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G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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Precision Engineering
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/precision


Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint

kinematic error in machine tools
Paweł Majda ∗
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, Al. Piastów 19, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the problems of the geometric accuracy of machine tools. The analytical and exper-
Received 8 July 2011 imental examinations were carried out for a table in which guideway geometric errors may result in
Received in revised form 8 November 2011 significant deformations. The main aim was to propose a method of analytical examination of the influ-
Accepted 4 February 2012
ence of geometric errors in linear guideway on joint kinematic errors. The proposed method served
Available online xxx
to isolate and simulate geometric errors, one of the causes of volumetric errors in machine tools. This
approach helped to understand and interpret the results of experimental examinations of angular kine-
matic errors (pitch, yaw, roll) obtained for a real machine tool. The results helped to verify the hypothesis
Machine tool accuracy
Guideway geometric error
that the deformation of a table may be a significant source of errors in volumetric error models. One of
FEM the final conclusions indicated that off-line compensation of some characteristics of angular kinematic
errors in machine tools may be unjustified.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
2. Model for linear guideway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
3. The results of calculations for static characteristics of a linear guideway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
4. Model for guideway geometric error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
5. Simulation of joint kinematic errors of a machine tool table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
6. Experimental research of angular kinematic errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

1. Introduction of geometric errors compensation in such cases? In addition,

the problem can be dealt with the distinction of machine tool
Guideway geometric errors are one of the causes of undesirable working states, (i) with the cutting process taken into account,
differences between the nominal and real position and orientation and (ii) without cutting process. In the first case, compensa-
of a tool in relation to the workpiece. These differences in the tion may be unprofitable, because due to the presence of other
entire workspace of a machine are known as volumetric error. sources of errors in the machine it is not really possible to obtain
Beside the geometric errors the influences on volumetric errors the higher dimensional and shape accuracy of the workpieces.
have: temperature changes which cause thermal deformations, The second case we have to deal with when measuring the geo-
deformations of machine tool parts caused by operating loads, metrical specification on the machine tool using a 3D measurement
the properties of the axis controls. It may be (in example for touch probe. Such probes use machine tool displacement measure-
precision machine tool with hydrostatic linear guides [1]) that ment systems as a length standard. It is one of the flaws of this
geometric errors have a small share in the total volumetric error. solution, because the measurement accuracy is determined by the
Then a question arises that is there an explanation and a point accuracy of the machine tool itself. In such case the geometric errors
participation is greater in the total balance of volumetric error. Then
the geometric error compensation can give the desired increase
∗ Tel.: +48 91 449 42 66; fax: +48 91 449 44 42. of the accuracy of measurements made directly on the machine
E-mail address: Pawel.Majda@zut.edu.pl tool.

