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removed from the are path during the high- furent portion of the current wave, the pressure within the interrupter, and the Tength of the are—such factors being if enced directly by the particular interrupter esign involved, The interrupting units in this instance are of a design that minimizes the are energy generated during the high ‘uurrent wave and thts redaces the qvantity fof noncondensable gases produced during ‘the interruption. We are confident. that the circuit breaker could have interrupted 13900 mva and probably considerably more ft the most unfavorable instant of contact Separation but we acknowledge that oct mentary proof i yet to be obtained Tt is interesting to note that another rmarnufactarer of high-capacity cireit break: rs recognizes the problems attendant upon fil column movement and disturbances dsing interruption. The addition of an inverted surge tank is indeed an interesting although not « novel solution to the prob em. ‘We agree that reduced oll volume is a highly commendable and worthwhile desige ‘oul, However, itis felt thatthe eficieney ‘and reliability of performance should be the prime consideration, ‘We wish to thank Mr, Conner for his very pertinent and helpful comments concersing laboratory and fc! testing, We are look ‘ng. forwarel with genuine interest to. the results of the 200+ky field tests comtem= plated by the Southern California Edison Company. In answer to his question con- Some Fundamentals on Capacitance Switching 1. B. JOHNSON MME AE TERE esr of ching de vices om electric power systems whieh must handle the switching of capacitive Kilovolt-amperes (kva). Some of these devices are primarily designed to inter rupt heavy inductive short-circuit cur rents orload currents; others are desigaed to handle only capacitive current or mag netiving current of relatively few amperes, Generally the capacitive kva to be huandled by any switehing device cam be classified as to the predominant system component involved, such as overhead Tines, cables, and shunt capacitor banks. ecause of the differences in capacitance configurations and grounding conditions that can be encountered, each of these ystem components can impose different switching voltage conditions on the switching device and as a consequence different capacitive kva capabilities of the switchgear ean be obtained, Industry performance standards. for rating the capacitive kva ability of switeh- gear have not been established. ach manufacturer at present may evaluate the capacitive capability of switchgear on a basis that is not common to all Not only do questions of system voltage eon: ditions arise but also, in so far as equiv ‘alent single-phase test circuits are used fn the evaluation, do questions on the ‘equivalence of the test circuit, of the test voltages, and of the S-phase kva being switched. Although many investigators have studied various phases of the subject of Auousr 1955 A.J. SCHULTZ Tolnson, Schulte, Schults, Shores: N. R. SCHULTZ R.B, SHORES ‘Meee AE capacitance switching,! itis the purpose of this paper to present the results of a ‘more complete investigation of the volt- age conditions that may be encountered Dy switehgear in the interruption of capacitive kva of overhead lines, cables, and shunt capacitors, factoring in the ‘effect of system configuration, In a companion paper these results are used to evaluate test circuits and to interpret results in establishing the capacitive kva ‘capabilities of switchgear." This investi- gation of system requirements was facil ‘tated by the use ofthe transient network analyzer. Conclusions Unwaueren Cincutts 1. Under fault-frce conditions, the recov ety voltage across the frst pole to interrupt is ifterent when switching grounded eapaci- tor banks, overhead lines, and ungrounded Capacitor banks, Assuming no re-establish ‘ment of the arc. the peaks of the recovery Woltages are 20, 2-4, and 3.0 per unit (pu) fof normal line-to-nentral crest voltage respectively when the system effectively sroundedl (type-B grounding). 2. Restriking inthe interrupting device fean greatly increase the recovery voltage ‘Values over those imposed ou the switehif no restriking takes place, 3. The recovery voltage across the first pole of a witching device to interrupt cam be increased by the opening of asecond pole depending on the capacitance configuration 4. No appreciable change in the recovery ‘voltage across the switeh oocars at a result ccersing the pressure transducers, it is a matter of record. that on immediate re closing duty cyeles at higher interrupting capacities, there is a sufeient quantity of disassociated oll gaseous products remaining from the frst interruption to reduce the pressure surges resulting from the second ntereuption We hope tat the interest shown in the problem of correlating laboratory and fet testing results willserve asa stimulus for the various standardizing activities to ree famine and publish test codes that will accord field testing its rightful pce in de termining breaker ratings. As in the past, the field experiences of eirewt-breaker users must provide the final criteria of circuit breaker performance: of system grounding conditions, providing the system remains within that region de lined as effectively grounded. 