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The Great Gatsby By Francis Scott Fitzgerald
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 The World Literary community knows many writers with a tragic fate, who
left the writing stage too early without having been given a chance to realize
their full potential.
 At the beginning of the 20th century in between the two World Wars, one of
the biggest tragedies was the death of a great American author of The Great
Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
 Fitzgerald started his career with publishing a novel about American student
life in 1920 titled This Side of Paradise.
 He wrote lots of short stories for a magazine which made him famous and
rich for a period of time.
 The Great Gatsby is Fitzgerald’s masterpiece. All of the author’s other
novels have both positive and negatives sides to them.
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The book has particular traits that are unique and extraordinary.
Despite the tragic events portrayed, the text radiates the untamed desire to
celebrate life, and infinite confidence in one’s abilities which is so typical of young
Fitzgerald ‘s personality.
His most known book that later turned into an even more popular movie, The Great
Gatsby was written in France in 1925. In this book he reveals himself as a painter
who votes against the capitalistic tendencies in the society, separating himself and
his ideals from esthetic and moral standards of the people who surrounded him
back home. Despite showing the power and depths of Fitzgerald’s talent, this
creation didn’t have much commercial success in the United States. This was
because the audience was expecting more of a jazz rhapsody from him, having
read and got used to many of his magazine stories.
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The publishing of The Great Gatsby marks the beginning of the tragedy of its
author’s life. He became very unsatisfied with his talent and his mode of life. He
ruins his health by turning to alcohol, scandals, and drama. The illness of his wife
only worsened his mental condition. Fitzgerald died of a heart attack before his
wife died and was even denied a burial at his family’s Catholic cemetery plot.

The Great Gatsby Summary and Plot

Nick Carraway is from a respected and well-off family from the Midwest. He
settled in a house in West Egg, a nice place in Long Island that is expensive yet not
too well known. For just 80 dollars a month he got a nice house and wealthy
neighbors, among which was Jay Gatsby.
His cousin Daisy lived in East Egg. Daisy has made it in life, judging by the
standards of that time. She is married to Tom. Tom and Nick went to school
together and didn’t manage to build a very close friendship. Tom and Daisy’s
relationship leaves much to be desired. Tom started cheating on his wife already
during their honeymoon. Daisy knows about it, and it bothers her.
Very often Nick hears music and party sounds from the house of his neighbor, Jay
Gatsby. Many famous people frequent these parties. The nice music, live orchestra,
huge tables, expensive alcohol, Rolls Royce as a taxi to New York. Finally, Nick
gets an invitation to one of these parties. Mixing with people, he learns more
rumors about the owner of the house than the truth. People said a lot of crazy
rumors about the owner.
At the party, Nick also meets Jordan Baker – a beautiful young lady whom he met
for the first time while visiting his cousin Daisy. Jordan finds out a secret that
Gatsby is in love with Daisy. They knew each other before. They met when Daisy
was 18 and Jay was just a soldier without any money in his pockets. When Jay
went to the war, Daisy married Tom.
Now Jay is rich and ,famous and still loves Daisy. He knows exactly where she
lives and how her life turned out so far. But he doesn’t dare approach her. That’s
why so much effort for the parties and notorious lifestyle was to attract the
attention of a woman he truly loves.
So if you ask a person to tell you what is The Great Gatsby about in just one
sentence – it’s about extravagant things a man could do for the woman he once lost
but continues to love.
Nick arranges an “accidental” meeting for Jay and Daisy in his home. After a
couple of weird moments, the love between them reignites again and they begin an
affair. After this, the parties became less frequent and almost stopped altogether.
After a clash between Tom and Gatsby over who will stay with Daisy, Daisy is
driving Gatsby’s Rolls Royce and accidentally hits Myrtle. Tom decided to take
advantage of the opportunity and persuaded her husband, George, that the driver
was Gatsby. George, overwhelmed with sorrow and rage, kills Jay and then
Only three people came to Gatsby funeral: his father, Nick and one of the party
lovers. Even though Nick made thousands of calls to people who used to be at
Gatsby’s house every weekend. Tom and Daisy left town without letting anybody
know where they were headed. They were a careless couple, they broke the things
and relationships who surround them and then ran away and hid behind their
money, letting others clean up after them.
The essence of the book isn’t in a plot, which is quite simple and short. The reason
why the novel resonates with so many readers are the all the symbols that are in it,
and especially in its characters.

Great Gatsby Characters Analysis

The biggest question of any Great Gatsby characters analysis is which character
impersonates the author himself? Is it Nick Carraway or the legendary Mr. Gatsby
himself? Let’s try to find out.

