1 Developmentofayam Pounding Machine

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Development of a Yam Pounding Machine

AbdulGaniy O. Raji Kazeem O. Oriola
Senior Lecture/Consultant Research Student
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering,
Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Technology,
University of Ibadan, University of Ibadan,

motor rating would enhance its ca- widely grown and consumed in Af-
pacity as the machine tends to get rica especially West Africa, which
A simple and easy to maintain stuck as soon as the yam turns into a accounts for about 80 % of the out-
kitchen size yam pounding machine thick paste if additional water is not put of the whole African continent
was developed, constructed and test- sprinkled on it. (Scott et al., 2000). It is widely cul-
ed. The machine, powered by a 600 tivated in Nigeria being the major
W electric motor was tested with producer and consumer.
two replaceable hammers; T-shaped It is mainly grown for direct con-
and closed C-shaped hammers. The sumption but common methods of
machine performed satisfactorily Yam belongs to the genus Di- preparation include boiling, baking,
with the T-shaped hammer on yam oscorea (Family Dioscoreaceae) and frying. Various food forms pro-
slices not more than 40 mm in thick- Most of the world production is duced from yam include boiled and
ness. The products compared favour- from Africa (about 96 %) with Ni- fried yam slices eaten with oil, fried
ably with pounded yam produced geria alone accounting for nearly egg or vegetables; roasted yam, yam
with the traditional method. On the 75 % of the total world’s production porridge produced from mashed
other hand, samples produced with (FAO, 1975; FAO, 1990; Opara, boiled yam mixed with palm oil and
the closed C-shaped hammers were 1999). The World production figures other ingredients; yam balls or slices
generally unacceptable because they are as shown in Table 1. Yams are (fried, boiled and roasted) produced
were full of lumps and unbroken a staple crop accounting for over from mashed yam popularly known
yam pieces. Generally, the machine 20 % of the dietary calorie intake as Akara ojojo and Ikokore (Yoruba)
produced hot pounded yam within in most producing area especially in Nigeria. Yam flour produced from
45 seconds; hence, it is suitable for Africa and the Oceania. The white fresh yam (peeled, chipped, dried
the present day nuclear families in fleshed yam which have firm texture and milled into flour) when mixed
the cities. A higher wattage electric mainly Dioscorea rotundata is the with boiling water and turned into a
most popular in West Africa. Yam, thick paste is used to produce a pop-
a cylindrical tuber (Fig. 1) rich in ular food called Amala (Yoruba) and
Fig. 1 Yam tubers carbohydrate and fibre, is a crop Akwanaji (Ibo) in South-Western
that originated in East Asia but now and South-Eastern Nigeria respec-

Table 1 World production of yam

Year 19751 19902 19953 20023
Africa 19,539 28,249 - -
Nigeria 15,000 22,000 - -
Cote D'Ivoire 1,700 2,528 - -
Ghana 800 168 - -
Togo 750 420 - -
Benin 610 992 - -
North and South America 291 350 - -
Asia and Oceania 368 482 - -
World 20,198 29,447 32,765 37,532
Source: 1FAO, 1975; 2FAO, 1991; 3FAO/STAT, 2000