5. I ehesystem is not effectively grounded bout is grounded through «hig reactance or resistance, recovery voltages i) excess of those given in conclusion Tean eccur across the first pole to. interrupt. for grounded banks, cables, and transmission fines Sy tem grounding has no effect on the voltages associated with switching an ungrounded capacitor bank 6. I ehe source isnot grounded, recovery voltage of 8.0 pu ozcurs across the frst pole regarlless of the capacitance configuration Pauurep Circus 1. The recovery voltages involved in switching an’ unfaulted phase of an une rounded! capacitor bani with a Tine-to found faule‘on one phase are mot as high 4 those associated with switching under fault-free conditions iF the souree is eee tively grounded, 2. The failure of capacitor bank wnits in fone phase of an ungrounded bank can ferease the recovery voltage across the frst, pole to clear if it & in one of the sound Phases. ‘The recovery voltage can be as high as 2.46 pur as aguinst 30 pu for the wh faulted case. If the first pole to open iin the faulted phase, the recovery voltage ithe same asin the wnfuulted ease 3. When switching a faulted transmission Tine, the recovery voltage across the first pole to open, if itis in an unfuulted phase Fe increased over the unfaulted case.” The recovery voltage will be 28 pu instead of the value of 2.4 pu associated with switeh- ing unfautted transmission lines. 4, When switching a grounded capacitor bank or a shielded eable, the withstand re ‘covery voltage cross the fist pole to open, Sf cis in an unfaulted phase, is increased to Rive January 3 ESSE Meant 1B, Jonnson, A J. Seniune and BR, Semone Capacitance Switching m7 (o=6o! % f e Fis.1. A senenlized capacitance ceut aq zed g 3 z mS = 635 a foeIWe seasence cbacrimes ey Fig. 2. Crest of recovery voltage across fit pole of switch to open when switching capacitive ‘cument in elreult of Fig. 1 without restiking 2.6 pu as against 20 pu associated with the lunfaulted ease. ‘This assumes an effce- Uvely grounded source ‘Three-Phase Capacitive Circuits In power systems, switching devices may be called upon to de-energize three basic types of capacitive ciewits, These 1, All capacitance solidly grounded. In some instances capacitor bank neutrals are rounded and the neutral ofthe eapacitance ff most cables in effect, is grounded 2. A portion of the capacitance grounded ‘Transmission lines and some eable circuits Ihave bot phase-topphase (ungrounded) and phase-to-ground capacitances, That the ratio of the positivesequence capac tance to 2er0 sequence capacitance is greater than unity and, in effect, only a poction of the total or postive-sequence capacitance [s grounded, 3. AMI capacitance ungrounded. A major portion of the shunt eapacitor bank installa- Hons does not have the neutral grosnded, A generalized capacitance circuit ener- sized from a grounded source that will « te Fig. 3. (A}—Three- phase ccult with source ett nd all capacitonce ‘rounded. (B)—Single- a phase circuit equivalent A to chcuit of A olson, Schulte, Schults, Shores—Capacitance Switching fit any of the foreyoing conditions is shown in Fig. 1, The cireuit of Fig. 1 contains both grounded and ungrounded ‘capacitances which are defined in terms of positives and zerosequence quantities. In this eireuit, the zero sequence eapaci- tance Cis the grounded capacitance, and the positive-sequence capacitance Cis the sum of the grounded and the ua grounded capacitanees. Thus, when all the system capacitance issolidly grounded ‘the ungrounded capacitance C~ Gy is 0, or the circuit has a C/G ratio of 1.0. When all the system capacitance is un= grounded, the grounded capacitance C is 0, or the circuit tas a C/G) ratio of ©. Por a transmission line, which in- volves both grounded and ungrounded capacitances, the C./Cy ratio falls in the range of 1.6 to 20 The testing of switching devices to evaluate their ability to switch eapacitive ceurrents may be done with single-phase cirewits. For this reason, it is necessary to know the voltages between the con= tacts of a switching device following the opening of the first and second poles ire the interruption of a 3-phase capacitive cirewit. Tt is especially important to evaluate the variation of these voltages with changes in the parameters of the system, Fig. 2shows the effect of the C,/Co atio- on the erest ofthe recovery voltage aerass: the first pole of a switeh to open. The recovery voltage is plotted in pu of the rest of normal Tine-to-neutral voltage. eis assumed in all cases that the switehy interrupts at the instant the current goes: through 0 and that the regulation in- volving the source inductance is negli ble. Fig. 2 shows that the crest of the recovery voltage increases from twice: to three times normal line-to-neutral crest walue when the C/Cy ratio changes from 10 to ©, Not only is the duty on a switeh when interrupting capacitive currents deter- mined by these capacitance grounding conditions but also by the grounding conditions of the source as well. Of con- siderable importance is the effect of system faults on the switching duty in the tunfaulted phases which may experience capacitive currents. Tt has been shown that capacitive switching performance of Avausr 1955 “r 0 capacrToR vo.tase PER UNT VOLTAGE 2 cirewit breaker is appreciably affected by the available short-cirewit kva at the switeh location.’ Furthermore, the de- sree to which the switching device re- strikes, if at all, will have @ bearing on the duty imposed on the device. Bach of these effects will be considered indi- vidually in the following sections Unfaulted Circuit—First Pole Opening Grounnen Capacrror BANKS ‘The switching of a grounded capacitor bank or a shielded cable from a system 3) buildup of volt age by succes ve reeikes lating Fis. 6 (ight. Oscillograms showing recov ey voltage eros fist pole of twitch 1o open in Fig. 1 and volage to ground on capac- itance side of ‘itch anocisted the switch {to remsin con: ducting with a grounded source maybe repre- sented by the circuit shown in Fig. 3(A), ‘Since, as is shown in Fig, 3A), the newtral ‘of the capacitor bank and the neutral of the power source are both always at the same potential, the cireuit of Fig. 3(A) is essentially three single-phase circuits and each of the phases is independent of the others, That is, a switching opera: tion in one phase is not influenced by the presence of the other phases. The results ‘of switching one phase of the capacitor bank, therefore, may be analyzed on a single-phase basis as shown in Fig. 3(B), Fig, 3(B) will be recognized as the classical circuit for the analysis of capac itance switching. For the sake of com pleteness the analysis of the single-phase circuit will be reviewed in the folloving paragraphs y E a hase circuit with grounded source and ungrounded capa st in A for Rit pale of switch to open illuvatng se) 1. Succes interruption 2 Resvike at maxinum recovery voltage Followed by continued conduction of ag} 3, Restrike at mexinua recovery voltage with subsequent clearing at rst | netura-frequency curent zero sol Aveust 1955 Johnson, Schults, Schults, Shores—Capacitance Switching osciLosran #1 1/6835 voctace ackoss wire ACROSS CAPACITOR osciLLocram #2 €\/69+80 JvoLrace across swirct A vocrace ro crown ‘ACROSS CAPACITOR Fig. 4 shows the voltage on the source side of the switch and on the capacitor in the interval during which the switch in F ‘ig. 3(B) isin the process of interruption, Since, in a purely capacitive cireuit, the current leads the voltage by 90 degrees, the instant of current extinction, which is at a current zero, must occur while the voltages on cach side of the switch are at fa maximum, Tecause the switch has opened, and the capacitor is separated from the source, the charge on the eapeci- tor cannot dissipate itself and remains on the capacitor. Tn other words, following current extinetion, trapped € equal in magnitude to the crest value of volts the GD-eycle source voltage remains on the capacitor. The source voltage continues to undergo a Gi-cycle variation. Therefore, tage, increasing sith time, appears ross the switch, as shown in Fig. 4 This recovery voltage beginning with a ero value reaches @ maximum value of vane 729 osciLoseam #1 C1 /o9 +38 VOLTAGE To GROWN ACROSS CAPAGTOR oscutocan #2 ©) fo *80 fo.race achoss swt voLrace To crown ACROSS CAPACITOR Fig, 7. Oncillogtems showing recovery voltage across fist pole of switch 9 open in Fig. 1 and voltage to ground on capacitance side of switch asiociated with a singe restike whichis cleared at the nt natwal-trequency cument 160 twice the crest of the source voltage 1/2 ceydle after the current zero at which arc extinction occurred. If the switch cannot withstand the recovery voltage at any time during this halfeyele, a re-establishment of the are ‘occurs reconnecting the capacitor to the source. As a consequence, the voltage fn the capacitor changes from the trapped voltage condition. Because of the in- dduetance in the system, the veltage on the capacitor oseillates past the value of the souiree voltage and overshoots by an amount equal to the recovery voltage just before the re-establishment of the are. For a restrike at the erest of the recovery voltage, as shown in Fig. 4, the voltage of the capacitor avershoots the crest of the source voltage by an amount equal to twice the erest voltage of the source and reaches a maximum value of three times erest voltage. At the instant of maximum voltage on the capacitor, the transient current is zero and the switch may again interrupt, leaving a charge corresponding to three times voltage on the capacitor as ius. trated, If the switch withstands the resulting recovery voltage without re establishment of the are, a voltage of 4.0 pu of Tine-to-neutral crest voltage will appear across the switch in another balf- cycle, A restrike at this point would result in a maximum voltage of 3.0 pu on the capacitor 730 2 4 6 6 © © 2 4 6 @ Hy Fig. 8. Crest of recovery voltage across fist pole of awitch to open when switching capacitive cument in Fig. 1 and maximum voltage to, ground following restike which causes the switch to remain conducting Although the foregoing discussion on the phenomenon of restriking is perhaps idealized, the mechanism by whieh the build-up occurs does happen and the fore: soing analysis is an aid in understanding the more complex circuits that were studied. UNGROUNDED CaPactroR BANK If the neutral of the capacitance is un: grounded, as shown in Fig. 5(A), the ‘opening of a switch in one phase does not entirely isolate the capacitor in that phase from the system as in the previous ease itis assumed that the first phase to clear does s0 at the instant of zero current and that the other two phases remain con ducting, then a charge