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RS. 250, how much profit did he get? (a) Rs. 240 (8) Rs. 120 (C) Rs. 80 (0) Rs. 50¥ Wf 50 meters of a rod makes 10% of the whole length of the rod, the length of the rod is? (A) 500meters” (8) 1500 meters (C) 250meters-_ (D) 5000 meters ‘Cement in stock is 5000 bage, 4000 bags ‘having been sold, percentage of the bags left behind is? (a) 25% (8) 30% (C) 20%" (D) 10% Which number will come next in the series: 3, 6,5, 20, 7, 42, 9, (A) 724 (8) 12 (c) 93 (0) 46 ‘The amount of 15% of sales tax paid on an article comes to Rs. 1500. What is the actual price of the article? (a) 1000 (8) 10, 000 (C) 7500 (0) 45, 500 What is 10% of 30% of 40%? (A) 0.12% (8) 12% (C) 1.2% (0) 0.012% The degrees in a complete circie are: (A) 360-7 (8) 260° (C) 180° (0) 260° SCIENCE The quick healing of a fracture requires a rich supply of: (A) Bloody (B) Oxygen (C) Water (D) Neves The skin acts as a storage organ because it stores: (A) Water (B) Blood (C) Both water and blood” (D) Hormones When the atmospheric temperature is low, the body temperature is maintained by: (A) Increased thermogenesis (8) Decreased thermogenesis (C) Increased thermolysis (D) Increased thermogenesis and reduced thermolysis” The skin layer which helps reduce the heat loss in cold climate is: (A) Epidermal layer (B) Dermal layer {C) Subcutaneous layer” (0) Both A and B 76. 78. 73. 80. at. 83. * (A) 1315 AD. The body part which prevents the entry of food into trachea is: (A) Pharynx. (B) Epiglottis~ (C) Tongue (0) Medulla oblongata Which of the following glands is known as the ‘master gland’? (A) Thyroid gland (B) Parathyroid gland (C) Pituitary glandv (0) Liver ‘The special chemical substances released by endocrine glands are called: (A) Enzymes (B) Hormones” (C) Alkaloids (0) Proteins The neurons which carry nerve impulses from periphery of the body to the central nervous system are known as: (A) Internuncial neurons (B) Neuronsecretory neurons (C) Afferent neuronsv (D) Efferent neurons In addition to vitamins, body needs some minerals too. Among these minerals iron is specifically necessary for: (A) Bone formation (8) Thyroxin formation {C) Haemoglobin formationy (0) Development of teeth The approximate length of alimentary canal from mouth to anus is: “ (A) 4 metres (8) 6 metresy” {C) 8 metres (0) 10 metres PAKISTAN AFFAIRS Urdu Defence Society protested against the biased decision of that Hindi should be used as official language. (A) Anthony MacDonaldv (8) Clement Forbes (C) Stewart Jones (0) David Becker Alauddin Khilji introduced military and reforms in India. (A) Revenue (8) Economic (C) Both (A) and (B) ¥ (0) Transoprt Khilji Dynasty ruled India from 1290 A. D. to: (8) 1320 A.D.” (C) 1323.0. (D) 1338 A.D. Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq ascended the throne in? (A) 1320AD. (8) 1325 A.D. (©) 1328AD. (0) 1333 AD. The Lodhi Dynasty was from: (A) 1450-1525 (B) 1451 - 15254 87. 89. 90. 91. 92. MCQs: 100 (C) 1452-1626 (D) 1461 - 1820 Qutub-ud-Din-Albak dlod In Lahore In: (A) 1210.0. (B) 121200 (C) 1215AD (b) 1217 AD, Who was given tho titlo of “Idol Broakor"? (A) Mahmood Ghaznavi¢ (8) Muhammad bin Qasim (C) Subuktigin (D) Hazrat Ali Hajveri At tho timo of partition, which stato had ite own system of curroncy and postago stamps? (A) Junagarhe (C) Kashmir (0) Hyderabad and Kashmir The Ruler of Hyderabad had the title of? (A) Prince of Hyderabad (B) Lord of Hyderabad (C) Emperor of Hyderabad (0) Nizamy ‘Ayyaz was a slave of: (A) Mahmood Ghaznaviv (B) Subuktigin (C) Balban (8) Hyderabad (0) None ISLAMIAT Baghdad was the capital of: (A) Banu Ummayya (B) Banu AbbasY (C) Banu Fatimah (0) None Battle of Karbala occurred during the reign of: 93. 