidence interval for HR max
trend; this suggested that additional data (and degrees was about 45 beats/min. Those who use predicted HR
of freedom) would produce a significant difference max values (regardless of prediction method) should
for the females, also. be aware of the large potential error. For example, if a
25 year old subject has a HR max of 170 beats/min
Table 3 instead of the predicted value of 190 beats/min, his
Mean HR Max±SE for Ergometer (Repeated Measures) by 75% of HR max value is actually 128 beats/min instead
Sex of a predicted value of 143 beats/min. The 143 beats/
min represents 87% of his actual HR max and a pre-
Treadmill Bicycle Difference
scription of this intensity would be much more difficult
Male (n' =23) 189.1±1.53 186.8±1.28 2.23±O.702 than expected. Conversely, an actual HR max consid-
Female (n = 4) 194.0±4.10 190.0±2.97 4.00±3.63
Both (n = 27) 189.8±1.45 187.3±1.17 2.49±O.772 erably above average would produce the opposite
effect-a prescribed intensity that is too low.
1n is the number of studies

Only 14 data subsets of HR max were reported on

the same subjects running on the treadmill and swim- Discussion
ming. Only three subjects were older than college age. The purpose of pooling the data from available
The swimming HR max averaged 14.0 ± 1.54 beats/ studies was to develop a generalized population equa-
min lower than the treadmill data. The lower HR max tion for HR max. Such an equation should produce
in water may be due to a reflex bradycardia with im- HR max versus age curves which would be centrally
mersion in cool water (McArdle et al. 1976). There located relative to all of the published data. The use of



various predictors other than the linear component of true HR max, or because older subjects with high HR
age was done to identify families of curves represent- max were not available (e.g., no inclination to exercise,
ing significant subpopulations and, within these disease, or death). The greater effect on the bicycle
groups, to improve the curve fitting. data suggested that reduced leg strength and/or local
The equations developed in this study probably rep- fatigue and/or tolerance to discomfort may have been
resent a slightly conservative estimate of HR max, for involved. In addition, laboratory personnel may have
several reasons. This conclusion is suggested in Table 4 been less willing to push older subjects to exhaustion.
by the comparisons between the PMHR from the cur- Two types of solutions were presented initially: with
rent equations and several cross sectional studies re- and without interactions. The primary advantage of
ported in the literature. First, in some studies it was the interaction equations would be allowance for dif-
likely that some, perhaps many of the subjects failed to ferent slopes for treadmill and bicycle predictions;
attain their HR max; while, by definition, none of the these differences account for 3-4% of the variability,
Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 13:28 02 February 2015

subjects could have exceeded their HR max. Deletion while fitness explained less than 2% of the variance.
from the total data set of those data subsets which fell On the other hand, the noninteraction equations re-
lower than two standard errors below the correspond- quire less complicated calculations. Data in the cross
ing prediction had essentially no effect on the results; sectional studies represented situations in which sub-
at age 60 the deletion equation resulted in a prediction jects over a fairly wide age range were measured in the
that was 1.2 beats/min higher, but there was no differ- same lab under similar conditions. The higher correla-
ence at age 20. However, if a substantial number of the tions between HR max and the cross sectional PMHRs
studies were biased in this manner, then the equations probably reflect the greater spread in the former
would underestimate the true mean HR max in the curves which would tend to fit the disperse data better.
population. Finally, with only a small loss in efficiency (6.7% and
A second conservative bias would result from using 5.5%) and much simpler calculations, an equation in-
the heart rate attained at maximal oxygen consump- volving only age as an independent variable could be
tion when testing trained subjects. It has been shown used (equations 5 and 6 in Table 1). These age only
that prior to initiating a training program subjects equations have been plotted in Figure 2. The age only
attain HR max and maximal oxygen consumption at equations will estimate HR max values which will be
about the same time, but with continued training max- too low (1-3 beats/min) for treadmill tests and too high
imal oxygen consumption is reached at less than HR (1-3 beats/min) for bicycle tests for the older ages.
max (Davies et al., 1970). This phenomenon would When all of the above factors were considered it was
bias the HR max value only with trained subjects when felt that the interaction equation (#2) had the most to
using an on line computer system or discontinuous offer. For a quick, rough estimate one of the age only
tests where gas analysis would permit termination of equations would suffice.
the exercise when a plateau in oxygen consumption For the average reader the equations in Table 1 may
occurred, rather than continuing to exhaustion. Few be confusing to use since various terms will drop out
of these studies gave enough procedural details to whenever a factor is coded zero, e.g., AEF4 will be zero
ascertain exactly how HR max was determined. How- for bicycle data and all fitness groups except F4 (en-
ever, if the purpose of estimating HR max is to predict durance trained). Therefore equations 1-6 were
maximal oxygen consumption and/or some percent of solved for a continuous treadmill test for sedentary
the same, e.g., when prescribing exercise, then the non-Europeans; the results are shown in Table 4.
failure to attain an absolute HR max in active subjects Selected comparative data from the literature are pre-
presents no problem. In such a case the heart rate sented, also. Recall that equations 5 and 6 represent
occurring with maximal oxygen consumption would both treadmill and bicycle data; treadmill HR max
tend to improve estimation of the latter. should be 1-3 beats/min higher and bicycle HR max
A third possible source of conservative bias in pre- should be 1-3 beats/min lower above age 50. Finally,
dicting HR max may have existed in the older subjects. PMHRs calculated from equation 2 are shown in Table
The regression analysis identified a negative nonlinear 5 along with comparable data from the literature. The
effect of age on HR max; the influence on bicycle HR values for the current study in Table 5 take into ac-
max was more pronounced than on treadmill HR max. count the linear and nonlinear age, the ergometer, and
These results could have occurred because it was a true the fitness factors. If used in a European setting 2.5
phenomenon, because older subjects failed to reach a beats/min should be added to the tabled values.