resulting in crest Tine-to-neutral voltage is trapped on the capacitance in the switched phase. In each of the other two capacitances a charge resulting in one-half of erest volt: age is trapped, since, at the instant of crest voltage in the switched phase, the voltage of both of the other phases is at one-half of normal erest value The voltage to ground on the neutral of capacitances departs from zero value at a Goreyele rate and reaches a maximum value of crest line-to-neutral voltage 1/2 cyele after the extinction of current in the first phase, as is shown in Fig. 5(B). The Fine teraninal of the switched capacitance ‘must remain at 1.) pu voltage above its neutral because of its trapped charge With respect. to ground, however, it rises to a maximum value of 2 pu voltages and, at this instant, the system voltage reaches a maximum value of opposite polarity (o that at the instant of current interruption, resulting in a voltage across he open switch of three times normal line- tomeutral crest voltage During this process the switching de- vice will do one of three things 1. Ie will withstand the recovery voltage and therefore suecessfully clear tke circuit 2 Tewillre-establish an are at sonne instant ‘ VOLTAGE ACROSS BREAKER, 8 34 eer . -- \\ YOLTAGE_TO GROARO ON LE ' - \ soe oF swrce 83 - 2 Fig. 9. Crest of recovery voltge across Bint 2 ‘round on capacitance side of sitchin Fig. 1 fe c/o ole of switch to open and maximum voltage to following a single restke which is cleared ot the fist natual-requeney coment ero Johnson, Schulte, Schulte, Shores—Capacitance Switching August 1955 oscu.ocran #1 e/eq +10 HvoLtace aczoss swrrcn WoLTace 70 GROUND cross caraciTon oscitocrau #2 Jrocrace across swim outage To, spawn ROSE CRpacron Fis, 10, Oxcillosrams showing recovery voltage acrom fit pole of twitch to open in Fig. 1 and voltage to ground on capacitance side of switch ansocated with «single reste whichis cleared at the fst natural-requency Oscillogram 1, srounded capsctance luring this process and contin to conduct lant a sutequent W-eyele current. ero fccurs. Fig. AB) shows a restike at he rest of the overy valtage This may bs compared to oxcillogram 2 of Fig. 6 5. Ut will restrike and clear at a na Ihequeney current zer0 as is shown in the latter part of Fig. 6(B). This is demon ated in osellogram 2 of Fig. 7 Wf no restrike occurs, the voltage of three times normal is the highest across the switeh contacts and. the eapacitance terminal voltage of 2 pu to ground will not be exeeeded, If no restrike occas, the highest voltage aevoss the terminals of yppears in one of the tunswitched phases and reaches @ maxi mum value of 1.865 pu, This voltage consists of 0.5 pu due to the trapped charge and 1.866 pur due to the liteycle excitation on the unswitched phases IF the switeh is unable to withstand the crest value of the recovery voltage of Untee limes line-to-neutral crest, arestrike Ii, on this restrike device continues to conduct until the ext Go -eyele current zero, not interrupting at the zeros due to the natural frequency oscillation, occurs, he switching 4 maximum voltage of three times normal line-to-neutral erest appears from line-to-grond on both the capac tance side and the source side of the i shown in Fig. 5(B). On the occurrence of the restrike, the voltage conditions in the cirenit are such that the Avevsr 19: Johnson, neutral of the capacitance instantly re tums to its normal condition of zera po tential and remains there as long as all three phases of the switch continue to con duct current to the capacitances. There fore, the maximum line-to-ground voltage of 3 pwalso appears across the Hine-to-nest ‘al capacitance terminals in the switehed At the same time, each of the experiences a transient voltage having a maximum value of 1/s times normal line-to-neutral voltage phase sunswsitehed phase If the switch restrikes, it may interrupt the current again at one of the matueal frequency current zeros. The latter part of Fig, 5(B) shows an interruption at the first naturalfrequency following the restrike. This results in the highest possible woltages obtainable with fone restrike. At the instant of restrike the capacitor bank neutral returns 10 zero potential as mentioned previously; however, it ow remains there fora period of only 1 ‘escle of the natural Frequency while the After the first zer0, the voltage to ground of the neutral of the capacitance jumps imme diately to a value of 1 pu opposite toits polarity prior to the restrike. The in tcrruption of the current in the switched phase again leaves a trapped charge on the the circuit ‘conditions until the time of current inter. ruption at the natural-frequeney current zero are exactly the same as in the pre vious ease where conduction continued the voltage due to the trapped charge resulting from the restrike on the switched switch is conducting current. interruption of current at its es. Because cscuLoseam #1 voLTaGe Across swiTcs lvo.tsce To crown ‘ACROSS CAPACITOR oscuiccram #2 C/G) 220 ]votrace across swrex VOLTAGE 10 6ROUND Fig. 11. Orellageams showing recovery voltage across fist pole of switch to open in Fig. 1 and voltage to ground on capacitance fide of switch anocisted with « single re- ftike which causes the witch to remain ‘conducting Schulte, Schultz, Shores—Capacitance Switching TRANSMISSION LINE VOLTAGE Fig, 12, Effect