0141-6359/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

2 P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

The knowledge of volumetric error is used in software off- kinematic errors measured on the milling machine table strongly
line compensation of machine tool errors, thus increasing their depended on the location of measuring instruments. This effect
positioning accuracy. The efficiency of such compensation is espe- should be unnoticeable if the assumption of ideal stiffness of the
cially effective for large machine tools [2]. Large machine tool examined solids is to be permissible (correct) in a volumetric error
tables are bigger then 1200 mm × 600 mm, medium sized machine model. The discussion presented in this paper continues the exam-
tools tables are smaller then 1200 mm × 600 mm [3]. One of the ination of problems from the paper [13], i.e. associated with the
characteristic properties of large machine tools is their kinematic identification of sources of machine tool errors and the accuracy of
structure, usually of a portal/gantry type, where a tool path runs volumetric errors models. Our simulation studies were extended
in many axes against a fixed workpiece. In this case, regardless of for a three-dimensional case. The realization of such a task required
the measurement method and determination of volumetric error, the development of a modeling method which should enable an
the fixed table on which the workpiece lies is also a measure- analytical examination of the effect of guideway geometric errors
ment datum for the measured machine tool errors. Volumetric on joint kinematic errors, and thus on volumetric errors in machine
error is determined in relation to that datum. A similar procedure tools. Based on literature, we developed a model of a single roller
is applied for medium-sized machine tools. The fact that medium- linear guideway. The manner of modeling is presented in Section 2.
sized machine tools usually have a movable table as a measurement In order to verify the reliability of results obtained with the devel-
datum should also be taken into account. Using direct measurement oped model, Section 3 presents the comparison of calculated char-
[4] of machine tool errors, e.g. by laser inferometer or electronic acteristics of force–displacement and the characteristics provided
level, the elements of the measuring system are thus located on a by the manufacturer of the guideways. In the next stage in Section
movable table. In indirect measurements [4] the situation is similar, 4 we present the manner of modeling entire guideways allowing
for example in the method proposed by Yang et al. [5] in which a for guide rail geometric errors. Section 5 presents an example of a
ball bar test is used, with one end situated in different positions on milling machine with a linear guideway including guide rail geo-
the table. The methodology of measurements using a ball plate arte- metric errors. Based on the conclusions drawn after the performed
fact, used by Bringmann and Knapp [6], and other material artefacts simulation, an experimental examination was prepared, the results
(Woody et al. [2]; Choi et al. [7]), also requires the location of mea- of which are presented and commented in Section 6.
suring system elements on the table. Effective tools for mapping In this paper I assumed the definition of machine tools according
of volumetric errors using a lasertracer system (developed under to the division proposed by [13].
the supervision of Schwenke [8,9]) also require the location of the
measuring equipment on the table. A question arises, (i) whether 2. Model for linear guideway
this situation may generate errors in the determination of volumet-
ric error, and (ii) whether methods verified for large-sized machine In modeling, the finite elements method (FEM) [18] was used.
tools can be adopted for medium-sized machine tools. The range of The sub-assemblies of a guideway were discretized with solid ele-
analytical and experimental studies presented in the further part ments, which made it possible to allow for a elasticity within the
of this paper should help answer to these questions. linear elastic range for carriage and guide rails.
Apart from the methodology of measurements, the accuracy Considering the usefulness of the performed analytical exami-
of software compensation of machine tools errors is very much nations, it was deemed that omitting the elasticity of single rolling
affected by the manner and accuracy of volumetric error modeling. elements is a too great simplification, which decreases the relia-
The principal assumption of modeling is the ability to determine bility of the performed analyses. Below is the description of the
volumetric error based on the characteristics of joint kinematic applied models.
errors, i.e. translation errors (positional, vertical and horizontal A contact element was used to model the interactions between
straightness) and angular errors (pitch, yaw, roll) associated with contact phenomena in the area of the roller patch – rolling ele-
the kinematics of the studied solid, most often treated as a rigid ment – roller patch, and the elasticity of a single rolling element.
body [10–12]. It is desirable that the characteristics of kinematic With regard to physical modeling, a rolling element is replaced by a
errors have the characteristics of systematic errors. The model spring element of unilateral action (compression only), which con-
assumptions are then fulfilled and volumetric error compensation nects/joins a carriage with a guide rail at the contact points between
is justified. One of the most interesting papers on the verification rolling element and roller patch. It has a linear dimension – a length
of modeling assumptions is by Ekinci and Mayer [13]. The authors equal to the diameter of a rolling element. The idea of modeling is
performed a detailed analysis of a basic guideway. They exam- presented in Fig. 1 [19–21].
ined the relationships between straightness and angular kinematic Considering geometric non-linearity (only compression) and
errors for different ratios of carriage length to the wavelength of physical non-linearity, the contact deformation of the single ball
a guideway geometric error. For a two-dimensional model, they within two grooves can be found by Hertzian analysis as being
analytically proved and then experimentally verified the relation- dependent on the normal load F [19,21,22].
ship between angular errors and respective straightness errors. 
They showed how significant errors result from strict conversion g − 2 · ı for : F ≤0 compression
of angular errors into straightness errors. The conclusions of the ı(F) = (1)
authors [13] were the result of a detailed analysis at an elementary →∞ for : F>0 tension
level, i.e. on the level of elementary causes of volumetric errors.   2
The causes were obviously guideway geometric errors. It must be 3 2·D−d 1−2
where ı(F) = 1.41 ·  · F2 · d·D
· 2· E
ı(F), deformation
emphasized here that many authors had previously uncritically
used a simplified assumption that angular errors may be converted of a single ball; g, gap or preload (Fig. 2); F, force acting on a single
directly into straightness errors [14–16] or vice versa [17]. It is still ball; d, diameter of the ball; D, diameter of the groove; E, Young’s
an open question as to what extent such simplifications affect the modulus of ball and groove material; , Poisson ratio of ball and
accuracy of volumetric error determination. groove material; and , parameter that depends on the ratio d and
The direct inspiration for this paper were the observations made D. If D → ∞ (i.e. ball in contact with flat surface), then  → 1
during modeling of volumetric error for a specific structure of a Fig. 2 presents the effect of g parameter from Eq. (1) on the char-
medium-sized milling machine (vertical machining centres) with acteristics of contact deformation of a rolling element when g is
a cross table. It was noticed that some characteristics of angular lower than zero, gap occurs. When g is greater than zero, preload