Nick Carraway
1. is the narrator of the book.
2. Unlike Jay Gatsby, he inherited his money from the family of hardware
business owners
3. his house was one of the smallest in the West Egg.
4. He is well-educated and has a well-rounded personality overall.
5. He didn’t exhibit any desires to show off or prove to others that he is rich
and successful.
6. He likes literature and went to war.
7. At the same time, he can’t restrain from judging the people he meets.
Jay Gatsby
1. Though Gatsby’s name is in the title of the book, the character is actually
pretty simple.
2. started as Jimmy Gatz, a young boy from a farmer’s family ashamed of his
origins, but he had a dream: to escape his position and become rich and
3. The reader meets the protagonist already as Jay Gatsby, who is living in an
extravagant house next to Nick Carraway and is constantly throwing loud
parties for hundreds of people.
4. Jimmy Gatz made his fortune once he met Dan Coddy and worked on his
boat for 5 years. The millionaire left him 25,000 dollars after his death, but
he never received the money.
5. He used his experience to make his dreams come true, but are his dreams
really worthy of him?

Daisy Buchanan
1. In her letters, Daisy was impatient and bored.
2. She was young and wanted to live her life in the here and now, and to live it
3. She was ready to make a decision but needed an incentive: love, money,
benefit, fame, anything. That’s where Tom appeared which helped made her
decision easy.
4. They had a daughter whom Daisy never discussed during the whole book.
5. At the very end, she lets the man she loves take the blame for her crime. She
then runs away with her cheating husband, leaving everything behind for the
sake of tranquility.
6. Despite some incidental events, her life was easy, careless, and shallow.

Tom Buchanan
1. Tom Buchanan is a commanding and forceful character.
2. He is rich and arrogant.
3. He likes sports, pays great attention to his looks, and is very possessive.
4. He cheats openly on his wife with Myrtle Wilson, but becomes very
annoyed when he finds out about her fling.
5. He is willing to do whatever it takes to break Daisy and Jay’s affair not for
the sake of love, but for the sake of self-esteem.
6. In the end, he doesn’t seem to care about the crime his wife committed, but
cold-heartedly takes advantage of the opportunity to destroy his opponent.

Jordan Baker
1. Jordan Baker is a careless traveler of the years of her life.
2. From the young age, she got used to silly actions and was even planning to
make a fortune by cheating golf players.
3. She has very good instincts and manages to avoid smart and clear-sighted
4. She feels confident among those who can’t even conjure a thought that she
might be dishonest.
5. She is used to getting away with all her small crimes, even though they were

Meyer Wolfsheim
1. Meyer Wolfsheim is a real predator of the book.
2. He is making a fortune by inventing different affairs.
3. He plays the “too rich to fail” card cheating on 50 million baseball fans and
getting away with it.
4. He helped get Gatsby out of poverty, but only because he saw the benefit in
it for himself.
With Mayer Wolfsheim, the author demonstrates the gradation between the rich of
that time. Despite wealth, Wolfsheim didn’t make it to the true upper class but was
still a desired guest for many companies.
The Great Gatsby Themes Analysis and Interpretation
The Great Gatsby Theme – Money
Crime, however is not one of The Great Gatsby themes. At least not in the classical
interpretation of the book. The wealth itself and the prosperity it brings is all over
The Great Gatsby themes.
Love is often noticed as one of the main themes in The Great Gatsby. Love for
another person and love for money. Love, money, and lies are all intermingled
throughout the book.
Aristocracy is also a theme of The Great Gatsby. Here we discover the upper class
of America from their downsided viewpoint.
Another Gatsby theme is the American dream. With a not-so-happy ending, Gatsby
still achieved what he wanted in life through hard work.

The Great Gatsby Symbolism Examples

The book is full of different symbolism examples that are typical for American
literature of the 20th century, but also unique for Fitzgerald.
Most of the critics agree that any analysis of the examples of symbolism should
start with the interpretations of the American dream concept. The protagonist of
the book is pursuing his craziest dreams. He is a child from a poor family who
dreams of money and the colors it brings to one’s life. This dream did indeed come
true for him.
But Jay paid a lot for his success. This is where the decline of the American dream
concept is especially noticeable. It wasn’t the honest ways that brought him there.
Education from a top school, perfect war record, and pure love for a girl wasn’t
going to make it. In order to enter into the upper class society, Gatsby did different
things, including running a shadow business.
The American dream in The Great Gatsby, particularly for the protagonist was
simply to be worthy of the woman he loved. That’s what the Green Light at the end
of the lake is for – a hope for being happy in the future. The money was a goal but
also a tool to achieve the dream of marrying Daisy.
While love isn’t one of the major meaningful symbols of the book, the social
standards of that time are. For Gatsby it wasn’t enough to love the girl and receive
love in return: Daisy couldn’t marry a man of a lower class. The Valley of Ashes
between West Egg and The Big Apple also signified the gap between the two
lovers. In the end, the reader is still left wondering if Daisy would be as impressed
with her long-forgotten lover if he appeared in front of her being the same poor
officer that he used to be?
Other symbols in The Great Gatsby book include infidelity and weakness of the
characters. Finally, one of the more subtle but key components of symbolism in
The Great Gatsby is the fickleness of happiness. After finally acquiring everything
he wanted, Gatsby doesn’t realize that his current situation is temporary. Even
when Daisy almost agreed to leave her husband, she is still more impressed by his
wealth than by his personality. The first doubt planted by her husband about the
origins of Gatsby’s wealth breaks her confidence
Once he loses the old dream forever, Gatsby is left with nothing to wish for. The
author remarks that his character paid too much for the dream that was isolated and
didn’t have a chance to grow, develop, or transform into something new. It is like
Gatsby’s aspirations were stuck in time and space and the writer had no choice but
to kill his protagonist once they were gone.