of source grounding cor ditions on recovery voltage and voltage to ground when switching tanamission line With one restke and clearing at frst na frequency cunent 2:0 Phase the normal that which occurred in this pre This voltage of three tin nommal (due to the t the neutral displacement of of the capacitance corresponds to transient voltage of three times pped charge) plus pu results in a veltage to ground on the switched phase fof the capacitance of four times normal voltage of the normal exeitation of Uhe two un line-to-neutral res Because switched phases, the neutral undergoes a voltage variation at power frequency of 1 put or, 1/2 cyele after the restrike, the Tine teninal of the switched phase capacitance reaches a value of 5 put volt age to ground, At this instant, the volt: the open switch is six times Tine-to-neutral voltage ‘Transuission Lives Te was previously pointed out that the capacitance network associated with a line both 1d ungrounded capacitances f this, voltages dic to switeh transmission consists of ‘grounded Because ing unloaded transmission lines He seam where between the values obtained in the previous cases involving all capacitance neutrals grounded and all capacitance neutrals ungrounded, To illustrate the foregoing, consider the circuit in Pig. 1 showing the first pole of a switch to open when switehing an Fallawing ssnloaded jon Tine 73 ‘Bay Fig. 13 (left). BP aso! vee s20 Fiat and second 8 crest of recovery 30} voltage — across x i fat pole at Bos! ‘witch to open : Then aniching — ¥ st ‘unfaulted trans- a8] x mission line with = Ey ; i Jia gion eee 3 fed deodeowe ie 5 © 20] a Tart o sone ad the opening of the first phase in Pig. 1, there is a redistribution of the trapped charge on the capacitance network of the transmission fine. This redistribution of trapped charges plus the capacitance coupled effects from the Gi-eyele voltage variations of the two unswitched phases, results in a voltage on the switehed phase of the transmission line that is a function of the relative magnitude of the capac: itances, or a funetion of the ratio of the positive-sequence capacitance to the zero.sequence capacitance (C/G). ‘The erest voltage aeross the switel ix put of the line-to-neutral erest voltage is given in Fig, 2 a8 a fupetion of the Cy/C, ratio, Note that asthe C/G ratio varies from 1.0 to © (all capacitance neutral grounded to all capacitance neutrals ungrounded), the maximusn recovery voltage varies from 2.0 t0 3.0 pu. These numbers are the same as those given pre 1 op Fig. 14, Gest of recovery voltage across fist pole of switch to open when switching on unfauted ‘wansmision line with a resistance srounded rowee 732 Johnson, Schuitz, Schultz, Shores—Capacitance Switching aos VOLTAGE TO GROUND ON "Pace PASTOR TERMOBL Wren “a PHASE SWITCH CRENS. SECOND VOLTAGE TO. GACURO ON TE PASE ‘SkeAciTOR TeAhNaL WHEN USE SWTOH OPENS. SECONO VOLTAGE TO GROUND CHS” PHASE (APACITOR TERNAL. WHEN Ona Fig. 15 (ight). Voltages due to opening of second pole ‘ously for these two specie eases, The voltages to ground on the transmission Tine vary from 1.0 to 2.0 pm for the same conditions, Generally transmission lines and un- shielded cables will have a ratio of Gy/Cs in the range from 1.6 102.0, Accordingly the recovery voltage across the first pole to open of a sisitch varies fram 2.28 to 2.4 pitas shown in Fig. 2, The voltage to PHASE SwTOH CPENS “VOLTAGE TO GROUND on &" PASE GamtooR TERMNGL WHEN “E™ PRASE ‘STN OPENS SECOND Ge “VOLTAGE TO GROUND ONE” PASE CCAPAG To TeRBeNAL ee SE SWITCH CPENS SECOND ground on the transmission line terminal of the open switch for this range of C/G. would fall between the limits of 1.28 to 1 pu respectively. Swany ov Resuurs To summarize the foregoing discussions fon the switching of capacitor banks, cables, and overhead fines, the results room a transient network analyzer setup are given in Figs. Sand 9. The circuit used was the same as that shown in Fig, 1. With the capacitance (G—G) held fixed, the capacitance C, was changed in steps so as to vary the ratio of Cx/Co from 15 to 21. The capacitances also were adjusted so as to produce ratios of G/Ca down to 1.0. ‘The results in Fig. 8 are based on the initiation of a restrike in the interrupting switeh after an initial elearing so as to produce the maximum transient fine-to- ground voltage as a consequence of the restrike and on the assumption that the transient oscillation $0 produced is not interrupted until it has been damped, and interruption oceurs at a power fre quency current zero, In Fig, 91 the re sults are based on a restrike a3 for Fig. 8, except that the recovery voltage across the switch and the voltage to ground om Avowsr 1955 PER UNIT OF LINE TO NEUTRAL CREST VOLTAGE g-VOLTAGE ACROSS “A” PHASE SwiTCH ‘WEN "B” PHASE PENS SECOND se VOLTAGE ACROSS Hace STOR ‘PHASE QPENS SECOND jp VOLTAGE ACROSS "BY PHASE SWITCH ‘WHEN °B" PHASE OPENS SECONO ‘ce WOLTAGE ACROSS c* PHASE, SuITEM WHEN “c* PHASE OPENS. SECOND Fig. 16. Recovery voltages due to opening ‘of second pole when switching an ungrounded ‘eapecitance the capacitance side of the interrupting switch are those obtained when the trausient produced by the resirike is {interrupted at the frst natural frequency current zero aftr initiation ofthe resrike. Representative oscillograms of the data plotted in Figs. Sand 9 are shown in Figs 8,7, 