94, 97. 98. 99. 100. (A) Amir Muawiyah (RA) (B) Harun al Rasheed (C) Yazood~ (0) None Al-ldrisi was a: ‘ (A) Philosopher (B) Muhaddith (C) Geographer” (D) None Who was the second Abbasid Caliph? (A) Al-Hadi (B) Abul-Abbas (C) A-Mahdi (0) Al-Mansury The battle of Jamal was fought Dotwigy Hazrat All (RA) and: (A) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)“ (B) Hazrat Usman (RA) (C) Hazrat Umar (RA) (D) Hazrat Bilal (RA) Imam Bukhari w: (A) Caliph (C) Muhaddith~ Aswad Ansi was a: (A) Poet (B) False prophet” (C) Trader (D) None Which Is th 3" Surah in Al-Quran? (B) Mutassir (D) None (A) AFMaida (B) Aal-o-tmrany (C) An-Nisa (D) None Imam Shafl was a: (A) Philosopher (B) Jurist (C) Poet (0) None Tigris Is a river of: (A) Uzbekistan (B) Iraq’ (C) Kazakhstan (D) None FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (FPSC) FOR THE POST OF [KEis=eangeys FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY (FIA) FULLY SOLVED ORIGINAL MODEL PAPER-8 Time: 90 Minutes ENGLISH Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 4. When the bus was at full speed, its brakes failed and an accident was . (A) Inevitable” (8) Infallible (C) Essential (0) Undeniable To explain his designs to his visitor, the architect___. (A) Made (C) Built (B) Sketchedv (0) Constructed 3 a well-known art fom Though bonsai, by originated In China, It was S Japan (A) Borrowed” —(B) Finished (C) Perfected (0) Cultivated He Is greatly * admired for bohaviour. (A) Decorous” (8) Decadent (C) Decorative —*“ (D) Decrepit j Hindus believe that from the cy birth and rebirth can be attained onl! good deeds. his— (¢) Retirement He Is working undor such conditions that it Js___to maintain his self-respect. (A) Low * (B) inimical (C) Difficult” (D) Humiliating 7g, The sound of the running water in the _ stream had a pleasantly effect on me. (A) Somnolent (8) Loud (C) Amusing (D) Sonorous” 3. Shah Sahib had a cold and could not go to the party, so | bought him a cake to make upforhis__. (A) Depression —_(B) Disillusion (C) Disgust (D) DisappointmentY 9. Would you mind to the Principal how the trouble started? (A) Remarking | (B) Telling (C) Talking (D) Explaining” 40. The world is so constructed that if you wish to énjoy its pleasures, you must also ___ its pains. (A) Deny, (B) Neglect (C) Ignore (0) Endurev Select the opposite of the underlined words 44. His servility makes him detesta (A) Slavery (8) Insolence (C) Prudence (0) Bravery? your health, (A) Pornographic (8) Ruinous (C) Prolonged (0D) Beneficial” 43, She handled the machine with deft fingers. (A) Delicate (B) Quick (C) Sturdy (D) Clumsy” 14, Her debonair manners were noticed by everyone. (A) Pleasent (8) Courteous (C)Cheerless (0) Stiff” 4. We have no doubt about the veracity of his ‘statement. (A) Truthfuliness “(B) Propriety (C) Falsity” (0) Morality 16. His frivolous remarks evoked no comments. : (A) Fanciful (B) Frantic (C) Momentous (0) Serious” 17. She was surprised by his amiability, (A) Petulance (B) Sincerity” (C) Prudence (D) Pessimism 18. Everybody was astonished when he used 42, The drug will have pernicious effect on 2. 25. 27. 