Key Facts About The Great Gatsby Book

The Great Gatsby is a great book that changed the destiny of its author and the
course of American literature development in general. It’s a must read and you will
never regret spending time on it. But if the class is in five minutes and you need a
quick overview of the text, here are the most important things you need to know:

What is the full title? – The Great Gatsby By Francis Scott Fitzgerald

When was The Great Gatsby written? – The book was written between 1922 and
1924. The author started writing it in New York and finished the text while
spending his vacation in France.

When was The Great Gatsby published? – The novel was published on April 10,
1925. It was met with some interest but was then forgotten during the period of the
Great Depression. After regaining its popularity in the 1950s, the book has stayed
on the top of the reading preferences ever since. It is now included in the school
literature list in the USA. In 1998 it was named among the top three English-
speaking novels of the 20th century.
What is The Great Gatsby genre? – The novel belongs to the Modernism literature
and is a bright representative of the Jazz Age period.

What is The Great Gatsby setting? – The events of the text take place in the
summer of 1922 on the premises of New York and Long Island.

What is The Great Gatsby modality? – The Great Gatsby author managed to stay
objective in the writing. Fitzgerald reveals the personality of his characters through
their actions and facts from the past. Rarely does Nick Carraway (the narrator of
the story) shows his attitude towards the events.

What are The Great Gatsby main topics? – The story unfolds around American
dream, emptiness and desolation of the aristocratic class, a fierce desire of a poor
boy to get rich to be worthy of the woman from the upper class, and the price of
becoming rich and famous.

Was The Great Gatsby a commercial success? – The author considered the book a
failure. The sales amounted to 24,000 copies, which was less than his previous
books. He received all together $4,000 of advance and $1,900 as the honorarium,
but he could get as much as $4,000 for writing a short magazine story in a couple
of days. Despite bad sales, the reviews on the book were very positive.

The Great Gatsby Quotes – Explanation and Analysis

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve
been turning over in my mind ever since.
“Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all
the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”

Related Characters: Nick Carraway (speaker)

Explanation and Analysis:

In the novel’s opening lines, Nick Caraway recounts this important piece of
counsel from his father. He presents himself as a character who is simultaneously
privileged and empathetic.

This statement establishes, first, the high socioeconomic status enjoyed by most of
the protagonists in the novel. Though Nick is far from the wealthiest character, his
ties to old money. Yet this line also immediately creates a level of distance from
those élite: Nick is aware of his position and actively seeks to treat those from all
walks of life with respect. He thus establishes himself as not only an accepting
character, but also a relatively impartial narrator unlike the other people we meet
later in the book. The implication here, after all, is that many others with similar
“advantages” as Nick are far more critical of those who hail from different social

“And I hope she’ll be a fool — that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a
beautiful little fool.”

Related Characters: Daisy Buchanan (speaker), Pammy Buchanan

Explanation and Analysis:

Daisy reflects while Nick visits her on her relatively despondent state of mind. As
an example, she tells the story of her daughter’s birth, during which she exclaimed
this disconcerting wish for the child.
This passage gives excellent insight into Daisy’s character and relationship with
Tom. Her desperation at the moment of her daughter’s birth was partly caused by
his absence—which is characteristic of his generally selfish and neglectful nature.
She wishes her to be a “fool”: someone who is too simple or ignorant to correctly
perceive what is happening around them. The implication, here, is that Daisy
wishes she herself could be a fool, for it would allow her to enjoy the luxuries of
Tom’s life without being aware of his unfaithful behavior or the hollowness behind
the extravagance. The passage shows how Fitzgerald perceived gender roles to
have functioned in the American twenties: men, in his account, saw themselves as
bread-winners expected to be chasing the American Dream, while women like
Daisy and her daughter were told to be no more than “a beautiful little fool.”