-. 170
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160 A


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
A ge

Figure 2-Regression lines representing the linear component of age (A) and the linear and curvilinear
(A4/1000) components.

Table 4
PMHRs (bpm) for a Continuous Treadmill Test for Sedentary Non-Europeans

Equations from current study Data from the literature

Bruce Cooper Drinkwater Froelicher Lester Robinson 220-Age
Age #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 1974 1977 1975 1974 1968 1938
20 195193197193192192 197 201 196 197 197 199 200
25 192190194190189189 193 196 194 194 195 193 195
30 189188191 188185186 190 192 192 193 190 190
35 186185187185181 183 187 188 185 189 191 187 185
40 183182184183178180 184 184 186 189 182 180
45 179179180180174176 180 179 177 183 187 177 175
175175176176171 172 177 175 181 184 174 170
171 171 172173167168 174 171 180 178 182 170 165
166166167169164163 170 167 180 166 160
160161 162164160157 167 162 178 163 155
164 158 176 150
70 154155156159157151



Table 5
PMHRs (bpm) Calculated from Equation #10 and Obtained from the Literature
Current Study1 Treadmill data from the literature Bicycle data from the literature
Cumming Astrand
Age Treadmill Bicycle Cooper 1975 Drinkwater 1975 Froelicher 1974 Lester 1968 1972 Wilmore 1970 1967
La- Mid- Hi- Seden- Seden- Seden- Seden- Seden-
F22 F3 F4 F2 Fot her • fit fit fit tary Active tary Active tary Active tary tary Trained Active
20 193 196 192191 187 201 201 196 190 196 197 193 197 190 191 184
25 190193190188 184 195 197 194 194 190 194 190 195 188
30 188191 188184 181 190 193 191 192 188 193 186 188 182
35 185 188 186181 178 184 190 188 185 183 189 185 191 184 177
40 182 185 183177 174 179 186 186 186 182 189 182 178 179 176
45 179 181 181174 170 174 183 183 177 179 183 179 187 180 176 173
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50 175178177169 166 168 179 180 181 177 184 177 174
55 171 174174165 161 163 176 178 180 179 178 174 182 175 172 179 169 164
60 166 169 170159 156 158 172 175 180 173
65 161 164 165154 150 152 169 173 178 171 163 155
70 155 157 159147 143 147 165 170 176 169
1Add 2.5 bpm for Europeans
2F2 = sedentary, F3 = active, F4 = moderately trained, Fot her • = all groups except F2