10, and 11 Tacomparing these data with the values ‘mentioned in the previous discussions, it should be mentioned that the transient restrking voltages and the recovery volt- ages, depending on the restrike, may be lower than theoretical upper limits by a factor of about 10 per cent because of damping in the analyzer circuit. Source Gxouxpinc Coxpiions Up to this point consideration has been given to capacitance conditions only. Te has been assumed that the source has ‘been grounded in such a manner than the Xo/X+ of the source is equal to unity. For the eireuit studied, as in Fig. 1, there is no appreciable change in the results if the source grounding does not exceed the conditions for an eeetively gromnded system or a type-B grounding (Xw/Xi 3.0, R/X,L1.0)* This is illustrated in Fig. 12 where the voltages due to switching and restriking in one phase Avousr 1955 120) Paase gs. 8 8 DEGREES AFTER 7 PHASE CPENNG a 09 Fis, 18, $00 700 1000 Interval in electical degrees between opening of fist pole and fist curtent zero in other two phases when switching a transmission line are plotted superimposed for Xo/Xi= 1.0 and for type-B grounding ofthe source, If the conditions of type-B grounding are exceeded, a5, e., by adding a ground- ing reactor, very high voltages may result ‘when the first pole opens when switching a trounced capacitor bank, cable, or trans- tnission line, With one phase open, a path ground involving the ‘rounding reactance and the capacitance may result in a series resonant ciewit Fig. 13 shows the magnitude of the first ‘and second erests of the recovery voltage across the first pole of an interrupter when switching a transmission fine as through VOLTAGE FROM "A" PHASE AND 8! PHASE CAPACITOR TERMINAL, To GROWO WHEN "3" PHISE PENS SECOND ara3eu e:26 PU VOLTAGE ACROSS 7 PHASE AND "e PHASE SWTTHES WHEN "S PHASE OPENS SECOND 8-33 PU Fig, 17, Orcillogtm of voltages due to opening of second pole when switching an ungromded capacitance Johnson, Schults, Schultz, Shores—Capacitance Switching the Xo/% ratio of the source increases. For example, itis well known that open ing one phase in a system grounded with a ground-fault neutralizer results in a very high voltage If the grounding impedance is largely resistive, the recovery voltage varies between the ground and ungrounded eon- ditions as the grounding resistance is in- creased. This is shown in Fig. 14 where the change in the recovery voltage across the first switch pole to clear is given as a function of the Ry/X; ratio of the cieuit, If the source is ungrounded, the re- covery voltage across the first switch pole to open is independent of the grosnding conditions of the capacitance, The cir cuit recovery voltages are the same as in the case of the ungrounded capacitance and grounded source. The voltages to round in the citcuit, however, are a func tion of the grounding of the capacitance. Unfaulted Circuits—Second Pole Opening Grouper Baxks, Te has been previously shown that in a circuit with a grounded capacitor bank or fa shielded cable, and a grounded source, the phases are independent of each other under switehing conditions. That is, ach pole of a switch experiences the sme duty whether itis the fist, second, oF last to open. TUNGROUNDED BaNks “After the first phase has opened sehen switching an ungrounded capacitor bank, there is a shift in the currents in the other two phases, Since the remaining two phases of the capacitor bank are con: 733, 30} 30 PER UN voutaGe: oe ee Creo Fig. 19. Voltages due to opening of "CHASE SECOND TO OPEN OUTAGE. Aon0ss to phase 1 PHASE WoLTAGE To aRoUND “c* Phase, oe ase 3° PHASE SECOND TO OPEN wouTase across swe a PHASE * pxese += CALCULATED FONTS: 1s 20 & 28 2628 30 cond pole when switching an unfulted tanemision line ‘ae measured on transient network analyzer rected in series across phase-to-phase voltage, the same eurrent flows ia both of ‘hen and Jeads the phase-to-phase volt age by 90 degrees. This current now has the same phase relationship as that of the source voltage on the first phase to clear, and has its frst current zero 1/4 cycle after the current zero in the first phase to With the same current flowing in the remaining two phases, interruption of corrent in these phases cccurs simultane ously. If physical separation of the ‘witch contacts ia these phases takes place at nearly the same instant, the capacitor hank will be separated from the system, both electrically and mechasically, at the instant of current interruption, In this case, the voltage across the open switch contacts will be governed by the stray capacitances of the capacitor banlk to round and through the switching device, 1, however, one of the last two switel poles is mechanically delayed in opening, the capacitor bank as a whole unit will he subjected to the voltage variations of the last phase connected to the source Recause of the trapped charges on the ‘apactior baru, the frst and second poles clear. 