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Introduction and Payment:
Zakat is the fourth pillar in Islam and one which became obligatory in the 2nd year of Migration. The
following verse made it obligatory “And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah and make not
your own hands contribute to your destruction but do good; for Allah loves those who do good”. The
word Zakat has been derived from the word Zakid which means to grow. It is also taken in the sense of
purification. Zakat as a subject has been mentioned 32 times in the Quran with the command of paying
it as obligatory which shows its importance in the life of a Muslim.

Zakat is only applicable when one has reached a threshold level of savings which is known as “Nisab”
and a year should have passed on these savings. This means that any metal or property in use has no
Zakat applicable on it. If anything is bought as means for investment, then Zakat is applicable given the
condition of a year passing on it.

These Ahadith of the Holy Prophet clarifies the minimum threshold in the early days “No sadaqa (zakat)
is payable on less than five wasqs of (dates or grains), on less than five camel-heads and on less than
five uqiyas (of silver)” “A tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers, or rains, and a twentieth on
what is watered by camels”. Here the term wasq is a unit of measurement which roughly measures up
to 135 kg. Uqiya is another unit of measurement which roughly measures up to 128 grams. With regards
to this Hadith the scholars deduced a Zakat of 2.5% on the total value. This Hadith and the Ijma of the
scholars calculated the Nisab for several items was identified and is as follows:

 Gold – Nisab of 7.5 Tolas – Zakat is levied at a rate of 2.5%

 Silver – Nisab of 52.5 Tolas – Zakat is levied at a rate of 2.5%
 Cash – Value of 7.5 Tolas of Gold – Zakat is levied at a rate of 2.5%
 Cattles – Nisab of 30 to 39 Cattles – 1 goat of a year old has to be given
 10% of Zakat is levied on land which is irrigated by natural rain or rivers
 5% Zakat is levied on land which is watered by animals
 20% of Zakat is levied on Mines
Recipients of Zakat:
“The alms are meant only for the poor and the needy and those who are in charge thereof, those
whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free those in bondage, and to help those burdened with
debt, and for expenditure in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer. This is an obligation from Allah.
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Quran 9:60)” This verse of the Quran identifies the people on which
Zakat is compulsory and they are as follows:

 The poor and needy (People whose basic necessities are not being fulfilled)
 Zakat collectors (Companies or individuals who set out to collect Zakat)

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 Those who have converted to Islam and are in need (New converts often face difficulties in
running their household errands as their families abandon them. Therefore, they can be given
 Those in slavery
 Those in debt (Only to be paid if the person has taken lawful debt)
 In the way of Allah (Scholars etc. who cannot fulfill their basic necessities if the work they do is
not generating them income)
 The traveler (This can be paid to a wealthy traveler as well if he/she runs out of money while
they are traveling)

Who is not eligible for Zakat:

 The rich (except when such are among the workers of Zakat).
 The strong and able poor e.g. those capable but not willing to work
 The disbelievers actively fighting Islam
 The family of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
 Children and grandchildren
 Parents and grandparents
 Wives of the payer

Benefits of Zakat:


1- Social Accord and Justice: Payment of Zakat helps in decreasing social disparity by bridging
the gap created in income, which ensures social harmony and justice.

2- Social Security: Paying Zakat provides a sense of security to the wealthy individuals as they
can be hopeful that in case of any unforeseen circumstances, they will also be covered with

3- Hoarding of money stops: Zakat helps in curbing the accumulation of wealth by the wealthy
individuals, as a portion of their accumulated wealth is distributed among the poor and needy,
thereby promoting a sense of generosity and humility.

4- Circulation of wealth: The distribution of Zakat ensures that wealth is not concentrated in the
hands of a few individuals, but rather it is circulated and distributed to all factions of society,
promoting economic growth and development.

5- Brotherhood: The payment of Zakat promotes a sense of brotherhood and solidarity among
the members of society, as it encourages the wealthy to help the poor and needy and build a
strong community bond.

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6- Gratefulness: The recipients of Zakat are grateful to the individuals who helped them in their
time of need, promoting a sense of gratitude and thankfulness in society.

7- Elimination of Social crimes: Zakat helps in reducing social crimes such as theft, robbery, and
beggary, as it provides support and aid to the poor and needy, thereby reducing the chances of
them resorting to illegal means to survive.


1- Purification of wealth and Soul: The Quran says “Of their goods, take zakat, so that you might
purify and sanctify them.” (9:103, Qur’an). This essentially means that the wealth a person
donates as Zakat gets purified. Zakat purifies the soul of the giver from selfishness and greed
and cleans his wealth from a portion specified for the unfortunate. Though, payment of Zakat
apparently decreases money but, in broader sense, it causes circulation of wealth, which results
in its multiplication and thus involves more and more people in its benefits.
2- Elimination of Sins: Holy Prophet has stated that “Charity eliminates sins as water extinguishes
fire”. This goes on to show the importance of giving Zakat as means to eliminate sins
3- Increase in Taqwah: The person who gives Zakat, in one way or the other, is doing sacrifice from
the wealth that his Lord has provided him with. This shows complete submission of an individual
to the will of His Lord. Quran states “And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good
you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah.” (2:110, Qur’an)
4- Following the Law: The Quran states “O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger
and those of you who are in authority”. Following the orders of payment of Zakat makes us
obedient towards following of the Law


1. Financial Assistance: Zakat provides financial assistance to those who are in need and unable to
provide for themselves or their families, such as the poor, the needy, the destitute, and the
2. Basic Necessities: Zakat helps in providing basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, and
medical care to those who cannot afford them.
3. Education and Skill Development: Zakat funds can be used for education and skill development
programs to help the recipients become self-sufficient and improve their economic status in the
long run.
4. Social Inclusion: Zakat ensures the inclusion of all members of society, regardless of their
economic status, and helps in reducing social disparity.
5. Gratefulness: The person will become grateful to their Lord and those who helped them in
difficult times, promoting a sense of gratitude and thankfulness in society.

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6. Passing on good to others: The receiver, when he will be able to, will pass on the good to the
others in the society. This will continue the chain of making the society a better place to live in.

Overall, the payment of Zakat promotes a sense of social responsibility and obligation among the
individuals towards the betterment of society as a whole. The receipt of Zakat can also promote spiritual
growth and a sense of gratitude and thankfulness towards Allah, as it is considered a blessing from Allah
and a form of purification of wealth.

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