tively. However, pounded yam is by money and spend less time in the the modern day kitchens especially
far the most common and popular of kitchen has been limited to special in the multi-tenant houses, storey
all the food obtainable from yam. occasions, the restaurants and other buildings and the high rises in the
Pounded yam is a special staple local eating outlets. cities. The modified version, which
food of royalty in West Africa with Ngoddy and Unuoha (1983) re- is currently produced commercially
Togo having the highest per capita ported pioneering efforts of some (Fig. 3) is still considered too heavy
consumption figure followed by Cote Nigerian Universities at removing and large, occupying a lot of space
D’Ivoire, Ghana, Benin Republic the drudgery and reducing the prep- (See the size of the machine rela-
and Nigeria. Nigeria being the larg- aration time involved in the produc- tive to the operator in Fig. 3). It is
est producer is fifth in consumption tion of pounded yam. Some of these also not economical for home use
per capita of pounded yam because include the development of instant for a relatively very small family.
there are a number of other yam yam flour that reconstitute into yam There is also a persistent problem in
products (listed above) in Nigeria fufu upon mixing with boiling water. coupling the hammer to the inverted
more than the other countries where The quality could not compare fa- electric motor.
pounded yam and boiled yam are the vourably with the traditional pound- This paper, therefore, presents
only products from yam. However, it ed yam due to the resulting darkened the development of a yam pounding
is very popular among all the ethnic colour, which makes it look more machine that addresses all the asso-
groups and still the most popular like Amala (another staple food from ciated problems, through redesign-
food from yam in Nigeria (Orkwor yam in Nigeria). There was an im- ing, to produce a compact, portable
et al., 1978). At present it is becom- provement over this when Ofi (1992) and efficient machine that produces
ing one of the staple food across the produced poundo-yam f lour from pounded yam comparable with that
globe where West Africans, espe- parboiled, dried and milled yam traditionally produced.
cially Nigerians, are resident. slices, which gave a better product
Pounded yam is traditionally pre- that resembles the traditionally pro-
pared by peeling the yam tuber, cut duced pounded yam. However, this Fig. 2 Pounded yam machine
into pieces or slices and boiled until is only acceptable to the educated (Makamjuola, 1974)
it is fairly soft. The pieces or slices elites who are interested in fast food
are then fed into a wooden mortar but not the masses who believe in
and pounded with pestle(s) until a the production of pounded yam only
thick paste of uniform consistency from boiled fresh yam pieces.
is formed. This process is strenuous, The only widely reported attempt
time consuming and full of drudg- at producing pounded yam directly
ery. This is evident in the profuse from boiled yam using mechani-
perspiration of the pounders and the cal method, which resulted in the
blisters on their palms after pound- machine shown in Fig. 2, was by
ing. Due to this strenuous process of Makanjuola (1974). It was a success-
production, its consumption in the ful attempt except that the resulting
cities where the elites want to spend machine is very large, heavy and
more time on their job, earn more bulky. These make it unsuitable for Fig. 3 Modified pounded yam machine
(left) with a user preparing yam for
pounding (right)
Fig. 4 CAD view of the pounding machine




Motor shaft


(a) Full CAD view (b) CAD view with sliced (c) CAD view of the
external cover separated components

tested at two test speeds of 1 cm/sec Design Features
Materials and Methods
(600 mm/min) and 0.25 cm/sec (150 The machine is comprised basi-
The determination of the shear mm/min). The load-deflection during cally of two detachable units, name-
force that would be required to loading was plotted while the peak ly the pounding unit and the power
bring about the shearing of the yam load, yield stress and other parame- unit (Figs. 4a-c and 5a)
material on which the proposed ters were automatically recorded and
machine is to work is very crucial plotted with the computer attached The Pounding Unit
and pertinent prior to the design. to the test equipment. The maximum This consists of the pounding
This is to aid the determination value obtained from all the values chamber (hopper) which houses a
of the torque required to be ap- of the ‘load at peak’ was used as the replaceable hammer (Figs. 4b-c
plied to cause shearing of the yam shear force for design purposes. and 5c), both of which are made of
pieces and, consequently, to serve stainless steel to prevent corrosion
as a guide towards designing for and contamination. The chamber is
strength and size of the hammer and a cylindrical cup of 150 mm diam-
Design Considerations
other component parts, as well as eter and 120 mm high made with 2
the selection of the prime mover. The design of the yam pounding mm thick flat plate. A hole of 10.5
Two yam species that are known machine requires the consideration of mm diameter by design was made at
for producing good quality pounded some factors to ensure effective pro- the bottom centre to accommodate
yam were used for the tests. These cessing of the boiled yam into pound- the 10 mm diameter end of the shaft
are yellow yam (D. cayanensis) and ed-yam of acceptable quality. Some carrying the hammer.
white yam (D. rotundata). Samples of the factors considered, especially Two hammers were designed and
were subjected to shear tests under during material selection for con- constructed for the purpose of this
compression on an Instron testing struction, include food contamination study; a closed C-shaped and a T-
machine with a data logger capable from corrosion and the strength of the shaped. Each hammer consisted of
of displaying, recording and storing materials. Also, safety was not sacri- three parts; the upper part, middle
the load-deflection information on a ficed in the final specifications for the and lower parts. The upper part was
computer connected to the machine. prime mover, other moving parts and made of a 16 mm diameter shaft and
Samples of hot boiled yam slices of power supply units while attempting carried the functional unit, i.e. the
thickness between 10-80 mm were to reduce the cost. pounding unit of the hammer. In the
first hammer the upper part was 35
Fig. 5 The pounded yam machine mm long with two C-Shaped struc-
tures formed from a 6 mm stainless
steel bar welded to two opposite
sides of the shaft. The upper part of
the second hammer was of the same
diameter but 20 mm long. A 6 mm
thick rectangular bar was welded on
top to form a T-structure. The bar
was twisted to produce a screw ef-
fect. A ball bearing was force fitted
onto the 100 mm diameter middle
part of the shaft for easy rotation.
The tail ends of the shafts were
(a) Pounding chamber and power unit (b) Full view threaded to provide for the attach-
ment of one end of a splined cou-
pling, which meshes with the other
end on the power unit to transmit
power to the hammer. A rectangular
guide was welded onto the lower part
of the hopper and was force fitted to
another rectangular guide on top of
the power unit to ensure effective
coupling. The components of the
machine are shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
(c) Hammers and Chamber cover