28. such a profane language. (A) High (8) Pure (C) Profound (0) Sacredv His timidity proved to be costly. (A) Self-confidence (B) Self-assertion (C) Arrogance (0) Boldnessv" The treaty was ratified by the heads of states. (A) Annulled” (8) Destroyed (C) Unsettled (0) Set Aside : GENERAL KNOWLEDGE The first NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) conference was held at: (A) Belgrade (Yugoslavia)” (B) Cairo (Egypt) (C) Lusaka (Zambia) {D) Algiers (Algeria) The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to: f (A) Jonas Salk” (8) James Sabine (C) J.L. Baird (0) J. Perkins The main objectives of the UN a (A) To maintain peace and security in the world {B) To work together to remove poverty, disease and illiteracy and encourage respect for each other's rights of basic freedom (C) To. develop friendly rélations among nations (0) All of the above” Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, is the wife of - (A) Prince Harry _(B) Prince Charles (C) Prince William’ (0) Prince George The Sinai Peninsula is in_- (A) Egypty (B) Libya (C) Jordan (0) Syria The headquarter of OAU (Organization of African Unity) is at: (A) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia~ (8) Washington, US (C) Paris, France (0) Jakarta, Indonesia The headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is situated at: (A) Viennav (8) Geneva (C) Rome {D) Paris According to Forbes Magazine, the most powerful man on the Earth is__. m1. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 78. 79. 80, eT TEeeeemd Asim covered a distance of 10km, What Percentago of the whole walk has ho completed? (A) 60% (B) 40% (c) 70% (0) 50% SCIENCE In eye, the focusing of Image of an object is done by: (A) Forward and backward movement of lens (B) Changing the curvature of lens” (C) Forward and backward movement of retina (0) Both A and C Which of the following Is a tissue? (A) Ovary (B) Kidney (C) Lungs (0) Bloody Cardiac muscle fibres a (A) Striated voluntary (B) Striated involuntary” (C) Non-striated voluntary (0) Non-striated involuntary Haversian canals are present in: (A) Cartilages (8) Skin (C) Bonesv (D) Muscles Celis of the nerve tissue are called: (A) Axons (8) Neuronsv (Cy Dendrites (0) Schwann cells Aman respires about: (A) 72-80 times a mintue (B) 20-30 times a mintue (C).40-50 times a minute (0) "16-20 times a minutev ‘Sweat glands in man occur all over the body except: (A) Palms and soles {B) Stomach and mouth surface (C) Head (0) Lips and glands of penis” ‘The maximum temperature that the human skin can tolerate without getting bilstors Is: (A) 40°cv (By 60°C (C) 80°C, () 100°C. Which of the following enzymes hydrolyses starch Into reducing sugars? (A) Sucrose (8) Catalase (C) Maltase (D) Amylasew Man cannot digest cellulose but herbivores, viz,- rabbits, cows can. Tho most Important reasons for this Is that: () They have very efficient grinding teeth 'T, They possess en enlarged section of the at. 82, 83, gut containing. bacteria which breakdown the cellulose for them {C) They produce the enzyme cellulose which digests the cellulose but the hunian beings do not make this enzyme (D) Human beings do not need to digest cellulose PAKISTAN AFFAIRS Tho founder of Faraizi Movernent was: (A) Haji Shariat Ullah” (8) Dadu Mian (Haji Mohsin) (C) Haji Fazal Haq (0) None The ‘followers of Hejl Shariat Ullah were known as: (A) Faraizis § (8) Wahabi (C) Muntazar-e-Islah (D) Najdis religion, Faraizi Movement was (A) Oppression of Christians (8) Oppression of Zamindars —(non- Muslims)” (C) Oppression of landlords (D) None 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. - 90. ot. 92. 