Conclusions and Physiological HR max in subjects studied in Europe has averaged

Implications about 2-2.5 beats/min higher than reported in other
regions. No obvious explanation is available.
HR max declines with age. The decline accelerates
A continuous incremental procedure may result in a
slightly with age. Therefore determination of target
HR max that is 3.3-3.6 beats/min lower than other
heart rates for exercise prescriptions should be age
methods. This factor was identified only in data from
cross sectional studies.
There is considerable variability in HR max among
individuals. Assuming that an individual has an aver-
age HR max for his or her age when, in fact, the HR
max is well above or below average will produce sub-
stantial errors in prescribing exercise intensity. References
There is no sex or race difference in HR max. Each
Astrand, I. Degree of strain during building work as related
subject should be treated as an individual.
to individual aerobic work capacity. Ergomomics, 1967,
HR max tends to be lower on a bicycle ergometer
10, 293-303.
than on a treadmill. The difference is small at young Barr, A. ]., Goodnight,]. H., Sail, ]., and Helwig, j. T. A
ages but becomes larger with increasing age. This dif- user's guide to SAS 76. Raleigh, NC: SAS Institute,
ference may be due to local fatigue of weak leg mus- 1976.
cles. Therefore prescriptions for bicycle exercise Bruce, R A., Fisher, L. D., Cooper, M. N., and Grey, G. O.
should be made from bicycle tests, or the target heart Separation of effects of cardiovascular disease and age
rates should be adjusted accordingly. on ventricular function with maximal exercise. The
HR max while swimming is considerably lower (14 AmericanJournalofCardiology, 1974,34,757-763.
beats/min) than during treadmill exercise. Therefore Cooper, K. H., Purdy,j. G., White, S. R, Pollock, M. L., and
prescriptions for swimming should be made from Linnerud, A. C. Age-fitness adjusted maximal heart
swimming tests, or the target heart rates should be rates. In Medicine and Sport: Role of Exercise in Internal
Medicine, D. Brunner and E. jokl (Eds). Basel: Medical
adjusted accordingly. and Scientific Publishers, 1977.
Longitudinal training studies have reported a re- Cumming, G. R, and Borysyk, L. M. Criteria for maximal
duced HR max with training. In cross sectional studies,
oxygen uptake in men over 40 in a population study.
active subjects have a lower HR max at young ages, but
Medicine andScience in Sports, 1972,4,18-22.
a higher value at older ages. The latter may be due to
less local leg fatigue in active than in sedentary older Davi~s, C. T. M., Tuxworth, W., and Young,]. M. Physiolog-
subjects. ical effects of repeated exercise. Clinical Science 1970
39,247-258. ' ,



Drinkwater, B. L., Horvath, S. M., and Wells, C. L. Aerobic Robinson, S. Experimental studies of physical fitness in rela-
power of females, Ages 10 to 68. journal of Gerontology, tion to age. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Angewandt
1975,30, 385-594. Physiologie, 1938, /0, 251-323.
Froelicher, V. F., Jr., Allen, M., and Lancaster, M. C. Maxi- Wilmore,]. H., Royce,]., Girandola, R N., Katch, F. I., and
mal treadmill testing of normal USAF air crewman. Katch, V. L. Physiological alterations resulting from a
AerospaceMedicine, 1974,45, 310-315. 10-week program of jogging. Medicine and Science in
Kerlinger, F. N., and Pedhazur, E.]. Multiple regression in Sports, 1970,2,7-14.
behavioral research. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston, 1973.
Lester, M., Sheffield, L. T., Trammell, P., and Reeves, T. J. Submitted: October24, 1978
The effect of age and athletic training on maximal heart Accepted: February 13,1982
rate during muscular exercise. American Heart journal,
Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 13:28 02 February 2015

Londeree, B. R, and Ames, S. A. Tread analysis of the %V02

max-HR regression. Medicine and Sciencein Sports, 1976, Ben R. Londeree is an associate professor in the Department ofHealth and
8, 122-125. Physical Education, University of Missouri-Columbia 65211. Melvin L.
McArdle, W. D., Magel,]. R, Lesmes, G. R, and Pechar, Moeschberger is an associate professor in the Department of Preventive
Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. The authors wish to
G. S. Metabolic and cardiovascular adjustment to work thank Dr. Michael Pollock who supplied dispersion information about equa-
in air and water at 18, 25, and 33°C. journal of Applied tions developed on a large pool of subjects tested at the Aerobics Center in
Physiology, 1976,40, 85-90. Dallas, Texas. A complete list ofreferences is available upon request.



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