The Power Units pieces upward to ensure that all the yam cubes by the two hammers are
A 600 watt single phase electric products were handled. The pounded shown in Figs. 6 (a and b) while the
motor supplied the power which yam was discharged after about 45 products for T-shaped hammer for
was transmitted through a splined to 180 seconds of operation by re- different yam thicknesses and yam
coupling to the shaft which rotated moving the hopper and turning the species are as shown in Fig. 7.
the hammer. The unit was protected content into a bowl having obtained
by covering with a casing that has a a thick drawing textural product that
control switch. could be served hot and fresh.
Analysis and Discussion
of Results
The physical nature of the samples
Operational Principle Performance Evaluation/
of pounded yam produced with the
T h e h o p p e r w a s pl a c e d a n d two hammers shows that the initial
coupled with the power unit, then Performance evaluation tests in- white colour of the yam slices that
loaded with boiled yam slices and cluded the effect of the materials of were pounded was retained mean-
covered with the lid. The machine construction on the appearance of ing that there was no contamination
was operated by switching it on the pounded yam, the effect of the from the materials used for construc-
and off intermittently in order not size of the yam slices on the perfor- tion of the hammers and the hopper.
to overload the electric motor. As mance of the machine and the effect This corresponds with the judge-
the hammer rotated it pounded (i.e. of the shape of the hammer on the ment of the evaluators as shown in
shears, grinds and crushes) the yam quality of food. Table 2 with the appearance being 5
against the wall of the hopper by Pounded-yam samples were pro- and above. The performance of the
impact until a thick drawing textural duced from 20 mm cubes of yam machine was better with T-shaped
product was obtained. The twisted and whole yam slices of 20, 30, 40, hammer adjudged with an average
T-shaped hammer produced a screw 60 and 80 mm thick. The tests were of 7 while the performance was poor
effect that drew the yam pieces on performed using the two hammers with the closed C-shaped hammer
top to the bottom and the ground and two different species of yam that having 6 and below.
are popular for producing high qual- The summary of the opinion of the
Fig. 6 Pounded yam obtained from yam ity pounded-yam in West Africa. judges during the sensory evaluation
cubes with the two hammers The products from each hammer and test are as presented in Table 2.
yam specie were coded and served The texture of the outputs from
to a 5-man panel for sensory evalu- the machine when the C-shaped
ation. The evaluation was based on hammer was used, were full of
a scale of 1-9 in the order of 1 being lumps and unbroken yam pieces
dislike extremely to 9 being like (Fig. 6a). This was observed to be
extremely (most acceptable). The due to the nature of the hammer.
alphabet in the code represents the Yam pieces get stuck in the space in
specie (A being D.cyanensis and B between the loops in the C-shaped
is D.rotundata) while the number hammer, and more importantly the
represents the thickness. hammer had no screw effect that
could move the already pounded
(a) Closed C-shaped hammed
yam mass to the upper part and re-
place them with the yet to be broken
yam pieces. As a result, the few yam
The pounded yam obtained from pieces that were pounded during