93, 94, 95, The name of Dadu Mian was: (A) Muhammad Mohsiny (8) Wagar (C) Ali Anmad (0) None Who inspired Titu Mir in Mocca with his doctrine of independence? (A) Mir Hussain Ali (B) Syed Ahmad Shaheedv (C) Muhammad Mohsin (D) Dadu Mian When William Bentinck sent army to Bengal to crush Titu Mir? (a) 1829 (8) 18304 (C) 1831 (0) 1832 Colonel Stewart the commander of army against Titu Mir gave the orders: (A) Conditional surrender {B) Unconditional surrender” (©) Dialogues (0) Peace or war Sayyed Ahmad Shaheed was the disciple of: (A) Shah Waliullan > (8) Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab (C) Shah Abdul Azizv : (O) Tit Mir Sayyed Ahmad Shaheed was born in Rai Baraili (U.P) in: (A) 1786 (8) 1787 (c) 1783 (0) 1789 Who was. leading Sikh forces against Sayyed Ahmad Shaheed? ; (A) Baljit Singh (8) Ranjit Singh {) Kumar Singh (D) Ajay Singh ISLAMYAT Ka'bah is situated in the valley of: (A) Valley Karan (B) Valley Bathav (C) Valley Makka\, _(D) None Haz (OVP aRise 3 gi Saas! ate (c)'682ADY | (D) 683 AD i (E) None Treaty of Hudaibiyah was observed in: (A) 5° Hijrah (8) 6” Hijrahy (C) 7" Hijrah (D) 8 Hijrah (E) None é Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) died on: (A) March 633 AD. (8) April 633 AD (C) May 633AD — (D) June 633 AD_ {E) Nonew : Hazrat Usman (RA) was martyred on: 96. 97. 98. 100. (A) 17" March, 656 A.D. (B) 17" April, 656 A.D. (C) 17" May, 656 A.D, (D) 17" June, 656 A.D. During tho rogima of Hazrat Usman (RA), Hazrat Amoor Muawiya (RA) was tho Governor of: (A) Arabia (B) Bahrain (C) Yemen (D) Syria” (E) None Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the migration to Madina? (A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) (B) Hazrat Ali (RA) (C) Hazrat Usman (RA) (0) Hazrat Umar (RA) What is the name of the camel which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was riding in tho migration to Madina? (A) Dildul (8) Anza (C) Qaswa” (D) Zulifqar When did Hazrat Hamza. (RA) embrace Islam? (A) Fifth Nabviv (8) Sixth Nabvi (C) Seventh Nabvi (D) Fourth Nabvi Sahib al barid means: (A) Provincial kazi (B) Provincial postmaster” (C) Provincial military head (0) Provincial educational chief 81. 82. 83. "84, 85. 87, 89. "(C) 1744 to 1764 VIRTUAL ACADEMY PROJECT BY: FAQEER MUHAMMAD BHUTTOH03003435675 PAKISTAN AFFAIRS From 1950 to 1958, Pakistan passed through a period of political instability and witnessed only one Commander — in-Chief but: (A) Five Prime Ministers (8) Six Prime Ministers (C) Seven Prime Ministers” (0) Eight Prime Ministers On October 7, 1958,-Martial Law was proclaimed by: (A) Iskander Mirzav (8) (C) Feroz Khan Noon (0) Ch, Muhammad Ali Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy took oath as Prime Minister of Pakistan on: (A) 8" June 1956 (B) 8” July 1956. (C) 8" August 1956 (D) 12” Sep. 1956” In ‘Suhrawardy Cabinet, Mir Ghulam All Talpur, Sardar Amir Azam Khan, Jaffer Shah, Syed Amjad Ali and Feroz Khan Noon belonged to: (A) Awami Parly _ (B) Republican Party” (C) Nizam-e-tslam Party (0) Muslim League H.S Suhrawardy lost support at home because its government did not extend ‘support in 1956 to: (A) Saudi Arabia (B) Iran (C) Palestine (0) Egypty French and British fought for supremacy in Decean from: (A) 1744 to 1762 Ayub Khan (B) 1744 to 17634 (D) 1744 to 1765 LW Chundrigar succeeded H.S. Suhrawardy as Prime Minister of Pakistan on: (A) 8" October 1957 (8) 10" October 1957 {C) 18" October 19577 +(D) 28" October 1957 Who participated Tashkent Pact as the. Foreign Minister of Pakistan? (A) Mr. Hussain Shaheed (8) Mr. 11 Chundrigar (C) Mr, Malik Feroz Khan (0) Mr. Z.A. Bhutto Sea route to India was discovered by: (A) Columbus’ (B) Amundsen (C) Vasco-da-Gamav (0) None of these ot. 92. 93. 94. 95. 37. 98. 99. 