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Customizing Stock Characters

All the unique NPCs listed here are custom versions of stock adversaries from Chapter 9 of this book. It’s a common GM
trick to do this rather than having to create NPCs from scratch every time you need to introduce one. The process is simple.
First, choose the adversary type that best reflects the character you have in mind. Look at the “Also Known As” line for
some alternate roles a given set of stats could play, which can help inform your choice. For instance, both Northrup and
LeBlanc are based on the corrupt power broker; you’ll find “Ruthless CEO” listed as an AKA.
Next, decide what’s noteworthy about the character and tweak the entry to fit it. You only need to focus on two or three
unique character traits to make this work. Compare the two CEOs as an example.
Northrup has a clean image but dirty secrets, and he’s fooled the industry for years. His rise to prominence was swift
and sudden, so he’s bright and competent as well as ambitious. Thus, his entry replaces Etiquette with Deception, and
increases his Intelligence to 3. The Cast Out stunt implies a willingness to get nasty in public, which doesn’t match his
image; the entry replaces it with a new stunt, Trustworthy Face, to help him keep his hands clean.
Meanwhile, LeBlanc is ruthless and shrewd, but a relatively honest businessperson. She’s a social powerhouse with lots
of connections and the respect of the industry, built up over decades. Thus, her entry replaces Leadership with Persua-
sion and adds the Intelligence (Evaluation) and Willpower (Self-Discipline) focuses. She’s perfectly willing to dish out a
dressing-down, so she keeps Cast Out as a favored stunt; but she’s too well-established to bother with Name-dropping,
so the entry replaces it with Oozing Confidence. To top off her formidable social prowess, she adds the Intrigue Talent.
Finally, you can change up the equipment list to match whatever circumstances you need for your story. Northrup gets extra
resources because the adventure takes place at his estate, for instance. If your tweaks are more significant than a few +1s here
and a Talent there, consider increasing the NPC’s threat level; see Beefing Up Adversaries in Chapter 8 for more on this.

trapped in the mansion, tethered to something or someone security precautions where they don’t know each others’ real
she cared about, and she guards the study. Death has addled names or personal histories beyond a few vague anecdotes.
her mind—she’s still capable of inventive genius, but can’t All are contracted by a private military company called Steel-
remember her life except in bits and pieces, and anything that wall. If the characters take out enough of the mercenaries, or
reminds her of her murder or servitude makes her hostile. She are instrumental in their capture, Steelwall’s management
can’t abandon Northrup’s commands without detailed social will try to get revenge.
interactions to coax her into fighting his ritual for a number of
turns equal to the value on the Stunt Die of the roll that clinches The Press
the deal, or other occult influence that overrides them.
If Ramírez is a ghost, add the Channel stunt and the Bind Spirits The reporters use the statistics for the information broker
ability from the Psychic adversary in Chapter 9 to Northrup’s or private investigator, depending on where their focus
entry. Give him the Intelligence (Occultism) focus, too, and let lies. One of them may even be a private eye, if you want to
him use that in place of Telepathy to bind spirits. seed some extra intrigue for future stories—perhaps they’re
Moody’s civilian rival, or someone LeBlanc discreetly hired.

Stock Non-Player The journalists run the gamut from long-time reporters on
the business beat to eccentric technology bloggers with wear-
Characters able computers. If it would make the adventure more inter-
esting, assume at least one of them is brave enough to follow
Use these statistics for the three groups of minor NPCs that the characters around, in search of an award-winning story.
appear in this adventure. All entries referenced here are in This brave reporter can either be a nuisance or a valuable ally,
Chapter 9: Adversaries. depending on the temperament you give them.

Mercenary Thugs Wealthy Guests

The thugs are primarily security guards and soldiers, with Use the rich socialite statistics for most of the guests. They’re
one demolitions expert and one or two assassins. You can use mostly investors, with little understanding of what Progrise
one or two con artists or smooth operators as well, for mercs does beyond paying dividends. Due to their privileged life-
who pose as guests. Decide how many you need based on styles, many of them are unashamed to reveal the more eccen-
the number of players; use two or three per PC, plus special- tric sides of their personalities. To add comic relief, bring this
ists, but remember that roughly half of them are spread to the fore from time to time. One of them might interrupt an
throughout the estate when the action begins. The thugs armed standoff by wandering in and demanding more cham-
belong to a variety of nationalities and genders, and practice pagne, for instance.

A Speculative Venture 185

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