Fig. 7 Pounded yam obtained with the T-shaped hammers for different yam thickness

(b) T-shaped

the first few rotations of the ham- the hammer and the f loor of the REFERENCES
mer remain stuck to the bottom of pounding chamber to reduce the
the pounding unit while the rest of quantity of pounded mass within the FAO. 1975. Production Yearbook.
the yam slices remain at the top, un- gap hence reducing the pressure that Food and Agricultural Organisa-
broken. It was also noticed that the must be overcome. This could cre- tion (FAO) of the United Nations,
size of the lumps of unbroken yam ate another problem of very small Rome.
pieces increased with the size of the yam lumps not being pounded but FAO. 1991. Production Yearbook for
yam slice used for pounding. remaining in the wider gap. 1990. FAO, Rome
The quality of the pounded yam Makanjuola, G. A. 1974. A machine
samples produced with T-hammer, for preparing pounded yam and
on the other hand was satisfactory similar foods in Nigeria. Appro-
and generally acceptable for all the priate Technology, 1974/75. pp.
sizes of yam tested (Table 1) except The following conclusions were 6-8.
that one or two pieces of unbroken made. An inexpensive, compact ma- Ngoddi, P. O. and C. C. Onuoha.
yam were found on the pounded chine with about the same bowl size 1985. Selected problems in yam
yam mass when yam slices of 80 as that of Makanjuola (1974), which processing: In Advances in Yam
mm were used. This could easily is simple to construct, operate and Research, Godson Osuji (eds) pp.
be removed by hand before being maintain was successfully designed. 295-317.
served. However, addition of water The machine performance varied Ofi, O. 1992. Technology: Illusion
by sprinkling and further pound- with the type of hammer, size of and reality. An Inaugural Lecture,
ing accomplished the full pounding the yam slices, and the duration of University of Ibadan.
with no lumps left behind. However, pounding. However, the newly de- Opara, L. U. 1999. Yam storage: In
this resulted in a low quality prod- signed hammer with a screw effect CIGR Handbook of Agricultural
uct since the viscosity of the food proved to be a better design. It, also, Engineering, Volume IV: Agro
reduced and the texture was slightly had a better coupling and the prod- Processing, Bakker-Arkema et
unacceptable until its temperature uct compared favourably with the al. (eds).. The American Society
became low (Fig. 8). The pounded product from the traditional pestle of Agricultural Engineers, St. Jo-
yam became too soft when a large and mortar. seph, MI, pp. 182-214.
quantity of water was added as Instant production of pounded Orkwor, G. C., A. Asiedu, and I. J.
shown in Fig. 8 with a simple de- yam comparable with those pre- Ekanayake. 1998. Food Yams: Ad-
pression test under the self weight pared traditionally and enough for 2 vances in Research. International
of the C-shaped hammer. Also the to 3 adults was made possible with Institute for Tropical Agriculture,
better performance of the T-shaped ease. Hence, the drudgery involved Ibadan and National Root Crops
hammer was due to the screw effect in the traditional yam pounding Research Institute, Ummudike,
which was lacking in the other ham- method was eliminated at an afford- Nigeria.
mer. able price. Scott, G., B. Rupert, M. Rosegrant,
It was, however, observed that as The machine could successfully and M. Bokanga. 2000. Roots and
the pounded yam became thicker, handle yam slices not more than 40 Tubers in global food system: A
the machine tended to get stuck and mm thick for excellent performance. vision statement to the year 2020,
required addition of water by sprin- Lima, Peru.
kling for further pounding, suggest- ■■
ing that an electric motor of slightly Table 2 The sensory evaluation test result
higher rating would enhance its T-shaped hammer C-shaped hammer
overall efficiency. There was also Specie General General
a need to increase the gap between Texture Appearance Texture Appearance
acceptability acceptability
A20 7 8 8 4 6 3
Fig. 8 Simple depression test for pounded A30 7 7 7 - - -
yam with different water contsnt A40 6 7 7 4 6 4
A60 7 7 8 6 6 5
A80 7 7 7 - - -
B20 8 7 7 6 5 6
B30 7 7 7 - - -
B40 7 7 8 6 6 6
B60 8 8 7 4 6 5
B80 6 5 5 - - -


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