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Cross-section of the linear guideway – diagrams of models for solid structures
and rolling elements.

of the contact element occurs. Parameter g was used in the model

for guideway preload and for mapping/reproducing guide rail geo-
metric errors.

3. The results of calculations for static characteristics of a

linear guideway

The object of the model and calculations was a single guideway,

a carriage-guide rails type. The modeling was carried out in accor-
dance with the description in Section 2. The parameters of Eq. (1)
for contact elements which model rolling elements are: d = 3 mm,
D = 1.01 d, E = 210 GPa,  = 0.3,  = 1.412. The analysis concerned the
structure of a roller sub-assembly, size 25 (width of the rail at its
base) and number 1651, according to the manufacturer’s product
list [23]. Necessary geometric dimensions and preload for the car-
riage were also taken from the product list. Preload was 8% C; C
is the dynamic capacity and equals 22.8 kN. Dividing the preload
by the number of rolling elements gives force per rolling element.
Based on the force and characteristic described by Eq. (1), param-
eter g is calculated. The parameter was used directly in the FEM
Fig. 3. The comparison of calculations for static guideway characteristics with char-
guideway model, thus allowing for carriage preload. In the calcu- acteristics provided by the producer [23] for various types of loads: F: (a) upward,
lations the base of the guide rail was fixed and the concentrated (b) downward, and (c) lateral.
force was applied in the model using a solid with ideal stiffness.
The comparison of the calculations with the experimental charac-
teristics provided by the guideway manufacturer [23] for various is probably the lack of models for screw joints. It should be noted
loads (upwards, downwards, and lateral) is shown in Fig. 3. that the characteristics were obtained on the basis of a computa-
This comparison of the aforementioned results with the FEM tional model for a system with clearly defined assumptions and
calculations shows a substantial conformity with data provided without the need to identify any of the parameters of the model.
by the manufacturer. This applies especially to schemas of down- Therefore it must be considered that the achieved qualitative and
ward and lateral load. A somewhat worse consistency (greater quantitative conformity was high and proves the high reliability
calculation stiffness), especially for a force greater than 9 kN, was of the calculations using the aforementioned guideway model.
obtained for an upward load. The main source of this discrepancy An important advantage of this presented model is the possibility

Fig. 2. The effect of g parameter on the characteristics displacement–force of rolling element.

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

4 P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Example diagram of a model for straightness error in the system roller patch – rolling elements – roller patch, using contact elements.

of its use in spatial analysis including geometric errors of the 5. Simulation of joint kinematic errors of a machine tool
guideways themselves. table

