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Week 06
Day 04 [Paper 02]
1 Choose any two of the following Hadiths, and:
• (a) Describe their teachings about what Muslims believe; [4]
• (b) Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action. [4]

(a) Main Teachings : [2] marks

• The teaching of this Hadith gives a distinguished place to a believer who struggles in the way of God. The
person who is ready to sacrifice his property and even his life for the sake of Islam is the best of
• It also refers to two main kinds of Jihad or struggle in the way of Allah i.e spiritual (Nafs) and financial
(Maal). It instructs Muslims to safeguard their faith and to spend their wealth to improve social
• Muslims must establish a society based on justice and righteousness. The words ‘striving hard’ with
one person may also mean to spread the word of Allah.
• In some cases , it may also include armed struggle to safeguard Islam. Allah compensates a believer
for what he spends in His way as the Quran says, “There is no (amount of money) that you spend in
His cause without Him replacing it for He’s the best of all providers” (34:39)
(b) Action: [2] marks
• A person may strive in Allah’s way by spending time in the worship of Allah or by doing social work. A
true believer after completing his farz obligations Should strive in the way of Allah by going on to read
his tahajud prayer or tarawih prayers or finance those less fortunate than himself to perform hajj etc.
• An individual can support Islam and the community such as through one’s wealth and resources by
supporting schools and educations to remove ignorance, by donating for health facilities for the poor
by providing them livelihood and by repair and maintenance as well as construction of mosques.
• One may raise awareness about the peaceful teachings of Islam by carrying out welfare projects
locally and internationally or by helping the poor communities affected by conflicts.
• The Prophet exerted himself in Allah’s way both spiritually and physically and encouraged his
companions to do so. The best example is the Tabuk expedition when his companions made financial
contributions in the cause of Allah.

(a) Main Teachings : [2] marks

• The popular understanding of the term martyr is one who lays down his life for the sake of Allah
on the battlefield. This Hadith broadens the concept of martyrdom and lays stress on the
importance of living righteous lives so that whenever death comes to a believer he/she will
attain the status of a martyr.
• martyrs are not only those who fight in Allah’s way in the battlefield but all those Muslims who
die practicing their faith . Quran says, “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah:
“they are dead”. Rather, they are living, but you perceive it not.” (2:154).
• It encourages those Muslims who are unable to take part in Physical Jihad due to some disease
or some valid reason.
• The core teachings of the Hadith however, is that Allah loves His creation and that He is willing
to reward each and everyone as long as they are obedient to Him and remain true to their faith.
(b)Action: [2] marks
• A Muslim who wants to attain the status of a martyr must always be engaged in performing
righteous deeds that would earn him Allah’s pleasure. After belief in Allah’s oneness and
fulfillments of the religious obligations a Muslim should engage in Jihad of the self, of the tongue,
by the hand or by other means of support.
• Muslims should never hesitate to participate in any struggle waged to eradicate aggression and
injustice for example raising voice against a tyrant ruler.
• It must be understood that martyr in the battlefield are thought to attain the highest level of
Paradise. A companion was martyred on the day (of the battle) of Badr. His mother came to the
Prophet and asked if her son was in Paradise. Prophet replied that her son was in the (most
superior) Paradise of Al-Firdaus.
• Some examples of how to achieve this status are: By working honestly and helping those in need,
By supporting the vulnerable and showing kindness to all creatures of Allah, By looking after the
environment, By defending the teachings of Islam and spreading the world of Allah and if need be
laying down one’s life in the way of Allah. The focus of every word and action of a Muslim should
be to earn Allah’s pleasure and to remember Him at all times.

Hadith as a source of Guidance / Islamic law

O/N 2010
2 (a) How have the Hadiths of the Prophet been used as a source of guidance by Muslims? [10]
M/J 2011
2 (a) What part do Hadiths play in Islamic legal thinking? [10]

O/N 2013
2 (a) Describe how the Hadiths are used in establishing law in Islam. [10]
M/J 2015
2 (a) Give an account of how the Prophet’s Hadiths have been a source of guidance to
Muslims in putting their faith into practice. [10]
M/J 2016
2 (a) What is the role of Hadiths as a source of guidance in the lives of Muslims? [10]
Answer (Learn and write):
❖ Hadiths play a very important role in the lives of Muslims and are a source of guidance to them in all
aspects of life. What the Prophet (pbuh) said, did and what he approved of is second in importance
to the Qur’an; God has Himself told Muslims in the Qur’an
‘He who obeys the Prophet, obeys Allah.” [4:80]
‘We have merely revealed this book to you so that you may explain to them where they are differing
over (and so it stands out) as a guidance and mercy for a people who believe.’ (16:64)