Lesson Plans and Webquests on The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: Teacher’s Guide “The Big Read is an
initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the
center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with
the Institute of Museum and Library Services and in cooperation with Arts
Midwest”–P. 4 of cover

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. From Contents:

Anticipation Guide, Before During and After Lesson Plan, During Reading
Strategy, Question Answer Relationships, Concept Vocabulary Analysis, Think
Aloud, Reading Activities, and more.

F. Scott Fitzgerald Lesson Plans @Web English Teacher. Contains links to various
sites with lessons on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s life and on The Great Gatsby.

Teaching ‘The Great Gatsby’ With The New York Times –
Multiple lessons plans linked which are designed to keep The Great Gatsby current
and relevant. Contains archives from The New York Times, articles on Class and
Wealth, Gatsby Characters, The Novel’s Setting, the Fitzgeralds, and Adaptations.

Teaching Great Gatsby: Instructional (VHS). Note from Amazon: English teachers
can utilize the expertise of a master teacher with this creative and focused approach
to teaching this Fitzgerald masterpiece in the classroom. Included in the video are
detailed lesson plans with Aims, Motivations, Objectives, Discussion Questions
and Homework Assignments. Format: Color, NTSC. Rated: NR. Studio: Video
Aided Instruct. Video Release Date: April 23, 2002. VHS Features: NTSC format
(US and Canada only. This VHS will probably NOT be viewable in other
Film, Movies, Videos, Images, Opera, Music Sites on The Great Gatsby
Film from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Great Gatsby has been filmed
four times: In 1926, 1949, 1974, and 2000.

The Great Gatsby (1926) from IMDB – Internet Movie Database. Film directed by
Herbert Brenon. Writing credits: F. Scott Fitzgerald (novel), Becky Gardiner
(writer – filmography). Plot Summary: “Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner
now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and
lavish lifestyle of his neighbour…” Runtime: 80 min. Country: USA. Color: Black
and White. Sound Mix: Silent. Trivia: “No prints of this film are known to survive.
Check your attic.” User Comments, Message Boards.

The Great Gatsby (1949) from IMDB – Internet Movie Database. Film directed by
Elliott Nugent. Writing credits: Owen Davis (play), F. Scott Fitzgerald (novel).
Plot Outline: “In this ‘adaptation’ of the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, a Jazz Age
bootlegger learns the hard way about the wages of sin.” Cast: Alan Ladd (Jay
Gatsby), Betty Field (Daisy Buchanan), Barry Sullivan (Tom Buchanan), Shelley
Winters (Myrtle Wilson), and others. Runtime: 91 min. Country: USA. Color:
Black and White. Sound Mix: Mono. User Comments. Message Boards.

The Great Gatsby (1974) from IMDB – Internet Movie Database. Film directed by
Jack Clayton. Writing credits: Francis Ford Coppola (screenplay), F. Scott
Fitzgerald (novel). Genre:the great gatsby IMDBDrama / Romance. Tagline: Gone
is the romance that was so divine. Plot Summary: Nick Carraway, a young
Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the
mysterious past and lavish lifestyle of his neighbor…. User Comments, Photo
gallery for The Great Gatsby (1974) – 24 photos, Cast Overview Robert Redford
(Jay Gatsby), Mia Farrow (Daisy Buchanan), Bruce Dern (Tom Buchanan) and
others. Runtime: 144 min. Country: USA. Color: Color (Eastmancolor). Sound
Mix: Mono. Trivia: Goofs: Anachronisms: Quotes: Awards: Won 2 Oscars.
Another 5 wins ; 3 nominations. User Comments. Message Boards.

The Great Gatsby – Opera (1999). John Harbison, Composer: “The Great Gatsby is
a music-driven opera … a generously proportioned opera based on a very compact
novel … the opera differs from the novel in many ways … Gatsby is not shadowy
and mysterious, he must be heard. … Fitzgerald’s magnificent portrait of the Jazz
Age – in all its idealism, hopes, excesses, nostalgia, and decadence – remains one
of the most widely read American novels.” Includes Synopsis and Reviews.

The Great Gatsby (2000) (TV) from IMDB – Internet Movie Database. A made-
for-TV movie directed by Robert Markowitz. Writing credits – Writers Guild of
America (WGA): F. Scott Fitzgerald (novel), John McLaughlin (teleplay). Tagline:
“He risked it all to give first love a second chance.” Cast: Mira Sorvino (Daisy
Buchanan), Toby Stephens (Jay Gatsby), and others. Country: UK / USA, Color:
Color. Sound Mix: Stereo. Quotes. User Comments. Message Boards.

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