734 Johnson, Schults, Schulte, Shares of the switch to open can be subjected to a high voltage across their contacts ‘The voltages to ground on each side of the switch comtacts following the second pole clearing are shown in Fig. 15. The ‘voltages due to either B phase or C phase ‘opening second are shown, As a refer- ‘ence, the voltage due to the frst switeh pole to open, assuming a delayed second pole opening, is shown. It will he noted that the highest capacitor bank voltages due to the second pole opening occur on the terminal of the first phase to clear Even though the same current flows in the last two phases, higher voltages result if B phase is second to open mechanically assuming interruption at the first current zeto in B phase after interruption in A phase, The trapped charge on C phase capacitor adds to the voltage of C phase Dut the trapped charge om the B phase capacitor subteacts from the B phase source voltage. The voltages that appear across the switch contacts are shown in Fig. 16. It is seen that the recovery voltage across the first pole to open reaches a peale of 441 pu of the Tine-to-neutral erest, This Capacitance Switching peak voltage occurs 210 degrees after the initial opening in A phase and reaches this snagnitude only if B phase opens at the next current zero. However, the re covery voltage across the second pole to open reaches a erest of 3.47 pu in either B pase or C phase. If the second and third phases had separated mechanically at the same instant, the voltages pre ‘viously given would occur across the tw breaker poles in series, The oseillograms of Fig. 17 show the voltages from capacitor ground and across the breaker contacts for the second pole opening terminal to Transaission Live Following a successful clearing in one phase of a switch, another phase may clear At the next suceessive current zero. Pig ives the number of degrees between clearing in phase and the next current zero in Band function of the C/G ratio of the circuit. It ean be seen that for any practical value of C/G assoviated with a transmission line a current zero occurs in C phase before one does in B phase. ‘The voltages due to the second pole opening are shosen in Tig. 19. Several calewlations are shown together with results obtained from the transient net work analyzer. Here it is seen that the severest voltages are associated with the first phase that opened (4 phase) and ‘occur when B phase opens second, These voltages are only: slightly higher than those occurring with the opening of the first pole (26 pa as against 2.4 pat for Cy/Co=2.0) and cam only oceur ifthe frst current zero in C phase is skipped as- suming second pole opening occurs within 1/2 evele of frst pole opening. Exener or $ ounoe GRovsnins For the second pole opening, the effect of source grounding és about the same as Up to the limiting grounding impedance of Xo/XiS 3.0 and Ry XiS 1.0, the miuubers given in the preceding sections are not appre ciably changed for the first pole opening Faulted Circuits sen though faults may exist on one or two phases of a j-phase system, a circuit breaker in clearing the fault may be re quired to interrupt eapacitive current in ‘he unfaulted phases, » This investigation is concerned with the effect of the fault om the voltages encountered when switch ing these capacitive currents. Because of the large numher of combinations of Faults, system and capacitance grounding Aveusr 1955 Fig.20. Generalized 3-ph tance with a single-phare Full and impedance grounded source ——— ue Recovery vourase Kale xe, Lo s phoma wr ircuit showing the switching of grounded or ungrounded capac'- Generalized 3-phase circuit showing the switching of unbslonced capacitance. Xe: ‘ean be greater or smaller than X Fig, 22, Cument and recovery voltage associated with fst pole of switch to open forthe cleat RECOVERY VOLTAGE-PER UNT LINE NEUTRAL CREST Fig, 23, of Fig. rr FAULT LOCATION-MILES FROM BREAKER 2-10 LooKne wiTo sounce ep pe SS — “2 nee 2 00120 2 a1 20 3 8020 TRANSMSSON LINE Effect of transmission line constants on recovery voltage acros fit pole to open In an ‘unfaulted phate when switching a wansmisson ine with a line-to-ground faut at various distances from the switch conditions, et, this study was Kmnited to consideration of faults involving one phase only. GROUNDED aNp UNcrouxoen Capactror Banks A generalised circuit diagram showing the switching of a grounded or un grounded capacitor bank with a single phase fault is given in Fig. 20. The source is considered to be grounded as follows. 1, Solidly grounded (Z=0 oF %4/X,=1.0) X,=80, Re/Xy ‘Type8 growning (X =10) 3. Ungrounded (==) If the capacitor bank is grounded (cwitett closed) and if the sowree is LL grounded solidly, the duty on the first ‘unfauited switeh pote to open isthe same as for the unfted case since the. theee phases are independent of cach other 2 grounded in accordance with type-d rounding, the voltages and currents m the First uafaulted phase to open are no more than about a per cent grester tha for the tanfaulted ase 3. ungrounded, referring to the frst us faulted phase to open, the maximum volt ages acrore the switch are twice normal Tine torline voltage (1.73 pu) for a cireut with eroregulation. I¢hsbees shovn that th crest of the recovery voltage for the sume circuit with nous 3.0 pts ths the eff ‘of the fault i ro Snerease the maximsm re ‘covery voltage by about 15 per cent The voltage to ground on the switched capacitor E174 pa compared t0 4 vale of 1 pa for the tnfaalted case. The current in Both tunfaulted phases is about 1.73 times normal If the neutral of the capacitor bank is not grounded (switeh Sof Fig, 20 open), and ifthe source is 1 rounded solidly, the voltage and cu rents of the unfaulted phases are the sem ‘ss for the