400, “(A) Tayyabah The Aryans came from Central Asia to India around: (A) 8000 B.C. (B) 6500 B. (C) 3500 B.C. (D) 2500 B. ISLAMYAT In whose reign, POLICE force was established? (A) Hazret Ali (R.A) (B) Holy Prophet (PBUH) (C) Hazrat Usman ( RA) (0) Hazrat Umar (RA)~ Namaz-e-Kusuf Is offered: (A) At the eclipse of moon {B) At the time of eclipse of sun” (C) At the time of drought (0) None Jail System was introduced by: (A) Hazrat Umar (RA) (B):Hazrat Ali (RA) (C) Hazrat Usman (RA) (D) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA) In the presence of children, how much Is. the portion of wife out of inheritance of husband's property? (A) One eighth’ —(B) One half (C) One fourth _(D) None There are_" Sajdas in Holy Quran, (A) 147 (8) 10 (C) 12 (0) 6 ‘Third Kalma is Tamjeed. Name the Fourth Kalma? (B) Shahadat (C) Tauheedv (0) Radd-e-Kufr Fifth Kalma Is Astaghfar..Name the Sixth Kalma? (A) Tauheed (8) Tamjeed (C) Tayyabah = {D) Radd-e-Kufrv” Which angels are responsible of questioning in graves and initial accountability? (A) Hazrat Israfeet (AS) (B) Hazrat Mekaeel (AS) (C) Munkar Nakeer” (D) Hazrat Izraeel (AS) Who is the Incharge of taking the lives of living things?” . (A) Hazrat Jibree! (AS) (B) Hazrat Mekaeel (AS) (C) Hazrat izraee! (AS)“ (0) Hazrat Israfeel (AS) Whose responsibility is to blow ‘trumpet on the Day of Judgement? (A) Hazrat Mekaeel (AS) (8) Hazrat izraeel (AS) {C) Hazrat Israfee! (AS)~ (0) Hazrat Jibreel (AS) the kkk 6, The speaker's Project of: F VIRTUAL ACADMEY OF PAKISTAN R MUHAMMAD BHUTTO /0300343. / FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (FPSC) FOR THE POST OF [[Neid=foufeyi FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY (FIA) FULLY SOLVED ORIGINAL MODEL PAPER 6 ‘Time: 90 Minutes ENGLISH 4. The reply that sho liked chocolate didn’t seem to my question on whether McQs: 100 Judy inted to meet at nine or ten to study, (A) Placate {B) Relevant (C) Alfresco (0) Persecute 2, The restaurant felt It had the right to the man when he started to make derogatory remarks about the waitress. (A) Furor (8) Permutation (C) Encrypt (0) Oustv 3, The rubber chicken on the mantol ____ from the otherwise —_ sophisticated atmosphere of the living room. (A) Diction” (8) Classified (C) Detracted” —_(D) Thesis 4, The sclentist's Ideas were so ____ that only a handful of people worldwide could comprehend them. (A) Trace (8) Emblematic (C) Conducive (D) Abstract” 5. The sculptor will convert this __ piece of clay Into a beautiful bust. (A) Relish (B) Amorphous” (C) Doppelganger (0) Multifaceted remarks about our ral workers angry. (8) Impromptu (0) Milieu company made si (A) Republic (C) Derogatory 7, The stained tablecloth____ from the fine China and lovely flowers the hostess had put on the table. (A) DetractedY (8) Clamor (C) Modulated (0) Jostied 8. The storeowner's ___ didn’t convince me that he knew nothing about what caused the fire. (A) Variable (8) Testimonyy (C) Endeavor (D) Mean 8. Do not your position in tho class. {A) Losov (8) Luse (C) Loose (0) Lost 10, 4. 412. 13. 14, 15. 16. 47. 18. 19. A doop ______. In frosh alt ts good tor health, (A) Breathe (B) Broathy (C) Breeth (0) Brathe The wobsito guarantood that It would _ my porsonal Information, so | decided to uso my crodit card to buy new clothes, (A) Humanoid (B) Embed (C) Encrypt¥ (0) Inference Tho westorn film took advantage of the to show the wagons crossing with the Impressive____rising In tho background. (A) Virulent (8) Plateausv (C) Void (0) Salient Tho will did not require __ of witn since It was__. (A) Analyzed - sustained (B) Bribery- histrionic {C) Attestation - holographicy” (0) Eschewed - paralyzed The woman couldn't moet her sales__so shewasfired. (A) Quotav (8) Status (C) Faux pas (0) Median The woman loves to show her ___ wearing diamonds and furs. (A) Impromptu —_(B) Exports +(C) Affluence” —_(D) Relevant The more time | spend with Joy, | see that she Is a ___ person. She has many Interests arid Insightful opinions on a wide variety of topics, (A) Annotate (C) Symmetrical (0) Refute The most recent ___ from the dig Indicates) that the society was involved in farming, (A) Coherence - (8) Posterity (C) Artifacts” (D) Fauna The mourning throng was preparing for a by (B) Multifaceted” (A) Impervious (B) Cirque (C) Riposte (0) Monody~ The movie star's latest _ was captured FPSC Original FIA VIRTUAL ACADEMY PROJECT BY: FAQEER MUHAMMAD BHUTTO#03003435675 20. 21. 25. 26. 2. by several photographers. (A) Placated (B) Plateau (C) Appearance (D) Escapadov The musician’s ___ was surprisingly varied. (A) Oasis (8) Cacophony (C) Execution (0) Escapader GENERAL KNOWELDGE In 1943, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin met primarily: (A) To discuss the strategy to be adopted by the Allies to invade Germany (8) To consider a common plan of action by the Allies Forces against the Axis Powers {C) For creating an effective instrument for maintaining international peacov (0) To work out a common line ,of action against Japan Innocent Ill, who became Pope in 1198 led: (A) The first crusade (B) The secorid crusade (C) The third crusade (0) The fourth crusade _ In which year, a resolution ‘Uniting for Peace’ was adopted by UN General Assembly? (A) 19507 (8) 1960 (C) 1965 (D) 1980 s In which of the following organs of human body does maximum absorption of food take place? (A) Gullet (B) Large intestine (C) Small intestinev (0) Stomach Human Rights Day is on: (A),24 February —(B) 10 December” (C) 15 May (0) 24 July In the World Cup Hockey Final In 2002, Germany beat__. (A) Pakistan (8) Australia” (C) India (0) Spain How much of blood does the normal human heart on each of its contraction pump into the arteries? (A) 30.3 (B) 60 cm3v (C) 30 cms (0) 60. ems Hygromoter is used to measure: (A) Relative humidity” (8) Purity of milk (C) Specific gravity of liquie (D) None 23. 30, aM 32. 33. 35. 36, 37. 38. India became a member of the United Nations in: (A) 1945 (8) 1947 (C) 1959 (0) 1960 If the plane of the earth's equator was not inclined to the plane of the earth’s orbit: (A) The years would be longer (B) The winters would be longer (C) There would be no change of seasons” (D) The summers would be warmer Mesopatomia Is the ancient Greek name of: (A) Iran (8) Syria (C) Egypt (0) traqv “Baath” Is an Arabic word. It means: (A) Civilization —_(B) Democracy {C) Resurrection” (0) Uprising The -Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan was established in? (A) 1948 (8) 1950 (c) 19867 (0) 1960 CTBTis of: (A) 10 years duration (B) 20 years duration (C) 30 years duration (D) Unlimited duration’ the United Nations for more than 3 decades, became the first General, He belongs to: (A) Kenya (8) South Attica (C) Chad (0) Ghana Camp David Accord was signed by Egypt and Israel (A) 1977 (B) 1978 (C) 1979 (0) 1980 The Geneva-based World _ Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was inaugurated in 1967 and became a specialized agoncy of United Nations in 1974, Its main objectives are: (A) To. maintain and increase respect for Intellectual property (B) To favour industrial development by ‘stimulating creative activity (C) To facilitate technology transfer by spreading literary and arlistic works (0) Allofthe abovey | From 1984 to 1964, which Pakistani served as member of the International Court of Justice In Hague? (A) Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada (B) Zulfigar Ali Bhutto

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