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Academic stress is one of the challenges faced by honor students in their academic life.
There are a lot of stress related to studies, homework, tests and other academic competitions. The
students also face a lot of stress due to the imbalance of academic, social performances and time
management for extra-curricular activities from education. Academic stress in the students who
are unable to maintain balance between their academic activities, social, emotion and family
(Porwal & Kumar 2014). Academic pressure stands out as a pervasive stressor, fueling the
perpetual pursuit of excellence and the consequential fear of failure (Smith et al. 2018).
Research has consistently demonstrated that stress is a common experience among students,
particularly those striving for academic excellence such as honor students (Suldo, Shaunessy, &
Hardesty, 2008). These students often face unique pressures, including high expectations from
parents and teachers, rigorous academic workload, and the pressure of maintaining their status
and performance (Kearney, 2006). Such pressures can lead to increased stress levels, which if not
managed properly, can result in burnout, anxiety, and other mental health issues (Misra &
McKean, 2000).

Moreover, the effects of stress in the mental and physical well being of honor students
is something that we should not neglect as these stresses can have different effects in their life.
Several studies have shown that stress can significantly impact the academic performance of
honor students. Excessive stress can lead to decreased concentration, impaired memory, and
difficulty in managing time effectively, which can ultimately affect their academic standing
(Johnson et al., 2021). Research has also highlighted the toll that stress can take on the mental
and emotional well-being of honor students. The constant pressure to excel can lead to feelings
of anxiety, self-doubt, and perfectionism. Prolonged exposure to stress can increase the risk of
developing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety disorders (Williams & Taylor,
2023). Chronic stress can also manifest in physical health problems among honor students. It can
weaken the immune system, making students more susceptible to illnesses. Stress can also lead
to sleep disturbances, fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues (Miller & Adams, 2022). The
impact of stress on the social relationships of honor students has been a focus of several studies.
The intense focus on academic achievements may lead to a neglect of social interactions and a
reduced sense of belonging. Students may feel isolated or disconnected from their peers, which
can further contribute to their stress levels (Roberts & Clark, 2024). Research has shown that
stress can have significant effects on the academic performance, mental and emotional well-
being, physical health, and social relationships of honor students. Excessive stress can impair
concentration, memory, and time management skills, impacting academic performance (Johnson
et al., 2021).
Furthermore, despite experiencing these challenges, honor students developed coping
mechanisms to manage the stress.These strategies can be categorized into problem-focused and
emotion-focused coping. Problem-focused strategies include effective time management, setting
realistic goals, and seeking academic help (Anderson & Martin, 2023). Emotion-focused
strategies involve managing the emotional response to stress through relaxation techniques,
mindfulness, physical exercise, and seeking social support (Lee & Kim, 2022). Additionally,
seeking social support from friends, family, and mentors has been identified as a crucial emotion-
focused coping strategy (Roberts & Clark, 2024). Resilience, or the ability to bounce back from
adversity, has been linked to effective stress management among honor students. Studies suggest
that students who demonstrate resilience often employ adaptive coping strategies and have a
more positive outlook on stressful situations (Johnson et al., 2021). Studies have highlighted
various strategies that students use to manage and navigate stressful situations. These include
time management techniques, regular breaks and leisure activities, physical activity and exercise,
mindfulness practices, social support, and seeking professional help such as counseling or
therapy (Shaunessy et al., 2006).

Statement of the problem

This study aims to identify the stressors and Coping Mechanism among the Senior
Furthermore this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the major factors that cause stress among honor students of the Senior Highschool
students of Calingcaguing National Highschool?

2. What are the effects of stress in the mental and physical well being of honor students?

3. What are the coping mechanisms employed by honor students to face pressure and stress in
their academic journey?

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