The adopted object of the model was a guideway with four car-
4. Model for guideway geometric error riages and a table – Fig. 6. Models for carriages and guide rails
were made according to the technique described in Section 2. The
One of the main purposes of this is was to propose a method of configuration of table dimensions and guideway correspond to the
analysis of the effect of guideway geometric error on the charac- machine tool visible in the photographs presented in the graphs in
teristics of joint kinematic errors in machine tools. Theoretically, it Figs. 10–12. A cast iron table was modeled in linear elastic – FEM.
is possible to create an FEM model which takes into account geo- The model geometry was simplified. The thickness of the table was
metric errors in the form of an appropriate distribution of nodes the result of optimization, which minimized the difference in k1
belonging to the finite elements. However, since the geometry of stiffness of a detailed model and k2 stiffness of a simplified model
shape errors (including the location of relevant nodes) in relation to – Fig. 6a and b. The calculations allowed for the force of gravity.
the dimensions of the model is subject to marginally small changes, The base of the guide rails was fixed. The table had the ability to
this approach would be questionable due to errors of discretization move freely along the rails, therefore in order to solve the system
of the model [18], thus making the obtained results also question- of equations in the FEM model, the movement had to be reduced
able. Therefore, in this work, the proposed model has a constant through a model for a guide screw. A guide screw was modeled as a
topology of element nodes, and the mapping of geometric errors spring element, schematically shown in Fig. 6c. The stiffness of that
is performed by the application of values variable for the parame- element corresponds to the bar stiffness respective to the screw
ters of contact elements that model the rolling elements. Modeling core diameter – 32 mm.
guideways according to the manner presented in Section 2 pro- In models for guideway geometric errors, according to the con-
vides such opportunities through the use of different values of g in cept presented in Section 4, there is no need to model the entire
Eq. (1). The idea of mapping the straightness error by giving differ- guide rails, and there is no need to create multiple computational
ent values of parameter g in the contact elements is shown in Fig. 4. models for the different positions of the table against the guides.
The balance of internal forces in such a system will be reached after The representation of geometric errors is carried out through the
projection of the defined shape error. use of a data set from the previously calculated values of the g
The modeling of geometric errors occurring in the linear guides parameter for contact elements that model the rolling elements.
components is based on differing the value of g parameter accord- The value of the g parameter is a function of the current position
ing to the assumed geometric error describing function. Taking into of the table in the present system and depends on the geometric
account the geometry of the rolling assembly the formulas for cal- errors, which were adopted in the calculations. The computational
culating of the g parameter are as follows:for g > 0 that is for the simulation used an a priori function describing guide rail geometric
preload (extension) errors according to the following equation:
 x 2 
2 g= ·+ · (4)
gH = c 2 + (b + i ) − d 1000 1000 2
where  = 0.05 mm, x in mm; the current position of the table.
 Taking into account the geometry of the rolling ball in contact
2 with the rail and carriage, the aforementioned function was used
gV = b2 + (c + i ) − d (2)
in the later part of this paper in models for geometric errors of
the guide rail, on vertical and horizontal planes. In this approach,
and for the g < 0 that is for the gap (shortening) such a system is subjected to kinematic excitations caused by
 geometric errors in the guide rail. We analyzed three variants of
gH = c 2 + (b − i ) − d

gV = b2 + (c − i ) − d (3)

where the H index refers to the geometric error defined in the hor-
izontal plane, the V index refers to the geometric error defined in
the vertical plane, d – diameter of the rolling element, and i –
geometric deviation, b and c according to Fig. 5.
The above described method is proposed as a solution that
allows the simulative study of the effects of geometric errors occur-
rence in the linear guide joints. Fig. 5. Geometric dependences in cross-section of carriages – guide assembly.

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 6. Table – guideway configuration (bottom side); (a) detailed model, (b) simplified model, and (c) model FEM.

calculations, which differ in the location of the error described by • Variant 3 – one guide rail has a geometric error in the verti-
Eq. (4): cal plane and a second guide rail has a geometric error in the
horizontal plane.
• Variant 1 – one guide rail has a geometric error in the vertical
plane and a second rail does not have any error. The aforementioned variants were meant to create an image
• Variant 2 – one guide rail has a geometric error in the of the effect of geometric errors in the guide rails on joint kine-
horizontal plane and the second rail does not have any matic errors. The results of a computational session for translational
error. and angular errors for the table modeled using the aforementioned

Fig. 7. Characteristics of joint kinematic errors variant 1 (FEM calculation).

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

6 P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Fig. 8. Characteristics of joint kinematic errors variant 2 (FEM calculation).