wnfuulted ease 2 grounded in accordance with type-it rronnding, the voltages associated ith the ‘Switching ofan unfaulted phase are no more thas sprosimately 30 per cent greater thao forthe unfautted case with solidly rounded source. ‘The currents are alightly tess than forthe unfaulted esse 3. ungrounded, the recovery voltage and currents are the same as for the unfaulted tse with the newtral of either the capacitor ‘bank or of the source grounded. » With only fone point of the eieuit grounded, no ci ont cau Dow in the growsd which is merely 4 point of voltage raferenee. Of course, fe Should be pointed oat that the voltages (0 [ground before the switeh opens in this ci uit are not the same as in the unfouited ‘rcuit with either neutral grounded but are 173 pe One other type of fault that is of interest is the failure of @ portion of the capacitance in one phase. Such a case is Johnson, Schulte, Schulte, Shores—Capacttance Switching 75. Table |. Circuit Breaker Recovery Voltages When Switching First Unfaulted Phase of « Trans: iission Line With Line-to-Ground Fault on One Phase From an Ungrounded Source x) eyes 40 oa 0.01 16 40 20 01 18 2 shown in the cireuit diagram of Fi where the capacitive reactance in one phase is different from that in the other two phases. The capacitive reactance in the odd phase Xep can be larger or smaller than the reactance of the sound phases Xer, depending on the manner in Which the tnbalance arises IE the first switch poe to open isin one ‘of the sound phases, the recovery voltages of Fig. 22 can appear across its contacts. ‘These recovery voltages are plotted as a function of the ratio of the eapacitive reactance in the faulty phase to the capacitive reactance in the sound phases, Xea/Xer. Note that for either all of the capacitance short-cireuited in one phase (Xe/Xev=0) or for an open circuit. in that phase (Xey/Ner= @), the recovery, voltage is trie ine-to-line voltage 22 are the currents in the switched phase in pw of the values for normal balanced conditions, ‘These cur- rents range fram 1,73 put for one phase Also shown in Fi Discussion E, J. Harrington (Bonneville Power Ad. ‘ministration, Portland, Oreg.): I wold ike 1 compliment the autliors on an excellent and most timely. paper. The subject of ‘capacitor switching and the interruption of transmission line charging current is of interest to the industry at the present me 730 este Location Tet HH One 1, as 370 °, a 20 Fi as a 0, am 3.70 capacitor short-circuited ‘to 0.866 pu for one phase capacitor open= circuited (Yo/Xa= ©). If the faulty phase of Fig. 21 isthe frst to open, the crest of the reeavery voltage is always 3.0 put of normal line-to-neutral voltage except, of course, for the trivial case of Xm/Xei=® which is an open circuit in the switched phase, The cur- rent in the switched phase under these conditions is a function of the capacitive reactance in the faulty phase and varies between the limits of three times the current in the unfaulted circuit for Xex/Xer=0 and a current of zero for XalXa= 2. ‘Transusstoy Live, 28 shows the recovery” voltage across the first switch pole to clear if it is fan unfaulted phase when switching a transmission Tine with a line-to-ground fault on one phase. The recovery volt- tages ace shown for different impedance ‘This subject should also be of particular in- terest t0 members of the AIH Subeom- rltgce on Power Cireuit Breakers ss they are actively engaged in formulating stand ands of performance for breakers under sich lates, ‘Of particular interest to me isthe fact that we have obtained oseilogeams during vari= fs capacitor nnd line charging current inter= fiptiom tests om the Bonneville Power Ad Jolson, Schult, Schulte, Shores—Capacitance Switching ° - parameters of the transmission line and for different fault locations, Tt s seen in Fig. 23 that the location of the fault has Tittle effect on the recovery voltage. The recovery voltages change from 2.4 pu to 2.6 pt as the Xq/X ratio ofthe Tine itself is varied from 2.0 to 4.0, These voltages are to be compared with the value of 24 ‘bu that can be expected when switching fan unfaulted transmission Tine, These data were obtained by means of the transient network analyzer Tf the source i ungrounded, the re- covery voltages across the first unfaulted phase to clear are given in Table I, Here it can be seen tat the voltages are of the order of twice normal Hine-to-line voltage. References. FW. Ballers ATER Premsactions, vol, 1000, 2, Baar ana Anauys op Constr Banana Pate Bavas, T. We Sehrocaer, BW. Becbagy 1 W: Boller: WEE Tremsaiony (ical Baginee: Iie 61 Now 1903, pp 821 Siig. Zabornty- ANE Trou, 70. pt, Taste ype 1-3 6, Va Sickie Bintan C, Boent Mende 4 Tasr Cracoirs rox, Caracinanee Swmrenixo ‘a, ai, Je. Tati 78 pe iN Ape 18, ‘eyes 26 Burom VR Bip J Scha, ER, Johowna, We Seba, AB, Were. Id) fob Tipe il, Jom i062 p68 200 8. Pessuarro Votraon Rarpios rom A.C Sve Pope oe Rare "Bet Patan Ne. 40 . ye ‘ministration system that are in close agree- ment with the values given im practically all the cases treated in the authors! paper LB, Johnson, A. J. Schultz, N. R, Schultz, ‘and RB, Shores: “We appreciate the con” ‘ments by Mr. Harrington, particularly those fon the experimental data from field studies Verifying the analytical results ofthe paper. Aveusr 1955

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