Prophet (pbuh) said, “Behold I have been given the Book and a similar thing (Sunnah) along with that.”
Hadiths are important to explain the teachings of the Qur’an; details of hajj, zakat, fasting are all given to
Muslims from the hadith and sunna of the Prophet (pbuh); the Prophet (pbuh) laid down principles
(shariah) regarding every aspect of life: buying, selling, contracts, inheritance which are all part of his
sunna; in the Farewell Address he clearly stated:
‘He who is present here shall carry this message to the one who is absent.’
Muslims turn to his actions in the hope that their actions will please the Almighty and be acceptable to

The following instances will illustrate how these two parts i.e., quran and Hadith interplay and function for
the purpose of legislation.
1) The meaning of Quran is general; Hadith makes it specific and particular.The Hadith may add and
supplement the legal provisions of the Quran
the Quran teaches that Muslims must establisg regular daily prayerand pay Zakat, the charity tax. “And be
steadfast in prayer, give the charity tax, and bow down your heads with those who bow down.” [2:43]
Here Qur’an stresses the need to offer prayers but it is the Hadith/Sunna of the Prophet (pbuh) that tells
Muslims how to perform salat and what to read in it. Prophet said, “Pray as you see me offering prayer.”
In this example, Muslims are encouraged to give Zakat, but they are not told exactly what they should give,
or how they should give it. These details are found in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet:
“No charity tax is due on property mounting to less than five Uqiya of silver, and no charity tax is due
on fewer than five camels, and there is no charity tax on fewer than five Wasq of wheat grain.”Ahadith
such as this helped legal experts to give advice to Muslims about how the teachings in the Quran about
Zakat should be obeyed.
2) Hadiths also restrict the meaning of a verse e.g. in the case of theft the command is to cut off their
hands. Quran says, “As to the thief male or female cut of his or her hands” (5:38)
How much of the hand is to be cut off? Which hand is to be cut off? The Prophet (pbuh) explained it
by saying, “right hand up to the wrist is to be cut off.”

the Sunnah also restricts this, to the thief who steals wealth from the protective custody but the
person should not be lunatic or child etc.
3. Explanation of technical issues like those concerning fasting in the month of Ramadan, The hours of
fasting in the month of Ramadan are mentioned in the Quran in these words, “And eat and drink until the
white thread becomes distinct to you from black thread of dawn.” When companions were unable to
understand this verse, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) interpreted by saying that “the white thread refers to day
and black thread refers to the night.”
4. Hadith makes certain exceptions to the general rules as laid down by the Holy Quran. The Quran
made a declaration in general that one may inherit his property to his parents or children.
“It is prescribed, when death approaches any of you, if he leaves any goods, that he should
make a bequest to parents and next of kin.” [2:180]
Hadith has created the exception in the rule by declaring that there will be no transfer of inheritance
between Muslims and non-muslims.
“A Muslim may not inherit from a non-muslims, nor a non-muslim may inherit from a Muslim.”
❖ Hadith is a very significant and important source of Islamic law without which the Holy Quran cannot
be understood at all. In words of the Quran, the relationship of Quran and Hadith is that of Book and
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was the first legislator of Islam. He interpreted the law of the Quran, and
commented on it and its manner of application to the practical problems and various situations of
• The secondary sources of Islamic law i.e Ijma and Qiyas depend upon Hadith for their acceptance and
justification. They can only be practiced when hadith is silent or does not provide clear guidance. The
secondary sources never contradict the teachings of Hadith.
• Importance/Benefits of Sunnah
The importance of following the Prophet’s Sunna lies in the fact that God Himself asks Muslims to do so. By following
the sunna of the Prophet, Muslims hope to walk the path of righteousness. The Qur’an itself says ‘Obey Allah and
obey the Prophet’ [64:12]. The Hadith and the sunna of the Prophet are second only to the Qur’an in importance
and if Muslims follow the Prophet’s practice they will be closer to attaining paradise. The Prophet (pbuh) also
instructed Muslims to follow his Sunna in his last sermon. ‘I leave with you two things. If you hold fast to them
you will never be misguided: the Book of Allah and my sunna.’ Muslims try to follow his Sunna out of love for him.

M/J 2021
2. (a) Write about the importance of knowing the Prophet’s Hadiths and following his
Sunna for Muslims. [10]

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