assumptions are shown in Figs. 7–9. The initial value (zero) table real system. Hypothetically, this means that the occurrence of geo-
position against the guideways was adopted in the central part of metric errors in a real system, with similar values to those that
the considered system. The current position of the table is on the were included in the calculations, would cause smaller increases
X-axis; the value of the joint kinematic error is on the Y-axis. The in individual joint kinematic errors. Different characteristics of
values of all joint kinematic errors have been determined in the translational errors (positioning, vertical and horizontal straight-
same coordinate system in which the FEM model has been defined. ness error) for options 1–3 in various control points on the surface
In the drawings, the icon schematically shows the location of the of the table, indicate that the table as a solid undergoes rotation;
geometric error of the guide rail. Each of the characteristics of the while differing characteristics of the angular errors (pitch, yaw and
joint kinematic error was made for five control points (P1–P5) on roll error) indicate that the table is subject to a complex strain
the surface of the table – in the four corners and the fifth point in state, which in turn indicates a significant deviation in the behavior
the middle of the table. of the considered system from the assumed ideal stiffness. If this
The results of calculations can be commented as follows. request is confirmed experimentally, it will mean that the defor-
Since the guide rail geometric errors were a priori assumed, mation occurring in the system makes it impossible to define the
the obtained calculation results should be considered in qualitative spatial movement of solids in the form which can be used to model
terms. It should be remembered that comparisons are relevant to volumetric error [25–29]. In such case off-line geometric errors
the characteristics of the computational gains obtained rather than compensation should not be used.
absolute values. In this approach modeling applies to the linear Analyzing the graphs of translational errors (three vari-
guide connection with arbitrary assumed geometric errors. There- ants/option: Figs. 7–9), it can be stated that the directions of
fore the results of calculations should not be directly compared displacement of the various control points on the table are consis-
with the results of experimental studies presented in Section 6 of tent with the nature of the defined geometric error – and seemingly
further part of this paper. This approach is justified because the con- do not pose a problem in interpretation. This state should be con-
clusions made on the results of computer simulations are to assist sidered valid as the table as a solid may be experiencing rotation. In
and to mark out the direction of experimental research rather than the analysis of translational errors it can be noted that if the guide-
to describe the behavior of a particular machine tool. way is subject to a dominant geometric error in the vertical plane
The system was considered as fixed on an ideally rigid sur- (variant 1 in Fig. 7) the vertical straightness error is dominant (the
face, and therefore the system is probably stiffer in relation to the greatest increases). Similarly, for a dominant error in the horizontal

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 9. Characteristics of joint kinematic errors Variant 3 (FEM calculation).

plane (variant 2 in Fig. 8), horizontal straightness error is dominant in the characteristics of pitch and roll error, in comparison to yaw
(the largest increases). If guide rails contain geometric errors on error. The results of calculation for pitch and roll error for variant
a similar level in the horizontal and vertical planes (variant 3 in 2 in Fig. 8 are very interesting, i.e. a variant where the domi-
Fig. 9), the dominant translation error is vertical straightness error, nant error is the geometric guide rail in the horizontal plane. We
due to the greater flexibility in the vertical direction than in the are seeing not only the quantitative changes of these character-
horizontal direction (in the plane of the table). Positioning error istics, but also important qualitative changes. Yaw or roll errors
plays the smallest part among the concerned translation errors. can undergo an increase or decrease in value depending on the
In real systems, its value is primarily determined by the static and current position and depending on the location of the checkpoint
dynamic properties of feed drives and the characteristics of the used in question on the surface of the table. This situation has very
displacement measurement systems. However, on the basis of the important implications for modeling volumetric error where it is
results of calculations, it can be concluded that classical measure- desirable to have the characteristics of angular kinematic error
ment of positioning accuracy [24] may also include a term which is clearly defined regardless of the location of the checkpoint on the
the effect of guideway geometric errors. surface of the table. If the simulation results are to be consid-
Analyzing the graphs of angular errors (three variants: Figs. ered credible, the following question arises: is there a possibility
7–9), it can be stated that the table is subject to a complex strain of using the characteristics of angular kinematic errors in the cor-
state. With regard to the models for volumetric errors, it is desir- rection of volumetric errors in machine tool? The answer is no.
able for such a system to resemble the behavior of rigid solids. So It is because in operating conditions, the trajectory of movement
it is desirable that the characteristics of angular kinematic errors, (with an angular kinematic error) associated with the workpiece
irrespective of the guideway geometric errors and irrespective of or chuck, will depend on the location on the machine table. In
the position of a control point, are qualitatively and quantitatively this case, the use of these characteristics in order to increase the
similar. That occurs only for yaw error characteristics (Figs. 7–9) accuracy of an off-line machine is problematic because prior to
resulting from the geometry, i.e. in the plane normal to the sur- fixing the workpiece on the table, angular kinematic errors are
face of the table the values of second moment of area are much unknown. The practical use of the characteristics of such errors to
lower than in a plane parallel to the surface of the table. Thus compensate for machine tool geometric errors would require the
we observe a greater flexibility on table bending in planes nor- measurement of their value for a particular position of a workpiece
mal to the table surface, and much higher qualitative differences on the table.

