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Dr. Amalia Lakehu S.Pd.,M.Ed TESOL

Arranged By :
Mawar Sodina Manalu

English Education Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University Of Papua
Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas Xll
About Descriptive Text

Topic : Deskriptive Text

Time : 25 Minutes
Skill : Writing
Class : XII (3) Senior High School


1. Students are able to describe where the profession works (Written or spoken)
2. Students are able to describe any profession (written or spoken)
3. Students are able to describe the duties of the profession (written or spoken)
4. Students are able to describe several types of professions (written and spoken)


1. Analyze the structure of descriptive text.

2. Write descriptive texts by paying attention to word choice, structural
completeness, and word usage rules.
3. Describe the profession according to its duties.


1. Students can analyze the structure of descriptive text.

2. Students can determine verbs & nouns in creating descriptive text.
3.Students can describe a profession according to the context of its duties.
4. Students can improve their ability to work together in groups to complete tasks.
5. Students are expected to be able to write descriptive text well and correctly.

No Teacher Students Techn Time

Activities Activities ique
1. Introduction

-Doing the
opening with a Pay 2
Greetings and attention. minute

-Checking for Pay 2

students attention. minute

Discus 1.
-Teacher give a Pay sion Minute
topic that will attention
be studied
2. Main

-Teacher asks Pay

several atttention Q&A 3
questions and students minute
related to the answer the
topic of questions.

-Teacher Students Discus 5

present the pay sion minute
material and attention
picture of the
profession on
the PPT slide
for discussion.

- Teacher asks
the students to students pay Group 5
form small attention Work. minute
groups of two and make
or three and small
then asks the groups
students to
work in their
groups to create
texts using the
provided by the

3. Closing
-The teacher Students Discus 3
evaluates the pay sion minute
students' attention
performance in and take
today's activity. notes.

- Teacher gives
homework to Teacher Discus 3
describe a explain the sion minute
profession in home work
Indonesia as an and
individual Students
assignment. pay atention

-Doing the 1
closing with Students minute
greetings and greets back.

a. PPT
b. Laptop
c. Infocus
d. Kertas
e. Profession miniature

Trigger Question or Several Qestion for studnts related to the topic

1. Have any of you ever desribe something to your friends ?
2. Do you know characteristic of descrriptive text ?
3. What do you know about descriptive text ?
Descriptive Text

A. Defenition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text, as the name suggests, is descriptive, taken from the word describe. The
definition of describe quoted from the Macmillan Dictionary is to give details about what
someone or something is like. Describe means to provide details about what someone or
something is like. So, descriptive text means a type of English text which contains a detailed
description or description of an object. Usually the objects described can be inanimate
objects, places, or humans and other living creatures.

B. Purpose of Descriptive Text

The purpose of writing a descriptive text is to describe and reveal a particular person,
place, or thing.This type of text is used to describe people, places or things in such a way that
an image is formed in the reader's mind.

C. Characteristic of Descriptive Text

There are several characteristics that need to be considered when writing descriptive text:

 Simple present

When describing something, the sentence is usually not tied to a time reference. So, the tense
used is simple present tense, namely the tense that uses the first form of the verb (V1).

 Nouns and noun phrases

When describing something, generally there will be a noun (noun) and a noun phrase (noun
phrase). Nouns generally consist of one word, while noun phrases are nouns and their

 Adjectives

To explain or describe objects, we can use adjectives or adjectives. This adjective can also be
used as a modifier in a noun phrase.

 Relating verbs

Relating verb (copula) is a word that is positioned to be a verb and functions to connect the
subject and an explanation of that subject. Examples of relating verbs that are commonly
used are is, are, have, has, seem, appear, mean, become and others.
 Action verbs

Action verbs are verbs that show action. Usually this type of verb is used when describing
living objects. Examples of action verbs are run, walk, see, listen, eat, and others.

 Adverbials

Adverbials are words or phrases that describe verbs. Usually adverbials are used when the
object being described is a living object.

Example of Descriptive Text :


Doctor is a person who works in the hospital, the duty of a doctor is to cure the
patient. The doctor is helped by the nurses. There was so many kinds of doctors, the
example is dentis, oculist, surgeon etc. And with expertise in their respective fields.
Doctors usually wear a hygienic white coat that is free of lice, white gloves to keep
their hands clean, and a mask to prevent the spread of germs when sneezing. To
become a doctor, a person must have education in the medical field, and can also
choose a more specific medical program.
Task 1

1. Group Assignment
Make a descriptive text with your group about the profesion that your teacher has
Task 2
2. Individual Task
Describe about yourself.

1. Based on our learning process, what can we learn about describing other people?

2. How do we describe who that person is or that person's profession?

3. What is the purpose of describing something?

1. Penilaian Sikap

No. Nama Peserta Didik Aspek yang dinilai Jumlah Nilai

Berfikir Kritis Kerja sama skor

Keterangan :

 Aspek yang di nilai :

1. Brefikir kritis
2. Kerja sama tim

 Skor yang di tuangkan dalam tiap kolom :

1. kurang baik
2. cukup baik
3. baik
4. sangat baik

Rekapitulasi Presentase Kegiatan siswa

Listening Reading Speaking Writing

interactive productive
Describe about Profession

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