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

8 P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Fig. 10. Experimental characteristics of pitch error in the four corners of the table: (a) measurement with electronic levels, and (b) measurement taken with the laser

It is characteristic that, regardless of the direction (vertical or and in control points on the surface of the table, i.e. in its four cor-
horizontal) of the guideway geometric errors in the examined sys- ners. During measurement, the electronic level was placed at the
tem, a roll error is always dominating (the largest increases) – control points and the reference level was placed on the spindle
Figs. 7–9. head Figs. 10–12 present the results of experimental measurements
An interesting case can be observed for variant 2 and the roll of angular kinematic errors in the four corners of the table. In the
error. Increases in this error, determined at the control point in the plots are photos showing the location of the measuring instruments
central part of the table, are close to zero. However, in the corners during the measurement. Each characteristic is the averaging of
we can see a significant increase in the error. Assuming that such five bidirectional measurements. Bidirectional repeatability for the
a situation could occur in the real object, then because in direct characteristics, measured with the laser interferometer, did not
measurements it is usually measured in the central part of the table, exceed 2 ␮m/m, and for the levels 4 ␮m/m.
the roll error would be underestimated. The experimental measurements were carried out to verify the
conclusions that were formulated on the basis of calculations of
6. Experimental research of angular kinematic errors joint kinematic errors presented in Section 5, namely:

The subject of the study was the characteristics of angular kine-

• Is the tested table flexible enough to observe significant qualita-
matic errors of a milling machine table with a serial kinematic
tive differences in the characteristics of angular kinematic errors
structure – XYOZ. Machining dimensions are 700/460/500 mm. In
for various control points?
the sliding joints Mannesmann-Rexroth roller guideways (size 25)
• Is there qualitative and quantitative conformity among the mea-
were used. Measurements were performed using a laser interfer-
sured characteristics of angular errors, regardless of the location
ometer and electronic levels.
on the machine table?
Measurements were made on the table against the spindle head.
• Does yaw error confirm the nature of movement of the table as a
The elements of the laser interferometer optics used in the mea-
rigid body?
surement of angular misalignment were mounted in the spindle
• Does roll error have a greater range in relation to pitch and yaw

Fig. 11. Experimental characteristics of yaw error in the four corners of the table – Fig. 12. Experimental characteristics of roll error in the four corners of the table –
measurement with a laser interferometer. measurement with electronic levels.

Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001
G Model
PRE-5893; No. of Pages 10

P. Majda / Precision Engineering xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 9

• With regard to flexible structures, is there a possibility of using Most of the known measuring methods require that the measuring
the results of direct measurement angular kinematic errors to instruments should be set on the machine table. It has been shown
compensate for the volumetric error? that such a situation may be accompanied by ambiguity in the
determination of certain angular error characteristics (especially
Yaw error cannot be measured with electronic levels, so Fig. 11 roll error). Therefore, it is problematic to adopt a representative
shows only the result of the measurement taken with a laser inter- configuration for the measurement of these characteristics, and
ferometer. A similar situation occurs with roll error – Fig. 12, which thus it is also debatable to use them later to compensate for off-
is easily measured with levels, and its measurement by an interfer- line volumetric error in machine tools. Solutions to this problem
ometer is cumbersome without a special set of optics. must be sought in the development of methods of measuring volu-
The obtained results of measurements of angular kinematic metric error on-line or developing new design solutions that allows
errors in the four corners of the table confirm conclusions based to control the movement of machine tool parts in an easy way (only
on the results of analytical calculations, i.e.: six degrees of freedom).

• The tested table showed higher flexibility than the carriages on Acknowledgment
which it was mounted. It is shown by the different quantitative
and qualitative characteristics of angular kinematic errors that The work was financed from the Resources for National Science
result from strains to kinematic excitation resulting from guide Centre as a research project no. N N504 670440.
geometric errors. This applies especially to roll error (Fig. 12)
which, depending on the table, not only changes value but also
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Please cite this article in press as: Majda P. Modeling of geometric errors of linear guideway and their influence on joint kinematic error in
machine tools. Precis Eng (2012), doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2012.02.001

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